Newspaper Page Text
Special Notices. _ For Ladles and Families, the St. Charles Restaurant is Ihe nicest place In the city. mar3-tf N. H. Mitchell at the Fashion Liv ery Stable, Anaheim, anuouuees that he is now prepared to furnish all kinds of livery turnouts on short no tice and at reasonable rates. Persons visiting Anaheim will do well to give Mr. Mitchell a call; they will find him obliging and attentive to busi ness. Mar.2-lw. We herewith wish to inform the £üblic that we will commence on [onday, March Ist, 1875, to offer our entire stock of dry goods, clothing, boots aud shoeß, hats, etc., at and be low cost, as we have decided to quit business, and must sell our entire stock in ninety days without fail. It is no humbug, as we mean what we say. Come and convince yourself. Meyerstein A Winter, proprietors of the Important, Main street, under La fayette Hotel. f2B:lm Garden, Grass and Tree seeds for sale cheap at S. HELLMAN'S. Insurance Agency—Commercial of Califor ifornia. Fire and Marine, assets 8S00.000; Cali fornia Insurauoa Co., assets $5OO,O0O; Fire As sociation of Philadelphia, Incorporated 1820, assets $6,000,000. These companies transact their business at the lowest paying rates, charging tor each risk according t;> the hazard assumed, without reference to any insurance combination or arbitrary trifls. All losses promptly adjusted and paid. R. MeLELLAN, Agent. Office of G., N. A P. 8. B, Co., fe2u ai Main street, Los Angeles. Zero prices at the Bazaar for dry goods, clothing, etc., for thirty days only. Give them a call aud save money. f 20:1 m Now is the time to lay in a good supply of goods. The Bazaar, corner Main and Requena streets, offers ex tra inducements. Give them a call. 'f 20:1 m To the Ladies.- iou can have a Brosse DRESS Chart with full instructions for cut ting and fitting all outside garments, for $2 00, at M. C. Baker's, Sole Agency. feb9tf Insurance: Agency — utnee. Commercial street, (Ducomniun's new building). Northern Assurance Co ,of London and Aberdeen, cap ital, $10,000,000; Hartford, of Hartford, assets, $2,7r>7,0t«; Imperial and Queen of London, cap ital, $18,000,000; Union Mutual Life Insurance Co., assets, S»,O0O,00O. John Carun, Agent. Liverpool, London A Globe lusurcnce Co., assets $23,000,000; North British A Mercantile Insurance Co., capital, $10,000,000; Fireman's Fund Insurance Co., assets, $6ti7,000. Wm. J. Bkodhick, Agent. Applications received for the Insurance of all kinds of property, and policies Issued di rect. fe7 tf New Goods! New Goods! Murxsen Bros., the new variety store, corner-of Main and Third streets, keeps constantly on hand a large variety of Dry goods. Clothing, Gents' underwear, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, etc. A large supply of new goods Just received, and sold at reasonable rales. All goods are of the best quality; no auction goods sold by us. We respectfully solicit the public to ex amine our goods and Judge lor themselves. Goods delivered to any purt of the city free of charge. feb3-tf R. S. Walker, Bill Poster and Distributer. Headquarters at SUir office. Orders left at any of the other newspaper offices in the city, will be promptly attended to. Janltl Sliver and gold plating; eleetrotyping; ivory and metal turning; glass .and metal drilling. Locks, keys, seals and key-checks,stencil and door-plates made to order; knives and surgi cal instruments ground und saws tiled and set; parasols and canes meuded; musical instru ments repaired; meerschaum pipes cleaned and mounted; model making and repairs on all fancy work and machinery, from a pin to a locomotive. All kinds of sewing machines bought, sold and repaired. Come and see tlie new sewing machine engine. Sewinjr Ma chine Exchange,39 Spring St. ile:}o tf Moore's Restaurant, on Commercial street, is the proper place to go for a good meal, with a good cup ot coffee or tea to drink with it- There Is probably no restaurant on the Pacific coast where so many of the substantial and so many of the luxuries may be had lor 23 ots. Don't forget the place—Moore's Restaurant, Commercial street. Private eating rooms have been neaily fitted up for the accommodation of ladles. io-tl Bancroft A luayek, Real Estate Brokers, No. 21 Spring street. City and County Proper ty Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Loans ne gotiated, money advanced on Ileal and Per sonal securities. Publishers oi the Los Ange les Roal Estate Reporter. declltf *H_Thetideofi?nmigratlonlB steadily set ting in, and the first thing eastern people do Is to throw away their New York Hals and buy a new one of Desmond. They say there is no comparison between the two. 2y t o The light-running Domestic sewing macine, the great favorite of the East, is now to be had at the new furniture business of Johannsen A Grossen, cor ner Main and Commercial. The new furniture store in Ducom mun's new building Is now open; Main street, corner Commercial. * Have you been to the new furniture store of Johannsen A Grossen, in Du commun's new building on Main street, corner Commercial? A large lot of furniture from the East and San Francisco, at the new furniture establishment in Ducom mun's new building, Main street, cor ner Commercial. * NOW READY. THE HERALD PAMPHLET. [NEW EDITION.] LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. Ice Agricultural, Manufacturing and Mineral Resources—lta Geographical and Commercial Position* It* Har bors, Railroad* aud Railroad System —Statistics Relating to Climate, Soil. Product*. Etc. PRICE, .... IS Cents. This edition contains thirty-two pages of double column matter, every article of which is descriptive of some thing or some part of Los Angeles valley. The following are the titles to the leading articles: '-Los Angeles County and Los Angeles Valley;" "The South ern Pacific Railroad;" "The Los Angeles and Pacific Railway;" "Our Railroad Wants;" •'Steamers, Rail and Stage;" "The Assessor's Klgares," "Spadra and the Surrounding Coun try," "The El Monte DistricV' "Los Nietos," "Wilmington." "Anaheim," "San Fernando," "Centinela Colony," "Compton," "The Tustin Settlement," "Santa Ana," "Cienegu and La Ballona," "Westminster Colony," "Semi- Tropical and Other Fruh>," "Fruit Drying Works," "What Grains Flourish Here," "The San Gabriel Valley," "Potatoes In Los Ange les Valley," "San Bernardino County," "Mines in Los Angeles County," "Mines in San Bernardino and Inyo Counties," "Mar ble Discoveries," '-Petroleum Oil," "Climatic," "Fuel, Water, Gas;" "Banks and Commerce." "Public Library," "Schools In Los Angeles County," "Churches," "Sea Bathing." Be sides these there are many other articles of equal interest. This pamphlet contains more reliable Information concerning semi-tropical California than can be found In any other publ lcatlon. It will be sold at fifteen cents per copy—the cost of publication. Cos JUflclr? ~Ana CITY AND COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1875. That Mare's Nest. That wonderful pass which the en gineers of the Southern Pacific Rail road Company discovered intheCajon mountains has passed in its cheeks and passed out of sight. It proved to be a sort of Jack o' lantern —a mirage —that existed "in ray mind's eye, Horatio." The latest information from the front is to the effect that the Southern Pacific people have abandoned their pass and vacated the premises and that Mr. Crawford, Chief Engineer of the Los Angeles and Independence Railroad, has lo cated his lines through the pass proper and has a large force of graders man ufacturing road bed as fast as muscle, shovels, picks and powder will do the work. Water Power. It is a subject for wonder that Ihe great water power facilities of Los Angeles and vicinity have not attract ed more general attention from the many manufacturers and machinists who have from time to time visited our city. Around the foot of tlie chain of hills which gird our city on the West and Southwest are the natu ral sites for a dozen manufacturing es tablishments, each of which could ob tain an abundant water power at mere nominal cost. The city owns the water of the Los Angeles river and will always make the most liberal ar rangements with those who desire water power for manufacturing pur poses. The water is used for irrigat ing purposes on the level valley and that portion of it which is brought over the hills from the river may do the work of a thousand horse power engine before it reaches the field of operation as an irrigator. Los Angeles valley needs now a beet sugar factory, a paper mill and half a dozen other manufacturing establishments,among them an agricultural implement man ufactory. These are industries that must come and the men of business and capital who come first will secure the best localities on the most liberal terms-and build up a large trade with out contending with opposition. Cultivation of Small Fruit. The Herald is in daily receipt of letters from people in the East, en quiring what a person or family with a small capital can do in Los Angeles valley in the way of fruit raising. It depends a good deal on what is con sidered a small capital, ana on tlie kind of fruit one proposes to grow. To do anything the capital should be sufficiently large to secure a few acres of land on which to make the home. This may be done with a sum ranging from $1,500 to $5,#00. Now, if it is proposed to grow oranges, lemons aud limes, some provision must be made for living from the time the trees are set out until they begin to bear —a period of not less than live years. Suppose the trees are five years old when set out, they will yield no re turn until they are ten or eleven years old. This is not an encouraging pros pect for a family that has expended its small capital in land and trees. A return is received from peach, apple, and pear trees something sooner than in the middle or Eastern States. But a profit may be realized from land planted in semi-tropical fruit trees, long before the trees themselves bear fruit. It is all the better for the trees if the land is cultivated, and if the space is occupied with vines and small fruit shrubbery, a handsome profit is the result. The blackberry, currant, raspberry aud strawberry may all be growu on land planted with semi tropical fruit trees. Except the straw berry, but little attention has been paid to the cultivation of small fruit in this valley. These products are re ceiving more care now than formerly, and we have no doubt they will come to be the means of support for families with small capital during the inter mission between the planting and tlie yielding of their orange groves. Will None of It. The persistent efforts of politicians to draw the Grange into politics and thus convert the organization into an engine for hoisting themselves into office have, we are happy to say, thus far signally failed. And so long as the Grange is true to its principles,— so long as it is controlled by farmers it will not sink into the filthy pool of politics and become the tool of schem ing and dishonest politicians. Almost every subordinate Grange, especially those in the vicinity of large towns and cities are beßet with men who are not farmers in the true sense of the term, and who have no sympathy with the fajmers' interest or regard for the farmers' welfare. They want to become grangers not because they desire to aid in the development and advancement of our agricul tural resources, but in the hope that they may wield the Grange power for their individual interests—that they may call them selves the "Grange candidate" for the office they have in view. We doubt if many of these curb-stone farmers will succeed in worming themselves into the Grauge, and we have too much faith in the good sense of the farmers to believe that these new converts to the profession of Cincinnatus will ever reach the goal of their ambition by the vote of the Grange. The last announcement that the Grange will not go info politics comes from the Granger's Convention held in San Francisco recently, and reads as fol lows: /,/, That the Pah-ons of Husbandry ol California, while they deeply sympathize with their brethren of other Industrial pursuits in their efforts to liberate themselves from the thraldom in which they are held by monopo lies, disavow any Intention of forming politi cal alliances, and, In accordance with the avowed principles of the < irder, they reaffirm their unqallfled opposition tojoining with any political organization as a body, each patriot being entirely free to. exercisie the elective franchise according to the dictate* of bis own Judgment. ROMANCE OUTDONE. Lizaio Peck** M«rv«»ll«iw Ktory-Lovc by Photograph. Substitution-- l>i- WN) Proceedings, I.osl Property ami Forgery. [S. F. Cail, February 281 h.l A short time since a young colored woman known us Lizzie Peck w :ts arrested on a charge of forgery, the alleged offence consisting in procuring goods upon orders falsely signed with the name of Mary Pleasant, whom tho accused claims as her mother. Lizzie now tells A REMARKABLY STRANG K STOItV. .She alleges that she was attending a lirst-class private school in Boston, where she and her sister were left by their parents on their departure for California. About a year afterward her mother wrote her, Informing bet that a wealthy colored man In San Francisco had become enamored of her from seeing her picture, and that the mother had promised him the hand of the girl. With this came a letter from the lover himseif, making an otter of marriage. Another letter shortly came to hand, enclosing his picture, aud showing him to be a man advanced in years. At the same time site re ceived from her mother a sum of money sufficient for her passage, with order to repair to San Francisco and be married. SUBSTITUTION. Having conceived an affection for a young man about her own age, the girl conceived the idea of sending her sister, who somewhat resembled her, to fulfil the matrimonial contract, and accordingly a ticket was purchased and the sister departed. The next news site received was an epistle from the mother, flaming with wrath, or dering her to depart instanter for San Francisco, or be prepared to support herself In futuro, as not another dollar should she receive from home. A SEPARATION". She came to this city, and against her will was married to her adorer. In a few months they separated, and tlie wife began an action for divorce, asking for a share of the property. About this time the sister died, and the heroine of the story was herself dangerously ill for a long time v On recovery she bethought herself of her divorce business, and waited on her lawyer to learn the result. To her as tonishment she found that the moth er bad represented to the attorney that she was the one who had died, and that the case had been stricken from the docket. She and bar hus band were on friendly terms, though she refused to live with him, and lie often supplied her with money. Finally be died, assuring his wife that she should be provided for. ALLEGATION AGAINST THE MOTHER. She alleges that during his last ill ness her mother prevented her having access to him, and persuaded him that as the daughter was incapable of transacting business judiciously, the best way to insure her a competence would be to leave the property to her (the mother) to be used for the daugh ter's benefit. Accordingly, by deed of gift, the dying man conveyed to Mrs. Pleasants property worth overslo,ooo. The girl alleges that she never receiv es any benefits from the $120 per month of rents collected from this property, and that the present prose cution is apian to get rid of her im portunities. She alleges that tlie dif ference between her mother and her self arose from causes which will be explained on the trial in a way to create a sensation "iv certain quar ters. Heaven in California. The Crawfordsville, Indiana, Star, of January 26th, speaks as follows of California and of a Calilornian who was passing through that town on the cars to his home in Indiana: , One of the curiosities at the Railroad Junction the other day was a man di rect from San Diego, California. It was one of our coldest mornings, and as the shivering traveler told the pip ing crowd how he had left the land of gold, but a week since, with the flow ers all in bloom, the green grass spread out beneath his feet, the earth and air teeming with animal and veg etable life, the streets full of gaily dressed people in their Summer attire, and the whole beneath a Summer sky and a Summer sun—the motley crowd of interested hearers presented a strange appearance of mingled aweand wonder. Loafers who never had any higherambition than to sit on the warm side of a sunny building and whittle on a store box, were all atten tien, and wished they were in that blissful clime never disturbed by Win ter's chilling blasts, and where drunks can repose under a harvest moon at any time or season of the year and never freeze. And as that poor shiv ering stranger, in obedience to the order 'all aboard,' sprang upon the moving train, to those listeners he seemed an angel sent from some far away paradise; and the name of the ' golden-gated city of 'Frisco' fell on their willing ears as the sound of rip pling waters to the desert-worn pil grim. It is doubtful if it is possible today toconviace one of those loafers that the Golden State is other than the abode of angels, or that the half-frozen traveler was not a-messenger sent direct from those far-off land of Peri, bidding the.m to come." Bishop Ames tells a story of a slave master in Missouri, in the olden times of negro vassalage, who said to his chattel : "Pompey, I hear you are a great preacher." "Yes, massa, de Lord do help me powerful sometimes." ■"Well, Pompey, don't you think the negroes steal little things on the plan tation?" "I'se mighty 'fraid they does, massa." "Then, Pompey, I want you to preach a' sermon to the negroes against stealiug." After a brief reflection Pompey replied: "You see, massa, dat would never do, 'cause 'twould trow such a col'ness over de meetiu'." Congressional News. Washington, March Ist.—The Sen ate to-day considered the Tax and Tariff bill, and laid it on tlie table by a vote of 30 to 29. Tlie House adopted Butler's amend ment to the Sundry Civil Appropria tion bill, appropriating $5,000 for the prosecution of the claim of the United States to the New Idria (California) Mining Company's lands, by a vote of 100 to 56. The following California items were agreed to in the Sundrj Civil Appro priation bill: To "survey the Pacific Coast, $231,000; expenses of-theSur vcvoi-Ccneial of California, $7,000; the survey of public lands, $70,000; the Benicia arsenal, $35,000; expenses of the New Idria suit, $5,000; Navy Yard at Mare Island, $20,000; Appraiser's stores at San Francisco, $100,000; Ma rine Hospital, San Francisco, $150,000. Pengra, of Oregon, failed to obtain a recommendation from the Interior Department for a bill granting indem nity scrip in lieu of lands claimed by the Military Wagon Road Company, but included in the Klamath Reserva tion. The Louisville Library Lottery. Louisville, February 27th.—The Library drawing began this morning. The managers having announced last bight, that only 38 per cent, of the tickets having been sold prizes would be sealed in the same proportion. The capital prize of $95,000 was drawn by ticket 89,271; and the second prize, $38,000, whs drawn by ticket 10,075. The amount of the capital prize has been reduced from $250,000 to $90,000. Tlie $5,320 prizes have been drawn by the following tickets: 46,101, 47,271, 60,102, 53.423, 96,935. The $3,800 prizes have been drawn by the follow ing numbers: 61,145, 53,813, 25,633, 44,450,40,172. The $1,900 prizes have been drawn by Nos. 11,877, 18,142, 21, --811, 66,285, 58,853, 57,116, 54,431, 51,014, 77,845, 97,550, 88,816, 92,232, 91,171. The $1,520 prizes have been drawn by Nos. 49,849, 42,182, 31,815, 20,242, 75, --666, 76,143, 57,824, 43,254. The $1,140 prizes were drawn by Nos. 53,784, 63, --129, 75,102,92,152, 85,748, 89,969, 65,374, 9,770, 14,217, 16,109, 19,543, 22,145, 38, --011, 40,079, 5,098. Compromise a Failure. New Orleans, March Ist.—The Committee of Seventy, at a meeting to-night adopted resolutions condemn ing and repudiating the Wheeler com promise, and requesting United States Senators friendly to the cause of Louisiana to oppose the passage in the House of the Joint Resolutions recog nizing Kellogg ; and declaring their intentions in behalf of the Conserva tive Democratic people of Louisiana never to recognize the Kellogg gov ernment, but to oppose it before Con gress and the people of the United States. Dissatisfaction Among the Compro misers in New Orleans. New Orleans, February 27th.— There is much dissatisfaction among the Compromisers with reference to the mode of adjustment. It is said that members not passed upon by the Returning Board will refuse to sign the agreement demanded by Wheeler. Another Polygamist in Trouble. Salt Lake City, February 27th.— In the case of Reese, the polygamist, wboae first wife sued for a divorce and alimony, it was ordered by Judge Mc- Kean to-day that the defendant pay attorney's fees, $1,500, and $2,000 ali mony per pear from the 4ime of the filing of the complaint, pending final decision by the Court. No Polygamists need Apply. Salt Lake City, March Ist.—The Grand Jury is being drawn to-day. Polygamists or those expressing con scientious scruples about finding in dictments against polygamists,are ex cused. Cruelty to Robbers. Mokelumne Hill, March Ist.— The down stage to Lodi this morning was stopped by two masked men one mile below Comanche. They de manded the express box, broke it open and took out a large bag of stone coal, supposing it to be bullion. The driver was ordered to go on. The pas sengers, who had about $500 on their persons, were not molested. A Tannery Burned. Stockton, March Ist. —A disastrous conflagration occurred here last night. The Pacific tannery, owned by Kull mau, Wagner & Co., was burned. When first discovered, tlie flames were bursting through the roof. The build ing and all its contents, except the books, papers and money in the office were destroyed. The proprietors esti mate their loss.includingthe building, stock and machinery, at from $75,000 of $100,000. The insurance is small. This is the third time this property has been destroyed withiu a few years. Thirty-five or forty persons were thrown out of employment. The ori gin of the fire is not known, but many suppose it to be the work of an incen diary. Tlie tannery was the largest manufacturing establishment in this city and its destruction is a public calamity. From San Francisco. San Francisco, March 2nd,—The inquiry into the loss of the steamer Japan has elicited a much greater amount of evidence than that adduced at Hong Kong. Captain Waterman, Inspector of Hulls, conducted the in vestigation on behalf of the Govern ment, assisted by Mr. Hawkhurt, En gineer-Superintendent of the company. It is impossible to say exactly what the report will be, as the examination has been conducted privately, but it is probable that different conclusions will be reached as to the cause of the disaster; that the fire did not origin ate in the coal-bunker, but in the hold, and had gained great headway when discovered. Iv the Board of Supervisors last night, resolutions were adopted to re investigate the account of E. P. Buck ley, ex-License Collector, the sessions to be public, the same being necessary in the judgement of the Board am as to show the conduct pursued and the amount of defalcations in the man agement of the department, and so that the the ends of justice may be subserved and the amount out of which the city has been defrauded as certained, and that the same may be recovered by due process of law. An affray on Clinton street yester day afternoon, resulting from family difficulties, in which J. Niphan stab bed Thomas Griggins in the thigh and abdomen, and it is feared fatally. Niphan was arrested on the charge of assault to murder. When the Duke of Newcastle was in this country,a citizen of Cincinnati wlio had managed to get introduced to the Duke, thus Introduced his wife at. Pike's Opera House: Duke, let me in troduce you to my wife, Mrs. Judge , the daughter of Maj. Gen. , of Kentucky, who was brutally mur dered by British and Indians while gloriously fighting for bit country at the battle of the River Raisen." BORN. BRODE.—In this city, March 2d, to the wife off!. Brode, a son. DIED. GUIRADO.-li> this city, March 2d, Anita Gulrado, aged 85 years. The funeral will take place lium the resi dence of Mrs. Alexander Bell, sister of de ceased, corner of Los Angeles and Aliso streets, to-duy at 0:30 a. m. Friends and ac quaintanoei invited. NEW TO-PAY. If You Want Anything In the line of cigars, tobaccos, pipes, etc., or if you want gentlemen's lurnishing good 4, call at tlie Identicals. To the lovers of the weed, the goods ol these es tablishments present themselves With pecul iar favor. A large lot ol the famous Bouquet cigars (throe for fifty cents) have Just been re ceived. Tlie best imported cigar for two bits in tie- ,-ity cm he found there. Al the estab lishment, No. M Main street, is kept, in addi tion to a full line of Oig&rS and tobaccos, fur nishing goods, English walking it icks. canes, dog collars, leads chains, etc.—all the uiek nacas of a sporting gentleman. Call at the Identicals, No.-. 8m and 107 Main street. GOLDSMITH & DAVIS, mr.'l Proprietors. Notice. ANY PARTY HAVING A HORSE AND spring wagon in good order for sale, can near of a purchaser at a reasonable .price by applying to A, M. SHARROCKS, at the Fashion Startle. D, M. BROWN, IM. D., SURGEON & HOMUEOPATHIST. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE ON MAIN street, south side, between Second and Third. mr;t-tf I. O. O. JF, NOTICE.— The Officers and Members of LOS ANGELAS Lodge No. 30. L O. O. F. are hereby notified lo attend the regular meet ing of their Lodgeou WEDNESDAY evening, March 3d, al 7% p. y., us business of special importance will be brought before the Lodge. A full attendance Is particularly requested. By order, BEN. A. STANARD, N. G. A. Fbank, Secretary. feb2fjtd NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO PRO prietors of saloons and bars, thut they are required to give satisfactory bonds to His Honor the Mayor iv the sum of 82,000, before the Marshal can deliver them their license lor the month of March. Notice is also given to proprietors of hacks, drays, trucks, carts, express and job wagons to pay their license in future at the Marshal's office. J. J. CARRILLO, lw Marshal of Los Angeles city. LOST OR STOLEN. mf \ R E W A R D—THE ABOVE RE tpOU ward will be paid lor the recovery of a gentleman's breast-pin, in form of a horse-shoe, lost on Spring street lust week. Inquire ut 11khai.ii office. * mr2-2t' A Most Desirable Homestead for Sale. THREE AND A HALF ACRES,EXTEND ii»g from Figueroa to Virginia street, neatly enclosed, containing 100 Union, 50 lime, 40 almond and 20 walnut trees, all in the most thrifty condition and commencing to bear, and vacant space sufficient for shrub bery and 70 or 80 orange trees. Apples, peaches, pears and apricots of the finest varieties, in good bearing. Also, a tine strawberry bed, from which was sold last year $300 worth of strawberries. The lime trees can be depended on for 50,1:00 limes for the next year. Price, $3,500; no reduction. Apply at the Hekai.d office. mar2-lm NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO PAR fies interested in the opening of Seventh street from PearDs'reet Westward, to furnish the city with deeds to the land required for the opening of said Seventh street. M. KREMER, fe27 Clerk of Com. Council 31 YEARS OLD! PIONEER HARNESS and SADDLE MANUFACTORY. S. O. 3T O "X", Importer, Manufacturer, Wholesale and Re tail dealer in Saddlery and Harness of all kinds. Sulk Harness, Trotting Harness, Heavy Draft Harness, Genuine Concord Harness, Robes. Blankets and Whips—in fact, everything per taining to a fl. st-class Saddlery House. THE VERY BEST GENUINE LOS ANGELES SADDLES. The best brands of Saddle, Harness and Sole Leather, always on hand aud for sale at wholesale and retail. Harness Oils, tSoiii>« & 1 tlu< 1. in; 1 . Repairing Promptly Done. No. 1? Lim \ ui.rel.-H Sirceei LOS ANGELES, CAL. IW Prices as low as any house on the coast. feb!3tf THE THIRD ANNUAL Grand Masquerade Ball OF THE TURN-VEREIN GERMANIA. To come olf at TURNE Ut II ALL Saturday Eve'rig, March 6th 75 Will surpass anything of the kind before given in the City of Los Angeles, no money having been spared to make it an enti-e suc cess. A rlmi«-ion (for Gentleman and Ladies in masks) SO -V .1111 issiun (forspectators) each 1.00 Tlchets for masks, only to be had from the following Committee: Mr. Rkinkcke, E. Nkitzke, J. Sciiroepeb, at the Store of Makxskn Bros., cor. Main and 3d Sis., and H. suiniji.ek, No. 52 Main St. Spectators tickets can be had from all the members of tlie Society, and on the evening of the Ball at the door. Reserved seats can be procured at the store of L. Lewin, successor to Brodrick A Co., at 50 cents extra. Entrance of masks from the rear of the Hall. Two Valuable Prizes, now on exhibition at the Jewelry store of Fisher A Thatcher, will be given away, one prize each to the best Lady and Gentleman character. An ample Bupply of COSTUMES, Entirely new and made Ut ordor for the occa sion by the Society, can be procured at Turners' Hall, Monday March 2d, from 2 to 6 and from 7 to 9 P. M. Towards the evening of the Ball, a lady will be present to wait on ladles who wish to select costumes. At 12 o'clock, unmasking and the floor to bo ITee for all dancers. Arrangements will be made to have a GOOD STJJPPEI*. All improper persons will be excluded from the Ball. leb24td DRY COOD3. '['he Bazaar, comer of Main und Hequemi 1 streets, J_Jus decided lo close out their T'ntlre Full and Winter stock of goods JJclow cost, for thirty days only to buy Goods at yoro will not bo found In this city. the prices al the Bazaar, you will not tall (o buy. Remember the store, opposite the U. S. Ho'el. fel>2o-lm REAL ESTATE BROKERS. LOS ANGELES CITY Homestead Association! HOMESTEADS IN THE City of Los Angeles! 106 feet front by 176 feet deep, One Square from tlie line of the Main street Horse Railroad. $BO(fOO!!! Payable in Monthly Instalments OE TWENTY DOLLARS EACH! First Instalment Due Jan. Ist, 1875. Lots to be Distributed among .Shareholders on or about MAY IST, l«-*rs. The I md of the above Association is situat ed on Washington stieet, near Klgucrou, One and a half miles from the Court House. The finest residences in the city are In Its vicinity, and the pipes of the Los Angeles City Water Company are soon to be extended to it. TITLE PERFECT. BOABD OP DIRECTOIW: O. W. CHILDS President. HON. J. 0, DOWNEY Treasurer EUGENE MEYER. DR. E. A. PREUSS. H. McLELLAN Secretary. For further information, apply to either of the officers of the Association. Subscription iist al the ottice of the Secre tary. de'24tf HOMES FOR ALL!! — t n re — Real Estate Associates OF Los Ansyele» f HAVE 100 Xj o t SJ, 60 Feet Front, 117 and 127 Feet Deep, 16 Feet Alley in rear of Lots. Located on line of Orange, Seventh and F.iffhth Streets, Ten minutes' walk from HORSE CARS Spring and Sixth St. Railroad. SIOOEACH. MO First Instalment, and 85 per month without interest. Members of the Association will have the right to select and purchase lots until March Ist, IS7o. Alter Match Ist, any person can put chase the lots. $ioo Each. $5 a Month. Maps can be seen, and further information obtained, at the temporary office of the Secre tary, in U. H. Land Ofliee, Temple Block. By order of the Trustees. JOHN R. RRIERLY, Secretary. The Secretary's office will be located in part of I lie front of the room of the new Postolllce, opposite the Court House, about March Ist, IS7!>. leb2ltf BEAUTIFY YOUR HOMES!!! JUST ARRIVED AND IN FINE CONDI tlon, choice varieties of Pears, Apples, Peaches, Prunes, Apricots, Plums Ktc. Etc.. Ktc. . Choicest Varieties of FOREIGN GRAPES. Fine lot of Monterey Cyprus and Pines. From one to three years old ALSO. Flow«'i'iiijj- jSltfultx. Parties having ordered by me had better call at once. Apply at the Alden Fruit Drying Works. GEO. B. DAVIS, janat, Proprietor. COLLECTIONS ON Panamint and Coso, Made through reliable connections and with promptness. J. L. WARD, leb2lif 36 Main street. Stockholders Meeting. THE Annual Meeting of tho Stockholders of the Los Angtlei City and County Print ing and Publishing Company for the election of Directors, will be hold at the Hekai.d Print ing office, city of Los Angeles, on the 17Ih day of March, 1875, at 10 o'clock A. M. GEORGE ('. GIBBS, Isaac W. Lord, President. Secretary of the Los Angeles City and County Printing and Publishing f2Btd Company, MISCELLANEOUS. = AT AUCTION! VALUABLE TOWN LOTS • —TO BE 80LD FRIDAY, March 5, On the Premises. FOR TY-E IC H T Beautiful Building Lots ON.'SIXTH STREET, NEAR END OF SPRING AND SIXTH STREET RAILROAD. These Lots are Fine Soil, Beautifully Lo cated,and NoCrad ing will be Re quired. THEY AFFORD A FINE VIEW OF THE WHOLE VALLEY AND THE OCEaN. ALL ARE INVITED TO EXAMINE THE the property. For information apply to JONES <&, BLAND, AUCTIONEERS, r V em pie U lock, Or to the proprietor, W. M. WILLIAMS, f 27 :td Don't go to a Grocery Store to buy Li quors, or to a Liquor Store to buy Bacon. LIPS, CRAIGUE & CO., Importers and dealers in lOureifcn and Douiotttic WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGAES, No. 2 Arcadia Block, Los Angeles St., LOS ANGELES, CAL. LIPS, CRAICUE & CO., Take pleasure in announcing that they have established in the City of Los Angeles, the most extensive and complete LIQUOR, WINE, AND CIGAR HOUSE In California, outside of San Francisco, and are prepared to offer to Retail dealers, bar gains which cannot be equalled. Champagnes, Brandies, Whiskeys, Cigars, And all kinds of CASE GOODS appertaining to the business, of the best de scription and most favorite brands, will be re colved by each steamer. REMEMBER THAT LIPS, CRAICUE & CO., Can and will give you better bargains than you can obtain In San Francisco. Come and examine our stock, ascertain tlie prices and become satisfied. feblB-t)m PROBATE JMOTICE. IN THE PROBATE COURT OF THE county of Los Angeles. State of California. In the matter of the estate of S. M. Stout, deceased. Lnvina Stout, the administratrix of the es tate of S. M. Stout,deceased, having this day tiled her final account of her administration of said estate, and If appearing by said ac count and report accompanying tlie same thai the said estate is ready for distribution, it is now ordered that the Ist day ot April at the Court room of s*id Court, in the city of Los Angelt g. at 10 o'clock a.m.,,- hereby fixed for the settlement of said account and distribu tion of said ost-ite; and that all parties inter ested must be notified to appear on said day and show cause, if any they have, why said account should not be approved, said estate distributed und the administration thereof closed, by publication of a copy of this order for four successive weeks In the Los Angeles Weekly Herald, a newspaper published in said county. I.os Angeles, Feb. 23, 1875. H. K. 8. O'MELVENY, Attest: Probate Judge. A. W. POTTS, Clerk. By E. H. OWEN, Deputy. f27:stw