Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME f. ... .... s I'uiilish d every morningcxcepl Monday, Ilv THK HERALD I'ltlM IVO COMPANY, OFFICE Herald Ktenin nook and Job Prllll OIW ll,Mine. Spring slreel. opposite I he I iilirl House. TERMS) I'er an un in, f \ ma ll or express s~lct si\ months ' il 'I'liite months " '• • :! HelrVSVed by earners, per wee!c :'"> cents Ad•'erttseinents Inserted nl liberal rates. "One by One the Roses Fall." John H. Stewarl, postmaster at Pittsburgh, Peuna., Is a defaulter in the sum of $75,000, A correspondent of the New York lltr<il<l discloses some facts in regard to the criminal neglect of lids member of the bread and-butter brigade, which we give bMow: 11 was foiiiyl Unit he \VttH I'UFti'K Lis .'iifplnvccs :i less stil:n \ than the sum ror which he tiled vouchers ;»i Wash- Itijrtoii vii.l swore w. re eorracti He also placed iipiin his pay-rolls and paid out ofthe governnient t'ttmls persons who were n<>t employed lii the office ai all ami who rendered no service of any kind or character. Among these may be mentioned v clerk at a livery stiihlc who received regular quarterly payments an n clerk at the rate of $1, --fiUO per annum, A daughter ofafor nier postmaster also drew regularly a hantisouii l salary, for which lio service whatever wus rendered. Ot| taking possession of the otflpe Mayor TAither [irldgu made ;t detnanil on Colonel HU'Wttrt Ibr the money hi his posses sion, Then is was discovered that the postmaster had never made any de posits in the United Btates depository, hut that lie had kept his account! 11l two banks, So one can Imagine what Colonel Blewartdid wilh the vast amount of money he is known to have taken. II is suid he was lav ish in his contribu tions to i he expenses of ihe Republican party, and only recently came down handsomely lor the entertainment of Generals Grant, Sherman, Sheridan and others on the occasion of the re union of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland. He had the reputa tion of lieiu.u a "deuced clever fellow," ttfmhe put up without stint for every udmlnist rat lon display that was made. 11 is oiiiee was tin- resort <>f Republican hummers, who drank with him arid borrowed from him, and who are now the loudest in his condemnation. To ". I (his man in position as a reward for his services to the administration, to retain Ids Influence among a certain class of voters, an old and most worthy t'ltlieir; against whose personal Integ rity there rested no solitary blot, was suspended. McClelland, the person alluded to, was not an active partisan and not vigorous enough t<» >f' v c a strong hand to the running of tlie po litical machine. He was laid on the shelf and a "nod, .sound radical, who fairly worshiped the sphinx, at Wash ington, put in his stead. The charge and it attending circumstances speak volumes. Justice of the Peace. Editor Herald:—lt seems to me that thoughtless people are making a great mistake in burlesqueliig the office of Justice of the Peace. It is not one of those positions which we can attord to trifle wiih. A Justice of the Peace in litis State has jurisdiction in all civil causes for any amount unders3()o. Thla includes almost four-fifths of the lili gation of the people. The mass rarely have a suit which involves sufficient to place it within the jurisdiction of the District Courts, Poor men, espe cially, ute the litigants who are com pelled to seek justice in the minor courts. Now, I would ask, are poor men's rights proper subjects for ridi cule? Are they not entitled toat least as respectable an order of ability In the judges who will decide their cases its the rich. The correct answer would he thai they are more entitled to it ihan the rich, for If a rich man be dis satisfied with a decision, it need not he litiitl with him, while a poor man nearly always exhausts his means iv the first eftbrt and in the court of lirst instance, li Ih not necessary that a man should be a practicing lawyer to till a Justice's bench creditably and to the satisfac tion of all. Hut he should, at least be a man of education, —one whose voca tion has habituated him to analyze all questions into the elements of right and wrong, and one who is sufficiently read in the law t>> fully understand its philosophy and principles. Voti were ['leased, a few days since, lo recommend me to the public <>n the ground tbat I was a brother journalist. I doubt if it occurred to you at the lime that I here was a more profound significance in the remark than you intended. A man who is successful as a journalist could not, intellectually, he a failure as.a judge. 11 is profession is a constant tax upon his conception of equity. If he he a conscientious journalist, his mind will have heen constantly exercised In discriminating between right und wrong, und after till this is the essence of law. James J. Avers. Coming Btvms.—Of autumn modes ii is hardly time to speak definitely, only one thing being assured. The promise of plainness, made [n the ear* iv summer, wIH be strictly kept. Su perabundant flounces and furbelows will take an unlimited leave of win ter wardrobes, and artistic simplicity reign in their stead. How our weary ami over-dressed women have Sighed for this change, they only are aware; uud thai they will hail the new order wilh delight in undoubted. It is hinted that the prospective styles will require not more than half the quan tity of the pas); hut this is a dream that seems Impossible of realization. It'is poLJmprobable that the newly modeled garments may have a 'skimpy' appearance, but Familiarity will soon arrange that, and once accustomed to It, weary eyes will be thankful they are no longer eompeiied to wan der' over vast iields of fluting! und hedgerows of headings. l'lainue-s of fabric, no loss than of fashion, is to be tho rule. New goods, different from any yet produced, will soon be shown, and new colors, or rather new shades, are eminent, The tints and double-distilled shades of last v-earweroso unheuorahugtq Americans that tlie div-goods houses are Import ing only novel hues, which, it is ex pected, "will satisfy tlie most exacting. ISct lhner's for (Vtnher. Los Angeles Daily Herald. Lavander Culture. Comparatively few personsarc aware to how large an extent the culture of lavender, for commercial purposes, is carried oil within a radius of thirty miles from London. In the county of Surrey alone tllCfe are nearly three hundred and fifty acres of land devo ted to its growth) and the total extent of the lavender fields In tin? London district cannot fall farshortof five hun dred acres. When three years old, the plant is at it! best; and when it reaches the age of seven years, ii has made so much wood that it is the most profitable lo uproot it and set a fresh plant. The harvest-time depends much oil the state of the weather, hut It usually commences about the lirst week in August. The flowers are cut with a sickle, bound up in small sheaves, aud immediately carried to the distillery. There tbe stalks are out otl - , leaving hut little more than the flowers, by which tlie hotiijuet of oil, afterwards extracted, is muCll im proved, though the quantity of the oil is sensibly diminished. Much care is needed on Ihe pari of those who han dle the sheaves hi the distilling house to guard against being stung by the bees which remain attached to the flower!. The temperance, industry, and providence of these insects are proverbial) yet their behavior in the lavender fields, especially towards the end of the season, when the flowers are fully developed, cannot be too se verely reprobated. So careless are they of the good reputation they have earned that they refuse to leave their luscious feast even when it is laid on the trimming bench, and hundreds are thrown into the still, nothwitlistutid ing the efforts to dislodge them, in a state of helpless intoxication. When the oil is lirst distilled, it lias a em* pyreinnatic odor, but by being kept in bottle! for twelve months it loses much of its harshness. It Is still, however, unlit to be used as a perfume in its natural state. Iv order to con vert the essential oil Into what is known as lavender-water, it Is mixed with from twenty to forty times its Dilik in spirit, and with just a trace of neroli, or other c ssential oil, according to the taste of the eoinpoumlcr.LHar per's Bazar. Formation of a People s Party in Ven tura County. Pursuant to ftcca t says the Signal. signed hy about forty of our most prominent citizens, a public meeting was held on the evening of the 7th inst., at the Court-house, in the inter est of the people's movement. The meeting was organized by the election of of S. M. \V. Easley us President, and Henry Robinson as Secretary, On motion, the resolutions of the People's Independent Party, adopted by the Convention assembled at Sat rameuto, on the 25th clay of Septem ber, 1872, were read by the Secretary, and unanimously adopted by the meeting. The follow ing gentlemen Were cho sen to constitute the county central committee: N. W. Blanchard, for (he county tit large. San Buenaventura —Henry Robin son, B. J. Williams and C. H. Bailey, Satieoy—-Frank Peterson und Aimer Haines. Hueneme—H, P. Flint and VV. E. Barnard. Sespe—J. A. Conway and V. A. Sprague. Pleasant Valley -I). RounileTßUHh and L. Kennedy. San Pedro—K. C. Pearson and J. V. Baviers. La Canada —Judge Lindley and J. E. Stevens. After short and appropriate remarks by several gentlemen present, the meeting adjourned, subject to the call of the committee. Hknuy Robinson, See'y. i IMJOSIMXTrs OK THE LOS ANGELES HERALD, Tin- Aral of t sptober, Tarn hoa ani.i:i.;:s ii eh- Al.l>, 0 daily and Weekly in wsp:iper, will make its appearance. Tbo Dully will be v neol und l istiiy printed seven-colnmn uews puptr, newsy ml her literary in charuc ter. The Weekly will he a si.x-eolilliin, eighth page paper, ami wiil ;• iiilnln the must impor tant matter that has previously uppeareil iv TH X DAtI.V II F.1t.V1.11. It la proposed that the HgNAt.n shall bean linhotlght advocate nl every interest pertain ing to Southern California ami Arizona, ami a zealous worker in all things Hint shall tend to benefit the state. In a word il will he in eloseoontmunlon with the People, in its col umns, from time to time will he found mat ters of interest to the California Parmer, Me chanic, Merchant, Laborer, and nil classes ol Producers; and it will also contain rending matter suited to Hie Home Circle. The iikuai.d will he an Independent Demo cratic journal nnd Its eflbrts directed to sweep ing from power and place these now misman aging Ihe alia irs of the Nat ion. Cor Ihe accom plishment oft his end, it will hi il w'ilh satisfac tion t he co-opcrat lon of Ihe mem tiers of all Par ties, believing that the prosperity, perhaps safety, ofthe Nation depends u|s>u the success ola movement Of this character. It is" reform now or revolution hereafter," The 11 KRAI.!) Will advocate State lilghls aud oppose I 'ehtrnllsutlon; It will encourage White and oppose Tool ie Iminigratieii. It will lav or Free Trade, and oppose Protective Tariff; it will advocate a Greenback Currency for I all fornln, and oppose the present dwarfing and deadening policy Which Upholds the present ruinous rates of interest and s hut s i ml Kastern capital, it will advocate the People and op pose Monopolies, no matter what guise tbey may assume. While the llkkai.ii will treat Slavery us a dead issue, it will earnestly advocate the rigid of every stale, be it Northern or South ern—Massachusetts or Sout ii t larollna- to gov ern itself in accord 11 nee with the wishes of Us people, and the dictates vi tin- federal Con stitution, without national interference. The 11 KttAl.l) will opppse thieving ami pecu lation. No man rightly owns a dollar until lie earns it. Kvery dollar which is taken from the public treasury or private purse without a Just return is robbery, and he who takes ibis money Is a thief, Believing this, the 11 will oppose salary steals, custom steals, land steals, railroad steals, and every kind of steals. Kacb day, the tidiest Foreign and Domestic Telegrams will he published. The aim will be to supply, in this part of the siate, the de mand heretofore tilled hy the Snn Francis,.» dailies. No trouble or expense will he spared to make tbe II KU.M.n, in this respect, e<|tuil to any newspaper on the t 'oust. It Will also con tain a full lb-view nf the Local and Foreign Markets, ami Ihe Trades generally, honestly and carefully compiled. Nl IIM Itll'TIO.N : DAILY UKI! ALU. Delivered by Carriers, per month 9 l 00 " •'• " |Mi year M OU Hy Mail or Kxprcss, " 10 110 WKKKI.Y lIKI'.W.II. By Mall or F.xpiis-, per year ?l IK) o per quarter I BB LOS ANGELES, TUKSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1873. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. N. P. RICHARDSON, J>ll VSM'iAN AND SI lICFON. t FFICE Wo, tl DcAfehey's Mock, up-stntrs. OCL'-tl DR. A. S. SHORB, J rOMEopATITTC I'll VSM'IAN. OFFICE Nearly opposite tin- I'osj Ofllce, RESIDENCE No. |:| Franklin sireot, nc2-lf ' DR. H. S. ORME, J >ll VSM'IAN AND BURGEON, OFFICE ANPRESIDENPE In 1 .anfranc..V building, N<>. ti Main itreet, Office Hours from in A. M. to I I. M.,nn.l from •.' In :: P. M. ncl'-tf DR. JOSEPH KURTZ, J)IIVSKIAN AND SURGEON, OFFIOIC ANH RESIDENCE In llelnsch's Block, I on I licicial a ml Los Angel es streets. at ij Special attention pnltl to diseases of the RYE AND R Uf. n.-.'-tf DR. J. W. OLIVER, J rOMIEOPATHIST. i if kick and RESIDENCE -Spring street, opposite the Mayor's ofllce. oc^-lplf D. W. C. FRANKLIN, MECII A N I t'A L, OPERATIVE - AND SKIP IKON DENTIST. OFFICE- li Spring'Strwf, next to Fife En gine House. oe'.'-i f 11, l>. S. iI'MKI.VKSI, 11. r. lIA/Alth. O'MELVENY ot HAZARD, A TTORN F.VS AT LAW, OFFICE IN TEMPLE BLOCK, yon a Nt iEilek, cal IM Special attention given to business In the United States Kami otlice. 0.-J-tf .\. ..I. VSSKI.I., 0. It. :.M 1 I 11. A. 11. .11 ACM .\ \. H. lU, SJI I I 11. GLASSELL. CHAPMAN&SMITH. A TTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE—TEMPLE BLOCK tip-*ta}rH, Kos Angeles, ('nlifoniin. oe'_*-t f JAMES C. HOWARD, 1 TTORN EY AT LAW AMI COURT COMMISSIONER, Downey's Rlock, Los Vngeles, oe:!ti' M. WHALINC, A TTORNKY AT LAW, OFFICE No, MDiiWiioj Block nos'Angcles, I > e'_'-i in ('ll A li l.hS I.INDI.KV. J. S. TiloUfsoS. LINDLEY & THOMPSON, Y'rTOKN'KYS A T L \ W, OKKK'K ftooni No. Downey Block. oc2 W. 1., mai:sii m.i.. \c i i.i. p. nori.n. MARSHALL & COULD, A TTORNEYS AT LA W OFFK'K 4-A. opposite lie-Court House, Rooms Nos. is and 111 Temple Block, Kos AngeJes, Cal. Will | hi lel ice in all I lie Com Is of? this Slate, ami nt 11 in 110 Isudliess in K. S. Kami i ittiee. LEW. C. CABANIS, V (>TA R V PUBLIO, CONVEY* -SO ÜBner ami Searcher of It for this I THI 111 v. OFFICE No. It Temple Block, Los Ange les, i 'ultl'oriiln, oci-l i V. E. HOWARD & SONS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TEM PLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. i it-it f A. A. WILSON, / Y'I"D)HNKV Ik COFNSKLLOR. Ol'Klt'K Kooni No. 11. Temple !;lock, Kos Angeles, I til jfhrnta. 0.- - j-i f A, If. JIIDSON. .1. W. .11 1.1.Kl l'K. JUDSON & GILLETTE, OEARC'HERS OF RECORDH KJ VND CONVEYANCERS. TEMPLE K.l.ocK, Kos ANOKKI'.s. oeJ-1 In Q. W. MORGAN, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Found*ms souili nf the I'ost Oltlce, Temple liloek, l.os Angeles, California. Ida MoNKY To LOAN. Otil-tf CHAS. 'i. MIL£S, nYDEAI LIC ENGINEER, Kos ANGELES, CAL. Rkvkiih to--Dr. .1. S, Griffin,J, c. Downey; K. 11. Titus, Hen. P. Banning, r. W. Hollmun, A. Glasseli, The i nt roil net ion of water Into! 'ities. Towns ami n specialty. Contracts taken for making sheet iron pipes, al my shop, or Where ilesireil, on Ihe most favorable lei nis. iiciMni BARBERS BATH HOUSES. GEORGE REINECKE, Barber Saloon & Bath House. ¥ I AIR TRIMMING, SUA VI.NO, A 1 SIIA M KnoiNO, HATRR, Km This establishment 'ms Just iiceu refitted, nnd, after huvlug engaged the besl Barliers in the city, I respectfully sollcll custom from ull Who want work executed iv the hest stvl". Makes the HATH 1 No RUSINKSSa special ty, ami lias t he li nest set of Hat h Rooms in the city. Ii Kmlei lbe liella t'liioli. oc'J-lmlp TONSORIAL PALACE QAM. JONES, K3 PROPRIETOR AND MANAGER Hot. Cold and Shower Baths. Shaving ami Bathing Emporium. No. th Main street. 0.-iitl-lp PROF. GREEN'S BARBER SHOP. >f EXTTOGATES A NOYES' AND I under the "Express" otlice, TKMPKK BLOCK. As Pint. Oreeii has the best available assist ants to he procured ill Hie Shite, Hair Cutting, Shaving and Shampooing Will he performed hi the beat style of the toil aortal art. oce-J in L. LIGHTENS ERGER, (Successor to Kinder & Llchtenberger), OF Wayor.s, Buggies. Carriages. Etc. HA 149 and Mff Main street, Kos Angeles, Very respectfully solicits the pntratiWe of the public in his line of business, All ve hicles iinlli ofthe BEST MATERIAL An extensive IIIiACU'SMITII Slloi» Is conmsded with Ihe establishment, where all kinds of Btacksmtthlhß will be tlono to older. I i K. 1 * V 1 I { 1 TVt» I tone with dlsjltttch, ami wit Ii a view Of giving sat isla.-t ion lo paMsillS. All AV'oi-h VX'iirriuilc.l. OC7 Imlp FORWARDING 8c COMMISSION. J. L. WARD & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS —ANI - Manufacturers Agents. aim Nrs rot; lUhttGN ASSUi'ANCE Cir.fO. AliOti; UNION INSURANCF. COMPANY 01 S/N FRANCISCO; COMMERCIAL I MARINE I INSURANCE COMPANY, (OomM I assets i-M-eed 1514.000.000 i R'.BCOCK'S HUE EXTINGUISHER; BAKER & HAIYI.ITON'S AMtCULTUWI MACHINEHY; THE CELEBIATEO BAIN WACON; SWAN BREWERY CO.'S ALE AND FOSTER. HELLMAN, HAAS & CO. rORWABDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, HAVE FOR BALE THE PUREST GROCERIES, THE REST PROVISIONS) Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Uf the Choicest Imported Brands. Paints. Oils, Doors. Sashes. BLINDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. ■ I ami io Los Angeles ami Commercial Sis., ocli] 1.. >s ANGELES. [tm-tp SIMON LEVY, ( H ) M M ISSION ME R C HAN T. V ' General dealer in all kinds of COUN TRY PRODUCTPONR, Hides, Grain and Wool. Makes advances on Consignments to ail parts of Ihe 1 nited States. Nos. L'l and .11 Aliso St., i.os ANGELES. uetVly4p BUSINESS CARDS. J. G. JACKSON Keeps all kinds of Lumber, Shingles, Laths, DOORS, WINDOWS, BUNDS, S'osls, (8 II 21 Is < * *■* ~ PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT AiNI) 11A11S. CORNER iK Alameda and First Streets. nCMtnlp PERRY, WOODWORTH & CO, I (JMREB VARUS J AND PLANING MILLS, NO, ro COMMERCIAL MT. Keep eoustant 1 v on hand a lull assortment of LCMBKR, IXXIRS, SASH, MOULDINGS, HI.IN I>S, TKHNKH AND SAWKD WORK. All kinds of mill Work done to order. otH GRIFFITH. LYNCH & CO. DEALERS IN LUMRER. CORNER KIHST AND ALAMKDA STS. fylii! Work of all Kinds, —Sl CIl AS - D. a IKS, SASII, BLINDS, KTC, KTC. oc'J-lmlp it. .. w:i.kv. ii. M, BKnav. WILEY & BERRY. | ) EAL ESTATE AGENTS IA - AND— ('() M MISSION M KRCHANTS, N... main STREKT, I.os ANGELES. 0.-7-l m I p MALONEY & FENNESSEY. \\r AGON-MAKINO, BIiA C K > T SMITHING AND iIORSE-SHOEING jo anil M Aliso .Street. Manufacturers of Carriages, Buggies, and wagons of all kinds. All orders promptly attended to. oc"-lptf LOS ANGELES SODA WORKS, No. I.'t A I.ISO STKLLT. | I ENRY W. STOLL, Propbibtob. A 1 supplies Bar Rooms and private fami lies witli tlie purest and best SOI>A A\l> SAItSAPAKILLA. lie live re. Ito u iny?ue ft oftheej '>- mi „,^"'i;'"J, M .'itf PELICAN SALOON, Sjtring Street, oppoiite ihe Rut Ojjiee. DA V B M A I N H A S RET I RED from the Judicial contest, In order to de vole his time to more classical pursuits. Floating down the stream of lite placidly, with bald-headed old (IEt)RGE DA KIN, they will in conjunction prepare ihe following nifty drinks: 'Mm- Aliuii!ig;«n>/.lci'. The IN'i-cooni-001. The NipeiilonlK'rliria. Tlie llrins Vioinid Ihe Corner. The CHOICEST WINKS, LIQUORfI AND CIGARS always on hand. ncWta CAROLINE C. BURTON. ¥ ADIES' HAIR DRESSING IN 1J all styles. BRAIDS, CURLet AND WA TERFAI.fiS, made at tlie shortest notice. TANGLED HAIR HTRAIGHTRNKD AND MADE INTO ANY SHAPE. i- IVrAimos ofthe flnesl quality nn hand and lor sale No. It SPRING STREET, Kos Angeles, California, QCSHf GAMBRINUS BREWERY, piRST STREET, LOS ANGELES. Fine Lager Beer for sale IN ql ANTITIKS To SUIT. DoMmlp JOS. KK.IHKH, Pli.prletor. ANDREW JOUCHIN, V t O. 31 AI.TSO STREET -MANV i> FAOTtTRER of \\'ii«i<>iis, <. inr/plnsea, Rntßstea, dc, Hoi-se-shoeiiig, nuiebllie smithing and black smith ing of nl I kinds done iv the most work manlike manlier. H BJCOJS D-IIANI) VV AHONS bought and sold, and always on hand. Orders' promptly attended 10. oel'Jiulpl MISCELLANEOUS. REP I' 11 I> I < ' LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. Cash Capital, . $1,000,000 ISi'iiuclics in all MMI Miilcsol Hie IfUMM. HAVING NOW COMPLETED t In- organisation of our l*si<*iii<» 15i*aii<*li, We lake pleasure in announcing that our Pa cific Coast Stockholders have elected thf fol lowing well-known citizens as officers of our PACIFIC BRANCH! PnmMekl! OLIVER BLDRIDQe. Kii'e- PrmMtntt: THUS. A. BALL, WM. H. WHKATON A. L. GURNBY Secretary pro lem .1 As. T. BOYD Attorney 'I'll. is. BROWN Treasurer CHAS. BURRELIj Medical Kxamiiier Kjretvtlvti 1. bMMNfer.' OLIVER RLDRIDOB, .H)S. a. DONOHOE, JAS. T. BOYD, GEO. W. BEAVER, ( HAS. BIIRRELL, THOS. BELL, K. li. PKRRIN. OLIVER KLDREDGE,LELANI) STANFORD GEO. W. BEAVER, THOS, BROWN. N. O. KITTKK; C. CH KISTIANSKN, JOHN K. MILLER, THOS. H. HELBY, JAS, T. BOYD, R. K. MORROW, C. I. RRENHAM, X V. BUTTKKWORTH M. D. SWEENY. GEO. 11. WHEATON, I. PRIEDLANDER, WM. BTRLING, A. BLACK, THOS. A. HAKK, los. A. DONOHOE, WM. R. WHEATON, Tllos. BELL, K. 11. PERRIN. C. T. UVKAND, WM. K. DICKENSON WM. S. KADM. THK REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. Was chartered by special act of the Ijcgtsla tnreof the State of Illinois, and commenced doing business in July. i*"i), making it now just three years old, its plan of organifatlon was to have $0,000,000 <'ii pi tnl Stock, with twenty percent, paid in,ami the balance subject to call. With BRANCH ORGANIZA TIONS of stockholders lv the leading business centers of the country, composed of the best business men-thus making o Company of National extent and prestige, and yet a HOMfc COMPANY AT EACH BSANCH. The Conipauy al this date has policies In force covering over s-J.i,(kNi,iNsi of risks, with an annual income of over *tl, 000, 000. ALL AssKT-, ok PACJrTC BRANCH IN VKSTKI• ON THIS COAST. Capital siock of Paciifc Branch, over I Mo#M> 1* Invested iii Mortgagee on Real Es tate la CaHlbmla dnrlngthe last four months.over Uki.iKHi ihi 328 t'olieies issm d at PucltlC 111 audi daring same period, insuring i #42ABU OS Chiirares lor liisiiranre 'i.l per Cenl. Less i han Ull t ooipiiuies. T II IC REPUBLIC ls,es nol borrow THE CAPITAL of Policy holders mi PROMISES to return the sunn at some INDEFINITE future period and CALL IT A DIVIDEND. in presenting the claims of THK REPUB LIC to the patronage of the people of ibis Coast, we shall at all times aim to be gov erned by sound business considerations, and a due resriinl for Ihe litfhls and merits of com peting companies, OFFICE OFTHE PACIFIC BRANCH, NO. Wl CALIFORNIA STItE L T, BeloW Sansonie Street, oeillmlp STOLEN HORSES T HAVE THE FOLLOWINO DE- A. scribed horses in my possession al Ste phens' corral, taken froui Tlburclo Vosques's hand of robhers. Owners can have their stock by proving property und payinycharges: Two American work mares, one sorrel and one btowa, branded V with a hall circle at the bottom. One large sorrel work hose, \k% hands high, branded S li. One sorrel horse, bavin;; collar and saddle marks, blaze In lace, left fore foot and left hind fool white, branded .1 K. One sorrel horse supposed to lieu half-breed, with collar and saddle-marks, fore feet white, si rip In forehead; brand, two inverted .Is with s underneath. One mora saddle-horse, bold face, all feet white, branded and vented with letter O, and also brauded with letter A with half circle ou top. one large Iron-gray horse, branded M C and figures %\ One Spanish saddle or work mare with colt, branded M X, and also.) A L One lii;lit gray saddle-horse, branded .1 with half circle. One dun mare, white mane nrhl tail, brand ed 1 H and .1 O, and also.l A K. One black mnre, branded I with halt circle at top ami bottom, and .1 A I- One bay marc and yearling colt, branded .1 A L Oue dun mar.i and Sacking OOlt, branded A wilh o ou lop. One yearling dun colt, branded .1 A K. WM. H. ROWLAND, Sheriff. liCit f M ERCHANT TAILORS. J. STRELITZ, MERCHANT TAILOR MAIN ST., NKAII WKKKS.KAHOO A Co Makes the most fashionable style of CLOT H L -V O to he obtained iv the southern country. Also a large stock ofthe Newest and best Cloths Doeskins, Heavers, Fancy Ciissimcres. Velvet ami silk vesting*,etc A flUruaranteed. Refers t<> the principal genUemeu of the city for whom helms made clothing. No necessity to scud to San Francisco for <;ood lliflng suits. OCttf-tp- ADAM & NELSON, Merchant Tailors, H A YIN (i EST A BUSHED THEM - selves nt the obi stand of L. |N>ler. oppoMite the I'oNt-Ofliec. SPRING STREET, nre prepared to fill ALL ORDERS in He- Latest Sl Most Fashionable Styles. A tine assortnient of Cassimeres, Vestings, And everything In the line always ou hand. ggf A GOOD FIT (U-AHANTKKH IN ALL casks. Give us aCa|l. oej-tmlß EDUCATIONAL. SPANISH AND FRENCH T NST RUCTION IN FttENCH AN I) I SPANISH will be given to classes in Ihe alternoons or evenings, by MISS JOSEPHINE LINDLEY 'I' i: It Mft i 'fo a class of five or less, per less.ill |2 HI 'l o a class ot any number over live, per lesson s" HI) For further particulars, Inquire nt the office ot the Kos Am'.ki.i.s Hhbam*. af Lindley dt Thompson, or at the Pico House. TKSTIMONI A I .S : t'.N'IVKUSITV fiKC.M.II-oUMA, I DBrAHTMaHT or hAXGU Oils. [- i iaki.ami, July 11, 1572, I Herewith I certify that Miss Josephine Kind ley has been a Student) in my department of the University for Bvc consecutive terms, viz: from September, |K7n, to April Sd, IST'2. During this time she sl m lied I be Kiel nil, 1 lie Spanish ami tlie German languages, obtaining a twaj s the highest marks tin- proficiency and attend ance, her avcratfe credit mark for live terms being B7 per cent. on entering the University, .Miss Lindley possessed already such knowledge of tin- French and Spanish Idioms as t>> be able to speak them with ease, lltieney, corn et less, ami a pure p#onunclulion. She may now be considered thoroughly fa milial with the theory and philosophy, as well as with the application of these two tongues; and she may safely be recommended as a can didate >>f great promise, tor teaching the French andSpanlsh languages, I. PIoDA, Pint. Modern languages, university of California! Josephine Lindley has been declared by the Faculty entitled to this Certificate of Profi ciency in the departments of Geology and Natural History, (Botany olid Physical Geolo gy,) Belles Lett res, (English Literature, Histo ry, Ancient ami Modern,) Chemistry, Modern Languages, i French ami Spanish.) Henry In.rant, President of University: E. S. Carr, I'rof. chemistry; P. Plixla, Modern EiangUAgea; Joseph Kel'onlc, Professor of (~- ology and Natural Histor) ; William HWlnton, Professor of Belles Kettri s; Martin Kellogg, Dean Of the Faculty, in".'-!! LAWLOR INSTITUTE lUH Main Mii-i-t. Los Angeles. THE SEVENTH HEMI-ANNUAL JL Session of this SEI.KCTDA VSCIIOOK, iv which girls and hoys reeeivc a CSKKI'I., PRACTICAL AN DCONPI.BTg Fnglish Kducntl. in, commenced on MONDAY, APOUST tI, IsW. TFIt.MM PKIt MONTH I Knglish Studies. Including tbe ordinary School Branches, and Double-Entry Book-Keeping and Vtgcbru 15 09 Pi imarv (ieographv, Seeoud and Third Headers I 00 t 'hart ami Primer < 'lasses :; 00 F. XT It AS. Latin, Phonetic Short hand and (loom i-try, per inoni h 13 06 Competent Teachers of Drawing, Painting. ami the Modern Languages, \\ 111 he colineclcd wilh the Institution. For further particulars, apply to the under signed, at Hie School Building. oc.mii w. B. LAWLOR, Principal, FRENCH and SPANISH LESSONS T ESSONS IN THE FRENCH ami Spanish languages will begiven toeJasaei or in private, commencing on WLO.NLSO.tY. OITOHLU I. ISTI. TKitMs ok tuition;i Private lessons | I UU each Twenty lessons Ii (Ml Lessons to any number of pupils over live, lor one month,t In cc les sons eviry week, eaeb pupil :! lit) French and Spanish tScuool tor children ev ery day (Saturdays excepted) at i o'clock P. M°. TUITION, per month, #.l. For further particulars, Inquire at No. Ill" Main sireci. Translation of Kkk.ncu, Span ish ani) Fnoi.isu. K. V.C. tnt MONDRAN. oc'J-linlp Drawing and Painting. INSTRUCTION IN CRAYON, PEN CIL AND PERSPECTIVE DRAWING, In Coloring with India Ink and Water Colors, and In Oil. PAI N T I NGi given at Hillside Cottage, back Of lie- low school-house. MKS. LU WHEAT SMI I'll. oc2l f LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. I.OS ANGELES SALE. FEED & LIVERY STABLE. JH. JONES, PBOPRIETOB, • CORNER FIFTH AND SPRING sTs. Grain. Hay and all kinds of Fresh Feed CONSTANTLY o\ HAND., Large Clean Corrals and Stables, Witli city WaterThroughuut, B.fl-IIoHSKs, Ml'KKs, WAGONS ami CAB RIAOKS bought and sold, and Horses ami Carriages to let by the day or week. Teamsters accommodated as usual on the most liberal terms, 0.-7-tinlp H. N. MITCH ELL'S Pioneer Livery. Sale and Feed Stables, /CENTER STREET, OPPOSITE V_/ Poplar Row, ANAHEIM. The very best aceoiiiimnl.ili.uis for visitors and travellers. <jicntl«' Su«l«ll»* 1 Lirses constantly on hand, and furnished at shortest notice. 0.-lltf ALISO FEED & SALE STABLE JF. RAMIREZ, PROPRIETOR, • colt. ALAMEDA A ALISO STS. Adjoining M. Keller's, CiHAIIN, HAY sit FEED always on hand. Horses, Mules, Wagons, etc bought and sold. 0.-7-lplf CUCAMONGA WINE. DEPOT AT LOUIS MESMER'S WINK CELLAR, underneath the c. s. Hotel. Wine by the Glass, Bottle or Gallon. All kinds of Liquors, Wines and Bitters at wholesale and retell, NOTICE. The public of Lot Angeles arc herehy noti fied tbat no other person ill Los Angeles •hut Louis Mcsnu-r has wines from the 4 'ocoiiiongo ranches. J. L. SANsKV AIN. oc.VJplm SAM. BERGE, Bill Poster and Distributer. HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS. Pro grammes, NOTICES, Ktc. fttithfully POSTED OH DISTRIBUTED throughout the clta and country. N. H.- Parties at a distance can send any thing they wish (Misted or distributed in the city or surrounding country, witli assurance that the work will be faithfully done. Orders may lie left al I he office of the D.mi.v SAM. BERGE. iH'2-tf I.OK Angeles. NUMBER n. MISCELLANEOUS. SOUTHERN DISTRICT Agricultural Society's FALL MEETING. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday. Friday and Saturday. Nov. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14and 15. SPLENDID SPEED PROGRAMME! SIVEDATW KAt'lN(i —an it- Stock Parades and Exhibitions. And om whole day devoted to LADY i :qi kstl- i ams.ii, AND OTHER Blo'ftTS. FIRST DAY, First RaCe— Trotting- Fur horties thnt nre Owned In the district at this date, that have never beaten three minutes. Mile heats; bet I three in live to harness - ptirse of s.:t n; nn lo lite lirst horse, and th-u to the second; five or more to enter. second Race—Running race of a mile de h, for all two-year olds < iwned and falsi d in I his district. Puma of Mttl; IttOOAo first uud fMU to second; five or more toenter. Third Knee Kuiinin"--Free for nil Califor nia or hall-breed horses; mile dush; patch weights, l'urse (ISA; (MOO lot he tlrst and j.Ti 1., the second; live or more to enter. SECOND DAY. First Race—Gentlemen's saddle Face-sin gle dash of one mile; to curry not less than laO pounds; each owner to rule his ov a horse, with colors, (weight to be understood to com prise saddle nud rider, and not inetude wli ip and bridle,) and each titter to be over lfl years old. l'urse ofASOU; slHmi to lirst and $ lto to the second horse; live toenter, second Sacs—Running- Pre* for all three year olds bred and raised, and us ned at iiiis date in the district; mile heats, best two In three. Purse of $100; S2Qotoflrsl horse, simi to second; live to enter. Third Race-Trotting- Free tor all three-year OldS In the State; mile ileals, hest two ill t luce to harness. Purse JlfiO; fIOO to first, m\ to sec ond; three to enter. THIRD DAY, First Knee-Trotting-Free for nil horses in the State; mile heats, lv st three iii live to har ness. Purse Of $.100; KJOOtO iivst, sum to see ond: Aye to enter. second Race—Running— Free for nil horses In the State! mile heats, BMI three in five Purse |408; |9W to lirst, fIOU to second; three or more to enter. FOURTH HAY. Firs! Race Running—Five mile dash; free for all horses owned in this district at this dale; catch weights—har Irene and Pall.Sher idan- purse of |250j flVStn tne first, and ffc to the second; live to enter. Second Ruce—Trotting Purse—Free for nit horses in the stale; mile heals, best three in five to wa lioiis; owners lo drive, ami all pro fesslonal drivers to be excluded. Ptarse *::ia<; jIT.i to tirst. .-.".> to second, ami s.iii to l bird; liv c to enter. FIFTH HAY. Set apart for Hie exhibition of stock and l he awarding of preiniu ins, .\t one o'clock on this day there, will be a grand exhibition of lady eqnestrhinlsm, This contest will be open to all laities und misses, wlio must each lie accompanied li.v an escort on the day ofthe contest. Kll tries free for all, ami to be made to tbe Secretary on or bclhiv the lath of October. The entry consists of tin- name of the lady contestant, ami the mime or description ofthe animal, if cue venient—the name of tlte rider certain. The contest will lie div ided into two purls -grace ful riding ami daring equestrianism. Ladies who took prises unit year are ineligible. There will he ten or more substantial and flings nt premiums, to be named hereafter. Then- will lie no horse or foot-racing on this day, and the admission will be tin- saute as usual. SIXTH DAY. First Knee -Trotting—Flee for all horses in the Slate; two-mile beats. In sl two in three lo harness. Purse $600; *Mtft« the first, $150 to the s md; five to enter. Second Race—Running- -Free for all horses in the Stale; two-mile heals, best two in three, l'urse $500; -.Till to the first, $Ujo to the second; three to enter. All I roll ing races to be governed by the rules of t he National TUrf Congress, and all run ning rnces to be governed n> the rules Ofthe Sacramento Slate Agricultural Society, unless otherwise specitied. Fair lo commence on .Monday, the lutli day of November, to con tinue six days. Ml entries to he made to the Secretary by tbe Ist day of (iciober,lO per cent. of all pin ses to accompany tin - entry, I n case of walk-ox er, the horse sliall he entitled lo all entrance money only, When two horses on b start, the third money shall hen-turned to tin- Society. A horse distancing the field shall be entitled to all the money. Judges shall have tin-right loeaii upa second or third nee, and have it come off between the heats i if t he lirst. The Society reserves (lie sigh I to withdraw any puree, if it believes Rial there will be no contest. All the privileges of Ihe district, 'ilicllldu: - entries for premiums and purses, an- extend ed to Inyo and Ventura countries. oc'J LA CRONICA, pKJBUSHBD P.V B. F. TEODOLL The only Spanish Newspaper IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Published every Wednesday ami Saturday mornings. OttToe in Temple's New Block, spring st net .opposite the.t'ou rt-huuae. It has a large circulation iv th > State hfC'al itorina, tin l-.nstern Slates, Louisiana, Ait-Mo., and Arizona and ('olbradu Territories,! 'eutral and Month A ineriea, and Spain, commends Itself to the Advertisers who may wish to bring iheir business before the Span ish-speaking people ami numerous population of diili-reni nationalities, on tin- Pacific Coast. Advertising- Hates Very K«-»sioi»nblc. Subscriptions—One Year, Mi six Month-, s.; ;,ie Three Months, .»i ocgtflp Everybody knows the** old Man !-*i<j>i<>iJi-: r r. BANK EXCHANGE P.ILLIAUI) SALOON, run by F. SIONOKRT. Best Cigars, Choicest Liquors, Excellent Tables, Commodious Room. Customers received by the old mini hiiusclf, who lias heen in attendance since 18,0. lie Welcomes all his old cusloim is and pleases Ihe new ones. Tim BERT BARBER SHOP In the otty is wit h this establishment. » lean towels,«a re fill employees. nc.Hm NEW YORK BREWERY. QHRIS. HENNE, IMiOIMIIETOK The CLEAREST, PUREST and Must HUH LIANL LAGER BEER South of San Francisco. orders lor DBAUtiIIT or BOTTLED BEER prompt ly attended to. Tin- celebrated Beer from this Brewesy de ties competition in the state. ocXmilp It, nurriioN. r. v. c. mumhu.s. COSMOPOLITAN CIGAR DEPOT TMPORTTHE PITIEST and BEST M. Havana Cigars, ami keepoli hiind t'lit-xvinu mid !<iuoliinK Tobni'i'o, Pipes, ( "erarvltos ami Fancy Articles. Main St., next door to W. F. A Co's Kxpress. IK'L'tl lp