Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME I. Ia Published every morning except Monday, hy THR HKRAI.D IMIIMINU COMI'AXY. OFFICE Herald SI emu Hook nnd Joh I'rintltig House. Hpr.llg street, opposite the < 'Ottli House. TKRMHi Per annum, by mail or express *l(l Xix months " " ti Three moid lis " " • •'! Delivered by eftrrlern, per week, t!> cents Aileertlseineiils inserted at liherat rates. "HOE YOUR OWN ROW. I think there arc some mnxlltls I inter lhe sun scarce worth piwaervnlloni Itn I here, boys, is one, So sound and so dimple, ' i'is Worth a Idle to k now: And all iv I he single line, Hoc your ow ll row .' If you want to have riches, Ami want to have Mends. Don't trample the menu- down And look for Ihe ends; lint nlway s rcmcmiier, Wherever you no, The w isdi nil of prui'l isi111; Hoe your own low! Don't just sil and pray For meriM.seof your store, lint work who will help himself, I len yen helps more, the weed while yiHt'tvsleeping, Will come up and glow, Put if you would have tne Full ear, you must hoc! Nor will It dnonly in hoe out the Meeds, You must make your ground mellow And put oi lhe seeds; And when n.e youim blade Pushes through, you inusl know There is nothing will atrcngthcu lis growth like the hoc! There'll no use of sayi n Wnai will bn will ue; i (nee i ry It, lank-hrahi. And sec What you'll see' Why, Juki small potatoes, And few in a row; You'd better take hold, then, .vnd honest |y hoe I A good malty workers I've known in my time Some builders of houses, Some builders Ol rhyme; And they Hint were prospered Were prospered. I know, Hy tlie lutein ami Bleftnitlgof Hoc your own row | I've know n too, a good ma. Idlers, w ho .said, I'se a right to my living, The world owes rue bread I A right! [any lubber! A Ihousaud limes, No! 'I'is his, uml his only, » Who hoes his own row I Currency. Editor Hkrald:- The Kan Pran eiseo Bulletin of tlie 80th ult says. "The recent events in New York saw tlie Wisdom of California in steadily retaining the metallic eurreiK'J'. So far there have heen no failures among our lni'iehants, etc." Very true, and why. First, Because the crisis was confined entirely to railroad rings, which were — a* 4 XI tlld community, Second, The govern ment of the I'nited States having in augurated, and fostered these monopo lies from their very hegillllf ng to the present, could not afford to stand aside and see all their favorite enterprisesj together with their net hankers, and operators engulphed in common ruin, when they could prevent it. Hence the prompt action of President Grant, and Secretary Richardson, Boutwell and Others. These great corporations were created hy the party, and now the very existence of the party de pends to a good extent upon tneoontln uanee, and solvency of these monop olies, If the treasurer of the govern ment had not came to the front promptly, every l>UHine.-s man in the country would have felt the crisis severely. Third, The mercantile com munity of any country is never In danger while they conduct business as they do in California. They "Seldom exteßu any credit, and when they do, it is. only for a short time—sixty or ninety days, and this little favor is generally repaid by a half or two per cent per month. They buy the produce of the farmers at a great discount and sell it for a prof it. No, the mercantile community of California are in no danger, and never will Ik* so an long as they and the hankers can keep out of compe tition. But the farmers, the verj life of the Country, Will fail by the thou sands. Better that we pass through a crisis every ten years than to starve in the premises to death, There will never be any capital to invest in the products of the farm, so long as money can be loaned ut - and ;i percent, per month, unless they can invest titrates that will insure a larger profit. Money will never be in vested in produce or in hrilding up.the manufacturing Interest of v country where it can be loaned at (8 to SO per cent, per annum. if money can be had at 10 per cent., those who have it will invest In ma chinery, or speeulntc in grain, or new enterprises will he undertaken, which will develop the country, We assert it os a fact, that while we have one of tlie best fanning countries under the sun, also a grazing and stock-raising country hardly equalled by any on tlie continent; yet, if it were not for the milling interests of Califor nia we would be bankrupt. About one hundred men control the purse strings of the State, and the lighter they make financial matters the greater their gains. There is nothing they so much dread as a surplus of money in the country. Tliut which would give great prosperity to every body else, would flimlnlfih their divi dends. If currency was introduced into this State by nn* Act of the Legislature, millions would he brought here to in vest in lands, in manufactories und in mines, which would ut once give a profitable market for nil the products ,d the farm. Per, Nan lliego. ('apt. Wilcox lias gone to San Kran cisco. Caplain McAlmond has made aeontroet to haul telegraph poles to Burtce'i station. —it in proposed to have two good races, and several minor ones, on each day of tlie race week., "Uml to oiler daily about Si i.!. Hull' the money lum been raised. Tiie fol lowing named peruon* arc tlio Oirt'Ctoiu of tlio Hank ot Sail IMego : **. P. Mur ston, Jus. A. Evans, K. W. Morse, J. If. Price, \Y. E, Botmon, T. li. Nes- Hiitb, <*. Dunham, 1). Cleveland, and i, W. Oeddes. | Los Angeles Daily Herald. The City Press and the Judgeships. Editor Hkrald:—] have read with Interest your timely and temperate guggcstlons on tl|e subject of lie ftp* preaching Judicial election, und fully concur In your opinions aa to the I in* port unci* of a careful and dincrlinlnat- Ing Judgment of the relative merits of candidates who aspire to the honor and dignity of the bench. But, like yourself, .Mr. Editor, 1 am a "new comer." I have, however, resided here a sufficient length of time to In come a citizen, and availed myself of the privileges afforded to citizens by tlu* elective franeliise at the late elec tion. [ voted the "Independent Tick et," The canvass was efficiently con ducted on both sides, and voters were enabled to vote Intelligently, But in the pending canvass for Judicial offl eers, I, for one, must confess that 1 scarcely know who to vote for. I hail from one of those grand old Middle Btates where the Intelligent voter is accustomed to take counsel of the pub lic press in all matters pertaining to public affairs. There it Is the invaria ble mle that a successful public jour nal must be au honest one, and the people are swiff to discern tlu* ele ments of trustworthiness, or the re verse of it, on the part of a newspaper editor. It is, perhaps, for this reason that tlie press is generally honest, ami the people are willing to abide its counsels, it is a peculiarity of the human race, that in migrating, people carry with them their distinctive characteristics and notions, i have brought mine along with me. I read the newspapers, and especially those of this city. It is seldom that an original item or idea in any of them escapes my eye. i have watched with unfailing interest, and lately with Im patience, the editorial columns of your contemporaries for a candid discussion (or any discussion nt all \ of the relative merit*Of the various candidates for Judges and Justices of the Peace, but they are as silent as the Sphynx. There are two candidates in the Held for the office of District Judge, three for ('ounty Judge, and somewhere in the neighborhood of a baker's dozen who want to be Justices of the I'caee. Are these men nil equally competent and equally honest, so that We may not err in a choice of candidate on our ballots'.' 1 am afraid not, and yet I know but little about tliem. It is the boasted province of public joUP nals to give direction and guidance to public sentiment. If the newspapers of this city have any claim to that honorable distinction they will no longer compel the unenlightened voter to grovel in the dark respecting the merits of candidates in the field, but will indicate the proper persons to he voted for and assign reasons for tlie faith there is in tliem, n is now (//'• rlrri tit II Hour oi I lit canvass, and those laborers indie pub lic vineyard are still Idle. I am of a somewhat religious turn of mind, and often when perplexed in my efforts to adapt causes to effects, I seek for a solution of the difficulty In the pages of holy writ, In conning, recently, its sacred teachings, I chanc ed upon the following text in theOth and 7th verses of the 20th chapter of fne Gospel according to St. Matthew: "And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and said unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle. They say unto him, Because no man hath hired us." I am in a quantify, Mr. Editor, as to whether this text has any application to your esteemed contemporaries of this city. i'ossibly it has not. </JUILP. October 4th, 1*7.".. Nan Iterniir.liao. J. W. North, of Riverside is desper ately ill.—""vada party have pur chased an inteivsi in the Red Cllilef Company mines. Tons of peaches are rotting on the ground. United States Hotel, LOS ANGKhKS, (Jul. The largest and most commodious Hotel south»of San Francisco. rpHK UNDERHIONED BEG a leave to inform the traveling pllbllethat tbey have leased this WF.1,1 ,-KN< iWN HO TEL, and from their experience can truly suy that ii Kin: permanent aud trsnalenl hoarders will Uud a in 'Mi-: FOR PRIVATE FA MI I,IKS We have suites of Roonm at moderate pliccs. Tlie exti tishc ncipinintutiee we have formed throughout Ihe Slate Willi life n?roVt>lllnfK Co inn inn il y, I*amiftloientguarantee that this House w ill always be their FAVORITE RESORT, and we shall endeavor lo maintain our reputation by keeping THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS for oar table, and the CHOICEST WINKS and LIQUORS tor out bar, We have all Spring Beds at this Hotel. no Our terms nre moderate, fall ami see us. ua • I!AM.MIX ANI) DKNKKH. OOMf JOSEPH BRESON, SAMPLE ROOMS, opposiTF. IT. s. HOTEL, M AIN'ST. The purest WINFS, the choicest CIOAHH, nnd the best FANCY DItINKS concocted south of San Francisco. tin Temple liloek, next to Wells, Fargo A Company's olliee. oeu'-lnils LOS ANGELES, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1873. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I DR. N. P. RICHARDSON, , JJIIYSICIAN AND SUtOEON. OFFICE Nn. ii fiowney'n nieck,Hp-xtalM. oc2-tf DR. A. S. SHORB, j roMOSOPATHIC physician. oFFKF Nearly opptMllte the Post Office. HFsIHKNCF. No. ID Frank Ihi street. neg-tr DR. H. S. ORME, DHYrAIOIAN AM) SLKGEON, OFFICE ANDURBIDRNOK—In Lnnfrnneo** Building, No. ?t .Main street. Offloe Hours rroui 10 A, i I*, M.. and In in > to .'I I', al, oc'.'-tf DR. JOSEPH KURTZ, j>HYSIUAN AND SI'BGEON, OFFICK AND BEHIDENCE-In Relnach.'" Mock, t oni inereial mul l.os Angeles streets. Uo', Spceiul attention |iaiil lo disen'.'.es of tic KYK AND RAIt. oej-tt ■ DR. J. W. OLIVER, J £O.M(EOI .\THIST. OFFICK ARB KF.SIHKNCK spring street, opposite the .Mayor's Ollice. ocMptf D. W. C. FRANKLIN, MXCII AN I(A L, OPERATIVE AND HirRGRON Dr.NTisT. OFFICK - .'!'.' Spring shell, next to Fire En-, Cine Mouse. ocl!-lf 11. K. S. o'MKI.VKNV, H. T. lIAZAItII. O'MELVENY & HAZARD, AT LAW, OFFICE IN TEMPLE BLOCK, l.os ANGKLKB, CAI* BiTHpoelnl attention given to business in the I'loteil states f,aiul Office. oeiMf A. oi.Asski.i., B. U. SMITH. A. ll.l'llAl'.M.VN, 11. M. SMITH. GLASSELL, CHAPMAN &SMITH. A TTORNEYH AT LAW, OFFICE—TEMPLE Ul.hck up-dnirs, l.os Angelew, CaMfhrnla, oeS-tf JAMES G. HOWARD, A TTORNEY AT l,.\n COI UT COMMISSION Xli, Downey's Block. Low Angeles. oc*3-tf M. WHALING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE- No. ISHiwm y Mock o c'J-im cHAHi.aa mmii.kv. j. s. tiiuaesow, LINDLEY & THOMPSON, A TTOMBTH AT LAW, OFFICE—Room So. :i, Downey Mock, oej w. i,. MAKsiiAi.i.. am.l. a, ooi i.n. £~ opposite the Court House. Itonms Nos. IS ami l!> Temple liloek, l,os Angeles, < 'al. Will practice in all the Courts of tins Stale, ami attend to business in r. s. band Office. LEW. C. CABANIS, \T OTA it V IT 11 LIC, CONVEY nncer ami Searcher of It cords for tills l ounty. OFI U K-No. 41 Temple Block, l.os Ange les, i 'allfbrhln. noi-l i V. E. HOWARD & SONS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TF.MI'LE Itf.ock', l,os ANOKI.F.s. oc'J-tf A. A. WILSON, ATCO#NJS ft COI'NSELLOIt. OFFICK—Room No. 11, Temple Mock, Lo* Augeles, Californtn. ocj-tf A. v. .ii'Uson. .1. w. oii.i.kttk. JUDSON & GILLETTE, GEAItCHERH OP BEf .'OKDS £5 A N1» CON VKYANCKKS. TK.MI'I.K BLOCK, I.OS ANOKI.I'.S. oc2-lm G. W. MORGAN, IDEAL ESTATE AGENT, Four doors south of the Post Office, Temple Mock, I,os Angeles,' California. MS .MONK.V TO LOAN. oc2-tf ON At. I. MIVIB, HYDRAULIC ENGINEER, I .OS ANtiKI.RS, CAI,. Rrfjcbs to— Im'.j.s. Qrittln,J. <■'. Downey, 1.. 11. Titus, lieu. p. Banning, I. w. iiciiui.ui, A. (ilassell. The introduction of water into < titles, Towns nud Handles a specialty, Contracts takeu for making sheet iron pipes, nt my shop, or where desired, on the most fa vorahh- term*, ocS-tm ( BARBERS BATH HOUSES. GEORGE REINECKE, Barber Saloon & Bath House. IT All' TRIMMING; BHAVINO, 1 1 Mil AMIIIOING, lIATIIS, ETC. This establishment lias just been relltled, mul, after having engaged tho hest limbers in tlie city, I respectfully solicit custolii from all who want work executed In the hest stvlc. .Makes the BATHING IiI'SINKSSn special ly,and has I he finest set of Bath Hooins in tlie city. IM> I'nde.rthe llella I'nlon. oc.'-lmlp TONSORIAL PALACE (JAM. JONES, IO I'ItoPKIKTOIt ANII M ANAUFIt Hot, Cold and Shower Baths. Shaving and Bathing Fniporium. No. 7.i Main street. «a-2tf-lp PROF. GREEN'S BARBER SHOP, NEXT TO GATES & NO YES' AND under the " Kxprcss " office, TKMPI.K lil.i >CX. As Prof. Hreen has the liest a ids to he procured in the State, Hair Cutting, Shaving and Shampooing Will he'performed In the hest style of the ton sorlal art. ix-5-l m ADAM & NELSON, Merchant Tailor?, HAVING EST A HLISHKDTH KM . selves al the old sland of 1.. Peter, opposite the l»oHt-Oflicc. RPRING STHKF.T, arc prepared to 1111 Aid, OKDKRH in the Latest A Most Fashionable Styles. A line assort incut of Cassimeres, Vestings, And everything In the line nlways on hand. an a (io< ii» fit <■ra it a ntffh in all CAHRS. (live us a Call. oc.'-linlp FORWARDING & COMMISSION. J. L. WARD <fe CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS -AND- Manufacturers Agents. AOKNTS Xl 111 LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF SAN FUNCISCO; COMMERCIAL I MARINE I INSURANCE COMPANY, (Combined assets exceed tsil.tmn.owai BABCOCK'S RM EXTINGUISHER; BAKER & HAMILTON'S AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY; THE CELEBIAItU BAIN WAION; SWAN BREWEi.Y CO.'S ALE ANO 10 .TER, oe'J-lmlp HELLMAN. HAAS & CO. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HAVE for SALE THE PUREST GROCERIES, THE REST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Of the choicest Imported Brands. Paints, Oils. Doors. Sashes. BLINDS, FABMINQ IMPLEMENT", II and itt Los Angeles and Commercial sis., org] LOS ANIiFLKS. [Im-lp I. B. FERGUSON'S 10MM1SS10N HOI'SE Is the i:\clusiic Commission House lo go lo lor Everything- Yon U'nnl. ocL'-lm SIMON LEVY, /iQMMI S S IO N M ERCH AN T. V 1 General dealer in all kinds ofCOI'N TKY I'HOIU'CTIONS, Hides. Grain and Wool. Makes advances on Consignments to all parts Of the United Stales. Nos. 2-i and !M Allso St.; LOS ANIiFLKS. oc.Vly lp BUSINESS CARDS. J. G. JAOKSON Keeps all kinds of Lumber, Shingles, Laths, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, l*o*tt-i. SltHk PW, PLASTER PA HIS, CEDENT AIVD HAUL CORNER oF Alameda and First Streets. oc2-lmlp PERRY, CO,, I UMBER YARDS AND PLANING MIMA .NO. TO COMMKItCIAL S'P. Keep constantly on hand a full assortment of 1.l M BFK,. lsiolts, SASH, MOULDINGS, blinds, Turned and sawed work. All kinds of mill work done to order. oc2 GRIFFITH, LYNCH & CO. I \EALERS IX LI MBER. U CORNER FIRST AN D ALAMKDA sTS. Mill Work of all Kinds. -Htrcii as— DOORS, SASH, RLINDS, KTC, KTC. oc2-lmlp s. 11. C'ASWStMs .1. K. CASWELL & ELLIS. JMPORTERS Aud Dealers lv tieiieral Merchandise. 80 AND 82 MAIN MTRKKT, oc'.'-tf Los Anoki.ks. COCOMONGO WINE. DEPOT AT LOUIS MESMER'S WINK CKLLAIC, undernealh the IT. X Hotel. Wine by the (IfaSs, Bottle or Uulloa. All kinds of Liquors, Wines and Bitters at wholesale and retail. Miriri:. The public of Los Angeles arc bereliy noii fled uo other parson in Los Angeles Jbul iXMIIS Mesiiur has wines from Ihe Cocomnngo ranch, s. J. L. SANSKVAIN. ocMplm LOS AN6ELES SODA WORKS, No. 13 ALLSO NTKKKT. HENRY W- STOLE, Pnoi'itiKTOß. ■ Supplies Bar Booms and private laml ileti Willi the purest and Is-sl SOUA ANI) SARNAfARILLA. IS'livered to any part of the city, oc2-lm CAROLINE C. BURTON. 7 ADIES' HAIR DRKSSTNO IN JU all styles. BRAIDS, ct'RLS AND WA' TFRFALLS, made at the shortest notice. TANGLED HAIR STRAIGHTF.NED AND MAIiK INTO ANY SHAPK. »H»V Pcrfuiiies Ol tile tlucst quality on hand and lor sale. No. 9 SPItINO STRBKT, liOS Angeles, California. nc'-df GAMBRINUS BREWERY, piliST STREET, LOS ANOELEH. Fine Lager Beer for sale IN OJ ANTITIKS TO SFIT. oc2-linlp Jos. LFIIIFR, Pmprletor. SAM. BERGE, Bill Poster and Distributer. nANDBIiiIjS, CIRCIUiARS. Pro . GRAMMKM, NOTICKS, Ktc. faithfully I'osTKD <»R DISTRIHI'TKD throughout tin city and country. N. B.—Parties ut a distance can send any thing they wish posted or distributed in the city or surrounding country, with assurance that the work will he faithfuli \ done. Orders May be h ft at the oflice of the Daily| i SAM. BERGE, oe'2-tf l.os Angeles. MISCELLANEOUS. 1* EPi RLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. Of 4'III4'AUO. ILLINOIS. Cash Capital, . $1,000,000 Brandies In all llie Mutes ol the raion. HAVING NOW COMPLETED the organization of our We take pleasure in announcing that our Pa cific Coast Stockholders have elected the fol lowing well-known citizens as Officer* of our PACIFIC BRANCH) /'ifniiliiil: OLIVER KI.DRIDGK. / Usv/ > i l ei<wVwf«< THOS. A. HALL, WM. It. WHKATON \ L OCRNKY Secretary pro tern JAS, T. BO YD Attorney thos. BROWN Treasurer chas. BtTRRELI Medical Bxnmlnsr Httmttrr nssMKffesf • OLIVKR F.LDRIDOE, JO*. A. DOXOHOR, JAS* T. UoVH. GFO. W. REAVER, CHAS. HURRELTm THOS. BELL, F. li. PERRTN. (>LI VER KLDRKDU F..1.K LA Nll ST A N FOR 11 UFO. W. BEAVER, Tllos. BROWN, N. <i. KITTLK; •'. CHRISTIANSKN, JOHN V, MILLER, THOS. 11. SKLIH, lAS. T. BOYD, H. F. MORROW. C. I. BRFNHAM, s. F.BITTTERWORTH M. D. SWEENY, GEO. H. WHEATON, I. FHIKId.ANIiF.It, WM. BTRLINGj A. BLACK, IH OS. A. HALL, los. A. DONOHOE, WM. It. WHKATON, THos. BELL E. li. PERRIN. Xt c T. RYLAND, WM, L. DICKENSON WM. s. LADD. THE REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. Was chartered by special act of the legisla ture of the state' of Illinois, nnd commenced doing business in July. IfCO, making It now Just three years old. Its plan of <>rgunl?utinn was to have 1*5.000,000 Cnpltnl stock. Willi twenty percent, paid in,and the balance subject to call. With BRANCH ORGANIZA TION'S of stockholders in the leading business centers of the country, composed of the best business men—thO* makiilg a Compiiny of National extent and prestige, and yet a HOMLCOMPANY AT KAt'H BRANCH. The Company M this date has policies la foicc covering over V-i,U:o.tian of ri-ks, with an annual income of over #1,4 100.000, ALL ASSETS OF PACIWC HHANCirtN (•warstrl frM this rvAsar Capital stock of Pueitre Branch, over i 306,000 00 Invested in Mortgages on Real Ks tate In Califhrma during the last four month ~over iMi.nao 00 ,')2s Policies issued at Pacini- Bmneh during same period, Insuring 1,2_,1f11) no Clonics lor Insurance -A per t'enl. Less limn Mutual 4'om|tniiies. T II B HKl'l'lU.lC DOCS not borrow THE CAPITAL Of Policy holders on PROMISES to return the sione at some INDEFINITE I'Mtureperiod ami call IT A DIVIDEND In presenting the claims of THK RRPI B LIC lo ihc patronage of the people of this Coast, we shall at all times aim lo be gov erned by sound businessoOnslderotlons, and a due regard for the rights and rlls of onin pcting iHimpunles. OFFICK OF THK PACIFIC BRANCH, no. dir < ai.ifoukia RTSHTi Hclow Salisome Slreid. nc.'dlmlp J. STRELITZ, Vf ERCHANT TAI LOIt -I*l MA l N s r., sKA n W BL] .S, FAIK 10 & <!o Makes Die mosl fashionable style Of C Q II I IV <or to be obtained in the southern country. Also a large stock oft hi' Newest and best Cloths Doeskin*. Heavers, Fancy Cassliiicres. Velvet and Silk V'eatings,etc A lit guaranteed. He fers to the principal gentlemen of the city for whom he has imidc clothing. No necessity to send to Ban Francisco for good Httlng suits. ocatf-lp Everybody knows the old Man BANK EXCHANGE BILLIARD SALOON, run by F. SIONoItFT. Best Cigars, Choicest Liquors, Excellent Tables, Commodious Room. Customers received by the old man himself, who bus been In attendance since ISlie welcomes all his old customers and iScases the new ones. The ukst BARBER SHOP In lhe oRy is with tids establishment, clean towels,caro ful employees, oe.vim JOHN OSBORNE, I>I(>NEEK PACK AO E EXPRESS X AND CITY PACKAGE DELIVERY. MOVING PIANOS AND ORGANS A SPECIALTY. Pianos Unpacked and Repacked. Anything Delivered, from an Knvelope to the largest Case ever shipped, to all parts of the city and country, liaggakc called lor in time for the truins. tttf • Leave orders ou tbe slate nt the offlee, in Wells, Fargo A Co.'s ollice, corner Main aud Market streets, or P. I It Isix m% OOWWR M. TEED, tONTRACTOK AND Bl ILDEH, Shop on First Street, Between Main nnd Spring, hOS Angeles. ggr Jobbing done neatly and with Dispatch. ociVlmtp FELIX OLIVERY'S |)ASTRY AND CHOP HOUSE, White House Building, l.os Augeles Nt. no Keeps constantly the FRESHEST AN. PFHKST PASTRY, and the mo I dell.ions CHOI'S. MKALS AT ALL HOURS. *« IM-2-lllllp EDUCATIONAL. SPANISH AND FRENCH LESSORS. INSTRUCTION IN FRENCH AND hpanish will be given to eftvises In the afternoons or evenings, by MISS JOSEPHINE LINDLEY TERMS: To n clnsH of five or lews, |>crlesson S2 fKt To a class of any number over Aye. per lesson 93 00 For further particulars, inquire at the office nf the Loa anoki.ksj Hkkai.ii, ofLlndtey & Thompson, or at the Pico House. TKSTIMONIA %M : I'NI VKKSITY OK I 'AI.IKOKNI A, ) Dk.I'AKI'.MF.NT ok L A.NO I'AUKS. OA X I. A s l>, JUly 11, 1572. I Herewith I certify that Mlss Josephine l.lnd ley ho* been ftstudent In my department of the I'nlvcrsity for rive consecutive terms, viz: from September, 1870, to April 3d, 1872. During tills time she studied the French, the Spanish aud the Herman languages, obtaining always the highest marka for proficiency and attend ance, her average credit mark for live terms heing (17 per cent. on entering the University, Miss Llndley possessed already such knowledge of the French and Spanish idioms as to la' able to speak tliciu with ease, fluency, correctness, and a pure pronunciation. She may now be considered thoroughly fh millai with the theory and philosophy, as well as willi the application of these two tongues; and she may safely he reenmmended as a can didate of great promise, for leaching the French and Spanish languages. P. PIoDA, Prof. .Modern languages. FNIVF.RSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Josephine l.imllev has been declared by the Faculty entitled to this Certificate, of Proti cieiicy in tlie departments of Geology nnd Natural History, (Botany and Physical Geolo gy,) Itellos (English l.ilcndure. Histo ry, Ancient and Modern,* Chemistry, Modern Language*, i French and Spnnlsh.) Henry [want, Presldenl of University j K. S. Carr, Prot Chemistry; P. l'ioda, Modern Languages; Joseph I.eConte, Professor of Ge ology and Natural History; William Swinton, Prolessor of Belles Lettres; Martin Kellogg, Den n of the Faculty. LAWLOR INSTITUTE Ills Main Street. l,os Angeles. THE SEVENTH SEMI-ANN CAL Session of this HKhECT I) V V SCHOOL, In which girls and Isiys receive a cskkcl, J'KAI "I'll'Al. AXOCOMI'I.KTK Kllglisll Kdiicatioii, commencedon MONDAY, AUGUST 11, isti. T Kit MS I _B MONTH: Knglish Studies, including the ordinary School Branches, and Doubte-Bntr) Book-Keeplngand Algebra i'> oo Primary Geography, second and Third Headers t Ui Chart ami Primer Classes 'i ou I. \ T It A S. Latin, Phonetic. Short-hand and Geom etry, per month II vi Coaipetent Teachers of liravving, Painting, and the Modern Languages, w ill be connected with the institution. For further particulars, apply to the under signed, at lhe School Building. ocaiiil W. It. LAWI.oH, Principal.^ FRENCH and SPANISH LESSONS IN THE FRENCH and Spanish languages will he given toclasscs or in private, commencing on WKUMiNniY. ocroiiKit i. MM, I'KKMS OK TI'ITIon: Private lessons 1 00 each Twenty lessons U on Lessons to any number of pupils over live, for one month,three les sons every week, each pupil 2 00 Flench and Spanish' School lor children ev ery day (Saturday* excepted) ut l o'clock i*. If, TFITIoN, per month, S.i. For further particulars, inquire at No. 107 Mala street. Translation of French, Span ish amu Knoi.ish. f. v. c. de mo.ndhan. ocf-l in 1 p Drawing and Painting. TNSTItn TION IN CRAYON, PEN- L ( IL AND I'FRsPF.i TIVK DRAWINGi in Coloring wilii India Ink ami Water Colors, and In oil. PAIN T I If Ch given at Hillside Collage, buck of the new school-house. Mits. LC WHEAT SMITH. oc2tf ST. VINCENT'S COLLEGE, L.OS ANGELKS. T TNDEIt THE~ CARE OF THE _J FATHKHs ok ST. VINCKNT UK PAUL. DEGREES CONFERRED, and the most Complete Education given. No more beauti fully situated spot in the whole of Southern California. Apply by letter,or personally, to HF.V. J. MetilLL, C. M. oc'2-lmis Presid-nr. STOLEN HORSES T HAVE THE FOLLOWING DE- A scribed horses in my possession at Ste phens' corral, taken from Tlhiircio Vasquesli ha ml of robbers. Owners can have their sbs-k hy proving properly and paylngeliargcs: Two Ameriasn work mares, one sorrcinmi one broWII, branded F with a hall circle at the bottom. One large sorrel work hose, hands high, hrnnded S (i. «me sorrel horse, having collar and saddle marks, blase in face, left fore foot and left hind fisit whit.', branded J K. line sorrel horse supposed to Ismi half-breed, with collar and saddie-inarks, fore feel white. Strip 111 forehead; brand, two inverted .Is With S niulerncuth. One mom saddle-horse, bald face, all feet white, branded ami vented with letter O, and also branded with tetter A with half circle on top. One large Iron-gray horse, hrnnded M C ami figures 2"i. One Spanish saddle or work mass with colt, hrnnded M X, and also J A l„ One light gruy saddle-horse, branded .1 with half circle. one dun mare, White mane ami tail, brand ed I It and .1 GLand also J A L. One black niare, branded I with half circle at top and bottom, and I A 1.. One bay marc and vcarllug coll, branded J A U One dun niara and sucking coll, branded A with o on to)). One yearling dan colt, branded .1 A L. WM. It. HOWLAND, Sheriff. _oc2t f Our Own Manufacture! THK OTSI-V CRACKER BAKERY In tlu* Cit.v! A Large Stock of fresh Crack ers always on Hand. >\ r ocl<lii_«f C^iilioh tin hand nnd made lo order at short notice. TastefUlly decora ted CAKKS of any design, at reasonable prices. Also, BREAD, PIES ANI) CAKES, Fresh cverv day, at the AMERICAN IIAKEHY. cx'2-lmls NUMBER 4. MISCELLANEOUS. SOUTHERN DISTRICT Agricultural Society's FALL MEETING. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 10,1 I, 12, 13, I4and 15. SPLENDID SPEED PROGRAMME I FIVE DAYS' I? yYOITVG —AND Stock Parades and Exhibitions. Anil one whole day devoted In LADY KQT'KHTIHANIKM, AND OTHER MIGHTS. FIRST DAY. First Race— Trotting--For horses that arc owned In the district nt this date, Hint have never beaten three minutes. Mile heats: best three in Aye to harness—purse of 9800; WOO to the first horse, and $100 to the second; Aye or more to enter. Second Race—Running rneeof a mile dash, for all two-year olds owned and raised in this district. Purse of $300; $200 to first and $100 to second; five or more to enter. Third Race—Running- Free for all Califor nia or half-breed horses; mile flash; catch weights. Purse $150; $100 tothe first nnd t r ») lo the second; five or more to cuter. SF.COND DAY. F'lrst Race—Gentlemen's Saddle. ale dash of one mile; to carry not less than ISO pounds; each owner to ride his own horse, with colors, iweight to be understisKl to com prise saddle and rider, and not include whip and hrldle,i and each rider to Is- over 10 years old. Purse of $JI00; $200 lo first and $100 to the second horse; five to enter. second Rnce—Running- Free for all three year olds bred nnd raised, and owned at this ilate In Ihe district; mile heats, liest two in three. Purse of $300; $200 to fust horse $100 to second; live to enter. Third Race-Trotting-Free for all three-year olds In the State; mile heats, hest two In three to harness. Purse $150; $100 to first, $50 to sec ond; three to enter. THIRD DAY. First Race—Trotting—Free for nil horses in the State; mile heats, best three in five to har ness. Purse of $:imi; $200 to first, $100 to sec ond; five to enter. Second Race—Running—Free for all horses in the Slate; mile heats, best three In Aye. Purse $400; S.HiO to first, $100 to second; three or more to enter. ~ FOURTH DAY. First Race—Running—Five mile dssb; free for nil horses owned In this district at. this date; catch weights—bar ireno and Pn.ll. Sher idan—purse of $250; $175t0 the first, aid $75 to tlie second; five to enter. Second Race—Trotting Purse—Free for all horses In the state; mile heals, Is-st three In . five to wagons; owners to drive, and all pro- 4 fessional drivers to be excluded, i'urw $:t0o; A 1118 to first, 575 to second, and $50 to third; five _j to enter. \ mmm FIFTH DAY. M Set apart for the exhibition of slock nud Mfl nwardingof premiums, mm At one o'clock on this day there will Iffl grand exhibition of lady equestrinnlsm. I I ■■iiiie hi 1 i ii i iMn ii who each be accompanied liH on the day of the contest. and lo lie made to the Secretary oiH the 15th of October. The entry mm the name of the lady came description of the unlnM| venlent—the name of the rider eerbiimß contest will be divided into two parts—glH ful riding and daring equestrianism. Qwg u-hn look prizes last year nre ineligible. will be ten or more substantial und olci ■ premiums, to be named hereafter. There wIB he no horse or foot-racing on this day, and til admission will Is? the same us usual. M\ SIXTH ttm First Race -Trotting- Free for nil iiofl the State; two-mile heats, best two infj harness. Purse $500; $.150 to the llrstßJ the second; five Second Race—Running- Free for aIH in the Slate; two-mile beats, best two ■ Purse $.500; $,150 to the tirst, $150 to the WM three to All trotting races to be governed by trH of the National Turf Congress, uud ill nlng races to be governed hy the rules■ Sacramento State Agricultural Society,■ otherwise specified. Fair to eommenH Monday, the 10th day of November, Umi thine six days. All entries tohcmiidetH Secretary by the Ist day of Oetols-r,lo pcrH of all purses to accompany the entry. I«H of walk-over, the horse shall be entitled WM entrance money only. Wlien two hnrsesH start, the third money shall lie returned tWU SiM'lety. A horse distancing the field sluH entitled to all the money. Judges shall ■ the rigid to call up a second or third rnoal have it come off between the heats of Ihc ■ The Society reserves the right to withtß any purse, if it Isdicves thai there will IxtWM WM Ml thi' privileges of the d jstriet. rineludJjM entries tor premiums and purses, are extjSl to Inyo and Ventura countries. f_| LA CRONICaH J3UBLIHHED BY E. F. TEOln The only Spanish Newspafl IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Published every Wednesday and SnliirdayH mornings. Office In Temple's New HlnckfS Spring street, opposite tile Colt rt hflliag ■ It has a large circulation lv the State nf Cal-H ifornia, the Eastern Slates, Louisiana,Mexlco.H and Arizona and 1 'olorado Territories, Cent ml ■ ami Soulh America, and Spain. ■ Oroiilofi.** I commends itself to tlie A<ivrrtl«enL*|^|^^B! wish to bring their business iM-foreH lsh-s|H>aking people and numcrousS of different nationalities, on Hie )_H Advertising Kate* Very ReiS ■irilngg One Year, fti; sH Months, fi. Los Angeles WooldMMl STORE, V SACRISTE, ELLIOTT * CO DEALERS IN WOOL, ANI) MAN FFACTCRERS of All Wool Caasimerc*. Tweed*. llanuels. Blanket*, ate. All our goods are PURE W«R»L, and wur ninlcd as represented. Consumers can Save 25 to 33 per cent. hy buying direct from us. STORE AT THK "WHITE HOUSE," corner of Los Angeles und Commercial streets. <s-2tf-2p NEW YORK BREWERY, IHRTS. HENNE, PROPRIETOR Tlie CLEAREST, PI'REST and MOST BRIL LIANL I.AUKR KEER South of San Francisco. Orders for DRAUHHT or MOTTLED BEER promptly attended to. The celebrated Beer from this Brewery de fies ciunpetltion In Ihe State. oc. r >-2nilp k. iikktiion. v. v. c. mondban. COSMOPOLITAN CIGAR DEPOT IMPORT THE PUREST and BEST Havana Cigars, and keepoM hand Cliewlna nnd Ninoklnn Tobacco, Pipes, Clgnrrltoa ami Fancy ArtMes. Main St., next door lo W. F. A Co's Express. <s-2tf ip