Newspaper Page Text
CITY AND COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. SUNDAY, JAN. 17, 187 ft, Thk day after his election to the Senate by the Legislature of Nevada, Hiiauon left I'arson City for his home in Sau Francisco. CharTje Ross has been found. So says a San Francisco yeast powder Arm. He was "raised" with a box of their compound. As the Hkrai.ii goes to press, a sound, cheering rain is eomlmjdown. Rain is reported from Downey, Wil mington and San Fernando. Let there be prayers of thanksgiving to day. Mit. MATHEWS was out yesterday canvassing for stock taken in the Los Angeles and Independence Railroad. Ho disposed of about one hundred shares, the highest taken by any one person being five shares. The people are becoming interested. The trial of Muyhkihoe, the slayer of Major Lakkyn, will take place next month. Able counsel has been em ployed on both sides. Meantime Mrs, MtrvßttiooE, about whom the trouble originated and who is r.ow in Oregon, lias sued for a divorce. Nevada has been the horno —the paradise—of gamblers, from the dis covery of the Comstock lode to the present day. But she is going to re form, and as no one .shouts so loud as a new convert, she is going to the op posite extreme. A bill has been in troduced in the Legislature making it a misdemeanor for any one to peddle prize candy-boxes on railroad trains in the State of Nevada. A Spanish spiritualist—Seller Ma teo—has made a discovery that will be interesting to some editors w* know of. He says the spirits of the dead hover for a time between the earth and the moon, and whirl in space a longer or a shorter time, in proportion to their good or bad life here below. He has also found out that Mercury is the circle of paradise, and Neptune the other place, where those editors we speak of are so afraid of going. Were it not bribe promisetbat the rain should fall ou the unjust as well as the just, we should suspect that Los Angeles was a wicked place aud was doomed to a loug dry spell for her wickedness. Rain has fallen all around us, while we have had but a slight sprinkle. Even as near as Visalia they have been favored with thirty-six hours of steady mill. However, tbe clouds still promise to pour their gar nered treasures down, aud for the pres ent we must be satisfied with the promise. Thu San Bernardino Argus exults over the prospective injury which Los Angeles will suffer through the pas sage of Houghton's bill to change the route of the Western Pacific Railroad. We hope and believe the Argus speaks for itself only, and that tho exultant feeling it manifests is not shared by the peop'e. of San Bernardino city and county. The interests of Los Angeles and San Bernardino are identical so far as railroad facilities are concerned. Whatever affects the trade interests of one must in like manner allect the other. We do not apprehend that the Southern Paciiic Company will suc ceed in their attempt to avoid the ful filment of their contract with the peo ple of this county, but the animus manifested by the Argue is in exceed* iiiff bad taste and will, we are con ll promptly and severely rebuked hy the people of Han Rernanlino and their leading journal—the Oultnlinn. The "Bulletin" on the Situation. The San Francisco Bulletin of the 14th Inst, contains a leading editorial on the attempt of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company to change the route of their road so that it will run through the Cajon Pass and leave Los Angeles a long distance to the west. It takes decided ground against the action and holds up to ridicule the company that after promising the people of Los Angeles to huild the road through this city provided certain subsidies were granted, vow, after obtaining the sub sidy, seeks to avoid the fulfilment of their contract. Of the contest for the right of way through Cajon Pass, which has resulted iv favor of the Los Ange les and Independence Railroad Com pany, the Bulletin says: "A bill granting exclusive right of way through Cajon Pass will cut oil' all jkissibility of competition from that quarter—so says the Southern Pacific Railroad Company. Every day now develops some new and interesting feature in the struggle. The telegraph announces, on the heels of the intro duction of the bill, a scramble betweeu the rival companies for prior location. The sequel has somewhat discomfited the South crn Paciiic Company, und may result in its Htter defeat. The Independence Railroad engineer, it is reported, drove his stakes home first. If the younger organization manifests hereafter an equal degree of pluck and activity to that which it has mani fested so far, it is likely to come off victorious. It has with it the sympa thy ofthe entire community whefeln it was created. As an enterprise cal culated to afford cheap and expeditious transit'of persons and goods fiom a remote section in the interior to the seaboard it will command the sympa thy and good will of the entire State. A Strong Argument. One of the strongest, because the most unanswerable arguments In favor of the speedy building of the Los An geles .md Independence Railroad, is found In a letter published in yester day's Hekai.d, written by Mr. Nkw- KABK, of this city, now at Panamint, and addressed to a number of our leading citizens who are taking an ac tive part In urging forward the road enterprise. Mr. Newmakk is one of those careful business men who weigh and consider all propositions of such magnitude as building a railroad with the utmost caution before becoming either its advocate or opponent, and he frankly admits that, previous to visiting Panamint district, lie regard ed the building of tlie road as exceed ingly problematical. Hut an examin ation of the country and but partial Information as to its vast min eral resources, lias convinced him that tiie road is not only a necessity, but will prove a valuable piece of property to its owners, as well as add ing millions to the wealth of this city and county. Mr. Newmakk states that Senator Jones antf his associates will supply live hundred tons of ore to ship to Kngland per day. Hero is daily work for fifty freight cars, to say nothing of tho ore from other mines not owned by this company and from the hundreds of undiscovered lodes that will be developed in Inyo county. The immense business which these mines will create will, of course, ne cessitate a large freighting business over the road to the interior. The fact mentioned by Mr. Newmakk, that the region of the mines is capable of producing nothing but ore, is con firmation of the argument made by the Hkkai.d some time ago, that the building of the road will furnish a regular and steady market for every thing produced In Los Angeles valley. No one can read Mr. Newmakk's let ter and fail to see that this railroad is just what Los Angeles valley needs to make it the richest spot on the Pacific coast. Katie Kings. Simultaneous with the detection of the Philadelphia waif, comes a report from Isotope that the original Katie baa been captured hya material hand. It is hoped that the atmosphere will he cleared of this crowd of imposters very soon. To give color and support to the delusion, some spiritualist pa pers have taken the ground that the Bible gives the first account of mate rialized spirits, The case of Sameel's appearance to Saul; the angel's ap pearance to John, ami the resurrec tion of Christ, are given as examples. People wlio receive such ideas from reading the liible read to very little profit and manifest a crossness of mind as material as their bodies. In nearly every instance of spirit-seeing mentioned in the Bible it is stated " their eyes were opened," or they were in a vision, etc. The case of the servant of Elijah, the prophet, is a full explanation of this subject. The prophet and his servant awoke in the morning aud found themselves sur rounded by an army of soldiers. The servant was alarmed and Inquired, "Master, what shall we do?" He could see the army, and to him there appeared no way of escape. The prophet prayed that the eyes of his servant might be opened. The prayer was answered and the servant beheld an immense host—an army of spirit ual beings—encamped betweeu him and the king's army. He exclaimed, " Greater are they that are for us than they that are against us." The eyes of the servant were opened—not his natural eyes, those he had used to see the king's hosts; it was his spiritual vision, a faculty that every human living possesses, and can be used when the Lord wills it. A few are born wilh the faculty of seeing spirits, and in some instances they have kept it through life; very many have their spiritual sight opened just be fore death. "To some is given the discerning of spirits." That the power now exists and has existed for thousands of years of opening this fac ulty by a diabolical art, is firmly be lieved by many. When this power Is natural, or comes by Divine permis sion, it is never used for bad or selfish purposes, and those who possess it generally lament it and try to hide it from the world. But in ail cases where tiiis faculty is sougnt it isioi itupui poses; hence the ancient law of putting people to death who practiced the art. That spirits have power to move and change material objects we havo no doubt; indued all material nature is sustained aud changed by spirit power —in fact there is no other source of power. But that a departed spirit has power to materialize so as to appear to our natural vision, is not true. If they do appear, it is by a wicked art they possess hi conjunction with one or more individuals in the company, of opening the spiritual vision of those who are present. It is our opinion, however, that not one case in a thous and of these pretended wonders is gen uine. We are always glad to have humbugs detected, but otherwise it is a waste of time to be running around to investigate these things—as foolish as the little negroes of the South, who used to attempt to run to tho end of a rainbow to find a pot of gold. If it is truly a spiritual phenomenon, natural philosophy will never investigate it. The best way to treat It IS to pay no attention to it. The curiosity of the world Is now, and always has been, on tiptoe to discover something supernat ural. They want a sign; and thous ands, like Thomas, will not believe until they thrust their hand into the wound. No sign was given them, and to Thomas it was said, "Blessed are they who have not seen, and believe." The true philosopher looks within himself to Investigate spiritual phe nomena. About Taxes. Editor Herald: I am compara tively a stranger tn your city ami State, and I must confess that a great many things I hear and sec seem queer to me. If I am not mistaken, your tax aisessor last year was paid extra for making the assessment. Yet In looking over the tax list I see many things that seem singular to me. 1 ex - pected that he would call at. my house, or give notice for me, and af] other tax-payers, to call on him and give in taxes. If he called for me I never heard the call. 1 am certain he never culled at my house, nor ever saw me, or tiny of my family, about taxes. But ! was surprised to see my name on the "delinquent tax list," and still more surprised to see thai the whole amount of my taxable prop erty was valued at less than seveuty tive dollars, which, if I had been called upon to give in under oath, I could not have valued at less than live hundred dollars. If this is a fair sam ple ol the way in winch the affaire of your city are administered, then there ia no wonder that you have such heavy taxes levied upon a few and yet so few and such mean improvement. If a man is paid extra for doing his duty, OUgUjt not his duty to b« at least well done? A TAX• FaYEK, Latest Telegrams. ; ? .~ I t ' rwg Tiie Committee ou Forei;rn Relations has ajrroed to r#peH adversely on Page's bill to prevent Cblueat) aaturaf laatlou. The police have closetl all the nodal Democratic workmen socictiis and trades unions iii Frankfort. The British steamer Brltle, from Alexandria to Hull, haa been lost and twenty of the crew" and passengers drowned. An accident to a train on the Fort Wayne, Munloe and tJl'iiclnnajti Rail* road, wounded tltifteeii passengers; several seriously. In a dehate in the V. B. Senate on Louisiana atlairs, Logan charged thai Democratic politicians wanted the White Leaguers to assassinate .Sheri dan. The rumors of a probable war with Spain are beginning to circulate; this will divert the current of political dis cussion from Louisiana affairs, tis rt war with Spain would he popular, for its results in the probable acquisition of Cuba. Sheridan remarked to a correspond ent of the New York Herald: "If the Government and the President will endorse me, I will settle the troubles myself. I know what they are. You cannot have good government In any country where secretly-armed bodies i;f men exist without putting them down. I propose to do it." The President concludes his special message to Congress as follows: " [f error has been committed by the army in these mailers, it has always been on the side of the preservation of good order. The maintenance of the law reflect* credit upon the soldiers; and [f wrong has resulted, the blame is with the turbulent elements sur rounding; them. I now earnestly ask thai fcaeh action be taken by Con gress as to leave my duties perfectly clear in dealing with affairs in Louisi ana, giving assurance at the same time that Whatever may be done by that body In the premises will be exc outorl n0... o*. I i to tho oj.ii IS a lot IvlbfcvV of the law, without fear of favor." Father Xewmau, an eminent Cath olic, has written a pamphlet of ten chapters to the Duke of Norfolk, in reply to Gladstone's famous expostu lation on Vatican decrees anil civil allegiance He declares Gladstone's premises uncharitable and bisconclus ions untrustworthy, lie then draws a distinction between spiritual and sec ular allegiance. "If," he says, " Par liament should pass an aot compelling Catholics to attend Protestant service once a week, and the Pope should for bid them, l would obey the Pope, and not the law. If I was a soldier or a sailor and the Pope bid till Catholics to leave the army and navy, 1 would disobey him, iv time of war." The Bey. Father, iv conclusion says: " In fallibility is declared a matter of faith in thought only, not in actions. There is only one oracle, (tod's Holy Church, With tho Pope as the head." The KentVllie stage was stopped yesterday by two masked men, at the foot of the mountain near Stark's Station. Wells, Fargo & Co.'s express box was taken and robbed of $500, The driver was relieved of his loose change, but the passengers were not molested. Yesterday a man was found d ad near Pear river He way lying upon his face. One side had been disfigured by hogs. An empty jug was found near him, the contents of which were probably the cause of his death. It is supposed to be the body of William Pigelow. A fanner's wife, residing near Sac ramento, recently died from the ef fects of a tarantula's bite. She Whs bitten six months ago, and Buffered continual agony up to the day of her death. Neighborhood Items. All Indian, named Domingo, was arrested at Santa Barbara on Thurs day, for muruWinff another Indian iv ftnjv ui'uub rnno years ago. Two "prairie schooners" left Sau Fernando for Panamint, the Other day, loaded with 28,000 and P.i.000 pounds of freight respectively, James Paseoe, one of Harry Moigg's engineers in building a railroad across the Andes, is at San Diego, hi* termor home. BORN. RADFORD.—In this city, January 12, 18?:>, 10 the wife Of Thos. Radford, a son, BRADFORD.—In this citj.totka wife of Ihos. llradford, h son. DIED. LKV'Y.-At l,os Nieins, .Usuarv IStll, at. tire residence of son, Mrs, Pauline Levy, aged. VI years. Tbe funeral will take place from the D pot at tO'clock Uils (Sunday) afternoon, January 17t!i. NEW TO-DAY. Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes, Ami *verylhlng lo make n smoker coin fori able If you waul to economise, lan your cigars by tho box. You will .save uooui 3u our ceut. ami lunko sup of a uoisl article. 1 never lull to Hive satisfaction loull my customers, BO matter bow particular they are. Tuke my advice, uml buy your smoking materiuls at I. oiii.ilsmitii's. Main St., next to VV. K. A Co.'s X* press. Tbo latest frustrated Pipers always on hand. SHEEP RANCJiToTr^ENT^ 8,000 hZz VtttS"**** - 7 , , J- M.HALIiVVIV, or W. KitUsbrr & 10. jmull- ;i NEW TO-DAY. J. L. WARD, Ot>mi»»li»«ion B£ei*<»liftxit. AGENT, >ETNA INSURANCE CO.; UNION INSURANCE CO. (r ire and Murine!. No. 15 Slain Street. UAV IXU REBU MIODTHE COM M tSSION I useless, 1 am prepared to purchase Grain and Produce at current rales,or make liberal advances on consignments to our friends in San Francisco. "~" THE INDISPENSABLE Poultry. Game, Fish, Fruit and Vege table Market, MAIN STREET, East side, two doors South of Heller's Butcher shop. All Uhe's of Poultry and Game. Fish, fresh met cured; ami Fruits aad Vegetables iv sea son, kept constantly on band and delivered free to Any pari ol the city. Give me a call. Sal Isfiictlon guaranteed. jani7-lni H. WFFENDOFFER. THOROUGHBREDS. T TIDIt THE INFORMATION OF PERSONS " rl estrone, of Improving the quality of their ca'tie, I will stale thai Ike thoroughbred Shorthorn Durham, M Wosl Duke," willstand v fio. Hi KtiruHj street. Forpartloulars and pedigree imluXO ot O. W. WHITF.HORN, - foXtUr* Propriolor. A Most Dp ,y{ " Homestead for Sale. X list from Klgneroa to Virginia street, neatly enclosed, owntatnlng Iou lemon, 50 I iin". ID almond and 20 walnut trees, all in the most thrifty condition and commencing to boar, an I vacant space sufficient for shrub bery ami 78 or so orange tree,. Apples,peach i s. pi ars and apricots of lh« finest varieties, tn good bearing. Also v fine strawberry bed, from which was sold lasi year J tOO worth of si in * bol lies. The li 111" tree - can he depended onfoi 50,000 limes for the nesl year. Price no reduction. Apply at tho H BKA i.D oltiee. jai7 lm Probate Notice. In STATE OF F. QOHR, rteceased,—Notice U is hereby given bs tbe adialnistrator ul the above named estate, to ihe creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to exhibit lilt same. With Hie ueccs- Svtry vouchers, within four months from the flrsl publication (Jan. 17,1875) of tliis notice, to the undersigned, at his onioc', iv ths Los Anaelcs County Hank, Los Angeles City, Cal. J. S. SLA Is. jnnl7-4w Ad in ill Ist rat or ofsaid est a I". Sheep For Sale I HAVE 4,000 Baal Cl rndo of Sheep W h ich ■ t infer for sale, guaranteeing to the pur chaser pasture for the whole lot one year. Two thousaild of tneewes, served with tho rough-bred rims from Vermont, will lamb In March,and ii" increase will be Of superior quality. AW>, twenty iborough-bred Rams, and oflier till' rains for sale. For lurtlier par tlcutnfl, iuquroot SIMON LEVY, Jan 1711" No. 0 Aliso St. \A/ ANTEO, by ati ugh, good account. W ant, ssi unit lon as book-keeper. Will also takecharge ofasmall set of books at a in nleraie salary. Address "A—/.," Ibis ol tiee. janlo-lm TURN VEREIN HALL! GRAND MUSICAL FESTIVAL, ESTHER SOCIETY ol" J..ON A.n|pole0 4 Under she dlractlaa of PROF. O.W.PARKER, ON Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Evenings, Jan. 20tli, 21st. ami |2d, 1575. Singe Mamger, - - - A. J. a vers. I'iauinl, - - - - I r >f. PALKHNAC. Organist; .... proC nCiIAD, Tic Entertainmeni will consist of Bradbnry's oelebrated i tan tana, i The Beautiful Queen ! in Fair Acts, with the following easts: BSTIIEII, the Qnee Miss F. NICHOLS AHAHI b.HtJS, of Media and Pars J. F. IfOHB Ha man Overseer of i he ilea lin ..O. W. Parker Zeresli, Hainan's wife Miss Nellie White Horde 'Al, Undo of Esther Mr. F. Fanning Prophetess Miss Belle Mallard Judith, .MorJec.ii's sister Miss Jennie Hill * i Miss rumor I Miss Mallard Zeresh'smaids'! Miss Lucky I Mrs. Parker Hegul Mr. s. tteeso Harbonsh CHORUS OF PERSIANS ANO JEW! A.<li>ii»4*»ioii - - - Sr.ll <>!>. Doirsopon at 7 o'clock, commences at s. awTicfcets for sale at thoßook stores. Reserved Seats may bo secured at Falkenau A Hehlld'H Music store, No. CO Spring streCf, without extra charge, Jnnlfi FOU jsa. irivp OP 1 THOSE SIX Elegant Residences, Mtnat ' on Itie Xorlli slge of Main Nt., Between Second ami Third. A RE now nearly completed and will be ready lor OOCUputioa Oil or about the ITltat <luy qf Kebrnary next. They have Keen constructed w j|], every re gard to coin mod krulncss, and are provided wll Ii all Hie modern SouVenleaoes, and ill a Htylo suitable for tiie home of a genteel fam ily. Bach lot II 23 fee! front hy l'i7feet deep, and Is di\ Ided from its neighbors by a high hoard fonos, making It en Irely seuerale and exclu sive. Bach house contains einid rooms, Oh the first floor are two;parlors, with marble man tles; a dluiua-iooiu. khohuu ai.J . ..ois' i ........«t: a pain ry, or store-room and Qklna-closet, On the second floor are thre; large b"d-roomn with eorrespondlag closets, and a buth-roout witu wash-fount and patent water-closet. Both hot and sold water can bo brought, to the upper Story, and gaS pipes are oarrled into every room. Thoroarc broad verandahs wilh porticoes in front and rear. Every house is hard-flnished throughout, the lower rooms haviug handsome canter pieces. The front windows will have Inside blinds; the bid..' and rear ones, the new patent blinds, painted same color as outside wails. Tin'rear yards are 25x87 feet, and can bo laid outas'agardsn and the trout, in flower plants. Each residence win have an ornamental f« enclosing it from tiie street, with high lattices dividing It torn its neighbor*. Situated as they are upon the main sheet, in close proximity to the business center, any one may purchase either of them wllh tiie confident assurance Hull il will double in Value in tic coarse ofthe next two ye Irs. Hriee 0ft«OOO fur each bouse and | ( ,|, and the terms can lie made to meet the most niu.ieiale means. For further pan Iculars enquire of Vt . m. j. lutoous. Searcher ol" Keeonls. JanlWm No. 8, Temple liloek. FOR SALE. 1 will sell al Public Auc tion, on Sal unlay, Jan. :a)ih, my farm, 2<4 miles noi iheasi oi Conipmn, containing I(H) acres wltb improvemonts to the value of 12,1100, Good house, and outhouses; a large portion ofthe plaec tone d and all under im provements. Terms, down, and the uulauuu of pojohasu price on ttme at reason able Interesti W. It. MALCOL.M. Jnnfi-lfil U AVISO retitted my entire bouse, and' given up ne rcbaudlxlng, I am prepared to aecoiuinodate lioanh rs with pleasant fMinis and hoard at reasonable rates, i am , located al San Gabriel Mission, so Justly cel ebrated for asthmatic and pulmonary com plaints. Can I. aye for I/« Angeles at tl ii clock A. M.j returning, arrive at tea inln ules past :!, i*. M. ; DAVID F. HALL San Clnbriel, Jan. 13,187. J. jania-liu NKW TO-DAY. SPECIAL NOTICE. ON an*l) AFTER THURSDAY, January i nii, ht?6, and until further notice, traini wifl ran oo the abovs rood every day as i»»i — lows: LKAVIC. AKHIVK. Loa kngetes..9:9o a. k, Audi din 11:00 a. m. Auaheint lajti r. X, Los Angelcs.,2:i)o i. m. The morning and evening trains heretofore running between Lns Angeles end Downey will be ulaoontiuued after (he llkb inst. F. H. HISWITT, bnpt. Los Angeles, Jan, Uth, if 7. r >. hVIW Business Opportunity. A Rt LIABLE MAN, with business capa city* and having oue thousand dot tan to loan li s employer, upon Undoubted secu rity, can secure a permanent situation, at loousivlary, Business, mercantile. Apply to JNo. M. BALDWIN. Janlstf 7'J : i Downey mock. "HOW- TO mi MONEY, Olie nnd one- tin 111 <» tno per cent, for every dollar in vclcd. und no risks to run. Any man who hasten, twenty, or one hun dred thousand dollars to invest in a perma nent business In which there is little or no risks to rtin, nnd Which Will pay at least one ajwi a half pc» cent, per montli without his pyfcsonul labor attention CAN Do SO. For l'ttiru'iirticulars, address K. n., l'osloltiee bOX 211, Los Angeles, Cal. jaiiAjl-lm ; §m' FASHION Livery and Sale Stable, MACY, WILSON ft, CO., MAIN streel. opposite Arcadia street. Horses and Carriages, Single or Doable, and Saddle Horses kept constantly Oil hand for the aeeoinmodalioii of the Public. Horses boarded by tbedav, week, or month, at reasonable rales. Conveyances furnished for private or public occasions at Ihe shortest nol Ice ami upon a.s reasonable terms as at any EPt»at.< 'lufSM ablishmenl In Southern California. 11 Tfi ,V 1» S X Connected with the above stables are Plain and (Haas, which will supplied, with or without plumes, on terms l>ei'yiii{j; Competition. MACY, WILSON & CO., JiihlStf Proprietors. R- DAVIS & 00. AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Will sell at AUOTIOW, No. SI A~m**on<lla Bloolc« "\TBWM ARKS' FORMER STORE, Los ANGELES St., A LARGE I NVi HCE OF Itlaek Walnut Marble To p.Mi lies, tthsunber niiiich, giuil I'arlor .Suite* in Itinck Hair Cloth ami Step- Two .Second-llanil I'Oiiion, Illack Walnut Marble Top Ituuircs, Illack Walnut Wardrobes. Illack Walnut Hal Kneks, Marble 'fop Center TwfclCS. Illack Walnut Cxtensluu Table*. And a very targS nssortinent of Black Walnut Chairs and Rockers, i ojj rnatresses, Kitchen Furniture and Small Ware, Crockery, China Tea Sets, Classware, Black Walnut Racks, Looking-Classes (of mi ilaea ami de scriptions), Marine and Mantle docks, White Marsailles and Colercd Counterpanes. Large assortment of RUBBBS AND COCOA MAIS. BIiACK WALNUT SWINGING CRNDLEB AND CUIUS, RED LOUNGES, And a large assortment ot Leather and R«t>« Lounnes WILL BB BOLD WITHOUT RESERVE. Will also sell at private sales on reasonable terms. dscsa-tf for N^fTis. THE FOLLOWING LOTS raoanaa on BUNKER HILL AYE. AND HOPE ST. Lot IB in block 102. Lots 1,2, :t in block 109,HellevueTerraccTraot. Lots 2, it, 6, l> and 7 in block T. Lois 1.2, 8, 4, .j. (i, 7. S, 9, |(k liloek S. Lots 12, 18, la, 17, 19 and 20, liloek L. Lots IS, 14, 15, 17, IS, block K. Lois 1,2, ;i, 4,5, (i, 7 and 8, block O. Lois II and 12, block J. Lots I, 2, 8, 4, 5, «, 7, 8, block P. Lots 12, iS, 15 uml ML liloek I. Lois 1,2.8,4,6,8,7, s, 9, 10, block O. Lots 11, 12, IS, block H, Mott Tract. FRONTING ON FLOWER STREET. Lot.s IS, 17,19, 20 and 21 In block 108 of tbe 1 tellevue Terrace Tract. Irfits i», ii, p_>, Pi, 14 and 15, block T. Lots*, 10, il, 12,18,14, Isand hi, block cj. Hols 1,2, ti, 4,5, (i, 7 und 8, block V. Lull >, 10, 11, 12, la, 14, 15 ami Hi, block I". Lots 1,2, a, 4, o, C, 7, 8, 9, 10 and il, block 11. Lots 11, 12, li, 14, 15, Hi, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 in block 0 of the Mot L Tract. FRONTING ON OLIVE STREET. Lots 4, 5, fi, 7 and S in hlock 4. Lots 2. ;j, 4, 5 and li in liloek 2. Lots 12, it, 14, IS and 17 iv block 1, Hc-audry Tract. Lots 5, 7 and 8 in block P, Lots li), 14,15 and lti in block E, In Mott Tract. Fronting on Bunker Hill Aye. & Char ity Street. Lots {, 2, 8,4 and 6ln block las, Itellevoe Ter race Tract. Lots 11, 12, 18, 14. 15,10, 17, 18, 111 and 20 in block 4 aud lots 10, 11, 12, 18,14, 15,111, 17, IS and It) iii block 2, Beaudry Tract. Lots ;{, 4, 5 and ij in block K. Lois 1. 2, :t, 4, 5, (i, 7 und S in block J. Lots 1,2,8, 4. 5, li and 7 In hlock I. Lois 12 and 13 in block V. Lot I in block 11. Lots 11. if,, Hi and 17 In block E of the) Mott Tract. Water will be furnished toall the above lots at Hie rates Axed by the Water Commission ers, ami on the lame terms as by the L a. City Water Co. dc 22 if P. BEAUDRY. CRANCE CO-OPERATIVE CO. -tiO TICE OF DIVIDENDS. NOTICE is hereby given, that at a meeting of tiie Hoard of Directors of said com pany, held on the 6th inst., n dividend for IX per cent, pur month (20 cents per share) was daolared Ibr the first six months endiiig on the Stst day ol December, A. D. 1874, on the paid in capital stock or said compauv. L. M. HOLT, See*y. January 7, 1875. lm Well-Digging. I lAMI AM PREPAREDTo 1 1() WELL-DIGt'JING In the moat satisfactory inauner and on the shortest notice. Water guanmlecd for Wilcox Liders of all dimensions. REFERENCES, Hy permission, I refer to Mr. Longstreet, I Mr. Ledyard, Mr. lienton and Dr. Wh itler t THOM AS HAMILTON, Jan 8-tf At Swlgait A Ilubtus, Main St REAL ESTATE BROKERS. J. M. BALDWIN. CHAS. B. BEANB. CHAS. E. BEANE, NOTARY PUBLIC AND Real Estate and Money , BROKERS. THEfTrM Or J. M. BALDWIN Will negotiate ReaJ Estate utiles and Money Loans, at 70 1-2 Downey Hlock, giound Qoor, Horse and buggy kept, for convenience ol customers. Apply to .L M. BALDWIN, 7» 1-2 Downey Block, ground floor. MISCELLANEOUS. MUSIC STORE I MUSIC STORE!! FALKENAU & SCHAD DESIRE TO INFORM THE public thai they have opened a MUSIC STOKE at No, 00 Spring st.eel, where (hey intend to keep an assortment of the newe.t and most desirable songs and sbeel music sir piano, organ, Violin, etc., as well as the Uloelsp proved Instruction books. A small Oui seli-el assortment now on hand and » LAHGESTOCK Will arrive in a few weeks. Orders from teachers, singing and orchestral societies tilled promptly upon advantageous terms. Address FALKENAU A SCH All, delßlm No. 60 Spring Street. LEWIS LEWIN, Successor TO brodrick a go., At the Well known BOOK ANO MUSIC STORE, Sprint; ■! reel. adjoining the PostoPiee, Is offering tohls friends and the public In general, I lie finest assortment of Standard POETICAL and PROSE WORKS, Juvenile and Miscellaneous Books, Plain and MnslCtl Work Boxes, Musical De. canters, Writing Desks, Portfolios, LADIES' AND GENT'S WALLETS, Guitars, Violins, Aeeordeoiis, lianjos, Concertinas, Flutes, And many oilier useful articles suitable for Presents. FINE STATIONERY, BLANK P.iKiKS PRAYER BOOKS, BIBLES And hundreds of other articles, too numer ous to incut ion. No pains Will lie spared lo meet the wants ofthe public, and I hope to merit a fair share of pa t raiiage. Jan Mf LEWIS LEW IN. ji-id n«f *ib am LB OBFIV *fl '°>I 'NIJ3JLS "V -a 'OOUUXOUUV pun Vl.'|.ip ||U BAMS pull ti "V" oj JOJ 00110 )« )110 ||as mil'.iuplo.iJl aSUOI| dn s.ij|ai!,l •sis vpoiuiq v PU« BO|OBUV ii "'l "|A{l pt'en-puooos PUB MdN AREVALO & FALLKENAU, T K)jYC!IIICIt,H OB" MUSIC. Ollice in I.nnfranco's ItnlKling. Main Street, No. 71. WILL GIVE LESSONS ON THE PIANO, (iaitar, in Singing and the Spanish hlh guage, at pupil's homes or al our ollice. We Form Classes for Singing and Spanish. OFFIOK HOURS FROM 10 TO 19 A. M. jaw if NOTICE, HAVING PURCHASED THE INTEREST ol Messrs. Cohen a Davis in the PALACE SALOON CIGAR STAND, f am now offering and keep constantly on hand Tho Best Imported Cigar for 25c. " " " " 3 " 00c. " " Bit In the City. M " Box of Cigars for $I. SO. — ALSO — A sploiulii! assortment of CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCOS, CIGARETTES, ETC. Remember—PALACE saloon chjau STAND. W. T. BAKNKTT, Ja3 lm Proprietor. POSTPONEMENT. AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF Directors Centinela Land Company Jan uary 5, 1575, II was Hetolved, That owing to the inability of the sui veyor to complete the surveys and prepare the necessary maps ofthe subdivisions of the Centinela Ranchos, it is expedient to adjourn the sale oft he lam Is of the company from the isth day of January until the ISth day of Feb ruary, 1K75. By order, W. If. J. BROOKS, Secretary. N. P.—All the newspapers which have tho advertisement ofthe Centinela for the sale of isth Inst, please copy and make correction lv advertisement. W. 11. J. B. PALACE F. M. CUIOL, IMI'OHTKK OK HUMAN HAIR AND PERFUMERIES. HAIR WORKED AND MADE UP IN any style. JLt&dteaj* Unlr Dm-ssiny n Specialty. JNo. it ALISO STREET, One Door from the Corner of Los Angeles. declC-tf WARRANTS ON THE GOPHHKR AND Squirrel Fund, protested on or before August 1«, lS7;t, aie now due and payable at the ollice of the Ceunty Treasurer. T. E. ROWAN, Jn7 tf County Treasurer. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Rooms and Board —AT TBI — KIMBALL MANSION, TScw Ilitrli Btroot, NE ,\ RTH E CONG BEG ATIoN AI. Chm-ch. Pine, large, well lurululled suites nnd single looms, wnii nil modern Improvemi nts ami a tlrst-clai-s table. The House is BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED I On high ground nnd commands a charming ■ vii-woi mountain and valley, nvMJ-tl I back¥an~ho~u¥e. I NEW, COMPLETE AND ELEGANT. MRS. BACKMAN HAS LEASED TUX KNTIUK SECOND .ami third Btor'.es af the Perry A- ttlley Block, Nos. 88,88 and W, Main slice!, and will there conduct a urst-class Hotel. THE SUITES AND SINGLE ROOMS Are unsurpassed In the city-well ventilated, newly furnished, supplied with spring mat trasses and in every way complete. FAMILIES AND SiNGLE GENTLEMEN Supplied with tiie best necomniodul ions m boatd and lodging. UOAIiDKKS Taken a! the usual rales. T HtO TAIII.K Provided wllh the best the market affords. Tiie traveling public and others will herellud all Ihe comforts of a home. uv2J If WANTS- LOST FOU ND. Wanted to Rent. r»HN LAMB, Aillst Tailor and lanls duller, wants to rmt a room, or ollice, up stairs, lor lids work. Apply at 121, Main street. Janl.'lli WANTED. By a Lady, hoard and lodg ing in a private family. Address janl2 :it ROOM 38, U. H. Hotel. J WANTED. By n gentleman and wdt.e two or three rooms, wilh hr without board. Address, li. E. O. This utile . 3t« , WANTED. -Hoard and Lodging, by a gen i li inn ii. in a private lam tjy in the vicin ity of Los Angeles, where milk Is abundant. Address \V. 11. X., |niis-:li Herald Office. D OOWiS.-EAMILY and Single Rooms r\ wilh board at Col. Peel's ou Spring St. novldtf ANEW WILCOX A GIBBS SEWING Ma chine for saleal 86per cent, less than cash price, inquire at this Oflice, novlti f WANTED. CiOUND APPLES AND PEAlis, P.v THE TI IN, at Ihe A Men rriiil Preserving fac tory. GEO. It. DAVIS. FOR SALE—FOR RENT. FOR SALE.-live Acres of land near M.iin street, one mllefiom City Hall somewhat improved, owner will be In the city this week only. Price, 1588 per acre. ' Address "STRANGER," ' JnliPJlw Care Pico House. IT OR SALE. A Splendid No. 11 Florence i sewing Maellme, the very latest Improved entirely new, tor three quarters the price In San Krani isco. Also one second hand Floi ooee, one n.ov Wheeler A Wilson improved, one tine is rover A* linker Cabinet, and a Sew ing Machine RtOHin t nglw: all at a heavy discount, to close can stock at 96Spring street. Call and see. Fully guaruntced and Instruc lions given. Janl2-3t FOR SALE.—A. House ami Lot on Olive street, between 7th and Mb, well im proved. Cheap Enquire of jaiiK-lm K. BAKER, On the premises, or ut Ibis Oflice. ]7V>K SALE.—Dwelling House on Main St., j between Fourth and Fifth, Including barn and lot through to Spring. Terms, cash down, and must be sold at once. Enquire nt premises f.iom It) A. M. to i P. M. Janfl «wf T. W. WEST. For Sale. rpiTK well known Spoilsmen's Hull Saloon, A on Los Angeles Street, containing a full and complete assortment Of wine.-, liquors and cigars, is now Offered for Sale, The sa loon Is complete in everything and doing an excellent business. Here Is a rare oppor tunity for a go«>d bargain, Pot farther par ticulars apply on the premises. Los Angeles, .lan. 10, ls".i. .InnlO-liw LAND FOR SALE. I RAVE «»o ACRES OF EXCELLENT! land for sale near Old Lns Nietos. Ais ill I I 888 acres will produce com without Irrigation. \ Tbaremainder Is goodlrult and small grain I land. Hiving water ou the premises. Par- I Gaily improved. J. 8. THOMPSON, I 51 and 5a Temple Block. I Dee. 17,1874. d«l7tf . I Bee Ranch For Sale. FOR SALE.—-Oneof the best and most con veniently located Ilec Ranches in tho county, \fell stocked ami provided with nil necessary buildings. Apply at Ihisofliee. uovSltf MISCELLANEOUS. MR. ROSENBAUM, AT NO. 1 ALISO STREET, HAS JUST opened a tine and large assort meiilt of PAPER. Which he otters at lower rates than can he obtained anywhere else. 1,900 Rolls of Wall Paper In Small Lots at Half Price. Hooks and Stationery in great variety. Also a Circulating Library. A large stock of Hheel Musical half price, Hemembw the place- 7 Aliso street. j ;l ji lw' H. R A STEM, CIT V Fish and Poultry Market. WHITE HOHKsE, LOS ANGELAS S , third door fiom (he corner of Coin 111 Clal. A Kpccialty Hindu of all kinds of Francisco FRESH FISH In their season. Also, Poultry, Burs;*** Butter Guinc, JNut.**, Fruits, lllktl < oiilii 1 v Produce. Consignments of produce respectfully sollo Itcd. All orders promptly filled and goods dcliv ered fit I charge ill any part of the city. ootta-w To the Ladies. ITIOR the prettiest and most tastefully and - elegantly dressed Dolls, go to ihe CUYAS BAZAAR, Next lo the l'ico House. A Million Toys for Sale. decttStf Notice. NOTICE Is hereby given thai at the next session of the Common Council they will reecive bids for the grading and lm prov ing of a I.iiin da street. The Council reserves the r.gbt to reject any and all bids. M. KREMER, Clerk Com. Council. Los Angeles, Jan. 8, 15?,",. JuiilO-ld