Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME I. tl Published evci v morning exept Monday, by TIIE HEltAB.n PRINTING COMPANY. OFFICE—MoraId Steam Booh ami Job Printing Hon*)', Spring street, opposite the Court House. TERMS: Per annum, by mail or express C ; 10 six mouths " " fl Three months " " • 3 Delivered by carriers, per week, itt cents Advertisements Inserted at liberal rates. . — ! -1-J- '■' "S-'l -' *"J PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. Following is a list of Gran gel In Los An geles county: Silver—Los Nietos-J. H. Burke, Master; E. K. Wylle, Secretary. Compton—A. Hlgble, Master; J. A. Walker, Secretary. El Monte—G. C. Glbbs, Master; J. 11. Cray, Secretary, Enterprlsi—Los Angeles —T. V. Alexander, Master; W. T. Henderson, Nec'y. Eureka—Spmlra—P. C. Tonner, Master; Jos. Wright, Secretary. Fairview—Anaheim—Edward Evey, Master; J. 1). Taylor, Secretary. Fruitland—Tustln City—A. B. Hay ward, Mas ter; E. B. NiOOla, Secretary. Los Angeles—T. A. Garey, Master; T. D. Han cock, Secretary. Los Nletos—E. it. Grandon, Mister; J. E. Mar quis, Secretary. New River—Los Nletos-R. B. Outline, Mas ter; D. S. Wardlow, Secretary. Orange—Richland—Thomas Brown, Master; J. W. Anderson, Secretary. Azusa—M. W. Maxy, Master; J. C. Preston, Secretary. Florence— H. Gibson, Master; Wm. Porter, secretary Alliance—El Monte—S. S, Reaves, Master; J. W. Marshall, Secretary. County Deputy—Thos. A. Gakev. Local Agent—J. Q, A. STANLEY. DIRECTORY OF OFFICERS. R. M. Wldney, District Judge 17th Judicial District, composed of Los Angeles county. Court meets In February, May, August and November. Ignacio Sepulveda, County Judge. Court Commissioner, J. G. Howard, State Senator, R. I). Wilson. Members of Assembly, Tho*. D. .Mott and A«a Ellis. Sheriff, Wm. It. Rowland; Under Sheriff, Allien D. Johnston; Deputy Sheriff, J. M. Baldwin. County Clerk, A. W. Potts; Deputies, C. W. Gould and S. H. Molt. District Attorney, c. E. Thorn; Assistant, E. M. Ross. County Treasurer, Thomas E. Rowan. Superintendent of Public Schools. William MeFadden. Public Administrator, George Canon. County Surveyor, F. Lecouvreur. County Assessor, D. Botlller. Coroner, Joseph Kurtz. County Board of Supervisors—Chairman, 11. Foreman; A. L. Bush, F. Palomures, S. B. Caswell. CITY OFFICERS. Mayor, J. R. Toberman. Marshal, J. R. Wolfe. Treasurer, George K. Butler. Attorney, A. W. Button. Clerk, M. Kremer. Surveyor, William Moore. Health Officer, Dr. Wise. Engineer, George G, McLain. School Trustees—H. D. Barrows, President; George Smith, Wm. H. Workman. Wm. Prld harn, M. Kremer. BOARD OF TRADE. President—S. Lazr.rd. Secretary—l. w. ixird. Treasurer—S. B. Caswell. Pirectors-Dr. J. S. Griffin. C. C. Lips. H. W. Bellman, J-S. Griffith,P. Beaudry.N. J. New mark, J. G. Downey, R. M. Wldney. Regular mi—tines, Tuesdays, at 7:30 P. M. Los Angeles. The following correspondence is taken from the Monitor. It is from tne pen of otir fellow townsman, A. E. Redewell: At last, after a fatiguing and tedious iourney of fifteen hours, we reached jOS Angeles—or, as the name implies, The Angels; hut neither history nor the county archives state whether they are fallen angels or otherwise. We can conjecture, however, that con sidering the geographical position of the county, in the south of California, it must he the "angels of the lower re gions.'? With an immense treeless valley of a million acres of fine agri cultural lands: with a climate tem perate and salubrious—never subject to cold, and open at all times to the pleasant breezes from the sea; wl'hout malaria or anything to produce dis ease, it would be difficult to find a more desirable place for its intelligent and industrious people, who are ac tively engaged in building railroads, cultivating land on all sides, building large storehouses and palatial resi dences, and turning to advantage all the gifts that Providence has bestowed on this angel land. Frnir.*—Wliie-Mnkiiijr—Aroiua. The walnut, aimond, orange and grape culture and wine and brandy making constitute the principal occu pations of the people. Wheat, barley and corn are raised to a great extent, but the branoh.of Industry which is carried on the greatest scale is that of wine-making. There is one fact about Los Angeles wine that entitles it to the preference or wine drinkers—it is pure grape. It may lack age and urorqa, and taste a little "earthy" but adulteration withalcohol and logwood are not required. The grape grows too freely, bears too abundantly to neces sitate the drugging of its juice. A gentleman who has v large vineyard in formed me that he sold his last year's crop, amounting to 40,000 gallons, to a San Francisco firm at twenty-five cents per gallon, and that he made twenty per cent, profit at that low fig ure. Everything connected with wine making is interesting to behold, ex cept the pressing and crushing of the grapes to extract the juice. I witness ed one of these "crushings," and must confess that my love for good wine re ceived a check. When all the grapes were ready in large wine tanks some twenty Mexicans and Indians were or dered to take oil" their shoes and souks —that is, those wore this was trone without the precaution of having their feet washed, though I saw a few pair of monstrous sized "grape crushers" that would have been greatly improved by washing and scrubbing. Upon inquiry about this disgusting operation, a bystander an swered naively that without this pro cess "tho wine would lose much ot its aroma." 1 have now learned the secret of Imparting "aroma" to wine, and shall certain' v order in future of my rjstauranteur win > without aroma. Popu a non— Cli i nese. The population of Los Angeles coun* ty is about Los Angeles city alone numbering half of that. Two thirds of American and foreign ex tractt«n> and the balance native Call fornfahs and Chinese. Having writ ten at length on the life and customs of the native Cttllfornians in my prev ious letter, I will now in conclusion Bay a few words on the Chinese of Los Angeles. For years bitter prejudices have prevailed here, as In other parts of the State, against tho Chinese. Just a year and a half ago the bitter Los Angeles Daily Herald. ness was so great that a single row, which emanated between an Ameri can and a Chinaman at a laundry, was the signal for a grand massacre, in which sixteen Chinese lost their lives. They were hun<' or shot down like dogs by the mob. With a resig nation that'might well become men toiling for their souls, these people, notwithstanding that sail occurrence, plod along, year after year, heedless Of all passing events except earning of seventy-live cents and a bowl of rice per day. Internal or external af fairs of State, civil or mob law, trouble not the mind of John China man. His home is far away. In the distant future he sees lots of coin, a sea, and beyond lie sees his pig-tailed and almond-eyed bride, lloating gar dens, fat ducks and pigs, hot tea, and a happy refuge in his celestial land. The Chinese have added to their jar gon—while speaking English—an ad ditional mixture of a little Spanish. Tiie following eloquent appeal from one of them to a customer greeted my ear: "Muchacho, mo wushee yull clothes; dos reales one piecee, dollar hap six piecee, one dozenull the same; poco mas o menos—you sabe? A Grand Entekprlse.— The enter prise of Miller & Lux, large land own ers in the southern part of this county, in constructing a canal for tho drain age or Soap Lake, which is situated upon their premises, is one of the grandest ever inaugurated in our val ley. The lake is situated in the heart of a large tract of fertile land, which at present is almost valueless because of its inundation tho greater portion ofthe year. The only time nt which the land can be used for any purpose whatever, is late in the season when the water has subsided. The canal which is being constructed, is twelve feet wide at the bottom and ap proaches a width of twenty-five leet at the top, and is three miles and a half in length. It leads to the Pajaro river, and will drain several thousand acres of land, which comprises some of the best land in the country. Messrs. Lux & Miller have employed in this work about forty-five teams and about fifty two men. The works is under the su pervision of T. B. Clark, Esq., foreman and overseer of the great Miller & Lux ranch.—[San Jose Mercury. Got off Jury Duty.—Recently a juror approached the clerk of the Su preme Judical Court at Nashua, N. H., and stated that it would be impossible for him to serve. "Why not?" inquired the clerk. "Because I'm deaf," responded the juror. The clerk had reason for incredulity, and so informed the deaf man, in a whisper, that he would report his case to the judge. Turning to his honor, he said: "Mr. Batlman, of Manchester, de sires to be excused." "What are his reasons?" asked his honor, without raising his eyes from the paper lie was reading. "He says he is denf," replied the clerk. "He is excused," said the judge quickly. "If he is deaf, we don't want him; if he is a liar we don't want him." Mr. Budman is at home now. The pancake season has got around to Richmond, Indiana. A hired girl employed in a family there, whi c baking cakes the other morning, stepped backward to a chair which reposed the batter, and deliberately sat down in the pan. As she subse quently refused to sit down on the stove, the breakfast was finished with bread. The Navy.—The San Francisco Post has not a very high opinion of the American navy. It remarks: This $30,000,000 a year which we have been spending has gone to keep p horde of naval officers loafing around the hotels, and has been frittered away in political expenses, and by incom petent builders. MERCHANT TAILORS. J. STRELITZ, MERCHANT TAILOR MAIN ST., near WELLS.FAROO & Co Makes the most fashionable style of CLOT H ING to be obtained in the southern country. Also a large stock ofthe Newest and best Cloths Doeskins, Beavers, Fancy Cassimeres. Velvet and Silk Vestings, etc. A fit guaranteed. Ilefers to the principal gentlemen of the city for whom he has made clothing. No necessity to send to San FrnncißCo for good flttltur salts. ocgtf-tp T. HAUCH, MERCHANT TAILOR. NO. 0 COMMERCIAL STREET. All the LATEST STYLES received by every steamer, and mado up in the latest styles and most suitable manner, and on the most rea sonable terms. DA. CALL AND EXAMINE these goods, before giving your orders. nolUmlpl THERE ARE REMAINING UN SOLD more than TWO HUNDHEDIaWJ shares of the slock of the Southern District Agricultural Society. Nenrlv THREE HUNDRED shares have been taken, upon which there have been paid 85',, or So per Kharc on It assessments. The object of the society is Ihe Improvement of blooded and other stock, nnd the advance ment of all the interests of Southern Caliior- din, , . It Is desirable that the farmers, manufactu rers, stock raisers,mercantile men, and others slum Id be members of the society. So the members thereof cordially invite and request all such to purchase one or more shares of stock at the rate of |05 per share, no interest added, the amount of assessments already paid. The Secretary W authorised to issue stock to any and all who wish to become members. More than the price per share Is represented by properly, with a perfect title. All owners of stock, even If only one share, are entitled to all the privileges of the society; such as v voice ln all Its councils, eligibility to office, and an entrance badge for himself and family Into all the lairs and other entertainments given. Persons desiring to do so, may pay «luO, and get a paid-up share. The society particularly invite our farmers to l>ecoine members. By order of the .Society. nov2Unl BEN. C. TRUMAN, Sec. GAM BR IN US BREWERY, ■piRST STREET, LOS ANGELES. Fine Lagerßeerfor sale IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. no2-lmlp TPS. LEIBER, Proprietor^ run COUNCILMAN. A. F. WARNER is tt candidate for member of the Common Council from the First ward at the ensuing muu'clpal election. i ~. /. i. i /1, . -JL tolVv'** LOS ANGELES, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 26, 1873. MISCELLANEOUS. REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. Cash Capital, . 81,000,000 Brnnchea In all tbe State* ol'the I'liion. HAVING N O W C O M P L BT E I) the organization of onr We take pleasure iv nnnouneing that our Pa cific Const Stockholders have elected Ihe fol lowing well-knoWn citizens ns officers of our PACIFIC BRANCH: President: OLIVER .ELDRIDGE. Vice-Presiilents: THOS. A. BALL, WM. R. WHEATON A. L. GURNEY Secretary pro tern JAS. T. BO YD Attorney THOS. brown Treasurer CHAS. BURRELL Medical Examiner Executive Committee: OLIVER ELDRIDGE, JOS. A. DONOHOE, JAS. T. BuVD, UEQ, W. HEAVER, ('HAS. RCRRELL, THOS. HELL, E. B. PERRIN. Direeion: OLIVER ELDREDGE.LELAND STANFORD GEO. W. HEAVER, THOS. BROWN, N. G. KITTLE: C. CHRISTIANSEN, JOHN F. MILLER, THOS. H. SELBY, .1 AS. T. BOYD, ft. F. MORROW. C. L BRENHAM, S. F. BUTTE RWORTH M. I). SWEENY, GEO. H. WHEATON, I. FRIEDLANDER, WM. BTRLINO, A. BLACK, THOS. A. HALL, lOS. A. DONOHOE, WM. R. WHEATON, THOS. BELL, E. li. PERRIN. C. T. HYLAND. WM. L. DICKENSON WM. S. LADD. THE REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. Was chartered by special !ict of the Legisla ture of the State of Illinois, and commenced doing business In July, 187(1, making it now Just three years old. Its plun of organiTatlon was to have $5,000,900 Capital Htoclr, with twenty percent, paid In,and the balance subject to call. With BRANCH ORGANIZA TIONS of stockholders in the leading business centers of the country, composed ot the best business men—thus making a Company of National extent and prestige, and yet a HOME COMPANY AT EACH BKANCH. The Company at this date has policies in force covering over W0.000.000 of risks, with an annual Income of over ALL ASSETS OF PACIFIC BRANCH IN VESTED ON THIS COAST. Capital Stock of PncifTc. Branch, • over » .100,000 00 Invested in Mortgages on Ileal Eh tnte In California during the last four months, over ioO,o.t)0 oo .'EN Policies issued at Pacific Branch during same period, insuring 1,"12,100 OU Charges for Insurance per Cent. Less than Mutual Companies. T 1110 BEPUBLI O Does not borrow TIIL' CAPITAL of Policy holders on PROMISES to return the same at some INDEFINITE future period and CALL IT A DIVIDEND. In presenting the claims of TI IE REPUB LIC to the patronage of the people of this Coast, we shall at all times nini to be gov erned by sound business considerations, and a due regard for the rights and merits of com peting companies. OFFICE OFTHE PACIFIC BRANCH, NO. 317 CALIFORNIA STREET. Below Sansoine Street. no2dlmlp The Santa Barbara Press An Independent Newspaper, Devoted to tliolnterosls of South ern California. J. A. JOHNSON, Edltoi and Proprietor. AS THE CHARMING CHARAO ter Of Southern California, and more especially that most favored section called Santa Barbara, becomes known to the world, it is not surprising that a Widespread and growing interest In this region should be awakened. It is the constant aim ofthe Press to furnish perfectly reliable information on al points of interest to tourists, invalids and nome-seekers, which we are now able to do with greatly Increased facilities. While the PRESS seeks to promote the prosperity of nil Southern California by all le gitimate und honorable methods, it is more directly Interested in tho growth and coming greatness oi Santa Barbara. The unaqualeq loveliness of the climate, Its almost Incredible healt lifuluess, the beauty oi the scenery, the wondrous variety and fertility of the soil, the almost unlimited range of products which tlourish there without irrigation, will be known from time to time by facts which can not be controverted, lv the columns of the PRESS. Any intelligent person can become familiar With this part ofthe State by reading l lie PRESS for a year. Terms ofthe Dally, per annum $7 00 Terms of the Weekly, uer annum ft 00 Currency and postoffice Money Orders taken at par. SULCI A I. INDUCEMENT, All yearly subscribers to the WEEKLY PRESS will obtittn, fkki:, an Illustrated Number, aud a copy of WOOD'S guide to Santa Barbara, Town and County. A WORD TO ADVERTISERS. It Is an admitted fact that the SANTA BAR BARA press is tne leading Journal of South ern California, Bind has a much larger circu lation than any other newspaper In that sec tion, being more chiefly read by the more thrifty families, and hence Its advantages to advertisers arc obvious. nov2Qtf J. L. WARD & CO. MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS, —KKFRESKNTISG— Baker & Hamilton's AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS —AND— HARDWARE! STAR MOLINB PLOW; BAXTER UPRIGHT ENGINES: AMES PORTABLE ENGINES; THE CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON. n_- Illustrated Catalogues, with prices, can he had by application lit ourolllce. ocH-lin F. GAUTHIER, FAMILY CHARTRES COFFEE AND SMCE MILLS, No. SO Los Ange les street. Keeps constantly on hand ROAST AND GROUND COFFEE of all kinds, Popper. Gin ger. Allspice, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmegs, and Fresh Ground California Mus tard. Coffee fresh ground every morning. iiolJ-lmlp PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 1 DR. If. P. RICHARDSON, pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE - -No. H Downey's Block, up-stalrs. oc2-tf DR. A. S. SHORB, JJOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. OFFICE-Ncnrlv opposite the post Office. RESIDENCE -No. 19 Franklin sf"ppl. ort-ii DR. H. S. ORME, pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE—In Lanfranco's Building, No. 74 Main street. Office Hours from 10 A. M. to 1 P. M., nnd frmn 2 tojiJ\ M. oc2-tf DR. JOSEPH KURTZ, pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE—In Heinsch's Block, Commercial and Los Angeles streets. rsrSpeclal attention paid to diseases of the EYE AND EAIt. oc2-lf DR. J. W. OLIVER, JJOMCEOPATHIST. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE—Spring street, opposite the Mayor's Office. oc2-Iptf DR. J. M. JANCSO, OFFICE IN THE U. S. HOTEL BUILDING, opposite the Court House, NO. 100 MAIN STREET, LOS ANGELES. OD-Spcclal attention to Diseases of Children. noiO-lm* D. W. C. FRANKLIN, MECHANICAL, OPERATIVE AND SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE—3!) Spring street, next to Fire En glne House. oe2-tf DR. A. LOEBEL, SURGEON AND CHIROPODIST, Alameda street, opposite the Sisters' School. Corns nnd bunions extracted with out using knife, files or medicine, nnd with out causing pain. Cures ingrowing nails, warts, moles, freckle, etc. Treats scientifi cally nnd successfully nil kinds of sores of long standing. Charges moderate and satU fnction guaranteed. nov7-tf HENRY T. HAZARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE IN TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES, CAL. BUT Special attention given to business ln the United States Land Office. oc2-tf J. R. M. CONNELL. A. J. KINO. McCONNELL & KINC, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Downey's Block, Main St., Los Angeles. oclKtf A. BRUNSON, AT LAW. • Okficb— Rooms 28 and 29, Temple's new building, I/is Angeles. colstf 1 a.glassell, a. 11. SMITH. A. U. CHAPMAN. 11. M. SMITH. 6LASSELL, CHAPMAN &SMITH. AT LAW, <tKFICE—TEMPLE BLOCK up-stalrs, Los Angeles, California. oc2-tf JAMES G. HOWARD, at law court^commisstoner, Downey's Block, Los Angeles. oc2-tf M. WHALING, AT LAW, OFFICE—No. 18 Downey Block Los Angeles. o c2-t m CIIAKI.ES I.INDI.KY. J. 8. THOMPSON. LINDLEY & THOMPSON, AT LAW, OFFICE-Room Nos. r,l and 52, over Tem ple & Workman's Rank. ocj-tf l. Marshall, will n. oould. MARSHALL & COULD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW-OFFICE opliosite the Court House, Rooms Nos. IH and i!> Temple Block, Lorf Angeles, Cal. Will practice In all the Courts of this State, and attend to business In U. S. Land Office. J. B. BATES. J. 11. BRAMAN. BATES & BRAMAN, ATTOR N E V S AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, OFFICES-Nos. .1 and 4 ALLEN'S BUILD ING, corner of Spring and Temple streets, Los Angeles, Cal. Practice In all the Na tional and State Courts. Collections made, de mands prosecuted and the settlenient of es tates adjusted in all parts ofthe United States. Special attention paid to the examination of land titles and to business In the U. S. Land OfHce. no!2-tf LEW. G. CABANIS, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY ancer and Searcher of Records for this County. OFFICE—No. 41 Temple Block, Los Ange les, California. oc2-lf V. E. HOWARD & SONsT~ AT LAW, TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. oc2-tf A. A. WILSON, & COUNSELLOR. OFFICE—Room No. 11, Temple Block, Los Angeles, California. oc2-tf A. 11. JUDSON. J. W. GILLETTE. JUDSON & GILLETTE, SEARCHERS OF RECORDS AND CONVEYANCERS. TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. oc2-lm C. W. MORGAN, JJEAL ESTATE AGENT, Four doors south ofthe Tost Otllce, Temple Block, Los Angeles. California. »»-MONEY TO LOAN. oc2-tf H. M. MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR at law. Office—Boom No. 10 Temple Block, Los Angeles. P. (>. Bog 4.VL no7-lf CHAS. E. MILES, HYDRAULIC ENGINEER, LOS ANGELES, CAL. Refers to—Dr. J. S*. Griffin, J. fl. Downey, L. 11. Titus, Gen. P. Banning, L W. Hellman, A. Glassell. The Introduction of water Into Cities, Towns and Bandies a specialty. Contracts taken for making sheet iron pipes, at my shop, or where desired, on the most favorable terms. noil-1 m N. B. WHITFIELD. BROKER, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENT. Particular atten tion paid to the purchase and sale of sheep. Office witt- J. I. Wni-ci * Co. noS-lpini R. E. JACKSON, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Main street, a few doors below First, Los, Angeles. Contracts for buildings, nnd all work executed in n satisfactory manner, noi-tf FORWARDING & COMMISSION. J. L. WARD & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS —AND— Manufacturers Agents. AGENTS FOX LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION; UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF SAN FRANCISCO; COMMERCIAL !MARINE: INSURANCE COMPANY, (Combined nssets exceed 811.000,000 BABCOCK'S FIRE EXTINGUISHER; BAKER & HAMILTON'S AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY: THE CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON; SWAN BREWERY CO.'S ALE AND PORTER. no2-lmlp HELLMAN, HAAS & CO. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, HAVE FOR SALE THE PUREST GROCERIES, THE REST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Of the choicest Imported Brands. Paints, Oils, Doors, Sashes, BLINDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. 14 and 16 Los Angeles and Commercial Sts., no.ll LOS ANGELES. [lin-tp SIMON LEVY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. General dealer In all kinds ot COUN TRY PRODUCTIONS, Hides, Grain and Wool. Makes advances on Consignments to all parts ofthe United States. Nos. it and ;tl AIIsoSL.LOS ANGELES. ocMytp BUSINESS CARDS. jTc. JACKSON Keeps all kinds of Lumber, Shingles, Laths, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, Posts, Nliali f» h » PLASTER PARIS, . CEMENT ArYJ3 HAIR. CORNER OF Alameda and First Streets. no'2-lmlp PERRY, WOODWORTH & CO, LUMBER YARDS AND PLANING MILLS. NO. 7« COMMERCIAL ST. Keep constantly on hand a full assortment of LUMBER, DOORS, SAKH, MOULDINGS, BLINDS, TURNED AND SAWED WORK. All kinds of mill work done to order. OC2 GRIFFITH, LYNCH & CO. DEALERS IN LUMBER. CORNER FIRST AND ALAMEDA STS. Mill Work of all Kinds. —SUI'H AS— DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, ETC., ETC. no2-linlp If. C. WILKY. tk M. HKKKV. WILEY & BERRY, REAL ESTATE AGENTS —AND— COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 32 MAIN STREET, LOS ANGELES. no7-lmlp LOS ANGELES SODA WORKS, No. i:t ALISO STREET. HENRY W. STOLL, Proprietor. Supplies Bar Rooms and private fami lies with the purest and best NO DA A XII SARNAPARiXI.A, Delivered to any part of the city. lno2-lm CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. L. LICHTENBERGER, (Successor to Rooder* Lichtenberger), jyjANUFACTURER OF Wagons, Buggies, Carriages, Etc. 143, 145 and 147 Main street, Los Angeles, Very respectfully solicits the patronage of the public In his line of business. All ve hicles built of the BEST MATERIAL. An extensive BLACKSMITH SHOP Is connected with the establishment, where all kinds of Blaeksmlthlng will be done to order. REPAIRING Done with dispatch, and with a view of giving satisfaction to patrons. _A.ll Work Warranted. no7-lmlp PAGE & GRAVEL'S New Carriage Shop. OUR WORK IS unaled by any done on the la- cllic Const. After our excerlence in the best shops In the Eastern States, and our experience on this coast, we are enabled to fulfil what we ad vertise.. ALL MATERIALS USED ARE THE BERT TIIE MARKET AFFORDS. n.v. Repairs done neatly and with dispatch, All work done here Is warranted. «>;, Prices Moderate. Call and see. "SO. Corner Los Angeles and Requena noli] Streets, Los Angeles, [lmip CAMILLE RAYNAL, (OI'I'OSITK M. KELLER'S) MANUFACTURER AND DEAL ER IN Wagons, Carriages, Ttugj{ieti,etc Of all kinds. All work Made of Best Concord Materials, and In the future as reliable ss ln the past. Orders promptly attended to. rSI. All kinds of Repairing done to order, noizmlpl House. MRS. DONALDSON, OF THE Eight Mile House, Cowango Pom, an nounces that shenlllTPcelve « few gentlemen to board. No pains will be spared to add to their comforts, with facilities for going and coming from the elty. oc.'ll-tf '. i. io iv; e/uI A jyu! adT ! EDUCATIONAL. SPANISH AMD FRENCH TNSTRUCTION IN FRENCH AND J- SPANISH will be given to Classes In the alternoons or evenings, by MISS JOSEPHINE LINDLEY TERMS: To a class of five or less, per lesson $2 00 To a claws of any number over five, per lesson IS 00 For further particulars, inquire at the office ol the Los Angeles Herald, of Lindley A Thompson, or at the Pico House. TESTIMONIALS: University of California, ) Department ok Languages. > Oakland, July 11.1872. J Herewith I certify that Miss Josephine Und- Ib.v iias been n student in my department of the University for five consecutive terms, vis: from September, 1870, to April 3d, 1872. During this time she studied the PTencli. the Spanish and the German languages, obtaining always the highest marks for proficiency and attend ance, nor average credit mark lor five terms being 97 per cent. On entering the University, Miss Lindley possessed already such knowledge of the French nnd Spanish Idioms as to be able to speak them with ease, fluency, correctness, and a pure pronunciation. She may now be considered thoroughly fa miliar with the theory nnd philosophy, as well as with the application of these two tongues; and she may safely be recommended as a can didate of great promise, for teaching the French and Spanish languages. P. ITODA, Prol. Modern Languages. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Josephine Lindley has been declared by the Faculty entitled to this Certificate of Profi ciency in the departments of Geology and Natural History, (Botany and Physical Geolo gy,) Belles Lettres, (English Literature, Histo ry, Ancient and Modern,) Chemistry, Modern Languages, (French and Spanish.) Henry Durant, President of University; E. S. Carr, Prof. Chemistry; P. Ploda, Modern Languages; Joseph lie Conte, Professor of Ge ology and Natural History; William Swinton, Professor of Belles Lettres; Martin Kellogg, Dean of the Faculty. oc2-tf LAWLOR IN^TITTe 108 Main Street, I.os Angeles. THE SEVENTH"SEMI-ANNUAL Session of this SELECT DAY SCHOOL, ln which girls and boys receive a useful, practical and complete English Education, commenced on MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1878. TERMS PER MONTH t English Studies. Including the ordinary School Branches and Double-Entry Book-Keeping and Algebra $5 00 Primary Geography, Second aud Third Readers 4 00 Chart and Primer Classes 3 00 EXTRAS. Latin, Phonetic Short-hand and Geom etry, per month 32 00 Competent Teachers of Drawing, Painting, nnd the Modern Languages, will be connected with tbe Institution. For further particulars, apply to the under signed, at the School Building.' no.'iml W. B. LAWLOR. Principal. FRENCH and SPANISH LESSONS IN THE FRENCH and Spanish languages will be given to classes or in private, commencing on WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 1, 1873. TERMS Og TUITION: Private lessons $ j 00 each Twenty lessons 15 00 Lessons to any number of pupils over five, for one month, three les sons every week, each pupil 2 00 French aud Spanlsh'School for children ev ery day (Saturdays excepted) at 4 o'clock P. M. TUITION, per month, $A For further particulars, inquire at No. 107 Main street. Translation of French, Span ish and English. F. V. C. de MONDRAN. no2-!mlp ST. VINCENT'S COLLEGE, LOS ANGELES. Ponductedlby the priests of the Congregation of the Mission. DEGREES CONFERRED, and the most complete Education given. No more beauti fully situated spot In the wbo|e of Southern California. Apply by letter, or personally, to REV. J. 'MrGILL, C. M. no2-lm President. Louis Wartenberg, AST EXPRESS AND PASSENGER LINE TO Through in Three Hours and a Half! FARE AT RED! CT'.D RATES. vA. Leaves Los Angeles dally at 2 P. M. noB-tf JOSEPH BRESON, SAMPLE ROOMS, OPPOSITE U, S. HOTEL, MAIN ST. The purest WINES, the choicest CIGARS, and the best FANCY DRINKS concocted south of San Francisco. Btg-Temple Block, next to Wells, Fargo * Company's oltice. nu2-lmlp CITY LAUNDRY, NINTH STREET, RETWEEN Grasshopper and Orlttln strcuu, LOS ANOELES. Gentlemen's, HOTEL AND RESTAURANT WASHING done on reasonable terms. PEARL BUTTONS sewed on, and ordinary MENDING done. Washing called for and de livered, FREE OF CHARGE. »ar Order slate at Broderick's Book Rtore. no2-lmlp J. S. O'NEIL The Napa Gang Plow. TO THE FARMERS OF LOS Angeles County: We call your attention io the new IMPROVED GANG PLOW, pa tented by D. A. Manuel, of Napa, and adopted by the Granges of this State. The points of snperiortty are: Lightness of draft, It being a centre draft; a castor wheel In the rear, which makes It turn in a space sufficient to accom modate its length: It has a falling pole and can, by sliding, bo adjusted to the driver's weight, and removes all pressure from the horses' necks. We only ask farmers to call and examine for themselves. nol HELLMAN, HAAS & CO. LAFAYETTE STORE. PH. ROTH 4 CO. • NO. 43 MAIN STREET. Wholesale and retail dealers In Gents' Furnishing Goods, Provisions, Ffne Wmcs, Liquors, Cigars and Whiskies. ocMtf NUMBER 48. LINES OF TRAVEL. LOS ANGELES & SAN PEDRO RAILROAD. OK AND AFTER NOV. 1, 1f73, trains will run as follows, leaving WILMINGTON—7:4S A. M. nnd I P. M. LOH ANGELES—IO A. M. and 8:46 P. fid. Except on days of steamers' arrival and de - parture, when trnlns will run to connect with steamer. Passengers for Snn Francisco nnd fan Pi< gc will leave Ijos Angeles by the 10 A. M. tram, connecting at Wilmington with the Compa ny's steamer. 'mar First-class passenger ears will run regu larly. Xo Charge Ibr Storage to Her chants In the t'onntry. JOHN MILNER, Agent at Los Angeles. oc2tf E. E. HEWITT, sunt. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. Hi HEDII.E FOB NOVEMBER, 187*. THE STEAMERS & Orizaba^Jßfc For Santa Barbara, Nan Pedra, Asm* helm Lauding and Man Dies;*. STEAMER ORIZABA, CAPT. S. J. JOHNSTON, Leaves San Arrives Bam Leaves Ban Arrive* Ban Francisco. Pedro. Pedro. Francisco. Nov l Nov s Nov _ c Not _ 8 Nov 15 Nov 16 Not .If Nov- » Nov 55 Nov 27 Nov 501 Dec.......... 2 STEAMER MOHONGO, CAPT. O. 11. DOCOLASS. Nov 7 Nov. 9 Nov. HINov 14 Nov 19 Nov 21 Nor 24 Nov M Dec 1 Dec 3 Dec SfDec • The Mohongo will call at San Simeon and Snn Luis Obispo. STEAMER GrPSY, For San Diego and all way port", carrying OILS, ACIDS, POWDER, etc., not allowed to be carried on passenger steamers, will leave San Francisco November 29th. Freight on OILS, to San Pedro, GO oents per case. FOR NEW YORK VIA PANAMA, Steamers leave San Francisco November 4th and 19th. All call at Mazatlan, Maniaa llloand Acnpulco, and all except steamer of November 4tn, at San Diego. Passage from San Pedro, cabin, fMO; steer age, $60. FOR CHINA AND JAPAN. Steamers leave San Francisco November Ist and 15th, Through Bills of Lading signed, and through tickets sold to allports on the San Diego route to New York, Europe, Mexico and South America, at San Francisco tariff rates. PASSAGE: To New York, cabin „ $100 To New York, steerage 60 To San Francisco, cabin U To San Francisco, steerage ■ Cabin plans at agent's office. For rsissai apply to H. McLELLAN, nol Agent rer Los Angeles County. AGENCY OP THE Hamburg, Bremen and Station Mail Steamship Companies. BEING APPOINTED AGENT OF the above Mall Steamship Companies for the Southern Coast, I am prepared to fur nish THROUGH PASSAGE TICKETS by any of those lines of steamers. To and from Europe, to New York and San Francisco at tb lowest rate*. Also give MONEY POSTAL ORDERS to all parts o? Germauy. Switzerland, Austria. Ft « i • England, Sweden, Itors •• OMBOjI JJa*WMasstSliS*Bane Which will be delivered to tbe receiver Urn ii charge, st their respective houses, In >.ny Lar». of Europe. Also, gives DRAFTS on any part of Europe In sums to suit. Collections made In any Part of Europe. For particulars, apply to li. FLEISHMAN, Bella Union Store, ocStf 3p Agent ln Los Angeles. LA CRONICA, pURLISHED BY E. F. TEODOLI. The only Spanish Newspaper IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Published every Wednesday and Saturday mornings. Office in Temple's New Block, Spring street, opposite the Court-house. It haR a large circulation in the State ol Cal ifornia, the Eastern States, Louisiana, Mexico, and Arizona and Colorado Territories,OsattruJ and South America, and Spain. Cronica" commends itself to the Advertisers who mar wish to bring their business before the Span ish-speaking people and numerous population of different nationalities, on the Pacific C«e*t. Advertising; Basaa Vary Ben—nabla. Subscriptions—One Year, $6; Six Months *■'. SO; Throe Months. $2. oc2U4p uILTO TOURISTS.S THE CALIFORNIA PLACARD EXCHANGE AND INFORMATION RUREAU EOR THE PACIFIC COAST, HOT TO 615 MERCHANT ST., SAN FRANCISCO, has made arrangements to have active cone* sponding agents, not only in all the large east ern cities of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, St. Louis, etc., but ln London, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Hamburg, Frankfort, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Glasgow, Trieste, Odessa, Mar seilles, and generally throughout Great Brit ain and Continental Europe, Japan, China, Calcutta, Madras, Singapore, Auckland, New Zealand, Melbourne, Sydney and Australia. Every occupier of one or more feet of placard space will be charged at the rate of One Dollar per Square Foot per Monti. The Exchange will be open ta the pwbllo from 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. each day. FRED'K MARRIOTT, President. BOARD OP TRUSTEES AND MANAGING COM MITTEE: FRED'K MARRIOTT,! JOS. AUSTIN, JAS. T. WATKINS, | JNO. MELVILLE, ALGERNON SMITH. JNO. MELVILLE, Corresponding Secretary. BERNARD LEVY, Accountant and Linguist. oc2B PELICAN SALOON. Spring Street, oppoiite the Post Office. DAVE MAIN~HAS RETIRED from the Judicial contest, In order to de vote bis time to mom classical pursuits. Floating down the stream of life placidly, with bald-headed old GEORGE DAKIN, they will ln conjunction prepare tbe following nifty drinks: Tb* Alasaayaaasar. Tb* Pseeaeawsst, Tbe Wlpnalanbeibsls. Tst* Sris Arannd tbe earner. The CHOICEST WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS always,on hand. no»lm I. B. FERGUSON'S QOMMISSION HOUSE Is the Exclusive Cwasmtaslan ■ense ta K« ta for ■nisiaaaig Tii want. «*n ■ , National Restaurant pORNER OF COMMERCIAL KJ and Wilmington streets, Los Angeles, W' v mral«h r THft BUST TWSNTY-FIVK CENT MEALS of any restaurant in town. Wholesome mod, good cooking, and aetaan fm^i^srr' nal