Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY ARGUS.- PREMIUM JOB PRINTING. Orders for Job Panrriae will meet with prompt attention attheAaeTTsOrcs.aad be executed at essonable rates. ' LOCAL AFFAIRS. TEKM8 OF THE AKQCS : Daily, per year, Daily, per quarter, Daily, per month,.... ............ Daily, per week,. ...... ........... Single copies of the Daily, Weekly, per year ... $10,00 ... 2,50 26 Oi ... 3,00 10 Stogie copieaof the Weekly,. The above are our advance terms. " Odd Fellows. Rock Islam. Lone No. IS, I. O. O. F. Meeta every Monday Evening at Odd Fellow Halt, south-east corner of Ilhnoia and Eagle atreeta, at even o'clock, p. m. C. B. Knox, R. S. Thomas THoairToit, N. G It is a subject of general remark that the returning soldiers are among the most quiet. jrentlemanly and orderly people we meet. Intuiting Nature. Fowler, the eminent phrenologist, is down on the system of trund ling infants backwards in their little wagons, He says that it is destructive to health, and, if not stopped, will, in many instances, result in permanent injury and doath. 4th Jcxr Pic Nic. The secretary of Wes tern Engine Co. requests as to say that their company will hold a pio nic. on the afternoon of the 4th of J aly, in order to raise funds to boy a nice flag for the new flag staff on their engine house. They Bay that, if there is a celebration in Book Island on that day, they will come out in the procession, if they are wanted, and hold the pie nic in the after noon. Stbawbeeet amd Floral -Festival, The friends of the M. E. Church Sunday School will hold a strawberry and floral festival at Island City Hall this evening, where the people oan meet and have a pleasan'sociable, find all the comforts ot ioe creams, straw berries, cooling drinks, and fresh flowers, and, at the same time, aid the cause of good morals in oar community. They hope to merit a liberal patronage. Admission only 25 cents. We were glad to receive a call from our old friend Adam Mauaker, from Richland Grove, on his return from the army. lie was a member of Co. C, 102d 111. Vol., and arrived home with the company. He says there is great complaint among the soldiers, who came through Chicago, at the shabby manner they were treated thereand that they were much better treated by the people of Richmond than those of the chief city of their own Btate. ' The III. & Miss. Te Co. -There must be a competing telegraph line from this point to Chicago or the people will never enjoy equal facilities, for news and for business, with those of points where competing lines exist This company has its arins stretched over most of the northwest,, and inknany places it has sharp competition. For instance : On the St. Louis line it has competition and as a natural 'consequence the company exhibits nm a Anaw an? BntarnpiaA t Vl Tf tVlA - - v " " line is out of order it is instantly repaired,- j and, there being competition, its tariff of pn-1 ces is reduced to the lowest figure, and it is j compelled to keen first class operators. But .. . . j ol: . 1 r ueiween uiis pome ami iuicagu 11 uu 110 ouw- i 1 petition, and, of coarse, the line is poor, no energy is exhibited in keeping it in repair, the tariff of prices is high, and the offices are nsed as a training school for other places. For three days past there has been no com munication whatever with any place, and no knowledge of what was the trouble. . Theie was a report that, somewhere on the line, the the wire had sagged at some point where it crosses the railroad track, and that the smoke stack' Of some locomotive had caught it and torn it down. Well what if it had 7 If the line had a sufficient number of watchman it could bave been repaired in an hour or two and all would have been right againvand this would have been done if we bad a com petingJine. The Illinois & Missippi Telegraph Compa ny must make a better line, keep it constant ly in repair and do its business as low as oth er lines, or there will be a competing lite bnilt. Election of Census Commissioner. The board of supervisors, to day, (the 15th) by, a trict party vote, elected Marcus B. Taylor commissioner to take the census. The vote was as follows: Marcus B. Taylor . 9 Burton H. Cook - - - - 7 Mr. Taylor was a sergeant in Co. A, 03d 111. Vol., and Mr. Cook a private in Co. F, 89th 111. Vol.. The republican party leaders presented the name of . Ym. Kerns, late turned-oat postmaster in Moline, for the place, and Sup'r Crawford presented the I name of Mr. Cook, a retured soldier. The: republican managers saw that their party scheme, in regard to Kerns, would fail, and, last night, they got np the scheme to defeat Cook by dropping Kerns and bringing out another soldier. , ' ; , Mr. Taylor is a competent, energetic," tip top young man, and will made .good com missioner. But he is a sound, able-bodied, energetic young man, able to earn hU living at aoything, and his father (C. G Taylor, of Edgington) is one of the wealthiest farm ers of our county. On the other 'band, Mr." Cook is, by reason ot wounds received in battle, unable to perform hard labor, is poor, has a widowed mother dependent on him for support, and is just as well qualified, and, in every respect, as unobjectionable a man as Mr. Taylor,. While we have not a word to say against Mr. Taylor, but hold him- in the highest esteem, it does eeem to us that the reasons for preferring Mr7 ' Cook Vers bo strong that the republican . eaperrisors ought ao to JttVi been controlled by party drill to leave the poor toldier and hit widowed mother in want while they confer a good office upon one who doet not need it. We do not know that Mr. Taylor was ao applicant lor the place, ewd when Tse knows the facts ia the case of Mr. Cook, we should hardly think he would accept the office. Wakted. We have prepared for pnblica tion, a brief history of the newspapers pub lished in this city, since 1851, bat are with out reliable information in regard to 'thote printed previous to that date, and would be much obliged, to any person who je&ds tbii, for information in regard to that matter the names of the papers, when star ted,. Low long published, who by, the names of nil persons conneeted with item, the size ot the paper, its political character, 'and any otber facts worth preserving in the history of newp perdom, in Rock Island, Moliue or Port By ron, in all which towns newspapers Lave 'been published. dwtf. What a fuss a riw chickens make. Half way to Moline is an old frame bu.ue, kept as a beer bouse, by a very clever German, nam' ed John C Heisler. In the rear of this house lives another German, named Frederick Kra mer. Tbey have lived near each other for several years, and always lived in peace and on tnenalT terms. About two weeas ago Kramer's chickens auuoyed Heisler by run ning in his garden, and Heisler fired four shots at taem, with a pistol, but injured none. Kramer came out with a small ham mer in bis band, approached Heisler, in a threatening attitude, and said : "You shoot my chickens, I knock you down." Heisler stuck his pistol in Kramer's face and said : You knock me down, I shoot you." . That was the end of it nothing was done, and each went his way. On Monday night, the 12th, two horses, be longing to Heisler, and which were in bis stable, were very badly cut one of them had cut of tome 15 inches in length, on his shoulder, and the other a cat of soino 18 inch es apparently with a heavy, sharp knife. It is not known who perpetrated thedastard ly act. Heisler got out a peace warrant, before Esq. Buford, and had Kramer arrested. Capt. M. Marx, attorney for Heisler. and Sweeney & Jackson for Kramer. A change ot venue was taken to the nearest iot ce. who was Esq. Sweeney, but he being ooe of the attorneys for the defense refused to try the case, and it went befoie Esq. Swander, last evening, (the 14th) and after much ex citement and bluster about matters not at all connected with the peace question, Kramer was discharged, as there was no evidence to show that Heisler was in danger of bodily in jury from him. Another suit is yet pending, between the parties, viz : Heisler . vs.! Kramer, in an action of trespass for coming into bis garden. The case is set for the 20th inet. These, we believe, are the facts, impartial ly stated. How easy it would have been, with a little good nature, to have avoided all this trouble. Our advice to the parties is, to compromise their qnarrel, be friends again, and save their money, instead of squandering it upon lawyers. tt.... r;i m:. r ... u.... Braids &. jo8t received we are now able to offer a much better stock of Hosiery at much lower prices than neretotore. w e nave every grado ot L.aOies uuse. iu eeuia half hose we have some ex- . , v ,. c.j tra arnrul l.itritAfl will find it to 1 heir interei 1 tj examine oar stock I e'ort malting their pur chases. Also please remember that we aie selling the celebrrted Giover & Baker Sew ing Machine decidedly the best Family Ma chine offered to the public. Aiken, Jarvis &, Bcbkall jcmel5dwtf. Go to the best. Goto Bryant, Stratton & Merrill's Davenport business college to get a thorough commercial education. Address Bryant, Stratton & Merrill, Davenpurt, Iowa. mchl8dwtf. To The Public. If you wnnt the best and cheapest soap in the market auk (or War nock & Kelly's old chemical erasivesoap to be bad at all the grauery stores at lOots. per bar. Dont be put off with any foreign soaps. mav30dwlm. EXECITTOITS NOTICE. ESTATE of ALEX. HOWARD, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Alex. Howard, late of the County of Rock Island, and State of Illinois, deceased, hereby gires notice that he will appear before the County Court of Rock Island County, at the office of the clerk of said court in the city of Rock Island, at the August term, on the THIRD MONDAY IN AUGUST next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are ao tified and requested to attend for the purpose of saving the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 9th day ofjane, A. D., 1865. JULIUS MOSENFELDER, Administrator. Junelbw3w. Durno'e Celebrated Catarrh Snuff is the best known remedy for Headache, Cold ia the Head, Snuffles, Imperfect Voice, Bronchitis, and Catarrh. Few persons appreciate the diseases anting from disordered nasal organs. Sight, hearing, taste, and smell are frequently ruined by a cold in the head. The gas generated by the asc of this snuff cleanses the entire head, and res toree psoper articulation Iu effects are pleaeaat and wonderful. It contains ao tobacco, nor other injurious ingredient. Colleges, Societies, States, and the most eminent of the Medical Faculty have awarded it testimonials and premiums. Sold by all Draggists tor 25 rente per box! Can be seat by mail oa receipt of 30 cents for one box or $1 for (out boxes. Address - ' ' - " J AS. DURNO, P. O. Box 1235, New York City. ' At Wholesale, by DEMAS BARNES k CO., New York. lebylSdwly. WASTED. SOLDIERS, HONORABLY DISCHARGED from serv ice, who are ia want ef Employment, should address . JC Lock wood, Detroit, Mick. Should gin uie date ot their discharge, and the regiment ana company they belonged to.. , janel2d6t. I se-i , SICKLE SECTIONS i'--- n " OF EVERT DESCRIPTION" on band and made to order at the R,ock Island Saw Fac SPECIAL BCSISKSS NOTICES. 'no THE NERVOUS, DEBILITATED X AND DESPONDENT OF BOTH SEXES. A great sufferer having been reafored to health ia a few days, alter maay years of misery, ia willing to aasiat hie Buffering fellow-creatures by leaning (free), on the receipt of a postpaid addressed en v slope, a copy o the formula ofcere employed. Direct to JOHN 0. DAGNALL, P. O. Box 183, juael0dw6w. Brooklyn, N. Y. The Bridal Chamber, Essay of Waning and Instruction for Young Men. Also, new and reliable treatment for Diaeises ol the (Jnaary and Sexual Systems Sent tree, ie sealed envelopes. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOIV.HTON, llowanl Association, Philadelphia, Pa, Aplldwly. V J 111SKKRS 1 ! Tuese wiihiug a liue set Vv ol" Whiskers, a nice tnoaaUChe, a beaatiiul head of glossy hair, will please read the card ot THUS, r . CHAPMAN in another part or this pa per. mchSd w-m. HAIR DYfcil 11AIU Illlil: BATCIIELOR'8 Celebrated UAIH DiE IS THE BEST IN THE WOULD! ": The only Harmless, True and UeUuble l x skuowii. This aplended Hair Dye perfect changes Red, Rusty or Grey Hair, instantly to a Uloesy Black or a Natural own, wuboul injuring the hair or staining the a, leafing the bair soft and Beautiful, imparts fresh vitality, frequently res tor ing its pristine color, and rectifies the ill elfecta ol Bad Dyes. The genuine ia signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR, al others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by ail Druggists, Ac FACTORY 81 BARCLAY Street, New York naicnesor' new xoiiei iream lor vressieg in Hair. JalyS, dwlv TO CONSUMPTIVES. 'I 'Ilk advertiser having been restored to I health in a few weeks, by a very simple rem edy, after having Buffered atvera! years with i severe lung affection, and that dread disease, coa sumption ia anxious to make known to his fellow sufierers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (tree ot charge) with he direc tions for preparing and using the same, v hich they will End a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sc. 1 he only object ot the advertiser a lending the prescription is to benefit the afflict ed. and spread information which be cmceives to be invaluable : and be hopes every suffererer will try his remedy, as it will cost thrm nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please ad dress RtV. EDWARD A. WILKIN. Williamsburg. Kms County, New York. tnchUd Iw8iw3iii. URIKDRETH's I'lLLS A CENEKAa ASSISTANT OP NATURE:. What is health ? What U disease T Health is when the supply and eii enditerr are equal. Diseaso when thu aupply and expendituie are unequal. BRANDRETH'S PILLS impart certain impo'- s ve powers to all matters in the body whose life ie below the standard ot the surrounding party, or which have remained longer than the time na ture designed. So in levers and all that class ef cum which soon run into mortification BRAND RETH'S FILLS have marvelous curative quali ties. Our bodies are continually changing, and it is by this chauge we live. Should mailer remain in organs beyond the time nature designed, pain and inflammation set in, which is n.oihing more than a preparatory effort for our good. All Brand ret ri's I ills aresuppoied from the results 'o do is simplv ASSISTING THESE EFFORTS OF NATURE! june!5dwlm. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pills. PROTECTED BV ROYAL LETTEKS PATENT ! Prepared from a pretcriptton of Sir J. Clarke, Al. D., Phy&iciam Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine ia unfailing in the cure ot all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It mod e rates all excess and removes ail obstructions, aud a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MAKHIED LADIES it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bear tbetiovern meil stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counter feits. CAUTION. Tkete Pillt shuuid nut be taken by Female dur ing thrFlHST KREE MOXTHS of Pregnancy, as they are sure to bring on MUcarriiige, but at ony other time they are tafe. In all cases ot Nervous a nil Suinul Affections. .Pains in the Back and Limb, Fatigue on alight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will ettect a cure when all oilier means bave failed; and aUiaough a powerful rem edy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurttul to the coaulilulion. Full directions in the pamphlet arouud each package, which ah.iuld be carefully preserved. SOLD BY ALL DKUUGISTS. Sole Agent for the United Slates and Canada, JOB MOSES, 27 Cortlandt St., New York. N. B. $1,1)0 and o' postage .tamps enclosed to any authorised Ageut, will lusure a bottle con taining b'i Pi I return raaii. oct. 27dwly. Gratest lIial Cralar MA El Eur fiklaW! K I kJ m M-e-irifuwi-wsi Unr VA VkfjgW letter pages for two BJP 3 cent stamps. IS Dns, jackson, Herbert & co., pro prietura ot the National Dispensary, euab liahedin Cincinnati, O., Jan. I,lbtW, will cure all private diaeaaee with unexampled rapidity. We J guarantee lcur Gonorrhoea, Glees, Spyhillis, In potency, Nocturnal Emissions, or'self-abuse, Di urnal Emissions, Female complaints, in short, every passible form and variety of Sexual Disease. Curea rapid, thorough and permanent, and fees moderate. Send for our circular fifteen large 8 in. by II in . letter pages, of varied, valuable sad , interesting matter. Also a circular intended for. ladiea only. Many of our patieata assert tbey have sent money to doctors in eastern cities aad recei'ved ao return. - Then why aot patronise home taleat men who know the western ctuuate and can effect apeedtnr curea. Dr. Jackson's Female Pills, $1 per bat send for circular. Special written replies, well sealed, seat with the circular, without charge. ; One of the cheapest, enu interesting and important books ever published. 300 page, 100 engravings, " The Mountain ot Light, or Medical Protecivt, and Marriage Guide, awi aa explicit Key to Love and Beauty." It satisfactorily leveals various subjects never before fully explained in any pop alar work ia the English Imguage. Price 50 cu., and one 3 cent stamp, or three for $1 and three 3 cent sumps. Fully described ia circular, which every young mas should have, whether sick or wel Medicine aad iastructions seat to any part ol the country. Consulting rooms ot the Dispensary No. 167, Sycamore street. P. "O. boi. No. 436. Dr. Jackson' Oriental Lliiluieut removes all coldness, aad rejuveaaies organs which have lain dormant for many years. It will cure any case of impotencr, create and increase the passions for any reasonable time." Can be mailed with perfect safety. Price $3 petjotlle Dr. Jackson's Prench Patent Malefcafe It is perfectly eafe aad never fails to give satis faction. It is the only sare and safe preventative against contracting disease ever invented". Price; $1 each, $4 per half doxea, aad $7 per doxen sent by mail. jaalldly !; 1 r , i Din6 axoa oxuxiud aor xao o'i -0jo I'litjy 'u.i i !; XDino axoa oxllxiuj aor ox ago nr i no xoiat axoa dAilhtu aor uo 01 Dr. TsTAKBWATJi'S Catarrh Snuff. 'I'lIIS SNUFF has thoroughly proved itself J. to be the best article knows for cariag the Catarrn. Cold ia the Head and Headache. It has beea found aa excellent remedy ia many cases of More Eyes. Dealneaa has beea remov. ed by it, aad Hearing has often beea greatly im proved by its nsa. -It is tragrant aad agreeable, and Gives Immediate Relief To the dull heavy pains caused Uy diseases of the Head. The eeesauons after using it are delight- I'ul and inviiroratiiiic. It opens and purges out ail obsuuettnns, strengthens the glseds, suit give a healthy eetron to the parts affccftU. More titan Thirty lears Of sale aad ase ot Dr. .Marshall Catarrh and Headache Snafl has proved its great value fir all the common diseases of tbe head, and at this moment it stands higher than evev before. It is recommeudeU by many of the best pUysi- cians, and is used with great success and satisfac tion everywhere. Head the Certificate ot" Wholesale Drug gbti in 1154. The undersigned, having for many years been acquainted with Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Headache Snuff", aad sold it ia our wholesale trade, cheerfully aute, that we believe it to be equal, in every respect, to the recommendations given ot it for the cure of Catarrhal Affections, and that it is decidly the best article we have ever known for all common diseases of the head. BOSTOH. Burr ti Terry Reed, Austin si Co., Brown, Lamson Ik Co., Reed, Cntler Be Co., Seth W. Fowle. Wilson. Fairbank & Co SEW VOSK.j Baraesfc Park, A. B. & D. Sands,; Stephen Pat Ik Co., Israel Minor It Co-, McEesaou it Robbies, A. L. Scovill fe Co., Heashaw,Edmands &t Co M.Ward, Close k Co., H. H. Hsy.Portland.Me. Bush k Gale. Foy Sale by all Druggist. Try It. oct. 37dwly No Recognition! The Southern people have given eft expec tations of being recognised, and it ia equally diffi cult to KEC0GMZE N0RTUER.EUS whose beada of gray, yellow, wb;te, brown, r red hair, bave SUKUCSDERED THE! It COLOR under the wtjnder-working influence of t'ristadoro's Hair Dye, hich piants permanently in thtir stesd such Macks and browns aa nature might mistake for her own. Manufactured by J. CRISTA' OivO, No. t Astor House, New York. Sold by Drug gista. Applied by all hair dressers. juneladwlm. United Mates ?-3Q LOAN. $d3,000,000. By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the uuderaigiied . tlie general Subscription Agent tor tiie Sale of United States Securities, offers to the public the third series ol Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three-tenths per cent, interest per annum, known as the 7-30 LOAN. Tnese notes are issued, under date of July 15, 18-'5, and are payable three years from that date cuirsucy, or are convertible at the option of the bolder into If. S. a-it Six Per Ceut. old 15 ear lug Itoii(I. These Bonds are now wurth a handsome prem ium, aad are exempt, as are alt the Government Bonds,rem State, County, and Municipal tara- ion, u-hich adds from one to three per cent, per annum to their value, according to the rate levied upon other property. The interest is payable semi annually by coupons attached to each note, which may be rut ittT and soid to any iank or banker. , The Interest at ?-3 Her Cent. Am junta to One cent per day on a $50 note. Two ceula $100 Ten " $.ui 20 $1000 $1 $50:0 41 Notes of'all the denomination named wilt be promptly furnis.ied upon receipt of subscriptions. The Notts oi this Third Series are precisely similar iu liiriu and priviiautts to tbe Seven-Thir ties already told, except that the Oovcrnmen reserves (o iell lhc option ol' paying interest in gold coin at 6 per cent, instead of 7-3 ILUis in currency. Subscribers will dejuct tbe interest ia currtucy up l July I Jtu, at the lime when they eubscriie. Tbe delivery of the uvies al this third seriee ol the Sevcu -thirties w.l. cu.uiuence on the 1st ol Juue, and will k.e wade promptly and continuous ly after that dale. Tbe sligutcuauge made ia the conditions ul ibis THIRD ShillKS alfecta only tae oiafer ol inter, est. The p iy al j j . iu g j;d, 1. mtJe, w ill b equiv alent to the currency iu. tnl ot liu uigtier rale. The return to specie payments, in the event ol which only will the option to pay interest in Gold be availed ol, would ao reduce and equalise prices that purchases made at six per cent, in gold would be fully eqnal to those made with seven aaJ three tenths per cent, in currency. This ia The Only La an in Market Now offered by the Government, snd its superior advantages makes it the ! K liA T POli;LAK. LOIN OK II1KI Lees than $23(,0l0,OO0 ol the Loan authorised by Congress are now tbe market. This amount, at the rale at which it ia being a boor bed, will all be subscribed lor within sixty dsye, when the aulas WiU'eaUeuuie Jly r.ommaed a preiaiuiu, as has uuil'urmly been the case oa clos ing the subscriptions u otuur Loan. Iu order that citizen ol every lowu aud sectiou ol the country msy be atturusJ facilities lor taking the loan, (be Aaiioaal tfaa .s, laLe banks, ana Private Banters throughout the country have gen erally agreed to receive auacriptions at par. Subscribers will select their itwa ageuU, ja whom tbey have coutideuce. aad aa only are lu be re sponsible fur the delivery of the notes for whicit tbey receive orders. V, J i JAV OOOKE, . Subacriptioa Agent, . '' No. 114 Sonlh Third Street, . Philadelphia. ' Subscriptions will be received by the First Mtito.Al Bank of liock. IsUid. iOU livif-1--" (..,' 4 -"' t If you Aiii.-.-i . . . TOUR BUStNKSS AVII.I. tN; :,r ' If yvm Advcru.c it, Je.r v'.iutil iV T0TJ BCSiUESS WILL LNCiltAbE " If JM Advertise la row Count Pa., C0M31ERCIAL. BOCK ISLAND MARKET. Rocs It la vn, Juae 13, 1855; The carreai value ci the articles aamed below is sabject to changes, bat tbe following qeetatioss are correct for the date of this report : Floar Johastoa's Spring Doable Extra, ia bbls $5,90, at wholesale, aad 16,40 at retail. Sacks $5,60 at wholesale, aad fb.Oo at retaU. Lse $5,30 st wholesale, sad $5,83 at retail. Wheat Chicago Extra, $1,05; tin. l.$lJX)t Ho. 1, 90; Cora 30c for 70 lbs. : ! Oats 33a3Sc for 15 Iba Rye 30e. , Barley 50al0c. Beast $l,25al,50. Onions $1,35 per bus. Potatoes 70e sbOc Eggs I5c dot. Bauer--Very choice iaia, tr veiiiag, briag 15c. , i ; j I I j I Sorgham Jl.00al.10. Salt $3,25x3,30 per bar. Kerosene Wholesale, barrels included, 80cj retail 1 00. : - Uighwiaes $2,18. Poultry Live chickens, 420a3,0O par do. Dressed, 12jc per lb.. Turkeys, 13c per lb. Pork For lite nogs, $G,O0a$6,6O Beef live weight, eomatoa 3,00a4A. For prime shipping 5,00a7,0O per b a ad red Iba. Hides Greea country, 4c; greea salted, 5e; dry salted, 8c; dry fliat, 12c j greea calf, 10e sheep pelts, 25c. Hay Prairie, $7a$10,00 per toa ; Timothy. fS.OOa 11,00. Wood Oak $6,00 to $C,5U a cord. "Coal. At the Coal Valley yard, on the Levee, coal is sold at 16 cents, the cost of delivering to be added. From teams, in Market square, at !Cal8 cts. CHICAGO MARKET. ' Chicago, Monday June 12. WHEAT No. 1 spring $l,16a$I,20. White Winter $1,45. FLOUR White Winter Extras $S,50a$),00 Spring Extras $6,50; Superfine $4,?5a$5,12. CORN No. 1 52a53; No. 2, 40a43. OATS 50a55c. RYE 60c. BARLEY 55a70c. HIGH WINES $2,02a$:,03 BEANS 40ca$l,03. Lard ISc. HAMS 17c. SALT $2,25x2,511. BUTTER 12a 15c prlb. HIDES Green 5, ; do salted a61c: dry Hi. APPLES greea for $7,001 0,00 prbrl. Dried ftallc. 1 PEACHES pared )i42c vt lb; unpsred 30a32 pr lb. f BROOM CORN-.250t$W0 pr Ion. COKFEE 3!4a4P. CHEESE INaiOc pr lb. WOOL 45s 53c pr lb. Live Muck. Chicacu, Monday June 12. CATTLE 7, prime extra; 5fa6 BEEF medium. HiiGS 7aSi. bITEEP 5a7c. i HUMS VOHbW M A It aa HT. Telegraphed to the Argus. New Yoas, June 12. Cotton 41. Flour 6,15aG,30 extra atate; 6,Na7,00 R. H. O. Wheat Spring 90a93. Corn "o.iai mixed western. Ne Yellow 80. Barley Dull, tmts 72. Pork S27.7. new mess ; $24,75 tor 13 C3a'64 do; f I H,(M)a 19,00 prime. Beef Quiet. Lard Quiet. 15a 1 6. Dressed Hogs Dull. Wkibky Steady. S2.05 western Butter 36a3Nc. Cheese 15a23c. Eggs 28c. 8ue;ar 1716). Petroleum Dell and aomiaal. 3oe crude; 50 refined bond 70 free. .NEW YORK STOCkv MARIat.T. Telegrapbd to the Argus. New Yobb, June 12. Stock Steady. Gold Opened $l,3sj; and closed at f 1,394 U. S. 7-30-s S!i. Sterling $ 1 ,09c. . U. S. fa 81 coupons 109 Money 5c. Reading 93. C. B.k Q. 1,07. N. Y. C S3 Erie 7S. ' U. 8. 6's 67 coupons $1,13. 6- 20's $1.03. 5-20's new issub 1,04. U. S. 6-20's coupons $1.07. U. S. 10-40's 96 One Year Ceru Beats 991 7- 30's 99, Port Byron Lime. TBK UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A J.XSII2 DEPOT in tbit city, on West Essie street. 2d door north Lof toe povt office, where he will keep eosstaatly on naHu a large supply ot Port Byroji I jlme, from the well known time kiln ef . H. It. CJIA9B dtSX, Port Byron, 111. All. order promptly filled. mchl3d3ta. FRANCIS BALCH. Agent. FOR SALE K GOOD BUILDIXG LOTS, in Geo L. Davenport's addition to the citv of Rock lsiana. rrice irom j.'uu to JiiO. 7 Ten Acre Out Lots, situated u the Camden road, half a mile iron tbe city of Rock Island, well situated lor gardening and residence. Terms half cash and balance on time. 70 Acres known as the Cnshing Tract, aituaed on the Camden road, two miles from the city ol Ruck iUi.d, end t beaetttatly situated for resi dences, Gardening, Fruit raising bus a good spring Sic, and is about a a!f mile from tbe ' Rock River Water Pwer. Price, per acre, $40, half cash and tha balance oa time. Also a aa,.uber of lets ia Davenport, Iowa City and LeClaire, aad Farming Lands in Iowa aad Nebraska Territory. Apply to GEO. L. DAVENPORT, mcb'27dwtf. at Davenport, I set, FLO t il A.D FEED. l ' E are now inMiufacturiiij and are pre- pared to deliver, oa abort notice, ia anv pa't el tbe city, tbe very best quality of wheat flour, rye flour, rye meal, cora meal, hominy bran, Ike , all of which we warrant pir- Orders lelt at Was. 8barrs or I. B. It M.C Frick's grocery stores, or at lb mill, will be promptly attended In. BiDDISOX A GILMORR. Rock Island, Dec. 36, 1864, dtf. "'." i'ilii':1i' I If Moitr. V.Vl.UAALK li N.i t --t rvr Co'jt Kspe vii;u -i-ajfii is moick valuaule If us iKu.4'iiii our Count v Taper. VOti: l iJOl ilUTY IS MOUE VALUABLE IT von Ru.taiii owr Contv Pader. YOUK l'liOl'i'.UTY IS MORE VALUABLE If vou Stuuin Countv Paper. TOUR PR0PEP.TY IS MOKE VALUABLE If vou Sustain jour Conntv Paper. T0CB PROPERTY IS If ORE VALUABLE If vou PosUin voor Coontv Paper. TOUR PROPERTY ! MORE VALUABLE If vou Sax tain yoor Countv Paper. TOUR PROPERTY IS MORE VALUABLE If yoa 8urtai voor County Paper. TOUR PROPERTY IS MORE VALUABLE If you Suuin jocr CwMtj Ffm HOWES' CHAMPION CIBCTS OP THE REPUBLIC. Re-organlzed for the Campaign ef 186. will - MR. F. 3. HOWES, during hie prolesaieaal tear of foar aad a half years thresgh Europe aad tbe Coa- -tiaent, was a close observer tf everything appertaieiag to the CUirepeaB Hippodromes And now, through his Agent -Mr. Robert Filliagbam, No. 878 White Chapel Road. London, has secured for hie SUMMER CAMPAIGN OF 1865, the largest aad aaoet beauti ful Spectacular display that has ever beea prodaced ia this Couatry, conaiating of GORGEOUS CHARIOTS, KJLEGAVT HORSES, M4.GSIFICEXT WAGONS, Elegant vVardrobes and Trappings! Prominent among the teaturee which will be displayed each -day ia the GRAM) PfiOrESSIOX! Will be the Allegorical Tableau Car of Liberty Constructed at the enormous Cost $20,0 00! Including the WARDROBES, Paraphernalia an APPOINTMENTS. ! i The Beaatiful Tableaux oa Chariot are all the I I Living Pictures! ' Formed by Beautlfal Yoane Ladiea. Surmounted by tbe Personification of the GODDESS OF LIBERTY ! Tnis Beautiful Structure will Le drawn by a KIchly Cvmparlsoued Stud of Arabian Horses. The Paiatiat s are of Beauti- j iui rreacu uesiga. I S- The Glass Paaels of Msgm I ficeM French Plate. It woald be entirely superfluous to attempt to minutely describe the gorgeeoe work of art, as it must be seen to be appreciated. Tbie will be followed by a rich aad beauti fully decorated Band Chariot ! Draw a by the Iot Elegant Marked HO USES IN Tills COUNTKY. Containing Frol. Peters Celebrated Cornet Band ! The Welt Kaowa Trick Horses, UEN'LCHAIIT 1ID " ' ' x GES'LSUEEMiX I - - Will appear next, folUwed bj)t . ,.Tlie Eiitlrs Company . " ON U0E8EBACK! Clsdia Elegaat Armor " Dresses, whh Helmets ofPure Steel. The aew, staaacb and elaborate Wagons, Vaas, fcc, will also ap pear, forming sltogelhex the aaoet GORGEOrs f CAVALCADE I Kverfeeu lu tbie Couatry. xasV The citixeas ef ibi Cite snd Vicinity taay rely ep a witaea sng aa Katertaiameat which shall l.r exceed aaythmg of tbe kiad ever preseated here. Come Early and serir a Good Seat Door .open at 1 mmA i o rerlersaaace. aa hear titer. wtU ceaasssace half JHT- tickets of Ad iaaiaioa ' 60 eu. ChUdres eadev Ua Vear. of a. f,. years or This Mawsooth Coi exhibit at . .i.". spaay rill MOCK ISLAND M ON DATs - SVNE 19th. , . Daveaport Tuesday, J.. - Wapello Tbsr Jay, June d. " Buriiagw. Fnday, J 23d. JU Ploaaaat Salarday, Juae 34th,