Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME I. h Published every nmrnlm; exeepl Monday, I if • THE HERALD PRINTING COMPANY, OFFICR Herald Kteitiu Buok an i Job Prilltillg' House. |:pnti", street, oppo de Ibe I'Ottrl House. TERMS! Per annum, li.> 111:01 ore pre - 510 I.ix months " " li Three nionlh' " •• .. .. lieliven d b\ cnirieis, per w> el .' . c< nts Atl'-ertlsemenlN Inserted 11 1111< nil rates. For the HERALD. FISHING. M . heorl il v:. a lit lie li di, Adow 11 life's : 1 iea in lei llonting; Your bearl 11 menj ti her-mnld, I pon t lie cm nut boat inc. - Your line it uas v golden hull: YoUr Look ti "lance s,, be, in,/, '1 hat det p \. ii 100 my coral grove, Mj lone bearl Ii It like n>\ _t in i_ i*_riik *"i i-jti»i f»t bail you ptaei 1 n0..11 v.Mtr liool , A smile, like sunlight dan an:•; Aud ....11 within tnj henrl I fell lis 1 >iiiel my heart trings luneiii [. You were hiii kind lo lei tue die, But plneed toe in 11 rl\ er; \\ heie- ivlmming al ways bj your side, 1 catch your smiles forever, 1.. 11. Tim 11 is. Justices of the Peace. Kiuim; tluuAi.ii: When we pfJl shir-r the extensivecivil and criminal juried lotion conferred by law upon the Justices' courts in this siai.-, and the large amount of business transacted in I hose courts, we Oan realize I Ih* im portance of having them presided over by men who are ii honest, capable and faithful." Disclaiming all intention of dWbar aging any one, permit me to say a lew words in behalf of \V. ('. Hoi man, who Is a candidate for that ollice. Ht Ih not a newcomer or nt ranger here. luit immigrated to and lias beeu ti res* blent of this coast ever since 1845, Strictly temperate In his habits, of unswervingintegrity, he has always been regarded, wherever he has re filled, as an honeat, •upright, intelli gent and enteiprlHiiig citizen. Atone time he was a leading, wealthy ami Influential merchant of San Francis* co. Having lost his fortune, chiefly hy engaging In enterprises for the building up and developing ihe resources of the country, he went to sviii k like a t rue man, ami for years has supported his family By man ual labor. As an evidence of his pub lic spirit, annuis many tilings that might he meutioned, lie delivered, in INTO, in the Eastern Slates, a course of free lectures about California and Ore gon, ami at his own expense published and distributed gratuitously a pam phlet giving much valuable informa tion concerning the Pacific Slates and Territories, and especially of the cli mate, resoiircis, etc., of Los Augeles and its surrounding country, lie is now. and has been for a long time past, almost wholly Incapacitated by a painful disease from earning a living fur himself ami family hy hard labor, else he would uot have yielded to the l amest solicitiitinunl' his friends and l.ecuiiie a candidalc lor ollice. Hav ing an Intelligent, well balanced mind, large and ex tens! Laities* ex perience, ami a Lien conscientious sense of right and Justice, he w ill, if elected make an honst, aide und effi cient officer. Those who are unac quainted with blm have but to enquire of the business men of this city who have had almost daily business trans actions with 111 in for years past, to lilld OUt w ho and wind lie is, and then let them cote accordingly. PIONERK, Luti Angeles, Ocl. V, Is?::. Extraordinary Pilgrimaye. The English Pilgrims are exciting so much attention just now from the intense religious entliusiam displayed \iy them, and the high rank ol' the participants, that the HERALD gladly offers the following account of a Lon don paper in regard to the movement: ''Borneof the banners which the present company arc carrying to Pa iay-le-Moiiial tue extremely beauti ful. My attention has been particu larly directed to tbat of the Irish con tingent. The Duke of Norfolk, sup ported by Lord Wardour ami Lord Beaumont) who are Knights of St. John, lathe bearer of thi' British ban ner, which will be deposited as such al the sacred shrine. lam tokl it has cost jcltin. The Scotch banner—par enthetically,. the Seidell contingent surprises me by its strength—is car ried by Lord waiter Kerr. Bui be sides these emblems of nationality, there) are also others more local. The Bishop of Haiford is charged with v beautiful flag represent ing tho Cathol icism of his own diocese. His party, not content with the badge of the Sacred Heart, bave a second badge as a distinctive Indication. There are also banners from Catholic colleges at Beaumont Lodge, Old Hall Green and Htoneyhurst, Lastly, Monshmor Cu pel has been made the custodian of tin emblem lo be especially deposited by blm, in the name of his convert- to the Catholic faith. Monsignor, as is well known, has been one of the most successful preachers of the present day. The inscription on the Knglish banner is in the following form: "cor JEBU CNICI M SAbI'TIS OSTIUM ANOLIA SI'I'LLX." All object that attracts not less at tention than the banners is v splendid lamp, valued at a £100. which is not only to be suspended before the altar, but to be endowed, ho that it niiiy, like lhe sacred tires of classical niltUtUity, he kept forever burning." Nkw Paper.—We have just receiv ed No. I. of the Los AMiLLKs Herald, a handsome twenty-eight eoltunn dai ly. The Hkrald stalls out with en couraging prospects, having a goodly Dumber of business ads, and we wel come it lo the Held of journalism, pledged, as it it is, for the advocacy of the interests of Southern California. [Santa Barbara Times. Mrs. M. L. Rayne, a Chicago editress, w ill enter the lecture held tills season. It never Kai/nrn but ll potlrs. Los Angeles Daily Herald Registered Letters. The New York Nation culls ntten lion "to the peculiaradvunttiffeH of Ihc i'eglnteretl letter HVHteHij" miv we note the singular fact that a lai'Ro majority of Ihc pcti|ilo liavc nut the Hlightcst uractleul KihiwTeuße oTtui existence. In lite first place il is in operation at every postontce, and il is not like the money order system, confined lo (hose who do a coiißiderable amount of busi ness. So far us the sender Is concern* etl, the t'OSl is I ri\;tl | till cell cents), Ulltl I here is iiul Uic ilouble operation of sctiilini.'; to the postoflice for :t llloltcv order ami then inclosing it in :t letter. On the contrary, he can Inclose his money In his letter as he w rites it, af . fix rix stamps instead of one, aud send It to the postofflee hy any messenger, receiving back the postmaster's re ceipt. On the part ol* the receiver there is also the advantage of a single operation, for lie finds the money in the letter \\ ben he opens It, and is not obliged to present his money order at the postofflee for payment, But tlierf Mr) o lliis |Mfuiiur advantage: Al- Ihodgh the letter be sent from New York to the remotest prairie postoflice in Texas, there comes buck to the scii lier, in course of time, the receipt of the party to whom ii Is addressed, and this the postoflice brings to him with* out additional charge. Thus it saves lhe receiver trouble and cost of acknowledging its receipt, and assures the gender that bis remittance was ac tually delivered. So far as safety is involved, the system is subject to the usual casualities, such as fire and ship wreck, but apart from those maybe nearly perfect. Every mail agent, from ihe lirst postmaster to the last, receipts for the package when he w ceives it, so that if a loss occurs the Department can put its hand on the responsive party. As a nuttier of fact, we believe that no loss has occur* etl under the present revised system, except, such as wou It I come under the head of actual casualties, Exemption from Tolls. The Code exempts the following classes of per sons from the payment of tolls on any turnpike, plank or wagon road in this Slale: 1. Persons going to or from any funeral and till funeral processions. 2, Troops in actual service of the Btate orot the United Stales, or per* sons going tour from a military train ing which by law they are required lo attend. .'!. Persons going lo or from lhe Courthouse in obedience to a subpoena in a criminal action. 4, Persons living within a mile of any gate by (he most usually traveled road nitty pass it at one-half toll when not engaged in the transportation of others or the property of others. ."1. Farmers living on their farms within one mile of any gate on the most usually traveled road may pass free w hen going to or frein their work on such farms. ti. School children at lending school within three miles of their parental boarding-house, Tims safih the S:iu ftefiiflrdhio (inardiam Los Anoki.ks Herald. The fust number of the i ns, Anoklks Daily Herald made its appearance on the Ist inst. it is a2B column paper—the largest published in the city. Its col umns are brimful of news, locals, spi cy items, etc. Thank you. The Philadelphia Press of Septem ber _;hI says: "Telegrams from Col. Thomas A. Kcott wire yesterday re* celved at the office of (he Pennsylvnla Railroad full of confidence. Had he been here he would have been proud to sec how tin' people rushed with their treasure to the strong box of bis great work, of which be is so stout a guar dian." There are two Japanese students in tin- Academy at Oakland. PROSPECTUS OF THE LOS ANGELES HERALD. The first ol October, Tltß lion Hkb* Ai.h, a ilnllj and weekly newspaper, will make Its appearance, Tho Dally will be a neat ttiiil tastily prm led se yiuvool tuiin news paper, new-;, nilfier than lilernry iv charac ter. The Weekly will ben six-column,eight page paper, und will c mUiin the most Impor tant matter thai li c previous!} appeared in Tut: Daily hi.uai.t>. it is proposed that tic tlEitAi.u shall he an uitboughl advocate of every Interesl pertain ing to HouthernCalifinnln and Aritsona,and Rxealnuß worker In all things thai shall tend to hell, til the Slate. 11l a Moid il will be in close communion with tiie People, in its col umns, from time to time will be found mat ters of Interest to Ihc California Farmer, Me chanic, Merchant, l ,nborer, and till classes of IToduceTs; and it will also contain reading mat ter suited to I in- Home t 'Irele, The 111: it mi. will be an Independent It. nio criitic Journal nnd itaeflDrts directed lo sweep ing from power and phi ue those now misman aging lhe afi'alrsoTtlie Xat lon. Kori beaeeom pllshinenl ofthisend, it will hall with satlsfiie t ion the co-opera 1 ion oil he tne tv hers oi all Par ties, believing that the prosperity, perhaps Halei) , of the Nation depends Upon the success of a movement of thla character, it in" relbrni now or revolution hereafter," The II Kit a 1.11 will advocate Stale I tights and oppoaeCentrallxation; It will encourage White and oppose Coolie immigrant n. ii will flivor Free Trade, ami oppose Protective Tariff; it will advocate a Urceiihnck Current'} for Call fornla, and oppone tlie present dwttiliiig and deadening policy which upholds the present ruinous rales of interest ami-huts out Kastei n capital. It Will advocate the People and op pose Monopolies, Uo matter what gUINC they limy assume. While the Hkraia) will treatisltivery aa a dead issue, it will earnestly advocate the l ight ol every Slale, he il Nol l hem or Soul h et 11 Mnaanchusotts or South Carolina to gov ern itself iv accordance with the wishes of its people,und ihe dictates of the Federal Con stitution, without national interference. The 11 BKAI.D will opppsc ihiev ing and pecu lation. No man rightly owns a dollar until lie earns il. Every dollar which is takeu from ihe public treasury or private purse Without aJtlMt return is robbery, and he who takes litis money is a thief. Believing Ihls, the 11 tat a 1.11 will oppose salary steals, custom steals, land steals, railroad steals, and every kind of steals. Each day, Hie fullest foreign and Domestic Telegrams will lie published. The aim will be to supply, in this pari of the slate, the de mand heretofore filled by the Ban Franclaoo dailies. No trouble or expense will be spared to make Ihe 11 rat a 1.11, in 1 his respect, equal to any newspaper on the Coast. II will also con tain a full Review of the Local and foreign Markels, and the Trades geuerully, honestly und carefully compiled. " H\ HSfRIITION: DAILY HKKAI.D, DellVQl'Od hy Curriers, pur Month f 1 ah 1. " per year Ih tin By Mall or Rxpress, • i 111 ih) WKKKI.V HKItAbK Hv Mali or K vpress, per year tl tMi •• " per quarter 1 oil LOS ANGELES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1873. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. N. P. RICHARDSON, I )IIYSH'IAN AN'l> Sl'iiCEON. OFFICE No. II Howney'.. Block, \\\t stairs. (if I DR. A. S. SHORB, J PHYSICIAN. OFWPE Nearly opposite the port Offloe. KKsinENCK No. 1:1 Fmnklln street. _____ "'*-*' t DR. H. S. OR ME, OHYSIOTAN AND SI'KIIKON, off ICK A.MU!KSI|i|:N('K In I .antral V Building, .N<>. , l Main sheet. Oflice - from io A. M. to I P. M«and from •_' lo :: P. M. ,„■ n DR. JOSEPH KURTZ, pHYHKffAN AND BURGEON, OFFH'E AND rrsidk.ncr in tfeitisch'H Hlool;, i 'oinuu-rcitll ami l.os Angeles streets, i special attention paid io disease*, of ilu- RYK AND WAR. oc.'-lf DR. J. W. OLIVER, J joMIK.OPATTIIST. t«l TICK AM) I! KM 11 >KNI 'K—Sprilli? "I reel, opposite lllU .May or's Ollice. ne'Mptf D. W. C. FRANKLIN, MKCH ANIOA L, OP l.l' All V E AX I) RrTRffKoN )>F\ I'IST. officf.—,i:i spring street, nexi to Kin- En fclhc Rohse. oct-tf UU K. K. o'MKi.VKN V, H. T. HA ISA It li. O'MELVENY & HAZARD, Ai' LAW, OFFICE IN TEMPLE BLOCK, I. is AN.IKf.KH, <'Al,. I " Special addition give 11 lo business in the United States l.aml oih.e. oc::-tl' A. t.t.ASSKI.K, ~. U, SMITH. A. 11. CHAPMAN, ||. M. SMITH. GLASSELL. CHAPMAN&SMITH, AT LAW, OFFICF TKMPLK F.LOCK up.stair.:, Los Angwlcs, California. ,„■•_> n JAMES C. HOWARD, A TTORNEY AT LAW -tX —A VII - COURT CO.U.MISSIOXKI:, _ Downey's HliM'k. I.os Ankcb-s, ..«•_-11' M. WHALING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, in Tli i: No. IK Downey Hlock UisAngeles. oc:'-im CIIAIU.KS I.INIU.KV. J, S. THo.\ll'.S<.N. LINDLEY & THOMPSON, JL TTORNEYB Af LAW, OFFICK Room Xo. 'Ml.ovn. ', liloek. oc! W. U M AIISH A 1.1.. Wlf.l. 11. QOITLU. MARSHALL & COULD, A'ITOUNKYS AT LAW OKKICK XXomswito tlie ftourl HiHlse, Rooms Nos, Is mul 111 Tempie Hlock, Los Angeles, i 'al. W ill practice 111 all III? Courts Of llos Stale, ami all end to buslnew in 11, H, j.aiul i gflee. LEW. C. CABANIS, NT OTAKY PL HLIC, CON YKY- I ti nee i' ami Henreher of Records for this t 'ounty, OFFICE- X.i. II Temple Hlock, 1,,,s All;', lew, t 'iillfornln. iksH i V. E. HOWARD & SONS, attorneys AT LAW, TEMPLE* itl.ot'K, LOH ANGELES. oc. tt' A. A. WILSON, j4 TTOUnEY & counsklloi:. OFFICE Room No. 11, Temple liloek, Los Angeles, <'iillfornln. oi_tr A. Hi H'nso.N. I. w. attI.OTTK. JUDSON & GILLETTE, QEARUHERS OF RECORDS *J AND CONVEYANCERS, TKMIM.t: lil.oclv, l.os AXtiKLFS. ocHm C. W. MORGAN, jREAL ESTATE AGENT, Four door • soul li of the PoSl Ollice, Temple Hlock. l.os Angeles, California. «.. sIoNRY Tv Loan. ocj it OHAB. K. MIL IS, HYDRAULIC ENGINEER, l.os ANGELES, ( AL. I!kkki:m to - nr. .1. s. Grllfln.-.Ti a. Downcv, L H. Titus, Oeu. p. Banning, I. W. Uellman, A. Olassell. The Introdllctlou of water Into Cities, Towns and Ran. lies a specialty. Contracts taken for making sheet iron pipes, ul mj ihop,or where desired, ou 'he mosi favorable terms, oc.'l-l in BARBERS BATH HOUSES. GEORGE REINEGKE, Barber Saloon & Bath House. HAIK THIMMINO, SHAVINO, - SUAMIUoINO, BATHS, F.TC Th is establishment litis just been refuted, nnd, after having engaged the best Barbers in the city, Iri spool tv 11 > solicit custom from a" who wani work executed 1(1 the beat style. Make* tbe BATHING BUSINESS a special ty, anil has the Hues! set of liath Itooms in the city, it >. I'nderthe liclhi t'nion. oe'J-lmlp TONSORIAL PALACE U.\M. JONES, O PROPBIRTOH AND MANA(iKit Hot, Cold and Shower Baths. FOtuvlDg and Bathing Einporlum. No. 78 Main street. oe'Jlt-lp PROF. GREEN S BARBER SHOP, >T EXT TO GATES _ NOYK.S' AND I under the "Rxpress" ollice, TEMPLE P. Li K)K. As Prof, Green litis the hest. available tisslst tints to he procured ill Ihe State, Hair Cutting, Shaving and Shampooing Will he performed in (lie hest sty le of the lon sorial tut. ocfi-lin L. LICHTENBERCER, (Successor to Boeder A Lichlcnherger), iy,| ankkactcueh ok Wagons. Buggies. Carriages, Etc. itS, |#8 and 117 Main street, Los Ahgeles, Very respectfully solicits the patrouuae of the public In his line of business. All ve hicles I>iiill oi the HKST MATERIAL, An extensive lILACK'SMITII SIHH' Is connected with the establishment, where till kinds of Hiacksmilhing will In* done to order. RKPsAsIXtI-TO Uone with dispatch, and with a view of rjlvifle satisfaction to patrons. All Worlt Wiirriuitml. oeTlmlp FORWARDING &. COMMISSION. J. L. WARD & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS - AND— Manufacturers Agents. AI.I MS t'oU LONDON ASSOiIAKIi COKFOIIAfiON; UNION WmWkt COMPANY Oi S;.N*fRANCISCO; CuMMERCIAL I MARINE I INSURANCE COMPANY. |C Lined assets pieced... &11.000.000. BAHCOCK'S FILL. IXTINCIiISHTIi; BAKCK & HAMILTON'S AGKICULIUiIAL siACIIINIiif, THK CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON SWAN BP,rWiI.Y CO.'S ALL AND fO.tTfi!. i.e'.Minlp BELLMAN. HAAS & CO. it w a R i > its <; AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, hay E FOR BALE THK PUREST GROCERIES, THK REST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Qf the choicest impottcd Brands, Paints, Oils, Doors. Sashes. BLINDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Hand l« Los Ani.vles and Comiiieieial Sis., ocil] Los ANtiKLKS. jlut lp I. B. FERGUSON'S 10M.MISSION HOUSE Is Ihc I'.vcliisive Commission House lo H» to l.ii- Ct.'r.vlhiiiK' Yon Witnl. oej- III! SIMON LEVY, / H ) M M I SS I 0 N M X RCH A NT. V.' General dealer in till kind-. oICOt'N THY PRODUCTIONS; Hides, Grain and Wool. Makes advances on Consignments to till parts ol the I'nited Stales. Nos. 'U and .'ii Aliso St., LOS ANOKLLS. oe.Vl.x Ip BUSINESS CARDS. J. G. JACKSON beep | all kinds of Lumber, Shingles, Laths, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, I *<>.<-; Is;, Sli st U cs, PLASTER PARIS, CKMENT AND lIAIIC. CORN Eli UK Alameda and First Streets. oc'J-linlp PERRY, WOODWORTH &, CO, I UMBER YAKDS J A ANl> PLANING MILLS. NO, ;o COMMERCIAL N»T. Keep constantly on baud a full assortment of lumber,, doors, sash, mouldings, blinds, turned and sawed Work. Alt kinds of mill work done to order. wfl GRIFFITH, LYNCH & CO DEALERS IN LUMBER, CORNER FIRST AND ALAMEDA STs. Mill Work of all Kinds, - much as - boobs, sash, illinhs, ktc., ktc. bcsMintp S. 11, CASWKI.I.. .1. K. D 1.1.15. CASWELL & ELLIS, jMPORTERS Anil Oeulcrs in flkMlHraJ Mterciiiimllsc, 80 AND s_* MAIN STREET, oe'J-lf Los Anuki.KH. v. c mttr, i*. St. BMtnr. WILEY & BERRY, REAL ESTATE AGENTS ~ AND (!OM MI SS lOX M ER( 'H A NTS, No. r»a MAIN STREET, Los ANGELES. oer-lmlp MALONEY & FENNESSEY. WAGON-MAKING, BLA C K SMITHINii ANIi llOltsK-SIIoKINO and 33 Aliso Sli eel. Manufacturers of Carriages. Buggies. and wagons of all kinds. All orders prompt ly attended to. bc7-4ptf M. TEED, QONTRAfTTOR AND BUILDER, Shop on First Street, Between Main and Rprtngj Los Angeles. W.i) Jabblagdone neatly ami with uispateh. (K'.Vlmilp LOS ANGELES SODA WORKS, NO. CI A1.1.H0 NTRKKT. H KNHY W. STOLL, PROPRIETOR. . supplies liar Rooms and private in iii I lies with the purest and best NOnA ANII NAKSAI'AIIII.I.A. Delivered to any part of the city. •et^lnij] CAROLINE C. BURTON. I ADIES' HAIR DRESSING IN MJ all styles. nuAllis, CItRLH AND WA TERFALLS, made at tbo shortest notice. TANGLED 11 AIR STRAIGHTENED AND MADE INTO ANY SHAPE. »S - Perfumes of the llnest i|itallly on hand und lor sale. NO. !l SPRING STREET. Los A ngeles, Calllbmla. owKf GAMBRINUS BREWERY, STREET, LOS ANGELES. Fine Lager Beer for sale IN tH ANTITIKS To SHIT. oe'Mnilp JOS. LKIBKR, Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS. It I. AMI HLK! LIFE INSURANCECO. or ciihauo. n.i.fnoin. Cash Capital, . $1,000,000 BfMMtMi ill nil I lie MttMWl the I a ion. HAVING NOW COMPLETED (lv- organisation of our Wo take pleasure in announcing that our Par elfic Coast stockholders have elected the fol lowing well known citizen* as othccr. of our PACIFIC BRANCH: /'/. ■ iil< nl: OLIVER BLDRIDGE, Vie. - Pre*Mpnf«; THOK A. BALL, WM. I!. WIIKaTon A. L. GURNEY Secretary pro teia .1 as. 'i. BOYD utorney THOS. BROWN Treasurer CHAS. BITRRELL Medical Examiner /.Y,rer/rr i bwHsat/er; OLIVERELDIUDOR, los. A. DONOHOE, .1 \S. T. BOYD, GEO. W. BEAVER, CHAS. I'.I'HHELL, Tllos. HKLL, K. B. PERRIN. TttrMorii OLIVER ELDREWIR.LELANDBTAHFOBD GEO. W. BEAVER, Tllos. BROWN, N. G. KITTLK; <'. CHRIHTIANSKN, JOHN P. MILLER, THOH. H. SELBY', .1 \S. T. BOYD, R. P. MORROW, C. I. BKENHAM, s. P.HIITTERWORTH M. I). SWEENY. GEO. H. WHEATON, i. FRIEDLANDER, WM. STRUNG, A. BLACK. THOS. A. BALL, los. A. DONOHOE, WM. R> WHEATON, THOS, BELL, E. B PERRIN, C. I. RYLAND, WM. L DICKENSON WM, S. LATH). TH R REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. Was chartered by special act of the Leglsta* tut t tin' State ot Illinois, uml eonilHenccd doing business in July, isvu, makltig H non iusi three yen r* old. n? phtn of organlfatlon was to have £6,000,000 Cnpttnl Stoelt, with twenty per cent, paid In, and the balance subject to call. With BRANCH ORGANIZA TIONS of stock holders in the leading husiness centers of the country, composed of the best bMainetM men-thus making ■ company of National extent nnd prestige, and ytrta lIOMK fOMI'ANV AT EACH ItltANt 11. The Company al this date has policies in force covering over s , .!',,intu,iitm of risks, with an annual Income of o\ er 51.000.000, Al l. AXSKTH OT PACIFIC BRANCH I.N VESTF.D «»N THIS COAST. Capital stock of Pacific Branch, over 9 BO(I,000 till Invested In Mortgages on Real Es tate tn California during the last four months, over 109,000 t»i :js Policies Issued tit Pacific Branch during same period, i?t!lOTnHgT.!.7.*l,2-l2,liiil <•'! lllMfll 10.- Insurance '.!.'» per Cent. Less llmii .Hnliinl i ooii'iioies. TH X RUPFBLIC Hoes not borrow Till. CAPITAL of Policy holders on PROMISES to return the same at some INDEFINITE future period and CALL IT A DIVIDEND. In presenting the claims of THK REPUB LIC to the patronage of the people of this Coast, we shall ai ail times aim to lie gov erned by sound business considerations, ami B line regard for the rights and merits Of com peting eompa Hl'". OFFICE OF THE PACIFIC BRANCH, NO. SI? <' A I.ll'Olt XI A stTSECT, BelOW Sansoliie Street. oc2dlmlp STOLEN HORSES I HAVE THK FOLLOWING DE scribed horses in my possession nl Ste phens* corral, taken from Tihtircio Vasques's band of robbers, • iwners can have t heir stock by pro\ ing property and paying charges! Two American work mares, tint* sorrel and one brown, branded V with a hall circle al the bottom. One large sorrel work hose, \B% hands high, branded H ti. One sorrel horse, having collar and saddle marks, blgge In face, left fore foot and lefl hind toot White, branded .1 K. I >nc sorrel horse supposed to be a ball breed, with collar and Middle-murks, fore feel while, strip In forehead; brand, two Inverted Js H Itu s underneath. One mora saddle-horse, bald face, till feet white, branded and renh d with lettero.and also branded Willi letter A With half circle on top. one largo Iron-gray horae, branded M C and Hgures l* .. One Spanish saddle or work man' with colt, branded M R, and also .1 A L. Ono light "ray saddle-horse, brtinded i Willi bulf circle. one dun mare, white mane and tail, brand ed i it and J 5, ami alßo .1 a l. One black marc, branded 1 with ball circle tit top and bottom, ami J A L. 1 InO bay mure ami yearling COlt, branded J AL one dun man and iwtrtrtni oolt, branded A wit ho on lop. One yeavllag dun colt, branded J A L. WM. it. ROWLAND, Sheriff, oc2tf M E RC HANT TAILORS. J. STRELITZ, MERCHANT TAILOR— MAINST.,NK.Ai:Wi:id.S,I'AII(IOA Co Mtikes the most fashionable style of ciiO r r 11 1> <j to be obtained In Hieaontftern country. Also a largo stock of the Newest and best Cloths Doeskins. Ben vers, fancy Cassfroeros, Velvet ami silk Vesting*, 010. AAt guaranteed. Refers to the principal uenilciiicn of Iheeily for whom lie lias made clothing. No necessity lo send lo Sail Francisco for good nttlng suits. oeflf-lp ADAM & NELSON, Merchant Tailors. HAVING KSTABUSHEDTHEM . selves til the old stand of 1.. He ter. opposite I lie I'ost-Ollicc. HPRING STREET, are prepared to till ALL ORDERS in the Latest Sl Most Fashionable Stylos. A tine assortnu tit of Cassimeres, Vestings, And everything in the line always on hand. IM. A HOOD FIT IiI'ARANTKKH IN ALL CASKS. OiveUsuCall. or.! Inilp EDUCATIONAL. SPANISH AND FRENCH INSTRUCTION IN FRENCH ANI) * SPANISH will be given to classes in the at lernooiis or evenings, by MISS JOSEPHINE LINDLEY T ■: RM S: To a class of live or less, per lesson <cj (10 To a class ot any number over live, per lesson $3 (10 For further particulars, Inquire at the oflice ol the Los AsiiKd.l'.s Hkkai.ii, of Dudley A Thompson, or at the Pico House. r U KSTIM ONI VI„K : I'NIVKIiSITV OC < 'AI.IKOIiMA, ) llKl'.Ot'i MX.NT OK l/ANOUAUEH. Oakland. July n, imtl 1 . ) Herewith 1 certify that Miss Josephine Dud ley bus been a student in my department Of the University i;,r live consecutive terms, viz: lrom September, 1870, to April 3d, 1*72. liuring this time she studied the French, the Spanish and the German languages, obtaining always the highest marks for proficiency and attend ance, ber average credit mark for five terms being »7 per cent. On entering ihe University, Mis-'. Dudley noaaesaed already such knowledge of the French and Spanish idioms as to lie able to speak them with ease, fluency, correctness, and a pure pronunciation. she may now be considered thoroughly fa milial wiili the theory and philosophy, us well as witli the application or these two tongues; and she may safely be recommended as ti can didate of ■'reat promise, tor teaching the French ami Spanish languages. r. PIODA, i'rot. Modern Language*, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Josephine Dudley has been declared by the Facaß) entitled to this Certificate of Profi ciency iv the departments of Geology and Natural History, (Botany and Physical Geolo gy J Helles Lellies, (English Literature, Histo ry, Ancient and Modem,) chemistry, Modern Languages, , French ami Spanish.) Henry Intrant, President of University; E. S. Carr, Prof, Chemistry; P. Piodn, Modern languages; Joseph LcCoote, Professor of Ge ology and Natural History; William Swinton, Professor of Belles Lettres; Martin Kellogg, Dean Of the Faculty. oc2-lf LAWLOR INSTITUTE ■US Haiti SI reel, l.os A nicies. rpilE SEVENTH SEMI-ANNUAL I. Session of this S L 0 I. KIC'T 1> A V SCHOOL., iv which glgls and Isiys receive a rsKFITi., pkaotica i. a nit com ei.KTK English [education, commenced on MONDAY, AUGUST H, I*7*. TERMS I»KK MONTH: Knglish StttdleS, Including the ordinary School Branches, and pon bi c- Eii try liook-Keepiiig and Algebra IG 00 Primary Geography, Second and Third 1 leaders 4 00 ( hail and Primer Classes ,'t 00 F. X T R A S. Latin, Phonetic Short-hand and Geom etry, per month $2 00 Competent Teachers of Drawing, Painting, and the .Modern Languages, will be connected with the Inst nation. For further particulars, appl.v to Hie under signed, at the School Building. ociml W. It. LAWI.oIt, Prinei|ial. FRENCH and SPANISH LESSONS I EBSOXS IN Tl 1E FEEJJHf' LJ <"' and Spanish lajnjjyigtrTwill be given to classes or iv private, tTi'mmeiiclng on ViKIIMNIIAV. OCI'OttKII I. Wli tkums o v ti i i Ion: Private lessons I i 90 each Twenty lessons 15 (mi D'ssons to any number ot pupils over live, for one month,threelets sons every week, each pupil 2 00 French and spanish'schooi for children ev ery day (Saturdays excepted) at \ o'clock; l*. M. Tt'll'loN, per month, 18. For further particulars, Inquire at No. kit Main sti t. Translation of Fkknch, Scan [Bll AMI Kxiildsu. F. V. C. Pl MON DRAN. oc2-i m lp Drawing and Painting. TNSTRUCTTON IN CRAYON, PEN -1 cil AND PERSPECTIVE DRAWING, in Coloring with India Ink and Water Colors, and In Oi l p a i nt i n », given at Hillside Cottage, back of tlie new school-house. MRS. LL WHEAT SMITH. oc2l f ST. VINCENT'S COLLEGE, LOH ANGEbKK LfNDER THE t'AHK OF THE > FATHERS oi- sT. VINCENT M PAUL. DEGREES CONFERRED, and the most coliildetc Education given. .So more beauti fulh situated spnl lv the whole of Southern California. Apply by letter, or person Ally, to REV. J. McGILL, C. M. oc2-lniis President. i————W Tli»MI ««— LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. LOH AKOKLUM SALE. FEED & LIVERY STABLE. I 11. JONES, PROPRIETOR, t) • CORNER FJFTR AND SPRING STS, Grain. Hay and all kinds of Fresh Teed CONSTANTLY ON ll AN O. ALSO, Large Clean Corrals and Stables, W it li City Water Throughout. BuTHOßses, Ml Ll'.s, WAGONS and CAR RIAGES bought and sold, and Horses and Carriages to let by t be day or week. Teamsters accommodated as usual on the most liberal terms. oe7-lmlp ALISO FEED & SALE STABLE JF, RAMIREZ, PROPRIETOR. • COR. ALAMEDA .v ALISO STS. Adjoining M. Keller's. GrELAIiX, HAY Jfc FEED always on hand. Horses, Mules, Wagons, etc bought and sold. oe7-lptt' CUCAMONGA WINE. DEPOT AT LOUIS MESMER'S WINE CELLAR, underneath the U.S. Hotel. Wine by tlie Glass, Bottle or On!loa, All kinds of Liquors, Wines and Bitters at v bases ale and retail. NOTICE. Tbe public of l.os Angeles are lierehy Both fledthat no other person In Los Angeles ;but Louis Mesmerbas wines from the CiMiunongn ranches. J. L. SANSEVAIN. oes-2plm SAM. BER GE, Bill Poster and Distributer. HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS. PRO GRAMMES, NOTICES, Etc. ftuthfulty POSTED OR DISTRIBUTED throughout Ihe eitv and country. N. B. - Parties at a distance con send any thing they wish posted or distributed In tbe city or surrounding country, with assurance that the work will be faithfully done. Orders niiiv be left ut the office of the DAII.V SAM. BERGE, oc2 11 IsM Angeles. NUMBER 6. MISCELLANEOUS. SOUTHERN DISTRICT Agricultural Society's FALL MEETING. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 10,1 I, 12, 13, 14and 16. SPLENDID SPEED PROGRAMME! FIVEDAYH' KACING --AND — Stock Parades and Exhibitions. And oiic whole day devoted to l-ADV EQFKSTUIAMHM. AND OTHER SIGHTS. FIRST DAY. Hist Haee- Trotting—For horses that me owned in tiie district at Hits date, that havo never beaten three minutes. Mile heats; three In rive to harness- purse of 8,'iOO; 4200 to tlie first liorse, and 8100 to the second; flvo or more to enter. Second Race—Running rnee of a mile dash, for nil two-year olds owned and raised In this district. Purse ol $100; $200 to first and $luo to second; live or more to enter. Third Race—Running-Free for nil Califor nia or half-breed horses; mile dash; catch weights. Purse $150; 9100 to the first and S'sllo the second; five or more to enter. BF.COND DAY. First Race- Gentlemen's Saddle Race—Hin gis dash of one mile; to,curry not less than ISO pounds; each owner to ride his own horse, with colors, (weight to be understood tn com prise saddle and rider, and not include whip and bridle,) and each rider to Is? over 19 years old. PUTie of $:M0; $200 to first and $100 to the second horse; five to enter. Second Race—Running- Free for all three year olds bred and raised, and owned nt this date in the district; mile heals, hest two iv three. Parse of $300; $200 to first horse, MM to second; five to enter. Third Raee-Trott Ing—Free for all three-year olds iv the State; mile heats, Is-st two in three to harness. Purse 1150; «hm to first, #50 to sec ond; three to enter. THIRD DAY. First Race—Trotting—Free for all horses in the State; mile heats, best three iv five to har ness. Purse or $:100; $200 to fi r i;t, $100 to sec ond; five to enter. Second Race- Running— Free for nil horses in the Stale: mile heats, best three in five. Purse StOH; $noo to first, 8100 to second; three or mine to enter. FOURTH DAY. First Race—Running— Five mile daah; free for all horses owned in this district at this date; catch weights—bar Irene and Phil. Sher idan purse of $250; $175 to the first, and $75 to the second; five to enter. Second Race—Trotting Purse-Free for all horses in Hie State; mile heats, best three in live to wagons; owners to drive, aud all pn - fessional drivers to he excluded. Purse $.100; $175 to first, $75 to second, nndijo to third; live to enter. FIFTH DAY. Set apart for the exhibition of stock aud the award ing of premiums, At one dnv there will be a griuid CThtaßSiof This . he open to all ladies nnd, who must each be accompanied by an escort on the day of the contest. Entries free for all, and to he made to the Secretary on or before the 15th of October. Tbe entry consists of Hie name of the lady contestant, and the name or description of the animal, If con venient—the name of the rider certain. The contest will he divided into two parts—grace ful riding and daring equestrianism. Ladles who took prises last year are ineligible. There will be ten or more substantial and elegant premiums, to be named hereafter. There will be no horse or font-racing on this day, and the admission will be the same as usual. SIXTH DAY. First Race—Trotting—Free for all horses hi the Slate; two-mile heats, best two In three lo harness. Purse $500; $350 to the first, $160 to the second; five to enter. Second Race—Running-Free for nil horses in the State; two-mile heats. Is'Kl two :n three. Purse S500; «:150 to the first, $150 to the second; three to enter. All trotting races to lie governed by the rules nf the National Turf Congress, and all run ning races to be governed by the rules of the Sacramento Slate Agricultural Society,unless otherwise specified. Fair to commence on .Monday, the ltith day of November, to con tinue six days. All entries to he made to the Secretary by the Ist day of October,lo per cent, of all purses lo accompany the entry. In case of walk-over, the horse shall he entitled to all entrance money only. When two horses only start, the third money- shall he returned to the Society. A horse distancing the field shall he entitled to all the money. Judges shall have the right to call up a second or third race, and have it come off between the heats of the first. Tbe society reserves the rigid to withdraw any purse, il it believes that there will be no contest. All lhe privileges of the district, including entries for premiums aud purses, are extend ed to Inyo and Ventura countries. oc2 Hl-A cronica, TpUBUSHKI) BY E. F. TEODOLI. The only Spanish Newspaper IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Published every Wednesday and Saturday mornings, office In Temple's New Block, spring street, opposite the Court-house. It has a large circulation in the State of Oul- Itornia, the Eastern states, Louisiana, Mngtse, and Arizona and Colorado Territories, Central and South America, and Spam. 6(, OroieioH,** Commends Itself to the Advertisers who maj wish to taring their business liefore the Span ish-Hpcliking people a ml numerous population Of different nationalities, ou the Pacific Coast. Advertising Rate** Very Hcawonitblc. Sttasi aii'TioNH—One Year, $ti; Six Months, $:i 50; 'I'llre- Mouths, $2. is L'tltp Everybody knows the old Man SIGNOBKT. BANK EXCHANGE BILLIARD SALOON, run by F. SHiNoRKT. Best Cigars, Choicest Liquors, Excellent Tables, Commodious Room. Customers received by the old man himself, who has been In attendance since ls.pi. He welcomes nil his old customers and pleases the new ones. The BEST BARBER SHOP in the city is with this establishment, clean towels,care ful employees. ocs-lm NEW YORK BREWERY, pIHRIB. HENNE, PROPRIETOR The CLEAREST, PUREST nnd MOST RRIL LIANL LAGER BEER South of San Francisco. Orders for DRAUGHT or BOTTLED BEER prompt I v attended to. The celebrated Beer from this Brewery de fies competition in the State. oc.Vfanlp K. lIKUTHON. V. V. C. MONnaAH. COSMOPOLITAN CIGAR DEPOT TM PORT THE PUREST and BEST A Havuuu Cigars, and keep on hand C'hewiiiß n«d Hmoklug Tobetceo. Pipes, I ignrrllos and Fancy Articles. Main St., next door to W. F. * Co* Express, ocit i lp