Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME I. £0$ 3Uflrtcsi $\mhl I - Published ere.; morning except Monday, THE HERALD PRINTING COMPANY. OFFICE nevoid Steam tlimh and Job Printing House. Mm ing street, opposite the < 'ourt House. TERMS: Per annum, by mnll or express $10 SIS months '• " It Three months " " • 8 Delivered by carriers, per week 25 cents Artwerti—menu Inserted nt liberal rates. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. Following is a list of Oranges In Los An geles county: Silver—Los Nletos—J. If. Burke, Masier; E. R. Wylie, Secretery. Compton—A. Hlgble, Muster; J. A. Walker, Secretary. Ei Monte— a. c. Olbba, Master) J. n. Gray, Secretary. Enterprise—Los Angeles —T. C Alexander, Muster; W. T. Henderson, Secy. Eureka-Spadru—P. C. Touner, Muster; .los. Wright, Secretary. Fairview — Anulieiin— Edward Evey, Master; J. D. Taylor, Secretary. Fruitlttiiil—Tustin City—A. U. Hnywanl, Mas ter; E. v. Nicois, Secretary. Los Angeles—T. A. Gurcy, Master; T. D. Hun cock, Secretary. Los Nletos—E. 11. (inindon, Muster; J. E. Mar quis. Secretary. New River -Los Nletos—R. B. Guthrie, Mus ter; D. H. Wurdlow, Secretary. < irange—Rich land— Thomas Brown, Muster; J. W. Anderson, Secretary. Azusa— M. W. Maxy, Master; J. 0. Preston, Secretary. Florence—ll. Gibson, Muster; Wm. Porter, Secretary Alliance—El Monte—S. S, Reaves, Master; J. W. Marshall, Secretary. County Deputy—Thos. A. Gaukv. Local Agent—J. Q. A. Stanley. DIRECTORY OF OFfYcERS. R. M. Widnoy, District Judge 17t»i Judicial District, composed of l.os Angeles county. Court meets in Febninry, Muy, August nml November. Ijnaclo Sepulveda, county Judge. Court Commissioner, J. <J. Howard. State Senator. B. I). Wilson. Members of Assembh, Thos. D. Mott and Asa Ellis. Sheriff. Wm. R. Rowland; Under Sheriff, Albert D. Johnston; Deputy Sheriff, J. M. Baldwin. County Clerk, A. W. Potts; Deputies, C. W. Gould ami S. H. Mott. District Attorney, C. E. Thorn; Assistant, E. M. Ross. County Treasurer, Thomas E. Rowan. Superintendent of Public Schools. William McFadiDCn. Public Administrator, George Carson. County Surveyor, F. Lecouvreur. County Assessor, D. Botlller. Coroner, Joseph Kurtz. County Board of supervisors- -Chairman, 11. Foremen; a. l. Bush, F. paiomares, s. B> Caswelli CITY OFFICERS. Mayor, J, R. Toberman. Marshal, J. R. Wolfe. Treasurer, George R. Butler. Attorney, A. W. Hutton. Clerk, M. Kremer. Surveyor, William Moore. Health Officer, Dr. Wise. Engineer, George G, McLnin. School Trustees—H. I). Barrows, President; George Smith, Wm. H. Workman. Win. Prid ham. M. Kremer. BOARD OF TRADE. President—S. Lazurd. Secretary—l. W. Lord. Treasurer—S. B. Caswell. Directors—Dr. J. H. Orltlin. C. C. Lips, H. W. Hellmaii, J-S. Griffith,P. Beaudrv,N..l. New mark, J. G. Dow ley, R. M. Widney. Regular meetings, Tuesdays, ut 7:80 P. M. SAN FRANCISCO CORRESPONDENCE. [Special Correspondence of the Herald.] San Fhancisco, Nov. 11. Since my last letter, nothing out of the common has happened. Stocks have been going up, and stocks have been going down. Then there lias been the usual murder, and the usual suicide, spiced with the attempted murder by an avenging brother, etc., etc. Our Vegetable Troubles As prognosticated in my last, we are In thick of our vegetable trouble, and should there be any vegetarians in t his city, they stand a very fair chance of starving. Tiie gardeners still con tinue linn, and the Supervisors are as obstinate as ever. Every description of vegetable, no matter how small the quantity or how stale the quality brings a high price. Cabbages at 30 cental each; peas fabulously high, and so forth. Tho hotel and boarding housekeepers are regularly nonplussed, the private families fall back on their preserved tomatoes, and the free lunch houses supply their ravenous custom ers with crackers (id lib and an occa sional potato. How long this will last , time alone will show; the garden ers wish to compromise the matter and promise to remove if time will be giv en. It is said, and with what truth I know not, that the whole atfair is a put up job, and that some of the City Fathers have been handsomely "seen" by the property owners of the neigh borhood where the wagons in future are to stand. In the meantime the poor public as usual must stand all the annoyauce and inconvenience attach ed to the faulty supply. Ship Board Troubles. Day after day our local papers treat us to some new atrocity on board ship. Scarcely a vessel arrives in our harbor without some trouble or another being brought to light. Apparently it is now the orthodox thing for a captain to be denounced for cruelty immediately on his arrival. Harris, the missing mate of the Sunrise, has at last been found, not much credit to the detectives either, for according to his own showing he lias never hidden himself at all, walk ing about the principal streets in broad daylight, patronizing the theatre, and taking his meals at one of our largest restaurants. It Is expected that his evidence will prove of great interest, but as yet he has been very reticent, declining to give any information until the case is brought up again. The Captain is of course out of bail, and has his work cut out in attending to the many civil suits that have been brought against him by his crew. The Wickedest Man lv Frbteo. The city by a fluke has been saved the further annoyance of numbering amongst its inhabitants, one who has for some years past borne the name of »the wickedest man in Frisco." Allen, a noted pugilist, and the proprietor of the lowest dive, known as the "Bull Run," situated in the heart of the Bar bary Coast, has fallen ignominiously by the hand of a man not much better than himself. For a murder it was cer tainly one of the tamest of which we i-an boast, bad whiskey, high words, a scuffle, a thrust with a knife and all was over. The man who dealt the fa Los Angeles Daily Herald. tal blow managed to escape the vigi lance of the police, for a time, but at last lie was nabbed, and now lan guishes behind the prison bars, chew ing the cud of bitter reflection. Autumn.ii House ClenuiiiK. Tho great influx of Eastern visitors lias opened the eyes somewhat of the hotel proprietors, and house cleaning, or rather hotel cleaning has been the order of the day; the Occidental is now undergoing the agonies of a wash down, whilst the Grand has come out in a new coat of paint. A very sad accident occurred during the painting of the latter place, owing entirely to the careless manner in which the painters are suspended in mid air, nothing between them and death,with the exception of a plank about six inches in width. One poor fellow the other day, either lost his balance by becoming giddy, or missed ids footing, falling from a great height to the side walk; be did not live many hours, and was mercifully released from his suf ferings. Considering the number of lofty buildings we have in this city, it seems a pity that our principal paint ers do not contrive some more secure kind of scatiblding, than that at pres ent in vogue. Fashion Notes. Thejfashionable world has but one subject for contemplation, all other events are entirely lost sight of in the one great event of the month, and that is the performance at Piatt's Hall on Thursday evening next, in aid of the funds of St. Luke's Hospital. Some months past a number of amateurs of the very "highest tone" gave an invi tation performance of the comic opera of "The Doctor of Alcantara;" the per formance was pronounced to be very successful. These same amateurs have been persuaded to give a second per formance of the same opera, this time for the benefit of the hospital alluded to above. All the rank and fashion of the city will be present, that is to say as many of them as can obtain ad mittance, but taking into considera tion that close on 800 tickets were sold the first forenoon after the opening of the box office, lam afraid that many will have to content themselves with a very back seat. The amateurs num ber among their ranks the lady of a well known barrister v and the charm ing daughter of a popular minister. Amusement*. The performance at "Gray's Music Hall "of "The Grand Dutchess " by Muguire's opera company has been the attraction during the past week. Crowded houses have been the rule, and those that could not obtain good seats have still contributed their coin towards filling Maguire's pockets, as much as they have crossed the street and enjoyed a laugh at Maguire's min strel company's fun and frolic. The "California" has been doing a poor business. Irish plays delight the boys in tiie gallery, but do not please the autocrats of the dress circle. Our gar dens are making hay while the sun shines, and the proprietors of Wood wards,and the City vie with each other in the list of attractions they offer to their patrons. The great features at the former are the male and female Sala manders, whilst at the latter a boy bear is the novelty. Racing. On Saturday next, the great inter national running race for the Pacific Jockey Club purse of $20,000, will take place on the Ocean House track. This race has been looked forward to for some time past, and has attracted the attention of our Eastern sports as well as our Californian. Within a few days quite a number of trainers and drivers have taken up their with their horses. Robbins, of New York, has the noted "True Blue", also "Wheatly," and "Weathercock." Ainsworth has the celebrated long distance trotting horse "John Stew art," also "Joo Daniels" and "Hub bard;" many others are also around, too numerous to mention. But the great event Is the $20,000 race, four miles and repeat. The following en tries have already been made: "Hub bard," of New York; "Joe Daniels," of Michigan; "True Blue," of Ken tucky; "Arizona," of Tennessee; and "Tliad Stevens," of California; of course we are all sanguine that our own "Thad " will win, although "True Blue" is a formidable antagonist, but the result will be known before you hear again from Golden Gate. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. LOIS ANOELKH SALE. FEED & LIVERY STABLE, JH. JONES, PROPRIETOR, • CORNER FIFTH AM) SPRING STS. Grain, Hay and all kinds of Fresh Feed CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ALSO, Large Clean Corrals and Stables, With City Water Throughout. »iTHORSES, MULES, WAGONS and CAR RIAGES bought niul sold, und Horses and Carriages to let by the day or week. Teamsters accommodated as usual on the most liberal terms. oc7-Imlp ALISO FEED & SALE STABLE JF. RAMIREZ, PROPRIETOR. • COR. ALAMEDA 4 ALISO STS. Adjoining M. Keller's. GRAIN, HAY & FEED always ou hand. Horses, Mules, Wagons, etc bought and sold. oc7-4ptf Campbell's New Stables. 47 ALISO STREET. dXmXy HOUSES BOARDED /TV__ jgg3§Eßy the Day, Week or Month.^r>V BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE OR HIRE, THE BEST OF FEED oc23mlpl CONSTANTLY ON HAND. HENRY BUDDEN," PIANO-FORTE TUNER, REGU LATOR AND REPAIRER. OrgniiH and Melodeona Adjusted. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Refkrencks— Brodrlck's Store; Editor Her ald. oc2ti'4p LOS ANGELES, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 15, 1873. LINES OF TRAVEL. LOS ANGELES & SAN PEDRO RAIIiROAI). ON AND AFTER NOV. 1, 1873, trains will run on follows, leaving WILMINGTON-7:45 A. ftf. and 1 P. M. LOS ANGELES-10 A. M. and 8:48 P. M. Except on days of simmers' arrival end de parture, when trains will run to connect with steamer. Passengers for San Francisco and San Diego will leave Los Angeles by the 10 A. M. train, connecting at Wilmington with the Compa ny's steamer. 'ttW First-class passenger cars will run regu larly. No Charge for Storage to Merchant* In the Country. JOHN MILNERt Agent at Los Angeles, oe'.'tl E. E. HEWITT, Supt. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. KCHEDM.E t on NOVEMBER. 1573. THE STEAMERS & Orizaba^^^. For Kantn Barbara. Nan Pedro. Ana heim Lauding and Nun Diego. STEAMER ORIZADA, ("APT. 11. J. JOHNSTON, Lmvrs Siw Arrives Suit tmtrtti San\Arrives San Francixeo. Piitro. fVif/o. Francisco. Nov 1 Nov :i Nov fl Nov 8 Nov 18 Nov IS Nov 18 Nov 20 Nov 25 Nov 27 Nov 80|Dec 2 STEAMER MOIIONOO, CAPT. (i. 11. DOVOLASS, Nov 7 Nov 9|Nov 12 Nov 14 Nov 19 Nov 21 Nov 24 Nov 2(1 Dec 1 Dee 3|Doc 6 Dec 8 The Mohongo will call at San Simeon and San Luis Obispo. STEAMER GIPSY, For San Diego and nil way ports, carrying OILS, ACIDS, POWDER, etc., not allowed to tie carried on passenger steamers, will leave San Francisco November 29th. Freight on OILS, to San Pedro, M cents per case. FOR NEW YORK VIA PANAMA, Steamers leave San Francisco November 4th and 19th. All call at Mnzatlan, Mniizun llln and Acnpulco, anil all except steamer of November 4th, itt San Diego. Passage from San Pedro, cabin, S100; stoer nge, *50. FOR CHINA AND JAPAN. Steamers leave San Francisco November Ist and 15th, Through Hills of Lading signed, and through tickets sold to all ports on the Sim Diego route to New York, Europe, Mexico and South America, at Sun Francisco tariff rates. PASSAGE: To New York, cabin $100 To New York, steerage 50 To San Francisco, cabin 15 To San Francisco, steerage 8 Cabin plans nt agent's ofllce. For passage apply to H, McLELLAN, nol Agent for Los Angeles County. AGENCY OF THE Hamburg, Bremen and Stetten Mail Steamship Companies. BEING APPOINTED AGENT OF the above Mall Steamship Companies for the Southern Const, I nm prepared to fur nish THROUGH PASSAGE TICKETS by any of those lines of steamers, To and from Europe. to New York ami San Francisco at the lowest rates. Also give MONEY POSTAL ORDERS tii all parts of Germany, fsw itzerland, Austria. France England, Nwedeu, Norway anil Denmark. Which will be delivered to the receiver free of charge, nt their respective houses, in any part of Europe. Also, gives DRAFTS on any part of Europe, In sums to suit. Collections made In any Part of Europe. For particulars, apply to ft! FLEISHMAN, Holln Union Store, oc2tf Sp Agent In Los Angeles. PROSPECTUS OF THE LOS ANGELES HERALD. The first of October, The Los Her ald, a daily nml weekly newspaper, will muko its appearance. The Dully will be a neat and tastily printed seven-colnmn news paper, newsy riither than literary in charac ter. The Weekly will be a six-column, eight page paper, and will contain the most Impor tant matter that has previously appeared in The Daily Herald. It Is proposed that the Herald shall be an unbought advocate of every Interest pertain ing to Southern California und Arizona, and a zealous worker in all things that shall tend to benefit the State. In n word It will be in close communion with the People. In its col umns, from time to time will be found mat ters of interest to the California Farmer, Me chanic, Merchant, Laborer, and all classes of Producers; and It will also contain reading matter suited to the Home Circle. The Herald will be an Independent Demo cratic journal and Its efforts directed to sweep ing from power anil place those now misman aging the affairs of the Nation. Forthe accom plishment ofthiscnil, it will hail with.satisfac tion the co-operution of the members of all Par ties, believing that the prosperity, perhups safety, of the Nation depends upon the success of a movement of this character. It is " reform now or revolution herealter." The Herald will auvocnte Slate Rights and oppose Centralization; it will encourage White and oppose Coolie Immlgratlen. It will favor Free Trade, and oppose Protective Tariff; it will advocate a Greenback Currency fer Call fornia, and oppose the pvesont ilwurling and deadening policy which upholds the present ruinous rates of Interest anil shuts out Eastern capital. It will advocate the People and op pose Monopolies, no matter what guise they may assume. While the Herald will treat Slavery as a dead Issue, It will earnestly advocate the right of every State, be it Northern or South ern—Massachusetts or South Carolina—to gov ern Itself in accordance with the wishes of Its people, and the dictates of the Federal Con stitution, without national Interference. The Herald will opppse thieving and pecu lation. No man rightly owns a dollar until he earns it. Every dollar which Is taken from the public treasury or private purse without a Just return Is robbery, ami he who takes this money Is a thief. Believing this, the Herald will oppose salary steals, custom steals, land steals, railroad steals, und every kind of steals. Each dny, Hip fullest Foreign and Domestic Telegrams will be published. The aim will be to supply, In this part of the State, the de mand heretofore filled by the San Francisco dailies. No trouble or expense will be spared to make the Herald, in this respect, equal to any newspfyper on the Coast. It will also con tain a full Review of the Local and Foreign Markets, and the Trades generally, honestly and carefully compiled. MFBHCRIPTION: DAILY HERALD. Delivered by Carriers, per month S 1 00 " " per your 10 00 By Mall or Express, « 10 00 WEEKLY HERALD. By Mall or Express, per year $4 00 " " " per quarter 100 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR7 N. P. RICHARDSON, pHYSICIAX AND SURGEON. OFFICE~No.It Downey's Block, up-stalrs. «c2-tf DR. A. S. SHORB, TTOMtEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. OFFICE—Nearly opposite the Post office. RESIDENCE—No. lit Franklin st>vet. oc2-tf DRTh. ST OR ME, pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE ANDRESI DE NC E —In Lanfrnnco's Building, No. 74 Main street. Office Hours from 10 A. M. to 1 P. M., and from 2 tojl P. M. oc2-tf DR. JOSEPH KURTZ, pHYSICIAN AND SCRGEON, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE—In Heinsch's Block, Commercial and Los Angeles streets. SWSpecial attention paid to diseases of the EYE AN P BAB. oc2-tf DR. J. W. OLIVER, JTOMCEOPATHIST. OFFICE AND RESIDENCF.-Sprlne street, opposite the Mayor's Office. oc2-l pt f D. W. C. FRANKLIN, MECHANICAL, OPERATIVE AND SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE—,I!) Spring street, next to Fire En gine House. oc2-tf DR. A. LOEBEL, SURGEON AND CHIROPODIST, Alameda street, opposite the Sisters' School. Corns and bunions extracted with out using knife, tiles or medicine, and with out causing pain. Cures ingrowing nails, warts, moles, freckles, etc. Trents scientifi cally and successfully all kinds of sores of longstanding. Charges moderate and satis faction guaranteed. nov"-tf HENRY T. HAZARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE IN TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES, CAL. BIT Special attention given to business in the United Stntes Land Office. oc2-tf J. R. M< OONNELL. A.J. KINO. McCONNELL & KING, A TTORNEYS AT LAW. Downfy's Block, Main St., Los Angeles. oclstf A. BRUNSON, AT LAW. Office-Rooms 28 and 20, Temple's new building, Los Angeles. eolMtf A. OI.AS.SELL, O. 11. SMITH. A. n. CHAPMAN. H. M. SMITH. GLASSELL, CHAPMAN&SMITH, VTTORNEYB AT LAW, OFFICE-TEMPLE BLOCK up-stalrs, I/>s Angeles, California. Qc2-tf J A MES G. HOWARD, AT LAW COURT OOMMISSIONER, Downey's Block, Los Angeles. oc2-tf M. WHALING, A TTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE-No. IS Downey Block Los Angeles. oc2-lin CHARLES LINDLEY. J. S. THOMPSON. LINDLEY & THOMPSON, A TTORNEYg AT LAW, OFFICE—Room Nos. H and *>2, over Tem pi oc2-tf W. Li MARSHALL. WILL n. QOt'LU. MARSHALL A GOULD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW-OFFICE opposite tho Court House. Rooms Nos. IS and 1» Temple Block, Los Angeles. Cal. Will practice in all the Courts of this State, and attend to business in I. S. Lund Office. J. 11. BATES. J. B. BRAMAN. BATES & BRAMAN, ATTOR N E V S AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, OFFICES-Nos. 3 and 4 ALLEN'S BUILD ING, corner of Spring und Temple streets, Los Angeles, Cal, Practice in all the Na tional and State Courts. Collections made, de mands prosecuted and the settlement of es tates adjusted in all parts of the Fulled Slutcs. Special attention paid to the examination of land titles and to business in the U. S. Land Office. no!2-tf LEW. G. CABANIS, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY* ancer and Searcher of Records for this County. OFFICE-No. 44 Temple Block, Los Ango les, California. oc2-tf V. E. HOWARD & SONS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. oc2-tf A. A. WILSON, A TTORNEY & COUNSELLOR. OFFICE-Room No. 11, Temple Block, Los Angeles, California. oc2-tf A. 11. .lUDBON. .1. W. OILLETTK. JUDSON & GILLETTE, SEARCHERS OF RECORDS AND CONVEYANCERS. TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. oc2-lm C. W. MORGAN, JJEAL ESTATE AGENT, Four doors south of tho Post Office, Temple Block, IjOS Angeles. California. »a-MONEY TO LOAN. oc2-tf H. M. MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR ut lnw. Office—Room No. 10 Temple Block, Los Angeles. P. O. Boz 436. no7-tf CHAS. E. MILES, HYDRAULIC ENGINEER, LOS ANGELES, CAL. Refers to—Dr. J. S. Griffin, J. G. Downey, L. H. Titus, Gen. P. Banning, L W. Hellmun, A. Glussell. The Introduction of wafer into Cities, Towns nml Ranches a specialty. Contracts taken for making sheet Iron pipes, at my shop, or where desired, on the most favorable terms. no.'t-lm N. B. WHITFIELD, BROKER, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENT. Particular atten tion paid to the purchase und sale of sheep. Office v;it!> J.J•. Ward * i 'o. ooS-lplm R. E. JACKSON, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, I Muln street, a few doors below First. Los Angeles. Contracts for buildings, and nil work executed in a satisfactory manner, nol-tf GAMBRINUS BREWERY, -piRST STREET, LOS ANGELES. Fine Lager Beer for sale IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. oc2-lnil|> JOS. LEIBER, Proprietor. I L 1 FORWARDING L COMMISSION. J. L. WARD <fc CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS — AND — Manufacturers Agents. . AGENTS FOR LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION; UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF SAN FRANCISCO; COMMERCIAL [MARINE] INSURANCE COMPANY, (Combined assets exceed $14,000,000) BABCOCK'S FIRE EXTINGUISHER; BAKER & HAMILTON'S AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY: THE CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON; SWAN BREWERY GO 'S ALE AND PORTER. no2-lmlp HELL MAN, HAAS & CO. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, HAVE FOR BAEE THE PUREST GROCERIES, THE BEST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Of the choicest Imported Brands. Paints, Oils, Doors, Sashes, BLINDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. 14 und 16 Los Angeles and Commercial Sts., no. I .] LOS ANGELES. [Im-4p SIMON LEVY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. General denier In all kinds of COUN TRY PRODUCTIONS, Hides. Grain and Wool. Makes advances on Consignments to all parts of the United States. Nob. 21 and 34 AI (so St.. LOS ANGELES. ocs-ly4p BUSINESS CARDS. J. C. JACKSON Keeps all kinds of Lumber, Shingles, Laths, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT AJNE> HAIR. CORNER OF Alameda and First Streets. no2-lmlp PERRY, WOODWORTH & CO., LUMBER YARDS AND PLANINO MILLS. NO. 7« COMMERCIAL ST. Keep constantly on hand a full assortment of LUMBER, DOORS, HASH, MOULDINGS, BLINDS, TURNED AND SAWED WORK. All kinds of mill work done to order. oc2 GRIFFITH, LYNCH & CO. DEALERS IN LUMBER. • CORNER FIRST AND ALAMEDA STS. Mill Work of all Kinds, —such as— DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, ETC., ETC. no2-lmlp 11. 0, WII.EY. 1). M. BERKV. WILEY & BERRY, REAL ESTATE AGENTS —AND — COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 33 MAIN STREET LOS ANGELES. oc7-lmlp LOS ANGELES SODA WORKS, No. IS A UNO NTUEET. HENRY W. STOLL, Pbopbietor. Supplies Bar Rooms and private fami lies with the purest and best SODA ASTD BAH« A P A RII.I. A, Delivered to any part of the city. lno2-lm ARRIAG ES AND WAGONS. L. LICHTENBERCER, (Successor to Roeder & Llchtenberger), jyjANUFACTURER OP Wagons, Buggies, Carriages, Etc. 143, 145 and 147 Main street, Los Angeles, Very respectfully solicits the patronage of the public In his line of business. All ve hicles built of the BEST MATERIAL An extensive BLACKSMITH SHOX" Is connected with the establish merit, where all kinds of Blucksmlthlng will be done to order. REPAIRING Done with dispatch, and with a view of giving satisfaction to patrons. All Work Warranted. oe7-lmlp PAGE & GRAVEL'S New Carriage Shop. OUR WORKLS UNE-cnUP uunled by any done on the Fa- ss&aErl cine Const. Alter our excerlence In the best shops In the Eastern States, and our experience on this coast, we are enabled to fulfil what wo ad vertise., ALL MATERIALS USED ARE THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. IMS- Repairs done neatly and with dispatch. All work done here is warranted, as. Prices Moderate. Call and see. "%« Corner Los Angeles and Requena oeM] Streets, Los Angeles, [lmip CAMILLE RAYNAL, (OPPOSITE M. KELLER'S) MANUFACTURER AND DEAL ER IN Wbboiih. CiirriiHteH, HuggicK, etc Of all kinds. All work Made of Best Concord Materials, and in the future as reliable as In the past. Orders promptly attended to. v*. All kinds of Repairing done to order. nol2mlpl Eight Mile House. MRS. DONALDSON, OF THE Eight Mile House, Cowango Pass, an nounces that she will receive a few gentlemen to board. No pains will be spared to add to their comforts, with facilities for going and coming from the city. ocSl-tf EDUCATIONAL. SPANISH AND FRENCH LESSONS. INSTRUCTION IN FRENCH AND A SPANISH will lie given to classes in the afternoons or evenings, by MISS JOSEPHINE LINDLEY T E R M Hi To a class of five or less, per lesson $2 00 To a class of any number over five, per lesson $3 00 For further particulars, Inquire at the office of the Los Akoelks Herald, of IJndley <fc Thompson, or at the Pico House. TESTIMONIALS : University of California, ) Department of Languages. } Oakland. July 11. 1872. J Herewith I certify that Miss Josephine Lihd 1. " has been a student in my department of the University for five consecutive terms, viz: from September, 1870, to April 3d, 1872. During this time she studied the French, the Spanish and the German languages, obtaining always the highest marks for proficiency and attend ance, her average credit mark for five terms being 97 per cent. On entering the University, Miss Lindley possessed already such knowledge of the French and Spanish idioms as to be able to speak them with ease, fluency, correctness, and a pure pronunciation. She may now be considered thoroughly fa miliar with the theory and philosophy, as well as with the application of these two tongues; and she may safely be recommended as a can didate of great promise, for teaching the French and Spanish languages. P. PIODA, Prof. Modern Languages. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Josephine Lindley has been declared by the Faculty entitled to this Certificate of Profi ciency in the departments of Geology and Natural History, (Botany and Physical Geolo gy,) Belles Lettres, (English Literature, Histo ry, Ancient and Modern,) Chemistry, Modern Languages, (French and Spanish.) Henry Durant, President of University: E. S. Carr, Prof. Chemistry; P. Ploda, Modern Languages; Joseph Jje Conte, Professor of Ge ology and Natural History; William Swintnn, Professor of Belles Martin Kellogg, Dean of the Faculty. oc2-tf LAWLOR INSTITUTE 168 Main Street. Los Angeles. THE SEVENTH~SEMI-ANNUAL Session of this SELECT DM SCHOOL, in which girls boys receive a useful, practical and complete English Education, commenced on MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1873. TERMS PER MONTH: English Studies. Including the ordinary School Branches, and Double-Entry Book-Keeplng and Algebra M 00 Primary Gcogruphy, Second and Third Readers 4 00 Chart, and Primer Classes 3 00 EXTRAS. Latin, Phonetic Short-hand and Geom etry, per month $2 00 Competent Teachers of Drawing, Painting, and the Modern Languages, will be connected with the Institution. For further particulars, apply to the under signed, at the School Building. ocsml W. B. LAWLOR, Principal. FRENCH and SPANISH LESSONS JT ESSONS IN THE FRENCH and Spanish languages will be given toclnsses or In private, commencing on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1873. TERMS OF TUITION: Private lessons g 1 00 each Twenty lessons 15 00 Lessons to any number of pupils over live, for one month, three les sons every week, each pupil 2 00 French and Spanish"scbool for children ev ery day (Saturdays excepted) at 4 o'clock P. M. TUITION, per month, S3. For further particulars, Inquire at No. 107 Main street. Translation of French, Span ish and English. F. V. C. de MONDRAN. oc2-!mlp ST. VINCENT'S COLLEGE, LOS ANGELES. Conductedljy the priests of the Congregation of the Mission. DEGREES CONFERRED, nnd the most complete Education given. No more beauti fully situated spot in the whole of Southern California. Apply by letter, or personally, to REV. J. McGILL, C. M. no2-lm President. Drawing and Painting. INSTRUCTIONUNCRAYON, PEN CIL AND PERSPECTIVE DRAWING, in Coloring with India Ink and Water Colors, and In OIL PAINTINO, given at Hillside Cottage, back of the new school-house. MRS. LU WHEAT SMITH, ocatf Louis Wartenberg, PAST EXPRESS AND PASSENGER LINE TO ANAHEIM. Through in Three Hours and a Half! FARE AT REDI'CKD RATES. «*. Leaves Los Angeles daily at 2 P. M. 1108-tf JOSEPH BRESON, SAMPLE ROOMS, OPPOSITE U. S. HOTEL, MAIN ST. The purest WINES, the choicest CIGARS, and the best FANCY DRINKS concocted south of San Francisco. *e~ Temple Block, next to Wells, Fargo & Company's office. no2-lmlp LAUNDRY. STREET, BETWEEN -131 Ornsshopper and Griffin streets, LOS ANGELES. Oentlemen's, HOTEL AND RESTAURANT WASHING done on reasonable terms. PEARL BUTTONS sewed on. and ordinary MENDING done. Washing called for and de livered, FREE OF CHARGE. ttuf* Order slate at Broderlck's Book Store. oc2-lmlp J. S. O'NEIL The Napa Cang Plow. TO THE FARMERS OF LOS Angeles County: We call your attention 10 the uew IMPROVED UANG PLOW, pa tented by D. A. Manuel,of Napa, and adopted by the Granges of this State. The points of superiority are: Lightness of draft, it being a centre droit; a castor wheel In the rear, which makes It turn In a space sufficient to accom modate Its length: it has a falling pole and can, by sliding, be adjusted to the driver's weight, and removes all pressure from the horses' necks. We only ask farmers to call and examine lor themselves. nol HELLMAN, HAAS <t CO. Everybody knows the old Man SIGNORET. BANK EXCHANGE BILLIARD SALOON, run by F. BIGNORET. Customers received by the old man himself, who has been in attendance since 1849. He Selcomes all his old customers and pleases ie new ones. The BEST BARBER SHOP In the city Is with this establishment. Clean towels, care ful employees. n0.5-lm NUMBER 39. csi»AiiLa ml £tA SRIS*B PI A MISCELLANEOUS. REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Cash Capital, . 81,000,000 BrMrkM in nil the State*of the V nloir. HAVING NOW COMPLETED the organization of our JPacifie Branch, We take pleasure in announcing that oar Pa cific Coast Stockholders have elected the fol lowing well-known citizens as officers of our PACIFIC BRANCH: President: OLIVER ;eldridge. Vice-Presidents: THOS. A. BALL, WM. R. WH EATON ' > .iql ;n ■}■'. ; > ai'n9* a oml i>ar« A. L. GURNEY Secretary pro tern JAS. T. BOYD Attorney THOS. BROWN Treasurer CHAS. BURRELL Medical Examiner Executive Committee: OLIVER ELDRIDGE, JOS. A. DONOHOE, JAS. T. BOYD, GEO. W. BEAVER, CHAS. BURRELL, THOS. BELL, E. B. PERRIN. Director*: OLIVER ELDREDGE.LELAND STANFORD GEO. W. BEAVER, THOS. BROWN, N. G. KITTLE: C. CHRISTIANSEN, JOHN F. MILLER, THOS. H. SELBY, JAS. T. BOYD, R. F. MORROW, C. I. BRENHAM, S. F. BUTTERWORTH M. D. SWEENY, GEO. H. WHEATON, L FRIEDLANDER, WM. BTRLING, A. BLACK, THOS. A. BALL, lOS. A. DONOHOE, WM. R. WHEATON, THOS. BELL. E. B. PERRIN, C. T. RYLAND, WM. L. DICKENSON WM. S. LADD. THE REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. Was chartered by special act of the Legisla ture of the State of Illinois, and commenced doing business In July, 1870, making It now Just three years old. Its plan of orgaui?atlon was to have $5,000,000 Capital Stock, with twenty per cent, paid in, and the balance subject to cafl. With BRANCH ORGANIZA TIONS of stockholders in the leading business centers of the country, composed of the best business men—thus making a Company of National extent and prestige, and yet a HOME COMPANY AT EACH BRANCH. The Company at this date has policies In force covering over $25,000,000 of risks, with nn annual Income of over #1,000,000, ALL ASSETS OF PACIFIC BRANCH IN VESTED ON THIS COAST. Capital Stock of Pacific Branch, over „ * 300,000 00 Invested In Mortgages on Renl Es tate in California during the last four months, over , 180,000 00 328 Policies issued at Pucitlc Branch • during same period, Insuring 1,242,100 00 Charge* for Insurance as per Cent. Less tban Mutual Companies. • THE REPUBLIC Does not borrow THE CAPITAL of Policy holders on PROMISES to return the same at some INDEFINITE future period and CALL IT A DIVIDEND. In presenting the claims of THE REPUB LIC to the patronage of the people of this Coast, we shall at all times aim to be gov erned by sound business considerations, and a due regard for the rights and merits of com peting companies. OFFICE OF THE PACIFIC BRANCH, NO. Sl7 CALIFORNIA STREET. Below snnsome Street. oc2dlmlp LA CRONICA, pUBLISHED BY E. F. TEODOLI. The only Spanish Newspaper IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Published every Wednesday and Saturday mornings, office In Temple's New Block, Spring street, opposite the Court-house. It has a large circulation in the State of Cal ifornia, the Eastern States, Louisiana, Mexico, and Arizona und Colorado Territories, Central and South America, and Spain. ** La Cronioa" commends itself to the Advertisers who may wish to bring their business before the Span ish-speaking people and numerous population of different nationalities, on the Pacitic Coast. Advertising: Rate* Very Reasonable. Subscriptions—One Year, SO; Six Months S3 50; Three Months, 92. oefltßp tTO TOURISTS.!* THE CALIFORNIA PLACARD EXCHANGE AND INFORMATION BUREAU FOR THE PACIFIC COAST, 807 TO 615 MERCHANT ST., SAN FRANCISCO, has made arrangements to have active correj sponding agents, not only in all the large east-1 era cities of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, St. Louis, etc., but in London, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Hamburg, Frankfort, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Glusgow, Trieste, Odessa, Mar seilles, and generally throughout Great Brit ain and Continental Europe, Japan, China, Calcutta, Madras, Singapore, Auckland, New Zealand, Melbourne, Sydney and Australia. Every oceuplerof one or more feet of placard space will be charged at the rate of One Dollar per Square Foot per Month. The Exciinnge will be open to the public from 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. each day. FRED'K MARRIOTT, President, BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND MANAGING COM MITTEE: FRED'K MARRIOTT,! JOS. AUSTIN, JAS. T. WATKINS, JNO. MELVILLE, ALGERNON SMITH. JNO. MELVILLE, Corresponding Secretary. BERNARD LEVY, Accountant and Linguist. 0028 PELICAN SALOON. Spring Street, opposite the l\>st Office. DAVE MAIN~HAS RETIRED from the Judicial contest, In order to de vote his time to more classical pursuits. Floating down the stream of life placidly, with bald-headed old GEORGE DAKIN, they will in conjunction prepare the following nifty drinks: The Alamagrooßler, The Pereoonroot, Tho BMpeatOMherhrla, The Rria Around the Corner. The CHOICEST WINES, IJQUORS AND CIGARS always on hand. noMm I. B. FERGUSON'S QOMMISBION HOUSE I. tho Exclusive CommlMlesi Hoaao to sro to lor Everything- Ton Want. no2-lm