Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME I. £0$ iictntil h Published every morning except Mondnv, by Tin: ui:it t i.n I'ltivrivo COMPANY. OFFICE Hernld) Ntenin nook nnd .lob Printing House, spring «tn et, opposite the Clllllt House. TERMS! Per milium, by man nr express fio six months ' •• •• li l hrce mon! lis " " • :i lleffvered by carriers, per week -•> cents Advert!*! mi nis Inserted at liberal rales. The Currency Question. Editor Hkhald: — The currency question) in its apt>) it at ion to Califor nia, cannot fail t<» engross a large share of the labors of the Legislature at the coining session. The will of the people should be made clearly manifest In advance, so (hat our so lous may have no uncertain light to guide them. The great body of the people, de mand relief from the merciless ex actions of a money system which ex cludes capital from abroad, imposes an exorbitant rate of interest, anil controls the business of the State to the injury of all their interests. It is patent that, on this question, the people are divided Into two classes. Arrayed on one side are the bankers, brokers, capitalists and all other in their interests. On the other side, are the agriculturists, mechanics, laborers and all others in their interests. The former bitterly opposethc Introduction of our national currency and hanking system, mil/// because it will add largely to the volume of circulation, bring in capital from other States, lead to the establishment of national banks, reduce the rates of interest and, generally, unsettle, if not entirely de stroy the great moneyed monopoly which omi» the State financially and politically. The hitter perversely insist that leg islation, banking, a high rate of Inter est and a despotic control of lhe com merce and business of the State, have all been enjoyed long enough by the other side; and now they must have a little legislation in their behalf, and. at east, a brief respite from the des potism of the money power. Ostensibly, the former insist thai the national currency is unsound; that uo currency should not be tolerated unless convertible into gold, the stand ard by which till v alues are measured, But Is the national currency in fact unsound? It Is difficult to tell what intrinsic value there is in gold, aside from its use as a purchasing power, it owes its position as a standard of value to legislation and custom. What is there behind Ihe national currency lo give it value? Ist. It is Iho promise of the government, and the goven menl is bound to redeem it sooner or later. It has, therefore, the security of ti stable government which secures lo it a value. 2d. It has Federal and state legislation in Its aid, by which it is made a legal tender for all debts, public and private, except customs, ild. It has the endorsement of the peo ple ■and, by common consent, till the business of the United States, except the Pacific ("oast, is done on a govern ment currency basis. So far, then, as we are concerned, greenbacks have all the elements that give value to gold as a purchasing medium, Therefore, I assume Ihal it eaiiool he said thai out' national currency is unsound. True, It cannot be converted Into gold ex cept at a discount. Unfortunately for torty millions of people, a few unprin cipled money gamblers In Wall street without "rhyme or reason" put gold up to twenty one day, and down to ton the next, and the people havo to sub mit! It would ho a happy consumma tion if some way could he devised, lawfully, to send all such gamblers to the happy hunting mounds with ('apt. Jack. With tlio exception of this coast, cold docs not enter into circulation in the business of the United Htates. It has practically ceased to ho money and become an article of commerce to bo bought nnd sold in tho make! like iron and copper. Currency Is, therefore, the only money, and as it lias for all purposes, except customs, the value of gold, how can it bo said to be unsound? All bus iness has adjusted Itself to tho money used in transacting It; and for all or dinary uses it is a sound currency, se cured by the wealth of the govern ment, and a currency which cannot fall without the wreck of our institu tions. What would be the effect of the In troduction of the national currency into this State? Undoubtedly, gold wotdd gradually cease to be used, ex cept for customs, and the bulk of It woidd find its way to the great gold mart of the continent, where its de mand lor custom duties would he most needed. We would then have a cir culating medium composed entirely of national currency. Of course the transition from the one to the other here, would necessarily be slow and in proportion to the influx of currency; and this would continue until the point of equipoise should he reached. This transition would have a tendency to derange our business somewhat; but I cannot imagine any disaster af fecting the general public would fol low. Ou the other hand, may we not, with Home confidence, take another view of the question so far as it relates to the equalisation of gold and currency, and (he effect id'the introduction hereof the latter. Tlie adoption of currency on this coast, as I have stated, would add to tlu- hulk of gold an <tn article tJ eommeroe, (and not as money) say lifty millions. The addition of that amount of commerce gold would at ones and inevitably reduce its value as compared with currency, probably to a nominal premium, When that point shall he attained, the govern ment aud government hunks could then well resume specie payment, and the equipoise would he reached. Then the locked up gold would float out into the great channels of business, reviving a drooping commerce, stimu lating new private and public enter prises, and bringing about an em of general and substantial prosperity. Tlie very moment California au thorltively adopts tlie national curren cy BS a basis, (lie effeol on the value of g'-dd would he instantly anticipated, tinda ( lose approximation, it not au inutility, reached at once. In that event tlie transition would he har monious; and the treble blessings devoutly tolw wished—the equalization of gold and currency, resumption of Los Angeles Daily Herald. Hpeele payment anil tho increase in tlio volume nf money would follow lo revive and prosper us. Thus California may become tho moans of enabling tho government to redeem its faith, of bringing K<>l<l notes to a common standard and In augurating an era of general good to the whole nation. T. Mail Communication with Australia. Hon. Mr. White, United States Con sttl at Now Zealand, Who lias just ar rived in this city, states Unit in refer ence to tlio prospective Australasian and Now Zealand postal service to wards tho outer world, H. H. Rail, Esq., Consul til Sydney lias taken a Contract lrom the Now South Wales government and the English govern ment for carrying the mafia from Lon don by way of New York and San Francisco to Sydney and vice verm. The ftrst steamship will, it Is expect ed, start from Sim Francisco and Sydney simultaneously early in December of tho present year. The government subsidy will bo regulat ed as follows: Tlio Mini of £46, --000 for a twenty-eight day's ser vice from Han Francisco to tlio Aus tralian port which may be agreed up on, or £80,000 for twenty-four days. Tho Now South Walts government to notify the parties Interested. .Mr. IL IL Hall is at tlio ship building works on tho Clyde. Scotland, super intending tho construction of the steamships destined for tho service. Messrs. Dunn & Cameron, of Now Sunth Wales, are tlio bankers. At present tho Now Zealand government has no arrangement for tho convey ance of its foreign mail other than tne running of a boat to the Fiji Islands, there to connect with the mall steam ers, but this will soon bo Improved, [N. Y. Herald. The Consular Agent of the United States of America, at Tehauntepec, ordered a small iron safe and a copy ing press, for use of the Consular Agency at Tehauntepec, which was forwarded In the I. M. s. s. Winches ter, in her .June trip, up the coast. Neither the shippers nor the Captain thought it necessary to make up a set of documents for such an Insignificant shipment, and particularly as they were destined for a consular office of a friendly nation; hut to the surprise and mortification of all interested, on the arrival of the steamer at the port of Salina Cruz, no arrangements could be made with the .Mexican patriots to disembark the articles without risk of confiscation, and heavy tine to the Steamer, so they were returned to Panama. When one can combine tlie true spirit of elegy with accuracy of detail, he does a good thing as per tin- fol lowing: The death-angel smote Alexander MM Hue, And gave iiiin protracted repose; lie Wore a cheeked shirt and tl number nine shoe. And he had a pink wart pU bis nose. No doubt he is happier dwelling lv space I Her t here on Ihe evergreen shore. »»:■' II is (relnd* are Informed thai his funeral takes place Precisely at a Quarter past four. And now General Jodseii Kilpatrick has become a Granger, of course /<» hud no object in view. PROSPECTU S OK THE LOS ANGELES HERALD. 'i ii.- lirst ut i letolicr, I'm: bus Anoki.ks 11 kk- Ai.i), tt dally :iik I wi'i'Uy newspaper, will make its appearance. The Daily will be a lu'iit and tastily printed seven-column news paper, newsy rather than literary In churac ter. Tic Weekly will tie v six-eolaiini. eight page paper, ami will contain the most Impor tant matter that has previously appeared in Tin-: Daily li Kit ami. It Is proposed that lhe HRKAi.ii Mhnllhean unboaght advocate of every Interest pertain ing to Southern Culifoi uiu nud Arizona, and a zealous worker iv nil things thai shall tend to benefit the stale. Inn word il will he in close communion with the people, in its col umns, from time lo lime will be found mat ters of Interest lo lhe California Kariner, Me chanic, Merchant, Laborer, and nil classes of Producers: and it will also contain reading mallei'suited to the Home Circle. The iikkai.j> will he an Independent Demo cratic Jonrnni ami its ettints directed tn sweep ing from power and place those now misman aging the a Hairs, it tlie Nation. Kurt he accom plishment ol'thisend, II will hail withsatisfae- I lon the co-opera I ion ol tlie in. in hers of all Par ties, believing thai the prosperity, perhaps safety, of the Nation depends upon the success of a inovciiieiii of thi* character. It j.s" rclhrm now or revolution hereafter." The HKKAI.II will advocate State [light* and oppose Centra I i/.ntioii; il will encourage While and oppose Coolie liiiniigralieii. It will favor Free Trade, and oppose Protective Taritt; it will advocate a (irci nlitiek Currency for ('all fornla, and oppose the present dwarfing and deadening policy which uphold* I In- present ruinous rates of interest and shuts out Kasteiu capital. It will advocate the People und op pose Monopolies, no mutter what guise they may assume. While lliellKUAi.n will treat slavery as a dead issue, it will earnestly advocate Hie right of every Slate, he it Northern or South cm -Massachusetts or Soul h Carolina -to gov ei n Itself iv accordance with the wishes of its people, and the dictates of the Federal Con stitution, without national Interference. .Thi' 11 KliA i.n will opppsc thiev ing and pecu lation. No man rigidly owns a dollar until he earns If. Kvery dollar which Is taken from lhe public treasury or private purse without ii Jnsl return Is robbery, and be who takes this money Is a thief. Relieving this, the It Kit A i.n will oppose salary steals, custom steals, land steals, railroad steals, and every kind of steals. Bach day, the fullest Foreign and Domestic Telegrams will he published. The aim will be lo supply, In this part of tlie Stub', the de mand heretofore tilled hy the Sun Kranelseo dailies. No trouble or expense will lie spared to make tlie II KRAI.I), in this respect, equal to any newspaper out lie Const. It will also con tain a full Rev iew ol'the Local ami Foreign Markets, and tbe Trades generally, honestly and carcfhlly compiled. si Its, It 11' I ion : HAII.V II Kit A Delivered hy Curriers, per month * I ml " " " per year hi iki Hy Mall or Kxpress, " 11l nn WKI'.KI.V VI.I>. By Mail or Kxpress, per year *l (Hi '•• '• " per quarter lOu Los Angeles Woolen Mill s r roi* i SACRISTE, ELLIOTT & CO DEALERS fN WOOL, AND 14 AN vvm "itkeiih ot All WOOI t'USSiIIHTI'S. Tu<M'iln. 1 liiiiimls. itlaiikt'lK. <>lf. AU our BDjm)m arc PITRJO WOOL, mul war ranted us ri'prew'htcd'. Consumers can Save 25 to 33 per cent. by liuvlmk dirci-i from us. stokk AT THK "WHITK liol'SK," corilPi of [ami AiiK' l.s uud t '>>miitcr4-litl Streets. iK' - .'lf-l!p LOS ANOKLKS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1873. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. N. P. RICHARDSON, | >ll VSK lAX AND SURGEON, OFFICE— Nn. II Downey's Block, up-slatr*. iicj-n DR. A. S. SHORB, j fOMOSOPATHIC I'll VSJCIAN. OFFICE Nonrl) opposite ihc Post Office. RESIDENCE No. in Franklin street, oe'2-tr DR. H. S. ORME, DHYSTCIAN ANI) BURGEON, OFFICK ANOHEftIDKNCK In Lunl'runeo's building, .Nn. 71 Mum si reel. Office Honrs 111 A. M. lo Ip. M nl from ■> io H I. M. oc'.'-lf DR. JOSEPH KURTZ, DHYHKTAN AND HURGEON, OFFICK AND RESIDENCE lv Helnnrh'H Block, Cumincrcllll uml l.os Angeles s|reels. Kr'j Special attention pa id In discuses of the EYE AND KAB. ocMt DR. J. W. OLIVER, J J OMIEOPATHIST. OFFICK AND RESIDENCE spring sti. il, opposite the Mayor's Otttco. ocH-lptf D. W. C. FRANKLIN, MBCH A N tCA 1., OPERATIVE AND HIT HO/EON DENTIST, OFFICE—BII spring street, mxt to Flro En gine HollSe, nclMl' K. X. s. O'MRI.VKXY, 11. T. IiAKART). O'MELVENY & HAZARD, i TTORNEYH AT LAW, OFFICE IN TEMPLE BLOCK, l.i is ANGELKS, CAI . KM Special attention given to business in the foiled Still s Lund < nlice. oe.'-ll' A. (iI.ASSKI.I., ft, 11. SMITH. A. 11. ill A I'M an, 11. IH. SMITH, GLASSELL CHAPMAN & SMITH. A TTORNEYH AT LAW, OFFICE-TEMPLE BLOCK lip-stairs, l.os Angeles, i :it||]'urnlii. nclM f JAMES G. HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW —ANI> - COURT (X)MMIHHIONER, Downey'* Block, liOS Angeles. oi-L'-lf M. WHALINC, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICK NO, IS Downey liloek Los Angeles. octt*iin rll.Vltl.l.S UMiU.I. .1. S. THOMPSON. LINDLEY & THOMPSON, A TTORNEYH AT LAW, ' ll' FK'K -lioom X'ii. :i, Downey lllock. ne2 W. 1.. H AitSIIAI.I.. HI 1.1. pi mil MARSHALL & GOULD, A TTORNEYH AT LAW -OFFICE -Cm. opposile the Court House. Looms Nos. is mid i!) Temple liloek, l.os Angeles.Cat. W ill practice in nil the Courts of this stale, und ult end to business in I. S. Lund Offlee, LEW. G. CABANIS, VOTAItV PU/BLTC, CONVEY a* nheer uml Searcher of It cords for this ('ounty. OFFICK No. II Temple block. Los Angi" les, l 'itlifornia. oej-i i V. E. HOWARD & SONS, A TTORNEYH AT LAW, TEMPLE BLOCK, LOH ANGELES, oe.'-t r A. A. WILSON, A TTORNEY It COUNBELI/IR. OFFTPK Room Nail, Temple block, i,os A ngeleM, ('nliioi nia. oc.'-tf a. v. .n iison. .i. w. nii.i.itrn:. JUDSON & GILLETTE, QEARCHERH OF RECORDS 1 » \Mi CONVEYANOKBs, TKMPLK Kl.ocK, LOS ANuKl.l's, oej- Im G. W. MORGAN, REAL BBTATE AGENT, Four doors south of tiie Post Office, Temple liloek, Los Angeles, Cllllfoi nia. fti MONEY Tn MIAN. ooiWf CHAS. E. MILES, HYDRAULIC ENGINEER, LOS ANOKLKS, CAT* Rkfkbs to--Dr..l. s. Griffin, .1. o. Downey, L. 11. Titus, (len. I. Banning, I. W. Ilellniun. A. Glome) I. Tbe Introduction of water into Cities, Towns and RnnehCM a specially. Contracts taken for making sheet iron pipes, at lily shop,or Where desired, on the nil>sl la volatile In Ills. oe.'M 111 n—innrw—mcmmhp»mn >inr«iiMii i«iiiii»iimii BARBERS BATH HOUSES. GEORGE REINECKE, Barber Saloon & Bath House. TTAIR TRIMMING, BHAVING, -1 1 HHAMPOOING, BATHS, Etc This estulilishim nt lias .just been relitted, nnd, ufter having engaged tno hest Barbers in the City, I rcspeeil'uliy solicit custom from all who want work executed in the lust style, Makes Ihc BATHING BUSINESS a special ty, 11 lid lias the finest set uf Bath Looms in the city. ii« ITnderthc Bella Union. oc2-lmlp TONSORIAL PALACE QAM. .lONICS, 55 PROPRIETOR AND MAN Al i Xl! Hot. Cold and Shower Baths. shaving aud Buthlng Emporium. No. 7s Main st reel. oc2tl-lp PROF. GREEN'S BARBER SHOP. N r EXTT<) («ATEH N()YKS' ANI) under the " Express " ollice, TKMI'I.K lII.IICK. As l'rol. llreen has Ihe host uvnilahle assist ants to he procured in the Stale, Hair Cutting, Shaving and Shampooing Will he pciToimed in tlie best sly le of the toii sorial art. oc.'i-lni L. LICHTENBERCER, iSuceessor lo ltoedcr A I.ichlenbcrgeri, A Nl' FAi TURER OF Wagons. Buggies. Carriages. Etc. I lib ll > and 147 Main street, Los Angeles, Vary respectfully solicits the put ronagc of the public iii his line of busbies*. All ve hicle* built oi the lIKST MATKKIAL. An extensive HLACKSMn il SHOP Is connected with the- establishment, where till kinds of Itlacksmlilung will be done to order. OBPAiaiNG Done wil h dispatch, nnd wit h a view of giving salisi'aetion lo patrons. All Worlr Wiivviniloit. iH'7-lmlp FORWARDING & COMMISSION, J. L. WARD & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND Manufacturers Agents. vnrvis yon LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION; UNION INSURANCE COMPANY Or SAN FRANCISCO: COMMERCIAL I MARINE I INSURANCE COMPANY, (Combined assets exceed SI I.Olio.duo BABCOCK'S FIFE EXTINGUISHER; BAKER & HAM.LTON'S AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY; THE CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON; SWAN BREWITiY CO.'S ALE AND FB.ITEI, nCiMmlp HELLMAN, HAAS & CO. AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, HAVE KOH BALE THE PUREST GROCERIES, THE BEST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Of the choicest Imported Brands. Paints. Oils. Doors. Sashes. Hl.lNDs. I'AIiMINC IMPLEMENTS. II and HI Los Angeles and Commercial Sis., ticS] LOH AN'iiKl.K.s. [lm-ip I. B. FERGUSON'S toMMIssiON HOUSE Is Ito Kmel ii-i vc I oiillllissiou House to !i» to lor X very thing Yon wuni. ■ ><•"_*-1 ii i SIMON LEVY, / 10MM tSSION M BRCH A NT. V Ocnernl dealer in all kinds ofCOIN TRY PRODCCTIONH, Hides, Grain and Wool. Makes advances ou Consignment* lo all parts or the tinted states. Nos. iM and 'ii Aliso s l ., l.os ANOELES. oefi-lytp iiniimmri I ————w BUSI NESS CARDS. J. C. JACKSON Keeps all kinds of Lumber, Shingles, Laths, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, I*o>;l!-;. fisi li PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT a:\ij HAITI. CORNER ul' Alameda and First Streets. ori-lmlp PERRY, WOODWORTH & CO., j I I'MHEU YARDS J 4 AND PLANING MILLS. NO. so COMMERCIAL s r r. Keep constant tv on hnmf a full assortmenl ofLCMHKR, IS SIRS, MASH, MOHLDINOH, HI.INKS, TURNED AND HAWED WORK. All kinds of mill work done to order. oc2 GRIFFITH. LYNCH & CO. DEALERS IN LUMBER. CORNER KIKsT AND ALAMEDA sTs. Mill Work of all Kinds, - gVt'H AS • iMiiiits, HABH, BLINDH, KTC, KTC. oci-lnilp s. n. I'ASWEI.I.. I. P. KhtM, CASWELL & ELLIS, I'M, PORTERS Anil Heiilers in (.ener.'il >leicliandise. Sll AND 82 MAIN STREET. oc'»-lf Los Amji'.i.ks. 11. c. wiI.KV. I>. M. ntcnnv, WILEY & BERRY, REM. ESTATE AGENTS —AMI— ('OM M 1 SS lON M BRCH A NTS, No. M main STREET, LOH ANOBLEH. oc7*lm lp MALONEY & FENNESSEY. VITAGON-MAKING, B LACK TT sMITIHNO AND HOHHE-HHOKINO 20 nail 22 AUnoStreet. Manufacturers of Carriages. Buggies. and wagons of all kinds. All orders promptly attended to. nct-iptf Ma TEED, KINTHACTOI! AND BUILDER, Shop on First Street, between Main and Spring, Los Angeles. ii Jobbing do'ic ii 'ittly nud with Dispatch. oe')-lin'!|> LOS ANGELES SODA WORKS, No. lit A I.ISO M ill I I . nK.NHY W. STOLL, PROPRIETOR. Supplies Bar Rooms nnd private tami lles with the purest ami best NOIL! AMI NAKMAI'AHI 1.1,4. DellTered to any part of the city. tsMr-lmJ CAROLINE C. BURTON. I adtes' hair dressing in I.J all styles. RHAIDH, CI'ltLS AND WA TERPALLMi made ut the shortest notice. TANOLKD HAIR STH Al( JHTKN Kit AND MADE INTO ANY HIIAPE. M I'erfunies of the lincst quality oil luiiul and for sale. NO. tl SPRING STHKKT, l.os Angeles, i 'nllibi niu. <s*«!-tf GAMBRINUS BREWERY, P 111ST STREET, LOS ANOELES. Fine Lager Beer for sale IN lH ANTITIKS 'IH» Si' IT. ocj-iniip fos. LK.IHKIt, Proprietor, MISCELLANEOUS. it epi: BLIC LIFE INSURANCECO. or «'IIICA4H». 11.1.1N01h. Cash Capital, . $1,000,000 ■tranches "' 1(11 Hie Mlnlesol'llie liiliiii. I fAVrNG NOW COM P L ET E I) 1 1 the organisation of our l*»i<*Hi<* Hi'jiiK'li. We take pleasure in announcing that our I'u clflcCoost stockholders have elected the fol lowing well-known dtlsens an irfllmn of our PACIFIC BRANCH I J*rrsiitfiit: OIJVER KLUltllMiK. ITce-PranWcnfw Tllos. A. HALL, WM. It WHEATON a. L OITRNEY Hecretarypro tern ,l as. T. BOYD Attorney THOS. BRI )WN Tri'iisurer in as. lie itKKLL Medical Examiner ttferiitirc t 'wmiiitti't': OLIVER EIJJRJHGK, .los. A. DONOHOE, .I AS. T. BOYD, HEO. W. BEAVER, ( H As. BCRHKLL. Tllos. BELL, K. li. PERRIN. /liVreAi/'*: • OLIVER K.LI >REI)(i B,LK LA Nll ST A NK< IRD UEO. W. BEAVER, Tllos. BROWN, N. ft, KIT I'LL: ('. OHRISTIANHEN, .Il 111 N F. MII.LXI!, TIKIS. H. BELBY, .1 \s. T. BOYD, R. P. MORROW, C I. BREN HAM, s. P. BUTTERWORTH M. D. HWEENY, OEO. IL WHEATON, I. KRIRDLANDRR, WM. BTRUNO, A. BLACK, THOS. A. HALL, lOS. \. DONOHOE, WM. It. WHKATON, Tllos. BELL, K. B. PERRIN, P. T. RYLAND, WM. L. DICKENSON WM. s. LABIA TDK REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. Wan onartered by special act of the Legisla ture of the state of liiiunis,and commenced doing business in July, IS7II, making il now just three yearn old. Its plan of nrganlfatinn was i<> have M.000.000 <" 11 pi lul Siocli, with twenty percent, paid in,and the balance nuhject tocnfl, With BRANCH oibiANl/.A- Tl( i.vs of stockholders iv the lending bus! new centers of the count ry, earapoead of the best business men thus making » Company nf National extent ami prestige, and yet a iioni:rioii'A>v at each bka\< ii. The Company nl thla date lias policies In force covering over risks, wit Ii an all una I Income ot over 000.< M>o„ ALL assets ok PACIPIf! BRANCH IN VENTED (»N THIH COAST. Capital stock nf Pneiffe Branch, over I .'UHLtMHI la Invested ill Mortgages on Heal F.s tate in California during the last four months, over iiki.ihhi (»i :!'_'K Policies issued at Paeitie Itraueh during same period, insuring L'Jl'J.htn mi I harges lor losnrmiee 'jr. per 4'enl. Less I!■ ll)■ Hllllinl Companies. T ll R li W W* l* It tt l <' Doe* not hafvnw THE CAPITAL of Policy holders on PROMIHEh lo return Ihe same at Home INDEFINITE future period und CALL IT A DIVIDEND. [n presenting tlie claims of THK REPUB LIC to the patronage of the people of this Coast, we Khali at all times aim to be gov erned b) sound business considerations, and a due regard for the right.-, and merits of com pel Ing compa uiev. OKKICK OK THK PACIFIC BRANCH, NO. Nf CALIFORNIA SiIIKKT, below Snnsoine Street. ocjdlrolp STOLEN HORSES I HAVE THE FOLLOWING I>K -1 scribed horses iv my possession at Ste phens rial, taken from Tihurcio Vusipiez's band Of robbers, i iwners can have their slock by proving property and paying charges: Two American work mares, OM) sorrel and oue brown, branded X with a hall circle at the bottom One large sorrel work hose, IH 1 .: hands high, branded S li. One sorrel horse, having collar and saddle marks, hlu/.e iv face, left fore I'imil and left hind foot white, branded J K. One sorrel horse supposed tohea half-breed, with collar and saddle-marks, fore feet white, strip In forehead; brand, two Inverted .Is witU S underneath. One mora saddle-horse, bald face, all feet White, branded ami vented with letter O, and also branded with letter A with half circle on 'op. One large iron-gray horse, branded M C and figures i\ One Spanish saddle or work marc with colt, branded M E, and nlso .1 A L. One light gray saddle-horse, branded .1 with half circle. i me dun marc, white inane and tail, brand ed 1 It and .1 It, and also ,1 A L. One black mare, branded I With hull circle at top and bottom, and .1 A L One bay mare and yearling coll, hrnnded ,1 A L One dun mar.i and sucking coll, branded A Willi O ou top. One yearling dun colt, branded .1 A L. WM. li. ROWLAND, sheriti'. OC'JIl' ■ MERCHA N T JT AJLO RS. J. STRELITZ, MERCHANT TAILOR— MAIN sT.,ni:ah WKLLS.K A Hi fo ■ To Makes the most fashionable sty le of O r V II I Cm lo be obtained in Ihe southern country. Also a large stock of the Newest and best Cloths Doeskins, Heavers, Fancy Cassimercs. Velvet ami silk Vestings, etc. A tit guaranteed. Refers to the principal gentlemen of the city for whom he has made clothing. No necessity to send to San Francisco for good fitting suits. DtfltMp ADAM & NELSON, Merchant Tailors. HA VINO EST A I', 1.l SHED TH EM selves ul the obi stand of 1.. Peter. opposite the I'ost-oniee. si'iiiNo sthkkt, are prepared to all all ORDEHH in the Latest A. Most Fashionable Styles. A fine assort men I of Cassimeres, Vestings, And everything lv the Hue nlwnys on hand. IMJ A (JOilD KIT (H'AKANTKKD IN ALL CASKS, (live us a Call. oe'Mmlp EDUCATIONAL. SPANISH AND FRENCH I NSTRHTION IN FRENCH AND 1 SPANISH will Is 1 given to classes in the afternoon! or evenings, by MISS JOSEPHINE LINDLEY f IIHHi • To a class of five or less, per lesson S2 Ul) To a class ol any number over Aye, per lesson $.1 ut) For further particulars, inquire at tiie office of lhe Los Amjki.ks Hkkai.ii, of Luidlcy & Thompson, or at the Pico House." TESTIMONIALS: University or CALIFORNIA, ") Department or Lanocaoks. OAKLAND, Jllly 11, 1K72, J Herewith I certify that Miss Josephine Lind ley has been a student in my department of l lie University for Aye consecutive terms, viz: from Heptember, IK7O, to April M, 1872. During Ihls time she studied the French, tbe Spanish uud tlie German languages, obtaining always the highest marks for proAclency and attend ance, her uvenige credit mark for five terms being H7 per cent. On entering the University, Miss land ley possessed already such knowledge of the French and Spanish idioms as to he able tn speak them with ease, fluency, correctness, and a pure pronunciation. she may now be considered thoroughly fa milial with the theory and philosophy, as well as willi the application of these two tongues; and she may safely be recommended us a can didate of great promise, for teaching the French and Spanish languages. P. HOD A, Prof. Modern Languages. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Josephine Lindley has been declared by the Faculty entitled to this Certificnto of Profi ciency In the departments of Geology nnd Natural History, (Botany and Physical Geolo gy, I Helles Lettres, (English Literature, Histo ry, Ancient and Modern,) Chemistry, Modern Languages, l French anil Spanish.l Henry Diirant, President of University; E. s. carr, Prof. Chemistry; P. Plodai, Modern Languages; Joseph Le conic. Professor of ne ology and Natural History; William Swinton, Professor of Relies Lettres; Martin Kellogg, Dean of the Faculty. oc'2-tf LAWLOR INSTITUTE 108 Main Mreet. Low Angeles. THE SEVENTH SEMI-ANNUAL Session Of this SKbKCT DAY ICHOOUi in which girls nnd Isiys receive n pskkitl, PRACTICAL ANneoMPLKTE English Education, commenced on MONDAY, auuustii, is7:t. TKHMS I»F.R MONTH: English Studies, including the ordinary School Branches, and Double-Entry Book-Keeplng and Algebra $.1 no Primary Qeography, Heoond and Tbird Readers 4 no Chart nnd Primer Classes ,1 00 EXTKAK. Latin, Phonetic Short-liand and Geom etry, per mouth £2 ik, Competent Teachers of Drawing, Painting, and lhe Modern Language*, will Is- connected with the Institution. i'ot further particulars, apply to tlie under signed, at Hie School building. oeftml \V. R LAWLOR, Principal. FRENCH and SPANISH LESSONS r ESSONS IN THK FRENCH and Spanish languages will be given toolasaej <>r in private, commencing on WSMNNMYt ocroßF.B i. ms. TKK.MS OK I'l'lTION: I'rivale lessons $ 1 (HI each Twenty lessons 1.1 (Ml Lessons to any number of pupils over live, for one month,three lea* sons every week, each pupil 2-m'» French and Spnnisli'Scliool lor children ev ery day (Saturdays excepted) at 4 O'clock P. M, TlTTli >N, per month, SH. For further particulars, Inquire nt No. 107 Main street, translation of Fkkni'll, Span ish and Em.i.lsii. F. V. C. UK MoNDHAN. oc2-l in 1 p Drawing and Painting. TNSTRU(TI()NIN ( RAYON, PEN -1 (TL AND PERSPECTIVE DRAWING, in Coloring Willi India Ink and Water Colors, and In o I tf 1» A IN T I N «. given at Hillside Cottage, buck of the new school-house. MRS. LU WHEAT SMITH. oc2tf ST. VINCENT'S COLLEGE, LOH ANGELES. ITNDER THE CARE OF THE J FATHERS ok ST. VINCENT ok PAUL. DEGREES CONFERRED, and the most complete Education given. No more beauti fully situated s|kit in the whole of Southern California. *»pplv by letter, or personally, to REV. J. Mclill.L, C. If. oc2-lmis President. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. Lt)B ANGELES SALE. FEED & LIVERY STABLE, JH. JONES, PROPRIETOR, • CORNER FIFTH ANDSPRING STS. Grain, Hay and all kinds of Fresh Feed CONSTANTLY ON HAND. A I,SO, Large Clean Corrals and Stables, Willi City Water Throughout. mm horses, M ules, w.\i;< ins mm) car- HIAIiES bought aud sold, and Horses and Carriages to lei by tiie day or week. Teamsters accommodated as usual ou the most liberal terms. oe7-lmlp ALISO FEED & SALE STABLE T F. RAMIREZ, PROPRIETOR. *J • COR. ALAMEDA * ALISO STS. Adjoining M. Keller's. GKAIIN, IIA"V At FEED always on hand. Horses, Mules, Wagons, etc bought nnd sold. oc7-4ptf CUCAMONGA WINE. DEPOT AT LOUIS MESMER'S WINE CELLAR, underneath the U. S. Hotel. Wine by the Glass, iloltle or Gallon. All kinds of Liquors, Wines and Bitters ut wholesale und retail. NOTICE. The public of Ixw Angeles nre hereby noti fied that no oilier person lU l.os Angeles ;but Mesmerhas wines from the Cocomongo ranches. J. I* SANSEVAIN. oi',V2plni SA M. BER CE, Bill Poster and Distributer. HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS. PRO GRAMMES. NOTICES, Etc. ftdthlullv POSTED OR DISTRIBUTED throughout Ih'e city and country. N. B.—Parties at a distance can send any thing they wish jiostcd or distributed in the city or surrounding country, wllh assurance Hint the work will lie faithfully done. Orders may lie left at the office of the Daily HKRALD. SAM. HE ROE, or-2-tf Los Angeles. NUMBER 8. MISCE L LAN EO U S. SOUTHERN DISTRICT Agricultural Society's FALL MEETING. Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 10,1 1, 12* 13, I4anc| 15. SPLENDID SPEED PROGRAMME! FIVE DAYS' KAOITXCi —AND— Stock Parades and Exhibitions. And one whole day devoted lo LADY KQT'EBTH lANIHM, AND OTHER SIGHTS. FIRHT DAY. First Race—Trotting—For horses that nre owned In the district nt. this date, that have never beiilen three minutes. Mile heats; best threi'in live to harness—purse of s.'ttm; 8200 to the lirst horse, and $100 trithe second; Aye or more to enter. Second Race—Running 1 race of a mile dash, for nil two-year olds owned and raised In this district. Purse of I860; $200 to first and (106 to second; Aye or more to enter. Third Race—Running—Ftee for all Califor nia or hnlf-breed horses; mlh' dash; catch weights. Purse $150; SlOO tothe tirst and $in to tlie second; five or more to enter. SECOND DAY. First Rnee—Cientleinen's Saddle Knee—Sin gle dash of one mile; to carry not less than 150 pounds; each owner to ride his own horse, with colors, (weight to be understood to com prise saddle and rider, nnd not include whip and bridle,) and each rider to Is- over l» years old. Purse Of $:t00; $200 to first ami <100 to the second horse; five to enter. Second Race —Running—Free for all three year olds bred and raised, and owned nt this (lutein tlie district; mile heats, Is-st two in three. Purse of*:*IO; jam to lirst horse, $100 to second; five io enter. Third Race-Trotting— Free for all three-year olds In the State; mile heats, liest two in tiirpe to harness. Purse |1W; *100 to tirst, $50 to sec ond; three to enter. THIRD DAY. First Race-Trotting—Free for all horses In the State; mile heats, best three In live to har ness. Curse of UWJ iamto tirst, sum to sec ond; five to enter. Second Race—Running- Free for nil horses In the State: mile heats, best three In five. Purse 94M> ?300 to first, $100 to second; three or more to enter. FOURTH DA V. First Race-Running—Five mile dash; free for nil horses owned in this district at this date; catch weights-bnr Irene and i'hll. Sher idan - purse of WW; 1176 to lhe first, and $75 h. the second; five to enter. Second Race—Trot ling Purse-Free for all horses in the Stnte; mile heats, Is-st three iv five to wagons; owners to drive, and all pro fessional drivers to lie excluded. Purse figs); 8175 to first, $78 to second, uud '."in lo third; live lo enter. FIFTH DAY. Set apart for the exhibition of stock nnd the awarding!.! premiums. At one o'clock on ibis day there will lie a grand exhibition of lady em'iestrinnlsm. This contest will Is'open to nil ladies iiw i misses, who must each be accompanied by nn escort on the day of tbe contest. Entries' free for till, and to bo made to Hie Secretary on or before the lotb ofOctol>er. The entry consists of the name of the lady contestant, and the name or description of the animal, if con venient -the name of Ihe rider certain. The contest will lie divided Into two parts- grace ful riding and daring eqtaastttanhm. Ladles who took prizes last year nre ineligible. There will Is-ten or more substantial and elegant premiums, to be mimed hereafter, There will lie no horse or foot-racing on this day, and the admission will be the same as usual SIXTH DAY. First Race— Trotting—Free for all horses In the State; two-mile heats, liest two in three to harness. Pursef.loo; $850 tn the tirst, *isu to the second; five to enter. Second Race Running- Free for all horses lv the State; two-mile heats, best two '.n three. Purse WO; 1850 to the first, }1M n, the second; three to enter. All trotting rnces to lie governed bvthe rules ot the National Turf Congress, und all run ning nices to be governed by the rules of the Sacramento State Agricultural Society, unless otherwise specified. Fair to commence on .Monday, lhe 10th diiy of November, lo con tinue six days. All entries to be made to tho Secretary by Ihc Ist day of Oetober.Kl per cent, of all purses to accompany the entry. In caw of walk-over, the horse shall be entitled to all entrance money only. When two horses only start, the third money shall lie returned to the Society. A horse distancing the field shall Is* entitled to all the money. Judges shall have the right lo call up a second or third race, and have it come ofT between the heals of the first. The Society reserves tbe right to withdraw any purse, if It tielieves that there will lie no contest. All tbe privileges of the district, .Including entries for premiums nnd purses, are extend ed to Inyo ami Ventura countries. oc2 LA CRONICA, PUBLISHED BY/ c. f. teodoli. The only Spanish Newspaper IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Published every Wednesday and Saturday mornings. Offloe in Temple's New Hlock, Spring street, <>|>|M>sltc the Court-house. It has n large circulation in the state of Cal ifornia, the Eastern Slates, Mexico, and Arizona and Colorado Territories, Cent ml and South America, and Spain. commends itself to Hie Advertisers who inny wish to bring their business before the Span ish-speaking people ami numerous population of different nationalities, on tho l'ltcillc Coast. Ail vert I*l ■■ X Hates Very KeaMouable. scßicKliTioNS—One Year, $11; six Months, W SO; Three Months, $8. oc2i Hp Everybody knows the old Man HIGiXOHET. BANK EXCHANGE BILLIARD SALOON, run by F. NIONORKT. Best Cigars, Choicest Liquors, Excellent Tables, Commodious Room. Customers received by the old man himself, who mis l,een in atteudiinc ■ since IMH. He welcomes all his old customers and pleases the new ones. The BEST RARRER SHOP In the city is wiih this establishment, (ban towels, eare fßl employees. ocs-lm NEW YORK BREWERY, £IHRIS. HENNE, PROPRIETOR The CLEAREST, PUREST uml MOST BRIL LIANT. LAGER BEER South of San Francisco. Orders for DRAUGHT or Ho'ITLED BEER promptly Attended In. The ee'lebniteil lleer from this Brewery de fies competition in the state. ocVgrnlp K. BENTHOS. K. V. C MONDRAN. COSMOPOLITAN CIGAR DEPOT IMPORT THE PUREST and BEST Havana Cigars, and keep ou hand (Tiewdng nnd Hmukluu Tobncro, Pipes, l Igarritos and Fancy Articles. Main Rt„ next door to W. P. 4 Co's Express. oCJtflp