gig UttfleUss pmUL THURSDAY OCTOBER 16, 1X73. A Tale that has a Moral. By a strange comedy of errors, the following dispatch occurred in yester day's paper: SAN BI'ENAVKNTI'RA, Oct. 14. While Mr. A. Sharkie and Dr. Bard were out for a drive around town, the team became unmanageable, and sud denly turned across the road. Both of them were thrown into a ditch. Dr. Bard received a very severe wound about two inches in length, above his rhjihteye. His right thigh was badly bruised. Mr. Sharkie was knocked speechless. They are both doing well. The horses and carriage were slightly injured. It should have read: San Bernardino, Oct. 14. While Mr. A. Starke and Dr. Grant were out for a drive around town, the team became unmanageable, and sud denly turned across the road. Both of them were thrown into a ditch. Dr. Grant received a very severe wound about two inches in length, above his right eye. His right thigh was badly bruised. Mr. Starke was knocked speechless. They are both doing well. The horses and carriage were slightly injured. By a still stranger chapter of acci dents, the EJtpt<*UH made tlie very same errors. Starke under its manipula tions became Sharkie, and Dr. Grant at once was metamorphosed into Dr. Banl. Of course it is impossible that so fair a paper would take aught from the Herald without giving it the proper credit. Of course that column and a half of extra telegrams, which it has published, since the commence ment of the Herald, as its own, were likewise bought with its own money, and were not taken from other col umns. This being the case, how such an error so similar to that of the HER ALD should occur is very wonderful. Perhaps, also, another paper not pub lished at four in the afternoon may make the same errors this morning. Who knows? History is stranger than the novel. The Election. Yesterday passed off ipiietly in the city. A moderately heavy vote was east. The results have in many cases been a surprise even to those within the circles. Not all the precincts in the county have been heard from, but enough to determine the general result. McKee the Democratic nomi nee has a majority in the city above both competitors, and in the county he has undoubtedly a considerable plurality — say .500. Sepulveda is elected District Judge by over 1,000 majority, and O'Melveny is the com ing County Judge, by from 4im to 000 majority. In this city the Justices elect are the old incumbents; they run away ahead. In the State at large the polling is heavily in favor of McKinstry, and he seems to h:;ve swept the State by a vote of 7,000. The following is the vote in this city and county, as far as heard from: Nupreme Juris?. McKee. McKinstry. Dwl. ISrun on. Ist Waid 102 37 93 284 2d Ward 401 177 211 040 3d Ward 202 92 140 391 Anaheim 120 23 80 218 Wilmington.. 18 4 76 71 San Gabriel... 24 73 14 79 DMtriet Judge. Sepulveda. Olassell Ist Ward 281 17 2d Ward 645 159 3d Ward 318 113 Anaheim 151 79 Wilmington 68 29 San Gabriel 101 22 Old Mission 40 5 Ballon a 65 5 Total 1233 289 Comity Judire. Kin?. Wilson. O'Melvenv. Ist Ward 109 38 140 2d Ward 217 117 406 3d Ward 113 130 190 Anaheim 63 100 67 Wilmington 1 76 21 San Gabriel 39 9 70 Old Mission 9 5 31 Total 551 475 931 Justice* of tbe Peace. Following is the vote for Justices of the Peace in Los Angeles township. Ist WM. 2d WM. 3d WM. Total. Gray 171 389 23* 796 Tratlbrd 264 557 305 1126 Griffin 11 85 48 144 Ayere 51 237 83 371 Coury 8 55 17 80 Clarke 9 10 I 31 Holman 1 88 100 194 Cain I 14 14 31 Our special dispatches report the death of Ex-Lieutenant Governor Walkup yesterday. He was a great and good man. The pressure of matter prevents further comment to-day. Small Business. The subjoined is from the columns of the Los Angeles Evening E-rprenx. Its sentiments entirely accord with those of the Hkrai.h about such mali cious trash. The Argun of San Bernardino pub lishes a letter which purports to be from Los Angeles, but was evidently manufactured within the limits of San Bernardino. It can certainly do San Bernardino no good to publish such palpable falsehoods as are contained in the following, and reflects no credit on the taste that admits it in to print: "The thing has become chronic here. Every day we have breakwater for breakfast, lighterage for lunch, climate for dinm r and 'hack country'for tea. Of course the latter does not assimi late with the farmer meals, conse quently, they hay c no resort to cathar tics, anil the result is, they soon have pressing business on hand, and have to attend to it themtelvett. * * "The dailies keep up a tremendous whistle about business being brisk, but the frequent sound of money is an exception to the rule, and after all the blow and fuss, there has not heen a single business block erected this sea son; and numerous stores and business houses are waiting for occupants. "For true photographs of this place apply to Thistle." Late Telegrams. XXI 1.1 NIVEI.Y TO 1 Hi: 111 X lift Pennslvania. Ohio and lowa Elections. The Contest in Ohio Close-- The Grangers carry the majority of the Coun ties in lowa. Congress Petitioned to Repeal the Shipping Act. A $50,000 Libel Suit. Arrest of a Treasury Robber. I < Olt EI ti -N > tSW s*. NEW YORK. N RW Yokk, Oct. lft.—The foaling to day U Unproved, There is general ad vance uf I(s7 per cent., supposed lo he in consequence ot the dissolution of Judge Blatchford's injunction in tlie Qrlnnell Bankruptcy case. Central Pacific Bonds are quoted at Ms(Slßf; Union Pacific Bonds, 74A(«75; New York Central, StiAf« 87; Western Union fi2}®ss; Krie 041. Gi 11 nianson «Sc Co., are reported to have suspended. Their difficulties were caused hy the continued demands of their depositors and inability to make collection. W. 8. Perry attributes his suspen sion to decline in Stocks. Two petitions are being circulated for signatures asking Congress to re peal the shipping act. One purports to be on behalf of owners, merchants and masters of American vessels, and prays for its repeal on tlie'ground that their right to make private contracts should not be interfered with by the Government. The other purports to come from mariners of the Port of New York. Both state general ob jections to the bill, which have been already published. A strong personal opposition is manifested toward ('apt. Duncan who, it is alleged, introduced and conducted system with un eye to his private interest. Judge McCue, of Brooklyn, one of the proprietors of the Angle, has com menced suit for libel against Dcmas Barnes, proprietor of the Brooklyn Argus, laying demands at 950,000. The First National Bunk of Athens, Pennsylvania, was entered by bur glars on Monday night. They seized the Cashier, and having bound him proceeded to rob the vaults. The amount secured was not large. ALBANY", Vt. V., Oct. 10.- Charles H. Phelps, Cashier in Treasury Depart ment of State was arrested at Jersey City, brought here charged with rob bing the State Treasury of an amount estimated at 130,000. CHICAGO. Chic ago, 2 a. ML, Oct. 16."— Returns from lowa are still incomplete, but they indicate that the Republican State Ticket is elected by about 20,1100 majority. The Anti-monopolists will probably succeed in the election of many members to the Legislature. Additional returns from lowa con firm the early advices of the probable re-election of Carpenter, Republican, for Governor, and the success of the Anti-monopoly county tickets in a majority of counties. The Legisla ture, however, will probably he Re publican. PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, Oct. is, The Prett estimates that Gordon's majority for Judge of the Supreme Court is over 18,000. Lamon.Jßepublican, is elected iv the Third Senatorial District. Six teen Republicans and two Democrats are elected to the Legislature from this city. Elliott, Republican, for Sheriff, has 27*540 majority over the Democratic and Reform candidates combined. OHIO. Cleveland, Oct. 15.--Later returns from the State indicate a close vote for Governorship, with probabilities in favor of the Democrats. The ma lority will not run over 1,000 either way. The Democrats claim the State Legislature beyond a doubt. Cuyahoga county gives Noyes about 2,0D0 majority. WASH INC TON. Washington-, Oct. 14.—The elec tion for members of the District of Columbia House of Delegates resulted in the election of two Democrats and twsaty Republicans. newTelisey. Newark, Oct. 15.— The Charter election resulted in the election of Perry, the Democratic aud Reform candidate, by 74 majority. MAINE. ROCKLAND, Oct. 15. -The case of Miss Mink has been on trial some days past, for the murderof Dr. Baker. She was acquitted, Portland, Oct. 15. Schooner, R. T. Warner, foundered at sea and six teen of her crew perished. MEMPHIS. Mem en is, Oct. 15.—The Mortuary report of the last twenty-four hours, shows that there are sixty deaths from yellow fever. FOREICN NEWS. London', Oct. 15. —One hundred and fifty thousand dollar* was shipped from Liverpool to New York to-day. Unfavorable rumors from America are afloat in stock exchanges. It is re ported that failures of several brokers caused by decline in Krie will be an nounced In Stock Exchange to-mor row. Madrid, Oct. 15.—Preparations are making for a general attack on Carta gena by land and sea forces of the National Government, The insur gents are reported completely de moralized. PACIFIC COAST TELEGRAMS. F.\« 1.l SIVEI.V TO THK her Uii TULARE. Visai.ia, Oct. 16. The election passed off very quietly here. A light vote was polled in the city -only 308 out of 500. The follow ing ere tbe official returns: McKins try, 87; McKee, 154; Dwinelle, 64. For District Judge—Deering, Repub lican, t9l| Bradford, Democrat, 114. For t'ounty Judge- Bradley, Democrat 201; Clark, Independent, 101. Porters villc gives McKinstrv 86, McKeeß6, and Dwinelle 27. District Judge -1 leering, 70; Bradford, 73. For County Judge—Bradley, 62; Clark, 88. In Elbow precinct McKinstry is ahead. For District Judge Dee ring, 19; Brad ford, 15. Fresno County- Kingston gives Mc- Kinstry 15 votes and McKee 23, Dwi nelle none. District Judge -Bradford, 34, and Deering 5. Centreville —McKinstry 5, McKee 8?, Dwinelle 17, Brunson 17. District Judge—Deering 34, Bradford TO. VALLEJO., Oct. 15. This morning a drunken marine, name unknown, fell off Georgia street wharf. He was rescued, but in an in sensible condition. The Vallejo Savings and Commer cial Bank declared a dividend of one per cent, for September, to-day. The total vote polled is 1,418, but it is impossible to give the result until the votes are counted. ANAHEIM. « lose I Biisiupst Flue 4 utile. ANAHKIM, Oct. 15. Messrs. Kurtz & Co., who establish ed a banking business here some months ago, have taken their depart ure for a larger field of operations, having made arrangements to reopen In liOs Angeles. The election is passing oil" very qui etly. Full returns will be given when counted. M. Cohen; cattle dealer, arrived here to-day with a large lot of tine cat tle for market, from San Buenaven tura. olrecon~.~ Portland, Oct. 15. Four men have been arrested Upon alledged fraudulent voting. John Joins, a native of Canada, was washed overborn! from the brig Per petua on Sunday last by a heavy sea, which the vessel shipped as she was coming into the river. The election returns, as far as re ceived, gives Nesmitlrtf7oo majority. Returns from east of the mountains will place the total over v thousand. Jacksonville, Oct. 15. To-day General Wheaton through Captain J. Q. Adams, A. A. A. Gene ral for the District of the Lakes, made his return to the writ of hubeas corpus issued by the Court of the First Judi cial District of Oregon, on tbe4th. The writ coinmandedJiim to appear with the bodies of four Modoc Indians, in dicted by the Grand Jury of Jackson county in February last tor murder. The reply to the writ is very respect ful, claiming that the Indians named are United States prisoners of war, and citing decisions of the United States Supreme Court in support of this position, also the opinion of At torney General Williams that captur ed Modocs, are only uiu lei the juris diction of v military court. NEVADA. Elko, Oct. 15. The Western bound passenger train to-day was tight liours late, owing to a severe snow storm which prevailed throughout Nevada. It is raining the past 24 hours. A Salt Lake Indian came a day or two since to visit the Shoshones; be coming disgusted with his entertain ment he put three bullets through the hip and leg of his host, and left for parts unknown. Work on the State University is progressing rapidly. The building when completed will be the finest pub lic building in Nevada. Wilmington, Oct. 15. James Gunning was crushed be tween the oars at Wilmington to-day, and killed, while switching. The Cor oner, Dr. Kurtz, will go down on the morning train. No further news. SANTA CLARA. San Jose, Oct. 15. At the State Grange to-day the roll" call showed 80 present, of whom 23 were matrons. The Secretary's report was read, addresses were made by N. W. Garret son, Deputy of the National Grange, and Daniel Chirk, Master of tne State Grange of Oregon. Four Masters of Granges, lately organized iv Humboldt county, were introduced. The speech of Gov. Booth, on Friday evening, is looked forward to with great interest by all classes. The ad dress of Professor Carr is expected on Saturday. The vote here to-day was very light Comparatively little interest Is mani fested, The Catholic Fair is very well at tended, and the amount which the la dies will realize is sure to be large. SACRAMENTO. Sacramento. Oct. 15. The election is progressing quietly. Not more than ■ two-thirds vote is polled; Th" Independents an* san guine of success. The Express train from the East ar rived about an hour and half behind time this afternoon. In consequence of a draw-head of one of the cars break ing at Verdi last night. Six hundred thousand salmon eggs, from McCloud river, went East by the express to-day AUBURN. It.-iiil. ol t'«-Oo\«*nior Vk nlknp. A I'BP UN , (Vt. 15. Ex-Leiut. Governor Joseph Walkup died at Auburn of paralysis, ut 11 A. M., to-day. Woodland, Oct. 18. McMinstry ahcud as far as counted. ELECTION RETURNS. Com|iil<*il from Telegram*! ij Herald. McKinstry Elected Supreme Judge. Yuba. Smartsville— MeKee, 48; McKinstry 23; Dwinelle, 27; Brunson, 26. Timbuetoo -McKinstry, 23; McKee, 102; Dwindle, 0: Brunson, B. Marysville—Dwinelle, 28.5; Brunson 295; McKinstry, 209; McKee, 68. Sau Mateo. Redwood City—McKinstry, 142; Mc- Kee, 66) Dwiuelle, 21; Brunson, 22. San Mateo —Dwinelle, 24; Brunson, 20; McKinstry, 4; McKee, s. Maria. San Quenttn—Dwinelle, 39; Brunson 41; McKinstry, 29; McKee, 4. San Rafael —200 votes east; McKee, 3s; McKinstry, 01; Dwinelle, ',0; Brun son, 48. Nevada. Nevada City—Dwinelle, 01) Brun son, 66; McKee, 89; McKinstry, 209. Colfax—McKinstry, 44; McKee, 19: Dwinelle, 17. Brunson, 180. Emigrant Gap —Dwinelle, 11; Brun son, 11; McKinstry, 0; McKee, 12. Grass Valley- McKee, 337; Dwindle 90; Bronson, 30. Placer. Dutch Flat—Dwindle, 32; McKin stry, 79; Brunson, 21; McKee, 0. Gold Run—McKinstry, 00; McKee, 1; Dwinelle, 19; Brunson, 19. Forest Hill—McKinstry, 74; Dwi ndle, 12; Brunson, 13. Bath—McKinstry, 15; Dwinelle, 10; Brunson, 7. lowa Hill—McKinstry,o7; Dwinelle, 18; Brunson, 18. EI Dorado. Georgetown—McKinstry, 56; Dwi nelle, 52; Brunson, 51; MeKee, 49. Coloina—Dwinelle, 26; Brunson, 26; McKinstry, 31; McKee, 37. Moiioma. Healdsburg—A very small vote was cast iv this township; McKinstrv, 180; McKee, 91: Dwinelle, 5. Cloverdalc —McKee, 44: Dwindle, 3: Bronson, 4: McKinstry, 60. Petaluma—Dwinelle, 120: Bronson, 123; McKee, 123; McKinstry, 79. Santa Mara. San Jose City —First Ward—Brun son, 75; McKinstry, 121; McKee, 91; Dwindle, 72; Belden, 274. Second Ward—McKinstry, 122; McKee, 550; Brunson, 57; Dwinelle, 52; Belden, 219. Third Ward—McKinstrv, 173; McKee, 13; Brunson, 88; Dwindle, 84; Belden, 340. Fourth Ward—McKee, 70; McKinstry, 104; Dwinelle, 29; Brunson, 27; Belden, 290. Mayfleld—Dwindle, 20; McKee, 18; Brunson, 22. McKinstry, 44; Bdden.9o. Gilroy—McKinstrv, 150; McKee, 54; Dwinelle, 12: Belden, 207. Wage. St. Helena—Dwinelle, 31; Brunson, 38; McKinstry, 130; McKee, 22. Callstoga—loo votes polled; of these McKinstry has 73. Napa—Dwinelle, 146; Brunson, 117; McKinstry, 197; McKee. 137. Amador. lone City-Dwinelle: 13; Brunson, 18; McKinstry, 71; McKee, 39. Dry Town—Dwinelle, 13; Brunson, 11; McKee, 9; McKinstry, 160. Noluuo. Suisun—Dwindle, 129; Brunson,l3o; McKinstry, 92; McKee, 50. Dixon—l76 votes cast; Dwindle, 67; Brunson, 65; McKee, 60: McKinstry, 104. For County Judge—Powers, 72; Gregory, 90. Han Joaqulu. Stockton—The probable majority iv San Joaquin county for McKinstry is 350. Posa- Dwinelle, 6; McKee, 3; Brun son, 6; McKinstry, 4; Laspeyre, 7; Reed, 6. Bantas—Dwinelle, 29; Bronson, 28: McKee, 2; McKinstry, 35. Lodi—Dwindle, 26; Brunson, 24; McKee, 17; McKinstry, 44. Alameda. B;ooklynTownship—McKinstry, 72; Dwinelle, 13; Brunson, 15; McKee, 15. San Leandro—Dwinelle, 9: McKee, 4; McKinstry, 18; Brunson, 11. Oakland Township — McKee, 602; Dwinelle, 161; Brunson, 152 McKin stry, 188. Alameda Township—McKee, 33; Mc- Kinstry, 50; Dwinelle, 44; Brunson, 15. San Jose Mission—-Dwindle, 5; Mc- Kinstry, 11; Brunson, 7; McKee, 56. <'al« veruw. Copperoi>oliH— Dwinelle, 13; Brun son, 12; McKee, 7; McKinstry, 7. San Andreas—Dwinelle, 62; Brun son, 62; McKee, 49; McKiustry, 54. Mokelumne Hill—Dwindle, 41; Mc- Kinstry, Wf; Brunson, 40;, 27. Moiiterpy. Salinas City—McKinstry, 101; Me- Kec, 1(12; Brunson, 85{ Dwindle, 81. For District Judge—Belden, 28:t. Castrovllle —Dwindle, 27; Brunson, 28; McKee, Olj McKinstry, 41. Hollister—Brunson, 25; McKee, 37; Dwindle, 87; Belden, 18". San Juan South—Brunson and Dwi ndle, 8 majority over McKee; 30 votes for Belden, and 1 for McKinstry. Watsonville -Dwindle, 43; McKee, OU: McKinstry, 73; Bdden, no opposi tion. HiiUe. Oroville—Dwindle, 49; Brunson, 51; McKee, 101; McKinstry, 08. Chlco— Dwindle, 45; Brunson, 42; McKee, 58; McKinstry, 17 !. Yolo. Cacheville—McKinstry, 5; McKee, 82; Dwindle, 17; Brunson, 17. El mini— Dwindle, 15; Brunson, 15; McKee, 8; McKinstry, 48; Powers, 22: Gregory, 48. Heed's Bunch- Dwindle, 4; Bran son, I; McKinstry, 7: McKee, 12. vacavfluj—Dwindle, 22; Branson, 21; McKee, 47; McKinstrv, 32; Grego ry, ft. Nillltn I'm/. Santa Cruz—McKee, 184; McKinstry 109: Dwinelle. 37; which, combined with Watsonville and Soquel, give Mc- Kee 270; McKinstry, 192; Dwindle, 111). It is estimated that McKee will have 100 majority in the county. Nun Francisco. San Francisco—Returns all in; Loll derhack's majority over Drake, 1,454. McKiustry's majority is over 1.000; precise figures not ascertained. Wheel er's majority over Daingerfield, for Judge of the 19th District, is about 1,400. Sacramento. Mormon Island —McKinstry,23: Mc- Kee, B: Dwindle, 9; Bronson, 9. Half-way House McKinstrv, 12; Dwindle, 10; Bronson, 10; McKee, 7. Sacramento- .McKinstry, 1578; Dwi ndle, 961; Bronson, 949: McKee, 597. Mereeil. Merced- Dwindle, 55; Brunson, 53; McKinstrv. <2; McKee, 107; Deerint!, 195: Bradford, 101. Plainsburg Dwindle, 4; McKinstrv 78; McKee, 71; Deering, 4(1; Bradford, 03. Nun licniariliiio. San Bernardino -Dwindle, 53; Mc- Kinstrv, 135,; Brunson,llß; McKee, 250; Rolfe, 240; MeNealy, 203; Hays 3. Nn n IMcjfO. Monserrat -Dwindle, 3: Brunson, 4; McKee, 27: McKinstrv, 11; Rolfe, 13; Hayes, 4: McXealy 24! San Luis Rey—McKee, 48; Dwindle 9; Brunson, ll; Rolfe, 30; MeNealy, 25; Hayes, 8. Telinmn. Red Bluff-Dwindle, 22; Brunson, 19; McKee, 35; McKinstry, 60. Kern. Kern Island—McKinstry, 19; Dwi ndle, 1; McKee, 1; Laspeyre; 2; Reed, 19. Bakerstield—McKinstry, 44; Dwi ndle, 15; McKee, 41; Laspeyre, 39; Reed, 4;',. Col ii <1 bushel*uf corn to the uere. Any one who may desire lo purchase land In this locality would do well to inspect this lot and examine this year's crop, which has not been gathered. The sole reason for sacrificing this property is In meet certain obligations Immediately, TERMS one-half cash, snd tbe balance in one or two years, also An NO-ACRE TRACT, located on Ihe line of the railroad going east to Mud springs, nnd embraced Id the Han .lose Rancho. Thai Is a most desirable piece of land, is in a tlrst-rate M condition; under fence, anil good water tight; on which are growing Hi.uOii grape vines in a full bearing condition; bus a large, commodious DWELI.ING-HocsE; nil to be soul on easy terms. Wot particulars, apply to P. C. Tonner, Hpadra,or to G. W. MORGAN. "Temple Block, Spring St., Los Angele.i, ocimf I. HAUCH, MERCHANT TAILOR. NO. li COMMERCIAL street. All the LATEST STYLES received by every steamer, and made up In tlie latest style*and most suitable manucr, und on the most rea sonable terms. Mb CALL AND EXAMINE these goods, before giving your orders. ocitmlpl LOS ANGELES WOOD YARD. A LAM EDA STREET, OPPOSITE XX Grittith, Lynch & fo's Lumber Yard. DRY WOOD ulwuys on hand, und sold ut the I-i «> w« st Oan li Rut t> s, and delivered to uny part of fhe eitv. FULL MEASUREMENT guaranteed every time. Orders left at the principal grocery stores, or at theyard, promptly Httended 10. oelliinlpl Important to Winemakers HHHE UNDERSIGNED BEG TO JL Inform producers of wine that they can nlaceal their disposal a machine, patented kfarch ii, UTS, for Heating Wines, by which means the taste of newness und all acidity Is destroyed, and the wines preserved without future change. The process at once MAXM IT I.IKK A TIIKKE-YKAR OLD WINE, and destroys t he genus of fermentation. Price, per Gallon. TWO CKNTH.' feu Mi A. LIQt'ET • CO., Los Angeles. pclotf PAGE & GRAVEL'S New Carriage Shop. OCR WORK IS UNE-cjrjLfc i|ualed by any done ou the Pa- eiflc Coast. After our excerienee in the liest shops ln Ihe Eastern Slates, and our experience ou this coast, we are enabled to fulfil what we ad vertise.. all Materials used are the best THE MARKET AEEOIU'S. K§. Repairs done neatly and with dispatch, All work done here Is warranted. Oft. Prices Moderate. Call und see. "%u Corner Los Armeies and Requena oeitl Streets, Loa Angelea. limip F. CAUTHIER, ] FAMILY CHARTRES COFFEE - AND SPICE MILLS. No. go Los Ange les street. Keeps constantly on hand ROAST AND GROUND COPPER of all kinds, Pepper, Gin ger, Allspice, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmegs, nnd Preah Ground California Mus tard. I'okkick fresh ground every morning. ocfs-imip Montana Meat Market. THEODORE FR(EHLINGER. TiM best aud lenderest meats |» In tb* inurkel. None but I lie "w'TEK Prlmest Boef and MuttonssJQL* ever to be found. Note the address - Montana Meat Markei, Main street near First, Los An g»lw. ocUII HENRY DANIELS, IjMFTH STREET, OPPOSITE/-* . JI>NES' CORRAL. I J HORSE-SHOEING AND PLOW WORK done In the most workmanlike manner. The very best materials uncd.Ji 'barges reasonable, oell-lmlp DR. A. LCEBEL, LHRGEON AND CHIROPODIST, lo No. _>t FOURTH street. Corns, Bunions and Ingrowing Nails, cured without Knives, Piles or Acids. Moder ate charge* and satisfaction guaranteed. • H'l.'mi CARPET WAREHOU9E COLUMN CARPETS OfTHK — Richest and Newest Patterns! OIL CLOTHS IN EVERY STYLE. Paper Hangings Of varied and oholoeil Imm. The Carpet Warehouse WILL REMOVE -ON - Monday. October 6th, 1873, -TO THE— 1* I* E m I X £2 N Lately decupled by J. H. Wriuht A Co. Tlif- l»ef ItOflMl ■tat* has bees t-utlrely RENOTATED A FULL LINE OF TIIE RICHEST FURNITURE COVERINGS UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITU BRANCHES. China Mattings, Coit Mattings, Rugs and Mats. (New Style*,) COADELINE VALENCES —AND— LAMBERKINS! Plain and Striped Reps AARON SMITH. CARPET WAREHOUSE. 008-1 Uiii