Newspaper Page Text
£Os Jettflrtr* frftftML HOW IT SEEMS TO A STRANGER. Editor Herald:—Having mtely arrived on the Pacific Coast, I congrat ulated myself on reaching Los An geles in time for your District Pair, deeming it the best opportunity 1 should have for securing reliable in formation concerning the productions of Southern California. On examin ing the programme as published in the city papers, I found much about horse-racing, but very little of farm products, and the programme was faithfully carried out. There whs horse-racing everyday; but the mag nificent fruits, the mammoth vege tables, the fine grains and the succu lent grasses, which we in the east hear so much of, were not there. Pool-selling, betting on this horse or that, and speculations In regard to the winner, was all I could hear. Ou the streets, in hotels, at the ground, every body, men, women and children were talking of the races, and all this ex citement and interest was occasioned by trials of speed between horses that could barely make their mile in a trifle under three minutes. Naturally one infers that the exhibition given by an Agricultural Society will to some extent represent the condition of the industries of the country; and when I found that the agricultural and industrial departments were meagre and inferior in the extreme, while gambling was largely develop ed, the first hasty conclusion was that the people of Southern California were more interested in the scrub horse races than in the cultivation of the soil. An examination of the manner in which the Fair was conducted, led me to think that possibly the people were not to blame for the character of the exhibition, and that they had simply erred iv mistaking the annual meeting of a lot of horse jockeys for an agricultural jubilee. For instance: there was a greater sum given as a purse for a scrub race, than was paid in premiums for the entire products of the farms, orchards, vineyards, work shops ami manufacturies of a half a dozen counties. After thinking the matter over, I concluded not to send the city papers containing reports of the Fair to my friends at the east, fearing that a wrong impression might be con veyed. And now, if you will allow a stranger the liberty, 1 suggest that if the people of Los Angeles wish their Fair to amount to anything they must take the management in their own hands instead of prostituting it to the petty knavery of the race course, and devote their energies to building up and developing the great agricultural and mineral resources of your section of the State. If proper inducements are offered, there will be no difficulty In bringing together a creditable dis play of the products of the county, and such a display will be of infinitely more value to you as a community than all the horse-racing that can be crowded into a week. Such an exhi bition will be a better and cheaper ad vertisement of your resources than any other you can devise, and it will in a very few years cause a marked improvement in the quality of your flocks and herds, and an ever increas ing interest in the noble pursuit of agriculture. Northwest. The Jacksonville (Oregon) Sentinel of November Bth, says: "James C. Parker, the man who was stabbed at Ashland on Thursday evening of last week, by the August Walters, died on Monday morning. Walters is in jail here in default of :?5,000 bail. He was somewhat roughly handled by the cir cus men, who threatened to hang him, but were restrained from so doing by John Wilson, proprietor of the circus. None of Walters' injuries are very se rious however." LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. UNION LIVERY STABLE, Main St.. Near Pico House. ANZAR &. CO., - - Prorrietors. First-Class Horses Buggies & Carriages Htoek Boarded on Moderate Terms. DAN, B. NICHOLS Manager. nolhlm-in LOS ANGELES SALE. FEED & LIVERY STABLE, JH. JONES, PROPRIETOR, • CORNER FIFTH AND SPUING STS. Grain, Hay and all kinds of Fresh Feed CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ALSO, Large Clean Corrals and Stables, With City Water Throughout. tWIIORSES, MULES, WAGONS and CAR RIAGES bought and sold, and Horses and Carriages to let by the day or week. Teamsters accommodated as usual on tiie most liberal terms. no7-lmlp ALISO FEED & SALE STABLE JF. RAMIREZ, PROPRIETOR, c COR ALAMEDA A ALLSO STS. Adjoining M. Keller's. GRAIN, HAY &, FEED always on hand. Horses, Mules, Wagons, etc bought and sold. oc7-4ntf Campbell's New Stables. 47 A LISO~STREET. rJfI|JL- HORSES BOARDED „7V-_ ffSfc^ 2 - By the Day, Week or Month JS? BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE OR HIRE, THE BEST OP FEED oc23mlpl CONSTANTLY ON HAND. The Riverside Colony! PERSONS IN" SEARCH OP A HEALTHFUL LOCATION, far from the fogs and dump winds of the coast, should not fail to visit the COLONY OF RIVER SIDE. The climate of this location Is The Beat in the Mtate for Those Afflicted with Lang or Bronchial Diaenaea. Those wishing to engnße In the cultivation of VINES AND SEMI-TROPICAL FRUITS, will find here one of the Very Best Places in Southern California for that purpose. It being insimipasski) in CLIMATE, SOIL, AND ABUNDAMCKOP WATER. A limited number of INVALIDS will find Rood accommodations for the winter at the hotel and ln private families. tin and after the first of January, 1874, a Daily Line of Carriages will connect Riverside with the railroad ter minus, so that passengers Jfrom Los Angeles can reach Riverside within a few hours. I, W. NORTH, President Southern Cal. Colony Assoclat'n. Ri verslde, Oct. 27,1873. iM>2«inSp4 BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. THE HERALD J O B PRINTING OFFICE, SPRING STREET, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, LOS ANGELES. attention of tho business com - iminlty of Las Angeles city and county is Invited to the facilities of this office for exe cuting every description of BOOK 9 JOB PRINTING Fully nlive to the Inferior manner In which a great part of the Job Printing in Southern California has hitherto been executed, the proprietors of this establishment have deter mined to institute a new order of things in this business. A NEW POWER PRESS, (the first to reach this far south on the Pacific Coast), capable of printing a LARGE SHEET POSTER, either plain or In colors, Is already running, nnd driven by STEAM POWER, which will also be attached to their new ami ELEGANT •Tol> jPrOJSJSOH. The facilities for turning out work wlllithus be equal to most and superior to many offices In Snn Francisco. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF E W T JP 13 AND MATERIAL, of the most modern designs nnd approved Eastern manufacture, has been selected. And it Is intended so to equip and furnish this de partment with THE BEST PRESSES. THE FINEST TYPE, AND THK MOST MODERN APPLIANCES, AS TO KAKK THE HERALD JOB OFFICE THE MOST COMPLETE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Tbpy have engaged as foreman of this de partment, one ofthe most experienced Book and Job Printers In the country ; and the presses will bo superintended by a Skilled Pressman from one of the largest offices in New England. PAMPHLETS Will be printed from New Type, nnd the greatest care exercised to Insure nccurncy nnd freedom from typographical errors. POSTERS & HANDBILLS Plain or In colors, executed at very short no tice and displayed in the best manner. BUSINESS CARDS. CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS STATEMENTS, LETTER HEADS, BALL CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS, INVITATIONS, ETC. Of this class of work we shall make a spe cialty, and Intend that nothing of the kind shall equal us In this sect inn. BANK CHECKS, DRAFTS, NOTES, DEPOSIT CHECKS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, BOOK HEADINGS, _BTOCK CERTIFICATES, ETC. Printed in a superior manner, on plain writ gin paper, or on Bond and Bank Note Paper, in bluek or colors. SHOW CARDS IN OOLn AND COLOBS. We shall uay particular attention to BRIEFS, TRANSCRIPTS, ABSTRACTS, ETC., Which will be printed ln tho Old Style Type now so universally ln favor, and which we have procured specially for this class of work. We shall also be provided for the printing of LEGAL BLANKS, OFFICIAL FORMS AND DOCUMENTS. CATALOGUES, PROGRAMMES, BILLS OF FARE, TICKETS, LABELS, TAGS, AND KVKRV VARIETY OF GENERAL JOB-PRINTING PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL HERALD Job Printing House, LOS ANGELES. 5E The Race of Time Keeper*. HARPER & DALTON, WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL DEALERS IN Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS, COOKING AND HEATING STOVES. J HARPER & DALTON KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK lIV LOS ANGELES OF THE MOST VARIED GOODS. EVERY KIND OF HoiiNoliold Eiipnitiire, Kiteheii Eiiroiiture, Agricultural Implements, PLUMBING, ROOFING GAS FITTING AND JOBBING OF ALL KINDS PROMPTLY AND NEATLY EXECUTED AT LOW RATES. Remember the Address: HARPER Ac DALTON, NO. SI MAIN NTRF.ET. Downey"* Block) LOU AN Iit.I.EN AG EC V OF THE HOME MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. BRODRICK & CO. (ADJOINING THE POST-OFFICE, LOS ANGELES), BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT _OF Oilioo Ntutioncry «Sc Neliool Books. Miscellaneous Books not in stock promptly Furnished at Publishers' Prices. DEALERS IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND SHEET MUSIC. Agents |±or Htein way Pianos and Burclctt Orgfans. NEW PURIFICATIONS JUST RECEIVED. E. H. WORKMAN. WM, H. WORKMAN. WORKMAN BROS. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, WHIPS, NADDLEB V WARE, Etc. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF Las-lies' nnd Gent lemon* Tniveling linyrn, Sntehelf* nnd VhHmom on Hand. FINE CARRIAGE, BUGGY, STAGE AND TEAM HARNESS AND SADDLES OF OITR OWN MANUFACTURE, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. WE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER GREAT I IN DUCEMENTS TO PURCHASERS. UtT REPAIRING PROMPTLY AND CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO. Come and «cc us at tbe Hign of the BIG HORSE, 70 MAIN STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. MATTHIAS GRAY, •** and MS Clay street, San Francisco, and 10l First street, Portland, Oregon, AGENT FOR STEINWAY'S BRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS, Fof the whole PaoiAc Coast, Also Agent for the BURDETT ORGAN, the HHONINOER OROAN, HAINES PIANO, the Treble Bridge Guild, Church Square, KRANICH A BACH, ERNEST GABLER and KtENISCH UPRIGHT PIANO. ear he ONLY Music Pnhllshing House on the Pacific Coast, -w BRASS AND STRING INSTRUMENTS, of the nnest quality and tone. Music mailed on receipt of marked price. HOTKLI. _ United States Hotel, '^^^^^ The largest and most commodious Hotel south of San Francisco. THE UNDERSIGNED REG It hvc in inform tho traveling public Unit they have leased this WELL-KN<>WN HO TEL, ii 11,1 from their experience can truly suy that in kk permanent and transient hoarder* will find a HOME. FOR PRIVATE FAMILIES We have suites of Rooms at moderate prices. The extensive acquaintance we have tunned p-roiighout the Stale witli the Truvelliiiu Community, is a sufficient guarantee that this House will always be their FAVORITE RESORT, and we shall endeavor to maintain our reputation by keeping THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS for our table, and the CHOICEST \> IN F.N AND LIQUORS for our bar.; We have all Spring Beds at this Hotel. Uta, Our terms nre moderate. Call and see us.-*« HAM.MXI, AND DENKEH. ocitf CLARENDON HOTEL. MAIN STREET. I.OS AXOF.I.EN. THIS FINE AND COMMODIOUS hotel, lormerly known as the "Bella Union," has been enlarged, refitted, painted, and refurnished in Ihe RICHEST STYLE THROUGHOUT. Its KI.EOANT suites op ItooMSand ample ac commodations offer special advantages to lo cal us well as toeastern visitors. The Table is not to be Surpassed out of Snn Francisco, nnd is constantly sup plied with the choicest delicacies. Nothing will be left undone to renderthe house replete with all the luxuries, conveniences and ap pliances of a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL The Western Union Telegraph Office*oom munlcate with the reading room. The Hotel Carriages arc constantly nt the disposal of guests. J. M. STAPLES & CO. W. L. Ustick, Manager. novttf LAFAYETTE HOTEL. New r J^hroits>-liout THE PROPRIETOR DESIRES TO inform the traveling public that this well known house has been THOROUGHLY RENOVATED AND REBUILT THROUGHOUT, and now offers accommodations equal if not superior to any other bouse in Los Angeles.,; SINGLE ROOMS, OR ROOMS EN SUITE. The Eating Department will be conducted with especinl carej novttf PICO HOUSE, LOS ANGELES, CAL. piRST CLASS HOTEL, FOR TRAVELERS AND TOURISTS. Centrally Located-Frontage on Three Streets. The BEST Trtble, The BEST Rooms, The BEST AccommodntionN. oc2;Minlp CHAS. KNOWLTON, Prop'r. THE BEST! THE BEST! THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE AHEAD! HIGHEST PREMIUM FOR SEW ING AT THE VIENNA EXPOSITION. Gold Medal and Cross of the Legion of Honor at Paris Exhibition. The Wilson of Cleveland Received a Medal of Merit Only. OUR NEW IMPROVED MACHINE Stands without a rival, and should And Its way into every family. It has reached the highest state of perfection of the Sewing Ma chine yet produced, nnd its sales are constant ly.increasing throughout the world. 140 Sold in Los Angeles County IN ONE YEAR. Second hand Machines ;OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Sold Cheap for Cash, and Repaired. The Howe Machine Co's Sewing Ma chines have become celebrated the world over. The work done on these machines is un surpassed—sewing the thinnest material and the heaviest goods with equal facility, und re quiring no extra adjusting for uneven thick ness orjwssing over seams. The Attachments for Hemming, Felling, Braiding, Cording, Quilting, Tucking, Binding and Gathering are ofthe latest, improved pat tesns, and nre superior to those used on any other machine. The HOWE MACHINES are the STRONG EST and SIMPLEST, and seldom or never give any trouble In operating. They nre the oldest established Jn the world (Mr. Howe being the original Inventor), and are Iv ad vance of all othef* In Improvements nnd per fection of mechanism. If. CAMPBELL, A.cent for Southern California, 16 COMMERCIAL ST. 0c28m2 LOS ANGELES WOOD YARD. ALAMEDA STREET, OPPOSITE Griffith, Lynch A Co's Lumber Yard. DRY WOOD always on hand, and sold at the Lowest Cash Rates, , and delivered to any part of the city. FULL I MEASUREMENT guaranteed every time. Orders left at the principal grocery stores, or at the yard, promptly attended to. ocltlmlpl DOTTER & BRADLEY, (successors to hotter & loud,) NO. 86 MAIN STREET, Furniture Dealers. Have a Better Assortment than Ever! TVEW Al>TT> OKOSCJaS GOOI>N CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. PriooN Still Eurllior Hoduood Elegant Parlor Furniture made to order to suit tnste of purchaser, at San Franci** o pricks, and more durable work guaranteed. Rupert) Walnut, Laurel ami Mahogany Bed- oom suits at remarkably low rates. Also, Common and Medium Furniture, of new and novel designs, at prices to correspond NT) Heeoud band (ioods bandied hy this linn in any shape. No minis-presentation allowed. Fine Spring Mat tresses a specialty, (treat variety or Wall Paper, Window Shndes Lace and Nottingham Curtains, Cornices, etc., etc. Music Stands, Piano Stools und I'l ano Covers at less than San Francisco prices. Elaborate Draperies furnished, of any design, drawings of which may lie seen ou application. Only House In the eitv who have a wagon fhi-kci \i i \ built for the safe and caretul moving of Furniture, i mods delivered anywhere Within the eitv limits, KKKK of en \ftoi:. * ■OLE AUENTS Knit tiik NEW AND COMPLETE SCHSTITCTE FOR PLASTEHINU. AjwntSl^r the Improved nnd the NEW LOCK-STITCH fiH.OVF.It <V RAKER SEWINO Some nkw styles may now he seen never before Introduced. CARPETS, OIL CI.OTHK >tA r r r riixci. Rugs, Mats, Etc. WF. WILL SELL Carpets, Matting, Oil Cloths, and anything else pertaining to the Trade, At Less Rates than any other parties in this city. A new selection of samples of TAPESTRY AND BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS, FOR THE FALL TRADE, .TT'ST RECEIA RD. Ctarpcts, >I»ttiiig\ Oil Cloth, Eto., MATCHED AND LAID DOWN. Tapestries Cut and Made to Order. SIDNEY LACEY, WITH DOTTER A BRADLEY, No. 8(i Main Stkket. Sign of the Big Red Rocker, 86 Main Street, Los Angeles. 8. NORDLINGER, No. 8 Commercial Street. G O OJI> GOL I> GO Ol> N ! Gorgeously Grand Gems! Rubies, Emeralds, Sapphires, Garnets, Opals, Onyx, Amethysts, Topaz, Turquoise. A FULL LINE OF Gold, Silver and Platina, Swiss, English and American Stop Watches—Stem and Key Winders; BRIDAL SETS, NECKLACES AND LOCKETS, RINGS, BREASTPINS, STUDS AND BUTTONS, Gipsy Rings, Wedding Rings, Spectacles, Eye Classes, Single a d Double; EIGHT DAY CLOCKS AND REGULATORS, OF EVERY MAKE & STYLE. Tne Best Display of Elegant Jewellry in Southern California! jfcST All known Jewels set to order, in the Latest Styles. *fa« H. 8. CROCKER & CO. IMPORTING STATIONERS, PRINTERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS, -10l nnd 4U:t BnusoineStreel, SAN FRANCISCO. THE MOST COMPI.KTE Book and Job Printing Establishment ON THE PACIFIC COAST, us. Orders from the country promptly filled. Importers nnd dealers In News. Book and Bill Head Paper, Etc., Stationery, ItlaoL Houlis. Legal, Letter and Note Paper, Envelopes of every description, Writing and Copying Inks, Copying Press es and Books, Pencils, Pens, Etc., Etc. AS FCLL AND COMPLETE AN ASSORT MENT AS KEPT BY ANY- HOCSK IN THE STATE. 401 & 403 Sansome St., San Francisco. Nos 42 and 44 J street, Sacramento. oc2t-;iinlp sXmT B E ROE, Bill Foster and Distributer. HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS. Pro QRAMMEH, NOTICES, Etc. falthfullv POSTED OR DISTRIBUTED throughout the city and country. N. B.—Parties at a distance con send any thing they wish posted or distributed in the city or surrounding country, with assurance that the work will be faithfully done. Orders may be left at the office of the Daily HehaiA). SAM. RE ROE, oc!Mf Los Angeles. CUCAMONGA WINE. DEPOT AT LOUIH MESMER'S WINK CELLAR, underneath the U. S. Hotel. Wine by the Olnss, Bottle or Gallon. All kimts ni Liquors. Wines and Bitters nt wholeeale nnd retail. ■ewi The public of Los Angeles are hereby noti fied that no other person in Los Angeles I ut Louis Mcsmerhas wines from the Cocomongn ranches. J. 1,. SANSEV AIN. no6-2plm Notice tojpreditors. IX THE PROBATE COURT OF the County of 1 ,os Angeles, state of Call fornla.—Ksfate of John Iforn, deceased. No tice is hereby giron by the underHlgncd, ad ministratrix of said estate, lo the creditors of and nil persons having*-lnlmsagainst the suld deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within four months after the Aral publication of this notice, to flic suld adminis tratrix, at her residence near the Sisters' Hos pital, or at the office of her attorneys, Hubbell A Mitchell, in Temple's Block, in tne City and County of i.os Angeles. MAHY JANE HORN, Administratrix of the Estate of John Horn, 11 IH'l' il Si 'i i Dated at Loa Angeles, October 30,1873. ocSMw NEW YORK BREWERY, QHRIS. HENNE, PROPRIETOR The CLEAREST, PUREST and MOST BR I I.- Li AN I. LAGER BEER South of San Francisco. Orders for DRAUGHT or BOTTLED BEER promptly attended to. The celebrated Beer from this Brewery de ties com petition In the State. ocjMWglp WASTE D —SEVERAL DAY BOARDERM cau find good accommo dations nt MRS. BACKMAN'S, Spring street, near First. ncStf