Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME T. £0* lufjclcc %m\il i s Publish ■ i evoij morning except Monday, by THE HKJIALD PBINTIXQ COMPANY, OFFICIO lSccnM Steam Itioh n i l .101. Prlutlng House, Spring Street, opposite I lie I oiii'l Hons ti, TERMS) Per annum, by mall or express 510 s ix t.mnth i " " II Three months '• " • ;t Delivered by carriers, per week, 2fi cents All • ertiseiiienls inserted at liberal rates. LETTER UPON IRRIGATION. Ana ii kirn, Nov. 5, 187^1. Hon. John (i. Pavney, Sin: At the close of the meeting of the Special ('oininittee, appointed at the recent Irrigation ('(invention, held in Los Angeles, it was resolved, thai all per sons who had given thought to the solution of the irrigation qucfrttoil, should write out their views and for ward them to you, as chairman ofthe c miniittce, bo that said committee c mid hy a comparison Of views ascer tain what the public sentiment of the poeple of this county was 0:1 this im portant subject. And this having been done, that a bill embodying those views could be carefully prepar ed by the best legal talent, to be pre sented for passage by our legislative delegation, during the coming- legis lature. To prevent delay it is impor tant that the question should be fully discussed ami understood, before the commencement of the session, and iv order that the parties I Uteres ted should know what is to be done. It is better that all communications on this subject should he printed in the news papers of this county, the managers of which will doubtless be glad to give reasonable space in their columns far the discussion of so important a measure. I oiler the following as my opinion what the main features of the law should he, in order to enahles us to effect the object which we have in view: I, Each Irrigation District should be separate nnd distinct from all others. The boundaries to include all lands that can be irrigated from said source of public water supply, without any reference to county and townsnip lines. To ascertain said boundaries, a care ful survey should be made at tho ex pense of said district, to ascertain the quantity of water that can be made available forthe purposes of Irrigation, from each public source of water sup ply. Then a line should be run to as certain the highest level upon which it is practicable to construct adftchfoi conveying said water upon the lands to he irrigated, in orde rto utilize said water as a manufacturing power, be fore using it upon the low lying lands for the purpose of irrigation. iJ, The district boundaries to be the outer Hue of said tract of land t hat can he irrigated by said water supply. The money used for the construction of said ditch, and to pay the expenses, such as paying for the right of way, lands required for reservoirs, duchsatid other expenses Incidental to the con struction, maintenance, and effective utilization of said ditch, to be provid ed for ny levying a pro rata tax upon each acre of land, that can be irriga ted by said ditch, and upon all other real and personal property in said dis trict, that will be enhanced in value by the construction of said ditch. ii. Five Water Commissioners shall lie elected in each district who shall be authorized to levy taxes to pay for the construction of said ditch, and its main branches, —dams, reservoirs, nl ieady|constructed ditches, payment of employees, and other expenses proper ly belonging ami incident to tne con struction and maintainanee of said ditch. And, said commissioners shall have full power to appoint, pay or discharge from service, ail employees who may i>e required for the construction, maintenance, and utilization of said ditch. And, said commissioners shall have authority to condemn and t ike posses sion of all lands and other property re quired for the construction of said ilitchs, etc. Provided, That no man's property shall be taken without paying an equi table price therefor, said value to be provided by law, for fixing the value of lands taken for county roads, rail roads, etc. 4. No person shall he permitted to vote at an election of Water Commis sioners, except such persons whose property pay taxes for the construc tion Of said ditch, but, each taxpayer shall have one vote for each Kit) acres, or fraction of 100 acres, or other prop erty of similar assessable value upon which he or she pays taxes for or on account of said ditch, arid vote to be voted by them or their legal represen tatives, it being understood that it is the property and not tbe person that is represented by the vote. o. Said Water Commissioners shall be authorized to direct tbe distribution of the water, and fix the rates at which it shall be sold, charging a suhiciont amount to enable them to pay the current expenses of the ditch and ordinary repairs, but in ease ex traordinary repairs are required, a pro-rata tax shall be levied as hereto uire, to pay for the same. Provided that before any tax js levied, local no tice shall be given to all who are au thorized to vote, and if a majority of Ihe votes cast, shall be in favor of said tax, It shall be levied, but if a major ity shall vote against said tax, it shall not be levied. 0. The law shall provide for impos ing a heavy penalty both of line and imprisonment upon any person or persons, who shall willfully cut, dam age, or in any way injure said ditches or water flowing therein—provided that if any person or persons acciden tally, or unintentionally injure the same, he shall be made to pay for all damage caused by his act. 7. The law shall distinctly provide that no person < r poisons shall be per mitted to waste water that is or may be wanted for irrigation, that all ar tesian wells must be capped, if neces sary to prevent the How of more wat ir than is required for irrigation, domes tic purposes, or watering stock, as it is believed that uny useless llow, may he Los Angeles Daily Herald. an injury to the wells of their neigh bors, and it is certainly a serious in jury to the public roads; to enforce this provision the law should provide a penalty for each Infraction of the law of sufficient amount to ensure its effi- ciency. I wish to call particular attention to article 4th. Any etlieieiit law that is baaed upon the principle therein on nunclated, viz., properly and notper sonal representation! 1 feel perfectly confident will enable us to do well, and promptly, all that we desire to do. No man will fear excessive taxat ion, when the property itself imposes the tax. A careful reading of the forgoing will satisfy any reasonable person that there Is nodlsposition to interfere with ''Vested rights," but on the contrary there is a very strong determination to abrogate and do away with "vested wrongs." My idea is to have a law that will enable the property owners of each district to form an Involuntary Join! Stovl; Company, and to compel every piece of property to pay its share of a needed improvement. If a majority of the property owners vote in favor of tin; tax, it is safe to suppose that the Improvement is needed, if the vole is against it, it is safe to suppose that it is not. This world must move on, no "balky mule" can be permitted to stop the cir of Progress; all who op jofe its onward movement, must he crushed as relentlessly as are the miserable victims of a degraded su perstition under the wheels of the ear of Juggernaut. These are my views of what the law should endeavor to efl'eet. I put it be fore the public in order to elicit criticism and discussion. Some one must make the tlrst move, and I make It —there is no time to be lost; let every man who hus an opinion of tiis oiett put il on paper, and send it in. "In the multitude of counsellors there is wis dom." We want not only strong and efficient law, but we want the very best law, that can be made; we want neither State, nor county aid; all we want is a law that will enable us to act we can do the work ourselves. I remain yours, very respectfully. Wm. B. Olden. Member of the Committee on Irri gation. THE CURSE OF CALIFORNIA. The following from the Chicago Post, covers the whole ground, and ex plains our views to a nicety: A Washington dispatch mentions the issue from the General Law Oflicc of a patent for an old Mexican grant in California! covering six square leagues in San Luis Obispo county. It is add ed that there are now only two of these Mexican grant claims on the docket at Washington, but about a hundred and fifty Of them are still to come up, being delayed awaiting sur veys or other formalities in California. Congress could not do a better thing for that State than to take such action as may be necessary to smnmarialy squelch these claims, nine-tenths of which are utterly fraudulent, either by Indemnifying the honest claimants to a moderate amount and sending the dishonest ones to the penitentiary or in any other feasible and|constitutibnal fashion. And in addition to that, there should be legislation, either state or national, to compel the cutting up of the six or seven hundred great ranches, the claims Of which have al ready been confirmed. Land monopo ly is even a worse curse to California than railroad grabs, and she cannot hope for anything like substantial prosperity and rapid development un til the system which puts whole coun ties into the hands of single grantees, and renders it impossible for the culti vators of the soil to become its owners, Is completely abolished. Canada, a dozen years ago, found herself com pelled to abolish the seignoral tenure, iv order to get rid of a simliar nuis ance. It is a wretchedly poor policy which surrenders the soil of a new American State to a system which he longs to a long-past age, and of which older communities have had serious trouble In relieving themselves. COMPULSORY EDUCATION. We are Informed that the Superin tendent' of Public Instruction of the State, in his next report to the Gover norof California, will recommend and advocate the adoption of the system of compulsory education for the chil dren of all colors and races. It seems that .'lO per cent, of the children of for eign parents, specially those of Cath olics and Pagans, ever attend the schools, and the security and well being of society demand a different system. Inasmuch as we are ardent advocates ofthe dissemination of instruction amoilgst all classes of society equally, under the conviction that universal education must be the result, and that this will bring at no remote period the general happiness of all humanity, we cannot but .rejoice at the determination of the Superinten dent of Public Instruction of the State, and we hope that he will carry it out as soon as possible. No man has a right to bo ignorant when his igno rance may be injurious to his fellow beings.—[ La Cronica. BARBER 8- HOUSES. C EORGE RE I NECK E, Barber Saloon & Bath House. nAIR TRIMMING, SHAVING, SHAMPOOING, BATHS, Ere. This establishment has just been refilled, and, after having engaged the hest Harbors in thecity, i custom from all who want work executed in the hest style. Makes the BATH INO BUSINESS a Special ty, nrtd has the finest set of Bath Rooms in the Olty, «*y Underfill' lletln I'nlon, no2-lmlp h7schnelles barbeFshotT VTEXT TO GATES & NO YES' AND -i\ under the "Express" office, TEMPLE BLOCK. As Prof. (liven has the best available assist ant* io he procured in tne state, Hair Cutting, Shaving and Shampooing Wlirhp performed iv Ihe best style of the ton sorial art. iir>2-lnl TONSORIAL PALACE QAM. JONES, £-5 PROPRIETOR AND MANAGER* Hot, Cold and Shower Baths. Shaving and Bathing Emporium. No. 78 Main street no2tt-lp LOS ANGELES, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 12, 1878. UN ES OF TRA V EL. LOS ANGELES & SAN PEDRO ON AND AFTER NOV. 1, 1873, trains will run as follows, leaving WILMINt.TON—7:U> A. M. and l P. M. Los ANGELES—IB A. M. und 8:43 P. M. Except on days of steamers' arrival and de parture, When trains will run to eon heel with steamer. Passengers for Sun Francisco and San Diego will leave I.os Angeles hy the 111 A. In, train, connecting at Wifmlngton with the Compa ny's steamer. tt«j- First-class passenger cars will run regu larly. No Charge Tor Storage lo Merchants In the Country. JOHN MII.NKIt, Agent at I.os Angeles, oc.'if K. K. HEWITT, tsupt. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. S( lIF.DI l.i: FOR Sn% EHBIJI. I*7B, THE STEAMERS & Orizaba*,^^ for Santa nnrltnra. Sun I'ctlro. Ann helm (.milling; anil Nun l>ic./n. STKAMKU OIMZAnA, CAIT. 11. h .10IINKTO N, Leaves Atrd Arrives St<n\ Leaves Sati\ Arrives San Fra arisen. ' Atfra I Peilm. \ Fmneisea. Nov 11 Nov : : , Vov I Nov X Nov 18 Nov IV Nov is; Nov 2a Nov Zti Nov 27 1 Nov 2 STBAMBB MOHONGO, CAPT. O. 11. DQUOI.AfIS, Nov 7! Nov BINoV 12 Nov 11 Nov 11l Nov 211 Nov 21 Nov 211 Dee l|l)cc 3|Dee (1 Dec s The Mohongo will call at San MltttM and Sun l.vis Obispo. STHAMEB GIPBY, For San Diego and all wav ports, carrying OILS, ACIDS, POWDER, etc., not allowed to he carried on passenger steamers, will leave San Francisco November2ol h. Freight on OIKS, toSan Pedro,.Ml cents per case. FOR NKW YORK VIA PANAMA, Steamers leave San Francisco November tth ami IMb, All call at Mazatlan, M an/.an il lo and Acapulco, and all except steamer of November 4th, at San Diego. Passage from san Pedro,cabin, JlOOjsteer age, 000. FOR CHINA AND JAPAN. Steamers leave San Francisco November Ist and lath, Through Hills of Kading signed, and through tickets sold lo all ports ou the San Diego route to New York, Ell rope, Mexico and South America, al San Francisco turlll'rules. PASSAGE: To New York, cabin $IM) To New York, steerage .VI To Man Francisco, cabin 1"> To San Francisco, steerage s Cabin plans al agent's otflce. for passage apply to 11. McLKLL\N, no] Agent Ibvl/is Angeles County. ACENCY OF THE Hamburg, Bremen and Stetten Mail Steamship Companies. BEING APPOINTED AGENT OF tin' above Mall steamship Companies lor ihe Southern ('oast, I am prepared to fur nish Through passage tickets by any ot those lines of steamers. To and from Europe, lo New York an.l San Francisco at Ihe lowest rates. Also give MONEY POSTAL ORDERS to all parts of Uermoii.r. Switzerland. Austria. France Eiixlanil. Sweden. Norway ami Omnia, h. Which will he delivered to the receiver free of charge, at their respective houses, in any part of Europe. Also, gives DRAFTS on any pin t of Europe, iv sums to suit. Collections made in any Part of Europe. For particulars, apply to 11. FLEISHMAN, Bella Union Store, oc3tf3p Agent in Los Angeles. PROSiPECTUg OF THE LOS ANGELES HERALD. The first of October, TBK Los AXOSLM HKR- At.n, a daily and weekly newspniier, will make its appearance. The Dally will be a neat and tastily printed seven-column news paper, newsy rather than literary iv charac ter. Tiie Weekly will be a six-column, eight page paper, and will contain the most Impor tant matter that has previously appeared in Thk Daily Hkkalh. It is proposed that the shall lie an nn bought udvoeate of every Interest pertain ing to Southern California and Arizona,and a zealous worker In all things that shall tend to hencllt. the State. In a word il will be in close communion with Ihe people. In Its col umns, from time to time will he lon ml mat ters of Interest to the California Farmer, Me chanic, Merchant, Lanoree, ami nil classes of Producers; and it will also contain reading matter suited to the Home Circle. The will bean Independent Demo cratic journal and its efforts directed to sweep ing from power and place I hose now misman aging the a flairs ofthe Nation. For t lie accom plishmentof thisend, it will hail with satisfac tion the co-operation of the membenof all Par tics, believing that the prosperity, perhaps safety, ol'the Nation depends upon the success Ofa movement of this character. It Is "reform now or revolution hereafter." The Hkuai.n will auvocate State Rights and oppose Centralisation; it wiil encourage White and oppose Coolie Imiiiigratien. II will favor Free Trade, and oppose Protective Tariff; it will advocate a Greenback Currency for Call I'ornln, and oppose the i • esent dwarllng and deadening policy which upholds the present rwinous rates of interest and shuts out Eastern capital. It. will udvoeate the People and op pos.t Monopolies, no mailer what guise they may assume. While the llKKAI.l) will treat Slavery as a dead issue, It will earnestly advocate the light Of every State, be it Norl hern or South ern—Massachusetts or South ('arolinu -lo gov ern Itself in accordance with the wishes of Its people,and the dictates ofthe Federal Con stitution, without national interference. The Hkkai.l) will opppse thieving and pecu lation. No man rightly owns a dollar until he earns it. Every dollar which is taken from the public treasury or privet" purse without a Just return Is robbery, and he who takes this money Is a thief. Believing I his, the Hkuai.n will oppose salary s ents, custom steals, land' Steals, railroad steals, and every kind of steals. Kach day, the fullest foreign ami Domestic Telegrams will he published. The aim will In-lo supply, in this part of the Stale, the de mand heretolore Ii 11.■.I by tile San Francisco dailies. No I rouble or expense wll Ibe spared to make the 111 KAI.Ii, In this respect, equal lo any newspaper on the Coast. Il will also con tain a full Review of Ihe Local aud Foreign Markets, ami the Trades generally, honestly anil carefully complied. si as< nii>Tiox: nAii.v hkuai,ll. Delivered by Carriers, per month $ 1 mi " " " per ycur 11l on By Mall or Express, " hi no WKKKI.Y IIKKAI.D. By Mall or Express, per year JUKI " " " per Quarter ion PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. N. P. RICHARDSON, pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE -No. II Downey's Block, upstairs. oc'Wf DR. A. S. SHORB, J JOMtEOPATH IC PHYSICIAN. OFFICE—Nearly opposite the Post Office. residence No. 18 Franklin street, oc2-tf _ DR. H. S. OR ME, pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE ANDBESIU'ENCE—Tn Lanfranco's Hull.ling. No. 74 Main street. Oliice Hours from in A. M. lo 1 P. M.,and from 2 to 3 P. M._ j.cMf DR. JOSEPH KURTZ, pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE—Tn pelnsch's Block, Commercial and I/is Angeles streets. IKgrSpecial attention paid to diseases nf the EYE AND EAR. oe'-tf DR. J. W. OLIVER, JJOMfEOPATHIST. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE -Spring street, opposite the Mayor's office. oc2-lntf D. W. C. FRANKLIN, MECH AN ICA L, OPERATIVE AND Sl' KG EON DENTIST. OFFICE—SO Spring street, next to Fire En gine House. oc2-tf DR. A. LOEBEL, SURGEON AND CHIROPODIST, Alameda street, opposite the Sisters' School. Corns and bunions extracted with out using knife, flies or medicine, and With oul causing pain. Cures ingrowing miils, warts, moles, freckles, etc. Treats scientifi cally and successfully all kinds of sores of long standing. Charges nioderale and satis faction guaranteed. hovf-tf HENRY T. HAZARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE IN TEMPLE BLOCK, I.OS ANGELES, CAL. •►fi'Special attention given ti, business in I lie United states Land Oflicc. oc2-tf ,t. U. M CONNKI.L. A..1. KINO. McCONNELL A KING, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Downey's Block, Main St., Los Angeles. oclSlf A. BRUNSON, AT LAW. OKi ici:—Rooms 2S and lU, Temple's new building, Los Angeles. i-olsif A.OI.ASKKLL, 15. 11. SMITH. a. B.CHAPMAN. if, m. sunn. GLASSELL, CHAPMAN&SMITH. ATTOBNEYS AT LAW, oEFICK -TEMPLE BLOCK up-dairs, Los Al I geles, Cal i lorn i a. pc2-11 JAMES C. HOWARD, VTTOBNEY AT LAW COURT COMMISSION EH, Downey's Block. Los Angeles. oc'.'-tf M. WHALING, AT LAW, OFFICE -No. IS Downey Block Los Angeles. oc2-im f IIAKI.KS I.INDLKY. .1. H. TIIO.M IS.ON. LINDLEY A THOMPSON, A TTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE—Room Nos. 51 and 52, over Tem ple A Workman's Bank. JL^'l W. 1.. MARSHALL. WILL n. (iOtll.O. MARSHALL & COULD, A ITORNEYS AT LAW-OFFICE a- opiiosite theCoutt House. Rooms Nos. IS and 19 Temple lllock, Los Angeles, Cal. Will practice in all the Courts of t Ills state, and alt end to business in U. S. Land Oflicc. LEW. G. CABANIS, NOTARY PUR LIC, CONVEY ancer and Scan her of Records for this ('ountv. OFFICE—No, II Temple Block, I.os Ange les, California. oc2-tf V. E. HOWARD & SONS, A AT LAW, TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. oei-tf A. A. WILSON, A TTORNEY & COUNSFLLOH. OFFICE-Room No. 11. Temple Btoek, Los Angeles, California. oej-tf A. 11. .IfIISON. j, w. lill.l.CT'rK. JUDSON A GILLETTE, (JF.ARCHERS OF RECORDS AND CONVEYANCERS. TKMI'LK BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. oc2-lm G. W. MORGAN, ESTATE AGENT, Four doors south of tne Post Oilice, Temple Block, Los Angeles, California. MONEY TO liOAN. oe2-tf H. M. MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR at law. Ottlce—Room No. 10 Temple Block, Los Artgeles. P. o. Boz Istl. nof-lf CHAS. E. MILES, nYDRAULIC ENGINEER, LOS ANGKLES, CAL. Rkkkks to—Dr. .1. S. Grillin,.!. G. Downev, L. H. Titus, Oen. P. Banning, I. W. Hellman, A. Glassell. The Introduction of water Into Cities, Town ami Ranches v specially. (Jontraoie taken for making sheet iron pipes, nt my shop, or where desired, on the mosf favorable leiius. no.'Hm _ N. B. WHITFIELD, BROKER, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENT. Parlleiilar atten tion paid lo the purchase ami sale of sheep. Oflici with .1..1 ■. M'nrit A Co. oes-lpini R. E. JACKSON, ( CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, VV Main street, a few doors below First, Los Angeles. Contracts lor buildings, and all work executed ill a salisfacloiy manner. lipl-tf CITY LAUNDRY, YINTH STREET, BETWEEN a-s <irasshopper and iiritlin streets, LOS ANGELES. Gentlemen's, HOTEL AND RESTAURANT WASHING done on reasonable terms, PEARL BUTTONS sewed on, and ordinary MEN DING done. Washing culled for and de livered, free: of charge. ii>»s order slate at llroderick's Book store. , oc2-luilp .1. s. O'S'EII, JOSEPHI BRESON, QAMPLE ROOMYS, O OPPOSITE V. S. HOTEL, MAIN ST. The purest WINKS, the choicest CIGARS ami the best FANCY DRINKS concocted south of Sun Francisco. auTTemple Block, next to Wells, Fargo A Company's ottlce, no2-linlp FORWARDING & COMM ISSION. J. L. WARD & CO. [COMMISSION MERCHANTS — AND - Manufacturers Agents. AHKNTS FOR LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION; UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF SAN FKANCISCO; COMMERCIAL 1 MARINE I IOMCE COMPANY, (Combined nssets exceed M 1.000.000 BABCOCK'S FIRE EXTINGUISHER; IBS BAKER & HAMILTON'S AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY: THE CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON; SWAN BREWERY CO.'S ALE AND PORTER. no2-lmlp HELLMAN. HAAS & COL FORWAItDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HAVE FOR SALE THE PUREST GROCERIES, THE REST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco of the choicest Imported Brands. Paints, Oils, Doors, Sashes, BLINDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. II and 10 I,os Angeles and Commercial Sts., no.'l):~~~ LQS ANGELES. [1 m-lp SIMON LEVY, ( COMMISSION MERCHANT. General denier in all kinds of COUN TRY PRODUCTIONS, Hides, Grain and Wool. Makes advances on Consignments to all purls of Ihe United Stales. Nos. 21 and 34 Alf-o St.. LOS ANGKLKS. oca-lvtp raoßßsnasaHSßSßßßßsassasssaHa; B U S |_NEB9_ CAR DSL ~jTc. JACKSON keeps al I kinds of Lumber, Shingles, Laths, DOORS, WINDOWS, RLINDS, l'oHlK, SllllKl'W, PLASTER PARIS, CBJMK3VT AINI> II VI If. CORNER OF Alameda and First Streets. no2-lmlp PERRY, WOODWORTH & CO, T UMBER YARDS 1 J AND PLANING MILLS. NO. 7«l COAIMICUC'IAL ST. Keep constantly on hand n full assortment ol' LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS, BLIN 1 IS, TURNED AND SAWED WORK. All kinds of mill work done to order. oc2 & CO. DEALERS IN LUMBER, CM IRNEH FIRST AND ALAMEDA STS. Mill Work of all Kinds, —SUCH AS— DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, ETC., ETC. no'J-lmlp 11. C. WILKV. 11. M. ttKKKY. WILEY & BERRY, REAL ESTATE AGENTS —AND — COM M ISSION M ERCH A NTS, No. M MAIN STREET, I.OS ANGELES. oc7-ltnlp LOS ANGELES SODA WORKS, No. 1.1 11.ISO NTKEKT. HENRY W. STOLE, Proprietor. Supplies Bar Rooms aud private fami lies with the purest and best SODA AM) SAItSAPARII.IiA, Delivered lo aiiy pari of the city. lno2-lm CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. L. LICHTENBERCER, (Successor to Boeder it Llehtenberger), jyjAXrFACTI'RER OF Wagons. Buggies, Carriages, Etc. ILL 145 and 117 Main street, Los Angeles, Very respect fully solicits the patronage of Ihe public in his line of business. All ve hicles built of the BEST MATERIAL. All extensive ItLAC'IirSMITH HlJt>r» Is connected with the establishment, where all kinds of ltlaeksmitliiug will be done to order. It ICI'AUMTSTCi Hone with dispatch, and Willi a view of giving satisfaction to pations. All Worlc Wjirrtvntctl. j oc7-lmlp PAGE & GRAVEL S New Carriage Shop. OF R WORK IS INE-CW ijunled by any done on Ihe Pa- clftc I 'oasl. Alter our excel lence in the best shops In the Eastern state.., and our experience ou this coast, we ate enabled 10 fulfil what we ad vertise.. ALL MATERIALS USED ABE THE BEST THE MARKET AFFoltl'S. c. v. Repairs done neatly ami with dispatch. UK.AII work done here i> warranted. It*.. Prices Moderate. Cullaiul see. "I»tJ Corner Los Angeles and Requena "'•ii| Streets, Los Angeles. UhNp CAMILLE RAYNAL, lOl'l'oslTK M. KKl.i.Kll'Sl Vf ANI'FACTI KKR AND DEAL ill ER IN • W ngoilS, < 'in'riiiycw, l.uggies, etc BlAcksmllhlngnf all kinds. All work Al A 1)10 of 'HKHT M.VTEHIAL ami In the future as reliable as in the past Orders promptly attended to. oel.'nilpt Eight Mile House. MRS. DONALDSON, OF THE Eight Mile House, Cowango Pass, an nounces that she will receive a few gentlemen to board. No pains will be spared to add to their comforts, with facilities for going and coming from the city. oo'll-tf EDUCATIONAL. spawsh ano fmm liIONS(»'S. INSTRUCTION IN FRENCH AND SPANISH will be given to classes In Ihe ■/ternootid or evenings, by MISS JOSEPHINE LINDLEY TEBMKi To a class of live or less, per lesson *2 00 To a class of any number over live, per * lesson $3 00 For further particulars, Inquire at the office of the I.os Anoki.ks Hkuai.n, of Lindley A Thompson, or at Ihe Pico House. TEHTIMON lALS : I'NIVKUSITV OF CALIFORNIA, ) DEPAKTMKNT OK I.ANOt'AfJKS. > OAKLAND, July 11 1572. J Herewith I certify that Miss Josephine Llhd l< ■' has lieen a student in my depart mint of tne University for five consecutive terms, viz: from September, IH7O, to April M, 1872. During this time she studied the French, the Spnnfch and the German languages, obtaining always the highest marks for proficiency and attend ance, her average credit maik for five terms lieing 117 per cent. On entering the University, Miss Lindley imssessed nl ready such knowledge of the French and Spanish idioms as to be able to speak them with ease, fluency, correctness, and a pure pronunciation. She may now be considered thoroughly fa milial with the theory and philosophy, as well as with the application of these two tongues; and she may safely be recommended us a can didate ol" great, promise, lor teaching the French and Spanish languages. P. PI<IDA, Prof. Modern Languages. UNIVERSITY ()F CALIFORNIA. Josephine Lindlev has been declared by Hip Faculty entitled to this Certificate of I'rofl cieney in the departments of Geology and Natural History, I Botany and Physical Geolo gy,) Belles Lettres, (English Literature, Histo ry, Ancient and Modem,) Chemistry, Modern Languages, (French and Spanish.) Henry Durant, President of University: E. S. Carr, Prof. Chemistry; P. Pioda, Modern Languages; Joseph Le Conic, Professor of Ge ology and Natural History; William Swinti.n, Professor of Belles Lettres; Martin Kellogg, Dean of the Faculty. oc2-lf LAWLOR INSTITUTE Ills Main Street. Lis Angeles. nHH F. SEVENTH SEMI-ANNUAL A. .session of this S* BL RC? 1 > -V V SCHOOL, in Which girls and Ihivs receive a psKFl'I., I'liAcricAi. AMM omi'i.ktk English Education, commenced on .monday, acgustii, isti. TERMS I'EK novi'll: Engll*!l Studies, including Ihe ordinary School Branches, and Pouhle-Kntry Book-Keeping and Algebra '. 00 Primary Geography, Second and Third Headers , t no I hart and Primer Classes :| no F. X T X A N. Latin, Phonei ie Short-hand and Geom etry, per month "2 00 Competent Teachers of Drawing, Palatini, and the Modern Languages, will be connected with the Institution. For further particulars, apply to the under signed, at Ihe School Building. oc&mJ W. B. LAYVI.i)R. Principal. FRENCH and SPANISH LESSONS IN THE FRENCH and Spanish languages will be given toclasses or in private, commencing on WEIINESIIAY. IMTOIIEB I. IH7IL TIC 11.MS OF tcitio.n: Private lessons | I 00 each Twenty lessons lii on la'ssoiis to any number of pupils over live, for one month,three les sons every week, each pupil 2 00 French aiid SpunisliVchool for children ev ery day (Saturdays excepted) at 4 o'clock P. M. TUITION, per month, IS, For further particulars, inquire at No. 107 Main street. Translation of French, Span ish and Enoi.isii. F. V. C. Dl MONDRAN. oetVl mlp ST. VINCENT'S COLLEGE, LOS ANGELES. f CONDUCTED RY THE PRIESTS V.y ol the Congregation of the Mission. DEGREES CONFERRED, and tho most complete Education given. No more beauti fully situated spot in the whole of Southern California. Apply hy letter, or personally, to REV. J. McGII.L, c. M. nn2-lm President. Drawing and Painting. INSTRICTIOnTn CRAYON, PEN CIL AND PERSPECTIVE DRAWING, in Coloring With India Ink and Water Colors, and In O I L I» A I N T I N «% given at Hillside Cottage, hack of the new school-house. MRS. LU WHEAT SMITH. oc2tl LIVERY AND FEED 3TABLES^ LOSANG ELES SALE. FEED & LIVERY STABLE, JH. JONES, PROPRIETOR, • CORNER FlFl'H AN DSI'RING STS. Grain, Hay and all kinds of Fresh Feed CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ALSO, Large Clean Corrals and Stables, With City Water Throughout. JMiHORSES, MULES, WAGONS and CAR RIAGKS bought and sold, and Horses and Carriages to let by Ihe day or week. Teamsters accommodated as usual on the most liberal terms. oc7-lm Ip MITCHELL'S Pioneer Livery, Sale and Feed Stables, /"I ENTER STREET, OPPOSITE %j Poplar Row, ANAHEIM. The very best accommodations for visitors aud travellers. C»oiitl«* Smltllt' Horses constantly on hand, and furnished ut shortest nol ice. oclltt ALISO FEED & SALE STABLE JF. RAMIREZ, PROPRIETOR, • COR. ALA MI:DA A ALISO STS. Adjoining M. Keller's. OItAITN, HAY „* FEED always nn hand. Horses, Mules, Wagons, etc bought awl sold. oc7-fptf Campbell's New Stables. >yTO. 47 Al.l S()~STIt EET. CjßfcJt/ HORSKK BOA RDKD <TV By the Day, Week or Mf»nth.A"W HUGGIKS AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE. OR HIRK, THE BEST OP' FEED oc2.lmlpl CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Everybody knows the old Man iIONORET. BANK EXCHANGE RILLIARD SAIAJON, run by F. SIGNOKET. Customers received hy the old man himself, who has Ixen in attendance since ism. He welcomes all bis old customers und pleases the new ones. The BEST BARBER SHOP In the city Is with this establishment, clean towels,care ful employees. iKM-im NUMBER 36. MISCELLANEOUS. —. - ~—i: j REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. 4»F CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Cash Capital, . 81.000,000 Branch?* in nil tiie Mate*of the I nIM. HAVING NOW COMPLETED the organization nf our !F*»oiflo Branch, We take pleasure In announcing that our Pa cific Coast Stockholders have elected the fol lowing well-known citizens as officers of our PACIFIC BRANCH: Pretident: OIJVER .ELDRIDGE. Vice-Presidents: THOS. A. BAM., WM. B. WHEATON A. L. GURNEY Secretary pro tern JAS. T. BOYD. Attorney THOS. BBOWN Treasurer CHAS. BUBREEI Medical Examiner Kreeutive Committer: OLIVER F.I.DRIDGE, JOS. A. DONOHOE, JAS. T. BOYD, GEO. W. BEAVER, CHAS. BURRELL. THOS. HELL, E. B. PERRIN. Dlreetora: OLIVER ELDBEDGE.LELAND STANFORD GEO. W. BEAVER. THOS. BROWN, N. G. KITTLE; C. CHRISTIANSEN, JOHN F. MILLER, THOS. H. SELBY, JAS. T. BOYD, B. P. MORROW. C. I. BRENHAM, S. F. BL'TTEKWORTH M. 1). SWEENY. GEO. H. WHEATON, I. FHIEDI.ANDER, WM. BTRIJNG, A. BLACK, THOS. A. BALL, Ins. A. IKJNOHOE, WM. R. WHEATON, THOS. BELL. E. B. PERRIN. C. T. BY LAND, WM. L. DICKENSON WM. S. I.ADD. THE REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. Was chartered by special act of the Legisla ture of the state of Illinois, And commenced lmsiness In July, isro, making It now Jus) three years old. Its plan of organisation was to have $5,000,000 Capital Stock, with twenty percent, paid In,and the balance subject to call. With BRANCH ORGANIZA TIONS of stockholders In the leading business centers of the country, composed ofthe beet lmsiness men—thus making a Company of National extent nnd prestige, nnd yet a HOME COMPANY AT EACH BRANCH. The Company at this date has policies In force covering over $2.">,(NM»,OU) of risks, with an anntml Income of over #1,000,000, ALL ASSETS OF PACIFIC BRANCH IN VESTED ON THIS COAST. Capital Slock of Pacific Branch, over $ 300,000 M Invested in Mortgages on Real Es tate In California during the last four months, over 1«0,OUO 00 fOH Policies Issued at Pacific Branch during same period, insuring 1,242,160 00 Charge* far Insurance 115 per Cant. I.eaa than .Mutual Cain pan I c«. THK RKPtiBLIC Does not borrow THE CAPITAL of Policy holders on PROMISES to return the same at some INDEFINITE future period and CALX. IT A DIVIDEND. In presenting the claims of THE REPUB LIC to the patronage of the people of thai Coast, we shall at all times aim to be gov erned by sound business considerations, and a due regard for the rights and merits of com peting companies. OFFICE OF THE PACIFIC BRANCH. NO. 317 CALIFORNIA STREET. Below Sansome Street. oc2dlmlp LA CRONICA, pUBLIBHED BY E F. TEODOLI. The only Spanish Newspaper IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Published every Wednesday and Saturday mornings. Offlee in Temple's New Block, spring street, opposite the Court-house. It has a large circulation in the State of Cal ifornia, the Fastern States, Louisiana, Mexico, und Arizona and Colorado Territories.Central and South America, and Spain. ** %JO, Croniea" commends Itself to the Advertisers who may wish to hriug their lmsiness before tbe Span ish-speaking people and numerous population of different nationalities, on the Purine Coast. Advertising Rate* Vary Renaouable. Subscriptions—One Year, tti; Six Mont lis M BO; Three Months, «2. oogmrr "TO TOURISTS^ THE CALIFORNIA PLACARD ' EXCHANGE AND INFORMATION. BUREAU FORTHE PACIFIC COAST, OUff TO 815 MERCHANT ST., SAN FRANCISCO, has made arrangements to have active eorre; >ponding agents, not only in all the large east ern cities of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, SI. I/ails, etc., but in London, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Hamburg, Frankfort, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Glasgow, Trieste, Odessa, Mar seilles, and generally throughout Great Brit ain and Continental Europe, Japan, China, Calcutta, Madras, Singapore, Auckland, New /.calami, Mcl bourne, Sydney And Australia. Every occupier of one or more feet of placard spuee will he charged at the rate of One Dollar per Square Foot per Month. The Exchange will be open to the public from s A. M. to 10 P. M. each day. FRED'K MARRIOTT, President. noAitn or tkvstkks and manaoixo com mitthk: FRED'K MARRIOTT,! JOS. AUSTIN, .lAS. T. WAT KINS, | JNO. MELVILLE. ALGERNON SMITH. JNO. MELVILLE, Corresponding Secretary. lIKRNABD LEVY, Accountant and Linguist. oc2B PELICAN SALOON, Spring Street, opposite the Post Offlee. HAVE MAIN~HAS RETIRED U from the Judicial contest, In order to de vole his time to more classical pursuits. Floating down the stream of life placidly, with bald-beaded old GEORGE DA KIN, they will In conjunction prepare the following nifty drinks: The Alaiiiagooaler, The I'ercoouroot, The N4pc«.t«Hilt«rktrU, The Brla Around the CsM-aer. The CHOICEST WINKS, LIQUORS AND CIG ARS always on band. noil Ha I. B. FERGUSON'S QOMMIfcJSION HOUSE Is the Exclusive Comas I—l— Ha— fas go to far Everything; Wsutt. no2-lm