Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME I. %n JUgrlcji JicvaUl. it Published every morning except .Monday, hv tiii: IIKMALII PRICTIXU <o»ii'A\Y. iiKKICK llernld MeaiH I took and Job Printing Hoaae. Spring hired, opposite the l 'our! Ilousc. TF.RMH: Pcrnnnnni, by mnll orexprewi Six months !• •• il 'I hrce niont hs " " • .'i fiellvered by carriern, per week, '.'■'> cents Ad' ertlsements insetted at lilieral latus. [Written for the Los Angeles Herald.] LOS ANGELES. BY RKTTtK I.AOKANOH. A breeze from the southward comes bringing The fragrance of far-away llower-; 1 fancy il throhhing and ringing With notes of the mocking-bird singing sweet praises for sunshiny hours. And through (he soil mist of my dreaming The City Of Angels appeals, The gold of her orange grove* gleaming, |lng Through clouds of dark, glossy leaves, beam- Like smites through a shallow ol tears. 1 see the broad vineyards, extending Their laden ai ills, low to I he ground, The willow tree swaying and bending, The blight river Hashing, and blending its voice with! heir taurnturln g sound. A ii I myriad hlossom < aie lilting Bright eyes lo the sun that they love; Th >lr soft petals Boating and drilling , To catch the bright rays, that -ire sifliiu; Through branches thai rustic i.hove. Is it real, the land of my dreaming, Where angels of beauty still dwell, The harsh work of mortals r< deeming, Or In the fair vision hut sci mlng? i ih, hasten dear H RRALD, to tell. M nta P.arhara,'til Oct., 1ST:!. Personal Journalism. The following article appeared two weeks ago in the columns of the San Franclmo New* f*etter. It so entirely accords with the Views of the editors of the Hkkai.d, and so fully repre sents the feeling of most good citizens that it is here reproduced, The lan guage in which it is couched is as ele gant as forcible, and a model of com* position! A bombastic generation chants the march of improvement, ami its chief refrain is, freedom of the press. Ana rule, the Newt Letter inclines rather to gay than grave, to lively than se vere. Vet there are times when se rious evils move us to wrath, and our seal of disapproval is set just now up on that ulcer in the Hide of progress— liersonal journalism. We do not real ize how insidious ami certain have been the works of this rampant intru der, until we learn from a glance at circulation lists, that those papers are considered jejune and unreadable which are too respectable to bristle with sensational poiltta gleaned from tlm privacy . ' family circles anil inner lives. Time was when a man's home was his castle; but now, those who would he igiiomiiiously ejected from the drawing room, penetrate to the closet, where the family skeleton, open wide the doom that nil the world may see, anil rattle the lioiu's that all the world may hear. Time was, when such stories appear ing, names were disguised hy accomo dating blanks, or at most in unoffend ing initials. Now they are giving nn* eoinproniisiiigly complete. The man of acute feeling who shrinks sensitive ly into privacy, awakes to titul his name in huge capitals, his doings in long paragraphs, and himself the them* of every breakfast table. Youthful indiscretions are dug from Under the kindly drifts of accummula ted years, polished by practiced hands, and held to the searching light of pub licity that friends and family may he dazed with their unwelcome glitter. Stories that had best he forgotten, Of at least unrecorded, are given with en largements and additions for a greedy public to swallow, knowing well that every detail had been gathered in the sloughs of disgraceful weakness. A black sheep in an honorable family is their favorite prey. The prayers of a father, the tears of a mother, tho grief of shame-bowed sisters, they disregard. A flashy heading, a sensational column, an extra sale or two must he considered before all the grief und shame, and the higher the social alti tude and the more resectable the sur roundings, the greater their stock in trade, Many a girl whose feet might have .heen timely stayed in the down ward path, has been moved to reck lessness and defiance through the rash publicity of personaljokinialisin. Many a youngman who would have repented ' aiid expiated a first fault, has been moved to further sinning in the same way. It is said that we live in a fust age, When eiU'i'gie? awl eiithusiams die early, and that' stimulants alone will revivify them. Let the sated ap petites of tlie reading public he regaled with tales of dangers hy Hood ami lield, or murders most fold, of wars and fires, and disasters hy sea and shore. Let the men who have wit tingly placed themselves before the public, and their names at the point of journalist's jkmi, be written about and joked about, criticised and laughed over, but let thesi nsirtionirl marauders be displaced from the family hearth stone, upon which they have taken their uninvited stand. Personal jotir • "milium should he frowned upon, dis couraged, unpatronized. It lv every man's duty; for no man knows when it may attack himself or family. Like a Ikul, it is unexpected in its attack and irritating beyond endurance; like an ulcer, its discharge is conti nous and vile; like a leech, it fastens itself, and may not he displaced until it is gorged; and, like a leech, too, it can vomit forth its horrible meal at will, and return with frenh unction to batten upon its familiar food. • j * Here is mi order lately received by n music teacher: "Pleaae tend dm the iuuslq to'Htrike the harp In praise of (Jod, and paddle your own canoe.' "It In almost aa unique aa the title-page, of.a new piece of mUstc, which reads: "Hark ! sister is dying with piano forte accompaniment;" or, like tho sheet of music hung ih a shop window, entitled; "Yon may kiaa nic on my Hps, my darling, for twenty-five cents." The oldest atove is In Bleemond, Va., and Is 103 years old. Washington pro bably warmed his toes at it. Los Angeles Daily Herald. LETTER FROM SANTA BARBARA. [Rpceinl Porrwipotidenee <>r the Herald.] iteni Batata In iiipTuh ii—tiii' lhhjits mul Oorloi'*—Polities noil Oeoernl Neaa. Santa BARBARA, Oct. 4. Your sprightly paper (No, 1). came to hand this morning. You have em barked in a nohle enterprise, worthy of a hearty support from all of South ern California. Our town (Santa llarhaia) is pushing forward rapidly in the construction of dwellings, caused hy the low price of lumber and the anticipated demand of visitors or winter sojourners. Real property is held at high figures, and there is considerable speculation in It. The medical profession is well repre sented, probably to assist the climate in Ct|rltig the invalids that are expect ed to flock to this greal sanitarium. The legal profession is also well rep resented, and more are coming. The Bar is just now exercised over the question as to whether they will have a Judge to hold court the comingttTtn. Judge de la rjuerra is an invalid, and has heen for the past year. The im pression seems to prevail that he will never he able to again assume the du ties of the office, Doubtless the Judge, who is the soul of Castilian honor,and the head and highest type of his race, will resign his position as soon as he is advised by his medical attendants that it will he impossible for him ever to perform the functions of the office. In politics, the People*. Independent party is ahead. The local central com mittee of the People's Party has adopt ed the State organisation, and many Democrats and Republicans among the other local party -the Citizens' Parly declare in favor of MeKlnstry. In conclusion, your correspondent would remark thai there ought to he no conflict between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara relative to advantages, growth and prosperity. It would not he Southern California if we had not both of these places, and Sau Diego besides. TRAVKLLKR. Exchange Saucepan. Nan Diego Wurhi. Mr. Mendel ■ohn has got back and Mr. McCoy's diary is ruthlessly made public. "McNaly ditter to Jeemet McKay, boreby I hey spin! ."> hunered dollcrs to-day. in given the hiys a "pease." Mac must make this up to me whin he'sjldge, I've got'im in black and white thow. I don't trust nobody bo cause everybody that trusts me has to ante and pass tlie buck, he do." The World further on cal In McCoy's literary efforts "filthy fishwife rav ings." San Diego has a new saloon. The rest of the paper is gently de voted to nursing "lhe Seindor" with a big stick. The Santa Barbara Weekly Time* is funny at the expense of Los Angeles shallow waters; litis a P. S. to its lead ing article (new styles; advocates Dwindle for Supreme Judge; quotes two eases of typhoid fever as "the re sult of the exposure to the atmosphere of filth and garbage"; has several funny items only Intelligible to resi dents; wants a east iron tywpan (sio) for its ears, and is a large seven col umn newspaper full of excellent read ing matter. r The Ventura Signal records a bull light and a hall, both bully; has a "horn" Item, and has got the offlco photographed; quotes 98,812 worth of real estate sales and transfers; wants a hundred cottages built, and hus a sulphur mountain which burns splen didly. Tne Peoples' State Central Committee includes as member for Ventura county, Chas. Lindley. It is related that a Sandwich Island woman, upset while out holding, swam with her husband on her hack to shore, a three days journey. Tough. United States Hotel, f,OS ANdELKS, CM. The largest and most commodious Hotel south of San Francisco. * — 1-~ HP HEUND KR S r(i XE I) P» K(J -•- leave to Inform the traveling public that they have leased this WK1.1.-K XtWN HO TEL, And from their experience can truly say that man. permanent and transient iHiarders will Und a HOME. FOR PRIVATE FAMILIES We have suites of Rooms at moderate prices, Tbe extensive acquaintance We have tormed throughout tho Stale with tlie TfurfUlng < 'ornnt unity, is a sufficient guarantee that Ibis Mouse will always to their FAVORITE REstiRT, and we shall endeavor toinaintaiii our reputation by keeping THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS for our bible, and the CHOICEST WINES ANI» LIQUORS lor our bar. We have all Spring Beds at this Hotel. «« Our terms are moderate. Call and see ns.-W HAMMEL ANI> DENKER. oeltf JOSEPH BRESON, BAMPLE8 AMPLE ROOMS, ' OPPOSITE IT. S. HOTEL, MAIN ST. The purest WINES, the choicest CIGARS, and the hest FANCY PRINKS concocted south of San Fruneiseo. Temple Hlock, next to Wells, Fargo A Company's otttcc. ocMtnls LOS ANGELES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1873. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. N. P. RICHARDSON, pHYSICIAN AND SUtOKOX. OFFICE No. II Downey'. Block, up-stalrs. ocj-tr DR. A. S. SHORB, J JO.MIF.OPATHIC PHYSICIAN. OFFICE. Nearly nppnsHethe Ptwl OfJlcc. HKsidknck No. pi Franklin itfeeet. of-2-tf DR. H. S. OR ME, jpHYSICIAN ANT) SI'ROF.OX, OFFICK ANDItKSIDKNCK-In Laufrancn's building. So, ti Main street. otllce Hours from 10 A. M. to I P. M.,iin<l from I to :t P, M. oc-.'-tf DR. JOSEPH KURTZ, J3HYSICIAX AND SITUJKON, OFFICK ANI > UKSIOKNCK -In Heinsclrs Hlock. i'ummerctal ami Los Angeles streets. tor, Special Httcntlou paid lo ditofttte* of lhe RYK AND LA It. ik'Mi DR. J. W. OLIVER, J|OM(K()PATHIST. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE • Spring street, opposite the Mayor* QUlce. ocidptf D. W. C. FRANKLIN, VI K(! lIA NIC A 1., OPERATIVE i'l AND SLIM IKON DKNTIsT. OKKICK :!i spring street, next to Fire En gine Hons.'. n,.-J-| f H. K. S. O'MKI.VKNY. H. T. IIA/..VH11. O'MELVENY & HAZARD, AWmNEVtf AT LAW, OFFICE IN TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANOKI.KS, I 'AL. SWHpeclsl attention given tit business in the Lulled States Uoid Offlac, acti-lf A.OI.ASSKI.I., if; H. SMITH. A. 11. I'll A I'M AN, ii. M. SMITH. GLASSELL. CHAPMAN «& SMITH. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, URFICR—TRMPI4S HLOCK up-stalrs, l.os Angeles, California. bc2*tf JAMES C. HOWARD, A TTOBNEY AT LAW CO I RTT COM MISS rON RI t, Downey's Hlock, l.os Angeles. IH'2-tf M. WHALING, JLITOBNEV AT LAW, OFFICK No. IS Downey block boa Angel.-. O CH* I 111 (11 Altl.KS I.INOI.KV. J. S. TIIOMI'SoV. LINDLEY & THOMPSON, ATTOBNEYH AT LAW, OFFK 'R—Room No. :t, Downey Hlock. <«••-• w.i„ maksiiai.i.. arm. i>. uori.n. MARSHALL * COULD, VTTORNEYH AT LAW-OKKICK opposlt c the ('oni'i Hollse, Hooms Nos. HI nnd M Temple Hlock, Los Angelea. CuJ. Will practice in ail the Cuints of tins state, ami utt end to laisiuess in I . S. Laud Ollice. LEW. C. CABANIS, >M)TAIiV PUBLIC, COXVKY ' ancer and Searcher of Records for this County. OKKICK -No. II Temple Hlock, fsta Ange> h's, Caliloi oc2-tl V. E. HOWARD & SONS, A-TTOHNEYH AT LAW, TKMPLK HLOCIC, Los ANOKI.KS. IK-2-tf A. A. WILSON, It COUNSKLLOR. OFFICK—Room No, it. Temple Black, Los A ngetc*, Cnlltbrbla. oeHf A. U. JUDHON. .1. W. OII.hKTTK. JUDSON & GILLETTE, SKAKCHFHS OF KKCOHDS ANI> CONVKYANCKHS. TKMPLK HLOCK, LOS ANOKI.KS. oosPlm C. W. MORGAN, TIRAI ROTATE AGENT, Four doors south of tlie Post Office, Temple Hlock, Los Angeles, California. »ts«! MoNKY To LOAN. oe34f OH At. I. MILKS, HYDRAULIC ENGINEER, LOS ANOKI.KS, CAL. RKPMM to Dr. J.S. OrllHn,.!. <i. Downey, L. 11. Tuns, (Jen. P. Hannlng, I. W. Itellman, A. Olassell. The introduction of water Into Cities, Towns and Hunches a specialty. Contracts taken for making Hbeel iron pipes, at my »Imp,or where desired, on the most favorahle terms, oel-lin BARBERS BATH HOUSES. GEORGE REINECKE, Barber Saloon & Bath House. T | AIR TRIMMING, SHAVING, -I 1 SII AMPoOINIi, HATIIS, KTC This estahlishineiit lias Just heen refitted, and, after having engaged tne hest Barber* in tbe city, I respeeifully solicit custom from all wJio want work executed in tbe best style. Makes Ihe HATIIINO HI'SINKSSn special ty,and has the fluent set of Hath Rooms lv the city. Itii" rnderthe Hidla I'liion. ocj-lmlp TONSORIAL PALACE SAM, JONKS, PHOPKIK'i'oU AND MANAGER Hot. Cold and Shower Baths. Shaving and bathing Kmporium. No. IH Main si reel. ocBtf-lp PROF. GREEN'S BARBER SHOP, N r KXTTO GATES & NOYKS' AND under the '• Kxpress " offlee, TKMPLK HLOCK. As Proi. flreen has the hest nvailahlc assist ants to he procured ill lhe State, Hair Cutting, Shaving and Shampooing Will be performed in the best style of the ton sorlal art. ocfHln ADAM & NELSON, Merchant Tailors, H AVING KSTAIiIiJSHKDTH KM - Helves at the old stand of 1.. Peter, opposite the PoHt-niHcc, SPKINO STREET, are prepared lo 1111 ALL OKDKICS in the Latest & Most Fashionable Styles. A fine assortment of Cassimeres, Vestings, And everything In (he line always on hand. WD A 0001 l FIT OI ■AH A NTKKII IN ALL CASKS, (live us a Call. oc'Mmlp FORWARDING & COMMISSION. J. L. WARD & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS -AND - Manufacturers Agents. AOKNTN Kolt LQNDOK ASSURANCE CORPOAATION; UNION IOJANCE COMPANY OF SAN FRANCISCO; COMMERCIAL 1 MARINE] INSURANCE COMPANY. (Combined assets exceed an.000.000 BABCOCK'S FIRE EXTINGUISHER; BAKER 4 HAM.LTON'S AGRICULTURAL MXHINE:tY; THE CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON; SWAN BREWE'.Y CO.'S ALE AND MTU, i.c'.'-lmlp HELLMAN, HAAS & CO. ro i * w > v ii i > i rs« AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HAVE FOR SALK THE PI'RKST GROCERIES, THE REST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco of the choicest Imported Brands. Paints, Oils, Doors, Sashes. BLINDS, FARMINO IMPLEMENTS. Hand 111 Lis Angeles and Commercial S|s., ncB] l.os ANOKI.KS. |lin-lp I. B. FERGUSON'S IDMMISSION HOI SE In tlie Inclusive Commission llonae lo go lo for Everything You Wnnl. oc'J-lm SIMON LEVY, / HIMMISSION MERCHANT. V ' Oeneral dealer in all kinds of COUN TRY I'IioDI'CTIoNS, Hides, Grain and Wool. Makes advances on Consignments lo all parts ol the PnltPd Slates. Nos. 24 and t!t AlisoS'., LOS ANOKLKS. oc.vl.vlp BUSINESS CARDS. J. G. JACKSON Keeps all kinds of Lumber, Shingles, Laths, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, INisls, Hltftkf^M, PLASTER PARIS, CK.MKNT AM) HAIR. CORNER oK Alameda and First Streets. oclMlulp PERRY, WOODWORTH V CO, I I'MRKR YARDS MJ AND PI.ANINO MILLS. XO. 7«t COMMERCIAL ST. Keep constant lv on hand a full assortment ofl.lMBKIt, DiioltS, SASH, MoI'I.DINOS, BLINDS, TURNED AND SAWKD WORK. All kinds of milt work done to order. oc'-' GRIFFITH, LYNCH & CO. DEALERS IN LUMBER. COBBER KIRsT AND ALAMEDA STS. Mill Work of all Kinds, —fties as - DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, ETC., ETC. oc'.'-lmlp S. 11. CASWKI.I.. J. F. K1.1.15. CASWELL & ELLIS, JM PORTERS And llenlerw in Oeuernl Merchandise. MO AND B9 MAIN STREET, oc'.'-tf Los AMiKi.m. CUCOMONGA WINE. DEPOT AT LOI'IS MESMER'S WINK ('Kl.l.Alt, underneath the U.S. Hold. WiUCh) theOlass, Bottle or Oullnn. All kinds of Liquors, Wines and Bitters at wholesale aud retail. NOTI4K. The public of Los Angeles ure hereby unti tled that no other person iv I,os Angeles find Louis Mcsiiiei has wines from the iWomongo ranches. J. L. SANSKV AIN. ocMplm LOS ANGELES SODA WORKS, N... 13 A UNO ST It I'd. nENRY NY. STOLL, Proprietor. - Supplies Bar Ris.ins and private mini lies wltli Ihc purest and beat NOMA AMI W ARMAI* AKI 1.1. A. Delivered to any part of the city. _ mWw CAROLINE C. BURTON. T A DIES' HAIR DRESSING IN J.J all stvlcs. BRAIDS, CI'RLS AND WA TKItKAI.i.s, made at the shortest notice. TANOLKD HAIR ST RA Id lITK NED AND .M ADE INTO ANY SHAPE. «« Pernunes ol Ihe llnest quality nn hand and lor sale. NO. tf HPRLNO STRKET, Los Angeles, Caflfttrnla, oc2-ti GAMBRINUS BREWERY, piRST STRECT, IX)H ANGELES. Fine Lager Beer for sale IN QCANTITIES To SHIT. oc'Minlp los. I.EIBKR, I|roprletor. SAM. BERGE, Bill Poster and Distributer. 11ANDRILLS, QIBCUIiABB. P*o -1 1 ORAMMKS, NOTICKS, Kte. lallhliilly POSTED OR DISi'HIBLTKD throughout tbe cltv and country. N. B.—Parties at a distance can send any thing they wish posted or distributed In Ihe city or surrounding country, with assurance Unit the work will la' faithfully done. Orders liuiv be left at Ihe office of the Daily HKHAI li. SAM. HKROK, oc'Ml' Uis Angeles. MISCELLANEOUS. It KP UHLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF CHH'AOO, lIXIVOIM. Cash Capital, . 81,000,000 limn. lie*. 111 Mil Hie- MiilcsulHit- luiou. TTAYING NOW COMPLETE D I 1 the organization of our I*a«»iii«* T*i-fiii<»li, We take pleasure In announcing that our Pa elfie Coast SliK'kholders have elected the fol lowing well-known elllzens as officers of our PACIFIC BRANCH: OLIVER F.LDRIDOK. Pice PreataVwl*.' THOS. A. HA LL, WM. It. WHF.ATON A. L. OCRNEY secretary pro ten JAS. T. BOYD. Vltorney TH< >S. BROW N Treasurer ( HAS. IH'HKKLI Medical Examiner AVccm/.i'.' ('oiiimitter: OLIYKRKLDRIDOK, Joh.A. DONOBOR, lAS. T. BOYD, 080. W. BKAVKR, ( HAS. Hi Kill 1.1., Tllos. BELL, X H. PF.HHIN. IHrtttwii < »LI V Kit F.LDHKbt IE.LKLANP STAN Ft IBI> ORtX W. HKAVKR, Tllos. RROWN, N. O. KITTLE; C. CHHISTIANsKN, JOHN X, MILLER, Tllos. H. HKLRY, ,1 As. T. BOYD, R. F. MORROW, C. I. HRKNHAM, S. F. IH'TTERWORTIf M. P. SWEENY, GEO. H. WHKATON, 1. FRH'.DLANDER, WM. BTRLINO, \. BLACK, THOS. A. HALL, los. A. DONOHOK, WM. H. WHKATON, Tllos. UK 1,1., E. & PKBRIN. c. T. RYL\ND, WM. L. DICKENSON WM. S. I.\DD. THK REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. Was chartered by special net of the Legisla ture ol'the State oi Illinois, and commenced doing husiness iv duly, IS7O, making It now Just three years old. lis plan of organisation was to have Davllal Ktock, with twenU Di ent. paid In,nnd the balance subject la call. With BRANCH oROANI/.A -TI( iNS nf stis-kholders In the leading business centers of the country, composed of tlw bust husiness men—thus making a Company ot National extent and prestige, and yet a HOH»:<OMI»AWY AT KAMI BRANCH. The Company at this date has policies In force covering over of risks, with an annual Income of over ti^I.OOO.OOO. ALL ASSETS OF PACIFIC BRANCH IN VESTED ON THI.M COAST. Capital Stock ol Paeltl'e Branch, over I .•aW.OOtI (0 Invented in Mortgages on Heal Ks tale in California during lhe last four months, over It.l.lXiO Oh :f.*H Policies Issued al Paclllc Branch duringsamo period, Insuring 1 ,L'L>,I(W HO Charge* lor Insurance 25 per Cent. Lew* Hum Mutual Com pan lea. T II R It KIT Bli I C! BOM not borrow THE CAPITAL of Policy holders on PROMISKS lo return the same at som« INDEKINITK luture period and CALL IT A DIVIDEND. In presenting the claims of THE REPI'H LIC to the patronage ol' the people of this Coast, we shall al all times aim lo be gov erned hy sound hnsliifssconsidenitlons, and a due regard lor the rights and merits of com peting companies. OKKICK OF THE PACIFIC BRANCH. NO. 317 I ALII' OHM A NTKKET. Below Hun soma Street. ocSdlmlp ___ J. STRELITZ, MERCHANT TAILOR MAIN ST., nkau WKLLS.FAROOJfc Co Makes the most fashionable slyleof 0 mL» Or V II IX g to he obtained in the southern country. Also a large stock of the Newest and best Cloths Doeskins, Beavers, Fanes CaMlpaere*. Velvet and Silk Vostlngs, etc. A tit guaranteed. Refers to the principal gentlemen of theclty for whom he has made clothing. No necessity lo sunt! to San Fruneiseo for gissl tilting suits. oc2tt'-ip Everybody knows the old Man SIONORKT. BANK EXCHANGE BILLIARD SALOON, run by F. HIONoRKT. Best Cigars, Choicest Liquors, Excellent Tables, Commodious Room. Customers twcivcd by the old man himself, who has been in attendance ilnce law. He welcomes all his old customers and pleases the new ones. The BKST BARRKR SHOP In the city i» with Ihls establishment. Clean ful employees. ocVlm JOHN OSBORNE. I3IOXEER PACKAGE EXPRESS 1 AND CITY PACK At IF. DELIVERY. MOVING PIANOS AND ORGANS A SPECIALTY. Pianos Unpacked and Repacked. Anything Delivered, from an Envelope to the largest Case ever shipped, to ull parts of the city uml country. Baggage cull ed liir in lime for the trains. »r I,cave orders on the slate at the office, In Welbt, Fargo A ('o.'s ollice, coruur Main and Market streets, or P. O. Dog !*ti oc.'Muils Mm TEED, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Shop on First Street,. Between Main and Spring, Log Angeles. •V Jobbing done neatly and with Dispatch. oc.Vlm.lp i FELIX OLIVERY'S JpASTRY AND ('HOP HOUHE, White Home Building, l.os Augelc* Nl. »»: Keeps constantly the FRESHEST AN.. PI'REST PASTRY, and the mo t dell.aous CIH»PS. MR Alii AT ALL RopRS. -an nctMmlp EDUCATIONAL. SPANISH AND FRENCH tnst ruction in fbknch and J. SPANISH will he given to classes in the afternoons' or evenings, by MISS JOSEPHINE LINDLEY rißSii To a class of five or less, per lesson #2 (io To a class ol any number over live, per lesson $3 00 For further particulars, Inquire at the office of the Los Anoki.ks Hkrald, of I.lnd lev A Thompson, or at the IMco House. TEST IMONIALH : Univmisity of California, i Department of Lanouauks. Oakland, July 11, 1K72. I Herewith I certify that Miss Josephine Und ley has been a student In my department of the University for five consecutive terms, viz: from September, IH7O, to April .Id, 1872. During this time she studied the French, the Spanish and Hie Ocrman languages, obtaining always the highest marks for proficiency and attend ance, her average credit mark for five terms being 07 percent. On entering the University, Miss I,lnd lev possessed already such knowledge of the French ami Spanish idioms as to be able to s|>eak them with ease, fluency, correctness, and a pure pronunciation. She may now ls» considered thoroughly fa miliar with the theory and philosophy, as well as with the application ol these two tongues; nud she may safely be recommended as a can didate of great promise, for teaching the French and Spanish languages. P. PIoDA, Prof. Modern Languages. CNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Josephine Lindlev has been declared by the Faculty entitled to this Certificate of Profi ciency In the departments of Geology and Natural History, (Botany and Physical Geolo gy,) Belles Lettres. (English Literature, Histo ry, Ancient and Modern,) Chemistry, Modern Languages, (French ami Spanish.l Henry"Durant, President or I'niversltvj E. S. carr, Pint Chemistry; P. PUsta, Modern LftnfUageaj Joseph Iv Oonte, Professor of Ge ology und Natural History; William Swinton, Professor of Belles Lettres; Martin Kellogg, Dean of the Faculty. LAWLOR INSTITUTE ISA Mill Ntreet, I.on Augeles.. HpHE SEVENfITsEMT-ANNFAL JL Session of this SELRCT HtJL'tr SCHOOL, la which girls and Isiys receive a csefcl, pk Acne a i. Aso complete English Education, commenced on MONDAY, AUGUST It, IS7!I. TKHNN ft-'.H MONTH: English Studies, including Ihc ordinary Sclkhil Brunches, nnd llouble-Eiitry Book-Keeping and Algebra $5 00 Primary' Geography, Second and Third Readers 1 00 Chart anil Primer Classes ;t 00 X XT MAN. Latin, Phonetic Short-hand ami Geom etry, per month $2 00 Competent Teachers of Drawing, Painting, and the Modern Languages, will be connected with ihe Institution. For further partlcilhire, apply to the under signed, at the School Building. oc&ml w. li. LAWI/tm, Principal.- FRENCH and SPANISH LESSORS IN THE FRENOH and Spanish languages will be given toclasscs or in private, commencing on HI. It NEW I) AY, OCTOBKB 1. 1*7.1. TKKMS OF TCITION: Private lessons $ I 00 each Twenty lessons 15 00 Lessons to any number of pupils OVCf five, for one month, three les sons every week, each pupil 2 00 French and Spanlsh-Sclnsil lor children ev ery day (Saturdays excepted) at t o'clock P. M. Tt'ITION, per month, $3. For furthor particulars, Inquire at No. 107 Main street. Translation of Fkkncu, Span ish and knulisu. f. v. c. aa mondran. oe'i-! mlp Drawing and Painting. I NSTRUITIOnTn CRAYON, PEN CIL AND perspective drawing, in Coloring with liullu Ink nnd Water Colore, und lv OIL 1 • A I N T I IN Ci, given at Hillside Cottage, liack of the new sch.M.l-bousc. MRS. LO WHEAT SMITH. oe2tf ST. VINCENT'S COLLEGE, LOH ANGELKH. tT'NDER THrTOARK OF THE J FATHERS of ST. VINCENT ok PAUI* DEGREES CONFERRED, and the most complete Education given. No more beauti fully situated s|sd in the whole of Southern California. Apply hy letter, or personally, to REV. J. Met JILL, C. M. oc2-lnd!i President. STOLEN HORSES I HAVE THE FOLLOWING DE scribed horses In my possession at Ste phens' corral, taken-from Tlburcio Vasquez's band of robbers. Owners can have their stock by proving property and paylngeh.-ogcs: Two American work mares, one sorrel and one brown, branded F wltb a halt circle at the bottom. One large sorrel work hose, tiands high, branded SB. line sorrel horse, having collar and saddle marks, Mur.c in face, left fore foot aud left hind toot white, branded J v". One sorrel horse sup|s>sed to Is" a half-breed, with collar and sudille-mni ks, fore feet white, strip In forehead; bmnd, two Invorted Js with S underneath. One mom saddle-horse, bald face, all feet white, branded and vented with letter O, and also branded with letter A with half circle on top. One large Iron-gray horse, hrnnded M C and figures 25. One Spanish saddle or work mare with colt, branded M E, and also J A I~ One light gray saddle-horse, branded J with half circle. One dun marc, white mane nnd tall, brand ed I It and J G, and v lso J A L. one bluck mare, I with hull circle at top and bottom, and J A I. One bay mare and yearling coll, branded J A |» One dun mow and sucking colt, branded A with O on top. One yearling dun colt, branded J A It WM. It ROWLAND, Sheriff. oc2tf , Our Own Manufacture! THK OVLV CRACKER BAKERY In tho City! A Large Stock of fresh Crack ers always on Hand. Wc»«l<iiii|jr; Oalaroiai On hand and made to order at short notice. Tastefully decorated CAKES of any design, at reasonable prices. Also, BBEA1), PIEH AND OAKEB, Fresh every duy, at tlie AMIBKICABT MAKKHY. .HJiHnils NUMBER Si Ml 3CELLANEOUB. SOUTHERN DISTRICT Agricultural Society's FALL MEETING. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Nov. 10,1 l f 12, 13, I4and 18. SPLENDID SPEED PROGRAMME! FIVEDAYS' HACING — AND- Stock Parades and Exhibitions. And one whole day devoted to LADY KQT'EHTRIANIHM, AND OTHKIt SIGHTS. FIRST DAY. First Race—Trotting—For horses that are owned In the district at this date, that have never beaten three minutes. Mile heats; bent three in Aye to harness -purse of $300; $200 to the first horse, nnd $100 to the sei-ond; five or more to enter. Second Knee- Running race of a mile dash, for all two-year olds owned and raised In this district. Purse of (300; $200 to tirst and 1100 to second; five or more to enter. Third Race—Running—Free for all Califor nia or half-breed horses; mile dash; catch weights. Purse $150; vino lothe first and *5u to the second; live or more lo enter. HKCOND DAY. Find Race -Gentlemen's Saddle Race—Sin gle dash of one mile; to carry not less than ISO pounds; each owner to ride his own horstt, with colors, (weight to be understood to com prise saddle an I rider, and not include whip and bridla,) and each rider to be over 11) years old. Purse of $300; $200 to first and $100 to the second horse; five to enter. Second Race—Hunidng-rFree for all three year olds bred nnd raised, and owned at this date in the district; mile heals, hest two In three. Purse of $300; $200 to first horse, Slut lo second; five to enter. Third Race-Trotting—Free for nil three-year olds in the Slate; mile heats, hest two in three to harness. Puree $150; $101 to first, $50 to sec ond; three to enter. THIRD DAY. First Race—Trotting -Free for all hones In the State; mile heats, best three in live to har ness. Puree of $300; *200 to first, $100 to sec ond; five lo enter. Second Race—Running- Free for all horses In the State; mile heats, best three in live. Purse «tOU; $300 to first, gIOO to second; three or more to enter. FOURTH DAY. First Race—Running—Five mile dash; free for all horses ow ned in this district at thi* date; catch weights—bar Irene and Phil.Sher idan— puree of $250; J175 to Ihe first, and 875 to the second; five to enter. Second Race—Trotting Purse—Free for all horses in the state; mile heats, best three In five to wagons; owners to drive, and all pro fessional drivers to Is? excluded. IHirse 1900; $175 to first, $75 to secoud, and S5O to third; live to enter. FIFTH DAY. Set a part for the exhibition of stock and the awarding of premiums, At one o'clock nn this day there will be a grand exhibition of lady equestrianism. Tbls contest will he open to all ladies and mlsso, mtno must each ls» accompanied by nn escort . on tfhy*U<.. r '•« ermO?st. Entries free fo£all, and to b'e'iHr.'W •~--'y-<Veretiiry jut or before the 15th of Octnhe'f.'"' flic Vhtry consists of lhe name of Ihe lady contestant, and the name or description of the animal, If con venient— tlie name of the rider certain. The contest will Is-divided into two parts—grace hil riding and daring equestrianism. lAdles Who took prizes last year arc Ineligible. There will be ten or more substantial and elegant premiums, to be named hereafter. There will lie no horse or loot-racing on this day, and the admission will be the same us usual. SIXTH DAY. First Race—Trotting—Free for all horses in the State; two-mile bents, best two In three to harness. Puree $500; $350 to the first, 1150 to the second; live to enter. Second Race—Running—Free for all horses In the State; two-mile heats. Is-st two in three. Puree $500; $350 to the first, $150 to the second; three to enter. All trotting races to be governed by the rules of the National Turf Congress, and all run ning races to be governed by tbe rules of the Sacramento Stated griculttiriU society,unless otherwise xpecifleo. Fair to commence on Monday, the loth day of November, to con tinue six days. All entries to he made to the secretary by the Ist day of October.lO percent, of all purses toaccompany the entry. In case of walk-over, lhe horse shall Is* entitled to all entrance money only. When twohorsea only start, the third money shall he returned tn tbe Society . A horse distancing the field shall he entitled toall the money. Judges shall bave the right hi call up a second or third race, and have it. come off between the heats of the first. Tlie Society reserves the right to withdraw any puree, it it believes that there will be no contest. All the privileges of the district, Including entries for premiums nnd purses, arc extend ed to Inyo and Ventura countries. oc2 LA CRONICA, PUBLISHED BY E. F. TEODOLI. The only Spanish Newspaper IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Published every Wednesday and Suturday mornings, office in Temple's New Block, Spring street, opposite the t 'ou rt-house. It has a large circulation In Hie suite of Cal ifornia, the Eastern States, Louisiana, Mexico, and Arizona nnd Colorado Territories,Ceutral and South America, nnd Spain. "•Ija Oronioa.** commends Itself to the Ad vert isera who may wisli to bring their business before the Span ish-speaking people and numerous population <>r different nationalities, on the Pacific Coast. Advertising Rate* Very Reasonable. ScßscHicrioss—One Year, $«; Six Months, $3 50; Three Months, $2. oc'Jtllp Los Angeles Woolen Mill HTOIiE. SACRIBTE, ELLIOTT A CO DEALERS IN WOOL, ANDMAN UFACTCHERS of All Wool Co»«imerest. Tweed*. Flauuela. Blanket*, ate. AllourgiKids are PCRE WOOL, and war ranted as represented. Consumers can Save 25 to 33 per cent. by huvlng direct from us. STORE AT THE. "WHITE HOCSE," corner of l.os Angeles and Commercial streets. ocati-2p NEW YORK BREWERY, HENNE, PBOPBIETOB The CLEAREST, PC REST and MOST BRII - LIANL LAO EH BEER South of San Francisco. Orders for DRACOHT or BOTTLED BEER prompt I v attended to., The celebrated Beer from this Brewery de fles coiii|s»llllon In Ihe State. oes-2mlp K. UKKTIIOM. K. V. C MWIMUN. COSMOPOLITAN CIGAR DEPOT TMPORT THE PUBEST AND BEST A Havana Cigars, and keep on hand Chewina »»d HmoHlnst Tobacco, Pipes, t igarrltos and Fancy Article*. Main St., next door to W. F. A Co's Et press. .s'Jtllp