Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME I. s Published every morning except Monday, hv THE ITERALn DRive i\o COMPANY, UFFICK Herald Memo Rook and Job i'rliOiiig House. Spring street, opposite the i 'oiut House, IK U.MS: Per ii ii 11 ii iii, b) mall or express Sill six months ' •■ " | Three months " •• v .'I Delivered by carriers, per week, ■>:, rents Advertisements Inserted nl mv ral rates. "IS IT REAL?" lO.i'l.V In SJKTTtI! I.AMItA V.X, Ol -ASI A 11A It II IRA, " Is il real?" you ask In your singing The vision that comes lo your mind, of orange groves, willows and hedge-rows, And flowers with odors refined; And streamlets, ami fountains, mid bIrd ■HUST, Thai i tpplc Ihe odorous air, And mirror (lie home ofthe ransomed, More nearly than lolling an I rare; The broad-Spread lug vineyards, all laden Willi clusters so rich and so rare, So rich and sosweet Is the seeming, Ho charming, d "light fit I nnd fair. No wonder, when absent from vision, I! seems like a (Ilealll of the llltrhl; I ill yet ii m real, and present, Revealed In our wondering sight, Views, soft as a sorrow remembered, And sweet as a hope of the heart, ' apply the exactions of fancy, vini purest enjnj tnenl Imparl, \ini "angels of beauty" am dwelling in Ihe hoiiies and the hearts we hold dear, .ml nuuih.,- will swell the glad number Whenever fmi visit us here, i >. M . Bkrry. Hi) of angep , iie oil.-, i), is, i. LETTER FROM ANAHEIM. Anahei vi, Oct.';, 1878, Kditor Herald: Not the least known unions tho unliable places iv Southern California, is litis beautiful andenterprising little city of Ana heim, Tlircc or Tonr years ago, 1 re member seeing »lis»trilutt«Mt about in sotUC of the towns ol* the western Stales, mul published iv the newspa pers, the prospectus of (his, until i ben, un-lieard*of colony. I hud not then the remotest Idea of ever visit ing the place or of recording its growth. That it should attain the prominence ami degree of prosperity il now enjoys, within so few years, was scarcely hoped for by its most sanguine citizen. Those who originated the Anaheim Colonization scheme, and labored for its success, have now just cause to he proud of their enterprise. To the suc cess of this, is attributable, in a great measure, the success of the neighbor ing settlements, the growth of which seem as marvellous as thai of Ana heim. When the projected improve ments art* made in its irrigating facili ties, which, w hen completed, will ena ble ull to have water enough, and to spare, Anaheim will receive another impetus to further its growth: To give'anything like a minute ac count of the past history and present aspect of the city and vicinity, would lie attempting too much at ono time. Therefore, at this time, I will merely allude to a few of It* most prominent characteristics and chronicle a few of I lie noteworthy events of the day. Anaheim is tamed for Ita charming, home-like cottages, and surpassingly , beautiful gardens, in which the flow ery kingdom is well represented. Tourists who conic to Los Angeles should not fail to pay this pretty little village and surroundings, a visit. It will show, better than any other place in California, what oan he made out of what ii'ti* a barren waste. Two hotels, the 'Tlanters' " and the "Ana heim," each of which is more commo dious, and better kept than are hotels usually found in places of this size, offer rest and refreshments to the wea ry traveller. Your humble writer put up at the "Planters" and fared well. If compatible with the order of thing", he would have [tut Up at both houses, as he found both proprietors to be cour teous and gentlemanly. Seeing the otlice of*the ('iill/urnian, I ventured thither entering the*sanc tum, I found the genial editor, Mr. Mel rose, engaged in "setting up" some good things for the renders of his pa. per. The compliments of the Herald wero forthwith presented, and iv re turn tin-good will of the Ca.ll/ornian was assured. Under tlie office of the CtiliJ'nrnian is the book-store and news depot of Clark A Austin, one of the Jinn firms of the town, and with whom the HERALD headquarters will he established for Anaheim ami vicinity. The beautiful church edifice, recent ly dedicated, is about the handsomest in the county, and is situated in the center of a thrifty vineyard. As the building is the "House of the 1.0 rd," it is presumable that the vineyard goes with the property. The buildings thus far are of lumber, hut a good qual ity, ol' luick is being made near the city. A new Odd Fellows' Hall is now nearly finished, of that material, and is a creditable improvement to the (own. At an early hour in the forenoon of Wednesday, two rather sti.spicious lojking personages were observed, tra versing the streets as though looking for somebody, or rivaling each other in • obtaining the most reliable data for a city directory. From the hest Infor mation obtainable, i supposed them to havo come from Los Angeles. They were not together, nor did they travel in the same vehicle; hut judging from the similarity of their manoeuvres, and their manner of interviewing the citizens, 1 concluded both were on the same mission. While sitting at the hotel ofllce iv the evening, the sound of a hell fell upon my ears, ("belles" have always had irresistible charms for me,) and soon a crier made his appearance at the door and announced, in a very un musical voice, that "good speakin" would soon commence at the public hull, and all were invited to attend. Ksptdally was it desirable that a reii resentativeof the Hkrai.d should be present. Tbe American people are al ways in a mood to listen to good ad dresses on almost any subject. Deem ing this tin opportunity not to be lost, ipiite a respectable number gtrthered at tho place designated, A gentleman took the chair I carryingone across the hall for safety, there being more per sons than chairs in the roomj, and aii nnuneerl, in a tew words, the object of the meeting. Another gentleman took the floor, and began with the address of the evening. He was Immediately identified as one ol' the suspicious looking men seen ill the morning, ami proved to be a highly esteemed citizen of Los Angeles, who takes some in terest in the present judicial contest in this district. For about an hour the speaker sought to enlighten the audi ence on varioussulijects,ehief of which was M to "What Constitutes a Judge?" f. i\, the ithat District Judge. His views on the subject seemed to lie sound, and, I presume, were generally concurred in by the audience, as none present hail anything to say to the contrary. The force of habit was very clearly illustrated in the speaker, as he persistently addressed the audience as "Oentlemen of the Jury," to the grent merriment of all present, particularly the lady who uraeed the occasion by her preaenoe, and occupied one ofthe front seats. A citizen or Anaheim then made a "lew remarks" in an animated manlier, and thoroughly reviewed the whole situation; after which the crowd dispersed, feeling that all could now vote understanilingly, at least on the loth instnnt. During a future visit, I hope to give the readers ofthe HERALD additional facts about Anaheim; and before clos ing, will say that the advent of the HERALD wiis hailed with much pleas ure and interest by the people of Ana heim, and a liberal patronage for it, there, is bespoken. VV. A Life Scene. You know her. She lives on your street. Her features are either pinch ed, or full nnd frowsy. Her dress is wet, ill-fitting and uo particular pat tern; her slippers are broken down; her hair uncombed; her voice is either coarse or shrill. You have seen her stand out in the back yard, and put a bare arm up to her eyes, and under it peer out to a fence <>r barn, where a man in an ill-fitting coat is searching for something, and heard her shout: "John! can't George bring me gome water?" And you have heard him erv back: "If he don't get the water I'll take every inch of Hesh off from his bones." And when you have looked at her again, does it seem possible that those angry eyes have drooped in maidenly reserve or raised in coquettish light to the face of the ill-fitting coat. Can you by tiny possible wrench of the imagination, conceive of his ten derly passing pepj>ormints to her; of his taking her hand in his and bashful ly squeezing it. Many a "God bless you" has been uttered above that bare head, many a kiss pressed on that un combed hair. The tightly compressed lips have lovingly framed tender invi tations to take him another bite of cake uud pickle. The hands that are now parboiled and blistered and marked with witli scars from the bread knife and scratched by the lust setting hen, were once twined lovingly about his neck, and the nose which is peaked and red, and looks as il it would stand on its hind legs und scream with rage, once followed the once lovely figures of his new vest pattern, or bore heavily against his jugular vein. As little probable as this to you, it seems less to her. She has forgotten it. She won't hear it talked of by|others. She can't bear to hear It acted by others. Two lovers to her arc a "passel of fools." And—but George is rubbing his head, and we turned aside while our heroine re-adjusted her slipper. - [Danbury News. For the HERALD. pitosi'ixrri's OK • THE LOS ANGELES HERALD. The first <>f»tetober, Th* Ism anok.i.i s Her- At.r>, a dnily mul weekly newspaper, will make its appearance. The Daily will lie a neat nnd tastily printed seven-eolntnn news paper, newsy rather than literary in charac ter. The Weekly will he a six-column, eight page paper, and will Contain tlie most Impor tant matter that has previously appeared in TBI Daily llkkai.ii. It is proposed thai tho llkkai.ii shall he un uubought advocate of every interest pertain ing to Southern California ami Arlcnna, and a zealous worker in all things thai shall lend to benefit the Stale, lv a word il will he in close communion with the People. In Its col umns, from time to time will he found mat ters of interest to the California Farmer, Me chanic, Merchant, Laborer,and all classes of Producers; aud it will also contain reading matter suited to the Home Circle. The Herald will he an Independent, Demo cratic Journal and its efforts directed to sweep ing from power ami place those now misman aging the affairs ofthe Nation. For the accom plishment nfthisciui, it will bail with satisfac tion the co-operation ofthe members of all Par. ties, believing that the prosperity, perhaps sufcly, ofthe Nation depends upon Ihe success of v movement of this character, h Is" reform now or revolution hereafter." The will advocate State Rights nod Oppose Centralization; ii will encourage While and oppose Coolie Immigration. It will favor Free Trade, and oppose Protective Tariff"; it will advocate a Greenback currency for call fornhi, and oppose the present dwarfing and deadening policy which upholds the present ruinous rates of Interest aiuishutsout Eastern capital. It will advocate the People and op pose Monopolies, uo matter what guise they may assume. While Ihe IIKKAi.n will treat slavery as a dead Issue, it will earnestly advocate the right of every State, be it Northern or South ern Massachusetts or South Carolina- to gov ern itself in accordance with the wishes of Its people, and the dictates ofthe federal Con stitution, without national Interference. The li KKAi.n will opppsethieving and pecu lation. No man rightly owns a dollar until he earns It. Every dollar which Is taken from the public treasury or private purse without v Just return Is robbery, and he who takes this money Is a thief. Relieving this, the llkkai.ii will oppose salary steals, custom steals, land steals, railroad sleuls, und every kind of steals. Each day, the fullest Foreign and Domestic Telegrams will he published. The aim will he to supply, in tills part of the State, the de mand heretofore tilled by the San Francisco dailies. No trouble or expense will be spared to make the llkkai.ii, Iv this respect, equal to any newspaper on the Coast. It will also con tain a full Rev lew of the and Foreign Markets, and the Trades generally, honestly and carefully compiled. Nl IINCKIPTION: IIAII.V It KKAI.II. Delivered by Carriers, per month | I 00 " ,: " per veur In isi Hy Mall or F.xpn-ss, " 10 00 WKKKI.Y lIKKALI). By Mall or Express, |M«r year il Oil per quarter i oo Los Angeles Daily Herald. LOS ANGELES, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1873. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. N. P. RICHARDSON, pHYSfCTAH AND RCRGEON. i FFICE- No. li Downey** Block, np-stnlr«. OC2-I r DR. A. S. SHORB, J JOMfEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. OFFK'K- Nearly opposite Ihe Post Ofßee, REHIDENCE No, IKFranklinsfiwst, iM-2-tr DR. H. S. OR ME, DHYSICTAN AND SURGEON, OFFK'K AN I > RRHI DRNI fJR hi I franco. Building, N<>. ti Main street, Onloe Honrs from in \. M,to IP. M.,nnd from 'i to 0 p. M. (M^-tf DR. JOSEPH KURTZ, pjJYSICTAN AND SURGEON, OFFICF, AND RESIDENCE—In Kektsch'i Block, i 'ommerclul ami i.os Angelea streets, iv: special alien!lon paid lo diseases of (he EYE AND KAJt, ocj-lf DR. J. W. OLIVER, J J OMIEOPATHIST. OFFICE AND KEsIIiLNCE -Spring street, opposite ihe Mayor's i >mcc. oc'-ipu D. W. C. FRANKLIN, ME ( * H A NIC A L, Ol 'ERA Tl \' X AND BURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE -:«»Spring street, next to Fire En gine House. oc.'-tr R. X, S. O'MKI.VKNV, 11. T. H AZAKII. O'MELVENY & HAZARD, A TTORNEYS AT UAW, OFFICE IN TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANOELEH, CAL i«d' Special attention given lv business In the Cnlted States Land i mice. ocJ>tf A. lII.ASSKI.I., (i. M. S>l | I'll. A. 11. CHAPMAN, 11. a. SMITH. GLASSELL. CHAPMAN & SMITH. AT LAW, OFFICE—TOM PLE BLOCK* up-stalrs, hos Angelea, California. nciMf JAMES C. HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW COURT COM MI ss lON ER, Downey's Block, Los Angeles. oc'J-tt M. WHALING, ATTORNEY AT LAYV, OFFICE No. isliowney BtnekLosAngelea. • oc'J-lm CM aim.Em I.INJU.KV. J, s. tmomi'son. LINDLEY & THOMPSON, A TTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE—Room No.::, Downey Block, oc2 w. i.. aAusiiM.i.. wo.i. n. oori.n. MARSHALL & COULD, 4 TTORNEYS AT LAW—OFFICE »-opposite tic Court Douse. Itooins Nos. 1H ami |» Temple Block, Los Angeles, Cal, Will practice ip all the Courts of this state, anil att i nd to business in I . S. Land i Mice. LEW. C. CABANIS, VOTARY PUR LIC, CONVEY .a A aneer and Searcher of Records for this 1 'mini v. OFFICE—No. II Temple Block, Los A nic ies, i 'al Horn la, ootMi V. E. HOWARD & SONS, A TTORNEYS AT LAW, TEMPLE BLOCK, I.os ANGELES. ocit-tf A. A. WILSON, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR. OFFICE—Room No. 11, Temple block, Los Angelea, California. ocadf A. 11. .H'liSO.N. .1. w. iIII.I.KTTK. JUDSON & GILLETTE, SEARCHERS OF RECORDS AND CONVEYANCER*. TEMPLE BLOCK, I.os ANOELEH. ocj-lni C. W. MORGAN, J>EAL ESTATE AGENT, Kour desirs south ofthe Post Office, Temple Block, Los Angelea, ('ulifornia. «ii MONEY TO Loan. oefctr OHA§. I. MILES, HYDRAULIC ENGINEER, I.os ANOELEH, CAL. ItlO'Kus TO- Dr. .1. S. Griffin, J. (i. Downey, L 11. Titus, lieu. P. Banning, I. W. Hellman, A. Olassell. Thi' Introduction of water into t 'ities, Towns and Ranches a specialty. Contract* taken for making sheet iron pipes, ai my shop, or v\ Here desired, on the most favorable terms. oclt-lm BARBERS BATH HOUSES. GEORGE REINECKE, Barber Saloon & Bath House. TIAI H TRIMMING, SHAVING, JI 1 HHAMPOOINO, BATHS, Ere. This establishment has just ls>en refitted, and, after having engaged tho best Barbers in the city, I respectfully' solicit custom from all who want work executed in the hest style. .Makes the BATHINO BCHINEHH a special ty,and has Ihe finest set of Bath Rooms lv the city, tot)' I'liderthe Bella I'nion. ncMuilp TONSORIAL PALACE SAM. JONES, PROPRIETOR AN 11 MANAGER Hot, Cold and Shower Baths. Hhavlllg and Batliint; Emporium. No. TS Main street, ocl'tl-lp PROF. GREEN'S BARBER SHOP. N r EXT TO GATES & NOY'ES' AND under the "Express" office, tk.mplk BLOCK. As Prof. Green has the best available assist ants to he procured iv the State, Hair Cutting, Shaving and Shampooing Will be performed in the best style of the toll aortal an. oc.vim L. LICHTENBERGER, (Successor to ltoedcr A Llehtenberger), VTANUFACTURER OF Wagons, Buggies, Carriages. Etc. US, 115 and 117 Main street, Loa Alleles, Very res pec I fully solicits the patronage of !hc public in his'line of business. All ve hicles hull! ol the BEST MATERIAL An extensive lILACKKMITH IHOP Is connected with the establishment, where all kinds of Blncksmlthlng will be done to order. ii BP AMINO I Nine with dispatch, and with a view of giving satisfaction to patrons. -Vll Work Wiii'i'iinlfd. ijeT-lUilp FORWARDING A COMMISSION. J. L. WARD & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS a Nr- Manufacturers Agents. AI.KMS hliH LONDON ASSUfIANCL CORPORATION; UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF SAN FRANCISCO: COMMERCIAL I MARINE I INSURANCE COMPANY. (Combined assets exceed 811.000.000 BIBCOCK'S FIRE EXTINGUISHER; BAKER & HAM LTON'S AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY; THE CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON; SWAN BREWERY CO.'S ALE AND (OTTER. i.e'.'-ltnlp HELLMAN, HAAS & CO. FOR W AjETDXNG AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HAVE FOR BALE THE PUREST GROCERIES, THE REST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Ofthe choicest Imported Brands. Paints. Oils, Doors. Sashes, BLINDS, FARMING IMPLEMENT*. 14 and Itt I.os Angeles and t'oiniiieii'ial Sts., OC.l] Los ANUKLKS. |Im-lp I. B. FERGUSON'S COMMISSION HOUSE In Hie Inclusive < oimiOssion House to uo lo lOr Kver>fhliis Yon Wsnl, <s'2-lm SIMON LEVY, /K)MMI SS IO NM E BCH AN T. V General dealer In all kinds of COUN TRY PRODUCTIONS, Hides, Grain and Wool. Makes advances on Consignments to all parts ofthe I'nited States. Nos, 2i and 84 Aliso St., I.os ANOELEH. ocS-lyip BUSINESS CARDS. J. C. JACKSON Keeps all kinds of Lumber, Shingles, Laths, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, Posts. Shllkos, PLASTER PARIS, OKJWrtSNT a:m> HAIR. CORNER OF Alameda and First Streets. oc2-lni lp PERRY, WOODWORTH & CO., I I'M HER YARDS AND PLANING MILLS. NO. Tfl COMMERCIAL ST. Keep constant Iv on hand a full assortment of LI'.MBEB,. DooltS, HASH, MOI'LDLNOH, BLINDS, TURNED AND SAWED WORK. All kinds of mill work done to order. oc2 GRIFFITH, LYNCH & CO. DEALERS IN LUMBER. CORNER FIRST AND ALAMKDA STS. Mill Work of all Kinds, seen as - DOORH, SASH, BLINDS, ETC., ETC. oc2-lmlp S. S, < ASWKI.I.. I. K. Kl.I.tS. CASWELL & ELLIS, JM PORTERS And Dealers in o ml Merchandise, HO AND 82 MAIN STREET, oc2-tf Loa Asoei.ks. It. c. wii.kv. l>. M, BRRSV. WILEY & BERRY, REAL ESTATE AGENTS --AND — COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 52 MAIN STREET, LOB ANOELES. <M'7-Jmlp MALONEY A FENNEBSEY. WAGON-MAKING. HLA C K SMITHINO AND UORHEAHOEING 20 nndltti A lino Sil reel. Manufacturers of Carriages, Buggies, and wagons of all kinds. All orders promptly nttended to. uc7-4ptf M. TEED, CONTRACTOR AND HI ILDF.R, Shop on First Street, Between Main and Spring, Los Augeles. 11.« Jobbing dole neatly and with Dispatch. onVliiigp LOS ANGELES SODA WORKS, No. 13 AI.INO NTRKET. HENRY W. STOLE, Proprietor. Supplies Bar Rooms and private fami lies with thu purest und best SODA AND SAKN A I'A HI 1.1. A. Delivered to any part of the city. ocJ-lm J J . »>»B«B»!H ..■■! i CAROLINE C. BURTON. 7 A DIES' HAIR DRESSING IN 1-4 all styles. BRAIDS, OI'HLS AND WA TERPALLH, made ut the shortest notice. TANGLED HAIR HTRAJGHTENED AND MADE INT< > ANY SHAPE. ip«s"Perfumes of the finest uuulityon band nod for sale. NO. » SPRINO STREKT, Augeles, California. !?*?!L!L GAM BR IN U S BREWER V, pMRST STREET, LOS ANGELES. Fine Lager Beer for sale IN QI'ANTITIES Tt) HI'IT. oc2-lmlp JOH. LEIBER, Propritlur. MI SC EL LAN EOUS. HEPUHLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ol < lIM AOO, 11.1.1N01N. Cash Capital, . 81,000,000 Blanches in nil the fclalcNOt the I nlon. HAVING NOW COMPLETED . the organisation of our >*Rc»ifio TJi'fiiioli, We take pleasure in announcing thnt our Pa cllic Cons! Htockholders have elected the fol lowing well-known citizens kn officers of our PACIFIC BKANCH: IWtiitrttt: OLIVER RLDHIDOF, PfejfcpnaMMßii THOM. A. BALI., WM. R. WHKATON A. L. OURNEY Secretary pro teni JAS. T. BOYD Attorney THOS. BROWN Treasurer • 'HAH. BI URET,! Medical F.xamlner Kn'tntk* Omimitt'v: OLIVER ELDRIDGE, JOB. A. DQNOHOE, •lAS. T. BOYD. UKO. W. BEAVER, CH AS. RURRKLL, THOM. BELL, E. It. PKRRIN. IHnctoteii OLIVER ELDREPGE.LKLANP STAN FORD OEO. W. BEAVER, THOH. BROWN, N. li. KITTLE: C. CHRISTIANSEN, JOHN E. MII.LEIt, THOH. H. , JAS. T. BOYD, K. E. MORROW, C. I. BRENH AM, H. V. BtfTTERWORTH M. D. SWEENY, OEO. H. WHKATON, I. FRIKDI.ANDK.It, WM. HTRLINO, A. BLACK, Till >S. A. BALL. lOS. A. DoNOHoK, WM. 11. WHKATON, THOS. BELL, K. B. PKRRIN, C. T. RYLAND, WM. L. DICKKNSON WM. S. LADD. THE REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. Was charteiml by spuclal act of the Legisla ture nf the State" of Illinois, and eoiuinemed doing business In July, ISTO, making it now Just three years old. its plan of oixanlfation was to have $5,0 00,000 Capital Stoclr. with twenty per cunt, paid In,and the balance subject to call. AV'lth BRANCH ORGANIZA TIONS of stock holders in the leading business centers tit the country, composed ofthe best business men - thus making a Compauy of National extent and prestige, und yet a lIOMf. COMPANY AT EACH BKAM H. The Company at this dale has policies In force covering over i'i r >,iMiO,Uuf) of risks, with un annual Ineoiue of over #41,000,000. ALL ASSKTS OK PACIFIC BRANCH IN VESTED OS THIS COAST. Capital Stock of PacUK Branch, over * aOMM in Invested 111 Mortgages on Real K.s tate In Cal I torn la during the last four months, over 140,000 00 '■Zi Policies Issued at PuciHc Branch during same period. Insuring 1,242,169 M 4iMWRM i»e liisiirauce -J5 per 4'eul. I.esH fhau Mutual 4'ompauies. T 11 k it X F i' it r. 1 <; Docs not borrow THE CAPITAL of Policy holders 011 PROMISES to return the same at some INDEFINITE future period nud CALL IT A DIVIDEND. In presenting 'he claims of TIIE RE ITB LIC to the patronage of the people of this Coast, we shall at all times aim to be gov erned hy sound business considerations, and 11 ilup regard tor the rights and merits of com peting cmnpa nles. OFFICE OF THE PACIFIC BRANCH, NO. :117 < AMIOBNIA NT It RET. Below Ransoms Street. ocfldlmlp STOLEN HORSES I HAVE THE FOLLOWING DE- J scribed horses In in> possession at Ste phens' corral, taken from Tiiuircio Vasques's 1,11, ii oi robbers. Owners can have their stock by proving props rt) and pay Ing charges 1 Two American work marcs, one sorrel and one brown, branded F with a hall circle ut the bottom. One large sorrel work hose, IK'; hands high, branded S ti. One sorrel horse, having collar and saddle marks, liliwe in face, left fore foot anil left hind f«K>l White, branded J K. One sorrel horse supposed to liea half-breed, with collar and saddle-marks, fore feet white, strip In forehead; brand, two inverted .Is wtth h underneath. One mom saddle-horse, bald face, all feet white, branded and vented with letter O, and also branded with letter A with half circle on top. One large Iron-gray horse, branded M C and figures 2a. One Spanish saddle or work mare with coll, branded M X, und also .1 A L. One light gray saddle-horse, brauded J with half circle. one dun marc, white mane and tall, brand ed I It and J <i, and also J A L. One black mare, branded I wilh hall circle at top and dot torn, and J A L one bnv marc aud yearling colt, branded J A L One dun mar.i and sucking coll, branded A with 0 on top. One yearlingdttß coll, branded J A L WM. R. ROWLAND, Sheriff, orftf ME RC HA NT _T AIL OJRBL "jTstrelitz, MERCHANT TAILOR main ST., nkak WKLLS.KARUO A ( o Makes the most fashionable style of OX* O r JT HIIf O to be obtained in the southern country. Also a large stock of the Newest and best Cloths DoesklSß. Beavers, Fancy Casslmeres. Velvet and Silk Veatings, etc. A Ot guaranteed. Ituters to the principal genlleuien or the city lor whom he has made clothing. No necessity to send to San Francisco for risidfMling suits. asRJHp ADAM A NELSON, Merchant Tailors, HAVING ESTABLISH ED TH EM - selves al Hie old stand of 1.. Peter, opposite the Poat-OOiee, SPRING HTRKKT, are prepared to fill ALL ORDERS in the Latest A Most Fashionable Styles. a tine assort stent of Casslmeres, Vestings, And everything In the line always on hand, ggj a OOOD riTGUARANTEED IN ALL CASKS. Olve ns a I jill ovMnilp EDUCATIONAL. SPANISH AND FRENCH INSTRUCTION IN FRENCH AND 1 SPANISH will lie given lo classes lv the iilternoons or evenings, hy MISS JOSEPHINE LINDLEY fill N: To n class of five or less, per lesson j2 On To a class ot nny numlier over live, per lesson $:) iNI For further particulars, iiiipiirc al the office or the Los Anoki.i s, of Lindley « Thompson,orst the Pico House. TEMTIMONI AfsS) I University ok California, ) Dkpartmf.nt of Lanoi'Aoks. - Oakland, juiv 11. is 72. I Herewith I certify that Miss Josephine Lind ley has been a student in tny department of the University for five consecutive terms, vis: from September, 1870, to April :id, is-2. During this time she studied the French, the Spanish and the German languages, obtaining always the highest marks for proficiency and attend ance, her average credit mark tor five terms being 97 per cent. On entering the University, Miss Lindley possessed already such knowledge of the French and Spanish idioms as to be able to -peak them with ense, fluency, correctness, mul a pure pronunciation. She may now lie considered thoroughly fa miliar with tbe theory and philosophy, as well hs with the application ot these two tongues; and she may safely lie recommended as v enn didate of great, promise, lor teaching the French and Spanish languages. p. piooa, Pro/, Modem Languages, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Josephine 1,1 mi lev has been declared by the Faculty entitled to this Certificate of Pmfl ciency In the departments of Geology and Natural History, ißotany and Physical Geolo gy,) Belles I,cttrcs, (English Literature, Histo ry, Ancient and Modern,i Chemistry, Modern Languages, (French nnd Spanish.l Henry Durant, President of University! E. H. Carr, Prof. Chemistry; P. Piodu, Modern Languages; Joseph Le Conte, Professor of Ge ology and Natural History; William Swlnton, Professor of Relies Lettrcs; Martin Kellogg, Dean of the Facult.v. oc2-tf LAWLOR INSTITUTE I6S Main Street. I.os Angeles. THE SEVENTH SKM I-ANN UAL Session of this KF.bKt T DAY S<' II OOLi Is which girls nnd hoys receive ti I'SKFUL, practical an n com pi.ktk English Education, commenced on MONDAY, AUGUST 11, IK7I. TERMS HElt MONTH : English Studies, Including the ordinary School Brandies, nud Double-Entry • -Rook-Keeping and Algebra „ Sill Primary Geography, Second nod Third Renders 4 GO Chart and Primer Classes :i IU) E XT KAN. Latin, Phonetic Short-hand and Geom etry, per month £2 00 Competent Teachers of Drawing, Painting, and the Modern Languages, will be connected with ihe Institution. For further particulars, apply to the under signed, at the School Building. oc. r .ml W. B. LAWLOR, Principal. FRENCH and SPANISH LESSONS T ESSOXS IN THE FRENCH mul Spanish languages will Is' given toclusscs or in private, commencing on W EDNESDAY, OCTOBER I, 1*73. f ICR MS of tvition: Private lessons * I 00 each Twenty lessons I j on Lessons to any number ol pupils over five, for one Month,three les sons every week, each pupil 2 00 French and Spanlsh'School for children ev ery day (Saturdays exceptedi at f o'clock P. M. TUITION, per month, $.1. For further particulars, Inquire at No. 107 Main street. Translation of French, Span ish ami E.NUi.tsil. F. V. ft OK MONDRAN. oc2-!mlp Drawing and Painting. INSTRUCTION IN CRAYON, PEN -1 Pit AND PERSPECTIVE DRAWING, In Coloring with Indiu ink nud Water Colors, nnd 111 OIL I* A I NrU I N li, given at Hillside Cottage, hack of the new sobool-bouse. MRS. I.c wheat smith. ocßf ST. VINCENT'S COLLEGE, LOU ANGELES. TTNDER THE ('ARE OF THE U FATHERS ok ST. YIN( lENT ok PAi'L. DEGREES CONFERRED, nnd the most complete Education given. No more beauti fully situated spot in the whole of southern California. Apply by letter, or personally, to REV. J. McGILL, (!. M. oc2-lmis President. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. LOH ANGELES SALE. FEED & LIVERY STABLE. JH. JONES, PROPRI ETOR, • CORNER FIFTH AND SPRING STB, Grain. Hay and all kinds of Fresh Feed CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ALSO, Large Clean Corrals and Stables. With I "ity Water Throughout. •sTHORSRS, Ml'LEs, WAGONBandCAR RIAGES bought and sold, and Horses and Carriages to let by the day or week. Teumslers a< nimoduted as usual on the must liberal terms. is'7-lmlp ALISO FEED & SALE STABLE T F. RAMIREZ, PROPRIETOR *J * COR. ALAMEDA A ALISO STS. Adjoining M. Keller's. OH A_irv, HAY rEED always nn band. Horses, Mules, Wagons, etc bought and sold. oc7-tptf CUCAMONGA WINE. DEPOT AT LOUIS MESMKR'S WINE CELLAR, underneath the U. S. Hotel. Wine by the Glass, Bottle or Gallon. All kinds of Liquors, Wines and Bitters at Wholesale and retail. NOTICE. The public of Isw Angeles nre hereby noti fied that no other person in Los Angeles Jbut Louis Mesmerhas wines from the Cncomnngn ranches, J. L sansevain. iH'5-2plm SAM. BERGE, Bill Poster and Distributer. HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS. Pro grammes. NOTICES, Etc. tulthfullv POSTED OR DISTRIBUTED throughout the city and country. N. B. -Parties at a distance can send any thing they wish posted or distributed In the cltv or surrounding country, with assurance that the work will be faithfully done. orders may lie left nt the office of the Daily Hikai n. SAM. BERGE, oe'Mf Los Angeles. NUMBER 10. MISC E LL AN EOUS. SOUTHERN DISTRICT Agricultural Society's FALL MEETING. Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday. Friday and Saturday, Nov. 10,1 l v 12, 13,14 and 15. SPLENDID SPEED PROGRAMME! FIVKDAYH' liA< llSd -AND - Stock Parades and Exhibitions. And one whole ilny devoted lo LAPV KQIKHTKIAMHIW. AND OTHER SIGHTS. FIRST DAY. First Race -Trotting-For horses thai aro owned In Die district at this date, that have never beaten three minutes. Mile beats; best three lv five to harness -purse of MOttj $200 to the first horse, nnd £100 to the second; five or more to enter. Second Race— Running raceofa mile dash, for all two-year olds owned and raised In this district. l'urse of |1U0; S2OO to first aud $100 lo second; five or more to enter. Third Race-Running-Free for nil Califor nia or half-breed horses: mile dash; catch weights, l'urse JIM; $100 tothe first and $. r m to the second; five or more to enter. SECOND DAY. First Baos—Gentlemen's saddle Itace—Sin gle dash of one mile; In.carry uol less than [SI pounds; each owner to ride his own horse, with colors, (weight to he understood lo com prise saddle and rider, and not include whip and bridle,) and each rider to he over !» vents old. l'urse of $300; MOO to first and tMOto the second horse; five to enter. Second Race Running—Free for till three year olds bred and raised, and owned ut this date in the dislriet; mile heats, best two In three. Purse of #800; $200 to first horse, $100 to second; five to enter. Third Race-Trotting—Free for nil three-year olds in the State; mile heats, best two In three to harness, l'urse $1511; *IUO to first, ¥50 to sec ond; three to enter. THIRD DAY. First Race—Trotting—Free for all horses in the State; mile heats, best three ln five to har ness. Purse of gfMj gtWtO lirst, -lis. to sec ond; five to enter. Second Race—Running—Free for all horses In the Slate; mile heats, best three in five. Purse SlOM; ftgM to first, $100 to second; three or more to eider. FOURTH DAY. First Race—Running—Five mile dash; free for all horses owned iv this district ut this date; catch weights—bar Irene mid Phil. Sher idan—purse of $250; $175 to the first, and $75 to the second; five to enter. Second Race—Trotting l'urse—Free for all horses in the state; mile heats, hest three In five to wagons; owners to drive, and all pro fessional drivers to be excluded. Purse Sl'.'i to first, $75 to second, and soil to third; five to enter. FIFTH DAY. Set npart forthc exhibition of stock nnd the awarding of premiums, At one o'clock on this day there will lie a grand exhibition of lady equestrianism. This contest will lie open to all ladies nnd misses, who must each lie accompanied b> un escort on the day ofthe contest. Entries free for all, aud to he made to tlie Secretary on or before the 16th Of October. The entry consists of the name of the lady contestant, and the BSBM or description ofthe animal, ll eon venlent—the name of tat rider oertats. The contest will he div ided Into two parts—grace fill riding and daring equestrianism. Ladies who took prizes last year are ineligible. There will be ten or more substantial and elegant pn in iiiins, to be named hereafter. There will be no horse or foot-racing on this day, and the admission will be the same as usual. .SIXTH DAY. First Race—Trotting—Free for all horses In the Stale; two-mile heats, best two lv three lo harness, l'urse $500; $330 l o the tlrst, $160 to the second; five to enter. Second Race Running- Free for all horses In the State; two-mile heats, ties! two in three. Purse IStJB; IHO to the first, -150 to the second; three to enter. All trotting races to he governed by the rules of the National Turf Congress, und all run ning races to lie governed by the rules of thu Sacramento State Agricultural Society,unless otherwise specified, Fair to commence on Monday, the Huh day of November, to con tinue six days. All entries to be made to the Secretary by the Ist day ofOctober,lo per cent, of all nurses toaccompany the entry. In caiw of wulk-over, the horse shall be entitled to all entrance money only. When two horses only sturt, the third money shall be returned tothc Boclety. A horse distancing the field shall be entitled to all the money. Judges shall have the right to call up n second or third race, and have it conic off between the bents ofthe first. The Society reserves the right to withdraw any purse, If It believes that there will be no contest. All the privileges of the district,'including entries for premiums ami purses, are extend ed to Inyo mid Ventura countries. oc2 LA ORONIOA* pUBIsTSHEB BY F.. F. TEODOLI. The only Spanish Newspaper IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Published every Wednesday and Saturday mornings. Office In Temple's New Block, Spring street, opposite the COU rt-house. it hnsa largo circulation in the State ot, Cal ifornia, the Eastern States, Louisiana, Mexico, and Arizona and Colorado Territories, Central and South America, and Spain. •*X<eSi Ol*onioc*'* commends itself to the Advertisers who may wish to bring their business before the Span ish-s|>eakiiig people and numerous population of different nationalities, on the Pacific Coast. Advertising Bate* Very Reasonable. St'Bsrat itions—One Year, «6; Six Months, 18 HO; Three Months, eg, oc2ttfp Everybody knows the old Man SIGiYORET. BANK EXC'hTnGE BILLIARD SALOON, run by F. SIONORET. Best Cigars, Choicest Liquors, Excellent Tables, Commodious Room. Customer! received hy the old man himself, who has been in attendance since HitO. He welcomes all his old customers and pleases the new ones. The BEST BARBER SHOP in the city is with this establishment. Clean towels, care ful employees. oc.'i-lm NEW YORK BREWERY, £IHRTS. HENNE, PROPRIETOR The CLEAREST, PUREST and MOST Bill 1. -1.l \ N I. LAGER BEER South of Kan Francisco, orders for DRAUOHT or BOTTLED BEER promptly attended to. The celebrated Beer from this Brewery de fies competition In the State. oc.V2mlp K. HKHTIION. K. V. I!. MONIIKAN. COSMOPOLITAN CIGAR DEPOT TMPORT THE PUREST and BEST JL Havana Cigars, and keep on hand Cliewiiifi: »»<1 Hmoklna Tobneeo, Pipes, Clgsrtitos and Fancy Articles. Main St., next .hair to W. F. * Co's Express. oc2tflp