Newspaper Page Text
WMJJMK 1.1 i'Ver> ni'iin nn e\c ■(■J, ,|„ , rut: ii*:ttii.ii Piiivri.vii «dpi N ' OFi'li'K llci-Ml l 0.x.11, j, lvi.iii.iv Moil*.-, sinner iri'.-i, •>«,..,,. n lIXI l l lillllSl'. I I'cr uniiain, hy n» iil iiri \|iii s . \ Six iii.iiiili. •• *fcuL'j 'I Invi month* •• "•■f"'' I > liseii'il by eh i ii'i>, |icr u'.-ek,* .m'.'.'i \<l> i'l (l-l'lll '11l .HI .I'll,Ml ut I literl|| Ml I ttttt wt'.i'.m i. vin oi i.rl I . iitamiolh slie.-i, 11 inch-, ill), 11 I In.', thiily—l.\ ciiluinn> ul .-. l, c: ivmtiL ii, will i>e |Miiiii-ii.'l avert SKtiurUafl j \ »'»ar llwllnrH |>er irtllillM.ff lio.ii 1.,1i1. in ~l»,iii,-, . J" A SEA-SHORE EVENING Awn> lo the s.-a, niv ri.riiniJßM in hi- -^^H .(ml nn- My. i:ni~i<^^Bi, I »Ur \ cs|n-r lis mil jv--.ii> . I bu Mllll'V. Milling .Iill>ll.fl« ■ Jills lliillllli ;uy, IIVI.» Kllll'i', r A lnl l:ikcN il» trsM Mil »■ in n | M ..1,|.. ( Bj Hi.- li.ilm\ fc-N.-iiur .vi. I in. itiMß.MHis Ju , , r . s ,mj\,'rti\ Ald . vi- Ill«« mp i 1 .. -7' f Ami riillnir ti 411 in »:,. ,v. 1% 11l "life,. ,„ Wliii ll kIIiIm I lie ii<-'iV1.,£,,;,(,.,•.. With-|HitH«>i -iii. 1 Jj^to, Whin- Hi- 1 ,)„. ii.i.H fl,, hi- rlt ml Id > ''''I I AiMa ii .1 iiH H ul _i I I 1 THE CURRENCY... I irITOH HBKAIJi: In l>l H, lva i | sions uf iiir country—JP lantii fciil lV , iM«'--ili«M , i'an'lwosi'jianimiii(| , Ist i net cum'tHi's. Now Hie i|inß ion Vises: Whieli iw t In- most ll'iu licKl to ffiw people til the Pacific Mope?! An lliisnatioit <[f a ihatter oitV ptmliaHc .vill, |NNmttity,Muve a waste of win Is. V nieinhatft iula* AiutH* seinlsl.asl . »r goods, for withe pays m«n , neks. Jf». g o( s to New York or V hi - ilelphia with >;lO,tHKi in coin, wliiiV he ' xchnngcs forrj cenliaeks at a tUniwluni if say lo per cf il., or .Sl,*>(Nl. He pur liases his stoek).seii<|s jf to < -lifnikiiii, 'ml Hells at coin rates. In aildilioji to he Ifi per ecu I. profit on exehaufJ he uilizes the same amount on sales, flaking 80 per cent., inking |r> per mit. as the iiiiniiiiti 111 of profit. 1 '.In oittltiary commerelal trmtmi tons, _|» per coin. i:ii .os! is regarjleil m a very gotsl protit m goods of ciirv Ascription, hut then is still amallicV Ipercent." i allude to the ''^I.'' ii coin itself, you lahnot laiy a (laV r's worth of aiiytling for a ilotiins* vi' dialers reckon their stuns |i\ bits," or 121 cen« as the (}f_L, niiient Yeeoent m such coin, dcnl sniust ceitaiiiLV|)i.kiliclii ioiis valtjij i their wares. )\t rou want to Imydh irds of nuislinpi i " liit" a vanl, xuh ust pay fS WtHfit, unless*vou 'pa .' dimes, twcnt.\ <»f which will he rJ sed by the deiil'i' as an iiisuillcieil l». Hut the stine dealer will acccil lime for a"h," or cents, in tiff of mff "»>«' article of thai [ice. Again;il - you v)ish I'liaiigi- t\M Ihiilf-dollar nine oi|t of every teH klers will hut instead <M '' dimes orbits" foiit. ffow, thfl pin of liniif*! nicanskvill nalurnkjff Ineludetha Hicrc issoi\u-thim. w.v.jH pin-where;n this liiuincial svstciuH I dollar ouM tv In a dollar everv-ff lere. Hit (he commoii style ot ilealH iNOtttaW reduces the value of outl 'liar in ettil ttmttJt ixvWu/., and >M renhack.' thirf/i-fin |M'i(cent. ■ N T ow, il the same he itl •lor |wper, were used tY\\ „ V er thel [it wl States, the cpifctlgatTon ofl fes would hehencficialloall classes, 1 I more particuiarly t<l from I "in the direct ailpport \f the (!ov- I nicnt cullies - the ineil of limited tins. Men of capital cap with less Se of 1 iige (if 1 may call it Mkmi mild a v); hut, with (his systil v there is | or no opiairtunity for il LAiall cap- Bo increase itself, ■■se Ideas, and the mannW Aftnelr liiiation, may seem mule; hut the las stated remains, ami ii is for our Idators, and others, wnoVoriitnand reapital and control the iikerests of 'mnsseH, lo remedy this eiil. (£ajoKMH,trK. !<Vkk tVorNt>. — Don I'ellgio La in, whose residence is nboVt three i s from I res, the capital <f (Lower ifurniu, is the jMissessor. ilf a euro that dread malady iiyylopho - which bus, for so long at\ ir«> bal nicdical skill. A cnrreftj loplent ltd Mm Diego Union, in <i« eriliing mode of.treatment, say's t hut he ely *|<fs on tlie place' hitl en and il a until her ot" times. Tfce sup tioa In ilial. before anointiitg the tid, lv chows s<«ne herb known to himself, and thus effee M the ... Although the fact of his iieing I p 'Hrlj* possessor id' tho secret I llicit al-les him to perform the won lerfnl re, precludes the ideft of its lie ng of > (M»r*l beiiefit, yd it is pr< balde ai in due lime he will s«V tit i -Ue k'noMii to the world, 1 the nic of the herl., posseoHsed of such nidctfi I curative projierties. This the note prof'iahlc, as lie skills la' guided, not hy a lovA of. •re, but by » desire to aim-li.lrate c -nt.eriiigs ot his follow-njiaii. c tak. no pay for his services, hut c ttovi riitiicnl, in view of the lihl i(hrop, of his conduct, except him in the .aye: , f taxes, ami from . jury akid other duties, incumbent o' ii- iitizens. ' ' ill- - • hi, a great anxiety inlluMrffad preHeirf»a| MU ii ~,m | supply. Wcfl,„t nmiHsi.„ on the nuiijcct, feWted it there .-hough tor l.gffi years; second, h. ever, shows tha\t igne i rocks iavc, i t f OUU( i ttt {vH n my places wh fa coal was lmVked lie j rice in h'fcland is iimv liver hverU..,. f,ii it can he Willed In endless <juaniVth*s for i_tO flu te is iiodiiiiht th«t America 1... fntU'e Miiu •■• of supply to the jntrj wli eh, for years, has held the >in.;s,i v oi the material. ' ia.- It 'V vim U«M Willi lili llni.l.'H .kmii. We know :t hoy w ha lives willi his nahien aunt, and we pity th*" uttfor unate. We hsive always had a lioi or of living with it maiden aunt- the •are mention df such a thing ha* often lightened us into good behavior tor a HOltth. A eat-o'-nine Tails iiever had lalf such a wholesome effect ii)m>m us mi always a«'«'om|iaiiie«l this threaten* ••I change ni i>oar ling-hoaso.-. ; Hut we digiess. The boy we know KdOOgH to tin class know n ft* " small tttyn" —l toys whom nobody has any Mice for, anil uoiioily knows what lo to with. urchin is given to ptuy* (ll pranks at limes; hut then "hoys vilt he hoys," ami people shouldn't onl lit til t Willi minor matters. Thin (articularyoungster has a harmonious Hut of twisting the taii of his aunt's Hi eat, anil reconciling the ilillieulty ith Tautiy, by feeding her on half a iweii canaries, tie occasionally pulls lie keys out of the piano, anil sells ' lein mrolil Ivory, ami Iniys pistols to <'loot Mies. He isn't allowed to go out lilhouthis keeper, except on t'lirist uis day, anil lie is otiligcd to play Use hall in Hie house. Me uses (lie utter paddle lor a bat, egufl for halls, i,id imagines the green velvet car|»et ii the |Nirior itoor a stiitaiilc held for 'door sports. The otlicr nay he played ii exciiingand Itotiy-contested match, It vs. seif, with tue implements ou ie ground aforesahl, ami trouhle en leil. He hecaine excited, hatted wild* y, move "liol'un.s" right and left, ml hung tin- walls with uipiid chick ns. He turned suddenly around took d in tile si.itKi mirror, saw the other •I >w s piared lor a home run, picked i the puino stool in a lit of oespera lon, puclied it at the striker; and the .'conii-liaiid man, who came next day, lid the trame was worth hall price, ia lie would not cart lhe hroken peiees Wt»y lor less ihau one dodar a load. His aunt was uurcasoiiahle. She ■ttially lound fault with tbe hoy for ivitig a little- harmless diversion, ie had never felt a mother's iovc for ■r erring oii'spring, or Nile would nev i have iocKi*l him up in tiie garret i six weeks ivithoiit anything local, id expect tii'u to cut it j * titty pounds ( carpet-rags a day until released. "*ll weeks nail pa*.-scil. Quietly and nintrusiveiy the maiden aunt stole tthetloor oi the room in which she I I eoiuined (lie yoiitliful prisoner, hpccting lo tiud hull reduced to skin a. hone and suhniission and ohedi c.'H, she was ulwnit to turn the key, \>'nslie suddenly concluded to look tPjugh the key-hole to *cc if Hie Ihi.v > i lived. Oil, hoi "or! there, Upon m Hare floor, in all the solitude oi Ins (lily isolation, lay the form nf her iVcTcw, protle Mpnn his vest pattern, wV> tour other urchins stretched a/i;;siile of hint, playing draw-poker. \ill her pious heart was grieved to lit that young rascals had heeii chilling the raiii-s|KHit for six week*,' - (.'-*,,-aid and coulforl to tlie eifl-inV.' r-lfffflnt olters a line, healthy male ymjm Vf adoption to any wealthy faiiiV that can come well iveoni inceed. It|\vi)i i<ot if an Knkmvok Hkai/ihi. tfiHi'i .or Hamilton, in an ahlc address on tygicne lo the graduates of tlu- 'litufalo Mcilical .x'oilcgc, de llollliivs hloadelotli as all ell.-my to ex ercise,aiid t here fore to health : "Ainerieiin gentlemen have adopted as a national costume hroudelnth- a thin, thrill-fitting Mack suit of broad cloth. ' To foreigners we seem to he iv iiioiirniiig; we travel in hlack. The jjirk'si, I In- lawyer, the doctor, the lit erary man, the mechanic, and even \\\,- 'il iy-laborer, choose the same hroiulelotli—a style that ought jevcr lo have been adopted out of the (raw iiiu-rooin or tiie pulpit, hecause it L 4 fe h!c and expensive fahric, he kiiL-it is at tlie north no protection taiiisl the cold, nor is it any more 1 litahle nt the south. II is too thin to 'Jf warm in winter, and too black to Ie cool ill Hammer; hut especial.y do jiv object to it liecause the wearer is Ijlways Milling it hy exposure. Young f viitieiini'ii will not play ball, pitch juoits, i«, ttimhle, or wrestle, or any kther similar thing, lest their hroau cloth should he olt'cnded. Tbey will not go out into the storm hecause the hroadfloth will lose its lustre if rain fall U}4tb li they will uot run because they lia ,c no coiilidence iv the [strength jof their hroiulcloth; tbey jdare not i,iount a horse or leap a fence, "•vocalise hroiulcloth, an everyliody is k> faithless. So these young men aitV these older men, these iner •hants, itivcchanics and all, learn to walk, think soherly and can fully; venture to laugh lo lhe full their sides. For the Herald ... I'ossiiw.K |{i:i i I(\ ok Tft'K Jkwsto Kuvi'T. Kveii he lore the overthrow of Jerusalem the .lewis with their eosmo |sililau instincts,! were at home iff Kgypt. Alexandria, at one lime an immense synalgogiic, regarded ntj a rilval Toinple.Jß .lews the eitl> seemed Am telH edil with I H tin ,'h-wsß the JoH There arc ul a revival nf thciiH i_lltd,H ou> laud I intlH history ,fl play H futurf. Aeeortingtfl syH le H believe)! that iiul l„iro},ean c<fl home iiul their talents iH crcatcfl and ■ llul aiiil'stoN in !>■ hecnwnslirincd ■ Ail oditoMiiniioiiiiii of v friend IfciiHly : " Heir out of ■ 111- jolly hurhelors, W*ln hi* loiuigt', 111", cheeked ir fol iiiorv,* {think of court ship io t riinuuy, and lis now I tiie sea of brass hy ( honey moon. '4 .Murk Twain is ahotil I ti Is of Ir, la nil in v I Los Angeles Daily Herald. AN ABUSED CREATURE. I.C»S ANOKI.KS. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1873. t For the Herald. Welcome. , ()•> fi>Hh, imiifl " i:i(.\i.n, a hcaron Ittftot; tinnattier W<Hii|>" rich nail ihiv; ( i.l M'ai't'h lll*Jl'l'<'<M'(ls, ,'\\ ll >r. ■ 111,- heil'lll , Ami cull iiMpatinii'.- knnu'lc<t|rc then-. lln, Ui'nlii•»»■ lli\ miiflity stii iiifi h; • in teach n||l I Mi n v everywhere; iin teach Cn|r'l>'i || iilsts nt length, Thai trulllßui crime-hall he Inlil hare. lin \v.'u\ .• a iff "la ml I'nr the mimt: iliislri'w y«r lirii?hti'Nl u-'iii-; anil |iearls; <!«>; ai 111 '<l vvi'i ••"■■l ice, Trill 11, I'lilOliitKHl, inir" now lo ai.i. uiil'iuU. JB _ I', u.I . K. liKT vnfit Win: Know.—ll is :t custom tooJJ»<mmon witii the men nf the world to iceji their families in ut ter Ignoranfeyrf tlie .situation of their business. TJ'' wife knows nothing, lias uot even*" idea of tiie amount of her husbands fortune, whet tier it is counted b\s. itindreds or thousands. What can'a .vonian kept in such ig norance leari" She a mat 7c. oi coin's*, ill he gives her to spend, with the full confidence Hint when it is gone and she asks for it, he will give her inoe. If an unmarried wo man works, die may go with a hold unblushing• fice, and demand Iter wa ges; hut a ffm etui demand nothing, her claim is only for bare necessity; and generous inei.on that account, are too often indulged, too fearful of letting a wife know tie exact state of their fi nances. Tis all wrong. Husband and wife haven unit do I interest; every Woman should know the exact state of her husbands timmccs, understand 111- plans and aid him if possible, with her counsels, mil then these catastro phes would rfliot so often happen. .Many a wife who is plunging her hus band dec|Hrn and <lec|>er in debt through ignorance-, would, if she knew Ids cnibarnsslients, lie the first to save, and will true womanly sympa thy and geiu'Adty, help him to rein state the fallp||fortiines. THK Ari/onH Miner thus criticizes the inisniaiiaanieiit of ourliovern nicnt iv linliinfaffairs: The views m the most intelligent residents on tin? frontiers, whose life for years has •ought them in daily contact with He Indians, have over ami ovwr agnijSin sundry and divers ways been cxtffesscd and urged ii|>on our HovcrMtttfflu, and have been con stantly disregarded; and the agents, peace commissioners and Heaty-nia kew are selected from the older States —men wlin never saw an Indian and sen: out litre to take MID of the "na tion's wait's. Is it any wonder that blinders are made, that both Indians ami'the pioneers of civilization are dissatisfied and disgusted with tiie pre alenl iua ?-;o lini 11 istia I ion at luisi mW by the Indian Itureau? PROSPECTUS OF THE LOS ANGELES HERALD. 'li • Hm| .it ueti.i.iT, 'I'm-: ho*. Anoki.ks llcu- Ai.i, a iiarrj fcrfl w -. kK n'wspais-r, will mi*o a- .t|>|M-arunc>. Th • li.ily will bo a BWI 111 I tastily UrllllU I scv.'ll-c 11111111 l llCWS papa, new-y ni'lier |Ii in literary in cliiiruc tei.Th . Weekly will lie a iluiiui, elght i>a« lai ier,anil will • hi' mii the m >,» inip.-,r lam in ,it.Hint' Ins |.r. viuiisK tiUtjMUUvtl in TIIUIAII.I It I propose ! ||j,at th IIKU VI.Ii shall lie an 1I "'"9K it ailvocife of every lutercsl jicrlain *a«Jj south an I'alifoini.i atel Arl/on i, iui«l" V " "lons worker in nil things that shiv+l i. n.l '•' neht tiie stale. Ina worrHr'will he iii '•'""Voininuii.oil wilh tU |~ Us ~(-- (| "'" ; > [' ''»»«• lo nnurwlll he too let nml ''•'•*.f InteiT t u\ theiXritl.i nla Farmer, Mi - Aletchaiil, l,jri M ,rer, ami nil classes of l''«lic r-; mi l it mfffl mnm ( s,ntuln rending "'J rsuileil 1,, |iv. lil)luv riiv.t: IlKiiAi.n wf lt ,„,,(,, |n,|.. )H .n,lenl l».-m i ' 'W-.ioiirii UjTaic, its clliu Is to swe. |i ■J> i ami |ih.ce those now iiiiMiian n' "airs o: v lhe Nation. For Ihe ace .m ---t'li nf' 11 ' °' " li,<t '' 11 Wl " withsiOisfnc tles l '''"""'"''"""nofih • memheisof all Far V'liev.m; that lhe |>ros|H't t , |M'i'h:i)is N '' ' f nf the .Nation it | ends ii|sui the success tVcMieiit iH'lhis ch.iracier, ll is •• rcli.i in "" Wl t ievoi.ition hereafter." 1 '"||,f ii v i, will aitvocat ' Stat • SlgftU uml d f " willcncoiii'iig • White „ J sisei'oolie Imm.gnilien. II Will favor will < ' I'm! stive 'fiirMf; II .' ocate a liiei nliiick ('urrciie.v torl'nll J"'"'? iiinl tle' present ilwaning an I ' tc" ' iij fi ihls the |iresent "on ~.,(,.S ll| ' j,,f,. n . v ( audshut.s out Kuste. v ciuitilj v wjll .„ IVlM . it ,,. , hl . i und op ' 'I'lioimlles, a,, in.itter what guise Ihev 'Thr*** c (he Haakl.n will I rent Slavery us n tieait | I issue, ii vvlll earnestly ailvi.c.ile the en" \l'' v " v S,i '^'''"'" rtiwtbfta or souin ejl it l a * si ' , ''" ls ''' s or Soutlil'arolina logoi- Jjh' in aecor lance with 111 • W.shes of its oi I the,) ctuU s of lhe Federal I on Hi, Wlffcitut ti ili<ill 11 interference. wi opppsc HI ||ii»!iiij MM dollar H> ' p'ihHJt reasiiry or luj.isi ret mi is itihlsTy, and he who HBHiis money is v lii iii ving iltt , ■tAi.n will i pjiose salary steals, custom ■tv I steals raliroarf steals, uud every H i\, flit test Foreign tin I I loin (Wtic Hn< W i|| puhllHlied. The mm will Hpl.v, ill tl Is part Of the Stat,', the ,|e- Heivtofore ilhsl hy the Sun Fnoielseo H.N'o trouhle or expcii-.' will lie spared Htlie FtKltAi.n, ill Mils respect, en mil to H|>a|ieron ||„. II will Hi itev.ew-of the ulld Foreign H und the ffrades generally, honestly Hull.v I «1 BS< KIPTIO*: H H te. car'-i..,5, pa r month I I Ul I. " to up Hi KxnmuL to uu M'V.KKI.i HTlNpres., s| (Ml ■*' iicr'qlllUlci.i I Ml lICAN SALpON, I fitts tt, <»,,„,„Uf the h.<t tto>+. A I N HA S RiKTIKKp H JuMKrlitl oonteHt, lv Kpii-r to »io- Mb to uioiv classical pursuit.-:, ■'i thy' stream ol' Ini placidly, ■Vol 01.l IiKUIKiK DA KIN, they ■million pri'pnti' thcVolloiv.iiK •»■»« ■ ■ -HV'I.W'H . . IK KMT -wi,—- . liH AND, ;*">'* on | lltn .r ue'.'! in »■..t■ H i • . 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. N. P. RICHARDSON, |>HVSI('IAN AN I) SUtUKON. uFFICK No. H Dnwany'M llliwk, up stairs. oc2-U DR. A. S. SHORB, [ JO.NKEOI'ATHM' PHYSICIAN. OFPK'R- Nearly opposite the I'osl CWttltf; lIKSIHKNCK No. CI Fnmkllii sireel. oc2-lf DR. H. 8. OR ME, JJH YSH'IAN AND SUROK.ON, uI'FICK ANIiHKsIDKXCF. In IjinfiuneoV RlllldlllK, No. 71 .Main street. i mice Hoiiis from in A. 1 I. M.,and from •> to H I. M. raMHf DR. JOSEPH KURTZ, j>HYSM lAN AND Si'RtiEON, IfKFKIK ANI) KKsIOKNCK In Ifclnsch's Block, i 'oiiimen'ial and I4M An< 'les stn-cls. Wj 'Sjtecial attentaiii paid lo diseases of Ihe KVK AND KAH. is-2-ll DR. J. W. OLIVER, J JOMIEO PATH IST. OFFICK AND HKHIDF.Nt'K .Spring street, opisisite the Mayor's 1 ntice. oc'.'-lptl D. W. C. FRANKLIN, MECH ANI (' A L, OPERAJ'IVE AND Sl'ltllKON DKNTIST. 4<PKK?K—:* S|iruiir slieri, ne\i to Flro Kn gLne House. oc'J-tl 11. K. S. O'Mha.VKNV, 11. T. lIA/.AKI). O'MELVENY A HAZARD, A TTORNKYH AT LAW, OFFICE IN TEMPLE BLOCK, l.i is ANUKI.KH, t+Xti ■4 Special attention given lo husiness in the I'nited Still 's hand Office. Utttt A. UI.ASSKM., (i. 11. SMITH. A. lI.CIIAI'.MAN, IJ. .11. SMl'l'll. GLASSELL. CHAPMAN ASMITH. AT LAW, OFFICK-TKMI'I.K BI.IH'K up-stairs, Uis Alllfeles, I 'ulu'orlllll. iH-2-tl JAMES G. HOWARD, AT LAW CO V RT A m M MISSION ER, iKavie-y's Block, Dos Ainreies. im-2-II M. WHALINC, ATTORNEY AT LAW, oKFICK No. ISII iwney Block fjm AliK-lcs. o c2-llii / ~ ~ — 11l AIM.Ks I.INIH.KV. I. S. TIIO.MrsiIN. LINDLEY A THOMPSON, AT LAW, oi'FICK Ifooin No. !, Downey Block. IPi '»'•• '' 01511A1.1.. WILL 11. OOI'I.II. MARSHALL A COULD, A Pi'ORNEYS AT LA>\OFEICE •* »• rinnOMitO lie-Court Hoiim'. 1 looms .Vox. Mewl I» Ti iuple Block, La* Anurdes.i'al. Will pun t ice ill nil the Coultx 01 this Sljile, ami all 1 nd lo C. s. r,.inil office. LEW. C. CABANIB, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY anivr and Searcher of Biennis for till. 1 on nly, OFFICK No. It Temple Block, l.os AIIK.'- Ics, Cnliioriila. IM?2-II V. E. HOWARD A SONS, AT LAW, " TKMI'DK BLOCK, LOS AXUKI.KS. oc2-tf A. A. WILSON, , °ltM , 'V & COUNSELLOR. ol- FICK itooni Xo. 11. Temple Block, AllKeles, |'aliinima. (W*Mt A. 11. II lISON. j. W . Ull.l.Kri'K. JUDSON A GILLETTE, SEARCHERS OK RECORDS AND CON VKVANCKHM. TK.M I'l.K BJ.IH'K, LOH ANIiF.LF.S. oci-liu C. W. MORGAN, ESTATE AOENT, Four doors south of tiie Post QStitli, Temple Block, Los AiiKeles, Caliloinla. Hi! MONF.V TO LOAN. 00MI GEORGE REINECKE, Barber Saloon A Bath House. HAIR TRIMMING, SHAVING, MHAMIMOINIi, BATHS, F.lf. This cstulilishiiient has Jusl Ik-cii refitted, ami, niter having eIIBUKiHI the Ik-si R.rliers in the city, I respi eifuliy solicit eustoiu 110)0 all who want work executed In lhe In si style. Makes Ihe lIATUINO BI'MIXKMM a sjM eiul ly, and has lhe Quest si t of Bath Booms In lhe city. »r> I'nderthe H. lla t'lilnn. oeL'-lmlp CITY LAUNDRY, N INTH STREET, BETWEEN iiriisslMip|M-r uud Uilftin streets. Urn ANOKLF.M. U. litlemeii's, HOTKI. ANII BKSTAI'HANT W.VsIIINO done on reusonuhle (eruis. PKABL BCTTONS sewed on, und ordinary MKNDINU done. Washing called for und de livered, FHKK OF CHAROK. itti Oriler slate nt ltioileiiek's I took Store. oci-lmlp .1. X Q'XKIL GAMBRINUS BREWERY, piRSTSTREKT, LOS ANtiELES. Fine Lager Beer for sale IN IM' A NTIT 1 T<) SI'IT. (s-2-2inlp .l« IH. LKIBKR, I«mprl«'t(r.r. LOS ANGELES SODA WORKS, Su. 13 ALltttt NTREKT. H ENRY VV. STOLL, Propbiktor. supplies Bur Rooms and private lioul lles with Ihe purest und hest 1 HOItA AN It NA KNA I* AHI 1.1. A, IH-Ilvercd to liny part of lhe city. oc2-lttl 1 Delmonico Restaurant, ]Vf AIN STREET, OPPOSITE COM iTX MKIUTAL, I.OH AiiKeles, Clllifonlllt. 01»KIN tit A.IJJU HOI HS. , •a The choicest delicacies of the Hint Mar ket s always 011 Ihe Bill of Fare. Klegant DIXNF.RM ANI) LI'NCHKM ut a nioment's notice. JAS. MI'NRoK & CO., , oc2-iin Proprietors. TONSORI AL PALACE JONI^X, O PROPHIKTOR AND MANAtiKR Hot, Cold and Shower Baths. shuvluK and I'.athinr Kniporlnin, No. m Main street. fK-2tl-lp BUSINESS CARDS. J. C. JACKSON keeps ill! kinds <>i' Lumber, Shingles, Laths, DOORB, WINDOWS, BLINDS, I'oKtH, «li PLASTER PARIS, CoRNKR oF Alameda and First Streets. • •o.Vi in lp J. L. WARD * CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AMI Manufacturers Agents. AOKVrs Koi! LOUDON ASSUi AhtE CMPOMJION; UNION INSTANCE COMPANY Of SAN FHANCISCO; COMME' CIAL I MAM I INSURANCE COMPANY, (I omhined assets exceed ttI4.MM.4MMI IAUOCK'S Fl.iE EXTkHfitilSHEfi: BAKER « HAMILTON'!! MSMCULTUIAL MACHINEHY; THE CELEIHATE MAIN WAGON; SWAN IfIEWEHY CO.'S ALE AND OPhTEH. cc2-:mip ADAM A NELSON, Merchant Tailors, HAVING ESTABLISH El)THEM selves ut the ohl -land Of 1.. l»«<ter. opiMMllt* the l>«»«l-4»IM«-<>. MPRINU STRKKT, hiv ptCpftml to lill AI.I. OHDKKs In the Latest tk Most Fashionable Styles. A fine assortment ol Cassimeres, Vestings, Anit everything in tho line always on hand. Hi?'A CilHIl) FITOI'ARANTKKD IX AM. CAsKM. Oive us a i'hll. ocMnilp GRIFFITH, LYNCH & CO. DEALERS IN LI MBER. CORNKR FTHMf AND AI.AMKDA HTN. Mill Work of all Kinds, - sicll as ImHiHs, HARM, BLINDS, CTC., FTC ocL'-lmlp PERRY, WOODWORTH &, CO., | UMBER YARDS M.U ANIi PLANINU MiUA %**». 741 COMMKIiCI.VI. ST. Kecji constantly on linml 11 full assortment OII.IMBkK, iKM.ItS, SASH, MOT LIU NOS, BUNDs, Tt'ltNKD AND MAWKD WORK. All kinds oi' mill work done to .inter. ti. B. i .VSWKI.I.. I. K. K1.1.15. CASWELL & ELLIS, JMI'ORTERS A Mil Healers In lleurritl acrcliM.idWc. 80 AMI M MAIN MTRKKT, SSfSf I .OS ASUKI.KS. FELIX OLIVERY'S J*ASTRY AND CHOP HOUSE, Hlillc House Building, I.WH Angeles Nl. in TI . Keep* constantly the FRKKHKHT AND IT It KMT PASTRY, and the mot delicious CHOI'S. MKAtJN AT A LI. HO CRM. »» nrM-lattp K. HKKTHON. K. V. C. MO.MDUAN. COSMOPOLITAN CIGAR DEPOT I MPORT THE PUREST and BEST A Havana I'lkuis, and keep on hand Chrwiiiti unit Mmokiiii; 'J'nlmccd, Pllics, Cigiirrlto* nnd Fancy Articles. MuinSt., next door to W. F. A <V*'s Kxpress. ocitUp COCOMONGO WINE. DEPOT AT LOUIS MESMER'S WINK CKLLAR, underneath the 11, M. Hotel. Wine hy the Olnss, Bottle or Oullon. All kinds nt Liquors, Wines and Bitters nt wholesale nnd retail. Ktimim 'Hit' pnhllr of I.O* Aiirclcs hiv hPrehy unfi lled that no other |>crson In l.os A uncles -|>ul Louis Mcsiner hus wines from the CocomnnKo ranches. . J. USANHKVAIN. SA M. B Bill Poster and Distnfiher. H ANDBILLS, CIRCULARS. Pko .(iHA MM KM, NOTK'KM, Kin. fiilthlully POMTKD OH DIHTHIBTTKD thiniitrhout Ihe city and country. X. R. -Purlieu nt H distance cvii send uny- IhliiK they wish posted or distrlhuted In the cltv or Nurrouiutirin country, with assurance thai the work will lie faithfully done. Orders ninv lie left ul the office of the DAILY Hrhalo. SAM. IIKROK, .H-2-lf Ajipden._ JOSEPH BRESON, SAMPLE ROOMS, OPIHHITK ir. M. HOTKI., MAIN MT- Tho purest WINRM, tlie choicest CKJAItM, and the bent FANCY Hit INKS concocted south of San Francisco. «t* Tcinplc Block, next to Wells, Furi;o A Company's office. oc2-llilis CAROLINE C. BURTON. LADIES' HAIR DRESSING IN nil st>les. BHAIDH, VVHfM AND WA TKHFAI.I iM, made ut the shortest notice. TANOLKD HAIU.MTHAIUHTKNKD AND M AUK IN\o ANYMHAPE. ear Perfumes ol the finest quality on hand am. for sale. NO. » MPRINfI MTRKKT, Lm Anicehis, California. yef-tf HENRY fc;pbDEN, 4 I>IANO-EORTE TUNER, KKG'tV LA TOR AND RF.PAIRKR. OrjXiiiiK Htitt Melutleoiiis -Adjusted. AI.I. WOHK Ui .VRANTKKD. RtcKKßKNcrs Rrodrtck's Stoiv; Kdltor Hkk- AI.II. OC'itflp MISCELLANEOUS. W KP 17 H j_ie LIFE INSURANCE CO. or t'Hit'Atiio, rLLINttIS. Cash Capital, . 81,000,000 BraiieheNlu all I lie Nlntesuf the I'liion. HAVINIi XOW CO M PLET E U the orgnnlMtton of our I*R«»ifi<» We lake pleasure in announcing that our Pa cific l'oast Stockholders hnve elected the fol lowing well-known citizens ns officers of our PACTFIf! BRANCH! I'ri'Khhiil: oLIVKH KLDitliKH'.. I'iee- I'lmitlfnls: TH' IS. A, H\LL, WM. It. WHKATON A. L. OURNKY. Seci-etnry pro tern JAS. T. BOYD Utorney THOS. BROWN Tn-nsuri'r ORAM. BCRRF.LI Medical Kxninlner i£r#JWf7f*e ( Ot-VRR KLDRIIKiF, JOS. A. DoNOHOK, JAM. T. BO YD, OF.o. W. BF.AVFR, ! CHAS. IiCBKKLL, THOS. 8K1.1., K. 11. PKBRIN. fitrprtoriu ol.l\ XX ICLDRKDfJF.I.KLAND STANFORD OKO W. RKAVF.R, Tllos. BROWN, N. (S. KITTLK: C. CHBISTIANSKN, JOHN F. Mll.LKll, Tllos. IL SKLBY, .1 As. T. BOYD, B. F. MORROW, C. I. HBKNHAM, S. F. BI'TTKRWORTH M. D. SWKKNY, OKO. H. WHKATON, 1. FRIKDLANDKB, WM. BTRI.INO, A. BLACK, THOS. A. BALL, lOS. A. IMINOHOF, WM. R. WHKATON, THOS. 8K1.1., K. li PKBRIN, C. T. HY LAN D, WM. L. DICK'KNMON WM. S. LADD. THK REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. Wns chartered hy s|H'ciul net of the Legisla ture of the Slate of Illinois, aud commenced doing business in July, IS7O, making it now just three year* old, its ptaii of orgnntfallon was lo have $5,0iH),n00 Capital Stocii. with twenty per cent, paid in,and the balance Hiihjecl to call. Willi BRANCH ORIS ANIZA TIONKof stockholder* iv Hie leading husiness center* of thecountry, compoaed of tne best business men -thus'making a Company of National extent and prestige, and yet a HOME COMPANY AT f'.At'H Kit A M 11. The Company al Ibis dale has policies in foi-ce covering over ,<2">,inhi,ikni of risks, with an annual income of oyer H1.000.000, ALL AssKTs of PACIFIC BRANCH IN VKHTKD ON I'll IS CiTAST. Capital Monk of I'acitli- Brunch, 0ver.....i i :!tm,i»N> ON Invested in Mortgages on Real Ks tale in I'alilOioia during the last tour month*, wer Mn\M M '!_ Policies Is.-ued at I'ncillc Branch during same peiiod, insuring 1,212,HKi M 4'bargen fur liiMiiraiice 'i.f |»er 4'eul. l.e*N thau Multoil 4'ompaiiieM. THK X KIT li L 1 C Does no| Isirrow THK CAPITAL of Policy holders on PBOMISKS to return Ihe same al some INDKFINITK future period ami i'ALL IT A DIVIDEND. In present lug the clniins ot THK RKI'I'B LIC to the patronage of Ihe people of this Coast, we shall at all times aim to be gov erned hy sound business considerations, and a due regard for the rights and merits of com peting companies. 0 1 OFFICK OF THK PACIFIC BRANCH. NO. 317 4'AI.IEORNIA KTHEET. BelOW Sunsoine St reel. orSktltnlp J. STRELITZ, MERCHANT TAIUIR - MAIN MT.,NKAIt WKI.LS.FAROO A Co Makes the most I'ashlonable style of o i.o rv n i (» to he obtained ill the southern country. Also v large stock of the Newest and best Cloths Doeskins, Beavers, Fancy Cussimcrcs. \ elvni nnd Silk Vcstlngs, etc. A tit guaruiitced. Kefers to Ihe principal gen,lcmeii ol iheelty for whom he hus made clothing. No necessity lo semi lo Mini Francisco for giHsl tilting suits. oc2tf-<yp Everybody knows the old Mian SIGNOUET. / BANK EXCHANGE BILLIARD BA LOON, run by F. SIONoItKT. / Best Cigars, / Choicest Liquors, / Excellent Tables, ComiiicdiourfTßoam. Customers received by the old ui/aii himself, who has been in attendance siiJcc ISIO. He welcomes nil his old customers «mil pleases the new ones. I The BF.MT HARBKR SHOP |n Ihe city Is with this establishment. Clenil l\il employee*. I ocVlm JOHN OSBORNE, PIONEER PACK AG JK EXPRESS I- AND CITY I'AI 'KAIIW DKLIVF.HY. MOVING PIANOS AIND ORGANS A SI'ECfWLTY. Pianos Unpacked And Repacked. Anything Delivered, Jroni an KiivitfV the largest Case ever sflQplH-d, to ulljfl the city and country.jatiiiggage culJifl lime for Ihe trains. f- H4" Leave order* on JRic slute Wells, Fargo ,v Co.'s Aftiee, i oriH .Market or P. »#. Imi.x 2HII. H NUMBER J. SPANISH AND FjRENCH I,EWSO?S T W. INSTRUCTION IN ERKkcH AN l< ' 1 SPANISH will be given to classes in thu afternoons or evenings, by MISS JOSEPHINE LINDLEY TEIt H S: I To v nut** at five or less, per lesson t2 UO Tn n eIMW of tiny number over Aye, per lesson j....:-.... $3 Ut) For further particulars, inipilnl nt the ofßce of the I,os Asoklks Hf.kai.D, ill Lludlev 4 Thompson, or ut the PWo House.l I.NIVKH.SITY OK CaI.IKUR.NIA, I DKPARTMENTof I.anijitaWkh. oaki.anii, July 11, 1572. , l Herewith I certify thill Miss Josephine »'Uid ' ley hus been nst intent In my ilepnrtin- ,nt of (lie I'nivcrslty for five consecutive jtern, s ' v ' z: from September, lKTii, to April M, W2. ) )l ""'nK this time she studied the French, Hie f»WM»t»n und the German languages, obtaining "'ways the highest murks for proficiency nnd t'ttend unec, her avcrnge credit murk for live P*WM being per cent. * On entering the University, Miss l„nu'»*'> possessed already such knowledge of tii¥. French nnd Spanish idioms us to 7s> able to speuk them with ease, fluency, correctness, mid ii pure pronunciation. « she may now |> usidered thorough ij fa ml with the theory and philosophy, us well us with the application „f these tw'.j'tongues; nnil she may safely be recommended as v can didate of great promise, for teaching the French and Spanish languages. I. MoDA, I'rof. Modern Languages. FNIVKHSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Josephine I,ind lev hus lieen declared by the Faculty entitled to this Certificate of i'roti eienc> in the depart incuts of Oeologx and Natural History, i Botany unit Physical iieolo- IT/t) Belles (Knglish Literature, Hist., ry. Ancient and Modern,) rhciuislry. Modem Languages, i French and Spanish.i Henry Durum, President of University; F. s. rnrr, Prof, Chemistry; P. Pl«*la, Modern I,anionics; Joseph Lcl'onte, Professor of i le ology and Natural History; William Mwlnloii, Professor of Helles Lettres; Martin 'Kellogg, DmIB of Ihe Faculty. LAWLOR INSTITUTE l«* Main Ntreet. AugeleM. THK SEVENTH SEMI-ANNUAL Session of Ihls S EG I- X C T>UA VSCH 0()1„ lv which girls and boy* receive v USKKI'I.. IK Al T le A I. ANI)COMPI, RTF Knglish Kduciltion, coiiinieiieed on MONDAY, AlHil'MT 11, IHT:!. TERMN PEK MONTH: KiiKlish Studies, Including Ihe ordinary SehiKil Brunches, und Doiible-Kulry Book-Keofmigand Algebra Jf, till Primary tleographv, Second und Third Headers ._. i INI ('tin l-t ami Primer l'hisses .".(Hi KXTIUH. Latin, Phonetic Short-hand nnd Ocoiu etry, per month || INI I'ompetent Teachers of Drawing, Painting, ll ll < t the Modern I .it li gauges, Will lie coiincctett With the Institution, i For further particulars, apply lo the ninli i; the School Building. oWiml W. 11. LAWI.oR, Principal. FRFNCH and SPANISH LESSONS r K.SSONS IN THK KHENCH and Spanish langunges will be given toclnsses or ill private, commencing on WKIINKSDAY. IMT4IBKB I. 1H73. TKHMS ok If IIIon: Private lessons s 1 iNi each Twenty lessons la INI Lessons to uuy uuniber of pupils over five, for one month,three les sons every week, each pupil 2 IKI French and Spmil.Mi Heboid for rhtttJUrn ev ery day (Saturdays e\ceptedi ut -I o'clock P. M. TUTTtON,get mouth,*:!. For further iiartii-ulars, Inftlllre at No. 1117 Main-trei t. Transl ttiou of FitKNeif, Span ish ink F. v. c. OK MOM DRAN. ______ !_?_LL" 1 L Drawing and Painting. TNSTIU'CrION IN CRAYON, PEN -1 I'll. AND PKRSPKCTIVK DRAWING, in Coloring with India Ink and Wider Colors, uud iv <> 11. 1* -V I NT T I NT given ul Hillside Cottage, hack of the new school-house. Mils. Ll! WHKAT SMITH. OC_f__ _ ST. VINCENT'S COLLEGE, LOH AiNCiKIiKH. ITNDER THK CARE OK THE j Pathkhm ok st. vinvknt dm pai l. DKOKKKs CoNFKHHKD, nnd Ihe mast complete Kducatioii Riven. No WOT* bouutl flillv situated s|sit in the whele oi Soil hern I'ulifornln. Apply by Idler, or personally, to UKV. FATHKH RICHARDMON, oc2-lmis President. STOLEN HORSES I HAVE THE FOLLOWING DK -1 scribed horses in my possession nt Ste phens'isirrnl, tiiken from Tlburcio Vnsipiez's bund of robber*. I iwners ran hnve their stis-k by proving property und paying charge*: Two American work mares, one sorrel and one brown, branded F with n hull circle at Hie bottom, l me large sorrel work hose, III':, hnnds high, hrtindcd S ii. One sorrel horse, having collar nnd saddle murks, blaze in luce, left fore foot and lelt hind fool while, branded .1 K. One sorrel horse supposed to he a hull-breed, with collar and siiddle-innrks, fore feet white, strip iv forehead; lira rid, two Inverted .Is wj-h S iinderiienth. One morn suddlc-horse, liald face, all feel white, hrnnded and vented With letter O, und also branded wllh letter A with half circle on top. One huge iron-KTuy horse, lira in led M rnnd ttgape* %\ oiieSimnish snddlc or work mure with coll, hrnnded M X, and also J A v One Uklil gray snddle-hoi-se, hrnnded ,1 wllh hall' circle. one dun marc, while mane nnd lull, hnitid ed 1 It nnd .1 «J, unit nlflO j A L. one blnck inuri', brandNl I with half circle al top nnd bottfHßfMM ' A L. one buy mare und yearling coll, branded .I a r* One dun nuir.innd sucking colt, branded A with oon lop. I me yearling dun colt, hrnnded J AL WM. It. ROWLAND, Sheriff, ocflf _____ re!