Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME 111. Is I'nblislied eveiy morning except Monday by THE LOS ANGELES CITY AND COUNTY PRINTIVG AND IMFRLLSHING CO. OFFICE—M«f«Id St. nm Book and Job Friiiting; Hnuxe, spring street, opposite the Court House. TOR MS: Per annum, by mall or express $10 Six months " " 6 Three months " " • 3 Delivered by carriers, per week, 25 cents THE WEEKLY HERALD Is published every Saturday morning. TERMS. Oaoyear,by mall or express, single eopy...s3 00 Six months, " " " " ' ... i 75 Three " " " » <> ... jqo Advertisemenls Inserted at reasonable rates All Kimta ol' Job-Work done to Com pete with Hhh Francisco in price. Style, and fli-smii t Workmanship. SOCIETY NOTICES. Masonic Notice. * I.oh Angeles Lodge No. 43, F. A — A. St.— The stated meetings of thiß jT Lodge are held on Ihe first MON /^gr\ r DAY of each month at. 7:30 p. M. * ' Members of Pentalpha, No. 202, and all Master Masons In good standing ar« cor dially Invited. S. C. FOY, W. M. Chas. Smith, Secretiirv. ao2K-ly—6 & PENTALPHA 1.01 M.i:. No. 2U2, ~#V*r F. A. & M. The stated meetings of jL 2T this Lodge are held on the THIRD /\r\ MONDAY of each month, at 7 p.m. By order of the W|. M;. janll ' W. W. Robinson, Secy. Los Angeles Chapter No. 33, R: • A:■ M:- f Stated convocations on 2d MONDAY of each month al V/i P. M. at Masonic Hall. So journing companions in good standing oo'dlalty Invited. By order of the H. P. W. M. A. Kidd, Secretary. Los Angeles Council No. 11, Royal and Select Masters, F. & A. M., Holds iv stated assemblies' on the 4th Mon day of each dm ■mil at Masonic Hall, at 7:30 P. M. Sojourning Compuni ns in good standing aie fraternally invited tou*fetid. By order of the Th;. III;. 1. V. HL'RNS, Recorder. ~KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Cour De Lion Commandery No. 9, K\- I',- Holds Its stated conclaves at the Asylum in Masonic Hall, on the Third THURSDAY of each month, at 7 o'clock p. m. Sojourning Kn ghts Templar in good standing are cor dially luvited to uttend. By order of tho E|- OI- H. N. Bkunino, Capt;- Gen'i;. I. O. O. F. Angcllta J*odge No. 103, I. O. O. F.—Regular meetings ol this Lodge are held every MONDAY evening at S o'clock, at Odd Fel lows' Hall, Downey Block. Visiting and so journing brothers in good standing are in vited to attend. t. J. SMITH, N. G. J. M, Bassktt, R. S. au» Uoldeu Kule Lodge No. 160, I. O. <». F. riajur;'* Regular meeting held on FRI- t.VKNINi; of < neb week nt ; 7 1-2 o'clock, sojourning brothrcn in good standing are cordially in vited. By order, _ C. D. HATHAWAY, N. G. JOS. HCBKK, JK., it. S. Orange Grove Encampment, No. 31,1. 0. 0. F. REGULAR MEETINGS held on .jsJFnSSe . the second and Fourth TI ES- DAYS of each month at V/ 2 P. M. ™ T ''* sojourning Patriarchs in good standing are cordially Invited to attend. H. BURDICK, C. P. J. M. BASSKTT. Scribe. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OR. H. S. ORME, JPliyt*ic?ian and Surgeon. OFITCE IN LANFKANCO BUILDING, No. 74 Main street, overC. J. Heinzeman & ijii.'s drug store. Residence, Spring street, between Sixth and seventh. Olhce hours, from 10 A. >t to 4p. m. fe2l» tf DR. A. E. MERRILL, PhyMudun and Siirsjreon. Ottlce-No. 11 Spring St., opposite the Post Ottice. Special attention paid to diseases of Children. fubl9tf_ lti ne,T DENTIST— CORNER SPRING AND TEM ple streets (opposite Temple's Bank), Los Angeles. Ja3o tf DR. FRED. EUPHRAT," Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. OFFICE —Over Farmers A Merchants Bank, in Lafayette Hotel building, Main street, Angeles. Office hours, 8 to 12 A. M„ and 2to sp. m. From 2t03 P. m. gratis for lbs poor. Consultation iv Gorman, French, Italian and English. lan2otl BAM'L W. BROOKE, M. D., Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician. OFFICE—In Latifranco'slSuildUig.Main St, Office hours—B lo 10 A, M., 2to 4 nnd 7toB P. M. Residence, No. 240 Main street. d29tf DRSVOHABE & LYolmsT^ ij URGEONS AND PRACTITIONERS of Ho- O meopathy. Office and residence, Buck man House. Night calls promptly attended. hub-special attention given to diseases ol women and children. oclQtf K. D. WISE. M. D.. GRADUATE OP JEFFERSON Medical College, Philadelphia. Office In Lav Franco Building, Main street. Office hours, from Bto 10'/, a. m., and from 1% to 5 P. M. Obstetrics & Diseases of Women a Specialty. my7-ly—ls DR. M. S. JONES, - TjIORMERLY OF ST. LOUIS, MO., JBbW r has located In I .ok Angeles, where HSS& lie Will give his special attention lo of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Tliroal. _ Ofkicb : Spring St., opposite Temple Block. feb26tf-2 Dr. L. Dexter Lyfbrd, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON - OFFICE, No. 17, Downey Block, Los Angeles, California. Office hours—9 to 11 A. m.;l to 3 and 7 to 8 P. M. ana-tf—2 DR. A. S7SHORB, JJOMO3OPATHIC PHYSICIAN. OFFICE—N jarly opposite the I'ost Office. RESIDENCE—No. 18 Franklin street. oc2-tt—2 J. H. McKEE, M. D.. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON -OFFICE, No. 1 Spring street, oppposite Temple's Rank Rksidkncs:— First street, betweon Fort and Hill, Los Angeles, Cal. mrlH-tf-2 Dr. Joseph Kurtz, OFFICE—In Lanfranco's Building, Main St above the Drug Store of Q. F. Heinsemun A Co Will give particular attention to Ei E and EAR DISEASES. Offlc • hours: From 9 to 11 A. nt., from 2to 4 P. M., and from 8 to » p. m. Residence: BuenavlsU street. auglB Los Angeles Daily Herald. BUSINESS CARDS. C. F. HEINZEMAN A, CO., Successors to J. B. SAUNDERS A CO., DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS, ftt Main Street, LOS ANOELES. The CHOICEST TOILET ARTICLES, the PUREST L.UJGS and PATENT MEDICINES of all kinds. »«r Presort pilous eureltilly com pounded day and night. no2-tf—3 CHAB. R JOHNSON, NOTARY PUBLIC AND — GENERAL INSURANCE ACENT, No. 53 Temple Block, I .on Angeles, dec2o ~~W.~VkH DER DOES, - ACCOUNTANT AND COL- Sld lector. Sets nt'books opened, balanced and closed and all kinds of accounts adjusted. Collections made in all parts of city, county and stute. Had debts anil rents collected on moderate terms. OFFICE--Sprlng street , No. 6». fe2 tf S. H. BUCHANAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, Successors to Buchanan A Huskins. TAKEN FOR ALL KINDS of Building and satisfaction guaranteed. Headquarters at the Corner of Second and Fort street. ap2s-tf—3 IwOßiTi CHOYNSKi, ~ 44 SPRING ST. Carpenter and Cabinet Maker. Stores fitted up, Furniture made and re paired, and general work done on the short est notice, nov22tl JOHN COLDS^WTlrr*r JJEPUTY U. 8. MINING AND LAND SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENQINEEK Room 6, Downey's Block, Los Angeles. nov4tf — 2 KYSOR & MATTHEWS, AKCHITECTS, KOOM No. 14 HELLMAN'S BLOCK, COR ner of Commercial and Los Angeles Streets. ap2stl—2 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. F. fIODPKKY. C. J. ELLIS. GODFREY & ELLIS. AT LAW, Rooms 1 and 3, Downey Block, Los Angeles. febS-tf DAVID E. ADAMS, Attorney at Law, Examiner of Titles ; — - AND COM VEYANCER. OFFICE—With Q. W. Morgan, Esq., No. 4 Spring street, Temple Block. Jan2B-lm J. E. GRIFFIN, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, OFFICE—BOOM 22, TEMPLE BLOCK, Lorn Aagreles, Cal. Be4.Special intention given lo Land and Pro bate business. myl-tf—2 WINSLOW S. MYERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE—Room No. 31 Temple Block, LoS ANOKI.UB, CAL. dlltf J. 6. HOWARD. H. T. KAZAKH HOWARD & HAZARD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OKI- ICES IN'No. 8 DOWNEY BLOCK, LOS ANUELES, CAL •WSpecial attention given lo business in the United States Land Otllce. oc2-tf—2 A.ULAS-SKLL, O. H. SMITH. A. B. CHAPMAN. H. M. SMITH. GLASSELL, CHAPMAN &SMITH, AT LAW, OFFICE TEMPLE BLOCK up-stairs, Los Angeles, California. oc2-tf—2 W. I- MARSHALL. WILL D. OOUI.D. J. H. BLANCUAKD. MARSHALL GOULD & BLANCHARD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW—OFFICE opposite the Court House. Rooms Nos. 18 and 1» Temple Block, Los Angeles. Cal. Will practice in all the Courts of this State, and attend to business in U. S. Land Office. tf-a GEORGE J. CLARKE, NOTARY PUBLIC—COMMISSIONER OF Deeds for Arizona, and Broker. Office, Oanahl A McDanlels, Downey Block. Je HMf-2 V. E. ilr^HTlioWAßDr AT LAW, TEMPLE BLOCK, LOH ANOELEB. oc2-tf —2 A. 11. JUDSON. J. W. GILLETTE. Att'y at Law JUDSON, & GILLETTE, EXAMINERS OF TITLES. 37 1-2 Spring Hi., Los Angeles, Cal. oc2-tf—2 DRUGS MEDICINES. IVKW r>Bl*Gr STORE! V. CHEVALLIER HAH OPENED AN ELEGANT DRUG Store,ln SICNORET'S NEW BUILDING, Main St., opp. Pico House, Well assorted with fresh and puro medicines Also a splendid assortment of PERFUME, HAIR BRUSHES, Sponges, and every toilet article from the best houses of the United States and France. American and French patent medicines. rCnglisb., French and Spanish Languages are Hpoken. V Chevallicr has been established In Sun Francisco since '49, and his long experience in the drug business will recommend him to the confidence and patronage of the people and medical fraternity of Los Angeles. mini ■■.■■■i ■■»■ »«■■« mm n MISCELLANEOUS. T. C. BWIOART. JOS. HUHKK, JK. BWIGART & HUBER, SEALERS IN STOVKS, TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON-WARE AND CROCKERY WARE, GLASS, Hardware and Willow-ware, LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS PLUNIBINC AND CAS FITTING Done to Order. Sign ot the Big Red Coffee-Pot, NO. UO MAIN ST., I , LOS ANGELES. Juu2ltf—6 LOS ANGELES, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 4, 1875. BUSINESS CARDS. M. W. PERRY, BOOK B I IV D E R. Downey Block, Cor. New High and Temnlr streets; octM-im" WM. ABBOTT, A General Undertaker. FINE METALIC COFFINS, The Best in the World. Always on hand, and all kinds of Coflins ready at one hour's notice. Apply at his FURNITURE WAREROOMS, No. 16 Main street, Near the Pico House. octl7-ly ~ J. ST^REUTZ. MERCHANT TAILOR, AND FASHION ABLE CLOTHIER. No. 73 Main Street, iv front of the Orient Naloou, Downey Block. A large stock of the newest Cloths. Good tits guaranteed. mr'4-tf—2 ~D. W MACLELLAN, Searcher of Records and Conveyancer, ROOM 13 DOWNEY BLOCK. nov22tf O.W.PARKER, Teacher and Conductor of VOCAL aud INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. Residence, No. 66 Spring St. PIANOS and ORGANS TUNED and REPAIRED. All orders left at tho above rooms, or at Brodrick's Book store, will receive prompt at tention. »ug3otf H.J. STEVENSON, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, U. S. Deputy Land and Mineral Surveyor. Surveys of nil kinds iv the city or at a dis tance. Maps made, Field notes and descrip tions furnished Ac. OFFICE-NO. 36 MAIN STREET, LOS ANUKLES, CAL. OCl2otf ~ E. J. WESTON, ARCHITECT, CIVIL ENGINEER AND DRAUGHTSMAN, U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor, Room 61» Temple Block, Third Story, Los Angeles, Cal ifornia. mylOtf-3 VETERINARY SURGEON. OSCAR C. BALDY, V. S., TREATS ALL diseases of the horse. Can bo found iv corner Fourth and Fort streets. Los Ange les, Cal. • au2 tf— 2 LUMBER-YARDS. LUMBER AT REDUCED PRICES — AT — Perry, Woodworth & Co.'s IAJMttVXEm YARDS! — AND — PLANING MILLS, So. Itt 4:onnuerciMl afreet, near Kail road Depot. mr2<!-tf— 3 J. G. JACKSON ~~ Keeps all kinds of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS Posts, Shakes, Plaster Paris, CEMENT untl HAIR. Corner of Alameda and First streots. LOS ANGELES, CAL. W. W. ROBINSON, AGENT. Holman's team ready in yard to deliver or ders. :-ep:itf GRIFFITH, LYNCH & COT LUMBER DEALERS, CORNER OF Alameda and Sts., DEALERS IN Surfaced Lumber at $42 50 per M ft. Merchantable Lumber 32 50 " " * Flooring at - 42 50 * " " They coustuntly keep on hand DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, POSTS, SHINGLES, LATHS, SHAKES, HAIR, PLASTER OF PARIS, ETC., ETC ap2B-t!-5 GAREI '» Semi-Tropical Nurseries. Located on Sail Ponro street, two miles south of City Hall. The largest stock of Northern and Semi- Tropical Fruit Trees in the .State. 40 Varletlea of Citrons Trees. Call and examine my stock. Priced Cata logue sent free. Address P. O. Box 528, Los Angeles, Cal. THOS. A. GAREY. declS-Om P LAUTH KKITZ MEN/.. NEW YORK BREWERY, PHIL. LAUTH & CO., (Successors to Chris. Hcnne) Proprietors. The CLEAREST, PUREST and MOST BRIL LIANL LAGER BEER Soutu of San Francisco. Orders for DRAUGHT or BOTTLED Be.t-.R promptly attended to. The celebrated Beer from this Brewery de fies competition In the State. mrfi-tf—s PALACE SALOONr TO MAIN ST., Temple Block, Los Angeles, Cal. A fine stock of Wines, Liquors and Cigars kept constantly on hand, and Liquors bottled expressly for family use. Also J L. WILLIAMS, oct9tf Proprietor. Delmonico Restaurant, MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE COM MERCIAL. Los Angeles, California. OPEN at ALL HOUB§. «srThi choicest delicacies of the Best Mar kets always on the Bill o'Fare. Elegant DINNERS AND LUNCHES at a moment's notice. JAS. MUNROE A CO., no2-tr—3. Proprietors. THE OLD SONG. A little feast, a little fast, A little hour of play, A little caught, a little cast- So runs the world away. A llttle-mald, a little yos; A little wish 'twas nuy— A little weeping lo the night— so runs tho world irwaj! A little wind, a little snow, A little line to stay; A little thought of former year*— So runs the world away! — Applelon's Journal. BRASSER'S BURGLER. What Two of the Worst Itoya in the World Did. ' [From the Detroit Free Press.] Mr. Brasser,who lived on Ninth ave nue, has a son about twelve years old named Claudius, and the other even ing this boy received permission to allow a neighbor's boy to stay all night with him. The old people sleep down stairs in the sitting-room, and the boys were pnt in the room direct ly above. When they w«nt up to bed Claudius had the clothes-line under his coat, and the neighbor's boy had a mask in his pocket. They didn't kneel down and say their prayers like good boys and jump into bed and tell bear stories, but as soon as the door was locked the Brasser liov remark ed : "You'll see more fun around here to-night than would lie iv a ten-acre lot," From a closet the brought out a cast-oft'suit of Brasser'sclothes, stuff ed them, with whatever came handy, tied the mask and an old straw hat on for a head, and while one boy was carefully raising the window the other was tying the clothes-line around the "man." The image was lowered down in front of the sitting-room window, lifted up and tlown once or twice, and old Brasser was heard to leap out of bed with a great jar. He was just beginning to doze when he heard sounds under his window, and his wife suggested that it was a cow in the yard. He got up, pulled the curtain away, and as he beheld a man standing there he shouted out: "Great bottles! but it's a robber!" and lie jumped into bed, "Theodorious Brasser are you a fool?" screamed the wife as he monop olized all the bed-clothes to cover up his head. "Be quiet, you old judge, you !" he whispered; "perhaps he'llgo away!" "Don't you call me a jade !" she re plied, reaching over and trying to lind his hair. "Git up and git the gun and blow his head oft !" "0 ! you do it!" "Git up, you old coward," s"he snap ped. "I'll never live with you anotli er day if you don't do it!" Brasser turned up the lamp, sat up in bed and cried out: "Is that you boys !" "Mercy on me ! git np !" yelled the wife, as the straw man was knocked against the window. "I'll blow his head off as clean as milk !,' said Brasser in a loud voice as he got up. He struck the stove three or four times, upset a chair and reach ed behind the foot of the bed and drew out an old army musket. "Now, then, for blood I" he confin ed as he advanced to the window and lifted the curtain. The man was there, face close to the glass, and he had such a malignant expression of countenance that Bras ser jumped back with a cry of alarm. "Kill him ! Bhoot him down, you old noodle-head.!" screamed the wife. "I will—by thunder ! I will !" re plied Brasser and lie blazed away and tore out nearly all the lower (asp. Tiie boys up stairs uttered a jell and a groan, and Brasser jumped for the window to see if the man was down. He wasn't. He stood right there and lie made a leap at Brasser. "He's doming in—perl ice—boys— ho ! perlice !" roared tlie old man. The tattered curtain permitted Mrs. Brasser to catch a sight of a man jumpinif up and down, and she yelled: "Theodorus, I'm going to faint!" "Faint and be damed —boys—per- lice !" he replied walloping the sheet iron stove with a poker. "Don't you dare talk that way to me!" shrieked the old woman, recov ering from her desire to faint. "Po-leece! Po-leece!" now came from the boys up stairs, and while one continued to shout the other drew up tlie man, tore him limb from limb and secreted the pieces. Several neighbors were aroused, an officer came up from the station, and a search of the premesis was made. Not so much as a track in the snow was found, and the officer put on an injured look and said to Mr. Brasser : "A guilty conscience need no ac cuser," "That's so!" chorused the indignant neighbors, as they departed. As Mr. Brasser hung a quilt before the shattered window, he remarked to his wife: "Now see what an old cundurago yon have made of yourself !" "Don't fling any insults at me, or I'll choke the attenuated life out of you," she replied. And the boys kicked around on the bed, chucked each other In the ribs, and cried : "I'd rather be a boy than a Presi dent !" A Good Curling Story, and a True One. There are some good Btories told of the excitement of curlers on the ice, but we have never heard a better one than this: A laird in Strathaven who owned a quarry and was reported to be worth "a gey twa-three bawbees beside," was playing one day, and his foreman, whose name was Lawrence, was playing witli him on the same side, The iuird was very anxious he should take a certain shot, and he cried out in this fashion: "Noo, Jock Lawrence, d'ye see whaur my broom is? Lay yer stane doon there and, as sure as death, I'll gio you my docbtcr Joan if ye do it." Birr went the stane out of Jock's hand, and went trinting alang to the very spot where the laird wished it. "Capital! Jock, capital! Ye coudna hae dun beeter, and ye can get Jean the morrow if ye want her." "Ye maun gie me something else than Jean, Laird; I hae got her al ready. We were married at Gretna Grean sax weeks since, and we've been thinking about asking your blessing ever since, but something aye cam in the way." The laird was dumbfounded when he heard the news, but he compromised matters by saying: "Aweel, aweel, Jock, I'll let by erauns be by-gauns. A man. that could lay doon a pat-lid like that 4s worthy o' the best and bo iuiest lass in Lan arkshire; keep her and welcome, and ye'H maybe get tlie matter o' sax ban ner pounds wi' her. Keep her, Jock, and if ye hae only laddie weans atween ye, bring them up in the fear o' the Lord, and be sure that ye dinna neg lect to mak' them a 1 guld curlem." On Wednesday a serious accident occurred at Redwood City. Two boys were shooting at a mark on the marsh, when one of them, a lad of thirteen years, named Peel, was accidentally shot by his companion, receiving the ball iv the centre of the forehead. At last accounts the boy was sinking fast and no hopes were entertained of his recovery. LINES OF TRAVEL. LOS ANGELES DIVISION SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD, t{ AND STEAMERS. IMPORTANT CHANCES. On and after THURSDAY, January 14th, 1875, and until further notice, trains will run every day as follows: LEAVES LOS ANGELES: FOX AKKIVK. Anaheim 9:30 a. m. 11:00 a. m. Wilmington 10:15 " 11:30 " Spadra 2:45 P. M. 4:30 P. X.< Wilmington 8:45 " 5:00 " San Fernando 8:30 " 9.30 ". TOWARD LOS ANGELES: LEAVE, AKKIVE. San Fernando 6:15 a. m. 7:15 a.m. Spudra 7:45 " 9:io " Wilmington 7:45 " 9:00 " Anaheim 1:00 " 2:30 ■ Wilmington l:0o " 2:15 " "ON STEAMER DAYS." Time of trains between Los Angeles and Wil mington will be vuricd so as to connect with strainer. The time of Fisher A Thatcher, 87 Main street, has been adopted by this compuny. ap23-tf—lo E. E. HEWITT. Supt. eoeBALL.ittLSON ft KKtM' STEAMSHIP COMPANY. San Francisco and Los Angeles, THE STEAMSHIPS VENTURA, ORIZABA AND MOHONGO' * <'ailing at Nimia Barbara only, AND STEAMSHIP SENATOR. Calliug at Sauta \'<;>- 1 .ra aud Sau Luis Obispo, also at San Buenaventura and San Simeon for passengers only. S C H E~P~U L E . if ? If II *3- fi If 1j If Senator Feb 20 Feb 23 Feb 2o Feb 27 Mohongo " 23 "25 "27 Miir 1 i irizaba " 2> " 27 Mar 1 " 3 Ventura " 27 Mar 1 " 3 " 5 senator Mar 4 " 7 " 9 " 11 Orizaba " 8 " 10 " 12 " 14 Mohongo " 13 " 15 " 17 " 19 Senator " 16 " 19 " 21 " 23 Orizuba " 19 " 21 " 23 " 26 Mohongo " 2t '• 28 •' 28 " 30 senator " 27 " 30 Apl 1 Apl 3 ■ rtxabo " 30 Apl 1 " 3 " 5 Mohongo Apl 6 " 7 " 9 " 11 seni>t«r " 7 '• 10 " 12 " 14 Orizaba " 10 " 12 " II " 18 Los Angeles and San Dieoo Steamers VENTURA, ORIZABA and MOHONGO Uo tbroiiKli •<• Nan Dlexo, calling nt At'nbeliit L.»u<ilii|r. Leave San Pedro Feb. 25th, 27th, Mar. Ist, 101 h, 15th, 21st and 26th, Apl. Ist,7th and 12th. THE STEAMER S E N A T O Ifc GOES TO ANAHEIM LANDING ONLY. SAN LUIS. SAN SIMEON. SANTA CRUZ, MONTEREY and SAN FRANCISCO. THE CONST AN TiNE Leaves Santa Barbara March 13 and 24, April 4, for above named ports. Nan Frauclsco, Nan Diego, and Way Porta. Steamers KALORAMAA and GIPSY, Carryng combustibles and other freight, will leave San Francisco about every ten days. VICTORIA., H. C. Steamers leave San,Franclsco on the sth,l3th 20thand27th of> very month, except when those dates fall on Sunday, then on the day follow ing. Plans of Steamers' Cabins at. Agent's office. For Passage or Freight apply to H. McLELLAN, Ag't. for Los AjUgeles Co. Office, 61 Main street, opposite fctadofCom merclal. lanB OMANOtjr timel Through by Daylight to San Bernardino. STAGES via CHINO, RIN- O CON and RIVERSIDE, car rvingthe United Statts malls r ■ ■ " express, leaves SPADRA every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY at BA. M. The entire trip is made by daylight, thus afford ing tourists and travelers an opportunity o passing over some of tho nnest portions o Southern California. The route passes through the beautiful col ony of Riverside and the famous Chlno ranch. Tickets should be purchased and seats se cured of the agent In I*>s Angeles. H W. ROBINSON, Supt. STAGE OFFICE—No. 15 Main street. J. L. WARD, AgenL dccl")tf LIQUORS, ETC. "fashion SALOON. 61 Downey Block, Main Nt. WOLF &c GATES, Proprietor*. The Choicest Ales, Beer, Wines, AND Klquoris or all Kinds. Hot Lunch Served Every Day and Evening. ALL THE LATE PAPERS On file for tho use of guests. Club and Read ing Rooms, warmed ami well ventilated. It Is the Intention of the Proprietors to so couduct the house as to preserve ihe good name It has already earned. scpistf O GO TO X r r THE 1P FASHIONABLE T TAILOR, I A-CZIVTEI offashion, feb2B"lm ns iHiN MRU l. nsro. 33, NEW HOUSE, Corner Aliso and Alameda Streets. SIMOIT LEVY Has opened at the above place, an extensive stock of Provisions, Groceries, Wines and Liquors. Half a pound of Sugar and half a pound of Coffee more to the dollar is there given than in any other house in the city, and all other goods are sold in the same proportion. Country produce taken in exchange at market rates. Also, Forwarding and Commission Merchant. General dealer in all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCTIONS, HIDES, GRAIN AND WOOL. Makes advances on Consignments to all parts of the United Stase. Nos. 33, 34 Ac 35, Aliso street ? Los Angeles, Cal. 622 WITWLiIi(JEFIF^RA¥iiA^ (FORMERLY C. RAPHAEL AND CO.), REQITENA STREET, OPPOSITE U. S. HOTEL DEALERS ITS lr*aiiits, Oils, Vaniislies, Hftislirs. st sad (jlUisn. Looking-glass Plates, Walnut, Rosewood and Gilt Mouldings of all Styles and Sizes. PICTURES FRAMED AT SHORTEST NOTICE & AT LOWEST RATES AGENTS FOR THK California Chemical Paint Company. LIBERAL IINI) IT C 1: >11: IN T S OFFERED TO mysSm 13 PAINTERS AND COUNTRY DEALERS. BANKING HOUSES. WM. WORKMAN. P. P. X TEMPLE. TEMPLE & WORKMAN. BANKERS. TEMPLE BLOCK, LOH ANGELES. Receive Deposits, iSHue their Certificates and transact a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. DRAW ON THE LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO RANK !LIMITED]. AT SAN IRANCISCO ■ Exchange for sale on New York, Hamburg, London, Berlin and Paris, Frankfort. Legal Tenders, Bullion, Gold Dust and Gov ernment, State and City Roitds bought and Bold. Receive valuables tor sale keep ng. —10 LOS ANGELES COUNTY SAVINGS BANK MAIN STREET, Los Aageleis, Cal. CAPITAL STOCK, : :::: : $300,0th> President J. 8. SLAUSON Vick-Prksiuknt J. M. GRIFFITH DIRECTORS: J. 8. SLAUSON, J. M. GRIFFITH- V. A. HOOVER, ROBERT S. BAKEii, J. BIXBY, H. B. TICHENOK, GEORGE B. DODOD. ODon for business from 10 A. M. till 3 p. m., ut;dSaturday evenings from oto 8 o'clock. Deposits received In any amounts. Money to loan on real estate in amounts and for length of time desired. Jlyt>-tf—6 FORWARDING & COMMISSION. HELLMAN, HAAS & CO., Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS, HAVE FOR SALE THE PUREST GROCERIES, THE BEST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Of the choicest Imported Brands." PAINTS, OILS. IM to Its AND SASH KM, BLINDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. 14 and 16 Los Angeles and Commercial Si LOS ANGELES. nolltl—« J. L. WARD, Commission Merchant. AGENT, /ETNA INSURANCE CO.; UNION INSURANCE CO. (Fire and Marine). No. 30 Main Street. NUMBER 133. MISCELLANEOUS. FURNJTURE, FURNITURE, FURNITURE. DOTTER &~BRADLEY, (Successors to Dotter & Lord), Have now the Largest Stock ever brought here. Have Just received a large lot directly from the East, and oordially invite the pi! b.if to examine their goods and price Name. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting, Wtc. Ktc. Ktc. Sidney Lacey, (With Dotter A Bradley), 8 still selling everything in above lines at Reduced Prices, and gu a ran tees Work and Ooods. Sewing Machines, Sewing Machines, Sewing Machines. DOTTER & BRADLEY Are still Agent* ror the GROVKK £c UAKEH ELASTIC LOCK STITCH SEW ING MACHINE, \nd would beg leave to call attention to the fact that FOUR New and Distinct nnd Imp ortant [mprovementB have been added to this Machine recently, making it past all competition. 36 MAIN STREET. 86 LOS ANGELES. Ilyl Sign of the Bi« Red Chair. tflO CALIFORNIA NURSERY, CORNER OK Vejar and San Pedro Streets, A flue variety of Fruit Trees, including Jherry and I'lum, which are warranted lo [row and bear abundantly every year. PEDRO M. VEJAR. J*nB4-6 m ladies: hazb dressing* ESTABLISHMENT. CAROLINE C. BURTON. 1' ADIES' HAIR DRESSING IN A 1.1, j styles. Braids, Uurls and Waterfalls made at the shortest notice. Tangled hair xtralghtened and marie Into any shape. Per nmes of the tlnest quality ou hand and for sale. No. • Spring street, Los Angeles, Cah