Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME I. la Published every morning except Monday, by Tin: iif.iiai.ii I'KIYIIMj COMPANY, OFFICE Hernial steam Iteolt and Jess FriiitiiiK House. Spring street, opposite the Court House. TERMS) I'er annum, by mall or express fill Six months " •• ii Three months " " • :| Delivered by carriers, per week, 2"> cents Advertisement*. Inserted at liberal rates. MEETINGS OF SOCIETIES. .MASONIC. I.os Angeles Lodge No. 42—Meets Ural Mon day in thenionth, nl 7i80,P, M. Royal Arch Chapter, F. A. M„ No.3ft—Second Monday in each month, at 7:811 p. m. I'entalpha Lodge No. 211. -Third Monday in each month, at Ton P, M. Hie Council—Fourth Monday in each month, at 7::l(l P. M. Co incll No. 11, R.\ A S.\ M.%—OflWir de Leon Com'dery No. B. K.\ T.\— stated conclaves third Thursday in each month, 7::iu c M, , ODO-FKI.I.OWS. Arlgettto Lodge No. Im—Mondays at 7:iirt P. M Los Angeles Lodge, No. 85—Wednesdays, at 71*1 P. M. (ioiden Itule Lodge No. 100 -Fridays,7:3o I.M South star Degree Lodge— Flrsl' ami Third Tuesdays, at 7:.« l P. ,M. orange Grove Encampment — Second and Fourth Tuesdays, at 7::« l P. AL CIIAMI'IONS OK TIIK BID CROSS. Olive Encampment No. Hl—Wednesdays, at 7: lil P. M. noon TKMI'I.A KS. Merrill Lodge No. WO—Saturdays, 7:80 P. M. Los Angeles Social Club—Thursdays,g;3oP.M . POST-OFFICE DIRECTORY. Eastern, San Francisco ami Northern Tele graph stage Line -Arrive al .'law P. M.; close at 11:48 M. Letters Intended for registry must be presented before II A. M. Coast Line—Stations between Man Francisco and Los Angeles, via Santa Karhara -Ar rive al 10:30 P. M.j closes at 0:30 I. M. San Diego Line -San Diego, Anaheim, Galla tin, Caplstrimo, etc.—Arrives at one, p. m. closes at 7:IHl A. M. Southern Arizona -Tucson, Yuma, Arizona City, ami Way Stations —Trl-Wcckly Ser vice—Arrives Sunday, Wednesday' and Fri day at I P. M.; leaves Monday, Wednesday and Saturday; Mall closes al 7 A. M. Northern Arizona - Preseott, Wickenbers and Way Slat ions— Sen ii-Weekly -Arrives Mon day and Thursday at 6:00 I. M ; leaves Tues day and Friday; mail ( loses at II I. M. Sin Bernardino and Way Station*—San Ga briel, El Motile, Riverside, etc.; arrives at 5:00 P.;M.| closes at 0:30 I. M. Wilmington and Way Stations-Arrives id 2:30 P. M.. closes at I»l30 A. M. Cerro Gordo, Lone Pine ami Havllah —A rrlvea Monday, Wednesday and Friday at [kOOP. M.; leaves Monday, Wednesday and Satur day ; closes at 12 M. Domestic and Foreign Money Order Office - Open from 8:30 A. M. to 4:fn P. M., except on Saturday, when office closes al :l:iX) P. M. Office Hours -8:08 A. M. to 7:im P. M. H. K. W. HKNT, I*. M. The One Hundred Heralds Sent East. It hus been observed that t'crtaiii members of the Board of Directors were exceeding partial to the Herald, ami when tho Star and (Which were pretty well known news papers, and whose editors have had some experience in California Jour nalism, and are looked upon as able and conscientious writers,) expected anything from that source they were counting without their host. The thine culminated lust night; and, it seems to us, to have all been out and dried for some lime. in other words, the Chamber subscribed to 100 copies of the Weekly HERALD, for eastern transmission. Mr. Ltizaril,un mistakably ti fair man, and a gentle man who never allows himself to be yarned **y political deferences, or otherwise, declared I hat he hud can vassed the matter among the members of the organisation, and he found it to be the general opinion that if the Chamber of Commerce subscribed to our city papers-, the subscription money should be distributed among all the papers.—[Aii able and con scientious editor. The above is v very unfair statement of what was rione at tiie meeting of the Chamber of Commerce. Tiie Di rectors desired lo obtain the collection and transmission of news by telegraph and newpaper. They sent requests that the various papers would make proposal*for telegraphing and printing the commercial news. All the papers made answer to these requests. The proposal of the HIRALD seemed best because it accomplished two objects it secured the collection of news and it also placed it where "it would do the most good." Whether it be a fact or not that the Director! are partial toward the Hkr- ALD, it certainly is v fact that the peo ple are. And reasonaly so. The HEB ai.d in all respects is a credit to Los Angeles. It is larger, more newsy, and better printed. It expends double what is expended by the other news papers for its news, and its weekly is the best and largest paper south of San Francisco, and cannot be Com pared w ith its pigmy cotemporaries. Tho Chamber by this action have sent out a Hekald, indeed. Yes, a hundred of them, anil it will receive a hundred-fold in its increased pros perity. California and Newton Booth. A highly distinguished concurrence ol great 'men met on v recent Sab bath afternoon, near the Executive mansion. On tho first part was Joseph Wilson, late chief of the Land Ottlce. On the aecond part wua the Tribune's correspondent. They shook hands as if the eyes of Delaware were upon them, and proceeded to public ques tions with all their well known intelli gence. Persona who peeped ut tho in terview over a neighhoring wall, nay that it bore a striking resemblance to the naval action between the Alabama and Kearsarge. Modesty forbids men tion of the many astute Ideas which dropped from the Tribune eorreHiKm dent as plentifully M a loyal English man drops his H's. Mr. Wilson, who has lived three years on the Pucitlc coast, rose to explain as follows: "Did you ever read the history of the fall of tho Assyrian Empire? But why do I ask such a question of you? Well, sir, the revolution accomplished in California by Newton Booth is worthy of the classic pen of Rollin. Single-handed and alone he made the light. He began on nothing, ami crested 'his party he went alon K; And mark me, sir,—l am a man beyond the years of some of us, anil, If 1 die, bear It In memory. Newton Booth Los Angeles Daily Herald. looks though he would be the next President of the United States. The force of opinion is till that w ay. Cor porations have been systematically undermining the people by buying and feeing Congress and the Government official*, and the Central Pacific Rail road was the foremost offender of all. It possesses the worst roadway in the United States, and Stanford is always bragging about his great enterprise, M if there was anything In it, sir, (here Mr. Wilson's face resembled Daniel Webster's), the work of (hikes Ames was far more conscientiously and nobly done, and the Union Pacific is the most perfect Job. Did you ever read Sir. William Hamilton's philoso phy? Why, the Central Pacific Rail road, created by a republic, ruled the people of the coast worst than Herod or Pontius Pilate ruled a conquered Roman province. They sat upon the neck thereof. They had their Senators here, their legislature their; and New ton Booth broke the whole chain, He's a little man, brave-looking, and all earnest,—a kind of medium-sized lion. Herodotus says, in his reflections on Asia Minor, that; bachelors are the great resort of nations in extremity. Newton Booth is one of those men, — a bachelor, —if you want to see a man of the people at the best, look at him in contrast with the Corporation King! Read Booth's protest to the people, and Stanford's babyish response. En avant t gentleman, us Napoleon remark ed from the summit of the Pyramid of Cheops, The wave that is sweep ing over the country will not be check ed. Government By corporations is monarchy flying the popular flag to deceive the people. Let us come to a definite understanding with them, and start a well Understood jurisprudence for it. Did Ralson or Latham inter fere witli the election, or help out the Central Railroad? No, they were too shrewd. You cannot catch such men napping." At this point we saw that Mr. Wil son was about smashing iv an invisi ble library and drawing upon the in exhaustible volcalHilary of memory, and we retreated. Yes, we had an en gagement, and we left the great man amidst his gorgeous ruminations.— [Gath, \Vtishingt<mCorrospondeneo of Chi gaga Tribune. Punch's Almanac advised the farm ers to sow their Ps, keep their Us warm, hive their Bs, shoot their Js, feed their Ns, look after potatoes'ls' and then take their Es. BARBERS-BATH HOUSES. GEORGE REINECKE, Barber Saloon & Bath House. HAIR TRIMMING, SHAVING, . SHAMPOOING, BATHS, Err. This establishment has Just been refilled, ami, after having engaged the hest Barbers in the city, I custom from all who want work executed in the beat style. Makes the BATHING BUSINESS a speclal ty.aiul has the finest set Of Bath Kooms In the city. «*' I'nderthe Bella I'ldon. nc2-lnilp TONSORIAL PALACE QAM. JONES, O PROPRIETOR AND MANAGER Hot, Cold and Shower Baths. Shaving and Bathing Emporium. No, 7s Main street oc2tf-lp PROF. GREEN'S BARBER SHOP, NEXT TO GATES & NO YES' AND under the "Express" offlee, TEMPLE BLOCK. As Prof. Green has the best available assist ants to be procured in the Ktate, Hair Cutting, Shaving and Shampooing Will be performed in the best style of tho ton sorlal art. oca-lin CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. L. LICHTENBERCER, (Successor to Boeder A Llchtenhergeri, jyjANUFACTURER OF Wagons, Buggies, Carriages, Etc. 143, 145 and 117 Main street, LfM Angeles, Very respectfully solicits the patronage of the public In his line of business. All ve hicles built of the best MATERIAL. An extensive HLACKSMITH SHOP Is connected with the establishment, where all kinds of iilucksniithlng wiil is- done to order. RKFAIRFNO Done with dispatch, and with a view of giving satisfaction to patrons. -All VVorli Warranled. ocT-lmlp PAGE & GRAVEL'S New Carriage Shop. OUR WORK Id CNI-OfU <|iia led by any done on tilt- Pa- cltle Coast. After our exeerlence In the best, shops In the Eastern Stales, and our experience OB this coast, we aiv enabled to fulfil what we ad vertise.. ALL MATERIALS USE I) ABE THE BEST THK MARKET AFFORDS. ■at. Repairs done neatly and with dispatch. ntH. All work done here is warranted. ihl. Prices Moderate. Call und see. -»'« Corner Loa Armeies and Requena ociij streets, Los Angelea. limip Caroline C. Burton, LADIES' HAIR DRESSING IN allstvles. IIBAIDK, CUBLS AND WA TERKALLB, made at the shortest notice. TANGLED HAIR STRAIGHTENED AND MADE _NT»» AN V SHAPE. »»r Perfumes of the finest qualityJDfl hand und for stile. NO. II SPRING STREET, Los Angeles, California. oeiWf GAMBRINUS BREWERY. THIRST STREET, LOS ANGELES. Fine Lager Beer for sale IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. oe2-lmlp JOS. LEIBER, Proprietor. LQST- A VEST, WITH A POLICEMAN'S »TAX—Somewhere near Santa Anlta.on the lx>s Angeles road. Any person finding II will confer a favor and be rewarded for their double, by leaving it at the 11 ngU office. oc2ltf HENRY BUDDEN, PIANO-FORTE TUNER, REGU LATOR AND REPAIRER. OrgaiiH mid Molodt'OiiH -Vdjusled. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. References Brodrlek's Store; Editor Her- oc2lHp LOS ANGELES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1878. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. N. P. RICHARDSON, DHYSfCIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE—No. 11 Down*}''* Block, up-stalra, oc2-tr DR. A. S. SHORE, J JOMIEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, (IFFICE- N.l!f^^l^)o2i^tn , l I'rnrf Office. RESIDENCE-No. 1* Franklin ntraefi oc2-tf DR. H. S. ORME, JIHYSK'IAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE AXI»RESIDENCE—In Lun franco's Building, Nn. ti Mnin street. Office Honrs from to a. If. to 1 P. M., nnd from i to i P. M. oc2-tf DR. JOSEPH KURTZ, pHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE—In Helnsch'n Block, Oomtnerclnl nnd i.os Angeles street*. Mi Special attention paid to diseasesnf the EYE AND FAR. _ oe2-tf DR. J. W. OLIVER, JJOMiEOPATHIST. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE—Spring street, opposite the Mayor's office. pcg-lptf D. W. C. FRANKLIN, MECHANICAL, OI'ERATI YE AND SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE—BO Spring street, next lo Fire En gine oc.'-tt" DR. A. LGEBEL, SURGEON AND CHIROPODIST, NO. M FOURTH STREET. Corns. Bunions and ingrowing Nails. Cured without Knives, Kilos or Acids. Moder ate charges nnd satisfaction guaranteed. ocl2mi HENRY T. HAZARD, A TTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE IN TEMPLE BLOCK, I.os ANGELES, CAL. it. f Special attention given to business in Ihe Cnlteil States Land Office. nc2-tf .1. K. M CON.NKI.I.. A. .1. KINO. McCONNELL & KING, A TTORNEYfI AT LAW. Downey's Mock, Main si,, Los Angeles, oclStf A. BRUNSON, A TTORNEY AT LAW. OFI'lcK-Rooms 2S and 2il, Temple's new building, l/)s Angeles. OOlWtf A. OI.ASSKI.I., O. 11. SMITH. A. 11. CHAPMAN. 11. HT. SMITH. GLASSELL, CHAPMAN &SMITH. A TTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE—TEMPLE BLOCK iip-stnirs, i.os Angeles, California. nc2-tr JAMES C. HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW - -AN!) — COl'ltT COMMISSIONER, Is,wney's lllock, I,os Angeles. oc2-tf M. WHALING, A TTOBNEY at law, OFFICE No. is Downey Block Los Augeles, o c 2-1 in ciIAItI.KS i.iniii.k.V. I, s. THOMPSON. LINDLEY & THOMPSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICIO —Room No. Downey lllock. oc2 W. 1,. MUtsil.w.i.. Wll.l. it. oofi.o. MARSHALL & COULD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW —OFFICE opposite the Court House. Koums Nos. IS und 10 Temple Hloek, Los Angeles. Cat. Will practice in all the Courts of this state, and attend to business in IT. S. band < illice. LEW. C. CABANIS, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY ancer and Searcher of Records for tills Count v. OFFICE—No. 44 Temple Block, Los Ange les, California, oc2-(i V. E. HOWARD & SONS, A TTORNEYS AT LAW, TEMPLE BLOCK, I.os ANGELES. oejptf ' ______ A. A. WILSON, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR OFFICE—Room No. 11. Temple Block, Eos A ngetes, ('al Iti trnia. oc2-tf A. H. JUDSON. .1. \V. OII.I.KTTK. JUDSON & GILLETTE, SEARCHERS OF RECORDS AND CO N\'BYA Nt X Its. TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. oc2-lm G. W. MORGAN, 'DEAL ESTATE AGENT, Four disirs south of the Post Offlee, Temple Block, Los Angeles, California, money To Loan. otg-tf CHAS. E. MILES, HYDRAULIC ENGINEER, LOS ANGRLES, cal. Rkkkhs to Dr. .1. S. Griffin, J, (i. Downey, L H. Titus, (ten. P. Banning, I. w. Hellman, a. auvuten. The introduction of water Into Cities, Towns and Ranches a specialty. Contracts taken for making sheet iron pi|M'.s, at my shop, or where desired, on the most favorable terms. oc.'l-lni N. B. WHITFIELD, BROKER, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENT. Particular atten tion paid lo Ihe purchase and sale of sheep. Office with J. I . Ward A Co. ocS-lplm Everybody knows the old Man «iciJNOi«i:T. BANK EXCHANGE BILLIARD SALOON, run by F. SHJNORET. Best Cigars, Choicest Liquors, Excellent Tables, Commodious Room. Customers received by the old man himself, wdio has been In attendance since ISIII. He welcomes all his old customers und pleases tiie new ones. Tbe HEST BARBER SHOP In the city Is with this establishment. Clean towels, care ful employees. oolm Delmonico Restaurant, MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE COM MERCIAL, Los Angeles, California. OPEN at ALL HOURH. »£>■ The choicest delicacies of the Hest Mar kets always on the Hill of Fare. Elegant DINNERS AND Lt'NCHES at a moment's notice. .1 AS. M I N ROE A CO., oc-2-lm Proprietors. FORWARDING 4t COMMISSION. J. L. WARD & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS -AND- Manufacturers Agents. aoknts roa LCKOON ASSURANCE COiiPOMTION; UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF SAN FRANCISCO; COMMERCIAL !MARINE] INSURANCE COMPANY, (Combined assets exceed 514.000.000t BABCOCK'S FIRE EXTINGUISHER: BAKER & HAM LTON'S AGRICULTURAL MACHINES: THE CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON; SWAN BREWERY CO.'S ALE AND (OUTER. oe2-lmlp HELLMAN, HAAS & CO, FOBWABDIIS Ci AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HAVE FOR SALE THE PUBEBT GROCERIES, THE BEST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Of the choicest Imported Brands. Paints, Oils, Doors, Sashes, BLINDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Hand 10 Los Angeles and Commercial Sis., oc;l] I.OS ANOKLES. [ImMp SIMON LEVY, pOM MISS lON MERCHANT. V.' General dealer In all kinds of COUN TRY PRODUCTION!!, Hides, Grain and Wool. Makes Advance* nn Consignments to all parts ofthe Culled States. Nos. 21 and .'l4 Allan St., LOB ANGELES. oeJMylp ■SISSaHaSSaBaBBBBBBMaMBBSaBBBBBBBBMaHaMBf BUSINESS CARDS. J. G. JACKSON Keeps all kinds of Lumber, Shingles, Laths, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, Postfl, WhakoM. PLASTER PARIS, CE2MS2NT AND HAUL CORNER OF Alameda and First Streets. oe'2-lmlp PERRY, WOODWORTH & CO., T UMBER YARDS Li AND PLANING MILES. NO. 7« COMMERCIAL ST. Keep constant ly on hand a full assortment of LUMBER, DOORH, SASH, MOI LDINOS, BLINDS, TURNED AND SAWED WORK. All kinds of mill work done to order. oc2 GRIFFITH. LYNCH & CO. DEALERS IN LI MBER. CORNER FIRST AND ALAMEDA STS. Mill Work of all Kinds, —seed as DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, ETC., ETC. nsMatlp H, 0. WII.KV. D. St. HKKUV. WILEY & BERRY, REAL ESTATE AGENTS —a NO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 3S MAIN STREET, LOS ANOKLES. ocTHtrtlp MALONEY & FENNESSEY. WAGON-MAKING, BLACK SMITMINU AND HORSE-SHOEING 30 lllld 23 Alls,,s«reel. Manufacturers of Carriages, Buggies, and wagons of all kinds. All orders promptly attended to. oe7-4ptf LOS ANGELES SODA WORKS, No. 13 AI.INO NTKEKT, HENRY W. STOLL, Phorriktor. Supplies Bur Rooms and private fami lies with the purest and Itcst NODA AMI NAKNAHAKII.I.A, Delivered to any part of the city. npHfn „ J. L. WARD & CO. MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS. —KKI'KKSF.NTtNO— Baker & Hamilton's AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS —AND— HARDWABEi STAR MOLINK PLOW; BAXTER I'PRIGHT ENGINES: AMKS PORTABLE ENGINES; THE CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON. u>>. Illustrated Catalogues, with prices, can be had by application at OUT office, ocll-lm PELICAN SALOON, Sprint/ Sti i 't,o]>i>o*itr thr QftflF, DAVE MAINHAS RETIRED from the Judicial OonWst, In onler to de vote Ills time to more classical punults, Floating down the stream of life placidly, with bald-headed old GEORGE DAKIN, they will In conjunction prepare the following nifty drinks: The Aliuiutgoozler, The Perconnroot, The Niiieatonherbria. The lli-lie Around the Corner. The CHOICEST WINES, LKH'ORS AND CIO A Its always on hand, <Mi2-lm S AM. BE ROE. Bill Poster and Distributer. H ANDBILLS, CIRCULARS. Pro grammes, NOTICES, Etc. faithfully POSTED OR DISTRIBt'TEI) throughout the city and country. N. li.—Parties at a distance can send any thing they wish posted or distributed In tbe city or surrounding country, with assurance that the yvork will Is- faithfully done. Orders may la- left at the office of the Daily Hkiiald. SAM. BERGE, OCf-tf Los Angeles. MISCELLANEOUS. REPP IILIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. of Chicago. Hit HtQatij Cash Capital, . 51,000,000 Brunches la nil the s.nfewol the In lon. HAVING NOW' COMPLETED the organization of our l*n,<*ific» TSi*aii<*l»u We take pleasure in announcing that our Du ctile Coast Stockholders have elected the fol lowing Well-known citizens as officers of our PACIFIC BRANCH) /Vev/i/enf: OLIVER ;kldkidgk. t'lCfPrttMfntt: THOS. A. HALL, WM. It. WHEATON A. L GURNEY Secretary pro lent .lAS. T. HO YD Attorney THos, BROWN Treusu per CHAS. IHRHELL Medical Examiner F.j fiulire t'\mmittrr: OLIVER KLDKIDOE, JOS. A. DONOHOE, JAS. T. BOYD. GEO. W. BEAVER, CHAS. Hl'lt HELL. THOS. HELL, E. li. PERRIN. pftwawsi OLIVER F.LDRF.IHiE.LELAND STAN Ft IRD OEO. W. BEAVER, THOS. BROWN, N. G. KITTLE; C. CHRISTIANSEN, JOHN F. MILLER, THOS. H. SELBY, JAS. T. BOYD, It. F. MORROW, C.I. BRENHAM. H, F. Ul-TTF.RWoRTH M. D. SWEENY, OEO. H. WHEATON, I. FKIEDLANDER, WM. BTRUNG, A. BLACK, THOS. A. BALL, lOS. A. DONOHOE, WM. R. WHEATON, THos. HELL, V.. & PERRIN. C. T. RYLANP, WM. L. DICKENSON WM. S. LADD. TH F, REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. Was chartered by special act of the Legisla ture of the State of Illinois, and commenced doing business iv July, IS7O, making It now Just three years old. Its plan of organi?atiou was to have 05.000.000 Oapl*»l Stock, with twenty percent, paid In,and the balance subject to call. With BRANCH oroani/.a- Tli INS of stockholders iv the lending business centers of the country, composed ot the Iwst business men —thus making a Company of National extent and prestige, and yet a HOME COMPANY AT EACH UK AN Ml. The Company at this date lias policies In force covering over |2rtJJOO,OfW of risks, with an annual Income of over #1,000,000, ALL ASSETS OF PACIFIC BRANCH IN VESTED ON THIS COAST. Capital Stock of Pacific Branch, over I :HS),000 00 Invested iv Mortgages on Real Es tate in California during the last four months, over IHO.IHIO 00 330 Policies Issued at Pacific Brunch during same period, Insuring 1,212,11)0 (10 Minigcs tor Insurance 33 per 4'eul. Less fltit ii Mutual Companies. Tll X 11 X Vl l 1» It I€J Does not borrow THE CAPITAL of Policy holders on PHoM IsES to return the same ut some INDEFINITE future period and CALL IT A DIVIDEND, In presenting the claims of THE REPUB LIC to the patronage of the people of this Coast, we shall at all times aim to be gov erned by sound lmsiness considerations, aud a due regard for the rights and merits of com peting companies. OFFICE OF THE PACIFIC BRANCH, NO. .117 CALIFORNIA NT X LET. Below San some Street. iH > 2illmlp STOLEN HORSES I HAVE THE FOLLOWING DE* scribed horses iv my possession nt Ste phens' corral, taken from Tiburcio Vasipicz's band of robbers, I KVners can have their stock by proving property and paying charges: Two American work marcs, one sorrel and one brown, branded F with a hall circle at the bottom. One large sorrel work hose, Hi 1 .;; hands high, branded s i!. One sorrel horse, having collar and saddle marks, blaze In face, left fore fool and left hind foot white, branded J K. One sorrel horse supposed to be a half-breed, witli collar and saddlc-ionrks, fore feet white, strip in forehead; bmnil, two inverted .Is witi: S underneath. One inoro saddle-horso, hald face, all feet white, branded and vented yvlth letter O. und also branded With letter A With half circle nn top. One large Iron-gray horse, branded M C and figures 20. One Spanish saddle or work mare Willi colt, branded M E, and also J A L. One light gray saddle-horse, branded J with halt circle. One dun mare, white mane nnd tall, brand ed I R and J O, and also .1 A L. One black mare, branded I with hall circle al top and bottom, und J A L. One bay marc and yearling colt, branded J A L One dun inar.t and sucking colt, branded A with O on top. One yearling dun colt, branded J A I WM. R. ROWLAND, sheriff. oc2tf LA CRONICA, pCBLISHED BY E. F. TCODOLI. The only Spanish Newspaper IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Published every Wednesday und Saturday mornings, office In Temple's New Hloek, Spring street, opposite Hie Cotl rt-house. It has a large circulation In the State of Cal ifornia,! lie Eastern Stales, Mexico, and Arisoua and Coirmido Territories, Central and South America, and Spain. "La Ol•olli<•ll, ,, commends itself to tho Advertisers who may wish to bring their busiucss before ihe Span ish-speaking people and numerous population of difl'ercnl nationalities, on rhe Paclnc Coast. Advertlslua Rates Very Reasonable. Sriwenii'TloNS—One YVar, $C; Six Months, 8.1.50; Three Months, $2. rtuSflp ANDREW JOUCHIN, NO. 34 ALISO STREET—MAN I- T FACTURER of • WsgosH, o*»rrt»K*'*. HuhkD'h,«>to. Horse-shoeing, machine smithing and black smithing ol all kinds done In the most work manlike manner. HKCOND-HAND WAGONS ismght and sold, and always on bund. Orders promptly attended to. ocltftnpt EDUCATIONAL. SPANISH AND FRENCH TNSTRCCTION IN FRENCH AND -L SPANISH will be given to classes In the afternoons or evenings, by MISS JOSEPHINE LINDLEY T I s) at Si . To a class of five or less, |«-r lesson 32 00 To a class ol any numlstr over five, per lesson $:i 00 For further particulars, impure at tile office ofthe Los Anhki.ks Hkhai.d, of Lindley A Thompson, or at the Pico House. TEST IMONIALSi I'.NIVKHHITV OK I 'AI.IKORNIA, ) Dki'aktmknt ok LAtrotrAOEs. OA X I.A Nil, .luly 11. 1K72. J Herewith I certify that M las Joseph me Lind ley has been a student iv my department ol the University for five consecutive terms, vie from September, IH7O, to April .'ld, 1872. During this time siie studied the I rench, the .Spanish and the German languages, obtaining always the highest marks for proficiency and attend ance, her average credit murk for live terms ta-ing 97 per cent. On entering the University, Miss Lindley possessed already such knowledge of the French and Spanish idioms as to be utile to speak them with ease, fluency, currcctness, and a pure pronunciation. she may now Im- considered thoroughly fa milial with the theory and philosophy, as well as with the application of these two tongues; and she may safely be recommended us a can didate of great promise, for teaching the French and Spanish languages. P. PIODA, Prof. Modern languages. FNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Josephine Llndlev has Ihjcii declared by the Faculty entitled to this Certificate of Profi ciency in the departments of Geology and Natural History, (Botany and Physical Geolo gy,) Belles Lettres, iEnglish Literature, Histo ry, Ancient and Modern,! Chemistry, Modern Languages, i French and Spanish.) Henry Durum, President of Cniverslty: E. S. Carr, Prof. Chemistry; P. Piodn, Modern Languages; Joseph LeConte, Professor of Ge ology and NatunilHistory| William Swinton, Pmiessor of Belles Lettres; Martin Kellogg, Dean of the Faculty. (H'2-tf LAWLOR INSTITUTE 168 Main Street. I.oh Angeles. HPHE SEVENTH'"sEMI-ANNUAL .1- Session of this H■} 1„ KOT DA V KCHGO Is. in which girls and hoys receive a useful, I'HAi'Tie a l. AND CO m I'l.ktk English Educat ion, commenced on MONDAY, AUGUST n, \m. TERMS PER MONTH: English Studies, Including Hie ordinary School Branches, and Double-Entry Book-Keeping and Algebra $5 00 Primary Geography, Second and Third Readers 4 00 Chart and Primer Classes ;i 00 I. XT HAS. Latin, Phonetic Short-hand and Geom etry, per month $2 00 Competent Teachers of Drawing, Painting, and the Modern Language*, Will la'connected with the Institution. For further particulars, apply to the under signed, at the School Building. oeAml W. B. LAWLOR, Principal. The Southern California JOINT TEACHERS' INSTITUTE, /COMPOSED OE SANTA BAR- V.' BARA, KERN, VENTURA, SAN BER NARDINO, san DIEGO and Los ANGELES counties, will meet In the new High School building, Los Angeles city, on Monday, November 3, 1873, and remain in session four days. Section law, Political Code says: "When ever the number of School Districts In any county Is ten or more, the School Superinten dent must hold at least one Teachers' Insti tute in each year, and every teacher employed In a public school iv the county must attend such Institute." All the Public Sclusil Teachers are particu larly reipiired to attend. Private Teachers, Trustees and the public genera. Iv are invited to be present. W. M. McFADDEN, County Superintendent of Schools. Anaheim, Oct. 7, IS7.X oclO-td [Star copy.) FRENCH and SPANISH LESSONS T ESSONS IN THE FRENCH and Spanish languages will be given to classes or In private, commencing on WKI»NKNI»AY. OCTOBER 1. 18711. TKRMS OK TUITION: Private lessons $ 1 00 each Twenty lessons 1,3 00 Lessons to any number of pupils over five, for one month, three les sons every week, each pupil 2 00 French and Spenlsh'Henool for children ev ery day (Saturdays excepted) at 1 o'clock P. M. TUITION, per month, as. For further particulars, Imiuire at No. 107 Main street. Translation of Fkknoii, Span ish and F.Mil.lsll. F. V. C. UK MONDRAN. oc2-!iulp Drawing and Painting. TNSTRUCTIONIN CRAYON, PEN" JL CIL AND PERSPECTIVE DRAWING, in Coloring with India Ink and Water Colors, and lv O I L I* A I N T I N <i, given at Hillside Cottage, hack of the new school-house. MRS. LU WHEAT SMITH. oc2tf LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. LOS AN<ATC:iVii>4 SALE. FEED & LIVERY STABLE, JH. JONES, PROPRIETOR, • CORNER FIFTH AND SPRING STS. Grain. Hay and all kinds of Fresh Feed CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ALSO, Large Clean Corrals and Stables, With City Water Throughout. aeTIORSES, MULES, WAGONS and CAR RIAGES bought and sold, and Horses and Carriages to let by the day or week. - Teamsters accommodated as usual on the most liberal terms. oel-lmlp N. M. MlTdttßLL't Pioneer Livery, Sale and Feed Stables, /CENTER STREET, OPPOSITK Kj Poplar Row, ANAHEIM. Tin-very best accomiiioil.ilions for visitors ami traveller*. O cutis* Hiitltllc Hoi-hi-s constantly on hand, and furnished at shortest notice. oolllf ALISO FEED 4 SALE STABLE T F. RAMIREZ, PROPRIETOR. O • COR. ALAMEDA A ALISO STS. Adjoining M. Keller's. GRAIN, HAY Jfc FEED always on hnnd. Horses, Mules, Wagons, etc bought und sold. ia-7-tptf Campbell's New Stables. 47 ALISO STREET. taffSefc horses boarded aTVw ">• the Day, Week or Month.JcK BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE OR HIRE, THE BEST OF FEED oc2:bnlpl CONSTANTLY ON HAND. NUMBER 25. MERCHANT TAILORS. J. STRELITZ, \f ERCHANT TAILOR-- IfJL MAIN HT., NEAR WELLS.FAROO A Co Makes the most fashionable style of G\uo r r HIN to be obtained In tiie southern country. Also a large stock ofthe Newest and best Cloths Doeskins, Beavers, Fancy Cassimeres. yelvet and Silk Vestings, etc. A tit guaranteed. Refers to the principal gentlemen of the city for whom tie has made clothing. No necessity to send to Sun Francisco for good fitting stilts. oc2tf-4p ADAM A NELSON, Merchant Tailors, HAVING ESTABLISHED THEM selves at the old stand of 1.. Peter, opposite the I'omt-Oflice, SPRING STREET, are prepared to All AM. ORDERS in the Latest A Most Fashionable Styles. A fine assortment of Cassimeres. Vestings, And everything In the line always on hand. ear a good fitguarantf:ed in all CASES. Give us a Call. oc2-lmlp I. HAUCH, MERCHANT TAILOR. NO. 6 COMMERCIAL STREET. All the LATEST STYLES received by every steamer, and made up In tbe latest styles and most suitable manner, and on the most rea sonable terms. S9.CALL AND EXAMINE these goods, before giving your orders. oclttmlpl SOUTHERN DISTRICT Agricultural Society's FALL MEETING. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Friday and Saturday, Nov. 10,1 1,12, 13,14 and IS. SPLENDID SPEED PROGRAMME! I H E DAYS' RACING —AND— Stock Parades and Exhibitions, And one whole day devoted to L.AI3Y ICQrEHTHIANIHM. AND OTHER SIGHTS. FIRST DAY. First Race—Trotting—For horses that are owned in the district at this date, that have never beaten three minutes. Mile heats; best three In five to harness—purse of S.*tOO; $200 to the first horse, und sum to the second; five or more to enter. Second Race .-Running race of a mile dash, for all two-year olds owned and raised In this district. Purse of fcMO; $200 to first and #100 to second; live or more lo enter. Third Race—Running—Free for all Calllor nla or half-breed horses; mile dash; catch weights. Purse 1150; $100 to the first and $50 to the second; rive or more to enter. SECOND DAY. First Race—Gentlemen's Saddle Raco—Sin gle dash of one mile; to carry not less than lad pounds; each owner to ride his own horse, with colors, (weight to be understtssl to com prise saddle and rider, and not include whip and bridle,) and each rider to he over 19 years old. PIUM of J.KIO; $200 to first and $100 to the second home; five to enter. Second Race—Running—Free for all three year olds bred and raised, nnd owned at this date in the district; mile heals, la-st two In three. Purse of 8300; 8200 b> first horse, $100 to second; five to enter. Third Race-Trotting-Free for all three-year olds lv the State; mile heats, best two in three to harness. Purse $130; $100 to first, $30 to sec ond; three to enfpr. THIRD DAY. First Race—Trotting—Free for all horses in the State; mile heats, best three in flveto har ness. Purse of MSB; $200 to first, $100 to sec ond; five to enter. Second Race—Running—Free for all horses in the State; mile heats, best three in Aye. Purse $1011; fflOO to first, $100 to second; three or more to enter. FOURTH DAY. Flmt Race—Running—Five mile dash; free for all horses owned In this district at this date; catch weights-bur Irene und Phil. Sher idan—purse of IKS; $175t0 the first, and $75 lo the second; live to enter. Second Race—Trotting Purse—Free for all horses In the State; mile heats, best three in five to wagons; ownets to drive, and all pro fessional drivers to be excluded. Purse $;Wu; «175 to first, $73 to second, and $30 to third; five to enter. FIFTH DAY. Set apart for the exhibition of stock and the awarding of premiums, At one o'clock on this day there w ill be a grand exhibition of lady equestrianism. This contest will be op. n to all ladies und misses, who must each Is' accompanied by un escort on the day of the contest. Entries free for all, and to he made to the Secretary on or before the 15th of October, Tbe entry consists ol the name of the lady contestant, and the name or description ofthe animal, If con venient—the name of I lie rider certain. The contest will Is'divided into two parts grace ful riding an.l daring equestrianism. Ladles w ho took prises last yenr nre ineligible. There will be ten or more substantial und elegant premiums, to tie named hereafter. There will be no horse or fisil-racing on this day, nnd the admission will be the same as usual. SIXTH DAY. First Ruee—Trotting—Free for all horses In the State; two-mile heats, best two In three to harness. Purse $.300; fawto the first, $150 In the second; live to enter. Second Race—Running—Free for all horses iv the State; two-mile heats, best two '.a three. Purse $.3nO; $.150 to tbe first, $150 to the second; three to enter. All trotting races to be governed by the rules of the National Turf Congress, and all run ning races to bo governed by the rules ofthe Sacramento State Agricultural Society, unless otherwise specified. Fair to commence on Monday, the 10th day of November, to con tinue six days. All entries to be made to the Secretary by the Ist day nf October, 10 percent, of all purses io accompany the entry. In case of walk-over, the horse shall be entitled to nil entrance money only. When two horses only start, tbe third money shall Is*returned to the Society. A horse distancing the field shall be entitled to ull tbe money. Judges shall have the right to call up a second or third race, and have It come olf between tWe heats ofthe first. The Society reserves the right to withdraw any purse, If It believes that there will be no contest. All the privileges ofthe district, Including entries for premiums and purses, are extend ed to Inyo and Ventura countries. oe2 NEW YORK BREWERY, QHRIS. HENNE, PROPRIETOR The CLEAREST, PUREST ami MOST RRIL LIANL LAGER BEER South of San Francisco. Orders for DRAUGHT or BOTTLED BEER promptly attended to. The celebrated Beer from this Brewery de fles competition In the State. oco-iftnlp K. HKRTIION. F. V. C. MONORAN. COSMOPOLITAN CIGAR DEPOT I MPORT THE PUREST and BEST A- Havana Cigars, and keep on hand t 'hewing and Huiokina Tobacco Pipes, cigurritos and Fancy Articles. Main St., next door to W. F. A Co's Express, oettflp