Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME I. Is Published every morning except Monday,' by THE 111 It \ I It CHIMING COMPANY. OFFICE -Herald Memo Hook nml Jolt Printing; liou«e. Spring street, opposite the Court House. TERMSi Per nunum, by mull or express *lo six months «• i; Three months " " •, ;i Delivered by carriers, per week, 2'i cents Ad'-ertlsenieiils inserted al liberal rales. MEETINGS OF SOCIETIES. MASONIC. I.os Angeles und le No. 42—Meets first Mon day In tlii-iik.nth. at T:KI P. M. Royal Arch Chapter, P. a. m„ No. ft*—Second Monday In each month, at 7:'Ki P. M. Penlalpha Lodge No. 202—Third Monday In each month, at TIHO P. M. fhe Council—Fourth Monday in each month, at TIHO P. M. Council No. 11, It.-, m s.\ M.\—Comr de Leon (Jpra'dery No. fl. k.-. t.-. stated conclaves third Thursday In each month, 7:10 P. M. olii,-|.|.i.i.ows. AllgclltO Lodge No. lII.V--MoudavN at 7:.'! l) P. M Lis Angeles Lodge, No. ftf»— Wednesdays, at 7: !0 P. M. Golden Itule Lodge No. 160— Fridnya, 7:90 P.M south star Degree Lodge- Flrat and Third Tuesdays, at 7:.H1 P, M. Grange Grove Encampment Second and Fourth Tuesdays, at 7:.'lll P. M. en A.niMoNs bp i'u r rkdcrom, olive Rncampmenl No. S4— Wed neadar*, :it 7:.« l P. M. SOOD TKMCI.AIts. Merrill Lodge No. Lim Saturday*, 7: vi p. M. Los Angeles Social Ctttb—Thursdavs, S:.'!o P.M . . j t • . ' I , J POSf-OFFICE DIRECTORY. r.aslcrn, Sun Francisco and Northern—Tele graph Stage Line Arrive at HMKI P. M.; close at 11:1.1 M. Letters Intended tor registry must be presented.before 11 A. M. Coast Line—station* between Han Francisco and Los Angeles, via Santa Barbara -Ar rive at Uliao P. M.| closes atlb'tn P. M. Hall Diego Line-san Diego, Anaheim. Galla tin, Capistrano, etc.—Arrives at 4:00 P. M, . loses at 7:00 A. M. , Southern Arizona-Tucson, Yuma, Arizona t'lty, and Way Stations—Tri-Weekly Ser vice—Arrives Sunday, Wednesday and Fri day at 4 P. M.; leaves Monday, Wednesday and Saturday; Mall closes at 7 A. M. Northern Arizona -Preseott, Wlckcnhcrg and Way Stations Senil-Weekly—Arrives Mon day and Thursday at SiOU P, M; leaves Tues day ami Friday; mail closes at li P. M. San Bernardino and Way stations San Ga briel, F.I MoMe, Riverside, etc.; arrives at 5:00 P.;M.; closes at t:IU P. M. Wilmington and Way Stations—Arrives at 2:J»,P. M.. closes at Ib.'ttlA. M. Cerro Gordo, Lone Pine ami Havllali—Arrives Monday, Wednesday and Friday at ;i:00 P, M.j leaves Monday, Wednesday and Satur day; closes at 12 M. Domestic and Foreign Money Order Office-- Open from K:.'«l A. M. to 4:40 P. M., except on Saturday, when office closes at :l:00 P. M. Offlee Hours-gag) A. M. to 7:00 P. M. H. K. W. BENT, P. M. LETTER FROM LOS NIETOS , •. Los Nietos, October 29th, 1873. The weuther is clear und warm, the days and nights t 001. Fanners report a gootl yield of corn, larger than was anticipated in the early part of the 'seuson. Why not have a Mlgsr beet refinery in Southern California? The Alvarado mills are a success, as well as the re tineryat Sacramento city. There is no place in America where the sugar beet can be raised more cheaply und with better success than in Los Nletos valley. We are credibly informed by persons who have experimented iv this valley with the sugar beet, that they can be raised at a cost of $1 DM ton, with a yield oLftO tons per acre.. Seed that was sent to this valley from San Francisco and planted In May last, has proved beyond a doubt that they are a success here, growing in in lour months to the enormous weight of '20 pounds each, where they were not planted too thick. A lot of those beets have been sent to San Francisco for assay, but we think the proper test would be by sending a few tons and make a run OB Los Nietos beets alone, und that would give a true test of their saehariue properties. Jt is a no torious fact, that every pound of sugar that is used in Southern California and Arizona,' is shipped from" San Francisco, at a cost sufficient to pay for the raising of the beets in this val ley. The amount of sugar used in tins country and ni Arizona, would well pay interest on the cost of a mill. While there is an immense capital hunting investments on this coast, and in the east, we think it WOUid be well for jtbe cnpitAlieTts to give this question some cmisideration. While it is a fact that Southern California was lirst settled over a century ago by the Spanish people, they only considered thecoiimry tiduptetr for stock raising, and used it for such purposes for more than a quarter of a century, but since its settlement by the enterprising Yankee, or rather the Anglo-Saxon, they have by persistent energy and experiments, proved the fact that this is the most prolific country for fruits und cereals, except wheat, now.Nkiiowii to the American people. This country is yet in its intaucy, there are yet thousand of acres of gootl lands unoc cupied, waiting Industrious inimi gratlou, but what we most need is consumers, we want a home market for the raw material, raised here, and the only way to secure this is to encourage manufacturing in terests. A'beet sugar retinery would give us a home market for a large pro portion of our grain and vegetables; tor the men necessary to'work the mill must be fed. We want distilleries to use up the great bulk of corn and fruit raised. We have the woolen mills ut the city of Los Angeles, which is one step iv the right direction, and our people should patronize them instead of buying shoddy from the slop-shops, and auction houses in Sim Francisco. If we ever expect to develop our coun try and arrive at a point of independ ence and self sustenance we must en courage home industry nnd economy, aud live upon what we'raise; buy from home manufactories rise above sec tional prejudices, and work together as one man. OBSERVES, The Roston and Albany Railroad has found that six of its conductors were making enough on a salary of Ssti per month to buy diamond pins and race horses, and they have been retired. Justice Swayn'e is now confidently named by the Roston Globe as the man most likely to succeed Chase as Chief Justice of the United States. He is said to be the personal preference of the President. LOST! ON MAIN HTREET-A BKLL hHAPKO DROP to un KAR-RINO. Any one returning it will be paid it" lull value, ut tbe IIKKALKOMIee. opIB-tf Los Angeles Daily Herald. Perils of the Desert. • The following letter was received by Reginaldo Vuloiizuehi, from Charley Vincent, and handed to us for publica tion: Dos Pa i.mas Station, Oct. L is::;. Four days ago Ihe son of old Chlno Theodore, from Port Yuma, csine to this station about dark, on foot, and nearly dead for water. He said that lie hud left his father and a boy, the brother of Mrs, Jeagar, out 40 jnlles on the desert, without water, and nearly dead for the want of it, having been without it for three days when he left them twenty-four hours before. Joe. Dittier, the station keeper, and Hank Hrown started the next morning with a team and plenty of water to find them. After going i2i> miles they came upon the old man. He had found a cask of water that had been left by surveyors, ami bad nearly drank him self to death. One of the parly staid with him, and the other went to look for the boy. After going lo miles, he was discovered stretched out usder a bush, naked, and almost dead, his tongue being swollen and black, and blood running out of his nose ami ears, lie was brought to after two hours' hard work, having been without water for live days and nights. Their three horses died. The party are now stop ping here and getting along all right, the old man says that if he hail not hist his knife he would have cut his throat, and ended his misery. The station keeper and Brown deserve praise for the manner in which they acted, being without food three days on their return.—[Arizona Sentinel, Oct. il. Any information in reference to the brother of Mrs. Jeager, above alluded to, will be thankfully received by Dr. J. D. Dunlap, of this city. A Land Rich in Woods andSil vkk. —The Arizona" brought to San Diego Mr. T. S. Moore, lately of Juli an, and Col. (Jleason. These gentle men have been spending some time iv Ma/.atlan. Mr. Moore left San Diego on the 81st of last September, and ar rived at Mazatlan on the 25th of the same month. He states that he was very hospitably received by the American residents at Mazatlan, and by the Mexicans as well. He was carried by Col. Rradhury to his mine at Rocario, and experienced a genial and elegant hospitality. Rosario is about six miles from Mazatlan. The Tago and Soledad mines are in t his neighborhood, and are very promising. Mr. Moore has been Interested in the latter mine. The entire district he represents to be the richest in the world. The whole section is wonder fully rich in silver, and the rock runs from sixty dollars a ton up to ten thousand. Our readers will remem ber that the German commissioners of King William reported Sinaloa as the richest mineral region in America, and the report of Mr. Moore bears their testimony out very fully. Mr. Moore brought from Sinaloa some rare specimens of woods. Amongst these was wood that resembled elm, which WOUid do admirably for the hubs of wagons. Logwood, ebony, a species of wood that resembles locust. These testify to the wealth of Sinaloa in valuable"woods.—[World. BARBERS-BATH HOUSES. GEORGE REINECKE, Barber Saloon & Bath House. HAIR TRIMMING, SHAVING, SHAMPOOING, BATHS, Kir. This establishment has Just been refitted, and, after having engaged the hest Itarlicrs iv the city, I respectfully solicit custom from all who want work executed in the best style. Makes the BATHING BUSINESS a special ty,und has the finest set of Hath Rooms Iv the city. Bar* Under the Bella Union', nc2-i mi p TONSORIAL PALACE SAM. JONES, PROPRIETOR ART) MANAGER Hot, Cold and Shower Baths. Shaving and Bathing Emporium, No. 7K Main street - oc2(l-lp PROF. GREEN'S BARBER SHOP, "V"EXT TO ( JATES & NOTES' AND -LN untlcr tbe "Express" oliice, TEMPLE BLOCK. As Prof. Green has the best available assist ants to be procured in the State, Hair Cutting, Shaving and Shampooing Will be performed In the best style of the ton sorial art. • ocs-lm CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. L. LICHTENBERCER, (Successor to Roeder A Lichtenbergcii, jyjANUFACTVRER OF Wagons. Buggies. Carriages. Etc. 143. 14.1 ami 147 Main street, Loa Angeles, Very respectfully solicits the patronage of the public in his line of business. All ve hicles built of Ihe HEST MATERIAL. An extensive RLACKSMITH fJHOF Is connected with the establishment, where all kinds of Hlucksmithing wlil he done to order. BEPAIRINO Hone Willi dispatch, and with a view of giving satisfaction to patrons. All Work "VVurrimted. ocT-lmlp PAVE * TRAVEL'S New Carriage Shop. OUR WORK IS CJNE-Cjm (pialed by any done on the Pa- aSS=?SKI cillc I.'oast. After our execrienee in the best shops in the Eastern Slates, and our experience on this coast, we nre enabled to l'u I 111 what we ad vertise.. ALL MATERIALS USED ARK THE HEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. mm. Repairs done neatly and with dispatch. Mk All work done here is warranted. IHJ. Prices Moderate, Call and see. ■■<»« Corner Los Aneeles and Requena oaU] Streets, Los Angeles, limip Caroline C. Burton, T A DIES' HAIR DRESSING IN -1-J all styles. BRAIDS, CURLS AMI WA TRBfAJLLH, made at the shortest notice. TANGLED II AIR STRAIGHTENED AND MADE INTO ANY SHAPE. i»*r Perfumes of the finest quality nn hand and for sale. NO. » SPRING STREET, Lou Angeles, California. oc-Mf LOS ANGELES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1878. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. N. P. RICHARDSON, pHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. OFFICE Nil. il Downey's Block,upstairs, _ oe'.'-tl DR. A. S. SHORB, j jomiEOPATHIC I'll YsiciAX. OFFICE Nearly nppoßltc ihe post Office. RESIDENCE No. 13Franklin street, oc2-tf DR. H. S. ORME, pHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, OFFICE ANDRESIDEKCE in I.iiiifraneo's lhillding, No. 71 Main si reel. Office Hours from lo A. M. to 1 P. M., nnd from 2 to :! P. M. oelMf DR. JOSEPH KURTZ, pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, office AMD RESIDENCE—In Helnsch's lllock, Commercial and Los Angeles streets, par* Special attention paid to diseases nf the EYE AN'H BAR. oet-tf DR. J. W. OLIVER, JJOMiEOPATHIST. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Spring street, opposite the Mayor's ( Klice. octMptf D. W. C. FRANKLIN, ME f!H AN IC AL, OPF.RATIVE AND SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE- .10 Spring street, next to Fire En glue House. oe'.'-tf DR. A. LCEBEL, QURGEON AND CHIROPODIST, k5 No. 21 FOURTH STREET. Corns. Bunions and Ingrowing Nails. cured Without Knives, Files or Acids. Moder ate charges and satisfaction guaranteed, ocl2ral HENRY T. HAZARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE IN TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES, c.\L. ■WSpecial attention given to business in the United States LandOfnoe. oe2-tr .1. It. M CONNKI.L. A.J, KINO. McCONNELL & KING, A TTORNEYS AT LAW, Downey's Block, Main St., Loa Angeles. oclKtf A. BRUNSON, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Opkick--Rooms 38and 29, Temple's new building, I.os Angeles. col St f a. at.awm.ti, o. ii. smith. A. B. I'UAI'.MAN. 11. M, SMITH. GLASBELL. CHAPMAN &SMITH. A TTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE—TEMPLE iiLocic np-stalrs, Los Angeles, California. or2-tf JAMES G. HOWARD, A TTORNEY AT LAW CO IT IT COM MISSK) N ER, Downey's Hloek, Los Angeles. oc'.'-tl M. WHALING, A TTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE—No. IS Downey Block Los Angeles. oe2-lm CHAMLCS I.I.MiI.KV. .1. s. Thompson. LINDLEY & THOMPSON, A TTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE—Room No. :!. Downey Hloek. oc2 w. i.. MAMHAUh wii.i. n. (ioui.D. MARSHALL & GOULD, ATT() R NI-: YS AT I.A W—<) P PIC E opposite the Court House. Rooms Nos. IS and It Temple Hloek, Los Angeles. Cat. wm practice In all the courts of this state, and attend to lmsiness in IT. S. Land office. LEW. G. CABANIS, VTOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY ~i~N anrer nnd Searcher of Records for tills County. OFFICE—No. 44 Temple Block, Loa Ango les, California. oc2-tf V. E. HOWARD & SONS, Attorneys at law, TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. _oc2-tf A. A. WILSON, ATTORNEY & COtTNSEttOR. OFFICE—Room No. 11, Temple lllock, Los Angeles, Calßornla. oci-tf A. 11. JUDSON. .1. W. OII.LKTTK. JUDSON & GILLETTE, SEARCH EPS OF RECORDS ABD CONVEYANCERS. TEMPLE HLocic, Los oej-ltn G. W. MORGAN, "DEAL ESTATE AGENT, Four doors south ofthe Post Oliice, Temple Hloek, Los Angeles. California. » tr MONEY TO I,i>AN_. oc2-tf CHAS. E. MILES. HYDRAULIC LOS ANOKLES, CAL. Rinma to— Dr. .i.s. Griffin, J, O. Downer, L. 11. Titus, Gen. P. Panning, 1. W. Ilellman, A. Ghissell. The Introduction of water into Cities, Towns unit Ranches a specially. Contracts taken for making sheet iron pipes, al my shop, or where desired, on the most favorable terms. oc.'l-Itii N. B. WHITFIELD, BROKER, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENT. Particular atten tion paid to the purchase and sale of sheep. Ortfc. With J. 1 . Ward A Co. octHplm Everybody knows the old Man BIGrNORET. BANK EXCHANGE BILLIARD SALOON, run by F. signoret. Best Cigars, Choicest Liquors, Excellent Tables, Commodious Room. Customers received by the old man himself, who has been In attendance since 184Q, He welcomes all his old customers and pleases the new ones. The BEST BARBER shop iv the city Is with tilllestablishment. Clean towels, care ful employees. OOVIBI Delmonico Restaurant, MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE COM MERCIAL, Los Angeles, California. OPEN nt ALL lIOTJUS. »r> The choicest delicacies of the Best Mar kets always on the Rill of Fare. Elegant DINNERS AND LCNCHES at a moment's notice. .lAS. MI'NROU A CO., oe'2-lni Proprietors. FORWARDING & COMMISSION. J. L. WARD &ICO. i COMMISSION MERCHANTS -AND- Manufacturers Agents. AOKKTg POM LONDON ASSURANCE COLORATION; UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF SAN FRANCISCO; COMMERCIAL I MARINE! INSURANCE COMPANY. (Combined assets exceed g14.00A.000i BABCOCX'S m EXTINCUIShB; BAKER & HAM I TON'S AGRICULTURAL MACHINEHV: THE CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON; SWAN BREWERY CO.'S ALE AND FO.VTEfI. nc2-lmlp HELLMAN, HAAS & CO. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HAVE EOR sale THE PUREST GROCERIES, THE REST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Of the choicest Imported Brands. Paints, Oils, Doors, Sashes, RLINDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. M and io Los Aiigcles and Commercial sts., oc!| I,OS ANGELES. [Im-4p SIMON LEVY, ( 10MMISSI0N MERCHANT. General denier in all kinds of COUN TRY PKonrcTIONS, Hides, Grain and Wool. Makes advances on Consignments lo all parts of Ihe United States. Nos. 24 nnd .14 Aliso St., LOS ANGELES. oc.'rly4p —■—ssss—t BUSINESS CARDS. J. G. JACKSON Keeps all kinds of Lumber, Shingles, Laths, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, Poit Ms fl 1* < k H, PLASTER PARIS, (TIMKNT A.IND HAIR. CORNF.It OF Alameda and First Streets. nc2-Hulp PERRY, WOODWORTH & CO., I UMBER YARDS MJ AND PLANING .MILLS. NO. r«i COMMERCIAL ST. Keep constantly on hand a full assortment of LUMBER,.DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS, BLINDS, TURNED AND SAWED WORK. All kinds of mill work done to order. orm GRIFFITH. LYNCH & CG\ DEALERS IN LUMBER, I'(»RN ER Fl RST AND AI,AMIII >A STS. Mill Work of all Kinds. -seen AS— IKIOHS, SASH, BUNDS, ETC., FTC. oc'J-linlp H. »'. wit.XV. D, M. SRBXr. WILEY & BERRY, DEAL ESTATE AGENTS JL\ — AJ {n— ('OM MISSION M ER( lIA NTS, No. :«2 MAIN STREET, LOS ANGELES. oc7-linlp MALONEY & FENNESSEY. T VAGON-MAKING, BL A C lv- II SMITHING AND HORsK-SIioFING 20 nod Aliso Street. Manufacturers of Carriages. Buggies, and wagons of all kinds. All orders promptly attended to. oe7-ipif LOS ANGELES SODA WORKS, No. 13 A LINO NTKEET. HENRY W. STOLL, Phopriktor. Supplies liar Rooms and private fami lies willi Ihe purest and best SO»A AM» NAKNAPA It I 1.1. A, Delivered to any pnrt of the city. nct-Un 4 J. L. WARD 4c 00. MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS. —It Kl' it ICS ENT I HO— Baker & Hamilton's AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS —AND— I 1 > XVjK. « IS! STAR MOLINE PLOW; HAXTER ri'RIGHT ENGINKS; AMES PORTABLE ENGINES; THE CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON. ■BY Illustrated Catalogues, With prices, can be had by application at ournlticc. ocl4-lin PELICAN SALOON, Spring Street, SJtnftgflfl the J\mt OjUee. DAVE MAIN HAS RETIRED from the Judicial contest, in orderto de vote Ills time to more classical pursuits. Filiating down the stream of life plaeidlv, with bald-headed old GEORGE HA KIN, they Will iii conjunction prepare the following nifty drinks: The Alitmna;oo*ler, The FcrrtMtiiroet. The NiiK-atoiiherbrla, The Uric A round the Corner. The CHOICEST WINES, LIQUORS AND CIG ARS always on hand. oc2-lm SAM. BERCE, Bill Poster and Distributer. nANDBTLLS, CIRCULARS. Pro ■ ORAM MRS, NOTICES, Etc. faithfully POSTED oil DISTRIBUTED throughout the cits ami country. It, H.—Parties ut a distance can send any thing they wish posted or distributed in tlie city or surrounding country, with assurance that the work will be faithfully done. orders may be left al the office of the Daily Hkkalii. SAM. HERGK, oelf-tf Los Angeles. MISCELLANEOUS. I*S3l 3 1 < iv. i O LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. Cash Capital, . $1,000,000 BrnnclicM in nli tiie SiaO'Mof the I .Goo. HAVING NOW COMPLETED . the organization of our l J *i<*iiif» Pl*e%li<aH< We take pleasure in announcing that our Pa cific Coast Stockholders have elected the fol lowing well-known citizens as officers of our PACIFIC BRANCH: President/ OLIVER iELDKIDGF. i'ice- Prtttdtntu THOS. A. BALL, WM. R. WHEATON A. L. GI'RNKY Secretary pro teni JAS. T. BOYD. Attorney THOS. BROWN Treasurer CHAS. BI'RRELI Medical Examiner ExrnttUe ('mnmittrr: OLIVER ELDRIDGE, JOS. A. DONOHOE, JAS. T. BOYD, OEO. W. BEAVER, CHAS. BI'RRELL, THOS. BELL, E. B. PER BIN. Direr lern OLIVER ELDREDGE.LELAND STANFORD GEO. W. BEAVER, THtis. BROWN, N. G. KITTLE; C. CHRISTIANSEN. JOHN F. MILLER, THOS. 11. SELBY, JAS. T. BOYD, H. F. MORROW, C. I. lIRENHAM, S. F. BUTTERWORTH M. D. SWEENY, GEO. H. WHEATON, I. FRIEDLANDER, WM. BTRIJNG, A. BLACK, THOS. A. BALL, lOS. A. DONOHOE, WM. R. WHEATON, THOS. BELL, E, B. PERRIN, C. T. BY LAND, WM. L. DICKENSON WM. S. LADD. THE REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. Waa chartered by special act ofthe legisla ture of the state of Illinois, nnd commenced doing business in July, IK7O, making It now Just three years old. Hs plan of organi'.'utioti was to have Capital stock, with twenty tier cent, paid In, nnd the balance subject toC*fi. Willi BRANCH ORGANIZA TIONS of stockholders In the leading business centers of the country, composed of the best lmsiness men-thus making a Company of National extent and prestige, and yet a HOME COMPANY AT EACH BRANCH. The Company at this date lias policies In torcc covering over of risks, with an annual Income of over #1,000,000, ALL ASSETS OF PACIFIC BRANCH IN VESTED ON THIS COAST. Capital Stock of Pacillc Branch, over # 900,800 00 Invested in Mortgages on Real Kn tnte iv California during tin- last four months, over liiO.tKX) 00 M2S Policies issued at Pacillc Branch during same period, insuring 1,249,1td 00 Clin rues for Insurance 35 per Cent. I.ess than Mutual Companies. T H B It KIM HLIC Does not horrow THE CAPITAL of Policy holders on PROMISES to return the same at sonic INDEFIN ITE future period and CALL IT A DIVIDEND. In presenting the claims of THE REPUB LIC to the patronage of the people of this Coast, we shall at all times aim to be gov erned by sound liusinessconsiderations, and a due regard for the rights and merits of com peting compn nil's. OFFICE OF THE PACIFIC BRANCH. NO. »I 7 CALIFORNIA STREET, Below Sansome Street. oc'idlnilp STOLEN HORSES T HAVE THE FOLLOWING DE JL Scribed horses in my possession at Ste phens'corral, taken from Tlburcio Vaaquei*a band of roblwrs. Owners can have their slis-k by proving property and paying charges! Two American work marcs, one sorrel and one brown, branded F with a hull circle, at the bottom. One large sorrel work hose, hands high, branded s li. One sorn-l horse, having collar and saddle marks, blaze In face, left fore foot and left hind foot white, branded J K. One sorrel horse supposed to bea hall-breed, witli collar and sad die-marks, fore feet white, strip In fbrehead; brand, two Inverted .Is wile. s underneath. One ntOM saddle-horse, bald face, all feet white, branded and vented with letter O. and also branded with letter A with half circle on top. One huge Iron-gray horse, branded M C and figures M. One Spanish saddle or work mare with gait, branded M E, and also J A L. one light gray saddle-horse, branded J with half circle. One dun mare, white mane and tail, brand ed I R and J G, and also J A L. One black mare, branded 1 with half circle at top and bottom,and JAL One Imv mare and yearling colt, branded J A L. One dun niar.i and sucking colt, branded A with o on top. One yearling dun OOlt, branded J A I» wm. it. Rowland, Sheriff, oeHtf LA CRONICA, PUBLISHES BY E. F. TEODOLI. The only Spanish Newspaper IN SOCTHERN CALIFORNIA. Published every Wednesday and Saturday mornings. Oliice In Temple's New lllock, spring street,opposite the Con rt-houae, II has a hove circulation In the State of Cal ifornia, the Eastern Btateil, Louisiana, Mexico, and Arizona and Colorado Territories,Ceiitial and South America, and Spain. commends Itself to the Advertisers who may wish to tiring their business hclore the Span- Ish-speaklng people and numerous population of different nationalities, on the Pucthc Coast. AdvertisiuK Rule* Very Reanonable. Subscriptions—One Year, $«; Six Months, |3 SO; Three Months, |g. ooftflp ANDREW JOUCHIN, NO. 34 AldSO STREET—MANU FACTURER m* VYiisoum, Cwi'rlSß* 1 *! lliiiaiii's,etc. Horse-shoeing, niacblne smithing and black - smithing of all kinds done In the most work manlike manner. SECOND-HAND WAGONS bought and sold, and always on hand. Order* promptly attended to. ocl'Jinlpl 1 EDUCATIONAL. SPANISH AND FRENCH TNSTRtfCfriON IN FRENCH AND a. SPANISH will be given to classes In the afternoon, or evenings, by MISS JOSEPHINE LINDLEY T X X M N: To a class of five or less, per lesson $2 00 To a class ot nnv number over live, per lesson $:| U0 For further particulars, Impure at ike office of the Los Anoki.ks HKSAU), Of Lindley A Thompson, or at the Pico House. TEST IMONIALS: I'nivf.rsitv of California, ) dki'ahtmknt of languages, r OAKLAND, July 11. 1*72. ) Herewith I certify that Miss Josephine Und le "uas been a student in my department Of the University for five consecutive terms, viz: from September, IS7O, to April 3d, 1872. During tills time she studied the French, the Spanish and the German languages, obtaining always IRS highest marks for proficiency and attend ance, her average credit mark lor five terms lieing H7 per cent. On entering the University, Miss Lindley Possessed already such knowledge of the rcneh and Spanish Idioms us lo be able to speak them with ease, fluency, correctness, aud a pure pronunciation. She may now he considered thoroughly fa milial with tbe theory and philosophy, as well as with the application of these two tongues; aud she may safely be recommended as a can didate of great promise, for teaching the French and Spanish languages. P. PIODA, Prof. Modern languages. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Josephine Llndlev hits been declnred by the Faculty entitled to this Certificate of Profi ciency in the departments of Geology and Natural History, (Botany and Physical Geolo gy,) Belles Lettres, 1 English Literature, Histo ry, Ancient and Modern,) Chemistry, Modern Languages, (French and Spanish.) Henry Durant, President of t'niversitv: E. S. Carr, Prof. Chemistry; P. I'lodn, Modern Languages; Joseph Lc Conte, Professor of Ge ology and Natural History; William Swlnton, Prolessor of Belles Lettres; Martin Kellogg, Dean of the Faculty. oc2-tT LAWLOR INSTITUTE lOS Main Street. I.os Aiiirelen. TH E SEVENTHSEMT-ANN t T AL Session of til is SKLECT DAY SCHOOL, In which girls nnd ls>ys receive a vsefui., I'ltACTlcAi. anim English Education, commenced 011 MONDAY, AUGUST il, 1873. TERMS PER MONTH: English Studies, including the ordinary School Brandies, and Double-Entry Hook-Keeping and Algebra '.. $5 00 Primary Geography, Second and Third Readers 4 00 Chart and Primer Classes II 00 F. X T It A N. Latin, Phonetic Short-hand and Geom etry, per month $2 00 Competent Teachers of Drawing, Painting, and the Modern Languages, will be connected with the Institution. For further particulars, apply lo the under signed, at Ihe School Building. ocsml W. H. LAWLOR, Principal. The Southern California JOINT TEACHERS' INSTITUTE, fl OMP 0 S E D OF SA NTA RA R- V,' BARA, KERN, VENTURA, SAN BER NARDINO, SAN DIEGO and LOS ANGELES counties, will meet iv the new High School building, I.os Angeles city, on Monday, November 3, 1873, and remain In session four days. Section lUO, Political Code'says: "When ever the number of School Districts in any county is ten or more, the school Superinten dent must hold ut least one Teachers' Insti tute In each year, and every teacher employed Ina public school in the county must attend such Institute." All the Public School Teachers are particu larly reqttired to attend. Private Teachers, Trustees and the public genera iy are invited to lie present. W. M. McFADDEN. County superintendent of Schools, Anaheim, Oct. 7, 1S7:I. oelo-td [Star copy, 1 FRENCH and SPANISH LESSONS T 880ON8 IN THE FRENCH and Spanish lunguages will be given toelasses or in private, commencing on WEDNESDAY, OCTOHKU 1, IS7S. Thiols OF TUITIOJC Private lessons $ 1 (Ml each Twenty lessons 15 ou Lessons to any number of pupils over five, for one month, three les sons every week, each pupil 2 00 French and Spnnlsh'School for children ev ery day (Saturdays excepted) at 4 o'clock P. M. TUITION, per month, $.1. For further particulars, inquire ut No. 107 Main street. Translation of Fkk.ncii, Span ish and English. F. V. C. UK MONDRAN. oc2-!tnl p Drawing and Painting. J NSTRUOTJON~InV' RAYO N, PEN -L CIL AND PERSPECTIVE DRAWING, In Coloring with India Ink and water Colon, and In O I L, I» A I N TI N given nt Hillside Cottage, back of the new school-house. MRS. LTJ WHEAT SMITH. oc2tf LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. LOS ANtiKLKH SALE. FEED & LIVERY STABLE, JH. JONES, PROPRIETOR, • CORNER FIFTH AND SPRING STS. Grain. Hay and all kinds of Fresh Feed CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ALSO, Large Clean Corrals and Stables, with city Waier Throughout. »» HORSES, MULES, WAGONS and CAR RIAGES bought und sold, and Horses and Carriages to let by the day or week. Teamsters accommodated as usual on the most liberal terms. oc7-lmlp N. H. MITCH ILL'S Pioneer Livery. Sale and Feed Stables, /"TENTER STREET, OPPOSITE Poplar Row, ANAHEIM. The very best itivoiiiniod.itions for visitors and travellers. Crontl** Hnddlo Horses constantly on hand, and furnished at shortest notice. ocllif ALISO FEED & SALE STABLE JF. RAMIREZ, PROPRIETOR. • COR. ALAMEDA A ALISO STS. Adjoining M. Keller's. ORAIIX, HAY At FEED always 011 hand. Horses, Mules, Wagons, etc bought and sold. oeT-lptf Campbell's New Stables. 47 AIJSO^sTREEY crfKMJis HORSES BOARDED BHSBMfr Day, Week or Month JcS 3 ? BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES FOR MALE OR HIRE, THE BEST OP FEED oc23mlpl CONSTANTLY ON HAND. NUMBER 20. MERCHANT TAILORS. J. STRELITZ, MERCHANT TAILOR— MAIN HT., near WELI.S.FARGO A To Makes the most fashionable style of C 3 XJ OTHING to he obtained In the southern country. Also a large stock of ttio Newest and best Cloths Doeskins, Heavers, Fancy Cassimeres. Velvet and Milk Vestings, etc. A fit guaranteed. Hefers to the principal gentlemen of tbeclly for whom he hus made clothing. No necessity to send to Han Francisco for good fitting suits. oc2lf-4p ADAM * NELSON. Merchant Tailors, HAVING ESTABLISHED THEM- NelveN nt the old stand of 1.. Peter, opposite the Poet-OlHee, SPRING STREET, are prepared to all ALE ORDERS In the Latest A Most Fashionable Styles. A fine assortment of Cassimeres, Vestings. And everything In the line always on hand. t&~ A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED IN ALL CASES. Give us a Call. oc2-lmlp I. HAUCH, MERCHANT TAILOR. NO. 6 COMMERCIAL STREET. All the LATEST STYLES received by every steamer, and made up in the latest styles and most suitable manner, and on tho most rea sonable terms. SSL CALL AND EXAMINE these Roods, before giving your orders. ocl6mlpl t^^mn^mmmi^mmmmammmmmmmmmtmmmwm SOUTHERN DISTRICT Agricultural Society's FALL MEETING. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 10,1 I, 12, 13, 14and 15. SPLENDID SPEED PROGRAMME I FIVE DAYS' RACING -AND- Stock Parades and Exhibitions, And one whole day devoted to I*j*.l»Y EQUESTRIANISM, AND OTHER SIGHTS. FIRST DAY. First Race—Trotting—For horses that are owned in the district at this date, that have never beaten three minutes. -Mile heats; best three in five to hurness—purse of asuti; $200 to Ihe first horse, and 8100 to the second; live or more to enter. Second Race—Running race of a mile dash, for all two-year bids owned and raised In this district. Purse of $.100; $200 to first and MOO to second; five or more to enter. Third Race—Running—Free for all Calltor nla or half-breed horses; mile dash; catch weights. Puree IIIIO; 8100 to the first and $50 to the second; five or more to enter. SECOND DAY. First Race—Gentlemen's Saddle Race—Sin gle dash of one mile; to carry not less than i5O pounds; each owner to ride his own horse, with colors, (weight to be understood to com prise saddle nnd rider, nnd not Include whip ami bridle,) and each rider to be over 19 years old. Purse of $.100; $200 to first und MOO to the second horse; five to enter. Second Race—Running—Free for all three year olds bred and raised, and owned at this date in tbe district; mile heats, best two In three. Purse of £100; $200 to first horse, 1100 to second; five to enter. Third Race-Trottlng-Freo for all three-vein olds in the State; mile heats, best two lv three to harness. Purse S150; $100 to first, $50 to sec ond; three to enter. THIRD DAY. First Race-Trotting—Free for nil horses In the State; mile heats, beat three In five to har ness. Purse of $900; MOO to first, *100 to sec ond; five to enter. Second Race-Running—Free for nil horse in the state; mile heats, best three In five. Purse ?400; MOU-to first, $100 to second; three or more to enter. FOURTH DAY. First Race—Running—Five mile dash; free for all horses owned in this district at this date; catch weights—bar Irene and Phil. Sher idan purse of $JHO; $175 to the flrsl, and $75 to the second: five to enter. Second Race—Trotting Purse—Froe for all horses in the state; mile heats, best three In live to wagons; owners to drive, ami all pro fessional drivers to be excluded. Purse $:*«); $175 to first, $75 to second, andsso to third; live to enter. FIFTH DAY. Set apart forthe exhibition of stock and the awarding of premiums, At one o'clock on this day there will be a grand exhibition of lady equestrianism. This contest will be open to nil ladles and misses, who must each be accompanied by nn escort on the day ofthe contest. Entries free for all, und to be made to the Secretary on or before the 15th of October. The entry consists ol tho name of the lady contestant, aud the name or description ofthe animal, If con venient—filename of the rider curtain. The contest will be divided Into two parts—grace ful riding nnd daring equestrianism. Ladle.s who took prizes last year are Ineligible. There will be ten or more substantial und elegant premiums, to be named hereafter. There will bo no horse or foot-racing on this duy, aud the admission will be the same as usual. SIXTH DAY. First Rnce—Trotting—Free for all horses In the Slate; two-mile heats, best two lv three to harness. Purse $500; $:!5u to the first, $150 to the second; live to enter. Second Race—Running—Free for all horses lv the State; two-mile heats, best two '.a three. Purse $500; $350 to the first, $150 to the second; three to enter. All trotting races to lie governed by the rales of the National Turf Congress, und all run ning races to be governed by the rules ofthe Sacramento State Agricultural society, unless otherwise specified. Fulr to commence ou Monday, the 10th day of November, to con tinue six days. All entries to la; made to the Secretary hy the Ist day of October,li) percent, of all purses to accompany the entry. In case of walk-over, the horse shall be entitled to all entrance money only. When two horses only start, the third money shall be returned to the Society. A horse distancing the field shall he entit led to all the money. Judges shall have the right to cull up a second or third race, and have it come otr between the heats of the first. The Society reserves the right to withdraw any purse, 11 tt believes flint there will bo 110 contest. All the privileges ofthe district, including entries for premiums and purses, are extend ed to Inyo and Venturn countries. oc2 NEW YORK BREWERY, QHRIS. HENNE, PROPRIETOR The CLEAREST, PUREST and MOST BRIL LIANI. LAGER BEER South of San Francisco. Orders for DRAUGHT or BOTTLED BEER promptly attended to. The celebrated Reer front this Brewery de fies competition In the State. ocs-2inlp S HF.KTHON. F. V. C. MONUKAN. COSMOPOLITAN CIGAR DEPOT I MPORT THE PUREST and BEST I Havana Cigars, and keep on hand Chewing nnd Smoking Tobacco Pipes, Clgarrltos and Fancy Articles. Main St., next door to W. F. A Co'a Express, oc'.'tllp