Newspaper Page Text
CITY A.?"?!* SUBURBB. DIRECTORY OF OFFICERS. it. M. Widney, District Judge 17t« Judicial District, composed of Los Angeles county. Court meets In February, May, August and November. ignaeio Sep ilveda, (ounty Judge. Court Commissioner, J. < J. Howard. State Senator, B. D. Wilson. Members of Assembly, Tims. D. Mott and Asa Fills. Sheriff, Wm. It. Rowland; Under Sheriff, Albert D. John-ton; is-piHv sheriff, J. M. Baldwin. Counts Clerk, A. W. Potts; Deputies, C. W. G.iuld and S. if. Mott. District Attorney, c. K. Thorn; Assistant, K. M. Boss. County Treasurer, Thomas K. ltowan. Superintendent of Public Reboots, William MoFaddcn. public Administrator, Oeorge Carson. County Surveyor, F. Leeouvreur. County Assessor, D. Botiller. Coroner, Joseph Kurt/.. County Hoard of Supervisors- Chairman, It. Forsmun; A. L. Bush, K. Palomaiev, s. B. Caswell, CITY OFFICERS. Mayor, J. it. Tobermiin. Marshal, J. it. Wolfe. Treasurer, Oeorge ft. BnOtfrj •, !"!-.'••■ . Attorney, A. W. Hutton. Clerk, M. Kremer. Hurveyor, William Moore. Health Officer, Dr. Wise. Engineer, George Q. MeLaln. School Trustees—H. D. Barrows, President; George Smith, Win. 11. Workman, Wm. Prid ham, M. Kremer. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. Following Is # rtstsap Qrrfrifc-ss lit I.os An geles county: ••* Sliver—Los Nietos—J. 11. Burke, Master; K. R. Wylle, Heeretery. Compton—A. Hlgbie, Master; J. A. Walker, Secretary. El Monte-G. C. Glbhs, Miudni; .1. JL Orny, Sccratary. Enterprise—Los Angeles —T. t. Alexander, Master; W.T. Henderson, secy. Eureka—Spadra— P. C. Tonner, Master; Jos. Wright, Seowtary. Falrvlew — Anaheim—Edward Kvev, Master; J. I). Taylor, Secretary. Kiuitlund—Tustin City—A. 11. Hnyward, Mas ter; K. B. Nlcols, Secretary, Los Angeles—T. A. Gerey, Master; 'I. D. Han cock, Secretary. I,os Nietos -B, B.( irandon, Master; J. K. Mar quis, secretary. New River— Los Nietos-it. B. Guthrie, Mas ter; I), s. Wardlow, Secretary, Orange—Richland—Thomas Drown, Master; J. W. Anderson, Secretary. Asusa—M. W. Maxy, Master; J, C. Preston, Secretary. Florence—H. Gibson, Master; Wm. Porter, Secretary BOARD OF TRADE. President—S. Lizard. Secretary—l. W. I/ml. Treasurer—S. B. Caswell. Directors—Dr. J. S. Griffin. 0. C. Lips, H. W. Hellman, J-S. Griffith, P. Beaudry,N. J. New mark, J. O. Dow icy, R. M. Widney. Regular meetings, Tuesdays, at 7:30 P. M. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. WINTKU AItItANfIKMKNT- U A. *S.P. R. It. Arrive— Depart. I 00 A. M. 10 00 A. M. I 15 P. M. 4 00 P. M. The above to rule except on days of steam ers'arrival and departure, when trains will run to connect with steamers. ST AUK LINUS. Arrive. Depart. Telegraph Stage Line ;t:00 p. it. 12:.X) p. M. Coast Line Stages 0:00 i: M. 5:00 A. tt, San Betnardino Line 5:80 i: m. H:.!0 a. .m. San Diego St age Line 1:00 p. m. a. M. »>.»., Kvery style of Painting and Glinting done In the highest sty le of art, and at ronson abl« rates, fry <". Raphael & Co. «.«• All men ought to know that all kinds of gentlemen's Clothing will be made with neat ness and dispatch by a regular tailor. The making and trimming of woolen Mill cloth Is a specialty at D. W. Fit/patrick's, corner of Court and Spring streets. '• OW J. Colm keejis Hue Havana and Domes tic Cigars. No. SI Main street, Downey,s Block, Thompson A Qorson's saloon. «o" Los Angeles county, wherever known, is acknowledged to be an earthly paradise. Here we ha yep 'i petual summer. Fruits ripen, and Mowers bloom the year round. But chief among its many advantages is cheap living. McDonald's Restaurant ,on Commercial street, is the best. One trial of the nice Coffee, Tea, Tenderloin steak, Fresh Kggs and Ranch But ter, proves that It Is the best place In town. Single meals, 25 cents. The melancholy days have come. The saddest of the year— Of weeping winds and walling woods, And meadows brown and sere. Hut nature has 1 one recompense .She never had before; Fur all the people ironic for (docks, At Fisher A Co's store. (aY The tide of immigration is steadily net ting m, tind the first thing eastern people do Is to throw away their New York Hats and buy n new one of DKSMOKD. They miy there Is no comparison between the two. o Theater. The theater was crowded last night, on the occasion of Mr. Fenton's bene fit. To say that the play was a success, would not be altogether just to the audience, who; noticed the many im perfections, and, with the character* istic lenity of Los Angeles people, passed them over uncomplainingly. The jealous Moor was impersonated by Mr. Saxon in a manner which un doubtedly does him credit, consider ing the short time in which he had to commit the lengthy and dialogistic part, yet open to critioisui in enuncia tion anil gesture. - Sam.- Pierey Was born for "lago." This we say as the highest compliment to his acting. Fenton was positively good as Cassio; Miss Lipsis irresisttbly funny as Rod erigo; Miss Leigli excellent as Desde niona; Madame Duret grand as Ame lia; and Mr. Brownhart was reasona bly comendable as Brabant io. In the farce, Fenton, Barrows, and Miss Lip sis fairly excelled themselves, and the extreme silliness of the play kept the audience in convulsions of laughter from lirst to last., HOTEL ARRIVALS. Pico House—C. W. Davenport, Geo. Bridget', James Pfttferson, L: E. Hol- COmbe, San Francisco; SamT Tingle, Chicago; T. Alvarado, San Francisco; O. F. Pemdleton, New York; John Par ker, . .Mis 4 * Noyes, Boston, Mass.; J. E. Bixton; Brooklyn, N. Y.| E. A, Suolon and family, Anaheim. United States Hotel.--Per Steamer —Wm. H. Fish, Thomas M. Ball, W. W. Whiting, San Francisco; J. Marx sen and family, Richard Mueller, Davenport, Iowa; J. B. Hlodger, John Raible and wife, San Francisco; Jas. W. Gage, Lowell, Mass. T. Raeze, G. Davis, Anaheim; A. L. Johnson, Los Nietos; I. FL Leihy, Tustin City; F. Butler'and wife, Du buque, Iowa; J. H. Kirkpatrick, Utica, N. Y.;Geo. Matuleck, Cerro Gorda; Fred Green, Anaheim; Adam Malvanki, Lyon Station; R. Bennett, Sacramento; Dan'l M. Gage, Wil mington, Miss K. O'Hara, Miss D. Fulia, Sun Bernardino, Mrs. J. Brem ermun, Mrs. Langenbergcr, Louis Wartenberg, Anaheim; F; G, Hughes, Arizona, It. S. Grubb, San Fernando; S. D. Bird, Anaheim, W. Castle, J. B. Blodget, San Francisco; A. Higbie, Compton; Frank Rowne, Lone Pine, Thomas Rowland, Fernando Nan chego, New River; John J. Roberts, Santft Clara Valley. Bella Union —C. B. Burlingame, James Stewart, San Bernardino; P. Laynce, J. A. Solts, San Francisco; L. Littletteld, Mass. Newton Ingraham. Alameda county; Charles 11. Leamel and wife; Boston Muss.; Mrs. B. Red ding and daughter, Louisville Ken tucky; Dr. R. Gregory, wife and child, Charles Moultoji,.l T .- S.--A.; <Mrs. P, Banning, Wilmington; J. L. Vanden burg W. Castle, San Francisco. roc ii. nil!.vitics. If. D. Burrows has returned from tke Fast. There was not a vacant seat at the Merced Theatre last evening, and very little standing room. A new substance bus been discovered iv the sun by a Los Angeles scientist. He calls it helisium. Two teams left the city yesterday for San Bernardino, with goods for R. & 8.. B. C. B. and .M. Ritter. Dr. Gregory of the United states Army is ROW in town on his way to Arizona to join his detachment. The urbanity and gentility of the ushers at the theater are marked and most creditable features of that insti tution. The Fall wool trade is about cleaned up, and there is little or nothing doing in sheep. Useful wethers are quoted at S3. The Orphans' Fair was very well attended last night. It is hoped that they may clear over SI,OOO during the three evenings. By way of altering their diet a little in San Diego, a few sncks of beans were shipped from here thereon the Mohongo this morning. Mr. Heinsch, the saddler, has moved into his new quarters on Commercial street, and his old store is being litted up for the dry goods business. The Dollar Store has a large stock of crockery which it purchased at auc tion at a bargain. Purchasers will be given the benefit of its bargains. Now is the time to plant the Pla/.a. The rain will soon be here and meas ures for beautifying it, by laying it out in beds and grass borders, should be adopted. Judson & Gillette record elsewhere eleven transactions in real estate which deducting a double sale ofthe same piece of property, amount to over $11,000. Mr. Mathews sent away four car loads of wine this morning; also, a car load of freight, consisting of wool, wine, castor and red beans, walnuts, dried peaches, etc. Two cases came before the Mayor yesterday, one relative to the pay ment of a city license, and the other had reference to the cup that inebriates but does not cheer. Mr. Morris' vineyard on Main street, will shortly be laid out in lots of live acres, for building purposes. Mr. Mor ris does not state whether he will build himself or sell to new comers for that purpose. Messrs McKenny and Brown, the gentlemen who left this vicinity on the 12th insL, with 15,000 sheep, for Arizona, have progressed as far as the Mohave river, and report good grazing on the route, and the sheep doing well. Messrs. Ma lone & Fennessy, the wagon and carriage makers, on Aliso street, have just finished and ready for sale, a very handsome and substantial four spring wagon, in which strength and beauty seem to be judiciously com bined. A wordy dispute took place yester day, between a Spaniard and Ameri can, near Signoret's. The quarrel was about a debt of $4, and bystand ers expected to see weapons drawn. It terminated however without the ex pected fracas. . The odor of the open sewers on Main street, is not us fragrant us that of the "nectar that Jupiter sips;" but with the completion of tiie tunny new buildings in progress it will be dis persed, and persons can pass along without holding their noses. The shipment of the Los Angeles Refining Company consists of pure alcohol, and not brandy, as reported yesterday. The entire amount tor the tirst week will be 1" pipes, about 6,000 proof gallons. The alcohol is worked up very high, the spirits containing ninety-five per cent of pure alcohol. Mr. Appleton will not give up the superintendence of the Telegraph!-)tage Company as reported, although Air. Fall hus returned and will attend to the outsidej interests of the company. The office will not be removed from the United States Hotel, but Mr. Fall will probably huve a desk at the Pico House. Mr. Bennett called at this office yesterday to deny tiie truth of the item referring to him, published yes terday. He certitinly does not live at El Monte, as stated, ami he further adds that there is no truth iv any part of it. Mrs. Bennett sent for a physi cian to whom she gave the version word for word which appeared iv the Herald. A visit to Gervasio Valencia yester day found the little fellow conscious, but worse. His adopted mother stated that he hardly ate anything, and that his extremeiies were cold. There is a doubt as to whether the shot that pierced the temple penetrated the brain; it may have remained in the frontal sinuses. His recovery is very doubtful, and his agony is terrible. The morning before last a weary Herald man was plodding up the street at about 3:30 a. m. It was so dark that he kept the middle of the street although the Fire Company had been out with*, the engine the night before. On nearing the Pico House a vision af a man all muffled and carry ing a huge club, loomed up and barred the way. It was only officer Sands caring for the peace of the city, but for a moment the prevailing idea in that reporter's breast was that his obituary notice would afford a little copy to the printers next day. Rent Estate TrssMetlem. Deeds tiled for record for tho 24 loans end ing St t o'clock, October 30, 1873, as reported for the Daily Hkkalo by Judson A Gillette, Searchers of Records for Loa Angeles county: 1' Manning et al. to M Varelas—Lot 7, block 12, range a, Wilmington ; 850. Alexander Rondou to 0 W f'hlids—Small fraction of lot on SE side of Main street, next to Louisa 11. Griffin ; $000. David Gray to John Anthony Hrown —West half of lot 1 lv block 17, Hancock's survey of Donation lots, acres ; £3,000. A Robinson, Trustee, to E C Waldeman— 148 V, acres lv township 3, S R, 12 W, in ltaneho Los' Coyotes: $1,928. Mortimer Hopkins to Mrs. Sadie Monks— NE U and S Kof NW > 4 sec. 10, T2 S, R 11 W, being 240 acres; 8500. Sadie Monks to Jose D. Sepulveda -Same property: $100. Mary B Caswell to \Vm M Osborne—Lot «, block 11, Ord's survey, on Hill and Fifth streets; $2,500. A Blllenger to Will Brooks—S % of sec. 10, T2S, Rll W, 320 acres; $500. A Mallachwlrtz et ux. to J B Frith—sß acres In S% of sec. 15, T2 S, Rl3 W, on east side of San Pedro Railroad; $1,400. A MatlaehwlrU et ux. to J B Frith—tl acres In S V, of same section, on west side of said rail road; $1. W H Mace to .1 B Firth—lß acres In south half of same section, lying on both sides of said railroad ; $600. Nell C Johnson—Possessory claim of 100 acres on Walnut Spring Canyon. One notice of levy on real estate and ono marriage license recorded. T D llolloway to.tlay tiled his bond us Con stable of Han Jose township. Exports. The following is the list of Exports In the Depot of the Los Ang.'lcs and S. P. U. R. awaiting shipment: Feed Meal, sks 225! Wool, balej 5!) Wool, hales Bft Dried Peaches, sks.. 2,1 Alcohol, pipes 7|Wlue, cusks 1 Council Meeting. Present—President Sabiehi, Council man Mulally, Dockweiler, Workman, Beaudy, De Cells and Osborne. The minutes, were read, amended and adopted. The Marshal reported $8,680 collect ed. Report received and placed on file. The City Attorney reported thai proceedings had been commenced in the County Com t to condemn the lands for High, Pulaski and Tenth streets. That the condemnation for Mary street would be commenced as soon as descriptions were tiled. He also reported that it was necessary to take action concerning the writ served on the President recently. Report received and placed on tile, and the Clerk ordered to furnish a trunscrint. The Committee on Zanjas reported that they, in connection with the City Attorney, had examined the city ordi nance with reference to the propriety of getting the railroad to raise the necessary sewers on the banks of the I.os Angeles river. They recommend ed the Mayor and Common Council to notify the Superintendent ol the rail road of the danger to their works through a freshet. Received and placed on file, and the Clerk ordered to notify the railroad company. The Hoard of Public Works made a report recommending the centra] road on the east side of the river from the new bridge, as survived by the City Surveyor, provided the owners along the road put it in fit condition to be traveled in safety, and that the city obtain deeds from all parties through whose lands the road passes. Approved. That there i* no necessity at present for an outlay of $200 tor a culverl and Improvement! on Charity street, as these would not give Sixtli street connection with any other street, and the traffic docs not demand them. That if any improvements are neces sary, a dam constructed across the gulch was enough to protect the ditch in the event of a freshet. Referred to the Committee on Zanjas, with in structions to have the work done at once. That a sidewalk of hard brick ten feet wide, witli a curbing of redwood 3x12 inches, lie built on the western side of Spring street, between First and Court streets; and that bids be advertised for Immediately, and the work be done under the direction of the Superintendent of Public Works. An ordinance was ordered drafted by the Hoard of Public Works and City Attorney covering the matter. That the culverts on Ninth street be completed immediately, and that the Board of Public Works enter into a contract witli Weixel & Burns for the construction of the same. The Board of Public Works recom mended cobble stone cross walks, four feet wide, properly made, on the fol lowing streets: Arcadia, across Main; across Commercial street, Requena and First streets; thence across Main st.; thence across First; another on Mum, across Court and Market streets; one from Temple Rlock to Requena street, across Main; one from Com mercial street across Main; one from the corner of Temple Hloek across Main; one from the opposite corner of Temple Rlock to Temple street, and acros Temple street, between Downey block and Allen's; one across Jail st. on Spring, and across First and Spring, on First street, across Main; one in front of Arcadia, across Main; one across Commercial, on both sides of Los Angeles street; and one across Los Angeles, iv front, on the line of Commercial street; one across Aliso, between Beaudry and Ren blocks; one across Alameda, on the line of Aliso street. Bills for this work ordered and the work begun. The Special Committee to whom was referred the matter of the pay ment for laud required for railroad purposes, reported and recomehded that the Mayor and Common Council apply to the legislature to issue bonds to the amount of 9U,UUO for the pay ment of lands above mentioned, pur chased pursuant to the ordinance sub mitting the question ofthe sale and assignment of the stock held by the city in the Los Angeles and San Pedro Railroad. Considerable discussion took place concerning this reconiendation; but it seeming evident that the city was in duty eound to pay for this land, the recommendation was adopted, and the report placed on file. A Special Committee was appointed to lino the denomination ofthe bonds, the time they should run, and the in terest tbey Mould hear, aud to memo rialize the legislature tor authority to issue bonds. Beaudry, gabichl, Os borne, and Workman, were appointed the committee. Glasscll & Smith were appointed a Committee to represent the interest of the city in the Supreme Court, for 9100. The Committee on Fire und Water reported adverse to the request of Felix Gallardo, to put i hydrant on the city lands near his place. The Committee on Gas rejected the price asked by Mr. Doss, us exorbitant, and because there was no funds on hand to meet such expense. Mr. Dockweiler moved that the Committe on Gas see for what the (ilas Company would light the lamps. Mr. Beaudry opposed it on the ground that there was no funds for this pur pose, and on the ground that the gas was poor nnd the price high. The company for operating the oil regions would probably soon serve the city with cheaper and better gas. The motion was carried. A communication was presented, asking that theie be refunded to the Fanners and Merchants' Rank $1,008, overpaid last year. Also, one from Geo. H. Smith for $30 50. Referred to the City Attorney. The Finance Committee reported in favor of Thos. Faweett for $50. On motion of Subichi, the bill was or dered paid. The following bill* were presented, and referred to the Finance Com mittee: Thomas Fuwcett $50 00 Harper & Dalton 18 25 F. Fonte 19 50 John G. Scott 10 00 tieo. P. McLsun 20 00 Harper <fc Dalton 18 lo Harper & Dalton 5 62 R. Rills 10 00 Evening Express 21 25 J. Coleman 00 00 T. Clancy 50 00 H. Chambers 30 00 S. C. Mannon 00 00 J. Baldwin 40 71 W. H. Lander 40 00 O. Spenser 38 00 Sheriff. 81 25 M. Rrunett 20 00 J. G. Jackson 05 99 Stephen C. Foster 7 80 R. C. Truman 40 00 Pioneer Hack 4 00 Woolen Mills 57 50 Gas Co 11 00 Th.Massett 5 00 L. Lichtenberger 51 00 Mr. De Cells moved that the com mittee on zanjas be instructed tore pair to the place and examine the tluni, and report what work is neces sary to be done. Adjourned. OUR BUSINESS HO'JStJ. 'I'ln, Ilunlwure nml Mouse Furnishing;. The house of Harper & Dalton was established April, 1871. They keep six men constantly employed in the manufacture of tin, she: tiron rfnd cop per ware, and have the greatest facili ties iv this line. They have a heavy stock of stoves, mining materials, wood and willowware. cutlery, crock ery, kitchen utensils, etc. Their plumbing and gas fitting department is under the supervision of the senior member of the firm, who has been 35 years in the business in the Eastern States. The whole of the very com plete gas fittings of the Hekald and Vronii'd offices were put in" by this firm and arean admirable specimen of thorough and practical work. In this department the firm also attends to roofing. The store extends 100 feet back and has a basement underneath, filled with plows, harrows, wheelbar rows, pumps, etc. Farming Imple ments they make a specialty of, and keep only the best, which they import from the Fast direct. From ceiling to cellar the stores are filled with goods, and to enumerate them would be im possible. Another specialty of the firm is house-furnishing. They keep all nec essaries iv this line, viz: kitchen j utensils and furniture, heating stoves, hot water apparatus, etc. By means of this latter invention they can lay hot and cold water right through the largest houses from top to bottom, which is a luxury seldom enjoyed out side of very large cities. Their large stock of shelf goods is imported direct ly from the Eastern States, and they transact business with tho largest firms in both New York and Chicago. They have the largest stock of tin ware In the city, having employed extra hands during the summer to manufacture them. All such goods as milk pans, honey cans, pitchers, and indeed every conceivable kind of tin ware they arc constantly turning out. The large Jobbing Store is at the back of the main store, and the firm is here prepared to execute orders of any magnitude, from a half-pint tin cup to a 10,000 gallon galvanized iron tank. Their business reaches as far south as San Juan and even Arizona, and extends north to Bakersfleld. They transact a large wholesale business with establishments in the surround ing country, and supply merchants in the mining districts with all essen tials for their trade, such as gold pans, picks, shovels, boring machines, pumps, etc. In the short space ot two yean and a-half, Harper & Duiton have built up one of the briskest businesses in Los Angeles. They have the satisfaction of knowing, also, that it is constantly increasing and making fresh demands on their energy. Their success is attributable entirely to constant and close attention to work, and a vigor ous determination to neglect nothing that may advance the interests of their customers, as well as themselves. < oust Line Stage Arrivals. Miss D. Foaley, Miss Kate O'Hare, J. li. Man, C. Cohen, V. E. Thurmand. Four names unknown. Departures—Walter Rogers, L. Lit tlefield, G. Bridger, M. Higoue, Mr. O'Noil, Mr. Harvey, Y. A. Sanets, g. E. Holcombe, Miss Wheeler, Juan Ortego, Mr. Thurinand, and three Frenchmen. Telegraph Ktnxc I.lue Heparin re*. Miss James, Mr. Orcutt, L Barada, D. Caso. THK « Ot Ills. District Court-Wii>nkv,J. Tiichsoay, < ietober 90. Polloreno vs. Burps—Continued tor t tie term. Jauregtuy vs. Leonts—Judgment ordered tor plaint ttt: Johnson vs. Bush —Complaint amended snd cause continued until November nth. Blnko vs. Tonner—Demurrer overruled abd five days given to answer. li rower vs. Brower—Decree of divorce granted. Dubordleu vs. Butler—Petition tor writ of mandate submitted without argument. Adjourned until to-day at 10A. ST. Probate Court -SECt i.VEn v, J. TlicnsnAV, October SO. Estate of John Dora.deceased —Order issued for publication of notice to creditors. Estate of Alphonso Hallenbeck, deceased- Decree entered showing legal nol ice lo credi tors. Estate of Louis Wllharl, deceased—Decree of settlement of tlnal account of A. Melchert, executor, and order of final discharge Of executor. Nan Francisco Money Market. San Eka NCISOOi <)ct. .'!(). OOLP—lOfeVj. Okkkm b aoks—92@*JK- Han Frauelaco Markets—By Telegraph. San FBAXCISOO, Oct. .10. FLOCK—Extra Johing, SO Mafi H7»... WHEAT—Shippers are offering 82 '.!ov~'2 2a; millers, $2 87)4 Lots held at 2 1 .,c.>:i. Above these rates 4,500 sacks choice milling sold this morning at full rates; 300 sacks good, do.; 6,500 sacks CsfOregon prior to a r rival, »2 25; TOO sacks private. BARLEY—SSOsacks light, Inferior, st 27 1 ..; sOO do., feed, $1 97j&tl 40; 250 do., St l»i 89000., brewing, 81 65; SJO do., choice old brewing, 81 70. OATS—From 81 45@1 SO will cover all lots offerl ng. IIAY-BH@l7perton. CO I IN—2sosacks yellow, 81 ,T>. BEANS—Kayo 2\r; small white.3%C. WOOL—Very dull. The telegraphic advices from the F.ast afford little encouragement. In New York, California quoted steady yes terday at 20«if24 for fall and 27(.<:i5 for spring. In Boston there Is nothing doing, current rates being barely maintained. Thermometrlral Iteeord. According to the plan of the Smithsonian in stitute. Kept specially for the Huuai.u by Brodrtek A CO, October :to. 9A. M 01 ..J 2r. M 71. |!> >'. M 08, Average, 65. AUCTION HOUSE. G1 ATES & NOYES. W Corner Temple Rlock and Spring St. Auction Business promptly attended to. Spe cial Sules made In any pari o# the city or county. Furniture bought or sold on Commission. Liberal advances made on consignments. QCL'tf-.'p 8. B. CASWKLI.. t, K. KLLIS. CASWELL & ELLIS, JMPORTERS And Dealers lv General .HerchniullNc, 80 AND 83 MAIN STREET, oc2-tf Los ANOEI.KS. LINES OF TRAVEL. jLOS ANGELES & SAN PEDRO eH*B •••• ■ RAILROAD, ON AND AFTER APRIL I, IST.'i, trains win run ns follows, leaving WILMINGTON—7s*S A. M. and I F. M, I.OS ANUELES-10 A. M. and IP. M. Kxeept on days of steumers' arrival and de parture, when trains will run to connect with steamer. Passengers for San Francisco und San Diego Will leave IjOS Angeles by the Hi A. M. train, connecting at Wilmington with tbe Compa ny's steamer. as;- First claw passenger can will run regu larly. Ko < luince A>r Itorage t« Merchants in the Country. JOHN MILKER, Agent at L< n Angeles. oc2H K. E. HEWITT, Sunt AGENCY OF THE Hamburg, Bremen and Steiten Mail Steamship Companies. BEING APPOINTED AGENT OF the above Mail Steamship forthe Southern Coast, I am prepared to fur nish THROUGH PASSAGE TICKETS by any of those lines of steam ■ r-, To and from Europe, to New York and San Francisco al the lowest rates. Also gi\c MONEY POSTAL lIRUEUH to ull parts of Germany, Switzerland, Austria. Trance Eujfluiul, Sweden, Noruiiy mi I Heuiuark. Which will be delivered to the receiver free of charge, al I heir respective houses, in any pari of Europe. Also, gives DRAFTS on any part of Europe, In sums to suit. Collections made in any Part of Europe. For particulars, apply I" IT. FLEISHMAN, Bella Union Store, DsStfSp Agenl in ios Angeles. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. i.i: roit o< toiiku. MM, THE STEAM EES & Orizaba<,^> tor Santa Harbnrn. Sun I>e;lro. Ana heim Landingssd snu ioc-o. STEAMS? MOHONOO, CUT, Uf, HARLOK, LeOVCf Sn,l j Arrives Sim | Lnn en S'tn \AfTlV*i S'tn ' FranclMO, IWeo. ; J'etlro. Franctteo. Oct 8 Oct 5 Oct KjOet 10 Oct lSlOct 17 Oct 20 i >ct 13 Oct....27 Oct Nov iiNov ;i STKAMEK OaUABA, CAPT. 11. J. JOHNSON, Oc; S Oct 11 Oct WiUet W Oet 211 Oct 23; < )ct 2il|()ct 29 STEAMER GIPSY, For San Diego nnd ull wav ports, carrying OILS, ACIDs, POWDER, etc., not allowed to be carried on passenger steamers, will leave San Francisc i October Both. Freight 011010, to san Pedro, SO cents per case. FOR NEW YORK VIA PANAMA, Calling al Sun Diego, Manxaulllo, and Aca pulco. Steamers leave San Francisco October Ith and IHIh. FOR CHINA AND JAPAN. Steamers leave San Francisco on the l-t and Kith of every week. Through Bills Of Lading signed, and through tickets sold to al I ports on the San Diego route to New York, Europe, .Mexico and South America, nl San Francisco tariff rales. PASSAGE: To New York,cabin To New York, steerage so To San Francisco, cahin lj To san Francisco, steerage s Cabin plans at agent's oliice. For passage apply to 11. McLELLAN, ooa Ag ml for Los Angeles Couuty. JOHN OSBORNE, T3IONEER PACKAGE EXPRESS mT and city Package delivery. MOVING PIANOS AND ORGANS A SPECIALTY. Pianos Unpacked and Repacked. Anything Delivered, from an Envelope to the largest Case ever shipped, lo all parts of the city and country. Baggage called for in time for the trains. It/i Leave orders on Ihe slide at the offlee, in Wells, Fargo A Co. *s oliice, corner Main und Market streets, or P. 0, bos 288, ocS-lmii l For First-Class Printing, —AT — Lowest Rates, GfrO to the "HERALD," LOS ANGELES WOOD YARD. \ lambda street, opposite Griffith, Lynch a co's Lumber Yard. DHY WOOD always on bund, and sold at the Lowest C v hli Rates, and delivered to an v part of the cltv. Fl T LL MEASUREMENT guaranteed every time. Orders left al the principal grocery stores, or at theyurd, promptly attended to. oeulmlpl CONGRESS HALL A BATTER, PROPRIETOR. J. jV« Basement, cor. Main and Requlna sis. All the delicacies of the season. A NICE COLD LUNCH at a minute's notice. Wines. Ales, Pollers, Liquors and Champagnes, ol the very choicest brands. 1*» anil l.iio hinder Cheese. A fine Billiard Table in the Hall. oc2-2p j. n. sauniikks, K. i>. cii. y. RaiMSKMAK,V. D J. B. SAUNDERS & CO., jytUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS, 72. MAIN STREET, I.os ANGELES. The CHOICEST TOILET ARTICLES, the PUREST DRUMS and PATENT MEDICINES of All kinds. MT Prescriptions carelullv com pounded day and night. oc'.'-lnr.'p M. TEED, contractor AND builder, Shop on First Street, DetWeen Main and Spring, Los Angeles. M* Jobbing done neatly und with Dispatch. ocVlmSp CITY LAUNDRY, N inth street, between Grasshopper and (Irlftltl streets, LOS ANGELES. Gentlemen's, HOTEL AND RESTAURANT WASHING done on rcusonnhle terms. PEARL BUTTONS sewed on, and ordinary MENDING done. Washing called for and de livered, FREE OF CHARGE. ttS*Order slute ut Ilroderick's Hook Store. ocMmlp J, S. o'NEIL BANKJ NG HOUSES. FARMERS & ITeRCHANTS 1$ IV X OF I.OH ANUELES. Capital $500,000 JiillN O. DOWNEY President I. W. HELLMAN CASHIER Exchnnge for sale on San Fraucisro, New York, London. i>nbl!ii, Frankfort, Paris aud Berlin. Hamburg. Receives Deposits and Issues Its certificates. Buss and sells Legal Tenders, Government, Slate, ( ounty and City Bonds. Will also pay the highest price for Hold und Silver Bullion. From and after this date, on all moneys left as term deposits, interest will be allowed. Los Angeles, July I, IH7I. oc2-)m DIVIDEND NOTICE. F.\KMKHS A Merchants' Baxk, 1 Los October 7,1873. j" A DIVIDEND OF So PER SHARE has been declared on Ihe capital stock ofthe Farmers'and Merchants' Bank oi Los Angeles, payable on the 10th lust. oc7ml ISAIAS W. HELLMAN, Cashier. THE BANK. WM. WORKMAN. F. P. K. TEMPLE. TEMPLE & WORKMAN, LiA^ICEKW. TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. Receive Deposits, issue their Certificates and transact a 41ENEBAI. H. 4 Mi INO BI'NINENN. DRAW ON THE LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK [LIMITED], AT SAN FRANCISCO. Exchnnge for sale on New York, Hamburg:, f .ondon, llerlin nnd lNiris, Wnulil'ort. Legal Tenders Bullion, Gold Dust and Gov ernment, Stul<", County und City Bonds bought and Sold. Receive valuables for safe keep ing. oc2-tf HOME MANUFACTURERS. Our Own Manufacture! TUX OSfsW CRACKER BAKERY In tli«» City! A Large Stock of fresh Crack ers always on Hand. Cakes On hand anil made to order at short notice. Tastefully decorated CAKES of any design, at reasonable prices. Also, BREAD, PIES AND CAKES, Fresh every duy, at the RAKERY. oc2-lmis Los Angeles Woolen Mill ST( >J3-X£. SACRISTE, ELLIOTT & CO DEALERS IN WOOL, AND MAN UFACTURER* of All Wool Cassimeres, Tweeds, Flannels. Blankets, etc. All our goods are PURE WOOL, and war ranted as represented, t onsumers cun Save 25 to 33 per cent. by buying direct from us. STORE AT THE " WHITE HOUSE," corner of Los Angeles and Commercial Streets. oc2tf-2p California Bakery. pIORNER MAIN & MARCHES- V- SAI'LT STREETS. FRESH BREAD. PIES and CAKES EVERY DAY. isaA'AKER of every sort or kind made to order. Ordets promptly attend ed to. ocuhnlpf Guitar and Singing. pROFESSOR M. S. AREVALO has returned to this city, and will resume his classes. Private Lessons and Lessons to Classes Apply nt URODRICK'S Book and Music Store. oclo-lm2p ST. VINCENT'S COLLEGE, LOS* ANG ICI^KH. LTNDER THE CARE OF THE J FATHERS ok ST. VINCENT nt: PAUL. DEOREF.S CONFERRED, and the most complete Education given. No more beauti fully situated spot In the whole nl Southern California. Apply by totter, or personally, to REV. .1. McdII.L, C. M. OCg-lmJs President. WANTED. >■*()() MEN WITH TEAMS, TO *9\ r\ r ijiinjf their wives ami children fo Buy Goods at the Dollar Store, Present prices being '25 to 100 per Cent, less thnn Elsewhere. ■OF Remember the place, No. 102 Main St., opposite the Court House. ocs-lm2p EASTERN AND CALIFORNIA' OYSTERS- FRESH BY EVERY steamer, will be served up in every style, at th- orner of COMMERCIAL AND IXIS ANGELES STS., By '-JAKE" BAER, iforinerlv with H. Dockweiler) und CHAS. WAI.DKN. Jifl GIVE THEM A CALL- _ Oclf-lrtl CAMILLE RAYNAL, (OPPOSITE M. KELLER'S) MANUFACTURER AND DEAL ER IN VVnjionw, C'iirriiii»o«, llueyii's.eic Blueksmithlng of ull kinds. All work NI^VI>IS of 11ICKX M A.T I f lAL. and In the future as reliable as in the past orders prompt I.V encoded to. ocl2mlpl Los Angeles City Water Co LOCATION O~F WORKS, CITY and County of Los Angeles, Stato of California. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of tho stockholders of the Los An geles City Water Company will be held at the oflicc of 1 he Company ,51 aud 53 .Main street. In the City of Uwi Angeles, on MONDAY, NO VEMBER 17, 187.!, at 12 o'clock M., for the election ofoltieers for the ensuing year, and forthe transaction ol such other business as may be brought before the meeting. oclStd EUGENE MEYER, Bec'y. NOW T ADIES, YOU CAN BUY FIRST -La 1 class Millinery and Fancy Goods, Just arrived direct from the East We are determined to make one GRAND CLEARING SALE, aud oiler our large stock, cotumcuclng the season, at ?S cents ou tbe Dollar, at No. 1 Spring street. oc.'-Unls MRS. J. E. SMALL REAL ESTATE. S. H. SLAUGHT, REAL ESTATE, SALE AND EXCHANGE AGENCY! BIYS AND SELLS REAL Es tate in all sections nl' the Union. Man large tracts lor sale In Southern California. Homes for Farmers, Homes for Mechanics, Homes for Business Men, Country Homes, Ktocli ltiingow, Klicop Itoii£><>h, Vineyard, Orchard*, City Hornet, or all kind* and nt all ttfMa, Special attention paid to the EXCHANGE OF CATTLE, HORSES. SHEEP ANI> OTHEIt STOCK. A PERPETUAL FAIR, where the best products of the country will bo trecly put on exhibition, to which all persons are not only invited, but urged to contribute. It will not only tend to entertain our visitors, but will enable them to see what we can raise here, and thus encourage them to unite their capital and energies with ours, lo develop th« vast resources of our country, add lo the charms of the most beautiful climate In the world. Bring Along Your Best Results of honest labor, nnd curious freaks of nature, and see If we cannot astonish the world. Also, report what you have done. Special Attention to Exhibition of Ores and general Information exel anged In regard to the mines of our country. Mining and other Stocks on Exchange All orders promptly attended to. and infor mation given CHEAPLY und with dispatch. We are fully convinced that the time It at hand when old things are to be done away, and nearly all things ure to become new. Con sequently, niuny changes will become neces sary, and to facilitate tills object Is our pur pose In our present business capacity. From our extensive acquaintance with the people of the Eastern states, as well ns our knowledge of this country and its people—which we have worked diligently and hard to learn—aud the large amount of Choice, Desirable and Cheap Property we have on sale and to lease, we feel confident of success, and that Is half the battle won. Our motto is on waul and upward with the watchword, Know Thyself, lhe which we study. So we flatter ourselves that We Can Give Entire Satisfaction to those who may entrust their business to our cure. Persons having real estate of any kind to sell, and those wishing to purchase, will please give us a call. We have on sale the following described Farms, Dwellings, Building Lots, Stores. Bus iness Stands, Stations, Orange, Lime, Lemon and other Fruit Trees; Cattle, Horses and other Stock: besides many other first-class or cnard and Farm Lands, House*und lots, and Hunches, improved and unimproved, from 2 to K.iiOU acres—some with line dwellings and all necessary out-buildings; and highly Im proved bind, ranging from ttl to «i,:«of>er acre, not advertised in the following list: Parties desiring to sell or buy would do woU to call and submit their business to us, as all interests entrusted to us will'receive prompt a Mention' Tbe following property on baad: 400 Acres of Good Farming Lund, suitable for Dairy purposes or sheeprange; 80,000 worth of improvements In fences aud Buildings; well watered nnd lv every way desirable, sit uated one mile from Compton, nine miles from Los Angeles. Price 312,01)0. NO. 58. 31 acres unimproved, H v tulles from court-house; v fine corner locution on a main street; good healthy location. This place will be sold altogether, or In lots of 5 or 10 acres. Hood, choice land: easy of access by public conveyance; fine chance forclty homes. #3400. Nn. s*l. UK) acres Improved, near San tia briel Mission. House and other outbuilding* i well watered; good grain or fruit land. Very cheap. 83000. NOS. 50, 51 and 52. land 5, and acre lets: splendidly and pleasantly located; good soil and water privileges; from 8000 lo Si/siO each NO. 0-5. 8 .'£2-100 acres Improved lands, wl.« good house «.f 5 nanus; lVj miles from court house, near omnibus line and good school. Well watered. On it nro planted 174 orange trees, I and syears old, In tine condition, and 10 Sicily lemons, 0 years old; 50 bearing fruit und nut trees, uf splendid quality, and one acre of alfalfa. A desirable and cheap place. 84,750. NO. 08. f% acres splendid land, U£ mllen from the court-house, adjoining the above. Is planted with walnut, orange and lemon trees. ('an be purchased at a bargain lor cash. A de sirable city 10.-. 81,800. Nf>. H2. 10 nercs.well Improved; good house of ii rooms; VjZ miles from eourt-lious«, on San Pedro street. < In it ure pointed 100 limes, 4 and 5 years old, 100 lemons, 4 and 5 years old, 4uu orange trees, 5 years old, 30 apples, li pears, 25 peaches, I tigs, 1 Italian chestnut, 5 •_:rape-vim* —all in good bearing. 85,750. NO. iiA 1"« ncres well Improved, |kj miles from the court-house; good house, 44x4tj, In cluding wings; two stories, coutulus 9 rooms, closets, bath and store-room, ull hard fin ished. Three tine weeping willows grace thn yard; 24 bearing orange trees, loaded wlib fruit; 2tt white walnut,HS apple, IS pear, 4 fig, 4 apricot, 7 quince, ;t pomegrunntc, all In flue bearing; 77 orange, 3 years old, 77 walnut, 4 years old, In orchard; 100 walnut, 200 orange, lemon and lime trees In nursery; Also, vine yard of 3,000 vines, and IU acres alfalfa. This place Is near the terminus of the omnibus line; a good location, healthy nnd pleasant; for sale or to rem; a fine property ut a bargain. $12,(100. New brick house nnd lot, 40 feet front by luu feet deep, on San Pedro street, 5 minutes' walk from the post-office; good location. $31,44)41. Fruit and Vineyard Ranch of 22 acres; wine cellar, with casks and stock of wine; tools and materials,with the crop; comfortable house and other buildings. There Is 200 per cent, profit on wine at the present price of grapes. Orange and lemon trees,as well as other traits' (410.100. Six lots, 180 feet front on Main street, and ISO on Spring stn'Ot. We want money to build houses with. 93,300. Two lots on Main street, 120x150; good loca tion; cheap for cash. $1,600. 00 acres near the fair grounds, Just outside theeity limits,in the vicinity of artesian wells —$3, COO. HO acres good land; valuable Without Irriga tion; artesian wells easily supplied. $2.4(M. A good location; house of 5 rooms; v large, bearing orange trees, several nearly In bear ing; lemons, limes and other fruits; 6 minutes walk from the post-office. $41,000. House and lot with 40 acres, to be divided to suit the purchaser; with or without house or Improvements, In 5,7-., or 10-acre lots neat the city limits. 8760, Sftff or 81,5(10. 40 acres, with good house, to exchnnge for entile or sheep. AtK>ut 1,200 acres of choice fruit land, and the best vineyard lund In tnls country, well watered; water all rises on the place, 812.000. 000 acres, same as above; improved; 30 miles from I.os Angeles. 830,000. A fine, thrifty, bearing orange, lemon and apple orchard; a city lot of 20 acres, centrally located. 825,000. 20 acres on San Pedro street, nonrJoffersnn; colli i ated, and has 50 bearing fruit trees; lies in ihe city water limits. 82,000. H.ihh) ncres unimproved lund, with water pri vilege, at «fi per acre. Apply at this offlee, or teG, lM'oinpton, at Coinptou. 12 aiffes of choice land, all In orchard and sines in fell bearing, limited In the central part of the city. Extra good water privilege, i own! house, barn, and ail necessarvout-butid ings. Pays well iIAOUI. House; 2 stories and 7 moms, hard un-AgV ished, and closets. Also, brick Itasemeiitß 4fttV - 3 rooms aud cellur; wiuc-closet and hail. 2ETS acres of ground,nicely planted with fruit, shrubs, flowers, etc.. good feuee and outbuild ings. Most splendid suburban location In the city.