Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME I. §10* |rttlT*k<S >&txM. Is Published eveiy morning except Monday, THE HERALD I'lli'vi'lNU COMPANY, OFFICE Herald Steam Book ntiil Job Printing- House, spring street, opposite tho Court House. TERMS: Per annum, by mall or express ;M0 JKix months «• " ti Three months " " •.. 3 Delivered by carriers, per week, 25 cents Advertisement* Inserted at liberal rates. EDUCATIONAL. A Need. ISUiill.l tittKH' Los Angeles is worthy of commen dation for the enterprise manifested in school matters. It gives a most conspicuous position to its principal school building, which is made highly pleasant and ornamental. It pays its* teachers well, thereby inducing them , to work faithfully. And it has se cured one of the very best educators in the State, a man of wide experience and undoubted success, to take charge of the schools; But, with all this, there is one thing lacking. In other cities of Its size and Sretensions the Superintendent of Pub c Schools has some time to devote to visiting the schools under his charge, white his place in the High School de partment is supplied by an assistant. Here the Superintendent is ex- Eucted to teach through the school ours of the day, and still have charge of the schools in general. Now the importance of frequent visits to the lower departments is manifest. How else is he to supervise the working of the schools, to make improvements, to become familiar with his work. The Superintendent, thoroughly under standing his duty and anxious to per form it well, decided upon a plan, by which, without neglecting his own schools, he could give attention to the others. It seemed to work satisfacto rily. Cert ai nly i t was pleasant for the* tired teachers and children to have his * 'cheerful helping presence occasionally. But it was too great an innovation upon the established order of things. Although the people held the greatest respect for the Superintendent, they could not quite trust him to act accord ing to his own judgment; and now he is almost entirely confined to one room. Although it relieves him of responsi bility and really lightens .his labors, the other schools are deprived of a very great benefit. We trust that all who have children In the schools, will consider this mat ter, candidly and earnestly, and decide upon some plan which will be an im provement upon the present incom plete arrangement. Neat Sidewalks. The teachers feel, deeply, the glori ous privilege of livimr in a town of sidowalks, this muddy weather. As we trip daintily along the street, neither soiling our boots, nor drab bling our skirts, we thank propitious fate that we do not have to call a hack, that will take us to the foot of the hill, and there unceremoniously dump us out, because the driver "can not drive through the mud," leaving us to climb up as best we can and charging SI for the pleasure. How ever'twould have been an easy mat ter to climb up the "graveled" hill the paper tells about, and we would not nave needed a lawyer to settle our claims to real estate, nor a doctor to restore breath to exhausted nature. Under the circumstances we don't groan in anguish at every fresh out burst from »the clouds. Once up the hill, Inside the school-room all was cheerful; a clean sanded floor, bright biasing fire—thanks to our in valuable janitors—bright, eager little faces looking out from the mud of lit tle soiled clothes, little commiserating exclamations, and willing, helping hands, all —all tend to remove the sense of injury one might have had, if it had not been for tho sidewalks. We were happy to have half a school and thought those little fellows no higher, than the mud is deep, will in after years turn out statesmen, war riors, etc., etc., if they are as ready to climb up difficulties then as they are now. t Cincinnatii—The Cincinnati Port, closes an article on the brutality taP the public schools, in the following words: It- would be a wonder if boys brought up under such a regime, did not, some of them, go to fill up the ranks of hoodlums that infest our city. But it matters little whether our schools produce good citizens or not, so their reports show average profi ciency of eighty-five or ninety per cent, in arithmetic, grammar, geo graphy, etc. In fact, the teachers nave no time, and no encouragement, if they had time, to cultivate in their pupils the virtues of truthfulness, honesty and sobriety. These things are not taken into account in forming an estimate of a teacher's success. Perhaps the teachers have been ex cused there, as they have been in Cali fornia, from the duty of teaching the principles of morality, truth, justice, andp«rl«|rsm. It is no longer obli- upon our teachers to teach their pupiklle2koid idleness, profanity* and falsehood. The powers that be have declared is not now the duty of the teachers of American children; as it formerly was, to Instruct them in the principles of a free government, and to , trafu. them to a true comprehension of thVrights, dutled and dignity of Aroer * Jfean aniens. J H U i AMERICAN HCHOOL SYSTEM IN Germany. — The National Normal has the following item: "We clip the following from the Pennsylvania School Journal. Let it be well used to puncture the German Swellings which effect the heads of so many of our teachers. In the Universal Teach* •r»s Association which met in Ham burg in May last, Dr. Lange, an emi itstot quman educator, advocated the adoption by the German Empire of a school system similar to that In the , United States of America, alleging that in its characteristic features, and the high results attained it Was supe rior to any other. Dr. Lange seems to differ from some American educators .who are continually pointing to the sV&m of ;terrtiny & +s model TJwrroMrrY of Tex* Books in Tf State Board adopted a uniform series of text beoks and made it obligatory on a teacher not to hear a single recitation in any other book, Los Angeles Daily Herald. Rolls of Honor. The following arc names of those pupils in the fourth class, Primary school, who were perfect in attendance, punctuality and deportment during the month ending Decembers: John Ben nett, Honora Desmond, Fannie Or son, Albert Hicks. Katie King, Artie Lieber, Josle- Lleber, Sophie Maag, Ascencion Sepulveda. Eula P. Bixby, Teacher. Following is the roll of honor of Miss Julia A. Fisk's Intermediate school for the month ending December f>th: Maurice Hellman, Otto Stassforth, Freddie Stanford, Oblardo Cota, Ed die Gerson, Leland Kereheval, Donald Johnson, James Hartnett. The following Is the list of pupils in the third Primary department, who have been perfect in attendance and punctuality during the month ending December 5. The first seven were also perfect in deportment: Emma Brode, Florence Holman, Josephine Spiker. Josie Conner, Robert Clancy, Percival Schumacher, George Wyneshank. Car los Bocias, Mitcliel Dooster, Willie Edgar, George Maben, Gilberto Se pulveda, Miguel Sepulveda, Adolphe Silvos, Johnny Smoily, LulieStormer, Louisa Weible M. C. G. Dv Bois Teacher. Compulsory Education. — Gov. Booth In his message says: The statis tics given show the attendance at the public and private schools, and the non-attendance and truancy of census children for a period of eight years. In 1873 there, were on the census roll 141, --610 children, of this number 12,507 at ten (led private schools, and 97,018 were enrolled in private schools; but only 71,170, or 50.26 per cent, of the whole attended regularly enough to be considered pupils. So large a propor tion do not attend any school as to give great weight to the argument of the Superintendent in favor of a com pulsory system. He also says: "I am of the opinion that the words 'white' and 'colored' should be stricken from our school law. They are a badge of the past. Every child born on our soil should have an equal Inheritance in the institutions of our common coun try, an equal right to a fair start in the race of life." HOME MANUFACTURERS. Our Own Manufacture! THE ONLY CRACKER BAKERY In the City! , am ja3u 3 hut A Large 8 took of fresh Crack ers always on Hand. WoddLingf Cakes On hand and made to order at short notice. Tastefully decorated CAKES of any design, at reasonable prices. Also, RREAD, PIES AND CAKES, Fresh every day, at the AMERICAN BAKERY. no2-lmls Los Angeles Woolen Mill STORE. BACRIBTE, ELLIOTT A CO DEALERS IN WOOL, AND MAN UFACTURERS of All Wool Cawlmeres, Tweeds, Flannel., Blankets), etc. All our goods are PURE WOOL, and war ranted as represented. Consumers can Save 25 to 33 per cent. by buying direct from us. STORE AT THE " WHITE HOUSE," corner of Los Angeles and Commercial Streets. oc2tf-2p Bakersfield Saloon. JOHN B. TUNGATE, PROP'R. FINE WINES AND LIQUORS, and the BEST BILLIARD SALOON IN KERN CO. , My old Los Angeles friends, please give me e;eall. My plaoa Is next the Telegraph Stage Company's office. oc2Btttp FARMS! ORCHARD LANDS! THE FINEST MESA LANDS In Lot Angeles County. ittbiO ot obirM hnn luO QOOD FACILITIES FOB IRRIGATION! Water FurnUned to all DMlring It. fflA 30J .iSsil&jiu<! <J8 ,i»)loofl GRAIN, CORN AND ALFALFA LAN U. perfectly adapted to LEMONS, t*RANOEfI.LIMES, ALMONDS, WALNUTS and GRAPES. Ten miles from Los Angeles, same distance from An v halm. lj9 r »_ MM Railroad from Los Angeles to Anaheim passes through the center of the tract. Well settled neighborhood. Qood schools. . Widely known and highly appreciated as V «WVU ITI \f LOB NIETOS TRACT. t »o.ih it' i - « ff.OOO ACRES Offered ror sals on most favorable terms In . mi ■rs tfteS. T r Title. United State* Patent. ntQvißa or MCLEAN * HARDY, BSS Montgomery street, San Frauelseo, [*ffo»tf ftasi i .It .Yaoc O. W. MORGAN, Lost Angeles Dr. J. K. FULTON, Los Ifietoo nov37do.w3m . i .. Montana Meat Market. rYTHEODORE FRO3HLINGER. JL The best and tenderest meats In tbs market. None but the SI^R Primes* M—t and MuttenJQL .«« oelstf LOS ANGELES, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1873. FOR BALE—TO LET. For Sale or Rent. THE CORNER LOT ON MAIN street.opposite Pico House; (10x115. In quire at H. FLEISHMAN'S store. nov4ml« FOR SALE. ONE NO. 4 WASHINGTON HANI) PHESB, only four months In use. with roller apparatus, chases, "etc. Apply at LA CRONICA office, Los Angeles. detml • House to Let! THE LOWER PART OF HOUSE on Main street, within five minutes' <fcA walk of the terminus of the OmnlbusJ£jL Line. Contains five rooms, besides bath room, piuitryand closets. Inquire onthe premises. nov22eod2w J. F.SMITH. ForJ&ale! A(\(\ ACRES IMPROVED AND ttv/V/ unimproved lands of the finest Siuallty, 3 miles from the court-house. Cheap or cash and no commissions to pay. Apply to J. H. A. STANLEY, 28 Temple Block, up stalrs. oc29tf For Sale! DESIRABLE BUSINESS, BE curely established, requiring moderate capital, and paying five per cent, monthly. Would exchange for real estate in the east Reasons satisfactory. Address "HERALD" oftice. 91 deO FOR SALE. QO ACRES ONTHE SAN ANTO t/ *J nio Ranch and the San Gabriel River. It is eight miles from the city and two from Los Nietos depot, and a depot is within one half a mile. The tract Is all arable and has more timber than the place can consume. The water right Is excellent and the buildings and Improvements good. Refer to A. C. CHAUVIN.Los Angeles. nol-lmd-2mw FOR SALE. A HOUSE AND LOT SITUATED on Sansevalne street, a short distance east of the depot. The lot is 200x100 feet, front ing on two streets, with walnut, orange, Fig, Almond and Apricot trees, all bearing fruit. There is also water for fumlly use from the Water Company's pipes, and also ditches for Irrigating. Apply at La Esperanza Store, 108 Main streot. nol2-lm FOR SALE. Af\ ACRES OF LAND ONE \Xv/mllo south of the city, well improved, good house and out buildings; good well; 10 acres in vineyard, mostly foreign; 400 orange trees mostly from three to six years old; 140 walnut trees from two to six years eld; 30 apple trees, some bearing. Title good; terms easy. Also FORTY ACRES of land l.V£ miles south ol city, unimproved. Also HOUSE AND LOT corner of Main and Fifth streets. House new. Lot 60x185. Also, THREE LOTS between Fourth and Fifth streets, on Olive. Ingulre of H. EDWARDS, or J. D. BICKNELL, Room No. 39, Temple Block. nov!s-tf FOR SALE. rjHE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA of a very valuable patented Invention. The proprietors have perfected their PATENT RIGHTS, and desire to sell us above. For full informa tion, which is confidential, address novl9tf THIS OFFICE. Farms for Sale! NEAR METOS DEPOT 41T ACRES-FIRST-CLASS FOR O corn or'fruit, with wood and ESS water. Price, $1,800. JL QQ 1 ACRES NEAR THE OOL- O C/i LEGE—not in cultivation—one mile south of the L. N. R. K. tl.tttO. 3 ft ACRES ALL IN CULTIVA- O TION — first-class improved — near Gallatin—one mile south of L. N. R. R. 82,500 Qf\ ACRES FIRST-CLASS, IN Ow cultivation, with the best artesian well and'reservolr In the county. 4 miles east of Nietos Depot. $5,000. Apply to ocSOtf J. B. HOLLOWAY, Gallatin, 4K ACRES ONE MILE EAST Oof Nietos Depot, on the line of the Railroad. Eighty bushels of corn per acre was raised on the land this year. There Is also a good dwelling house, corn crib, etc. IAAABACKB OF GOOD BAR m\J\J\J ley for sale. Apply to noB J. B. HOLLA WAY, Gallatin. LAND FOR SALE. LOCATED ABOUT TWO MILES south of the Los Nietos Depot. A splendid 60-ACRE LOT is offered fbr gfc ■ale onthe most liberal terms. The loca-JCT tlon Is very desirable, and the land Is In good condition. Last year it produced a crop of 115 bushels ot corn to the acre. Any one who may desire to purchase land In this locality would do well to Inspect this lot and examine this year's crop, which has not been gathered. The sole reason for sacrificing this property Is to meet certain TERMS— one-half cash, and the balance in one or two years. ALSO An 80-ACRE TRACT, located on tho line ol the railroad going east to Mud Springs, and embraced in the San Jose Rancho. This Is a most desirable piece of land, Is in a first-rate jgk condition; under fence, and good water ing right: on which are growing 10,000 grape vines la a full bearing condition; has a large, commodious DWELLING-HOUSE; all to he sold on easy terms. For particulars, apply to P. C. TONNER, Spadra, or at HERALD OFFICE. MISCELLANEOUS. PRUNING SHEARS. jyjALONE'S PATENT, THE BEST IN THE WORLD. T. ». SAUNDERS, Sole Proprietor for California and Oregon. E. W. DOSS, Sole Agent for California. IT SAVES THE LIMB FROM SPLITTING, AND CUTS A CLEAN CUT. . , ocas-imip 8. B. CASWBLLi XLI.IS. CASWELL & ELLIS. JMPORTERS And Denier. In General Merchandise, 80 AND 83 MAIN STREET, oc2-tf Los Anqki.iw. Californ[a Bakery. CORNER MAIN A MARCHES SAULT STREETS. ——~*~—- FRESH BREAD, PIES and CAKES EVERY DAY. SS.CAKES of every sort or to orilei '- Orders prompUjn^tUß^d- I. B. FERGUSON'S QOMMISSION HOUSE PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. N. P. RICHARDSON, pHYSICTAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE—No. 14 Downey's Block, up-stalrs. oc2-tf DR. A. 8. BHORB, JJOMG7.OPATHIC PHYSICTAN. O* FFlCE—Nearly opposite the Post Office. RESIDENCK-No. IS Franklin street. oca-tf DR. H. 8. OR ME, pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE—In Laafranco's Building, No. 74 Main street Office Hours from 10 A. M. to 1 P. M., and from 2 to .1 P. M. oca-tf DR. JOSEPH KURTZ, pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE—In Helnsch's Block, Commercial and Los Angeles streets. S3" Special attention paid to diseases of the EYE AND EAR. oc2-tf DR. «l. W. OLIVER, JJOMO3OPATHIST. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE—Spring street, opposite the Mayor's Office. oc2-lptf DR. J. M. JANCSO, OFFICE IN THE U. S. HOTEL BUILDING, opposite the Conrt House, NO. 100 MAIN STREET, LOS ANGELES. awSpeelal attention to Diseases of Children. no2o-lm* HENRY BUDDEN, ™, PIANO-FORTE TUNEIR, Bjßfil REGULATOR A REPAIRER. HI in RnrHßEMcns—Brodriok's Store; Editor Hsn- Pald. ao2tf4p HENRY T. HAZARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE IN TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES, CAL. svSpeel&l attention given to business In the United States Land Office. oc2-tf J. K. McCONNKLL. A. J. KINO. McCONNELL A KING, AT LAW. Downey's Block. Main St, Los Angeles. oclgtf A. BRUNBON, AT LAW. Orrtcn—Rooms 28 and 29, Temple's new building, Los Angeles. colfltf A. GLASBKLL, O. H. SUITII. A. B. CHAPMAN. H. M. SMITH. GLASSELL, CHAPMAN A SMITH, AT LAW, OFFICE-TEMPLE BLOCK up-stalrs, Los Angeles, California. oc3-tf JAMES C. HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW —AMD — COURT' COMMISSIONER, Downey's Block, Los Angeles. oe2-tf M. WHALING, AT LAW, OFFICE—No. 18 Downey Block Los Angeles. oc2-lm CII ARI.BH LINDLEY. J. 8. THOMPSON. LINDLEY & THOMPSON, AT LAW, : OFFICE-Room Nos. 81 and 62, over Tem ple A Workman's Bank. oca-tf W. 1.. MARSHALL. WILL P. OOULD. MARSHALL A COULD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW—OFFICE opposite the Court House. Rooms Nos. IS and 19 Temple Block, Los Angeles, CeJ. Will practice In all tho Courts of this State, and attend to business In U. S. Land Office. LEW. G. CABANIS, NOTARY PURLIC, CONVEY ancer and Searcher of Records for this County. OFFICE—No. 44 Temple Block, Los Ange les , California. ociMf V. E. HOWARD * SONS, AT LAW, TEMPLE BLOCK. LOS ANGELES. oc2-tf A. A. WILSON, A COUNSELLOR. OFFICE—Room No. 11, Temple Block, Los Angeles, California. oca-tf A. H.JUDSON. J. W. OILLKTTH. JUDSON A GILLETTE, SEARCHERS OF RECORDS AND CONVEYANCERS. TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. 04301 G. W. MORGAN, JJEAL ESTATE AGENT, Fonr doors south of the Post Office, Temple Block. Los Angeles, California. gar MONEY TO IXtAN. oca-tf H. M. MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR at law. Office—Room No. 10 Temple Block, Los Angeles. P. ,0. Boi 444. jio7-tf N. B. WHITFIELD, BROKER, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENT. Particular atten tion paid to the purchase and sale of sheep. Office with J. I ■ Ward A Co. not-Iplm R. E. JACKSON, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Main street, a few doors below First, Los Angeles. Contracts for buildings, and all work executed In a satis gusto ry manner. nol-tf JOHN GOLDBWORTHY, JJEPUTY U. S. MINING AND LAND SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER Room c, Downey'sTOlosk, Los Angeles. ; novttf . F. M. CONROY, A CCOUNTANT AND COLLECT xI INO AGENT. Office— Room No. 8. Ter n Block, Los Angeles. Book-keeping by the ay, week or month. Collections made In the city and county. ; de7tf DR. A. LOEBEL, QURGEON AND CHIROPODIST. L? Corns and bunions extracted without using knife, flies or medicine, and with out causing pain. Cures Ingrowing nails, warts, moles, freckles, etc. Treats scientifi cally and successfully all kinds of sores of long standing. Charges moderate and satis* WcTion guaranteed, ureses sent through the Los Angeles postofflee, or Wells, Fargo A Co., attended to with dispatch*. . novWf EASTERN AND CALIFORWA /\YB"TERB— FRESH BY gfc/V W steamer, will be served up In'VSklJr every style At the orner of COMMERCIAL AND LOS ANGELES STS., By ''JAKE" BAER, (formsrly with H. Doftkwelier) %MCH AH,WALDEN. as. GIVE THEM A CALL. oell-lm FORWARDING * COMMISSION. J. L. WARD & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS —AND— Manufacturers Agents. AGENTS FOR LONDON ASSURANCE COVMUTWII; UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF SAN FRANCISCO; (Combined assets exceed |14,0*0,0O0) MOCK'S FIRE EXTNUMSKU: BAKER 4 HAMILTON'S A6WCULTUNAL MACWNERt; THE CUfIIATEO l/UI WASON; SWAM IRE WERT CO.? ALE AM WATER. no2-lmlp HELLMAN, HAAS & CO. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HAVE FOR SALE THE PUREST GROCERIES, THE BEST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Of the choicest Imported Brands. Paints, Oils, Doors, Sashes, BLINDS, FARMING IMPLEMFNTS. 14 and IS Los Angeles and Commercial Sts., no 3] LOB ANGELES. [lm-4p SIMON LEVY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. General dealer In nil kinds of COUN TRY PRODUCTIONS, Hides, Craln and Wool. Makes advances on Consign men to to all parts of the United States. Nos. 24 and 34 Allso St.. LOS ANGELES. oes-ly4p BUSINESS CARDS. J. C JACKSON Keeps all kinds of Lumber, Shingles, Laths, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, Posts, Shakes, PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT AND HAIR. CORNER OF Alameda and First Streets. noa-lmlp PERRY, WOODWORTH & CO., LUMBER YARDS // AND PLANING MILLS. NO. 70 COMMERCIAL ST. Keep constantly on band a full assortment All kinds of mill work done to order. oe2 1 GRIFFITH, LYNCH & CO. DEALERS IN LUMBER. J CORNER FIRST AND ALAMEDA BTB. Mill Work of all Kinds, —SUCH AB— DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, ETC., ETC. no2-lmlp LOS ANGELES SODA WORKS, Mo. 18 AJUMO STBKET. HENRY W. STOLL, Propbietob. Supplies Bar Rooms and private fitml-' lies with the purest and best SODA ANB BABSAPAMIIXA, Delivered to any part of the city. lno>-lm Eight Mile House. MRS. DONALDSON, OF THE Eight Mile House, Cowango Pass, an nounces that she will receive a few gentlemen to board. No pains will be spared to add to their comforts, with facilities for going and coming from the elty. oeM-tf F. WILSON. SHAVING SALOON, Next Deer to Noyee * eaten, AND OPPOSITE THE HERALD Office. Clean Towels kept on hand. Gents' clothing cleaned and repaired. Cash or work paM for east off slothing. dc2-lm MERCHANT TAILORS. J.3TRELITZ, TUTERCHANT TAILOR— i.YJL MAIN ST., SCAB WELLS.FARGO A Co Makes the most fashionable style of 0 LO T MING to be obtained in the southern country. Also »laigelljP«o)rtM" w ' c '' ■ Newest and best Cloths Doeskins, Beavers, Fancy Cassimeres. Velvet and Bilk Vestings, etc. A St guaranteed. Refers to the principal gentlemen of the city for whom he has made clothing. No necessity to send te San Francisco for good fitting suits. oegtMp I. HAUCH, TiTERCHANT TAILOR. AH. NO. 8 COMMERCIAL STREET. All the LATEST STYLES received by every steamer, and made up In the latest styles and most suitable meaner, and onthe most rea- HS.CALL AND EXAMINE these goods, before giving your orders. nolSmlpl \>' • ITV r H it V'trt; W f ,1. Everybody knows the old Man SIGNORET. BANK EXCHANGE BILLIARD SALOON, run by F. SIGNORET. Customers received by the old man himself, who has been In attendance slnee 1848. He 1 welcomes all his old customers, and pleases ' the new ones. 1 The BEST BARBER SHOP In the city is with this establishment. Clean towels. cW ml employees. noMm P. CAUTHIER, FAMILY CHARTRES COFFEE s street? BPIC rf *fW 8 ' Los Angs- Keeps constantly on head ROAST AND GROUND COFFEE of all kinds, Pepper, Gin- BAgBta&S&F nolMcnln MISCELLANEOUS. ' - • • '.•ii REPUBLI4C','' 1 • ' -oc LIFE INSURANCE CO. OP CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, Cash Capital; . 51,000,000 Branches in all the State* of the la lea. HAVING NOW COMPLETED the organisation of our Pacific Branch, We take pleasure In announcing that our Pa cific Coast Stockholders hare elected the fol lowing well-known clUsens as officers of our PACIFIC BRANCH: PrmkUtU: OLIVER 3ELDRIDOE. •tht'i n i/iul mi I")/: -j. n • Vice-PrttUienU: THOS. A. BALL, WM. R WHEATON A. L. GURNET.™ Secretary pro tsm JAB. T. BOYD 'Attorney THOS. BROWN. Treasurer CHAS. BURRELL. Medical Examiner EitcwrtsW Commttlnc OLIVER ELDRIDGE, JOS. A. DONOHOE, JAS. T. BOYD, GEO. WrHEAV§R, CHAS. BURRELL. THOS. BELL, E. R PERRIN. Director*: OLIVER ELDREDOE.LKLAND STANFORD GEO. W. BEAVER, THOS. BROWN. N. G. KITTLE; C. CHRISTIANSEN, JOHN F. MILLER, THOS. H. SELBY, J AH. T. BOYD, R. F. MORRO 1 V. SiLXifSZ&t?- L FRIEDLANDER, WM. BTRLTNG, A, BLACK, THOS. A. BALL, C. TVRYLAND, WM. L. DICKENSON WM. B. LADD. — REPUBLIC LIFeInSORANCE CO. Was chartered by special act of the Legisla ture of the State of Illinois, and commenced doing business in July, 1870, making it now Just three years old. Its plan of organltatlou was to have 80,000,000 Capital Stock. wRh twenty per cent, paid In, and the balance subject to cart. With BRANCH ORGANIZA TIONS of stockholders lv the leading business centers of the country, composed of ths best business men—thus making a Company of National extent and presage, nnd yei a HOME COMPANY AT EACH BBAMCM. The Company at this date has policies In fores covering over 825,800,000 of risks, with sn annual income of over < *i,ooo,ooo»> ALL ASSETS OF PACIFIC BRANCH IN VESTED ON THIS COAST. Capital Stock or Pacific Branch, oVer „ 4 300,000 00 Invested In Mortgages on Real Es tate in California during the last four months, over _ 189,000 00 828 Policies issued at Pacific Branch during same period. Insuring 1,20,180 00 Charg-es an* Insswanee SO psa Cent. Leas than MsrtntU Cobs gnus lea. THE REPUBLIC Does not borrow THE CAPITAL Of Policy holders on PROMISES to return the suns at some future period and CALL In presenting the claims of THE REPUB LIC to the petrosksge of the people of this Coast, we shall at all times aim to be gov erned by sound business considerations, and a duo regard for the rights and merits of com peting companies. OFFICE OF THE PACIFIC BRANCH. NO. 817 CALIFORNIA STREET, Below San some Street. EDGAR A. WAY, with 8. H. Slaught. Real Estate Agent. 78 Main street, Los Angeles, LOCAL AGLNT. noSdlmlp Louis Wallenberg, JUST EXPRESS AND PASSENGER LINE TO ANAHEIM. Through in Three Noun and a Hall! PARR AT REDUCED MATES. MS. Leaves Los Angeles dally at 2 P. M. noft-tf JOBEPH BRCSON, SAMPLE ROOMS, OPPOSITE U. & HOTEL, MAIN ST. The purest WINES, ths choicest CIGARS, and the best FANCY DRINKS concocted south of San Francisco. aw Temple Block, noxt to Wells, Fargo A Company's office. notrlnaip OITY LAUNDRY, VTINTH STREET, BETWEEN J3( Grasshopper and Grlffln streets, LOS ANGELES. Gentlemen's, HOTEL AND RESTAURANT WASHING, done on reasonable terms. PEARL BUTTONS Sewed on. and ordinary MENDING done. Wasbtngealled tor and de livered, FREE OP CHARGE. agr Order slate at Brodertck's Book Store. noa-lmlp J. S. O'^mt The Napa Gang Flow. rpo THE FARMERS OF LOS tented by D. A. Maauel, of Napa, and adopted hy the Gsaages of this State. The points af superiority are: Lightness of c raft, it being s centre draft; a castor wheel IS be rear, wkkh makssltturnln a space suffiMf ot to aeeom modatelts length: it has a lis ling pole ang ' National Restaurant , QORNER OF COMMERCIAL *f u M nW NUMBER 60 W ANGELES * WttDRO iJo«*up«« f too «u4i rrtutber* i i > ,M. and 1 P. M. LOS ANOELEB-10 ATM. and 8:46 P. M. Except ort days of steamers* arrival and de parture, when irate* will run to connect with ''passengers for San Pmnelsco aad Ban Diego will leave Lea Angeles by the 10 A. M. train, connecting at Wilmington with the Compa ny's steamer. gar Flnt-eiss* passenger cars will run regu larly. No Charge for Will—l Bs> MasthnnUln sjsotiesintrr. JOHN MILNER," Agent at Lot Angeles, orttf B. E. HEWITT. Bupt. PACIFIC MAILJTEAMSUP CO. SCIIEDt LE POR BsXstMRKR, MTTB. THE STEAMERS « Orlzaba^a* mint obuaba, oapt. at. j. jacmroir. JVrfi v, |*Pvußefaio. Dee 1 Dec S Dec _ |LDec. 8 Dec IS Dec 14 Dee Wroee . 19 Dec :M\ Dee 2§jDee..._...JB|D»e 81 aTKAVUt MOMOJtOO, caw. «. x. b»uolass. &:::r:i!|ffc Dec .ft|Jan—>.„ H4an....„.. «|Dae • The Mohongo will also call at San Stmson aad flan Lata Obispo, put takes no freight for San Simeon. STEAMER GFIPSY, Por San Diego and nil way posts, carrying M San FraaeUee RECEMBSB 80. Freight on OILS, to San Pedro, SO esnU per FOR NEW YORK VIA PANAMA, Steamers leave San Francneo December 4th anJMPj, EMSSW at San Diego, Masatlan, JAPAN. Steamers leave San Francisco DECEMBER Ist and lath. I PASSAGE: To Weir Torsi! it*B^7.^ To Han Franeisoo, cabin— U To San Francisco, steerage g plans at agent's oMm. For passage *?of to Arant for Los ACtUCY OP TMC Hambwff, toman ami Stetten Mail StamaMp CoauMnias. L. T>EING APPOINTED AOENT OF nlsh THROUGH PASSAGE TICKETS by any of those lines of stsamen. To and from Europe, to New York and San Eras eases at the lowest mass. Alee give MONEY POSTAL ORDERS to all parts of ■■i-sMssnjrJjsriMH iaa VAsjsejja, Praws Which will be delivered to the receiver fins of charge, at their respective houses, to any part Alan, gives DRAFTS o» any past of Europe to sum. to suit Collections mad a m any Part of -' yttropa. "» F Union Store, IDUCATIONAL. LAWLOR INSTITUTE 1— Mala Street, Lea Angeles. THE SEVENTH SEMI-ANNUAL Session of this SELECT DAY SCHOOL., in which girls and hoys receive a vsnvi., practical axd courLKTB English Education, commenced on MONDAY, AV6USTII,IB7B. TERM* PRR MONTH t English Studies. Including th. ordinary School Branches, and Double-Entry Book-Keoplng and Algebra IS 00 Primary Geogrssphy, Bsaoad and Third 8 00 ItTIAg. Latin, Phonetic Short-hand aad Oeom stry, per month |8 00 Competent Teachers of Drawing, Painting, and the Modern Languages, will be oeuuected with the Institution. For further particulars, apply to the under signed, at th. School Building. noaml W. B. LAWLOR. Principal. FRENCH and SPANISH LESSONS IN THE FRENCH an* Spanish ls»gnas»)s w|^|a | r'rcn to classes Private lessons 8 1 80 each Twenty lessons.. ...—_.. * 18 00 v? ety^'^gad^ay"eg < '' ' *t' loM^k'p at No. Mr Main street, Translation a# Pnsxcx, Span an MONDRAN. ST. YtNOSatT'S OOLLKQB, LOS A*s«srnWL,Kg. CONDUCTED BY THE PRIESTS of th. Ooaggagatlan of tag Mission. DEGREES CONFERRED, and the most Rdusatlon gtveo. No more bsauU rulhr situated spot In ths whole of Southern CalW A^^^m^ noS-lm President. LOO ANQCLKt City and llirectory IHE UNDERSIGNED ARE PRE PARiNQ for ths publteaUoa of a lArec tory of lv. cnP sad county of Los Angsles, aad will ha gVaIH sesyuptoato wßhsny Kstortoaltwe2sHBm -watch sf«eston:««war^ •psatfUlly apjbtfted. a 00. Oflase,Hn*AV» sWIsJMhU* Ananias. " ■ — — 4 —. ' Vsfy elsasV nt th* Hanuta