Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME I. ■SfjlßSfjgaßJßl 1 ... ti Published ev.>,j inornjt%except Monday. by Till: HERALD IMII.VMXG COMPANY. OFFICE Herald Steam lluok and lob frlii liar Manse, Spring street, opposite the Court House. TERMS: Per annum, by mail or express -lo si\ months •• •• 8 Three mouths *• " ' 3 Delivered by carriers, per week 26 cents Advertisements Inserted at liberal rates. PACIFIC COAST ITEMS. The <Vbt of Nevada county is 59"», --240 77. The Yolo Democrat has commenced its seventh volume. Two inches of snow fell ut Kureka, Nevada, on the 24th instant. There are ,"00,000 gcmpe vines grow ing at tlie Old Mission, San Jose. Sacriste, Elliot & Co. have establish ed n branch house at Anaheim. Eugene l ity, Oregon, is having a University built at a cost of $75(008. Two hundred acres with tobacco will be planted this season in Tulare county. The motto of tho Santa Cruz grange is "Go slow and keep In the middle of the road." Alterations are being made in Stage and Express Companies offices at San ta Barbara. Professor John P. .Morgan of New York, is opening a singing school for the Barbarefios. Four specimens of the Calaveras big trees have been set out on the Capitol grounds at Sacramento. Lehigh coal has been discovered in Monterey county, and a company is being formed to work the mine. John C. Grant, a farmer living near Healdsburg, raised this year 18atons of potatoes from 30 acres of land. The Santa Clara Valley Agricul tural Society took in 815,571 12 at its last fair, and the cost wa5#11,649 74. Eureka, Nevada, is rapidly recover ing from its last disastrous'll re. The nev,'Sentinel building was finished last Tuesday. I). Tuttle of Pajuro Valley this year cultivated eighteen acres in beans, and obtained a yield therefrom of 43,976 pounds. Alameda flats are well salted, 18,000 tons of salt having been collected dur ing the past year in the salt marshes of that county. The acoustics of Grace Church, in Sacramento, have been improved by stretching three lines of fine wire, not visible from the floor, across the church beneath the roof. Governor Booth has commissioned the following Notaries Public: L. B. Walthall for Stanislaus county, to re side at Modesto; A. C. Lawrence for Kern county, to reside at Havih-ih. John O. Darron, a distinguished young lawyer from Nevada, (lied in Oakland last Tuesday. He was former ly a law-partner of Judge Hawley, now on the Supreme Bench of Nevada. A party of Plutea in Virginia City, mnle and female, recently took Kssesaioii of the steps in front of the esbyterinn Church and played there on a spirited game of "seven up." It doubtless struck them as a nice, quiet place for a "little game." On the evening of November 26th tho Oakland Baptist Church took final action ln the matter, deposing Par shall from the ministry and instruct ing the clerk of the Church Society to ealLnpotv him for his credentials. San Jose lias 6,762 school children, being the second city in rank in the State. The public schools will take a four weeks vacation lor the holidays. The attendance at the night school is still on tho increase. The number has already reached fifty-four. Recently some rich specimens have been exhibited in Marysville from the Roberts' claim near Forbestown. The prospects of this lode are most nattering. It has been prospected for several thousand feet and holds out richly. In the Crown Point mine, Gold Hill, on the 24th, white Superintendent Sam. Jones and P. J. Langan were de scending in the cage, and were about •tapping off at the 1100 station, they were struck by pieces of rock falling from the 600-level, receiving very se vere gashes in the scalp jrear Stockton, on the night of November 16th, a little boy about 7 years, old, son of John Dorsey, who re sides near the Mokelumne Hill road, was kicked on the chin by a horse and hi* lid badly cut, his chin crushed in ana Several teeth knocked out. The Sonora Independent says: "The water in the lower Phoenix reservoir having all run out, the, frogs and tur tles, on the 13th, formed themselves into groups, and setting up loud cries, started all together for the large reser voir, where there was sufficient to keep!up their existence. The inter vening space between the resivoir was literally covered with these creatures. They were about two days in all ere they reached the desired element." The Memphis Bale of Cotton.— The New York Produce Exchange re- received a bale of cotton from 1|»? Chicago Board of Trade, to be dis ' posed of for the benefit of the Memphis sufferers. Originally this bale of cot ton had been donated by Colonel Reed TayloL of Arkansas, aiid was sold in Memphis for $1,500, the proceeds being devoted to the orphans of Memphis, Subsequently the cotton was shipped to St. Louis and realized $90 more The members ofthe Cincinnati Cham ber of Commerce then purchased it al $2,030 08, sending tlie money to Mem phis ana the cotton to the members ol the Chicago Board of Trade; but af they had a bale of their own to look after for the same benevolent purpose, the original was forwarded to tht New York Produce Exchange and 80t shibWT at $1 each, were soon taken. ' The drawing took place yesterday al oatOAMebt The successful share holder had the option of forwarding the hale as a free will offering to tin Tiflttmi Board ot Trade or of accepting tor it $50 out of the amount sub- Slt^, r tft which case the bale would be sent to Boston In the name of the New York Produce Exchange. Shan y«, held by Mr. Jacob Gies, drew the hale.„ Much to thu surprise of all Mr <ire**A«it»«l.ta munition t.. take tin yp«k Herald, Nov. 18th. Los Angeles Daily Herald. A WISE WORD TO THE GRANGERS. J. B. 0. In the Connecticut Courunt, says something the Grangers will do well to heed: Everybody gives advice to the Pa trons of Husbandry—why should not this column try Its hand? Aud the glat of it is this: Beware of taking big pay for your services. The nation is just now writhing in a mighty strug gle to free itself from big salaries. That is precisely the meaning of tlie turmoil. If the Patrons can do our work better for half price, let them come on. We are ready for such changes. But if their lenders are on ly to make up another ring to secure lucrative positions for themselves, then, speaking for one, yes, for mil lions, I prefer the old set "who Wave already got their gold watches." Bet ter a cloyed and pampered aristocracy, than to be at the mercy of an ever ravenous and hungry rabble. Though In real life doubtless the one evolves the other, nnd the present common sense tends lo abate both. But some one says, "the cost of living has in creased so much since Washington's time—his fifty cents would buy more than my dollar." That's a lie! lean dress better, feed myself better, aud know more, for fifty cents, than Wash ington could for it dollar. Else our genuine civilization would be a mis take and a fraud—as it is not, by a i long chalk. It is a watchful and ex travagant heathenism wherever you find it—not Christian civilization— that costs so much, and demands the duplication of salaries. Heathenism, I said, but wise men in all ages have rejected double pay as a remedy for public ills. It is a mistake to suppose that large pay wins the love, or even the respect of any one, at bottom. Quite the con trary; it is sure to excite jealousy, an imosity and hatred. Once or twice, years ago, I thought—as everybody appeared to—that big pay was a win ning card, and struck for it. It very soon occurred that my services were not needed. That is the way it will end with the Patrons, unless they ad dress themselves unselfishly to hard work, content with small wages. The President's good angel should have told him to refuse the double salary; good sense should have told him that a nation just done fighting with itself, must come out from the scratch poorly enough, no matter how much figures are made to swell its wealth. Big pay has consumed the substance of many a nation, and we half christian ized Yankees are wrestling against it at arm's length, when we should take a close hug with It to our bosoms. Jesus refused emoluments in toto, and the nation is dying for patriotic pub lic men, who will follow his example. —[Cal. Granger. Couldn't Pray.—The Truckee Re publican of October 13th relates this story: A clergyman at the Truckee Hotel has been seriously ill for sev eral days past. A kind-hearted nurse, in the person of an old pioneer of this State—a '49-er—has been patiently waiting on the sick man and minis tering to his physical wants. The nurse was full of sympathy for his charge and determined to leave noth ing undone that he could do to make his patient comfortable. Fearing that the sick man was backward in making known his wants the nurse addressed him as follows: "Ask of me any favor that you want and I willl be delight ed to do it. Don't be afraid to ask." The clergyman faintly responded, "Pray for me." The 49-er stood aghast and replied, "I can whip a grizzly bear, play poker, drink a gal lon of lightning whisky and swear a blue streak, but haven't seen the in side of a church for twenty-five years and can't pray. Don't know where to begin, what to say, who to talk to, nor when to let up. I'll go out on the street and whip the biggest man in town for you—anything but make a prayer!" The minister entertains a high opinion of his nurse and is get ting better. Old Age.—lt appears by the last census that there were in the United States 1,280 men, and 11,236 women over 100 years old. Quite a formidable army of centenarians. The public school reportof Anaheim, for November shows an enrollment of 140 scholars, and an average daily at tendance of 125. The Santa Barbara Press thinks it must be easier for a Sheriff to collect delinquent taxes than for a printer to get cash for his bills. - FARMS! ORCHARD LANDS! THE FINEST MESA LANDS In Los Angeles County. GOOD FACILITIES FOR IRRIGATION! Water Furnished to all Dealrlns; It. p RAIN, CORN AND ALFALFA VT LAND, perfectly adapted to LEMONS, GRANGES. LIMES, ALMONDS, WALNI'TS nnd GRAPES. Ten miles from Los Angeles, same distance from Anaheim. Railroad from Los Angeles to Anaheim passes through tho center of the tract. Well settled neighborhood. Good schools. Widely known and highly appreciated as tho LOS NIETOS TRACT. 5,000 ACRES Offered tbr sale on most lax, arable terms ln tracts. Title, I'nited Htnte* I»ntent. rxuriKt ok McLE A N A HARDY, SSS Mantgouier.v Street, San Franclsea, —on,— Ct. W. MOllti AN, Los Angeles TYi . J. K. ICTTI/rOKf, L.oa Niotoa ko?27iUwaud, LOS ANGELES, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 3, 1873. FOR BALE-TO LET. LAND FOR SALE. LOCATED ABOUT TWO MILES south ofthe Low Nietos Depot. AsplendldOO-ACHE LOT Is offered for gMk sale on the most liberal terms. The loca-SC tlon is very desirable, and the land Is In goou condition." ..... . . Last year it produced a crop of 11,, bushels ol corn tothe acre. Any one who may desire to purchase land lv this locality would do well to inspect this lot and examine this yeitrV crop, which has not been gathered. The sole reason for sacridoing this property is to mcci certain obligations Immediately. TERMS— one-half cash, and the balance in ono or two years. ALSO " \n 80-ACRE TRACT', located on the line ol the railroad going east to Mud Springs, nnd em braced In the San Jose Rancbo. This is a most desirable piece of land, W in a flrst-ratt .AmY condition; under fence, and good water- WM right: on which are growing 10,000 grape vines In a full bearing condition; has a large, commodious DWELLING-HOUSE; all to be sold on easy terms. For particulars, apply to P. C. TONNEK, Spadra.or at ocl6-tl HERALD OFFICE. Farms for Sale! NEAR IV IKXOH DEPOT ACRES—FIRST-CLASS FOR •J corn or fruit, with wood and MM water. Price, *I,*oo. SC QQ l ACRES NEAR THE COL -0 ijihEOK—nctt In cultivation—one mile south of tlie L. N. R. R. SI,HOO. 3 ftJ ACRES ALL IN CULTIVA- O TION — first-class Improved — near Gallatin-one mile South of L. N. R. R. W.fiOO QA ACRES FlltST-CLASS. IN OU cultivation, with tho best artesian well and'reservolr in the county. 1 miles oast of Niotos Depot. sr>,o»o. Apply to oc.iotf J. H. HOLLOW AY, Gallatin, 4B* ACRES ONE MILE EAST Oof Nietos Depot, on the line of the Railroad. Eighty bushels of com per acre was raised on tbe land this year. There Is also a good dwelling house, corn crib, etc. 1 nnn sA^^oFGOODBAR * JL • \J\J\.' leyforsale. Apply to noS J. B. HOLLA WAY, Gallatin. FOR SALE. 4(\ ACRES OF LAND ONE Tirvrmlle south of the city, well Improved, good house und out buildings; good well; 10 acres ln vineyard, mostly foreign; 400 o<-ange trees mostly from three to six years old: HO walnut trees from two to six years old; 30 apple trees, some bearing. Title good; terms easy. Also FORTY ACRES of land IJ-.J miles south ol city, unimproved. Also HOUSE AND LOT corner of Main and Fifth streets. House new. Lot 00x106, Also, THREE LOTS between Fourth and Firth streets, on Olive. Inquire of H. EDWARDS, or J. D. BICKNELL Room No. 39, Temple Block. novl.Vtf FOR SALE. rpHE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA of a very valuable patented Invention. The proprietors hnve perfected their PATENT RIGHTS, and desire tn sell as above. For full informa tion, which Is confidential, address novlOtf i THIS OFFICE. FOR SALE. I HAVE FOR SALE THE FOL lowing articles, necessary ln every house hold: FOUNTAIN PENH, warranted to write three pages with one charge of ink. POLISHED SPRING STEEL NEEDLES, warranted not to cut the thread or break. Linton Needle-Threader and Thread-Cutter. NEEDLE CASKETS, containing a com plete Sewing Out tit. Various other fancy and useful articles. During the coming two weeks, I will call upon the ladles of Los Angeles aud vicinity, when they will have an opportunity to exam ine for themselves. J. A. BELL. nov2swl WANTED. A PURCHASER FOR TWO VAL UABLE LOTS OF LAND, 60x120 feet each, situated near the centre of the city, which cost J323 last June, but will be Mild for $250, on account of the owner going to Arizo na. Address CASH, P. O. box tUK nolStf For Saleor Rent. THE CORNER LOT ON MAIN street-opposlte Pico House; 00x116. In quire at H. FLEISHMAN'S store. noviml* For Sale! 2 CITY LOTS, FIVE MINUTES' walk from the court-house, each 73x260 feet, with bearingorange and lemon trees, and ditch running through It. Must be seen to be appreciated. Inquire of E. GREENBAUM. at tbe White House. novttf FOR SALE. Q Q ACRES ON THE SAN ANTO tJ dminto Ranch and the Han Gabriel River. It Is eight miles from the city and two from Los Nietos depot, and a depot Is within oue balf a mile. The tract Is all arable and has more timber than the place can consume. The water right Is excellent and the buildings and Improvements good. Refer to A. C. CHAUVTN, Los Angeles. nol-lmd-2mw FOR SALE. A HOUSE AND LOT SITUATED on Sansevalne street, a short distance east of the depot. The lot is 200x100 feet, front ing on two streets, with walnut, orange, Fig, Almond and Apricot trees, all bearing fruit. There Is also water for family use from the Water Company's pipes, and also ditches for Irrigating. Apply at La Esperanza Store, 108 Main street. no!2-ln> MERCHANT TAILORS. J. STRELITZ, MERCHANT TAILOR MAIN ST.. NEAR WELLS.FARGO A Co Makes the most fashionable style of O L O T !I I TV O to be obtained in the southern country. Also a large stock ofthe Newest and best Cloths Doeskins, Beavers, Fancy Cassimerea. Velvet and Silk Vesting!, etc. A fit guaranteed. Refers to the principal gentlemen of the city for whom he bus made clothing. No necessity to send to San Francisco for good titling Bulls. oc2tf-4p I. HAUCH, MERCHANT TAILOR. NO. 6 COMMERCIAL STREET. All the LATEST STYLES received by every steamer, and made up ln the latest styles and most suitable manner, and on the most rea sonable terms. at*'ALL AND EXAMINE these goods, before giving your orders. nolSmlpl Everybody knows the old Man SIGNORET. BANK EXCHANGE BILLIARD SALOON, run by F. SIGNORET. Customers received by the old man himself, who has been ln attendance since 18*9. He welcomes all his old customers and pleases the new ones. The BEST BARBER SHOP in the city Is with this establishment. Clean towels, care ful employees. ncvlm WANTED— TWO OR THREE DAY' BOARDERS can be aoeommo 4aoa4 wuh fiist-slaa* beard at CUL, FKKL'M • < ....... v * PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. N. P. RICHARDSON, pHYSICIAN AND SUROEON. OJTICE'-No. It Downey's Rlock, up-atalr.s. oc2-tf DR. A. 8. SHORB, JJOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. OFFICE -Nearly opposite the Post Office. RESIDENCE—NO. 13 Franklin sKvet. oc2-tf DR. H. 8. ORME, pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE—In Lanfrnnco's Building, No. 74 Main street. Office Hours from 10 A. M. to 1 P, M., and from 2to P. M. 'i oc'.'-tf DR. JOSEPH KURTZ, pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE—In Helnseh's Block, Commercial and Los Angeles streets. »TTspecial attention paid to diseases of the EYE AND EAR. . oc ?l ,f _ DR. J. W. OLIVER, JJOMCEOPATHIST. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE—Spring street, opposite the Mayor's Office. oc2-1 ptf DR. J. M. JANCSO, OFFICE IN THE U. S. HOTEL BUILDING, opposite tbe Court House, NO. 100 MAIN STREET, LOS ANGELES. •WSpeclal attention to Diseases of Children. no2o-InV D. W. C. FRANKLIN, MECHANICAL, OPERATIVE AND SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE—3» Spring street, next to Fire En gine Iloiise. oc2-tf DR. A. LOEBEL, qi'RGEON AND CHIROPODIST, Alameda street, opposite tho Sisters' School. Corns and bunions extracted with out using knife, files or medicine, and with ont causing pain. Cures Ingrowing nails, warts, moles, freckle*, etc. Treats scientifi cally and successfully all kinds of sores of long standing. Charges moderate and satis faction guaranteed. nov7-tf HENRY T. HAZARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE IN TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES, CAL. «ar Special attention given to business ln the United States Land Office. oc2-tf J. n. M CONN F. 1.1,. A.J. KING). McCONNELL & KING, ATTOBNEYS AT LAW. Downey's Rlock, Main St., Los Angeles. oclgtf A. BRUNSON, AT LAW. Okfick—Rooms 28 and 29, Temple's new building; Los Angeles. coiSlf A. (ILASSEI.L, t». 11. SMITH. A. B. CHAPMAN. H. M. MMITU. GLASSELL, CHAPMAN &SMITH, A TTORWEYB AT LAW, OFFICE—TEMPLE RLOCK Up-Stairs, Los Angeles. California, oc2-tf JAMES G. HOWARD, AT LAW COURT COMMISSIONER, Downey's Block. Los Angeles. oc2-tf M. WHALING, AT LAW, OFFICE—No. 18Downey Block Los Angeles. oc2-lm CHARLES LINDLEY. J. 8. THOMPSON. LINDLEY & THOMPSON, AT LAW, OFFICE—Room Nos. 5) and 52, over Tem ple & Workman's Bank. oc2-tf W. |k MARSHALL. WILL D. GOULD. MARSHALL & COULD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW—OFFICE opposite the Court House. Rooms Nos. IS and 19 Temple Block, Los Angeles, Cal. Will practice in nil the Courts of t his State, and attend to business in U. s. Land Office. J. B. BATES. J. B. BKAMAN. BATES & BRAMAN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW OFFICES-"Nos. 3 and 4 ALLEN'S BUILD ING, corner of Spring and Temple streets, Los Angeles, Cal. Practice In all the Na tional and State Courts. Collections made, de mands prosecuted and the settlement of es tates adjusted in all parts ofthe United States. Special attention paid to the examination of land titles and to business in the U. S. Land Office. noia-tf LEW. C. CABANIB, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY ancer and Searcher of Records for this County. OFFICE-NO. 44 Temple Block, Los Ange les, California. oc2-tt V. E. HOWARD & SONS, AT LAW, TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. oc2-tf A. A. WILSON, & COUNSELLOR. OFFICE—Room No. 11, Temple Block, Los Angeles, California, oc'2-tf A. U. JUDSON. J. W. GILLJCTTK. JUDSON & GILLETTE, SEARCHERS OF RECORDS AND CONVEYANCERS. TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. oc2-lm ~G. W. MORGAN, JJEAL ESTATE AGENT, Four doars south of the Post Office, Temple Block, Los Angeles, California, a*" MONEY TO LOAN. oc2-tf H. M. MITCHELL. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR at law. Office—Room No. 10 Temple Block, Los Angeles. P. O. Boz 436. no7-tf CH AS. E. MILES, HYDRAULIC ENGINEER, LOS ANGELES, CAL Refkks to—Dr. J. S. Griffin, J. G. Downey, L. H. Titus, Gen. P. Banning, L W. Hellman, A. Glassell. The Introduction of water Into Cities, Towns and Ranches a specialty. Contracts taken for making sheet iron pipes, at my shop, or where desired, on tlie most favorable terms. no3-lm N. B. WHITFIELD, BROKER, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENT. Particular atten tlon paid to tbe purchase and sale of sheep. Office with J. t ■ w»r<t <t Co. noB-lplm_ R. E. JACKSON, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Main street, a few doors below First, i.os Angeles. Contracts for buildings, and all work executed ln a satisfactory manner. 1 aal-ur 7 r FORWARD INQ tj COMMISSION. J. L. WARD & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS -AND- Manufacturers Agents. AGENTS FOR LONDON ASStIfIANCE CORPORATION; UNION INSURAffCE COMPANY Of SAN FRANCISCO; COMMERCIAL [MARINE! INSURANCE COMPANY, (Combined assets exceed 814.000,000) BABCQCK'S FIRE EXTINGUISHER; BAKER 4 HAMILTON'S AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY: THE CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON; SWAN BREWERY CO.'S ALE AND PORTER. no'Mmlp HELLMAN, HAAS & CO. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HAVE FOR SALE THE PUREST GROCERIES, THE BEST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Of the choicest Imported Rrands. Paints, Oils, Doors, Sashes, RLINDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. 14 and 10 Los Angeles and Commercial Sts., nog LOS ANGELES. [lm-Ip SIMON LEVY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. General dealer in all kinds of COUN TRY PRODUCTIONS, Hides, Grain and Wool. Makes advances on Consignments to all parta ofthe United States. Nos. 24 and 34 Al Iso S'„. LOS ANGELES. ocMytp BUSINESS CARDS. J. C. JACKSON Keeps all kinds of Lumber, Shingles, Laths, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, Posts, NliakoN, PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT A INI) HAIR. CORNER OF Alameda and First Streets. nn'J-lmlp PERRY, WOODWORTH &, CO., LUMBER YARDS , AND IT \NING MILLS. NO. TO COMMERCIAL ST. Keep constantly on hand a full assortment of LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS, BLINDS, TURNED AND SAWED WORK. All kinds of mill work done to order. oc2 GRIFFITH, LYNCH & CO. DEALERS IN LUMBER. CORNER FIRST AND ALAMEDA STS. Mill Work of all Kinds. —SUCH AH— DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, ETC., ETC. no2-linlp LOS ANGELES SODA WORKS, No. 13 ALISO STREET. HENRY W. STOLL, Proprietor. Supplies Bar Rooms and private fami lies with the purest and best NODA AND SARSAPARILLA, Delivered to any part of the city. lno2-lm CARRIAGE S^ AND WAGONS. L. LICHTENBERCER, (Successor to Boeder 4 Lichtenberger;, OF Wagons, Buggies, Carriages, Etc. 113, 145 and 147 Main street, Los Angeles, Very respectfully solicits the patronage of the public In his Hue of business. All ve hicles built of the BEST MATERIAL An extensive BLACKSMITH SHOP Is connected with the establishment, where all kinds of Blacksmlthing will be done to order. REPAIRING Done witb dispatch, and with a view of giving satisfaction to patrons. All Work Warranted. no7-lmlp PAGE & GRAVEL'S New Carriage Shop. OUR WORkTIs UNE-gHfe quuled by any done on the Pa- 3S£Stt~ otic Coast. After our excerlence ln the best shops ln the Eastern States, and our experience on this coast, we arc enabled to fulfil what we ad vertise.. ALL MATERIALS I SED ARE THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. Repairs done neatly and with dispatch. imi. All work done here is warranted, us, Prices Moderate. Call and see. <>a Corner Los Angeles and Roquena noltj Streets, Lot Angelet. [imip CAMILLE RAYNAL7 (OPPOSITE M. KELLER'S) MANUFACTURER AND DEAL ER IN Wagons, Carriages, Ituctties, etc Of all kinds. All work Made of Best Concord Materials, and In the future as reliable as in tbe past. Orders promptly attended to. a*. All kinds of Repairing done to order. noi2mipi Eight Mile House. MRS. DONALDSON, OF THE Eight Mile House, Cowango Pass, an nounces that she will receive a few gentlemen to board. No pains will be spared to add to their comfort*., with facilities for going and coming from the city. ocSl-tf F. WILSON. SHAVING SALOON, Next Door to Noy e« A Gala*, AND OPPOSITE THE HERALD Office. Clean Towels kept on band. Gents* clothing cleaned and repaired. Cash •r work paid far east off glothing. Uc2-Ua MISCELLANEOUS. REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF CHICAUO, ILLINOIS. Cash Capital, . 81,000,000 Branches la all tlie Mates of the Union. HAVING NOW COMPLETED the organization of our F»acifie Branch, We take pleasure In announcing that our Pa cific Coast Stockhokb rs have elected the tal lowing well-known citizens as officers of out PACIFIC BRANCH: Pretident: OLIVER .ELDitIDGE. Vice-PrctUlents: THOS. A. BALL, WM. R. WHEATON A. L. GURNEY Secretary pro tern JAS. T. BOYD. Attorney THOS. BROWN Treasurer CHAS. BURRELL Medical Examiner Executive Committee: OLIVER ELDRIDGE, JOS. A. DONOHOE, JAS. T. BOYD. GEO. W. BEAVER, CHAS. BURRELL. THOS. BELL, E. B. PERRIN. Directors: OLIVER ELDREDOE,LELAND STANFORD GEO. W. BEAVER, THOS. BROWN, N. O. KITTLE; C. CHRISTIANSEN, JOHN F. MILLER, THOS. H. BELBY, JAS. T. BOYD, R. F. MORROW, C. L BRENHAM, S. F. BUTTERWORTH M. D. SWEENY, GEO. H. WHEATON, I. FRIEDLANDER, WM. BTRLING, A. BLACK. THOS. A. BALL, lOS. A. DONOHOE, WM. R WHEATON, THOS. BELL. E. B. PERRIN, C. T. RYLAND, WM. L. DICKENSON WM. S. LADD. THE REPUBLIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. Was chartered by special act of the Legisla ture of the State of Illinois, and commenced doing business In July, 11)70, making it now Just three years old. Its plan of organisation was to have 55,000,000 Capital Stock, with twenty per cent, paid ln. and the balance subject to call. With BRANCH ORGANIZA TIONS of stockholders In the leading business centers of the country, composed of the best business men—thus making a Company of National extent and prestige, and yet a HOME COMPANY AT EACH BRANCH. The Company at this date has policies in force covering over $25,000,000 of risks, with an annual Income of over $11,000,000, ALL ASSETS OF PACIFIC BRANCH IN VESTED ON THIS CO AST. Capital Stock of Pnciffc Branch, over # 300,000 00 Invested in Mortgages on Real Es tate in California durtugtho last four months, over 160,000 00 328 Policies Issued at Pacific Branch during same period, Insuring 1,2-12,160 00 Charges for Insurance 33 per Cent. Less than Mutual Companies. THE REPUBLIC Does not borrow THE CAPITAL of Policy holders on PROMISES to return the same at some INDEFINITE future period and CALL IT A DIVIDEND. In presenting the claims of THE REPUB LIC to the patronage of tbe people of this Coast, we shall at all times aim to be gov erned by sound business considerations, and a due regard for tbe rights and merits of com peting companies. OFFICE OF THE PACIFIC BRANCH, NO. 317 CALIFORNIA STREET, Below Sansomo Street, EDGAR A. WAY, with S. H. Slaught. Real Estate Agent. 73 Main street, Los Angeles, LOCAL AGLNT. no2dlmlp Louis Wartenberg, JfAST EXPRESS AND PASSENGER LINE XO ANAHEIM. Through in Three Hours and a Half! FARE AT BEDITLD BATES. us. Leaves Los Angeles dally at 2 P. M. ne,3-tf JOSEPH 3RESON, SAMPLE ROOMS, OPPOSITE U. S. HOTEL, MAIN ST. The purest WINES, the choicest CIGARS, and the best FANCY DRINKS concocted south of San Francisco. Block, next to Wells, Fargo A Company's office. no2-lmlp CITY LAUNDRY, NINTH STREET, BETWEEN Grasshopper and Griffin streets, LOS ANGELES. Gentlemen's, HOTEL AND RESTAURANT WASHING done on reasonable terms. PEARL BUTTONS sewed on, and ordinary MENDING done. Washing cal led for and de livered, FREE OF CHARGE. sar Order slate at Broderick's Book Store. no2-lmlp .T. s. O'NKIt, , The Napa Gang Plow. TO THE FARMERS OF LOS Angeles County: We call your attention io the new IMPROVED GANG PLOW, pa tented by D. A. Manuel, of Napa, and adopted by the Granges of this State. The points of superiority are: Lightness of draft, lt being a centre draft; a castor wheol ln the rear, which makes it turn in a space sufficient to accom modate Its length: it has a failing polo and "■•n, by sliding, be adjusted to the driver's w "iVtt, and removes all pressure from the nor <•*• necks. We only ask farmers to call nd 'xamlne lor themselves. 10l HELLMAN. HAAS A CO. National Restaurant CORNER OF COMMERCIAL and Wilmington streets, Los Angeles. We furnish THE BEST TWENTY-FIVE CENT MEALS of any restaurant tn town. Wholesome food, good cooking, and a clean and airy dining room, has made this restau rant a favorite. LINDNER * BOTTCHER. 88l ' NUMBER 53 LINES p* TRAVEL. LOS ANGELES & SAN PEDRO RAILROAD. ON AND AFTER NQV. 1, 1873, trains wilt run as lollows, leaving WILMINGTON—7:46 A. M. and 1 P. M. LOS ANGELES—IO A. M. and 11:451. M. Except on days of steamers'arrival and de parture, when trains will ma to connect witb steamer. _, „, Passengers for Son Pmneiseo and Pan Diego will leave Los Angeles by the 10 A. ii. train, connecting at Wilmington with the Compa ny's steamer. or First-class passenger cars will run regu larly. Na Charge far Starags *o Mm mouto tm she AsOatry. JOHN MILNER, Ageat at I/O A ngeles. oc?t( F. F. HFWyiT.f npt. PACIFIC MAIIJTEAMUNP CO. SCHEDULE FOB MCMXL IST*. THE STEAMERS & Orizaba^Q^ For Santo Barbara. Moo Poors, Ana helm LauutiiK an«t a«js Diego. Leave Son Arrive Sao Lews Son Arrive Son Frunciaco. Pedro. Pedro. truneitco. Dec I Dec....:.-., f dec i 3ec .... 8 Dee 1! Dec —14 Dee V >cc 11l Dec i Dec- -t Dm .2 jec SI STEAMER MOHONOO, CAPT. 0. H. SOU GLASS. Dec eiDee 8 Dec 11l Dec 15 Dec - .18 Dec 20 Dec 23 Dee... 2f. Dec 30|Jan ."-I Jan 4|Dec 6 STEAMER ORIZABA, CAPT. B. J. JOBN9TON. The Mobongo will also call ol Baa Simeon and San Luis Obispo, but take* po freight for San Simeon. STEAMER OIPSY, For San Diego and all war posts, carrying OILS, ACIDS, POWDER, etc, Dot allowed to be carried on passenger steamers, will leave San Francisco DECEMBER 80. Freight on OILS, to San Pedro, (0 cents per case. FOR NEW YORK VIA PANAMA, Steamers leave San Francisco December 4th and ifflth, and oa! 1 at San Diego, Masatlaa, Maazanillo and Acapulco. FOR CHINA AND JAPAN. Steamers leave San Francisco DECEMBER Ist and 16th. Through Bills of Lading signed, and through ticket* sold to allports on the Son Diego route to New York, Europe, Mexico and South America, at San Francisco tariff rates. PASSAGE: To New York, cabin _„ •100 To New York, steerage SO To San Francisco, cabin In To San Francisco, steerage..... a 8 Cabin plans at agent's office., For passage apply to H. McLELLAN, nol Agent for Los Ananias County. ACCNOY OF THI Hamburg, Bremen and Stetten Mail Steamship Companies. BEING APPOINTED AGENT OF the above Mail Bteomssap Companies tor tbe Southern Coast, I am prepared to fur nish THROUGH PASSAGE TICKETS by any of these lines of steamers. To and from Europe, to New York and San Francisco at tbe lowest rates. Also give MONEY POSTAL ORDERS to all parts of Germany, Nwl tserland, Austria, Franc* England, Nastiest, Nsraay and Doasaara. Which will be delivered to tbe receiver free of charge, at their respective houses, in any part of Europe. Also, gives DRAFTS on any part of Europe in sums tosulL Collections mads tn any Part of Europe. Forjpartleulars, apply to H. FLEISHMAN, Bells Union Store. ocgtf 3p Agent in Los. Angelas. — - - —--■ r :Mna ' '* 1 ■* EDUCATIONAL. LAWLOR INSTTfUTE ICS Main Street, kVos Angeles. THE SEVENTH~BEMI-ANNUAL Session of this SELECT DAY SCHOOL.. in which girls and boys receive a psefttl, PRACTICAL AND COMPLETE English Education, commenced on MONDAY, AUOUST 11, 1873. terms rim ■•NTH I English Studies. Including tbe ordinary School Branches, and Double-Entry Book-Keeping and Algebra $S 00 Primary Geography, Second and Third Readers * 4 00 Chert and Primer Classes 3 00 E XTBA S. Latin, Phonetic Short-hand and Geom etry, per month 13 00 Competent Teachers of Drawing, Painting, and the Modern Languages, will tie connected with tbe Institution. For further particulars, apply to tbe under signed, at the School Building. noSml W. B. LAWLOR. Principal. FRENCH and SPANISH LESSONS IN THE FRENCH and Spanish languages will be given to classes or in private, commencing on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER t, IS7&, terms or tcitiok: Private lessons t 1 00 each Twenty lessons _ ~ _ IS 00 Lessons to any number of pupils over Aye, for one month, three les sons every week, each pupil 3 00 French and Spanlah"Scbooi for children ev ery day iSaturdays excepted) at 4 o'clock P. M. TUITION, per mouth, $3. For further particulars, mqufte at No. 107 Main street. Translation of FWKCM, Span ish and English. F. V. C. on MONDRAN. no3-imlp ST. VINCENT'S COLLEGE, . LOS ANGELKS. CON DUCTED ~BY THE PRIESTS ot tbe Congregation of the Mission. DEGREES CONFERRED, and the most complete Education given. Mo more beautl fully situated spot in the whole of Souther* California. Apply hotter, to no2-lm _fffjpdent. PELICAN SALOON, Spring Street, opposite the J^Qoot. DAVE MAIN HAS RETIRED from the Judicial contest, la order to de vote bis time to more orssstsai pursuits. Floating down tbe stream of Mia a)acidly, with buld-beadcd old GEORGE UAJQrN, they will tn conjunction prepare tor Allowing nlßy drinks: Tho Alasaagooaloot Tho Psroesaroad, Tho S4f snlinhM»ia, The Brio Aronad s»s Osrsss. The CHOICEST WINES, LltMrCjfiß AND CIO ARS always an hand. ' OoS-lm qmmVslm^^ aotsha -