Newspaper Page Text
■pWaWMBB ■ IWfIWCssWWWWP*»Wrg ginflfUjs luvatd. j*\ ni *-fwi * » W *usT wr CITY ARPTDUNTY OFFICIAL PAFER. I S I II II Ml II ■I I HI-"- SATURDAY JAN. 30, 1875. City and County Official Directory. Oily IMroctory. P. BEAUDRY Mayoi Office, Council Chauit>cr. J. J. CARRILLO City Marshal Office, No. IS Spring street. J. J. MKLI.CS ...City Treosurci Ottice, Courl House. -A. W. HUTTON ........City Attorney CW*\No. *i Tempi- liloofc. M. HRIMKR City Clerk Office. No. 45 Spring street. Wm. E. MOOHE City Surveyor oilice, Moore A Kcleber, New High si. Dr. J. H. McKKE...J-. Health Officer. Otttee corner Sprb#and Temple streets Common Council: Me-ls rU Council Rooms, No. 45 Spring St.. at7::io p. m., Thursday ofoucli week. roTTM'MAir* : T. P. CAMPBELI* L- LICIITENBERGEB. J. M ULL,\ LV. {■ O- CAR4WNA. W. W. «e»HJNSi.N. B. SOTELLO. Ut teed. t< »se m-vscarel. C. E. RUBER. X WOLFsEILL. K.H. WO REM VN, T. LEAHY. Chamber ol « o4MJ«ierce} ■ tilul s^'tAZAßrx^nßs.. W". .1. BRODRICK. S. B.CASWELL. Secreturv. Treasurer. M J. N EMM ARK, KU'IF.NE MEYKIt, joilN JTlirril. SHORII, R. M. WIDNEY, I. W. LORD, E. E. HEWITT, H. D, HARROWS. JUoar.ioo r Education : sr. D. h i kiiiiws.yrisideftt. - •' M. KREMER. s-e'v. ALFRED JAMES, DB. .1. KURTZ, J. P. WIDNEY. DX. W. f. LUCKY, City Supt. Public Schools County 1 Jirt'.ot ory. A. Sv. PtiTTS ' Y>. Clerk and Clerk of Courts J. W. (.fLI.ETTE CO. ReoordW-atid Auditor '1 E. ROW A N —Co. Treasurer V. R. ROWLAND...Co. BherllT and Tax Coll. GEO. H. PECK J ,i < .4.Co.Supl. Of schools DIONICIO BOTILLER Co. Assessor L. SKBOLD Co. Surveioi- Boartl of Niaper» isors : GEO. UINDH, Chairman, J. M. GRIFFITH, EDWARD EVEY, F. FALOMARES, F. MACHACO, A. sEPL'LVKn \, Acting Interpreter. Regular Meetings—First Monday of each month. , Judicial Directory: V. SEPULVEDA Judge Terms of Court hirst Monday of Feb., May ...Aug., an i Nov. H. K. 8. O'MELVEN V ...Judge of Probate and County Courts. Terms of Court-First Monday of Jan., Mar., May, July. Sept., and Nov. GEO. C. GIBBS Hist,. Court Commissioner, Otlice, No. I}.j Spring"street, J ! .-en - Conrta: WM. EE, GRAY...Temple Block, over W. ET* oo.'s Oftioe. JOHN TRAFFORI)....Downey Block, Temple Street. li«m Ansroles r.lbrary Aissociatlon: J. R. McCONNELL President J. C. LITTLE FIELD Librarian Library, Downey Block. National OfAc-inls. li. K.W. BENT Postmaster Postofnce, Temple Block. ALFRED JAMES Reg. U.S. Laud Office J. W. H AVERftTICK.... Roe. U. S. Land Office Temple Block. J. O. WHEELER. ..Dept. Coll. U. S. Int. Rev. Oflice, No. 111, Temple Block. J. R. BRIERLY Int. Rev. Gauger Office, No. IK, Temple Block. J. TA DUNLAP Dept. U. 8. Marshal New High street. B. C. WHITING .U. S. Court Commissioner Offlee, Noa. 28 and 28, Downey Kiock. JACOB A. MOURENHAUT French Consul Main street. CLINTON R SEARS, In charge of Improve ment of Wilmington Harbor—Residence at terminus ol street, railroad. HOTEL ARRIVALS. PICO. W Hart & wf,Ohio E B Prescott, N V W D Narbolt, S F li S Lynch, s Diego MlssC Brnnson, s X \V N Wmlth & wf, Nev Miss M 1' Barret, indpndc W B Wiltshire, do .1 Wotfson, Ventura Mrs Sabin & son,do W Hart 4 wf O P Engelbrisht, S Gabriel ST. CHARLES. J L Parmlev, Ohio J W Wolenbarg H A Jones, Pnmnt Alt' Bailey, Anlim F Condon, Wlmmm FC Robinson, S F J Shrewsbury, 8 Dago U Crist, do J Stoln, do W Holmes, do J W Jacoby, Benton J .Schoder, do R Butcher,lowa Webster, S Brndno J Foster, s Margarita F M 81iiughler,do R Ashrafl, SJuan Cpr J MeFadden, a Ana LAFAYETTE. C Dwjer. Wlmngn c W C Powell, A T DT Stevenson,do L Meyerstefn, S F WHHall, do C Meyerslein, do J Regan, ilaj V Halpln, ranch UNITED STATES. C V Holler,S Frudo Mv Pnmut W Smith, Term S W Weed, do J Dewal.HDiego I) X Kishrode,Ornn»c WJArhood.d.) DUnutn-ily, do Ctiassen, do LLKing, do .1 Palmer, Gospel Swp T A Cord, do RMariuor, do B|i MlHer.S F C Punier, Wlmugn J ADavp., S Gabriel ,1 M Wood A wf, LI .1 Haukins, Anlim J I Blackmail, do II A Hiuoinon,S Jonlo W B W-bstcr, do P F Hortou, 8 Brndno H Crampton, Spadra P D Knell,wf 4 4oh, * J James .V wf, do Diego EHall.S Brbra It is MKLiyiM THAT v. !• SOTICK anything iv the medlcalllne, nor would we now, unless we could be convinced tliat we are not doing our duty as iouru dists i;i recommending to the public the celebrated botonieal prepara tions of Or. Henry. Whoever induces the vlctimo/Scrofula or any other ftlfiease of the blood, fx) use Dr. Henry.■: Kxtracl ol sar>upa rilla, has begun a good work. There can be no questlou as to tlie result of tins medicine if persevered in. His a sure cure for Scrofu la, Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, and Indeed all complaints arising frotn Vitiated and Impure blood. It is Jlist what a good physician would prescribe for these complaints, and we con fidentially recommend it as being Hip best article now In use. Dr. Hfefify'a Cough lialsain is tho most effective remedy for any affections of the Th'oat or 1 .tings that we have ever Known. It contains no detbtnrinua drie/s, and ran be taken with Impuniiy and Cer tainly of relief. Kortlie onre ol'i'oughs, Colds, Sure Throat, etc, it stands without a rival. Or. Henry's Linamcnt as an alUvialor of pain, is unrivalled by any preparation before the public; the skeptical will be,con vinced by aililgle trial. It win prove Itself a "friend in peed" which no family should be without. ~ hTr a ST E R, CITY Fish and Poultry Market, WHITE HOUSE, LOS ANGELES S , third door from the corner of Comm - clal. A specialty made of ull kinds of Francisco FRESH FISH In their season. Also, I'onltry, IZfgfga, Butter Game, TVnts, Fruit*)* and Country Produce. Consignments of produce respectfully solic Ited. All orders promptly filled and goods dellv ored free of Chiuve In any part of Ihe city. oetaHf PIONEER SADDLE AND HARNESS MANUFACTORY. S. C. ¥Of Proprietor. KiTTn 1854. Importer, manufacturer, wholesale and re tall dealer in all kinds of Saddlery and Har ness. The beat brandN of Saddle, Harness and Bole Leather, always on hand and for sale at wholesale and retail. No. XT' Los Angeles Streeet, LOS ANGELES. CAL. nolVtf—6 FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. UOI.D RKPORT. %p Bj,n Francisco, January 28. ttokl,lrs% Greenbacks—Buying, 89; selling, S Kan fraarlMoo Markets Hy Teleirraph. Sax Francisco. January 20. FLOUR-So oQ<#s 87' i. W HEAT—SI 50<*l tax. BARLEY-SI 40kh1 UO. OATS—Si 70c«t 80. RYE-SI 40ffll 50. HAY-Sl2 506*114 M WCIHf- lrni.dr. DNIuNS-41 50(&1 0">. CHRN-SI 8.5. BEANS—2?4(<|5c. HOPS-SO|p2HC. COITON-«l4'». POTATOES I 1 75-2 (X! SWEET POTATOES -1 00 82 ftl. BUTTKR— nx.Ciiic. CHEESE—i**l7c. K(KJB-3ixa9&c. per do/.. PBACHES—|T(«i 75 ft Imix. AI'PLKS-«l((j«l 75 "cl Ik>x. FlGS—WiitfOc. V Id. HONEY 20-i27c. fl ft. BACON—I4OI6O. Wholesale Market. PRO VISIONS. Flour— < Inions 2 00 Exlrul*bbl...ssV<.l!'.; Nails, V keg... 6 26 Superfine 5 oik,as SO Fruit— Bacon, ft ft I«.«il7>i Cnn'dfldoz 450 Hams 15(0,18 Ass'd Jellies...! 50e»') iW Lard W 3 Mti% Dried— Sugar— Apples fi tt.. 9 Crushed HW Peaches » Island No. 1 ID Grapes 8 Codec 21 Potatoes.tycC.l 75£i2 10 Coru,ftceulal 225 SALT— Barley 100 Common .... 150 Wheat 125 Liverpool.... 200 Butler, V « stl Candies,%l it'- 18Q35 Cheese...._ loitlt) Candles 1.y.0S Swiss Cheese. 37Va ! Bro s.fldoz 3(8875 Codfish » Liquors, ose st<do Shloioh t>V' CmARIS— Mackerel 14 DomVfHOOO 25ouif> Tea S7(ui7s Implied do 120t<t2OO "Green 1 IH)— Starch I2y„ Miuing.t'kg 450 Tobacco aOvH oil Canned 70efs»l Beans. Hcwt. 150 Fuse, fdon n.... 42 00 Retail Market. MEATS. Prime beef. 12@12»^c s.-eond class 6@Sc Prime mutton B<ad2e Veal „ 12^c Prime oHtllc, gross, -p hundred Jl 60®S •*••' Goisl 12 501.-:! Chic) as doz Slvi.7 Duck i j $iii(c7 Turke. • ■ . pound dressed _ 22e.u2.5c Geese, " " " 25c Fresh Salmon, per lb 25@30c FRUITS. Oranges, per doz 25@75« Lemons, per do/. 2Yasoc Dried apples, per it. 12' c Dried pears, per lb ~ 100 1 Irled pcaerws, per 16 15c Fresh tomatoes fi It lie String beans, >< ft tic Green Corn, fi doc 10c Apples, fl box 2(32 50 Pears,fl hundred itl@2 Fresh erranberrles, fl gallon 81 0<) Walnuts, flit. l2Hc Figs, fl dos 15c VEGETABLES. Turnips, per ft 4c Cabbage, per lb 4c C v rols, per 100 ft $5 00 Rad tshes, per doz dc Lettuce, per head GROCERIES. COFFEE—Mocha 62>£c Java i!7ir,c Costa Rica „.. We TEAS—Black fSOerTuJI 00 Japan 62k,c(ui$l Oo Green 75c©$l 00 Butter 62^c Eggs, per doz :I7' Jo Cheese, per ft 20W30C Brown sugar .til" 6c Refioed sugar l:(V14c Strained honey i%\2'Afi Canvassed bams 2oc Extra family dour, f) bbl SM 25 Superfine M 75 Graham $7 00 MiX"d feed fl luOfts $\ 25 Cracked corn ft 100 lbs Si 50 Corn meal $2 50m2 75 Pearl barley f) lbs ii'.,e Split baas 6%c Syrup, per keg, 5-gal 3 oO WINES. Cucamongo, fl gal, 4 yrs Jl 00 Port wine, " " 1 25 Angelica, " " I 2.5 Walnut brandy, fl gal 3 50 Batnsevnln wine bitters, fi gal 1 75 Cal white .vine, ft gal. 5 yrs 75 Asruadiente, flgal. 3.vrs 1 75 Great Closing-Out Sale OF THK I DOLLAR STORE Greatest Bargains Ever Offered BY DUNSMOOR BROS., We will for the next SO DA.YB, GIVE Special Inducements Previous to opening our new store on Spring street. We are bound to sell the stock nnd aro con st antly REDUCING THE PRICE , • To that end. C() M3B TOD AY! And tho next thirty days, nnd get MORE GOODS — FOB — ONE DOLLAR Than ever before, nt NO. 102 MAIN STREET, Opposite the Court House. JeZl LA CRONICA, pUBUSHEO BY E. F. TEODOLI. The only Spanish Newspaper IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Published every Wednesday and Snjurdny mornlngs. Office In Temple's New lilock, Spring street, opposite the Court-house. It bus a large circulation in the State of Cal ifornia, the Eastern States, Ixiuislami, Mexico, and Arizona and Colorado Territories, Central and South America, and Spain. Cronica" commends itself to the Advertisers who may wish to bring their business lieforo the Span lsh-spcaslng peopleand numerous population of different nationalities, on the P-clflc Coast. Advertising; Rates V«, r , Reasonable. DBMORimoiw-One Tear, ffl; Six Month t» VP. Three Months. 12. odtf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ■ -~„- — ■ i m ■mf" ■■- . ' - ~ LOS ANGELES BRANCH HOME MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. Cash Assets, • • • $519,000 Capital, - - - 8300,000 J. F. HormiTox, President. Q. H. Howard Vice President, IL H. r.ioKi.ow Oeneral Manager. c. It Htoky Secretary. It. H. Maoii.i., Oenernl Agent, LOS ANCELtESTRUSTEES: 8. B. Caswkf.l., S. H. Mott, H. D. Bauuows, J. S.'son, F. P. F. Tk.mi'i.k. TEMPLE .V AY< >ltlv M.V IV, Trensurers. Which Branch Includes Los Angeles nnd Han Bernardino counties. All moneys re ceived lor premiums will l>o Invested under the control of the Trustees of the Los Angeles Branch wlthlu the district. All Losses ad- Justed and pah! by the Directory. J. R. TOBERMAN, dec24tr Mnncger. GABION '«» Semi-Tropical Nurseries. Ijoented on Han Penro street, two miles south of City Hall. The largest stock of Northern and Reml- Tropical Fruit Trees In the state. 40 Varieties ot'CitroiiN Tree-.. Call nnil examine my stock. Priced Cata logue sent Ire.'. Addicss I. O. Box .UK, I.os I. Tl I US. A. GAREY. deofS-wn MEDICAL. — the people NOW ort 1 i jr. o AY Is si t TVfeARS OF OBSERVATION AND EX .II perlence have demonstrated; that no physician io general practice ran give to Chbonic diseases the time ami Investigation necessary hi insure perfect success. I have, therefor", decided lo make a specially ol all Cituo.Nlf Dwkasks. UdEedioctl «ml Hui-«ri<*nl, And am prepared to give the most careful study to Weh ease, and to treat diseases in the most scientific manner. I furnish the purest drugs, and all the latest and best Med ical and Surgical appliances, and devote my time, skill and meiliei noto the relief id' the nntictcd, at reasonable prices. A little over one year's proctlco in Los An geles, as well as Ihe many Warm expressions and acts of gratitude on' the part of those I have treated, has satisfied me that my ser vices are appreciated. References; my patients. Office: Nos. 57 & 58, Temple Block. Entrance On Main strccl, and between Tem ple Bunk and Portugal's store, second lloor. CONSULTATIONS PRES. Office hours, 10 to 12 A.M. and 2to 5 p.m. At other times by special appointment. J. H. LEAL. LVI. D. READ THE FOLLOWING: SATISFACTORY. Han O.iniiiKn, April St, 1871. My little boy, over two years old, has suf fered terribly far more than a year from ob struction of the uitiNARY organs. Ali means of relh-i seemed unavailing, until I was ad vised to consult with Dr. LE \L of Los Angeles. Alter a critical examination he bund and re moved ii Stottt from the v ret ha weighing live grains. Immediately relief followed, and my child is now well. W. J. JON Ks. Gratitude. Grateful, not only forentire relief from terri ble suffering of seven years' standing, but a perfect cure of Internal piles by an operation scarcely more painful taau my daily suffer ings before the operation. I feel M s duly I owe to I hose similarly afflicted to give this tes timonial ofthe skillful nnd efficient treatment oi DR.,I. 11. LEAL, of Lp* Angeles. Dr. Lent's success is more highly Appreciated from the fact tliat several ofthe prominent physicians of Los Angelss had treated me without under standing my disease, and of course without success. ISABEL MARTIN. sax Qabdikl,March it, 1874. To the"Afflicted. EXORANQK HoTKI,, , Wilminoton, March 80,1871. J Having suffered severely with chronic in flammation of the eyes, I had determined to go to son Francisco for treatment, when 1 was referred to I lit. LEAL,of Los Angeles, under Ids care for n stagltfweek my eyes are perfectly well, and now my sight Is belter than It has been for the past ten years. myl-fmw Wm. McGILLIVERAY. LIQUORS, ETC. FASHION SALOON. 61 Downey Block, Main St. WOLF Sc GATES, l*roi»riete>rs. The Choicest Ales, Beer. Wines, AND lOquoi-H of till Iviiults. Hot Lunch Served Every Day and Evening. ALL THE LATE PAFRRS On tile for the use of guests. Club and Read ing Rooms, wanned and well ventilated. It Is the intention of tlio Proprietors to so conduct the house us to preserve tho goo.l name It has already earned. scpiStf PALACE SALOON. 7D MAIN ST., Temple Block, Los Angki.ks, Cai.. A fine stock of Wines, Liquors and Cigars kept constantly on hand, and Liquors bottled expressly for family use. Also UOX LUNCH Served from 11 o'clock A. M. to 1 o'clock p. m., and from 8 i: m. until 2 A. M. J L. WILLIAMS, oct9tf Proprietor. WINE 7 DEPOT AT LOUTS MESMER'S WINE CELLAR ,underneath the new U. H. Hotel, corner of Los Angeles and Re quena streets. Wine by tho Glass, Bottle or Gallon. All kinds of Liquors, Wines and Bitters at wholesale and retail. NOTICE. The public of Los Angeles are hereby noti fied that no other person lv lios Angeles but Louis Mesmer has wines from the Coeomongo ranches. J. L. SANSEVAIN. noS-2ptf—4 CITY BREWERY And SALOON, Cor. Second and Spring Streets, LOS ANGELES Fine Lager Beerfor sale IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. no2-tf—3 JOS. LEIBER, Proprietor. GRAND RE-OPENING OF THE OItIETVX SALOON. We hnve Just received a Largo and Entire NEW STOCK o? LIQUORS and CIGARS. Punches and Cobblers Specialties. J. OAITE, Proprietor. 0. E. GARD, Manugor. niyl«tf-l MISCELLANEOUS. WM. FARRELL. No. 10 COURT STREET, Practical Plumber, Gas and Steam Pipe ir irr t k it , Kolldlngs fitte'l wilh <Jus unci Water Pipe nnd fixtures at short notice, on IttMi«ons»l>lo Tcfiim. Gas fixtures rrflnlshed ami made to look as good an now. The EMPIRE GAS BURNER fcOR KALK. ttiTAII Work Warranted, -te* AUKNT FOR THK Plass " Economic" Gas Governo , That reduces gas bills Kou T V J * Ifl I*■ GIB N T.. Anil can be attached to any gas inclcr. cm t'2t f New Furniture Store!! ai* , ! JOHANNSEN. & GROSSER, UPHOLSTERERS ANO Cabinet Makers (U. 8. HOTEL IIUILWNO), Requena St., Los Angeles, Call attention to I heir New Furniture and Up holstery Establishment. Furniture of every description manufactured on the premises. ft Mr. w. Grosser being a practical Uphols terer and Mr. Johannsen a thoroughly prac tical Cabinetmaker, the firm offer advantages to purchasers afforded by no other house. New and Fashionable Styles of Parlor, Had room, Dining and Kllch en Furniture always on hand. UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING Attended to promptly. Satisfaction guaran teed, aglfitf o o r r o -H X m 3D > m en ■H O 33 m FOR CHEAP GOODS! 18-1 Main street. JOHN H. SEYMOUR, General Jtf itnatrer. Jyliltf The Steams Ranchos, ALI'KEn KOBINKON, Trnalee, 512 Market Street. San FrnnciNco, C'a|. on nnn acres of land t/UiVV/U for sale, in tots to suit, suitable for the culture of oranges, Lemons, I,hues, Figs, Almonds, Walnuts, Peaches, Ap ples, pears' Alfalfa, Corn, Rye, Hurley, Flax, Ramie, Cotton, etc, an<! also many thousand acres of Natural Evergreen Pastures, Suitable for Dairying. Gtsicl water is abundant at aft average depth of six (bet from the surface, On almost every acre of this laud FLOWING ARTESIAN WELLS can be obtained, and tho more ele vated portions can bo irrcgated by the water of tlio Santa Ana river. Most of these lands are naturally melst, requiring only good cul tivation to produce crops. TERMS—One-fourth Cash; balance In oue, two and three years, with 10 per cent interest. 1 will take pleasure in showing these lands to parties seeking land, who are invited to come aud sec this extensive tract before pur chasing elsewhere. WM. IL OLDEN, Agent. Anaheim, Los Angeles county, May 24, 1873. _ mra-lf— 7 Montana Meat Market. FRLELTNGER & FRANCE. MM Tho best and tenderest Meats Wjl/* iv the market. None but tho «ri mm Primest Beef and Mutton everlo be found, Note the address—Montana Meat Market, Main Slreet, near First, Los Angeles Jnnltf—3 San Juan Capistrano Bridge. CI.KKK'S OKFII'K, BoAKI) OK SUPKRVISOHH, 1 Ijoh Augelcß County, California, j NOTICE ls hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received at Ibis office Un til TUESDAY, EEIJRUART 2d, 1X75, at 10 o'clock a. M., the time set for opening said bids, for building a bridge across tho DesCi hos etc, k, in san Juan Township -according to the plan and specifications on tile in the I Slerk's offlee. Proposals to be directed to tho Hoard of Supervisors, and endorsed "Propo sals for building bridge;" Tbe Hoard reserves the right to reject any and all bids, as the public good may require. A. W. POTTS, Clork. Ry C. W. GutTLD, Deputy Lou Angeles, Cal., Jan 13, 1875. HOTELS. PICO HOUSE, LOS ANGELES, CAL. jpiRST CLASS^HOTEL, FOR TRAVELERS ANU TOURISTS. Centrally Located—Frontage on Three Streets. Tho HKST Table, The li EST Rooms, The lIEST Accommodations. 0c23-tf-5 CHAS. KNOWLTON, Prop'r LAFAYETTE HOTEIT IVew Tlirong-liont THE PROPRIETOR DESIRES TO Inform the traveling public that this well known house has been THOROUGHLY RENOVATED AND REBUILT THROUGHOUT, and now offers accommodations equal If not superior to any other house In Los Angeles. SINGLE ROOMS, OR ROOMS EN SUITE. The Eating Department will bo conducted with especial care novltf-5 PRINTING. THE HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE SPRING! STREET, OPPOSITE THE COURT ROUSB, LOS ANGELES. f~pHl£ attention of the business com .l- munlty of Loa Angeles elty and county is In viled to the facilities of this oflice for cxc outing every description of BOOK 9 JOB PRINTING Fully alive to tlie inferior manner in which a great part of the Job Printing in Southern California lias hitherto been executed, tlie proprietors of Ibis establishment have deter mined hi institute a new order of tilings ln his business. A NEW POWER PRESS (the Hist lo reACh tills far south on the Pacific Coast), capable of printing a LARGE SHEET POSTER, either plain or in colors, is already running, aud driven hy •STEAM POWER, Which is also attached to their new and ELEGANT Job Prossos. The facilities for turning out Work will thus be eipni! to moal and superior to many Office in San Francisco. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Of TV m w r r VI» £2 AND MATERIAL. of tho most modern designs and approved Has! en manufacture, has been selected. And It Is intended so to equip and furnish this de partment with THE BEST PRESSES, THE FINEST TYPE, ANO THK MOST MODERN APPLIANCES, AS TO MAKE TUX HERALD JOB OFFICE THE MOST COMPLETE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. They have engaged as foreman of this de partment, ono of the most experienced Book and Job Printers In the country,• and Ihe presses will bo superintended by a. skilled Pressman from ono of the largest Offices In New England. PAMPHLETS Will be printed from New Type, and the greatest care exercised to Insure aocuraey au freedom from typographical errors. POSTERS & HANDBILLS Plalu or In colors, executed at very short no tice aud displayed In tiie best manner. BUSINESS CARDS. CIRCULARS, STATEMENTS, B ' LL HEA ° S LETTER HEADS, BALL CARDS WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS. INVITATIONS, ETC. Of this class of work wo shall make a spo clalty, and Intend that nothing ofthe kind shall equal us in this section. BANK" CHECKS, DRAFTS, NOTES, DEPOSIT CHECKS BOOK HEADINGS, STOCK CERTIFICATES KTC. Printed ln a superior manner, on plain writ ing paper,or on llond and Bank; Note Paper In black or colors. snow a^:R.r>s IN GOLD AND COLORS. We shall nay particular attention to BRIEFS, TRANSCRIPTS, ABSTRACTS, ETC., Which will be printed ln the Old Stylo Type now so universally In favor, and which wo have procured specially for this class of work. We shall also he provided for tho printing of LEGAL BLANKS, OFFICIAL FORMS ANO DOCUMENTS. CATALOGUES, PROGRAMMES, BILLS OF FARE, TICKETS, LABELS, TAGS, AND KVKRY VAKIKTY OF GENERALJOB PRINTING PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL. Job Printing House, LOS ANGELES. The Aldine Company's NEW PUBLICATIONS BOLD ONLY HY SUBSCRIPTION. TUX Al.niSi:: TUX ART JOVRX.iI, OK AMKRICA. Tills splendid enterprise Is not only well es tablished in every feuiiire, bus Is being con stantly developed und improved. 11 to-iiay stands without v rival in Ihe whole world of periodical literature. The beautiful dog-nor trait, " Ann's Unselfish Krletid,'' a chroma presented to every subscriber, Is il decided hit aud will, If possible, add to Ihe popularity which this work has gained. The Art IFtiwd feature also promises grout nnd beuificenf re sults, In arousing public Interest In the fine arts, t'ovulars and Kill information on ap plication. Tarts X, 11, HI and I\', are now ready: SUTTON'S Leixiir** Hour Mlkcclliiu v To he completed In loily parts,lssued fort nightly. Each pari will eonlalu an H""-> m front-piece, originally engraved on steel for the ijoinion Art Journal, HEl'ltO DUCINO Al a price within tho popular reach, engrav ings never before offered at less than live times tho amount. These plates have been Ihe attraction of THE LONDON ART JOURNAL. Each part will contain % quarto pages, in cluding the heavy front-piece, on licnv y plate paper, A superb title-page, richly Illumin ated in red and gold,will be given with Ihe first part, ami the printing of the entire work will be a worthy representation ofthe "Alden Press," which is a guarantee of something beautiful and valuable. At a Cost of 25 cts. a Part. Parts i, ii and Hf, auk. just uuhushed. THE ART JOURNAL, I 'omplete in twelve mouthly purls, al Jl each. Reproducing the best fuil-pugc illustra tions from the earlier volumes of The a i.oi ni.. Each monthly part will contain <h sup.rh plates, with accompany iiigdeae, Iptiv pfMO-tef, and whelher for binding or fruiuiiig. will lie entirely beyond competition in pried or arils tic ohaructor. Every impression Will tie most carefully taken ou the finestdoited paper aud no pain's will bo spared to make this lbe richest production of a press which has won in a rnarveiously short time, v world-Wide reputation. CEWIS FROM THE ALDINE, ESPECIALLY ASSORTMD fVOR W?RAI* HOOK ILLUSTRATIONS A NR /'/.'.lil' l.XU CLANS COPIES. A large collection of pictures of different and on almost every conceivable sub ject have been put up in an attractive envel ope and are now offered at a price Intended to make them popular in every sense. Envelop* No. I (containing 50 beaulirul en graving*! is now ready, nnd will lie sent, post age paid, to any address lor ONE DDI,I.A It. A liberal diseouut to Ifjaantl and teachers. £U;i*iil>-13ool£*». A splendid assortment of SCRAP-BOOKS have been expressly prepared for the holiday season and no present of more permanent in terest can bo selected for gentleman or lady, old or young. No. I—Hall-bound,cloth shies, gilt-back, 250 pp., 12x16 inches Ml 00 No. 2—Half-bound,cloth sides,gilt-back, 000 pp., 12x10 inches 7 00 No. B—Full morocco, beveled boards,gilt and antique, very rich, 500 pp 12 00 Lettered to order in gold at :_'.'> ci.s. per line. Sent by mail postpaid on receipt of lite price. THE ALDINE PASSE-PARTOUTS. In compliance with repeated requests, the proprietors of Tiik Ai.niNK have are pared Impressions of many of their most beautiful pistes for passe-partout framing. The cuts are mounted on a beautifully tint ed azure mat, witli a handsome red border line, 'i'o attach the glass, it is only left for tlie customer to pasteund fold overun already attached border, and tiiis may be done by a child. 27 subject*, l2rWlnches,26c.j with glass, We. Six of I his size for $1, When selection is left to publishers. « subjects, 10XI3S Inchon, Sic; with glass, 45e. 7 subjects, ti.UxS'.., inches, 15c.; with glass, lUe. IS subjects, 14x19 inches, 50c.; wilh glass, $1. Sen! by mall, without glass, post-paid, for price. CanvasKorH Waintml. THE ALDINE COMPANY, 56 Maiden Lane, New York. dec).') JJL. 1111 ! ssss—— LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ;, r— ■ " . ~ „■:-; CERTIFICATE OF PARTNERSHIP OF THE EIIIM OF GAREY & THOMAS, doing business In Hie city of Los An geles, county of Los Angeles, Stale of Califor nia. We, the undersigned persons, liereby certify that the above described partnership Is com posed of tho following persons and no others, whoso names and places of residence are as fol lows, to-wit: Thos. A. Gamy, I.os Angelea. .Milton Thomas, Loa Angeles. In witness whereof we have hereunto itf llxed our hands and seals Ibis innocent I, day of January, 1875. THOS. A. GARv.Y, [Seal.] MILTON THOMAS. [Meal.] STATK OF CAI.IKOHNIA, I t lounty of Los a ligelog. J On this nineteenth day of January, in the year A. D. 1876, before ino,Court CominJasltih er for said counly, personally appeared Tims. A. Garey ami Milton Thomas, known tome to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within Instrument, and aeknow!edged to mo that they executed the same. Witness my hand, I having no official seal, t Ii is nineteenth day of January, A. 11.1873, GEORGE C. GIBBS, Court Commissioner of I/>s Angoles Cm. Ja2o Assessment Notice. /GRANGE CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY \7 of Los Angeles—Location of Principal place of business: Los Angeles, California. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Directors held iv this city on the Slst day of July, 1871, an assessment (No. 1) of FIVE DOLLARS PER SHARE was levied upon the Capital Stock or said Company, pnvsble im mediately, in United States gold coin, to tho Secretary, at thoofflce ofthe Company, No. 41 Temple Block, Los Angeles, California. Any stock upon which this Assessment shall re main unpaid on the istday of.Heptember, 1871, will bo declared delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, und unless payment is mads before, will bo sold on tho 16th day of September, 1874, . To pny delinquent assessment, together with costof advertising aud expense of sale. Ry order of the Board. L. M. HOLT, Secretary. Oflice: No. 11 Temple Block, Los Angeles California. Dated July 31, 1871. Again Postponed. ' At a regular meeting of the Roard, held De cember Ith, 1874, the time at which the pay ment ofthe above assessment became delin quent, was again postponed to January 2d, 1875. I* M. HOLf, declOtf Secretary. Assessment Notice. CO-OPERATIVE NURSERY AND FRUIT Company of Los Angeles county.—Loca tion of principal place of business, Los Ango les. California. Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of the Directors held in this city on the 28th day of Deeombcr,lB74, an assessment (N0.2)0f ONE DOLLAR PER SHAKE was levied upon the capital stock of said compunv, payable on the Ist day of January, 187 a, In United States gold coin, to tlie Secretary at the office of the Company, No. \% Spring street, Los Angeles, California. Any stock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on the Ist day of February, 1875, will be declared delinquent nnd advertised for sale at public auction, anil unless payment Is made before, will be sold on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1875, to pay delinquent assessment, together with cost of advertising nnd expenses oft tin. By order ofthe Board. L. M. HOLT, Secretary pnted December 28,1871. deal td NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ;THAT CHALKS Llndlv, Administrator of the estate of Susan A. E. MeClellan, has tiled his final ac count and a petition for final settlement and distribution of said nstat«, which Is now rendy for such distribution; and the same will be beared and determined on February 81b, 1875, at 10 o'clock A. M., In the Probate Court room of Los Angeles county. All persons In terested will take notice accordlnglv. i H. K. H. O'MELVENY. Attest: Probate Judge. A. W. POTTS, Clerk. By E. 11. Owen, Deputy. J'.Mw LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. SUMMONS. IN TIIE DISTRICT COUKT OFTHE BKV entecnth Judicial District of Ihe Slate of California, in und lor the county of Cos An geles.—Mrs. Llvy Cannon, plaintiff, against K. Cannon, defendant Action brought lv the Districl Court ofthe Seventeenth Judicial District of Iho Slut cot California, in and for Iho county of Is>s Angeles, and the Com plaint Hied hi said county oi Los Vngcles in Ihe oflice of the clerk of thu said District Court. The people ~f n,o Slate of California send greeting to F. Cunnoii, defeudant: You are hereby required lo appear In an action brought against yon by the above-named plaintiff, in tlie District Court of the Seven teenth Judicial District of tho State of Call tornla, fn and for the county oi Los Angeles, and to answer the complaint tiled I herein, wl|hln ten days (exclusive of the day of ser ved nC'er the service on you of tiiis sum mons-If seived within this county; or. If served out of Ibis count v, but In this District, within twenty days; Otherwise, within forly days or judgment by defmill will be takeii aaulnatyou according to ihe prayer of said complaint. The said ltd lon Is brought to obtain a de cree of this Court dissolving the bunds of matrimony between plaintiff and defendant and for cosIS of suit. Reference is had to complaint for pari icu lars. And you are hereby notified, tliat if you fall to appear and answer the suid complaint as above required, the said plaintiff will e.uisc your delimit to be entered stud will ap ply to the Coint tor the relief demanded in complaint, . —> Given under my hand and the Heal f«RAt lof the District Court of the Seven- C j teenlh Judicial DKlrictot tiie Stale ' —• —' of Cal fornla, in und for the count v of Los Augeles, this 12th day of January, iii the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and seven! v-llvo. A. W, POTTS, Clerk. By C. W. GOULD, Deputy Clerk. R. AL Widney, Attorney for Plaintiff. Janll-iw SUMMONS. TN THE DIsTHICT COURT OK TilE SEV ettrernth Judicial District or tun stale of California, in anil for tlie county of l»os An geles. ■ Paulino Hannau, plaint iff, against Mi chael Hannau, defendant. Action brought In lho Dlslrici Court ol the 17th Judicial District or i h • «tate of California, In ahd'tor Ihe coun ty oi I.os Angeles, and the complaint filed in unld county of Los Angeles, In the ollice of the clerk of said District Court. The People of the Htute of California send greeting to M. lltinimu defendant: You are hereby required lo appear In an action brought iignlnsl you by the above-named plaintiff in tho Districl Court of the Heventeefifh Judicial hisi'iei of Hie stale of California, in and for the county ol I.os Angeles, and lo answer i be complaint tiled therein, within ten days (ex clusive of the day ef service) after the Service on yon of this summons—lf served within this counly; or, if served out of this county, but In this Dislrict,wllhin twenty days; otherwise, within forty days, or judgment rJy default will be taken against you according to the pinyer of said complaint. The said action Is brought tooblain a decree of this Court for the dissolution m the bonds of matrimony between plaintiff ami defend ant and for general relief. Relerellce Is had lo complaint for particulars. And you are hereby notified Hint If you fail to appear and answer the said complaint as above required, the said plaintiff will cause your default to be entered and will apply to the (lottrt for the relief demanded In the com plaint. «—' —, (liven under my hand and the seal f'avAi l<'' "i" District Courl ofthe Seven ( J teenth Judicial District of the State 1 —, —' of California, in aud lor tbe county oi'i.os Angeles, this 28th day of December, iii the year of our I.oril one thousand eight hun dred nnd seventy-four. A. W. POTTS, Clerk, By C. W. lioui.n, Deputy Clerk. dce29-'>m SUMMONS. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE BRV enteeath Judicial District of tbe Stale of California, In and for I lie counly of Los Anae tesrr.Tlioouwi w, levin, plaintiff,against Aori ann Irvin, defendant. Action brought in the District Court ofthe Seventeenth Judicial D.strict of the Stale of California, in and for the County of Los Angi les, and the complaint tiled iii said counly of Los Angeles, in tlie office of the Clerk of said District Court. The people of the State of California-end greeting toAuriann try In defendant. You are hereby required to appear m an ac tion broinrht iisruinst you by the üboVi -named plaintill in the District Court of Ihe Seven teenth Judicial District of the Stale of Califor nia, in and for I he county of Los Angeles, and to answer the complaint Hied therein, Within ten days (exclusive >>(' the day of service) after the service on you of this summons—il'served Within this county; or, if served out, of this county, but in this District, within twenty days; otherwise, within forty days—or jtidg menl by default will be taken against y«Mi according to tbe prayer of said complaint, The said action is brought lo obtain a deer.-c Of this Court thai the bonds of matrimony between plaintiff and defendant be dissolved. Reference is had to complaint for particulars, And yon are hereby notified thai if yon fail to appear and answer Ibe said complaint, as above required, the said plaintiff will cause your default to be entered and will apply to the Court, for tlf« relief demanded in' the complaint. t, —•-—« Given under my hand and the Seal lof the Dislrict Cour! of tlie Seveii l skai. !■ teenth Judicial District, of Ihe State (of California, in und lor the counly *—, —* of Los Angeles, ibis .list day of De cember, in tlit- year of Our Lord one tliou -an.l eight hundred and Movent v-four. A. W. POTTS, Clerk. Ry C. W. OotTi.o, Ronuly Clerk. Stephen M. While, Attorney at Law. 15 Dow ney's Block, J.OB Augelfs. Jan9-2m Probate Notice. J 7STATE of Hugh MeMahon, decease,!, li NottO«ls hereby given by the under signed executors of the above named estate, to the creditors of, and all persons having clainia against said deceased, to exhibit lb some 1 with the necessary vouchers, within four months from the first publication of ihis not Ice, to tlc undersigned ut, the respective residences hereinafter specified! Wm. Me- Kec, room No. vti Temple Hloek, Los Ange les city; John Moran, Main street, Los An gelcscity. JanLVwl POSTP ONE ME NT. AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF Directors Cehtlhela Land Company Jan uary 5, 1875, It was Resolved, That owing to (he Inability of the surveyor to complete the surveys ami prepare the necessary maps of the subdivisions of the Centlnela italicilios, it is expedient to adjourn the sale of the hinds of the company from the 18t,h day of January until the 15th day of Eeh ruary, 1875, By ffraffr, W. 11. J. BROOKS, Secretary. N. B.—All the newspapers which have the adverlisemi-nl ol the Centlnela for the sale of iHth inst. please cop> and make correction in advertisement, w. Hi Jj B. NOTICE. THE T/iS ANGSIiEf)CITY AND COUNTY Publishing und Printing Company; prin cipal place ot business being Los Angeles, Los Angeles county. State of California. " Notice is hereby given that at a meeting or the Directors held on tho 22d day of Decem ber, lSfl, an assessment of M per cent, on tho capital stock of said company, being sixty dollars per share, was levied on the capital slock of said company ; that forty per cent, be payable immediately to the Treasurer of said company, F. P. F. Temple, a< the Hanking House of Templu A Workman, I/w Angeles City; thut of the remaining twenlv percent, titers shall be puid to suid Trensnrer at said place the sum of ten percent, on the 4th da v of January 1875, aud ten per cent, on the 11th day of January 1875. Any stock upon which I his assessment shall remnin unpaid on tho Uth day of February 1875, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at puhlic auction, at the Herald offlee In Los Angeles city, and unless payment is made will be sold on I he 2*lh day of Ef bina ry, 1875, to pay the delinquent assessment, to gether with the costs ol advertising and ex penses of sale. Dated Los Angeles, Dec. 22d, 1371. N. B.—Each Stockholder will be credited on said assessments with the amount already paid by him ou his stock lo the Treasurer. dec2.'f!feb2s CUCAMONCA HOMESTEAD —NO- TICETO STOCKHOLDERS. •\TOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON J3I tho first Tuesday of January next, In front of tho Postofrlce at Cucamonga, there will be n public sale of Urn lots and lands of the Cucamonga Homestead Company, for premiums, according to tho By-Laws oif said company, and that snld sale will continue from day to day, if tiocessary; said sule to commence at 10 o'clock A. m. By order ofthe Board of Directors. 1. M. HELLMAN, Secretary. Los Angeles. OcL 20, 1871. In consequence of the inability of a large number of the share-holders to attend said sale at the time thereto specified, and at their request, the Board of Directors have this day postponed snld sale until Tuesday, the 2d day of February next, when and where the said sale will occur al. the time nnd place, and in the manner specified in tho foregoing notice. By order of the Bourd of Directors. I. M- HELLMAN, Secretary. Los Angeles, Jnnuary 2,1875. 3Ud