Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME I. $00 iUvalil UPabllihed r-vei > morning except Monday, tut; herald printix; company. OFFICE lleial l NH'icn llixtk iukl Job Printing' House. Spring street, opposite the Court House, TERMS: Per annum, by mull or express $10 Six months ' " " il Three months " " • .'I Delivered by carriers, per week, L'"« cents Advertisements inserted at liberal rales. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. Following is n list of Granges In Los An geles county: Sliver-bos Nlelos-.1. H. Bltt'kc, Master; E. R. Wylle, Secretory. Compton- A. Higblo, Master; .1. A. Walker, Secretary. El Monte -G. ('. Oibbs, Master; J. li. Qmy, Seeratury. Enterprise—Los Aagele* —t, c. Alexander, Master; W. T. Henderson, secy. Eureka—Spadra-—P. C. Tnnner, Muster; Jos. Wright, secretary. Kairview — Anaheim--Edward Evcy, Master; .). I>. Taylor, secretary. Frultland—Tustln City—A. 11. Way ward, Mas ter; E. R. Nicols, Secretary. Los Angeles—T. A. Uarey, Master; T. I). Han cock, Secretary. Los Nietos—E.liOrandon, Master; J. K. Mar qui*. Secretary. New RlM'r—Los Nletos—R. 11. Guthrie. Mas ter; 1). S. Ward low. Secretary. Orange—Rich la nd—Thomas Brown, Master; J. W. Anderson, Secretary. Azusa—M. W. Maxy, Master;.!. C. Pro.ion, Secretary. Florence—H. Gibson, Master; Wm. Porter, Seoretary Alliance--El Monte—B, S, Reaves, Master; J. W. Marshall, Secretary, county Deputy—Titos, a. gakkv. Lam I Agent -.r. Q. a. BTaitley. DIRECTORY OF OFFICERS. R. M. Wldnoy, District .Judge lTt.. Judicial District, composed ot' Los Angeles county. Court meets in February, May, August and November. Ignacio Repaired A, County Judge. Court Commissioner, J. G. Howard. State Senator, 11. D. Wilson. Members of Assembly, Thos. D. Mott and Asa Ellis. Sheriff, Win. R. Rowland; Under Sheriff. Albert D. Johnston; Deputy Sheriff, .). M. Baldwin. County clerk, A. W. Potts; Deputies, ('. W. Gould and s. IL Mott. District Attorney, C. E. Thorn; Assistant, E. M. Ross. County Treasurer, Thomas E. Rowan. Superintendent of Public Schools, William McFadden. Public Administrator, George Carson. County Surveyor, F. Leeouvreur. County Assessor, D. Botiller. Coroner, Joseph Kurt/. County Board of supervisors- Chairman, H. Foreman; A. L. Ilusli, E. Ealoiumes, s. li. Caswell. CITY OFFICERS. Mayor, J. R. Tobermnn. Marshal, J, R. Wolfe. Treasurer. George R. Butler. Attorney, A. W. Hutton. Clerk, M. Kremer. Surveyor, William Moore. Health Officer, Dr. Wise. Engineer, George G,.McLuln. School Trustees—H, D. Barrows, President; Geo'ge Smith. Win. H. Workman. Wm. Prtd" ham, M. Kremer. BOARD OF TRADE. President—S. Lazurd. Secretary -I. W. Lord. Treasurer -S. it. Caswell. Directors—Dr. J. s. Griffin, c. c. Lips, H. W. H 'llmaii. J-s. Griffith, P. Ilcatidry, N. J. Ncw mtrk.J. <i. Dow ley, R. M. Wldiiey. Regular meetings, Tuesdays, at 7:-t0 P. M. THE FIRST AND LAST DINNER. A TALK OF LIFE. Twelve friends, touch About the same age, and fixed by their pursuits, their family connections and other lo cal interests, as permanent inhabi tants of the metropolis, agreed one day when thoy wore drinking their wine at the Star and Garter at Rich mond, to inslitute an annual dinner among themselves, under the follow ing regulations: That they should dine, alternately, at each other's houses on the first and hist day of the year: and that the first bottle of wine uncorked at the first dinner should be reeorked and be put away to bo drunk by him who should be the last of their number; that they should never admit a new member; that when one died, eleven should meet, and when another died, ten should meet, and so on, and that, when only one remained, he should, on those two days dine by himself, and sit the usu al hours at his solitary table; but the first time he so dined alone, lest it should be the only one, he should then uncork the first bottle, and In the first glass drink to the memory of all who wore gone. There was something original and whimsical In the idea, and it was ea gerly embraced. They were all in the prime of life, closely attached by re ciprocal friendship, fond of social en joyments; and looked forward to their future meetings with unalloyed anti cipations of pleasure. The only thought that could have darkened those anticipations, was not very like ly to intrude itself at this moment that of the hopeless wight who was destined to uncork the first bottle at his lonely repast. It was high summer when this frol ic compact was entered into; and as their pleasure yacht skimmed along the dark bosom of the Thames, on their return to London, tbey talked of every thing but their first and last fears of the ensuing years. Their im aginations ran riot with a thousand gay predictions of festive merriment, they wantoned in conjectures of what (dianges time would make; Joked each other on their appearance when they should meet—some hobbling on crutches after a severe fit of the gout; others poking about with purblind eyes, which, even spectacles could hardly enable to distinguish the alder man's walk or a haunch of venison some with portly round bellies and ti dy little blown wigs, and others de cently dressed out In" a now suit of mourning, for the death of a great grand-son or a great-grand-daughter. "As for you, George," exclaimed one of the" twelve addressing his brother-in-law, "I expect I shall see you as dry, withered, and shrunken as an old set skin, you mere outside of a man!" and he accompanied the words with a hearty slap on the shoulder. George Fortescue was leaning care lessly over the side of tlm yacht, laughing the loudest of any at the conversation that had been carried on. The sudden manual salutation of his brotb«rdn-law threw him oft hla bal " anoe, and in a moment he was over board. They heard the heavy splash of his fall, before they could be said to have seen him fall. The yacht was proceeding swiftly along—but it was Instantly stopped. The utmost con sternation now prevailed. It was nearly dark, hut Fortescue was known to be a good swimmer, and startling as the aoctdent was, they felt certain that he would regain the vessel, They Los Angeles Daily Herald. could nut sot- him. They listened. They heard the sound cf his hands nml fret. They hailed him. An answer wa» re turned, hut in v faint gurgling voice, ami the exclamation, " 0 Rod!" struck upon their ears. lit an instant, two or three who were expert swimmers, plunged into the river, and swam to wards the spot wliem c the exclama tion hftd proceeded. Due pfthem was within an ana's length ot' Fortescue he saw htin; before lie could he reueh ed, lie went down, ttml his distructed friend bejield the eddying circles of the wave just over the spot where he had sunk. He dived alter him and touched the bottom; but the tide must have drifted the body onwards, for he could not lie found! They pro ceeded to one of-the nearest stations where draws were kept, and having procured all the apparatus necessary, they returned to the fatal spot. After the'lapse of above an hour, they suc ceeded in raising the lifeless body of their lost friend. All the usual reme dies were employed for restoring sus pended animation, hut in vain; and they now pursued the remainder of their course to London, in mournful silence, with the corpse of him who had commenced the day of pleasure with them in the fullness of health, of spirits, and of life! Amid their severer grief they could not hut reflect how soon one of the joyous twelve had slipped out of the iitfle circle. The mont lis rolled on, and cold De cember came with till its cheering round of kindly greetings and merry hospitalities; and with it came the softened recollection of poor Kortescue; eleven of the twelve assembled on the last day of the year and it was Impos sible not to feel their loss as they sat down to dinner. The very irregularity of the table, six on one side, and only five on the other, forced the melan choly event on their memory. There are few sorrows so stubborn as to resist the united influence of wine, a circle of select friends, and a season of prospective gaiety. A dec orous sigh or two, a few becoming ejaculations, and an instructive obser vation on the uncertainty of life, made up the sum of the posthumous " offerings to the remains of poor George Forteseue" as they proceeded to discharge the more important du ties for which they had met. liy the time the third glass of champagne had gone round, in addition to sundry potations of tine old hock, and "cap ital Madeira," they had ceased to dis cover anything so pathetic in the in equality 'of the two sides of the table, or so melancholy in their crippled number of eleven". [Tho rest of tho evening banted (iff very pleasantly in conversation, spofl humored enjoyment, and conviviality, and it was not till l- o'clock that poor George Fortesoue was retnembereo,] Tlicv all agreed at parting, how over, that thoy had never passed sueli a happy day, congratulated each oth er upon instituting so delightful a meeting, and promised to be punctual to their appointment the ensuing evening, when they were to celebrate the new year, whose entrance they had welcomed in bumpers of good claret, as tho watchman bawled "twelve o'clock!" beneath the win dow. They met accordingly, and their gaiety was without any alloy or draw back.' It was only the first time of their assembling since the death of poor Oedrge Fortoseue, that made the reollcction of it painful; for, though but a few hours had intervened, tbey now took their seats at tho table as if eleven had been (heir original num ber and as if all were there who bad ever been expected to be there. It is tints in everything; Tito first time a man enters a prison -the first book an author writes—the first pic ture an artist exeeutes--tbo first bat tle a general wins—nay, the first lime a rogue is hanged—(for a rotten rope may provide a second performance, even of that ceremony, with all its singleness of character! —differ incon ceivably from their first repetition. There is a charm, a spell, a novelty, a freshness, a delight, inseparable from the first experience, (hanging always excepted, he it remembered i which no art or circumstance can im part to the second. And it is the same in all the darker traits of life. There Is a poigancy and anguish in the first assaults of sorrow, that is never found afterwards. In every case, it is simply that the first fine edge of our feelings lias boon taken oft; and that it can never be restored. Several years had elapsed and our eleven friends kept up their double anniversaries, as they might aptly enough be called, with scarcely any perceptible change. But alas! there came one dinner at last, which was darkened by a calamity tbey never expected to witness, for on that very day their friend, companion, brother almost, was hanged!— Yes Stephen Rowland, the wit, the oracle, the life of their little circle, bad, on the morn ing of that day, forfeited his life on a public Hcatt'o'ld, f<u' having made one stroke of his pen in a wrong place. In other words, a bill of exchange for £700' passed out of his hands for £1700: he having drawn the important little prefix to the hundreds; and tiie bill being paid at the banker's without examining the words of it. The for gery was discovered—brought borne to Rowland—and though tho greatest interest was used to obtain tho re mission of the penalty, poor Stephen Rowland was hanged. Everybody Eitied him and nobody could tell why c did it. He was not poor; be was not a gambler; he was not a specular tor; but Phrenology settled it. The organ of aofjuitiUvenen was discov ered in his head, after bis execution, as large as a pigeon's egg. Ho ootild not help it. It would be injustice to the ten to say, that even wine, friendship and a merry session, could dispel the gloom which pervaded the dinner. It was agreed beforehand that tbey should not refer to the distressing and mel ancholy theme: and having interdict ed the only thing that really occupied their thoughts, the natural eonse queilGe W»s, that silent contemplation took the place of dismal conversation; and thoy separated long before mid night. * * * Some fifteen years had now gilded away since the late of poor Rowland, and the ten remained; but the hand of Time bad written sundry changes in most legible char acters. Raven locks hud become griz zled—two or three beads had not ns many locks altogether as may be reckoned In a walk of half a mile • ™w»iW rfiTtin r .7mw V' LOS ANGELES, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 16, 1873. along the Regent's Canal one was actually covered with a hrown wig; the crow's feet were visible in the cor ner of the eye; good old port and warm .Madeira carried it against hock, claret, Burgundy and Chant* pagne—stews, hashes and rngouls, grew into favor; crusts were rarely called for to relish the cheese after dinner; conversation Was less bois terous, and it turned chiefly on poli ties aud tht' state of the funds, or landed property; apologies were made for coming in thick shoes and stock ings; the doors ami windows were more carefully provided with list and sand bags; the tire in more request; and a quiet game of whist tilled up the hours that were wont to be de voted to drinking, singing ami riotous merriment. The rubbers, a cup of coffee and at home by eleven o'clock, was the usual cry, when the fifth or sixth glass had gone round after the cloth had been removed. At parting, too, there was now a lo'hg ceremony in the hall, buttoning Hp great coats, tying on woolen comforters, fixing silk handkerchiefs over the mouth and up to the ears, and grasping sturdy walking canes, to support un sleady feet. Their fiftieth anniversary had come and Death had indeed heon busy. One had been killed by the overturn ing of the mail, in which be had taken bis place to bo present at the dinner, having purchased an estate In Mon mouthshire and retired thither with bis family. And had undergone the the terrible operation for the stone, and expired beneath the knife—tho third bad yielded up a broken spirit two years alter tho loss of an only sur viving and beloved daughter—a fourth was carried off in a few days by the cholera morbus—a fifth had breathed his last the very morning he obtained a judgment in his favor by the Lord Chancellor, which hud cost him his last shilling nearly to get, and which, alte ra litigation of eighteen years, declared him the rightful possessor of ten thousand a year—ton minutes af terwards he was ho more. A sixtli had perished by tho hand of a mid night assassin, who broke into his house for plunder, and sacrificed the owner of it as he grasped convulsively it bundle of Exchequer hills, which the robber was drawing from beneath his pillow, where bo know tbey were ev ery night placed for better security. Four little old men, of withered ap pearance and decrepit walk, with cracked voices, and dim, ruyloss eyes, sat down, by the mercy of Heaven (as tbey themselves tremulously declared) to celebrate for the fiftieth time the first day of the year, to observe the frolic compact, which half a century ago tbey entered into at the Star and Garter at Richmond! Eight were in their graves! Yet tbey chirped cheer ily over their glass, though they could scarcely carry it to their lips, if more than half full"; and cracked their Jokes, though thoy articulated their words with difficulty, and beard each other w.tb still greater difficulty. Thoy mumbled, thoy chattered, tbey laugh ed, if a sort of strange wheezing might be culled a laugh—and when the wines sent their icy blood in wanner pulse through their veins, tbey talked of their past as it wore but a yesterday had slipped by them, and their future as it were a busy century that lay be fore them. They werojust the number formpiiet rubber of whist; and for three successive years they sat down to one. Tho fourth came and the rubber was played with an open dummy; a fifth, and whist was no longer practicable; two could play only at cribbuge, and cribbago was the game. But it was little more than the mockery of play. Their palsied hands could hardly hold, or their fading sight distinguish tho cards, while their torpid faculties made them doze between each deal. At length came the la*t dinner, and the survivor of the twelve, upon whose head four-score and ton winters had showered their snow, ate his solitary meal. It so chanced it was at his house and bis table thoy bad Celebrat ed the first. In his ccllor, too, had re mained for eight and forty years, tho bottle which they had uncorked, re corked, and Svhlcn he was then to un cork again. It stood beside him. With a feeble and reluctant grasp be took the " frail memorial " of a youth ful vow, and for a moment memory was faithful to her office. She tlirew open the long vista of burled years, and his heart travelled through them all. Their lusty and blithesome spring; their bright and fervid autumn; their chill, but not too frozen winter. He saw as In n.miiror how one by one the laughing companions of that merry hour, at Richmond, bad dropped into eternity. He felt all the loneliness of his condition, for be bad eschewed marriage, and in the veins of no living creature ran a drop of blood whose source was in his own! and he drained the glass which he had filled, "to the memory of those who wore gone," the tears slowly trickled down the fur rows of his aged face. He had thus fulfilled one part of bis vow, and prepared . himself to dis charge the other, by sitting the usual number of hours at tho desolate table. With a heavy heart be resigned him self to the gloom of his own thoughts, a lethargic sleep stole over him—lds head fell upon his bosom—confused images crowded into bis mind—he babbled to himself—was silent—and when bis servant entered the room, alarmed by the noise he heard, he found his master stretched upon the carpet at the foot of his easy chair out Of Which ho had slipped in an apoplec tic lit. He never spoke again nor once opened his eyes, though the vital spark was not extinct till the follow ing day. And this was the last din- National Restaurant /CORNER OF COMMERCIAL und Wilmington streets, Los Angeles. Wo furnish THK BEST TWENTY-EIVE CENT MEALS of nny restaurant in town. Wholesome food, good cook!UK, and a clean and airy dining room, lias made this restau rant a favorite. LINDNER A IiUTTCHEIt. nol Los Angeles City Water Co Location (Tp - works, city and County of Los Angeles, State of t 'iii I turn in. Notice is hereby given thai the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Los An gola*, City W«vler Company will be held ut the Office of ilie ( ompany,;")! and il Main street. In the city of Lou Angeles, on MONDAY, NO VEMBER 17, IST.t, ut 12 o'clock M., for the election of officers for the ensuing year, and for ,he transaction of such oth-r business as m ey br> brought b.-fore the meeting. nelKtd EIUJENE MEYER, Scc'y. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. N. P. RICHARDSON, pHYSK rAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE—No. 14 Downey's Block, lip-stall's. 002-tr DR. A. S. SHORB, TJOM(EOPATHTC PHYSICIAN. OFFICE—Nearly Opposite the Post Office. RESIDENCE -No. I I Franklin street. oe-'-tf DR. H. S. ORME, pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE- In Lanfranoo's BnUdlng, No. 7I Main street. Office Hours from 111 A. M. to 1 P. M., and from 2 to :i P. M. °f 2-, L DR. JOSEPH KURTZ, "DHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE-In Heinsch's Block, Commercial and Los Angeles streets. SC"Special attention paid to diseases of the EYE AND EAR ocg-tf DR. J. W. OLIVER, JJOMfEOPATHIST. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE—Spring street, opposite the Mayor's Office. oi-2-lptf D. W. C. FRANKLIN, \f EC H A NIC AL, OPERATIVE XTJL AND SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE—S3 Spring street, next to Fire En gine House. 002-tf DR. A. LOEBEL, CURGEON AND CHIROPODIST, Alameda street, opposite the Sisters* School. Corns and bunions extracted with out using knife, Hies or medicine, and with out causing pain. Cures Ingrowing nails, warts, moles, freckles, etc. Treats scientifi cally and successfully nil kinds of sores of long standing. Charges moderate nnd satis faction guaranteed. nov7-tf HENRY T. HAZARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE IN TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES, CAL. IVifl Special attention given to business in tho i'nlted states Land Office. oc2-tf J. U. M C'ONNEI.L. A.J. KINO. McCONNELL & KING, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Downey's Block, Main St., Los Angeles. OClgtf A. BRUNSON, AT LAW. Office—Rooms 2S nnd 29, Temple's new building, Los Angeles. ooljitf A. OI.ASSKLL, fj. 11. SMITII. A. B. CHAPMAN. H. ft, SMITII. GLASSELL, CHAPMAN &SMITH, AT LAW, OFFICE -TEMPLE BLOCK up-stalrs, Los Angeles, California. oc2-tf JAMES G. HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW » —AND— COURT COMMISSIONER, Downey's Block, Los Angeles. oc2-tf M. WHALING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE—No. 18 Downey Block Los Angeles. oc2-im CHARLES LINDLEY. ,1. S. THOMPSON. LINDLEY & THOMPSON, ATTORNEY* AT LAW, OFFICE—Room Nos. 51 and S3, over Tem ple &■ Workman's Hank. oc2-tf w. L MARSHALL. will n. oon.n. MARSHALL & GOULD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW-OFFICE £*■ opposite the Court House. Rooms Nos. IS nnd Iff Temple Block, Los Angeles. Cal. Will practice in all the courts of this state, and attend to business in U. S. Land Office. .1. 11. BATES. J. B. BRAMAN. BATES & BRAMAN, 4 T T 0 R N E V S i V AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, OFFICES--Nos. 3 nnd 4 ALLEN'S BUILD ING, corner of Spring and Temple streets, Los Angeles, Cnl. Practice in all flic Na tional and State Courts. Collect ions made, de mands prosecuted and the settlement of es tates adjusted in nil parts of tho United States, special attention paid to tho examination of land titles nnd to business in tlie U. S. Land Office. no!2-tf LEW. G. CABANIS, NO TA UY PUBLIC, CONVEY uncer and Searcher of Records for this < 'ounty. OFFICE—No. 44 Temple Block, Los Ange les, California. oc2-tl V, E. HOWARD s\ SONS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. 002-tf A. A. WILSON, A TTORNEY & COUNSELLOR. OFFICE—Room No. 11, Temple Block. Los Angeles, California. oc2-tf A. lI..M'I«ON. J. W. fiILLETTE. JUDSON & GILLETTE, SEARCHERS OF RECORDS k5 AND CONVEYANCERS. TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. oc2-lm G. W.MORGAN, "REAL ESTATE AGENT, Four doors SOUth of the Post Office, Temple Block, Los Angeles. California, eft.MONEY To LOAN, oc2-tf H. M. MITCHELL, 4TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR I\. at law. Office—Boom No. 10 Temple Block, Los P. OJKos WL. _ nof-tf CHAS. E. MILES. HYDRAULIC ENGINEER, LOS ANGELES, CAL. Refers TO—Dr. J. S. Griffin, J. G. Downey, L. 11, Titus, Gen. P. Banning, I. W. Hollman, A. GltMsell. The Int induction of water Into Cities, Towns and Ranches a specialty. Contracts taken for making sheet iron pipes, at my shop, or where desired, on the most favorable terms. no:!-lm N. B. WHITFIELD. BROKER, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENT. Particular atten tion paid to the purchase and sale of sheep. < Mice v. ;!l< J, I . Wiirrt * Co. ocH-lpim R. E. JACKSON, f CONTR ACTOR AND BUILDER, Main street, a few doors below F'lrst. I.os Angeles. Contracts for buildings, and all work executed In a satisfactory manner, nol-tf GAMFJRINUS BREWERY, THIRST STREET, LOS ANGELES. Fine Lager Beer for sale IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. no2-lmlp £JOS. LEIBER, Proprietor.^ I FORWARDING & COMMISSION. J. L. W ARD & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS -AND- Manufacturers Agents. JAOENTS KOR LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION; UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF SAN FRANCISCO; COMMERCIAL 1 MARINE! INSURANCE COMPANY, (Combined assets exceed 814,000.000! BABCOCK'S FIRE EXTINGUISHER; BAKER 4 HAMILTON'S ABRICULTURAL MACHINERY; THE CELEBRATED lAIN WAGON; SWAN BREWERY CO.'S ALE AND PORTER. no2-lmlp HELLMAN, HAAS & CO. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HAVE FOR SALE THE PUREST GROCERIES, THE BEST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Of the choicest Imported Brands. Paints, Oils, Doors, Sashes, BLINDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. 11 nnd 18 Los Angeles und Commercial Sts., LOS ANGELES. [lm-tp SIMON LEVY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. General dealer in uil kinds of COUN TRY PRODUCTIONS, Hides, Grain and Wool. Makes advances on Consignments to all purts of tho United States. Nos. 24 and ;i4 Aliso St., LOS ANGELES. ocs-ly4p BUSINESS CARDS. J. C. JACKSON Keeps nil kinds of Lumber, Shingles, Laths, DOORS, WINDOWS, RLINDS, Posts, PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT AND HAIR. CORNER OF Alameda and First Streets. n«2-lmlp PERRY, WOODWORTH & CO., LUMBER YARDS AND PLANING MILLS. IVO. 7fl COMMERCIAL ST. Keep constantly on hand a full assortment of LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS, BLINDS, TURNED AND SAWED WORK. All kinds of mill work done to order. oc2 GRIFFITH, LYNCH & CO. DEALERS IN LUMBER. CORNER FIRST AND ALAMEDA STS. Mill Work of all Kinds. —SUCH AS DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, ETC., ETC. no2-lmlp 11. C. WILEY. D. M. BERRY. WILEY & BERRY. REAL ESTATE AGENTS —AND— COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 83 MAIN STREET, LOS ANGELES. oc7-lmlp LOS ANGELES SODA WORKS, No. IS A LINO STREET. HENRY W. STOLL, Proprietor. Supplies Bar Rooms und private fami lies with the purest nnd best RUDA AND NARSAPAHII.I.A. Delivered to any part of the cliy. lno2-lm CARRIAGEB AND WAGONS. L. LICHTENBERCER, (Successor to RoederA Lichtenherger), jyjANUFACTURER OF Wagons, Buggies, Carriages, Etc. 148, 143 and 147 Main street, Los Angeles, Very respectfully solicits the patronage of the public in bis line of business. All ve hicles built of the BEST MATERIAL. An extensive BLACKSMITH BHOP Is connected with the establishment, where all kinds of Rluckxinlthing wiil be done to order. REPAIRING Done with dispatch, and with a view of giving satisfaction to patrons. All Work Warranted. rs'7-lmlp "PAGE~& GRAVEL'S New Carriage Shop. OUR WORK IS miuled by any done on the Pa- JffiSraazr. cine Coast. After our excorience in the best shops in the Eastern States, and our experience on tills coast, wo are enabled to fulfil wluit wo ad vertise.. ALL MATERIALS USED ARE THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. it*. Repairs done neatry and with dispatch. »•).. All work done here is warranted, as. Prices Moderate. Call und see. "S* Corner Los Angeles end Requena ocii] streets, Los Angeles, [lmip CAMILLE RAYNAL, (OPPOSITE M. KELLER'S) MANUFACTURER AND DEAL ER IN Wagoim, CnrriiigeH, Haggi«'s,, t( Of all kinds. All work Made of Best Concord Materials, and in the future as reliable as in the past. Orders promptly attended to. All kinds of Repairing done to order. nol2mlpl Eight Mile House. MRS. DONALDSON, OF THE Eight Mile House, Cowango Pass, an nounces that she will receive v few gentlemen to board. No pains will be spared to add to their comforts, with facilities for going nnd coming from the ctty. ocBl-U EDUCATIONAL. SPANISH AND FRENCH INSTRUCTION IN FRENCH AND A SPANISH will bo given to classes In Hie afternoons or evenings, by MISS JOSEPHINE LINDLEY T F. BMS: To a elans of five or less, per lesson $2 On To n olnss of any number over five, per lesson #3 00 For further particulars, inquire at the office of the Los Anoeles Hkkai.d, of Lindley A Thompson, or at the Pico House. TKKTIMONIALH ! University opCalifornia, ) DEPARTMENT OK LANIiCAMES. Oakland. July it. 1H72. ) Herewith I certify that Mis* Josephine Lind ley iias been a student In my department of the University for Aye consecutive terms, vir: from September, WO, to April 3d, 1872. During this time she studied U>o French, the Spanish and the Herman languages, obtaining nlways the highest marks for proficiency and attend ance, her average ereuil mark for five terms being 97 per cent. On entering the University, Miss Lindley p>ssessed already such knowledge of the French and Spanish idioms as to lie able to speuk them with ease, fluency, correctness, and a pure pronunciation. She may now be considered thoroughly fa miliar with the t heory nnd philosophy, as well as with the application of these two tongues; and she may safely bo recommended as a can didate of great promise, ibr teaching the French and Spanish languages. P. PIODA, Prof. Modern Languages. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Josephine Lindley has been declared by the Faculty entitled to this Certificate of Profi ciency In tho departments of Geology und Natural History - , (Botany und Physical Geolo gy,) Belles l.*ttres, (English Literature, Histo ry, Ancient and Modern,) Chemistry, Modern Languages, (French und Spanish.) Henry Durant, President of University; E. S. Cnrr, Prof. Chemistry; P. Plodn, Modern Languages; Joseph l,e Conte, Professor of Ge ology and Natural History; William Swinton, Professor of Belles litres; Martin Kellogg, Dean of tho Faculty. MM LAWLOR INSTITUTE 168 Main Street. Eos Aiiß-elea. TH E SE VENTH~SEMI - ANNUAL Session of this HELECT DA V SCHOOL, In which girls nnd boys receive a useful, I'RAeTicAL and complete English Education, commenced on MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1871 TEH UN PER MONTH t English Studies, including the ordinary School Branches, and Double-Entry Book-Keeping and Algebra $5 00 Primary Geography, Second and Third Readers 4 00 Chart and Primer Classes J! 00 EXT HAN. Latin, Phonetic Short-hand und Geom etry, per month £2 00 Competent Teachers of Drawing, Painting, and the Modern Languages, will be connected with the Institution. For further particulars, apply to the under signed, at the School Building. oooml W. B. LAWLOR. Principal. FRENCH and SPANISH LESSONS IN THE FRENCH and Spanish languages will bo given to classes or in private, commencing on WEDNESDAY. 04TOBEB 1. 1873. TERMS of tuition: Privnte lessons | 1 00 each Twenty lessons 15 Ot) Lessons to any number ot pupils over live, ibr one month, three les sons every week, each pupil 2 00 French and SpanlsirSehool for children ev ery day (Saturdays excepted) at 4 o'clock P. M. TUITION, per month, s.J. For further particulars, Inquire at No. 107 Main street. Translation of French, Span ish and English. V. V, C. de MONDRAN. oc2-lmlp . ST. VINCENT'S COLLEGE, LOS ANGELES. THE PRIESTS V.-' of the Congregation of the Mission. DEGREES CONFERRED, and tho most complete Education given. No more bounti fully situated spot in the whole of Southern California. Apply by letter, or personally, to REV. J. McGILL, C. M. no2-lm President. Louis Wartenberg, PAST EXPRESS AND PASSENGER LINE TO ANAHEIM. Through in Three Hours and a Half! FARE AT RKIH t F.l> KATES'. »«. Leaves Los Angeles dally at 2P. M. noK-tf JOSEPH BRESON, SAMPLE ROOMS, OPPOSITE U. S. HOTEL, MAIN ST. Tho purest WINES, the choicest CIGARS, and the liost FANCY DRINKS concocted south of San F'rnnclsco. «i> Temple Block, next to Wells, Fnrgo & Company's office. no.'-linlp CITY LAUNDRY, NINTH STREET, BETWEEN Grasshopper and Griffin streets, LOS AN(iELKS. Gentlemen's, HOTEL AND RESTAURANT WASHING done on reasonable terms. PEARL BUTTONS sewed on, and ordinary MENDING done. Washing culled for and de livered, FREE OF CHARGE. *<TOrder slate at Broderick's Book Store. 002-lmlp J. S. O'NKIL The Napa Gang Plow. TO THE FARMERS OF LOS Angeles County: Wo call your attention )o the new IMPROVED GANG PIA)W, pa tented by D. A. Manuel, of Napa, and adopted by the Oranges of this State. The points of superiority are: Lightness of draft, It being a centre draft; a castor wheel in the rear, which makes it turn In a spneo sufficient to accom modate Its length; It. lias a falling pole and can, by sliding, be adjusted to the driver's weight, and removes all pressure from the horses' necks. We only ask farmers to cull and examine tor themselves. nol HBLLMAN. HAAS A CO. LAFAYETTE STORE. PN. ROTH & CO. • NO. 411 MAIN STREET. Wholesale and retail dealers in Gents' Furnishing Goods, Provisions, Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigars and Whiskies. oeutf Everybody knows the old Man «X<ijNOJttJKX. BANK EXCHANGE BILLIARD SALOON, run by F. SIGNORET. Customers received by the old man himself, who has been In attendance since HJ4». He welcomes all his old customers und pleases tho new ones. The BF:8T BARBER SHOP In the city is with this establishment. Clean towels, care ful employees. nos-lm NUMBER 4c6. LINES OF TRAVEL._. LOS ANGELES * SAN PEDRO RAILROAD. ON AND AFTER NOV. 1, 1673, tmlns-will run as follows, leaving WILMINGTON—7:4S A. M. and 1 P. M. LOS ANGELES-10 A. M. and 3:45 P. M. Except on daysof steamers' arrival and de parture, when rrnrlns will run to connect with steamer. . Passenger* for San Francisco and San Diego will leave Im Angeles by the 10 A. M. train, connecting at Wilmington with the Compa ny's steamer. tew First-class passenger cars will run regu larly. No 4'linrge iter Storage M» Merchant* In the Country. JOHN MILNER, Agent nt Los Angeles. oe2tf E. E. HEWITT, Supt. PACIFIC MAILJTEAMSHiP CO. S4 HF.DI I.E FOR NOVEMBER. 1*73. THE STEAMERS & Orizaba^£gfe For Sunt a Barbara, Nan Pedro, Ann helm Landing and Nan Die*;*. STEAMER ORIZABA, CAPT. H. J. JOHNSTON, Jjeare* firm ArrimStm Istrvei Stm ArrhttHan Fruncuco. Pedro. Pedro. Franeitco. Nov 1 Nov 8 Nov 6 Nov 8 Nov IS Nov 15 Nov 18 Nov 20 Nov 25!Nov 27 Nov 30 Dec 2 STEAMER MOHONGO, CAPT. O. H. DOUGLAS*. Nov 7 Nov 9 Nov. 12INOV 14 Nov 19 Nov 21 Nov.- 24 Nov 2» Dec 1 Dec 3 Dec 6|Dec 8 The Mohongo will call at San Simeon and San Luis Obispo. STEAMER GIPSY, For San Diego and all way ports, carrying OILS, ACIDS, POWDER, etc., not allowed to be carried on passenger steamers, will leave San Francisco November 28th. Freight on OILS, to San Pedro, 60 cents per case. FOR NEW YORK VIA PANAMA, Steamers leave San Francisco November 4th and 19th. All call at Mazatian, Manaan lllo and Acapulco, and all except steamer of November 4th, at San Diego. Passage from Han Pedro, cabin, #100; steer age, $50. FOR CHINA AND JAPAN. Steamers leave San Francisco November Ist and 15th, Through Bills of Lading signed, and through tickets sold to nil ports on the San Diego route to New York, Europe, Mexico and South America, nt San Francisco tariff rates. PASSAGE: To New York, cabin f 100 To New York, steerage 60 To San Francisco, cabin _ 16 To San Francisco, steerage 8 Cabin plans at agent's office. For passage apply to H. McLELLAN, not Agent for Los Angeles County. AGENCY OF THE Hamburg, Bremen and Stetten Mail Steamship Companies. BEING APPOINTED AGENT OF the above Mall Steamship Companies for the Southern Coast, I am prepared to fur nish THROUGH PASSAGE TICKETS by any of those lines of steamers, To and from Europe, to New York and San Francisco at the lowest rates. Also give MONEY POSTAL ORDERS to all parts of Germany, Nwitserlantl, Austria, France England, Sweden, Norway aud Denmark. Which will be delivered to the receiver free of charge, ut their respective houses, in any part of Europe. Also, gives DRAFTS on any part of Europe, in sums to suit. Collections made in any Part of Europe. For particulars, apply to H. FLEISHMAN, Bella Union Store, oc2ti'3p Agent in Los Angeles. LA CRONICA, pURLIBHED RY E. F. TEODOLI. The only Spanish Newspaper IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Published every Wednesday and Saturday mornings. Office in Temple's New Block, Spring street, opposite the Court-house. It has a large circulation in the State of ("'al lium in, the Eastern States, Louisiana, Mexico, and Arizona ami Colorado Territories, Central and South America, and Spain. Croniea" commends Itself to the Advertisers who may wish to bring their business before the Span ish-speaking people and numerous population of different nationalities, on the Pacific Coast. Advertising Rates Very Reasonable. ncrsckiptions—One Year, 86; Six Months *3 :*}; Three Months, 82. oc2tf4p •tTO TOURIBTS.S THE CALIFORNIA PLACARD EXCHANGE AND INFORMATION BUREAU FOR THE PACIFIC COAST, 007 TO SIS MERCHANT ST., SAN FRANCISCO, has made arrangements to have active corre; sponding agents,not only in all the large east ern cities or New York, Boston, Philadelphia, St. Louis, etc., but In London, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Hamburg, Frankfort, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Glasgow, Trieste, Odessa, Mar seilles, and generally throughout Great Brit ain und Continental Europe, Japan, China, Calcutta, Madras, Singapore, Auckland, New Zealand, Melbourne, Sydney and Australia. Every occupier of one or more feet of placard space will be charged at the rate of One Dollar per Square Foot per Month. The Exchange will be open to the public from 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. each day. FRED'K MARRIOTT, President. BOARD Ol' TRUSTEES AND MANAOINO COM MITTEE: FRED'K MARRIOTT,! JOS. AUSTIN, JAS. T. WATKINS, | JNO. MELVILLE, ALGERNON SMITH. JNO. MELVILLE, Corresponding Secretary. BERNARD LEVY, Accountant and Linguist. oc2B PELICAN SALOON, Spring Street, opposite the Post Office. DAVE MAIFrIAS RETIRED from the Judicial contest, In order to de vote his time to more classical pursuits. Flouting down the stream of life placldlv, with bald-headed old GEORGE DA KIN, they will in conjunction prepare the following nifty drinks: The Alaniag-ooaler, The Percoonroot, The Nlpeatonberbrls, The Bria Around th* tDonter. The CHOICEST WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS always on hand. no?-tin I. B. FERGUSON'S QOMMISSION HOUSE Is the Exclusive ContntlMniou Hon** to itu to iter Everything: You Want. no2-lm HENRY BUDDEN, PIANO-FORTE TUNER, REOU" LATOR AND REPAIRER Organ* and Melodeons A.d<.ctated. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. References—Brodrlck's Store; Edit >r Hu ALU octtrtp