Newspaper Page Text
> ItferMY......~.~~rrßFX\ 2, 187 S. For the HERALD. FOUND! U asked not much, hU soul; His heart wm near content; Wise or unwise be pent file «v ttt happy tales thai stoJo The delicate, love-Jealous sense, From his lax hold's denenco. Ah, mercy 'twas!—the light,- His last upon this earth,- A sunbeam 'mid the dearth uf joy, was the delight Of, to him, loving eyes, beloved, As grown into his life and proved. The spell is welded sure; Naught now but perfect thrust; Ne'er now may forked trust Of venomed light his soul endure; His heart is still without a wound; Now ponder wel 11 Hath he not found? What if in coming years, Da I>days and lowering skies, Born of a slow surmise, Had wrapt bin in dry tears * No stuble Are of dear accord, ' l.'Stttatdnjr duty for her lord. How near toe roads,— yet wide a life! How barren, leafless, gray! How drear the marchers stray! How long, oh Lord! gasps man, gasp* wife. In no blest union, hand in hand, Can either with the other stand. Oh I smile and smoothest word Had lacquered o'er their days. Wail ordered hearts in stays, Xa si ighlest Joints afford For conscience, slipshod aim, Or poor lore's awkward claim. ibis missed he. With the light Of love's faith In his heart He bridged death's deepest part, And even lite was bright. He passed with calm content the bound. Mow ponder well t Hath he not found ? .. D. L TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. ABRANQRMICNT -L. A. I S. f. IL R. Arrive— Deport. IMAM. 10 00 A. M. J IS P. X. 3 46 P. M. The above to rule except on days of steam err arrival and departure, when trains will run to connect with steamers. STACK LINKS. Arrive. Depart. Telegraph Stage Line 3:00 p. m. 12:3u p. m. Coast Line Stages 9:00 p. m. 3:0o a. m. San Bernardino Line 5:30 P. M. 6:30 a. m. San Diego Stage Line. 4:00 P. X. 7:30 a. m. FOST-OFFtCE Dl RECTORY. Kan Francisco and Northern—Tele graph Wage Line—Arrive at 3:00 P. M.; close at 11:43 M. Letters intended for registry must be presented before 11 A. M. Coast Line—Stations between San Francisco and Los Angeles, via Santa Barbara-Ar rive at 10:30 P. M.; closes at 9:30 P. M. San Diego Line—San Diego, Anaheim, Galla tin. Caplstraao, etc.—Arrives at 4:00 P. M. closes at 7:00 A. M. Southern ArUona— Tucson, Yuma, Arizona City, and Way Stations—Tri-Weekly riei viee—Arrives Sunday, Wednesday and Fri day at 4P. M.; leaves Monday, Wednesday and Saturday; Mail closes at 7 A. M. Northern Arisona—Preseott, Wiekenberg and Way Stations—Semi-Weekly—Arrives Mon day and Thursday at 5:00 P. M; leaves Tues day and Friday ; mall closes at 9 P. M. San Bernardino and Way Stations—San Ga briel, El Monte, Riverside, etc.; arrives at 5:00 P.;M.: closes at 9:30 P. M. Wilmington and Way Stations—Arrives at »» Jj». M.. closes at 9:39 A. M. Cerro Gordo, Lone Pine and Havilah—Arrives Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 3:00 P. M.: leaves Monday, Wednesday and Satur day; etaeesot 12 M. Dosaeetlc and Foreign Money Order Offlce- Opea from 8:30 A. M. to 4:40 P. M., except on Saturday, when office closes at 3:00 P. M. Office Hours—B:oo A. M. to 7:00 P. M. H. K. W. BENT, P. M. MEETINGS OF SOCIETIES. Los Angeles Lodge No. 42, F.\ * A.'. M.\— Meets Arsi Monday ln each month, at 7% Los' Angeles Chapter, No. 33, BY. A.'. M.\— Second Monday in each month, at 7:30 P. M. Pensalpha Lodge No. 202—Third Monday in each month, at 7:30 P. M. ■ Los Angeles Council No. 11, R.-. & S.-. M.\— Fourth Monday In esch month, at 7:30 P. M. Oo>ur de Leon ComMery No. », X.-. T.\— Stated cone laves third Thursday In each month, 7:30 P. M. ODD-FKLLOWS. Aagellto Lodge No. IS5— Mondays at 7:30 P. M Los Angeles Lodge, No. 35— Wednesdays, at 7:30 P.M. Golden Rule Lodge No. lflO-Fridays, 7:30 P.M South Star Degree Lodge— First and Third Tuesdays, at 7.-30 P. M. Orange Grove Encampment — Second and Fourth Tuesdays, at 7:30 P. M. CHAMPIONS OF THE KEU CROSS. Olive Encampment No. 34—Wednesdays, at 7:80 P. M. noon TEMPLARS. Merrill Lodge No. IDC-Saturdays, 7:30 P. M. Los-Angeles Social Club—Thursdays,B:3o P.M PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. Following is a list of Granges ln Los An geles county: Silver-Los Nletos-J. H. Burke, Ma-tcr; E. R. Wylle, Secretary. Compton-A. Hlgble, Master; J. A. Walker, Secretary. ElMonte-G. C. Glbbs, Master; J. H. Gray, BfN~fsafn»ry Enterprise—Los Angeles —T. C. Alexander, Master; W. T. Heuderson, Secy. Eureka—Bpadra—P. C. Tonner, Master; Jos. Wright, Secretary. Falrvlew—Anaheim—Edward Kvoy, Master; J. D. Taylor, Secretary. FrutUand— TusUn Clty-A. B. Hayward, Mas ter: E. B. Nlcols, Secretary. Los Angeles—T. A. Garey, Master; T. D. Han cock, Secretary. Los Nietos—E. RGrandon, Master; J. E. Mar quis, Secretary. New River—Los Nietos—R. X Guthrie, Mas tar; D. S. Wardlow, Secretary. Orange—Richland—Thomas Brown, Master; J. W. Anderson, Secretary. Aauaa—M. W. Maxy, Master; J. C. Preston, Secretary. Florence— H. Gibson, Master; Wm. Porter. Secretary VUlance--E1 Monte- S. S, Reaves, Master; J. W. Marshall, Secretary. County Deputy—Thos. a. Garey. Local Agent—J. Q. A. Stan lev. DIRECTORY OF OFFICERS. R. X. Wldney, District Judge 17th Judicial District, composed of Lorn Angeles couuty. Court meets la February, May, August and November. mmm* Igaaeio Sepulveda, County Judge. Court Commissioner. J. G. Howard. State Senator, B. D. Wilson. Members of Assembly. Thos. D. Mott and Asa Kills. Sheriff. Wm. R. Rowland; Under Sheriff, Albert D. Johnston; Deputy Sheriff, J. M. Baldwin. County Clerk, A. W. Potts; Deputies, C. W. Gould shd H. H. Mott. District Attorney, C. E. Thorn; Assistant, E. M. Ross. County Treasurer, Thomas E. Rowan. Superintendent of Public Schools. W llllam McPadden. Public Administrator, George Carson. County Surveyor, F. Lecouvrear. County Assessor, D. Botlller. Coroner, Joseph Kurt/,. County jjloardof Supervisors—Chairman, H. Foreman; A. L Bush, F. Palomares, S. B. Osswell. CTTV WFK.ERS. Majror, J. R. Toberman. Marshal, J. R. Wolfe. Treasurer, George R. Boiler. Survejror, WrtUam Moore. Health Officer, Dr. Wise. Engineer, George O, McLain. „ School Trustees- H. D. Barrows, President; George Smith, Wm. H. Workman. Wm. Prld liam.M. Kremer. HOARD OF TRA DF-. President--*. Lasard. Secretary—L w. Lord. Treasurer-S. B. Caswell. Ureetors-Dr. 1,8. Griffin. C. C. Lips. H. W. sMliaaa, J'S. Griffith, P-Baaudry, N. J. New feMWVBB P. M. WANTED —SEVERAL DAY BOARDKHH e*n nnd good acomroo- OftUonaat MRS. BACKM AN-fl, Spring atreet, MU Ftrat. .oo3tf LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. 1 r N i o Ski LIVERY STABLE, Main St.. Near Pico House. ANZAR A CO., - - Prorrietors. First-Class Horses Buggies & Carriages Stuck Boarded on Moderate Torino. DAN. B. NICHOLS Manager. no9-lm-ln L.OH ANGtKLTCiS SALE. FEED & LIVERY STABLE. JH. JONES, PROPRIETOR, • CORNER FIFTH ANDSPRINIi STS. j Grain, Hay and all kinds of Fresh Feed CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ALSO, Large Clean Corrals and Stables, With City Water Throughout. ' *arHORSES, MULES, WAGONS and CAR i RiAUES bought and sold, and Horses and I Carriages to let by Ihe day or week. Teamsters accommodated as usual on thi most liberal terms. no7-lmlp ALISO FEED & SALE STABLE JF. RAMIREZ, PROPRIETOR. • COR. ALAMEDA .V ALISO NTS Adjoining M. Keller'*. GRAIN, HAY Ac FEED always on hand. Horses, Mules, Wagons, etc BARBERS—BATH HOUSES. H. SCHNELLE S BARBER SHOP. NEXT TO GATES & NOYES' ANE under the "Express" office, TEMPLE BLOCK. As he has the best available assistant! to be procured ln the State, Hair Cutting, Shaving and Shampooing Wllirbe performed In the best style of the ton sorial art; no'J-lm GEORGE REINECKE, Barber Saloon & Bath House. HAIR TRIMMING, SHAVING SHAMPOOING, BATHS, Ere. This establishment has just been rcflticd and, after having engaged the best Barbers lr the city, I respectfully solicit custom from al who want work executed in the best style. Makes tlie BATHING BUSINESS a special ty, and has the finest set of Bath Rooms In lh< city, aw Under the Bella Union, nng-lmlp SPANISH AND FRENCH LESSONS. INSTRUCTION IN FRENCH ANE SPANISH will be given to daises tn tin afternoons or evenings, by MISS JOSEPHINE LINDLEY TEIXI: To a class of five or less, per lesson i' 2 W To a class of any number over five, per lesson Jft Of For further particulars, inquire at the offle* of the Los Angeles Hkrai.d, of Lindley 41 Thompson, or at the Pico House. TESTIMONIALS! University of California, > Department ok Lanovaoks. Oakland, July 11. Is7i ) Herewith I certify that Miss Josephine Llnd letr has been a student In my department o: the University for five consecutive terms, viz; from September, 1870, to April 3d, 1872. Duping tills time she studied the French, the Spanish and the German languages, obtaining always the highest marks Uji- proficiency nnd attend ance, her average credit mark for five terms being 97 per cent. On entering the University, Miss Lindley possessed already such knowledge of the French and Spanish idioms as to be able to speak them with ease, flnency, correctness, and a pure pronunciation. She may now be considered thoroughly fa milial with the theory and philosophy, as well as with the application of these two tongues; and she may safely be recommended as a can didate of great promise, for teaching the French and Spanish languages. P. ITODA, Prof. Modern languages. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Josephine Lindley has been declared by tin Faculty entitled to this Certificate of Profi ciency in the departments of Geology and Natural History, (Botany and Physical Geolo gy,) Belles Lettres, (English Literature, Hlsto rjy, Ancient und Modern,) Chemistry, Modern Languages, (French and Spanish.) Henry Durant, President of University; E, S. Carr, Prof. Chemistry; P. Pioda, Modem Languages; Joseph Le Oonte_. Professor of Ge ology and Natural History; William Swinton Professor of Belles Lettres; Martin Kellogg Dean of the Faculty. oc2-tf The Riverside Colony! PERSONS IN SEARCH OF A HEALTHFUL IXiCATION, far from the fogs and damp winds of the coast, should n»t fail to visit the COLONY OF RIVER SIDE. The climate of this location Is The Heat in the SState for Thus* Afflicted with Luna or Bronchial Disease*. Those wishing to engage in tho cultivation of VINES AND SEMI-TROPICAL FRUITS will tlnd here one of tbe Very Best Places in Southern California for that purpose, it being unsurpassed i> CLIMATE, SOIL, AND ABCNDANCROf* WATER. A limited number of INVALIDS will tin. good accommodations for the winter at tin otel and in private families. On and after the first of January, 1874, a Daily Line of Carriages will connect Riverside with the railroad ter minus, so that passengers ;from Los Angeler can reach Riverside within a few hours. J. W. NORTH, j President Southern Cal. Colony Assoclat'n Riverside, Oct. 27, 1873. gdgmgpj Important to Winemakers THE UNDERSIGNED REG TC inform producers of wine that they can place at their disposal a machine, patentee March 11,1873. for Heating Wines, by which means tho taste of newness nnd all acidity Is destroyed, and the wines preserved without future change. The process at onci MAKES IT LIKE A THREE-YEAR OLD WINE, and destroys tho germs of fermentation. •vs. Price, per Gallon. TWO CENTS, -.m M. A. LUQUET 4 CO., Los Angeles. oclStf STO TOURISTS. £ THE CALIFORNIA PLACARE EXCHANGE AND INFORMATION BUREAU FOR THE PACIFIC COAST, SB TO «15 MERCHANT ST., SAN FRANCISCO has made arrangements to have active corre' sponding agents, not only in all the large east crn cities of Near York, Boston, Philadelphia Si. Louis, etc., but in London, Paris, Berlin Vienna, Hamburg, Frankfort, Edinburgh Liverpool, Olasgow, Trieste, Odessa, Mar seilles, and generally throughout Great Brit ain and Continental Europe, Japan, China Calcutta, Madras, Singapore, Auckland, New /.•aland, Melbourne, Sydney and Australia. Every occupier of one or more feet of placard apace will be charged at the rate of One Dollar per Square Foot per Month. The Exchange will be open to the public from R A. R. to 10 P. M. each day. FRED'K MARRIOTT, President. HOARD OF TKPSTEEB AND MANAGING COM MITTER: FRED'K MARRIOTT,! JOS. AUSTIN, JAS. T. WATKINS, | JNO. MELVILLE, ALGERNON SMITH. JNO. MELVILLE. Corresponding Secretary. BKRNARI) LEVY, Accountant and Linguist. oc2K TO J.ET. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH pleasant surroundings, flvn minutes' walk from the post-office. Enquire at north east corner 44a aad Spring sts. novnlwl 3E The Race of Time Keepers. HARPER & DALTON, WHOLESALE AED RETAIL DEALERS IN Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS, COOKING AND HEATING STOVES. HARPER Jk DALTON KEEI* THE LARGEST STOCK IN LOS ANGELES Ol*' THE MOST VARIED GOODS. «j [ '' ' i '■■ Jit *" KVERY KIND OF Rowselaold Fiiriiiture, KitohcMi I^uTiiitiiro, Ajrrionlturnl Imploiiioiits, PLUMBING, ROOFING GAS FITTING AND JOBBING OF ALL KINDS PROMPTLY AND NEATLY EXECUTED AT LOW RATES. Remrmber the Address: HARPER *V DAJ/rOIN. NO. SI MAIN STREET. Downey's Block LOS AN IiKLIS AQECY OF THE HOME MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. BRODRICK & CO. (ADJOINING THK POST-OFFICE, LOS ANGELES), BOOKSELLERS ANO STATIONERS. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT 4 OF Offipe Ntßtioiic»i*y Sc School Books. Miscellaneous Books not in stock promptly Furnished at Publishers' Prices. DEALERS IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND SHEET MUSIC. Agrents lor Stein way Pianos it ml Biirdott Orjfßiis. NEW PUBLICATIONS JUST RECEIVTED, E."H. WORKMAN. WM, H. WORKMAN". { WORKMAN BROS. MANUFACTURERS AND 1 MINiRTERS OF" HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, WHIPS, SARTJI..KRV WARE, Kto. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF Ea<ite«* nml Gcntlenion'H Traveling- Biiitm, Sit I oholn and VnliisoH on ll<tn<l. FINE CARRIAGE, BUGGY, STAGE AND TEAM HARNESS AND SADDLES OF OCR OWN MANUFACTURE, CONSTANTLY ON 11 AND. WE ARE PREPARED TO Ol't'Eß GREAT XJS'm DUCEMENTS TO PURCHASERS. mmT REPAIRING PROMPTLY AND CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO. Conio and see uh at tbe sign of the BIG HORSE, TO MAIN STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. MATTHIAS GRAY, a»3 and M Clay street, San Francisco, nnd 101 First street, Portland, Oregon, AGENT FOR STEINWAY'S BRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS, For the whole J*aolflc Conat. Also Agent for Ihe RURDETT ORGAN, the SHONINGER ORGAN. HAINES PIANO, the Trebleßridge Guild, Church Square, KRANICH dt HACH, ERNEST OAHLEIt and KQXNIBCH UPRIGHT PIANO. aarThe ONLY Music Publishing House on the Pacific Coast. -» BRASS AND STRING INHTRU MENTS, of the rtnest quality and tone Music mailed ou receipt of marked price. HOTELS. United I-OS ANGKLES, Oil. The largest and most commodious Hotel south of San Francisco. r y H E I'M)Kiistr!nKi> Be g a leave ti> inform tlx- traveling public that they have tensed this WELti-KNOWN HO TEL, nnd from ilieir experience can truly say thut hkiikpermanent and transient Ijoaniei* " ill rind n HOME. KOIt HUVATE FAMILIES We hnye suites of Rooms :it moderate prices. The extensive neijunintance we have formed 3-roughout the Mate wtti the VTravellino; < 'oiiiimi nily. is a snOieient giMranfee that tliis House will always be tnpir FAYOHItE RESORT, and we shall endeavor to maintain our reputation by keeping THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS for our tkble, and the CHOICEST yvINES AND LICjUOIIS for our bar.. We have all Spring Beds at this Hotel. tit,. Our terms arc moderate, call aud sec us. an HAM MEL AND DEXKEH. ociltf CLARENDON HOTEL. main street, i.os a\«.i;i.i:v rpHIS FINE AND COMMODIOUS .1 hotel, lormerly known as the "Sella Union," has been enlarged, refitted, painted, and refurnished In the RICHEST STYLE THROUGHOUT. Its Ei.r.GANT si'ITKS OF isooMsiuidampleac commodations oiler special advantages to lo cal its well as to eastern visitors. The Table is not to be Surpassed out of San Francisco, and Is constantly suj> plied with the choicest delicacies. Nothing will l>e left undone to render the house replete with all the luxuries, conveniences and ap pliances or a ITEST.( LASS 110 I EL The Western Union Telegraph oiiices com municate with tne reading room. The Hotel Carriages are constantly at tlie disposal of guests. J. M. STAPLES & CO. W.L. I'stick. Manager. n'oV4tf LAFAYETTE HOTEL. »AY r l^lll-Olljf>*llOllt rpHE PROPRIETOR DESIRES TO A inform the traveling public that this well known house lias been THOROUGHLY RENOVATED AND REBUILT THROUGHOUT, aud now offers accommodations equal If nol superior to any other bouse in Los Angeles, — SINGLE ROOMS, OR ROOMS EN SUITE. The Eating Department w ill be conducted witlt especial care; novltf PICO HOUSE, LOS ANGELES, (LVL. piusT class hotel, FOR TRAVELERS ANT) ToUIUsTS. Centrally Located Frontage on Three Streets. The REST Table, The REST Itooms, .The BEHT Accoiuuiuitiiiious. ocM-lmlp CHAS. KNOWLTON. l'rop'r. iTHE BEST! THE BEST! THK HOWE SE.WINC MACHINE A- H E A D! HIGHEST PREMIUM FOR SEW - INtJ AT THE VIENNA EXPOSITION. Gold Medal and Cross of the Legion of Honor at Paris Exhibition. | The Wilson of Cleveland Received a Medal of Merit Only. OUR NEW IMPROVED MACHINE Stands without a rival, and should Dud Its way into every family. It has reached tbe highest state of perfection of the Hewing Ma chine yet produced, nnd Its sales are constant ly.increaslng throughout she world. 140 Sold in Los Angeles County 13V ONE YEAR. Second hand Machines ;OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Sold Cheap for Cash, and Repaired. Tiik Howk'MaciiinV. Co's BrWIKO Ma chinks have become celebrated the world oxer. ThO work done on these machines is un surpassed—sewing tho thinnest material anil tho heaviest gixals with equal facility, and re quiring no extra adjusting for uneven thick ness or.passlng over seams. The Attachments for Hemming, Felling, braiding. Cording,(Jullt log, Tucking, lilnding and Gathering are ofthe latest Improved pai tesns, nnd are superior to those used on any other machine. The HOWE MACHINES nre the STRONG EST and SIMPLEST, and seldom or never give any trouble lv operating. They are the oldest established In tho world (Mr. Howe being the original Inventor), nnd aie in ad vance of all others in Improvements and per fection of mechanism. 11. CAMPBELL, .Ytjent for Houthern ('alifbriiiti, IS COMMERCIAL ST. oc2i)mi! LOS ANGELES WOOD YARD. ALAMEDA STREET, OPPOSITE Urifllth, Lynch & Co's Lumber Yard, DRY WOOD always on liand, and sold at tho Lowewt Cash Rutos, nnd delivered to any part of the city. FULL MEASUREMENT guaranteed every time. Orders left at tne principal grocery stores, or at the yard : promptly utlendtwl lv. ocltimlpl DOTTER & BRADLEY, srcc Rssons to do-jter & lord,) NO. 86 MAIN STREET, Furniture Dealers, Have a Better Assortment than Ever! AJKW A>l> CHOICE GOODS ('ONSTA N TLY AR RI VINO. Elegant Parlor Furniture made t<> order to suit iasi«> oi purchaser, at San ESASCBeCO I'nicKs, and more durable work guaranteed. Superii Walnut, l.uimd and Mahogany Bed- DOttl suits at remnrkntily low rates. Also, Common Bhd Medium Furniture, of new and novel designs, nt prices to corresi<nnd. •No second hand Ooods handled by lids Mini In any shape. Xo misrepresentation allowed. Fine Spring Mattresses a specialty. < ireatvartety or Wall Paper, Window Shades, Lace and Nottingham ( urtnms, Coiulees, etc., eic. •"tfttslc stands, Piano Stools and Piano ('overs at less than sun hrnnelsco prices. Elaborate Draperies furnished,of any design, drawlnm of which may he seen on application, only House in the city who have a wagon kspkcially >Hlll lor the sale and cnrelul moving ol [furniture. Goods delivered am where wllhln thecllv limits, ki:ki: or th \la. !.. SOI.K AGENTS Hiit ritK NEW AND COMPLETE SI'HSTITITE FOII PLASTERING. Ageins fi»r tlie Improved nnd the NEW l.i a K-SIITITI GROVE R i 15VKT.R SEWING Some ,k\v styles may now lie seen never la-fore introduced. CARPETB, on. cji.otii!*. matting; Rugs, Mats, Etc. WE WILL SELL Carpets, Matting, Oil Cloths, and anything else pertaining to the Trade, At Less Rates than any other parties in this city. A new selection of samples of TAPESTRY AND BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS, FOR THE FAIL TRADE, .11' ST ItECEIVEIi. C7arpo.K, >rfattiiigr. Oil Cloth, Kto., MATCHED AND LAID DOWN. Tapestries Cut and Made to Order. , SIDNEY LACEY, WITH DOTTER & BRADLEY, No. sti Main Street. Sign of the Big Red Rocker, 86 Main Street, Los Angeles. S. NORULITsTGrER, No. 8 Commercial Street. f r/ lit*' GOO*l> OOl.l> GOODS! Gorgeously Grand Gems! Rubies, Emeralds, Sapphires, Garnets, Opals, Onyx, Amethysts, Topaz, Turquoise. A FULL LINE or Gold, Silver and Platina, Swiss, English and American Stop Watches—Stem and Key Winders; BRIDAL SETS, NECKLACES A>l> LOCKETS. RINGS, BREASTPINS, STUDS AND BUTTONS, Gipsy Rings, Wedding Rings, Spectacles, Eye Classes, Single a d Double; EIGHT DAY CLOCKS AND REGULATORS, OF EVERY MAKE & STYLE. Tne Best Display of Elegant Jewellry in Southern California! Hkl?" All known "Jewels set to order, in the Latest Styles. "' H. S.CROCKER & CO. IMPORTING STATION ERS, X PRINTERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS, -10l and lOU HausumcStreet, SAN FRANCISCO. THE MOST COMPLETE Book and Job Printing Establishment ON THE PACIFIC COAST, u-S.- t.frders from the country promptly tilled. Importers and dealers in News, Book and Bill Head Paper, Etc., Htnlionery, 1 think Books. Legal, Letter and Note Paper, Envelopes of every description, Writing and Copying Inks, Copying Press es anil Bonks, Pencils, Pens, Etc.; Etc. AS XI LL AND COMPLKTK AN ASSORT MENT AS KEPT BY ANY lIOt'SE IN THE STATE. 401 & 403 Sansome St., San Francisco. Nos 42 and -14 J street, Sacramento. oc2l-,'lmlp SAM. BERCE, Bill Poster and Distributer. H ANDBILLS, CIRCULARS. Pro- GRAMMES, NOTICES, Etc. lalthlullv I'OSTED OR DISTRIBI TED throUKhout the OSty and country. N. ll.—Parties at a distance can send any thing they wish posted or distributed in tbe city or surrounding country, with assurance that tbe work will be faithfully done. orders may be left ut the office of the Daily IIERAI.n SAM. HERGE, aaf tl Los Angeles. CUCAMONGA WINE. DEPOT AT LOUIS MESMER'S WINE CELLAR, underneath tbe IT. H. Hotel. Wine l.v the Glass, Bottle or Gallon. All kinds of Liquors, Wines and Bitters at wholesale and retail. NOTICE. The public of Los Angeles are hereby notl tied that no other person in I.os Angeles but Louis Mcsiner bus wines from the Cocomongo ranches. J. U HANBEVAIN. no.V2plm Citation. TN THE PROBATE COURT OF X the County of Ix>s Angeles. ln the matter ofthe estate of John Dorn, deceased. The people of the Stale of California to all persons interested in the estate of Job ß born, deceased, greeting: By order of this Court, you are hereby cited and required frt appear before Y. Sepulveda, Judge of this Court, at tbe courtroom thereof, at the courthouse In the county of Los Angeles, on Monday, the Nth day of December, 1873, at 10 o'clock ln the forenoon of said day, then and there to show cause why the report and proceedings ofthe appraisers ln the matter of appraising and measuring tho homestead of Mary Jane Dom should not bo approved, or contest tbe same and flic objections thereto. Witness, the Hon. Y. Sepulveda, Judge of our Probate Court In and for the county of I,os Angele*; with the seal of said Court af llxed, this Joth dny of November, A. D. 1873. Attest: A. W. POTTH, Olerk. By H. li. Mott, Deputy Clerk. S. C. Hrwnm.i., attorney for Mary Jane Dorn. admin Intra trlx. no v 27 W2 For Sale! A(\Cl ACRE S IMPROVED AND aVV unimproved lands of the iluewi quality, :< miles from the court-house. Cheap for cash and no commissions to nay. Apply to J. Q. A. STANLEY, 28 Temple block, ui> stalrs. oc2«f