Newspaper Page Text
1 1. i At-.-. 1 1 . i ; t it : ; i i ROf'K ISLANM). ILLiVUKS SYi'UIlDAY fiVENlNU MAY 18, 1S65 ii ;il . i f ni . ... n - - is. BOCK ISLAND POST OFFICE. tViuter Mail Arraugement. Chicago and Rock Ialaad Railroad Mail arrives at 8:30 A.. M., and 4:45 P. af. Closes at 7.20 A. M., and 7:30 P. M. Sterling and Bock Island Railroad Mail, via Mo- line, Watertown, Hampton, liapios City, Port uyron and Cordova arrive at a. m., and cloaea at 4.30 p. m. Daotnptrrt Mail arrive at 7.60 A. M., and 8.00 P. M. Cloaea 8.00 A. M., and 4.15 P. M. Oquawka Mail via Pleasant Ridge, Hazlitt, Ham let, Perrylon, Aledo, Monroe, Now -Hosion aad Keithsburg,to Oquawka, leaves Monday, Wed nesday and Fridav, ttS a. a. Arrives Tues- day, Thursday aud Saturday, at 4 p. m Macomb Mail, vim. , - Preemption, Parlew'a Greve, Viola, Pope Creek, North HeLdcr ; aoa end Moimoutb to Macomb, leaves Wed nesday and Saturday at 7 a. m. Arrivea Tues day ad , Friday at 1 f . . Cir Poiflt Mail) vu Rural, Prairieueld, Rich land Srove, Centre Ridge, Oxford, North Prairie i4i Hendersou, to Centre Point, leaves Wed nesday and Saturday at 8 A. si. Arrives Tuesday and Friday at 6 P. at. " ( anbridge Mail via; Coal Valley, Pennsylvania, Orion and Andover, to Cambridge, leaves Monday and Friday, M 7 a. at Aiuves Thurs day and Saturday at 6 r. at. - , Office hours trom 7 a. at. to S.00 p. M. Oh Sunday open trom 9 to 10 a m. ' ' ' ' T. TRUKSDALE P.M. " s. 9t, pur rtixiiiA.1. tt co., VI O. 37, PARK ROW, New York, and 6 State Street, Boston, are our Agents for the 1a.sly Weekly Abotss, in these cities, and. ira authorized to take Advertisements aud Sub icrioiuiDs lor ua at our Lowest Katet. LAW PARTSCaSHIP. JXO. F. COOK. , J. WII.IOJ DBUBY ID. W. COOK. CUOh & UHUKV, ... .. (Successors of Cook, Dillon 8t Lindley,) Davenport, Jowa. - WE have formed a" partnership for the pratice of Livr, to which we shall devote oar personal attention. omce corner main and 3rd Streets. 00K & DRURY. ILEIAERSTRASS FRIES, RECTIFIERS and Manufacturers ofDomes tic Lquora, Importers and Sealers in Foreign man and Liquors. Front street, opposite Ferry Landing, Rock Island. B0H WAMOCS. JAMES KLXY. WARNOCK & KELLY, v f ANOFACTDREKS of Soap and Can j dies, and Lard Oil, Rock Island, 111. Cash oaidfor Tallow and Grease LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A Stable on Market Square, Rock Island, where he keeps a tew . : . z. Good Horses and Carriages to Let. He also has a large covered stage wagon for filli ng and pic-nic parties. A share ot public patronage respectfully solic ited. jJeT Prices Moderate. Horses bought and sold. . G. SPENCER. FIRE, MARIXE AXD LIFE GEO. W. COPP is the aatnoriaed Agent for the following Fire and Marine Insurance Companies: Phcenix, ot Hartford, Conn., Mer chants, of Hartford, Conn., Manhattan, New York, Corn F.xchange, New York, The Liverpool and London Branch omce at Cincinnaiti Equit able Lile Assurance Co., New York. p&- Office In Cha. Buford's Block. GEO. W. COPP, Agent. THOMAS J. BUFORD, raopniETOB or the Bock Island Foundry & Machine Shop KEEPS constantly on hand and makea tc order, Steam Engines, Boilers, Water Wheels, Mill Irons of all descriptions, Store fronts, and all other articles made of rast iron. Particular attention given to the manufacture of Boiler and Sheet-Iron Work, as well as Black smithing and Steamboat work. Also, dealer in Pig and Sheet Lead, Block Tin, and Block Zinc, Wrought Irons, Butt and LapWelded Pipes, of all sizes. Brass Cups, Globes, and all articles usu a ly found at a first class foundry and machine hop. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD BOATims OP ALL KINDS Also Warehouse Tracks, Letter Presses fee FAIRBANKS, GHESSLEAF dk CO ITS Lake Chicago. ' Sold in Rock Island by HARPER tk STEEL jU Be careful to buy only the genuine. , June 27. dwly. J. H. LANG LET, G. W.O. HARRIS, J. H. L ANGLE! & CO., and Commissioh Merchants, , ,. Dealers in , GRAIN, LIME, HiDRAULIC CEMENT, FIRE BRICK, REAPERS, THRESH IKO MACHINES, CORN PLANT TERS, &c dc AGKNT8 JOB -' Northern Line Steamers and Hannibal & St. Jo. R. R. Levik. j Bock Island, Illinois.' 8ept. 15th. . dwtf. TO GET TEW LATEST KEW8 Subscribe for the Anna TO GET THE LATEST NEWS, rubserlbe for the Argus TO GET THE LATEST NEWS, v v Subecribe for the Argna . TO GET THE LATEST NEWS, Sntacribe for the Arfna TO GET THE LATEST NEWS, 1 ' ' Subscribe for the Argue TO GET THE LATEST NEWS . , . golwribefertteArg 31ackenzie's Patent Anto Propelling Cantering Horses A Patent Horse to cary hie master, . Needs no spur to make him go faster; Runs along cheerily as soon as you stride him, Ready to go wherever yoa guide him.. 'PllESE horses ran rapidly over any good J road, sidewalk or park grounds, with a grace ful cantering motion, propelled mainly by the wtght of the rider, alternating motion trom the saddle to the padala, in the act of rising to the motion of "the horse, and with about the name am ut of esercise to the rider as in riding a live horse, and with about the .same amount of exer cise to the rider as in Tiding a live horse. They may be staited, stopped short, er controlled in going down hill, by the rider. They will ran up a moderate ascent, if the road is hard and firm. They are directed by the bridle. As the motions are identical, it is a good anode cf training fur equestrianism. They are unequalled as means for agreeable and healthful out door eiereiae, all the year round, tor adulu as areil as for girls and hoys of twe year old and mp ward. Girls ride by asing the side-saddle born those aader tea years old usually ride astride. The sixe for boys is strong Enough to carry a man of 300 pounds weight. On the sidewalk or level ground, a light carriage with a child in it can be attached and drawn. Any per son having but one leg can ride perfectly well. . For prices enquire at the office ot this pa(.ar, or send stamp for circular and price list. STCPHEM W. SMITH. ' - - - 498 Broadway New York. C1LL OX 3r 757 PJ-.ATT FOB Picture Frames ! PORTRAIT AIOM PICTCRE FRAMES, f every description, on hand and.niade to order. or Ambrotypeand Photographs, of all vriet.e. cneaper man ever: OLD FRAME R I I,T. Old Paintings Cleaned, repaired and varnished so as to give perfect satisfaction. SB Shop in Webber's new block, Ills. St., p stairs -ft! E W F l en THE UNDEttSIGNED RESPCCTFULI.V I.N FORM THE CITIZENS (K Island. and the public generally, that they have mirchaeu the well kuowa and popular DRUG STORK Dr. C. I- CLACItTS, It will be their effort to keep a full nr. Con., plete Stock ot all such articles as pertair to thei r line of business will be FRESil, WELL SELECTED and of the BEST quality. Sf Physicians' prescriptions carefully com -pounded. ULEIM fc HINCKLEY. CARD FROM DR. CLACIUS. I take this occasion to inform my old friends and customers, and the public generally, that 1 have sold ny Drug Store to Messrs. Gleim St Hinckley. Mr. Gieim, who takes charge of the business, an old and experienced Druggist, whom I can con fidently recommend to the public as a practice Druggist, and in every respect competent to take charge of the business. 1 cheerlully recommend the new firm to the good will and patonage of all my acquaintances, and the public generally. Oct. 9. dwtf. C. E. Clacics Card Photograph Portraits. For ALBUMS, in the most artistic style, to be had at GAYFORD at SPEJDEL'S. AMBR0TYPES, Not surpassed this side of New York, taken at GAYFORD at SPKIDEL'8. PHOTOGRAPHS, JAll.sixes, tn the highest style of art, to be had at, Gayford & SpeidePs Gallery. n Webber's Biota. PRICES MODERATE The Best place to Buy BOOTS Cc SHOES is at E TURNER'S, in Palace Row, near Coart 8quare. He will sell Cheaper than any other Place west ol Chicago, and you can depend that any article you get oi him is just exactly what herecommends it to be - H h , A VERY LARGE STOCK ol all kinds of goods in hia liae, sad He Won't be Undersold by anybody in-this regioa ef country; . By strict attentios te the waats of the public he hopes to retain all his old customers, sad sdd te his list many new ones. Remember the place Palace Rov, near Court 8qaare. K. TURNER. I E. & n. T. AXTIiOXl V 10.. Manufacturers ot Photograhic Materials, WHOLESALE AND KErAIL - 501 'BROADWAY, N. Y. In addition to our main boaines of Photographic Materials, we are neadqunrtersfor the following, via: Stereoscopes aud Stereoscopic Views ! Of these we have an immense assnrimeut, inclid ing war scenes. American and Foreign Cities and Landscapes, Groups, Statuary, fee, Ac. : Also, Revolving lertai-opes, lor public or pnie ex hibition. Our Catalogue will be n.-ut l any ad dreiis on receipt of ir.ui. rfccJograpliic Albums. .. Uj were Ute tiift to iutriaoe tlies.' into the United States, and we manufacture iin menae quantities in grat variety, tanjiing in price trom 50 couls to $50 ch, , ur Albumi have ike reputation of bci.g superior in beauty end dura bility to any others.' The will lie sent by Biail free, ea receipt of price. Hue Albums Made to Order Card t'hotograph. Our catalogue now embraces over five thousand different subjects (io which additions sre contin nally being made) of Portraits of emiuent Ameri cans, &c, viz: about 100 Major-Generals, 200 Brig.-Generala, S75 Colonels, 100 Lieut.-Colonels, S50 Other Officers, 75 Navy Officer-, o50 Statesmen, 138 Divines, 226 Authors, 40 Artists, I2i Stage, 60 Prominent Wo men, ISO Prominent Foreign Patriots, 3,000 cop ies of Works of Art, including productions of the most celebrated ICugravinga, Paintinga, Statues, be. Catalogues seut on receipt of stamp. An or der for One Dz?n Pictures from our Catalogue will be ailed on the receipt ef $1,80, aad seat by mail, Free. Photographers and others ordering goods C.O.D. will please remit twenty-tive per cent of the amount with thvir order. E. Ai. H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, 601 Broadway, New York. &a-The prices aud quality of our goods cannot fail to satisfy. ianl2dw. THE AND REGISTER OFIMPORTAST EVENTS OF TIIE YEAR 1863. IN Presenting to the public another volume of the Aunu&i Cyclopedia, containing the record of the most turbulent year which the coun try has witneerl, no eflona have been spared to secure its completeness snd accuracy, and to pre serve it free from every mark of partisanship. The principles adopted in the previous yesrs have taken effect, and many iew and most im portant questions arose under tbem, and were discussed during lKt3 ; such ascenfiscation, eman cipation, indemnity official and pecuniary, the re lations of the insurrectionary states to the Union, persoual liberty, martial law, prize, the liability ot Great Britain lor damages done by the Alabama, fcc, Sc. These discussions are embraced in its contents, together with the importsnt civil and po litical measures of the Federal and State govern ment; an accurate and minute history of the struggles of the great armies and their battles, il lustrated with maps and plans of actions taken from official copies ; the debates ot the Federal and Confederate Congresses; financial measures of the government, commerce, fcc, &c; the pro-cecding-s -in the Confederate States to maintain the war and establish their government ; also, all the exciting movements in foreign countriea ; the de velopments in the physical sciences ; the progress of lner:ure; mechanical inventions and improve ments ; the stupendous enterprises of the govern ment connected with the war, auch aa hospitals for the army, the manufacture of ordnance, and the trade regulations in insurrectionary districts. The present statistics of the religious denomina tions, the Biographical sketches vf the eminent persons dereaned in 18G3, etc. The ccntents are arranged in an alphabetical order, and accompanied by a most complete In dex. The volume is in the style of the New American Cyclopedea, and will match the vols, for 1861 and lbU2, of this annaal. The work is publiahed exclusively by subscription, and is ele gant and substantial. Price and Style vf Jiindui- ' Etich Annual Vtdume, 1801. lsV.2, la Cloth, $5.00 In Sheep 0,00 In Half Mor., 6.50 In Half Rus., 7 ftO In Full Mor. 9.00 In Full Rus., 9,00 And to insure a nnitorra price and regularity in the delivery of the volume to aubscribers in all parts of the country, local agenta are appointed in all the cities and principal towns in the States and Territories, I). APPLETON & CO,, PuMihers, mcb4dwtf. 443 & 445 Broadway, N. Y. GR0TESTEEN & CO., Piano Forte Maniifactuers 499 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. iIIE attention cf the public and the trade . is invited to eur New Scale 7 Octave -n.e-wod Piano Fprtea, which for volumemnd purity of snne are unrivalled by -any hitherto offered ia f this market. They contain all the modern im provements, French Grand Action, .Harp Pedal Iron Frame, Over:Strung Bass, tc, and each in, strument being made under the personal supervi sion ot Mr. J. H. Grovesteen, who has bad a practical experience of over 30 years in their man ufacture, is fully warranted in every particular. - The " Grovesteen Piano Forte' received the highest sward of merit over all others at the Cel ebrate!1 World's fair, where were exhibited instru ments from the best makers' of London. Paris, Germany, Philadelphia, Baltimore, 3otoa and New York; and also at the Americas Institute for five successive years, the gold and silver med als from both of which cap be seen at our ware tpom. . By the introduction ot improvements we make a still more perfect Piano Forte and by manfaetur. ing largely, with a strictly cash system, are cash ed to offer these instruments at a price which will preclude competition. Prices No. 1, Seven Octave,- round corners Rosewood plain case, 0275 No. 2, Seven Octave, round corners, Rosewood heavy Moulding $300. No. 3. Seven Octave round corners, Rosewood Louis XIV style $325. Terms : Net cash, in car rent funds. Descriptive circulars sent free. jan!3dwly. ALL, BU8LVE88 AVD PROFESSIONAL KE Should Advertise in the Argua ALL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MKJlJ -"- 8hould Advertise in the Argua. ALL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL KEN 8hould AdvertiM in the A reus. ALL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN Should Advertise in the Arete. ALL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL KEN 8bould Advertise in the" Argua ." ALL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN Shoald Adrartiae ia the uiiMUiULs uti; (iooo, t 2 HIT Ilobacks are Better. Dft. ROBACK'S STOMACH BITTEES Thee tittrr are at effered te the ; peUIr as a tiedlrlae thatVlD etre all Ihe " !!! that sh Is Ue!r to." hit they I are sb linurs!, reliable, remrdlal ageet, i aaJ are aa rCScleat aad agreeable rega- 1 later ef the )trau la all sertieaj ef HOBACK'S BITTERS. x the feautry, esprt-unr la The hfflert ' districts of the Wert aad Sealh West,1 a here they hate been latrodaced, they are rereatmeaded hy the PkjUdaaj ai 1 i heaefldal If Ukea U prear eutatttlM 1 l la aecerdaaee with the dlrecUeaa, as a I , prrTrsiiTr turner rrivr ABS ' lirer Ceaiplalnt, BUleu Feref, Dyspf - 1 EOBACK'S BITTEBS. I la. Iadlffestlon. Jaaadlee. Alzzuirsa. 1 DepreMiaa ef gptrlta, Laagser, aad afl 1 deraafeareats af the diresdve faaedaaa. 1 I Fer Debilitated Perse a they art pertt- 1 ealariT reeenmeaded, plvles aa appetite l and atreagtb te the whale haaua frajM. i These Bitter are cleatlflealrj pre- 1 J pared, and are made af a rare eeitU i tHOBACK'S bitters. 4.-fa f UanLs Plants Barbs, Bartu au I Ssl4, wait have beea foaad nest ' I 4 1 1! ! o3 tasdlcal experieaee, te 1 nj-tw the requisite Tenle arepertlei t ' 1 r.-U.M.i atiil turlns the above raa- t i:.. TUre Cittrr are the peer ' I loaa's friend, ut leg hint smaay deetar'a bUK well as the rich sum's aelaee aad fltOBACK'S BITTERS. reHe'-t : li.Urat!rp the weak aad d'U'.Uta'J, drhlng away aielaBthely ' hiaLIn; S!feef nrioery eoe ef Baalley- ed ehjet meat These Bitten hare beea Utrudatrd, aad arr Wlag aed, aet ealy 1 In the hospitals, bat among the aetdleraT as a apprtl7er, tonic aad regalater ef 1 Ike y.i;n3 tliroscheat the A nay ef the I 1 ROBACK'S BITTERS-Ol Srti, by aoJ a 1th the eeaseat ef itbe hl5be.1t Fovrrnmeat aitbertty. Ia I smlat ii si run til 1 win mnatM saw I Bitters te eeelaia a tarser areaortlea 1 af real mrdlriaal inrredleata and vJrtaM 1 tbaa aay otbrr btewarh Bitten la the ' marVet : and by rum pari sea with athen I It trill be seea at once, that they an ROBACK'S BITTERS. 1 streamer, aad. apea trial win ha feaad ' ere effleleat, tbaa all athen ; they are 1 agreeable te the taste, laTlgeradag la 1 effect, made of good atate rials, aad aa : artlde that all toy easteBien parehasa 1 the teeoad time with eqtal tatLsfactiea ' i Vrt ere ry body try theat and they will he I fally eesTiueed af the trath ef the above. 1 XJJt. C. W. ROBACK, CtitdnoaU, Chiu, Proprietor af Btomach Bitters, Blood Purifier. Blood Pills, Catawba & Swedish Brandies, ffe C. A. tXrOK, ( hleaav, Ural AaV Hold st wbolesHl In Chicago by rUIXCB, flKCB 4 ri'l.LEU, and all Dnilci OT Omntrr Mnrehants anil rtraln-s supplied bf a. r. CROKfclf, and C. H. BECK WITH. Cotoaco. Bold by For sale by Gleim & Hinckley and Charles A Bensor, Rock Island. AND CALL AT Furniture Store ! EXT COOU TO THE t ROCK 1SL.4KI) IlOUStO, where will be found at all limes the best assort ment of s , Purniture to be found ia this city, aud for quality and super iority of manufacture 1STOT EQUALLED! AT SMITH'S yea will aot be deceived ieto purchasisg poor goods as be Warrants Everything he sells to be as represented, and at the Lowest. Prices QAIISrET WORK . of all kinds made to order, and ' Repairing Done. Be-rphliteriiif trnd VAmisbJaf. TI-LIi; J3EST THE CHEAPEST. lXSI UL U ITU TUB I. HHK AM) INLAND NAV1UATIUN KIMlkK accepted, aow as heretofore, at fair rates and liberal conditions. 3. BUSINliS! CU.NUUCTUI) with coastaa dispatch and accuracy. - 3. IASSIJ! aiwaya met with promptaess aa . romplete justice. , , Net Asset January, 184, S3,002,556.39. 4. THE PLAN AND OHGAIVIZATION o the ASTNA, after 45 years severe trial, has realised the greatest public advantage aad success of the various systems of fire Insur ance in the country. Is now better tbaa ever prepared for duty. 5. lG.OtiO Loss claims bave beea settled and paid MXTEKM MILLION OK 1H1LLAKS 6. TIII2 CONMJMPTION Ot PKOPER- TV HY 1'lKfK, in the UuitedStatee, aver ages wver IO0,po0 daily. - Is your property e i posed aad aaproU-ctcd t ? AKE "lOU IUKK1M If aot, why aot 1 The cost is trifling the duty is au nifost ' the result may be your escape from rum while . delay and neglect may involve you in bonk ruftcy, poverty or cruel disappointment. ' S I'AKTICl'LAK ATTENTION' aad regard is given to small risks as well as largo ones. Ample security aud superior commercial ad vantages afforded. Policies Issue Without Ielay. J. M. BVFOAP, Agent. HOME INSURANCE a.. Or KkW YOKE. TUKKK IS NONE BETTER. CAPITAL itM M ,M tO.OU Kl' 1.4Htj.2-0.33 Total Assets a3,S.2?,33 CHAS. J. MARTIN, Pres't. Johw McGfe, Kec'v. The Old Hai tibrd Insurance Company, OF IIAKH-OKO, CON. (lacorporated IblC.) Capital and Surplua, J 1,2514,743,03 '8C I'll IT V FISE I.SIRA.(E o., or mo roaa. Cspiial aud Surplus... b7a64,bl,84 AKtTIC FIIIE IXSIKAACE C0MPAM, or acw Tona. Capital aad Surplus, f603,540,0" AE.V LNCLlMi F1UB HSnilNCE Co., - or HARTFOKl', Comm. Capital and Surplus f 115,6,74. CITr FIUE LSCUACE rOUPASY, OP BAUTTPPrt COS. Capital and Surplus, $309,501 ,41: X0I1TU AMERICAS IVSlimCE Co., Capital and Suiplus,....$32",b'71,00. For Insurance in si:v of the above companies apply to J. M. UT FORD, Agent. Cbaxtersd Tmb. S3. IBS. Oreaaiss. April , W4 rmciPAL orncE it ALioy, iuixoa. CAPITAL AND ASSETS, $14200,000. Losbcs Paid, o vcr $S0O,OO0. Policies Issued for atry period, not exceodlcg six years, on terms as faycrable aa the nature of the risks will 'warrant. AU lonca equitably adjusted, and promptly paid. Xtoartl of XLrs9cftorei. Besj. r. Lohc Umrt Lea. LUAS IIlBBAKB. LTMAJt TatXBCXX. M. G. Arvroon. J, W. Sctrw arra. L. KEIXEMtKItUER. E. K. HABT. T. A. HorFMAMt. Sahurl Wade. Eobekt Smith. ij. w. Bitxixoa. Jous Arwooo. b. i. GuLatAjr. C. A. .CALnwcLt Johs Arwoop, Seeg. M. G. Atwwd, YrsfsW. L Kkluui BEKfira, Treasmrtr. . U.r.himMal-mnUor. . Jom Bi.AianaiJ Ucral .lymt. a AMES M. BUFORD, A feat office 4 rt MaUeaal Baah, KoekUlaad Ar tk t ire r - U.J v Chicago; Kock Island JUilJUad. " CHANGE OK TIME. fflXTJJR AE'RANOBMEKT On and after Sunday, Nov. tb, 164, ' aaul lartker aoucerauia tit leave Rock Island Depot as follows: r , v, . , . OOIBO CAST. Day Express and Mail train at 7.50 a mi., arnviag in Chicago st 4.3t) p m. Throvgb freight train ot 10: 14 a a. arriviag ia Chicago 4 1 a m. . f Express freight trim, at 3.4o p. sa.t arriving is Chicago at 9.10 a. as. . , . Night tuxprew ata.oo p m., arriving ia Chicago at S.Uia.ffl.' tbaiks aaarra tioini taitt Night Expresk at 8J0 aS)a., iooviag Chicago at -r' A2atMaigli4. . '. - i -,. Express Freight tram, at 7.15 a.'sa., leaving Chicago at 3.20 p. an. - - . Taroogh Freight at 1 p. m., leaving Chicago 6.-io p. m. Day Express and Mail at 4.44 p. sal, leaving Chi cago at 8.10 a am. . .-. . All traiaa over this road areia direct coaaectioa at Chicago with trains over the Michigaa South era, the Michigaa Central, and the Pittsburgh aad Fort Wayne Railroad, te aad froaa Detroit, To ledo, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Dunkirk, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Albany, Haw York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, aad Washington Also at LaSalle with traiaa of the Llliaois Cen tral Road, North to Galena aad Seats to St. Lea is, aad Cairo. : ..i Passengers are reminded of the aeceesity of giv iag distiact directions as to the destination of thai e, also to procure tickets before takmg thei eeate ia the cars, as the conductors collect Tare ealy to statioaa on the baa of the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad. JOHN F. TRACY, Sup'U W. H. WanTMAB, Asat Supt. - r- STEELING AM) BOt'K ISLA5D B. B - WINTER AKKAHGEHhNT. . OX aud alter Jlonday, Not. 7 1664, trains will rua between Port iyron,Rock Island aad Cnicago, daily, Sundays excepted, as follows : .-. - . LBAYS. " - PortByroa 7.30 A.M. Uaia(.lua..... ....... ............. .,.7.50 JaacuoB ............8.19 Moliae. ............ .....8Jt4. AlIIVC. ' Rock Island. Chicago ...... , ,.8.S0 .4.30 P. M. ..8.10 A.M. ..6.00 P.M. ..5.10 " ..4.30 ..6.50 LEAVE. Chicago. Rock Islaad Molme ............ JnactioB ......... . Hampton. ........... e. f aaaivt. PortByroa fcjo The above traiaa will be anbjeet to the rule and regulatioae of the Chicago A Rock Islaad Raihoad Time Tables while oa that road. t . L. B. BOOMER, Lessee. Port Byroa, Ills., Nov. 3, 1864. Mississippi & Missouri Eailroad. IHS 1-SUMMER AKRAhCEMENT.1864 Trams run by Chicago time, which is twelve mia atee faster than Davenport time. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 16th, 1864, aad aatil farther aotice, pasooBgor trains will leave Davenport as follows t For Grinnell aad Washington, Express, 5:45 a. M. For freight aad accoaa. for Grmaell.... 8:30 For freight sad accom. for Grmaell, . Iowa City aad Muscatine 2Ai P. M. Trains arrive at Davenport as follows; Freight and aecommoda, from Iowa Citv, 8:00 a. M Freight and accommoda, froaa Grin noli, and Washington 4:45. a. at. Express from Griaaell sad Muscatine.. 8.15, r. at. The 5.45 A. M. traia oct ofDavenport make di rect connections at G nan ell, Iowa City aad Wash ington, with the Weatera Stage Compasy's Stages for all poiats west, eoathwest, aad aorth-west- . Trsinsfrom the west connect at Davenport with trams of the Chicago k Rock Islsad Railroad lor all points East North abd Soath. .-- Passengers are reminded of the aeeessity giving distinct directions ss to the destination o their baggage. Also to procure tickets before tak ing their seats ia the cars. JOHN F. TRACY, Goal. Sept, A. Kimball, Asst. Sopf, CLLtBRATLD Or ,SURE CURE FOR Dytpeptia, Liter Completing, Comttipatio Cholera Morlms, Central Debility, Ker vousnets, Lost of Appetite, Colic, Nervous Headache. Deprestum of Spirits, dc. dc, dr., dx CASSILLY k CO., WHOLESALE LJQrOR DEiLEBS AbTD IKirrinriii. " xxx ' Magnolia aad . eUr W lUakJea eoLi accHTa mi tbb cvitsd itatu. For sal tr.itmiu..rf.. eeptl9d6ea U.CoaisToca. Travoliar leant. TO GET JOB PiuXHjTg sua. HU , . Call at Uw Aa-M ff. TO GET JOB PEI-VTIXO DoNE WfcLi; . . i ., . . .tt , . j TO OSI JOB PRINTING DO&E WLL, , Call aa Vic Argue Office.' . V ? ?