THE —>
It* A|rrlenimrnl. Manufacturing; au«l
Mineral Resources -Its Geographical
and Commercial Posltlonn-ItN llar
b «in, Railroads and Railroad Bystem
—StatlNtlc* Relating; to Climate. Noil.
Product*. Etc.
PRICK, . ... IS Cents.
This edition contains thirty-two pages of
double column mattet, every article orwhleh
Is descriptive of some thing or some part of
Los Angeles valley. The following are the
titles to the leading articles: '-Los Angeles
County and Los Angeles Valley;" "The South
ern Pacific Railroad;" "The Los Angeles and
Pacific Railway;' - "Our Railroad Wants;"
•'Steamers, Rail and Stage;" "The Assessor's
Figures," "Spadra and the su-roundlng Coun
try," "The El Monte District," "Los Nietos,"
"Wilmington.""Anaheim," "San Fernando,"
"Centinela Colony," "Compton," "The Tustin
Settlement." "Santa Ana," "Cienega and La
Ballona," "Westminster Colony," "Semi-
Tropical and Other Fruits," "Fruit Drying
Works," "What Grains Flourish Hnre," "The
San Gabriel Valley," "Potatoes in Los Ange
les Valley," "San Bernardino County,"
"Mines in Los Angeles County." "Mines in
San Bernardino and Inyo Counties," "Mai
bie Discoveries," "Fetroicum Oil,""Climatic,"
"Fuel, Water, Gas;" "Banks aud Commerce,"
"Public Library." "Schools in Los Angeles
Connty," "Churches," "Sea Bathing." Be
sides these there arc many other articles of
equal iuterest. This pamphlet contains more
reliable information concerning semi-tropical
California than can be found in any other
publication. It will be sold at fifteen cents
per copy—the cost of publication. .
A Rare Chance.
Those two handsome houses on
Main street, offered for sale by W. H.
J. Brooks, can be purchased for $5,000
eacli, aud on the following terms:
$1,000 cash, the remaining $4,000 to be
paid as follows: $2,500 at one percent,
in one, two, three, lour or five years,
as the purchaser prefers. $1,500 for
the same term, also at one per cent,
per month, bay able in monthly in
stallments of $33 36, which, at the ex
piration of five years, would pay the
whole amount both principal and in
terest. Making the total monthly
payment which the purchaser would
have to pay $58 36, being no more
than a fair rent for that class of resi
dence, and with this further advan
tage that each payment would be for
the benefit of the occupant instead of
a landlord. Jarr23 2w
Be considerate and thoughtful for
the poor man. Actuated by this hu
mane sentiment, W. H. J. Brooks,
Searcher of Records, No. 8 Temple
Block, offers for sale several fine lots
at prices ranging from $250 to $400,
situated in the southwestern part of
the city on the principal streets, only
a block or two from Alain street and
easily accessible by the Main street
cars. They can be bought for one
quarter cash, one-quarter every six
months thereafter, with interest at one
per cent, per month. The lots are OOx
165 feet, perfectly level—all ready to
build on. jan27*2w
Special Notices.
Insuranck Agency — Office, Commercial
street, i Duoommun's new building), Northern
Aisurance Co ,of London and Aberdeen, cap
ital, $10,000,000; Hartford, of Hartford, assets,
$•» 757 (X 0: Imperial aud Queen of London, cap
ital, SlS.000,000; Union Mutual Life Insurance
Co., assets, 8s,t)0o,0UO., Agent.
Lfverpool, London A Globe Insurcnce Co.,
assets 42:1,000,000; North British 4 Mercantile
Insurance Co., capital, 310,000.000; Fireman's
Fund Insurance Co.. as ets, 56ti7,000.
Wm. J. Brodrick, Agent.
Applications received for the insurance of
all kinds of property, and policies issued di
rect. fe7 ,f
Nbw Goods! New Goods! Marxsen Iho.-..
of the new variety store, corner of Main and
Third streets, keeps constantly on ttAßja »
large variety of Dry goods, Clothing, Gents'
underwear, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, etc.
A large supply of new goods Just received,
and sold at reasonable rates. All goods are
of the best quality; no auction goods sold by
us. We respectfully solicit the public to ex
amine our goods and Judge lor themselves.
Goods delivered to any part of the city free of
charge. feb3-tf
Divorces obtained in forty-five days; no
publicity; no fee tn advance; legal every
where; residence in Utah not required: an
extremely liberal divorce law; incompatibil
ity sufficient cause; terms moderate; unex
ceptionable references. Address " Lawyer, P.
O. Box 1», Corinne, Utah." Ja27 lm
R. H. Walkik, Rill Poster and Distributer.
Headquarters at Star office. Orders left at
any of the other newspaper offices In the city,
will lie promptly attended to. Janltf
Agency Liverpool and London and
Globe Insurance Company. Assets, J21,0U0,
-000. Agency Mtate investment Insurance
Company. Fire and Marine. Assets, $380,000,
a> Biodrick's Book Store, near tht. Postottice.
Go to the Fashionable Tailor, Fitz
ratrick, when you want a fine suit of clothes.
I' you desire recommendation, ask any of
ins numerous customers, and you will he
told that" Fltz." always does his work well
giving tine work, good material aud reasona
ble prices.
Silver and gold plating; electrotyping; Ivory
and metal turning; glass and metal drilling.
Locks, keys, seals and key-cheeks, stencil and
door-plates made to order; knives and surgi
cal instruments ground and saws tiled and set;
parasols and canes mended; musical instru
ments repaired; meerschaum pipes cleaned
and mounted: model making and repairs on
all fancy work and machinery, from a pin to
a locomotive. All kinds of sewing machines
bought, sold and repaired. Come and sec tbe
new sewing machine engine. Hewing Ma
chine Exchange,.jil Spring St. deM tf
Howling Alley, Billiard and Oyster Saloon,
In the basement of the U. S. Hotel building,
formerly occupied by the Cueamorga Wine
Depot, a Saloon with a first class stock of
Wines, Liquors, Cigars, etc., etc , and the best
accommodation for customers. No charge
will be made to patrons for the use of Billiard
tables and Alley. A lunch will be served in
the evening. MELOHERT A HTOLL,
in iv mt" Proprietors.
Moore's Restaurant, on Commercial street,
is the proper place to go foru good meal, with
a good cup ot coffee or tea to drink with It.—
There Is probably no restaurant on the Pacific
coast where so many of the aud
so many of the luxuries may be had lor 25 els.
Don't forget Hie place-Moore's Restaurant,
Commercial street. Private eating rooms have
been neally fitted up for the accommodation
of ladies. 15-tt
Bancroft A Thaykk, Real Estate Brokers,
No. 21 Spring street. City aud County Proper
ty Bought, Hold and Exchanged. Loans ne
gotiated, money advanced on Real and Per
sonal securities. Publishers of the Lou Ange
les Real Estate Reporter. declltf
W. C. Huqheh A Co.'s
Weekly Htage Line
For Panamint.
For passage or packages, enquireofF. We
ber, or corner of Aliso and Alameda streets.
**. The tide of Immigration Is steadily set
ting lv, and the first thing eastern people do
is to throw away their New York Hats and buy
a new one of Dkhmond. They say there ls no
comparison between the two. 2) a .
SUNDAY FEB. 7, 1875.
Bkkchkr recently advised his dock
against idolatry, and begged that they
would not place him above the Savior.
The Alta says the Past has gone
Into Roman history. The editor of
the Post has a sort of roaming his
A San Francisco stock organ says it
is laudablo for clerks and servant girls
to dabble in mining stocks. Certainly;
and thereby struggle in poverty the
remainder of their days.
Another Indian doctor has been
transported to the happy hunting
ground. He was of the Hot Spring
tribe, and his patient died. There is
a sort ef rude justice among the abo
The House Committee on Com
merce have agreed to recommend a
further appropriation of $30,0iKJ more
to complete the breakwater at Wil
mington. Competent engineers be
lieve that this amout will suffice to
finish the work.
The San Francisco Post says the
Los Angeles Orange has been exhibit
ing its stupidity by passing a series of
resolutions denouncing those members
of the State Board of Education who
voted for a change <->f school books. If
the Post were worth the powder a still
stronger series of resolution might be
passed denouncing its sapidity in
advancing what it knows to be a
swindle on the people.
Water is obtained by sinking wells
in all parts of Lot Angelea valley, but
in many localities Bowing wells are
struck at depths ranging from fifty to
three hundred feet. These artesian
wells are never-changing fountains,
and are both beautiful and useful. One
of them will irrigate a small farm, and
when in the hands of an industrious
man converts every inch of it into
productive laud. "The Los Angeles
Immigration and Land Co-operative
Association" have secured three
thousand five hundred acres of fine
land in one of these localities where
artesian wells may be dug on every
tract, and divided it into small farms
and homesteads, which they propose
to dispose of to settlers on terms so
liberal that persons of the smallest
means may provide themselves with
homes. The plan of payment is in
yearly instalments, in amounts so
small that common laborers may save
the sum out of their wages. The soil
of the entire tract is rich nnd exhaust
less and the trifling expense at which
wells may be obtained renders this
land desirable to all who wish to se
cure a few acres on which they may
grow everything that is indigenious to
a semi-tropical climate. Artesia lies
adjacent to Norwalk Station, on the
Anaheim Railroad, and may be
reached within one hour by rail from
this city. Tlie company have laid out
a town on the tract and named it Ar
tesia. They will also erect a fine
school-house on a two-acre lot reserved
for the purpose. For particulars see
advertisement in the Hkkald or en
quire at the office of the company at
1} Spring street, in this city.
A Newspaper Correspondent.
Who is he? Santa Barbara is af
flicted with the presence of a writer
from New York—it verbose corres
pondent of the New York Herald.
The atmosphere, water, fruit, or some
thing else in that lovely city, has
soured on the poor lellow's stomach,
and we judge from the language he uses
in the Herald of the 17th ult. that his
condition is critical. He is treating
his own disease, which makes the case
still more serious. Invalids in his
condition should not be permitted to
prescribe for themselves, and the good
citizens of Santa Barbara should pay
more attention to their invalid guests.
This demented man was permitted to
go alone to a druggist and buy a bottle
of medicine, for which he was charged
four bits. The effect of that bottle of
medicine, or the enormous price of it,
so inflamed the poor man's stomach
that he belched out a stream as long
as two and a half columns of the Her
ald of the most detestably bitter look
ing stuff we ever saw. We hope it
relieved him, but we seriously doubt
it any human being can survive whose
system once contained that amount of
poison. If we knew his name we
would advise his friends to come and
take him home. People afflicted as
this correspondent is should never
come to the Pacific Coast. There is
something in this climate or the fruits
of the country that increases the ma
lignity of tlie disease, and very few
such invalids ever live to return to
their auxious friends in the East.
Since writing the above, it has been
more than intimated to us that the
New York Herald correspondent
wanted some of the people of Santa
Barbara to "see him," and he would
write up their country. The Barba
rians couldn't see it; hence that bitter
article in the Herald. If this be true,
it accounts for many of the worst
symptoms in his case.
T. B. Campbell and James Giblan
have been arrested at Bantas, charged
with intending to tight a duel. Camp
bell sent the challenge, which Giblan
Will it Pay?
No man embarks on an enterprise
now without asking the all important
question, will it pay? Life is too ac
tive and too short to waste time on
anything that will not pay. Besides
the world is exceedingly selilsh, and
cannot afford to contribute largely,
even to benevolent objects. We are
all in the boat together, and there are
but few exceptions to the above rule,
we are not disposed to blame anybody
for it; the world has gradually drifted
into this condition of things, and no
one is responsible. All we can do is to
keep iv the current and float with the
multitude. Perhaps a ml Hen I*l day
will dawn upon the world by and by,
and then—well! What then? We
don't know, and as we do not expect
to be here we are not much concerned
about it. We are now hunting some
thing that will pay, and if figures
do not lie, we know we have found it
in the Los Angeles and Independence
Railroad. There is not a road on the
continent that ever had half the pros
pects before it that this one has. The
whole mineral wealth of the richest
mineral territory on the globe is
tributary to it, and will be for all time
to come. It is a low estimate to say
that from the day of its completion it
will have one thousand tons of freight
per day. If it should not increase,
this alone is the grandest business
ever presented to a road. Look at it.
At least two million live hundred
thousand per annum, for freight alone.
The passenger traffic and mails will
more than pay the running expenses
of the road. But the freight will
double in a short time, when that road
furnishes facilities to develop the
mineral wealth of that vast territory.
As cheap freight is what we all want,
we will put the price to half our esti
mate, and we have a million and a
quarter per annum on freight alone.
Four millions will build tlie road.
The freight will pay twenty-live per
cent, on the investment, and give a
quarter of a million extra. Here is
the best permanent investment we
ever saw. It will pay. These esti
mates are from the figures of an old
railroad man who has carefully studi
ed the situation and has made his es
raates on safe grounds. There is still
another important matter to be con
sidered, and that is tlie certain and al
most immediate extension of the road
from the Point of Rocks on to a con
necting point with the Union Pacific
near Halt Lake, by which we shall be
placed five hundred miles nearer New
York city than San Francisco is to
that city. We hope our people will
see the importance of pushing the
road ahead. It is the greatest enter
prise in which we can engage for the
early and rapid development of South
ern California.
The pbject of the Centinela Land
Company is pretty well understood,
and the location and quality of the
soil they are placing iv the market are
familiar to all searchers after homes.
The Centinela pamphlet has been
scattered broadcast and read by the
thousands whose eyes are turned in
the direction of Southern California.
Hundreds of people now in this valley
have visited the tract and gone over
and examined it for their own infor
mation. Still a few words as to the
area of land, its quality, and the man
ner in which it is proposed to dispose
of it to the people, may be of interest
to new comers and those who have
not chanced upon the information
from other sources. The Centinela
tract is located six miles from Los
Angeles in the direction of the ocean.
It contains 20,000 acres, which it is the
intention of the company to sell off in
five, ten, twenty and forty acre farms.
The sale is to commence on Monday,
the loth inst., and will continue five
days. The sale is to take place at the
rancho. The Centinela is made up of
one broad, level, fertile valley of over
twenty thousand acres, and beautiful
fertile rolling hills near the ocean.
The soil is an exceedingly fertile loam,
and is, without exception, the richest
and most productive in Southern Cal
ifornia. Its vicinity to the ocean in
sures a crop without irrigation. Ex
cellent wheat has been raised for the
last two years upon the hills adjoining
the ocean. This wheat field contains
1,000 acres and covers the lightest soil
upon the rancho. There is no alkali
or barren land. A square mile has
been laid off for a town site,aud provis
ions are made for ample school facili
ties as soon as a snfflcieut number of
famities have located to make an edu
cational establishment necessary.
Those desiring further information
will obtain it by calling at "The
Bank" in this city or at the rancho.
Emma Mining Co. vs. Tenor W. Park,
Baxter and Senator Stewart.
Nkw York, February 4th.—The full
text of the published complaint of the
Emm* Silver Mining Company, of
London, against Trenor W. Park,
Baxter and Senator Stewart, suing for
$0,000,000 damages, for alleged fraudu
lent representations of the value of the
Kmma mine, is received. The com
plaint charges wilfully false state
ments of such value based on a men
dacious report by Prof. Benjamin
Silliman, for which the latter was to
receive a fee of $5,000, with $45,000
additional, contingent upon the sale of
the property. Baxter is the Wall
street operator who was associated
with Stockwell In the Pacific Mail di
rection. Among the various specific
charges is that of wilful concealment
of factt. One recites that in July or
August, 1871, an expert employed by
defendants reported to Park & Baxter
that one mass in tlie mine would soon
be found to thin down in itß length
and depth, and at its then rate of ex
traction the mine would soon be
stripped, and for the present practi
cally exhausted. Sebsequently de
fehdantscontracted with Baron Grant
to pay him a million dollars to organ
ize and carry out such measures as
would result in the selling of the mine
for $5,000,000.
Libel Suit against the "Sun."
New York, February 4th. — The
trial of the libel suit of William H.
Kemble, of Philadelphia, against
Charles A. Dana, for the publication,
in the Sun, of alleged libelous charges
affecting the character of the plaintiff,
damages being laid at $50,000, was be
gun yesterday in the Superior Court,
before Judge Curtis. Before the case
opened efforts were made to settle
without a trial. The plaintiff, after
the jury was impanneled, stated that,
not having brought the suit for the
sake of money, he was willing, if the
defendant should make a full retrac
tion, to allow judgment to be entered
for mere nominal damages. The de
fendant declined in any case to allow
judgment to be entered against him,
but was willing, if the suit was discon
tinued, to retract the charge made in
the Sun that the plaintiff had received
money. This not being satisfactory,
the case proceeded.
Oulton vs. San Francisco Savings and
Loan Society.
Washington, Febrnary 4th.—The
case of Oulton, Collector of Internal
Revenue, against the Savings and
Loan Institution, from the California
Circuit Court, presenting the question
whether such institutions are liable to
the tax on deposits and dividends, as
general bankers whose deposits are
payable by check, draft, etc., has just
been argued before the Supreme Court.
Also, Oulton vs. California Insurance
Company, in relation to the tax on
King Called On.
St. Paul, Minn., February sth.—
The Senate to-day passed the House
resolution calling on Wm. T. King to
vindicate himself from Irwin's charge
or resign.
Congressional News.
Washington, February sth.—lt is
doubtful if the Senate will act on the
Civil Rights bill this session.
As regards the change in the route
of the Southern Pacific Railroad, Lut
trell claims his estimate, that 2,000
settlers are interested adversely to
the bill in its present shape, to be cor
Still Investigating.
New Orleans, February sth.—The
Dougressional Committee to-day ex
amined a number of witnesses in ref
erence to affairs in their parishes at
the late election. Tlie evidence went
to show that the election was fairly
The Wool Market.
Phii.auei.phia, February sth.—
Wool is iv fair demand. Fine is
steady; medium, firmer. Colorado
washed, 32@32£c; unwashed, 22@26c.;
extra and Merino pulled, 47f« 50c.; No.
1 aud super-pulled, 45(5>47; Texas line
and medium, 30(<»)35c.; Texas coarse,
Meeting of the National Grange, at
Charleston, S. C.
Charleston, S. C, February 4th.—
The National Grange met here to-day.
Grand Master Adams delivered the
annual address. Six hundred mem
bers were present.
Death of Congressman Hersy.
Bangor, Me., February 4th.—Sam
uel F. Hersy, a member of the present
Congress and elected to the next, is
Broke Jail.
St. Louis, February sth. — Three
counterfeiters, in jail here, escaped
from their cells last night, secured the
guard, released three prisoners charged
with murder, and all escaped.
Reading the Letters.
New York, February sth.—ln the
Beecher trial the time was taken up
by reading letters of Mr. and Mrs. Til
ton. The Conrt then adjourned to
meet Monday.
Foreign News.
Madrid, February sth.—The Na
tional troops continue successful
against the Carlists.
City of Mexico, February 6th.—
On the evening of the 20th of January
an armed mob attacked the Protestant
Church at Acapulco, recently estab
lished by Rev. Mr. Hutchinson, Super
intendent of the Presbyterian Mission.
Hutchinson escaped to a United States
man-of-war In the harbor. The troops
were ordered out and charged on the
mob. One American and four Mexi
cans were killed. No rioters arrested.
An investigation is in progress, and
reinforcements have been sent to pro
tect the Judge making it.
The Austin and Battle Mountain Rail
road Bill Veteed.
Carson, February 4th.—The Gov
ernor's message vetoing Senate bill
No. 3—the Battle Mountain and Aus
tin Railroad bill—was received, and
the bill with the message was laid on
the table. The Governor takes the
ground that the bill is an attempt at
special legislation by conferring cor
porate rights aud powers upon certain
persons, not in accordance with the
general incorporation act. The Gov
ernor claims that this conflicts with
Section 1 of Article 8 of the Constitu
The Trial of Muybridge Closed.
Napa, Cal., February sth.—ln the
Muybridge trial to-day, after recess,
the testimony in rebuttal was con
tinued. Regarding the sanity of de
fendant, the witness mentioned that
there was no evidence of insanity ex
cept in his immediate connection with
the tragedy. At the close of the testi
mony, a recess of half an hour was
taken to prepare instructions for the
jury. After recess, Judge Storey
opened for the prosecution, followed
by Messrs King and Pendegast for the
defense, the District Attorney closing
for the prosecution at 10:30 P. M. The
Judge then delivered a lengthy charge
and the jury retired, and at six o'clock
in the evening had not agreed upon a
A Blaze in San Jose.
San Jose, Cal.. February 6th.—A
fire started early this morning in the
rear of the engine house next to the
City Hall. The Are made considera
ble headway before the streams were
turned on, burning sheds and stables
and leaving ouly the skeletons. The
Farmer's Home Hotel and the City
Hall were badly scorched. The origin
of the fire is uuKnown.
The hop-growers of Uklah Mendo*
cino county,havecommenced pruning.
Roots are worth $5 to $7 per bllshel,
and not enough to supply the de
HOUSE.—In this city, on Saturday, February
Bth, at 4:10 p. M., Frank James, son of R. F.
and Florence House, aged 2 years, 0 months
aud 20 days.
The funeral will take place from tho St.
Charles Hotel to-morrow at 10 A. M. Friends
of tho family are invited to attend.
WILLIAMS.—In this city, February Oth, of
scarlet fever, Ada Louisa, daughter of the
late R. M. and Olive Williams, aged 11 years
and 3 mouths.
The funeral will take place at 2:30 v. m. to
day (Sunday), from the residence on San
Pedro street.
[Snn Francisco and Humboldt papers please
Self-preservation is the first Law of
And should be considered above anything
else. You want a good outfit of underclothes,
such as fln<' undershirts, drawers, socks,
and handkerchiefs. The finest stock of neck
ties, collars, cutis nnd jewelry; but remember
that We also keep the finest and largest as
sortment of Imported and Domestic cigars,
f>i;» a and smokers' articles—tine English cut
e v, which we sell al prices to defy competi
tion. $1 25 Will buy a box of good cigars: but
So will buy much better ones. Talk is cheap,
DOt wo can prove nil our statements—find out
by going to the Identicals at 38 Main street,
under the Backmun House, or at Goldsmith's
old ■ mi.l. lu7 Main stieet, next to Wells,
Fargo A Co.'s ExpreM'
P, S. Be careful in noting the address, as we
have no connection wiiii any other store, and
mistakes often prove exponsive.
- M . 5 tt. a .
FEBRUARY Ttli, lt-»rr>.
Fare for Kouud Trip, • • f*2 00.
Trains leave L. A. Depot at 9:30 A. M. Ex
cursionists will have two hours al Anaheim.
feb7-lw Superintendent.
From various standard Makers,
—of fROM-
Thirty to Fifty Dollars per Month.
Pianos, Organs and other musical Instru
ments repaired.
J. IK PATRICK. Piauo Agent,
fe7 :lw No. 6© Spring St., Ii .s Angeles.
The Best and Most Liberal
Proposition Ever Made
to the Public.
E! I O H T
Magnificent New Cottages!
Fine Dwellings,
with nil Modern Im
Located in the most central
and desirable part of the city,
Payable by monthly installments of $101) each.
Without Interest.
Privilege given to purchaser lo transfer his
rights, in case of inability to meet install
ments. Apply to
P. Beaudry.
feb7-tf •
Very Lowest Prices,
Are lo be fourd at the
Under the
St. Charles Restaurant.
Is now opened for Day or Week Boarders,
Terms Reasonable.
T. SCALLY, - - Proprietor
A the city. The tables supplied with the
substantial and delicacies which the market
St. Charles Hotel Building, Main St.
ai*jd n m. i,,
— AT —
Turn-Verein Hall,
— ON —
Sunday Eve'jr, !Tol>. Ttli.
Doors Open at S O'Clock.
Under the direction of
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday,
Evenings, Feb. Bth, Mb. and 10th, 1875.
-"tuge Manager, A. .1. AVERS.
Pianist, .... ir,f. FALKENAU.
The Entertainment will consist of Bradbury's
celebrated Cantanu,
The Beautiful Queen !
In Four Acts, with the following easts:
ESTHER, the Onnnn. Miss F. NICHOLS
AHASUERLS, King of Media and
Persia J. F. MOHN
Hainan, Overseer of the Realm...O. W. Parker
Zeresh, Human's wife Miss Nellie White
Morde-ai, Uncle of Esther Mr. F. Funning
Prophetess Miss Belle Mullard
Judith, Mordecal's sister Miss Jennie Hill
Queen's t^ S {^ :=^^
( Miss Mallard
/.eresh's inaids-j Miss Lucky
[ Mrs. Parker
Hegai Mr. S. Reese
AcliniMNiun - - - «* I 00.
Doors open at 7 o'clock, commences at 8.
MVTioketl for sale at the Book .Stores.
Reserved Seats may be secured at Falke
nau's Music store, No. 00 Spring street, with
out extra charge.
Tuesday Evening, Feb. 9th, 1875.
First Appearance in Dos Angeles of
Consisting of a
First-Class Dramatic Company
Forming the most attractive Company that
ever visited this city.
First Appearance In Los Angeles,of
The Favorite Comedian, and
The Charming soubretto from tho California
From the California Theatre.
From Maguire's Opera House.
Mint* .It'll 11 it; ReiiTarth,
MiuH i :i lii Allen,
Mr. C JS. Alton.
Mr. C.B.Tenniel.
New Society Plays, Comedies, Farces, Bur
lesques, Hongs, Sketches, etc., etc., will be
produced In rapid succession. For particulars
see future announcements.
decs Business Manager.
tion, choice varieties of
Kto., Etc.. Ktc.
Choicest Varieties of
Fine lot of
Monterey Cyprus and Pines.
From one to three years old
jriowerinu Slu mDh.
Parties having ordered by nic had better
call at once. Apply at the
Alden Fruit Drying Works.
No*, se, S8 and 40 Maiu street,
finished and thrown open to the public, it
furnished throughout with
New Furniture, Carpets and Bedding.
Rooms large, well lighted and ventilated
aud supplied with water, gas and Ore.
Is supplied with the best the market affords
and no Chinese cooks employed.
For Eaiullies, it. accommodations nre
for HuaineMt* Men
And visitors, its conveniences are unequalled
being centrally located, having a telegraph
office attached, and street cars passing every
ten minutes.
There is no Bar or Saloon
Of any kind on tlie premises, it being the in
tention of the proprietors to make it a quiet
and favorite resort for families.
Board by the Day, Week, or Month
For persons not requiring rooms.
feMtf Proprietor*.
Real Estate and Money
Will negotiate Real Estate silos and Money
Loans, at 7» 1-2 Downey Block, ground
Horse and buggy kept for convenience Ol
customers. Apply to
79 1-3 Downey Block, ground floor.
FOR SALE. — Eleven-acre tract inside
city limits, Improved and advantageous
ly located.
FOR S ALE. —Choice ranch of 72 acres.
Just outside city limits; plenty of water;
house of nine rooms; 50 bearing and 11,00)
other trees. Will be sold at a bargain lo a
cash purchaser. ju3l tf
~Fl)R sale.
Elegant Residences,
Nitnated on the North sole ot Main St..
Between See.,ml and Third.
A RE now nenrly oompteted and will be
ready for occupation on or about the
Vital day of Vebruary next.
They have been constructed with every re
gard to cominodiousness, and are provided
with all the modern conveniences, and in a
style suitable for the home of a genteel fam
Eacli lot Is 2r> feet front by 167 feet deep, and
Is divided from its neighbors by a high board
fence, making it entirely seperute and exclu
Each house contains eight rooms. Ou the
first tloor are two parlors, with marble mau
tles; a dining-room, kitchen and servants'
bed-room; a large pantry, or store-room and
china-closet. On the second iloor are Ihreo
large bed-rooms witli corresponding closets,
and a bath-room with wash-fount and patent
Both hot and cold water can lie brought to
the upper story, and gas pipes are carried
Into every room.
There are broad verandahs with portii'oes
ill ttOUi and rear.
Every house is hard-finished throughout,
the lower rooms having handsome center
pieces. The front winnows will have inside
blinds; the side and rear OIMB, the new (latent
blinds, painted same color as outside walls.
The rear yards are £>xB7 feet, and cull be
laid out as a garden and the trout in flower
Each residence will have an ornamental
fence enclosing it from the street, with high
lattices dividing it from its neighbors.
Situated as they are upon tlie main street, in
close proximity to the business center, any
one may purchase either of them With the
confident assurance that It will double in
value In the course of Ihe next two years.
Price Srt.OOO for each house and lot,
and the terms can be made to meet the most
moderate means.
For further particulars enquire of
W. H. J. BROOK*.
Ncurcher ol' IteeordN.
Junl6-lm No. 8, Temple Block.
•s-jaaJIS upauruiv pun soioHuyssrio r i aoi^jj
'iea.13,8 osnv CI *on
'NU3JLS 'V *a
osunds > pue aoirc.iouuu 'XN|ep jr* 9AMI poti
new joj ouuo re jno nos uvj fa|(MM| .snog dn
iiu| sdUJwd pue ;pjais.ip os ujq.vv smJdj
diqejoAty uo emqoinau him I su 'oioqAi
-as|a )lu|Siii|.und ,uojoq am no |f«0 o| \\anti
op him '.iuiii jo qiXae| &wt joj soisSuy
u| Jtuid.).»si,)snoq oi ofl o) »uipu.))U| suosau.l
pueu uo MHnXINHH.H tt >>u J° I"'> Ul
-Mossu iiy •paHumpixj puu ppis iqStioq ~%r
•joo.tJH osnv «I
To the Ladies.
FOR the prettiest and most tastefully nnd
elegantly dressed Dolls, go to the
Next to the Pico House.
A Million Toys for Sale.
New Wilson Sewing Machine!!
The People's Favorite and Ladies'
Shuttle Lock Stitch Sewing Machine
Is at last conceded by all to be the BEST now
In use. Being so Simple and Light Running
that the most delicate lady or child can use It.
Can regulate Tension or change stitch while
Is best adapted for all varieties ot family sew
ing from the lightest fabric to the heaviest
cloth or leather.
Kvery Machine Warranted
for five years without expense to purchaser.
awarded at the Worlds Fair, Vienna and State
Fairs and Expositions throughout California
und the Eastern States. What better superi
ority over nil others.
Price from $10 to $15 Lower
than for any other first class Machine. Send
for descriptive catalogue free.
K. C. GLIUDEN, Agent.
Office—White House, corner I.os Angeles and
Commercial streets. febl 6m
;th. euphrat & co..
Liquor and Wine
r> E A jjL, c r s,
Nlgnoret'M Building;, Main atreet.
Los Anorlrs.
The above named firm take pleasure in in
forming the public that they have purchased
the Wholesale Liquor establishment of Mr. I.
D.Cook, and as we are connected with the
best liquor houses in Bordeaux, we are confi
dent we will be able to give perfect satisfac
tion to all who fuvor us with their patronage.