Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME I. 3L>s 3Uflcleo iuvaUl. Is Published every morning eseepl .Mi n lay, hv TUB mCMALB PMfNTIMti COMPANY. ofkick HecftLl Mteam Reek and Je* I'ciiilliiu House. Kprillg street, opposite the Court House, TERMHI Per annum, by mall or express spj six months " •> 'three months " " ' ii liellvered by carrier-, per week Ji c uts Advertisement* Inserted at llhcrul rales. The Currency Question. Editor Herald: Thai there Ih a growing disposition throughout the State in favor of the adoption of tlio National currency, is clearly evinced hy the tone of the up-country press and (lie people, and that tins disposi tion is liable to ripen into action dur ing the coming winter is also, to.some extent, foreshadow cd. There are those in this community', too, who have im bibed of this opinion so intemperately thai they have contracted a species of greenback intoxication, ami declare— almost in terms -that it is purely a question of one side, and that no ra tional man would stand forth, and purely on the ground of commercial policy or political economy, attempt io vindicate our gold and silver cur rency system. We are told that it is a suicidal policy on our part, to com mercially array ourselves against the rent of tha Union, by rrfuniiifj the nc tiwutt corn nrj/; that our course is uii nat in til aud un-American, and that we not only shut out Immigration and hence the Inseparable capital, but that we are likewise driving out capital al ready here, to seek Investment where it will become nominally greater. Now, .Mr. Kditor, I tUKe it for grant ed Unit this is an open question, and as such, is entitled to face discussion; and while I see upon tin surface many good reasons why we should think fa vorably of Ibis rising heresy, I am convinced that beneath will lie found tbe true reasons why we should not adopt it. In a general way it may seem a plausible argument that we should ac cept the national currency a-the cir culating medium in our state, and so acknowledge ourselves a member of tbe Union in weakness as well as in strength, in adversity as well as in prosperity, This much, 1 say, sounds plausibly, but beyond that it carries with it no element of conviction. There is no logical reason why, as a sovereign Htate, we should regulate our currency to conform to any sys tem outside, whether national or oth erwise, and I cannot recollect an in stance in Which I lave observed the often-asserted argument to the contra ry defended on its assumed ground, lis champions depend for success on Ihe fair subtlety 01 their position, and if this is brought into controversy, we liikl them next entrenched behind Dome collateral and decidedly specific issue. Hut these collateral matters will fall into their appropriate places, in ih.« ~,iorv«. <,f tins communication. That our currency system is the safest and the best lor tlie people of this Stat*- is, 1 think, susceptible of demonstration; hut thai its apption lion Is not open lo very severe entieisni is by no imans true, ami just there is where die remedy might ue profitably applied. Our "hit" system is simply lluam'oUß, ami lacks only the necessa ry acts of llitimltlution to constitute it robbery, mul Indictable. Hut this abuse might l»c si< easily remedied by the adoption of the nickel two-cent and llvc-ceiil pieces, that I will pass it without further comment. That we keep out capital l>y an "exaggerated" standard ol currency la not true to common sense. Our currency is not exaggerated, bid it la the basis that gives ton nondescript security its only value. In other words the greenback is a medium which with borrowed powers, seeks to usurp the dominion of that which is the parent of its power. Now, surely it is a logical ar gument that direct value is us profita ble as,and much safer than indirect and cnnplicatcd value, or that gold as a circulating medium should impart every advantage, with the additional advantages of directness and stability, that the same commodity will impart when brought to bear through an un certain treacherous and depreciated security—for gold is still the represen tative of value whether it conic to lis as specie or in tlie verdant tints of a greenback. Again, it is not oiircurrcn cy hut it is the application of our sys tem before referred to, that discoura ges the capitalist who looks liitlier ward tor an opportunity to invest. I cannot believe that any man would hesitate to invest his money in Imsi ness here purely on the ground that his funds have nominally decreased; for the man who has sold bis fWuH in national currency, and obtained |BQoin gold, has still the satisfaction of knowing that not a cent has heen lost hy the change, ami lias besides, the gratification of feeling thai his pro perty is no longer liable to lie reduced ten to twenty percent hy the slightest national coin plication. Nominal value is an argument too childish for thisagc. it remind* one of the Indian' bargain who refused to exchange his buckskin for a sack of Hour unless the trader would agree (hat each article was worth #10. The beat answer to this charge is, how ever, that the man who invests in California under our system loses nothing, and knows be loses nothing. Now suppose we atlopl the national currency what w ill he the result as to our pre-existing obligations. The ob ligation of our contracts must be pre served inviolable, for this is a consti tutional provision. Independent of any legislation this would therefore remain unaffected. We would there fore be compelled to go into market and purchase large quantities of gold for the jwynieiit of such obligations, (hereby creating a speculative neces sity, and compelling the State to take its* chance* of being fleeced by the graduates of Wall street academy as often as an obligation became due and payable. Suppose then such forced speculations should prove unprotitn ble, that another black Friday, or any other of the thousand and one causes which affect games of chance, should arise, our state would be forced from its proud position into a condition of bankruptcy and financial ruin. Such arc the chance* against us in accept ing a depreciated currency, which act could possibly bring no good result, and w hose most earnest advocates can support on no better ground than the Los Angeles Daily Herald. apparent good taste of a state accept ing the condition of the Uuiun at large. But this suggestion comes too late. P. W Doom:it. Fisk & Hatch's Failure. The failure of this linn was reeeivetl iv the Hold Rooms in the follow ing manner: When the President's gavel dropped again their tongues did not slop w:te glttg. Rap, rap, rap, went the re sounding woollen hammer. "I want you all to understand," said the President, when partial quie tude luul been gained, "that I don't call on you to order without meaning it. Moid your tongues!" The brokers laughed a little at this and then grew soberly expectant as the President bold up a note ami pre pared to read it. "Owning to the wide-spread want of confidence caused by the failure of well known linns," rea l the Presi dent, "and to advances made by us to railroad companies, from Which we cannot Immediately realize, we are unable to meet the heavy demands upon cs, and are compelled to an nounce our suspension." The brokers breathlessly awaited the reading of the name signed to (lie note. The perfect silence was In strik ing contrast lo tlie previous uproar. After a pause, the President read on: "Although we have no unsettled business with your Board, we take the oppotHiftdty oi thus announcing the the facts."" Again the brokers, and with more impatience, awaited tbe name. "Yours, respectfully," concluded the reader, Fish & Hatch." A prolonged whistle from somebody was the lirst audible reception of the startling news, and it was exactly ex pressive of the general astonishment. The announcement of failures had been expected, but none of a linn Which had been above the taint of un soundness. —a", y. sun. Another Arizona Murder. Just us the citizens of Arizona were feeling secure iv the enjoyment of their scalps, Del-Che and some of his followers steal away and prosecute successfully their business. On Fri day, the Igth, J. B. Townaend, of Lower Aqua Fria was killed by the Apaches, not far from Dripping Springs. The deceased was a Texan,and had killed during his six years stay in Arizona thirty-six Indians. The Miner thus speaks of liitn: Fear was a feeling with which he was entirely unacquainted. Brave, even to rashness, be never faltered, even when alone, in attacking any number of Apaches. Relatives, friends, till, had frequently cautioned him to be less rash in his onsluuiihts on the foe, but it was not his nature to so de port himself, and he died, as he lived, the bravest, most dauntless white man that has over trod the soil of Ari zona. And thus concludes: "Revenge is sweet;' forgiving have we heen to the Apaches, but, in God's name; hi the name of John B. Town send and hundreds of other noble martyrs, let not this last crime be for given the murderous, lying red-brood, who have robbed us of our bravest and best, and kept us poor as the poorest peasants of RUrope. Remember the widows and orphans the wretches have made, and strike them wherever and whenever opportunity otters. Arizona News. Gov, Btaflbrd has returned to Ari zona from the east. Dr. H. BuradeU, late superintenilent of Indian a Hairs in Arizona, has re cently married a Miss Wllhelmlua Lewi of Alabama, New Votk. Lieut. Lafayette Hamilton, of the 23d Infantry, died at Fort Yuma oil the Oth inst., of brain disease. Dan Ourran has just stolen 95*000 from his partner, Tom Smith. United States Hotel, LOS ANOELKS, fill. The largest and most commodious Hotel south ol San Francisco. 11 11 KUNDKRS I (I N K1) BED, - leave to inform (lie traveling nubile thai they have leased this WKLI.-K.Mi\VN Ho- TEL, and lrom their experience can truly say thai it kick permanent and (musical Ismi'tlcrs will tliiil a lIO.MK. FOR PRIVATE PA MI LI KH We have suites of Honnis al moderate prices. Tlie extensive acquaintance we nave lormed tkroUghOtll the State with the 'Pen veiling ( 'on into nit y, is a siiltielcnt guarantee H>al thlH House will always be their KAVORITK REBORT,»nd we shall endeavor tomaiuiain our reputation by keeping THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS for our table, and the (TIOICKsT WINKS AN ll LHiPOKM foi ourhnr. We have all Spring Beds at this Hotel. n-. Our terms are moderate. Call and sec us. •« lIAM M XL AND HKNKK.It. oc.llf JOSEPH BRESON, CJAMPLF ROOMS, IO OPPOfUTE V. s. HOTEL, MAIN HT. The piuvst WINKS, tbe choicest ChiAlts, and the hesl KANCY DRINKH eoncoeled south of San Kraliciseo. IM Temple Hlock, uevl lo Wells, Fargo A Company*!! oitlee. oc-Minis LOS ANGELES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1873. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. N. P. RICHARDSON, J >ll YSICIAN AND SIROFON. • o/T'icK No. ii Downey's Monk, iip-.-tairs. oc2-tr DR. A. S. SHORB, J roMCROPATHIC PHYSICIAN. ul TICK Nearly opposite I lie Post Oflice. REHIDENPE So. I»Franklin at»wh oc2-tr DR. H. S. ORME, pilVSici.NN AND BURGEON, (iI'TII 'X AND 15 KSII >KNCK In I ,an franco's Building, No. 71 Alain street. Office Hour* irom in A. M. to i P. M.,nail in in •_' lo Hp, M. oc:'-tf DR. JOSEPH KURTZ, J>HVSI('I.\N AND Sl IUJKON, OIT'II'K AM» HKSIHKNCK In ilcinsch's Block, Commercial and Los A uncles si reels. iio> Hpentnl attention pai<i to of the KYK AM" KAlt. o-J-ll DR. J. W. OLIVER, J | OAHKOI\\THIST. OPKIOK AND HKSIDKNCK -Mprlng street, opposite the Mayor's < lltlce. ocj-lptl' D. W. C. FRANKLIN, MFC HA N If*A L, OPERATIVE AMiSI'UUKoN In.NTIST. HKPll'K—;ti spring sheet, next to fine Eip (line House, oc2-tf 11. It, S. O'MKI.VKS V, 11. T. IIA/.Uill. O'MELVENY A HAZARD, A TTORNEVH AT LAW, OFFICE IN TEMPLE BLOCK, Los ANUELKS, CAL. in 1 ' special attention given to business in the ITnleil Slides lill I inticc. oci-tf A.UI.ASSKI.I., <;. ||. RMITU. A. IS. I ll AI'MAN, 11. M, SMITH. GLASSELL. CHAPMAN&SMITH. A TTORNEYB AT LAW, oKKiCK-TKMI'I.K BLOCK up-stalrs, Lo« A uncles, I 'a I Hotnia. nc2-tl' JAMES G. HOWARD, A TTORNEY AT LAW » *- -ARO— COURT COMMISSIONER, Iliovnev's Itlocij, Los Angeles. iM-'.'-lt' M. WHALING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OITTCK No. IsDiWiicy lllock I,os Angeles. o c2-i ni CM AIC I.KS I.IMH.KV. .1. s. TIIo.MI'SoN. LINDLEY A THOMPSON, A TTORNEYB AT LAW, OFFICE—Room No. % Downey Hlock. nc.» V. In mAitsiiAni.. wn.i. n. (lon.n. MARSHALL & COULD, A TTORNKYH AT LAW -OFFICK **a. oppoaite Hie Court House, KaoHM Nos. Ih and l» Temple Block, Lo* Augeles, t'al. Will practice In nil the t'ouits of thin state, and attend to business In I. S. Land Office. LEW. C. CABANIS, XMITAUV PUBLIC, CONVEY a ancer and Hearcher of It -cords for this t bounty. OFFICE No. -II Temple lllock, l.os Ange les, t'allthrnla. oegni V. E. HOWARD A SONS, A TTORNEYH AT LAW, TEMPLE BLOCK, Los ANUKI.Ks. • oc2-tf A. A. WILSON, ATTQ»NKY A COUNSELLOR. OKKICK Room No. 11. Temple lllock, Los Angchu, California. uezdf a. ii. .irnsox. j, w. oii.i.kitk. JUDSON & GILLETTE, SEARCUERH OF UKCOItDS ANU CO N VKVA N (' KKS. TEMPLE BLOCK, b<is ANUKI.Ks. <M'2-I in C. W. MORGAN, REAL BBTATE AGENT, Pour doom south of the Pnsl < mice, Temple Clock, l.os Angeles. California. H MOMKV TO LOAN. oc-.'-ti CHAS. E. MILES, HYDRAULIC F.NOINFFR, Los ANOKI.Ks, CAL. Kkkdus tp—Dr. J, H, <iriiiin, ,i. o. Downey, L. 11. Titus, Hen. P. Banning, I. \V. Ilcllmnti, A. Olassell. Tin- Introduction of water iv to cities, Towns nnd Ranches a specially. Contracts taken for making sheet iron pipes, at my shop,or wane desired, on the most nivorable tei in-. OC'i-illl BARBERS BATH HOUSES. GEORGE REINECKE, Barber Saloon & Bath House. IJAIIt TRIMMING/. SHAVINO, J 1 SIIAMIMoINO, BATHS, Kre. This eslnhlisliiueut lias just Is-cii relitted, anil, after hnvmg engaged tne beat Barbers in the city, I rcspccifully solicit ctistoiii from all who want work executed in the slvle. Muken the BATHINO iicsinkss a spceial I lias the finest set of IS.itli Rooms In the city, my Under tlie ReUa Colon, oea-lmlp TOiMSORIAL PALACE QAM. JONEH. n PROpRIKTOR AN I) MANAGER Hot, Cold and Shower Baths. Shaving and Bathing Kin|s>riuin. No. 7H Main street, ocUtf-lp PROF. GREEN'S BARBER SHOP, V FX T T<) < l ATKS & NO YES' AND ■ under the "Kxpress" otilce, TEMPLE BLOCK. As Proi. flraea lias the beat available assist ants to lie procured ill the State, Hair Cutting, Shaving and Shampooing Will he perforated in MM bMt style of the ton sorial art. oc.Vlui ADAM A NELSON, Merchant Tailors, HA V IND KSTAH LISH ED TH EM selves at tln- old stand of 1.. I*eter, opposite the I'osi-oOicc. BPHINO STBKKT, arc prepared lo till ALL ORDEjRN in tho Latost Sl Most Fashionable Styles. A line assortment of Cassimeres, Vestings, And everything In the line always ou hand. gig A OOOD I'TT (JI'AItA NTKKH IN ALL CASKS, (live us a Call. ocL'-lmlp FORWARDING & COMMISSION. J. L. WARD & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS —AN D— Manufacturers Agents. AOKNTS FOW LONDON ASSUMNCE CORPORATE; UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF SAN FRANCISCO; COMMERCIAL IMARINfI MtitI.UNCE COMPANY, iCombined assets exceed si 1.000.00n BABCOCK'S FILE EXTINCUISIiER; BAKER 4 HAMILTON'S AGRICULTURAL MACH.NEIIT; THE CELEB lATLO BAIN WaCON; SWAN BREWEI.Y CO.'S ALE AND 10.TEN. oc'2-luilp HELLMAN, HAAS & CO. FOI *XVjVKI> I IN « AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HAVE FOR SALE THK PUREST GROCERIES, THK BEST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Of Hie choicest imported Brands. Paints, Oils, Doors, Sashes. BLINDS, FA It Ml NO I.M PI.KMFNTM. Hand 111 l.os Augeles and Comiic'iciiil .Us., < e.!| I t is ANOKI.KS. [lm-lp I. B. FERGUSON'S lOM MISSION BOUSE Is the Ktclnsive t'oimnlMMliiit House to ;» to for Every thiuir You Want. oc2-llil SIMON LEVY, ( 10MM 1 SSION MERCHANT. V.' Oeneral dealer in all kinds of COt'N TKY I'KODt'CTIONH, Hides, Grain and Wool. Makes advances on Consignments lo all parts of the t'uit'd Stales. Nos. 24 and :il Aliso KU, l.os ANi iELES. ra-.i-l.v4p BUSINESS CARDS. J. G. JACKSON Keep- all kinds of Lumber, Shingles, Laths, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, Post s, SlllliiOW. PLASTER PARIS, ( KMEeNT ANI) 11 V I It. COUNEIt OP Alameda and First Streets. oeMmlp PERRY, WOODWORTH & CO., I (JMBER YARDS M~J AND PLANINTi MILLS. JNt>. rti COMMSROIAL S'A\ Keep constant Iv on hand a full assortment of I.I'M BKIt, IHIOHS, SASH, \h HT.DIM is, blinds, Turned and hawkh work. All kinds of mill work done to order. lag GRIFFITH, LYNCH & CO. DRALEBS IN LI MBER, COKNKK FIKST AND ALAMEDA STS. Mill Work of all Kinds, —seen as ■ DOORM, SASH, BLINDS, ETC., ETC. i.c'.'-linlp S. 11. ( ASWKI.I.. ■'• KI.I.LS. CASWELL & ELLIS, IMPORTERS And Dealer* 111 Ueucrnl Merchandise. N AND M MAIN STHKF.T, <H'2-tf Los AWBIBiWtt COCOMONGO WINE. DEPOT AT LOLIS MESMER'H wink CKLLAK, underneath the IT. s. Hotel, Wine by Hie lilass, Bottle or (Jullon. All kinds of Liquors, Wines and Bitters al wholesale and retail. NOTK'E. The public of Los Angeles arc hereby unti tled that no other person In Los Angeles fbul l.ouis Mesincr has wines from the CobomoJlgn ranches. J. L. SANSEVAIN. oe.l-Jpliii LOS ANGELES SODA WORKS, No. IU A 1.1 NO STItl'A. I. nENRY W. STOLL, PROPS!RTOM, . supplies Bar Itisuns anil privale laioi lies with Ihe purest anil bWI NO DA AND NAIINAI'AHII.I.A, Sellvered to any part of the city. ™r2-lm CAROLINE C. BURTON. I ADIES* HAIR DRESSING IN Li all stvlcs. HIIAIDS, I'I'KI.S AND WA TKIO'AI.I.S, made al the sliortest notice. TANOLKD HAIR sTItAIOHTKNKD AND MADE INTO ANY sllAl'E. »•! 'Perfumes ol Ihc llllcst ipiality on hand and lor sale. NO. » HPRINO STBEET, Angeles, California. oegHf GAMBRINUS BREWERY, PIRST STItEKT, LOS ANOKLKS. Fine Lager Beer for sale IN ill ANTITIEH To HUT. oe'Mmlp IPS. LEIBEIt, Proprietor. SAM. BERCE, Bill Poster and Distributer. H ANDBILLS, CIRCULARS' Pi«> . OBAMMKH, NOTICES, Etc. faithfully IN »sTED OH DI.STHIBHTKD thnaighnut the city and country. .V. ll.—Parties at a distance can send iiny tblng they wish posted or distributed 111 lhe city or surrounding country, with assurance Hud Hie work will i"' faithfully done. orders may Is- left al the oltfcc of the DAILY Hkuai.ii. SAM. RRROn, oei'-tl Los Angeles. MISCELLANEOUS. BEPUBLbO LIFE INSURANCECO. OF 4-HH'AUO. ILLINOIS. Cash Capital, . Si ,000,000 RraiicheM Ih hII tlit> Sialesol lite I'liion. HAVING NOW COMPLETED . tin' organization <>r our l**i«:*ifi<* llrmioli. We take pleasure in announcing thatotir Pm* little Court stockholders have elected the fol lowing well-known citizens us ntflcew of our PACIFIC BRANt'HI tII.IVKH EI.DHIDOE. Vli'i- PtwMrMfe. THhs. A. HA1,1., WM. It. WHKATON A. I- Ot'KNEY Kecretiiry pro tern .lAK. T. Bo VI Attorney 'fill is. Hit* IWN Treie-urer chas. BlitHKLl. Medfcial Examiner A'/md/re ( bWM itl/r: OLIVER ELDRIDOK, JOB. A, DONOHoE, JAS. T. HoYD, OKU. W. BKAVEIt, I 'll AS. BI'KItKI.L, TIB is. 8K1.1., K. B. PKKIUX. ftirtttwi i )1.1 V Kit KU »KKIh IK, l .Kl. AN I> ST ANFo It D OHO. W. BKAVKK, Tllos. BHOWN, N. ti. KITTLE: i*. CHHISTIANSKN, JOHN K. MII.I.KIt, THUS. 11. SKI.BY, JAS. T. IK >YD, K. K. MORBOW, C. I. BHENILVM, s. P.Hi' ITKBWOKTH M. !>. SWEENY, OHO, 11. WHKATON, I. KKIKDI.ANDK.It, WM. BTRIJNO, A. BLACK, THOS. A. BALL, [OR. A. DoNolloE, WM. B. WHKATON, Titos. 8K1.1., K. B. PRRRIN, C. T. BYLAND, WM. 1.. DK'KKNSoN WM. S. LADD. THF. REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. Whs chartered by special Mt of the Leglsla- Ilire of the Stitte of Illinois, ami commenced doing tmslness in July, mil, making it now Just three years old. Its plan of orgnni'.'alion was to have 000. 000 C»»p itiil Htocli, with twenty per cent, paid lii,and the balance suhjeet to call. With BBANITI OKOANI/.A TIONH of stockholders in the leading liusiness ••enters of the country, composed of Hie best Isastneae men- thus making a Company of NHtlonal extent and preattge, and yet a JIOMK COMPANY AT EACH BitAA'4'H. Tlie Company at this date has |Kilicics in force coveri nit over tSVOnOvOM of risks, with an annual Income of over 4M,000,<M)0, ALL ASMKTS OK PACIFIC Hit ANCH IN VKsTKD ON THIS COAST. capital Strs-k of I'ncillc Krancli. over t mmm ot Invested In Mortgages on Ileal Es tate lv fnlilornin during the last four months, over 1*9,000 00 WMMn issued ai Pnetfte Branch during same period, insuring 1.'21-.IMI ta» <'hnrgew liar liisnriuiee •J.'S per Cent. 1. ea* I hail Mutual t'oinpiinics. X H X It B I" UIIL.IC! Does not borrow THE CAPITAL of Policy holders on PItoMISKN to return the same at some INDEFINITE future period aud CALL IT A DIVIDEND. In presenting the claims of THK HKIM'B- I.IC lo the pifronage ol Die people of this Coast, we shall al nil times aim lo Is- gov erned hy sound business considerations, and a due regard for the rights and merits of coin |H<llng companies. OFFICK. OF THK PACIFIC BHANCH, MO. 817 ( AI.II OHM A HTHKKT. Below Saiisonin Street. oeMlralp J. STRELITZ, MERCHANT TAILOR MAIN HT..MBAH WKI.I.S,FAK(ioA Co Makes lhe most fashionalile style of o i-.o r v ii in <* to be obtained in the southern country. Also a large stock of the Newest and best Cloths Doeskins, Beavers, Fancy Casslineres. Velvet and silk Vestinirs, etc. A til guaranteed. ltefers to the principal uonilemon of thecity for whom he has made Clothing. Non sslty lo send to San Francisco for K<ssl titling suits. ocitt-fp Everybody knows the old Man SKiNOHKT. BANK EXCHANGE BILLIARD SALOON, run by F. kiondbkt. Best Cigars, Choicest Liquors, Excellent Tables, Commodious Room. Customers received by the old man himself, who has beM in altcudanee since is id. He welcomes all his old customers and pleases the new ones. The It EST BABBKK KKOP in the city Is with tills estahllshuieiit. Clean towels', care ful em plovecH. ocVlni JOHN OSBORNE, PIONEER PACKAGE EXPRESS L AND CITY PACKAOE DEI.IVEItY. MOVING PIANOS ANO ORGANS A SPECIALTY. Pianos Unpacked and Repacked. Anything Delivered, from an Envelope to the largest Caae ever shipped, to all pints of Ihc city and country. Baggage called for In time for the trains. •d'Leave orders on the slate ul the oflice, In Well*, Fargo A Co.'solHce, corner Main und Market streets, or I. O. box 2HII. •H'.'l-lmis M. TEED, QONTHACTOR ANI) BUJ LDKH, Shop on First Street, Between Mhlii and Kpring, Los Angeles. Ml" Jobbing do'ie neatly and witli Dispatch. (M*Vlm;tp _ FELIX OLIVERY'i pASTHY AND CHOP HOUSE, White House BtiUdlMg, Los Augelea Nl. m* Keeps constanlly the FBKNHKsT AN% PCBKHT PAMTRY, and the mo t delicious rue's. MEALS AT ALL HoCKH. '»* oc.Mrulp EDUCATIONAL. SPANISH AND FRENCH INSTRI'CTION IN FRENCH AND SPANISH w ill be given to classes in Ihe a I lei noons a, evenings, by MISS JOSEPHINE LINDLEY T E It M H: To a class of live or less, per lesson $2 mi To a class of any numlK-r over live, per lesson *;i no Vor further particular*, Inquire attheoitioo of Hie Los Anoklks Hkiiai.d, ot land lev a Thompson, or at the Pico House. TESTIMONIALS : cnivkusitv ok c.vl.ikohnia, ) Dkcaktmi:nt ok Lanuiaoks. Oakland. July 11, isr>. I Heivwitb I certify thai Miss Josephine l.lnd- Icy has been a student in my department of the University for rive consecutive terms, via:: from September, lH7n, to April Id, 1K72. During this time site studied the French, the Spanish and the Herman languages, obtaining always the highest marks for proficiency and attend ance, her averuge ereiilt mark for five terms being 07 per cent. On entering the University, Miss Llndley iMissessed already such knowledge of the French and Spanish idioms as to Is- able lo speak them with ease, fluency, correctness, and a pure pronunciation. She may now he considered thoroughly ftl miliai with the theory and philosophy, as well as with the application of these two tongues; and she may safely he recommended as a can didate of great promise, for teaching the French and Spanish languages. P. PHIDA, Prof. Modern Languages. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Josephine l.indley has !*>en declared by the Faculty entitled la this Certificate of Profi ciency in tin- departments of Geology and Natural History, (Botany und Physical Geolo gy,! Holies Ijcttro*, (Knglish Literature, Histo ry, Ancient and Modern,! Chemistry, .Modern Languages, iFrench ami Spanish.i Henry Duraut, President of University: E. S. Carr, Prof. Chemistry; P. Phala, Modern Languages; Joseph Le Onnte, Professor of (;<- ology and Natural History; William Hwinton, Professor of Belles U-ttres; Martin Kellogg, Dean of the Faculty. LAWLOR INSTITUTE l«s Main Street. Loa Angeles. HpHE SEVENTH SEMI-ANNUAL JL Session of this S ELECT 1> A "V' HC'H OOL, la which girls ami boy* receive a t SK.n:i., I'ItACTICAI. AMM'OMi'I.KTK English Education, coiiimcncod on MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1*7.1. TKRMN PER MOSTII: English Studies, including the ordinary Sohisil Branches, and Double-Entry Book-Keeping aha Algebra $.100 Primary Geography, (second and Third Readers t 00 Chart and Primer Classes :i 00 EXTRAS. Latin, I'll luetic Short-hand and liooin etry, per mouth $2 no Competent Teachers of Drawing, Painting, and tin- Modem Language*, will Is- connected Willi tbe Institution. For further particulars, apply to the under, signed, at the school Building. oc.iml \V. B. LAWLOR, Principal. FRENCH and SPANISH LESSONS J ESSONS IN THE FRENCH and Spanish languages will Ih-given toohisscs or in private, commencing on WEDNESDAY, OtTOHKII I. IM7S. TKIIMS OK Tl'ITION: Private lessons | I M each Twenty lessons II 00 Lessons lo any number ot pupils over five, for one month, three les sons every week, each pupil 2 00 French and SpanishXohool for children ev ery day [Saturday* excepted) at -i oViock P. M. TUITION, per month, $::. For further particular*, inquire at No, io7 Main stn-ct. Translation of Fkknch, Span ish ami Enui.ish. F. V.C. i>k MONDRAN. is-2-! mlp Drawing and Painting. TNSTRCC'ITON I X CRAYON, PEN- X CO. ANI) PERSPECTIVE DRAWINO, in Coloring with India Ink and Water Colors, and In O I L 1* A I X T 1 X <J, given nt Hillside Cottage, hack of tbo new school-house. MRS. Ll) WHEAT SMITH. iM-2tf ST. VINCENT'S COLLEGE, LOS ANtiKLKS. UNDER THE CARE OF THE FATHERS OT ST. VINCENT DM PAUL DEGREES CONFERRED, nnd Ihe most complete Education given. No more beauti fully situated spot in lhe whole of Southern California. Apply by letter, or personally, to REV. J. Met JILL, C. M. iM-2-lmis President. STOLEN HORSES T HAVE THE FOLLOWING DE* X scribed horses in ray poa*eiMilnii at sto iilu-ns'corral, taken from Tlbureio Va*qnet's hand of robhers, Owners can have their stis-k by proving property and pay ingcharges: Two American work marcs, one sorrel aud one brown, branded F with a hall circle at the bottom. one large sorrel work hose, 16% hands high, branded M ii. One sorrel horse, having collar nnd saddle marks, blaze iv face, 101 l fore tool and left hind loot white, branded .1 K. One sorrel horae supposed to boa half-breed, with collar and saddle-marks, fore foot white, strip in forehead; brand, two inverted .Is with s underneal h, One mom saddle-horse, bald face, all feet while, branded ami vented with letterO. and also branded wllh letter A with half circle ou top. One large iron-gray horse, branded M C autl figures 25. Ono Spanish naddleor work mare with coll, branded M E, and also.l A L. One light gray saddle-horse, hrnnded J with half circle. One dun mare, white mane and tall, brand ed 1 It aud J C, and also.l A L. One black marc, branded I wllh half circle, at hip and bottom, aud .1 A L. One Imv mare and yearling coll, branded J A L One dun mnr.ianii sucking colt, branded A wllli O on top. One yearling dun eolL branded .1 A I« WM. R. ROWLAND, Sheriff ocStf Our Own Manufacture! THK ONLY CRACKER BAKERY In tl»« iJltyl A Large Stock of fresh Crack ers always on Hand. AWclcliiijE' CJalic-w On hand and made to order al short notice. Tastefully decorated CAKES of any design, at reasonable price*. Also, BREAD, PIES AND CAKES, Fresh every day, al the AMERICAN BAKERY. o, Mini. NUMBER 3 MISCELLANEOUS. SOUTHERN DISTRICT Agricultural Society's FALL MEETING. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 10,11. 12,13,14 and IS. SPLENDID SPEED PROGRAMME! PIVE DAYS' HACINO -AND— Stock Parades and Exhibitions, Alid ono whole day devoted to LADY KQIKHTIUANWM, AND OTIIKR Hit JUTS. FIRST DAY. First Riicc—Trotting— For horses that nre owned In the district nt this date, that have never beaten three niinuteN. Mile heats; best three in five to harness—purse of PUi; t2UO lo the first horse, and $IUI to the second; live or more to enter. Second Haco— Running race of a mile dash, for all two-year olds owned nnd raised in this district. Purse of $.100; MOO to lirst and $100 lo second; five or more to enter. Third Race—Running—Free for all Califor nia or half-breed horses; mile dash; catch weights. Purse $150; fltt lo the lirst and |M to the second; five or more to enter. HECOND DAY. First Race—(i. ntleinen's Muddle Race ■--Sin- gle dash of one mile; to carry not less than 150 pounds; each owner to ride bis own horse, with colors, ( weight to be understood to com prise saddle and rider, and not include whip and bridle,) and each rider to Is- over 19 years old. Purse or $:IOO; $200 to lirst and $100 to tbe second horse; five to enter. Second Race—Running -Free for nil three year olds bred and raised, und owned at this date In the district; mile heats, l>, st two iv three. Pur*o of >:mn; $200 to lirst horse, $100 lo second; five to enter. Third Race-Trotting—Free for all three-year olds tn the state; mile heats, licst two in three to harness. Purse JI.V); 8100 to lirst, $50 to sec ond ; three to enter. THIRD DAY. First Race—Trotting—Free for all horses in the Stato; mile heats, best three in Aye to har ness. Purse of $.100; $300 lo first, $100 to sec ond; five lo enter. Second Race—Running—Free for all horses In the Mate] mile heats, best three in Aye. Purse $«»!•; $.100 to first, $100 to second; three or more to enter. FOURTH DAY. First Race—Running—Five mile dash; free for all horses owned in this district at this data; catch weights—lair Irene and Phil. Sher idan —purse of $210; $175 to the first, and $75 to the second: five to enter. Second Race—Trotting Purse—Free for all horses in the state; mile heats, best three In five to wagons; owners to drive, and all pro fessional drivers to be excluded. Purse $.100; $175 to first, $7") to second, andMfl to third; five lo enter. FIFTH DAY. set uitnrt forthe exhibition of stock and the awarding of premiums, • At one o'clock on this day there will lie a grand exhibition of lady ouuest danism. This contest will Is-open to all ladles nud misses, who must each be accompanied hy nn escort on the day of the contest. Entries free for all, and to he made to lhe Secretary on or before t tie lot Ii of October. The entry consist* of tbe name'of the lady contestant, and the name or description of the animal, If con venient—Hie name of the rider certain. The contest will he divided into two parts—grace ful riding and daring equestrianism. Ijidies who took last year arc ineligible. There will b<- ten or note substantial and elegant premiums, to he named hereafter. There will* is> no horse or foot-racing on this day, and the admission will is- ihe same us usual. SIXTH DAY. First Race—Trotting—Free for all horses hi the State; two-mile heats, ls<st two in three to harness. Purse MM] $.1)0 to the first, $150 lo the second; five to enter. Second Race—Running—Free for nil horses in the state; two-mile heals, heat two In Purse 3500; JAUI to the first, $130 to the three to enter. "'»«/,• All trotting races to Im>governed bvthe m. of the National Tnrf Congress, anil all run ning nice* to lie governed by the rules of the Sacramento Htale Agricultural Society, unless Otherwise specified. Fair to commence on .Monday, the lhth day of November, to con tinue six days. All entries to be made to the Secretary by the Ist dayot'octol>er,lo percent, of all purses to accompany the entry. In ease of walk-over, tbe horse shall bo cnfhTed to all entrance money only. When two horses only start, the third money shall Is'returned to the Society. A horse distancing the Held shall lie entitled to all the money. Judges shall have the right to call up a second or third race, and bave il come off between the heats oflhe Aral. The SiK'lely reserves the right to withdraw any purse, it it believe* that there will be no contest. AM the privileges of tho district, including entries lor premiums and purses, nre extend ed lo Inyo and Ventura countries. Ml TAT~CRdiiiCA7 pi'RI.ISHED BY E. F. TEODOLT. The only Spanish Newspaper IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Published every Wednesday and Saturday mornings. Office In Temple's New Mock, Spring street, opposite the Con rt-house. It has a large circulation in the state of Cal ifornia, Ihe Eastern Htates, Louisiana, Mexico, ami Arizona and Colorado Territories, Central and South America, and Spain. "•I ja Grotttoitlr** commends itself to the Advertisers who may wish to bring their business before the Span ish-speaking people and numerous population of different nationalities, on tho Pacific Coast. Advertising Rate* Very RoaaonaM*. scrstkiitions—one Year, >«; Six Months, M 50; Three Months, $2. Los Angeles Woolen Mill NTORE. SACRISTS, ELLIOTT * CO DEALERS IN WOOL, AND MAN t'FAITURERK of All Wool ('a-H.ia.rre*. Tweed*, »lauttels. Rlauket*. air. Allourgooda an? PURE WOOL, and war ranted as represented. Consumers can Save 25 to 33 per cent. by buying direct from ns. STORE AT THE " WHITE HOUSE," corner of U>* Angeles and Commercial Streets. oo2tr-2p NEW YORK BREWERY, IHRIS. HENNE, PROPRIETOR Tlie CLEAREST, PUREST and MOHT BRIL LIANL LAOKK BEER South of Sun Francisco. Order* for DRAUGHT or BOTTLED BEER prompt I v attended to. The eclehmted Beer from this Brewer)' de ties competition In the State. oo.Vgmlp K. BKKTHOM. r. V. C. JIOWDaAN. COSMOPOLITAN CIGAR DEPOT IMPORT THE PUREST AND BEST Havana Cigars, and keep on hand C'hewiiiu und Siauklng Tubarco, Pipes, l Igurrltos and Puncy Art icles. Main St., next door lo W. P. A Co's repress. ■ H-Utl ip