Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME I. £0.0 JUiflelcs JlcvaUl. • Published even morninagc\c.<pi Monday, by THE 111 It ll II I'HIM IVti t tDH'ASV, OEEICE 11. riilil Kleniii Hook ami .lob t'.'iailtiiK House, spring street, opposite tbe Court House, TERMS: Per annum, by mall imp express Sift six months '■ " il Three months •• '• -. ~ li Delivered by earl ier-, per week ....2a cents Ad> ertlscmeel* in-erte.d !it liberal rates. A Reminiscense of Hiram Powers. Sitting in tbe Cafe Euro pa at Flor ence, in 18PJ, our little coterie of sight seeing salts were taking lunch, ilis euaalhg people, tinti, as far us our poor ability extended, making criticism upon art. Any one of us, however, coiild have been more critical In the model of a sliiji or the proper laying of a splice, than upon any ot the numerous beautiful works of art whioh had been presented to our inspection •luring our visit. In the party there was one who not only felt the grandeur of being un American, but of all Americans he waa the cap-sheaf. In fact, weighed by his own estimate, he WM the beau meal, and of course had correapond I tig contempt for all in ptebeutngarh. While chattering away there waa quite a stir along the long lines oi table* occupied hy representa tive* of all nations, when v medium sized mau, with slouched hut and very ordinary clothes, covered from top to toe, with white dust and plaster, came and took a scat opposite us. Of course we all noticed him, but Lowry held aloft his hands in horror, that a per son so indifferently dressed would presume to enter the company of such ax were occupying the saloon. The dusty man, however, sipped his choco late, and ate his cake in the most quiet, gentlemanly manner, totally oblivious to the disgust he was creat ing in the bosom of our friend, Low ly. Having finished his lunch, horror upon horrors! he came directly toward us Lowry, in the most supreme dis gust. When within genteel distance, he inquired if we were from the I. S. ship Jamestown. The senior of our party answered that we were. Ho then introduced himself as Hiram powers an American, also — and invited us to call at his studio. You can imagine the chagrin and disgust of Lowry. All of us were proud of Powers, and while wo were chatting away, tiie full sense of his deep blunder came over him, and lie made all sail for the door. During the afternoon we called at tiie studio, finding Mr. Powers work ing upon the plaster cast for his mag nificent statue of America—-a bucket of plaster in one hand, and a paddle iv the other, completely covered with .lust and plaster. He, seeing who we were, said, "Gentleman, look around until I get this bundle of sticks plas tered up, and a few more dabs on, and I will try to entertain you. I can't stop now or this infernal stuff will get hard." We had an abundant oppor tunity for entertainment, as all his curlier works were in the room, either in stone or plaster, and after the com pletion of his chore, as he expressed it, he edified us during an hour or two with more of art than we had ever dreamed of. Poor Lowry, however, never could endure any conversation about the man with the shabby, dusty clothes. Cor. N. V. Herald. Ten Laws of Life. [, Temperance in all tilings, wheth er phyaieal, mental, moral, affectional or religious. 2. Justice to all creature" that he jtisthe being the eteroise of precisely tha same rules of lit* ■, conduct, thought or that we would desire to re ceive from others. 3. Gentleness in speech or act never needlessly wound the feelings of others by harsh words or deeds; never hurting" or destroying aught tliat breathe*, save tor the purpose of sus tenance ami self-defense 4. Truth in every word or thought, spoken or acted; but reservation of un pleaxing truths, where they woultl needlessly wound the feelings of others. 6. Charity - charity in thought, striving to excuse the failings of oth ers; charity in speech, veiling the failing* of others; charity in deeds, whatever, whenever and to whomso ever the opportunity offers. 0, Almsgiving — visiting the sick and comforting the afflicted in every shape that our means admit of and the necessities our fellow creature* de mand. - 7. Sclf-sacrilicc, wherever the ink-r --ests of others are to be benefited hy our endurance. 5. Temperate yet firm defense of our views of right, und protest against wrong, whether lor ourselves or others. P. Industry in following any calling we may lie engaged in, or devoting some portion of our time, when not otherwise obliged to do so, to the ser vice ami benefit of others. lOV JLovc — above and - beyond all, seeking to'cultivate in our awn fam ilies, kindred, friends, aud among all mankind generally, the spirit of that true anil tender love which can speak, think, and act no wrong to any crea ture living; remembering always that where love is all the other principles of right are fulfilled beneath it, in fluenced and embodied in its moni tions.- [Herald of Health. Care for the Eyes. Multitudes of men and womeu have made their eyes weak for life by the too free use of the eyesight, reading »me print and doing fine sewing. In doing these things it is well to ob serve the following rules iitthe use of the eyes: Avoid all sudden changes between light and darkness. Never read by twilight on a very cloudjf day. Never sleep so that on waking the eye* shall open on the light of the window. Do not use the eyes by light so scant that It requires an effort to discrimin ate. , , Never read or sew directly in front of th« light of a window or door. It Is best to have tbe light fall from above, obliquely over the left shoulder. Too much light creates v glare and pain, and confuses the sight. The mo ment that you are sensible of an ef Los Angeles Daily Herald. fort to distinguish, thai moment stop and talk, walk or ride. As the sky is blue and the earth i* green, it would seem that the ceiling should be v bluish tinge, the Carpel given, and the walls of aomowhat mel low tint. The moment thai you arc instinc tively prompted to rub the eyes, that moment cease using them. If the eyelids arc glued together on waking, (to not forcibly open llieinr but apply the saliva with the linger, and then" wash your face and hands with warm water. Queen Victoria s Present Life.. Queen Victoria has been spending a quiet life at Balmoral. Her aim in the north seems to be to live as simple and as natural a life as possible, and to avoid all fuss and ceremony. She is scrupulously dtligent iv attending to her public duties even during her holi day, (ireat boxes of papers are con stantly coming in and going out, and all these are carefully read, and if nec essary, signed. In other respects the Queen's private life is simply that of any private lady iv good circumstan ces. She reads a good deal, keeps up a considerable private correspondence, takes walks and drives, and pays visits to the cottagers as well as to the gen try in the neighborhood. Her pub lished drawings show thai site is no mean draughtsman, and she still exer cises her pencil in sketching. By the advice of her physician, the spends a great deal of her time in tlie open air in all kinds ot weather. She is fond of long excursions to the wilder parts of the district, and drives at an ex tremely rapid rate. She walks through the mounds of the castle, or through the valley adjoining, with one of her daughter*, or a lady in waiting, and with only a single attendant carrying an umbrella, camp-stool and cloak. A keen recollection of faces and names is a hereditary faculty of the royal family. The Queen knows almost every resident hy sight, and she isalso much interested iv learning ull the details of their personal history. The cottagers are getting used to it now, but nt flrst there was not a little alarm and consternation when her Majesty sent word she was coming to tea; and even now the honor is sometimes felt to be rather embarrassing. She usu ally sends her own tea and tetqiot, and a room is usually set apart for her, where she receives her hostess, and hns a good gossip with her about all the goings on in ihe district. Rain and Snow.- The Truckee lie pulieemot October 4th lias this item: Yesterday afternoon the thermome ter fell rapidly, with indications of rain. Soon after dark, it began to sprinkle gently, and continued until the dust was well subdued and unable to rise. This morning the Washoe anil Sierra Nevada ranges of moun tains were liberally patched over witli snow. This is the first touch of win ter that has visited us since May last. Jack Frost has began his campaign very mildly, as if to give people am ple time to prepare for his heavier ad vance, which will soon be upon them. Thus far the weather in this region lias been unusually balmy and delight ful. September has been ns mild and bland as rosy June, and even October, with its sober somber hues and bracing air, promises to behave well. PKOWPKCTI m OK THE LOS ANGELES HERALD, Th." first of October, The Los Anuf.t.ks Hfk- Al.l), :< dully ti net weekly newspaper, will make Ils appearance. Tlie Imi ly will lie a neat und tastily printed seven-column news paper, newsy rather tlian literary in charac ter. The Weekly will hen six-column, eight page paper, and will contain the most Impor tant matter that has previously appeared iv TW JMH.v IlKKAI.I). It is proposed that the Ih mm shall he an unliouglit advocate ol every interest pertain ing to Southern ('allfornia and Arizona, and a zealous worker In all things that shall tend to benefit tbe State. In a word il will he In close communion with the People. In Its col umns, from time to time will he found mat ters of Interest to ttie I'allfornia Farmer, Me chanic, Merchant, Laborer, and all classes of Producers; nnd It will also contain rending matter suited to tlie Home Circle. The IIF.KAI.n will bean Independent Dcmo cratlc Journal and \{< efforts directed lo sweep ing from power and place those now misman aging tbe affairs of tbe Nation. For tlie ueeom pllsbmentofthiseml, it will bail witli satisfac tion tnecO-OPcratlon Ofthe members of nil Par ties, believing that tin- prosperity, perhaps safety, ofthe Nauon depends upon the success ofa movement ofthls character. It Is" relorm now or revolution hereafler." The Hf.kai.ii will au Vacate Slate Rights and oppose Centralism! Ion; II will encourage White and oppose Coolie Immigralieti. ll will favor Free Trade, ami oppose Protective Tariff; it will advocate a Greenback Currency for Call for nla, and oppose the present dwarfing and deadening policy which upholds the present ruinous rates of interest and shuts out Eastern capital. It will advocate the People and op pose Monopolies, no matter what guise they may assume. While the Herald aril) treat shivery asa dead issue, It will earnestly advocate tlie right of every State, be it Northern or South ern—Massachusetts or South Carolina —to gov ern itself in accordance with tlie wishes of its people, and the dictates oftbe Federal Con stitution, without national interference. The Hi.n m.n will opppse thieving and |m-cu lation. No man rigidly owns a dollar until he earns it. Kvery dollar which Is taken from the public treasury or private purse without ajust return Is robbery, and he who takes this money Is a thief. Believing this, Ihe Hkkai.ii will oppose salary steals, custom steals, land steals, railroad steals, and every kind of steals. Fach day, the fullest Foreign and Domestic Telegrams will be published. Tlie aim will be to supply, in lids part of the State, tbe de mand heretofore tilled by the San Francisco dailies. No trouble or expense will be spared to make the llKit vi.n, In this respect, cipiul to any newspaper on the Const. It will also con tain a full Review of the I/ieal and Foreign Markets, and the Trades generally, honestly nnd carefully compiled. NI RN4 KIPTION: AAU/Y HERALD. Delivered by Carriers, per month f 1 UO •' «• " per year 10 oo By Mall or Express, ■• 10 00 WEEK I. V II Kit VI.II. By Mali or Express, per year Sd 00 " per ipiurter 1 00 OITY LAUNDRY, NINTH STREET, BETWEEN Grasshopper and Griffin streets, LOS ANGELES. Gentlemen's, HOTEL AND RESTAURANT WASHING done ou reasonable terms. PEARL BI'TTONS sewed on, and ordinary MENDING done. Washing cal led for and de livered, FREE OF CHARGE. I*o-Order slate at Broderlek's Book Store. oe'Mmlp .1. S. O'NEIL. LOS ANGELES. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1873. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. N. P. RICHARDSON, pHYSICI \\ AND SIIKIEON. OFFICE Nn. n Downey's Mock, up-stalrs, or-2-n DR. A. S. SHORB, J JOMOWP ATIIIC I'M YSKTA N. OFFK'K -Nearly oppos 11 c the P«M Mice. RESIDENCE No. VI Franklin street. oc2-tf DR. H. S. OR ME, jpiIYSTCIAN A NT) SIRGEON, office AND residence-In Lnnfrnneo's Rutldtng, Nn. ;i Main street. Office Honrs from in A. M. In I V. M., find from gtoH P. M. ncifrtf DR. JOSEPH KURTZ, YSKTAN AND SI'RUEON, OFFICE ANH RESIDENi 'F—ln llclnseh's Hlock,« ominerelal nnd l.<>- streets. »■» special attention paid lo diseases or the EYE ANH KAIL het-tf DR. J. W. OLIVER, JJOMIEOPATHIST. OFFK'K AST) RESIDENCE Spring street, optmshethe -Mayor's Office. oc2-lpli' D. W. C. FRANKLIN, MECHANICAL, OPERATI V E AND stRGEON DKNTIsT. OFFICE- :i'i spring itreet, next to |"|re En gine House. nc2-tf DR. A. LCEBEL, QI'RGKOX ANI) CHIROPODIST, N<». .'I Foi'KTH STREET. Corns, Bunions and Ingrowing Nails. cared without Knifes. File* or Acids. Moder ate charges and satisfaction guaranteed. oelSmi 11. K. H. O'MEI.VKNV, 11. T. lIAZ \lt!>. O'MELVENY & HAZARD, AT fiAW, OFFICE IN TEMPLE BLOCK, Lies ANGELES, CAL. ttf: Special tittentlnn given to business in the Cnlted Stales Land twice. oc'2-tf I. OI.ASSKI.I., ft. 11. SMITH. A. It. CHAPMAN. 11. Ml SMITH. GLASSELL. CHAPMAN <&SMITH. AT LAW, OI'EICE -TEMPLE HLOCK ii|-stall ■, Los Angeles, California, ocj-tf JAMES C. HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW —AND — (OURT (OMMISSIONER, Downey's Hlock, Los Angeles. ociHf M. WHALING, AT LAW, OFFICE No. IS Downey Block lAS Angeles. (M'2-ini 111 AKI.F.S ttNß .1. S. THOMPSON. LINDLEY & THOMPSON, AT LAW, OFFICE—Bnnin No. :;, Downey Block. oe2 w. i.. .MAitsiiAi.i.. wit.i. n> oon.n, MARSHALL & GOULD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW OEEICE opposite the ColtM House. Rooms Nos. IM and l» Temple Hlock, Los Angeles, < 'nl. Will practice in all the Courts of (his State, nnd attend to business in t'. S. l,aml otriee. LEW. G. CABANIS, NOTARY PTRLIC, CONVEY nnecr and Searcher ol Record* for this ('on nly. OFFIi'K—Xo. 41 Temple Block,lSM Ango ies, Crdlfornla, ocj-tt V. E. HOWARD A SONS, A TTORNEYS AT LAW, TEMPLE HI.OCX, DOS ANGELES. oe'.'-tf A.A.WILSON, & COUNSELLOR. OFFICE Room No. 11. Temple Hlock, Los Angeles. t alitornin. ocl'-tf A. 11. .II'DSON. ,i. w. oii.i.kttk. JUDSON & GILLETTE, (JEAHCHERS OE RECORDS P■» AND CONVKYANCEHS. TEMPLE HLOCK, LOS ANGELES. or2-lm C. W. MORGAN, JJEAL INSTATE AGENT, Four doors south of the Post otlice, Temple Hlock, Los Angeles. California. »«■ MONEY rO, LOAN. oe'.'-tf CHAS. E. MILES, HYDRAELIC EN<SINEER, LOS A NGELES, I'AL Rkkkiis to--Dr. .1. S. iJi lilin, .1. ft Downey, L. 11. Titus, (leu. P. Banning, I. W. Hell mag, A. Glusscll. Tin' Inl rodiictlon of wider into ('dies, Towns ami Ranches ii specialty. Contracts taken for making sheet iron pipes, al my shop, or Where desired, ou the mosl favorable terms. rs'.'l-l in N. B. WHITFIELD, I>ROKEH, REAL ESTATE AND y GENERAL All EXT. Particular atten tion paid to the purchase and sale ol sheep. OftlcA with J, i. warn 4 Co. oog-lplm BARBERS BATH HOUSES. GEORGE REINECKE, Barber Saloon & Bath House. HAIR TRIMMING, SHAVING, SHAMPOOING, BATHS, Ere. This establishment has Just lavn refitted, and, after bavins engaged the best Barbers in the city, I respectfully solicit custom from all who want work executed iv the beat style. Makes the BATHING BI'SINESS a social ly,and has lie- lines! set of Bath Rooms ln the city. B-R t'nderlbe Bella t'nlon. oc2-lmlp TONSORIAL PALACE SAM. JONES, PROPRIETOR AND MANAGER Hot. Cold and Shower Baths. shaving ami Bathing Emporium. No. 78 oc'.'tHp PROF. GREEN'S BARBER SHOP, NEXT TO (IATES & NOYES' AND under the "Express" ofllce, temple BLOCK. As Proi. Green has tlie hest available assist ants to be procured in the State, Hair Cutting, Shaving and Shampooing Will be performed in the best style of the ton sorliil art. oc.Vliu ■■MMHHMMWMMHWBSM^B ORIENT SALOON, Pf Q MAIN STREET, DOWNEY I»f BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. oclStl FORWARDING & COMMISSION. J. L. WARD & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ANR- Manufacturers Agents. Atil'NTS FOU LONDON AWAHK CORPORATION; UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF SAN FRANCISCO: COMMERCIAL I MARINE 1 INSURANCE COMPANY, (Combined assets exceed ai4.000.000i BABCOCK'S FIRE EXTINfiUISKEP; BAKER & HAMILTON'S AGRICULTURAL MACHiNEaY; THE CELEBRATEU BA N WAGON; SWAN BREWERY CO.'S ALE AND PQITtR. oc2 lmlp HELLMAN, HAAS & CO. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HAVE FOR SALE THE PL REST GROCERIES, THE REST PROVISIONS Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Of the Choicest Imported Brands. Paints, Oils, Doors. Sashes. BLINDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Hand 10 Los Angeles and Commercial Sis., oe't] LOS ANGELES. (lm-lp SIMON LEVY, ( IOMMTSSION MERCHANT. V ' General dealer in all kinds of COUN TRY PRODI CTIONS, Hides, Grain and Wool. Makes advances on Consignments to all parts oftbe I'nited Stales. Nos. M nml :tl Aliso St., LOS ANGELES. OCiVlylp BUSINESS CARDS. J. C. JACKSON Keeps all kind- nf Lumber. Shingles, Laths, DOORS. WINDOWS, RLINDS, Posti-i. Hll nli PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT AND HAIR. CORNER of Alameda and First Streets. oc2-llill|i _ PERRY, WOODWORTH & CO, T VMRF.R YARDS lj AND PLANING MILL*. NO. 7ii COMMERCIAL ST. Keep constant Iv ou band a full assortment of LIMBER, DOt >RS, SASH, MOt'LDINGS, BLINDS, TURNED AND SAWED WORK. All kinds nf mill work done to order. ocj GRIFFITH, LYNCH & CO. DEALERS IN LUMBER. CORNER FIRST AND ALAMEDA STS. Mill Work of all Kinds, seen .\s DOORM, SASH, RLINDS, ETC., ETC. oc'.'-lmlp 11. C. WII.KV. I). M. umitV. WILEY & BERRY, REAL ESTATE AGENTS —A NO CO MMI SS lON ME R( 'HANTS, No. as MAIN' STREET, LOS ANGELES. oc7-llillp MALONEY & FENNESSEY. "117 AGON -MA XI NO, RLA C X- T T SMITHING AND HORSE-SHOEING 20 nnd vii Aliao Street. Manufacturers of Carriages. Buggies. and wagons of all kind-. All orders promptly attended to. ocT-lptf LOS ANGELES SODA WORKS, No. IS AI.INO STREET. nENRY \V. STOLE, Proprietor. Supplies Bar Rooms and private fami lies with the purest ami best NOIIA AMI S A RSA I* Alt I 1.1. 1. Delivered to any part of the city. oc2-lm t J. L. WARD & CO. MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS. —UKI'HKSEXTIXO — Baker & Hamilton's AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS —AND— H'AIRDWA'B R! STAR MOLINE PLOW; BAXTER IT'RIGHT ENGINES; AMES PORTABLE ENGINES; TIIE CELEBRATED RAIN WAGON. ggt . Illustrated Catalogues, with prices, cfin be bad by application at ourotflce. ocll-lm PELICAN SALOON, Sprint; Slrci t, nppOttt* the ftig Offlrr. DA V E M A I N HA S RET I RED (torn the Judicial contest. In order to de vote his time to in.ire classical pursuits. Floating down the stream of life jdacldlv, with bald-headed old GEORGE DA KIN, the) will lv conjunction prepare tin following nifty drinks: The Alaiungoosler. The Percoourwol. The Nl|»cnloiiherbria, The Rrlz Around Ihe ('.truer. The CHOICEST WINES, LIQ.CORS AND t'IGARS always on hand. oe'2-lm SAM. BERGE, Bill Poster and Distributer. n AN DRILLS, OIRfTIiARS. Pro grammes, NOTICES, Etc. faithfully ItisTED OR DISTRIHI TED throughout the city nnd country. N. R.—Parties at a distance can send any thing they wish posted or distributed in the oity or surrounding ooaatrj', with assurance that the work will he faithfully done. Orders may be leit nt the office of the Daily HKIIAI.n. SAM. BERGE, oe'2-if Lis Angeles. MISCELLANEOUS. « EPU ULIt 1 LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF < Hir%uo, ll,M*Olfl. Cash Capital, . $ 1,000,000 Branches In all Ilie Slates of Hie I nlon. -. HAVING NOW COMPLETED . the organisation of our T 3 nc»iii<» T)i*aiiolt, We take pleasure in announcing that our Pa cific Const Stockholders have elected tbe fol lowing well-known citizens us officers of our PACIFIC BRANCH: Prttkterits OLIVER JKI.RR! I >Gl\ Yicc-l'r<niil(ittt: THOS. A. BALL, WM. R. WHEaToN A. L. GCRNEY Secretary pro tern JAS. T. BOYD Attorney THOS. BROWN Treasurer chas. BI'RRF.LI Medical Examiner K.riritth r Cmnmitlrr: OLIVER F.LDRIDGE, JOB. A, DoXOIIoF, JAS. T. HOY I). GEO. W. BEAVER, CH AS. BCRRELL. THOS. REM., E. B. PKRRIN. THffrtbti*! OLIVER ELDREDGE.LELAND STANFORD GEO. W. HEAVER, THOS, BROWN, N. G. KITTI.K: C. CHRISTIANSEN, JOHN F. MILLER, THOS. H. SELBV, ,1 AS. T. BOYD, R. F. MORROW. C. 1. BRENHAM, S. E. RCTTERWORTH M. D. SWEENY, GEO. H. WHEATON, 1. FRIERLANDER, WM. RTRI.ING, A. BLACK, THOS. A. BALL, lOS. A. DONOHOE, WM. R. WHEATON, THOS. BELL, E. B. PKRRIN, C. T. RYLAND, WM. L DICKENSON WM. S. LADD. THE REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. Waa chartered by specinl act ofthe Legisla ture Of the State of Illinois, and commenced dolna busiiie-j iv Jul>, IsTIl, making It now Just three years old. Its plan of organ! Tat loa was to have IjUVOOO.OOO Capital Stork, with twenty per cent, paid in,and the balance subject to call. With BRANCH ORGANIZA TIONS of strs'khnlders In the leading business centers of the country, composed of tiie best business men-thus making a Company of National extent and prestige, nnd yet a HOHE COMPANY AT EACH BBAVCH. The Company al this date lias |sdleles In force covering over |2!lJ10O,0ni) or risks, with an annual income of ntet **i,000,000. ALL ASSETS OF PACIITC BRANCH IN VESTED ON THIS COAST. Capital ,Stock nf Pacific Branch, over \ MfbjtOO en Invested lv Mortgage* on Real Es tate In California during the inst four months,ower hWtttM 00 :t'js Policies issned*i I'iieitie Branch diiritiK same period, insuring 09 Charges liir Immii mice 'J5 |.cr Cenl. I.ess limn Mnlntil Coiii|o.iiles. tup: hkpchlic Does not hnrrgw THE CAPITAL of Policy holders on PROMISES to return the same at sonic INDEFINITE future pcrhsl und CALL IT A DIVIDEND. In presenting the clidms of THK RKPCR LIC to the patronage of the people of this Const, we shall ut all times aim to be gov erned by sound business considerations, and a due regard Ibr the rights mat merits of com peting com pa nles, OFFK'K OF THE PACIEIC BRANCH, NO. :117 CAI.irOKMA STREET. Below Snnsome Street. oc2dlnilp STOLEN HORSES T HAVE THE FOLLOWING DE- X scribed horses in my possession nt Ste phens' corral, taken from Ttbnrelo Vasipiez's band of robbers, owners can have tnefrstock by proving property and paying charges! Two American work mares, one sorrel and one brown, branded V with a halt circle at tbe hi atom. One large sorrel work hose, MM hands high, branded S tl. One sorrel horse, having collar and saddle marks, blaze in face, left fore font and left bind foot white, branded .1 K. one sorrel horse supposed to be a half-breed, with collar and saddle-marks, fore feet white, strip in forehead; brand, two Inverted Js win: S underneath. One moro saddle-horse, bald face, all feet white, branded and vented with letter 0. and also branded witb letter A with half circle ou lop. One large lron-«ray horse, branded M C and figures 2">. one Spanish saddle or work mare with colt, branded M E, and ulso .1 A L. One light gray saddle-horse, branded J with half circle. One dim mare, white inane and tall, brand ed 1 R and .1 G, and also J A L. One black mare, branded I with halt circle at top and bottom, and J A L. One bay mare ami yearling colt,branded J A L one dun mnr.i ami sucking colt, branded A with 0 on top. One yearling dun colt, branded ,1 A 1.. WM. R. ROWLAND, Sheritr. ocL'tf LA CRONICA, Jpi BLISHED BY E. F. TEODOLI. The only Spanish Newspaper IN SOI'THERN CALIFORNIA. Published every Wednesday nnd Saturday mornings. Otltec In Temple's New Hlock, Spring street, opposite the I 'ou rl-house. It has a large circulation in the Slate nt Cal ifornia, tbe Eastern States, Louisiana, Mexico, and Arizona and Colorado Territories, Central and South America, and Spain. Cronioa 0 commends Itself to the Advertisers who may wish to bring their business before'ib* Spnn ish-spcaking people and numerous pniiulutlon o( different nationalities, on the Pacific Coast. AriverliNlMir Males Very Kcaaounble v Si'HscutlTloNS—One Yenr, Jti; Six Months, |}|50; Three Months, «2. oeittfp ANDREW JOUCHIN, XTT>. 34 ALISO STREET MANE I>l KAtTCRKRoI Wnjioii*, t'ftiTiuec*. i*i»K«ie«,eto. Horse-shoeing, machine smithing and black smlthlng of all kinds done in the mosl work manlike manner. HEt'OND-HAND AY A<+OJNH bought and sold, and always on hand. Orders promptly attended to. <Kd2mlpl SPANISH AND FRENCH I NSTRUCTION IN FRENCH AND 1 SPANISH w ill be given to classes In the atternoons or evenings, by MISS JOSEPHINE LINDLEY t itaii To a (lass of five or less, per lesson $2 00 To a class oi any number over Aye, per lesson $8 00 For further particulars, impitrc at the ofllce of the I.os AviKl.Ks Hrew.ii, Of Lindley A Thompson, oral the Pico Rouse. TKHTIMONIALH : CxtTKasiTT of California, i Department of Lanotaokh. y Oakland, July 11, 1572. J Herewith I certify that Miss Josephine Llud lcy baa been a student in my department of the Cniversltv for Aye consecutive terms, viz: from September, IK7O, to April Id, 1H72. During tills time she studied the French, tbe Spanish and the German languages, obtaining always the highest marks for proficiency anil attend ance, her average credit mark for live terms being 97 per cent. On entering tbe University, Miss Lindley possessed already such knowledge of the French and Spanish idioms lis to be able to speak them with case, fluency, correctness, and a pure pronunciation. She may now he considered thoroughly fa milial with the theory and philosophy, as well as with the application of these two tongues; aud she may safely be recommended ns a can didate of great promise, lOr tenehing the French and Spanish languages. P. PIoPA, Prof. Modern Languages. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Josephine Lindley has been declared by the Faculty entitled to this Certificate of Profi ciency in the departments of Geology and Natural History, (Botany and Physical theolo gy.) Belles Lettres, (English Literature, Histo ry, Ancient nnd Modem,) Chemistry, Modern Languages, < French and Spanish.) RTenry Durant, President of University: E. S. Can-, Prof. Chemistry; P. Ploda, Modem Languages; Joseph LeCOnte, Professor of Ge ology and Natural History ; William Swlnton, Professor of Belles Lettres; Martin Kellogg, Dean of the Faculty. 002-tf LAWLOR INSTITUTE 16N Main Street. I.os Angeles. TH E SEVENTH SEMT-ANNCAL Session of this SELECT I> HCHOOL, In which girls nnd boys receive a I'SEFTL, Pa MTIOAI. ANfiroMi'LKTE English Education, commenced on MONDAY, acgcst 11, is7.t. TERMS PER MONTH: English Studies, Including the ordinary School Branches, and Double-Entry Uook-Keeplng and Alpebra tf oo Prlmnrv Geography, Second and Third Readers 4 00 Chart and Primer Classes .'! 00 EXTRAS. Latin, Phonetic short-hand and Geom etry ,perm on th 12 00 Competent Tenchers of Drawing, Painting, nnd the Modem languages, will be connected witb tlie institution. For further particulars, apply to the under signed, nt the School Building. oeafall W. B. LAWLOR. Principal. The Southern California JOINT TEACHERS' INSTITUTE, /COMPOSED OE SANTA RAR- V RARA, KERN, VENTURA, SAN BER NARDINO, SAN DIEGO and LOS ANGELES counties, will meet in the new High School building, Los Angelea city, on Monday, November 3, 1873, and remain in session four days. Section IMB, Political Code says: "When ever the number of School Districts in any Count? Is ten or more, the School Superinten dent must hold at least oue Teachers' Insti tute in each year, and every teacher employed in a public school in the county must attend such Institute," All tbe Public School Tenchers are particu larly required to attend. Private Teachers, Trustees and the public genera Iv arc invited to be present. AY. M. McFARDEN. County Superintendent of Schools. Anaheim, Oct, 7, 157.1. oelu-td [Star copy.] FRENCH and SPANISH LESSONS IN THE FRENCH and Spanish languages will be ml yen to classes or In private, commencing on WEDNESDAY. OCTOBEB 1. 1573. TF.RMS OF Tt'ITION: Private lessons * I 00 each Twenty lessons 1.5 nil Lessons to any number of pupils over live, for one month, three lea sons every week,each pupil 2 00 French and Spunish'Sehool for children ev ery day (Saturdays excepted) at 4 O'clock P. M. Tuition, i>cr month, $&, For further particulars, inquire at No. 107 Main street. Translation of Fbkncii, Span ish AND ENOI.ISH. F. A. C. UK MONDRAN. oc2-! inlp Drawing and Painting. INSTRUCTION Tn CRAYON, PEN CIL AND PERSPECTIVE DRAWING, in Coloring with India Ink and Wider Colors, and ln O I L I' A. 1N TI N <i. given at Hillside Cottage, back of the new scbisd-house. MRS. Lt WHEAT SMITH. oeJtf LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. LOS ANGKLEH SALE. FEED & LIVERY STABLE, JH. JONES, PROPRIETOR, • CORNER FIITII AND SPRING STS. Grain. Hay and ail kinds of Fresh Feed CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ALSO, Large Clean Corrals and Stables. With City Water Throughout. BSTHORSES, MI LES, WAGONS nnd CAR PI AGES Ism gut and sold, ami Horses and Carriages to let by tbe day or week. Teamsters accommodated as usual tin tlie most liberal terms. oc7-lmlp H. N. MITCHELL'S Pioneer Livery. Sale and Feed Stables, /"I ENTER STREET, OPPOSITE \J Poplar Row, ANAHEIM. The verT beal neconnnoil.itions for visitors and travellers. GMmtlft Stnlille HorseN constantly on hand nnd furnished at shortest notice. oclltf ALISO FEED & SALE STABLE T E. RAMIREZ, PROPRIETOR. IJ • COR. ALAMEDA A ALISO STS. Adjoining M. Keller's. GRAIN, lIAY & FEED always on hand. Horses, Mules, Wagons, etc bought and sold. oc7-tptf Caroline C. Burton, T ADIEB' HAIR DRESSING IN XJ ail styles. BRAIDS, CURLS AND WA TERFALLS, made at the shortest notice. TANGLED HAIR STRAIGHTENED AND MADE INTO ANY SHAPE. BY Perfumes of the finest quality on hand and for sale. NO. » SPRING STREET, lx>s v ugeles, California. octet NUMBER 16. MERCHANT TAILORS. J. STRELITZ, MERCHANT TAILOR MAIN ST., near WEI.I.S.FARQO A Co Mmki's the most fashionable style of C 1 lii OT IT ING In be obtained in the southern country. Also n large stock of the Newest and best Cloths Doeskins, Beavers, Fancy fasslmere*. Velvet and Hllk Vesting*, etc. A fit guaranteed. Kefers to the principal gent le men of Uieclty for whom he has made clothing. No necessity to scud to sun Ftnnetcco for good fitting suits. oc2ff-4p ADAM * NELSON, Merchant Tailors, HAVING ESTAHLISHEDTHEM seIves nt the old stand of 1.. Peter, oppoalte the fust-OWce, SPRING STREET, are prepared io fill ALE ORDERS in the Latest A Most Fashionable Style*. A fine assort in'-ii iof Cassimeres, Vesting*, And everything in the line always on hand. aar A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED IN ALL f'AHES. Give us a Call. oca-lmlp I. HAUCH, MERCHANT TAILOR. NO. « COMMERCIAL STREET. : All the LATEST STYLES reoel\ ed by eveiy steamer, and made up In the laic-'. styles and most suitable manner, and on the moat rea sonable terms, Iias.CALL AND EXAMINE these goods, before giving your orders. ocltimlpl SOUTHERN DISTRICT Agricultural Society's FALL MEETING. Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Friday and Saturday. Nov. 10, 11, 12, 13,14 and 16. SPLENDID SPEED PROGRAMME I FIVE DAYS' RACING -AND- Stock Parades and Exhibitions, And one whole day devoted to LADY KQt T KH'THIA.:NINJVI. AND OTHER SIGHTS. FIRST DAY. First Race—Trotting—For horses that are owned In tbe district at thl- date, that have never beaten three minutes. .Mile beat*; be -I three tn Aye tn harness—purse of FRIO; jaw to the first horse, and $100 to the second; five or more to enter. Second Race—Running race of a mile dash, for nil two-year olds owned and raised in this district. Purse of VtoO; $200 to first and $100 to second; five or more to enter. Third Race-Runnln_ -Free for all Califor nia or half-breed horsea; mile dash; catch weights. Purse $1.50; $100 to the first and $So f»> the second; live or more to enter. SECOND DAY. First Race—Gentlemen's Saddle Race—Sin gle dash of one mile; to enrrv not less than 150 pounds; each owner to ride his own horse, with colors, (weight to be understood to com prise saddle and rider, and tmt include whip and bridle,) and each rider to be over 10 years old. Purse of $*)0; $200 to flrst aud $100 to the second horse; live to enter. _» Second Race—Running—Free for ull three year olds bred and raised, and owned at Oils date In the district; mile heats, best two In three. Purse of $:«I0; $200 to tlrst. horse, $100 to second; five to enter. Third Race-Trotting—Free for ull three-year olds in the State; mile heats, best two in three to harness. Purse $150; $100 lo first, $.50 to sec ond; three to enter. THIRD DAY. First Race—Trotting—Free for nil horses In the State; mile heats, beat three in live to har ness. Purse of $300; Jaw to tir-i, tIOO to sec ond; five to enter. Second Race—Running—Free for all horsea In the State; mile heats, best three ir. five. IMrse $109; $.100 to first, $100 to second; three or more to enter. FOURTH DAY. First Race—Running—Five mile dash: free for all horses owned lv this district ut thla date; catch weights—bar Irene ami Phil. Sher idan—purse of $250; $175 to the flrst, aud $75 lo tbe second: five to enter. Second Race—Trotting Parse -Free for all horses tn the State; mile heats, best three in five to wagons; owners to drive, and all pro fessional drivers to be excluded. Purse feast; 5175 to flrst, $75 to second, ami 5.50 to third; five to enter. FIFTH DAY. Set apart forthe exhibition of slock and tbe awarding of premiums, At oue o'clock on this day there will be a grand exhibition of lady equestrianism. This contest will be open to all ladies and misses, who must each lie accompanied b\ an escort on the day ofthe contest. Entries free tar ull, and to be made to the Secretary on or before the 15th of Octolwr. The entry consists oi the name of the lady contestant, aud the name or description ofthe animal, it con venient—the name of the rider certain. The contest wilt be divided into two parte—grace ful riding and daring equestrianism. Ladles who took prizes last year are There will he ten or more substantia! and elegant premiums, to be named hereafter. There will be no horse or foot-racing on ibis da», and the admission will be the same as usual. SIXTH DAY. First Race—Trotting—Free far all horses tn the State; two-mile heats, best two In three u> harness. l'urse $500; $3,50 to the dm, $150 lo the second; live to enter. Second Race--Running—Free for all horses In the State; two-mile hents. best two :n three. Purse $.500; $.150 to the flrst, slso to the second; three to enter. All trotting races to is l governed by the rules ofthe National Turf Congress, and all run ning races to he governed by the rulea ofthe Sacramento State Agricultural society, unless otherwise specified. Fair lo commence ou Monday, the 10th day of November, to con tinue .six days. All entries lo be made to the Secretary by the Ist day of October, 10 per cent, of all purses to accompany the entry. In ease of walk-over, the horse shall lie entitle.: to all entrants money only. When two horses only start, the third money shall be returned to the Society. A horse distancing the Held shall be entitled tn all tlie money. Judges shall have the right to call up a second or third race, und bave it come oft between the heats ofthe flrst. The Society reserves the right to withdraw any purse, tt It believes that there will be no contest. All the privileges ofthe district, ."Including entries for premiums and purses, are extendi ed to Inyo and Ventura conn tries. oc2 NEW YORK BREWERY 7 QHRIB. HENNE, PROPRIETOR Tlie CLEAREST, PC REST and MOST BRIL LIANL LAGER BEER South of San Francisco. Orders for DRAUGHT or BOTTLED REEK promptly attended to. The celebrated Beer from this Brewery de ftes competition In the State. ocV.'inlp K. BRRTHON. P. V. It. MONDJUN. COSMOPOLITAN CIGAR DEPOT TMPORT THE PUREST and BEST -I Havana Cigars, and keep ou hand Chewing nnd Hmokinat Tobacro Pipes, Clgnrrlto* and Fancy Articles. Main St., next door to W. F. a CoM Express, oettflp