Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME 111. Is , unhshed evei> oioimug ex.-epL Monday by THE LOS ANGELES CITS AND COUNTY PRINTING AND PUBLISHING 00. OFFICE—Heruld Memn ItiHili aud Jolt l-i-iutluir Hoiihc, Spring street, opposite the Court House. TERMS: Per annum, by mail or express $10 Six months " " 6 Three months " " • 3 Delivered by carriers, per week, '25 cents THE WEEKLY HERALD Is published every Saturday morning. TERMS. Owe year, by mall or express, single D0py..48 00 Six months, " " " " ... |75 Three " " " .» m 1 go Advertisements Inserted at reasonable rules All UindN of Job-Work done to Com pete with Huh I'mix-iNco in rrioo, Kt.vlc, and of Workiuaii'diip. SOCIETY NOTICES. Masonic Notice. a t*#M An::cli'» l.odtfe No. 43, F. * A. The slated meetings i>f lIHh >jf Lodaa are held <>n the tlrsi MON /\/\ DAT <if each UOfltll nl 7:30 P. M. ~ Member* of Pentalpha, No. 308, and all Master .Masons in good standing are cor dially Invited. S. ('. FOY, W. If. Cham. Smi rii. Sceretiirv. au'2S-ly—fl jt HUNT ALPHA LOIIGr.. No. 202, P. a. & If. Thoetated moetings of JT this Lodge are held mi tho THIRD MONDAY of each month, at" km. Uj order of the \v:- M:• Jan 11 W. \V. Robin-son, Secy. Los Angeles Chapter No. 33, R: • A:• M: jrf* 55 *^ Stated convocations on 2d 1 /C- 1 -OK||' Mtl * NI>AY of each BlOUth at \jT \aS ••• M. al Masonic Hall. So r\ Jwf [''Urntng companions iv good standing (Medially Invited, By or.!.'.- of I lie H. P. \ I W. U. A. Knii), ft—■ f Secretary. Los Angeles Council No. 11, Royal and Select Masters, F. & A. M., Holds Us slated assemblies on the 4th Mon day oi each month at Ma mile Hall, at 7:10 F, M. Sojourning Oompanl us in good standing aie fraternally Invited to a .end. By order of the Th: II i ".- J. F. BURNS, Reoorder. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Cceur De Lion Cominai.iicry No. 9, K\- 1.- Holds its stated conclaves at the Asylum in Masonic Hall, "i. the Third TH VUs DAY of each month, at 7 o'clock l>. It. Sojourning Kn'ghts Templar In good standing are cor dially Invited to attend. By order of the_ E.- U.. H. n. brunino, Cupt;. Qeu'l I. O. O. F. - AngelitH I.o.tjfC No. 1»5, I. O. ' • lt<-ai:lur meetings of ttiis Lodge arc liehl every .MONDAY Wws> evening at 8 O'clock, at Odd Pel lows' Hull, Downey Block. Visiting and so journing brother* In good standing are in vited to attend, i. J. SMITH, N. G. J. If. H ass kit. R. S. aufl Uoideu Utile So. 100, I. O. 4>. ¥. gjHy_ Regular meeting held on FRI -__fa>'-. D.\V EVENING of each week at *v«« : 7 |-2 o'clock. Sojourning l.rothren ■vmtft- 1 ' j„ KO „a standing are cordially in vited. By order, _ „ _ C. I>. HATHAWAY, N. G. .ios. Rvium, Jn., it. s. Orange Grove Encampment, No. 31,1. 0. 0. P. -_ii_ REGULAR MEETINGS held on the Second and Fourth TUEB -s>.Tv |~\YS of each mom ti al i: M. '"*nw* l'utriarchs in good standing arc cordially invited to attend. 11. BURUICK, C. P. J. M. Bassktt, Scribe, i——__■__■— ■—Q—M»«——rri*i—Tr~ PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. DR. H. 8. ORME, I»liy_iei_.n unci Surgeon; OFFICE IN LANFRANCO BUILDING, No. 74 Main street, overt.'. J. Hcin/.eman A Co.'s drug store, Residence, Spring street, between Sixth and seventh. Othee Inurs, from 10 A. M to 4 P, si. feUU tf DR. A. E. MERRiLL, jph^-wic'iun u_<l tsiii-fgeou. Ottico-No. 11 Spring St., opposite the lost Ottice. Special attention paid to disease-. ~t Children. iVhMHf DR. W. HAZKLf INK, •fvENTIsT—CORNER SPRING AND TEM \_) pie streets (opposite Temple's, Bank), Los Angeles JaBo tf drTfr edT c v phriat7 Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. OFFICE—Over Farmers A Mercliunts Itank, in Lafayette Hotel building, Main street, Los \ngeles. Office hours, 8 to 12 A. M., and Ito 5 pm. From 2 to 3v. n. gratis for the poor. Consultation In German, French, Italian and English. lanaOtf 6AM _ W. BROOKE, M. D., Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician. OFFICE—In Laiifranco's Building. Main St. Office hours—B to 10 A. M., 2 to 4 aud 7 toB Y. U. Residence, No. 240 Main street. d2Ulf DRB. CHASE & LYONS, _ UROKONS AND PR At TITIONERS of Ho- O meopalhy. Office and residence, Back man House. Night calls prompt ly attended. ana* Special attention given to diseases ol women luid children. oclOtf m. d.. G1 KADUATE OF JEFFERSON f Medical College, Philadelphia. Cilice In MHI Franco Building, Main street. Office hours, from Bto 10)4 A. M., and flom -X to 6 P. M. Obstetrics & Diseases of Women a Specialty. my7-ly—U DR. M. JONM. TTIORMERLY OF ST. LOUIS, Mo., jfBBK l 1 has located in Los Angeles where 1Ma&&, :te will give his special attention to 13Br diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Okkic-b : Spring St.,opposite Temple Block. feb26tf— 2 Dr. L. Dexter Lyford, I>HYSICIAN AND SURGEON — OFFICE, No. 17, Downey Block, Los Angeles, California. Oilioe hours—tf to 11 A. M.; Ito 3 ami 7 to 8 P. m. DItTXTTSHORB, JJOM _OFATHIC PHYSICIAN. OFFICE— Nearly opposite the Post Office. UESIDENCE--NO. li Franklin street. oc2-ti—l J. H. McKEE, M. D.. PrTTMOIAN A SURGEON — OFFICE, No. 1 Spring street, oppposlte Temple's Bank Kksidkncu — First street, between Fort and Hill, Angeles.Cal. mrlft-tf—2 Dr. Joseph Kurtz, PHYSU'IAN. OFFICE—In Liinfri.neo's Huilding, Main St above the Drug Store of C. F. Helnzeman A Co Will give particular attention to FiVE and EAR DISEASPX Ottlc- hours: From 9 to II a. M from 2t04 P. M., and from Btotf p. M. Residence: Buenavlsta street, aug!6 Los Angeles Daily Herald. BUSINESS CARDS. c. fTheinzeman & CO., Successors to J B. SAUNDERS A CO., DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS, T~ JViaiu Htt-eet, LOS ANtIELES. The CHOICEST TOILET ARTICLES, the PUREST L.tUGSand PATENT MEDICINES oi ail kinds. »y Preecriptlonsoaretully com pounded day and night. no2-t.r—;i CHAS. R.^JOHNSONr IN OVA li V PUBLIC AND CENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, No. 32 Temple Block, Los Augi-l- *. dec2o ~ W. VAN~Do_R~DOEs, 171 XPERT ACCOUNTANT AND COL -2J lector. Self of books opened, balanced and closed and iilljciudsol accounts adjusted. Col lections made In ull parts of city, county and Slftle.. Had debts and rents collected on moderate terms. ' OFFICE-Spring street. No. M. fe2 tf S. H. BUCHANAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, Successors to Buchanan A Husk ins. t -(CONTRACTS TAKEN FOR ALL KINDS ) of Building and satisfaction guaranteed. UeadquaMers at the Comer of Second and Fort street. ap2.".-tf— 3 morTtz^h^oynTkT," 44 SPRING ST. Carpenter and Cabinet Maker. Stores litlod up, Furniture made and re paired, und general work done on the short est notice, nov22tf JQEPUTY U. 8. MINING AND LAND SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEEI! Room it, Downey's Block, Los Angeles. uov4tf —2 KYSOR & MATTHEWS, AKCHITECT KOOM No. It HELL MAN'S BLOCK, COR ner of Commercial and Los Angeles Streets. up2otl—2 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. V. OOUVKBY. C. J. ELLIS. GODFREY & ELLIS. ii TTORNEYS AT LAW, Rooms 1 and 3, Downey Block, Los Angeles, f. b.'i-tf D A VIC _. AD AI S, Attorney at Law, Examiner of Titles, — - AND CON veya rsrcKß,. OFFICE-With U. W. Morgan, Esq., No. i Spring street, Temple Block. jan.s-im ,1. K. ORIPFUV Attorney and Counsellor at Law, OFFICE—ROOM 22, TEMPLE BLOCK, Lux* X lii, - •-«■:-. Cal. Bt_Sp«cial attention given to Land and Pro bate business, myl-tf—2 win slow 'sTmVersT - AT LAAV. OFFICE—Room No. 21 Temple Block, Los AKOKIiSm, Cal. dlltf J. G. UOV/AKI). It. T. HA/.AKO HOWARD & HAZARD, ATTOBNHYS AT LAW, OFFICES IN No. S DOWNEY BLOCK, LOS ANGELES, CAL. MTSpecial attention given to business in the United States Land Office. oc2-tl—2 A.UI.ASSKLI., G. 11. SMITH. A. B. CHAPMAN, 11. M. SMITH. GLASSELL, CHAPMAN & SMITH. AT LAW, OFFB'E -TEMI'LF: BLOCK up-stalrs, la>s Angeles, California. oc2-t f—2 W. L. MARSHALL. WILL D. 0001.0. J. H, BLANCH A KO. MARSHALL GOULD & BLANCHARD, AITOKNEYS AT LAW—OFFICE opposite the Court House. Rooms Nos. IN and 19 Temple Block, Los Angeles. Cal. Will practice in all the Courts of this State, and attend to business iv U. S. Land Office. tf—B GEORGE J. CLARKE, NOTARY PUBLIC-COMMISSIONER OF Deeds for AriKOtia, and Broker. Office, Oauahl A McDanlels, Downey Block. Je 10-tf—2 ~V._r& F. H. HOWARD, AT LAW, TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. oc2-tf -2 A. H. JOOSON. J. W. OILI.ETTE. Alt'y at Law JUDSON. & GILLETTE, EXAMINERS OF TITLES. ■t~ 1-2 Mprliif; St., Los Angeles, Cal. <H-.2-tf—2 DRUGS MEDiCINES. NEW I>__K.Gr STORE! V. CHEVALLIER HAS OPENED AN ELEGANT DRUG store, In SICNORET'S NEW BUILDING, Main St., opp. Pico House, Well assorted with fresh and pure medicines Also a splendid assort iiient of PERFUME, HAIR BRUSHES. Sponges, and every toilet article from the best houses of tho United States and Fiance, American and French patent mediciues. Hhiiilisth. to*»«nob and ISfHMaiah LmtlglinaW »r« Spoken. V. Chovalller has li. cii estalill died lv Sun Francisco since-ill, and his long expe-ience In the drug business will recommend him to t he confidence and patronage of the people and medio*] fraternity ol Los Augeles. H mmm NIISCELLANECUS. T. C. KWIOART. JOS. HtTBF.R. .IR. SWICART & HUBER, DKALERS IN STOVEM, TIN. COPPER AND SHEET-IRON-WARE ANU CItOCKERYWARE, GLASS, Hardware and Willow-ware, LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS PLUMBING AND CAS FITTING Don.- to Order. Sign of the Big Red Coffee-Pot, no. no main st., loisangeles. Juu2ltl -6 LOS ANGELES, TUESDAY MOKNING, MARCH 2, 1875. BUSINESS CARPS. M. W. PERRY, booh: b i n d c ». Downey Blook,Cor. New Hlgli and Temnlf st reets. ocl 1 l-2n- , WIW!. ABB^O~TT% | General Undertaker. FINE METALIC COFFINS, The HeMt In tilt) World. Always on hand, and all kiudi of Coffins ready at one hour's notice. Apply at his FURNITURE WARERQOMS, No. 16 Main street, Near the Pico House. octl"-ly JU ftTRKUTX» MERCHANT TAILOR. AND FASHION ABU£ CLOTHIER. No. 7:1 Mniu Htreet, lii trout or the Orient Maloon, Dutvuey Block. A large stock ol the newest Cloths. Good tits guaranteed, mr/t-if— 2 d, w maclellanT^ Searcher of Records and Conveyancer, ROOM 13 DOWNEY BLOCK. nov22tf O. W. PARKER, Toucher and Conductor of VOCAL aud INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. Residence, No. 06 Spring St. PIANOS and ORGANS TUNED and REPAIRED. All orders lelt at the above rooms, or ut Brodrlck's Book store, will receive prompt at tention. uugSOtf H.J. STEVENSON, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, U. S. Deputy Land and Mineral Surveyor. Surveys of all kinds iv Hie city or at a dis tance. Maps made, Field notes and descrip tions furnished Ac. OFFICE—NO. 36 SvIAIN STREET, Los, Cai.. oct2otr R. 4. WIBTOff, ARCHITECT, CIVIL ENGINEER AND I3ItA.OCrJr_ r TH]VX>_]N, U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor, Room ul» Temple Block, Third Story, !*>» Angeles, Cal ifornia. mylOtf— 8 VETERINARY SURGEON. OSCAR C. BALDY, V. «., TREATS ALL diseases of the horse. Can be found ut corner Fourth and Fort streets. LOa Ange les, Cai, au2 tf—2 LUMBER-YARDS. LUMBER AT REDUCED PRICES -A * ~ Perry, Woodworth & Co.'s YARDS — A N 1> — PLANING MILLS, No. le <'<>Miinereial Ntre«t, U4>ar Knll roil.l l>?pot. Illi-20-tf—B J. C. JACKSON Keeps ail kinds of LUMBER, SHIN6LES, LATHS, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS Posts, Shakes, Plaster Paris, CEMEINT and IIAIH. Comer of Alameda and First streots. I.OS ANtIKI.KS, HAL. W. W. ROBINSON, AOENT. Holman's team ready iv yard to deliver or ders. sepSlf GRIFFITH, LYNCH LUMBER DEALERS, CORNER OF Aliunoclu. ilikl lfii-wt Sts., DEALERS IN Surfaced Lumber at $42 50 per M ft. Merchantable Lumber 32 50 « " " Flooring at - - - 42 50 " " " Tliey constantly keep on baud DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, POSTS, SHINGLES, LATHS, SHAKES, HAIR, PLASTER OF PARIS, ETC., ETC ap2B-tf—6 Semi-Tropical Nurseries. Located on San Penrn street, two miles south of City Ball. The largest stock of Northern ftfad Semi- Troplcal Fruit Trees lv the State. 40 Varieties tfttUMM Trcw. Call and examine my stock. Priced Cata logue sent frco. Address P. O. Box 028, Los Angeles.Cal. THOS. A. GAItEY. declB-Cm P. LAOTH. KHITZ MENZ. NEW YORK BREWERY, PHIL. LAUTH & CO., (Successors to Chris. Heniie) Proprietors. The CUCAKEST, PUREST and Most BRIL LIANL LAGER BEER Houtn of Han i-Y-'uicisco. Orders for DRAUGHT or BOTTLED rl. ..R pioiMptly attended to. The celebrated Beer from this Bcawary da lles competition in the State. mr&-tl—6 ~PAJLACIE ¥ALOON, 7» M/VIJV ts'l'., Temple Klot h. Los Anoki.ks, Cal. A line stock of Wines, Liquors and Cigars kepi constantly on hand, and Liquors bottled expressly for family use. Also J IWILLIAMS, octott* P roprletor. Delmonico Restaurant, MAIN STRKKT, OPPOSITE OOM MERCIAL. Los Angeles, California. OP KIN ttt ALL HOURS. ttnTTh • cholci st delicacies of the Best Mai kets always on the Bill o' Fare. Elegant DINNERS AND LUNCHES ut a moment's notice. JAS. MUN ROE A CO., uosr."'—3 I-roprietors. LETTER LIST. Lls-tof letters remaining In the Los Ami 'les Postoffice Moii lay, March 1, 1575. To ob tain those letters say "-Advertised." All let ters not called for in .*) days Will be returned to-tae Dead Letter Office: LADIES' LIST. Alcup, Miss Emma Albarado, Aged.i Allen, Mrs Esther Baleneia. Mrs it Bawer, Mrs Barbra Beker, Mrs Aiinle Bart.oi, Miss Hell Briiuilett. Mrs Dora Braehelt, Miss Annie Brown, Miss Mary Brown, Mis claraO Brown, Mrs F B Brown, Mrs H F M Buford, Mi-s Annie Bi ank, Mrs S W Bu it, Mrs 1) OaUadge, Mrs Cates, Mrs Marietta feu\. is. Miss Dora Chapman, Miss M J Chase, Mrs E T Colin, Mrs F Collins, Miss J Cohn, Miss D (2) Dagucrre, Mrs A Davis, Flora May Devoiee. Mrs II Duncan, M is N Dull. , Miss HattiC Durell. Mrs .1 E Uermau, Miss Alice Grihalba, Mlvs R Graves, Mis J B Gray, Mrs c Harris Mr- s I Hart, Miss Mattle RlVWks, Miss Mary A Hazen, Miss Kmiua ESavon, Mis BUM Hays, Kate Heuriquoe, Miss N D Howe, Mrs Wm Holdon.Mrs Mollle Holvel, Mrs R Jlmey, Miss Lizzie .(ones, Mrs II W Kurreti, Jennfi Karnes, Mrs M X Kelly, Mrs Ellen F King, Miss R !'• reuin, Miss X Lake, Mrs Carrlll I.uveiy. Miss Mary Lavensteln, Mi»s R LleVer, Miss Msry J- Loom is. Miss F.tlle Lowe, Kosa M (2i Mailu, Miss Minnie McCJellan, Miss F McAnany, Mrs A (2) MeCernian, Miss M Mctfec, Miss M J McKeonan, Mary A Mills, Mrs Jeunle Moot, Miss (. Myers, Miss D Mills, Mis,T Moot, MI«S Q Mnrpliy, Mis Musectoh, I N. Nvinan, Mrs FP T Relies, T (2) Upboitson, Miss M Robinson, Mrs 11 Ruiz, Maria V Sanders, Mrs A J Shrlner, ('has Smith, Miss E sluices, Mrs M X Thomson, Miss A Turner, Mrs C I, Wilson. Miss II Woodhead, Miss A Woodman, Mrs W W Williams, care J Don- Wise, Mrs B alio OKNTLEMRNS' LIST., R Albino.J Alphons I A Co Allen, O H Ahimuiidi.,W Adams, J Anderson, B H A>hdown,.l E Appleton.Sß Baker, T,I Bui ley, A F Bagloitc, V BadJllo, Thos Baker, Dr T Banueh L Balensuela, Juan Balle, Simon Baistow, A Batelf, JOS Bell, Adrian Bennett, Francis Biirnel, .lose Rennet, Wm Benitn.s, Ramon Rent, R X Black, A W BUtl, Aug Bon, P Balsseron, J Bauman, Wtn Rox, E B (2) Bawles, Jas Brnnt.Will Brennnn.S Brooks T Brook, Jno (2) Rrank, I) D Brooks, Thos Brown, Rodolph T Br*wn, T Brown, Frank Bugbee, Geo Bailor, FB Buggino, I Buchanan, X V Bagiieo, Qm Burger, Mr ■ Burchell, W Hurdle, W II Bun, I'.dmohd liuoly, Chas Bumhaue. A-(2) Butters, H A Bu Herns. Trin Bush, T A CampO, Games ('ape.-In.i Cain, Mike CfdUxte, Geo Campbell, Henry Carber, B Carney, J :j Civrreras, R Carolan, Chas Carrli"o*ii, M Castillo, V Castillo, n Caton, T Ci.rothan, Chesloy Ch sm, A Cbrlstianga, M I Ihase, Fred Cook, Thos Cohen. Adolph Collins,,! Clancy, Wm (2) Clapp, Willie Connor, 0 R Card, T A Casta, M La Ciiminens, Jno Crubb, B F Cri incr, Alvis Cruex, J Cruz, Jesus Crouch, Thos S Crooks, A J Cuew. Francisco Curtis, Jno (2) Curtis,!, Cummlngs.Jno furl.-v,J Da vies, E Divviliers, Olivier Dewin, O Davis P, care of 1). nuam.C Denicke, Mr Dean, B F I i. nu nico, P Dclaara, Hcladto !>iller, c Drlscoll, Jno Depor, Frank DomlUgUeS, M i 2) Downing,.! (i Douglas, .1 W Dunn, C W Duster, Mr Dunlery, ,!as i oillll. Itiiriini'il Kdd". Mlioll, H M Edmonds, (JeoW Emmons, Dr E H Evltts, Mr EntiorPle, Jas Ferguson. D II Fishier, Simon <2) Fislsr.J C Forster, Francisco Forster, F Free, Win Frankling, S Gal vcy, R Garura, E Gehring, Geo Gertson, Jno Geelinudush, G Gess, Jno Glllum.Jß Gllmore, Marin (iibm-y, O Gladman, I Ciarcia, A Grehaiba, Salvador Graham. Jno Graham, Geo (.rose, Mr Fay, Leslie F Halias, .Miguel Hagan, D llagmsn, E llasera, 11 T Haley, E A (2) llarbordt. F Hardeubergh, D Gained, J A M Hartley, C S Harrison, W Hay ward, .las A Hazel tine, Geo Hewles, M M Hell, Jno Hudson, 1 W Herrman, A Henderson, Jno Hlggius, Jno Higby, CC Hulzinger, R Hiilglic.s.Mr limine, Ws Holcomb, L Hopkins, PF Hopkins, 0 A Hanuker, M (21 Hanakcr, C \V Haroweg, Henry Hoi I at.\', Jesse Handle, Jas Hutchinson, A Hurlburt, Jno W Hunter, TO Isaacs, J W Irnwell, E Jackson, S A .lack, A .1 Jackson, Tom (2) .lackson, Thorn Jayson, Henry Jouno, Frank .linnison, Albert Johnson, ollvas de Joiinson, A B Jones, Wm C Jones,Geo Jones, X B Jones, G h' Keenan, Peter Judd, C E Kegan J, care of Keenan, J P Kalom, S Kenny, C King, B (2) Kent ns, Frank Kimball,.! C King, John Klip, trick, D King, Jno Koester, Geo Kurtz, Albert Klarber W, care of Koaster, Herman Lamb, W H Loonier, Timothy Lanier.-. A I_ng John, care of Lamb, Jas O Larrubee, Aionzos Ijcwls, D Larseval, Peter Lis, Louis Lester, W N Lopez, Diego LI Bay,S Lugo, J Lopez, Pedro Lyons, W S Lyster, C J Lull, HJ Lyons, S M (2) Mackey, J B Lynch, Jas Maeiiran, Jose Maybon, W S Meggs, Charley Mack, J Man In, S Mahary, Archibald MeCormaeh, -T Mauc. B MoGnlre, Patrick McDonald, John Menzel A Konig McLennan, S D Miller, I E Mitchell, TL Moore, John Miller, Paul Monclus, Fidel Monsimert, H C Morgan,!' Molina, J Murphy, Mr Morve. Carlos Nance, G W W Musecion. Isort Forlbarn. Billy Nickel. Henry Ordnnl, Edward O'Connor, R Onge, si Odien, Jarvls Orasco, Isack Otterson, Thos B Ii arson, P Pain, Daniel Phl.ips, J M I'erry, W H (S) Pitts, J M Philip, S Ponse, Jesus Pletro, Companno Pooglc, M Porter, HS (2) Ruynor, PA Putsmun, J Ran, rred Raynold, Alfred Reiuecke, Mr Rennier, Victor Rl.-e, Hoiailo Reine, A Root, Geo R Rodrlgues, Aberlo Romero, Virginia Rugal, John liudlsell,HJ Rumdler, P Russell, E Sacrulego, Mr Sularl, C Sane.s Sawsan.'JoM sawr. y,.! II Scott, BF Scolt, Michael Sellle, Mark Shrode, D X shoad,BJ Sholbis, John Smoes, E F Skendler, R Smith, W A J Smith, W C Spangeon, W H Spruce, Alfred Stelehouser, Fred Stevens, Geo Stevenson, Ed stalilnian, John stokes, Alfred Stoakes.JL stokes, Henry Stalhatinian, John studzinski, Sam Swart, G W smith, I P Smith, Madison Tminett, 'Thomas Thomgson, S H ThompMlV, M A Thughef, J Thomas, tj.-n Thopson, J J Thompson, A M Tyler, W L Tuck, J H Tuntman, J H Towers, Geo Toudro, M B Vogal.J Vlchery.JC Varela«,A Wanl.JS Ward.RF WalliK-e.JC Waldron.C E Webber, John (2) We ton, John Weber, T Weiss, R F Welxcl, Jack Wetssenberk, D Webzel, Jacob Welch..! W pi) Welsh, DP Watson, Elmore White, Everot (2) While, John White, Chas West, P M Web is, A Wlldey, DW Wills, G A Willihan, M Wilson, J H Whlpule, M Wood, A W Wooth'erd.C Wllllamsoh, R Wilson, JW Williams, John Winston, Jos Yozzilin. /. I nun:, Jose Maria Young, R Zollinger, A B Madden, E C H. K. W. BENT. P. M. "Well, my eon," said a Detroit father to his eight-year-old son the othernight, "what have you done to day that may be set down as a good deed?" "Gave a poor boy five cents," replied the hopeful. "Ah, ha! that was charity, and charity is always right. He was an orphan boy, was he?" "I didn't stop to ask," replied the boy, "I gave him the money for lickiuga boy who spit in my dinner basket!" "You jist ought to have been over to our house last night!" shouted on« small boy to another on the Campiu* Martius yesterday. "Why—making pictiues?" inquired the other. "Naut much! Humph! No, sir; our folks went away and we had pop-corn, two kinds of sweetened water, milk and camphur, drew the dog around In the table cloth, and the hired girl told us eight ghost stories." — Detroit Tribune. LINES OF TRAVEL. LOS ANGELES DIVISION SOUTHERN PACI Fl lUROAD. AND STEAMERS. IMPORTANT CHANCES. On and alter THURSDAY, January I4t)i, 1875, and until further notice, (rains will run every day as follows: LEAVES LOS ANGELES: FOR ARRIVE. Anaheim 9:30 A. M. 11:00 A. M. Wilmington 10:16 " 11:30 " Spadra 2:15 p. M. 4:30 P. M. Wilmington 3:15 " 5:011 " San Fernando 8:30 " 9.30 " TOWARD LOS ANGELES: t.KAVK. AHRIVK. San Fernando 6:15 a.m. 7:15 a.m. Spadra 7:45 " 9::0 " Wilmington 7:46 " «:(»> " Anaheim 1:00 " 2.30 " Wilmington 1:00 " l:ij " "ON STKAHER DAYS." Time of trains between Los Aug' les rtml Wil mington will be varied so as to connect wltl steamer. Tho time of Fisher A Thttteber, 67 Main street, has been adopted by ibis company, ap2S-tl—lo E. E. 11 EWH'I . SttJ t. GOODALL, NELSONTrmiNS' STEAMSHIP COMPANY. San Francisco and Los Angeles, THE isfEAMSUIi 8 VENTURA, ORIZABA AND MO H ON CO* «'alliujf in hauta ItMrOara uul), AND STEAMSHIP SENATOR. Calling at Sunlu lis'' /a ami Han Luis Obispo, also at San Buenaveiiiuia and San Simoon for passengers only. SC H E DULE. ST HAM KIM. s'*5 '* |1 if H ? | If Senator Feb 20 Feb 23 Frb 26 Feb 27 Mohongo " 2.1 " 25 " 27 Mar 1 Orizaba " 26 " 27 Mar ,1 " 8 Ventura " 27 Mar 1 " 8 " 5 Senator Mar 4 " 7 " 9 " 11 Orizaba " 8 " 10 " 12 " 14 Mohongo " 13 " 15 " 17 " 19 Senator. " 16 " 19 " 21 " 23 Orizaba " 19 " 21 " 23 " 26 Mohongo "24 " 20 * 28 " 80 Senator " 27 " 30 Apl 1 Apl I ' >rizaba " 30 Apl 1 " 3 " 6 Mohongo Apl 5 " 7 " 9 " II Senator " 7 '• 10 " 12 '• 14 Orizaba " 10 " 12 " 141 " 10 Los Angeles and San Dieoo N teamen* VENTURA, ORIZABA and MOHONGO Uo through to Nan Olego vaillng at Ar-ahelin»x. Leave San Pedro Feb. 25th, 27th, Mar. Ist, 10th, 15th, 21st and 28th, Apl. Ist,7th und 12th. THE STEAMER SENA T O JEt UOES TO ANAHEIM LANDING ONLY. SAN LUIS, SAN SIMEON, SANTA CRUZ, MONTEREY and SAN FRANCISCO. THE CONSTANT!NE Leaves Santa Barbara March 13 and 24, April 4, for above named ports. Kau Fraucinco, Nan Diego, aud Way Porta. Steamers KALORAMAA and GIPSY, Carryng combustibles and other freight, will leave San Francisco about every ten da vs. VICTORIA, B. C. Steamers leave San, Francisco on the sth,l3th 20thand27th oL very montb.except when those dates full on Sunday, then on tho day fid low ing. Plans of Steamers* Cabins at Agent's office. For Passage or Freight apply to H. McLELLAN, Ag't. for Los Angeles Co. Office, ill Main street, opposite head of Com mercial. lanB Through by Daylight to San Bernardino. _TAOES via CHINO, RIN- r.-'-feW* (5 CON and RIVERSIDE, cur- ■I'%JS<ic_^ rying the United Statts malls •*» express, leaves SI'ADeA every TUESDAY, Til URSDAY and SATURDAY' at 8 A. M. The entire trip is made by daylight, tnus ailord ing tourists and travelers an opportm.i y o passing oyer some of the fluent portions o Southern Culiib'-ula. The route passes through tho benu'lful col ony of Riverside and the f.nuou* runch. Tickets should ho purchased end »e..ts se cured of the agent In Los Angeles. H W. ROBLSSON, fcopt. STAGE OFFICE—No. 15 Mam street. J. i . WARD, Attar, decl.Ytf LIQUORS, ETC. FASHION SALOON. 61 Ifowiiej' llloclt, >laCii nI WOLF Sz C3-__TJ_S S I*i'oi>vlot»ra. The Choicest Ales, Bier, Wines, AND Kiquors of nil Kinds*. Hot Lunch Served Every Day and Evening. ALL THE LATE PAPERS On file for the use of guests. Club and Read ing Rooms, warmed anil well ventilated. It is the intention of the Proprietors to so conduct the house as to preserve the gooo name it has already earned. sepiatf O GO TO I I* X THE JL. I» FASHIONABLE t TAILOE, x ACME OIF FASHIOIT, ivm's Tm Jt*. lis mai» street, !N"o_ 33, NEW HOUBE, Corner AHso and Alameda Streets. SIMON LEVY Has opened at the above place, an extensive stock of Provisions, Groceries, Wines and Liquors. Half a pound of Sugar and half a pound of Coffee more to the dollar is there given than in any other hcuse in the city, and all other goods arc sold in the same proportion. Country produce taken in exchange at market rates. Also, Forwarding and Commission Merchant. General dealer in all kinds of COUMIiY PRODUCTIONS, HIDES, GRAIN AND WOOL. Makes advances on Consignments to all parrs of the United Stase. Nos. 33, 34 Ac 35, Aliso street, Los Angeles, Cal. d? 2 WITTELSHO&FEF& RAPHAEL (FORMERLY 0. RAPHAEL AND CO.), HEgUSftA STREET, OPPOSITE V. S. ECTIL jVttiiits, Oils;, > r mnislios, Looksng-glass Plates, Walnut, Rosewood and Qitt WJoufdings of all Styles and Sizes. PICTURES FRAMED AT SHORTEST NOTICE & AT LOWEST RATES California Chemical Paint Company. LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS OFFEKED TO— mys 3m IS PAINTERS AND COUNTRY DEALERS. BANKING HOUSES. THE BAi^K. WM. WORKMAN. ». F. F. TEMPI.*.. TEMPLE & WORKMAN. BANKERS. TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGKLES. Keceive Deposits, lsaue their Certificates ami transact a UKSEMAL BAKKISU BUNINKNN. DRAW ON THE LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK ILIfITEG). AT SANFRAHCISCO Exchange for sale on New York, Hamburg, London, JUerlin and JP ar i», V ran k for I. Legal Tenders, Bullion, Gold Da It ami Gov ernment, St*le, County and City Bonds bought and Hold. Receive valuable)! lor wale U»« >- uu. —10 . LOS ANGELES COUNTY SAVINGS BANK MAIN STREET, Loh A nj' «*'»''*» Cal. CAPITAL STOCK, :::::: $300,0fcu I'KESIDICWT J. 8. PLACBON Vice-Pkjcwuknt J. at. GRIFFITH »_I_CTOKS: J. 8. BLAUSON, J. M. C.MKFITH V. A. HOOVEK, HUBERT S. BAKER. J. BI\HY, U. B. TICHENOn, GEORGE S. DOI>C_. <'->'>n for busliies* f uai 10 a. m. ;11l 3 k m., * 4 .uiirduy evening* from 6tu S o'clock, uwjpygtw r<-o> lveii In any a_ailll>H Money Ut loaii < v r»j>l estate in amounu unci 10. " of time itmtreil. JiitHf—s FORWARDING & COMMISSION. KELLMAN; HAAS & CO,, forwarding & Commission MEHC'HAMTW, HAY X rOB SALE TUB I'UHEST UHOCEKIES, TIIE BEST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Ot the Choloevt lin]xirleil Branns J'ALYT*., MILS, HOOKS AXI> KASHIi*. Buxus, harming implement*. 14 xli l 10 Los Angeles and (Vmimerelnl St MJS ANGELES. n.»:«!—4 . % J. L. WARD, CummiNKlon -»_evehn_t. AGENT, /ETNA INSURANCE CO ; UNiON INSURANCE CO. (KlVe mi I Ma iv .Vo. 33 Aula N»rt«t. NUMUEH 131. MISCELLANEOUS. FURNJTURE, FURNITURE, FURNITURE. DOTTER & BRADLEY, (Successors to Dotter & Lord), Have now the-Largest Stock ever brought here. Have Jußt received a large lot directly from the Hunt, and cordially invite the to examine their goods ana price same. Carpets, Gil Cloths, Ktc. Kite. L.c. Sidney Laccy, (With Dotter _ Bradley), s still selling everything in above tines at Reduced Prices, and guarantees Work and Qoods. Sewing Machines, Sewing Machines, Sewing Machines, DOTTER & BRADLEY Are (till Agents lor tht> GROVKR Ac B-VICKT* ELASTIC LOCK STITCH SEW ING MACHINE, Alld would beg leave to call attention to the foot that FOUR. Xrw Hint Disrtlttflt nnd important (niliravcnu'iitii have be*» ndled to titlt Machine recently m King it jxibl v!! c<»inj>etUi_u. S3 MAIN STREET. 80 LOS ANGELES, jlyl Sign of the BisJ Fled Chs(r. tf 10 CALIFORNIA NURSERY, counek or Vejar and San Pedro Streets, \ fine varta'y o." Kvnlt Tree*, Including '.'horry nud t'hiln, wh'c.i are warruntod to .iud u»-ur aimn.Uui;ly every year. I'LURO M. VCJaR. JaniM-Cm ladies' iiAia beess-NCt ESTABLISHMENT. CAROLINE C. DURTON. rAinEs' u.viu nasasiMti in all j sty-lex. Brills, ."u t* aud Waterfalls made al the shortest notice. Tangled hair tlraigh'eued nut made n.tii an> sliapo. I'er iiues of ill-llik's, quality on band and tor •ale. No. l» Spring sireet, Ijuu Ang.Us, Cal.