Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME 111. is Published every morning axoaid Monday by THE LOS ANOELES CITY AND COUNTY PRINTIItG AND I'UHLIsniNO CO. OFPICE—Herald Bteam Is«>«>u mni Job l*rinliiiK House, Spring street,opposite I he Court. Hoi; •: TERMS: Per annum, by mail or express *bi six months " " (• Three mouths " " ' Delivered by carriers, per week, !SS cents THE WEEKLY HERALD Is publish fed every Sat unlay morning, TERMft. One year, by mail or ex press, single e0py..43 (hi six months, " " » '... i m Three " " " " " ... lOU Advertisements inserted at reasonable rates 'Will soon la Usucd, the third edition of Hie HERALD PAMPHLET; Compiled from the columps ot i >>• |,. J »' HERALD, and containing lb I . PhM and rellalde luforniallon relative to Los Angeles City and County. Price, 2) cents. All U 2nd . of .loh-Work .lone to <'<nu- I'- ie uitli Han I'i'iiik-Inco In Price. Ntyle, aud Eleanuca ol Workmaaciilp. SOCIETY NOTICES. Masonic Notice. fi I*M Ansclw Mm(M No. 4-2, F. A - i'u-. A. .«.—The stated meetings of this .an Luilgttare held on the first, mdn- DAx of each month at 7:;ti> p. m. Members of Pentulpha, No, 202, ano all Master Masons in good standing are cor dlally Invited. 8. ('. For, W. M. Chab. ft»tTtr, SeereUCrv. a 029-1 y—o A IT. VIA I. I'll A J.OIKJK, No. 202, v. a. a M. The stated Uieetines of thin Tssigo are held ou Oie Till HI) Mi in DAY of each month, at 7 p.m. Ny order of the W!- m;- Janll \v. \v. ttoniNsoa, Sao'j". Los Angeles Chapter No. 33, R: • A:■ ■:• \ AL / stated eonvoeat ions on 2d MON \i"'ij/ "' each moll I h at 7,' i P. M. at V"jraf Masonic Hall. Sojoiu uing coin pan- ions in good standing cordially in- vited. Hy order of the 11. r. W. K. a. ftiDti, secretary. i. o L oT fT~ Angclita l.odsc No. 10.$. I. O. - *»• ltegulur meetings ol this ■ tsslge are lad.l every MONDAY t7m wm evening at so'clock, at odd Pel lows' Hall, Downey Block. Visiting lourolng brothers In good standing are in vited to attend. 1. J. SMITH, N. li. J. It, liassi i r, U. 8. an 9 Orange Grove Encampment, No. 31,1. 0. 0. f, tfjgjfi ItKHITf.AH MF.F.TINdS held on ""' s, ' r 1 1111,1 Fourth TUKS . HAYS of each month al. 7.. P. M. ' " Sojourning Patriarchs in good standing arttcordially invited to attend. H. HI)HOICK, 0. P. J. M. Haksktt, Scribe. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Aldine Company's NEW PUBLICATIONS SOU) ONLY BY SURSCIinTION. r/fIF ALDIXK: TUX AHT JUUKXAL OF A M ERICA. This splendid enterprise Is not only well es tablished In evory feature, bat is being con stantly developed and improved, it to-day stands without a rival in tho whole world of periodical literature. The beautiful flog-por trait, "Man's Unselfish Friend," a chronio presented to every subscriber, is a decided hit and will, if possible, add to the popularity which this work has sained. The Art Union feature also promises greal and benititienl re sults, in arousing public Interest In the line arts. Circulars and lull Information on ap plication. Ports t f 11, 111 and IV, are now ready: SUTTON'S liPisiirr Hour JVlis<'«*ll;ii».v To be completed in foity pails, issued Bort nighily. Bach pari, will contain au elegant frout-pkHM, originally engraved on steel lor I he London AH Juuruut, KEPUOIIHCINO Al a price within the popular reach, engrav ings never before Offered at less Iban live times the amount. These plates have been tiie at tract ion of THE LONDON ART JOURNAL. Kneli part will contain MqnattO pages, In cluding the heavy trout-piece, on heavy plate paper. A superb title-page, richly illumin ated In red and gold, will be given with the Qrst part, and the priming of tic entire work will be a worthy representation of tho "Alden Press," which Is n guarantee of. something beautiful and valuable, At a Cost of 25 cts. a Part. Part*l,ii and [11, abb .JUrTJ PUBLISHED. THE ART JOURNAL, Complete in twelve nemtbly parts,at 51 each, iicpruduolng the best full-page Htußtra. I ions Irian the earlier volumes of Thu Ai.uinb. Kueli monthly part will contain six sup.i l> plates,with aocompunj Ing descriptivematter, and w bet her for binding or framing, will !»• entirely beyond onnipetTtlon In price or artis- Hoeharaoter. Kvory impression will !><• most carefully taken on the fluesl toned paper and no pain's will DC spared to make tills the richest production of a press which hits won Ilia marvelously short time, a Will si-Wide reiaitation. CEIVIS FROM THE ALDINE, EUTECI At.l-Y AHKoIiiKH Eon fft'RAl*- HOOK n.i.fxrn.itviunh and i>i;.i ir- JXU CLAIM < (H'JEX. A large collection of pictures of different ..i/.cs and on almost every conceivable sub ject have p.en iail up In an attractive envel ope anil are now ottered at a price intended to make them popular in evory sense. F nvc I ope .No. liconiaining 50 beautiful eit grnvlngs] is now ready, and will sent, post unyaeWrass lol ' uNi< - Hold, Alt. A lirsnal disujamt to agents and teachers. H<si-ni>-ls«>oliH. A splendid assortment of BCRAP-BOOKfI haveheea OJfprcssly prepared for the h.d iday Season and no present nt more permanent he tercsi ca,n be selected far gentleman or lady, old or voting. No. i -Half-bound,cloth sides,gilt-back, 2AO pp., raklfl inches $5 tH) No. 2--Hull-bound,cloth sides, gilt-hack, 500 pp., 12xlli InohO* 7 00 No. t—Pull morocco, beveled hoards,gdt ami antique, very rich, "SK» pp 12 0(1 Lettered to order in gold at 2a cts. per line. Sent by mail postpaid on receipt ol Ihe price, THE ALDINE PASSE-PARTOUTS. la compliance with repealed requests, the proprietors of TUB ai.iu.nk have prepared impressions of many of their most he.iutll'ul plates for passe-partout framing. The cuts are mounted on a beautifully tint ed azure mat, with a Handsome red Border line. To attach tltS glass, It is only Irtfl for the customer to paste am! (hid over an already attached border, and this may la; done by a child. a?subjects, 12x15Inches,25\; wllh gIaSS.BOo, Six of ' bis si/.e for SI, whim select lon Is lofl to pubi ishers. A sabieotS, MgfilW inches, 20c; with glass, 15c. 7 subjects,«HxB% inches, 16c; With glass, Ioe. IS subjects, Uxlv incites, 50c.; with glass, Jl. Sent, by mall, wllhou:. gloss, post-paid, for (nice. OnitvnwHi'i'w Wiintcd. THE ALDINE COMPANY. 5B Maiden Lane, Now York. flecls Los Angeles Daily Herald. DRUGS---MEDICINES. IN sOW DRR(J STOKE : V. CHEVALLIER HAS <JPEN T i:i> AN ELEGANT DRUG Store,lu SICNORET'S NEW BUILDINC, Main St., opp. Pico House, Well assorted with fresh and pure medicines Also a splendid sssoi indent of PERFUME, HAIR BRUSHES, Sponges, and every loilel article from the best houses of the United si.ates and France, American au<r French patent medielnes. P'.iijgliwh, liVeneh unci Spanisli Lnn<iiifti*oM nre MpoLen. V, Chevaliter has been established in Ran Francisco since, '49, and bis long experience iv thedrug business will recoiaihonn him to tho confidence and pat ronage of Ihe people and medical fratei nit j 'oi Los .\ ngeles. sepL'.j i r wncawiii—mi— ai-»a— Fa**. SW^—is—l A t )S. — AT — Perry, Wood worth & Co.'s LTT3im:iJ YAliDfi -Ann- PLANING MILLS, No. 10 VaiMNlCrelal sireet. near ttnil rond IH>|iot. iiir2o-tf—ti J. C. JACKSON Keeps all kinds of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS Posts, Shakes, Plaster Paris, OKMKINT ii ml HAH*. Corner of A la inedaand First slnnts. I.OS ANOKI.KS, CAT,. W. W. ROBINSON, AGENT; Hot man's team ready in yard lo deliver or ders, scpatr GRIFFITH, LYNCH 4 CO. LUMBER DEALERS, COUNEH OF AlfCittiOdta Jtnii ITivi-if.. Hi?-;., DEALERS IN Surfaced Lumber at 542 50 per M ft. Merchantable Lumber 32 50 j' " " Flooring at - - - 42 50 v " " They constantly keep on hand DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, Pi MJTB, sHInHLKS, LATHS, SHAKES, HAIR, PLASTER op PARIS, ETC., ETC LTITC H f ENBERG ER, (Successor to Boeder<l Mohtenberger), jyTAM U PACTTJIi Ell OF Wagons, Buggies, Carriages, Etc. %4Mt If and 117 Main street, l.os Angeles, Very respectfully solicits the patronage ol (lie public il. his line of bu IIIOSS. All ve hicles built of the HEoT MATERIAL. An extensive BLACKSMITH SIKH* Is connected with tie 1 establishment, where nil kinds of lllacksiniihing will be done lo order. 1J BPA IItINO Hone wltb dispatch, and with a view of giving sat islactiou to palrous. All Work Warranted lioT-lflp— 2}< t PIONEER SADDLE AND HARNESS MAN (IFACTORY. S. C. FOY Proprietor. J£KTA WJSH I'iTTTN 1884. Importer, manufacturer, wholesale end re tail dealer iv all kinds ol Saddlery and Har ness. The best brands of Saddle, Harness and Sole Leather, always on baud ami lor sale ul Wholesale and retail. JNo. W I .on Angeles Htreeel. LOS ANOELES, CAL md.T-tf—r> FASHION SALOON. Ul Iloivncy IHc.c U. main St. WOLF Sz GATES, 1 'ropriel oris. The Choicest Ales, Beer, Wines, AND lLl<]itoi*M oi nil ivimiN. Hot Lunch Served Every Day and Evening. ALL THE I.VI X PAPERS On file for the use of jiioSts. Club and Read ing Rooms, wai in c<l ami well yi nt listed, II is Ihe intention of Hie Proprielors lose conduct the House as to preserve the good name It has already earned. SflplStf CUCAMONCA HOMESTEAD- NO TICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. NOTICE IS lIEHEISY OIVEN THAT ON the lirst Tuesday of January next, in front of the Postoltlce at Cu'cmnonga. there Will be a public sale of the lots and lands of the Cueainonga Homestead Company, lor premiums, according to I lie liy-LaWS of said company, ami that said sale will continue from day today, if necessary; said sale lo commence al 10 o'clock a . k. liy order of the Hoard of I llreetors. i. M. HELLMAN, secretary. Los Amreles, Oct. ao, is 74. In consequence ol the fnirnlltty of a large number of the share-holders to attend said sale at the time I lie rein s pari fled, aud al I heir request, the Hoard of Directors have this day I postponed said sale until Tuesday, Ihe Jd da\ ! of Februdry next, when and where the saiil sale will occur al I lie 11 me and place, and in tiie manner specified In the foregoing notice. Hv order of t he Hoard of I iln ctors. I. M HELLMAjN, < Secretary, Los Angeles, .lanuary 2, IK". ,;u I noticeT Ct LEI IK'S OKKICE-lloard of Supervisor.s, J l.os Angeles County, Callfbrnia. NOTICE is hereby given that n petition lias been died with said Hoard as required by Sec tion 27»», i'rdilicul t.'ode,U» build a bridge over Desee'ios crei It on Ihe sea coast, lllHiut five miles south ot San JuSji in fsis Angelescoum ly, on the main slage road between Man .loan and San filego, The Board will meet on Thnssday. Dec. Mth, 1874, to consider sojld pc« 1 il ion, and to advert ise lor sea led proposals lo build said bridge. a. w. RtrTTH, Dec, fjth, IV7I. Clerk. 10-2w LOS AKGELEB, SUXDAY MOKKING, JANUARY 17, 1875. BUSINESS CARDS. Will. ft, Bant*, j. w. woieniieiic. WOLENBERG &BETTIS, once JTo. 3a Main si. Real Estate Brokers, Copyists, Collectors and General Commission Ad IfINTS. INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. Prom pi Attention paid to Collections and nil business entrusted to ourcare. d27-Hir* CHAS. R. JOHNSON, No T AIS V l* 171 j i c AM) CENERAL INSURANCE ACENT, No. 52 Temple Jtlocli, Los Angeles, dec2o CABAM4S & MADMAN, Kftal Mon, urs. * I:- .. . . . t - :I't "tm-dness • mrusteu lo ourcare. OFFICE No. II Temple liloek, up .drs Entrance, Arm stairway below the bang, on Hpri ng street. <h>ctfl I WM. ABBOTT, N General Undertaker. FINE METALIC COFFINS, Tiie :• i in ihe World. Always on baud, and all kimU ol' Collins readj at. one bout's not tee. Apply nt bis FURNITURE WAREROOfVSS, No. 16 Main street, Near the Pico House. octl7-iy IViCRITZ CHOYNSKI, 44 SPRING ST. Carpenter and Cabinet Maker. stores fitted up, Furnltare made and re paired, and general work done on the Short •si not ice, nov22i t F. F. MILLEN, Conveyancer and Searcher of Records. HKAIi ESTATE, INSURANCE AND GENERAL ACENT Special facilities (or placing pMperty in the Eastern ami European Markets. Loans NeK'otialed. No. 73, Main at., l.os Angeles. BOVUBtf D. W MACLELLAN, Searcher of Records and Conveyancer, ROOrVI 13 DOWNEY BLOCK. nov2'Jir J. STRELITZ. MERCHANT TAILOR, AND FASHION ABLE CLOTHIER, No. W Main Street, In Iron! o« tile Orient Saloon. Uov. ney lllocb. A large stock of the newest Cloths. Good Mat mtasaateed. mr-i tf-2 c. vi nucuAWAM, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, Successors to Luelianan & iliisklns. C CONTRACTS 'TAKEN FOR ALL KINDS of Euiidiugund satisfaction guaranteed. Headquarters at Hie Coiner of second and Fori sireet. 8p26-tf—B C. F. HEINZEMAN & CO., Successors to J. 15. SAUNHEHS A (I 0 DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS, Mniu l*ti*eet, LOS ANGELES. Tiie CHOICEST TOILET ARTICLES, tbe PUREST L.UJt.sand PATENT MEDICINES of hll kinds. t&r Prescriptions carefully com pounded day and night. no2-lf—B Montana Meat Market. 17 EKELI N<: ERA FRA N( K. (M JE The best and tenderest Meals h?*J.. In Hie market. .Nolle but Ihe MVaSSL Primest Beef and Mutton ever to lie toll nil. Note the add rer-s—Mont am Meat Market, .Main Street, near First, Los Angeles ninltf—B MISCELLANEOUS. LOS ANGELES AGENCY. A Most Valuable Discovery! The Babcock Fife Extinguisher. The Best Protection Against FIRE, and tiie Most Efficient and Sure Destroyer of the Tire chemicals used do not, Injuretjie bark OTtYnft and two or three applications will clea use t lie worst affected trees. Tbe ordinary Charge Is CERTAIN Ukatii to cquillßELS. ANTfI AO. The cert i heat en of Mr. J. D» BABTH Slioun, Coi. k. .1. c. KuwJtN, and other gentlemen, can be seen at I lie ollice of the Agent, AUKNCY I DIEBOLD NORRIS & Co.'s Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, Combi nation Locks and Vault Door, The best, and most ui'.i.l A iii.k. Sales in (be market- WEAVER & TAYLOR'S Celebrated Carbolized Rubber Rose. This Hose will be CUrnlshod In nil sizes and In SUOh length as may he required, at SAN F it.\ m:mh PKIURS. ! Crofutt'sJetfo' Protectors. Rubber and Leather Buckets &c, Ac. sor.F. AOBBTT for the I Safety Inkstand, Hurricane Cigar Liyht ers, Burglar Alarms. — ALSO THE — Vernon Mineral Water, A sure cure for Indigestion, Constipation, piles, ami all affections of the Kidneys or I.ivei. W. BORftOWE, Agent, 52 Main St., rear Of Telegraph otlice, nugiSsun Los Angeles. ladies: hair dressing ESTABLISHMENT. CAROLINE C. BURTON. FAMES' HAIII DRESSING IN ALL J stvies. Druids, Curls aud Watrrtall: made ai the shortest uotlce. Tangled hair straightened and made Into any shape. Per nines of th" finest quality on hand and lor sale. No. » Spring street, Lis Angeles, I 'al. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. SAM'L W. BROOKE, M. D., Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician. OFFICE-In Lan franco's Building. Main St. Offloe hours—B IoIOA, a.,2tat and 7toBp. M. Residence, No. 240 Main streel, dit'Jtl DRS. CHASE & LYONS, 8U R< i I'A )N s AN 11PRACTITK tN ERs of 1 to meopalhy, Ortlce and residence, Hack man House. Night eails promptly attended. at* special attention. gIVOU lii diseases ol women and children, octdtf K. D. WISE. M. D., GJ. RADIATE OF .1 KKFERSON I fiadloal College, Phlbul Ipbia OOioS In Lan Franco Bniluji ;, Main i-> t. tittlee hours, from <i lo Ul>| a. m.. ami from iy, to 6 p. It. ObsL ks &Di «ases> f Women a Specialty. _ 'nv'-iy. is • *» •'. OWLS, ... ■ • .... . ••yfs(Jw •• • Wilt :.'IS. Ills SptHMlll all'lltioll tO WKr u(season "i (lm Kyit, Ear, Nose and Throa'. OnriCS: SpTUlgSt,, I jipos! c Temple Block. tbbwiM Dr. L. Dexter Lyford, L>HYsi('i.\N AND BURGEON —OFFICE, No. 17, Downey Block, Los Angeles, California. Ollice hours- D lo if A. M.; I toB and 7 to He. Sf. apßSHf—il DR. A. S. BHORB, JJOMffiOPATIIIC PH YSKTAN. OFFTCE-N.-nrlv opposite the Post offlce. RESIDENCE-No. I i Frank I in street. oc2-tt—2 J. H. McKEE, M. D.. I>IIYS|OL\N * SURG EON -OFFICE, No. i Spring street, oppposite Temple's Bank. Rkkidknck — First sirect, between Fort and Hill, Los Angeles,Cal. mrlS-lf—2 Dr. Joseph Kurtz, PHYSICIAN. OFFICE—in Lanlranio's Building, Main SI above the Drug Store «f C. F. Ueiuzeman it- Co. Will give particular attention to BYE and EAR DISEASES. Ollice hours: From!) 101 l a. m., from 2 to 1 I'M., and from M lode. h, Residence: Buenuxlstastreet. augiti WINSLOWS. MYERS~ ATTORNEY A*T LAW. OFFICE—RotHa No. 11 Downey liloek, LoS A.VIiKLKS, C,u,. dlltf .1. O. HOWABO. 11. T. HASABS HOWARD & HAZARD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICES IN No. X DOWNEY HLOCK, LOS ANOELES, CAL. tti}"Special attention given to business. In the United Stales Land Otlice. oc2-tf—2 A.oi.asskt.i,, a. 11. SMITH. A. B, OUAPKAK, K. M. smitu. GLASSELL, CHAPMAN &SMITH, A TTOBNKYB AT LAW, OFFICS—TEMPLE BLOCK Up-stairs, I/is Angeles, Californit. oc2-tf—2 OgASMM I.INOI.EV. J. S. TIIOMI'SON. LINDLEY & THOMPSON, h. 1S AT JjiV VV, OFFICE—Room Nos. St and 52, over Tem ple A Workman's Bank. ocJJ-tf—3 #. v MAit.sua r,r.. wim. n. would. J. IT, BLANIUIARII. MARSHALL. GOULD & BLANCHARD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW—OFFICIO opposite Hie Court, Hoise. Rooms Nos. IH and IB Temple Block, Lou Angeles, Cal. Will practice in all the Courts of this state, ami attend to business In U. it. Land Ollice. tf—2 GEORGE J. CLARKE, "VfOTABY PUBLIC -COMMISSIONER OF .131 Deeds for Arizona, and Broker. Office, Ganahl AMcDanlels, Downey Block. feff-tiMI v. c, howard & sons, Attorneys at law, TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. oc'J-tf -3 A. 11. J J. W. QIU.BTI K. Att'y at law jyDSON, & GILLETTE, XPXAMIMERS OF TITLES, li »r 1-3 SpriMK St., Lis Angeles, Cal. oc2-tf-2 E. J. WESTON~ ARCHITECT, CIVIL ENGINEER AND DRAUGHTSMAN, U. s. Deputy Mineral Surveyor, Room ai. Temple Block, Third Story, L/js Angeles, l!al ifornia. mylOtf—| J. E. GRIFFIN, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, OFFICE—ROOM 22, TEMPLE BLOCK, Los Anj?ole*», Cal. wS.Spttcial attention given to Land nnd Pro hale business. myl-tf-2 JOHN COLDSWORTHY, jyOFUTY U. S. MINING AND LAND SURVEYOR m.d Civil. roMUINEKtt Room 6, Downey's Block, Ts>s Angeles, novitf -2 E. F. KYSOR, ARCHITECT, T)OO.M No. 14 IIELLM AN'S BLOCK, COR l\i ncr of Commercial and Los Angeles streets. iipaStt--2 O. W.PARKER. Teacher and Conductor of VOCAL aud INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. Residence, No. 66 spring St. PIANOS and ORGANS TUNED and REPAIRED. AH orders left at the above rooms, or at I trod rick's Book store, will receive prompt at tention. >t "tf :i »»^ T. 0, SWIGABT. UUBKI!, .1 R. SWICART & HUBER, DEALERS IS STOVES, TIN. COPPER AND SHEET-IRON -WARE AND CROCKERY WALK, OLAisS. Hardware and Willow-ware, LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS PLUMBING AND CAS FITTING 1 ione to Order. Sign ol the Big Red Coßee-Pol, NO. Ua MAIN ST., : LOSANGELES. ' Jun2ltf-6 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. LEW C. CABANIS, NOTARY PUBLTC,CONYEYANCBIIand Bonreherof Records for this County. . OFFICE—No. 41 Temple Block, over Post office, octltf Scripture & Ellis, J^TTORNEYS-AT-LAW, ROOMS 1 and 3 DOWNEY BLOCK. aeJO Wm. Mookk. M. Kki.i.kiieu, MOORE & KELLEHER, CIVIL ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS AND — DRAUGHTS JVITC N. OFFICE—In Wolfskin Building, New High sirect, d I'M in H. J. STEVENSON, ~.v'A T . fucer and Surveyor, U. S. Depuy Land and Mineral Surveyor. Survey* oHtll kinds In the city or at a dts tanoe. Mapatnude, Field notes und deserip tlon.s furnish, d Ac. OFF ICE—NO. 3G MAIN STREET, IiOS Anoei.ks, UAL. octant r M. W. PERRY, BOOK B T N X> E TZ. Downey Illock, Cor. New lilgli and Tern nil streets. oetll-2iu* FORWARDING &- COMMISSION. HELLMAN, HAAS & CO , Forwarding & Commission 31UltCIIAR TS, HAVE KOIt HA EE TB B PUREST GROCERIES, THE BBprr PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Of the choicest Imported Brands. I'AINTN. Ol I.S. IHtOKS A N II N AMIES, HI.INKS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. 14 und 10 Los Angeles and Commercial St LOS ANGELES. uoatl—4 LIQUORS, ETC. PALACE SALOON. 7» MAIN ST., Temple IJlocli, lios Aaaatts, Cat,. A fine stock of Wines, Liquors and Cigars kept, constant ly on hand, anil Liiptors bottled expressly for family use. Also HOT I^UNCII Served from 11 o'clock A. M. lo 1 o'clock i\ M., and from S p. m. until 2 A. K. .1 L. WILLIAMS, octotf JOSEPH BRESON, SAMPLE ROOMS, cH'POSITK IT. a HOTET,. M A TN HT. Tho purest WTNES, the choicest CIGARS and the best FANCY DRINKS concocted south of Ban Francisco. •V Tern pie Block, next to Wells, Fargo A Company's office. no2-tf—3 GRAND RE-OPENING OF THK SALOON. Wo have Just received a Large and Entire NEW HTOCK of LIQUORS nod CIGARS. »0" Punches and Cobblers Specialties. J. CAPI'E, Proprietor. G. V.. GARD, Manager. myltltl—l "cFCAMONGA WINE." DEPOT AT LOUIS MESMER'S WINK CELLAR ,underneath the new If. S. Hotel, corner of Los Angeles ami Re (juen i streets. Wine by the Glass, Bottle or Gallon. All kinds of Liquors, Wines and Bitters ut w bolesalc and retail. The public of lios Angeles arc hereby noti lled that no ot her person in Los Angeles hut Louiß Mesnier lias wines from the Coeomongo ranches. J. L SANSEVAIN. linS-2ptf-4 r. laoM. twn mk.nss. NEW YORK BREWERY, PHIL. LAUTH & CO., (Successors te Chris, iieiino) Proprietors. The CLEAREST, PUREST and MOST HJUL- U ANL LAGER BEER South or Kan Francisco. Orders Tor DRAUGHT or BOTTLED Hi.hlt promptly attended to. The celebrated Beer from this Brewery de fies competition in tiie Slide. mra-tf— 5 CITY BREWERY Antl SALOON, Cor. Second and Spring Streets, LOS ANGELES? Fine Lager Beer for sale "V** —' '■ — * -— — no2-tf-3 |oflL LKIBKR, Proprietor. "veterinary SURGEON. OSCAR C. BALDY, V. 8., TREATS ALL diseases of the horse. Can bo found at, corner Fourth md Fort streets, Hos Ange les, Cal. au2 tf—2 I.OUIS KMKKY PA'IE. VKI.IX KI'KIiAM OKA TOTS PAGE & GRAVEL, Manufacturers of Carriages and Wagons CiSnBLSL ( " l " ki 'idn, made ofthe best ma teriil. They also keep on bund a large stock of Carriages. Buggies, Light Spring and Heavy Wagons, of their OWB make, vvhkh they warrant In every r.vptct. They have determineddo sell their work at prices as low as the Interior and worthless work tied is freipinil ly being palmed oil up on the coiuineuiiy in Los Aigelrs and cl.c- W here. Call and see tbe lv st assort mint of i CorrioKes nnd RueuioM ever uttered in Lns Alleles. AH Currhiges i and Buggies niiiniilaetiiied by Us, are tilted Willi Page's eelebrak I Patent Adjustable Spriujf L,u»s.yl>at'k, so wall adapted tomnifort, sepM Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. rpilE Real Estate bnilnesi heretofore exlsi- I lug betweel Chftuiberlln A- Bancroft, Is i hereby dlssolv*' ''V matnal consent. C. A. i Bancroft assumes all Mtts owed by the late I U rm , and W*' col led al does. 1 ' C- F. CH AM BERLIN. declO-l-n 1 ' X ' ■ANCROFT. No. 33. NEW HOUSE, Corner Aliso and Alameda Streets. SIMON LEVY Has opened at the above place, an extensive stock of Provisions, Groceries, Wines and Liquors. Half n pound of Sugar and half a pound of Coffee more to the dollar is there given than in any other house in the city, and all otliar goodrf arc sold in the same proportion. Country produce taken in exchange at market rates. Also, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, General dealer in all kinds of OOTJIN THY HIDES, GRAIN AND WOOL. Makes advances on Consignments to all parts ofthe United Stase. Nos. 33, 34 Ac 35, stvreot f Los Angeles, Cal. d 2 2 LINES OF TRAVEL. LOS ANGELES DIVISION SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD, AND STEAMERS. IMPORTANT CHANCES. On and afler THURSDAY, January Uth, 187 a, and until further notico, trains will run every day a* follows: LEAVES LOS ANGELES: FOR ARRIVF,. Anaheim 9:SOA. m. 11:00 A. M. Wilmington 10:15 " 11:30 " San Fernando 10:,0 " 11:15 " Spadra 2:15 p. M. 1:80 P. m. Wilmington 8:0 " 5:00 " san Wetaaada B:.w " 9.:i0 TOWARD LOS ANGELES: T.KAVF. ARRIVK. San Fernando 8:16 A. M. 7:15 A.m. spadra 7:45 " 9:20 " Wilmington 7:45 " 11:00 " San Fernando 12:80 P. m. hhop. m. Anaheim law " 2:: to '• Wilmington l:oo " lilt " "ON STEAMER DAYS." T1,..u »*l trains on „, v., fjim Attgtltefi muft Wil mington will be varied so as to connect with steamer. I The timo of Fisher A Thatcher, 67 Main street, has been adopted by this company. ap23-tf-10 E. E. HEWITT. Supt. LOTALLTnELSON &, PERKINS' STEAMSHIP LINES. For San Francisco and Los Angeles, THE STEAMSHIPS VKNT U R A AND ORIZABA 4'ninntt nt Sunlit Barbnrn only, STEAMSHIP SENATOR. Calling at Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo, also at san Buenaventura and sun Simeon, for passengers only. SCHEDULE. : IT" si *? |a STEAMERS. 5 w tfi la .g£ ft ?f p f II Ventura Inn IS)Jan 16 Jan 17 Jim lli Senator " 111 " 18 " 21 " XI Orizaba " 2(1 " 22 " 21 " M Ventura " 25 " 27 " 2!) " 31 Senator " 28 " 3(1 Feb 2 Feb 4 Oris aba .... Feb 2 Feb 4 « " 8 LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO: TilK STEAMERS VENTURA AND ORIZABA Uo throiiKli <o Nan Oi. go calling; at Ar.nlieiui I.aiming. Leave San Pedro Jan. 22d, 27th, and Feb. 4(h, 1575. SAN LITIS, SAN BUM EON, SANTA CRUZ, MONTEREY and SAN FRANCISCO. The Orlsabn, leaving San Pedro Jan. 24th, connects al Santa Barbara with steamer Coh stanliue lor above named ports. Nan Francisco, Nan toe~«», and Wm Purls. ana uiror, Carryng combustibles and freight, will leave San i' lanciseo about every ten daw -. victoria, n. c\ Steamers leave San Francisco on Ihe slh and 2llfb of i veiy month, except when these days tall on Sunday, then ou llio day follow ing. Plans of Steamers' Cabin at A gout's ollice. For Passage or Freight apply to H. Mi LF.LLAN, Ag't. for Los Angeles Cu. Office, 61 Main street , opposite head of Com merclal. - JunB CHANGE of TIME! Through by Daylight to San Bernardino. STAGES via CHINO, RIN- mj£jti CON audKIVF.HSIDK.cur- ryingtho United btutts malts ■ 1 1 * : 'i m mW* ' express, leaves SPAD'IA every TUESDAY, , THI ltsDAYHtid SATURDAY ntB A. m. The entire trip is made liy daylight, thus afford ing tourists and travelers an opportunity at passing oyer some Of the llue.-t portions of Southern California. The route passes through the beautiful col on v of Riversidu aud tho famous riono ranch. Tickets should ho purchased nnd seats so- < cured of the iigent In Lis Angeles. it W. RORLNHON, Supt. STAGE OFFICE-No. 15 Main street. | J. L. V Alil>. A ont. doelVtf 1 Notice. KOTJCE Is hereby {Ivan that at a meeting ofthe Unmiiio.l Council of the city of l.os Angeles, lield Decern bar ti; 1574, it was ; ordered that the lUllerenlsmouuts of the as- , sessments, fbr t&B grading and improving | Spring street, are now due and payable. M. KRKMKR, Clerk of Com. Council. Los Angeles, Jan. 9, 1875. Jan 10-10.1 NUMBER 94. BANKING HOUSES. THE IB^AJXI*.. i WM. WORKMAN. F. P. F. TEMPLK. TEMPLE & WORKMAN. ii a:\ivx:: its. TEMPLK BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. Receive Deposits, Issue tlieir Certificates aud transact a HKRERAL BANKING BISIMW DRAW ON THE LOhDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK [LIMITED], AT SAN FRANCISCO Exchange lor sale on New York, Hamburg. London, Berlin and Paris, Krankfort. Legal Tenders, Bullion, Gold Dust and Gov ernment, St ate, County and City Bonds bought ami Sold. Keceive valuables lor safe keeu ng. -10 LOS ANGELES COUNTY SAVINGS BANK MAIN STREET, Los AMpoloa, Cal. CAPITAL STOCK, :: :: :: $300,0f0, Pays!OF.NT J. g. SLAUSON VICE-PRESIDENT ...J. M. GRIFFITH DIKECTORM: J. 8. SLAUSON, J. M. GRIFFITH- V. A. HOOVER, ROBERT S. HAKKit, J. BIXBV, H. li. TICHENOR. GEORGE 8. DODGE. Open for business <rom 10 A. m. till 3 p. m., and Saturday evenings from ft to 8 o'clock. Deposits received in any amounts. Money lo loan on real estate In amounts and for length of time desired. JlyS-tf-., MISCELLANEOUS. INSURANCE AGENCY. Cominiercial luxuriance Company of California. IV IRK _V .N'T) MA It INK. Ollice in San Francisco, No. 228, California SU CaiiUal, paid up in gold, Assets _ ....4375,000. ill AS. A. LATON IC. W. KELLOGG, secretary. | President. A. R. GUNNISON, General Ageut. DIIU'.CTORS: W. W. Dodge, Clans Spreckels, Selden s. Wright, W. B. < uminiugs, James M. Barney, C. W. Kellogg, A. W. .lee, peter Dean, Jolin 11. Wise, C. .1. Deering, Levi Stevens, James Giunblo, Charles Main, W. B. Hooper, G. L. Bradley, Jutues Phelan, James Llnforlh, 11. s. < Iroeksr, N. D. Thayer. F. S. Freeman, 11. 11. Haskell. Hartlett Doe. Jos. A. Hooper. 11. Agent lor Ixis Angeles. Ortiee-att Mam St., or I'aciHc Mail s. s. Co.'s office. a«VTliisCompany belongs to no comlu'na tiou, but takes risks upon merits; rat«s i........i ~,„,„ ii.-' hoxml HSsumed. noB-eow-4w UNDERTAKERS, And Manufacturer* and Importers of MetaliCj Rosewood and Walnut COFFINS —- AND , Ooflln Trimmings. No. 3 Spring St., opposite Temple Hank, Los akopxes. Keep constantly on hand tin' Largest and Best Assortment of goods in their line to be found lv Southern California. Hod ies taken in chnrgenind details of burials personally and promptly attended to. KRXKg?, XKiT/KE, City Sexton. * G. 11. WOHLERS. deeistf Delmonico Restaurant. MA FN STREET, OPPOSITE COM- M KRCIAL, 1»s Angeles, California. OPEN at A.TJL. HOURS. »»T-Tiie choicest delicacies of the Best Mar ket* always on the Kill of Fare. Elegant DINNERS AND LUNCHES at a moment's notice. J.VS. MUNROE A- CO., uo2-tf-a Proprietors. notioeT" AT a meeting of the Common Council of the city of Los Angeles, lie Id on the Slut day of December, 1874, the Uierk was In structed to give ten days notice, by publicii lion, ol 'the Intention of ihe Common Coun cil to establish the grade of PlgUeroa street, lroin Pico to Jctlerson street*. M KREMER. JanlO-lOd clerk Com. Council.