Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME 111. §r«ffrtM §Hb}l Is Published every morning except Monday • by THE LOS ANGELES CITY AND COUNTY PRINTING AND PUBLISHING CO. OFFICE-llerald Steam Hook aud Job Printing House, spring street, opposite the Court House. TERMS: Per annum, by mall or express $10 six months " " 0 Three months " " • 3 Delivered by carriers, per week, 2a cents THE WEEKLY HERALD Is published every Saturday morning. TERMS. mall orexpress,slnglocopy...B3 00 Six months, " " » " ~ 175 Three " " " » <• >M Iqq Advertisements inserted at reasonable rates All Kiuda or Job* Work dove to < <mi |»ete Hltli Nun Fraiirlnco In Frlec, Nt.yle, and Elegaueeof Workiuansblp. SOCIETY NOTICES. Masonic Notice. fi Ij«h Angelas Lodge No. -fit, F. * — A. IM.—The stated meetings of this J/T Lodge are held ou tho first MON /X_r\ DA V of each month at 7:30 P. V. ' Members of Pentalpha, No. 202, and all Master Masons In good standing are cor dially invited. S. C. FOY, W. M. Chas. Smith, Secreturv. uu2s-iy—(l » FKNTAI.PIIA MMMiKi No. 202, P. A. A M. The stated meetings of \ Jf this Lodge are held ou the THIRD MONDAY of each month, ut7 c. m. iiv order of the W|» M*- Janll ' W. W. Robinson, Secy. Los Angeles Chapter No. 33, R: • A:- M:- f stated convocations on 2d MONDAY of each month at 7!., P, it. at Masonic Hull. So journing companions in good standing cordially invited. By order of the H. P. W. H. A. KIDD, Secretary. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Creur De Lion Commandery No. 9, K> Ti- Holds its stated conclaves at the Asylum in Masonic Hull, on thu Third THURSDAY of each month, at 7 o'clock v. at, Sojourning Kn glits Templurin good standing are cor dlallv invited to attend. By order of the c;- c:- H. N. Bkitnino, Capt;. Gen'i;. I. F. ~ Aiigelita l.odg;c No. I»o. I. O. .jsjrSjSSv'; «». F.—Regular meetings of this -:»>??{.- Lodge are held every MONDAY trim evening at ti o'clock, at, Odd Fel lows' Hall, Downey Block. Visiting and so journing brothers in good standing are in vited to attend. I. J. SMITH, tf. Q. .1. M. Ba.ssktt, R. S. au9 Golden Rnle Lodge No. J6O, I. O. O. F. li'isii's" - - Regular meeting held ou FRJk, ''■JfiSte- ~AY EVENING of each week dr" "^j2rK*u > '7 1-2 o'clock, sojourning brethren In good standing are cordially in vited. By order, C. D. HATHAWAY, >'. C. .los. Huhkr, Jr., R. S. Orange Grove Encampment, No. 31,1. 0. 0. F. • REGULAR MEETINGS held on Hie .Second and Fourth TIIES " &\Ty DA YS of each month \<Xl\ v. H. ***** Sojourning Patriarchs in good standing are cordially invited lo attend. li. BUKDR'K, C. P. J. M. Bahhktt, Scribe. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. DR. W. HAIELTINE, DENTIST-CORNER SPRING AND TEM ple streets (opposite Temple's Bank), Los Angeles ja.lOtf "drT f r edTeup hr atT^ Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. OFFICE—Over Farmers A Merchants Bank, In Lafayette Hotel building, Main street, Los Angeles. Office hours, 8 to 12 A. M„ and 2to SP. at. From 2 to 3p. m. gratis for the poor. Consultation in (iermau, Freuch, Italian and Kniilish. luuaotf SAM'LW. BROOKE, M. 0., Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician. OFFICE—In Lanfranco's Building, Main St. Office hours—S lo IU A. M., 2 to 4 and 7 U>B P. M. Residence, No. 240 Main street. d2!ltl DRS CHASE & LYONS, Li URti EONS AND PRACTITIONERS of Ho- O nieopathy. Office and residence, Back man House. Night calls promptly attended. »«9"Special attention given to diseases ol women and children. octDtf. K. D. WISE, 1^Q7.~ GRADUATE OF JEFFERSON Medical College, Philadelphia. Office in Ban Franco Building, Main street. Office hours, from Bto a. m., and from 1)4 to 6 I. M. Obstetrics & Diseases of Women a Specialty. my7-ly—ls DR. M. S. JONES, - TJIORMERLY OF ST. LOUIS, MO., MfmWS 1 has located in I.os Angeles where VgSf&, lie will give Ins special attention to *S£r diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. , „, . Okfick : Spring St-,opposite Temple Block. reb'2stf—2 Dr. L. Dexter Uyford, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON — OFFICE, No. 17, Downey Block, Los Angeles, California. Office hours—» to 11 a.m.; ito 8 and 7 to 8 P. il. au2S-tf—2 DR. A. BTSHORB, JJOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. OFFICE—N .iarly opposite the Post Office. RESIDENCE —No. 13 i'raukliu street. oc2-tt—2 J. H. McKEE, M. D.. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON — OFFICE, No. 1 Spring street, oppposlte Temple's Bank. Rksiiik.nck— First street, between Fort and Hill, U>s Angeles,Cal. mrlB-tf-2 Dr. Joseph Kurtz, r PHYSICIAN. OFFICE—in Lanfranco's Building, Main 81 above tho Drug Store of O. F. Helnzeman A Co. Will give particular attention lo EYE and EAR DISEASES. Office hours: From 9 to II A. M., from 2 to 4 P. m., and from 8 to v p. m. Residence: Buonavlsta street. auglß D R U GS---MEDICINES. NEW DRRG STORE! V. CHEVALLIER HAS OPENED AN ELEGANT DRUG Store, in SICNORET'S NEW BUILDING, Main St., opp. Pico House, Well assorted with fresh and pure medicines Also a splendid assortment of PERFUME, HAIR BRUSHES, Soonges, and every toilet article from the best houses of the United States and France. American and* French patent medicines. Kniilinh. and HpaninU Laiißiiase* are P%K»kam. V Chevallior has been established In San Francisco since '49, and his long experience in the drug business will recommend him to the confidence and patronage of the people and modlcal fraternity of I<os Angeles. sep2s-tf Los Angeles Daily Herald. BUSINESS CARDS. C. F. HEINZEMAN & CO., Successors to J. B. SAUNDERS A CO., DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS, Tit Mala Street, LOS ANGELES. The CHOICEST TOILET ARTICLES, the PUREST I..U7GS and PATENT MEDICINES of all kinds. »«* Prescriptions caretully com pounded day and night. no'2-tf—3 CHAS. R. JOHNSON, INOXAKY PURLIC AND GENERAL INSURANCE ACENT, No. 53 Temple Block, I.os Angeles, dec2o W. VAN DER DOES, XPERT ACCOUNTANT AND COL JVJ lector. Seta of books opened, balanced and closed and all kindsof accounts adjusted. Collections made in all parts of city, county and State. Baddebts and rents collected on moderate terms. OFFICE-Spring street, No. «©. fo2 tf S. H. BUCHANAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, Successors to Buchanan A Husklus. TAKEN FOR ALL KINDS V_y of Buildingand satisfaction guaranteed. Ileadquartere ut tho Corner of Second ami Fort street. ap2")-tf—3 MORITZ CHOYNSKI, 44 SPRING ST. Carpenter and Cabinet Maker. Stores fitted up, Furniture made and re paired, aud general work done on the short est notice, uov22tf JOHN COLDSWO^THyT JJEPUTY U. 8. MINING AND LAND SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER Room 6, ltowuey's Block, Los Angeles. uov4tf —2 E. F. KYSOR, AKCIIITECT, EOOM No. 14 HELLMAN'S BLOCK, COR ner of Commendal and ios Angeles Streets. apttCF—3 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. P. GOOPRKY. I. J. RLLIk. GODFREY & ELLIS. AT LAW, Rooms 1 and 3, Downey Rlock, Los Angeles. feb.i-tf DAVID E. ADAMS, Attorney at Law, Examiner of Titles, — - AND ■ CONVEYANCER. OFFICE—With G. W. Morgan, Esip, No. 4 Spring street. Temple Block. Jun2B-lm j. c. crFfl^in, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, OFFICE—ROOM 22, TEMPLE BLOCK, LOW AllKelcH, < 111. »«_Spuulal attention given to Land and Pro halo business. myl-tf— 2 WINSLOW 8. MYERS, ~ ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE—Room No. 11 Downey Block, Los Anuki.ks, Cai,. dlltf J. Q. UOWAUn. H. T. HAZARD HOWARD & HAZARD, Ari'OBNEYS AT LAW, OFI ICES IN No. 8 DOWNEY BLOCK, LOS ANCiELES, CAL. Bjarspeclal attention given to business In the United States Land Office. oc2-tf—2 A.OUAMKLI., O. H. SMITH. A. B.CUAPMAN. H. M. SMITH. GLASSELL. CHAPMAN 6SMITH, AT LAW, OFFICE —TEMPLE BLOCK up-stairs, U>s Angeles, California. oc2-tf—2 CHARI.KSI.INni.BrY. /. 8. THOMPSON. LINDLEY & THOMPSON, A TTORNBYfI AT LAW, OFFICE—Room Nos. 51 and 62, over Tem ple A Workman's Bank. oc2-tf— 2 W. !. MARSHAI.I.. WILL 1). OOUI.O. J. 11, lII.AM II All li. MARSHALL GOULD & BLANCHARD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW—OFFICE opposite the Court House. Rooms Nos. IH ami 1» Temple Block, Los Angeles, Cal. Will practice in all the Courts of this State, and attend to business in U. S. I .a ml Office. tf—2 GEORGE J. CLARKE, NOTARY PUBLIC-COMMISSIONER OF Deeds for Arizona, and Broker. Office, Ganahl & McDanlels, Dowuey Block. Je BM.r-2 V. E. A F. H. HOWARD, AT LAW, TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. oc2-tf -2 A. 11. JUISAON. J. W. GILLETTE. Att'y at Law JUDSON, & GILLETTE, EXAMINERS OF TITLEK. ST 1-2 Spring St., Los Angolcs, Cal. oc2-tf-2 nrar-ira.* mhwjiiii iiiinm. im—a——wm MISCELLANEOUS. P. LAUTH. FRITZ MICNZ. NEW YORK BREWERY, PHIL. LAUTH & CO., (Successors to Chris. Henne) Proprietors. The CLEAREST, PUREST and MOST BRIL LIANL LAGER BEER Bontu of San Francisco. Orders for DRAUGHT or BOTTLED Ui .h.R promptly attended to. The celebrated Beer from this Brewery de fiescompetition in the State. inrs-tf—s CITY BREWERY And SALOON, Cor. Second and Spring Streets, IA)S ANGELEf Fine Lager Beer for sale IN (QUANTITIES TO SUIT. no2-tf—3 JOS. LEI BE R, Proprietor. GRAND RE-OPENING OF THE ORIENT SALOON. We have Just received a Large and Entire NKW STOCK of LIQUORH and CIGARS. •V Punches aud Cobblers Specialties. J. CAPPE, Proprietor. Q. E. GARD Manager. myltttf—l LOS ANGELES, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, 1875. BUSINESS CARDS. M. W. PERRY, BOOK BINDER. Downey Block, Cor. Now High nnd Temnle streets. octll^rp l WM. ABBOTT, | General Undertaker. FINE METALIC COFFINS, Tbe Ileal lv the World. Always on hand, and all klndn of Coffins ready at one hour's notice. Apply at his FURNITURE WAREROOMS, No. 16 Main street, Near the Pico House. octl7-ly J. BTRELITZ. A/TERCHANT TAILOR, AND FASHION i>L ABLE CLOTHIER No. 73 Main Street, lv front af the Orient Haloou, Downey Block. A lance stock of the newest Cloths. Good fits guaranteed. mi"J4-tf— 2 D. W MACLELLAN, Searcher of Records and Conveyancer, ROOM 13 DOWNEY BLOCK. n<iv2i!t.f O. W. PARKER, Teacher and Conductor of VOCAL aud INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. Residence, No. 6« Spring St. PIANOS and ORGANS TUNED and HE PAIRED. All orders left at the above rooms, or at Brodrick's Book store, will receive prompt at tention. augSotf H. J. STEVENSON, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, U. S. Deputy Land and Mineral Surveyor. Surveys of ell kinds in tlie city or at a dis tance. Maps made, Pield notes and descrip tions furnished Ac, OFFICE-NO. 36 MAIN STREET, LOS ANGELES), ('At.. oCt2Utf Wm. Moork. M. KttLI.KHEK, MOORE & KELLEHER, CIVIL ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS AND 1 y It, AXJ Ci HTSMEN. OKEICE—in Wolfskill Building, New High alreet, dltMnv F. F. MILLEN, Conveyancer and Searcher of Records, JilfJyVL, KHTATK, INSURANCE AND GENERAL ACENT Special facilities for placing property in the Eastern and Europeuu Murkets. I onus Negotiated. No. 73, Main St., Los Angeles. uov29tf c. j. weWo"n7~ ARCHITECT, CIVIL ENGINEER AND IXl* A U U UTSMA rv, U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor, Room ai. Temple Block , Third Slory, Los Angeles, Cal ifornia. mylOtf— 3 VETERINARY SURGEON. OSCAR C. BALDY, V. S., TREATS ALL diseases of the horse. Can be found at cornel Fourth aud Port streets. Los Ange les, Cal. au2 tf—B T. C. SWIOART. JOS. HUBHU. JR. BWICART & HUBER, OKAMCKS IN STOVES, TUN. COPPFR AND SHEET-IRON-WARE AND CROCKERYWARE, GLASS, Hardware and Willow-ware, LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS PLUMBING AND CAS PITTING Done to Order. Sign of ihe Big Red Coffee-Pot, NO. 110 MAIN ST., : LOS ANGELES. Junaitf—B LUMBER-YARDS. LUMBER AT REDUCED PRICES — AT - Perry, Woodworth & Co.'s LUMBER YARDS -Alii — PLANING MILLS, No. ltt Coinuiercinl atreet, near Kail road i». pot. mraMf—a J. G. JACKSON Keeps all kinds of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS Posts, Shakes, Plaster Paris, CEMENT nnd HAIR. Corner of Alameda and First streets. LOS ANOKLKH, CAL. W. W. ROBINSON, AGENT. Holman's team ready In yard to deliver or ders. sepStf GRIFFITH, LYNCH & CG\ LUMBER DEALERB, CORNER OF Alamedu and lTii-st Sts., DEALERS IN Surfaced Lumber at $42 50 per M ft. Merchantable Lumber 32 50 44 " " Flooring at - - 42 50 "" « They constantly keep on baud DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, POSTS, SHINGLES, LATHS, SHARKS, HAIR, PLASTER OF PARIS, ETC., ETC ap2B-ti-5 GROWING UP. Oh! to keep them still around us, buliy dar lhiKS,- fresh aud pure; "Mother's" smile their pleasures crowning mother's kiss their sorrow's eu, : Oh 1 to keep the waxen touches, sonny curls aud radiant eyes! Pattering fhet and eager pratlle -all young life's lost Paradise! One bright heaxl above the oi lier; tiny hand that clung and clasped; Little forms that, close enfolding, all of Love's best gifts were grasped; Sporting In ilie Summer sunshine, glancing round the Winter hearth, Bidding all the world echo with their fearless, careless mirth! Oh I to keep them! How they gladdened all the path from day lo day! What gay dreams « c ta-hioned of the in, as in rosy sle 'p they lay I How each broken wool Was welcomed—hOW each struggling thought was hailed, As each bark went filiating seward, love-be decked and fancy sailed! Gliding from our Jealous watching—gliding irom our clioging hold, lai! the brave leavei bloom and burgeon! Lo! the sky sweet nuds unfold! Fa tto lip and cheek and tres es Meals the maiden's bashful Joy: Fast, tho frank, bold mail's assertions tones toe accent of the boy, Neitlu r love nor longing keeps them; soon In other shape than ours These young hands will seize their weapons! build their castles, plant their flowers; Soon a fresher hope will brighten the dear eyes we trained to see; Soon a closer love than ours In those waken ing hearts will be. So it is, and well it is so; fast the river nears the main; Backward yearnings are but idle; dawning never glows again; Slow and sure the distance dee pens—alow and sure the links are rent; Letuspiuck our Autumn roses, with their sOber bloom conical. THE ORIGIN OF MAN. Darwin [From the Arcadian.] CHAPTER I. 'Twas a lovely Sunday morning in the your 9001 before Christ. The woods of Senegambia were clothed in their fairest cost utne; the birds were sing ing and chirping their morning lays; the sky was one vast sheet of blue. Everything in short was full of sweet ness and light, except the lovely Lady Adelizade Chimpanzee. She wits in the dumps. Moodily she rubbed her shoulder against a huge? palm tree, and, while performing the act, heaved a vast sigh, .lust at tliat moment her ma in ma dropped from the tree above her. "My daughter," said the Duchess of Chimpanzee, "why that sigh?" "Ah, mamma, look at me," said Lady Adeliza. "ejea how white lam from the rest of our tribe. See how white I am becoming." "My daughter," said the Duchess languidly, as she seated herself on a convenient boulder; "You should be proud of that difference. We are a higher race." "I don't know, mamma. See what little caudal appendages we have; all the other folks can h*agfrom the trees by their tails, but we are compelled to sit on the limbs." "We are advancing my dear. You are whiter than I am; you can talk in your youth,l could not till middle age; your grandmother, as you know, can only grunt it. You are moving to a blither sphere." "Well, mamma, none of our folks will marry me," said Lady Adeliza, pouting. "No, my child; it has been decreed that there should be a selection of the fittest in marriage. We have ollered you to the Prince d'Ourang Outang, who is even whiter than you are, as a wife." "Oh, mamma," gushed the Lady Adeliza, "that's splendid. Will he come soon?" "Restrain yourself. People of high blood and short caudal appendages never get excited. He will be here soon." Lady Adeliza went away to look for cocoanuts; the Duchess sat ou the boulder and reflectively scratched her head. CMAPTER 11. The Duke de Chimpanzee was chief of a very large tribe. If he had been in the show business he would have made his "everlasting fortune." He had but one child, Lady Adeliza, and, as she would inherit the live stock over which he ruled, many of the neighboring chiefs desired to marry her. Her parents, however, resolved that she should be, if possible, the fountain head of the new race, to which all their traditions taught them they were working up. They deter mined that she should wed the Prince d'Ourang Outang. The Duke pro posed the matter to the Prince. "Aw!" said the Prince, as he adjust ed his eyeglass "Is it nice?" "She is very beautiful," replied the Duke. "Aw!" said the Prince, "give it—uw —much stamps?" "I shall give her all Ethiopia," re plied the Duke. "I will—aw—step, down and—aw— look at it," murmured the Prince, carelessly. "Ry surprise, you know." This was agreed upon, and the Duke departed. The Prince knew hia worth; lie was quite white, and he was not troubled with the slightest caudal appendage; but Ethiopia was a big prize, and he resolved to win it. One week after the Duke had offered his daughter, the Prince started for Senegambia with the intention of looking at the fair face of Lady Ade liza. CHAPTER UI. The Prince was wandering through the woods of Senegambia, gayly hum ming: "I'd be a butterfly Born in a bower," When his eyes fell upon a lovely chimpanzee, sitting in a shallow brook, sucking a cocoanut. She was the loveliest creature he had ever seen. His heart was touched at once. He raised his eye-glasses and stared at her until her eyes fell in modest con fusion. "Fair chimpanzee," said he, "will you not—aw—tell me your —aw — name?" "Adeliza," whispered she. The Duchess de Chimpanzee, who had witnessed the meeting from be hind a clump of bushes, chuckled, aud slid off on her left ear. "Adeliza," sighed the Prince, "thou art—aw—beautiful! Wilt thou—aw— marry me?" The Lady Adeliza threw the re mains of her cocoanut at the head of a chimpanzee who was loating in a neighboring tree, fell into tlie arms of the Prince, and gently murmured "I am thine." They were married in great splen dor. The Right Rev. Bishop Baboon, assisted by the Rev. Siniinder Ape, performed the ceremony. The brides maids wore their natural clothes. Tbe choir sang that lovely anthem, "Mon key Married the Baboon's Sister." Lady Adeliza and her parents rubbed noses, and then the bride started on her wedding tour on an elephant with one truuk. CHAPTER IV. The seasons changed; Summer lapsed into Autumn, Autumn into Winter and Winter into Spring. Then there was great rejoicing, for the Lady Adoliza gave the Prince an heir. The child, however, was an anomaly in that region; it had no tail, it had flat feet, it had a white skin, it had no hair on its body. All the wise men examined it. It was not au ourang outang. It was not a chimpanzee; ev idently it was a new species. Then a family conclave was called. "What shall we call it?" asked every body. The Duchess of Chimpanzee, who was languidly making mud pies, said: "Let's call it—Man." LINES OF TRAVEL. LOS ANGELES DIVISION SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. AND S T E A M li li S. IMPORTANT CHANCES. On and after THURSDAY, January 14th, IS7a, and until further notice, trains inll run every day aa 10l lows: LEAVES LOS ANGELES: POR ARRIVE. Anaheim 9:30 A. M. 11:110 A. M. Wilmington 10:15 " 11:30 " San Fernando I 0: f0 " 11:45 " Spadra 2:45 P. M. 4::!0P. M. Wilmington 3:45 " 5:00 " San Fernando 8:30 " 9.30 " TOWARD LOS ANGELES: LEAVE. A X It I V E. San Fernando 6:15 A. M. 7:15 a. M. spadra 7:15 " 0:20 " Wilmington 7:45 " »:00 " San Fernando 12:30 P.M. 1:3(1 p. M. Anaheim i:00 " 2::io •• Wilmington Loo " 2:15 " "ON STEAM ER DATS." Time of trains between Los Angeles and Wil mington will be varied so us to connect with steamer. The time of Fisher & Thatcher, 87 Main street, has been adopted by this company. ap23-tl-10 E. B. HEWITT. Supt, GOODALL, NELSON & PERKINS' STEAMSHIP COMPANY. San Francisco and Los Angeles, THE STEAMSHIPS VENTURA, ORIZABA AND NO HOW GO t nlliUis nt Nniila Barbara only, AND STEAMSHIP SENATOR. Calling at Bsmta B*!" ra and San Luis Qblapo, also at San Buenaventura and San Simeon for passengers only. SCHEDULE. II *i ?l II STEAMERS. S l * 8,8 i« |» l| ?| j| Orizaba " Feb 3 Feti 4 Feb 8 Feb H Ventura "0 "8 " 10 " 12 Senator " 9 " 12 " 14 " 1(1 Moliongo " i.i " 15 " 17 " 19 Vent in a " lti " 18 " 20 " 22 Senator " 20 " 23 "25 "27 Orisaba " to " 27 Mar 1 Mar 3 Venture " 27 Mar 1 " 8 " 6 Senator Mar 3 " 8 " 8 " 10 LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO: Steamers VENTURA, ORIZABA and MOHONGO Utt throiigli to Knu I>lego, ealliug at Ai*aheiui Lamlliig. Leave San Pedro Feb. 4th, Bth, 15th, 18th, 23d, i:7th and Mar. Ist and 6th. SAN LUIS, SAN SIMEON, SANTA CRUZ, MONTEREY and SAN FRANCISCO. The Senator, leaving San Pedro Feb. 14lh 25th and March Bth, connects at Santa Barba ra witii steamer Conatantlne tor above named ports. Kan Francisco, Han It lego, and Way Porta. Steamers KALORAMAA and GIPSY, Carryng combustibles and other freight, will leave San Francisco about every ten duvs. VICTORIA, M. O. Steamers leave San Francisco on the sth and 20th of i very month, except when those dale- fall on Sunday, then on the day follow ing. Plans of Steamers* Cabins at Agent's office. For Passage or Freight apply to H. McLELLAN, Ag't. for Los Angeles Co. Office, 61 Main street, opposite bead of Com menial. imiB C T7MIE! Through by Daylight to San Bernardino. LJJTAQES via CIIINO, RIN- ■aMBsaMBI O CON and RIVKRSIDK.cur- rying the United siuits mails r " 1 i™.»'. express, leaves SPAD::A every TUESDAY, THURSIiAY und SATURDAY at 8 A. M. The entire trip is made by daylight, thus afford ing tourists and travelers an opportunity of passing over some of tbo finest portions of Southern California. The route passes through tho beautiful col ony of Riverside and the famous Chino ranch. Tickets should be purchased and seats se cured of the agent in fx>s Angeles. H W. ROBINSON, Supt. STAGE OFFICE—No. 16 Main street. J. L. WARD, Agent. decla-tf ~mTscellaneous.~ ladies: hair dressing establishment. CAROLINE C. BURTON. I~ ADIKS' HAIR DRESSING IN ALL J styles. Braids, Curls und Waterfalls made at the shortest notice. Tangled hair straightened and made Into any shape. Per umes of Ihe finest cpiality on hand and tor sale. No. * Spring street, l»s Angeles, Cal. Delmonico Restaurant, MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE COM- M KRCI.VL. Los Angeles, California. OPEN ut ALL HOURS. iaVThl choicest delicacies of tlie Best Mar kets always un the Bill o r Fare. Elegant DINNKRS* AND LUNCHES at a moment's notice. JAB. MUNROE A CO., noJ-'w-S, Proprietors. No. 39. TsT E W HOUSE, Corner Aliso and Alameda Streets. SIMON LEVY Has opened at the above place, an extensive stock of Provisions, Groceries, Wines and Liquors. Half a pound of Sugar and half a pound of CofTee more to the dollar is there given than in any other house in the city, and all other goods are sold in the same proportion. Country produce taken in exchange at market rates. Also, forwarding and Commission Merchant. vjCnciai uc«Aici in cm Miius oi COUNTRY PRODUCTIONS, HIDES, GRAIN AND WOOL. Makes advances on Consignments to all parts of the United Stase. TSom. 33, 34 Ac 3*5, Jk-llma street f Los Angeles, Cal. d 2 2 WITTELSHOEFER & RAPHAEL (FORMERLY C. RAPHAEL AND CO.), REQITENA STREET, OPPOSITE V. S. HOTEL DEALERS lIS lr*aint,«. Oils, Varaisliets, I {ruslu's. and <jrl»»«. Looking-glass Plates, Walnut, Rosewood and Gilt Mouldings of all Styles and Sizes. PICTURES FRAMED AT SHORTEST NOTICE & AT LOWEST RATES AOKNTB I'< )li THK: California Chemical Paint Company. LIBEUAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO HljtlHl 13 PAINTERS AND COUNTRY DEALERS. BANKING HOUSES. T HW IN X*. WM. WOKKMAN. F. P. K. TKMPI.K. TEMPLE & WORKMAN. BANIi.EI*S. TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. Receive Deposits, Issue their Certificates and transact a ÜBSKKAI. BANKING BIHINKNW. DRAW ON THE LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK ILIMITEUI. AT SAN FRANCISCO Exchange lor sale on New York, Hiimburs;, London, Merlin and I»ari«», fPrnnkflort. I.eni.l Tendeni, Bat lion, Gold Dust und Gov eriiinent.St.Hte, County and City Bonds bought nnd Sold. Receive valuables for sale keep ng. -10 LOS ANGELES COUNTY SAVINGS BANK MAIN STREET, Loh AHtfclen, < al. CAPITAL STOCK, :::::: S3oo\o(h, I'KESI DENT J. S. SLAITKON VICB-PHKSU>KNT J. M. GRIFFITH MlMTtni J. 8. SLAUSON, J. M. GRIKKI I I' V. A. HOOVER, ROBEKTs. 11AKKB, .1. BIXBY, H. B. TU HKNOk, UKORGK S. DODOK. Open for business tYout tv a. ai. till 3 l*. M., and Saturday evenings limn ti io 8 o'clock. Deposits received in iin.v amounts. Money to louu on real eafate iv amounts and tor length of lime desired. JlylM.f—S FORWARDING & COMMISSION. Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS, HAVE FOR SALE THE PUREST GROCERIES, THE BEST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Of the choicest Imported Brands. ■•AINTN, OltJi, IIOOKN ANIt NANHEM, BLINDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. 14 and 16 Los Angeles and Commercial st I .(is ANGELES. noSlf—4 J. L. WARD, Commission Merchant. AGENT, /ETNA INSURANCE CO.; UNION INSURANCE CO. (Fire and Marine). fin. 3« Main Street. J. L. WARP. NOTICE. QFFICE OF J.L. VVAKI' IS HKMOVKUTO 36 Main St., Backman House. jnSO lw 'S Semi-Tropical Nurseries. Located on San Pcnro street, two miles soulh of City Hall. The largest stock of Northern and Seml- Tropleal Fruit Trees In the State, 40 Varieties of CHrou. Tree*. Call and examine my stock. Priced Cata logue sent free. Address P. 0. Box 528, Loa Angeles, Cal. THOS. A. GAKEY. dec!3-Sni NUMBER 112. MISCELLANEOUS. FURNJTURE, FURNITURE, FURNITURE. DOTTER &~BRADLEY, (Successors to Dotter & Lord), Have now the Largest Stock ever brought here. Have Just received a large lot directly from the K.ast, and cordially invite the pub le tn examine their goods an«i price same. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting, Ktc. Etc. Kite. Sidney Laeey, (With Dotter A Bradley), s still selling everything in above lines at Reduced Prices, and guarantees Work and Coods. Sewing Machines, Sewing Machines, Sewing Machines, DOTTER & BRADLEY Am sMII Agents lor tbe GRO V KM. & BAKER ELASTIC LOCK STITCH SEW -IN(J MACHINE, Ami would beg leave to call attention to tho fact that FOUR Now antl Dintinot and Important Improvements have been added to this Machine recently, making it past all competition. 86 MAIN STREET. 86 LOS ANGELES, jlyl Sign of the Bi«f Red Chair. tflO WOOLEN MILL STORE ! PFEIFFENBERGER & SHAUER, Los Angeles Street, near Commercial, Suits made to order for Twenty-five to Sixty-five Dollars. A fine stock of imported and domestic Blankets and Flannels Constantly on hand. Also, a tine stock of CLOTHS, CABSIMERES, VESTINCS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, dec, Ac., A.c, &.c, Of Foreign and Domestic manufacture, kept In stock and made up In the best style of the tailoring art. PFEIFFENBERGER A SHAUER. sep4-tr JOSEPH BRESON, SAMPLE ROOMS, OPPOSITE U. S. HOTEL, MAIN ST. The purest WIN EH, the choicest CIGARB. and the best FANCY DRINKS cmcocted south of Han Francisco. ••"Temple Block, next to Welle. Fargo A Company's office. uu2-U—l