Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME I. $$tt\ft I'tfvahl. n PubHahcd every morning except Monday, hy THK MKMAI.n PHINTINO COMPANY, OFFIOE HevaM Nteaitl Hooli mul Job I'rllil in - House. Spinn' slreel, nppnidtc the i unit House. TRRMHi Per annum, bj mull or c sprem *lv SIX lllolltllN " " " II Three mouths •• •• • H Delivered It) carriers, nor week, -■"> cents Advertisement)! Inserted at llnerul rales. For the HERALD. LOVE. A raradisc unentered; A dream to lie fulfilled; An mean ever rolling; A I rill pest never stilled; A smile, a tear, a w hlsper: \ gllmpM of heaven uliove. With angel smiles ail gleaming, Is k»Vf!j I 11. ii, ilarllhg, smile and whhper, Ami Wipe (he tear away: \nii hid the ocean rolling, hi (|llletude to lay ; \nd hid the tempest roai mv, A gentle zephyr he; Andnpe Ihe dream and Eden To Ule! i.. ii. Thomas. Hamlet. KniToit Heralp: I would like to give you a little of the history of this wonderful play, hut time and apace not permitting, I will content myself with a few dated. The earliest edition of Mantlet known to exist, in that of MM, It hears the following title: "Traglcall Historic of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, by Wil liam Shnke-spoarc" Various edit ions were afterwards printed in ltiot~s-!» and 11, and the whole of tlie plays of Shakespearewere printed together in IH2B, and culled the "folio" edition. The Hamlet of the "folio" is cer tainly an Improvement on the Hamlet of the edition of IflOS, This latter edi tion was most likely, as Mr. Calller ■fays, re-written and certainly COPPWt ed hy Shak' speare, before his death, and under altered circumstances and in a different state of mind. Mr. Caliier and other writers have asserted that another play called "Hamlet" existed before Shakespeare wrote his. But this idea, perhaps, comes from the "Historye of Hamb let." written by a Frenchman named Belleforest, or perhaps from some "me* diaevel histories," which mention the name of Hamlet or Amleth. Some writers assert that Shakespeare took the groundwork of his tragedy from the history of Saxo UrainmatiVus, who says Hamlet was the son of Harven diil, Prince of Jutland and 15th King of Denmark after [ajwtUH, This is probably correct. This sublime play surpassed hy none other -except perhaps, his own Henry IV., in which the ingenious and wonderful mind of Shakespeare has capped the pinnacles of his own towering Imagination -was presented, a few nights since al the theatre, by Mr. Piercy. In this sketch I simply purpose to give a few thoughts on the very creditable rendition of this diffi cult character by that gentleman. in the first appearance of Hamlet on the stage, he says to himself in an swer to the hypocritical salutation of the King:"A little more than kin, and less thau kind." The rendition of this was not worthy of Mr. Piercy, it led us to drink in the idea of relationship, hut not so. The King has called him coitsit). Hamlet replies: "A little more than kin! By this he means a little more than rouxin. The King adds, -"and my son'" Hamlet says, aside, "less than kind." This word should certainty be pronounced hand, and means that he is not of the same bad nature as the King. lien, .lonson uses this word in this sense in many of his writings. The soliloquy after the exeunt in this scene, is sublime, indeed, and is the entering wedge of the solemn scene of Hamlet, which soon breaks out, lirst in fury and then in madness. The rendition of the tlrst line was certainly not correct. There should be a strong emphasis on tlie second "too," otherwise why do we have It, the measure could be rilled out as well by any other syllable. The sjK'eeh on the whole, was not render ed well. The words, to bo sure, came full and round, hut tho beauty and strength of this passage, lies rather in the pauses and periods, than in the words. Like the lingering sadness of iho "Last Hope," it is not so much tho ataxic as tho time. Again, in tho conversation between Hamiot, Horat : o, Mareelltis and Ber nardo, about tho ghost, Horatio tells Hamiot that the ghost appeared in "arms;" and after some further oon wrsation Hamiot says: "Ann'd say you." This sentence was uttered really without any reference to its real mean ing. This question as asked has un doubted reference to tho ghost, uud not as to manner in which Horatio and Mureellus prepared to hold their watch. Hamlet shows that he was thinking of tho ghost by his antiepia tion of its second coming, and with his mind full of Horatio's description, says: "Hold you tho watch to-night?" and, indeed, all these minute ques tions aro asked, not under excitement, but from out the quiet of a mind full of thought. "Thou coin's! in such questionable sha|H\" In tho lirst scone whero the ghost appear*, Maroollus says: "question it." And wo think this lino just quoted, has reference to what Marool lus says. It may boa question wheth er this "question" means in a doubtful shape, or a sha|>e capable of being uucxtioned. I think the latter, hut it was not so rendered. Wo now oome to the key to the wholo tragerdy. "O, my prophetic soul! mine uncle!" 1 will venture to say tbat there is but one man, out of all the Hamlets, great and small, which we have had or still havo, who has ever rendered this lino with any sense or show of meaning. This man is Booth. We have at tho end ofthe second scene: Mv father's spirit in arms! all is not well; 1 linuht some foul play: woillU the night were come. Till then sit still, my soul, r'nul deeds will rise, though ull the earth o'erwhelnr them to men's eyes. Los Angeles Daily Herald. This is tho first Blattering of tlio thunder-dond of suspicion, and why should it not burst with ull its fury on tho uncle whom "wiokod speed" 11tti* rios to "inoostuous shoots." This should not be rendered, us it always has been, as an exclamation of our prise, because it is not a surprise for 11 am lot to know that his uunle was the villain, but shoulil ho rondorod in tho voice of suspicion continued. In tho further speech of the Ohost, this line, "(), horrible I O, horrible!" was spoken by Hamiot. This is incorrect, and should l>o loft to the (ihost. No ono hut tlarrick has over appropriated this lino when playing Hamlet. Considering Mr. Plercy'a youth and inexperience and the conipauy ho had to sustain him, (Mrs. Buret excepted,] his rendition of this wholo act though tilled with many difficult pas sages, pregnant with profound philoso phy and doop thought—was truly re markable. I was truly triad to hoar the good, ringing sound of "hern shaw," 111 the room of our modern corruption "hand-saw." Tho distin guished commentator, Mr. Knight, recognized the fact that "hand saw" is a corruption, although he adopts it. The celebrated soliloquy of Hamlet was also rendered with wonderfully good tastOj accuracy and grace, and indeed, with ono single exception, without an error. Judging from the subtle reasoning of this grand speech, it was evident that " To die" and "To sloop," aro Intended as synonymous terms; but tho doubt is iv tbe "To dream." "Ay, there's tho Mb." "No more," must be taken as nothing more, aud is translated by some French commentator I think Oui/ot — ricn oV plu*. This portion of tho solilo quy was not rendered so as to convoy this meaning. The scone which followed between Hamlet and Ophelia, cannot ho too highly praised, and those of tho audi ence who have seen Booth will hear mo out in this assertion. Tho scene with the grave-digger was poorly played indeed. The most that oan ho said of this part is, that it was a poor imitation of Forrest. Really, this is a brilliant part of Hamiot. Tho sudden transitions, from the thought of the grave and death suggested by tho skulls, to tho real levity of the tilt of words with tho clown —when Hamlet, as it wore, comes out of him self, asif wearied with his own strange and solemn meditations, und then suddenly hack again to the contem plation of a death nearer to him —even tho death of Yoriek—the sad lingering of the fond memory of his childhood. Oh! how exquisitely beautiful! I havo soon Booth make his audience in this scene weep, laugh, und woop again. The worst portion ofthe acting is yot to come. Why in heaven's name (lid Hamlet ho ml "poor Yor iok's" skull to his friend Horatio? Oh, shocking! shocking! There is a world of moaning in tho very throwing down of tho skull, the very action is so nice ly fitted to the words. Hamlet is thinking of the noble deeds of the liv ing, tho conquests nf Alexander, the genius of Imperial Caesar, and yot thru must come to this, a xtinkint/ ttull. My friend, Shakespeure always suits tho action to tho word, follow him. My readers of Ihe "gown" would prohahahly be interested hy curious facts concern ing this "Crow nor' s-quest law," hut my space will not permit. Viae the ease of the suicide of Sir James Hales, reported in Plowden. Mr. Plerey should have encourage ment from ull lovers of Shakespeare, for we shall ho proud of him someday. We must have Hamiot again. Col. Forney's Preu is to ho made up hereafter, like the Now York Herald. Senator Sumner is to lecture on the "Unity of the Republic." PKOSPECTITS OF THE LOS ANGELES HERALD. The Urst of October, TltKLos Anoki.ks 11K It- Al.l), ii (hilly and weekly newspaper, will make its appearance. The Daily win tic a neat andt.istily printed seven-column news paper, newsy rather than literary in chnrao ter. The Weekly will hen six-column, eight* page paper, and will C intain Ihe most impor tant matter that has previously appeared in Thk Daily Hkiiald. It is proposed that the II f.kald shall he au unbooght advocate of every Interest pertain ing to Southern California and Arl/onu,aud a /.enloiiK worker in ull things that shall tend to benefit the Stale, lv a word it will he in close communion with th* People. In ils col umns, from time to time will he found mai lers of Interest to the California Partner, Me ehanlr, Merchant, Laborer, and all classes of Producers; and it will also contain reading matter suited to Ihe Home Circle. The Hk.uai.o will he an Independent Demo cratic Journal nnd Its efforts directed to sweep ing from power and place those now misman aging the uffalrs Of Ihe Nation. For the accom plishment nfthisend, it will hall withsatisfac tion the co-operation of the members ol nil IV. tics, believing that the prosperity, perhaps surety, of the Nation depends upon the success of a movement Of Ml* charncter. It Is" ivlorm now or revolution hereafter." The llf.ualp will advocate State Rights and oppose Centralization; It will encourage While nnd oppose Coolie Immigruticii. It will (aver Free Trade, and oppose. Protective Tariff; it will advocate a (ireenhack Currency tor Call t'ornia, and oppose Ihe present dwarfing and deadening policy which upholds the present ruinous rates of interest and shuts out Eastern capital. It will advocate the People and op pose Monopolies, no matter what guise tbey may assume. While will treat Slavery as a dead issue, it will earnestly advocate the right of every Htate, be it Northern or South ern—Massachusetts or South Carolina - - to gov ern Itself In accordance with the wishes of Its people, and Ihe dictates ofthe Federal Con stitution, without national Interference, The H Kit a i,ll will onppse tbie vine, and pecu lation, No man rightly owns a dollar until lie earns It. Every dollar Which Is taken from the public treasury or private purse without a Just return is robbery, and be who bikes this money is n thief. Relieving this, the lIKHALI) will oppose salary steals, custom steals, land steals, railroad steals, and every kind of sleuls. Each day, the fullest Foreign and Domestic Telegrams will be published. The aim will he to supply, 111 this pari of the State, the de mand herctoioie tilled by the San Francisco dailies. No trouble or expense will be spared to make the 11 lv a in, In this respect, equal to any newspaper on the Coast. It will also con tain a lull Review of the Local and Foreign Markets, and the Trades generally, honestly and carefully compiled. NI'IINt'KIPTION: DAILY lIKKALI). Delivered by Curriers, per month S I 00 " " •' per year 10 IKI By Mall or Express, " 10 HI) WKKKI.V lIKKALI). By Mall or Express, per year M Oil n per quarter 1 oo LOS ANGELES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1873. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. N. P. RICHARDSON, |)lIYSICIAN ANT) SUROEON. OFFICE No. II Downey'.. llliH'k, up-stalrs. ncJMf DR. A. S. SHORB, j rOMOjJOPATFttC physician. OFFICE Nearly oppwdte the Post Office. residence Nn. i:i Franklin street. ncatf DR. H. S. OR ME, J>HYSIOI.\N AND SI TBI EON, OFFICE ANDREMDENOE- In Lanfiunco's Riilldiug, Ni>. VI Main sheet. Office Honrs fiiiin 10 A. M. to I P. M M and from 2 to :! P. M. (K-2-tf DR. JOSEPH KURTZ, J>HYSICIAN AND SITU J HON, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE 111 Ilelnseli's Mock, • 'omuiorrlfil ami u« Angeles streets. a» Special attention paid to diseases <>r tho EYE AM) EAR. twi'tt DR. J. W. OLIVER, J JO.NKEOI'ATHIST. OFFICE AND RKSIDKNcK-Sprinit street, o|)|n>site the Mayor's OrnW. (MMptf D. W. C. FRANKLIN, MKCIIANICA L, OPERATIVE AM > HI El< iI :< ).S lIF. S TIST. OFFICE -'ft sprintr street, next to Fire Rn< glllc House. 002-tf 11. K. S. O'.MKI.VF.NV. 11. T. lIA/AKD. O'MELVENY Ik HAZARD, iTTORNEVS AT \.A\\, OFFICE IN TEMPLE BLOCK, I.os AN( JELEs, CAT. AO Special attention given lo business ill Hie United Htntin l.aml office. 002-tf A. oi.ASski.i., (i. ii. H.MITH. A. U. CHAPMAN, 11. M. SMITH. GLASSELL CHAPMAN&SMITH. A TTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE—TEMPLE BLOCK upntHim, I.os Angeles, (lallßirnla. ociHf JAMES C. HOWARD, A TTORNEY AT LAW ('OI'RT COMMISSIONER, Downey's oc'J-lf M. WHALING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE No. 18 Downey Block Los Angeles. oe'2-lm (IIAIiI.F.s r.lNlii.KY. .1. H. Tliou osoN. LINDLEY & THOMPSON, A TTORNEYH AT LAW, 01-'EICE- Room Nd. ::, Downey Mock. oc2 W. 1.. MARSHALL. WILL 11. UOl'l.ll. MARSHALL & COULD, 4 TTO RN KYS AT LA W -O F VIC R a opposite the court House. Room* Nos. is nnd i» Temple Block, I.os Angeles, oil. W ill practice ill l||| the «'otilts Uf this Mate, ami att nid to 1. 11 s 111, •>- in I. s. I .unci i iftice, LEW. G. CABANIS, NOTA BY PUBLIC, CONVEY unccr au.l Searcher of Records tor this I 'oil lit V. OFFICE—No. ll T. iupie Block,LouAngo les, ( 'aliloriiin. oc2-lI V. E. HOWARD & SONS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TEMPLE BLOCK. I.os ANGELES. o<e»if A. A. WILSON, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR. OFFICE—Room No. 11. Temple Block, Loa Al)felon, I a I ili ii n in. 002-tf A. 11. .11' lison. .1. W, (iII.LMITK. JUDSON & GILLETTE, QEARCHERB OF RECORDH KJ AND I '< >N VKYANi 'KliS. TEMPLE UliOC'K, I.os ANGELES. ooit-lro C. W. MORGAN, IDEAL ESTATE AGENT, Kuur iiours south ot° tin' I'ost OfHec, Temple Block, I.os Angelea, <'ullttu nlu. in: MONEY TO Loan. oei-tt ~chTas7e7mii^^ HYDRA ILK' ENQIN KER, Los ANGELES, CAU Hk.l'kiis TO —Dr. J. S, Griffin. J. a. Downey, 1.. 11. Titus, (ii'ii. I. Bantling, I. W. Ilellman, A. Olassell. The Introduction of WMtor into Cities, Towns and Hunches a specialty. ContntOtH taken fur making sheet iron pipes, at my shop, or where desired, on Ihe most favoruhle tcrUUd ncS-ini BARBERS BATH HOUSES. GEORGE REINECKE, Barber Saloon & Bath House. TTAIR TRIMMING, SHAVING, -I I HitAMPOOINO, BATHH, ETC. This estalilishlueiit has just heen refitted, und, after having engaged tne bent Barliero in tlie oity, I respeetl'nlly solicit eusloni tVoin nil who want work executed in the host style. Makes the BATHINU BI'StNKSSn special ty,and has the thirst set of Bath Booms in the city, tf* t'nderthe Bella I'nioii. ocj-lmlp TONSORIAL PALACE SAM. JON EH, PROPRIETOR AND MANAGER Hot, Cold and Shower Baths. shaving and Hat him,' Km|Kirium. No. ~H Main street. oc'.*tf-lp_ PROF. GREEN'S BARBER SHOP, N EXT TO GATES & NOYES' AND under the "Exprewi" ottiee, TEMPLE BLOCK. As ITot. (ireeii has tin- hest Kvaihihle assisl iints to lie procured in llu-Slate, Hair Cutting, Shaving and Shampooing Will he perftM mcd In Hie hest style of the lon sol la] int. twßdUl L. LICHTENBERCER, (Successor to Boeder a Mchtenberger), jyjANUFAtTUBER OK Wagons. Buggies. Carriages. Etc. lIS. I*s and 147 Main street, Angeles, Very respectfully solicits the patronage of the public In his line of business. All vc hii les hulll ol the BKST MATF.UIAI.. An exlenslve IJLACKSMITH SHOP Is eonneeled with the estahllshmeiit, where all kinds of Bhirkslulthlng will Is- ilnne to order. Dune with dispatch, and with a view of gWInR satisfaction to patrons. All VV'oi-li WiU'vniiled. (K'T-lllllp FORWARDING & COMMISSION. J. L. WARD <fc CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS VND-- Manufacturers Agents. roa LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION; UNION INSURANCE COMPANY Of SAN FRANCISCO; COMMERCIAL MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, (Combined awcta exceed RABCOCK'S FIRE EXTINGUISHER; RAKER I HAM.LTON'S AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY: THE CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON; SWAN BREWERY CO.'S All AND IO.'JER. ■ .eL'-lmlp HELLMAN, HAAS & CO. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HAVE FOR SALE THE PUREST GROCER] Ks, THE 11 EST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Of Ihe chnleest Imported Brand-. Paints, Oils, Doors. Sashes. BLINDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Mand IA l/>s Angeles and Commercial Sis., <>c i| I,os a no elks. [lav4a I. B. FERGUSON'S HOUSE In the KaetmlVC CoimiiiNMlon House to K°«i •<» lor IA cry thing You Hhiil. oeil-lm SIMON LEVY, fIOM M I S SlO NMEBC H A N T. v - General dealer in all kinds of OrtfTN TUV PRODI'CTIONH, Hides, Grain and Wool. Makes ailvanees on Conslginiionts to ull parts 01' the I'liited States. Nos. 21 aud :H Aliso S., I.OS ANOELES. fK "»-l> tp ' ii»m-———»f BUSINESS CARDS. J. G. JACKSON Keep- all kinds of Lumber, Shingles, Laths, OOOBS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, Posts. Sll«1^4»W, PIiAHTKR PABIS, C'IOAIIONT V VINL> HAIR. CHUNER OF Alameda and First Streets. iic'.'-1 in I p PERRY, WOODWORTH & CO., I UMBER YARDS AND PLAN IN (I MILLS. NO. 7« COMMERCIAL ST. Keepconatantty on luind nfull assortment ol' Ll MRER,, la Mills, SASH, MOIT.DINOS, HLINIM, Tl'lt.NKD AND SAWED WORK. All kinds of mill Work done to order. <h-2 GRIFFIfHTLYNXHICiI DEALERS IN LUMBER. CORNER FIRST AND ALAMEDA kts. Mill Work of all Kinds, -SUC H AS— DOORS, SASH, III.INDS, KTl'., ETO. oc'.'-linlp s. 11. l AsWKI.U J. K. Kl.l.ts. CASWELL & ELLIS. JMPOBTEBH Ami llealei-s iv Oeiiecnl Merchandise. M AND H MAIN STREET, (M-2-ir Loa anoki.ks. 11. c. vubme, a UKMKV. WILEY & BERRY. RRAIi ESTATE AOENTS —ANP-- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. MS MAIN STREET, I.OS ANOKI.KS. 007-lralp MALONEY & FENNEBSEY. A\TA( JON-MAKI NO, BLA C X- V T SMITHING AND HORSE-SHOEINO »0 uud 'it AliwoMrevl. Manufacturers of Carriages, Buggies. nnd wagons of all kinds. All ordeis promptly attended to. iK-7-fptr M. TEED, AONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Shop on First Street, Between Main nnd Mprlng, Km Angeles. ■VJobbing done neatly and witb Dlspulob. IM'.Vllll.'lp LOS ANGELES SODA WORKS, No. i:i AI.INO NTRRRT. H ENRY' W. STOLL, Pkopkietor. Supplies Bar Rooms and private lumi lles with tho purest mul liest SOIIA AMI NAKNAPAKIM.A. Delivered to any part of the city. <M-2-lmjJ| CAROLINE C. BURTON. I A DIES' HAIR DRESSING IN all styles. HIIAIDS, CURIA AND \VA TERFALLM, made nt the shortest notice. TANULED HAIR STRAIGHTENED AND MADE INTO ANY SHAPE. aS" Perfumes ot the finest quality on hand and ft* sale. NO. H HPRINO STREET, l.os Angeles, I 'alliumlit. i! 0 ?!? L GAMBRINUS BREWERY, piRST STREET, IA)8 ANOELES. Fine Lager Beer for sale IN QI ANTITIES TO KIUT. oc2 luilp Jus. LEtBKR, i'ropriotor. MISCELLANEOUS. REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCECO. OF « 1114 .%««, ll.l.lSOlft. Cash Capital, . 1,000,000 HrmichcN In Mil tlie MMtM«f Ihe , HAVING N O W COM P LET E D the organization of our T , «<»ifl«» Tli^mioli, AYe take pleasure in announcing that our Per elfle Coast Stoekliohlers have elected the 101- InWllM well-known citizen-us ofNeeis of our PACIFIC BRANCH: OUVHR ELimifMir.. T«er>- Vrfxitimti: THOS. \. RA1.1,, Wit, B. WHRATON A. 1.. OtTRNKY Hecretnry pro tern JAR. T. BOYD Attorney THOK. BROWN Treasurer CHAS. BITOtF.Lf Medical Kvamlner Kxti utire ('■mmiitttv: OLIVER ELpRIOQE, .low. A. DONOUOK, .1 AH. T. BOVD. ORO. W. REAVER, I'll AH. RtTRRKLI* THOH. BELL, R. B. PKKItIN. Dirfvtor*: OLIVER KI.r»REIMtE,LELAND STANFORD GEO. W. HKAVKR. TH<»B. HROWN, N. O. KITTI.K: C riIRISTIANHEN, JOHN F. MILLER, THOS. H. BELBV, JAS. T. BOYD, R. F. MORROW, 0. I. BHKNHAM, S. F. BUTTKHWoBTH M. I>. HWEENV, OEO. H. WHEATON, 1. FRIEDLANDFR, WM. RTRLINO, A. BLACK, THOS. A. BAU., ICR. A. DONOHOE, WM. It. WHKATON, THOS. BELL. E. R. PERRIN, C. T. RYLAND, WM. L DICK ENRON WM. H. I.ADO. THK REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. Was cUartered hy s|ieelal act or the Legisla ture of the Stale of Illinois, and commenced doing huslui'ss In July, IH7O, making it now Just threp years old. Its plan of organisation was to have 5A.000.000 Capital Hlork. with twenty percent, paid In, And the balance subjeci mcall. With BRANCH ORGAN IZA TIONS of stockholders iv Ihe leading business centers of the country, coin posed ol'lhe buslnesH men thus making a Compauy of National extent and prestige, and yet a HOUF. COMPANY AT EACH IIRAX 11. The Company iv this date has policies in force covering over 32a,(KKl,fiiNl of risks, with an annua! tnCOMM of over MLOOO.OOO. ALL ASHF.TH OF PACIFIC BRANCH IN VF.STF.D ON THIS COAST. Capital Stock of Pacini- Branch, oyer I .•UO.UOU HI Invested in Mortgages on Real F.s tate in Callliirrua duriiw the hist four months, over W&jMX) 90 !W Pollch s Issued at PaelAe Branch during same period, Insuring I,9tS,HtU M <imrgen lor luMlirauee 2.t |»er Ceitl. 1.1-*'. IIIMU HutUNl 4'OIH|M»HI<>N. Tf] ■ n EPti 11 T. I O Imick not horrnw THK CAPITAL or Policy holders on PROMISES to return the same at some INDEFINITE future partial and CALL IT A DIVIDEND. In presenting the claims of THE REPUB LIC to the patronage of the people of this Coast, we shall at all times aim to be gov erned hy sou ml htiiincH* considerations, and n due regard lOr the rights and merits of com peting aoiupanlcA, OFFICE OF THE PACIFIC BRANCH, \U. Sl7 4 A 1.1 to H\ I A NTKEF.T, Below SaiiHoinf' Street, is 2dl 111 lp STOLEN HORSES T HAVE THE FOLLOWING DE- A scribed horses In my possession at Ste phens'corral, taken from Tlburelo Vusijuez's huiul of robbers. (iwni rs can have their stix-k by proving property and payingeharg's: Two American work marcH, one sorrel and one brown, brauded F with a hull circle at the bottom. One large sorrel work, hands high, branded S «. One sorrel horse, having collar and saddle marks, Unac iv lure, lett lore foot and left hind foot white, branded J K. One sorrel horse supposed to Is' a hall-breed, with collar and saddle-murks, fore feet white, strip in forehead; brand, two Inverted .Is wltc. S underneath. One mom saddle-horse, 1.a1.1 face, ull feel white, branded nnd vented wilh letter 0, and also branded with letter A with half circle on top. One large Iron-gray horse, branded M (' and figures 2T>. One Spanish saddle or Work mare with colt, brauded M E, und also J A L. Onu light gray saddle-horse, branded .I with half circle. One dun inure, white inane and tall, brand ed I R and .1(1, und also .1 A L. One black man-, branded 1 with hull circle nt top and Ixittoni, and J A 1.. one bay mare ami yearling colt, branded J A L One dun mara and sucking colt, branded A with O on top. Ono yearling dun colt, branded .1 A L. WM. It. ROWLAND, Kherin". oe>tf _M ERCHANT TAILORS. J. BTRELITZ, MERCHANT TAILOR MAIN ST., nkail WELLS.FARGOA Co Makes the most fashionable style of cj 1 o r hi m o to be obtained in the southern country. Also a large stock ofthe Newest and best Cloths Iviesklns, Beavers, Fancy Cusslineres. Velvet and Htlk Venting)*, etc. A fit guaranteed. Refers to the principal gentlemen of the city for whom he has made clothing. No neuoHHlty to send to Man Franclsoo for good fitting Hulls. ooflf-tp ADAM A NELSON, Merchant Tailors, HA VIM O EHTAB LISH MO TH KM* selves at the old stand of 1.. Pei»r. oppwtlt* th* Pert-Oflk*, HPRINO NTRKKT, are prepared to fill ALL ORDERS In the Latest A Moat Fashionable Styles. A fine assortment of Cassimeres, Vestings, And everything In the lino always on hand. aS* A OOOD FIT GUARANTEED IN ALL CASES, (live us a Call. oC>lmlp EDUCATIONAL. SPANISH AND FRENCH INSTRUCTION IN FRENCH AND 1 SPANISH will la> given lo classes In the afternoons <>r evenings, by MIBS JOSEPHINE LINDLEY T X It M S: To a class of five or less, per lesson <j2 on To ii class ol any number over five, per lesson |D no For further particulars, Inquire at the otlice of the Los Hkku.ii, of Lindley A Thompson, or at the l'lco House. TESTIMONI ALS : Fnivkrsitv of California, ) Pkpartnkht or Lamkitauks. > Oakland, July 11.1872. ) Herewith I certify that Miss Josephine Liud ley has been a student In my department of the University for five consecutive terms, viz.; from September, IK7O, to April .'id, 1K72. During this time she studied the French, the Spanish and the Barman languages, obtaining always the highest marks for proficiency nnd attend ance, her average credit mark tor live terms being I*7 per cent. (in entering the I'iiivorslty, Miss lindley possessed already such knowledge of the French and Spanish idioms us to be able to s|wak tbem wilh ease, tlueiioy, correctness, iimla pure pronunciation. She may now lie considered thoroughly fa milial with I be theory and philosophy, as well as with tbe application of these two tongues; and she may surely be recommended as a ean dfdale of great promise, for teaching the French and Spanish languages. I. I'IODA, PrOf. Modern Languages. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Josephine l.ludlev has boon declared by the Faculty entitled to this Certificate of Profi ciency in the departments of Geology and Natural History, ißotany and Physical Oeolo gy,) Bellm Letters. (English Literature, Histo ry. Ancient and Modem,, Chemistry, Modem Languages, (French and Spanish.l Henry Durunt, President of University I K. S. Carr, Prof. Chemistry; P. Ploda, Modern Languages; Joseph LeConte, Professor of Oe ology uud Natural History: William Swlnton, Professor of Relies l,cttres; Martin Kellogg, Demi of the Faculty. 002-tf LAWLOR INSTITUTE lAS Main Nfreet. Ma tugeles. TH E SE YEN TH hH EM I- ANN U A L Session of this SELECT I) V V H C HO O 1,, Is which girls and Isiys receive a i'skkol, j>kacticat. ANncoMci.CTK English Education, commenced on MONDAY, AUGUST 11, IB7A TF.RMN PKH MO Mil: English Studies, including the ordinary School Branches, ami Double-Entry B<M)k-Kooping and Algebra 4 "i o*l Primary (leographv, Second and Tilled Readers I UI Cbnrt and Primer ('hisses .1 III) KXTIIN. Latin, Phonetic Short-hand and Geom etry, per month i 2 M Competent Teachers of Drawing, Painting, and tho Mod. i n language*, will ha connected with tho Institution. For further particulars, apply to tho under signed, ut the School Building.' neSml w. B. lawloß, Principal. FRENCH and SPANISH LESSONS TESKONS TN THE FRENCH and Spanish languages will be given to classes or in private, comuienciiig on WEIINKMIIAY. Ol TOHHII I. IHTA. TWalOl ok ti'ltion: Private lessons 8 1 (Hi each Twenty lessons US ml Lessons to any number uf pupils over five, lor one month, three les sons every week, ouch pupil 2 00 French and Spanish' School lor children ev ery day (Saturdays excepted» at -1 o'clock P. M. Tt'lTloN, per month, B't. For further particulars, Inquire nt No. 107 Main street. Translation of FKKSCH, Span ish an ii Enui.ish. F. V. C. M MONDRAN. oe2-l mlp Drawing and Painting. INSTRIKTIOnTn CRAYON, PEN CIL AND PERSPECTIVE DRAWING. In Coloring witb India Ink and Water Colors, and In O I I . I» A I N T 1 N r Or, given at Hillsidi' Cottage, back of the new school-house. MRS. 1.1 WHEAT SMITH. oo2tf ST. VINCENT'S COLLEGE, I-ON ANOELES. UNDER THE ('ARE OF THE FATHERS ok ST. VINCENT DX PAUL. DEGREES CONFERRED, and Hie most complete Education given. No more is'iuiti fully situated spot ill the wholo of Southern California. Apply by letter, or personally, to REV. J. McGILL, C. M. oc2-lmls President. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. LOS AIVOKI-KH SALE. FEED & LIVERY STABLE. T H. JONES, PROPRIETOR, *} • CORNER FIFTH ANDSPRING STS. Grain. Hay and all kinds of Fresh Feed CONSTANTLY ON HAND. AI.MO, Large Clean Corrals and Stables. With City Water Throughout. aqrHORSRH, MULES, WM H »Ns nnd ('AR- Rl AUKS bougld ami sold, und Horses und Carriages to let by the day or week. Teamsters accommodated as usual ou the most liberal terms. ocT-lmlp ALISO FEED & SALE STABLE JF. RAMIREZ, PROPRIETOR. • COR. ALAMEDA A ALISO sTS. Adjoining M. Keller's. OItAIIS, HAY & FEED nlways on band. Horses, Mules, Wagons, etc bought and sold. oc7-lptf CUCAMONGA WINE. DEPOT AT LOUIS MESMER'S WINE CELLAR, underneath Ihe I. S. Hotel. Wine hy the (ilass, liottle or (inllon. All kinds of Liquors, Wines and Bitters id wholesale and retail. sent*. The public of Los Angeles nre hereby not I lled that no other person 111 I»s Augeles JbOl Louis Mosmorhiis wines fruin tho Cocotnongo ranches. .1. L. SANSEVAIN. is-.VJplin SAM. BE ROE, Bill Poster and Distributer. HAN DRILLS, CIRCULARS. Pko (IBAMMES, NOTICES, Etc. inllhfully POSTED OR DISTRIBUTED throughout tho city and country. N. B.—Parties at a distance oan send any thing they wish posted or distributed In tlie city or surrounding country, with assurance that the work will lie faithfully done. Orders may be 101 l at the otlice of tlie Daily Hkkald. SAM. BEROE, oc*tf Ijoe Angeles. NUMBER 9. MIBCEL LA N E OUS. SOUTHERN DISTRICT Agricultural Society's FALL MEETING. Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Friday and Saturday, Nov. 10,1 I, 12, 13, I4and 18. SPLENDID SPEED PROGRAMME! FIVE DAYN" IcAC JIIVCJ -AMD- Stock Parades and Exhibitions. A nil one whole day devoted to pAJTV "KQI'TWVH JJK. NISM, AND OTHER SIGHTS. FIRST DAY. Firxl Race—Trotting—For horses thnt nre owned in Hie district nl this dale, that have never beaten three minutes. Mile beats; best three In five to harness-purse ot' ifflUU; 8200 to the first horse, and JUKI to tlie second; live or more to enter. Second Race—Running race of a mile daub, for all two-year olds owned and raised in this district, l'urse Bff)W| »200 to first und 8100 to second: five or more to enter. Third Race Runnln"-Free for nil Califor nia or half-breed horses; mile dash; catch weights, l'urse jf 150; 81(10 lollie first and Hp to the seooml; five or more to enter. SECOND DAY. First Race—(ieutlemen's Saddle Race—Sin gle dash of one mile; to carry not less thau |.">0 pounds; each owner to ride his own horse, witli colors, (weigh) to he understood to com prise saddle and rider, nnd not include whip and bridle,! and each rider lo Is' over Id years old. l'urse of #:inn; *200 to Urst and 810(1 to the second horse; five to enter. Second Race—Running- Free for all three year olds bred ami raised, and owned at this date in the district; mile beats, best, two in three, l'urse of |ftM); WW to first horse, 810(1 to second; five to enter. Third Rnce-Trotting—Free for nil three-year olds In the Stut4-; mile heats, l»est two In three to harness, l'urse §100; 8100 lo first, gig to sec ond ; three to enter. THIRD DAY. First, Race—Trotting -Free lor nil horses in the State; mile heats, best three In tlveto hnr ness. l'urse of $;*»); 8200 to first, tflUl! lo sec ond; five to enter. second Race—Running—Free for all horses in the State; mile bents, best three In Aye. l'urse MBR| *:UKi to tlrst, Sllio to second; three or more to enter. FOFRTn DAY. First Race—Running-Five mile dash; free for ull horses owned In Ibis district at this date; catch weights—bar Irene and Phil. Sher idan-purse of *2ao; 8175 to the llrsl, and #75 to the second: five to enter. Second Race -Trotting Purse—Free for all horses in the Stute; mile heals, best three lv five to wagons; owners to drive, and all pro fessional drivers to be excluded, l'urse 8'lbo: >175 to first, <71 to second, and IK to third; five to enter. FIFTH DAY. Set apart fortlie exhibition of stock nnd the awarding of premiums, At one o'clock on this day tbere will be a grnnd exhibition of ludy equestrianism. This contest will Is- open to nil ladies und misses, who must each be accompanied hy nn escort on the day oftbe contest. Entries free for all, and to be made to ihe Secretnry on or before Ihe loth of October. The entry consist* ot tbe name of the lady contestant, and the name or description oftbe animal, If con venient 1 lie mime of the rider certain. The contest Will be divided Into two parts -gnu till riding and daring equestrianism. Ladies who took prizes last year are ineligible. There will bo ten or more nud elegant premiums, to be named hereafter. There will be no home or foot-ruoing on ibis day, and the admission will bo the same as usual. SIXTH DAY. First Rnoo—Trotting— Free lor all horses in the State; two-mile heats, host two in three to harness. Purse 1900; $880 to the tlrst, Jloo to the second; five to outer. Second Race —Running- Free for all horses in tho State; two-mile heats, tiost two In throe, l'urse (500; $:i~A> to the tlrst, ?I.~jo to tlie second; three to enter. All trotting rncos to be governed by the rules of the National Turf Congress, nnd all run ning races to lie governed by tlie rules of Ihe Sacramento state Agricultural Society, unless otherwise specified. Fair to commence ou Monday, the lath day of November, to eon Untie six days, All entries lo be made to tha Secretary by the Ist day ot'i per cent, of all purses to accompany the entry. Incuse of walk-over, tlie horse shall he entitled to nil entrance money only. When tw <> horses only start, the third money shall be returned to Iho Society. A name distancing tlie field shall Is' entitled to all the money. Judges shall bave tho right to call up a seooml or third race, and have it collie off" between the heat* o! the first. The Society reserves the right to withdraw any purse, it it, believes thnt there will be no contest. All (lie privileges ofthe district, 'including entries for premiums and purses, nre extend ed to Inyo and Ventura countries. nc2 LA CRONICA, pURLISHED BY E. F. TEOROLT. The only Spanish Newspaper IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Published every Wednesday and Saturday mornings. Office in Temple's New Block, Spring street, opposite Ihe ( on rl-house. Il has a large circulation iv the Stale of Cal ifornia, the Eastern States, Louisiana. Mexico, and Arizona and Colorado Territories, ( eiitrul and South America, and Spain. **, Orcmiic**?' coin mends Itself to the Advertisers who may wish tv bring their business Isuore the span isb-spoak ing people and numerous population ef different nationalities, on the Pacific ('oust. Ail vert JNlua Rate* Very Reasonable. BuBWCRIFTIMM Qua Year, Rh Six Months, Si SGj Throe Months, 82. ocHtflp Everybody knows the old Man HKiNORET. BANK EXCHANGE BILLIARD SALOON, run hy F. SHJNORET. Best Cigars, Choicest Liquors, Excellent Tables, Commodious Room. Customers received by the old man himself, who has been In attendance since 1819. He welcomes all his old customers und pleases the new ones. The RF.ST BARBER SHOP In tbe city is with this establishment. Clean towelwj care ful employees. oe.elin NEW YORK BREWERY, AHRIS. HENNE, PROPRIETOR The CLEAREST, PI'REST nnd MOST BRFL LLANL LAOER BEER South or San Francisco, orders for DRAUGHT or BOTTLED BEER promptly attended to. The celebrated Beer from this Brewery de fies competition in the Stale. oea-2uilp a IIKUrIION. F. V. O. MONDkAN. COSMOPOLITAN CIGAR DEPOT TMPORT THE PUREST and BEST -I Hiivana Cigars, and keep on hand Chewiiitt and Kiuokiiiie Tobacco, Pipes, Clgurrltos and Fancy Articles. Muln St., next door to W. F. * Co's Express. oc2tflp