Newspaper Page Text
THE DAICY ARGU Sr6- PKUNIUN JOB PRINTING. irdarsfor Jos PairfTmo will meet with promo luentioc atthAaousOrricE,aad beexecotedat easonable rate. LOCAL AFFAIRS TEKH9 OF THX A.RGCS : Daily, per year, Daily, per quarter, Daily, per month, Daily, per week,... , Single copies ot the Daily, Weekly, per Tear Single copies of the Weekly, $10,00 2,50 85 7 25 05 3,00 10 SThe above are our advance terms.-VJHi Odd Fellows. . Rock Inland Loooe No. IS, t. every Monday Evening O. O. F. Meets Monday Evening at Odd Fellows' Uali, south-east corner of Illinois and Eagle streets, at eren o'clock, p. m. C. B. Knox, R. S. Thomas TaoawTow, N. Circus. Next Mondav we are to cave a grand circus company. See advertisement. Thanks to Wm. C. Pearsoll, Esq., of Coe, for a box of delicious apples. Mr. P.earsoll is the creat fruit raiser of this part ot the country. Change of Programme. On account of the unfavorable appearance of the weather the moonlight excursion advertised to be giv en by the M. . Church society, this evening, has been changed to a Strabery Festival, at Island City Hall, on Thursday evening next. Citt Marshal Underwood is in poor health and barely able to walk out. This will account for his absence from his office for a few days past. He is slowly recovering and we hope will soon be as well and vigor ous aa ever. lie has been very active and vigilant since he was elected, and has scarcely had one night of uninterrupted rest. Board of Supervisors. The board met to day and organized by electing B. II. Kim ball, Esq., of this city, chairman. This is a merited oompliment to the oldest and best qualified supervisor, without regard to party. Mr. Kimball is a most decided democrat, and received two-thirds ot all the votes on the first ballot, and was then ohosen unanimous ly by acclamation. The republicans showed a most commendable spirit, for which they are entitled to the thanks of all. when they wore against democrats, Then no matter how obscene the language while these mikcegenationists were working in "tb interests of God and humanity. Bat when the tables are turned, then pure-minded "aim plicitv" it shocked. , It was the other man' bull that hooked his mare then, and that made all the difference in the world. Dues ho remember the story about the beam in the man's eje? or the proverb about peo ple who live in glass houses ? "Let the gall ed jade wince." ...: . - , v VV. C. Warmer is selling boots and shoes at 10 and 15 per cent, less than the aetoal cost. Now is your time t buy cheap. Junel2d2twlt. Go to the best. Go to Bryant, Stratton Sc. Merrill's Davenport business college to get a tnorougn commercial education. Address Bryant, Stratton & Merrill, Davenport, Iowa, mchlSdwtf. To The Public. If you want the best and cheapest soap in the market ask for War nock & Kelly's old chemical erasive soap to be had at all the grocery stores at lUots. per bar. Dont be put off with auy foreign soaps. maydUdwlm. lo the ruBLic. we nave now in store a very large stock ot staple and iancy dry goods wbich we are selling very cheap. We are selling most kinds ot staple goods below we wholesale prices in JXew xork or Chiago. We are selling several brands of fastoolor prints for 20 cts. that now oost in any wholesale market 21 J cts to 23$ ots. S andard brown sheetings for 40c ts worth 41 J cts full yard wir'e, bleached muslin for 20cts, worth 25o- In fancy goods and notions our prices are cheaper than the cheapest. In clothing and carpets our stock is complete, and we defy competition, , We have the agen cy for the Grover & Baker sewing machine. Ladies in want of the vtost reliable machine for family use are requested to visit our cloak room and bos them in operation. Aiken, Jarvis t Burrall. may 26dwtf. Runaways, To-day there was another runaway of a spirited pair of horses, kiting up 'Illinois street, attached to a wagon, aud endangering the lives and property of every body on the street. These things are becom ing altogether too frequent, and they are al ways the result of carelessness. The careless people Bhould be made to pay and then they will be more careful. We call the especial attention ot Police Magistrates Sweeney and Buford, and City Marshal Underwood and all the policemen and aldermen to the fact that the ordinances of this city prohibit, nnder penalty, the leav ing or standing of aDy team unhitched on th streets, and that they have sworn to enforc the laws. The aldermen as well as the po licemen are authorized to arrest, and we call upon all in authority, in the city, to live up to their oaths of office and arrest and fine all persons who leave their teams unhitched on the streets, or allow them to stand unhitched, on the streets. A Btrict enforcement of the law will prevent runaways and perhaps save the lives of mary people. The owners of teams which run awaye are also liabl for all damages done. Let the officers be vigilant and do their duty. It makes a vast deal of difference whose bull hooks the mare? The elegant, chaste, refined and pious editor of the Union has been engaged, for years, in picturing to his read ers the lights and shadows of slaveholders' li centiousness with their yoong female slaves. The stories were, no doubt, mainly fictitious, like Mrs. Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom, but they served his purpose, vis: a supply of smutty reading for his paper. It is not loDg since that he hashed up a glowing picture of cohabiting with a negro woman, at or near Muscatine, by the brother of a distinguished democrat. The story was, probably, false but that made no difference to him ; he had a smutty article for his smutty, vulgar paper, and that answered his purpose. Who does not remember the fiendish delight he took in describing a pretended rape in Mercer coun ty, and that the main points in the case were that the man was a democrat and a preacher. And who does not remember that when the facts were brought out, it was found that the man never was a preacher, and that this chaste editor'e own partizan judge discharged him because he was not guilty I And yet this chaste and moral editor, and many of his ?nry, have clamorously claimed that these pi uctices were the result of the debasing in fluences of slavery and democracy. All the smutty literature of the vilo scribblers of his party has been continually pressed into serv ice and served up to his readers with the greatest relish, in order to "educate the north to hate the south," and make a little party capital. Ilia renders and his party have been taught that negroes were as good as white folks, and their prejudices on account of color" have been " conquered," so that many of them now declare they had rather their daughters would marry a negro than a demoorat. Their love for their'oolored breth ren," and their belief in the virtues of the negro have passed ipto a proverb. and the innocent face, they wear when they are ex posed is "simplicity" personified. ' But when we show, in unexceptionable language, from the evidence in a public and open court, the praotioal result of their negro equality doc nnes, as exhibited iu the case of the man Fugate, in this city, the other night, these delicate, refined, pure and chaste black re publican miscegenationiatf are flhooksd, "nd tneir SDrieUtlV Orean hnlila un its nuitv and . exclaims "disgraceful journal- Smutty stories, whether irae jbr false were Tory nice affairs and very moral reading hands am! H F LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIMED IN THE Tost Office at Rock Island, Slate or Illinois, on the 12th diy of June, 1865: Ordered to be advertised in the "Evening Argut" agreeably to the following section of the Post Office Law, as the newspaper having the largest circulation of any paper published in Rock Island, 111. : Sic. 5. And be it further enacted, that Lists ot Letters remaining uncalled for in any post office in any city, town or village, where a newspaper shall be printed, shall hereafter be published once only in the newspaper wbich, being issued weedy or ottener, shall have the largest circulation with in the range of delivery nfaaid office, to be deci ded by the postmaster at such office. Laxrs of the United States. Morbus Liaette Mrs Morrell Jas A Dr 2 -Markgrat Henry Moore Geo D Moss Fred McKinnon A C Morehead Ref Nottage John Norman John. O'Neal Wen Orten S C Patteu T H Patten Thomas H j Parkins Joseph Poole George Quinon Steven Kaasman W Mrs Rice Nancy Mrs Rolston Mary Mrs Russell O Stuart Andrew A Samuelson C J Snowdeo D Smith G Simpson Hanah Miss Schrodei H F Smith Ira W Smith I Steele Wot Tudor George Ting John E ; Thomas James II Webb Richard , , , Whitbeck Rosada Miss Wilcox CD YVestly Joseph Woods John H A MrsWelaher Josiah Miss ' ' To obtain any of these letters, the appli cant most call for ' Advertised Letters," give the date of this list, and pay two cents for advertis ing.- 11 not called lor within one montk, iney will be sent to the dead letter office. J. B. HAWLEY, P. M. Allen Robt G Aghhuls Mass Armstrong Mrs Bennett Thos Blankenship P Betty John F.- - Boon Julia Miss " Benedict J R Behmer Daniel R . ... Barto Carrie Miss Brausconn Daniel Clutter A J Cloos Eliza Mrs Cook G W Clendenin Lydia Miss Clayton Nancy Miss Dykeman Mr Duglass Chas M Davis Jamea Deitz John Earl Mary E Mrs Eggleston J W Pitch T L Fish T Harper Reubin L S Hutchinson Win lies Thos J Dr Junck Susan Mrs Jarbo John R Kimball J & Co Klaim A U Kelly Rebecca Mrs Byron 1 avid Lee John Capt : , Lamb Jane Mrs Mamng Wm T Moore S T Mowthrop Mary Wilmer Florence SPECIAL BCSLMJNS JQTICES.' PO THE NERVOUS, DEBILITATED great sufferer. having been restored to health ia a few days, atter many years of misery, is willing to assist his suffering fellow-creatures by sencitg (free), on the 'receipt -or a postpaid addressed envelope, a copy o: the formula ofcure employed Direct to JOHNC. DAGNALL, P.O. Boi 183, junel0dw6w. Brooklyn, N. Y The It rid at Chamber, aa Essay of Warning aad Instruction for Young Man. Also, aw and reliable treatment lor Diseases of the Urinary aad exual Svstems Sent tree, in sealed envelopes. Address. Dr. J. KhlLLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. -Aplldwly. V 7 IIlisrvLKi 1 1 Tnee winiiini' a boo not W of Whiskers, a mice moustache, beautiful head of glossy hair, will please read the card o THOS. K. CHAPMAN in another part ot this pa per. mch4dw4in. WANTED. SOLDIERS, HONORABLY DISCHARGED from serv ice, who are in want of Employment, should address E. E. Lock wood, Detroit, Mich. Should give the date of their discharge, and the regiment aad company they belonged to. junel2d6t. p. PER MONTH, and all expente paid, D. K. HERRING! ON & CO.. junel2dCt. Detroit. 0XLY TWO WEEKS M0UE. tip- HIPPLER gives notice that only two eeks more remain for people to buy his groceries, crockery, tobacco, Yankee notions, ate, etc., as he will then close business. He has gieatly reduced prices, and people must call soon if they wish to secure bargains. juneadwzw. BRICK! BRICK! PRICE REDUCED. T OFFER FOR SALE, at the Energy Brick L Yard, on the bluff, 200,000 first quality brick, at the following prices, viz ? $8 per thousand by the large quantity. SI per 100 in small quantities. $11 per tOOO laid in the wall, building measure. These brick are equal in quality to those in the Catholic Church, Dart's Store, Dimick's Stable, or the dwelling houses of Messrs. Wait and Conet. C.ATKINSON. Rock Island, June 6, dwlm.- 1 SICKLE SECTIONS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION on band and made to order at the Rock Island Saw Fac tory. ' D. DONALDSON. june7w2m. " 1 ' ' . i-s BOWLING SALOON. J HAVE just. completed.. Jk-uew and first Class Bowling Alley, the best in town, and -respectfully' invito, .alt who deoiia a healthful exercise to call at my place aad try it. - ? . : ;. SAMUEL GALLUP, ,;7t .- . 1 , Rivet Street Hotel, near Lang ley's Warehouse.-, , y-l i 3 Blyl5dtf. , j i: ,. HAIR UYKl HAIR DYlil! BATCllELOU'S Celebrated HAIR DIE IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD! The only Harmless, True and Reliable Iyc BWBOWU. . ' This splended Hair Dye is perfect changes Red, Rusty or Grey Hair, instantly to a lilossy Black or a Natural owm, without injuring the hairor staining the n, leaving the Lair soft and Beautiful, imparts fresh vitalitv, frequently restor ng its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects ol Bad Dyes. I be genuine is signed WILLIAM A BATCH ELOR, aU others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Drogrisu, stc. FACTORY 81 BARCLAY Street, New York. Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. . Julys, dwly TO CONSUMPTIVES. M'HL advertiser having been restored to 1 health in a few weeks, by a very simple rem edy, after having suffered soersl years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, con sumption is anxious to make known to bis follow anfierers the means of cure. To all who desire it, be will send a copy of the prescription used, (tree ot charge) with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Hroncbitia, tc. I be only object ot the advertiser n sending the prescreption is to benefit the afflict ed, and spread information which be conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes every suffererer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please ad dress REV. EDWARD A. WILSON. Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. mchl4dlw&w3m. REMARKAMLK CURB OP STIFF KKEE HY A L. LOCKS FOR US PLAST ERS. How many persons, from stepping on a piece of orange peel, have been lamed lor life. A case which might have been ot this kind baa just been brought to our notice. A gentleman, from placing the heel of his boot on a piece ot orange peel, was suddenly thrown down, and violently Drained his knee. He was six months conhued to the house, though be had the best medical ad vice. As a last resort a very eminent physician was called in to see if anything more could be one. After examinmation he said, "My opition your knee will never be bent again." lie re commended that the whole leg and knee should be encased In a plaster of Paris bandage, which would accelerate the permanent stiffening of the knee, and saic,"lbe sooner it was done, the bet ter." But tue patient, before trying this applica tion and having a at fi knee fur life, enveloped it in our Porous Piasters, and in less than two months his knee was perfectly cured. Principal Agency, Brand rem House, New York. By the yard or single plaster. Sold by all dealers in medicines. maylldwlm. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pills. PROTECTED HY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT 1 Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Fhftician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing ia the cure of all those painful and dangerous disease to which the female constitution is subject. It mod erates all excess and removes all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES it ia peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Govern ment stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counter feits. CAUTION. These Pills shuuid not be taken by Females dur ing the FIRST HREE MOXTHS of Pregnancy, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at ony other time they are safe. In all esses ot Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in the Back and Limbs, fatigue on slight exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed; and although a powerful rem edy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. .' s ! Kull directions ia the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Sole Agent for the United Slate, and Canada, JOB MOSES, 27 Cortlandl Si., New York. N. B. $1,00 and t postage stamps enclosed to any authorized Agent, will insure a bottle con taining 50 Pil return mail. oct. 27dwly. as 05) Greatest Irdiral Cireoiv lm MtL Ml aXsT-Fifteen- large 1 letter pages for two , S cent stamps. 15 J 8 If Villi .Aail WA.a 1 1. TOUR BUSINESS WlLl.liaRirASK you Advert'iM iu tour Cuutity Pawn TOUB iUSJUKSS WILL ISCKEASI , i , - If jo. Advertise in roar Count Paps. TRS, JACKSON, HERBERT CO., pro I pnetora f the National Dispensary," estab lished in Cincinnati, O., Jan. 1, IhbO, will ears all private diseases with unexampled rapidity. We guarantee to cure Gonorrhoea, Gleet,Spyhiilis, lm potency, Nocturnal Emissions, or self-abuse, Di urnal Emissions, Female complaints, in short, every possible form and variety of Sexual Disease. Cures rapid, thorough aad permanent, aad tees moderate. Send for oar circular fit tee a tare M in. by 11 in letter pages, of varied, valuable aad interesting matter. Also a circular intended for ladiea only. Many of our patients assert tbey have seat money to doctors ia eastern cities and received no return. Than why aot patronixe borne talet--men who know the western climate and can effect speedier cures. ' " Dr. Jackson's Female Pills, $1 per box send for circular. Special written replies, well sealed, sent with the c rcular, without charge. One of the cheapest, tnect interesting and important books ever published. 300 pages, 100 engravings, ' The Mountain of Light, or Medical Protector, and Marriage Guide, a-d an explicit Key to Lev and Beauty." It satislactoriiy leveais various subjects never before fnlly explained in any pop ular work in the English language. Price 50 eta., and one 3 cent stamp, or three for 1 aad three 3 cent stamps. Fully described ia circular, which every young man should have, whether sick, or we I Medicine and instructions sent to any part of the country. Consulting rooms ot the Dispensary No. 167, Sycamore street. P. O. box, No. 43J. Ir. Jackson's Oriental Lluimeut r removes all coldness, and rejuvenates organs which have lain dormant Tor many years. It will care any case or impotencv, create and increaia the passions for any reasonable time. Call' be mailed with perlect safety.' Price $2 per bottle ' Dr. Jackson's French Patent Male Cafe - It is perfectly safe and aever fails to give satis faction. It is the only sure aad safe proven tativa against contracting disease aver invented. Price; $1 each, $4 per half doxen, and $7 per doxea aent by mail. . 4, . jaalldly 'SDHIO SJSOU OXUNIXd 80f ASO 0L 90 suajy r irca , '301X10 SLKOd 0JU1HI&I flOf 1X9 OX , Dr. MARSHALL'S C a t a r rli S ri ii ff. f PIUS SNUFF bas thoroughly proved itself A. to bathe best article taowa tor curing the Catarrh. Cold la tba Hea4 aad Headache. It baa been found aa excelleat remedy in many cases of More Eyea. Deatnesa has been remov ed by it, aad Hearing baa often boon greatly im proved by its . " ' It is Iragrant and agreeable, and Gives Immediate Relief To the dull heavy paias caased by diseases of the Head. The sensations after using it are delight ful and invigorating. It opens aad purges out all obstructions, strengthens the glands, and gives a healthy action to the parts affected. . Mere than Thirty Vears Of sale and nse ot Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Headache Xnuft has proved Us great value fcr all the common diseases of the head, and at this moment it stands higher than ever before. It is recommended by many of the best physi cians, and in used with great success and sati. tac tion everywhere. j Read the Certificate of Wholesale Drug. plats in it. The undersigned, having for many year, been acquainted with Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Headache Snuff, aad sold it in our wholesale trade, cheerfully state, that we believe it to be equal, in every respect, to the recommendations given of it for the cure of Catarrhal Affections, and that it is decidlv the best article we have ever anown tor all common diseases ot tba bead. HEW YOSK.J Barnes Sr Park, A. B. & D. Sands,; Stephen Paul It Co., Isrel Minor & Co-, McKesson & Kobbins, A. L. Scovill St Co.. oTOW. Burr & Perry Keed, Austin & Co.. Brown, LamsonatCo., Reed, Cutis' at Co.. Seth W. Fowle. Wilson. Fairbauk it Co Henahaw,Edmands & Co M.Ward, Close & Co., H. H. H.T.Portland. Me. Bush St Gale. Foy Sale by all Druggists. Try It. oct. 27dwly. NO HARDEE-HOOD On the part of the South can prevent the success of the Union arms. Grant and Sherman's 'policy like - Cristadoro's Hair Dye, Everywhere establishes colors which are beauti ful in the peoples' eyes. The hues of the National Flagare those of Heaven, but among all the dyes of Earth there is none save CH RIST ADORO'S that produces instantaneously perfect fac similes of nature's every shade of black and brown. Manulactured byj. CK1S1ADUKU, No. o Astor House, New York. Sold by druggists. Applied by al hair dressers. maylldwlm. United Mates F-30 L 0 A N, 6230,000,000. By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, tba undersigned, the general Subscription Agent for the Sale of United States Securities, offers to the public the third series of Treasury Notes, bearing seven anil three-tenths per cent, interest per annum, known as the 7-30 LOAN. These notes are issued, under date of Jaly 15, IS So, and are payable three years from that date cutrency, or are convertible at tba option of the holder into U. a. Six Per Cent. Gold Hearing ISonds. These Bond are now worth a handsome prem- um, and are exempt, as are all the Government Bond s, from St ate. Count u, and Municipal taxa. ion, which adds from one to three per cent, per annum to their value, according to the rate levied poa ' other property. The interest is payable semi-annually by coupons attached to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The liitercot at 7-3 Per Cent. Am mtitsto One cent per day on a $i0 note. Two cents . . f 100 " Ten " " $500 20 $1000 $1 $6000 Notes of all the denominations named will be romptly furnisued upon reeeipt of subscriptions. The Notes of this Third Series are preeiselv similar iu form and prrvit-ges to the Seven-Thirties already sold, except that the Governmen reserves to itself the option of paying interest in gold coin at 6 per cunt, instead of 7 3-10lbs in currency. Subscribers will deduct the interest in currency up to July lath, at the time when they subscribe.' !-:' The delivery of the notes of this third series ot the Seven -thirties will commence on the 1st of June, and will be made promptly and continuous, ly after that date. The alight change mads in the conditions ol this THIRD SERIES affect only the matter of inter est. The ijiuoa; in goid, if mde, will be equiv alent to the currency th. higher rate. The reluru to article payments, ia the event of which only will the tptun to pay interest iu Gold be availed ol, would so reduce aud equalize price., that purchases made at aix per cent, in gold vould be fully equal to those made with aevea and three-tenths par cent, in currency. This is The Only Loan in Market Now offered by the Government, and its superior advantages makes it the iRIiT POPULAR JLOAN DP THE i( PEOPLE Less than $230,000,000 of the Loan authorized by Congress are now oa the market. Thia amount, at the ra'e at which it is being absorbed, will ail be subscribed for wiinta sixty days, wbea the notea will aadonbtedly command a premium, as has uniformly been the case ou clos ing the subscriptions to other Loans. la order that citizens of ovvry town and section of the country may be afforded facilities lor Uking the loan, the National Ban , State Bauka, aud Privata Banker throughout the country have gen erally agreed to receive suMcnption al par. Subscribers will select their own ageuU, ia whom they nave eonfidaucaj aad who only are to be re sponsible lor the delivery of the notes for whicit they receive order.. , -. .. , ' " " " JAY COOKE, ;. r.- -! a. H Sabscriptioai Ageat, r - No. 114 South Third Street, . , . : " Philadelphia Subscription will be received by the ' Fifet Aattonal Rank or Roek Island. j May 24, 1865. - - r i ,c - FARM WAG0XS. N"OT7ITaSTANDIXd I am building a large number of Pike's Peak Wagons, I still continue the business ol making TlIE.VRY-BE!r FARM WAGOK8, and would at to the faraurs of toia aad adjoin ing counties that I caa supply them, with aay thing they, waat ta my line, of the boat quality aad at reasonable rates. B. H. KIMBALL. Rock Island, Jan. 20, dwtf.. . ROCK ISLAND MARKET. - s Rocc I.lacd, Juae 6, 18(5. The carreat valae of tba articles aaxaed belo ia sabjact to changes, bat the following qaoutioat are correct lorine uaie ox tais report : Floar Johastoa's Spring Doable Extra, ia bbls o,4u, at wnoieaaie, ana o, at retail. Sacks 96,00 at wholesale, aad fbUat iwtail. L S, SO at wholesale, aad $6,30 at retail. Wheat Chicago Extra, $1,06; No. 1. $1,00 no; a, w ; Cora 2Sc for 70 lb. Oats 30a33e for 36 lbs. . Rye 30e. Barley S0a60e. Beans $l,!5al,.r0. Onions $1,35 per bus. Potatoes 70c aMOc Eggs He dox. Batter Vary choice lets, for ro.ailiat. will aring loc. Sorghum Jl,O0aI.I0. Salt $3,003,2 per bar. Kerosene Wholesale, barrel iadaded, 85c t retail I 10. Highwiaea $2,19. Poultry -Lave czuckeas, $2f50a3,00 per dox. uressea, Hie per id., j arrays, isc par lb. Pork For live hogs, $6,00a$6,50 Beef live weight, common 3,00a4,50. For prime shipping 5,00.7,00 per hundred lbs. Hides Greea couatry, 4c; greaa salted, 5cj dry salted, 6c; dry flint, 12c; graaa calf, 10 sheep pelts, 25c. Hay Prairie, $5a$10,00 per toa ; Timothy, $.S,O0al0,00. Wood Oak $6,00 to $6,50 a cord. Coal At the Coal Valley yard, oa the Lavae, coal is sold at 16 caau, the cost of delivering to be added. . i From teams, in Market square, at 16al8 eta. CHICAGO MARKET. Chicago, Monday June 6. WHEAT No. 1 spring $l,20a$l,23. Whita Winter $1,43. FLOUR White Winter Extrss $5,50a$9,00 Spring Extras $6,50; Superfine $4,75a$6,12. CORN No. 1 52a53; No. 2, 40a43. OATS 40a44c. RYE 60c. BARLEY 55a70c. HIGH WIN ES $l,97a$J,03 BEANS ?oca$l,25. Lard ISc. HAMS 17c. SALT $2,25.2,50. BUTTER I2al5c prlb.J HIDES-Green t; do salted CaCle: dry 114. . APPLES green for $7,00a$l 0,00 pr brl. Dried 9allc PEACHES pared 40a42c pr lb; unpared 30a3I prlb. BROOM CORN f230a$300 pr ton. COFFEE 3".,ls40. CHEESE ISa'JOc pr lb. M'OOL 45a53c pr lb. BEEF medium. HGS 7a8J. SHEEP 4a7c. Live Mtock. Chicago, Monday Juna 5. CATTLE 6Ja6J prim extra; 6a6 HOWES' COAMPIO CIRCUS OF THE KEPUBMC. Rc-Organlaed for the Campaign ot 1865. 12. KEH YORK MARKET. Telegraphed to the Argas. New Yoa, Jane Cotton 41: Flour 6,15aC,30 extra state: 6.85a7.00 B, H..Q Wheat Spring 90a93. Corn 7oaS5 mixed western. New Yellow SO. . Barlev Dull.; Onto 72. ' Pork $27,73 new mess : $24.75 for IS 63a'4 do; $ 18,00a 19,00 prime. neet yniet, Lard (joiet. 18al6. Dressed Hogs Doll. Steady. 2,05 western Butter 36a 3He. Cheese 15a23e. Eggs 25c. uear 17$. 18. Petroleum Doll and nominal. 3.jc erudat 60 refiaed bond; 70 free. SEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Telegrapbkd to tba Argas. Nxw Yoaa, Juna 12. Stock. fteaiv. Gold Opened' $l,3ej; and closed at f l,39j U. S. 7-30-s 99j. Sterling $ 1, 09e. t U. S. 6's 81 coupons 109$.: ' . . Money 5c. Reading 93. C. B.fcQ. I,07. N. Y. C 83 Erie 78. ' U. S. 6-s 67 coupons $1,13. 6- 20's $1,03. 5 30's new issu. 1,04. U. S. 6-2d'. coupon $1,07. U. S. ltl-40's 96 One Year Certificate 99 7- 30's 99 Port Byron Lime. THK r.NDERSICSID rLU OPKXIB A LII3E DEPOT in tin. city, on West Eagl street, 2d door north of tne poii office, where be will keep constantly on hand a large supply ot Port Byron Lime, from the well known liuie kiIa4of It. II.'CnASE &. os,J " ' " " Port Byron, 111. All orders promptly ailed. mch!3d3u. FRANCIS BALCH. Agent. 15 FOR SALE. GOOD BUILDING LOTS, in Geo. L. Davenport's additioa to the city of Rock Island. Price from $'.O0 to $250. 7 Tea Acre Out Lots, situated on the Camdea road, half a mile from the city of Rock Island, well situated tor gardening aad residences. Terms halt cash aad balance on time. 70 Acres known ss the Cushing Tract, situa'ed on the Camdea road, two mil p. from the city ot Rock I.I.nd, and isbeauulully situated for resi dence. .Gardening, Fruit raising has a good spring fee, and is about a half mile from the Rock River Water Power." Price, per acre, $40, aai cash aad the balance on time. Also a n amber ot lots in Davenport, Iowa City and LeCUire, and Farming Lands in Iowa and Nebraska Territory. Apply to GEO. L. DAVENPORT, mcb27dwif. at Davenport, Iowa. - FJLOrR AXD FEED. WE are now manufacturing and are pre pared to deliver, on short notice, in any part ot the city, the very beat quality of wheat flour, rya flour, ryo meal, corn weal, homiay br.n. fee, all of which wo warrant. ja- Orders loft at Wax. Shearer's or J. B. h M. C Frick'- grocery stores, or at the mill, will be promrity attended to. - BlDDlSON ft GILMORE. Rock I.Iaoo", Dec. 26, 1664, dtf. ' ' ' ' . . . ' .".: fO'v- i iii.i'ili'JIf mok:; valuaale It i Siut tirt yjur County Tap. voJJii i -uorun-Tif. is moi: valuable If you Sustain jour Countv Taper. YOCei I'ROrERTY IS MORE VALUABLE If you Sustain your County Pader. YOUR PROPERTY IS MORE VALUABLE If vou Sustain yur Countv Paper. YOUR PROPERTY IS MORE VALUABLE If you Stietaln vour Conntv Paper. Y0UB PROPERTY 13 MORE VALUABLE If yen Sustain vour Countv Paper. Y0UB PROPERTY IS MORE VALUABLE If you Sua tain your County Paper. YOCfc PROPERTY IS MORE VALUABLE If yon Sustain your County Paper. lOliJi JTROPJUITX Ux JRUKE VALUABLJJl u jou eoMaua yonr Coutj ... A V - - X MR. F. J. HOWES, daring his professional tnar of four aad a hall years through Europe aad the Coa tiaeat, waa . a dose observer cf everything appertaining to the jf Fisf 'Li !' 'n .; Buropeaa Hippodrome And now, through his Agent Mr. Robert FUliaaham, No. 278 White Chapel Road, London, has secured for his SUMMER CAMPAIGN OF 1865, the largest aad most beauti ful Spectacular display that has ever beea produced ia thia Country, consisting ot GORGEOUS CHARIOTS, ELEGANT HORSES, MAGNIFICENT WAGONS, Elegant Wardrobes and Trappings! Prominent among the leatures which will be displayed each day ia the GRAND PROCESSION ! Will be the Allegorical Tableau Car of Liiberty Constructed at the enormous Coat of $2 0,0 00! Including the WARDROBE. Paraphernalia and APP0LXTMEXTS. The Beautiful Tableaux on the ' Chariot are all Living Pictures! Formed by Beautiful Young Ladies. Surmounted by the Personification: ot the GODDESS OF L.IBERTY ! This Beautiful Structure will be drawn by a Richly Comparlsoned Stud of Arabian Horses. 'irft. The Paintings are of Beauti ful French Design. The Glass Panels of Magni ficent French Plate. It would be entirely superfluous to attempt to minutely describe the gorgeous work of art, as it must be sees to be appreciated. This will be followed by a rich and beauti fully decorated SSI Band Chariot i Dra a by the Moat Elegant Marked HO BSE S IN TllIS COUNTRY. Containing Profc, Peters' Celebrated Cornet Band ! The Well Knowa Trick Horses, GEN'JL GRANT ' ' GELVL SILEOA5 ! Will appear aeit, followed by .Th Entire Company v"- 0N HORSEBACK! Clad ia Elegant Armor Dresses, with Helmets of Pare Steel. The new, ataaach aad elaborate Wagons, Vaas,fkc, will also ap pear, forming altogether the most GORGEOTS , CAVA LCADE ! Ever Sees la tula Country. - r-The ciUxens jof this City and Vicinity may rejy upoa witaes mg aa Kaiartaiaoteat which" eaQ fsr excoed anytbigfthe ktad ever presented here. " Come JEarlj m4 Kecure a . , Good Seat Doors 'open at 2 aad 7 p. M. Performance wiU, commence half aa hour after. Tickeu of Admiaaioa 60 age, 25 Cts, , ' irna Mxmtnoth' Company will exoioit at ROCK riS mpany INLAND MONDAY. : A JUNE 19th. Davenport Tnesdav. Jn 9nk WapeUo Tburs jay, Ju.e S2d.- - Mt. Pleaaaat Saturday, Jan. 2Uh.