Newspaper Page Text
r,. f HI J I1 15 f l! t 1 1 :" Sit ! i ;: 0! r !- 4 . if f - I, ,,r- . f K ; Pi i ; H i r vu t 1 1 I' 1 v 1 i Jr dj 1 '! I ' J 1 ' 111 ! n : 3 , -'(. ? 1 . ( f Ik 1 1 ;K-, 11 "I 1 i U i , ; .it t T : 1 r ! f . t . j A' 1 f ' The Kock Island Argus. Weekly Paper, Established Oct. 18, 18611 Dailv Paper Established Jsly 1854 OANPORTH A JONGS, Pwprletort. Cor. 17tot aad fafffe Slreet. T..wa rnr the Weekly Argus--Three DoV lin a year, if paid wholly in advance. If pud withia three months,..-.. ft 011 ' - .......a...... t BIDS " .......- - tral ." . $3,S5 . 3,90 . 3, 75 . 4,00 .. TO CLCM: ; la Clabt of 10 or mora, at $2,50 each, and obo oopy nra lor erory cltfb of tan. E94iQ2la copies, at tba office, 10 eanta aacb. Daiit rro Oollara and Filty casta for three nouthe, payable ia advaace, or $10 a year. By tba week, tureotr fia cent, la advanc e. : Bates el Ailrertisia in tbe Dally. ' For the space occupied by tea liaea or one inch apaea . One day.......'.$l Oo Two days 1 60 Three daya...... 1 76 Four days....... 2 00 Five days 2 25 One week 2 50 Two weeks..... 3 60 Three weeks ... 4 25 Ooe month.'..... $ 6 00 Sii weeke. ....... 6 V0 Two month 7 00 Three months.... 8 00 Six months 10 00 I year, no change, 1ft X su'rs one year. 26 00 Business cards not over five liaas $10,00 per an num. For each change aa additional charge of 25 cents per square will be made. Notices ol winls," lot," fonad," "to rent," to let," fcc, aot exceeding lour liaes taserted Tot fifty ccat. Marriage notices will be charged one dollar ia aUcases. K J. tonal notices charged for at the rata of 15 cents per line, or eerxn words, and a special no tice at re a cents per line, or 60 cents a line per week. All notices tor religions and benevolent pur poses will be charged one-third of regular rates. Obituary notices, except simple announcements of deaths, one half rates. Advsrusements not accompanied witH written directions will be tnterted until fvroid, and charg ed accordingly. Advertisements discontinued before the expira tion ot the time contracted fur, wiU be charged at ehort time rates. Advertisements from abroad mast be paid for invariably ia advance .unless from approved gents. Advertisements inserted next to reading matter 60 per cent, advance of above rates, and kept standing oa the inside pagee 25 -per cent, ad vance on regular rates. All transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. Advertisements inserted ia the Wttkly Argus on reasonable terms. Liberal contracts made with yearly advertisers. J. B. 04.SF0STB, J a. MILTON JOKES. Aiken, Jarvis & tfurrail (SUCCESSORS TO . BURRALL,2Jr.) have now for sale at the ON ILLINOIS STREET, -OPPOSITE THE BOCK ISLAND H0lSE, 2d Door West 01 Market Square, " 'u A large stock of ' Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS! Ladies' Cloaks, Furs, METST fc BOYS' CLOTHING- II AT S, CAPS, bC, which they are prepared to sell at ; rloes. They will in a very few days have in store a large stock of OIL CLOTHS, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS All who are looking for goods suited to the pres ent season, will find it to their interest to exam ine their Stock and Prices before purchasing.' Their Assortment will be Kept Complete, at all times. AIKEN. JARVIS & BURRALU ISLAND CITY HOTEL; STAFFORD & TRACT, Proprietors. . . . . . . . - - fi Corner Jefferson and Illinois Streets.' ' Rock Island. THIS HOUSE i located opposite the Steamboat Leading, and only one square trom the railroad depot. It is tba largest Hotel in the city, and its proprietors will spare no paina to please those who lavor them with a call. Tha largest and best Hall in tba City, suitable for first class roneerts.Dancea.Theatrical Perform ancsL&c, fcc, is connected with this house. a Bggage and passengers conveyed to and from the house free of charge. A good Barber's Shop, and first class SaJooi and Billiard Tables connected with the house. TO GET THE LATEST NEWg Subscribe for tk A reus TO GET THE LATEST NEWS, . : bscrlbe for tha Arrus TO feSX THE LATEST NEWS, - v. Subaoribe fee the Argaa SPECIAL BtJSHESS NOTICES. The Bridal Chamber, aa Essay of Waning ad Iastractioa for Young Men. Also, aew and reliable treatment for Diseisot of the Urinary and Sexaal Systems 4ent tree, ia eealed envelopes. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. Aplldwly. as CreatMt lcal Gnsbr Ever FiUiiMi - . TTtAew-tM targe letter pav tor two SotBtstaapa. DRS. JACKSON. UEttBERT 4 CO., pro prieture ot-the National Dispensary, aiub lnhedia Cincinnati, O, Jaa. l.lSbO, will privata.diseases with unexampled rapidity, we giarantea to cure Gonorrhea. Gleet,8pyhillis, 1m potency, Nocturnal Emissions, or self abuse. Di urnal Emissions, Kemale complaints, ia short, every possible lormand variety of Sexual Disease. Curee rapid, thorough and permanent, and feee moderate. Send for onr circular fifteen larce 8 in. by 11 ia letter pages, of varied, valuable and interesting matter. Also a circular intended for ladies only. Many of our patients assert they have sent money to doctors in eastern cities aad received no return. Then whv not patronise home talent men who know the western climate aad eaa affect speedier cures. Dr Jackson's Female Pills, $1 per box send for circular. Special written replies, well sealed, sent with the circular, without charge. One ot the cheapest, mu: intere.ting and important books ever published. 3J0 pages, 100 engravings, The Mountain ot Lignt, or Medical rroteciur, and Marriage Guide, a J an explicit Key to Love and beautv." It satisfactorily leveala varieua subjects never before fully explained ia any pop ular worr in the English linguage. Price 50 eta., and one 3 cent stamp, or three for $1 aud three 3 cent stamps. Fully described in circular, which everv vounir man enould nave, wnetner sic or wel Medicine and instructions sent to any part o( the country. Consulting rooms ot the Dispensary Na. 167, Sycamore street. P. U. box, no. JO. Dr. Jacksou'a Oriental Liulmeut remuvis all coldness, and rejuvenatee organs which nave lain dormant Tor many years. It will cure any cise of imuotencv. create and increase the oasaions for anv reasonable time. Can be m tiled with perfect safety. Price $2 per oottla Dr. Jacksou'a Freuc'h Pateut Hale Cafe It is perfectly sale and never fails to give salts taction. Itia the only euro and safe prevent itivo against contracting disease everinveated. . Price; $1 each, $4 per hall doxea, and $7 per dozen sent by mail. . jaslldly w HISKERS ! ! These wishing a fine net of Whiskers, a nice moustache, a beautitul head of glosay hair, will please read the card of TrJOS. . CHAPMAN in another part ol this pa per. . mch4dw4m. TUC GREAT ENGLISU REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebiated Femalf fills. PROTECTED BY KOYAL LETTERS PATENT! Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Fhyiiciaa Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine ia unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It mod crates all excess and removes all obstructions, add a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MAKKIEU A.ADIEa it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity.. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Govern ment stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counter feits. CAUTION. Thete Pills skouid not be taken by Females' dur ing the FiMiT tlUEE MONTHS of Pregnmry, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any othrr time they are safe.. In all cases ot .Nervous and Spinal Affections. Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue ou slight exertion, .Palpitation of the Heart, Irjji.terics and Whites, these Fills will effect acure when all other means have failed; and although a powerful rem edy,' do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. r'ull directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Sole Agent for the United States and Canada, JOB MOSES, 27 Cortlandt St., New York. N. B. $1,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any authorized Agent, will insure a bottle con taining 60 Pit return mail. oct. 27dwW. TO CONSUMPTIVES. T "UIE advertiser having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple rem edy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, con sumption is anxious to make known to his lellow suflerers tbe means of care. To all who desire it, he will send a copy ot the prescription used, (free of charge) with he direc tions for preparing and using the same, which tbey will Cod a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, tic. The only object ot the advertiser n sending the prescreption is to beneCt tba afflict ed, and spread iiiiormation which be c nceivas to be invaluable ; and be hopes every suffererer will try bis remedy, as it will cost- them nothing, and may prove a blessing. farties wishing the prescription will please ad dress RUV. UWAUU A. WILSON, , " Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. mchUdl wbw3m. NO I1ARDEE-U00D On the part of the South can prevent the success of the Union arms. Grant and Sherman's policy Cristadoro's Hair Dye. Everywhere establishes colors which are beauti lul in the peoples' eves. Tbe bues of tbe National Flag are those ot Heaven, but among all the dyes of Karth there is none save CH RIST ADOiiO'S that pr-idoces instantaneoulyperfect fa,c similes of nature's every shade of black and brown. Manufactured by J. CRltf TADUKO, No. 6 Astor House, INew York, kola by aruggisis. Applied by al hair dressers. maylldwtm. EDITOR ARGUS Dear Sir : With your permission I w sh to say to the readers cl your paper that I will send by return mail, ts all who wish it (tree) a recipe, with lull directions tor making and using a simple Vegetable Balm that will effectually remove, in ten days. Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all impurities of tbe skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads, or Bare Faces, simple directions and inlormation that will enable tnem to start s full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than thirty -days. , All applications answered by return mail with out charge. - Respectfully yours, - THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, mch4dw3m. 831 Broadway, New York. " hair dye: hair dyei: BITCUELOR'S Celebrated UAIR DTE IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD! The only Harmless. Trns and Reliable Dye Known. d hiVP.l""ded. Hair DJ ''et changes Ked, Kusty or Grey Hair, instantly to n Glossy Black or a Natural own, without injaring the hair or staining tbe n, leaving tba hair soft and Beautiful, impnrts fresb vitality, frequently restor ing its pristine color, and rectiSos the ill effects ol Bad Dyes. The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BA rt'H ELOR, a'l other, .re mora imitatioas, sad shoe Id be avoided. Sold by all Dracrists. fee FACTORY SI BARCLAY Rtreet, New York". Batcheler's New Toilet Cream lor Dressing the Hair. Jnly 8, dwly OttTTIOir FROM TBS Avibicah Watcb Co. . It having cme to our knowledge that imita tions of the Amerioan Watch have been put fa 05) (15) upon the market in great linmber, calculated bj tbeir otter wortalaesoess to injure tbe rep. station el onr genuine product, to protect our own interests and the public from impo sition, we again publish the trade marks bj a - arr . . a a a ntca our v rr atones air mvannoiT oe known. - We manufacture four styles of Watches. Xb first has the name AMERICAN WATCH CO., Waltbam. Mass.," engraved on tbe ioide plate. The second has the name APPLE TON, TRAO Y Co.. Walibam. Mass.," engraved on tbe inside plate. Tbe third has tbe name 'P. S. BAR I' LETT, Waltbam, Mass.," en. graved on the inside plate. All tbe above styles have tbe name Amer ican Watch Co. painted on the dial, and are warranted in every reepeot. The fourth has the name WM ELLERY. Boston, Mass.," engraved on the inside plate, and is not named on the dial. All the above described watches are made of various sizes, and are sold in cold or sil ver cases, as maj be required. It is hardly possible lr ns to accurately describe tbe numerous imitations to which we have alluded. They are usually describ ed with names eo neailv approaching our own as to escape tbe observation 4 tbe un- aocueto oed buyer. Some are represented as made by the "Union Watch Co., ot Boston, Mass." no such company existing. Some are named an the ''Soldier's Watob," to be sold as our lourtn or Wm. KUery style, usu ally known as the "Soldier's Watch." Oth ers are named the "Appleton Watch Co". ;" others toe "P. S. Bartley," instead ot our "P. S. Bartlett besides many . varieties named in such a manner as to convey the idea that they are tbe veritable productions ot the American Watch Company. We also cautiou the public, and particular ly soldiers, against buying certain articles called watclies, so freely advertised in illus trated papers as ''Army. Watches," "Officers' Watches," "Magio Time Observers," '"Area na Watches," JLo., the prices of which are stated to te from seven to sixteen dollars. A good watch, in these times, cannot be af forded for any such money. A little attention on the part of buyers will protect them from gross imposition. ROBBINS & APPLETON. Agents for the American Watch Co., 1S2 Broad wav, New York. 1 apr25dwlm Br. MARSHALL'S Catarrh Snuff. 'PUIS SXUFbas thoroughly proved itself l to oe the oest article (sown lor coring tno Catarrh. Cold iu tbe Head and lleadaclie. It has been found an excellent remedy in many cases of Sore Kyes. Deatuess has been remov ed by it, and Hearing has oftss beaa greatly im proved by its use. It is Iragrant and agreeable, and Gires Immediate Relief , To tbe dull heavy pains caused by diseases of the Head. The sensations after using it sre delight ful and invigorating. It opens and purges out all obstrueuous, strengthens the glands, a.d gives a hraluiy action to the parts snected. 31 ore iban Thirty Years Ol sale and nse ot Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and lleaLCtie ?liufl iaprotd it. great value, fvT all me common ameases oi me neaa, ana at mi moment it stands higher han ever betore. It is recomtnruded by many ot the beat phjr.i cians, and i used with great success and satisfac tion everywhere. Head the Certificate of Wholesale Drug- Uts 111 15 1. The undersiened. having for many years been acquainted with lr. Marshall's Catarrh aud Headache Siiull". and sold it in our wholesale trade, cheerlilly state, that we believe it to be equal, in every respect, to the recommendations given ot it for the cure of Catarrhal Affections, and that it ia decidly the best article we have eer known for all common diseases ot the head BOSTOK. Burr A- Perry Reed, Austin & Co., StW YO.K.J Barnes & Park, A. B. at D. Sand.. Stephen Paul at Co., Isrtel Minor a; Co, McKesson St Robbins, . A. L. Scovill St Co., Brown, Lam. on St Co., Reed, Cutler & Co., Seth W. Fowle. Wilson, Fairbank 8c Co Henshaw,Edmands or Co M.Wsrd, Close k Co. H. H. ll.v,tortlsnd,Me. Bush at Gale. Foy Sale by all Druggists. Try It. oct. 27dwtv. THESE BITTEKS are prepare in pare our bon, form a combination ot over twenty differ eat kinds of Toots, barks snd herbs, which -se' in perfect concert ana with the other, prepar ed Irom the original formula given by the great chief, Red Jacket, to Dr. Chapin, who used them successfully in bis practice for many years, snd by their gained so great a popularity in the treatment aad core of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Constipation, Sick and Nervous Headache, Faver and Ague, and all diseases arising from torpid liver or indigestion. Persons suffering from eith er of these loathsome diseases will find a sure care by the use of these bitters, which are perfect ly pure and tree from all those drags and poisons usually put up in such preparations tnd palmed off on an enaaspecting public' A single trial wiU convince the mast skeptical that ia tha RED JACKET there is virtue which no other Bitters posses They strengthen and invigorate the system. Tbey are faneqoaled lor general debilityf , Tbey are a sure cure Tor dyspepsia. -They give a god and healthy sppetits. ' : ' They assist digestion. They ate the best stimulant in existence. They are a sure preventive ot Fever and Ague. They relieve constipation. They cure Nervous Headache , Tbey are perfectly pure and palaUble. Aged persons and delicate females will find they can save large doctor's bills by tbe nse of these sitters. Beware of counterfeits. The Red. Jacket Bite ters are only sold in bottles with our name ' blows a the side. - . oca. For Medicinal and Table uses, whiA are perfect la pure, and need only to be triad to ba appreciat ed. None genome anless tbey have oar Gold La bel on each battle, aad oar iaitiala pressed ia was over the cork Sold by all Druggists snd dealers throighont the country. Call for onr goods and take no other. Circulars to tha trade supplied oa application ta BENNETT PIETERS fc C'k, . Prop'rs, 21 River St., Chicago. . C. A. Benaer. Gliem It HinrkUv. a nTeaffltan aal sold st wbolesole by Henry Dart 'a Sons, Rocr In land, IUiaeis. " ' MsvlS.dwlv DO.VT FAIL TO READ THIS COFFFE COFFEE! COFFEE I! THK I last India Coffee Co., Iftf RKAD13 ST.. (three doors from Greea- wiea Street) Yew York, call universal attention to thur KBIT'S KAST I.NDIA COFFEE. klENT', It AST INDIA COFFEE has twice the strength of Java, or any other Cot- lea whatever, and wherever used by our first class hotels sad stesmboats. the stewards sav there ia a ssviag el 60 per cent. I4iCT' iCAxr INDIA COFFEE is the most healthy beverage known, aad ia vary nutritions. Tbe weak aad infirm mar nse it at all times with impanity. The wife of the Rev. W. s-av... Iocs minister of tha M E. church, Jersey City, who has not bsea sbla to ase any colfee for blteaa years, can ase KKri KAST INDIA COFFEE threonine a day without injury it being entirely tree Iron, those properties that produce nervous excitement. Dr. Jamee Hoyle, of 156 Chambers Street, says: " I have never known any coffee so healthful, as tritious sod tree from ail injurious qualities as . KK!T'i EAMT INDIA COFFEE I adviso my patients to drink it universally evea tho.a to whom I have hitherto prohibited the nse . ot coffee Tbe principal of the New York Eye Infirmary says: I direct ail the patterns of our institution to use exclusively KENT'! EAST INDIA COFFEE, and would not be witboat it on any account." Tha Key. C Lares, an eminent clergyman of the M. E. church, now stationed at Halaey street, Newsrk, says ol KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE ' I have used it nearly a year in my family, and find it prod ace. ao ache or the bead or nervous rrttatioa, aa ia tba case or all other conee. it is , exceedingly pleasant, and cordially recommend to all clergymen and tbeir families." KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE is ased daily by the families of Bishop Ames,1lish- op Baker, Bishop Janes and many of the most distinguished clergymen and prolessional men ot I the country." fr Beware of iJounterftiit,"g. and ba sure that tbe packages ara labeled REST'S EAST l.DIA COFFEE, 1S1 Keade Street, New York, as tbere are aumerons coueterfeits afloat under the name ol" "ueauiue U iaJia Coffee," "Orig inal East India Coffee, " etc., put forth by un pos it: r. to deceive the unwary. In I lb packages, and in boxes ot Jo, bj and 100 lb.., tor (Grocers snd large consamets. Sola by Grocers crnerall). Oruer. irom country irroeers solicited, to whom very liberal discount will be made. VVbolf-.aleA.e0ts: Horfli.n oi Molan, and W J. Heia. & Bro , Philadelphia; Francis H. Peiry, frovidence; A. L. Vaite Klo., Boston; Pyochoa at Lee, Spriugbeid. Mass. a. ft. Calieader, Bot- talo: Gordon M'Miliau t Co., Cleveland ; A.A.I Colter &. Co., Ciuciuntli; J. & J. V. Buan, Spring- held, Hi.; H. B Shield., Corydon, Ind.; and C C. Garber, Chicago. The Am. A.i. Agency, Broadwxy, . Y. will recaiv order. l-r the aowe named Coffee. tovVLtK 4l w ELLS, Cor. Dep., E. ALVUitU. Buiue Dep. Ieb22d3m. SEY lOlih Ml) riilLlDELFlIIA OKN AMCNTtl, on IMIK suh J, tioii wit! scriterh navine tr.rmea a connec h Meiir. Wood it Peroy, of Phila delphia, under the above title, furui. It everv de.cruiiion of are prepared to I ORNAMENTAL iaON WORK! CASTtWROrGUT AMI WIRE RAILINGS TOR CLOflXO CEMErARYs LOTS and DWELLING. PUBLIC SQUARES, Ac, Verandahs, Circular & Straight Stairs, DOORS, WINDOW GUARDS, Table Fixtures, Fountain. Vaces. dte. Also having purchased of the late firm of Hutch inson & icker.h.m. Canal street, thoir entire stock ol Beadsteads, Cradles, Fornitore &c, they now effer to the public at tbeir aew . ware- bouse tbe most extensive stock of ORNAMENTAL IRON GOOD to be fonnd .n the United States. They have als purchased of the New York Wire Railing Co. the pstent right and machinery lor making Wire Railing, Farm fence, Window Guards, . ii Urating, Coal ixreens ar. snd will continue the exclusive msnulsetare the same at their works. CHASE & CO. Opposite St. bU Broadway, Nicholas Hotel. New York. fcftOrders may be seat through the Americas Advertising Agency, 3S9 Broadway, Now York. SEWirac e& LYOi?8 Kew Palest Rotary Feed cDiiF irn hi i nni md Tba fallowing facts demonstrate that tease &f t chines comprise tbe Highest Improvements ia the Sewing Machine Art, vis: 1. Each- Machine is guaranteed to.give better est isfaclion than any other Sewing Machine in Market, or money refunded. i- They have takes. mtny of the Highest Prem iums st tbe most itapsrtaot exhib tions aad fairs erer "'d in the United States. 3. They make tn Lock Stitch alike on both sides thus savin more thsn half the thread snd silk used in the raveling ridge seems of tbe loop-stitch and , ?.,ngl thread Sewing Ma chines. 4. They are adapted to the widest range oi heavy and light sewing. (. Tbey Lsveno rattling wires, or delicaM ttaeb menu te keep in repair. f. Tbey reqnireao taking apart to clean or ei), and no4- Leesnos"to set needle, regulate ten sion, or ops rate. Machine. Please call and examine and demonstrate lor youi.ell, or send for circulars with samples t sewing. ' FINKLE I. VON S. CO.. No. 538 Broadway, New York. meh7wly. 10 GET" JOB PRINTING ftPNE WELL, . Cafl nt tl:e Arjrus OflBc. TO GET JOB riUNTLNQ PONK WELL, Call a th Areus Office TO QT JOB PRINTING DONE WELL, - CaH at il.o Arpm Office TO GET JOB PRINTING DONE WELL, Call at the Argus Office ' TO GET JOB PRINTING DONE. WELL, Call at tbe ArcusOffioe. TO GET JOB rRINTLQ DONE WELL, - ' Call et the A reus Office. l0 GET JOB PRINTING "DONE WELL, Call at the Argus Office. fO GET JOB PRINTING DONE WELL, ' Call at tbe Argue Office. TO GET JOB PRINTING DONE WELL. Gall at tn Aiga KNABE k COfS' FIAIT0 F0ETES. Xead the following commendatory lt ten from diitinguithed Artistt, Vna.nTnaae A Ca. Omilemen : After having played onthe Plane of Messrs. Tx2 bmow to tkstr oasiities which havs aeqoired tot tbsm the enUnsnt reputation which the v enjoy. The Ptaaos ef thMr unntsetare, en which I have played, are exceed mci7 Temarmaow w Uirfr qnaiitisB of Tons. The Bass Is pow.rnri, wttaoat haraaness. and the apoer notes sweet. ctoar and hanaooioaal sseuov, (enrrwaun,, and I do no nesitais ta express la regard to thess faMramsnts say entire aatlwactlon. and to declare that they are eqnsi u not npenor mm the best manufactured In Ba rope or this coun try by the most eelrbratesjn.ker. . - t,. Hi.. uaTTSCHALK. JbIIoj Baser k Ca. fhleags Gmtim: I consider William Knabe a Co I Pianos the most perfect in use, eombbntiff In tbe highest decree tbe most valoaMs and earn- : tuU reqaUite. of power, easiness of tons, aad m nersi a rwiani compass fwneral accuracy. Tbe nass powwn r compass and vohuw. and the higher notes a clearness and richness of tone stldosa at tind tn atber tnatrnmenta. Tbe tooch or actios appear, partlewlarly asreeable. and to r""1 H. proportionate rloo rvfteets sTeat crcdM mponwa maaBractarers. Toe utrooueuon ev Soar rtanoa in uie w em nu emm www i M luteal circles, and will doubUew crown your efforts wMh ths eminent suoceas yoa se nenry sacra, very yw. . , Jwmt , loo. xtiissxasD. ' I recommend ths Pianos of Mr. Ksisa te everybody woe wants a really Bret claw tnetra aunt. II. HAtUATKA. VTb. Kaabe k Ce. Gentlemen: I bare great plessnre tn eertlfyinf that I have tried yowr Bowaro Pianos, and tad tnem eqnal. If not sapcrtor, Unj In this soantry. Among their great qualities, which dlslinraish them, la ths tnaowi ef tone, ths agreeable and easy touch, aad volume of tone. Willing yoa ail tha success yon so highly deeerre, 1 am sir, yoorsv.T truly, S,,TIIALBEBIi. M SI. ASSSe IS. UenUemen: I cannot bnt conrratnlate yon upon tfcc Im mraae pi uxuss and Impruvemeiits whlrti yon conUnaaily make en you Pianos, wbloh. In my opinion, rank among tho very hlHesi In this eoontry. "n. 8THAKOSCI1. ' J. Baser k fa. Gentlemen: Out Opera Troops are at present bbhc fMar f yoor jiutly celebrated Esass Pi.soa, and as the exponent of the views and opinion, of tbe Tirimi ArtiaU. Dermit me to say. I consider EH them wwnpaaw tn brilttmnty and exttUeuee and pre-eminent, mriViout a neat in tks toun , - r. i try er r-l tone, c Ir-y mr tn t.mropt. t metr wpew V""'V v tone, combining grsat depth and powerful vol nme, whh which aad a pecnllaxly clear aad m-n uvhiK. together with a marie elasticity or W nme. tooch aad actino, render them swpener te ether instruments, -which rarely If ever combine these most essential requisites. I bom cheerfully endorse the high and meritorious encomiums Terywbere pronnenced npoo theae Planos- K. ntJZIOi AhuwaJ Director, JtaU Urn Opera. Cuay, 10, Is. Vim. Saabe k fa. Gentlemen: Having recently had opportunities of teAing roth y oar new scale Grand and Fqnare Pianoa. It gives me great pleasure to state that I have fonad then to oombine all ths enalltir. to mass a Plane as perfect aa poerible. and unsurpassed by any that I have seen either in Uua ooantry er Europe, for great power and roundness ot tone, combined with that peculiar sweet and s'.nging quality, so often found wanting In Pianos. They ara really nnmrpaanble, and la touch everything that can be deaired by ths moM brilliant player. Vf iahlng yon every sne cea., 1 remain, years truly, C. AN SCIirTZ, Musieal Dvmttee stas iitrman Optra. w-n r . JULIUS BAUER & CO. W VTholesals Agehta for Northwestern States. 99 & Clark and 89 Washirtctom SU. CHICAGO, ILL. BygK.VD FOE A CTJtbCLAB. Mav 4dly GEO. A. PKINCE & (JO'S Automatic Organs SCHOOL ORGANS ' AMD MELODEAJVS. T1IISTT-FIVE TUOrSAXD KOW IS USE Every lustrumeut Tarranted for Five Tea re IN presentiDjr the Actomatic Osoa.v, we boldly announce the greatest riuraph in musi cal instrameotsof the sge. Dsnsg the past half cenwry, lam rrencn ana uermans bare manufac tured reed in.trumenU with double bel owe. and two pedals for tbe feet to operate, bnt the wist of tne reveraeaor Exhaustion Bellows, (wh ca is the only bellows used in our instruments,) made it im pomble tor them to produce tbe mellow, rich sad musical tone tor which oar instruments are cele brated. . . ) ' Another objection to this method of blowing was,inat not a teet being occupied, no opportuni ty was onerea lor the management of the swell. Within the past two jears, instruments construct ed on this European plan cf doub'e blowers," have been maaulactsred m tkie country, and to counteract this difficulty (want of a swell) a lever nas oeea projected r..m too centre or the last r a meat, to act open the swell, nf operated by tbe knee. .The inconvenience aad cootortioa neces sary to effect thi. object, ar disagreeable enough to a gentleman, but to a lady the ase ot sucb aa appendage is nearly impo.sible. Our Antmatic device obviates this difficulty en tirely, ths simple act of blowing with more or less orce sivmg the desired ineres.e or decresse ia the volume ot tone. For seventeen years tbe aupexiy excellence nf our Melodeons has aot been questioned, and for two years past the enor mous demand has made. -it rrnpoealble tor us to meet os r orders promptly. With eur increased tscitrttae. we lel warranted In essaying oar pet rous Ul.t their orders w il be promptly met, and Solicit s continuance of tbeir patruoage. plr A Lihe-ral Oiscosat to tlergyfe", Chsrch es and Schools. ni- A costs': GEO. A. PRINCE at CO., Buffalo, N. Y GKO, A. PKINCE fc CO,, No. b9 Washing ton street, Chicago, III. Aa Illustrate faul.yse, with full descriptioa f styles, will tie'sent free to any address. at2Jdwly. T0CK tKTEBEST IS BUBSERVED ! B SusUin' ifr Your. County Paper. T0CR INTEREST IS SUliSEUVED Bv rutiuiig Your Couuty Psper. TOUR INTEREST IS SUiJJsEIiVED . , , - Bv Sustaining Tour County Paper. TOUR INTEREST IS EUUSERVED Bv Susteiaing Yoor County Papa. T0U IXTEEEST IS SUBSERVXD Bj Rusisinlng Teor Cwaaty Pafee. WM. XjflSLjiXjiXBiS celeb Rated CHILLED iXD WROUGHT IRON SAFES, ,Wroubt lron2FirvProofs, LOCKS AND VAULT DOORS These Fire proofs are manufactured t a.,n.i . demand for Sec only Against Fire, less expissiv. umm mi j uua superior Chilled tnd Wroeght Iroe Bsrglar aad Fire-Proof Sares. The tarnish similar aad equ.l security to the Sares generally manufactured ia the different cit ies, bnt sre uperiorto them in their Fire-Proof qualities ant durability, the Iron being effectaallv protected from rust ia anv climate, and the Fire'. Proof not sabject to lose its utility by sge. Tb.s ia aa important advantage gaiaed to tbe porchuer as safes oftea rust out aad become worthies. tl two or three years. To substantiate my position, those purchnioz these Fire-Proofs are at liberty, by giving me due notice of time and place of, to lest them bv fire with any other Sate of tha aama site ; od should tbey aot prove superior, I will remiid B( moaey, or a new Fire-Proof, as tha purchaser may decide. List ot Sixes aud Prices ot Wrought lro fire Prwls. OUT. ID C No. Height. Width beptb. 40 . 31 2? 34 il 26 4 31 2? sio 3 , 30 24 U 2 2b , 22 'ii I 24 19 20 tasioc. Height. Width. Depth. Price 41 21 io li 24 21 14 Uj &2 13 13 UU 21 - li 12 10 20 : 14 . li 7 17 11 10 6 Sample of Fire-Proof Safe at office of tha Am Ad. Agency, 3aH Broadway, A. Y. I'riccr JList. Lillie't Celebrated Chilled and Wrought Iron - ajc. Bank, Fire and Burglar salts, Folding Door., 0 i.uca. OCTSIDE. IK. IDE. tj i -o i. a a a ? - - In, ' la. iu. iu. Iiu' lit. I C6 od z'J o-it ia 1 03 OO 20 40 ia 10 twu a ai . - 44 ,t r- i aJ la oy National Jj.u. aie., lib liiOe fcurklsis and i it aid 2 i.ucas. 1 6d 53 3J oa 39 lb $1,-' 1 . L tl 03 'ia 4b aH lb l.uw 3 07 47 aa 4it 33 lb bw Mercaaula'V aud B Safti, Folding Loor. slJ Munitur l-ocks. 3 M 42 27 40 32 16 f-AH) 4 4o 42 27 3b 32 10 4.U 4i iH 46 27 23 36 10' 4v a 42 "3b 27 31, Z";, 15 aM Bask Vault Burglar Safes, with Folding Doers ' - and iAl.oca. 0. J- - L 27 64 43 20 fl,iA.O tij ol 33 27 05 46 ill S00 I 57 47 27 49 40 i bv Single Doors sad M Lock. 6 38 35 26 2i 231 7 34 31 26 24 21 U M b 31 23 24 21 13 13 17a 9 30 24 24 21 15 12 UJ 10 lo 22 22 19J li 12 l.U 11 26 20 13 17 17 10 HO Baas Vault Burglar bales, Single Doors sod D Lvca. 5 63 32 26 49 2S . 19 4i0 3 - 42 30 22 33 32 13 -HfU 4 36 . 31 20 32 27 13 3o0 mi 30 24 13 X '20 14 2p0 Hwuse $ates. Side Board Diautg atovm... ....... ......... Paatr, Ao. Psntr iNo. 2). ......... ........ Daouecagoa Sana Luck.......... Moauwr aie do ......... baia . do ......... tM0 3J0 2.5 lii 100 50 10 Bank Vault boors aad Frames, D and S Lock. C-o m la. 20 20 Ia. 72 73 la. 27 27 1 $400 276 3.0V0 1,600 ' Ordsrs received aad filled at NET CAfcll PHICES, by the AMtEICAN AD7L'RT1SLG Broadway ISTew Yorlt- ' All Safes shipped from Troy free of cart sge. FOWLER fc WELLS, Cor'p'd'g Dep't. . Aavosb, Busiacss Dep't. feb54dwly. TUB WEEKLY A ROUS Is the Oldest Paper ia tbe County. THE "WEEKLY ARGUS " Is the Ol.l.-st PsDer In th County. THE WEEKLY ARCUS Ii the Oldest Psoer in ths Csantv. THE WEEKLY ARGUS I the Oldest PsDer in the County. THK WEEKLY ARGUS Is the Oldest Paper In the County. TUX WEEKLY ARGUS Is the Oldest Psper in the County. TUl WEXKLY ARGUS Is the Oldest Parjer in the Coast THZ WEEKLY ARGU3 Is the Oldest Pener in the Coonry. TCI WEEKLY ARGUS t Xj the Olaast Paper ia the Oomttf.