Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, JAN. 1, 1875. LOS ANGELES. Leading- Events in I.oa Angeles City and County for the Year 1H74. The subjoined resume, for the year just dead, of leading events in Los Angeles county and city, has been carefully compiled from the columns of the Daily Herald. To the resi dent of tho county it will prove an interesting review, recalling to mind the varied incidents of the entire year —the ups and downs, the joys and griefs—the entire social life of the community for that long period. To the stranger this resurnc will show that Los Angeles has an active com munity, that her people are fully awake to the advantages of this fa vored section, and determined to make avail of those same advantages to the very utmost. The criminal record shows that Los Angeles, with its pop ulation of mixed races, is just as or derly as cities of its size on other parts of the Continent. JANUARY. Ist. Gov. Downey serenaded. Clar endon Hotel races at the Park. At tempted suicide in high social circle. Grand African jubilee. 2d. Judge Sepulveda assumes the official ermine in the District Court, and Judge O'Melveny in the County Court. Officers Golden Rule Lodge, I. O. O. F., No. 160, installed. 3d. First rain Tor the year. Work commenced on Main Street Railroad. La Cronlca, the organ of the Spanish speaking population, celebrates its third birthday. Skating Rink opened. 4th. Forty tons of bullion received from the mines. Grand reunion of the Fort street M.E. Sunday School. sth. Lively races at the Agricultural Park. Shipment of oranges com mences in earnest. 6th. Proposition agitated to secure a suitable hall for the Public Library. 7th. The Masons pay the last rites to Peter Wence, who was one of the oldest and most respected residents of Wilmington. Bth. The Chamber of Commerce takes action to increase the facilities for the exportation of our fruits. The ranchmen make complaints of horse thieves. oth. The Grangers have an enthusi astic meeting and decide to establish a "Grange Co-operative Company," with headquarters at Los Angeles. 10th. Visitors from Pennsylvania inspect the oil wells and refining works at San Fernando and are greatly pleased with the prospect, pronounc ing the oil superior to the Eastern ar ticle. 11th. Two hundred and fifty China men sail for San Francisco. The First Presbyterian Church organized. 12th. The public schools open their doors after the Christmas holiday. The Dexter saloon robbers arrested. 13th. The Sheriff with a posse goes out to El Monte to drive trespassers from the Potrero Grande grant. They fire on the Sheriff's party and wound one of the deputies, Gabriel by name; the principal offender, Newman, is lodged in jail. 14th. Petty thieves lively in their work. Death at Anaheim of August Schenck, one of the pioneers of that city. loth. Convention of the wool grow ers of Southern California, and a per manent organization resolved upon. 16th. A wool-packing house at Wil mington organized with a capital stock of $500,000. 17th. The railroad company ftas to order additional cars to meet tlie in creased freight demands from the landing to Los Angeles. 18th. Heaviest storm for six years. The rivers and creeks all "booming." The railroad bridge at El Monte washed away. Man killed at Calarosa Cafion. 19th. A Mexican killed at Encino ranch. The Library Trustees want a one-mill tax for library purposes. 20th. Death of Christopher Henne, E renounced "one of our noblest and est of citizens." Apparatus received for the High School. 21st. A $10,000 fire, damaging New bauer's furniture store and Stormer's gun-shop; the Herald office makes a narrow escape. The coldest day of the season. James Johnson, a sheep herder, drowned in the San Gabriel. 22d. Teamsters out of humor as the streams are higher than for ten years previous. A new hotel demanded to keep pace with the largely increased travel. Grand ball by the printers. 23d. The Congregationalists deter mine to build a $10,000 house of wor ship. At a Granger meeting the stock of tlie "Co-operative Company" goes ott'like hot cakes well buttered. 24th. An organization formed to promote the cultivation of tobacco. Officers of Los Nietos Lodge, No. 197, I. O. O. F., publicly installed. 25th. Organization of the Second Congregational Church of Los An geles. 26th. The teetotalers determine to organize a "Band of Hope." The op position line of steamers cuts down freight and passage to San Francisco to low figures. 27th. The Chamber of Commerce passes ti "vote of thanks" to Congress for its prompt attention to the inter ests of the people of Southern Califor nia. Another company organized to develop oil wells north of the city. 28th. Meeting at Temple's Bank and an organization formed for tlie erec tion of new gas works. Tlie Grangers indulge in "harvest feasts." 29th. The cry for "more houses" is heard on all sides. All the mechanics in the city overrun with work. Nib. Faro by steamer to San Fran cisco reduced to $3, meals and state rooms included. 31st. A yoking man named Atkinson, from Massachusetts, Commits suicide in a lit of insanity. FEBRUARY. Ist. Revival in Presbyterian circles. 2d. Dr. Hay ward, of Rich land, elect ed President of the Agricultural and Mechanical Exposition of Southern California. 3d. The Grange Co-operative Com pany incorporated. Ores rich in gold, silver and copper, discovered in the Santa Anita Mountains, twenty miles from Los Angeles. 4th. Mr. Beaudry determines to erect a million gallon reservoir on the hill) with a steam pump of the capaci ty of 50,000 gallons per hour. sth. The San Gabriel Orange Grove Association increases its capital stock from $25,000 to $50,000. Death of Don Pablo de la Guerra, ex-Judge of the Ist Judicial Distictof California. Oth. Rev. Mr. Birdsall, of the Epis copal Church, arrives in the city. 7th. Grand carnival and skating contest at the rink. Races at the Park and half a dozen other entertainments. Bth. Unusually large number of strangers come in by steamer. 9th. One of the chambermaids at the Clarendon Hotel falls out of a third story window and is terribly in jured. 10th. Miss Florence Bent, long con nected with the public schools of the city, retires from the service. 11th. Death of Mr. McGlothlin, an old resident of Los Angeles,and a lead ing Odd Fellow. 12th. The Directors of the Mutual Aid Association report business rapid ly on the increase. 13th. Robert Burke, a blacksmith, shot at Pazo's saloon, and wounded in the abdomen. Cause, rum. 14th. A rainy St. Valentine's Day. Opening of the Palace Saloon, fitted up at a cost of $20,000. 15th. More rain, and all the streams on a bender. 16th. Andrew Weinechank, a veter an of the Mexican war,fallsdead,while picking oranges. 17th. An entire week of rain—mud dy streets and much grumbling. 18th. Destructive wash on the rail road to San Fernando; the bridge across New river washed away. 19th. Grand Lecturer Caswell, of the Grand Chnpter,R. A. M.,of California, visits the craft in Los Angeles. 20th. Man drowned iv attempting to cross the San Gabriel. 21st. Heavy shipment of orangos that realized $45 per thousand. A car load of oranges received from Sau Gabriel Mission. 22d. The ministers make Washing ton the subject of their discourses. 23d. The Herald it purchased by the business men of Los Angeles as a reform organ. 24th. El Monte under water. Rev. Mr. Birdsall refuses the Episcopal pas torate. 25th. The Chamber of Commerce urges that the owners of vessels that have done away with lighterage be patronized by the community. 26th. The Compton Grange receives a large accession of new members. The Grangers around Anaheim de mand a sub-co-operative store at that place. 27th. An agent of the bee-keepers goes to San Francisco to make ar rangements for the sale of honey. 28th. The Turners give a grand mas querade. The Ancon, an elegant steamer of 1,000 tons burthen, put in the Los Angeles trade. MARCH. Ist. "The Los Angeles City and County Printing and Publishing Com pany" assumes management of the Herald, to labor earnestly for the public good. The Mexican war veter ans place in the grave their deceased comrade, Capt. Atkinson. 2d. The new county officials put on their harness. 3d. County Clerk Potts receives his commission for a second term. 4th. Rumor that Vasquez and his gang had robbed the stage and were secreted near Los Angeles. sth. Col. Jones reports favorable progress on the new wharf at Wil mington, being erected by the South ern California Shipping Association. 6th. The Herald Printing Company incorporated under the provisions of the State law. 7th. Large receipts of bullion. Large accession to the membership of the Los Angeles Grange. Bth. Governor Safford of Arizona entertained by the citizens ef Los An geles. 9th. Large orders from San Fran cisco for Los Angeles oranges, as they outrank all other varieties. Compton has an elopement. 10th. Death of Mr. Reiss, assistant agent of the Pacific Steamship Com pany. Temperance prayer meetings organized. 11th. G. D. Compton elected Presi dent of the Grange Co-operative Com pany. Public school exhibition at Tum-Vereiti Hall. 12th. The Grand Jury report in favor of a new jail. 13th. The Los Angeles Bar testify their realization of the great loss sus tained in the death of Unas. .Sumner. 14th. Entertainment for the benefit of the public library. The Southern District Agricultural Society decides to have "spring races." 15th. A German named John Hirt hangs himself atthe Tujunga. Bishop Kip discourses at Templars' Hall. 16th, Material arrives for the con struction of a new light-house at San Pedro. 17th. The Irish people celebrate "St. Patrick's Day" and have a grand ball at night. 18th. New cars received for the Los Angeles Division of the Southern Pa ciflO Railroad, Orange Lodge, Inde pendent Order of B'nui B'rith, organ ized by the I[ebrews. 19th. Coeur de Leon Cominandery, No. 9, Knights Templar, holds its an nual election; U.S. Orme selected as Eminent Commander. The Chamber of Commerce ask Congress to assist in the construction of the Texas and Pacific Railroad. 20th. The ladies organize a Temper ance Club. Mrs. Mary Ann Median dies from Intemperance and destitu tion. 21st. "Tangle-foot" kills an Indian near Anaheim. 22d. The women appeal to the churchmen to unite with them in lighting king alcohol. Five confirma tions at the Episcopal Church. 23d. Mr. Jacobs of Pananiint ad dresses the Chamber of Commerce and pronounces the new mines ex haust less and very rich. 24th. Enthusiastic temperance rally by the ladies and a "street crusade" urged. 25th. The Orient saloon burglarized. Silver Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, pass resolutions of respect to the mem ory of Catherine Lower, a deceased sister. 26th. The Odd Fellows determine to erect a handsome hall at Los Nietos. 27th. The firemen demand horses for their "steamer," under threat of dis banding In case of refusal. 28th. The Grangers have a "Harvest Feast" in Los Angeles. Liberal sub scriptions made by citizens for a road to Panamint. 29th. Revival among the Methodists. 30th. Three alarms of fire—one at the Clarendon, another at the New York Brewery, and a third at a Mexi can hut iv the suburbs. 31st. A visitor from San Francisco, S. Levy by name, drops dead in the street. The colored population rejoice over the 15th amendment, APRIL. Ist. The Grangers have a grand re union and ball. 2d. Tlie Hebrews observe the Pass over feast. 3d. Mr. Standiford killed by Con stable Lilly at Spadra, in self-defense. 4th. The firemen disband their or ganization, but say that they will hold themselves ready for work incase of an emergency. . sth. Easter Sunday observed by the churches and Bab bath Schools. Grand Sacreil Concert by the M. E. Sunday School, 6th. The establishment of a coal-yard agitated. Prof. Fowler, the phrenolo gist, examining bumps. 7th. A laborer named Gille killed by a falling wall on the premises of F. Signoret. Sth. Silver ore discovered within a few miles of Los Angeles that assayed $1,600 to the ton. 9th.—J. M. Bassett, late of the San Francisco Chronicle, assumes editorial charge of the Herald. 10th< The name of "San Pedro" changed to "Wilmington." Rejoicing at the harbor. Martin Gasse, a French man, cuts his throat at his boarding house, while under the Influence of liquor. 11th. Reunion of Mexican war vet erans. 12th. The Herald complains that there are too many races on the streets for Sunday. 18th. Mr. Beaudry makes a success ful sale of hill lots. The " Independ ents" want a $2,700 Babcock Extin guisher. 14th. A call is made for the estab lishment of a paper mill. John A. Brown assumes charge of the Claren don Hotel. 15th. Two laborers on the railroad thrown from a band-car and badly in jured. The U. S. Railway Commis sioners, accompanied by prominent railway officials, arrive in the city to examine the railroad from Los Ange les to San Fernando and from Los An geles to Spadra; they report the roads built fully up to the requirements. 16th. Meeting of citizens in favor of the building of a narrow gauge road to Cerro Gordo. Vasquez makes a raid on Rappetto's ranch, near the Old Mission; our authorities start in pur suit, but fail to make a capture. 17th. Fire in a Chinese tenement on Los Angeles street; little damage, but big excitement. 18th. F. P. F. Temple elected Presi dent of the Los Angeles and Inde pendence Railroad. 19th. Col.Walsh, a prominent Dem ocrat of San Francisco, visits the city. 20th. Excursion to San Fernando to witness the christening of that town. 21st. Ah Kong, a Chinaman, worth $20,000, on trial for murder, is scut to the penitentiary. The Sheriffs of Ala meda and San Joaquin counties here after Vasquez. 22d. Foot-pads assault citizens on Spring and Fort streets. Vasquez again gives his pursuers the slip. 23d. W. W. Kimball, a ranchman above Spadra, dies from the rupture of a blood vessel. 24th. The Los Angeles Tobacco As sociation commence active operations. 25th. J. W. Gillette elected Worthy Chief of Merrill Lodge, I. O. G. T. The Los Angeles Grangers have an other "Harvest Feast." 26th. Bold robberies near Sau Ga briel Mission. 27th. The Odd Fellows have a grand celebration of the 55th anniversary of their Order in the United States. 28th. Large receipts of bullion. 29th. Two Chinamen sent to San Quentin for ten aud six years respect ively,for muderlng a brother Celestial. 30th. Grading completed on the new horse railroad, and track laying com menced. MAY. Ist. Grand Oranges picnic. Tlie pub lic schools closed and the childrcn»go a-Maying. , 21. Mr. Caldwell starts out to locate a direct wagon road from Los Ange les to the Pananiint mines. 3d. Picnic and ball by the Turn- Veiein. Sycamore Grove alive with happy Teutons. 4th. J.Oi Angeles offers live acres of land for the establishment of fruit drying works. sth. The Mexicans in Sonoracele brate thi! expulsion of the French, under Razaiue, from Mexico. Sth. A debating society organised by the young people of the city. 7th. Delegation of Odd Fellows leave to attend the Grand Lodge. Bth. Reward offered for arrest of Vasquez—sß,ooo for the robber alive or $6,000 for his dead body. 9th; Hooka opened for subscription to the Los Angeles and Independence Railroad. 10th. Rumor that Vasquez is in the city—fortunately without foundation. 11th. A Mexican woman, named Rafaila, dies in Sonora, from ill treat ment by her husband. Gold and sil ver discovered seven miles northeast of Los Angeles. 12th. The Patrons of Husbandry have a satisfactory re-union. Annual meeting of the Library Association. 13th. The Grangers decide to erect a warehouse near Anaheim and to es tablish a Grange store in this city. 14th. Vasquez, the noted bandit, captured and lodged In jail amid im mense excitement. Little Billy Ru bottom, of Spadra, run over by the cars and killed. loth. Vasquez tells the story of his life to the Herald editor. 16th. Vasquez still " lionized." The Grand Officers of the Knights of Pythias visit Los Angeles to institute a lodge of the Order. 17th. Samuel Kyle, while on a spree, commits suicide. The Red Men picnic at Arroyo Seco. 18th. Considerable interest excited in the gold and silver discoveries in Les Pelones Cafion. 19th. Last rails laid on the Spring and Sixth Street Railroad. 20th. Mexican lad fatally injured by a runaway team on Alameda street. 21st. The Panamiut mines excite ment increases, owing to glowing re ports by \V. B. Caldwell and others. 22d. Bold operations by Mexican foot-pads in Anaheim—a lady garroted in one of the principal streets. 23d. Vasquez taken from the jail and removed to Salinas City. The Los Angeles Savings Bank with capital of $300,000 incorporated. Grange at Spa dra organized. 24th. Engineer Crawford returns from the Cajon Pass and reports that a railroad from Los Angeles to Inyo county can be cheaply and readily constructed. 26th. Views taken by Mr. Johnson's party of the sights in and about Los Angeles to enlighten the people of the East and North. 26th. An Indian named Jose is found dead in the zanja near the ice-house— whisky the cause. 27th. Beaudry's Water-works on the Hill completed and put In successful operation. 28th. Complimentary banquet to Mr. Beaudry for hla enterprise as displayed in the Water-Works project. 29th, The lawyers decide to organize a "Bar Association." A military Company organized under the com mand of Maj. Sacriste. Commence ment of the Spring races. 30th. Sudden death of W. L. Jones, a prominent resident of El Monte, while viewing tha races. 31st. Grand excursion to Spadra. Serious depredations by sheep thieves In vicinity of city. Boy killed in So hora l»y falling from bis horse. JUNE. Ist. " The Co-operative Nursery and Fruit Company of Los Angeles Coun ty," capital stock $250,000, incorpor ated, with Thos. A. Qarey as Presi dent. 2d. The police arrest " Spanish Joe," charged with robbing a lady on the highway in Anaheim. 3d. Two Mexicans and an American make a raid upon a ranch near El Monte, and attempt to murder the pro prietor and his wife. The Los Ange les Petroleum Refining Company olect F. P. F. Temple its President. 4th. Public examination at the High School. 6th. El Gordo, the desperado who committed robbery and attempted murder, is captured and hung by masked men. 6th. Representatives of the Texas Pacific Railroad visit Los Angeles and are "well pleased." 7th. Quite a number of gold and sil ver hunters leave for the new mines in San Bernardino county. Bth. The Coroner fails to ascertain who swung up El Gordo. The citizens give a rousing benefit to Miss Anna Elzer. 9th. Gabriel Mendioroz shot dead by Jaime Fernandez, the result of a fam ily feud. 10th. Constable Sam Bryan shoots a ranchman named Schmidt, in self de fense, but the wound fortunately is a slight one. 11th. The citizens resolve to cele brate "The Fourth" In fitting style. 12th. The school examinations are concluded to the satisfaction of all con cerned. 13th. Olive Lodge, No. 26, Knights of Pythias, Instituted. Nicholas Fe lis, while drunk, drowned In the zanja near the Catholic Cemetery. 14th. Exodus of citizens to Santa Monica and other resorts. 15th. The Farmers' and Mediants' Bank take possession of their splendid new quarters. 16th. Los Angeles demands a col lege. Exhibition at the Sisters' School. Military ball by the Los Angeles Guard. 17th. H. Burdick elected N. G. of South Star Degree Lodge, No. 7, I. O. O. F. The Grangers start to San Fran cisco after goods for their co-operative store. 18th. The Council refuses to levy a tax for Library purposes. 19th. Over $200,000 of the capital stock of the Los Angeles Co-operative Fruit and Nursery Company taken. 20th. The Turners have a grand au nlversary celebration and ball. -Ist. Ono hundred ml more make an excursion to Spadra. me Episco palians worship in their new church, 22d. Wells, Fargo & Co. compelled by increased business to enlarge their quarters. 2:iil. Visitors from Pananiint again stir up the blood by reports of Immense ore discoveries. 24th. Excursion to the San Fernando oil works to witness the new process for refining kerosene oil. 25th. The Council refuses to make an appropriation for the Fourth of July celebration. 20th. The citizens contribute liber ally to the relief of tho Louisiana suf ferers. 27th. Tlie firemen have a grand torch-light excursion. Excursion on the street-car line. 28th. Excursion to San Fernando. Frenchmen picnic at Arroyo Seco. 29th. John McDonald, the keeper of a cheap boarding-house, kills his wire with a butcher knife, while she is nursing her babe. 30th. Picnic of the Hebrew Sunday School. Fears entertained that Mc- Donald, the wife murderer, will be mobbed, and the jail guarded by sol diers. JULY. Ist. A new company organized to prospect for oil. Dr. J. H. McKee en ters on tlie duties of Health Officer. 2d. The Counciluien, as individuals, make liberal donations to the 4th of July fund. 3d. John O. Wheeler goes to work as Deputy U. S. Collector. Carmen Lugo, who murdered a lad at Verdugo Ranch, arrested in San Diego county. Great land sale at San Fernando. 4th. The "glorious Fourth" ob served in grand style. The Grangers, soldiets, firemen, Turners, Mexican war veterans and citizens generally participate. Not a single accident and "nary" arrest. Ten thousand visitors in the city. sth. Mining machinery shipped to Pananiint. 6th. The Los Angeles Savings Bank commences operations, a dairyman named Welch attempts suicide on Main street. 7th. The Grangers at Azusa decide to contribute to the fund for the com pletion of the national monument to Washington on the Potomac. Bth. Col. J. J. Warner appointed U. S. Commissioner in Bankruptcy. Ma sonic honors to the memory of John Goller, deceased. The Turners select Joseph Kurtz as their President. Oth. California capitalists come to Los Angeles with heaps of coin and loan the same out at one per cent, per month. 10th. The Aliso Flour Mills destroyed by lire. Loss $20,000 on building and machinery; insurance $7,500; also heavy loss in Hour and grain. 11th. San Francisclans in the city purchasing thotfsanda of sheep. 12th. Samuel Prager elected Presi dent of tlie Hebrew Order of B'nai B'rith, and visiting brethren from San Francisco entertained. Deatli of John Reed, a respected pioneer of Los Angeles county. 13th. The people of Los Nietos decide to build a huge hotel. 14th. The Good Templars excurt to Gallatin. Geo. Mlllikenj of the City Ice Works, thrown from a buggy and badly injured. 15th. The Chamber of Commerce pronounces the "Local Option Law" dangerous to American liberty. 16th. Joe Murphy in town. Effort to drive the "scarlet women" from the city. 17th. The Los Angeles Tobacco As sociation commences to gather its first crop, a fine one. The Grange Store doing a stunning business. 18th. Prof. Denton delivers a course of interesting lectures. Circus in town. 19th. Big row in Sonora; the mob fight the police, but are conquered. 20th. The Castac Water Ditch and Placer Mining Company organized, to operate on tlie Santa Clara river. 21st. Large orders received from the East for Los Angeles wines. 22d. The Jews pay their annual visit to the graves of their dead. 23d. Messrs. Potts & Co. purchase 200,000 orange, lemon and lime trees. 24th. The Grangers decide to erect a paper mill. Fire at Wilmington. Corona, an accomplice of Vasquez, found guilty of robbery. 25th. The subscription list of the Herald looming up beyond prece dent; sixty-six subscribers to the weekly and seventeen to the daily in one day. 26th. Big rush to the surf baths at Santa Monica. 27th. The people of San Bernardino iv mass meeting pledge themselves to co-operate with Los Angeles in build ing a railroad to Inyo county. 28th. Firemen's ball at Turner Hall. Man stabbed In Sonora. The authori ties at Anaheim shoot a desperado named Moreno. 29th. Attempt to blow open a safe at tlie railroad depot at San Gabriel. Destructive prairie fire near Spadra. 30th. Officers of Olive Lodge No. 26, Knights of Pythias, J. W. Wolenberg, P. C, installed. 31st. The Good Templars censure the members of the Chamber of Commerce for their denunciation of the Local Option Law. Gold excitement at San Fernando. august. Ist. Our officials go on a hunt for Cbavls, Vasquez's lieutenant, who kills another man in Soledad Cafion. Col. Peel returns from his petroleum wells with most favorable reports. 2d. Arrival of Geo. B. Davis to erect works for the Alden fruit drying pro cess. The pleasure-seekers at Santa Monica suffer from sneak thieves. 3d. Row among the saw-bones about diplomas. Sum Meyer elected Presi dent of the Hebrew Benevolent Soci ety. 4th. Visitors from Inyo county re port a slight earthquake in that sec tion. 6th. A big squad of Chinamen start for Los Angeles. oth. Wilmington and Los Nietos refuse to close up dramshops. Comp ton shuts them up. 7th. Fine specimen! of gold and sil ver ore from San Fernando presented to the Herald otiice. Bth. A shoemaker named John Hen singer suicides with opium; cause, despondency. 9th. Arrival of railroad officials to commence active operations on the Anaheim branch. 10th. Miss Mollie Binford presents oil paintings to the Public Library. 11 tli. The Etheopiansorganize amil- Itary company—the Temple Guards. The Compton Grangers enjoy them selves In the woods. 12th. Attempt to assassinate Judge O'Mulveny's Chinaman. Death of E. C. Phelps, a member of Los Angeles Lodge No. 42, F. & A. M. 18th. Row in Chinatown among the Celestials. 14th. Frank Tedrow, of Gospel Swamp, killed by Frank Edwards in a den near the Plaza —a woman the cause. 15th. Mr. Davis, having secured a site for his fruit drying factory, leaves for San Francisco after machinery. 16th. The Masons at El Monte de cide to erect a college. Father Flana gan presented with an elegant watch and chain. 17th. Red Men determine to organize a "tribe" in Los Angeles. 18th. Thos. A. Garey organizes a Grange at Rincon. 19ih. Donation of books to the Li brary by Hon. A. Higbie, of Compton, and others. 20th. The Germans resolve to estab lish an efficient German School. The Grand Jury goes for the demi-monde. 21st. New discovery of oil wells, of the finest quality, in the Sau Fernando mountains. 22d. The Gas Company compelled to enlarge their works. 23d. Louis Arnold, a printer from San Francisco, out of money aud friendless, commits suicide at Ana heim. The Presbyterians organize a Sunday School. 24th. Ex-Gov. Marcus L. Ward, of New Jersey, visits our Orange groves. Compton Grange loses a valuable member, Wm. Morton. 25th. The Anaheim extension ready for the iron. 26th. Major Mitchell appointed Dep uty Sheriff. Mr. Garey leaves to es tablish Granges in San Diego county. 27th. Child drowned in zanja on Los Angeles street, but life restored. 28th. The Grange Co-operative store reports cash sales of over $6,000 per month. 29th. Influx of miners from Pana mint with rich specimens of quartz and flowing over with excitement. 30th. Excursions to the coast. 31st. The Los Angeles Coast Rail way Company organized, witli Judge Thompson as President, to build a narrow gauge road from the city to the coast. SEPTEMRER. Ist. Rev. Dr. Francis, of the Chinese Mission, arrives with intent to work for the salvation of the Celestials. 2d. Stealers of timber from Govern ment lands come to grief. 3d. Excursion parties to the sea shore and Santa Catalina Idand. 4th. The newspaper men have a watermelon lunch at Temple's Bank, on melons three feet long. sth. Carl Luther dies suddenly at San Fernando. 6th. Organization of the Baptist Church, Rev. J. C. Curtis pastor. Am brosia Salazar almost burned to death. 7th. Ground broken for a new Post office block. Los Angeles oranges shipped to Europe. Bth. The Los Angeles Guards mus tered into the State service. 9th. Every mechanic hard at work and still the cry is more houses. TJ. S. Senator Stewart in the city after Panamint mining property. 10th. Mark Carleton, a promising pupil at the High School, accidentally kills himself with a revolver. 11th. Los Angeles Lyceum organ ized. Two noted horse-thieves, Bias Robles and Marquis Leiva, lodged in jail. Arrival of excursion party from New England. 12th. Arrival of Senator Jones, of Nevada, en route to Panamint. The Los Angeles Grangers denounce the removal of Prof. Carr from the State University. The Hebrews' New Year strictly observed. 13th. Excursion to the camp meet ing at Los Nietos. Excessive indul gence in whiskey kills Dionicia Velas quez in Sonora. The Germans organ ize a political club. 14th. The Steams flour-mill destroy ed by lire; loss very heavy. 15th. Senator Jones subscribes $220,000 to the Los Angeles and Inde pendence Railroad. 16th. The Mexicans celebrate the anniversary of Mexico's release from Spanish rule. 17th. Arrival of 800 tons of freight, en route to the Panamint mines. 18th. Celebration of Chilian Inde pendence. Heavy flres in San Gabriel cafion. 19th. Thos. Peters, stage driver to San Bernardino, presented with a $300 watch by W., F. & Co., for his bravery In protecting the treasure-box from highwaymen. 20th. Grand revival in Chinatown. 21st. Funeral of Hannah Dickinson, a pupil of the Sisters' School. 22d. Great land sale at Downey City, at rates from $25 to $165 each. 23d. Visit from the Grand Chan cellor, Knights of Pythias, of the State. 24th. The citizens petition the Coun cil for better protection against de structive fires. Ex-Lieut.-Gov. Holdeu in the city. 25th. Death of Rev. L. P. Webber, a pioneer of California, at Anaheim. One Chinaman tries to scald another even unto death. 23th. Rev. J. R. Tansey appointed Presiding Elder of the Methodist Church for Los Angeles District, and Rev. Mr. Campbell pastor of the church. A hall demanded for the 600 ! Odd Fellows of Los Angeles. A sheep herder murdered at a fandango at the Rincon. • 27th. The Herald enters on the third year with the brightest pros ] pects. A Chinaman drops down dead-. 28th. Rates by steamer from San I Francisco to this city reduced from