Newspaper Page Text
CITY AND COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. FRIDAY, JAN. 22, 1875. City and County Official Directory. City XJirectory. P. BEAUDRY, Mayor Otlico, Counell chamber. J. J. CARRILIA), Clly Marshal Office, No. 45 Spring st reet. J. J. ME LLCS, City Treasurer Offlce, Court House. A. W. HUTTON City Attorney Offlce, No. StS Temple Block. M. KBEMER. ...... City Clerk Offlce, No. 45 Spring street. WM.E. MOORE City Surveyor Office, Moore A Keloher, New High st. Ommou (unlicit: Meets at Council Rooms, No. to Spring St.. at 7:30 p. M., Thursday of each week. OOCHCILMKH : T. P. CAMPBELL. L. LICirTENRERGER. J. MITI.LALY. j. O. CARMONA. W.W.ROBINSON. R.SOTELLO. MTEEI). JOSE MVSCAUEL. C.V- HUBER. L. WOLFSKILL. E. IL WORKMAN. T. LEAHY. Chamber of Commerce: S. LAZARD, PkKS., W. J. BRODRICK, S.B.CASWELL, Secretary. Treasurer. M J.NEWMARK. * EUGENE MEYER, JOHN G. DOWNEY, J. De B. SHORE, R, M. WIDNEY, I. W. LORD, E. E. HEWITT, 11. D, BARROWS. Board of duration: H. D. BARROWS, President. M. KREMER, Sec'v. ALFRED JAMES, DB.J. KURTZ. J.K WIDNEY. Bit W. T. L.UVKY, Chy Supt. Public Schools Oounty Directory. A. W. fOTTft Co. Clerk nnd Clork of Courts Jt W. GILLETTE Co. Ri oorderand Auditor 1 J!. KOWAN - Co. Treasurer . » y» x»nwT a vn,„'*o. Sheriff und Ti\x Coll. GMSoT Supt. of Schools DIONICIO BOTILLEH. Co. Assessor L. SEBOLD Co. Surveyor Board «r Supervisors: GEO. HINDS, Chairman, J. M. GRIFFITH, EDWARD EVEY, F. PALOMARES, F. MACHACO, A. BEPULVBDA, Acting Interpreter. Regular Meetings—First Monday of each month. Jndlelwl Directory: Y. BEPULVEDA District Judge Terms of Court—First Monday of Feb., May., Aug., and Not. H. K. H. O'M ELVR NY...Judge of Probate and County Courts. Terms of Court—First Monday of Jan., Mar., May, July. Sept,, and Nov. GEO. U. GIBBS, Dlst. Court Commissioner, Offlce, No. l><i Spring street. Justice*' Court*-. WM. H. GRAY ...Temple Block, over W. F.*& Co.'s Office. JOHN TRAFFORD....Downey Block, Temple Street. Im Angeles Library Association : J. R. MoCONNELL President J. C. LITTLEFHCLD Librarian Library, Downey Block. National Official*. H. X, W. BENT Postmaster Poatofflce, Temple Block. ALFRED JAMES Reg. U.S. Land Office J. W. HAVERSTICK....Rec. U. S. Laud Office Temple Block. J. O. WHEELER....Dept. Coll. U. S. Int. Rev. Offlce, No. 10, Temple Block. J. R. BRIERLY Int. Rev. Ganger Office, No. 48, Temple Block. J. D. DUNLAP Dept. U. 8. Marshal New High street. B. C. WHITING U. S. Court Commissioner Office, Nos. 28 and 2S, Downey Block. JACOB A. MOURENHAUT-...French Cousul Main street, CLINTON B. SEARS, In charge of Improve ment of Wilmington Harbor—Residence at terminus ol street railroad. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LOTUS BMKBT PAGK. YXLIX EI'UKAM GitAVKt.. PAGE & GRAVEL, Manufacturers of Carriages and Wagons pJMyi Of all kinds, made ofthe best mn 6tgt=ggy» terlal. They also keep on hand a largo stock of Carriages, Buggies, Light Spring and Heavy Wagons, of their own make, which they warrant in every respect. They have determined to sell their work at prices as low as the Inferior ami worthless work that is frequently being palmed off up on the commcui.y iv ixis Augeles and else where. Call and see the best assortment of Carriages and Buggies evor offered In Los Angeles. All Carriages and Buggies manufactured by us, aro fitted with Page's celebrated Patent Adjustable Spring- so wall adapted to comfort. sep22 NOTICE. THE FIRM HERETOFORE KNOWN AX Klgnoret & Be Prince Is by mutual con sent this day dissolved. The business will hereafter lie conducted by F. Blgnoret, who will receive all debts due the firm and will pay all demands against the same. Bated January 0, IS7 A. BE PRINPE. Ja7 lm F. SIGNORET. Cm »S Semi-Tropical Nurseries. Located, on San Penro street, two miles south of City Hall. The largest stock of Northern and Semi- Truplcal Fruit Trees in the State. 40 Varieties »!'Citrons Tree*. Call and examine my stock. Priced Cata logue sent free. Address P. O. Box 528, 1 .os Angeles. Cai. THOS. A. UAREY. decl3-6m NOTICE. AT a meeting of the Common Council of the city of Los Angeles, held on the ;!lst day of December, 1874, the Clerk was in structed to give ten days notice, by publica tion, of the intention of the Common Coun cil to establish the grade of Figueroa street, f rom Pico to Jefferson streets. M. KREMER. JnnlO-lOd Clerk Com Council. Notice. is hereby given that at a meeting J3| ofthe Common Council of the elty of Los Angeles, held December 31, 1874, it was ordered that the different amounts of the as sessments, for the grading and improving Spring street, are now due and payable. M. KREMER. Clerk of Com. Council Lo* Angeles, Jan. 9,1875. JanlO-lOd LA CRONICA, PUBLISHED BY E. F. TEODOLI. The only Spanish Newspaper IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, Published every Wednesday nnd Saturday mornings. Oflice In Temple's New Block, Spring street, opposite the Court-house. It has a large circulation In the State of Cal ifornia, the Eastern States, Louisiana, Mexico, aud Arizona and Colorado Territories, Central and South America,, and Spain. "La Cronica" commends itself to the Advertisers who may wish to bring their business beforo the Span ish-speaking people and numerous population of different nationalities, on the Pacific Coast Ad verlißlntf Rates Very RonNonnbl*. nwr-KIPTIONS—One Year, $«; Six Month, il W Three Months. $2. <sW FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. ««>i.n report. SAS Francisco, January 21. Gold.liavi Greenbacks—Buying,BD; selling, 8 N»w Vinumlnm Markets—By Telegraph. San Fkancisco. January 21. XI.OUR— 85 00..55 SPA. WHEAT-81 ffltfll B2W. I! V lil.EY—Bl 00. OATS-31 7*ll flu. KYK -81 llVd 50. hay—si2i»<is. WOOL- i.ViLDc. ONIONS -#1 (B. CORN—BI 66. BEANS— 'fy+cato. HOPS-30#«He, O>TTON-|I4K. POTATOES-*! 70(42 00 SWEET POTATOES-jl 00,12 00. BUTfER—HVafIOe. UHEESE-l.t-UTc. EUOS—Bsiii37&C. per doz. PEACHES -tln\ 7) V U,x. APPLES-BUBI 75* box. FIGS-37<&<500. V to. HONEY —20ini270. V It. BACON-14<yil5e. Wholesale Market. PROVISIONS. Floor— Onions 100 Extra* bid...J» Nails, * keg... 6 2A Superfine 5 WWi 50 I-'kuit— Bacon, yto lll«!irj- a Can'd*doa 450 Hams l-VitS AssM Jellies...4 50®."> (10 Lard l l l - 2 " W>i Dltusn- SUOAK— Apples* ft.. U Crushed « ll>.j Peatdies | H Island No. 1 10 Grapes R Coffee 21 rota'oes,*et'..l 75fi2 OC Corn,*cental 2 •£> Salt— Bailey 1 Oil Common .... 150 Wheal 1-S Liverpool.... 200 Ihattor, * ft..™ SO Candles,* »... 18@:i5 Cheese 15 <!<» Candles 15@18 Swiss Cheese.. ;<i\ Bmonts,*doK 3j(B 75 Codtish V Liquors, *CM SydO Salmon CIOAKS— Mackerel 14 IKiin'c* 1000 25ft(!0 Tea 37@75 Imported do ]20yi2WI " Green 100 Pow DKB— Starch Hy % Mininij.*kg 450 50(31 00 Canned 70C(»*1 Beaus, * owl. 150 Fuse, yn',o a.... $2' 00 Retail Market. MEATS. Prime boef. t2@l2%c Second class B@Bc Prime mutton Si<<ll2« Veal Hike Prime cattle, gross, * hundred 84 50<a5 50 Good sheep _$2 M@B Chickens, per doz jftk'tf Imcks, per doz $(VW< Turkeys, per pound dressed 22@25c Geese, " " " 25c Fresh Salmon, per lb 25@30c FRUITS. Oranges, per doz 25@75« Lemons, per doz 2Y«isoe Dried apples, per lb 12Ke Dried pears, per It loc 1 tried peaches, per lb lie Fresh tomatoes*ft lie String beans, * to Be Green Corn, * doz 10c Apples, * box 2tf*2 50 Pears,* hundred 81(Ti2 Fresh crranberries, * gallon 81 00 Walnuts, * t0.....' 12'^e Figs,* doz 15e VEGETABLES. Turnips, per to 4c Cabbage, per to ™ 4c Carrots, per 100 to 85 IH) Radishes, per doz 5c Lettuce, per head ;tc GROCERIES. COFFEE—Mocha Aft Java S'/V. Onsta Uieu 30c TEAS—Black 50C(B?1 (Hi Japan 62K,cti*$l % Green 76e(tj*l 00 Butter i:!' c Eggs, per dot „ iT'.'c Cheese, |>er to „ 20®;toc Brown sugar lo 1 . 12% C Refiueil sugar I3^@ljc Strained honey SiaU' .c Canvassed bant* -ac Extra family Hour, * bbl M 2fi Superfine |fi 76 (Jraham f7 tie Mixed feed * 100lbs 8! L's Cracked corn * 100 lbs 81 SO Cornmeal 82 75 Pearl barley * n>s «V4c S|ilitnea.s C>.> Kjrrnp, per 5-gal 3 50 WINES. Cucamonj.'o; *sal, I yrs ?l (io Port wine, " " .' I it Angelica, " " 1 a> Walnut brandy, * gal ."! 50 Sainsevain wine hitters,* sal 1 75 Cal white wine, * gal. 5 yrs 75 Agnadiente, * gal. 3.VTS 1 75 MISCELLANEOUS. Great Closing-Out Sale OF THE DOLLAR STORE Greatest Bargains Ever Offered BY DUNSMOOR BROS., We will for tho next tiIVH Special Inducements Previous toopening oar new store on Spring Street. We are l>ound to sell the stock and are con stantly REDUCING THE PRICE To that end. COME TO-DAY! And the next thirty days, and gel MORE GOODS — FOB — ONE DOLLAR Than ever before, at NO. 102 MAIN STREET, Opposite tho Court House. Je2.T Probate Notice. ESTATE of Hugh MeMahon, deceased.- Notice is hereby given by tho under signed executors of the above named estate, to the creditors of, and all norsons having claims agaiust said deceased, to exhibit the mime' with the necessary vouchers, within four months rrom the first, publication of this notice, to the undersigned at the respective residences hereinafter specified: Wm. Me- Kec, room No. M, Temple Hlock, Los Ange les city; John Moran, Main street, Los An geles city. Janls-wl LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. mg[ FASHION feip Livery and Sale Stable, MACY, WILSON & CO., MAIN Htreet, opposite Arcadia street. Horses and Carriages, Single or Double, end Saddle Horses kept constantly on band for the accommodation of the Public. Horses boarded by the flay, week, or month, at reasonable rates. Conveyances furnlshe I for private or publ Ie occasions at i he shortest not Ice and upon us reasonable terms as at any KirHt-Oljustj KatabliahmenT In Southern California. TT X A Tt SfS S3 S Connected with the above stables are Plain and Glass, which will be supplied, with or without plumes, on terms De-lying Competition. MACY, WILSON & CO., Janl2tf l'roprielora. UNION STABLES, MAIIV STREET, (Near Ihe Pico House.) ASKIN & HEWITT, PROPRIETORS. rriHis first Cl ' AB^^ j jjfssr^a branches, is ready to^^^^^** ' nceoinmodate tiie public in the neat manner. The capacity of this stable is greater than that of any other In Southern California. Horses and Buggies and Carrlnges, with eareAil ilriverß, to Lot by the day or week. Horses hoarded and groomed by the Day, Week or Month. Respectfully solicit a share of public pntrons age, pledging In return attention to business and a determination to satisfy their custom srs. eeC2iif FORWARDING 8t COMMISSION. ; MAS & CO,, Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS, HAVE FOR SALE THE PUREST GROCERIES, THE BEST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Of tho choicest Imported Brands. I'AI.VI'N. OILS, DOORS AW NASH EM, BUNDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. 11 and 16 Los Angeles and Commercial St LOS ANGELES. noiltl—l J. L. WARD, Commlsisyioh tteiNmant. AGENT, /ETNA INSURANCE CO.; UNION INSURANCE CO. (Fire and Marine). No. 15 Main Street. HAVING RESUMED THE COMMISSION business, 1 am prepared to purchase Grain and Produce at current rales, or make liberal advances on consignments to our friend* In San Francisco. IN FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES, AND — Liberal ChhD .Advancements on Merchandise and Produce, At Liberal Rates, J. L. WARD, liSHm 15 Main St, MISCELLANEOUS. FURNJTURE, FURNITURE, FURNITURE. DOTTER & BRADLEY, (Successors to Dotter it T,ord), Have now the Largest Stock ever brought here. Have Just received a large lot directly from the East, and cordially Invite the pnb.ic to examine their goods and price same. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting, Ktc. Ktc. Ktc. Sidney Laeey, (With Dotter & Bradley), s still selling everything In above lines at Reduced Prices, and guarantees Work and Coods. Sewing Machines, Sewing Machines, Sewing Machines. DOTTER & BRADLEY Are still Agents for the GROVKII & TT A_l<Kit, ELASTIC LOCK STITCH SEW ING MACHINE, Ami would beg leave to call attention to the fact that FOUR Now and Distinct nnd Important improvements have been added to this Machine recently, making it past all competition. 86 MAIN STREET. 86 LOS ANOELES. jlyl Sign of the Bit? Red Chair. tflO WOOLEN MILL STORE ! PFEIFFENBERGER & SHAUER, Los Angeles Street, near Commercial, Suits made to order for Twenty-five to Sixty-five Dollars. A flue stock of Imported and domestic Blankets and Flannels Constantly on hand. Also, aflno stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINCS, FLANNELB, BLANKETS, &c.» A.C., tkc, Ac, Or Foreign and Itoinestlc manufacture, kepi In stock and made up in tho best style of the tailoring art, PFEIFFENBERGER A SHAUER. sepl-tf PRINTINC. THE HERALD eJ O 13 PRINTING OFFICE SPRING STREE T, OPPOSITE THK COURT HOUSK, LOS ANGELES. rpHE attention of the busineM oora+ -A- tnunity of Los Angeles eily and county is Invited to the facilities of this oltiee for cxc outing every description of BOOK 9 JOB PRINTING Fully alive to the inferior manner In which a great part of the fob Printing in Southern California has hitherto been executed, the proprietors of this establishment have deter mined to Institute a new order of things In his business. A NEW POWER PRESS (the first to reach this far soutli on the Paolflr Coast), capable of printing a LARGE SHEET POSTER, either plain or In colors, is already running, and driven by "CTCAM DAIA/tD fW ■ iwa ■ ww« «, Which is also attached te their new and ELEGANT •Jol> Prosses. The facilities for turning out work will .thus be equal to most and superior lo many office lv San Francisco. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF rv 10 \v r r yi? id AND MATERIAL, of the most modern designs and approved Eastern manufacture, lias been selected. And it is intended so lo equip and furnish this de partment with THE BEST PRESSES, THE FINEST TYPE, AND Til ft MOST MODERN APPLIANCES, AS TO MARK TIC R HERALD JOB OFFICE THE MOST COMPLETE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. They have engaged as foreman of this de partment, oue of the most experienced Book and Job Printers In lite country; and the presses will be superintended by a Skilled Pressman from one of tbe largest offices in New England. ■ ■ ' ■ PAMPHLETS Will be printed from New Ty|>e, and the greatest care exercised lo insure accuracy au freedom from typographical errors. POSTERS & HANDBILLS Plain or tn colors, executed at very short no tice and displayed In the best manner. BUSINESS CARDS. CIRCULARS, STATEMENTS, B ' LL EA DS LETTER HEADS, BALL CARDS WEDDINC CARDS, VISITING CARDS. INVITATIONS, ETC. Of this class of work we shall make a spe clalty, and intend that nothing of the kind shall equal us in tills section. BANK CHECKS, DRAFTS, NOTES, DEPOSIT CHECKS BOOK HEADINGS, STOCK CERTIFICATES KTC. Printed hi a superior manner, on plain writ ing paper, or on Bond and Bank Note Paper In black or colors. S HOW CARDS IN OOLD AND COLORS. We shall oay particular attention to BRIEFS, TRANSCRIPTS, ABSTRACTS, ETC., Which will l>e printed in the Old Style Type now so iwiiversally in favor, and which we bave procured specially fortius class of work. Wo shall also he provided for thu printing of LEGAL BLANKS, OFFICIAL FORMS ANO DOCUMENTS. CATALOGUES, PROGRAMMES, BILLS OF FARE, TICKETS, LABELS, TAGS, ANO KVJCRY VARIETY Or GENERAL JOB PRINTING PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL. Job Printing House, LOS ANGELES. MISCELLANEOUS. LOS ANGELES BRANCH HOME MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY UK CALIFORNIA. Cash Assets, - - - $519,000 Capital, - $300,000 J. F. HorniiToN, President. O. H HoVAHB N ice President. li. il. Cioklow uenerai Itenager. C. v. Story secretary. E. 11. MAiilu,, General Agent. LOS ANGELES TRUSTEES: S. R. Casvki.t,, S. H. Mott, If. I). BAUROWS, J. S. Sr.AV.soN, F. fi F. Tkmim.k. TSUNLPIVBI WOBKMAK, TrciiHiirern. Wh'ch Branch includes Los Angeles and sau Ilemardlno counties. All moneys re ceived for premiums will be invested under the control of the Trustees ofthe Urn Angeles Brunch within the district, All Losses ad justed :tnd paid by the Directory. J. R. TOBERMAN, dee'-Mtf Manager. o o r v o ■H X m CD > ac m co —I O 30 m FOR CHEAP GOODS! 181 Slalu street. JOHN H. SEYMOUR, General Mn linger. Jylfltf The Steams Ranches, ALFRED ROBINSON, Trustee. 512 Market Street. Nan FranciHCO, Ca|. QA AAA ACRES OF LAND t/VIV/vU for sale, in lots to suit, suitable for tho culture of Oranges, Lemons, Limes, Figs, Almonds, Walnuts, Peaches, Ap ples, Pears, Alfalfa, Com, Kye, Barley, Flax, Ramie, Cotton, etc., und also many thousand acres of Natural Evergreen Pastures, Suitable for Dairying. Good water is abundant at an average depth of six feet from the surface. On almost every acre ef this lend FLOWING ARTESIAN WELLS can be obtained, and the more ele vated portions can be Irregated by the water of the Santa Ana river. Most of these lands are naturally insist, requiring only good cul tivation to produce crops. TERMS—One-fourth Cash; balance In one, two and three years, with 10 per cent Inter* st. I will take pleasure in shewing these lands lo parties seeking land, who lire invited to come and see this extensive tract In fore pur chasing elsewhere. WM. R. OLDEN, Agent. Anaheim, Los Angelas county, May ii, 1573 m«4f-7 Montana Meat Market. IfROSLINQKUA FRANCK. ffflfttf The best and tenderesl Meals In the market. None but the sabasst. Primost Boot and Mutton ever to lie found. Note the address-Moil ta mi Meat Market, Main Street, near First, Los Angeles Junltf—3 New Furniture Store!! JOHANNSEN, & GROSSER, UPHOLSTERERS AND Cabinet Makers (U. 8. HOTEL BUILDING), Requena st., Los Angeles, Call attention to their New Furniture nnd Up holstery Establishment. Furniture of every description manufactured on the premises. ||Mr. W. Grosser being a practical Uphols terer and Mr. Johannsen a thoroughly prac tical Cabinetmaker, the firm offer advantages to purchasers afforded by no other house. New and Fashionable Styles of Parlor, Bedroom, Dining and Kitch en Furniture always on hand. UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING Attended to promptly. Satisfaction guaran teed. HKl6tf HOTELS. BOARDING HOUSE. I HAVE FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODA tIons for board and lodging, with Newly Furnished Booms, and tables supplied with the best the mar ket affords. Terms:—Day board, fts 50 nor week Board and Lodging, 9(1 50 per week. L. F. RUCKER, ALISO STREET, near Aliso Store. sepl.Slf PICO HOUSE, LOS ANGELES, CAL. JjilltST CLASH~HOTEL, FOR TRAVELERS AND TOURISTS. Centrally Located—Frontage on Three Streets. The BEST Table, The BEST Room*, The BEST Accommodation*. 0c23-tf-5 CHAS. KNOWLTON, Prop"! LAFAYETTE HOTEL. IVew Tliroiig-liout THE PROPRIETOR DESIRES TO inform the traveling public that this well known house has been THOROUGHLY RENOVATED AND REBUILT j THROUGHOUT, 1 and now offers accommodations equal If not I superior to any other house in I<oh Angeles. i SINGLE ROOMS, OR ROOMS EN SUITE. ! The Eating Department will be conducted with especial care novltf—s NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WM. FARRELL, Mo. io ciyutkr ejtreet. Practical Plumber, Gas and Steam Pipe IT I T 'X 1 k it, Bulldlngi Rtted wl hoas and Wafer PIM and flxluresat short notice, on IJt»is>«<mjil>l«* Qas fixtures reflltlshed and made lo look as good as new. Tbe EMPIRE GAS BURNER IfOll SALE. •9" All Work Warranted, "^a AOENT FOB THE Plass "Economic" Gas Gcverno , That roduoes gas bills VC > RTY 1 » ta 11 OK IM r r.. And can bo attached lo any gas meter. o- t,2t.f WHEELER & WILSON sewing Machines. THE CALIFORNIA FAVORITE, — AND Champion of the World! TIIE WIISNEII A/r London 1862, Paris 1867. Vienna 1872. Stockton 1874, San Jose 1374. Modesto 1074. Vaiiejo 1874, Sacramento 1874. SOLD OH EASY TERMS. Special attention given to or ders sent to EDMUND DOAK, No. 1 Spring St.. l.os Ang;elcN. K. W. HAURAL, Gen. Ageut, 427 Montgomery street, S. F. jlyKMlm* gtaww wm ii I Umjim » mm n igßm— LECAL A OVERT IS EME NTS- Assessment Notice. CO-OPERATIVKNUItSKHY AND FHUIT Company of l.os Angeles county.—liga tion of principal place of business, Los Ange les, California. Notice is hereby iriven that at a meeting ol the Directors held In this city on the iSIb day of December,lB74, un assessment (Not2)of ONE DOLL.AU i>i:h SHARK was levied upon the capital stock of said company, payable on the Ist i'ay of Junnnry, 1H75, in United Slates gold cot.<, to the Secretary at the oltiee of the Company, No. I 1.; Spring street, Los Angeles, California. Any stock upon which this assessment shall rem tin unpaid on the Ist day of February, 1875, will be declared delinquent, and advertised for sale at public :uicl ion, and unless payment Th made before, will be sold on SATURDAY, KKl'.lt C AIIY 20, 1875, to pay delinquent assessment, together with cost of advertising and expenses of* U i. By order ofthe Hoard. L. M. HOLT, Secretar. Dated December 28, 1871. de.'il Id ASSESSMENT NOTICE. rOS ANOELES IMMIGRATION AND J Land Co-operative Association. — Loca tion Of principal place of business, Los Ange les California. Notice is hereby given that nt a meeting of tiie Hoard of Directors of said Association held in this elty on the 21st day of Decernl> r, 1871, an assessment, (No. 1) ot TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS PER SHARK was levied upon the capita! stock of said Association, payable Immediately in United Slates gold coin to the Secretary at his otlice, No. Spring Street, f,os Angeles, California. Any slock upon which t his assessment vha'l remain unpaid on the lid day of January, 187.1, will be declared delinquent and will be adver tised for sale at public auction, and unless payment 1* made before will lie sold on tbe Gtl« Way of February, 1573, To pay delinquent assessment, together with cost of advertising and expense of sale. L. M. HOLT, Secrelary. Los Angeles, Cal., December 21, 1874. deJßtJu23 Assessment Notice. ( 1 RANGE CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY \J of Los Angeles—ldeation of Principal place of business: Los Allgoles, Caiiioririq. Notice is hereby given I hat al a inei'lhiftoi the Directors held in this e.iiy on the Jlsi daj of.luly, 1871, an assessment (No. H'ofFIVE DOLLARS PER SUA RE was levied upon the Capital Stock of said Com pan v, pavabie im mediately, in United Siaies Bold coin, to tbe Secretary, attbeortice of the Company, No. 1! Temple Block, Los Angelas, California. Any stock upon which this Assessment shall re main unpaid on the Ist day of September, 1871, will be declared delinquent and advert iscd for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before, will be sold on I lie 16th day ef September, 1874, To pay delinquent assessment, together with costof advertising aud expense of sale. By order of the Hoard. 11. M. HOLT, Ronrotmy. Office: No. 41 Temple Block, LOJ Angeles California. Dated July 31, 1874. Again Postponed. At n regular meeting of tho Board, held De cember 4th, 1874, the time al. which the pay ment ofthe above assessment became delin quent, was again postponed to January 2d, 1875. L. M. HOLT, declOtf Secretary. "certificate of partnership - OF THK FIRM OF GAREY 4 THOMAS, doing business in the city of Los An gelas, county of \a>h Ang dcs, State of Califor nia. We, the undersigned persons,hereby certify that the aliove described partnership is com posed of the following persons and no others, whose names and places of residence are us follows,to-wit: Thos. A. Garey, Los Angeles. Milton Thomas, I/>s Angeles. In witness whereof we have hereunto af fixed our hands and seals this nineteelilii day of January, 18TO. THOS. A. GAREY, [Seal.] MILTON THOMAS. [.Seal.] State ok California, ) County of Los Angeles. J On this nineteenth day of January, In the year A. I). 1875, before me, Court Confmisslon er for said county, personally appeared Thus. A. Garey and Milton Thomas, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Witness my hand. I having no official seal, this nineteenth day of January, A. D. 1875. OKi lUGE C. GIBBS, Court Commissioner of Los Angeles Co, Ja2o NOTfCI rpo STOCKHOLDERS OF THE ORANGE JL CO-OPE RATI YE COMPANY—The stock holders of said company are hereby notified that there Will be a meeting of the sbs-k -hoiders ofsaid com pauy at the hall, over the Orange store, in the clly of Los Angeles, State or California, on Thursday, the 28th day of January, at H oVlock A. M., for the tran saction of such luciiiieKs as muy come before the meeting. By Order of I be Hoard of Directors. JOHN S. THOMPSON, President. Los Angeles, January 7, 1875. 2w NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT CHALKS Llinllv, Administrator of the estate of , Susan A. K. McClellan, has filed bis final ac count and a petition for final settlement ami | distribution of said eslalc.wbich Is now.ready for such distribution; and the same will be beared and determined on February Bth, 1870, at IU o'clock A. M., in Ihe Probate' Court i room of Los Angeles county. All poisons in- i te rested will take notice accordingly, , B. K. Si O'M EEVENY. i Attest : Probate .1 udgn. A. W. POTTS, Clerk. 8 By E. H. Owen, Deputy, j9lw CLEG AL ADVERTISEMENTS. SUMMONS. XNTHE COURT OK TIIK SEV entecnih Judicial Districtof the slate ol California, in unil lor the county of Los An gold.—Mrs. i.ivy Cannon, plaintiff, ngainsi K. Cannon, defendant. Aclion brought In the iiisiiici Court ofthe Seventeenth Jndleli I District ofthe State of pauTornuLln and for thecounty of l.os Angeles, nnd the com plaint filed In oatd oounty of l.os Angeles in the office of the clerk of the sold District Coiirl. Tbe people of the state of California send greeting to F. Cannon, defendant: You are hereby wqal—sl to appear in an action biougbt against you by the above-nameil plaintiff, lv Ihe District Court of the Seven teen! h .I ndicbd District of tbe State of Call tornln, In and for Ihe counly ot Loh Angeles, and lo answer the complaint lite*! therein, wl;hin ten days (exclusive of the day of ser v c;' < after tbe service on you ot Ibis snm nsni -if served wilhin this county; or, If served out of this counly, but In litis 1 lis! riot, within twenty days; otherwise, within forty days or Judgment by default, will be taken luminal you according to the prayer of said complaint. The said aclion is brought lo obtain a de cree of (Ills Court dissolving the bands of matrimony between plaintiff and defendant ami for costs of suit. Reference is had 10 complaint tor par leulars. And you are hereby notlfled, thai if you fail to appear and answer the said complain I as above required, the said plaintiff will cause your delimit ton<S entered! and will ap ply to tbe Con;, tor the relief demanded In complaint. ,—' —, Oivcn under my hand and the Real /spit X (>( llu> District Court of the Soven l M 1" t leenth Judicial District ol tbe State *—, —■ oft'al foriiltt. In aud for the county of Lns Angeles, tbls 13th day ot January, In I be year of our I ,or,| one I lioitsand eight hun dred and seventy-live. A. \v, POTTS.CIerk, By C. W. Gould, Deputy Clerk. 11. il, Widney, Attorney for Plaintiff. Jan 11-1 w _ SUMMONS. IN TIIK DISTRICT COURT UK TIIK BF.V -enteenth Judicial District Ofthe Btate of California, in and tor the county ot Los Ait geles.—Paulino llannau,plaintiff, against Mi chael Hannau,defendant. Action brought In the lbstrici Court of the 17th Judicial District Of the Stall' of California, in and for the coun ty of Ix»s Angeles, and tbe complaint tiled In said county of l/is Angeles, in the ollice of (be Clerk ofsaid Dlstrlcl Court. The IVoploof the State of California send greeting lo M. Hannau defendant; You are hereby required toappon r in an ncl ion brought against you by the above-names' plaintiff In the Distriot Court of the Seventeenth Judicial 1 list riot of Ihe Stale of California, in and for the counly ot Los Angeles, and lo answer the complaint lllcil tberepi, within ten days (ex clusive ofthe day of set vice! after the service on you Of Ibis summons—it served wilhin Ibis county; or, If served out of Ibis county, but iv this District.within twenty days; otherwise, within forty days, or Judgment by defaultwill be taken against yoU according to the prayer of said complaint. The said aclion is Drought lo Obtain a decree of tbla Court for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony between plaintiff and defend ant and for general relief. Reloronce is had In complaint for particular;. And you are hereby notified thai If you fail to appear and answer the said complaint os above required, the said plaint ill' will cans" Your default to be entered and will apply tn the Court for the relief demanded in Ihe Com plaint. .—'—. (liven under mv hand and the sea! ( |of the Dislrict Court of the Seven- l IEAI : j teenth Judicial Djstrlct of the state *—, —* of California, in and for Ihe county of l.os Angeles, this 28th dMTOf December, In f lie your ot our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and sevenly-fwur. A. W. I'OTTS, Clerk, Rv P. W. dot'i.n, Deputy Clerk. decfJHin SUMMONS. IN THK DISTRICTOGUHT OK TDK Sev enteenth Judicial District of the State of ('alilornia, In antl for the county or Los Ange [es—Thomas W, Irvin, plnintilf'.ngainsf Adri uuii Irvin, defendant. Action brought in the District Court of tbe Seventeenth Judicial District ol the stale of Calilorn'a, in and for the counly of l.os Angeles, and the com plain I filed in said county of Dos Angeles, in the olliee of the Clerk ofsaid District Court. The people or the State of Calil'm nla send greeting Ui Adriann Irvin defendant. You are hereby required to appear in an se tion brought against you by the above-named plaintiff ill tbe District, Court of Ihe Seven teenth Judicial District of Ihe Stale of Califor nia, in and for the county of l,os Angeles, and to answer the com plaint tiled I herein, wilhin ten days (exclusive nf the day of service) after the service on yon of this summons—lf Served Within this county; or, if served out of this counly, but in this District, within twenty days; .otherwise, within forty days—or Judg ment by defaultwill be taken against, you according to tin- prayer of said complaint, The said act ion is brought to obtain a decree of this Court that the bonds' of mutnfHonv between plaint ill and defendant he dissolve A. Rofeienecis had to coiiipliiinl for particulars. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint, as above required, the said plaintiff will cause your defuull to be entered and will apply lo the Court for the relief demanded in'the complaint. —« (liven under my band and the Sen l | of the District Court, of the Sevon glAi> teenth Judicial Distriot ofthe state J of Cal ifoi tiia, in and for the count v *—i —* of i.os Angeles, this 31st day of Dc eoin twi, In the year of our Lord one ttiousaiul eighi hundred nnd seventy-tour, A. W. POTTS, Clerk. l!y c. w. nofjr.n, Deputy clerk. Stephen M. White, Attorney at Law. 15 Dow ney'- liloek, Los Angeles. jan!l-2ni NOTICE. TIIK Los AN OF! LBS CITY AND COUNTY Publishing and Printing Coiupany; prin cipal phu I business being Los Angeles, Los Angeles county, State Of California. Notice is hereby given that ut a meeting of tho Directors held on the 2->d day of Decem ber, UJ7tj an assessment of til) per cent, on the capital stock of said company, being sixty dollars per share, was levied on the capital stock ot said company; that forty per cent, be payable Immediately to the Treasurer of suid company, K. P. F. Temple, at the Hanking House of Tempt* A- Workman, UM Angeles City; that of the remaining twenty per there shall be paid to said Treasurer at said place Uie sum often percent, on the ■Ith day of January 1875, and ten per cent, on the lllli day of January 1«75. Any stock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on the llth day of February 1875, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, at the Herald ollice In Los Angeles City, and unless payment is made will be sold on the '25th day of Februa ry, 187"), to pay the delinquent assessment. i„ getherwith the costs of advertising and ex penses of stile. Dated Los Angeles, Doc. &M, 1871. N. B.—Kneh Stockholder will lie credited on said assessments with the amount already paid by him on his stock to tbo Treasurer. dec2(lfeb2s Probate Notice. IN THR PKOHATK COURT, Slate of f'ul lornla, County of Los Angeles—ln the Ma fer 01 the Kstale of ALFREDO VALKNZIIK LA, Deceased. Pursuant to an order of th Court mode; this day, notice is hereby glVo that Monday, the day of Jaiiuarv, A. D 1K75, at 8 o'clock a. M., ofsaid day, at the Cour Room of this Court, in the County of Los An geles, hns been appointed for hearing the- ap plication of Felipe Ncri<> VaJensuela, praying that a document now on file in tliis Cour purporting to be the last will and tcslnni oi Alfredo Valen7.uehi, at which time place all persons Interested therein may »p pear and contest the same. January 4th, 1575. JBgnJ.] A. W. POTTS, Clerk. By E. 11. Owen, Deputy. d5-10t San Juan Capistrano Bridge. Cf.EHK'S OVIiCE, ItoAltll OP SrpEHVISOIW, ) Los Angeles Counly, California, j NOTICE is hereby given (hat sealed pro posalS Will be received at this office tlll til H.KSDaY, FEBRUARY 2.1, 1875, at Id o'clock A. m., the time set for opening said bids, for building a bridge across the Desecbos creek, in Sun Juan Township—according to the plan and specifications on tile in the Clerk's oflice. Proposals to be directed to the Hoard of Supervisors, ami endorsed "Propo sals lor building bridge." The Hoard reserves therighttrt reject any and all bids, ns (he pun In- good may require. A. W. POTTS, Clerk. , I'yC W. o*)tn,n, Deputy Los Angeles, Cal., Jan 13, 1875. PROBATE NOTICE?^ TNTIIK MATTER OK TIIE ESTATE OF X Francis P.Atkinson, deceased.--Notice Is hereby given that Charles J Ellis, the Ad ministrator of |he estate of Francis P Atkin son, deceased, lots riled in the Probate Court of the county of Los Angeles, State of Call for - nla, his final account as such Administrator Said account Is presented lorllnul settlement and said estate is ready for distribution. Whereupon the Judge of said Court has ap pointed Ihe 2Stn day of December, A. D Is7l at 10 o'clock a. M., ut the court-room of suid' Court, us (he time and place forlhc settlement of said account antl the distribution ofsaid estate. Datod November 21, 1874. t, t, „ A - W. POTrs, Clerk. Ry E. H. Owen, Deputy. a\V wla