Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME I. r Published every morning except Monday, by Tilt: in it vi.v PBIOTIJfU company. OFFICE- llernlil Steam Hook and Job print lag House, spring street, opposite the Court House. TERMS: Per annum, by mail or express SID Nix months '• " li Three months " " • It Delivered by carriers, per week, •_•"> cents Advertisements inserted at liberal rates. A Farmers' Convention. The fanners of tlie northwest meet in convention at Chicago to-day, to look to the great interests in common. The purpose of this convention is to discuss the overcharges tn transporta tion; to incite and perfect the organi sation of the agricultural and other industrial classes, who chiefly sutler from these overcharges), in every State, territory and province In the country, with the view of throwing a combined and overwhelming intiu ence against their further depreda tions; and to take snch measures as shall secure prompt antl efficient legis Lit ion, that shall end in the complete extinction of all railways and other monopolies now preying upon the in dustrial interests of America. The prospects are that a large attendance will be present, and if they shall ileal with the questions before them in moderation, not too rapidly, not un der the supposition that the farmers' interests and the railroad interests are entirely antagonistic, a great deal of good will be accomplished. Proposals for Carrying the Mails. j *osals will be received at the cont r t office of the Postofllce De li .nent until February 2d, 1874, for ..trying the mails over the following described mail routes, from July Ist, 1574, to Juno :«», 187s. The routes of local interest We give below. Hollister by Kan Ben ito, to Ploaeho, 70 utiles and back, •nice a week. Leave Hollister at 7 a. M.j Arrive at Pi.aclio next day by 0 P. si; Leave I'ieacho Wednesday at 7 a.m; Arrive ut Hollister next day by (i p. M< 401211— From Salinas, Cliualar, Sole dad, San Antonio, .lolon, San Marcos, Paso Rubles, Santa Margarita, San Luis Obispo, Arroyo Grande, Suey, Santa Barbara, Carpenteria, San Buenaventura, San Fernando, En Clno, and Baticoy, to Los Angeles, 330 miles and hack, six times v week. Leave Salinas dally, except Sunday, at 6 A. Mj Arrive at Los Angeles fourth days by 0 P. MJ Leave Los An geles daily, except Sunday, at (i A. si; Arrive at Salinas fourth (fays by tl p. M. New Service. 4012<i— From Sauta Barbara to Las CttlCcS), 40 miles and back, once a week. Leave Santa Barbara at 6A. MJ Arrive at Las ("ruces by P. Mj Leave Las Cruces Wednesday at SA. m; Arrive at Santa Barbara by 7 p. is, 40127—From Ban Buenaventura to Wynema, 18 miles and back, once a week. Leave San Buenaventura Sat urday at 2:30 i*. MJ Arrive at Wyne ma by li:,'i() p. MJ Leave Wynema Saturday at 8:30 A. Mj Arrive at San Buenaventura at by 12:80 p. m. 4012 m— From Los Angeles, by San Gabriel, Monte, Spadra und Cucamon ga, to San Bernardino, 66 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Los Augeles Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at (i a. MJ Arrive at San Bernar dino by 8 a. si; Leave San Bernardino Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 0 p. Sl. 48120—From Delano by Bakers field, to Los Angeles, 100 miles and back daily. Leave Delano at 7A, MJ Ar rive at Los Angelea next day by 6 P. MJ Leave Los Angelea daily at 8 A. m; Arrive at Delano next day by 7 P. si. Present pay, $32,667 per annum. 4(1130— From Wilmington to Ana heim, 22 miles and back, once a week. Leave Wilmington Wednesday at (i a. si; Arrive at Anaheim by* 12 si; Leave Anaheim at 1 l*. Mi Arrive at Wilmington by 7 P. si. 46131 —From Los Angelet, by Los Nietos, Anaheim, Tustin City, Santa Ana, Caplstrano, Sau Luis Hey, and North San Diego, to San Diego, 146 miles and back, seven times a week, with a schedule not exceeding 24 hours each way, and making close connections wiln mails arriving from San Joaquin Valley Railroad at Los Angeles. New Service. 40132—From San Luis Rey, by Mount Fairs*lew lo Teineeula, 2 > miles and back, once a week. Leave San Luis Rey at S a. si; Arrive at Teine eula by's p. si; Leave Temecula Thursday at M a. si; Arrive at San uuis Key by 4 p. si. 16133—Frohi San Diego, by Pcnas quitas (n. <>.), Battona (n. o,), Julian, JJallena, Warner's Raneli, Oak throve, Orahouga (rt. o.j, Teineeula, and San Jacinto, to San Bernardino, isu miles uml back, once a week. Leave San Diego Monday at ii A. si: Arrive at San Bernardino Wednesday by ti P. St; Leave San Bernardino Thursday at 7 a. si; Arrive at San Diego Saturday by 0 P. si. 40134—From San Diego, by Spring Valley, (n. o.), Cajon Ranch (n. O.JJ Viejas, Guatay (n. o.), aud Stonewall, to Julian, 4") * miles uud back, once a week. Leave San Diego Monday at 0 a. si; Arrive at Julian by 8 p. si; Leave Julian Tuesday at 0 a. si; Ar rive at San Diego by 8* p. M. 41185—From San Diego, by Pawii, (n. o.J, San Pascual (n. o.) Montserate di. o.), Wolfs Store (n. o.), San Jacin to to San Bernardino, 117 miles and back, once a week; Leave San Diego Monday at 0 a. si.; Arrive at San Ber nardino Wednesday by Op. ji.; Leave San Bernardino Thursday at 0 a. si. Arrive at San Diego Saturday by 0 )'. si. 40136— From San Bernardino, by Riverside, Rincon, and Chino, to Spadra, 45 miles and back, three times a week. Leave San Bernardino Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 3:30 a. m.; Arrive at Spadra by 12 m.; Leave Spadra Tuesday, Thursday ami Satur day, at 12 m.; Arrive at San Bernar dino by 8:30 p. M. 40137- From San Gabriel to head of Los Angeles Daily Herald. Sun Gabriel Canyon, SS miles and back) once a week. Leave San Gabriel Monday at A.M.; Arrive at Head of Canyon by ti P. m; Leave Head of Canyon Tuesday at »> a. m.; Arrive at Ban Gabriel by 6 p. M. 40188— From Btikerslield by Havi lah, Weldon, and Olatioha, to Lone Pine ITS miles and back, throe times a week. Leave Hakerstield Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 A. M.J Arrive at Lone PI lie tilth day by <> P. m; Leave Lone Pino, Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday, at 7 a. M.J Arrive at Hakerstield tilth days by (I v. M. New Service. 48189—FlWn Hakerstield toTohachi pa, 45 miles and back, once a week. Leave Hakerstield Monday at 0 a. MJ arrive atTebachipa next day by 12 Mi Leave Tehachipa Tuesday at '2 P. m; arrive at Hakerstield next day by a p. m. 4(ll4o—From Kingston to nearest point on railroad, three times a week each way, making connections with mail trains. 4lil4l—From Visalia, by Farmers vllle, Portersville, Piano, White River, Glenville, and Kernville, to Havilah, 115 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Visalia Monday and Wednesday at :i a, m; arrive at Havilah next day by Bp. m: Leave Havilah Wednes day and Friduy at :i A. MJ arrive at Visalia next day by 8 P M. 4(>l4t> —From independence, by Lone Pine, to Cerro (Jordo, 88 miles and back, six times a Week. Leave Inde pendernfedaily, except Sunday, at 7 A. m; arrive at Cerro Uordo by 7 P. M, Leave Cerro (Jordo daily, except Sun day, at 7 A. m; arrive at independence by' 7 i*. M. 40147 From Independence, by Toll House, (n. o.J, Deep Spring Valley, (n. 0.1, nnd Lida (Key.), to Oold Mountain, 115 miles and back, once a week. Leave Independence Monday at (i A. m; arrive at Gold Mountain Wednesday, by (I p. M. Leave Oold Mountain Thursday, at (i a. m; arrive nt Independence Saturday by II P. M. BARBERS BATH HOUSES. GEORGE REINECKE, Barber Saloon & Bath House. HAIR TRIMMING, SHAVING, SHAMPOOING, BATHS, Ktc. This establishment has just heen refitted, and, after havingengaged tho best Barbers in tlie city, I respectfully solicit, custom from ull wlio want work executed in the lies! style. Slakes the BATHING BUSINESS it special ty, imd has the finest set of Hath Booms in 1 he city, ca* Under tlie Bella Union. oc2-lmlp TONSORIAL PALACE QAM. JONES, k5 PROPRIETOR ANH MANAGER Hot, Cold and Shower Baths. Shaving nnd Bathing Emporium, No. 78 Main street ocitl-lp PROF. GREEN'S BARBER SHOP. GATES & NOVES' ANI) ll under tlie "Express" oltlce, TEMPLE BLOCK. As Prof. Green has the hest available assist ants to he procured In the Slate, Hair Cutting, Shaving and Shampooing Will he performed in the hest style of the ton* sorial art. oeVlm PROSPECTUS OK THE LOS AN6ELES HERALD, The (list, of (letoher, TIIK IjOS Anoki.KS II Ktt- Ai.n, a daily and weekly newspaper, will make its appearance. The Daily will be a neat and tastily printed seven-col mini news* paper, newsy rather than literary In charac ter, The Weekly will he a six-column, tight* page paper, and will contain the most impor tant mutter that has previously appeared in Thk Daily llkkai.ii. It is proposed that the 11 Kit Am shull he an nn bought advocate of every Interest pertain lag to Southern California and Arizona, and a zealous worker In nil thing's that Khali tend to benefit, the State. In v word it will be in close communion with the People. In Its col umns, from time to time will he found mat ters of interest to the California Farmer, Me* chtinic, .Merchant, Laborer, and till classes of Producers; and it will also contain reading matter suited to tlie Home Circle. The hkhai.d win is l nn independent Demo cratic journal and Its efl&fts directed to sweep ing; from power nnd place those now misman aging the affairs oft he Nation. Eor the accom plishment of thlscnd, It will hull witli sat isfne tlon the co-operation ofthe members Of all Par ties, believing that the prosperity, perhaps safety, of tlie Nation depends upon tlie success ofumovement <>t'tiiis character, it Is"reform now or revolution hereafter." The Hkkai.ii will aUVOCAte State Right* and oppose centralisation; it wtilenoournge White and oppose Coolie ImmlgfaMen. it will favor Free trade, and oppose Protective Tariff, a will advocate a t ireenhaek rurrency for Cull fornla, and oppose the present dwarfing und deadening policy which Upholds the present ruinous rates of interest and shuts out Eastern capital. It will advocate the People and op pose Monopolies, no matter what guise they may assume. Willie the llkuai.ii will treat Slavery as a dead Issue, it will eurnestly advocate the right ot every state, he tt Northern or South ern—Massachusetts or South Carolina—to gov ern Itself in accordance witli the wishes of its people, anil the dictates ofthe Federal Con stitution, without national interference. The HICHAM) will opppse thieving and pecu lation. No mini rightly owns a dollar until he earns It. Every dollar whioh Is taken from the puhllc treasury or private purse without a Just return is robls'ry, and he who takes this money isu thk t'. Believing this, tiie Hkkai.ii will oppose salary steals, custom steals, land steals, railroad steals, and every kind of steals. Each day, the fullest Foreign and Domestic Telegrams will he published. The aim will be to supply, 111 this part of the State, the de mand heretofore tilled by the san Francisco dallies. No trouble or expense will be spared to make the Hkuai.ii, In this respect, equal to any newspaper on the Coast. II will also eon* tain n full Review 1 of the Local and Foreign Markets, und tile Trades generally, honestly ami carefully compiled. STBSCKIPTION: lIAII.Y HKKAI.II. Delivered by Carriers, per month J 1 00 " '• " lier year 10 00 Hy Slnll or Express, " 10 oo WKKKI.Y IIKKAI.I). By Mall or Express, per yeur $1 (Hi " " " lier quarter 1 (hi CITY LAUNDRY, NINTH STREET, BETWEEN Grasshopper and Oriflln streets, Los Gentlemen's, HOTEL AND RESTAURANT WASHINO done on reasonable terms. PEARL BUTTONS sewed on, and ordinary MENDING done. Washing culled for and de livered, FREE OF CHARGE. IMVOrder slate ut Rroderlck's Book Store. OQg-lmlp J. S. O'NEIL. ORIENT SALOON, TO MAIN STREET, DOWNEY ♦ J BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. oelfilt LOS ANGELES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1873. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. N. P. RICHARDSON, pHYBICIAN AND BURGEON. OFFICE —No. 14 Downey'* Bluett, up-stnirs. oc2-tf DR. A. S. SHORB, J JOMIKOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. t tFFK'E - Nearly opposite the Poet (ifflne. RESIDENCE- No. IS Franklin street. oe2-tf DR. H. S. ORME, pHYBICIAN ANI) BURGEON, (IFFK IE and RES]i >F.N( lE—ln Lnnfranco'a Building, No. ti Main street. Office Honrs from in a. m. to i P. M,, and from 2 lo :l P. M. ocg-tf DR. JOSEPH KURTZ, pHYBICIAN AND BURGEON, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE In Heinsch's Block, Commercial and I.os Angeles streets. Mi) Special attention paid to diseases of the EYE AND EAR. oej-tf * DR. J. W. OLIVER, TTOMOSOPATHIBT. OEEICE AND RESIDENCE—Spring street, opposite the Mayor's t mice. nci-lptf D. W. c 7 F RANK LIN, ME CH AN ICA L, OPERATIVE AND SCROEUN DENTIST. OFFICE—BH Spring street, nexl to Fire En gine House. ncMf DR. A. LCEBEL, OURGEON AND CHIROPODIST, kj NO. -M FOURTH STItEET. Corns. Bunions and Ingrowing Nails. cured without Knives, Files or Acids. Moder ate charges and satisfaction guaranteed, oclSmi HENRY T. HAZARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE IN TEMPLE BLOCK, EOS ANGELES, CAL nospecial attention given to bu silicas in the United States Land Office. ociMf .7. K. M CONNEI.I,. A..T. KINO, McCONNELL & KING, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Downey's Block,Maiu si., i.os Angelea. OclKlf A. BRUNSON7 A TTORNEY AT LAW. Ofkick—ll us Mand 23, Temple's new building, Loa Angeles, eolwtf A. OI,ABSBt.Ii, li. It. SMITH. A. H.CIIAHMA.V. H. .M.SMITH. GLASSELL. CHAPMAN &SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE—TEMPLE BLOCK up-stalrs, Los Angeles,' 'nllfornln. ociM i JAMES G. HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW COURT COMMISSIONER, Downey's Block, Lou Angelea, oc2-ff M. WHALING, A TTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE—No. li Downey Block [.oa Angelea, oc2-lm CIIAKI.ES t.I.MII.KV. .1. S. THOMPSON, LINDLEY & THOMPSON, A TTORNEYS AT LAW, OEEICE—Room No. 3, Downey Block, oca W. r,. MARSHALL,. Witt t>. OOULD, MARSHALL & COULD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW—OFFICE opposite the Court House. Room* Nos. IH and 11) Temple Hlock, Eos Angeles, Cal. Will practice in nil the Courtsof this State, nnd attend to husiness In V. S. Land Office. LEW. G. CABANIS, \TOTAJtV PUBLIC, CONVEY -Ln aneer nnd Searcher of Record* tin- this CouiiTy. OFFICE—No, i» Temple Block, Loa Angc jes, California. oe/i-tf V. E. HOWARD & SONS, A TTORNEYS AT LAW, TEMPLE BLOCK, EOS ANGELES, oc2-tf A. A. WILSON, A TTORNEY A COUNSELLOR; OFFICE—Room No. it. Temple Block. Los Angeles, California, ocB»tf A. 11. JCDSON. 3, W. OILT.KTTE. JUDSON & GILLETTE, SEARCHERS OF RECORDS AND CONVEYANCERS. TEMPLE lll.t )CK, Ll'S ANtiELES. oC2-l m G. W. MORGAN, TJEAL FSTATK AGENT, Eotir doors south ofthe Post Office, Temple Itloek, Eos Angeles, California. gjT MONEY TO LJ lAN. oc.'-tf CHAS. E. MILES, HYDRAULIC EN GIN EE X, I,OS ANOEI.ES, CAE. Hkkkks to —Dr. .1. S. Oriflin,.!. O, Downey, L. 11. Titus, Qen. I*. Running, l. vv. Hell man, A. Glasseli. The introducllon ol'water into Cities, Towns and Hunches a specially. Contracts taken for making sheet iron pipes, nl my shop, or where desired, on the most favorable tei ins. oc.'l-l in N. B. WHITFIELD, T3ROKER, REAL FSTATK AND IJ GENERAL AGENT, Particular atten tion paid to the purchase and sale of sheep. Offfoe with J, I . Ward &i Co. ocH-lplni Everybody knows the old Man ssicjjXoitiaT. BANK EXCHANGE BILLIARD SALOON, run by E. SIGNORET, Best Cigars, Choicest Liquors, Excellent Tables, Commodious Room. Customers received hy the old man himself, who has heen ln attendance since ISHt. He welcomes ull his old customers and pleases the new ones. The BEST BARBER SHOP hi the eily Is with thisestablishment, ''lean towels,care ful employees. _____ oei-ltii Delmonico Restaurant, MAIN STRKKT, OPPOSITE COM MERCIAL, Los Angeles, California. OPEN fit AX,l_ lIOUHS. an The choicest delicacies of the Best Mar kets always on the BUI of Fare. F.legnnt DINNEUS AND LUNCHES ut a moment's notice. JAS. MI'NROE dt Co., oc2-im Proprietors. FORWARDING -^COMMISSION. J. L. WARD & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS —AND— Manufacturers Agents. AO FNTS FOH LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION; UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF SAN FRANCISCO; COMMERCIAL I MARINE I INSURANCE COMPANY, (Combined assets exceed ftl l.OOO.OOO) BABCOCK'S FIRE EXTINGUISHER; BAKER & HAM LTON'S AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY; THE CELEBRATEO BAIN WAGON; SWAN BREWERY CO.'S ALE AND PORTER. oc2-lmlp HELLMAN. HAAS & CO. FOB WAXUDIN Gr AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HAVE FOR SALE THE PC HEST GROCERIES, THE BEST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Of the choicest Imported Brands. Paints, Oils, Doors, Sashes. BUNDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Hand 16 Los Angeles and Commercial Sts., oell I.os ANGELES, [ini-lp SIMON LEVY, fIOM M IS SIO NMERC H A N T. V 7 General denier lv all kinds of COUN TRY PRODUCTIONS, Hides, Grain and Wool. Makes advances on Consignments to all parts ofthe Uuited States. Nos. 21 and M Aliso St., Los ANGELES. ocMylp iiwicauKianiianaMaa>-Ba-aa| BUSINESS CARDS. J. G. JACKSON Keeps nil kinds of Lumber, Shingles, Laths, DOOBS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, Posts, Sill f&k 4BM, PLASTER* PA BIS, CEMENT AND HAIR. CORNER OF Alameda and First Streets. oc2-lmlp PERRY, WOODWORTH & CO , f UMBER YARDS M J AND PLANING MILLS. JNO. 70 COMMERCIAL S'J\ Keep constantly on hand a full assortment of 1,1.M BER, DOORS, HASH, MOULDINGS, BLINDS, TURNED AND SAWED WORK. All kinds of mill work done to order. oc2 GRIFFITH. LYNCH & CO. DEALERS IN LUMBER. CORNER FIRST AND ALAMEDA STS. Mill Work of all Kinds, —seen AS— DOORS, RASH, BUNDS, ETC., ETC. octMmlp It. ('. WII.KY. 11. >f. IlKltltV. WILEY & BERRY, REAL ESTATE AGENTS —ANH— COMMISSION MEB('HANTS, No. as MAIN STREET, LOS ANGELES, oof*l in Ip MALONEY & FENNESSEY. TITAOON-MAKI NO, BLA C K f! S.MITIUNtt AND HORSE-SHOEINO SO nud SS Aliso Ntreet. Manufacturers of Carriages. Buggies, and wagons of all kinds. All Orders promptly attended to. ocT-lptf LOS ANGELES SODA WORKS, No. I» AI.ISO NTKEKT. HENRY W. STOLL, Proprietor. ■ Supplies Bar Rooms and private fami lies with the purest and best NOMA ANH SA KSA I'AKI 1.1.A. Delivered to nny jiart of the city. oe2-lm j J. L. WARD <fe CO. MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS. —It gp KES X.VI' I Ntt — Baker & Hamilton's AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS -AND HJaJTj * 1 )WAJt 1Z ! star moline PIAVW; BAXTER UPRIGHT ENGINES! AMES PORTABLE ENGINES: THE CEIiEBRATED bain WAGON, ■Su Illustrated Catalogues, with prices, enn be had by application at ouroiticc. 0014-lm PELICAN SALOON, Sprtng Ntrrrt, opposite the J'mt Office. DA V E M X IN HAS RETIRED from the Judicial contest, In order to de vote hii time to more clusslcal pursuits, Floating down the stream of life plaeidlv, with bald-headed old UEORGE DAKlN.they will lv conjunction prepare the following nifty drinks: Tlie Alumiix'ooaler. Tlie I*crcoonroot, The Ni|M-atoiilierlirls. Tlie Hria Aroiinil the Comer. The CHOICEST "WINES, LIQCORS AND ClO ARS always on hand. oc2-ltu SAM. BERGE, Bill Poster and Distributer. HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS. Pro grammes, NOTICES, Ktc. faithfully If>STED UR DISTRIBUTED thrdUghOat the city and country. N. 11.—Parties nt n dislanee cnii send any thing they wish posted or distributed In tlie city or surrounding country, with assurance that the work will be faithfully done. orders may be left ut the oltlce of the Daily Hkuai.ii. SAM. BERGE, oc2-tf l,os Angeles. MISCELLANEOUS. It EP UHLIC LIFE INSURANCECO. tIF t'HICAUII, ILLINOIS. Cash Capital, . 81,000,000 Braiicliea in all the Slulesul MM I'nloii. HAVING NOW CO M P L X T E 1) the organization of our I*«x»ific* _Br»_.oli, We take pleasure In announcing that our Pa cific Coast Stockholders have elected the fol lowing well-known citizens ns officers of our PACIFIC BRANCH: Prnidenti OLIVER ;f,lrridge. I 'ivr- finMt nt*: THOS. A. BALI., WM. R. WHEATON A. L. GURNET Secretary pro tern JAS. T. HOYD - Attorney thos. BROWN Treasurer chas. burreli Medical Examiner Executive Committer: OLIVER ELDEIDGE, JOS. A. DONOHOE, JAS. T. HOYD, OEO. W. BEAVER, ( H AS. BURRELL, THOS. BELL, E. B. PERK IN. Directors/: OLIVER EEDKEDOE.EELANIi STANFORD OEO. W. BEAVER, THOS. BROWN, N. (;. KITTLE; C. CHRISTIANSEN, JOHN E. MILLER, THOS. H. SELBY, JAS. T. BOYD, R. F. MORROW, 0. I. BRENIIAM, s. F. BUTTERWORTH M. D. SWEENY, OEO. H. WHEATON, 1. FKIEDLANDER, WM. RTRLING, A. BLACK, THOS. A. HALL, lOS. A. DONOHOE, WM. R. WHEATON, THOS. HEEL, E. H. PEKRIN, C. T. RYL.VND, WM. L. DICKENSON WM. S. I..ADD. THE REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. Was chartered hy special net ofthe Legisla ture of the State of Illinois, nnd commenced doing business in July, ihtii, making it now Just three years old. Its plan of organ I ?at ion 'was to have #5,000,000 Capt tat stock, with twenty per cent, paid In, and the balance subject to cafL With BRANCH ORGANIZA TIONS of stockholder* In the lending husiness centers of tfca country, composed of the hest husiness men—thus making n Company of National extent nnd prestige, and yet a MXI rOXPAKY AT EACH BRANCH. The Company at this date has policies In force covering over «_.">,IKKI,IK)O of risks, Willi un animal income of over 000,000, ALL ASSETS OE PACIFIC BRANCH IN VESTED ON THIS COAST. Capital Slock of Pacilic Brunch, over S 3QU/JOQ 00 Invested in Mortgages on Heal Es tute in Calllornia during the last four months, over IW,OOO (M ,t2S Poliides issued ut Pacific Branch during same period, insuring 1,242,11)0 (Xl Chnrjre* lor Insurance 25 |ier Cent. than Mutual Companies. T m M It epi: «1m I O Does not borrow THE CAPITAL of Policy holders on PROMISES to return the same nt Home INDEFINITE future period and CAM. IT A DIVIDEND. In presenting the claims of THE REPUB LIC to the patronage of the people of this Const, we shall at all times aim to he gov erned by sound husiness considerations, and a due regard for the rights and merits of com peting companies. OFFICE OF THE PACIFIC BRANCH. NO. 317 CALIFORNIA NTKKET, Below Sansome Street. oc2dlmlp _ STOLEN HORSES T HAVE THE FOLLOWING DE- X seritied horses in my iiosscssion at Ste phens' corral, taken from Tihureio Vnsmn z's hand of robber*. Owners can have their slock hy proving properly and paylngehurges: Two American work mares, one sorrel and one brown, branded F with a hall circle at the bottom. One large sorrel work hose, M\{, hands high, branded Stl. One sorrel horse, having collar and saddle marks, lila/.e in face, left fore Unit und left Kind toot white, branded J K. One sorrel horse supposed to hen half-breed, with collar and snddle-niarks, fore feet white, strip In forehead; brand, two inverted Jl witt: S underneath. One moro saddle-horse, bald face, all feet white, branded and vented with letter O, nnd also branded with letter A with half circle on top. One large leott-gray hnrso, branded M C nnd figures 'A One Spanish saddle or work mure with coll, branded M E, nnd also J A L. One light grnv snddle-horse, branded J with half dime. One dun mare, white mane and tall, brand ed I X ami J O, and also J A 1.. One black watt, branded I with hull circle al top and bottom, und J A L One bay mare and yearling colt, branded J A L, One dun man and sucking colt, branded A wilh 0 on top. One yetirling dun colt, branded .1 A L. WM. R. ROWLAND, Sheriff oc2tf LA CRONICA, pUBLTSHED RY E. F. TEODOLL The only Spanish Newspaper IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Published every Wednesday and Saturday mornings. Office ln Temple's New Block, Spring street, opposite the Court-house. It has a large circulation in tlie Stute of Cal ifornia, the Eastern States, Louisiana, Mexico, and Arizona and Colorado Territories, Central and South America, and Spain. " h j\un> d•ollic»f^, ,,, commends Itself to the Advertisers who may wish to bring their business before the Spaa ish-spenking people and numerous population of diltCrcnt nationalities, on the Pacific Coast. AdverUNlMK Kntes Tory Reasonable. SrnscniiTiONS—One Yenr, %6\ Six Months, f_ SO; Three Months, f_ oc2tt'lp ANDREW JOUCHIN. NO. 34 ALTSO KTREET—MANU FACTURER of WiiKoii*. CaVadAflSM. HugKies,elf. Horse-shoeltiK, machine smithing nnd hlnck- Mntf hlng Of all kinds done In the most work munllke manner. WAGONS houglit and sold, nnd always on hand. Orders promptly attended to. oel2inlpf EDUCATIONAL. SPANISH AND FRENCH I NSTRCCTTON IN FRENCH AND M. SPANISH trill tie given to clinscs In the afternoons or evenings, by MISS JOSEPHINE LINDLEY * ll MS: To n class of live or less, per lesson $2 00 To a class of any number over five, per lesson M 00 Eor further particulars, Inquire at the office of the Los AxOKt.Kg Hekai.ii, of Lindley A Thompson, or at the Pico House. TESTIMONIALS: University of California, ) Dkcaktmknt of La nocaoks. > Oaklanii. .July 11, 1572. J Herewith I certify that Miss Josephine Lind ley has been n student in my department ot the University for 11 ye consecutive terms, viz: from September, l«7n, to April M, 1K72. During this time she studied the French, the Spanish and the German languages, obtaining always the highest murks for proflcieuey and attend ance, her average credit mark lor live terms being 97 per cent. tin entering the UnlvctV I. Miss Lindley possessed a I read v such •wledgc of the French and Spanish Idiom .» p. be able to speak them with ease, thu ncy, correctness, and n pure pronunciation. She may now be considered thoroughly fa milial with the theory und philosophy , us well as with the application of tliew two tongues; and she may safely he recommended as a can didate of great promise, for teaching the French and Spanish languages. P. Pit IDA, Prol. Modern Languages, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Josephine Llndlev has been declared by the Faculty entitled to this Certificate of Profi ciency in the departments of Geology nnd Natural History', (Botany and Physical Geolo gy, I Belles Lettres, (English Literature, Histo ry, Ancient and Modern,) Chemistry, Modern Languages, (French nnd Spanish.) Henry Durant, President of University: E. s. Carr, Prof, chemistry; P. Plods, Modern Languages: Joseph LeConte, Professor of Ge ology and Natural History; William Swlnton, Professor of Belles Lettres; Martin Kellogg, Dean of the Faculty. oc2-tf LAWLOR INSTITUTE l«H Main Street, I.os Angeles. THE SEVENTH SEMT-ANNFAL Session of I his SELECT I>.V V SCHOO L, in which girls nnd l*>ys receive n psKFri., i'HACTK'Ai. AN I) com pi.K.TK English Education, commenced on MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1873. TEH MS PKR .MONTH : English Studies, including the ordinary School Brunches, und ISiuhle-Entry Hook-Keeping and Algebra '.. tfi oo Primary Geography, Second and Third Readers 4 oo Chart and Primer Classes ;t 00 EXTRAS. Latin, Phonetic Short-hand and Geom etry, per montli $2 oo Competent Teachers of Drawing, Painting, and the Modern Languages, will he connected witii the Institution, For further particulars, apply to the under signed, at the School Building. W. B. LAW LOB, Principal. The Southern California JOINT TEACHERS' INSTITUTE, /COMPOSED OF SANTA BAR- Vj BARA, KERN, VENTURA, SAN BER NARDINO, SAN DIEGO and LOS ANGELES counties, will meet in the new High School building, Los Angeles city, on Monday, November 3, 1873, and remain in session tour days. Section IMO, Political Code says: "When ever the number ol" School Districts in nny county is ten or more, tlie .School superinten dent must bold at least one Teachers' Insti tute In each year, and every teacher employed in 11 public school in the county must attend such Institute." All the Public School Teachers aw particu larly requited to attend. Private Teachers, Trustees and the public genera I, are Invited to be present. W. M. Mi FADDEN. County Superintend 'lit of Schools. Anaheim, Uct. 7, 1N.73. oclo-td [star copy.] FRENCH and SPANISH LESSONS T ESSONS IN THE FRENCH and Spanish languages will be given to classes or in private, commencing on WF.DNF.WI> AY, OCTOHKB 1, 1N7.1. TKKMS 00 TVtTtUMI Private lessons $ 1 no each Twenty lessons 15 00 Lessons to any number of pupils over five, tor one month, three les sons every week, each pupil 2 00 Preneh and Spuiiish'School for children ev ery day (Saturdays excepted) at 4 o'clock P, M. TUITION, per month, $& For further particulars, inquire ut No. 107 Main street. Translation of French, Span ish an ii English. F. V. C. nr. MoNDRAN. oc2-; mll > Drawing and Painting. I NSTIU T CTIONIN CRAYON, PEN- X OIL AND PERSPECTIVE DRAWING, in Coloring with India Ink and Water Colors, and in OIL T* A. INTI Jf (tt, given at Hillside Cottage, back uf the new school-house. MRS. LU WHEAT SMITH. oc2tf LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. LOH ANOELEH SALE. FEED & LIVERY STABLE, JH. JONES, PROPRIETOR, • CORNER FIFTH AND SPRING STS. Grain, Hay and all kinds of Fresh Feed CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ALSO, Large Clean Corrals and Stables, With City Water Throughout. IWTHORSES, MULES, WAGONS and CAR RIAGES bought and sold, nnd Hornet! and Carriages to let by the duy or week. Teamsters iiecommixlated as usual on the most liberal terms. oe7-lnilp N. R. MITCHEIeL'* Pioneer Livery, Sale and Feed Stables, RENTER STREET, OPPOSITE KJ Poplar Row, ANAHEIM. The very best accommodations for visitors nnd travellers. CnrSHltlo Mu«l<ll«1 I lof'SCK constantly on hand, aud furnished at shortest notice. oclltl' ALISO FEED & SALE STABLE JF. RAMIREZ, PROPRIETOR. • COR. ALAMEDA & ALISO SI'S. Adjoining M. Keller's. CaVKAIN, HAY Jte FEED always nn hand. Horses, Mules, Wagons, etc bought und sold. oci-4ptf Caroline C. Burton, T A DIES' HAIR DRESSING IN JLJ nil styles. BRAIDS, OURIX AND WA TERFALLS, made at thu shortest notice. TANGLED HAIR STRAIGHTENED AND MADE INTO ANY SHAPE. tOT Perfumes ofthe finest quality Jig) hand and fur sale. NO. 0 SPRING STREET, I<os Angeles, California. oc2-lf NUMBER 18. MERCHANT TAILORS. J. STRELITZ, MERCHANT TAILOR — MAIN ST., NEAR WELLS.FARGO A < o Makes the most fashionable style of C JL O T I I I > O to be obtained in the southern country. Also a large stock ofthe Newest and best Cloths Doeskins, Beavers, Fancy Casslmeres. Velvet and Milk Vestlngs, etc. A fit guaranteed. Refers to the principal gentlemen of the city for whom he has made clothing. No necessity to send to san Francisco for good fitting suits. oc2tf-4p ADAM A NELSON, Merchant Tailors, HAVING ESTABLISHED THEM selves nt the old stand of 1.. Peter, opposite the Post-Office, SPRING STREET, are prepared to fill ALE ORDERS ln the Latest &, Most Fashionable Styles. A fine assortment of Cassimeres, Vestings, And everything In the line always on hand. •if A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED IN ALL CASES. Give us a Call. ocl'-lmlp I. HAUCH, MERCHANT TAILOR. NO. 6 COMMERCIAL STREET. All the LATEST STYLES received by every steamer, and made up in the latest styles and most suitable manner, and on the most rea sonable terms. • '•a.CALL AND EXAMINE these goods, before giving your orders. uclOmlpl SOUTHERN DISTRICT Agricultural Society's FALL MEETING. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 10,1 1, 12, 13,14 and IS. SPLENOID SPEED PROGRAMME! FIVE DAYS' RACING —AND— Stock Parades and Exhibitions. And one whole day devoted to LADY EQIJESTR I ATVIHM, AND OTHER SIGHTS. FIRST DAY. First Race—Trotting—For horses that are owned in the district at this date, that have never beaten three minutes. M lie heats; best three In five to harness—purse of HNS *20t» to the first horse, and $100 to the second; live or more to enter. Second Race— Running race of n mile dash, for ull two-year olds owned nnd raised in this district. Purse of $3011; $2110 to first ami $100 to second; five or more to enter. Third Race—Running—Free for all Callloi nla or half-breed horses; mile dash; catch weights. Purse 1160; p_jgg tolhe first and »wi to the second; five or more to enter. SECOND DAY. First Race—Gentlemen's Saddle Race—Sin gle dash of one mile; to carry not less thau ISO pounds; each owner to ride his own horse, with colors, i weight to be understood to com prise saddle nnd rider, and not include whip and bridle,) and each rider to be over 19 years old. Purse of MOO; 8200 to first and SlOO to the second horse; five toenter. »< Second Race—Running—Free for till three year olds bred uml raised, and owned at this date In the district; mile heats, best two iv three. Purse of $300; $200 to tlrst horse, $100 to second; five to enter. Third Race-Trotting—Free for all three-year olds ln the State; mile heal.-, best two In three to harness. Purse $150; $100 to first. »SI to sec ond; three to enter. THIRD DAY. First Race—Trotting—Free for all horses In the State; mile heats, best three In five to har ness. Purse of $300; $200 to first, $10u to sec ond; five to enter. Second Race—Running—Free for all horses In tlie State; mile heats, best three ln five. Purse $4011; $:iOO to first, $100 to second; three or more to enter. FOURTH DAY. First Race—Running—Five mile dash: free for all horses owned in this district at tbis date; catch weights—bar Irene and Phil. Sher idan- purse of $250; 117810 the flrst, and $75 to the second; five to enter. Second Rao —Trotting Purse—Free for all horses in the State; mile heats, best three lv five to wagons; owners to drive, nnd all pro fessional drivers to be excluded. Purse MB; $175 to flrst, $75 to second, and $50 to third; five to enter. FIFTH DAY. Set apart forthe exhibition of stock and the award ing of premiums, At one o'clock ou this day there will be a grand exhibition of lady erjucst danism. This contest will be open to all Indies and, who must each be accompanied by an escort on the day ofthe contest. Entries free for all, ami to he made to tlie Secretary on or before ttte loth of October. The entry consists ot the name of the lady coutest'nnt, and the name or description ofthe animal, If con venient—the name of the rider certain. The contest will he divided into two parts— grace ful riding and dating equesi linnism. Ladles who took prizes last year are ineligible. There will be ten or more substantial and elegant premiums, to be named hereafter. There will be no horse or foot-rueing on this day, and the admission will be the same us usual. SIXTH DAY. First Race—Trotting—Free for nil horses In the state; two-mile beats, best two lv three to harness. Purse $500; $450 to the tlrst, $150 to the second; five to enter. Second Race—Running—Free for all horses in the state; two-mile heats, best two In three. Purse $500; $850 to the first, $150 to the second; three to enter. All trotting races to be governed by the rules of the Nntional Turf Congress, and all run ning races to he governed hy the rules ofthe Sacramento State Agricultural Society,unless otherwise specified. Fair lo commence on Monday, the 10th duy of November, to con tinue six days. All entries to be made to the Secretary by the Ist day of October, 10 per cent, of all purses to accompany the entry. In case of walk-over, the horse shall lie entitled to all entrance money only. "When two horses only start, the third money shall be returned to the Society. A horse distancing the field shall be entitled to nil the money. Judges shall have the tight to call up a second or third race, and have It come off between the heats ofthe first. The Society reserves the right to withdraw any purse, if It believes that there will be uo contest. All the privileges ofthe district, deluding entries for premiums nnd purses, are extend ed to Inyo and Ventura countries. oc2 NEW YORK BREWERY, QHRia HENNE, PROPRIETOR The CLEAREST, PUREST and MOST BRIL LIANL LAGER BEER South of San Francisco. Orders for DRAUGHT or BOTTLED BEER promptly attended to. The celebrated Boer from this Brewery le* fies com petition In the State. oe.Viimlp % 111- Xl HON. V. V. C. MONO-UN. COSMOPOLITAN CIGAR DEPOT TMPORT THE PUREST and BEST -1- Havana Cigars, and keep on hand Chewing: nnd Mmoklns Tobacco Pipes, ( igariitos and Fancy Articles. Mnln St., next door to W. F. * Co's Express. oc2tilp