Newspaper Page Text
VOTiUME 111. Is Published live,., morning except Monday by THE LOS ANGELES CITT AND COUNTY I'KIN'TIN't; AND PD 111 ,!SU IN( 1 CO. OKFICE -Herald Moaui Ilook and .lob I'rlMtlM Hons.-. Spring street, opposite the i ouri ilouse, TKRMSI Per annum, by mall or express 310 six months " " 4 Three months " " I Delivered by curriers! per week, 28 cents THE WEEKLY HERALD Is published every Saturday morning. _ TERMS. i year, by mail or express, single c0pv...5.1 00 six months, " " " " * ... 1 75 Three " " " " " ... Ino advertlaements inserted at reason able rates All Kinds of ,lub-W«rk dene to Com pete wllh Snn f'rnnelMeo In I'rlre. Nlyle. null ■jasjrjUMC ol WwrkmaiiHhlp. Everybody is wondering why the Bazaar Is selling their goods so cheap. The reason is t hey must clear out their spring and Bum mer foods to miike room for the immense Block of Fall and Winter goods which thoy will soon receive. I Tho Bazaar is now giving 12 yards Best American Prints for 31. Also, six yards 4-4 French and American pflnts for $1. At tho •oriier of Main and Requena streets, oppo dte IT. S. Hotel. » MISCELLANEOUS. WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES. THE CALIFORNIA FAVORITE, AND —■ Champion of the World! THE AVTTVTVIOK. AT London 1862, Paris 1867, Vienna 1872. Stockton 1874. San Jose 1874, Modesto 1874. Vallejo 1374. Sacramento 1874. SOLD ON EASY TERMS. Special attention given to or ders sent to EDMUND DOAK, No. 1 Spring' si.. I.os Angeles. E. W. HAURAL, Gen. Agent, 427 .Montgomery street, S. F. JlylO-Cin* INSURANCE AGENCY. Commercial imonuM* ci»mi»i...y or California. 1-' I It. 11l M A 111 N HL < Iffice In San Francisco, No. 228, California St." Capital, paid up In gold, 3200.000. Assets *375,000. CHAS. a. LATON I C. W. KELLOGG, Secretary. | President. A. li. ijcnNlson, General Agent. DIRECTORS i v,. \v. Dodge, Clans Sprockets, SeldenS, Wright, W. B.Oummlngß, Jumea M. Barney, 0. \V. Kellogg, \ \V .lee, Peter Dean, John H. Wise, C, J. Deerimr, Levi Stevens, .lames Gamble, Charles Main, W. B. Hooper, G. L. Bradley. James Phelan, .lames Llnforth, 11. S. Crocker, N. D. Thayer, V.H. Freeman, D. 11. Haskell. llartlett Doe. Jos. A. Hooper. It. Me*,Ef<LAßf. Agent, tor Los Angeles. otlice-«« Alain St., or Paeifle Mail S. S. Co.'s otHee. narThtsCompany belongs to no combina tion, bnt takes risks upon their merits; rates based upon the hazard assumed. noS-eow-4w ASSESSMENT NOTICE. f,os, cm.., I November 13, 18T4. | The Spring and sixth street Railroad Com pany; prlncTpal place of business Loa Angeles City, California, -Notlee is hereby given that at a meeting of the Directors held on the 18th day of November, IX7I, an assessmenl of five dollars and Bfty cents (ISM) per share was levied upon the capital stock Of the corpora lion, payable on or before the i">th day of De cember, 1874, to the Truasurer, F. P. F. Tem ple, at the bunking house of Temple & Work man, Los Angeles city. . Any slock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on the said 15th day of Decem ber, 1874. will be dolinquontand advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before, will be sold on the 2d day of January, 1875, at the office of the Company, Room 45 Temple Block, to pay thedelinquent assessment, together with costs of advertising ami expenses of sale. ISA AO W. LORD, Secretary. Office) Los Angeles City, California, novl4 4w NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Mr, W. Kallsher will apply to the Com* mini Council at its session of December :i, 1574, for a deed lo I be (OllOWing piece of land: Commenolng at a point in the south line of a road between the laud of E. Moulton and the heirs of L. Williiart, a willow tree about I' 4 feet, in diameter, from which bears the N. E. corner of the lowland of E. Moulton; bears N. E. magnetic course 11.91) chains dis tant and running N. 82" W. 7.51 chains; thence S. 7'<, v W. 7.2! Chains to a willow fence S. 89V a v 13, 6M chains; thence N. TJtf* E. 0.82 chains to the place of beglnulng.oontaining 4 70-100 oores of land. Any person objecting to the granting of tho above petition must lile their objections in writing.lf any they have, ut least one day nrloi lo the said meeting of the Common Oounoil. M. KREMER, nv2'J td Clerk of Com. Council. GUARDIAN SALE. IN THE PROBATE COURT ol Los Angeles County, State of California. In the matter ofthe estate of Victor M. Clement and Marie Clementine clement, minors.—Notice la here by given that the undersigned guardian ol said minors will, In pursuance of an order ot said Court, sell at private sale, on or after the 20th day of December, A. 1). 1874, the following described real estate belonging to the estate of said minors, to-wit: Low7and Bln block 41, and lot Bln block 42, of Ords surveyor the City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, State of California. Bids will lie received ill the City of Los Angeles, ut the office of V, E. Howard A Son. , Attorneys at Lew, No. 11 Temple Block. J. H. BON, Guardian ofthe estates of Victor M. Clem en! ami Marie Clementine Clement, minors. Los Angeles, Nor. 3uth, 1K74. d.vltd Meeting of Stockholders. ClO-OPBRATIVH NURSERY AND FRUIT J Company ol Los Angeles Ooiiuly—Princi pal place of business Los Angeles, Cal, No un- is hereby given, thai pursuant to a request of v malorily ofthe stockholders of said Com pany, a special meeting of stockholder!! will be held at the Secretary's office, No. 41'leiii ple Blook) f/os Angeles, on Tuesday, Dec. Bth, 1874, U 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose ofunieud lugthe Bv-Luws, and transacting such other business as may eomo before^hiMi^eetliuf. Los Angeles. Nov. 23d, 1871. ' President. 24td Los Angeles Daily Herald. SOCIETY NOTICES. I. F. Angslitn I.od_r<* "Jo. i».V I. O. ©. a\- in rot inns of I Ins Lodge an In M i \ n \ Monday evening nt 8 o'clock, st odd Fellows' Jiuii, Downey Block, Visiting and sojourn ing brother. In good standing are Invited to attend. J. J. SMITH, >.«;. K. A. Piikuss, Jr. H. S. aul Orange Grove Encampment, No. 31.1. 0.0. F. I REGULAR MEETINGS held on tbe Soc \, ond and Fourth TUESDAYS of eueh month at 7k; p. M. Sojourning Palriarohi In good standing are cordially Invited to attend. O. H. MATFIELD, C. P. a. w. Htrrrow, Scribe. Masonic Notice. Auft-eleH I.oot„ \0.42, V. A A. If. The Mtaled meetings of this Ix>dge lire held on the Brat Monday of each month at. 7:30 p, m. Members of Rentalpha, No. 202, and all Mus ter Masons in good staudimr are cordially in vited, s. C. EOY, W. M. Cuah. Smith, Secretary. ao2B-ly—l Los Angeles Chapter No. 33, R: • A: • W: • Stated convocations on 2d Monday of each month at 7). P. M. at Masonic Hall. Sojourn ing companions in good standing cordially 1.-ivited. ily order of the H. P. W. H. A. Kino, Secretary. LUMBER-YARDS. LUMBER AT REDUCED PRICES — AT — Perry, Woodworth & Co.'s LUMBER YABDS — AND — PLANING MILLS, No. lo Commercial street, near Kail road Ocpot. mr2o-tf— 8 GRIFFITH, LYNCH & CO. LUMBER DEALERS, CORNER OF Alinnoda untl Stw., DEALERS IN Surfaced Lumber at $42 50 per M ft. Merchantable Lumber 32 50 " " " Flooring at - - - 42 50 '** " " They constantly keep on hand DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, POSTS, SHInULES, LATHS, SHAKES, HAIR, PLASTER OF PARIS, ETC., ETC ap^B-tl—6 J. C. JACKSON Keeps all kinds of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, Posts, Shakes, Plaster Paris, CEMENT and lIAITt. Corner of Alnmed:i and First, streets.' i.os, cai,. W. W. ROBINSON, AGENT. dolman's team ready In yard to deliver or ders. scp3tf c. c. kisiikk. i„ w. tiiatciikj:. TP II E Great Jewelry Hnuse OF FISHER & THATCHER KORMKIU.Y E. E. FISHER & CO. 6? MAIN ST i.oH Aueeles, Cal. Manufacture, Repair and Sell Everything In their line, at Manufacturer's Prices. be pull L. LICHTENBERCER, (Successor to Roeder A Liohtenberger), jyjANUFACTURER OF Wagons, Buggies, Carriages, Etc. I is. 148 and 117 Main street, Los Angeles, Very respectfully solicits the patronage of the public iv his line of business. All ve hicles built of the BEST MATERIAL. An extensive BLACKMMITH SHOP Is connected with the establishment, where all kiuds of Blocksmithlng will bo done to order. REPAIRING Done with dispatch, and with a view of giving satisfaction to patrons. A ll Work Warranted no7-tf lp—2% PIONEER SADDLE AND HARNESS MANUFACTORY. S. C. FOY ■■ Proprietor. J£STABLISHED IN 1854. Importer, manufacturer, wholesale and re tail dealer in all kinds of Saddlery and Har ness. The best brands of Saddle, Harness and Sole Leather, always on hand and (Or sale at wholesale and retail. No. V 3 Lo« A iikkU'. Slrceel, LOS ANGELES, CAL. uols-tl -5 LOS ANGELES, EKIDAY MORNING, 'DECEMBER 4, 1874. BUSINESS CARDS. WM. ABBOTT, , to 13 General Undertaker. FINE METALIC COFFINS, The Host in tbe World. Always on hand, and all ktndl of Collins fendy atone hour's notice. Apply al his FURNITURE WAREROOMS, No. 16 Main street, Near I ho Pico House. oct 17-ly IWORITZ CHOYNSKI, 44 SPRING ST. Carpenter and Cabinet Maker. Storqp fdled Up, Furniture made uild re paired, and general work doimon the short est not ice, nov22tf P. F. MILLEN, Conveyancer and Searsber of Records. IJTC.Y I, KSTATIC, INSURANCE AND GENERAL ACENT special facilities for placing property in the Eastern and European Markets. I.oann Negotiated. No. T3, Main S!., Los Angeles. nov2otf ~b7w MACLELLAN, Searcher of Records and Conveyancer, ROOM 13 DOWNEY BLOCK. nov22tf J. STRELITZ. MERCHANT TAILOR, AND FASHION ABLE CLOTHIER. No. 7.1 Main Street, In front c.r the Orient Saloon, Downey Rloek. A large stock of the newest Clotlis. Good tits guaranteed. mr24-tf—2 S. H. BUCHANAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, Successors to BuchMinn A Huskins. C CONTRACTS TAKEN FOR ALL KINDS of Btiildingaml satisfaction guaranteed. Headquarters at the Corner of Second and Fort street. apft-tf—B C. F. HEINZEMAN & CO., Successors to J. B. SAUNDERS & CO., DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS, 9fJ3 Mviii Street, LOS ANGELES. The CHOICEST TOILET ARTICLES, the PUREST DRUGS and PATENT MEDICINES ofall kinds, «k* J Prescriptions carefully com pounded day and night. no2-tf-:l Montana Meat Market. FRXELINOER & FRANCE. fSBM The beet and tenderest Meats ArA/T in the market. None but the aaeesSsL Primest Beef and Mutton ever to be found. Note (headdress—Montana Meat Market, Main Street, near First, Los Angeles. Junltf—;i ~DRUGS---MEDICINES. ~M_-~M ""t^t r lax > * » m * * m Jl V/ .« »> ii • V. CHEVALLIER HAS OPENED AN ELEGANT DRUG Store,in SICNORET'S NEW BUILDING, Main St., opp. Pico House, Well assorted with fresh and pure medicines Also a splendid assortment of PERFUME, HAIR BRUSHES, Sponges, and every toilet article from the best houses of the Culled States and France. American and French patent medicines. EdngUsll* French and Himiiisli I-iimjT'mSJt'si are tSi>oltt*n. V.Clievallier has been established in San Francisco sinee '48, and Ids long experience in the drug business will recommend him to the conlidencc and patronage of the people and medical fraternity of Los Angeles. sep2A-tf MISCELLANEOUS. agency."™ A Most Valuable Discovery! The Bab-cock Fire Extinguisher, Tho Best Protection Against FIRE, and the Most Efficient and Sure Destroyer of the « Scale Hug-.*" The chemicals used do not Injure the hark or fruit and two or three applications will cleanse the worst affected trees. The ordinary charge Is Certain Death to SQUIRRELS. ANTS &C. The certificates of Mr. .i. De Bartb Bnonn, Co)l. E. J. C. Kkwkn, and oilier gentlemen, can be seen at the ottlee of the Ageiit. AGENCY FOR DIEBOLD NORRIS & Co.'s Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, Combi nation Locks and Vault Door, The best and most heliaule Safes In the market. WEAVER & TAYLOR'S Celebrated Carbolized Rubber Hose. This Hose will be furnished in all sizes and In such length aa may be required, ut San Francisco Pkick.s. Crofutt's Life Protectors, Rubber and Leather Buckets &c, &c. NOI.E AUKNT FOR Till. Safety Inkstand, Hurricane Cigar Light ers, Burglar Alarms. — ALSO THE — Vernon Mineral Water, A sure cure for Indigestion, Constipation, Piles, ami all affections of the Kidneys or Liver. W. BoRROWE, Agent, 52 Main St., rcajauf Telegraph oiliee, aug2B-Hm Los Angeles. LADIES,' HAIR DEESSING ESTABLISHMENT. CAROLINE C. BURTON. lABIES'I ABIES' HAIR DRESSING IN ALL J styles. Braids, Curls and Waterfalls made at the shortest notice. Tangled hair straightened and made into any shape. Per umes of the finest quality ou hand and for sale. No. tt Spring street, Los Angeles, Cal. O.W. PARKER, Teacher and Conductor pf VOCAL aud INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. Residence, No. «G Spring St. PIANOS and ORGANS TUNED and REPAIRED. All orders left at the above rooms, or nt Brodrick's Book store, will receive prompt at tention. augSOtf PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. H. CHASE, M. D. SURGEON AND PRACTITIONER OF HO menpathy, »Jllice, rooms 1. 2 and a in Per ry i Riley's ni'w building. Office hours, from '.1 lo 11 A. 51., 1 t» 3 and 7 to 0 j\ M. **-Special attention given to diseases ol women and children. octt'tf cm. jaw. oLtvtw," HOMfEId'ATHIST. Office and residence, brick building, east side of Spring st., beiween Court ami First streets, Los Angeles. Je 18-ly—24 K. D. WISE. M. D., G GRADUATE OP JEFFERSON T Medical Coßese,Philadelphia Office in Lun Franco Building. Main street, iiflicc hours, from Bto 10.''2 a. m., and from | <( | I. M. Obstetrics & Diseases of Women a Specialty. my?-ly—ls DR. M. S. JONES, OF ST. LOUIS, mo.. 1 j lias located in Los Angele. where he will give his special attention to *&Br diseases of tho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Ok kick : Spring St., opposite Temple Block. feh'Jstf—2 Dr. L. Dexter Lyford, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON — OFFICE, No. 17, Downey' Block, Loa Angelea, California, Otlice hours—4 to 11 A. M.; 110 .1 and 7 to S P. M. ai)23-tf—2 DR. A. S. SHORB, JJOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. OFFICE—Nearly opposite the Post Office. RESIDENCE—No. a Franklin Btreet. oc2-tt—2 J. H. McKEE, M. D.. IPHYSICIAN1 PHYSICIAN A SURGEON -OFFICE, No. 1 Spring street, oppposite Temple's Bank. Rehiiiknck— First street, between Fort and Hill, Los Angeles, Cal. mrlB-tf— 2 Dr. Joseph Kurtz, PHYSICIAN. OFFICE—in Lun franco's Build ing, Main St above tho Drug Store of C. F. llelnzeman A Co. Will give particular attention to EYE and EAR-DISEASES. Office hours: From !• to II a. it., from 2 to t p. at., and from 8 to !l P. M. Residence: Buenavlsta street. AnglO LEW. G. CABANIS, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER and Searcher of Records for this ('ounty. " OFFICE—No. II Temple Block, over Post office. oetMm* J. G. IIOWABD. H. T. RAKAnn HOWARD & HAZARD, ATTORN FYS AT LAW, OFFICES IN No. 8 DOWNEY BLOCK, Los ANGELES, CAL. As"Special attention given to business in the United States Land Otlice. oc2-tf—2 A.OLAH,SKI,I.. G. 11. SMITH. A. 11.<!IIA1>.MAN, 11. »I. HMITII. GLASSELL, CHAPMAN & SMITH. AT LAW, OFFICE-TEMPLE BLOCK up-stairs, Los Angelt s, ('alilornia. oc2-l.f— 2 CTIAUI.R.S t.INDI.KY. J. H. THOMPSON. LINDLEY & THOMPSON, A TTORNEYS AT LAW, pie A Bank. 002-tf—2 W. 1.. MABSIIAU* WII.I. D. QOPI.D. J. 11, II LAN!'HA 1111. MARSHALL COULD & BLANCHARD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW—OFFICE opposite the Court House. Rooms Nos. 18 and 15) Temple Block, Los Angeles, Cal. Will pract ice in all the Courts of this State, and attend lo business in U. S. Land Otlice. tf-2 GEORGE J. CLARKE, "VJ OTARY PUBLIC—COMMISSIONER OF T3| Deeds Tor Arizona, and Broker, office, Gun ah 1 A McDaniols, Downey Block. Jelll-tf—2 V. E. HOWARD & SONS, AT LAW, TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANOELES. oct-if —2 A. A. WILSON, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR. OFFICE-Room Nos. 2fi A 27 Temple Block, Los Angeles, California. oc2-tf— 2 A. ir. .lITKHON. ,T. W. UII.I.KTTIC. T>. K. ADAHB Att'y at Att'y at Law.. JUDSON, GILLETTE & ADAMS, EXAMIMFRS OF TITLES. ■ '.:> Spring; St., Los Angelea, Cal. oi:2-tf— 2 E. J. WESTON, ARCHITECT, CIVIL ENGINEER AND DItAU GIITSMAN, U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor, Room 111. Temple Block, Third Story, Los Angeles, Cal ifornia. mylOtf—-3 J. E. GRIFFIN, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, OFFICE—ROOM 22, TEMPLE BLOCK, Los Anjjrelew, Cal. »A.Spucial attention given to Land and Pro bate business. inyl-tf—2 JOHN GOLDSWORTHY, U. S. MINING AND LAND SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER Room 0, Downey's Block, Los Angeles, novltf —2 E. F. KYSOR, AIfcOHITEOT, ROOM No. 14 HELLMAN'S BLOCK, COR ner of Commercial and Los Angelea Streets. ap2.)t.f—2 J. H. BLAND, j ATTO RNTEY-AT - LA W & RlO A L ESTATE AGENT—Room 41, at head of stairs by Postoflice, Los Angeles, Cal Lund bought and told In town and county. Prompt attention paid lo collections and all business entrusted to his care. augO tf T. 0. SWIOAKT. JOS. UUIIKII, JO. SWICART & HUBER, lIBAI.EItM IN HTOVKS, TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON-WARE ANII CROCKERY WARE, CLASS, Hardware and Willow-ware, LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS PLUMBING AND CAS FITTINC 'lionet to Order. Sign of the Big Red Coffee-Pot, NO. 110 MAIN ST., : lAJS ANGELES. Jun2ltf-5 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. SAM'L W. BROOKE, M. D., SURGEON AND OBSTETRICIAN. OFFICE—In Lanfranco's Building, Main St. Office hours—S to in a. at.. 2to I and 7tox r. v. Residence, No. 240 Main street. novlO-ly Scripture & Ellis, UN X YM-AT- LAW, ROOMS 1 and 8 DOWNEY BLOCK. ntlat CHAS. E. BEANE, NOTARY PUBLIC AN I) CONVEYANCER—D BEDS correctly drawn. Offloe,GrOtmd Floor, Downey Block, Main Street, next door to Bush's Jewelry store. JlySOtf—3 ~h7j. Civil Engineer and Surveyor, U. S. Deputy Land and Mineral Surveyor. Surveys of all kinds In the city or nt a dis tance. .Maps made, Field notes and dtscrip- Hons furnished Ac. OFFICE—NO. 43 MAIN STREET, la<s Anoei.ks, Cai.. oet'Jttlf FORWARDING 8c COMMISSION. HELLMAN, HAAS 6L CO," Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS, HAVE FOR SALE THE PUREST GROCERIES, THE BEST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Of the choicest Imported Brands. I'AINTS, OILS, HOOKS AND SASHES, BLINDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. 14 and M Los Angeles and Commercial St LOS ANGELES. no,lt(_l 81 MOM LEVY, C COMMISSION MERCHANT. J General dealer in all kinds of COUN TRY PRODUCTIONS, Hides, Grain and Wool. Makes advances on Consignments to nil parts ofthe United Slates. Nos. 21 and 84 Aliso S'.. LOS ANGELES- OCS-ly4p-3 ■iwiiiii mtm 11 .'nkjmjiw^LJuMEM^jiMuimawMMa LIQUORS, ETC. PALACE SALOON. ri> MAIN ssT. f rTemple JJiocß. Los ANQCtKB, Cai.. A fine slock of Wines, Liquors and Cigars kept constantly on hand, add Liquors bottled expressly for family use. Also II O T L.UN Gll Served from II o'clock A. M. lo I o'clock i>. ■~ and from s r. K. until 2 A. X, .T WILLIAMS, octoir Pro pr i eto r. JOSEPH BRESON, is!s ' opiHjsrnK v. s! hotel, .main st. The purest WINES, the choices! CIGARS, ami the best FANCY DRINKS concocted south of San Francisco. *4r*Temple Block, next to Wells, Fargo A Company's otlice. no'.'-tf ;; GRAND RE-OPENING OK THE ORIENT SALOON. We have just received v Large anil Entire NEW STOCK of LIQTJOBS and CIGkA.K.B. i\t>- Punches and Cobblers Specialties. .1. CAPPE, Proprietor. (1. E. GAUD, Manager. mylfltf—l CDC AMONG A WINE DEPOT AT LOUIS MESMI'.k'S WINE CELLAR, underneath the new U.S. Hotel, corner of Los Angeles and Re quena streets. Wine by the Glass, Bottle or Gallon, All kinds of Liquors, Wines and Bitters at wholesale and retail. NOTICE. The public of Los Angeles are hereby noti fied that, no other person iv Los Angeles but Louis Mesuierhas wines from the Cocomongo ranches. J, L. SANSKVAIN. no. r i-2 1 ilf—4 P. LADTH. FRITZ mk.s/.. NEW YORK BREWERY, PHIL. LAUTH &, CO., (Successors to Chris. Bonne] Proprietors. The CLEAREST, PUREST and MOST BRIL LIANL LAGER BEER SouUujf San Francisco. Orders for DRAUGHT or BOTTLED Uc.i-.R promptly attended to. The celebrated Beer from this Brewery de fies competition In the state. mr>tf— 5 CITY BREWERY And SALOON, Cor. Second and Spring Streets, LOS ANGELES Fine Lager Beer for sale IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. no2-tf—,'! JOS. LEIBER, Proprietor. VETERINARY" SURGEON. OSCAR U. BALDY, V. S., TREATS ALL diseases of the horse. Can he found at corner Fourth aud Fort streets. Los Ange les, Cal. au2 tf—2 I.OL'IS KM EH V PAOK. VKI.IX KPHRAM GItAVKI,. PAGE & GRAVEL, Maaufacturers of Carriages and Wagons o*XIWJp Of all kinds, made ofthe best ma- terlal. They also keep on hand v large stock of Carriages, Buggies, Light Spring and Heavy Wagons, of their own make, which they warrant In every respect. They have determined to sell their work at prices as low as the Inferior and worthless work that is frequently being palmed oif up on the OOminenlty in Los Angeles and else where. Call and see the best assortment of t/'avriages mid Bttflftto* over olfercd In l>is Angeles. All Carriages and Buggies manufactured by us, are lilted with Page's celebrated Patent Adjustab!" S>pi*iii£r 1 *t\*.y l»st<"lt, so \v«ll adapted to comfort. sep22 M. W. PERRY, BOOK B I IN 1) E It . Downey Block, Cor. New High and Temnlt streets. oeMMln* LINES OF TRAVEL. LOS ANGELES DIVISION SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. Anaheim Branch. LOS SAN PEDRO Railroad and Steamers. IMPORTANT CHANCES. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, November 24, 1871, nnd until further notice, trains will run every day us ml lows: LEAVES LOS ANGELES: VOII AHKIVK. Nletbe K:ir> •■ <i:wi a. m. Wilmington ln:lf» A. M. lUJW " San Fernanilo liujtl •' 11:45 " spadni 2:4 ay. m. 4:go p. k. Wilmlngloi »:4i> " r,;UU " Nietos ftm " r.:00 * Saii'l-'ernando K:.(o " ICIO " TOWARD LOS ANGELES: I.FAVK. AMUTXt Wilmington 7r40 A. M. ?:LV A. M. Spsdra 7:43 " ft Nietos 8:15 " IQrtjS " Wilmimrton 1:(K) p. M. 2:la I. tt. San Fernando 12:;tl) ■< 1:30 " Nietos r,:.iii " Btln " San Fernando (1:15 A. >r. 7:10 A. 31. "US MjJLAICBH DAYS." Time of trains between Lbs An gel or and Wil mington will he varied so as to connect with sleanier. Train leaving Nietos for I,os Angeles at fl:15 A. M., and train leaving Los Angeles at ■1-1") I. 34., will stop at, Aohler street, Washiuglon street and Ituhio's, for passengers only. The time of C. Ducoirimun, corner Com mercial ami Main streets, has been adopted by this company. BptWttr— H fi. E. HEWITT. Supt. GOOD ALL, NELSON & PERKINS' STEAMSHIP LINES. . -r-fiOf The ELEGANT and FAST SAIL -2sL!yeli.!Nif STEAMSHIPS of this Line will sail regularly, as follows: S « 15 it « i Jo s J IS w S-'Se'S'sfirs w :P::P:f : : P • P" tta.g .«.,% • - ' : I c I , M , VJ(t / V - ? S Ot 1•■ tt I J OW'f S? o" T - B f *, 8 :.' r £ eWPW ?u .i.i 1.1.1 y >- „ iv 10 — — _ ' *~» Jo- .v. -1 cs — c ujsi.iui 1.1,1/ : B a '-*'*••* la *n us ."V __ct_c: 51 '.- 5 S » — apg JJID7 g fi-j — — ; s s - - r ;% I ypwwg ■/w Murp 1-. ,j to — — 1 r .-■ .i. —- —1 10 Oi v. 1 O I ujh/.uu ~',■/ *- * S I toajf -toy aajujiaiy - - S « r - 1 o 1 oa.i'n-W W p> J.IIHXV g , r _. '.' £2 f o en ' Tin: steamships VENTURA and WM. TABER tills at Santa Barbara only. The KALORARHA Calls al all Wav Ports, and carries Freight only, including COMBUSTIBLES, V. ssels leave for San Diego on same day of an i\ a I at San Pedro. For Freiglit, Passage or Information, apply to or address I. L. WARD Agents, JyB Ur-W/i No. 15 Main street. PACIFIC MAILJTEAMSHIP CO. S C H ED U L E. The Largest Ships ! THE BEST ACCOMMODATIONS. Tiio Quifkcst Timo! San Francisco and Los Angeles Route. THE STEAMERS ORIZABA AND -— &is in ; jl r v o», iniliii;" ut Sunt:, Itarbitra only, fi if fi S'IKAMKItS. B'* £St-' 4 S5 19 I* Ori/.nbiu ~"l)oo~ — 27D<"'c 1 (1 D : c. S Senator 1 ,S " In " 12 " 14 Url/.aba " 12 "II " Hi " hi Senator " 111 " 21 " 2t " 2"> Ori/.alm " 24 " iW " 2S " ail Senator fl MO Jan I Jan M Jan 6 Orlr.aba lun a " s " lv " 12 Senator " 12 " II " 111 " 18 LUS ANGELES AND SAN DlE<;i>: Mteaftveral Ornzuba ait.i Neiintor so (lit'ougli So San I>iee;o, catlni., at Arnlicim Lauding. Reave San Pedro 1 > c. 44b, Hit h, lit li, 21st, dOUI and Jan. Ist, Sill and llt.i. SAN FI!AN< •!•*«•( >, S.vN DIEOt) and M'.iy Ports, Steamer & X X J H V, Carrying COMP.I'STIP.LKS and other freight, will leave San Francisco Dec. 17(11 and Jan. 2d and 801b, FOR NEW VORR VIA PANAMA, Sleamers leave Sun Franeisi'o every week. Steamera of Hoc. 10th and every alternate Thursday call at and princlnal Mexican and Central Ameri can ports. PASSAGE TO NEW YORK: Cablt) JUO and J12.". Steerage 00 l liroiiuii ItillH from New York to Snu I»«'«!ro at Very Low Rules. FOR CHINA AND JAPAN. Steamer!leave San Francisco Dec. llith and every fourteen days thereafter. Through Hills ol Ijidlug signed lo New York. Europe, Mexico and South America. Plans of steamers' Cabin nt. Agent's otlice. For Passage ut Knight apply to 11. M( LELLAN, Agent for Los A litre les Omnty. Otlice, til Main st reef, opposite I lead of Com mt'reial. inr"—ls Delmonico Restaurant, MAIN STIIF.KT, OIM'tISITI-: COM- M K.RCIAI,. Los, ( alilomla. OIMON «ti ALL 110 l KS. »tr Th" choicest dt lietieies ol tUe Best Mar keU always on tho Bill of Fare. EJcapMV AND LUNCHES lit a moment's noUee. J AM. MUNKOE A CO., no 2-:.'—3 i'l-oprietors. NUMBER 58. BANKING HOUSES. I ll I : BiLNKi WM. WORKMAN. K. P. K. I KM f'f.K. TEMPLE & WORKMAN. BANKERS. TEMPLE BLOCK, ANGELES. Receive Deposit*, Issue their CertltlCMtti* huO transact ■ UKNERA I. 11ANU1KU BUKINRWN. DRAW ON THE LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK [MITEB]. AT SiN FRANCISCO Exehaugc for sale on Wjew York, Hamburg, London, Iterlin Knd laiviiH,I a iviiH, I^rnnlifort. Legal Tender*, Bullion. Gold Dust and Gev enmient, stale "V.unl.v ami ( Ml v Ponds bought anil Sold. Receive valuable* tor sale kecp ng. —10 I —i 1 — 1 . LOS ANGELES COUNTY SAVINGS BANK MAIN STREET, Los AnjjclcH, Cnl. CAPITAL STOCkT:T:::: $300,0& v Pkksidknt J. g. m.AUSON Vick-Prkhidknt J. M. GRIFFITH IHHIt IOHS: J. S. SLA I 'SON, J. M. GRIFFITH V. A. HOOVER, ROBERT S. BAKKK, J. RIXRY, H. B. TICHENOR. GEORGE S. HODGE. Open for business from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m., and Saturday evenings from Oto 8 o'clock. Deposits received iv any amounts. Money to loan on reui estate in amount* and for length of time desired. mneima MISCELLANEOUS. State Investment Insurance Co. PRINCIPAL OFFICR, 409 California Street, SAN FRANCISCO. Cash Assets Exceed - - - $360,000. OFfTclrs : PETER I >GN AUUE President A. BRYANT, Vice-President CHARLES 11. GUSHING, Secretary. Stockholder*, nnd Directors. Iv I.OM Aukcl.-n: .toiin o. iiownkv, k. p. f. tkmplk, I. W. HKT.I.MAN, O. W\ CHILDB., JOHN JONES. All Premiums for Insurance are deposited in Los Angeles Banks, and loaned upon ap proved securities. WM. J. BRODRICK, mylolf-:% Agent In Los Angeles. WW. FARRELL, No. It* COLTRT STREET, Practical Plumber, Gas and Steam Pipe FITTE X., Buildings fitted with Gas and Water Pipe and fixtures at short notioe, on T*<>fissoiiiil>le Terms. Gas fixtures reflnlsned and made to look as good as now. The EMPIRE GAS BURNER &ir All Work Warranted. o< t2tf New Furniture Store!! Johannsen. Grosser & Grosser, UPHOLSTERERS AND Cabinet Makers (U. s. hotel building), Requena st., Los Angeles, Call attention to their New Furniture and Up holstery Establishment. Furniture of every description manufactured on the premises. Mr. (.'. Herborger being a practical Uphols terer and Mr. .lohauiiKen v thoroughly prac tical Cabinetmaker, the firm niter advantages to purchasers afforded by no oilier house. New and Fashionable Styles of Parlor, Bedroom, Dining and Kitch en Furniture always on hand, UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING Attended to promptly. Satisfaction guaran teed, agietf THE GREAT IRRIGATING PUMP! OF THE DAY. Mil. W. T. CLAI-P HAVING LOCATED permanently In Los Angeles, will attend to the business pertaining to the IWilcox Steam Water Lifter For me in Los Angeles county. My patrons will Hud M r. Olapp lo lie a fair and honorable business man. Call and see him at Ills resl donce, Han Gabriel Orange Grow Association, San (iuhrnd, or address P. O. Kox 7S, IjOS An (teles. ALLEN WILCOX. San Francisco, May 17,1874. 'y2Bt«— J. L. WARD, IS 12 O X£ 13 I* . Office, 15 Main street AGENT, Coodall, Nelson & Perkins' Steamship Line. BAIIN M AGOMS. Union Insurance Co. Aetna Insurance Co. London Assurance Corporation. orders for the purchase of Merchandise so licited. nov!7tf