Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY OCTOBER 9, is;.;. Not Currency at All. When will the pawn which support tho gold system in this Stato, soo that a paper currency had no more to do with the financial crisis in the East than Captain .IncU. When will they discover from their own tiles, that on flic closing day of the panic a dollar iv greenbacks was worth just exactly as much gold as it was a week before the crisis took place. The fact is, the peo ple for two grent reasons hnve lost faith in railroad stocks. The fust is this: Credit Mobiliers, Construction Com mittees, und other swindling corpora tions havo been from East to West, North to South, over all this wide land. They have stolen boldly, shame lessly, and have leagued themselves with those in power that the due pun ishment might not follow their Crimea. No department of the Government, no officer from the President down has been free from their bribery. The great head and front of many steals bus been the President himself. He has not hesitated, time after time, to sell his name and intluciiee for gold, legislators, revering the man whom they suppose saved their count ry in its danger hour, havo not looked into the tho honesty of tbe enterprises bearing his name. Tho President's example has boon only too well followed. Every petty, political lord, master of v do/011 primary offices, or controlling some little patronage, has sold his power, stealing everywhere- hon esty now here, or so concealed as to be scarcely discovered. The second cause is this: The market has been crowded with stocks. Railroads have been built faster than the settlement of the country has demanded. Their bonds, by a stupendous system of advertis ing and by a great discount from the face, have boon thrown upon the market, which has boon completely choked. From these two causes there was no faith in bonds left in the people. They were shy to invest in slocks which expe rience had proved unproductive. They wore unwilling to trust any man's won! or bond, when they saw corrup tion winked at by those in high places, and stalking unpunished. Consequent ly, the financial agents who bad bur dened themselves with bonds, unable to dispose of them, unable to pay even the interest on those already sold, wore compelled to suspend. Tbey would bave been no more able to sell if gold bad boon the currency, than they were with greenbacks. Tbey must have failed under any circumstances. The Coming Fair. It has been asserted hy a few indivi duals of contracted intellects Unit the usoeiatiun is giving too much mo ney for horse prizes, and not enough foragrictilttiral products. Probably not one person who is of this opinion ever subscribed a dollar, or owns a cent of scrip in the association. That the Agri cultural Association may from to time to time make mistakes is probable. llumamnn est remit. Ju this one point its head is as level as a die. Beet*, cabbages, fruits and industries are all proportionately rewarded, but a coun try that is celebrated for its blooded stock stands a little higher than one whuse/oW<.' is raising pumpkins. The Agricultural Association has iv hand an immense, a stupendous undertak ing. Through strenuous efforts of members and itsSeeretaiy a huge debt has already been paid off. The extra prizes of such great value are the re sult of private liberality, ami the sub scriptions are the voluntary gift of the best citizens. Comparison with other fairs shows that Los Angeles and the South is far ahead of all other states iv its proportional premiums for native industries und home products. It is every citizen's duty to lift as far as can be the arduous duties from off the shoulders of the spirited stockhol ders of tlie association, and the tp* pea ranee of the best homes in the state at the fair is most earnestly to be de sired. The County and the Railroad. Tbe Bullet in urges L(M Angeles to exact a guarantee for tlie completion of the Southern Pftcitie railroad to San Francisco within the specified time, and of the connection with Anaheim, before transferring ihc bonds of the county. This advice is timely; not that there is any reasonable fear that the company will not perform all they have promised. Their action in the past renders it almost certain they will keep their engagement in the future. But, when a private party makes a contract, he wishes security, and it is thought foolish and'unbusinesslike, If he neglects all guarantees possible, no matter how honest and honorable tin man with whom he [»dealing may he. That course, which it is appropriate for a private party to pursue, is the one for the public. Far more guarantees are required that a man may be honest in his dealings with a community, than iv his dealings with individuals. Many who would shrink from wronging one man, shrink not from wronging many combined. Let our Sti|s>rvisors iv this look to our common interests. Putting up new dwelling houses is tin-order of the day in Kern vi tie. The town is supplied with stores und shops. Murphy, Brown-uud Green, are the principal merchants. Two fine hotels, the Kernville Hotel and the Olympic. The town is apparently well supplied with mechanics of different trades. The new discoveries being made as tonish the "oldest inhabitants," who thought tbe place finished.- I Havttah Miner. Grangers and Railroads. Whether the Western < hungers have been indiscreet or not in the wielding of their Immense influence, yet their bittereats opponents admit the strength nf the organisation, if the Keh ALT) thought that the publication of the fol lowing article could for nn Instant damage the prospects of the Oranges, it would consign it to the waste-bas ket; but it is so thoughtfully written-, and recognizes so thoroughly the good of the Fanners' Inions, that its words of warning as to the care with which their power should be wielded, are not misplaced, whether the* Oranges has tened the railroad crisis or not, their strength for good or evil is nol doubl ed. As far as human foresight can pre dict, the Grange in will never abuse the influence they are s,> suddenly pos sessed of: Tho sturdy blows given by western grani'ers to railroad interests, all over the Union, have not boon delivered without producing some reactionary effect. Immense masses of grain and other domestic products remain al most hermetically sealed up in west ern granaries and store-bouses, and this, too, at the very moment when they could command the highest prices in markets of consumption, and when the whole country is in need of money to tho point of actual, wide-spread suf fering. In killing railroad bonds, and militating without sufficient discre tion against railroad Interests, they have caused much damage to them selves and others with whom they are not at war. If western fanners thought themselves aggrieved by excessive freight charges, tbey wore entirely right and justifiable In addressing themselves lo an abatement of such grievance. This reform could and would have been effected In a natural and business-like manner, If the power of combination ami organisation hail not led people unused (o its exercise into the spirit of fanatical persecution, which extended Itself to points having no possible connection with the one source of complaint, if western pro ducts were "corked up In a bottle" —to use a Presidential expression they could not be more effectually kept out of market than they bave boon by tho grangers' onslaught. It is all well enough to say that railroad companies have boon dabbling too much iv their bonds; that over-speculation plunged them under; that the rascalities per petrated hy some prominent compa nies have foundered the rest, and that the whole thing was a bubble which everybody knew must burst ai some time, and was only prematurely prick ed by the grangers, The fact remains that it was their action which precipi tated the crisis at a period when we were least able to bear it, and that they bave seriously injured themselves by the act. ' Exchange Saucepan. Sun Diego IforW —For an article Written in bad taste against a con temporary journal vide (his paper of the "th. From the beginning to the end, it is full of tight ami abuse of McCoy ami "t'other paper." Sorry that so tltorough a gentleman as its editor finds such warlike measures 11 e ce&aafy. The Santa Barbara PrtM says of the H kkai.d: We have received the lirst copy of the boa ANORIiK* Daily Hkkai.d. It is a fair, large sheet, containing a great quantity and variety of reading matter, and its object is well express ed in the introductory, as follows: To help Los Angeles and Southern California, and to better the condition anil enlighten the minds of its inhabi tants, is the Hkkai.ii's mission. In this may it receive the hest wishes and assistance of all well-disposed and well-minded people. Without forming a Mutual Admira tion Society, the Hi kai.u can honest ly say of the rVeea, that it majgdod newspaper, edited with great abiliity. It contains a notice to lhe edict that Madame Anna Bishop will shortly visit the South. 'I'unl Mit ur. She will he M*i*t I*l by Alfred Wilkic, Knglish tenor; 1.. (>. ftottachalk, eminent baritone, and brother to the late celebrated pianist, uml Frank Qilder, brilliant American pianist, ull of whom ure s|>okcn of very highly by the press. The Hiiviluh Miner say that it has a new laundry, plenty of trout and lots of rich ore; goes for McKee and afier its chief, the world renowned De Witt C. Lawrence, and objects to sup plying him with coin to rusticate. It also has the following item about Hummel & Denker: Mr. Henry Ham mel, of tlie IT, S. Hotel, Los Angeles, accompanied by his wife, has been in town during the week, on a visit to his partner, Mr. Denker, of the Bella LTn ion Hotel. Mr. Haniinel was former ly a Citizen of our town and is well known by all old residents. He says it does him good to visit the old stamp ing ground occasionally. He returned to Los Angeles yesterday morning. The Sunday Chronicle has a Boston Letter and a Missouri murder, a Spanish correspondent, and a story about Amelia Ann. Its operatic criti cism nre headed "FootttgM f'/iin/ii n," it goes after Captain Clarke the '*Sun fixe" man, ends up the Modoc Trage dy, and gives tlie "('resents" tils through a champion of the "Cross." The Chronicle is slightly the liveliest paper in the whole State of California. What it occasionally wants indignity it makes up by its immense nnd early news. Col. Lever, an American by birth, now in the services of the .Mexican Government, is in San Francisco, en deavoring to enlist the sympathies of merchants in the opening of trade with the new port of Maiiuata, in the State of Miclioaean, Mexico, This port, recently opened by Mexico, and provided with a Custom House, is about midway between Acapulco and M anzani 1 10, on the Pacific Coast. Mr. Nordholf the author of the cele brated work on California is InUanta Barbara with his family As a bene factor of this district Mr. Nonlhoft is entitled to the gratitude of every man who owns a dollar of stock or a foot of real estate in Southern California. Tlie Ventura Signal has a poem about Saint Goad Venture. The transalatidn neither makes a pleasant rhythm nor conveys a correct idea of the Franciscan saint's name. Other wise the poem is pretty, and delicately written. A chimney of ore, assaying from &iim to #7<k» per ton, liuh been opened in fhe Brighl Slur, Huvilali. PACIFIC COAST TELEGRAMS. [Special to tlie Los AngelesHeniat.] SAN DIECO. Tlie Delegation of the I'ltun Mini Mitrl* eitfMt IllllillllS—I>e»4ll lp> H l llll— TIIO MllHiSilfr Tel.xi i.pli l.» I lie t:nst ul Fori yaSIB— Itrrrnl ol' n lleserler— I'-.rap.' of I'linelio I.oliese. San Diduo, Oct. s, IM7H. J, D. Walker arrived last night with the di legation of Pima and Maricopa chiefs, en route to Washington. They leave on the steamer Orizaba for San Francisco. The Mexican who fell at the Mission breaking both legs, died from the ef fects of Internal Injuries, The construction patty from Fort Yuma Fast on the military telegraph have built thirty miles. Superinten dent Haines and ('apt Price, started a fourth party of construction from Yu ma to Maricopa Wells, to-day. i Capt. Chas. Wheaton, commanding officer at Yuma, sent a sergeant and a private here with a requisition to the civil authorities to deliver to them the man Malcolm C. Walker, the deserter who robbed Dr. Dose at the Fort and heat a Chinaman nearly to death. He is held lv re ou a charge of burglary. The Union says four prisoners es caped from the Jail of del Castillo, by digging out, on the night of the fourth. 'Two officers, commissioned by the Governor, pursued and caught two inside the Mexican lines, the oth er two escaped into this county. One la the notorious Pancho Lohese, alias Fierabra*. He Is wanted in both count ries for robberies, LETTER FROM SANTA BARBARA. KniTon Hf.kai.ii: Our town Is flour ishing, and we voted against subsidy. More buildings have been erected here within the past two months, than iv any other two month* of our histo ry. Houses are springing up iv all parts of town with wonderful rapidity. On Slate street, adjoining Rice «.V Por ter's stables, Mortimer Cook is erect ing a two-story brick store, feet front, J. M. Andouegui's tine two-sto ry, iron front, brick building, is fast approaching completed, and, when fin ished, will he the finest building on the street. In the i>ost-oftice block, If. W. Stanley, and Dr. Wood, of the VnoY.r, tire each building, side hy side, two story brick stores, which will add much to the appearance of that portion of State street. The Santa Durham Lodge of Free Masons are negotiating for a lot, on which they hope to erect a handsome three-story brick building, to be Used :isa lodge-rooni, store-rooms and offices. After Home delay, the Mission Water Company have made glad our hearts Iry introducing the pare, soft Mission water into town,uud the horses respect fully return thanks I'or the water troughs erected at a numb- r of street corners. Our city fathers—bless 'em!- have made arrangements for again lighting Slate street with gas. In view of this, a meter has lately been put at the |sist on the corner cif State and Ortega streets. The steamer Ventura honied (»;» pas sengers here last Monday morning,and sonic H) landed from the Mohongo on Monday. It is announced that our music-lov ing people are soon to have lhe pleas ure of listening to k number of concerts to be given by the justly celebrated Madame Anna Bishop. Messrs. Terry & Co. intend owning, on the nth, a dry goods and furnish ing store iv the building opposite the Occidental Hotel.g X. LETTER FROM LOS NIETOS. Lots Niktos, Oct. Bth, 1*73. Editor. Hkrai.d:—We think that the leaders of your valuable paper, may not know that there is such a place as( Jallntin,[situated in the center of the beautiful and fertile valley of liOs Nietos. This is the Egypt of Southern California, and we have the finest corn growing section of country about here The town of Oallutiu is situated one mile northwest of the Los Nietos Railroad Depot, and has one hotel, one wagon and blacksmith shop, one drug store, one livery stable, two dry goods and grocery stores, one boot and shoe shop, two butcher shops, and v tine district school building, with a nourishing school of over one hundred pupils. There are also two saloons, w here, If you should come this way'yoti may revive the inner man, either with benzine or lager. The Judicial Election, although dose at hand, is exciting but of little inter est. McKinstry stock appears to have an upward tendency. The candidates for District Judge are well known throughout the county, and men have generally made up their minds how they will vote. King for County Judge, appears to be the choice of the voters of this precinct. We also have six candidates for Jus tices' honors, all of whom tire presum ed to be good and well qualified for the position to which they aspire. Fraiikcll Bros, are opening the largest stock of dry and fancy goods, clothing, booots and shoes ever offered in this this valley for sale. Corn crops are up to an average, and farmers are expecting fair prices for the Incoming crop. Parley is mostly gone, only a few crops on hand. (If pork hogs, there is a good supply, but not iv the market on account of low prices. Hay is to he had in suffi cient quantities to supply the demand. ' Observer. A convict from Siskiyou county, on his way to San I'ueiitin in charge of Sheriti' Morgan, on the night of tlie 4th. took advantage of the darkness and made a leap from the stage down hill into tlie brush, about thirty miles of Yivka, and was not recaptured ut last accounts, though the Sheriff and two citizens were holding him at bay in the brush until morning, when they anticipated an easy conquest. The I'acith: Mail steamer Colonia sailed for San Kraneiseo on the Ist. Tliis is ana of the vessels recently built. General Elliot of Benlcla la soon to go oast Oil a leave of absence. Wools in tlie Kust are <juiet. Stiles for th* month, 1,806,000 pound*. New York \v<m»l quotations arc I'fif.i. :!(i spring ellpa. EASTERN DISPATCHES NJkw Havk.n, Oct. li.—Donaldson's balloon reached Caiman in the north east comer of this State at I. M., when it was caught in a violent storm. It came down so near the earth that Donaldson and Ford iunip ed out. hunt win* remained was caught in tree tops and also escaped. The balloon shot up again and got away. Nf.w York, Oct. 7. lv commercial circles the feature of the business sit uation is one of gratifying activity. The grain aud mm freights export movement in wheat is ou a liberal scale, and prices are quoted upward on receipts of wheat. There are large engagements of freights for British ports, embracing lice shipments of wheat, petroleum and tobacco. A Washington special says Merlon, Boss A Co., of London, have been ap pointed fiscal agents for the state De portment in Furope. Philadelphia, Oct. 7.— A dispatch from Pottsville says the lirst snow of the season fell this morning, and it is quite severe. Snow also fell at Funda, N. Y. Lowki.i., Oct. 7.—John W. Pierce, Jr., casbierof tlie Merchant's National Bank, has been guilty of "irregulari ties," according to other officers in the hank, to the extent Of $0,9)0. Pierce is also Treasurer of the Central Sav ings Bank; hut that institution is said to be all right. Kimistos, N. V., Oct. 7. —The weather is very cold. About eight inches of snow fell. Donaldson's balloon came down eighty miles from New York. MEMPHIS, Oft. I.— There are six hundred cases of yellow fever under treatment. There was a heavy frost last night, and no new cases appeared to-day. Chicago, Oct. 7. —The Grand Lodge of Masons of Illinois met here to-day; about I, AM) delegates are present. The' Third National Bunk resinned business to-day. Haktfokd, Oct. 7.—lteturns from all but four towns give a majority of over %,90tt In favor of a single capital. FOREIGN NEWS London, Oct. fi.—The Due d'Auniale says that Marshal Bazaine, w hose trial Commenced at Versailles yesterday will certainly be convicted and then pardoned. A dispatch was received at the Minis try of War to day from 1 Jen. Mnriones announcing a victory by bis troops over a large lanly of Carlists near Agur zttsa, in Navarre. Many insurgents were killed and a large number taken prisoners. Marl one* says the rout of the Insurgents is complete, and his forces are in close pursuit. London, Oct. 7. —There have been 1,284 deaths from cholera in Vienna since July. MADRID, Oct. 7.—About 200 Insur gents made a desperate ussaiilton Car tagena to-day, and were repulesd with heavy loss. On the arrival of the fleet, the City will be attacked on all sides at once. Halifax, Oct. 7.—Divers report sev eral bodies yet entangled in the w reck of the Atlantic, one being that of a well-dressed woman. Paris, Oft, 7.—(Jaribaldi has; arrived here., Oct. 7.— -Bishop Ueinkells, of the old Catholic Church, took the oath of allegiance to the emperor to day. MADRID, Oct. 7.--Abouf 2iNl insur gents made a desperate assault on Car tagena to-day, and were repulsed with heavy/ loss, tin the arrival of the Heel the city will be attacked on all sides at once. Matamohas, Oct. 7. —(Jen. Tejada, Who was deputed by the Congress of the State of Cnahuilu as Governor, is raising forces at Saltillo, and has lev ied forced loans. De Salla is recognized as Governor of the State. San Francisco, Oct. 7. The wife of Charles Betts commit ted suicide last night by cutting her throat with a razor. The cause of the suicide is unknown, Thirteen of the crew of the ship Sunrise have sued Captain Clarke iv the sum of each, and two propose to bring action for $6,nun each, in the Pith District Court, for damages. The following passengers sailed for San Diego per steamer Montana: Mrs. Barclay, Mrs. Oaskell, L. Kepler, Mrs. Duncan, J. Hartenuiigh, 1). Cieavc land, C. A. Dietfendorlf and wife, H. V. Berry, Harvey Yeunian, Frank Rmedxer, J. Pentecost, H. B. Rekel,B. M. Butterick. The Mountain Top. EDITOR Hkrai.d: This is the sea son of the year to visit the mountains. The scenery up our canons is most beautiful—we do not think sublime is too strong a descriptive attentive. In the eufion one can see the same character of vegetation that flourishes iv the country Fast ot the Sierras. The beech, the maple, the white oak, and many other deciduous trees that are not dreamt of by the low-land Californian are to be found, spreading their broad and generous shade over vast spaces tliat need no shade from the sun's rays—being already suffi ciently protected by the shadows cast from lhe misty mountain heights. Such a canon as we have above al luded to, is to he found hack of tlie Sauta Anita Itancho. In former years Hon. It. 1). Wilson made a road up the side of this canon to the top of the mountain, where an inexhaustible supply of good timber covers the table land. No more inspiriting, or health and strength-giving trip can he found on the face of the earth or in the mid mountain air. If you don't believe il, go and see, and he satisfied. You newspaper men nave no idea what beauty and loveliness is to he found near the city. Proclaim a gen erul holiday, and go out und see such spots as are above described. Yours, Ac.. Tkomink Faoi. [Probably all the newspapermen in the city would enjoy a little roubam* khO ttytiiim. j'ayi. Perhaps the writer will come und edit the morning and evening papen in their absence. Kd. Hkrai.d.] Kxports. The following is the list of K\ports in the Depot of the I/is Angeles and S. P. H. It. awaiting shipment: Corn Meal, sacks Nil I Hides, dry 70 Merchandize, vases I Kulllon, ban 130 Wool, bales 13 I Wine, hbls 1 Krames, cases I | O. F. T., the great American hum bug, is iv Furope. He is not to re turn to America until he dies. Would that he might live forever! Scalping and Rescalping. Scalping is a very insignificant ope ration, when it is considered that a little charity will replace the desired hair. The following story, though slightly Yankee, has been given to the as true: The narrative says: That for sonic time past a process in surgery lias been going on at New Haven, Connecticut, attracting much attention. During the early part of Augu-t Mrs. Ann Farley, employed in DaVlea' shirt fac tory, was unfortunate enough to brilili her bead in contact with a swift re volving shaft. Tlie set-screws caught in her hair, and almost instantly her bead was Ia? reft of its Mowing locks and of the flesh which propagated them. For ti time it was thought the poor woman must die, for menial de rangement aud great physical prostra tion followed the scalping, Aftsr a while, however, the surgeons em ployed adjusted the scalp where na ture designed it to he; hut they only succeeded in demonstrating that a scalp, once taken from the lo ad, could not hy any aid of man be made to at tach itself again. The patient had ample opportunities during the period following the accident to coincide with that view. The agony she suffered cannot be told in words. The friends of Mrs. Farley were anxious to base the hair restored, and to please them she submitted to the treatment in question. The sur geons, Drs. Smith and Park, deter mined to do what they could, and ac cordingly set to work. They lo>k small portions of flesh from the arms of such as were willing to make the sacrifice, and applied them to the head of the patient. A few days Sufficed to cause them to knit and grow. Tins operation has been performed over 40 times, flesh being taken from as many different persons, and the lady now has much more than one-half a scalp, wit ?. good prospects of uettiug a whole one. The parties contributing the flesh say the pain attendant on the cutting is quite Insignificant, and after an irrita tion of but short duration, the skin grows over the wound ami "Kiehard is himself again." Forty persons can point with pride totheCMMllum of Mis Farley and say, "A piece of my flesh adonis that head." When flesh is wanted, the doctors advertise tlie fact, und the rush, as witnessed Tuesday, is Immense. It is yet too early to deter mine whether Mrs. Farley w ill live or die from the effects of her injury. The Operation through which she IS now IMissing is a novel one, was never be lore adopted here, anil, by reason of its novelty, plenty of applicants are daily found willing and anxious to contrib ute their mite to the general recon struction of the suffering patient's head." DIED. TRAFKORD In this city, October Nth, Chris tina A., wit'i' ni John Ti'iiii'ii'ii, Rnq., ngod * years. Thrfnneml will take place from th/ resi dence of Judgo Tmftnrd, at Ihc juiMjllon of Spring and Muln streets, Friday iiftcrnoon at 2 o'clock. Friends and acquaintance* are in vited to attend. NEW TURN VEREIN HALL. I.OS AIN 10 J.!<>•>. FAREWELL TOUR OF AMERICA! MADAME ANNA BISHOP Has tbC liimiirto announce a scries ol Two Grand Concerts -OK VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL :\i ti s i c?, -nN- Friday and Saturday, OCTOBER 17 AND 18, ASSIST tu> HY Mil. ALVRfCD VVII.KIK, The Kii'.dish Tenor; MR. tt. (I.GOTTSCHAi.K, The Kmlnenl baritone; MB in RANK O ) bH'lt The Brilliant American Pianist. Admission..... line Dollar Reserved Meats SO Cent* Kxlra Concert to commence ai ll o'clock, Seats can be seemed al lirodrick's Book Store. Rntlre change of program m ich con cert. oe'Mw (IKKMA ti Dramatic Performance A IN D U A LL , —ftIVK.N BY— THE TURN VEREIN GERMANIA. -(IN- Sunday Evening, Oct. 12th, AT Tit Kilt lIAI.b. The performance will consist ol' "SEIN ONKEL UND IHRE TANTE." I .ustsplel in einem Act, yon l-'i'ii'.iiit'll' To conclude with Oeffenflichkeit und Muendlichkeit. oiler KIN OKBII.DKTKH I'.AUHIKIt. Sehwauk in einem Act. Alter tbe performance the ball will he clear ed lor DA NCI NO. Admission, fin cents. Honrs open al T; to commence at S o'clock. Xx press copy. oe'Md HARP AND SHAMROCK HPHE rNOKItSKINKI) HAS PI H -1 (TIASKIItbe iilmivc business, mid will keepon hand none hut the I'I'KKsT ANI) BUST IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKIES, Kiiwllnli nud Meoteli Ales. American Hourbon ami Itj c. Havana «l*ar«i. etc. CEAD MILLE FAILTHE. JOHN CANIIIoN, nctilf 111) .Main street, lain Angeles. J. L. WARD & CO. OF V KIt FOIt SALK TO THF TRADE, TO AHHIVK: THiis. KM Kit V * sons' CANDLES), IggtH ounces; SWAN RRKWKHY AI.KA PORTER, quarts and pints; DCRYKA'S SATIN ObOss AND CORN STARCH. In lots to suit. ocg-lw N. ■. WM IT FIE LD, BHOKKH, JtKAL ESTATE AND OKNKRAL AGENT. Particular utteii lion paid lo the and sale of sheep, iirncewllh.l 1., Ward A Co. ocS lpuii BANKING HOUSES. FARMERS & MERCHANTS It .V X «>!.• Lt)H ANGKLKN. Capital 8500,000 JOHN n. DOWNKY I'unsiKKNT L W. ftFfrf MW Oasiouk Rxehiingc far sale on Siiui I'riuieWro. New York, I Frankfort. t'nru hii.i llerliii. Ilunili.irj. Receive* Deposits nnd Immuoh Its certificates. Buys mill sells Legal Tender*, Government, stnte. ('(Hint) mul City bonds, will also pay tie' highest price i<>r<mul an.! Silver Bullion. Prom ami alter this date, nn all moneys i' ii a.s term deposits,lnteresl will be allowed. I,.is Ainreles, .lulv I, IS7I. ocMin TH 10 It 1%. WM. I', l\ V. TKKPIiK. TEMPLE & WORKMAN, HANK TKMI'DK Itl.tsK, IXW ANOK.I.Ks. Receive I>>'p..sits, issue tlieir PertlKenten and transact a Ot.NKICAI. KAMOMJ ■I'MVWMh DIIAW UN Iht 10NO0N ANO SAN FRANCISCO BANK lUNTBI. AT SAN FRANCISCO. Kxelt mgc far sale on Pfew \'oi'U, 11 iiiiiimrK, London, lti elm And I. etcai 'fenders. Bnllion, o<ilii Dust ami (lov ernmeiit. State, ('ounty mul City llniali Isaiglil ami Hold. Receive valuable* far sale keen in«. ncii-lf —i—a——fi—" — »———»— FOR SALE TO LET. FOR SALE. ONE LOT CONTAININU 17AO 100 neres, situated in lhe northwest quarter of tbe lamb ul' Los Angeles city, Price $SM\i Inquire of [ucT-iw] »'. A si'nKKK. FOR SALE. ONE liOT6oxloo, ON THE BELLE vae Terrace Trael, near the Woolen Mill. Kaall) Irrigated from tbe Woolen Mill ditch, Prtee j-iun. Inquire ot c. A. stokkk. FOR SALE. ON E COTTAGE, 24X52 -CON* tatnlngtl rooms, water, and sink in tbe jelteben; newly painted; in a tine locality, ami healthy, good neighborhood. Lot SOxDUii, from Hansevain tothestroel back of It, there being two fronts. Has a great number of bearing orange, lemon, lime and other fruit trees. Price, si,ntni. Inquire of V. A. stukkk, at Hkkai.d oflice. oettf TO RENT. U/\ ACHES 6V LAND, NEAIt O" 9 lhe city, with a good house, ami water from city zanjas. Apply al lIIIODKH'K'S Hook Store. ocStf For Sale Very Cheap. f OTH, BOTH IMPROVED AND Junimproved, iv the business portion ami suburbs of the city. Apply to oct-lm M. W HAI.LNO, Attorney. FOR SALE. A FIRST-CLASS, OOOD PAYING XV H|{AVINO III'SINKSS, solely on ae eiainl ■>!' tlie proprietor going into Other busi ness. Kor lull particulars, apply at tins utile c. Tbls is a line opportunity tor Home one. oeiKf TO LET, CRN ISH ED OR CNFCRNISH -1 I'M> Two moms in one of tha most (ileus ant localities in the city, within three minutes walk of the Postoflice. Inquire nt tbe oflice of the Hkuai.ii. oc.vii' WANTS. [Wants published at the rate of IK cents per line far each insertion, or in cents per line far three Insertions. No advertisement under this head taken for less than ai cents.] WANTED— A WOMAN TO DO general housework. Apply ut lirst house nn Main, south of Kourth st, oc7tf WA N TED —IN ALL NEIOH BORINQ TOWNS, a mofl local can vasser ami correspondent tor the Hkuai.ti. W A NT E D -SEVERAL DAY BOABDKHM caa Bod good acto. n mo dalionsat MRS). UAt *X MAN'S, Sprim; street, near Kirsl. ocfttf WANTED--DWELLING-HOUBE s v i ted lo a small family, ami not more than one mile from the court-house. Address 11. t)„ ollice, statins price ami loca tion. (M-a-if_ WANTED— TWO OR THREE DAT BOAUHKItS can be iieeoinino d.i|eil with tirst-class hoard at ( lib. I'KKI/S. CANDIJ3A TE NOTICES. in it nisi ui< i Jt iua:. AN'lutKW iiereiiy Announced as a candidate tor the office ot District Judge of the seventeenth Judicial District, at tbe ju dicial election in October. Y. SNIMTI.VKDA is announced as a candi date lor Ihe ollice ot District Judge Of the iTtli Judicial District; for oitsri jiik.i:. H. K. s. o-.MK.I.VKNY is a candidate for County Judge or Los Angeles county, al the i Ictober election. A. A. WILSON Is a camliilale far the otllce of t'ounty Judge ill the < tctoher elecllon. A.J. KINO announces himself us a candi date for Oi unity Judge, al the ensuing election. FOR Jl SI M X OF THK I'F.At'F. W. <'. HOI,MAN Is a candidate for Justice of tbe jleace of Angeles Townsblp, ut the enHiiing Judicial Klectlon. J. J. A YKHS will be a candidate for Justice Of tbe l'eaee, for this Township, ul the ensuing Judicial election. JOHN THAKKOHD will be a canilldate lor re-election to the offlee of Justice of the Pence for i.os Angeles Tnwshtp, at the October olec Hon. Our Own Manufacture! THK <>IVI.\- CRACKER BAKERY In tlio Olt.v! A Large Stock of fresh Crack ers always on Hand. AVocldiiiS" OjllaTOW On liand ami made loonier ut snort notice. TuNlefully decorated I'AKKS of any design, nt reasonable prices. Also, BREAD, I'IES AND CAKES, Fresh every day, nt the AMKRICAIS UAkfs9 V. oc2-lmlM TURNVEREIN GERMANIA. G1 ENERAL VERSAMMDI NO, W iMiNNKItsTAO, DKN Sten OI'TOIIKK, Ala-nds S uhr, puenktiieli. K. LRt'oITVRRirR, RrsterOprecher, 11. MABXCRM, Krster Selirillwarl. o. T •.'p'tt CARPET WAREHOUSE COLUMN CARPETS - -» OK THK, Richest and Newest Patterns! OIL CLOTHS IN EVERY STYLE. Paper Hangings 01 varl<xl and rbrtlitfjifl lint*. The Carpet Warehouse WILL REMOVE -ON — Monday. October 6th. 1873, To THK i» I* 10 >l I N 10 ?s Lately occupied i>y J. H. Wiiiout „v Co. Thi" magnificent store has been entirely I*BNOVATBD A IT'LL LINK OK THK RICHEST FURNITURE COVERINGS UPHOLSTERING IN AI.I. ITS ItHANtHKM. China Mattings, Coit Mattings, Rugs and Mats. (New Styles,) COADELINE VALENCES -A Nil LAMBERKINS! Plain and Striped Reps AARON SMITH, CARPET WAREHOUSE. octi-imii