Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME I. §£o$ JkunrUs Jitnild. ■ _ Is Published eveiy morning except Moudny, TUX 11 UH A LJ) I'HI M I\U COMPANY, OFFICE - Herald Nieani Book and Job Frlutlug llorun. Spring street, opposite tbe Court House. TERMS: Per annum, by mall or express $10 Six months '• " (1 Three months " " • 3 Delivered by carriers, per week 38 cents Advertisements inserted at liberal rates. THE LUTE WITH THE BROKEN STRING. I took the lute I bad prized so much, —"In my day of pride, in my day of power, And wiped the dust with a tender touch, Aud wreathed it gaily with ribbon and dower And the tears from my heart were falling fast For the bloom that had faded, the fragrance fled, As I thought of ihn hand that had wreathed lt last, The hand of my darling now cold and dead: And I put it away with a passionate fling— And something was broken—a henrt or a string. And again I essayed, when the tears/had dried, And the tumult of sobs In my bosom was still, To touch it once mote with the olden pride, That the hearts that yetlove me might hear lt and thrill; But a soft low note, with Its melting power. A lone of deep pathos had trembled and gone; And my hopes died out In that silent hour, And left me ln darkness and sorrow alone. What wonder, beloved, that I cannot sing A song ofthe heart with a broken string! What worth Is the lute when Its music Is fied? What worth Is the strain when its alto is lost? What worth Is tho heart with Its tenderness shed, And all its warm feelings laid waste by the frost? Rut love cannot Ale. There is comfort In this, That love Is eternal, though passion con trols. And what, then, Is Heaven, with its glory and bliss, But the union of hearts and communion of souls— When saints shall be minstrels, und angels shall slug, And lutes shall have never a broken string? GONE BEFORE. When first we met, it was not in the capacity of teacher and pupil, but as two strangers who did not know that we were ever to occupy that relation. She first showed me her flowers, and told me the care and labor she be stowed upon them; next her shells claimed our attention, and,ere we were aware, the evening glided away. Thus the time passed at our first meeting. So fully did she interest herself in my pleasure, and her conduct was so kind and amiable, that I could not refrain from feeling, you have at least won my undivided friendship. Soon after nhe became a pupil of our school, and while we were thus associated, the study of her character was ever an in creasing delight, for through it was reflected the well directed teachings of her kind and loving parents. Many pleasing glimpses of these kind pa rents have-, through her character, been brought clearly to view. I re member her composition, the last she wrote—theme, "Rabbits"—not because it was deep or profound in thought,but because there was so much of woman's pure nature in it. It was permeated by veins of affection not found in every composition. It is a pleasing sight to see the children an they go from school, dancing, skipping, shouting, in great Jflee toward their homes. Rut how diff erently we view the matter when they go to a home far better than their earthly, though they go in a way ten fold more lovely. To the teacher it is a pleasing sight to see his pupils as they scramble up the hillocks to their summits, and, then, one after another, disappear until the last little head nods down out of sight. Who could refrain from exclaiming God bless you, as the last little head vanished? So over the hillocks of little troubles, one of our number has vanished, not to reappear on the opposite hill, but has gone down into the valley of death trom which she will not return to us in this life, nor shall we see her again, until God shall say "it is enough, come up higher." In her removal society has lost an excellent member, the school a good and faithful pupil, her playmates a dear friend and class mate, and, Oh! my God! what shall I •ay the parents have lost? They have lost her company for a short time, but they have gained great strength in the link that binds them to the glorious future. They have lost that smile which waa a "daily blessing to see," as it played upon her countenance. They have'lost the sound of her well accustomed voice, yet that still small voice they may ever hear as it directs them onward and upward. Her chair is vacant, for she has taken a higher seat. Her "earthly house" she has vacated for a "mansion not built with hands eternal in the heavens." When I think how gently her life ebbed away, and how Quietly she sank into the arms of our Father, I can but say it is sweet thus to give back the spirit. When she was well nigh the end of her earthly pilgrim age, her little brother George came to her bedside, and after taking his ac customed seat, whispered to nis papa. His father answering, said: "Lillie is going to sleep." The little fellow kissed her then, not one time but many, and soon she was asleep. Her death reminded me of my brother's last words, which were: "I hear the angels singing," for so softly did she depart, that I thought she, too, the angels had sung to sleep. "No sleep so beautiful and calm, so free from trace of pain, so fair to look upon." Truly, "she seemed a creature fresh from the hand of God, and waiting for the breath of life; not one who had lived, and suffered death." Yet, when Hooked into that carta, sweet face, which was a perfect picture of un marred repose, and thought how lonely one home would be without it, I said to myself, a great many times, "it is too bad." O God, forgive me ! for lt is but say I ng.thou doest not all things well. I did not attempt to console the parents; I could not, in fact; I believe that there are feelings that words will not express, bat and expression in the bitterest agony. Whether this Is true with reference to the loss of a child, parents inny answer that it is with regard to a father, or "Heaven's lust gift, a mother." I feel safe in say ing, If I may judge from my own ex perience, there are times when words are empty and useless. Then it is a sin to use them. At her death was such a time to me. To me, it was only an appropriate occasion to weep. "Think M'hat earth is, compared with the world to which her young spirit has winged its flight, and say, if one de liberate wish, expressed in solemn tones above this bed, could call her back to life.which of us would utter it?" Though we must answer no one, still we ask to be left alone to weep. Why should we weep? though we see an empty chair, a vacant desk, idle books, a little class shattered, the gloom of death spread over the countenances of her schoolmates, and last and most of all, a little family all sad and sor rowing. Is there no hope? This is too sad; we could not bear it, parents and pupils, if it were not for our hope which reaches beyond the grave. However in view of this hope, we ought rat her to rejoice that one fair deathless flower, just budding into womanhood, should nave been transplanted to bloom in a fairer clime, surrounded by spir its more congenial, and, hence, better suited to her pure wants while growing to a woman perfected. Then let uh draw aside the curtains of grief, throw open the shutters and wholly unshroud and raise high the windows of the soul , that the sunlight of Heaven may shine in, and cause what is good within us to spring forth and clotho the hid den man of the heart, with the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. Owing to the fact that we shall soon follow, let us be up and doing," that our work may be done, and well done, our treasure safely stored beyond the ravages of moth, rust or thieves, ere we are gathered into the city of the dead, While looking through tears of sorrow, we bid our little friend and pupil, Lillie May Nichols, farewell. We believe we shall see her through tears of joy, when it is said to us, "well done." We shall try not to sorrow longer, be lieving she has only gone before, but will instead ask that each, For the Herald. So live, that when thy summons comes to Join The innumerable caravan, which moves To that palo realms of shade, where each shall take His chamber in the silent halls of death, Thou go not, like the quarry-slave at night, Scourged to his dungeon, but, sustained and soothed, By an unflattering trust, approach thy grave, Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams. F. M. RIOHTKR. We heartily endorse the foregoing article, written by our teacher; for it is not less expressive of his feelings with regard to the death of our school mate, than of ours, hence, we ask that it be published as a tribute of respect to her. Pupils. La Dow District, Los Angeles Co., Cal., Nov. 27th, 1873. FARMS! ORCHARD LANDS! THE FINEST MESA LANDS In Lob Angeles County. GOOD FACILITIES FOR IRRIGATION! Water raralshed to all Desiring It. GRAIN, CORN AND ALFALFA LAND, perfectly adapted to LEMONS, GRANGES.LIMES, ALMONDS, WALNUTS and GRAPES. Ten miles from Los Angeles, same distance from Anaheim. Railroad from Los Angeles to Anaheim passes through the center of the tract. Well settled neighborhood. Good schools. Widely known and highly appreciated as tho LOS NIETOS TRACT. — 0,000 ACREB Offered for sale on most favorable terms In tracts. United Pttatea Potent. IJJQUIBB OF MCLEAN A HARDY, SOS Moatgamery Street, Son FranHseo, • ' -08,-— ~j GL W. MORGAN, L,oa Angeles T>v. J. K. FULTON, LosNieto. aov27daw3m Citation. IN THE PROBATE COURT OF the County of Los Angeles. In tbe matter of tbe estate of John Dorn, deceased. ' The people of the State of California to all Sersons Interested In the estate of John Dorn, eceased, greeting: By order of this Court, you are hereby cited and required to appear before Y. Sepulveda, Judge of this Court, at the courtroom thereof, at the courthouse In the county of Los Angelos, on Monday, the Bth day of December, 1873, at 10 o'clock tn the forenoon of said day, then and thereto show cause why the report and proceedings of thn appraisers in tbe mattor of appraising and measuring tbe homestead of Mary Jane Dorn should not be approved, or contest tbe same and file objections thereto. Witness, the Hon. Y. Sepulveda, Judge of our Probate Court in and for the county of Los Angeles, with the seal of said Court af fixed, this 26th day of November, A. D. 18T3. Attest: A. W. POTTS, Clerk. By S. H. Mow, Deputy Clerk. S. C. Hcbbbll, attorney for Mary Jane Dorn. administratrix. bov2tw2 Notice for Publication of Time for Proving Will, Etc. IN THE PROBATE COURT STATE of California. County of Los Angeles.— In the matter of the estate of David H. Dur rell, deceased. Pursuant to an'order of this Court made this day, notice la hereby given that MONDAY, the 16th day of DECEMBER, A. D-1873, at 10 o.elock a. m. of said day, at the court room of this court, In said county of Los Angeles, has been appointed for hearing the application of Elisabeth Durrell, praying that a document now on file ln this court, pur porting to be the last will and testament of Daniel M. Durrell, deceased, be admitted to probata, and that letters testamentary be Is sued thereon to Elisabeth Durrell, at which time and place all persons interested therein may appear and contest the name. December 8,1878. A. W. POTTS. Clerk. ByS. H. MOTT, Deputy. 8. C. HrsiiM. Attoraey for Petitioner. dot-UN 1 a T,v v< * ». Los Angeles Daily Herald. LOS ANGELES, SUNDAY/ MORNING, DECEMBER 7, 1873. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. N. P. RICHARDSON, pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE—No. M Downey's Block, up-stalrs. oc2-tf DR. A. 8. SHORB, JJOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. OFFICE— Nearly opposite the Post Office. RESIDENCE—No. 13 Franklin street. . oc2-tf DR. H. 8. ORME, pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE—In Lanfranco's Building, No. 74 Main street. Offlee Hours from 10 A. M. to l p. M., and from 2 to 3 P. M. oc2-tf DR. JOSEPH KURTZ, pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE—In Helnsch's Block, Commercial and I.os Augele* streets. .<0 r _______ tar Special attention paid to diseases of the EYE AND EAR. VOhXt DR. J. W. OLIVER, JJOMOSOPATHIST. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE—Spring street, oppsslte the Mayor's Office. oc2-ljptf DR. J. M. JANCSO, OFFICE IN THE U. S. HOTEL BUILDING, opposite the Court House, NO. 100 MAIN STREET, LOS ANGELES. •WSpeclal attention to Diseases of Children. no2o-lm» D. W. C. FRANKLIN, MECHANICAL, OPERATIVE AND SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE—39 Spring street, next to Fire En glne House. oc2-tf California Loan & Brokers Offfce. E. CREENBAUM, A* Hellman Block, Los Angeles Street. Cash advanced on collaterals and merchan dise. Greenbacks, gold and silver bought and sold. All kinds of produce bought and sold, or cash advanced on commission, dct-tf HENRY T. HAZARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE IN TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES, CAL. tftr Special attention given to business ln the United Statps Land Office. oc2-tf 1. B. MiCONXELL. A. J. KINO. McCONNELL A KING, AT LAW. Downey's Block, Main St., Loa Angeles. oclStf A. BRUNSON, AT LAW. OrricK—Rooms 28 and 29, Temple's new building, Los Angeles. co!Btf A. OLASSKLL, O. H. SMITH. A. B. CHAPMAN. H. M. SMITH. GLASSELL, CHAPMAN &SMITH, AT LAW, OFFICE—TEMPLE BLOCK up-stalrs, Los Angeles, California. oc2-tf JAMES C. HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW —AND — COURT COMMISSIONER, Downey's Block, Los Angeles. oc2-tf M. WHALING, AT LAW, OFFICE—No. 18 Downey Block Los Angele*. ocil-lm CHAHLBS LINDLBY. J. 8. THOMPSON. LINDLEY A THOMPSON, A TTOR'NEYS AT LAW, OFFICE—Room Nos. 61 and 62, over Tem ple A Workman's Bank. oe>tf W. L. MARSHALL. WILL D. QOULD. MARSHALL * GOULD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW-OFFICE opposite the Court House. Rooms Nos. IS and It Temple Block, Los Angeles, Cal. Will practice ln all the Courts of this State, and attend to business ln U. S. Land Office. LEW. C. CABANIB, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY ancor and Searcher of Records for this County. OFFICE—No. 44 Temple Block, Los Ange les, California. oc2-tf V. E. HOWARD A SONB, AT LAW, TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. oc2-tf A. A. WILSON, & COUNSELLOR, OFFICE—Room No. 11, Temple Block, Los Angeles, California. oc2-tf A. H. JUDSON. J. W. GILLETTE. JUDSON A GILLETTE, SEARCHERS OF RECORDS AND CONVEYANCERS. TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. oe2-lm C. W. MORGAN, JJEAL ESTATE AGENT, Four doors south ofthe Post Office, Temple Block, Los Angeles. California. mm- money to Loan. ort-tf H. M. MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR at law. Office—Room No. 10 Temple Block, Los Angeles. P. O. Bos 456. not-tf N. B. WHITFIELD, BROKER, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENT. Particular atten tion paid to the purchase and sale of sheep. Office with J. l . Ward A Co. no»-lplm R. E. JACKSON, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Main street, a few doors below First. Los Angeles. Contracts for buildings, and all work executed ln a satisfactory manner, nol-tf EASTERN AND CALIFORNIA OYSTERS- FRESH BY EVERY steamer, will be served up In every style, at the orner of COMMERCIAL AND LOS ANGELES BTB., By '"JAKE" BAER, (formerly with H. Dockweller) and CHAS. WALDBN. ML GIVE THEM A CALL. ocil-lm NEW YORK BREWERY, QHRIS. HENNE, PROPRIETOR. The CLEAREST, PUREST and MOST BRIL LIANL LAGER BEER South of San Francisco. Orders for DRAUGHT or BOTTLED BEER promptly attended to. Tbe celebrated Bear from this Brewery de fies competition ln tha State. oe*-2u> lp MISCELLANEOUS. FORWARDING it COMMISSION. MISCELLANEOUS. , LINES OF TRAVEL. SPANISH AND FRENCH J - "-• WARD & CO. " ~7 108 mßm * W * W r.ESSSOTVS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS LIFE INSURANCE CO. >ÜBN9H or CBUCASO, IIjILILICC>UrVIJ*. TNSTRUCTION IN FRENCH AND -and- 3 SPANISH will bo given to classes lv the Cllh Capital, • 9 I ,000-000 afternoons or evening., by Miinuf»«>tur»ir« AffAlttft AN AHD AFT|R MOV. 1, ISH, Mifig lAeroumc imm rv WianUTaCXUror» AgetlT.B. \J trtilnt win run a* feUowa, leaving mi»» gUStFMint LinULtT B*-»*fceam aU tn* atatoaof tb*Hataa. JvJLMINaTON-T:4»A.M.nndIP.M. LOS ANOBT r« ■ 10 A. M. and tsMt P. M. TKBUi aobbtb fob Ixctpt on day. of it*am*r»' arrtvsj sad d*- To « class of Aye or less, per lesson 82 00 , mm. inmil K cmsmitim . ww » xtt-kti -w txr rnwDi r rrrn pnrture, when trains Will TUB to connect with To a class of any number over Aye, per UfflWl AuVRAICE CBIPImATIQI, TTAVLNG NO W COMPLETED steamer. , - lesson * .T.....1500 AX the oi ganUaUon of our Passengers for San Francisco and Ban Diego For further particulars, Inquire attheofflce IMIM MSMUKE COIPAIT If SAN fIUROSCt; will leave Los Angeles by the 10 A. M. train, of the Los ANOKLga HKBALD, of Lindley & TT „ .-.V. eono*ettag at Wilmington with the Compa- Thompsou, or at the Pico Bouse. COMMERCIAL [MARIE] lISURAICE COIPAIT, A*»C»itlC» JWr»Il.CJri, __. (Combined assets exceed «14,ooo,»0«) . . , . •hi. . tariv paaseager oars wiu ran regu- TinaTiMnMlAT.Ht ' We take pleasure in announcing that our Pa- _ „ 1~~ 7 . titUtt'l FIRF HTIiBUKHFI- cilc Coast Stockholders hsve elected the toU Wa Cmsurgefssr gt—age 9m Mereßflß tv University or California, ) BABWCIJ FIX EITIKUBMER, lowing well-known eitlaens as officers of our tao OanasMg. Dkpart^bn^ofLa^svtj I m% , HAa|LTOr) AJuttCULTIHIAL MAWKIT; PAcrflC "RANCH: JOHN MILNER, AgeatatLosAnfejes. Herewith I certify that Miss Josephine Llnd- -_ „, _~__ _~„ Pttttdmt: 22H FJ. MFJWITT, wapi. 1. "has been a student ln my department ol TNE CELEMATEB Mil WAEOI; OLIVER IELDRIDGE. ..... ~—. ...... «. IWAIIKWEIY tO.'l ALE All PMTII. _ PACIFIC MAIL STUMSHIP CO, this time she studied the French, the Spanish no2-]mlp ... and the German laaguagostobtaining always ■ " Vlce-Prmtdtnbf aßidwaa mmm SS»*' fe HELLMAN, HAAS & CO. ,AU ' *™ TT^T On entering the University, Miss Lmdley FOTtWAnmiVn ' c W possessed already such knowledge of the r UK W AKUIWOr ni'RKFY Reervtarv am tern BS-I ». —A- ana AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. miliar with the theory and philosophy, as well __ * „ , T_ " ~ ~ as with the application of these two tongues; THE PUREST GROCERIES, *" *faa Am and she may safely be recommended as a can- tuit mraT nnrwrTomva ■ /rtmetseo. Adro. /bore. . /T tm4 *' < * - ~ didate of great promise, for teaching the THE BEST PROVISIONS, PLDMDOK JOSA DONOHOE £?5 , gee 8 Dec 6 Dec i French and Hpanlih languages. LIfJUOrS ClffSrl and TAhlfinA JAS T »)Yfl ' fIKO W mAVIf R**i 1 R?«U R?SH R« i» P. PIODA, Pror. Modern Languages. «-»qUOr», MO TODBCCO JAS 2 r THOft BKLL °* c * » « Of the choicest Imported Brands. CHAS. BELL, stbameb moboboo, CAPT. a. H. ooDOLAaa. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Paintfi Ol Ift DOAPS Ssshftft Deo olDec SlDee. 11l Dec... U Josephine Lindley has been declared by the rdllllb, WIIS, UUUTS, OISnCS, r> c 18 Dec Dec J8 Dec! » Faculty entitled to this Certlfloate of Profl- BLINDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Dee .So|Jan l(Jan 4 Dee • clency ln the departments of Geology and iHnrJm- __ _ . SrJ B?lle? Letups' <rX 1 M * nd M *** AnselM " d Commercial SU., OLIVER STANFORD OBIBABA, C AFT, a. J. JOHBSTOB. Pyl A^^nffiia.^n."n'Sry L' OS ANQELES. Qm-_tp_ GEO. W BEAVER. The MohonR wl „ call St Saa ««eo. ! liTr%^rnt n Clia/\BJ I trY/V JOHN X F IT MILLER, »n«*nL^W.ta»tt*kMnofr.l f htaw n ,7 %™Sp wi™ SIMON LEVY. JAS. T. BOYD, R. F. MORROW. San Simeon. rs. tnrr, i ror. (.nemistry; I. i'loda, Modern .. w. ■« w mm un vwi-r a m v p ri t ttv.r wnPTII L " , pOMMISSION MERCHANT. M-Wween?.' oeo B h"wh-Taton, STEAMER OIP»Y. & M r of ftlTi lS O General dealer ln all kinds of COUN- I. FMEDLANDER. WM.BTRLING MafUn TRY PRODUCTIONS, s?^?^^^ LA CRONIC A HldeB » CrBln aild WOOL C. *?*RYLAJ?D, WM I L DICKENSON Wr%VlllW*l| Makes advances on Consignments to all WM. 8. LADD. Freight on OUJ3, to San Psdro, CO cents per Pttdt Ti2TTT?n t)v i? f frrntiAT t parts of the United States. Nos, 24 and 84 case. TJBLISHED BY E. F. TEODOLI. AlisoSt.. LOS ANGELES. oeWytp FOE NEW YORK VIA PANAMA. ____Steamers leave San Francisco Deeecnhar * M,wl <MBaBBaBsBBBBaBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa» THE 4th and 30tb, and call atSMt Diego, Masatlan, The only Spanish Newspaper business cards. REPUBLIC LIFE! P*SU Mp^^O. -^"^SfA'SipjAFAK. ■nm unij opctnisn nowapopm - Was chartered by special act of tbe Legtohv Steamers leave San Francisco DECEMBER IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. _ _ _ _ ture of the SUte of IlllnoU, and commenced Ist and 18th. J O JACKSON dolna business in July, 1870, making it now Through BU la toeoagh Published every Wednesday and Saturday U " «IX<»\# t)»ree year. old. Its plan of organltetion UekeU.sold to alLporU ooTKianTlew^C mornings. Orhce ln Temple's New Block, was to have J?~ *° Ut * Spring street, opposite ths Court-house. Keeps all kinds of ff1.000.000 Capital Steek. * PASSACW?* I * ........ . ». To Haw Teek, cabin „ 8108 It has a laige emulation ln the State of Cal- I nmflOP Qhinrfloe lat 116 twenty jn«r oent. paid ln.andthe balMC* To New York, steerage 80 Ifornla, the Eastern Stutes, Loul.iana, Mexico. LU 111061% OllinQlcS, LalllS, subject to call. With BRANCH ORGAN IZ A- To Han Fraoclsco, cabin U and Arizona and Colorado Territories, Central ** ' TIONB of stockholders in the leading business To Ban Francisco, steerage _,_ g and South America, and Spain. _ „ centers of the coantry, composed of the best Cabin plans at agent's offlee. For jas sage DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, busineti. msn-thu. making a Company of apply to H. McLEIXAiJT^ it, d'Onioa" National exUnt and prestige, and yet a nol Agent fcr Loa Angelas County. commends Itself to the Advertisers who may X> raeag-ga (Bh nlr Att HOJME COMPANT AT EACH bTMANCH. wish to bring their huslness before tbe Span- -* uw,l,B t CTUtturm, leuflV AY TUB? ish-spcaking people and numerous population Tbe Company at this data has poMeles In AOERCT gr THBI of different nationalities, on the Pacific Coast. ttrrrpt* ft a■ ra Kwee eoyering over of risk*, with an v . n . c . „ AdvertUlog Rates Very Roaaonable. PLASTER PARIS, annnal laeoms of over HlfflDUfg, WSIMII tM StOtSM Subscriptions—One Year, 18; Six Months gas ftOO.OOO. >a_ri r»x- »«_ > .. «3 50; Three oc2U4p_ cement and hair. Mail Steamship Companies. i *kg-i rtrkrk all assets of pacific branch m- 100,000 vested on this coast. TOEING APPOINTED AGENT OF CORNER OF CaplUl Stock of Paciffc Branch She Southern ilS'allsaa^m*^ REDWOOD SHAKES. Alameda .nd Pint S*~nw >SHB^i mS^H^* 6^ no2-lralp four months, over _ . _ JI'ST RECEIVED 328 Policies issued at Pacific Branch Tn And frOITI ClirODH. DCRRY U/nnnU/ARTU il PR during same period, insuring 00 s w aasiM wits BaMiW|#«| rCnnii flUUUnUnin OL UUi, ° to New York and San Fraaatsco at the lowes* KiPiCHOONER < OKA. YYA n g ' Charge, far gg par Coat. Al»oglve MONEY^POWJLL OBTJIBS I t nix\E*K l Anus Leaa than Motoal Cooapojitoa. to all parts of ±J AND PLANING MILLS. mmmumt PBBSBSB - - — And for sale at NO. TO COMMERCI AL ST. a^l, Jt^i^l"fi t A^^ m ;/ WUm9 * Keep constantly on hand a rail assortment THE REPUBLIC mm * J. C. Jackaon V 8 £ f ,V^ BE J^vJ^^i^ B^^^U^ Does not borrow THE CAPITAL of Policy. Which will be delivered to then id >at flea of ». Ui dataowil O BLINDS, TURNED AND SAWED WORK. hoWtri on PROMISES to return tbe same it charge, at their respective hoases, in any part All kinds of mill work done to order. oc2 M mc INDEFINITE future period and CALL of Europe. « EEMBKE TAMO, npirCITU I VMPU st Pfl Ph. claim, of THE RE PUB- in^Wuf?^ 0 " Unlrrlln, LTraUn « till. Lie V. th* patronage of tbe people of this LOS ANGELES DEALERS IN LUMBER. 08HkHrt.on. any P.rt of DRUGSTORE CORNER FIRSTAND ALAMEDA STS. "^T LAFAYETTE BLOCK. Mill WOrk Of dll KilldS, <>t j^MrfliAy^Ußl^B^^^ DR. li. TERRY'S etc etc oPncß OF THE PACIFIC BRANCH, LJMBBHSS——■» NEW STORE AND NEW DRUOS. UUUIB| , 10. W CALIFORNIA BTBBET, iiMifliTiftltil MEDICINES, BelowSanaome Street. EDUCATIONAL. c toii% A alticies LOS ANGELES SODA WORKS, »f w ° M A i?„fr.^ Y L - W I AWI OR lIIRTItUTF PAINTS, OILS, TT E 0 NR ?f V 0hL > w AOLNT. ggg Igatsi BAewot, I<oa AagpatOß. RRI'SHFH and Supplies Bar Rooms and private faml- noJdlmlp —» -hti.w » - FANCY'ARTICLES. - ■j™ . ... W-rT_aa_U_aaor ********* In short, every article usually found tn a drug Delivered to any part of the city. InoWm LOUIS ¥Vari©nDOrg, ~* ' 9,ore prescriptions EXPRESS SILECT DAYBCHOOL, carefully compounded by a practical ehemi.t Eiffht Mile HOUSC A? In which girl, and boys receive a vbbTCTL, and druggist. nov2Btfo "iiB» ~fc — AND PASSENGER LINE fbactic al abd oomplktb English Education, MRS. DONALDSON, OF THE atwahlclM commenced on MONDAY, AUGUST 11, If* „ „ r _„.„.__. Eight Mile House, Cowango Pass, an- A * TERMS PBM MOBTBIt CtaKerSTieiQ OUIUOn. nounces that she wlUrecilVe a v ... J,^^7„;,!^ n to board. No pains will be spared to add to i SUidles. cfl^mwy JOHN B. TUNGATE, PROP'R. their comforte, with faclllUes for going and _!_ 7jlJ_2* to * , " T BE an ' condng from the city. oc-11-tf _ ,_ T . u _„_. __j _ u_l# I and Algebra..... ....88 00 FINE WINES AND LIQUORS. ' p. WILSON 8 tgn^' BWBd 408 BEST BILLIARD BAWON IN KERN CO. SH AYINGSALO ON, " d Prl " B ![^ A ":' a c M aTi 01 »«• «* **" * _™~ % Phonetic Sbort-hand «d Geom «nrsSmc_e._ AND OPPOSITE THE HERALD b_u Leaves Los Angela, dually at 2P. M. etry, per mom*—. - ~ t>W XX Office. Clean Towel, kept on hand. ——— Competent Teachers of Drawing, Painting. 8 . », -..'iS 11 * JOSEPH BRESON, l^^&oT~T*^^ CASWELL A ELLIS, rooms, &«CMr ta TMPORTERS MERCHANT TAILORS OPPOSITE U. S- HOTEL. MAIN ST. noSml W. B. LAWLDR. Prirwlpal. Li>«.or.,»c te a.rßi FRENCH atitf SPANISH LESSONS 80 AND 82 MAIN STREET. J. BTR ELITZ, Blook* C next to Wells, Fargo A f ESSONS IN THE FRENCH I SSt_£ Los Awqblm. g-Trx> r TTANrT TATTOO Company's office. "o«-"»>P JL M «.VvToV i„. Ttnr\ * ■ and SpanUh langaagwi will be given to classes ,-aacß W«„B*_ag.P. B CITY LAUNDRY. °' L iBFg, J. B. SAUNDERS & CO., CLOTHIIXGr XTlnth street, between Priv . tel __ n ' i - M ' o ' wnrw, ' ! _ ' 1 Grasshopper and Griffin streeU, *il_o^^ JJRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS, L°large^kof 1 ?he h *'° UthMn AU ° A^ BUS& r " n !e^L?nS''tt 7% MAIN STREET, LOS ANGELES. NftWMt AHfi h«lt Clotllß Gentlemen's, HOTEL AND RESTAURANT sons every w**A, each p'npil 200 Th. CHOICEST TOILET ARTICLES, .he KJSvTK PUREST DRUOS and PATENT MEDIc/nes K nd Milk Vesting, etc. ABt guaranteed. MENDING done. Waihlngcailed for and de- mT mwlh^ of all kinds, mw Prescriptions careiully com- Refer, to the principal sentlemen of the city Hvered, FREE OF CHARGE. ror further particulars, inquire at No. 107 pounded day and night; no2-lm2p for whom he has made elothlng. mw Order .late at Broderlek's Book Store. Main street. Translation of Fbxbch. Spab s»*s __ _ - - No necessity to send to San Franelseo for n o2-lmlp J. S. O'NEIL lsb AMD EBOLIBH. F. V. C. DB MONDRAN. ff\ m |EEDa gocsl fitting suits. oc2tf-«P — " no2-:mlp /contractor and BUILDER, . The Napa CangFIOW. ST. VINCENT'S OOLLECE, Vj T> m I. HAUCH, / LOi ANQELES. Snop on First Street, -scerchant tailor. v /conducted by rnns priests Between Main and Spring, Lo. Angeles. ITA NO. 8 COMMERCIAL STREET. X djßßr \j of th , congregaUoß of the Mission. All the LATEST STYLES received by every ' \ If _„ _r_ _ • asr Jobbing done neatly nnd with Dispatch steamer, and made up ln the latest style, and a. \// DEGREES CONFERRED, and tb* most nos-lm;ip most suitable manner, and on the most rea- oompleWEfflMsßsoa grvoo. No more beautl- sonable terms. 3ll " B^^aBTBBBBB«aBB— mi g«f Wily sltaated spot in the whole of Southern SUET IL MAN a*. CALL AND EXAMINE these goods, VTl* dtj Califcrnia. Apply by to ■ nELUmAII, before giving your orders. aolBmlpl mWSm™mrM7 ' W „„„,_ BKV.J. MCOiiLjt. » NEW TEMPLE BLOCK, NO. 95 , M EBB a>Bßsßßßsßaßaaa- Maln street and No. 8 Spring street, next E «dSrr'^ An « c,e -^ o,ew,ean<l Everybody knows the old Man PBaaaffF PELICAN SALOON, Books, Stationery, Cigars, Tobacco, SIGNORET. rpo THE farmers OF LOS aprtngmrmH,opmotuthi^<i^ Hardware, Paints, Oils, Etc. tjank exchange billiard main has RETIRED . » . ULU . '.7 1 mt . A> SALOON, run by F. BIONOBET. tented by D. A. Manuel, of Napa, and adopted XJ from the Judicial ccntest. In owlar 1» de Agent lor White. Pal.nt Mon.y Drawer. customers received by the old man himself, FlcaAtaa'dlwn tb. st^^f^Jffiwft ™±1?¥!1 who has been In attendance since 1849. He !" p ,^ 0 H r " y w tSmtm, Prof. Herman Bethe, Th?best^'barber shopmth*euy i. ~W% , sf n^t' l J d . rinfc,: 5...,,, r, T T nn/vtuiivvnDr! with thi. establUhment Clean towel., care- l* 8 ' , b , y iBK A?? a rS»fa? Tto * AlnatiM•••>■■'» PEC I ALLY RECOMMENDED ful employees. noiim Tao FMHlirißtl, by the highest musicians in San Fran- —' lai MlßiiliafctlMlE Cisco, will receive nunlls on the Piano, Organ, _ _ tn «t" HKLLM A KAA* Aro - h.„I In Hinging snd Harmony. P AIITI4 IP D _L*i HKLLMAN. HAAS A CO. Tb* Brls Ar*«ua4 tb* OatraOP. FOR TERMS, ETC.—Apply at Brodrlck's ■ ■ VaFAW I ll lE«TW| ■ Bookstore.lx>sAn|eles. noivin,js_ pAMILY CHARTRES COFFEE National RMtStirailt »*• CHOICEST WIrtSB, LIQUOBII AND JOHN COLDBWORTHY, £ s and mills, no. u« ao.c- OF "^m^Z^u*.^* T~\EPUTY U. S. MINING AND Keeps constantly Tn~hand ROAST AND V a^Omt^jJo^^ GROUND COFFEE of all klndl, Pepper. Gin- CENT MEALS of any rsetaurawt IB town. |CUaMJtBBtfWBJ mwmmt LAND SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER far, Allspice,.Cayenne, Cinnamon, Cloves, Wholesome food, good eonkißa, and seUan _ ~ _ Nutmeg., and Fresh Ground California Mus- and airy dining roomjias road* this loatau- la tb* Bhx*<aalßo4jaaaatßgßaa BBBaaa •* no..miJ. Downey. Block, Lo. Angele*. turd. Ouffkb fresh ground every morning reat a 4*opit*. lANDSEB A BOTTCBEBL «•»••** RlMltflißg B**l Wass*. nov4tf aolS-lmip .aaL ...... SbS tea NUMBER 57