Newspaper Page Text
3Mwlf* lent! -■■ ■- - ■ -i ■ - Sr' f- ■ ■ CITY AND BREVITIES. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. WIKTRR ARRANOKMKNT—I.. A. <* H. P. R. R. Arrive— Depart. !i IK) A. M. 10 00 A. M. •i IS P. M. 4 00 P. M. The above to role except on days of steam ers' arrival and departure, when trains will inn to connect with steamers. ■TAOS LINKS. Arrive. Depart. Telegraph Stage Line 3:00 p.m. 12:30 r. m. Const Line Stages 0:00 P. M. 5:00 a. M. Man Hernanlino Line 5:30 p. sr. 6:30 a. m. snn Diego Stage Line 1:00 p, m. 7:;Kl a. m. POST-OFFICE DIRECTORY. Eastern, San Francisco and Northern—Tele graph Stage Line-Arrive at 3:00 P. M.; close at 11:45 M. Letters Intended for registry musl be presented before 11 A. M. Const Line S'atl nis between San Francisco and Los Angeles, vln Santa Karlmra—Ar rive nt 1(1:30 p. AL; closes nt H:9O P. M. San Diego Line—San Diego, Anaheim, Galla tln, rapist runo, o:c—Arrives nt 4:00 P. M. closes at 7:00 A. M. Southern Arizona—Tucson, Yuma, Art Rutin City, und Way Stations— Trl-Weekly Ser vice—Arrives Sunday, Wednesday and Fri day at 4P. AL; leaves Monday, Wednesday and Saturday; Mail closes at 7 A. M. Northern Arizona—Prescott, Wickenberg and Way Stations—Semi-Weekly—Arrives Mon day and Thursday at 5:00 P. M| leaves Tues day nnd Friday; mail closes at 0 P. M. San Bernardino und Way Stations—San Ga briel. Xl Monte, Riverside, etc.; arrives at 5:00 P.;M.; closes at 0:30 P. M. Wilmington and Way Stations—Arrives at 2:30 P. AL. closes al 9:30 A. M. I Vrro Oonlo. Lone Pine and llavllah—Arrives .Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 3:00 P. M.; leaves Monday, Wednesday and Satur day; closes at 12 At. liomestlcand Foreign Money Order Office— Open from H:3O A. Al. to 4:40 P. AL, except on Saturday, when office closes at 3:00 P. AL t itfice Hours—B:oo A. AL to 7:00 P. AL H. K. W. BENT, P. AL n«su Every style of Painting and Glazing done In the highest .style of art, and at reason able rates, by C. Raphael A Co. tfkY J, Colin keeps fine Havana nml Domes tic Cigars. No. fll Alain street, Downey,s Block, Thompson A Gerson's saloon. The tl<le of immigration Is Steadily set ting In, and tiie first thing eastern people do is to throw away their New York Hats nnd buy a new one of Dksmond. Tbey say there Is no comparison between the two. <s The only place where the genuine , Interehiingable Pebble Spectacles can be found is at Fisher A Co's Jewelry Store, 07 Main street. They are made of the best ma terial, uniform in density and of higli refrac tive power. Come, all ye who live for good eye-sight, nnd try them. Of Special Interest to Farmer*. At the Esperanza Store, No. 1(18 Main street, will be found the largest and choicest stock of Merchandise, Groceries, I.lquors, Cigars, etc., ln Southern California. It is well known that nt this store you can buy all goods in their line nt from five to ten percent, cheaper than at any other store ln Los Angeles; also that Ihe highest price is paid for all kinds of country produce. All goods delivered to any part of tho city free of charge. • Time is on the wing. To make it pass more slowly nnd plcasanter watch it closer by buying a Clock nt Fisher A Co's Jewelry Store, t!7 Alain street, Los Angeles. Look at This! The only place in the city to get choice Engravings, Cbromos, Oil Paintings, etc., is at AL V. Ponet's, 86 Alain street, where you enn buy them ehenp for cash, or pay in weekly installmentsof from2scents lo $1, ac cording to the amount purchased. Look Here. " Bat, drink and bo merry" at Johnny Moore* HMO Francisco Restaurant, ou Commercial street. Johnny Is an acknowl edged prince among rcslauriinteurs. The best moats and vegetables aro used and cooked in the most palatable manner. Take your meals at Johnny's and you will feel truly refreshed. All meals 25cents. The fuynM House. The California oysters kept in the elegant establishment of Mr. Cuyas, near the Pico House, have special finalities, owing to Ihe system followed by the nbove named gen tleman in fattening und preserving them ns fresh as when taken out of thesea. Lovers of oysters enn sea for themselves nnd be con vinced. Chocolate, coffee, tea and other re freshments, nil first-class, are nlso served there. There can be found for sale Sherry Wine, Muscntcl, imported from Spain, by Mr. Cuyas, and best brands of Hnvana Ci gars. He also keeps a good stock of perfu mery, toys and candies oral 1 kind*, w>9-2w Zing a zong of Fischer Who make der vatches fly; Four und dwendy peoples Going dhere to puy, Yen der shtore is obencd Mester Fischer peglns to Ring, For be feels so mighty goot Dot he is blenaed mitofery ding. Dhere vas n man vat svord a lectin Yen his vatcli no longer run. End he goes down by that shlorc • End puys a prnn now yon. Third and last arrival of the latest stylos in Millinery Goods from the East, nt the New York Store; 25 to 50 per cent, given to all purchasers at the Great Closing Out Sale, novltiwl «** All men ought to know that all kinds of gentlemen's Clothing will be made with neat ness und dispatch by a regular tailor. The finest Imported nnd Domestic Cloths always mi band at 1). W. Fitzpntriek's, corner of i 'ottrt and spring streets. * A Good Word for Los Angeles. A writer in the London Lancet, Henry Weekes, F. R. C. S., in of the opinion that the cHmate of Houthem California is unrivaled in the world for its softness, dryness and equality of temperature. He quotes Professor Rennett as saying: "Much has been written of climate, but the one which appears to be the best is that which will enable the patient to pass a few hours every day in the open air with out exposure to cold or vicissitudes of temperature on the one hand or ex treme heat on the other." Weekes then shows that the climate of South ern California, between Santa Bar bara and San Diego, answers to this description. The annual range of tile thermometer at Santa Barbara is otdy 18 degrees between 51 and 69 degrees. Rain seldom falls except in the win ter. At Santa Barbara and Los An geles it is about 18 inches, and at San Diego 10 inches. The city of Los An geles is charmingly situated, about 14 miles from the sea, at the head of a wide-spread valley, and is surrounded by vineyards and orange groves. The town is abundantly supplied with water, and from the mildness of cli mate and the nature of the cultivation (by irrigation), fruits and vegetables are obtainable all the year round. In ixmdou there are about 00 unclouded •rays, in New York 100, at Lob Ange les 240. Every comfort can be ob tained here; there is a good library und reading room, small theater, beau tiful neighborhood with good roads, and horses and carriages may be hired iit reasonable rates. In view of these advantages, Weekes very Justly pre fers Southern California as a resort for English-speaking Invalids to Madeira or to any of the usual resorts on the continent of Europe. LOCAL BREVITIES. Four of Nadeau'a teams, laden with bullion, came in to-day. Sidney Laoey supplied and laid the carpets at the Lafayette Hotel. Six teams arrived yesterday after noon with bullion at tne depot. The Agricultural Association came out even for the year, or nearly so. Proposals to take care of the race track for the ensuing year, are In order. Overshoes and mud, were the order of the day, after the first rain yester day. An improved Iron Frame Pujier Trimmer, may be seen at Aaron Smith's carpet store. President Rose, of the Agricultural Society is about to resign. He finds his work too arduous. Seven or eight car loads of material for the construction of the San Fer nando line, arrived yesterday. A. L. Sprague, late of the United States Navy, died at the residence of General Stoneman, on Tuesday. The Secretary will make a financial report to the Agricultural Society. Will it he published seriatim on Sat urday? A new planer from the machine works of Power, Tainter A Co., Phila delphia, arrived at the depot to-day for Messrs. Perry A Woodworth. The Secretary of the Interior has affirmed the decision of the General Land Office, approving the official sur vey of the Rancho Ballenn, compris ing about 13,000 acres of land in Los Angeles county. Geo. W. Coftin, of the Atlantic and Pacilic Railroad, goes East to-day. Work has been temporarily suspended on the Soledad. Mr. Coftin has won very many friends, and their befit wishes go with him. The effect of the stores under the Lafayette Hotel is very pretty at night. They are brilliantly lit with gas, and the fresh goods of Mrs. Parks in one and friend Roth in the other, make a magnificent display. Thanks to Aaron Smith for a copy of the Land Owner, a splendidly il lustrated Chicago paper, and the offi cial catalogue of the Inter-State In dustrial Exposition of Chicago. The engravings are excellent in both. Fisher, Ihe genial and jolly, has gone to San Francisco to meet an Eastern jewelry agent. It will not do to tell the value of the goods he is in tending to bring back for the holiday trade, lest his friends shall think he stole them, but it is somewhere in the 820,000. Luquet A Co. have left two samples of wine at this office. One is an ordi nary wine in a natural state, and the other is the same wine submitted to a heating process which gives it the fla vor of age, and destroys fermentation. Persons interested are invited to call and taste the samples. Dr. Terry will open a new drug store, on or about Monday next, in one of the new stores under the Lafayette Hotel. The doctor purposes to carry a very complete stock, and judging by the style of the interior arrangements now being made, will have one of the most convenient and attractive busi ness establishments in this city. An old lady and a boy and little girl were riding along the street, yester day, and the boy was driving, when two Spaniards, racing, came along and ran into the conveyance, knocked the old lady and child out and played the mischief generally. The old lady, who is the mother of Mrs. Trafford, suffered little injury. Something severe ought to be done to such lawless desperadoes. To M. J. Newmark is due almost the entire credit of obtaining the proper insertion of the freight lists in the San Francisco papers. The idea was his from the first, and to his continu ous and unflagging exertions is the re sult of the project mainly due. Mr. Ix>rd is also deserving of the thanks of the whole community for his inter est in the matter. The Chamber of Commerce is steadily doing great things. The monthly reunions of the Los Angeles Social Club are soon to be re inaugurated. The first ball of the season will be given on Thanksgiving Eve, the 36th inst. A few tickets will be disposed of at $2 50. The Commit tee of Arrangements consists of Sam. Meyer and P. N. Roth. The club par ties are always enjoyable, as far a.4 good music, good society and pleasant rooms can make them, and the Thanksgivhi&Eve party will doubtless be a great success. There is a capital photograph at li zard's store of the album presented to President Thiers by the French resi dents of the Pacific coast. The cir cumstances of the presentation are already familiar to our readers. The photograph presents a view of both sides and the back of the cover of the album. The edging of the front side is ornamental gold work, surrounding twelve different kinds of wood. The clasp is held by three large diamonds, while large rubies and gold quartz stand out boldly in the design. In the center is the monogram, A. T., sur rounded by laurel leaves and raised on rich gold quartz. The monogram opens, and inside are specimens of all the minerals found on the Pacific coast. On the back is engraved "Gratitude, 1873." The other side is the same as the front, except that sil ver work adorns the edging, and ears of corn encircle the arms of the State of California. On the first page of the inside are dates of all President Thiers' important acts from his pro test against the declaration of war on the 15th of July 1870, up to the 24th of May 1873, when he resigned his trust into the hands of the Assembly. The address is signed by 2,200 Frenchmen, including many Los Angeles citizens. It cost 11,741 65, and was entirely the gift of citizens on this coast. The photograph may be seen for a few days on application to Mr. Constant Meyer. Hotel Arrivals. Lafayette—M. Lichenstein, 0. Hin kle, San Francisco; Anton Steck, Ana heim; D. Duval, L. Prate, Florence; AY. G. Wright, San Bernardino. United States—A. W. Hale, Flor ence; Dr. D. Assonville, L. Durr, Ana heim; H. Wolsers. H. L. Garfield, San Francisco; John W. Covy, John Kurgesy, James Green, Sherman (Texas); Gustave Yauger, Rakersfleltl. Pico House—Dr. W. G. Hutchins, N. H.; Robert B. Frost, New York; John B. Hillhouse S. P. R. R.; W. A. McCauley, J. Banbury, W. E. Leach, San Buenaventura; M. B. Smith, San Francisco; J. D. La Rue, Mountains. Clarendon Hotel—John D. Kail. G. P. Hanley, Marks Wilzinski, San Francisco; P. S. Bloodbean, P. 11. Poor, San Jose; J. A. Goldwater, Ari zona; M. Stone, W. J. Young, Merced. TlierinometrlcMl Keeord. According to the plan of the Smithsonian In stitute. Kept specially for the Hkkai.o by Brodrick A Co., November id. 9a. m 67> I2P. M fi«v .|9 P. M 68, Average, 87.2. Resolution of Thanks. lais Angeles, Nov. pi, 137.1. Editors Herald— (Jmtlemm 1 At regular meeting of the Board of Di rectors of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, held on Tuesday, Nov. 18, 1873, it waß Resolved, That the thanks of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce are hereby tendered to the agent of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company at Ban Francisco, to the proprietors of the Han Francisco daily papers, and to the Secretary °f t' l<? Merchants' Ex change of San Francisco, for the prompt manner in which they have complied with the resolutions of this Chamber, In the matter of giving the proper credit of freight ami passengers to the ports of Los Angeles county. Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutions be forwarded *to the above named parties, and also to the papers of this city, with the request that they publish the same. Very respectfully, Isaac W. Loin, Secretary ofthe Los Angeles ('hamber of Commerce. Stage Arrivals and Departures Nov. 19. SAN BERNARDINO. Arrivals—J. A. Coldwater, H. L. Garfield, Mr. Leonard, Mr. Wright. Departures—J. Lossynsky, Mr. Tolls, Leon Durton, Mrs. Kcnjamin. BAN DIEGO. Arrival* —Mr. Hunt, Mr. Kramer and five others. Departures—M. B. Smith, J. W. Peterson, J. Lezynsky, John Ron, G. Klucker and two others. COAST LINE. Arrivals—Mr. Walker, Mr. iiehendy, S. D. Reiss. Mr. Litchenstein, Geo. F. Hanly, R. H. Poor, P. S. Woodman. Departures —Samuel Barnett, Win. H. Lamb, Mrs. Mary A. Slater. Notes From Azusa. Azcsa, Nov. IS, Editor Herald: Quite a serious accident occurred to a resilient of our neighborhood a few days ago. Mr. Christian Thronson, while coming from the Monte, ami when near Joe Workman's, fell oft' his wagon, the wagon running over and breaking his leg. The team became frightened and ran about three miles, doing little or no damage to the wagon or horses. A shooting scrape took place last evening at a Mexican fandango, which resulted in the shooting of one Jack Nelson, one shot taking effect in the fleshy part of the right leg, and an other in the left ankle. I failed to learn the name of the person who did the shooting, hut understood that both were slightly under the influence of tangle-leg. Jistick. THE Oil Ill's. Probate Court—skpulveoa, J. TtIKSDAY, Nov. 19. Estate of John Sex—Order appointing Mon day, December 1, forthe settlement of account of Ellen Sex, administratrix, and directing notice lo be given. Ran Franelwco Money Market. San Francisco, Nov. 19. Gold—Opened in New York ut G krknuacks—9lrii92. Nan Francisco Markets—By Telegraph. San Francisco, Nov. 19. FLOUR -Superfine Ifi 25yu 75; extra $11 50; shipping Sfti 75;«7. WHEAT—Shipping 13 20<f/.2 25: milling £2 25 BARLEY—Good feed $1 37' (M 10; bay brew ing $1 till. OATs—lnferior SI 60; choice feed dull nt Si t;nr«l SO. POTATOES—Sweet,*I 85; Pigeon Point Jl; Humboldt 860981: other kindstiOnOOc. ONIONS—SI 7fV6t2 00. CORN—Firm nt si 11501 «>. CORN MEAL— BUCKWHEAT—s2 37' RYE-8180. BEANS—Bayo2%; large butter 4';,'; pea and small white S< 4 ; pink nnd red itift, SEEDS—Alfalfa canary :\Vf®*y*; flax 3; California mustard l'-:,o>:iK\ California hops SMliTkc, HONEY—IO327%; choice southern 15<§20; do northern in comb, strained 8(014; iv bulk, 75 (n95 perense of 2 dozen glass jars. BEESWAX—DuII ut 27^. FEED—Bran 819; middlings (MR); oil cake meal $32 SU. HAY—4I4, STRAW—SO(SBSc per bale. DAIRY PRODUCTS—Fancy lots fresh roll butter readily taken nt HWMOd; other dairies 50c; pickled roll;-G2%37%;firkin WMfjVt. steel's cheese 17; other California dairies Kslfl; east ern ITJCtWf. California eggs Ore gon 55; eastern 37UC'**". ■ PROVISIONS— ttuTODjl2}4StßH; Oregon lit) 11>$; eastern 12fr<13%; shoulders plain hams i:;'o; eastern sugar-cured 156*17; smoked beeflOcmie; Cal. laid lo>£<al3; eastern lltgllU in tierces. WOOL—Burry 8(fil2o; clean shipping grades I4(S!Ili; choice northern ltttalS. There Is more Inquiry, but sales for the past week have hcen quite Insignificant, Export*. Following is a list of exports received tit the depot, awaiting .shipment Nov. 19: Bullion, brs 5401 Alfalfa Seed, sks 1 Castor Beans, sks 15 Skins, lid Is I Aierchandise, pkgs... 2 linmx.sks ...18 Wine, pps 111 Corn Meal, sks 10 & Following arc the shipments per steamer Orizaba, November 18: Wine, cks l Merchandise, cs 24 " pps 7 Corn, sks ;ll Brandy, pps 1 Beans,sks ;10 Limes, bxs 4 Bullion, bis 2IHJI Spirits, pps 18 Hides 197 Walnuts, sk- 07 Wool, bales ...78 Red Pepper, cs 1 Dried Peaches, 5k5....23 One team left for San Bernardino, yesterday, with goods for R. & H., and one for Cerro Gordo for S. L. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. 1.-*ort of* Hnii Pedro* Arrived. Nov. 19—Bark W. H. dauitJy\Waguire, .Mus ter, with railroad material. K. BKRTHON. F. V. C. MONWKAN. COSMOPOLITAN CIGAR DEPOt IMPORT THE PUREST and BEST Havana Cigars, und keep on band <L'i>«'wi n<* and Saxiliiug Tobacco Pipes, Clgnrritos and Fancy Articles. Main .St., next, door to \V. P. & Co's Express. oclttllp For First-Class Printing, —AT— Lowest Rates, GO to tho *' HERALD." PIANOS TUNED, REPAIRED AND REG ULATED by J. D. PATRICK. Has recommendations from prominent Hun Eranetseo establishments. Leave orders at Brodrlck's. Rovll M. TEED, QONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Shop on First Street, Between Main and Spring. Los Angeles. »g> Jobbing done neatly and with Dispatch oe.Vlm.lp FOR SALE-TO LET. LOCATED ABOUT TWO MILES south ofthe I»s Nietos Depot. A splendid tlO-ACRE LOT is offered for A sale on tiie most liberal terms. The loca-2c Hon Is very desirable, and the land is in good condition. Last year It produced a crop of 115 bushels of corn to the acre. Any one who may desire lo purchase land in this locality would do well to Inspect this lot and examine this year's crop, which lias not been gathered. The sole reason for sacrificing this property Is to meet certain obligations immediately. TERMS — one-half cash, and the balance in one or two years. also 'An 80-AC RE TRACT, located on the line of the railroad going east to Mud Springs, and embraced In the San Jose Rancho. This is a most desirable piece of land, lain a first-rate Acondlt ion; under fence, and good water right; on which are growing 10,000 grape vines in a full bearing condition; has a large. nmodlou* DWELLING-HOUSE; all to be sold on ensv terms. For particulars, apply to P. C. TONNER, Spadra,or at ociii-tf HERALD OFFICE. . Farms for Sale! NEAR NIETOSDEPOT 4K ACRES—FIRST-CLASS FOR t) corn or'fruit, with wood and M& water. Price, *1,800. SE QQ 1 ACRES NEAR THE COL- O isj LEGE— not in cultivation—one mile south of the L. N. R. It 11,400. O ■»/ ACRES ALL IN CULTIVA -0I J TION — flrst-class improved — near Gullatln—one mile south of UN. R. R. $2,500 Q/A ACRES FURST-C'LASS, IN CD\J cultivation, with the bosL artesian well aiid'rescrvoir in the county. 4 miles east of Nietos Depot. $5,000. Apply to oe;»tf J. B. HOLLOWAY,GaIIatin, 4K ACRES ONE MILE EAST *Jd( Nletos Depot, on the line of the Railroad. Eighty bushels of corn por acre was raised ou the land this year. There Is also a good dwelling house, corn crib, etc. 1 nnn sAC^°FGooDBAR - IiUUU ley for side. Apply to noB J. B. HOLL A WAY, Gall at Im_ FOR SALE. A(\ ACRES OF LAND ONE south of the city, well Improved, good house and out buildings; good well; 10 acres in vineyard, mostly foreign; 400 orange trees mostly from three to six .veal's old; 140 walnut trees from two to six years old; 80 apple trees, some bearing, Title good; terms easy. Also FORTY ACRES of land 1% miles south of elf v, unimproved. Also HOUSE AND LOT corner of Mnln nnd Fifth streets. House new. Lot 80x1115, Also, THREE LOTS between Fourth and Fifth streets, on Olive, Inquire of H. EDWARDS, or J. D. BICKNELL, Room No. 88, Temple Block. novlfrtf FOR SALE. fIpHE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA of ft very valuable patented invention. The proprietors have perfected their PATENT RIGHTS, and desire to sell as above. For full informa tion, which is confidential, address novliitf THIS OFFICE. To Rent! EjHTRNISHED HOUSE of SEVEN ROOMS, centrally located, five .Jgk minute*' walk from the posUitlioe. Also. Bill two suits of furnished rooms. Apply to S. H. SL AUGHT. noylO FOR SALE. SPLENDID TEAM OF 4 HORSES togetherwilb wagon and harness. Every body knows them. Price very reasonable. They formerly belonged to John Dunn.dec'd. Enquire of widow Dunn, at the county hos pital. novlti FOR SALE. ONE LOT CONTAINING 17 nO-100 acres, situated in the northwest quarter ofthe lands of I/»s Angeles city. Price 1300. Inquire Of toc7-.lw] ('.A STORKE. WANTED. A PURCHASER FOR TWO VAL UABLE LOTS OF LAND, 50x120 feet each, situated near the centre of the city, which cost iJBShMt June, lint will be sold for $250, ou account of the owner going to Arizo na. Address CASH, P. O. box HIS. nolStf For Sale! 7f\ ACRES OF LAND —GOOD kj artesian well; BV£ mile* from the Los Nletos dopot, Inquire of DR. RIVEH, at Los Nietos. oeB>*wB For Sale or Rent. THE CORNER LOT ON MAIN street,opposite Pico House; 00x115. In quireal 11. ELEIsII M AX'S store. novlinl" TO LET.^ FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH pleasant surroundings, live minutes' walk from the post-office. Enquire at north easl corner 4lli anil Spring sts. novlOwl ForjSale! O CITY LOTS r FIVE MINUTES' *m walk from Ihe court-bouse, each 7:1x250 feet, with bearing orange and lemon trees,and ditch miming through it. seen to lie appreciated. Inquire of E. GREEN BAUM. at the While House. novltf FOR SALE. Q O ACRES ON THE SAN ANTO « / tmA uio Itanoß and the San Gabriel River. II is eight miles from the city and two from Los Nletos tiepat, und a depot is within one half a mile. The tract is all arable nnd has more timber than the place can consume. The water right is excellent and tho buildings and Improvements good. Refer to A. C. CIIAI rVTN, liQs Angeles. iiol-lmd-2tnw For JSale! J-flll ACRES IMPROVED AND \t\J\.f unimproved lands of the finest quality, 3 miles from the court-house. Cheap tor cash nnd no commissions to pay. Apply to J. Q. A. STANLEY, 28 Temple Block, up stairs. oc2!tti FOR SALE. ONE COTTAGE. 24x82—CON taining6rooms, water,and sink in the kitchen; newly painted; iv a line locality, and healthy, gisid neighborhood. L0150x200, from Sansevaln to the street back of it, there being two fronts. Has a great number of bearing orange, lemon, lime and other fruit troes Price, *i,ooo. Inquire of C. A. STORKE, at H Kit a LO office. ocTt f FOR SALE. A HOUSE AND LOT SITUATED on Sansevalue street, a short distance oust of the depot. The lot Is 200x100 feet, front ing on two streets, with walnnt, orange, Fig, Almond and Apricot trees, all bearing fruit. There Is also Water for family use from tho Water < 'ompnny's pipes, and also ditches for Irrigating. Apply at La Esperunza Store, 108 Main street. nol2-lm Stallion for Sale. A FINE LARGE STALLION— English Glory stock—weighs 1,400 pounds, is 17 bands high, ft,vears old, sound and gentle, Is offered for sale cheap. Apply at Campbell's stable, No. 17 Allso street. noll-lw-lii For Sale Very Cheap. T OTS, ROTH IMPROVED AND A-A unimproved, In the business portion nnd suburbs of the city. Apply to oc.Hin M._WHALINfI, Attorney. _ SELLING OUTI MY ENTIRE STOCK OF GEN ERAL MERCHANDISE will be sold AT UKKATI.Y BKBI'4'EO I*BI4'EN, ns I intend giving up business. All parties in debted to the firm will please call and settle their accounts forthwith. N. JACOBY. Los Nletos, Nov. 5, 187 X w2 BANKING HOUSES. FARMERS 7 IT MS^ANTS j» IV X OK 1 LOK ANttKLKH. Capital $600,000 JOHN G. DOWNEY Phehidknt I. W. HELLMAN Cashimi Exchange for sale on Sou Francisco, New York, London, Dublin, Frankfort, FnrlM and Berlin, Hamburg. Receives Deposits ffld issues Its ccrtiflentes. Buys und sells Ix>gal Tenders, Governnient, State, t 'ounty nnd City Bonds. Will also pay the highest price for Gold and Silver Bullion.' From nnd after this date, on all moneys left ns term deposits, interest will be allowed. Eos Angeles, July I, 1871, oc2-liu THE BANK. VII, WORKMAN. F. P. K. TEMPLE. TEMPLE & WORKMAN, ija]\i<ii:i?h. TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. Receive Deposits, issue their Certtflcutes and transact a GENERAL BANKING Bl NINES*. DRAW ON THE LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK rtIMITED), AT SAN FRANCISCO. Exchtingp for sale on New York, Hamburg, London, Herlin ami Ir*BriH, If rankibrt. Legal Tenders, Bullion, Gold Dust nnd Gov ernment, State, County and City Bonds Inaight nnd Sold. Receive valuables for safe keep ing. oc2-tf AT WOLFENSTEINS'S ART And Photographic Gallery The Best Pictures of every Description. Old Pic tures Copied and En larged. Best Artists Employed. Best fa cilities in the City. All work W" arranted. JOHN OSBORNE. PIONEER PACKAGE EXPRESS AND CITY PACKAGE DELIVERY. MOVING PIANOS AND ORGANS A SPECIALTY, Pianos Unpacked and Repacked. Anything Delivered, from an Envelope to the largest Case ever shipped, to all parts of the city and country. Baggage called for in time for the trains. OB"Leave orders on the slate nt the office, in Wells, Furgo & Co.'softiee, corner Main and Market streets, or P. (). box 2Sii. nos-1 nils Copartnership Notice. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETO- Iore existing under Ihe firm name of DOTTER* LORD, General furniture Dealers, was this day dissolved by mutual consent, Isaac W\ Lord having sold bis interest to C. 1L Bradley. JOHN C. DtiTTER, ISAAC \V. LORD. Tie l nhove mentioned business, from this dale (November Ist), Will he continued at the old stand by HOTTER A BRADLEY, who as sume the liahilit ies and collect the debts of the old firm, and hope to merit a continuance of the generous patronage hereh d'ore extended to Dotier A- liord. DOTTER ft BRADLEY. Los Angeles, November Ist, IS7II. no7-f>m Delmonico Restaurant, MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE COM MERCIAL, Los Angeles, California. OPEN ut ALL HOURS. ft*" The choicest delicacies of the Best Mar kets always on the Bill of Kare. Elegant DINNERS AND LUNCHES at a moment's notice. JAS. IIUNROE c CO., no2-imip Proprietors. CONGRESS HALL A SATTER, PROPRIETOR. • Basement, cor. Main and RequinaSts. All the delicacies ofthe season. A NICE COLO LUNCH at a minute's notice. Wines, Ales, Porters, Liquors aud Champagnes, oi the very choicest brands, Caviar, Sardelleii. Swiss and Mmlmrger Clieeae. A fine Billiard Table in the Hall. oe2-2p SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED. All liiitda of SEWING MACHINES I lIOKOI GIII.V REPAIRED AT THE FAIR BY M. C. BAK Eli, general sewing machinist of twenty-two years experience. no-IM-tf NOW LADIES, YOU CAN BUY FIRST class Millinery and Fancy Goods, Just arrived direct from the East. We arc determined to makP one GRAND CLEARING SALE, and offer our large stock, commencing the season, at 75 cents on the Dollar, at No. 1 Spring street. no2-lmls MRS. .1. E. SMALL. EASTERN AND CALIFORNIA OYSTERS— FItESH BY EVERY steamer, will he served up In every style, at. the orner or COMMERCIAL AND LOS ANGELES STS., By '-JAKE" BAKU, (formerly with 11. Doekweiler) und CHAS. WALDEN. pa, GIVE THEM A CALL. ocll-lm JOHN COLDS WORTHY, JAEPUTY U. S. MINING AND LAND SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER Room 0, Downey's Block, Los Angeles. novttf ' DUPUY * COS CITY OMNIBUS LINE! RUNS ON MAIN STREET FROM THE PLAZA TO WASHINGTONJGAR* DEN, EVERY HALF HOUR wH V VOO r r it, when DUPUY will carry you in his elegant •bus, ut TWELVE FARES FOR A .DOLLAR* novlp-ttf Montana Meat Market. THEODORE FRCEHLINGER. The beet and tenderest incuts <~ „,». in the market. None but the Yltljra Primest Beef and Mutton.■■&»if ever to be found. Note the address—Montana Meat Market, Main street near First, L<M An golu*. oclltl 8. H ELL M AN. NEW TEMPLE BLOCK, NO. 95 Main street and No. 8 spring street, next lo the Postoffice, Ix>s Angele . Wholesale and retail dealer hi Books, Stationery, Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Etc. Agent for Whit*'* Patent Money Drawer. not Minos HOME MANUFACTURERS. Our Own Manufacture! THE ONLY CRACKER BAKERY In tho City! A Large Stock of fresh Crack ers always on Hand. AVodding Cakos On band nnd made lo order nt short notice. Tastefully decorated CAKES of any design, at reasonable prices. Also, P.READ, PIES AND CAKES, Fresh every day, ut the AMERICAN BAKERY. no2-l mis Los Angeles Woolen Mill STORE. SACRIBTE, ELLIOTT & CO DEALERS IN WOOL, AND MAN UFACTURERS of All Wool Cass I meres. Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, etc. All our goods are PURE WOOL, and war ranted as represented. Consumers can Save 25 to 33 per cent. by buying direct from us. STORE AT THE "WHITE HOUSE," coiner of Los Angeles nnd Commercial Streets. oc2tf-2p California Bakery. /CORNER MAIN & MARCHES- V> SAULT STREETS. FRESH BREAD, PIES and CAKES EVERY DAY. Nat-CAKES of every sort or kind made to order. < irders promptly attend ed to. oclitmlpt ANAHEIM ADVERTISEMENTS. PLANTERS' HOTEL, Cor. Los Angeles and Center Strepts, ANAHEIM, ( AL, JOHN FISCHER Proi'METOR. OFFERS FIRST-OLA LSS AC eommodntions to the traveling public. All stages arrive at and depart from this house. Terms moderate. nolt-tf kHAH i I it MOT I L. MAX N EBELUNG, Proprietor. SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS for travelers and visitors. Stages from all parts of the country arrive mid depart from this bouse. Attached to the hotel arc N. H. MITCHELL'S Pioneer Livery, Sale and Feed Stables, 1 ENTER STREET, OPPOSITE Vj Poplar Row, ANAHEIM. The very best, accommodations for visitors and travellers. Orcntle Sa<l«lle Horses constantly on hand, nnd furnished at shortest notice. oclltf REOPENIW -OF— ~ MENDEL MEYER'S I\EW YORK DRY GOODS STORE, Cor. Los Angeles and Commercial Sts., If KINSCH BLOCK. HAVING RETURNED FROM - Europe & the East with a large stock of I>l\V CiOOlls, cr nil up oiotiiiiifir, (LATEST STYLES) Roots nii«l Shoes, Huts unci Caps, Trunks, Vtilisos, J "ii i'iiiwliiii<>- («oo«ls, or the Latest Styles anil Patterns. I solicit the patronage of my old friends and the public in general. All are invited to call and Inspect my stock, Whether they wish to purchase or not, MEN DEI. MEYER. Mr. Meyer noMfles all persons Indebted to him locaii and settle up immediately,or the accounts will be placed 1 In the hands of an attorney for col lection. nols T. A. CAREY'S 9 Semi-Tropical 9 NURNJE It, T JES H. Grafted. Budded and Seedling Orange, Lemon, Mexican Lime. English Walnut. Apple, Peach. Pear, Fig. And Genuine Lnngueiloe Almond Trees Call and examine my stock. Priced cata logue sent free. Address Postoffice Box sttt.l, Los Angeles, Cal. THOS. A. UAKEV. iiol-:iiii Guitar and Singing. JpROFESSOR M. S. AREVALO has returned to this city, and will resume his classes. Private Lessons and Lessons to Classes Apply nt BRODRICK*S Book nnd Music Store. ocls-lm2p WANTED. RATI MEN WITH TEAMS, TO •J bring their wives and children to Buy Goods at the Dollar Store, Present prices being 33 to 100 per lent, leas Hum Elsewhere. BUT Remember the place, No. 102 Main St., opposite the Court House. nos-lni2p JUST OPENED! rpHE FORT STREET MARKET, Fort Street, between Fourth and Fifth Streets, Where can be found at all times, choice STEAKH, ROASTS, CHOPS, Eto., Which will be Bold nt reasonable rules, STRICTLY for CASH 1 MEATS DELIVERED Iv all pnrts ofthe city, FREE OF CHARGE. <>c3l-lm M. A. COBLER, Proprietor. PRUNING SHEARS. jyjALONE'S PATENT, THE REST IN THE WORLD. T. 13. SAIJJ^I)E»», Sole Proprietor for California and Oregon. E. W. DOSS, Sole Agent (or California. IT SAVES THE LIMB FROM SPLITTING, AND CUTS A CLEAN CU T. tMHhUhlp REAL ESTATE. S. H. SLAUCHT, REAL ESTATE, SALE AND EXCHANGE AGENCY! BUYS AND SELLS REAL Es tate In all sections ofthe Union. Han large tracts lor sale in (southern Ualiitiinin. Homes for Farmers, Homes for Mechanics, Homes for Business Men, Country Homes, Stock Ranees, Kheep Ranneii, Vineyard, Orchard*, City Homes, Of all kinds and nt all prices, Special attention paid to the EXCHANGE OF CATTLE, HORSES, SHEEP AND OTHER STOCK. A. PERPETUAL FAIR, whore the best products of the country will bo n-eely put on exhibition, to which all persons nre not only invited, but urged to contribute. It will not only tend to entertain our visitors, but will enable them to see what we can raise here, and thus encourage them to unite iheir capital and energies with ours, to develop the vast resources of our country, add to the charms of i lie most beautiful climate in the world. Bring Along Your Best Results of honest labor, and curious freaks of nature, and see if we cannot astonish the world. Also, report what you have done. Special Attention to Exhibition of Ores and general information exchanged in regard to the mines of our country. Mining and other Stocks on Exchange All orders promptly attended to, aud lnfoi mation given CHEAPLY and with dispatch. We are fully convinced that (he time is nt hand when old things are to be done away, and nearly all things are to become new. Con sequently, many changes will become neces sary, and to facilitate this object is our pur pose In our present business capacity. From our extensive acquaintance with the people of the Eastern States, as well as our knowledge of this country and its people—which we have worked diligently and hard to learn—and the large amount of Choice, Desirable and Cheap Property we leave on sale and to lease, we feel confident of success, nnd that is half the battle won. Our motto is onward and upward with the watchword, Know Thyself, the which we study. So we flatter ourselves that We Can Give Entire Satisfaction to those who may entrust their business to our care. Persons having real estate of any kind to sell, and those wishing to purchase, will please give us a call. We have on sale the following described Farms, Dwellings, Building Lots, stores. Bus iness Stands, Stations, Orange, Lime, Lemon und other Fruit Trees; Cattle, Horses and other Stock: besides many other first-class or chard and Farm Lends, Houses and bote, and Ranches, improved and unimproved, from 2 to B,oooncres—some with fine dwellings ami ull necessary out-buildings; and highly Im proved land, ranging from *»> to $1 ,:«io per acre, not advertised ln the following list: Parties desiring to sell or buy would do well to call and submit their business to us, as ull interests entrusted to us wlU'receive prompt attention - The following property on hand: 400 Acres of Good Farming Land, suitable for Dairy' purposes or sheep range; ?G,OOO worth of improvements in fences and buildings; well watered and in every way desirable. Sit uated one mile from Compton, nine miles from Los Angeles. Price 312.000. NO. 58. 84 acres unimproved, 1% miles from court-house; a fine corner location on a main street; good healthy location. This place will bo sold altoaet her, or in lots of 5 or 10 acres, tiood, choice land: easy of access by public conveyance; line chance forcity homes. $8400. NO. 50. 100 acres improved, near Snn Ga briel Mission. House and other outbuildings; well watered; good grain or fruit land. Very cheap. $3000. NOS. SO, 51 and 52. 4and 5, and acre lots; splendidly und pleasantly located; good soil and water privileges; from $800 to ?2,500 each NO. 85. 8 32-100 acres Improved hinds, wil.. good bouse of 5 rooms; miles Irom court house, near omnibus line und good school. Well watered. On It are planted 174 orange trees, 4 and a years old, ln line condition, and 10 Sicily lemons, 0 years old;.V) bearing fruit and nut trees, of splendid quality, and one acre of altulfa. A desirable and cheap place. $4,750. NO. OH. 4'i acres splendid land, 1% miles from the court-house, adjoining the above. Is planted with walnut, orange and lemon trees. Can be purchased at a bargain for cash. A de sirable city lo*. $1,800. NO. 02. lOucres.weil Improved; good house of 8 rooms; IU miles from court-house, on San Pedro street. On it nre planted 150 limes, 4 and 5 years old, 100 lemons, 4 and 5 years old, urn orange trees, 5 years old, 30 apples, f, pears, 25 peaches, 4 tigs, 1 Italian chestnut, & grape-vines —all in good bearing. $5,750. NO. 88. 18 acres well improved, 1W miles from the court-house; good house, 44x40, In cluding wings; two stories, contains H room ~ closets, bath and store-room, all hard ltn ished. Three fine weeping willows grace the yard; 24 bearing orange trees, loaded with fruit ; 29 white walnut, 8X apple, IS pear, 4 tig, 4 apricot,7quince, 8 pomegranate, all In tine bearing; 77 orange, 3 years old, 77 walnut,! years old, In orchard; 100 walnut, 200 orange, lemon ami lime trees in nursery; Also, vine yard of 3,000 vines, and \% acres alfalfa. This place Is near the terminus of the omnibus line; a good location, healthy and pleasant; for sale or to rent; a line property at a bargain. $12,000. New brick house nnd lot, 40 feet front by lot) feet deep, on San Pedro street, 8 minutes' walk from the post-office; good location. 92.400. Fruit and Vineyard Ranch ot" 22 acres: wine cellar, with casks and stock of wine; tools and materials, With Ihe crop; comfortable house aud other buildings. There is 200 per cent, protlt on wine at the present price of grape.-. Orange nnd lemon trees,oh well us other fruli>. eiA.M*. Six lots, 180 feet front on Muln street, and 180 on Spring street. We want money lo build houses with. 85.500. Two lots on Main street, 120x150; good loca tion; cheap for cash, 80 acres near the fair grounds, Just, outside the city limits,in the vicinity of artesian wells jMjM 80 acres good land; valuable without Irriga tion; artesian wells easily supplied, it*.loo. A good location; house of 5 rooms; 8 large, bearing orange trees, several nearly In bear ing; lemons, limes and other fruits; 5 minute s walk from the post-office. SI.OOO. House and lot with 40 acres, to be divided to suit the purchaser; with or without house or improvements, In 5,7i$ or 10-uere lots near the city limit*. $760, $937 or #1,500. 40 acres, with good bouse, to exchange fir cattle or sheep. About 1,200 acres of choice fruit land, and tho best vineyard land ln tnis country, well watered; water all rises on the pi nee, $12,000. OflO acres, same as above; improved; :to miles from Los Angeles. $80,000j A tine, thrifty, bearing orange, lemon and npple orchard; a city lot of 20 ncres, centrally located. $25,000. 20 acres on Snn Pedro street, near Jefferson; cultivated, and has 50 bearing fruit trees; lies iv the city water limits. $2,000. B,oooacies unimproved land, with water pri vilege, al as per acre. Apply at this office, or teG. D. Compton, at Compton. 12 acres of choice land, all In orchard nml vines In full bearing, located In the central part of the city. Extra good water privilege. Hood house, burn, and all necessary out-bulld- Ings. Pays well. iiiftOn. House; 2 stories and 7 rooms, hard fln-___. ished, and closets. Also, brick basement JK s||b—3 rooms aud cellar; wine-closet and hail. JETS acres of ground .nicely phoned with fruit, shrubs, flowers, etc., good fence and outbuild ings. Most splendid suburban location in the oity. *