Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME 111. Is Pu til I shed eve, y morning except Monday by THE LOS ANGELES CITY AND COUNTY PRINTING AND PUBLISH! SU CO. OFFICE-Herald Steam Rook nnd Job Printing: Hotrae, Spring street, opposite the Court House. TERMS: Per annum, by mall or express 610 six months •• " 0 Three mouths " •' ■ :; I •ellvered by carriers, per week, 2Ti cuts THE WEEKLY HERALD v published every Saturday morning. T Kit MS. one year, by mall orexpre**,siuglecopy.,.sfl i o six months, •' •• •• ... i 75 Three " « •< •• '• ... 1 (^j Advertisements inserted at reasonable rates All Kinds of Job-Work done to Com pete with Nan Frnurlnco In Friee, Style, anil Elegance ol Workmanship. Everybody is wondering why the Bazaar Is sellingthelr goods so cheap. The reason is l hey must clear out their Spring and Sum mer goods to make room for the immense slock of Fall and Winter goods which they will soon receive. » Tho Bazaar Is now giving 12 yards Beat American Prints foril. Also, six yards 4-4 Prench aud American prints for SI. At the corner of Main and Iteouena streets, oppo site the U. S. Hotel. » MECHANI CS HO USE, JOHN HUNEKE, - - - PROPRIETOR. (FORMERLY I'ETER NISSKN,) Corner Spring and 3d streets. Hoard and Lodging per week S3 5l). Tho best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, Kept nt the Bar. oetSOtf FOURTH ANNUAL FAIR!! ■ — OF TUE Southern District Agricultural Society, Commencing on Monday, Oetoliet- vsf»tl>, and ending on Wuturda.v, Oct. fSlst, At Los Angeles, Cal. D'IVK IXA.YB RACING!! During which there will he some of tho most ■uperD contests ever seen lv Southern Califor nia, and for which a largo number of noted colts and horses of San Prune,sco and South ern California have been entered. THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS Having been spent ou tho track during the past six months, and It is now one of tbtj smoothest and fastest In the state. ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30TH, There will he a Ladles' Riding Exhibition and j California Sports, Prior to t till there will be a line exhibition of all the horses at the truck. There will be j no race* or pool selling, bat the trotting hori- : es wllj be exhibited on one track, speeded one n ay, and the running horses will be speeded i on the inside track in a reverse direction. Un Wednesday night, Oct. 2Bth. ) There will be a Bull at Turn-Verein Hall. > Dancing to commence at 9 o'clock, with a band of y pieces. This will be the finest pub lic bail ever given In Southern California. The Fair Will be open every duy and even- j ing at the Kink, with a full bund of music j each evening. ADMISSION: TO RACES, each person ".0 cents. TO KINK. - " 50 " Ladlel admitted to Grand Stand free. Season Tickets, each person, which admits i to all the races and grand stand, and to the l tiuK. each evening, and to Ladles' Riding j Tournament, hive dollars. Admission to Ball, for euch gentleman and | all the ladles he can bring, Three dollars. I riiere wiU be muslo at tne Park nnd a! the Kalr each day and evening. Hpecial Notice, 1— Owing to circumstances which it Is un necessary to again mention, there will be no premiums given on stock this year. 2— By application to the Secretary space will be given to all who wish to exhibit their arti cles of Invention, manufacture and produc tion, nnd wares, and goods ofnll kinds, at the Rink. Space unil good lit;ht will be given free; but as is now the custom in San Francisco and othor leading cities, no premiums will be given, Which proceeding the directors of 27 j leading lairs declare gives great satisfaction. ou Monday evening, Oct. 20, the President w ill deliver his address. On Thursday cv en ing, Oct. 29, the a wards for the best penman ship, writing, CO OA position, drawing, and for Ihe best original poem, will be made, as fol lows: Best specimen penmanship $10 Second best specimen penmanship ■"> Best specimen of original composition 10 Second best specimen of original do 5 Best specimen of drawing 10 Second best specimen drawing ft Best original poem Ift The exhibitors to be in all cases pupils of the public schools ofthe district, either males or females, and that in all cases a certificate from the teachers accompany each effort. Racing will commence euch day promptly ut 1 o'clock. Season tickets will bo printed, marked and counted to the Secretary, on the 17th Of Octo ber, and will be for sale at Mr. Brodrick's., at Sam Hellman's, at Mr. 11. Fleishman's, at the Fashion Saloon, nt all the Hotuls, and by the Secretary, at the Star ottice. oct2o SUMMONS. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE NEV |_ enteenth Judicial District of the State of California, in und for theCoanty of Los Ange les. M. Thomas, plaintiff, vs. Saveriano iie redln, defendant. Action brought in the Dis trict Court ofthe Seventeenth Judicial Dis trict of the Slate of California, in and forthe county of Los Angeles, and tiie complaint filed tn said county of Los Angeles, In the oflice ofthe Clerk ofsaid District Court. The People of the stute of California send greetlngto Severiano Heridia.deie.ndunt: You are hereby required to appear in un action brought against you by tiie above-named plaintiff, in the District ourt of the Seven teenth Judicial District of the State of Califor nia, in and for the eosuty of Los Angeles, line to answer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of tho day of ser vice) after the service on you of tills summons If served within this county; or, If served out of this county, but In this district, within twenty days; otherwise within forty days, or judgement by default will be taken against you, according to the prayer of said com plaint. The said action is brought to obtain a Judg ment of this Court tbat a certain deed, exe cuted by defendant herein to one R. ll.Town, Augusts 187;), be corrected and umended by chunglng th; description therein from "a piece of land in H. E. corner of Sec. 8, T. 2 S., It, 18\V. S. B. M., being all that portion of the east tiulf of said section lying east of Sun Pe dro street," to " a piece of land in the S. \V. quarter or Sec. 8, T». 2 S., R. 13 W„ s. B. M., be ing all that portion ofthe west half of said quarter-section lying east of the Sau Pedro road or street," the latter being the correct description ofthe land Intended to be con veyed, .'-aid premises having been duly transferred to the plaintiff, he prays that the above correction may be made, and that he have his costs and general reltef. Reference is had to complaint for particulars. And you are hereby notified that If you fall lo appear aud answer tho said complaint, us above required, the said plaintiff will cause your default to be entered, aud will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In ths complaint. Given under my hand and the seal of the District Court of the Seventeenth Judicial District of the State of California, in and for Hie county of Los Angeles, this 15th day of September, In the year of our Lord one thous uud eight hundred uud seventy-four. [Seal.] A. W. POTTS, Clerk. By C. W. Gould, Deputy Clerk. .eplb.dlaw t uovlt) Los Angeles Daily Herald. SOCIETY NOTICES. I. O. Q~.~F.~~ Anxellta l.o•!»•«• No. I'd. I. O. O. IV- Regular meetings of this bodge aro held every Monday evening at!) o'clock, at Odd Fellows' (tall, Dowuey Block. Visiting and sojourn ing I'rotlu-rs In good standing nro Invited to attend. I. .1. HMITH, N. O. K. A. TBEnas, Jr. R. S. nu» Orange Grove Encampment, No. 31,1. 0. 0. F. 1"> E< H'LAK MEETINGS held nn the Sec 1V OBd and Fourth TUESDAYS of each month at7X r. 18. Sojourning Patriarchs in good .-.lauding tire cordially Invited to attend. O. H. MATFIEI.D. C. P. A. \V. liflTON. tScrihe. Masonic Notice. l.os V |M|m Lodge No. 12. V. A A. Rr- The Stated meetings oft his Lodge are held on the tirst Monday of each month at 7:w r. m. Members of Pentalpha. No. 202, and all Mas ter Masons in good standing are cordially in sited. S.CTOY.w.M. (.'has. Smith, secretary. ao2S-ly—« Los Antjeles Chapter No. 33, R: • A:- M:- Stated convocations on 2d Monday of each month at 7% p. sr. at Mnfconto Hall. Sojourn ing companions in good standing cordially Invited. By order of the If. P. w. nr. a. kidd, Secretary. LUMBER-YARDS. LUMBER AT REDUCED PRICES — AT — Perry j Woodworth & Co.'s LUMBER YARDS -AND- , PLANING MILLS, No. Itt Commercial street, near Rail road Depot. mr2o-tr— 3 GRIFFITH, LYNCH & CO. LUMBER DEALERS, CORNER OF Alameda unci !''h-M Htm., DEALERS IN Surfaced Lumber at $42 50 per M ft. Merchantable Lumber 32 50 ** " " Flooring at • - - 42 50 " " " They constantly keep ou hand DOORS, \V INDOWS, BLINDS, POSTS, shingles, LATHS, SHAKES. HAIR, PLASTER OF PARIS, ETC., ETC ap2B-tt—.s J. C. JACKSON Keeps all kinds of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, DOORS. WINDOWS. BLINDS, Posts, Shakes, Piaster Paris, COKNT an«l HAIR. Corner of Alameda and First streets. t.os angkleh, cal.. VV. W. ROBINSON, AGENT. Holinuu's team ready lv yard to deliver or ders. sepStf oumiiaiii MiCTrarmianaaMMM— MISCELLANEOUS. IS. K. KMHKKi [>. W. THATCHKK. r r ii X 2 Great Jewelry House OP FlSi^^ KOUMERLY E. E. FISHER & CO. UT MAIN NT., - - - lot Angeles. Cal. Manufacture, Repair and Sell Everything in their line, at Manufacturer's Prices. sephtf T. C. HWIOAKT. JOS. HUBER, .IK. SWIGART & HUBER, DEALERS IN STOVES, XIX, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON-WARE AND OKOCKERYW'ARE, GLASS. Hardwaro and Willow-ware, LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS PLUMBING AND CAS FITTING Doae to Order. Sign of the Big Red Coffee-Pot, No. 110 MAIN ST., : LOS ANGELES. Jun2lti-o J. L. Ward & Co., 43 MAIN STREET, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. FIRE AND MARINE lIV HIT It ATV O X AGENTS REPRESENT INK London Assurance Corporation, Awets, 513,000,000. Insurance Co., of Hartford, Assets, 50,000,000. Union Ins. Co., of San Francisco Assets, 91,000,000. Policies nro written by us In above com panics, without reference to parent offices. Liberal advancements made on GRAIN oi PRODUCE, consigned to our correspondents In Sau FruuwUso, ut moderate rates of com mission, le .mi, — LOS ANGELES, TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 27, 1874. BUSINESS CARDB. WM. ABBOTT, | General Undertaker. FINE METALIC COFFINS, The Rest In the World. Always on hand, nnd all kinds of Collins ready" at one hour's notice. Apply al hi* FURNITURE WAREROOMS, No. i 0 Main street, Near the Ploo House. <>ctl7-ly J. STRELITZ. MERCHANT TAILOR, AND FASHION ABLE CLOTHIER. No. 73 Main fitreet. In front of the Orient Haloon, llowuejr Rloek. A large stock of the newest Cloths. Good tits guaranteed, mr24-tf—3 S. H. BUCHANAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, Successors to Buchuuan A Husklns. TAKEN FOR ALL KINDS \J of Bulldlngand satisfaction guaranteed. Headquarters at the Corner of Second and Fort street. ap2s-tf—3 C. F. HEINZEMAN & CO., Successors to J. B. SAUNDERS 4 CO., DRUG6ISTSAND CHEMISTS, "TM Main Street, LOS ANGELES. The CHOICEST TOILET ARTICLES, tho PUREST L.iUOS and PATENT MEDICINES of all kinds. BUT Prescriptions carefully com pounded day and night. no2-tf—3 OeWTE & PROftL, DYEING and SCOURING, COR. FIRST AND LOS ANOELES STS., (Old Uambrlnus Brewery.) Dyeing and Cleaning feathers n spe cialty. Curtains and Blankets cleaned by a new process. Odorless Cleaning of Gloves. Ladies nnd Gentlemeu's Clothing cleaned without Shrinkage. su*-Work called for and returned to any part of the city. seplii-lm* Montana Meat Market. FROSLINGER & FRANCE". fWW The best and tenderest Meats nt£J2 iv the market. None but the Msj— Primest Beef and Mutton ever to be found. Note the address—Montana Meat Market, Main Street, near First, Los Angeles. Junltf— 3 GABE ALLEN, [Successor to A. M- DODSON.) Moat Market! ! No. IM MAIN STREET, rpHE BEST OF MEAT OF EVE-jfIJSW A. ry variety, Eresli and Salted,con-MZfp sUtntlv ou hand and delivered on or-MSMM der to any part of tbe City. my2l-3m—B DRU G S MEDICINES. Nbjvv "sroreit: r V. CHEVALLIER HAS OPENED AN ELEGANT DRUG Store, In SIGNORET'S NEW BUILDING, Main St., opp. Pico House, Well assorted with fresh and pure medicines A iso a splendid assortment of PERFUME, HAIR BRUSHES.9 Sponges, and every toilet article from the best houses ofthe United States and France. American and French patent medicines. lOiie' i-di. French and fSinanitsli utilises are fe»i>oken. V. Chevalller has been established In San Francisco since' 49, and his long expe-lenoe in the drug business will recommend him to the confidence nnd patronage of "-c people aud medical fraternity of Los Angeles. sep26-tf New Drug Store! l>i*. T. Gelcich HAS OPENED AN EXCELLENT DRUG Store, well assorted with the best medi cines, which he constantly receives by every steamer from the famed house of Messrs. Reddingtou, Hostetter A Co., San Francisco. This new Drug store recommends Itself to all the inhabitants of Los Angeles in general, as also to the many friends of Dr. V. Gelcich, who have not forgotten the celebrated Plaia Drug Store, which has now been removed to Eort St., bot. Third & Fourth. The Doctor also recommends tho services of the experienced chemist and apothecary who attends his drug store. ALL THE MODERN LANCUACES Are spoken and prescriptions arc compound ed with great care and accuracy BOTH UA>' AJVI> NIGHT. sept-fitf mlscelXan eousT LOS ANGELES AGENCY, A Most Valuable Discovery! The Babcock Fire Extinguisher. Tiie Best Protection Against FIRE, and the Most Efficient and Sure Destroyer of the "Scale Bug." The chemicals used d» not Injure the bark or fruit, and two or three applications will cleanse the worst affected trees. The ordinary charge Is Certain Death to SQUIRRELS. ANTS &C. The certificates of Mr. J. De Barth Shoru, Col. E. J. C. Kkwjsn, and other geutlemen, can be seen at the ottice ofthe Agent AGENCY FOR DIEBOLD NORRIS & Co,'s Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, Combi nation Locks and Vault Door, The best ami most ukliahli: Safes In the • market. WEAVER & TAYLOR'S Celebrated Carbolized Rubber Hose. This Hose will be furnished In all sizes and In such length as may bo required, at SAif Francisco Prices. Crofutt's Life Protectors, Rubber and Leather Buckets &c, &c. HOLE AGENT FOR THE Safety Inkstand, Hurricane Cigar Light ers, Burglar Alarms. - ALSO THE — Vernon Mineral Water, A sure cure for Indigestion, Coustlpatlon, Piles, and ull affections of the Kidneys or Llvei. \V. IIURROWE, Agent, 5a Muiu St., rear oi Telegraph of Use. augSß-Um Los Angels.. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. H. CHASE, Mi D. SURGEON AND PRACTITIONER OE HO meoputhy. Office, rooms 1. a nnd Bln Per ry A Riley's uew building. Office hours, from 11 to U a. M., 1 ts S and 7 to 9 i\ m. , «W Special attention given to diseases oi women and children. oetfltf DR. J. W. OLIVER 7" TTOMOXOPATHIST. Office and residence, J l brick building, cast side of Spring st., between Court and First 9treets, Eos Angeles. Je 18-ly-24 K. D. WISE. M. D., GRADUATE OP JEFFERSON Medical College, Philadelphia. Office in Franco Building, Main street, Offlce hours, from.B to 10>4 a. m., and from 1% to 5 P. M. Obstetrics & Diseases of Women a Specialty. • wyy-iy—is DR. M. S. JONES, - TTIORMERLY OF ST. LOUIS, MO., fMkmK V haslocatcd in fxis Angeles where lunLiii' will give his special attention to SJr<^diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Okfick : Spring St., opposite Temple Block. febifttf—2 Dr. L. Dexter Lyford, "OHYSICIAN AND SURGEON - OFFICE, X No. 17, Downey Block, Lob Angeles, California. Office hours—9 to 11 A. M.iitof and 7 to 8 P. m. ai>23-tf—2 , i—i .— -DR. A. S. SHORE, J-JOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. OFFICE—Nearly opposite the Post Offlce. RESIDENCE—No. 13 Kranklln street. oc2-tl—2 _ J. H. McKEE, M. D.i PHYSICIAN & SURGEON -OFFICE, No. 1 Spring street, oppposite Temple's Bank. Residence — First street, between Fort and Hill, Los Angeles, Cal. mrlB-tf—2 Dr. Joseph Kurtz, PHYSICIAN. OFFICE—In Lanfraneo's Building, Main St above the Drug Store of C. F. Holnzeman A Co. Will give particular attention to EYE and EAR DISEASES. Offlco hours: From 9 to 11 a. m., from 2t04 p. m., and from Bto9 p. m. Residence: Buenavlstastreet. augl6 LEW. G. CABANIS, KOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER and searcher of Records for this Couuty. OFFICE—No. 44 Temple Block, over Post office, octl-lm* J. O. HOWARD. If. T. HAZAR D HOWARD & HAZARD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICES IN No. 8 DOWNEY BLOCK, LOS ANGELES, CAL. BWSpeclal attention given to business in the United States Land Office.. oc2-tf— 2 A. QLASSELL, U. H. SMITH. A. B. CHAPMAN, H. M. SMITH. GLASSELL, CHAPMAN 6tSMITH. AT LAW, OFFICE —TEMPLE BLOCK up-stuirs, I-os Angeles, California. oc2-tf—2 CHARLES LINDLEY. J. S. THOMPSON. LINDLEY & THOMPSON, AT LAW, OFFICE—Room Nos. 61 aud 62, over Tem pi! <t Workman's hank. oc2-tf—2 W. 1.. MARSHALL. WILL D. GOULD. J. H. BLANCHARD. MARSHALL. GOULD & BLANCHARD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW—OFFICE opposite the Court House. Rooms Nos. IN and 19 Temple Block, Los Angeles. Cal. Will practice In all the Courts of this Stute, and attend to business in U. S. Lund Offlce. tf—2 GEORGE J. CLARKE, NOTARY PUBLIC—COMMISSIONER OF Deeds for Arizona, and Broker. Office, Ganahl A Mc Daniels, Uowney Block. Je UKf—2 V. E. HOWARD & SONS, AT LAW, TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. _ oc2-tf —2 A. A. WILSON, & COUNSELLOR. OFFICE—Room Nos. 26 A 27 Temple Block, Los Angeles, California. oc2-tf—2 A. 11. JUDSON. .1. W. GILLETTE. P. E. ADAMS Att'y at Law Att'y at Law. JUDSON, GILLETTE & ADAMS. EXAMIMERS OF TITLES. a» spring St., Los Angelei, Col. oc2-tf—a E. J. WESTON, ARCHITECT, CIVIL ENGINEER AND U. 8. Deputy Mineral Surveyor, Room 61. Temple Block, Third Story, Los Angeles, Cal ifornia. mylOtf—3 J. E. GRIFFIN, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, OFFICE—ROOM 22, TEMPLE BLOCK, Low Aniftilcs, Cnl. MuSpoclal attention given to Land and Pro bate business. myl-tf—2 JOHN COLDSWORTHY, V. S. MINING AND LAND SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER Room 8, Downey's Block, Los Angeles. nov4tf —2 Wm. H. J. BROOKS, SEARCHER OF RECORDS For Lo. Angeles County. RECORDER'S OFFICE, OR NO. 8, DOWNEY BLOCK. aprlt tl—3 E. F. KYSOR, A.RCMITKCT, ROOM No. 14 HELLMAN'S BLOCK, COH ner of Commercial and Los Angeles Streets. ap26tf—2 J. H. BLAND, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW & REAL ESTATE AGENT—Room 44, nt head of stairs by Postofflce, Los Angeles, Cal Land bought and sold In town and county. Prompt attention paid to collections and all business entrusted to his care. augt) tf L. J. SACRIsfE7~ Real Estate Broker and Conveyancer, OFFICE. No. 41 Spring- street, Lew Angeles. Cal. sepimf LOSAffIEtfrTANNERY. VUILLEUMIER& MACHEFAU, Tanners and Wool Pullers- Bur Hides and Bkiui of every description. iepao-lm* PROFESSIONAL CARDS. SAM'L W. BROOKE, M. D., PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OBSTETRICIAN. HAVING BEEN ENGAGED IN PRAC tlcelnSt. lion *, Mo., and belngagrud uuie of two of the best U. S. Medical Colleges uud holding membsrshlp In various Medical Societies, I heg to announce that 1 havo per manently located In liOs Angeles nnd take pleasure In citing the following REFERENCES: Prof T. B. Hood, Washington, D. C; Prof. T. A. Reamy, Cincinnati, O.; Prof. D. B. Kins man, Columbus, Ohio; Prof. J. J. McDarrell St. Louis. Mo.; Prof. Jno. T,Hodgon.St. Louis, Mo.: Dr. Tiffin Sinks, Medical Herald, Leav enworth, Kan.; Dr. Geo. L. Miller, Herald, Omaha; Geo. C. Betts, D. D., LL. D., Kansas City. HoVFICK—In Lanfraneo's Building, Main St. Residence, No. 2fo Main street. Office hours—B to 10 a. m., 2to 1 and 7toB i\ M octl.i-lm Scripture & Ellis, J^TTORNEYfi-AT-LAW, No. li DOWNEY BLOCK. attffJ CHAS. E. BEANE, >' OTA It V PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER—DEEDS correctly drawn. Office, Ground Floor, Downc3 - Block, Main Street, next door to Bush's Jewelry Store. Jly3otf—2 FORWARDING St COMMISSION. HrAy&CO7 Forwarding & Commission 3IEItCII AN TS, HAVE FOR SALE THE PUREST GROCERIES, THE BEST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Of the choicest Imported Brands. PAINTS, OILS. DOORS AND SASHES, BLINDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. 14 und IB Los Angeles and Commerclnl St LOS ANGELES. no3tl—4 SIMON LEVY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. General dealer In all kinds of COUN TRY PRODUCTIONS, Hides, Grain and Wool. Makes advances on Consignments to all parts of the United States. Nos. 24 and 34 Allso St.. LOS ANGELES. 005-ly4p—B For Sale Low. SIMON LEVY has bought the grain dam aged at the burning of the Stearns'mill, nnd will commence selling It cheap on Mon day morning at tho mill. SOpjQU >asture7 I HAVE PASTURE LANDsufflclentto feed from 1,000 to 2.000 sheep, upon which I w ill koep that number until the first of Jan uary ut reasonable terms. SIMON LEVY, sepSOtf Cor. Allso and Alameda Sts. J. L- Ward & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire tS Marine Insurance Agents. 43 MAIN STREET, I. OH A ."N' d- E L ES, CAL. aprl4-tf— :i ■MBBHnaaSSBMSMIMH|Si LIQUORS, ETC. PALACE SALOON. Tl> WEAIS** *i'V., Temple Rloek, Los ASOKLES, Gain A tine stock of Winos, Liquors and Cigars kept constantly on huud, and Liquors bottled expressly for family use. Also MOT JL. UTVC II Served from 11 o'clock a. SC. to 1 o'clock p. m., und from 8 p. m. until - a. m. .1 L. WILLIAMS, octotr Proprietor. JOSEPH BRESON, SAMPLE ROOMS, OPPOSITE U. S. HOTEL, MAIN ST. The purest WINES, the choicest CIGARS, and the best FANCY DRINKS concocted south of San Francisco. ■VTemple Block, next lo Wells, Fargo A Company's office. no2-tt—3 GRAND RE-OPENINO OF THE ORIENT SALOON. We have Just received a Large aud Entire NEW STOCK of LIQUORS and CIO-Vliß*. »r Punches and Cobblers Specialties. J. CAPPE, Proprietor. a, E. GARD. Manager. mylfttr— 1 BOWLING ALLEY BILLIARD SALOON. In the basement of the U.S. Hotel building, formerly occupied by the Cucnniorgu Wine Depot, a SALOON, With a First Class stock of Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Etc., Etc., and tho best accommodation for customers. No charge will be made to patrons for the use of Billiard tables and Alley. A lunch will be served In tho evening. KRUMDICK & MELCHERT, nug27-tf Proprietors. CUCAMONGA WINE. DEPOT AT LOUIS MESMER'S WINE CELLAR, underneath the new U.S. Hotel, corner of Los Angeles and Re quena streets. Wine by the Glass, Bottle or Gallon. All kinds of Liquors, Wines and Bitters at wholesale nnd retail. NOTICE. The public of Los Angeles are hereby noti fied that no other person In Los Angeles but Louis Mesnierhas wines from the Cocomoirgo ranches. J. L. SANSEVAIN. nnMpt f—4 r. LAOTH. fkitz m k.n/.. NEW YORK BREWERY, PHIL. LAUTH & CO., (Successors to Chris. Henne) Proprietors. The CLEAREST, PC REST and MOST BRIL LIANT. LAGER BEER BOUtll of San Francisco. Orders for DRAUGHT or BOTTLED '*•'<<.R promptly attended to. The celebrated Beer from this Brewery de fies competition In the State. mnVtf—ft CITY BREWERY Aii <1 SALOON, Cor. Second and Spring Streets, LOS ANGELES Fine Lager Beer for sale LN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. uo2-tf-8 JOS. LETBER, Proprietor. LINES OF TRAVEL. LOS ANGELES DIVISION SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. Anaheim Branch Railroad. LOS ANGELES & SAN PEDRO Railroad and Steamer. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after WEDNESDAY, April 21,1874, and until further notlco, trains will run every day as follows: LEAVES LOS ANGELES: FOR ARRI VK» Wilmington 10:00 a.m. 11:16 a.m. San Fernando 11:80 " 12:45 p.m. Spadra 3:80 p. m. 5:15 " Wilmington 4:00 " 5:15 " Nietos 4:30 " 5:20 " TOWARD LOS ANGELES: LEAVE. ARRIVE. Wilmington 7:45 a.m. 9:00 a. m. Spsdra .8:60 " 10:3 C " Nlefos 8:50 " 9:40 " Wilmington „ „ 1:00 p. M. 8:15 P. M. San Fernando 1:80 " 1:80 " "ON BTKAMBR DATS," Time of trains between Los Angeles and Wil mington will be varied so as to connect wltb steamer. Train between Los Angeles and Nietos will stop at the following points on Alameda street for passengers only, to wit: KOHLER ST., WASHINGTON, and RUBIO'S The time of C. Ducommun, corner Com mercial and Main streets, has been adopted by this company. ap23-tf-10 E. E. HEWITT. Supt. GOODALL, NELSON & PERKINS' STEAMSHIP LINES. Tlie ELEGANT and FAST SAIL SMfiUaJNG STEAMSHIPS of this Line will sail regularly, as follows: <5< 5 < a EII| Eg 9 f|3| f ■ * I f» '■ ? \ 9 I R 3 •• £ f . % stog MJ « tj B S 5 vug aire? V o - 3 s a c J, -<up*r uny id »a}juy to o i M Ctf '/ O OtM}tfUtU,f - c • - - 2. «My joy S -i £S X S g uvf,' »<nxrj I 9 O . - " x wiaifDuy to *,uury ri >— y oi m yi -i c: i _ '/ 5 I uwnjuuj,J -3 ' ■ ' * I MDSJOf I mpi/imy S g> £ g 5 S I fSSX X % o - O O ■ % OJ.UDJJ fj .• TO J iiu.iy a» a. v f> ih* -. i._l , . THE STEAMSHIP T E TV T I. R A Culls at Santa Barbaru ouly. The CONSTANTINE (.'alls at San Simeon, San Lnls Obispo, Santa Barbara und San Buena Ventura, and goes no larther than Anaheim. The KAiXJRAMA, calling at all way ports, sails about every two weeks, as per special advertisement, and goes no further than Ana helm. Vessels leave for San Diego on same day of arrival at San Pedro. For Freight, Pas-sage or Information, apply to or address ■T. L. WARD A CO.. Agents, Jy3 tf—UK No. 43 Main street. PACIFIC MAIL_SJEAMSHIP CO. SCHED U L E. The Largest Ships ! THE BEST ACCOMMODATIONS, The Quickest Time! San Francisco and Los Angeles Route. THE STEAMER ORIZABA Calling at Nntita Barbara only, AND STEAMER SENATG l*, Calling at Principal Way Porta. li >I it STEAMERS. 3.S << 1« . it *j -I ti Senator Oct. l:i Oct. 151 Oct. 17 Oct. 19 Orizaba " 20 " 2.' " 2s " 28 Senator " 24 " 201 " 2s " 30 Orizaba " 31 Nov 21 Nov 4iNov 8 Senator Nov 6 " M| " 10| " 12 Steamer Ornisbs g:oes throng U to San Diego. Steamer Keniitor to At'uhelm Eandln( Only. THE BTEAMER CARRYIN G (.() M BUBTIBLES, Will leave San Francisco for Sau Pedro, and Way Ports, Saturday Oct. 10, • Returning, will leave sau Pedro lor San Francisco Saturday, Oct. 17. The GIPSY is especially adapted tor car rying Live Stock. FOR NEW YORK VIA PANAMA, Steamers leave San Francisco every week. Steamers of Oct. 10th ana e'veiy alternate Thursday call at SAN PKDRO. and prlnotnal Mexican and Ceutrul Ameri can ports. PASSAGE: From San Pedro to New York. Cabin, upper deck $100 Cabin, lower deck 90 Steerage 60 Through Bills from New York to San Pedro at Very Low Bates. FOR CHINA AND JAPAN. Steamers leave San FranolsooSept, .ah and every fourteen duys thereafter. Through Bills of Lading signed to New York, Europe, Mexico and south America. Plans of Steamers' Cabin at Agent's office. For Passage or Freight apply to H. McLELLAN, Agent for Los Aneeles County. Ottice, 61 Main street , opposite head of Com merclal. mr7—ls Delmonico Restaurant, MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE COM MERCIAL. Los Angeles, California. OI»EIV nt ALL HOURS. WTh» choicest delicacies of the Best Mar kets always ou the Bill of Fare. Elegant DINNERS AND LUNCHES at a moment* notice. JAS. MUNROE A CO., no2-f—3 Proprietors. MORSCH & MANNING, House;andsign painters—fresco, Scene, Gilding, and Banner Painters— Hi Court street, opposite Court-house, Los Angeles. Grainlug, Glaslug, Calclmlning and Paper-hanging. Jyl»-3m—2 NUMBER 26. BANKING HOUSES. THE BANK. Wit. workman. f. r. r. rxu ta* TEMPLE & WORKMAN. BANKERS. TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANOELES. Receive Deposits, laaue their Certificates and transact a OCSEBAL BAHEIHU BIMINEHM MAW ON THE LOROOI *H0 S»N 'RAKCISCO BAM rUHITEOI. AT M FWASCISCO Exchange for sale on New York, Hamburg, London, Berlin and I*arU, Frankfort. Legal Tenders, Bullion, Oold Dost and Gov ernment, State, County and City Bonds bought and Sold. Receive valuables for safe keen ng. —10 LOS ANGELES COUNTY SAVINGS BANK MAIN STREET, Log A.nfgelem, Cal. CAPITAL STOCK, :: :::: $300,0tr0 —— • President J. 8. SLAUSON Vicr-President J. M. GRIFFITH DIRECrORN: J. S. SLAUSON, J. M. GRIFFITH V. A. HOOVER, ROBERT 8. BAKER, JT. BIX BY, H. B. TICHENOK. GEORGE S. DODGE. Open for business from 10 a. m. till 8 p.m., and Saturday evenings from 8 to I o'clock. Deposits received In any amounts. Money to loan on real estate In amounts and for length of time desired. JlyS-tf—s FARMERS' AND MERCHANTS' OF X. O 8 ANGELES, CAPITAL 0500,000 (Wj&r EY President t W. HELLMAN Cashier Exchange for sale ou San Franciaoo, New York. London, I>ublin. I'rankfort, l*.iri», and Berlin. Hamburg. Receive deposits and issue their certificates. Buy and sell Legal Tenders, Government State, County and City Bonds. Will also pay the highest price for Gold and Silver Bullion. From and alter this date, on all moneys left as term deposits, interest will be allowed I<os Angeles. June 18th. 1874. Iy—6o MISCELLANEOUS. State Investment Insurance Co. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 409 California Street, SAN FRANCISCO. Cash Assets Exceed • • - $360,000. OFFICERS : PETER DONAHUE President. A « J .- A i? T rv Vice-Preside ut CHARLES H. GUSHING, Secretary. Stockholders and Directors in Los Augeles i JOHN O. DOWNEY, F. P. F. TEMPI. X L W. HELLMAN, O. W. CHILUS, JOHN JONES. AU Premiums for Insurance are deposited in Los Angeles Banks, and loaned upon ap proved securities. WM - J - RRODRICK, mylotf-3Vi Agent In Los Angeles. New Furniture Store!! Herberger Jj Mannsen, UPHOLSTERERS ...ANU Cabinet Makers (U. S. HOTEL BUILDING), Requena St., Los Angeles, Call attention to their New Furniture and Up hoistery Establishment. Furniture of every description ronnulactured on the premises. Mr. C. Herberger being a practical Uphols terer and Mr. Johannsen a thoroughly prac tical Cabinetmaker, the firm ofTer advantages to purchasers afforded by no other house. New and Fashionable Styles of Parlor, Bedroom, Dining and Kitch en Furniture always on hand. UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING Attended to promptly. Satisfaction guarnn teed. agitttf J. J. REYNOLD'S PIONEER HACK LINE. CLARENDON HOTEL. Contracts for Hacks. Barouches, Carriages Coaches,etc, for Weddings, Picnics, Balls and Funerals. None but careful drivers em- Jly4tf—2 THE GREAT IRRIGATING PUMP! OF THE DAY. MB. W. T. CLAPP HAVINO LOCATED permanently In Los Augeles, will atteu l to the business pertaining to the 'Wilcox Steam Wator Lifter For me In Los Angeles county. My patron, will tlnd Mr. Clapp to beaialrand honorable businessman. Call and see blm at his resi dence, San Gabriel Orange Grove Association. San Gabriel, or address P. O. Box 73, Los An gels- ALLEN WILCOX Sau Francisco, May 17, 1*74. Jy'JMt -