Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME T. ' * tti Jurat! Is Published ev%t> morning except Monday, by Flit. ItEKALU I'ttl.VriNG tOIII'ANY. OKFII E Herald Nlenm Itooli nml Job O j|fWl lt P»g Haute, ,-pring street, opposite ihe TERMS: ivr annum, by mail or express „ |10 sk months ■• •• ti Throe moid hs '• " • :! Delivered by carriers, per week, '-'■") cents Advertisements inserted al liberal rates. EDUCATIONAL. ' From Los Ntetos. 4 LITTLB LAKK, Dist., | . Los Niteos, Nov. 21, / Editor HvA(\iM~/>r((i- Sir: In accepting your kind offer to the teach •th of Los' Angeles comity, I assumed tho task of contributing' something towards filling the space allotted us in your valuable paper. Judging from the position taken hy some ol* the teachers at the "Institute," 1 am in clined to believe our column will be read by few. A people whose children requiftslo ho driven to school by a law can feel but little interest in the cause of t ducation. Our school numbers but thirty one pupils. Their attendance has been most cxeel- Uf^pntjONie district is a small one us * you will infer from the number of pu pils enrolled. The patrons are poor, out honest and industrious. And to our poverty we have another curse—a superabundance of old bachelors; a Itttly told nic so, and she is not an old maid; so there must be some truth in what she says. The cause of this fact was not stated. Whether the bache lor* or the ladies are to blame I know not, but it is an evil that should be remedied if possible I could give novice in this matter, but i hat Is one thing I nevergive unasked, and very sparingly anyhow; I will make a sugg'-stion tit any rate. Let us have, a "compulsory" marriage law, enforcing every man to have at least one wife, with the privilege of as many rWfjdten as he wants. Zoroaster said, no one was a good citizen until lie had planted a tree, tilled a Held, und become a father. This is good au thority, for he made laws, 1 think, for have taken a very com mendable interest is tbe school; enough to put to shame the advocates of "compulsory" attendance. I feel very "much like the hen spoken of at the* "Institute," inclined "to spread" invsplf; but haven't space as she had. ' Yours truly, W. H.,. . milm ■ . Co-Education a Stoces.s.—At a recent meeting of the Board ot Regents of Michigan University, the President reported as follows in regard to the co-education in that institution: "The history of our work during the past year has also deepened fin* im pression made during tbe two previous years as to the entire practicability of imparting collegiate and professional education to Jioth sexes in the same schools. If any have cherished a fear that the admission of women would to rr*4 ty 'educe tbe standard of work in the univerfllfy, their attention may be directed to the fact that during the laat three years we have been steadily increask^lrle w rr I (iiiirenients for ad mission and broadening tbe range of studies. Now, certainly the women eit»l4»c*i:ii» s«#li difflculty in ac quiring the studies assigned to them in the regular curriculum as to call for oN£¥aWm?m*iW .of the conrse on their account. Their,record isaseredit able in all branches as that of their ' tt that their success in • their intellectual pursuits is at tho ex . ,|MMUf-Mlt*. On the contrary, I doubt lf an equal number of young women in any other pursuit in life durlngthe Thk Uheobtukates.—ln the re cent census of Hie United States there are reported: Persons blind, ami also deaf and dumb, 96; persons blind, and also insane, 75; persons blind", and also idiotic, 105; per sons blind, deaf and dumb, and also , ..lanaaa, »*; persons blind, deaf and dumb, aiul aLso idiotic, 11; persons *tIIbT anfl 'minil), and also insane, 59; persons blind, 20,320; persons deaf, 16,- Tafotlc', 24,52". The foreign population of the United States is very much 2innrW«abh| *f insmUv than the na .li<rlw<AOi>it. Of foreigners 1 in 496 fs insane: while of the natives only 1 in 1201 Is insane. .... i ti -i 1 and Effect.-r-The city of Atlan^ levied one and one- I H9>w cc vW oll <*» rt ' a ' estate of tne city for educational purpose.". Large numbers of the best citizens of that State are moving to Atlanta to obtain the advantages of her well reg ulated public schools. Let our City Council and Chamber of Commerce take the hint, Good schools will draw good citizens. hqH ttfurH U How A It am Gathers Persimmons. There is a knowing ram near Paris, Tennessee. The local paper of that paper says: "A. G. McCall of this oounty, has a very fine ram of the Cotswold and Southdown breed. The nKfflOf rbnhlo "f the buck is Ills truit Imsnot fallen dur ing the night to satisfy his ramship's jajMittuj. ha*jacapieda 'to i sAnkc the ' tti 11 ATToUowi ng manner: "He will walk out from the tree some fifteen or twenty paces, and looking at it two or three times, will come full tilt jmd strike the body of tftet'ree with all the force he is capable of exerting. Down rattles the persim aeiT with an air that seems to say, 'I know a thing or two.' One thing troubles this knowing ram, and that Is he cannot distinguish a persimmon tree from an P ost » n,K ' lv ' lu| tts ikmm %\V rorjr *«» tu*»um n')HH/ rrrrrri »i<| •—* General Stone, now in Egypt, but for3MaV#rM«>(»hforMiH has been .naadaa ferioue Pasha of that country. row Purdy, likewise a well known California*!!, but for many years in Egypt, has been decorated ('ommand , ,>(Wn4,Uf ttaJUifdlve. iii i y *«*« > i Los Angeles Daily Herald. ADVERTISING IN DULL TIMES. The New York Evening J'oxt gives the following from the Milwaukee Witdfkttin'. After the crash of 'f>7, when every body was almost scared to death, and the'croakers predicted that the coun try had gone to smash, a dry goods house was opened in this city; which proceeded on the principle that in order to reach the hoarded money in the pockets of the people, the proprie tors must sell at very reasonable prices and advertise very largely. They worked vigorously upon this principle. Their brother merchants, who did not advertise, predicted that the new com ers would be ruined, as they paid too much for advertising. Nevertheless they persisted, In a single year they paid S/jOO in gold to the daily Wincon mti for advertising; at the end of seven years they retired with a fortune of $100,000, while other merchants on the same street, sonic of them opposite their store had failed. "We remember," says the /W, "a similar instance among our own adver tisers in the panic of 1857. A merchant continued his advertisement in our columns through tbe whole period of stagnation, and notwithstanding the many predictions that it 'wouldn't pay,'* his testimony afterward was that Ins sales were steady and his profits satisfactory, while many a mer chant around him who 'couldn't afford to advertise,' saw his clerks stand idle behind the counters. A financial panic does not mean that no one has any money. There is plenty of money in the country, and those* who hoard it are just the ones to be eager for the 'bargains' which a fall In prices holds out. But to buy they must know where to buy, and the merchant who tells them will receive their cash." Senator Casserly's Will.—We have been favored with a copy of this celebrated stateman's will, which we here present to our readers: Being fully developed In body, sound in health, and of a natural mind, I do make this last Will and Testament: 2d. My political virtue I give to Dr. Shorb in trust for the benefit of tbe Democratic poor. Item. I bequeath all my political capital to the JScoaminer, to be used as a sinking fund when the city and county printing shall be given to an other. 7fV?/j. I give all and singular my law library to Colonel Barnes, as a slight token of my appreciation of his un limited cheek. Item. All debts due me for services rendered in my official capacity, by any corporations, corporation or in dividual, and which I failed to collect in advance, I devise to the R. C. Or phan Asylum. Ite?n. I give my family pride to Bishop Kip, as a reward for his laud able zeal in remembering his ances tors, to the exclusion of his successors. Item. My senatorial mantle 1 freely give to any oue who, Elisha-like, stands under it when it falls. Item. I bequeath my wit, genius and ability, unreservedly, to tbe Dem ocratic Committee in San Francisco, but not to be used until I am no more. Item. I bestow all my learning upon the High School Investigation Com mittee. It is my desire that six pall-bearers should attend my funeral, one to be a lawyer who is the most known preten der to honesty in California; the sec ond a policeman who can never be found on his beat; the third an apos tate clergyman of good character; the fourth a ward politician who never told the truth; the fifth an editor of a "live" paper, and the sixth the Aw* Letter man, whom it is my desire to punish. I do appoint Governor Booth my executor without bonds.—[News Let ter. The Guilty Parshall.—The Rev. Mr. Parshall, a Baptist minister of Oakland, formerly of Sacramento, was tried by his church authorities, and was found guilty of these charges upon this vote: Charge Ist -Accused the Rev. R. F. Parshall witli heingfguilty of lasciv ious conduct and language indicative of lascivious designs. Specification Ist—That he said to a certain widow lady (name withheld from the public; that he loved her, and under the pretense of giving her spiritual advice he proposed an elope ment with her, and made an infamous proposal to her. The finding of the council on tbe above specification is as follows: Found guilty by a vote by 18 to 11. Specification 2d—Enticing a young lady into the church at night, and at tempting to have .carnal connection with her, and placing his hands upon her in a lecherous manner. The finding of this specification i<, found guilty by a vote of 19 to 10. Specification 3d — Attempting to kiss four young ladies, quite young girls, members of this church, taking them in his arms, placing and rubbing his face against tnelrs in a licentious manner. Sometimes these acts took place in a house, and at other times in a buggy while out riding, always alone. These girls were 16 to 17 years of age. The finding on this specification is guilty by a vote of to 7, one mem ber having withdrawn on account of sickness. Tbe entire charge above was then voted upon. Found guilty by a vote of 22 to 7. There were other charges against Parshall, some of which were investi gated and upon which he was found guilty. But as they were of less heinous character than those cited above, the council charitably conclud ed to allow the greater to cover the others, and drop them. Negotiations are pending, which, if consummated, will result in the Hor ton House being run hereafter on the European plan. Mr. H. Solomon, of Solomon's Restaurant, than whom there is no superior caterer to man's (and woman's too) digestive appar atus, will have charge of the culinary department, and the rest of tho house will be run by Mr. Horton as at pres ent.—[San Diego Union. On and after the first of January next, the Pacific Mail Company's steamers running to Panama, will touch once a month at Central Ameri can ports, on the up and down trips. LOS ANGELES, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2, 1878, FOR SALE -TO LET. LAND FOR SALE. T OCATED ABOUT TWO MILES A.J south of the Los Nietos Depot. A splendid tlO-ACRE LOT Is offered for rfjgj* Kale on th. moat liberal terms. The locn-32 tlon Is very desirable, and the laud is in good condition. Last year it produced a crop of Un bushels ot corn to th* acre. Any one who may desire to purchase land in this locality would do well to Inspect this lot and examine this year's crop, Which has not been gathered. The sole reason for sacrificing this property is to meet certain obligations Immediately. TERMS— one-half cash, and the balance In oue or two years. An SO-AC RE TRACT, located on the line ol tie-railroad going cast to Mud Springs, and embraced in the San Jose Rancha This isn most desirable piece of land, is ln a first-rate under fence, and good water* JUBLright; on which are growing 10,000 grape vines in a full bearing condition; has a huge, commodious " WELLING-HOUSK; nil to be sold on easy terms. For particulars, apply to I. C. TON NEK. Spadra.or at oein-tf HERALD OFFICE. Farms tor Sale! NEAR NIETOS DEPOT 4 k ACRES—FIRST-CLASS FOR tt corn or fruit, with wood and ggg water. Price, Sl,hoo. JL. 0Q J ACR ES NEAR THE ( OL ♦J) ls& LEGE—not in cultivation—one mile south of tha L. N. R. It. iMOfc. Qfi( ACRES ALL IN (TLTIVA *9tJ TION — first-class improved — near Gallatin--one mile south of L. N. ft R. *'-V r .OO tA AACR ES FIRBT-(! LASS, IN OU cultivation, with the best artesian well and"reservoir in the county. -1 miles east of Nietos Depot. #5,000. Apply to ocKOtf J. 1!. HOLLOWAY,GaIIatin, AX ACRES ONE MILE EAST aUoi' Nietos Depot, on the line of the Railroad. Eighty bushels of corn per acre was raised on tin' land this year. There is also a good dwelling house, corn crib, etc. 1 nnri SA(^OFGooi)RAi! - JLs" JV/\/ levforsale. Applvto noB J. H. JIOLLA W A Y.'( ia 1 1; -1 i ii. FOR SALE. A(\ ACRES OF LAND ONE "trY "mile south of the city, well Improved, good house and out buildings: good well; 10 acres In vineyard, mostly foreign; MX) orange trees mostly from three to six years old; 140 walnut trees from two to six yean old; 80 apple trees, some bearing. Title good; terms easy. Also FORTY ACRES of land i;._. miles south ot city, unimproved. Also HOUSE AND LOT corner of Main and Fifth streets. House pew. Lot 00x186. Also, THREE loth between Fourth and Fifth streets, on olive. Inquire of 11. EDWARDS, or .1. D. BICKNELL, Room No. 98, Temple lilock. novls-tf FOR SALE. rpHE EXC L US rYE RIGHT IN St d'THERN CALIFORNI A of a very valuable patented invention. Tbe proprietors have perfected their ail PATENT RIGHTS, and desire to sell as above. For full informa tion, which is confidential, address novimf THIS OFFICE. FOR SALE. I HAVE FOR SALE THE FOL lowlng articles, necessary In cverv house hold: FOUNTAIN PENS, warranted to wrltcthree pages with one charge of Ink. POLISHED SPRING STEEL NEEDLES, warranted not to cut the thread or break. Linton Needle-Threader and Thread-! 'utter. NEEDLE CASKETS, containing a com plete Sewing Outfit. Various other fancy and useful articles. During the coming two weeks, 1 will call upon the ladles of Los Angeles and vicinity, when they will have an Opportunity to exam ine for themselves. ,1. A. HELL. novffiwl WANTED. A PURCHASER FOR TWO VAL UABLE LOTS OF LAND, 50x120 feet each, situated near the centre of the city, which cost Jili'i last June, but will be sold for £230,011 account of the owner going to Arl/.0 -na. Address CASH, P. O. box 648. nolsti For Sale or Rent. THE CORNER LOT ON MAIN street,oppositePico House; ililxlir>. In qnlreal H. FLEISHMAN'S store. novtnO ForjSiale! 6) CITY LOTS, FIVE MINUTES' aJ walk from the court-house, each 78x260 feet, with bearing Orange and lemon trees, and ditch running through it. Must he seen to be appreciated. Inquire of E. GREENBAITM. at the White House. novtlf FOR SALE. Q O ACRES ON THE SAN ANTO *J Jmtnli) Ranch and tbe San Gabriel River. Il is eight miles from the city and two Irom Los Nietos depot, and a depot Is within one half a mile. The tract is all arable and lias more timber than the place can consume, The water right Is excellent and the bindings and improvements good. Refer to A. C. CHAUN IN, Los Angeles. nol-lmd-2mw _ FOR S ALE. A HOUSE AND LOT SITUATED on Sanscvalne street, a short distance east of the depot. The lot is 200x100 teet, front ing on two streets, with walnut, orange, Fig, Almond and Apricot trees, all bearing fruit. There is also w*er for family use from the Water Company's pipes, and also ditches for Irrigating. Apply at La EsperanzaStore, 108 Main streot. nol2-liu M E RCH A RS7 J. STRELITZ, MERCHANT TAILOR main ST..NKAK WELLS.FARGOA Co Makes the most fashionable style of C tit O *3F H I > O to be obtained In the southern country. Also, a large stock of the Newest and best Cloths Doeskins, Reavers, Fancy Casslmeres. Velvet and Silk Vestings, etc. A tit guaranteed. Refers to the principal gentlemen ofthe city for whom he lias made clothing. No necessity to send to San Francisco for good fitting suits. oc'-'tf-lp I. HAUCH, MERCHANT TAILOR. NO. 6 COMMERCIAL STREET. All the LATEST STYLES received by every steamer, and made up in Rre latest styles and most suitable manner, and on tbe most rea sonable terms. n«.CALL AND EXAMINE these goods, before giving your orders. uoliimlpl Everybody knows the old Man SIGNORET. BANK EXCHANGE BILLIARD SALOON, run by F. SIGNORET. Customers received by the old man himself, who has lieen In attendance since ISi'.i. He welcomes all his old customers and pleases the new ones. Tho REST HARDER SHOP In the city Is with this establishment. Clean towel*, care ful employee* non-1 m WA N TED—TWO OR~ THREE DAY BOARDERS enn be accommo dajed with first-class bourd ut COL PEEL'S. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. N. P. RICHARDSON, pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE—No. 14 Downey's Block, up-stairs. oc2-tf DR. A S. SHORB, j:jOM(EOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. OFFICE—Nearly opposite the Post Office. • RESIDENCE No. Pt Franklin street. ocCT DR. H. 8. ORME, pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE—In Lanfranco's Building, No. "I Main street. Office Hours from 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.,and from 8 to 8 P. M. oc2-tf DR. JOSEPH KURTZ, pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE-In TTelnsch's Block, Commercial and Los Angeles streets. WW Special attention paid to diseases of the EYE AND EAR. ocfrtf DR. J. W. OLIVER, J JOMCKOPATII IST. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE—Spring street, opposite tlio_ Mayor's office. oc2-lptf DR. J. M. JANCSO, OFFICE IN THE U. S. HOTEL BUILDING, opposite the Court House, NO. 100 MAIN STREET, LOS ANGELES. SWT Special attention to Diseases of Children. no2o-1m" D. W. C. FRANKLIN, ME CHANICAL, OPERATIVE AND SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE—BB Spring street, next to Fire En glne House. oc2-tf DR. A. LOEBEL, SURGEON AND CHIROPODIST, Alameda street, opposite the Sisters* School. Corns and bunions extracted with out using knife, files or medicine, and with out causing pain. Cures ingrowing nails, warts, moles, freckles, etc. Treats scientifi cally and successfully all kinds of sores Of longstanding. Charges moderate and satis faction guaranteed. nov7-tf HENRY T. HAZARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE IN TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES, CAL. U3T Special attention given to business In tbe United States Lang Office. oc2-tf J. K. MuCONNELL. \. J. KINO. McCONNELL & KING, A TTORNKYS AT LAW. Downey's Block, Main St., Los Angeles. oclßtf A. BRUNSON, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Okkick-Rooms 23 and 29, Temple's new huUdlng. Los Angeles. colHtf A. UI.ASSKM., ti, H. SMITH. A. H. CIIAI'MAN. U. M. SMITH. GLASSELL. CHAPMAN &SMITH, AT LAW, OFFICE-TEMPLE BLOCK up-stairs, Los Angeles, California. oc2-tf JAMES C. HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW —AND— COURT COMMISSIONER, Downey's Block, Los Angeles. oc2-tf M. WHALING, TTORNEY AT LAAV, OFFh IE- -No. 18 Downey Block Los Angeles. «c2-lm CIIAItI.KS LIKDIiXT. ' .1. S. THO.MP.SON. LINDLEY & THOMPSON, AT LAW, OFFICE—Room Nos. 51 and ,j2, over Tem ple& Workman's Bank. oc2-tf W. U MAHSHAM,. WII.I. U. OOUM>. MARSHALL & COULD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW—OFFICE opposite the Court House. Rooms Nos. IRand I*Temple Block, Los Angeles ("al. Will practice in all the Courts of this State, and attend to business in IT. s. Land Office. .1. H. HATIOS. t, H. IiUA.MAN. BATES & BRAMAN, \ TTORNEY S -IV- AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW OFFICES-Nos. J and 4 ALLEN'S BUILD ING, corner of Spring and Temple streets, Los Angeles, Cal. Practice ln all tbe Na tional and State Courts. Col led lons made, de mands prosecuted and the settlement, of es tates adjusted in all parts of the United States. Special attention paid to the examination of hind titles and to business in the U. S. Land Office. no!2-t f_ LEW. G. CABANIS, NOTARY PUB LIC, CONVEY ancer and tenrcher of Records for this County. OFFICE-No. 41 Temple Block, Los Ange les, California. OCjt-tf ■ V. E. HOWARD & SONS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, i TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. oc2-tf A. A. WILSON, A^ TTORNEY & COUNSELLOR. OFFICE-Room No. 11, Temple Block, Los Angeles, Callfitriila, oc2-tf A. H. JUI>SON. J. W. aIM.ItTTK. JUDSON& GILLETTE, SEARCHERS OF RECORDS AND CONVEYANCERS. TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. oc2-lm C. W. MORGAN, "REAL ESTATE AGENT, Four doors south ofthe Post Office, Temple Block, Los Angeles, < 'alifnruln. rw MONEY TO LOAN. nc2-tf H. M. MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR at law. Office—Room No. 10 Temple Block, Los Angeles. P. ft Hon 406. no7-tf CHAS. E. MILES, HYDRAULIC ENGINEER, LOS ANGELES, CAL. Rkfkks to—Dr. ,l. s. Grlttin.J. (3. Downey, L. H. Titus, Gen. P. Banning, I. W. Hollman, A. Glassell. The introduction of water Into Cities, Towns nnd Ranches a specialty. Contracts taken for making sheet Iron pipes, al my shop, or where desired, on the most favorable terms. noD-lm N. B. WHITFIELD, BROKER, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENT. Particular atten tion paid to the purchase und sale of sheep. Office with J. f. wa rrt fi Co. noS-lpl m R. E. JACKSON, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Main street, a few doors below First. Los Angeles. Contracts for buildings, and all work executed in a satlafaetorv manner, noi-tf FORWARDING & COMMISSION. J. L. WARD & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS --AND-- Manufacturers Agents. .1 AGENTS FOR LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION; UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF SAN FRANCISCO: COMMERCIAL [MARINE! INSURANCE COMPANY, (Combined assets exceed 914,000,000) BABCOCK'S FIRE EXTINGUISHER: BAKER & HAMILTON'S AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY: THE CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON; SWAN BREWERY CO.'S ALE AND PORTER. no'2-lmlp HELLMAN, HAAS & CO FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HAVE FOR SALE THE PUREST GROCERIES, THE BEST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Of tbe choicest Imported lira mis. Paints, Oils, Doors, Sashes, BUNDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. 14 nnd 16 Los Angeles and Commercial Sts., J__t] EOS ANGELES. flm-tp SIMON LEVY. COMMISSION MERCHANT. General dealer In all kinds of COUN TRY PRODUCTIONS, Hides, Grain and Wool. Makes advances on Consignments to all parts of the United States. Nos. 124 and 34 Allso St.. LOS ANGELES. oc.Vly4p BUSINESS CARDS. j7 cTjacksowT Keeps nil kinds of Lumber, Shingles, Laths, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT AND HAIR. CORNER OF Alameda and First Streets. no2-lmlp PERRY, WOOOWffITH L CO, LUMBER YARDS AND PLANING MILLS. NO. 7<l COMMEHCIAL WT. Keep constantly on hand a full assortment of LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, MOt'LDINOS, BLINDS, TURNED AND SAWED WORK. All kinds of mill work done to order. oc2 GRIFFITH, LYNCH & CO. DEALERS IN LUMBER. CORNER FIRST AND ALAMEDA STS. Mill Work of all Kinds, —SIH'II AS DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, ETC., ETC. noiHmlp 11. ('. WII.KV. I). M. HKKKY. WILEY & BERRY, KEAL ESTATE AGENTS —AND— COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 32 MAIN STREET. LOS ANGELES. no7-lmlp LOS ANGELES SODA WORKS, No. IS ALISO STREET. HENRY W. STOLL, Proprietor. Supplies Bar Rooms and prlvnta fami lies with the purest and best SODA AND SARSAPARILLA, Delivered to any part of the city. lno2-lm CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. L. LICHTENBERCER, iSuccessorto RoederA Llehtenherger>, jyjANUFACTURER OF Wagons, Buggies, Carriages, Etc. 143, 14S nnd 147 Main street, Los Angeles, Very respectfully solicits the patronage of the public In bis line of business. All ve hicles built of the BEST MATERIAL. An extensive BLACKHMITH HHOP Is connected with the establishment, where all kinds of Blacksmltbing will be done to order. REPAIRIN« , Done with dispatch, nnd with a view of giving satisfaction to patrons. All Work Warranted. uo7-lmlp PAGE & GRAVEL'S New Carriage Shop. OUR WORK IS UNE-_•_§__£ quulcd by any done on the Pa- 22e=5SB_ citlc Coast. After our excerieuce in the beat shops in the Eastern States, and onr experience on this coaßt, we are enabled to fulfil wbat we ad vertise.. ALL MATERIALS USED ARE THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. Repairs done neatly and with dispatch. WM- All work done here Is warranted. un. I'riccsModerate. Call nnd see. Corner Los Angeles and Requena noi4] streets, Los Angeles, [imip CAMILLE RAYNAL, (OPPOSITE M. KELLER'S) MANUFACTURER AND DEAL ER IN Wauona, Carrineea, Buttifit'H.etc Of all kinds. All work Made of Best Concord Materials, and In the future as reliable as in the past. Orders promptly attended to. vm. All kinds of Repairing done to order, noumlpl Eight Mile House. MRS. DONALDSON, 01* THE Eight Milo House, Cowango Pass, an nounces that she will receive a few gentlemen to board. No pains will be spared to add to their comforts, with facilities for going and coming from the city. 0031-tf MISCELLANEOUS. REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. «»F CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Cash Capital, . 81,000,000 Brandies In all tlie Slate* of the I nloii. HAVING NOW COMPLETED the organization of our Paoifie Branch* We take pleasure ln announcing that our Pa cific Coast Stockholders have elected the fol lowing well-known citizens ns officers of our PACIFIC BRANCH: PrestdenU . * i ILIVER JELDRIDOE.; Vice-Presidents: THOS, A. BALL, WM. R. WHEATON A. L GURNEY Secretary pro tern JAS. T. BOYD Attorney THOS. BROWN Treasurer CHAS. DCRRELL Medical Examiner Executive Committee: OLIVER ELDRIDGEa JOS. A. DONOHOE, JAS. T. BOYD, GEO. W. BEAVER, CHAS. BURRELL. THUS. BELL, E. B. PERIUN. Directors: OLIVER ELDREDGE,LELAND STANFORD GEO. W. BEAVER, THOS. BROWN, N. G. KITTLE; C. CHRISTIANSEN, JOHN F. MILLER, THOS. H. SELBY, JAS. T. BOYD, R. F. MORROW, C. I. BRENHAM, S. F. BUTTERWORTH M. D. SWEENY, GEO. H. WHEATON, I. FRIEDLANDER, WM. BTRLING, A. BLACK, THOS. A. BALL, lOS. A. DONOHOE, WM. R. WHEATON, THOS. BELL, E. B. PERRIN, C. T. RYLANP. WM. L. DICKENSON WM. S. LADD. REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. Was chartered by special act of the Legisla ture of the State of Illinois, and commenced doing business in July, 1.870, making It now Just three years old. Its plan of organi?atlon was to have $5,000,000 Capital Stock, with twenty per cent, paid in,nnd the balance subject to call. With BRANCH ORGANIZA TIONS of stockholders in the leading business centers of the country, composed of the best business men—thus making a Company of Natiouul extent and prestige, and yet a HOME COMPANY AT EACH BBANCH. The Company at this date has policies ln force covering over $25,000,000 of risks, with an annual income of over 01,000,000, ALL ASSETS OF PACIFIC BRANCH IN VESTED ON THIS COAST. Capital Slock of Pacific. Branch, over I 300,000 00 Invested in Mortgages on Real Es tate In California during the last four moot 'tis, over 1(10,000 00 328 Policies issued nt Pacific Branch during same period, insuring 1,242,160 00 Charge* for Insurance 33 per Cent. Lena than Mutual Companies. THK REPUBLIC Does not borrow THE CAPITAL of Policy holders on PROMISES to return the same at some INDEFINITE future period and CALL IT A DIVIDEND. In presenting the claims of THE REPUB LIC to the patronage of the people of this Coast, we shall nt all times aim to be gov erned by sound business considerations, and a due regard for the rights and merits of com peting com pa nles. OFFICE OF THE PACIFIC BR ANCH, NO. 817 CALIFORNIA STREET. Below Sansome Street. EDGAR A. WA. V, with S. H. Slaught. Real Estato Agent. 73 Main street, Los Angeles, LOCAL AQLNT. no2dlmlp . Louis Wartenberg, JjWST EXPAEp AND PASSENOER LINE T O A A All XI Sf. Through in Three Hours and a Half! FAKE AT BEDI'CED MATES. m«.. Leaves Los Angeles daily at 2 P. M. n oS-t f JOSEPH BRESON, SAMPLE ROOMS, OPPOSITE U. H. HOTEL, MAIN ST. Tbe purest WINES, the choicest CIGARS, and tbe best FANCf DRINKS concocted south of San Franclseo. M**Templc Block, next to Wells, Fargo & Company's office. _ no2-lmlp CITY LAUNDRY. NINTH STREET, BETWEEN Grasshopper and Grittin streets, LOS ANGELES. Gentlemen's, HOTEL AND RESTAURANT WASHING done on reasonable terms. PEARL BUTTONS sowed on, and ordinary MENDING done. Wishing called for and de livered, FREE OF CHARGE. •V"Order slate at Broderick'* Book Store. no2-lmlp J. H. O'NF.IL The Napa Gang Plow. TO THE FARMERS OF LOS Angeles County: We call your attention 10 the new IMPROVED GANG PLOW, pa tented by D. A. Manuel, of Napa, and adopted by the Granges of this Slate. The points of superiority are: Lightness of draft, lt being a centre draft; a castor wheel ln the rear, which makes It turn in a space sufficient to accom modate Its length; lt haw a falling pole and can, by sliding, be adjusted to the driver's weight, and removes all pressure from the horses' necks. We only ask farmers to call and examine for themselves. nol HELLMAN, HAAS A 00. National Restaurant /CORNER OF COMMERCIAL V_> and Wilmington streets, Los Angelas. We furnish THE BEST TWENTY-FIVE CENT MEALS of any restaurant ln town. Wholesome food, good cooktua, sad a clean and airy dining room, has maM this naatau rant a nWortte. LCNDNKK Jt BOTYCgKR. nol • m+s* . wtonsA AVtmUt .—St ' NUMBER 52 LINES OF TRAVEL. LOS ANGELES & SAN PEDRO nil HHa RAILROAD. ON AND AFTER NOV. 1, 1873, trains will run m follow*, leaving WILMINGTON—7:4S A. M. and 1 P.M. LOS ANGELES—IO A. iTand 3:4$ P. M. Except on days of steamers' arrival and de parture, when trains will run to connect with steamer. Passengers for San Francisco and San Diego will leave Los Angeles by the 10 A. M. train, connecting at Wilmington with the Compa ny's steamer. mm- First-class passenger cars will run regu larly. No Chars* far Storage ta Merchants la the Cnaatry. JOHN MILN ER, Agent at LeaAageles. ncgtf B. E. REWrrTVßupt, PACIFIC MHIMTEjUMIRF CO. SCHEDt'LE FOB DECEMBBB, M7S. THE STEAMERS ________Mohons« k Orizata__ff__ For Santa Barbara, mmm Pedra, Ana helm leading ami mmm Bletra. Ijtares San Arrives San Leaves San Arrives San Francisco. Pedro. Pedro. Francisco. Dec 1 Dec 3 Dec 6 Dec « Dec Ii Dec 14 Dae. 17 Me lv Dec & Dec 2b Dec a Dec 31 STEAMER MOHONOO, CAPT. 0. H. DOUOLASM. Dec fllDec 81 Dec lllDee 13 Dec 18 Dec .20 Dec .23 Dec.. 35 Dec 301 Jan l|Jan 4|Dec ti RTEAXER ORIZABA, CAPT. H. 7. JOHNSTON. The Mohoogo will alto call at San Simeon and San Luis Obispo, but takes no freight for San Simeon. STEAMER GIPSY, For San Diego and all way porta, carrying OILS, ACIDS, POWDER, etc, not allowed to be carried on passenger steamers, wUI leave San Francisco DECEMBER 30. Freight on OILS, to San Pedro, 50 cents per case. FOR NEW YORK VIA PANAMA. Steamers leave San Francisco December 4th and 20th, and call at San Diego, Matatlan, Manzanillo and Aeapuloo. FOR CHINA AND JAPAN. Steamers leave Ran Franotseo DECEMBER Ist and 16th. Through Bills of Lading signed, and through tickets sold to all ports on the San Diego route to New York. Europe, Mexico and South America, at Ban Francisco tariff rates. PASS/ OE: To New York, cabin _. 1109 To New York, steerage SO To Baa Francisco, cabin „ 15 To San Francisco, steerage 8 Cabin plans at agent's oStoe. For passage apply to H. McLELLAN, nol Agent for Los Angeles County. AGENCY OF THE Hamburg, Bremen and Stetten Mail Steamship Companies. BEING APPOINTED AGENT OP the above Mail Steamship Companies for the Southern Coast, I am prepared to fur nish THROUGH PASSAGE TICKETS by auy of those lines of steamers, To and from Europe, to New York and San Francisco at the lowest rates. Also give MONEY POSTAL ORDERS to all parts oT Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Franca Eugrland, Mwedon, Mnrnay •nd Denmark. Which will be delivered to the receiver free of charge, at their respective houses, in any part of Europe. Also, gives DRAFTS on any part of Europe in sums to suit Collections made In any Part of Europe. For nartlculars, apply to H. FLEISHMAN, Bella Union Store. EDUCATIONAL. LAWLOR INSTITUTE 16S Main Street, Las Ansjalsa. THE SEVENTH~BEMI-ANNUAL Session of this HELKCTDAY SCHOOL.. ln which girls and boys .receive a cseto., practical anocomplkt* English Education, commenced on MONDAY, AUGUST U, 1878. TERMS FEB MONTH t English Studies. Including the ordinary School Branches, and Double-Entry Book-Keeplng and Algebra to OO Primary Geography, Second and Third Readers 4 00 Chart and Primer Classes 3 00 EXT BAH. Latin, Phonetic Short-hand and Geom etry, per month 12 00 Competent Teachers of Drawing, Painting, and the Modern Languages, will be connected with the Institution. For further particulars, apply to the under signed, at the School Building. nosml W. B. LAWLOR. Principal. FRENCH and SPANISH LESSONS IN THE FRENCH and Spanish languages will be given to elasaea or in private, commencing on WEDNESDAY, 4MDTOBBB 1, UTS. TKKMa or tuition: Private lessons 9 1 00 each Twenty lessons „ 15 00 Lessons to any number of pupils over Aye, for one month, three les sons every week, each pupil 2 00 French and spunlabXcnool for children ev ery day (Saturdays excepted) at 4 o'clock P. M. TUITION, per month, S3. For further particulars, Inquire at No. 107 Main street. Translation of Frknch, Span ish and English. F. V. C. vtt MONDRAN. no3-jmlp ST. VINCENT'S COLLEGE, LOS ANGELES. CONDUCTED I*Y THE PRIESTS of tbe Congregation Of the Mission. DEGREES CONFERRED, and the . most complete Education given. No more beauti fully situated spot In the whole of Southern California Apply &*s*jHg£3% * no2-lin President. PELICAN SALOON, Spring Street, opposite the Post Offiet. DAVE MAIN~HAS RETIRED from tbe Judicial contest. In order to de vote his time to more classical pursuits. Floating down the stream of litejalscldty, with bald-headed old GEORGE I)AKIN, they will In conjunction prepare tha tallowing nifty drinks: Tha AlwiliHlWt Tha Fsr—fast, Tha mptnlsnhis Mm, The CHOICEST WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS always on hand. noHm I. B. FMCUSONS QOMMISSION HOUSE ||V *^ti"V««^KJ i \an WfZt? **