Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME 111. Is iIiuImImHI eve,., nioinlug except Monday by THE LOS ANGELES CITY AND COUNTY PRINTING AND PoiihlslilNG GO. OFFICIO—HeraId Steam Booh aud Job Prim ln„v House, Spring sireet, opposite the Court House. TERMS: Per annum, by mall or express Sit) Hlx months " " 6 Three months " " > 8 Delivered by carriers, per week, 25 cents THE WEEKLY HERALD Is published every Saturday morning. TERMS. mall or express, Binglacopy...t3 00 Six monihs, " " " " ... 176 Three " " " " " ... lmi Advertisements Inserted at reasonable rates All Hinda of Job-Work done to Cum l>ete ulili Nan Francisco In Frlce, Mtyle. nml Elegance of Workmanship. SOCIETY NOTICES. Masonic Notice. S I.ok Angeles Lodge No. 43, F. * A. M.— The stated meetings of this Jr Lodge are held ou the first MON DAY ofeaeh month at 7:30 p. m. ' ' Membors of Pent.alpha, No. 202, and ail Muster Masons iv good standing are cor dlally Invited. 8. C. FOY, W. M. Chas. Smith, Secretary. ao2B-ly—B ft HE NT ALPHA LODGE, No. 202, _#V— ft A. A M. Tho stated meetings of jL JT "lis I,odge are held on the THIHD MONDAY of each month, at 7 P.M. Mv order of the W!< If?. Jriill * VV. W. Rouinson, Secy. Los Angeles Chapter No. 33, R: • A:- M: ■ t stated convocations on 2d MONDAY ofeaeh month at 7% P. m. al Masonic Hall. So journing com pin i lons in good landing coutially Invited. By order of the 11. P. W. 11. A. Km!., Secretary. Los Angeles Council No. 11, Royal and Select Masters, F. & A. M., Holds its stated assemblies on the 4th Mon diiy ofeaeh month at. Masonic HaLI, at7:3o p. m. Sojourning Companions in good standing aie fraternally invited to an end. By order of the Tbl- IILt; J. ft BURNS, Recorder. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Cffiur De Lion Commandery No. 9, |*. T]> Holds its stated conclaves at the Asylum in Masonic Hall, on the Third THURSDAY of each month, at 7 o'clock p. si. Sojourning Kn'ghts Templar in good standing are cor dially luvited to attend. By order of the k:- ot. H. N. Bwuning, Capt;. Gen'i;. I. O.JO. F. -s£tHa&. AiiK-ellta Lodge No. 195, I. O. iS*3Pjb O. V. -Regular meetings ot this iAidge are lndd every MON KAY evening at 8 o'clock, at Odd Fel lows' Hall, Downey Block. Visiting aud so journing brothers in good standing are in vited to attend. L J. SMITH, N. G. J. M. Bassett, R, 8. . au9 Uolden Rule Lodge No. 160, I. O. O. F. taHlii; Regular meeting held on FBI- EVENING of each week at :,i 7 1-2 o'clock. Sojourning broi hren in good standing are cordially in vited. By order, C. D. HATHAWAY, N. G. Jos. Huuek, Jr., R. S. Orange Grove Encampment, No. 31,1.0. 0. F. --attßifai. REGULAR MEETINGS held on ' the Second and Fourth TUES %&<£%~ DAYS of each mouth at 7% P. M. Sojourning Patriarchs in good stauding are cordially invited to attend. H. BURDICK, C. P. J. M. Bassett, Scribe. PHYSICIANS AND SURG EO N S. DR. H. 8. ORME, Physiciau and Hurjreon; OFFICE IN LANFRANCO BUILDING, No. 74 Main street, overC. J. Helnxeman A Co.'s drug store. Residence, Spring street, between Sixth and Seventh. Oflice hsurs, from 10 A. m. to 4 P. v. fe2utf D. M. BROWN, Ml. D., SURGEON & HOMOEOPATHIST. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE ON MAIN street, east side, between First and Sec ond. mr3-tf P. HOWE, M. D., Eolec?tic> JPhywloian. OFFICE— SPRING STREET, OPPOSITE Temple's Bank, up stu'rs. Office hours fiom 9 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 3 P. M. Residence at Florence. Special attention given to diseases of children. mr4«tf DR. W. HAZELTINE,. DENTIST— CORNER SPUING ANDTEM pIe streets (opposite Temple's Bunk), L,os Angeles. Ja3otf SAM'L W. BROOKE, M. D., Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician. OFFICE—In Lanfranco's Building, Main St. Office hours-8 to 10 A, M., 2U>4 and 7 toB p. v. Residence, No. 240 Main street. d29tf DRB. CHASE A LYONS, <J lIROEONS AND PRACTITIONERS of Ho (O meopatby. Office and residence, Buck man House. Night calls promptly attended. Sk*-special attention given to diseases ol women and children. octgtf K. D. WISE. M. D M CI RADUATE OF JEFFERBON W Medical College, Philadelphia. Office iv Lan Franco Building, Main street. Office hours, from Bto W/ t A. m.. and from V/ t to 5 p. M. Obstetrics a Diseases of Women ■ Specialty. my7-ly—l6 DR. M. S. JONES, _ TTIORMERLY OF ST. LOUIS, MO., JIBK V has located in Ixts Angeles, where fSES&hu will give liis special attention to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. , . Okkick : Spring St., opposite Temple Block. feb2stf-2 Dr. L. Dexter Lyford, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON - OFFICE, No. 17, Downey Block, Los Angeles, California. Office hours—B to 11 A.M.; Ito 8 and 7 to 8 P. m. ap2B-tf-8 DR. A. 8. SHORB, JJOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. OFFICE—Nsarly opposlte4he Post Office. RESIDENCE—No. IS Franklin street. oc2-tt—2 J. H. McKEE, M. D.. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON-OFFICE, No. 11 Hprlng street, oppposlte Temple's Bank. Rksidbncjc— First street, between Fort and Hill, Los Angeles,Cal. mrlB-tf—2 Dr. Joseph Kurtz, PHYSICIAN. OFFICE—in Lanfranco's Building, Main St above the Drug Store of C. F. Heinzeman A Co. Will give particular attention lo EYE and EAR DISEASES. Office hours: From 9 to 11 a. m., from 2t04 p. M., and from 8 to »p. x. Residence: Bueuavlsta street, augltt Los Angeles Daily Herald. BUSINESS CARDS. C. F. HEINZEMAN & CO., Successors to J. B. SAUNDERS A CO., DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS, TJd fetal* stveot, LOS ANGELES. The CHOICEST TOILET ARTICLES, the PUREST LaUGN and PATENT MEDICINES of all kinds, ear Prescriptions carelully com pounded day and night. no2-tf—3 CHAS. R. JOHNSON, NOTARY PUBLIC AND CENERAL INSURANCE ACENT, No. 32 Temple Block, Los Auireles, dec* W. VAN DER DOES, J7l XPERT ACCOUNTANT AND COL -2J lector. Sets of books opened, balanced and closed and all kludsof accounts adjusted. Collections made in all parts of city, county and State. Bad debts and rents collected on moderate terms. OFFlCE—Spring street, No. 60. fe2 tf S. H. BUCHANAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, Successors to Buchanan A Husk ins. TAKEN FOR ALL KINDS V/ ! of Building and satisfaction guaranteed. Headquarters al the Corner of Second and Fort street. ap2s-tf—B MORITZ CHOYNSKIT 44 SPRING ST. Carpenter and Cabinet Maker. Stores fitted up, Furniture made and re paired, and general work done on the short est notice, nov22t.f JOHN GOLDSWORTHY, JJ)EPUTY U. 8. MINING AND LAND SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER Room 6, Downey's Block, Los Angeles, novltf—2 KYBOR A MATTHEWS, ARCHITECTS, ROOM No. 14 HELLMAN'S BLOCK, COR uer of Commercial and Los Angeles Streets. ap2stf-2 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. V. GODFREY. C. J. ELLIS. GODFREY A ELLIS. AT LAW, Rooms 1 and 3, Downey Rlock, Los Angeles. feb3-tf eTTdTms," Attorney at Law, Examiner of Titles, —-and — conveyancer. OFFICE-With G. W. Morgan, Esq., No. 4 Spring street, Temple Block. Jan2B-lm J. c. griffin, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, OFFICE-ROOM 22, TEMPLE BLOCK, Low Anfpelea, Cal. Sel_Speclal al tun t ion given to Land and Pro bate business. myl-tf—2 WINSLOW 8. MYERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE—Room No. 21 Temple Block, Los, Cal. dlltf J. O. HOWARD. M. T. HAZARD HOWARD A HAZARD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICES IN No. 8 DOWNEY BLOCK, LOS ANGELES, CAL. »arSpecial attention given to business in the United States Land Office. oc2-tf— 2 A. GLASSELL, G. H. SMITH. A. B. CHAPMAN, R. M. SMITH. GLASSELL, CHAPMAN &SMITH, AT LAW, OFFICE—TEMPLE BLOCK up-stalri, Los Angeles, California, oc2-tf—2 W. L. MARSHALL. WILL D. GOULD. J. H, BI.ANOHAKD. MARSHALL GOULD & BLANCHARD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW—OFFICE opposite the Court House. Rooms Nos. 18 and 19 Temple Block, Los Angeles, Cal. Will practice in all the Courts of this State, and attend to business in U. 8. Land Office. tf—2 GEORGE J. CLARKE, NOTARY PUBLIC-COMMISSIONER OF Deeds for Arizona, and Broker. Office, Ganahl A McDaniels, Downey Block. Je 19-tf—2 V. E. A F. H. HOWARD, AT LAW, TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. oc2-tf -2 A. H. JUDSON. J. W. GILLETTE. Att'y at Law JUDSON, & GILLETTE, EXAMINERS OF TITLES. 97 1-2 Spring Hi., Los Angeles, Cal. oc2-tf—2 MEDICINES. NEW DRRG STORE! V. CHEVALLIER HAS OPENED AN ELEGANT DRUG Store, In SICNORET'S NEW BUILDING, Main St., opp. Pico House, Well assorted with fresh and pure medicines Also a splendid assortment of PERFUME, HAIR BRUSHES. Sponges, and every toilet article from the best houses of the United States and France. American and French patent medicines. Kngliah. French and Hpanish I.iingiiiigeci are Spoken. Y. Chevalller has been established in San Frauclsco since '49, and his long experience in the drug business will recommend him to the confldence and patronage of the people and medical fraternity of Los Angeles. sep2s-tf MISCELLANEOUS. T. C. SWIG ART. JOS. II U HICK. JR. SWIGART A HUBER, DEALERS IN STOVES, TIN. COPPER AND SHEET-IRON-WARE AND CROOKERYWARE, GLABB. Hardware and Willow-ware, LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS PLUMBING AND CAB FITTING Done to Order. Sign el the Big Red Coffee-Pot, NO. 110 MAIN BT., : LOS ANGELES. Jun2ltf-6 LOS ANGELES, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 11, 1875. BUSINESS CARDS. Ml. W. PERRY, BOOK BINDER. Downey IJloek, Cor. New High ami Tcninle streets. octll-2ni" W Wm ABBOTT, | General Undertaker. FINE METALIC COFFINS, Tbe is. hi in the World. Always on liand, and all kinds of Collins ready at one hour's notice. Apply nt his FURNITURE WAREROOMS, No. 16 Main street, Near the I'lco House. oet!7-ly ~JTSTR E Ll TIT~ MERCHANT TAILOR, AND FASHION AHLK CLOTHIER. No. 73 Mnin Mtreet, In front of the Orient Saloon, Downey Block. A large stock ot the newest Clot lis. Good fits guaranteed. WrJlrtf—4 dTWIaKc le ll an,~ Searcher of Records and Conveyancer, ROOM 13 DOWNEY BLOCK. nov22lf O.W.PARKER, Teacher and Conductor of VOCAL aud INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. Residence, No. 66 Spring St. PIANOS and ORGANS TUNED and REPAIRED. All orders left at the above rooms, or at Brodrlck's Book store, will receive prompt at tention. aug3l)tf H.J. STEVENSON, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, U. S- Deputy Land and Mineral Surveyor. Surveys of all kinds in tho city or at a dis tance. Maps made, Field notes and descrip tions furnished Ac, OFFICE—NO. 36 MAIN STREET, Los, Cal. oetaitf E. J. WESTON, ARCHITECT, CIVIL ENGINEER AND DRAUGHTSMAN, U, 8. Deputy Mineral Surveyor, Room 61. Temple Block, Third Htory, Los Angeles, Cal ifornia. mylOtl-3 VETERINARY SURGEON. OSCAR C. BALDY, V. S., TREATS ALL diseases of the horse. Can be found at corner Fourth and Fort streets. Los Ange les, Cal. au2 tf—2 LUMBER-YARDS. LUMBER AT REDUCED PRICES — AT — Perry, Woodworth & Co.'s LUMBER YARDS — AND — PLANING MILLS, No. 16 Commercial street, near Rail road I>epo(. mr2o-tf—3 J. G. JACKSON Keeps all kinds of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS Posts, Shakes, Plaster Paris, CEMENT unci HAIR. Corner of Alameda and First streets. LOS ANGELES, CAL. W. W. ROBINSON, AGENT. I 10l man's team ready in yard to deliver or ders. sep3tf GItWITH, LYNCH & CT LUMBER DEALERS, CORNER OF Alameda unci Firsst St**., DEALERS IN Surfaced Lumber at $42 50 per M ft. Merchantable Lumber 32 50 " " " Flooring at - -~- 42 50 "" " They constantly keep on band DOORS. WINDOWS, BLINDS, POSTB, SHINGLES, LATHS, SHAKES, HAIR, PLASTER OF PARIS, ETC., ETC ap2B-tr—s GAREVT Seml-Tropical Nurseries. Located on San Penro street, two miles south of City Hall. The largest stock of Northern and Semi Troplcal Fruit Trees in the State. 40 Varieties of Cltroua Trees. Call and examine my stock. Priced Cata logue sent free. Address P. O. Box 528, Los Angeles, Cal. THOS. A. GAREY. declB-Cm P LAOTH. FRITZ MENZ. NEW YORK BREWERY, PHIL. LAUTH & CO., (Successors to Chris. Henne) Proprietors. The CLEAREST, PUREST and MOST KRIL LIANL LAGER BEER Soutu of San Francisco. Orders for DRAUGHT or BOTTLED Bi .h.R promptly attended to. The celebrated Beer from this Brewery de fies competition in the State. mrs-tf—s PALACE SALOON. 70 MAIN ST., Temple Block, Los Anuelks, Cal. A line stock of Wines, Liquors and Cigars kept constantly on hand, and Liquors bottled expressly for family use. Also J L. WILLIAMS, octotf Proprietor. Delmonico Restaurant, MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE COM MERCIAL. Los Angeles, California. OPEN at ALL HOURS. aarThe choicest delicacies of the Best Mar kets always on the Bill of Fare. Elegant DINNERS AND LUNCHES at a moment'! notice. JAB. MUNROE A CO., no'i-t.'—lL Proprietors. BE GENTLE TO THE NEW-LAID EGG. Be gentle to the new-laid egg, For eggs are brittle things; They cannot lly until they're hatched And have a pair of wings. If once you break the tender shell, The wrong you cau't redress; The yolk and while will all run ou» And make a dreadful meal. 'Tis but a little while at batl That liens liuve power to lay; To-morrow eggs may addled be That were imite fresh to-day. Oh! then, but let the touch be light That takes them from the keg! There Is no man whose cunning skill Can mend a broken egg. Ay, touch it with a gentle touch; For, till the egg Is boiled, Who knows but that, 'luw'ttlngly, It may be smashed or spoiled t The Summer breeze that 'gainst it blows Ought to be sillied and bushed; For eggs, like youthful purity, Are awful when they're niuinherl .' THE REASON OF IT. Why Men will i.ot .flurry Now-a-iiayN. A New York paper says: "New York is crowded with rich unmarried men, afraid of the expense of support ing these gilded butterflies. There is a bachelor at the Sixth Avenue Hotel, whose income Is $20,000 a year, and still he says he can't afford to get mar ried. He's a proud fellow, and says, as a single man, he can have the best horses, Seat rooms and the best box at the opera. "If I should get married," he said, "I would ha ye to stint myself or over draw my income." "How is that?" asked a friend, "Well, now, come into the parlor and I'll show you. You see, ladies are extravagant now-a-days. They dress so much more in Europe. I mean they don't wear rich diamonds like the women of Florence and Milan, but they wear such rich dresses, luces shawls and furs. Now,l'm proud, and I would not want my wile to be out dressed, so I have to keep out of the marriage business." "JJo you see that lady there?" he asked, pointing to a fashionable caller. "Yes." "Well, she has on a $400 pauniered, wattaned, polonaised, brown, groa grained dress, and 1 wear a $00 coat. She wears a $I,l2oocamel's hair shawl and a $500 set of sable, while I wear a $70 overcoat. She wears as7o bonnet, while I wear an $8 hat. She wears $280 worth of point applique and point aguile, while 1 wear aso shirt. Her shoes cost $15 and mine cost $12. Her ordinary morning jewelry, which is changed every year, not counting dia monds, cost $400, mine cost $50," Well, how does it foot up?" "Why, the clothes she has on cost $2,225, aud mine cost $200, and that is only one of her dozen outfits, while I only have—say three. The fact is," said he, growing earnest, "I couldn't begin to live in a brown-stone front with that woman and keep up ap pearances to match—carriages,churcii, dinnets, opera and sea-side for $20,000. I'd have to become a second-rate man, and live in an eighteen-foot house, or Withdraw over to fiecoud Atcihic, und that I'll be hanged it I do!" und he slung his fists down into a nice silk hat in the excess of his earnestness. An Unhappy Coroner. Ho is a solemn-looking boy about teu years of ago and wears a long face as he drops into the Coroner's office and remarks: "Socking murder, wasn't it?" "What! what's that?" exclaims the Coroner, springing up. " Chopped her hands clean off!" continues the boy carelessly. •'Where—when—what street?" "And she was v perfect lady," adds the boy. "Come on—half a dollar—other Cor oner—get a hack!" calls the Coroner, getting into his overcoat. "I was speaking of Marie Antoin ette, (|ueen of France in 1093—regular put up job)" demurely replies the lad. " If you want to read the particulars of tlie case, I'll fetch over the book." The Coroner sits down and contem plates the steaming end of a stick of cordwood protruding from the stove, and the clock on the desk goes ahead with its labor of ticking time into eternity.— Detroit Free Prem. Mysterious Disappearance of a Granger. Several weeks slnoe a ninn named Wilson, of Dry Lake, started to In dian Valley, leaving his stock, cattle, and other property in the care of Mr. Kazack, Wilson was a member of the :»'an Benito Orange, anil at a re cent meeting of the Grangers a com mittee of two was appointed to scour the country in search of the missing man. They heard of him at some of the sheep camps, where he had been hospitibly entertained. He had a gun and a dog with him. No definite tid ings have been heard of his wherea bouts up to date, and many believe he has gone where the woodbine twineth, Q. B. Montgomery, of San Jose, lias taken possession of the ranch, and claims ownership by right of purchase. — San Benito Advocate, March tith. LOUIS EMERY I'AUE. FELIX EPHRAM GRAVEL. PAGE & GRAVEL, Maiufocturers of Carriages and Wagons Ci«nßjL, Of all kinds, made of the best rmv teriul. They also keep, on hand a large stock of Carriages, Buggies, Light Spring and Heavy Wagons, of their own make, which they warrant in every respect. They have determined to sell their work at prices as low as the inferior and worthless work that Is frequently being palmed oil up on tho commcnity in Los Angeles and else where. Call and see the best assortment of Carriage* and ]3u(££ies ever offered In Los Angeles. All Carriages and Bugcles manufactured by us, are fitted with Page's celebrated Patent Adjustable Spring- Lu/yback, so well adapted to comfort. scp22 THE INDISPE^NSABLE Poultry, Game, Fish, Fruit and Vege table Market, MAIN STREET, East side, two doors South of Heller's Butcher shop. All kinds of Poultry and Uame, Fish, fresh and cured; and Fruits nnd Vegetables in sea son, kept constantly on hand and delivered free to any part of tho city. Give me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. Junl7-lm DIFFENDOFFERA KING. LINES OF TRAVEL. LOS ANGELES DIVISION SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD, AND STEAMERS. IMPORTANT CHANGES. On and after THURSDAY, January 14th, 1875, and until further nofn ,-, trains will run every day uh follows: LEAVES LOS ANGELES: KOK ARRIVE. Anaheim fl:3o ,\. m. 11:00 A. M. Wilmington 10:ir> " 11 :M " Sjpadrs 2:15 p. m. 4::t0 P. m. Wilmington 3:45 " 6:00 " San Fernando 8:W " 9..'10 " TOWARD LOS ANGELES: LEAVR. AIIKIVE. San Fernando 0:l : . \. m. 7:15 a.m. Sped r* 7M5 '• 9:20 " Wilmington 7:4., " 9:00 " Anaheim DIM) " 2:110 '• Wilmington l:Un " 2:15 " "ON STEAMKK DA 1 '." Time of trains between Los A iigeles and Wil mington will be varied so as to connect with steamer, The time of Fisher & Thatcher, 97 Main street, bus been adopted by this company. apat-tf—ra K. K. HEWITT. Supt. GOOD ALL, NELSON & PERKINS' STEAMSHIP COMPANY. San Francisco and Los Angeles, I'UK STKAMHHJI'S VENTURA, ORIZABA — and — MOHONGO' < «IHii|{ hi Niiu&a Itarbara only, STEAMSHIP SENATOR. Calling al Santa l'.w" rti mil San Lull Obispo, also al sau Bhenuveiitum and San Simeon for pasiengen only. SC H EDU LE . *I ii §i Steamers. Je a<» 1| h *j f9 Senator Feb - iw Feb ifi'eb 2TFeb _ 27 Mohongo " 2:t " 25 " 27 Mar 1 " 25 " 27 Mar 1 " 8 Venlura " 27 Mar 1 " ;l " 5 Senator Mar i, " 7 M 9 " 11 Orizaba " 8 " 10 " 12 " 14 Mohongo " l.'l " 15 " i" " 19 Senator " Hi " 10 " 21 " U Orlaabo " 19 " 21 " tt " 23 Mohong " 24 " 2(1 M 28 " 30 Senator " 27 " :») Apl 1 Apl 8 oriiaba " :«i Apl 1 " 3 " 5 Mohongo Apl 5 " 7 " 9 " 11 senntnr " 7 " lo " 12 " 11 Orizaba " 10 " 12 " 14 " 16 Los Angeles and San Oiego M< nun rs VENTURA, ORIZABA and MOHONGO 440 tliroiiarli to San MsM, eallinic nt .il'llln 1... liniillUl. Leave San Pedro Feb. 25th, 271 h, Mar. Ist, 10th, 15th, 21st and tttb, Apl. Ist,7th and 12th. THE STEAMER S 4S IV A. T O TH GOES TO ANAHEIM LANDING ONLY. SAN LUIS, SAN SIMEON, SANTA CRUZ, MONTEREY and SAN FRANCISCO. THE CO SM ST Ait TINE Leaves Santa Barbara March 13 and 24, April 4, for above named ports. Sau FrauciNvo, Nun Diego, antl Way Forts. Steamers KALORAMAA and GIPSY, Carryng oombustlblea and other frelglit.will leave San Erancisco about every ten da vs. VICTORIA, U. C^. siiiimers leave Sau,Franclsco o I lie otb.Ukh 2oth iind27tliof' Very month,excepi when those dales fall on Sunday, then on the day follow ing. Plans of Steamers* Cabins ut Avi nts office. For Passage or Freight apply to H. Mi'LKLLAN, Ag't. for Los \ngeles Co. Oflice, HI Main street, opposite tend of Com maniac. i»nB CHANGE of TIME! — Through by Daylight to San Bernardino. STAGES via CHINO, RIN- CON amlKlVLKSlDK.ear rying Ihe United statts mails e'xpresM, leaves SPADmA every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY at 8 A. M. Tlie entire trip is made by daylight, thus afford ing tourists and travelers an opportunity o passing over some of the finest portions • Southern California. The route passes through the beautiful col ony of Riverside and the famous Chino ranch. Tickets should he purchased and seats se cured of the agent In Los Angeles. II W. ROBINSON, supt. STAGE OFFICE—No. 15 Main street. J. L. W ARD, Agent. declS-tf LIQUORS, ETC. FASHION SALOON. 61 Downey Block, Mnin St. WOLF Sc GATES, . Proprietors The Choicest Ales, Bter, Wines, AND liiquoi'W ol'ttll liimtlw. Hot Lunch Served Every Day and Evening. ALL THK I.ATK, PAPERS On file for ihe use of guests. Club and Read in- Rooms, warmed and well ventilated. It is the Is ten MOD. of the Proprietors to so oohducl the house as to preserve the good liimiß it has already earned. sepiBtf PALACE HAIR « r rOI*E F. M. GUIOL, IMPOUTER OK HUMAN HAIR AND PERFUMERIES. HAIR WORKF.D AND MADE UP IN any style. Ladies" Htiir l>re»»infi: a. Specialty. No. H ALIBO STREET, One Door from the Corner of Los Angeles. decKMf X, G GO TO I ir T THE A. FASHIONABLE t T TAILOE, ACME OF FASHIIOIsr, fel>2B*lm No. 118 MAIN H I REET, NO. 33, NEW HOUSE, Corner Aliso and Alameda Streets. simoi\T levy Has opened at the above place, an extensive stock of Provisions, Groceries, Wines and Liquors. Half a pound of Sugar and half a pound of Coffee more to the dollar is there given than in any other house in the city, and all other goods are sold in the same proportion. Country produce taken in exchange at market rates. Also, Forwarding and Commission Merchant. General dealer in all kinds of HIDES, GRAIN AND WOOL. Makes advances on Consignments to all parts of the United Stase. Nos. 33, 3 ± Ac 35, Aliso street. Los Angeles, Cal. d 2 2 WITTELSHOEFER & RAPHAEL 1 (FORMERLY C. RAPHAEL AND CO.), REQUENA STREET, OPPOSITE U. S. HOTEL DEAEELfcS lIN Oils, Varnishes, ;mi<l (■ laws. Looking-glass Plates, Walnut, Rosewood and tint Mouldings or an styles and Sizes. PICTURES FRAMED AT SHORTEST NOTICE & AT LOWEST RATES AGENTS FOR THK California Chemical Paint Company. LIBERAL liNUUCJE3IENTB OFFERED TO mvS.'tm 18 PAINTERS AND COUNTRY DEALERS. BANKING HOUSES. THE BAINK. WM. WORKMAN. K. P. IT. TBMPL.K. TEMPLE & WORKMAN. BANMEHS. TEM PLE BLOCK, LOS i NOKLEB. Receive Deposit*, issue tiieir Certificates ami transact a UKNEKAI. BANKING BUWINEMM. DRAW ON THE LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK I LIMITED I. AT SANJ-BANCISCO Exchstige tor sale on New York, Hamburg, London, Berlin And Rar-ia, Kr»nUit»TM. Legal Tenders, Bullion, Gold Dust and Gov eminent, State, Com wty ami ( Ua Bonds bought and Mold. Receive valuables tor sale keep ng. -10 LOS ANGELES COUNTY SAVINGS BANK MAIN BTRBET, Lorn < 'ill. CAPITAL STOCK, ::::: : $300,00\, I'KKSIOKNT J. 8. NLAUHON Vi<'k-Pkksim£NT J. M. GRIFFITH 01KK4TOK81 .1.8. SLAUBON, J. M. GRIFFITH V. A. HOOVER, ROBERT 8. BAKER, J, IU X BY, H. R TICHENOtt, GEORGE 8. DODGE. Oqtabr business from 10 A. M. till 3P. M., in d Saturday evenings from 0 to 8 o'clock. Deposits received In any amounts. Money to loan on real estate in amounts and for length of lime desired. jiytMJM FOR'vVARDiNG & COMMISSION. HELLMAN, HAAS & CO., Forwarding A Commission MERCHAIS TB, HAVE FOR SALE THE PUREST GROCERIES, THE BEST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Of the choicest Imported Brands. PAINTS, OILS. DOOIIN AND WASHES, BUNDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Hand 18 Los Angeles and Commercial St Cos ANGKLKS. noStl—4 J. L. WARD, CommiHsion Merchant. AGENT, /ETNA INSURANCE CO.; UNION INSURANCE CO. (Fire and Marine). No. S6 Main Street, NUMBER 139. MISCELLANEOUS. FURNJTURE, FURNITURE, FURNITURE. DOTTER &~BRADLEY, (Successors to Dotter & Lord), Have now the Largest Stock ever brought here. Have Just received a large lot directly from the East, and cordially invite the to examine their goods ana price same. Carpets, Oil Cloths. Matting. Ktc. Ktc. Ktc. Si<lii€iy Lacey, (With Dotter A Bradley), s still selling everything in above lines at Reduced Prices, ana guarantees Work and Coods. Sewing Machines, Sewing Machines. Sewing Machines, DOTTER & BRADLEY Are st ill Agents for the GROVER A BAKER ELASTIC LOCK STITCH SEW ING MACHINE, And would beg leave to call attention to the fact that FOUR New unci Disstinot and. Important Improvements have been added to this Machine recently, making it past all competition. 86 MAIN STREET. 86 LOS ANGELES, jlyl Sign of the Bi« Red Chair. tflO CALIFORNIA NURSERY, corner or Vejar and San Pedro Streets, A fine variety of Fruit. Trees, including Red May Cherry' Plum, and several varie ties of Semi-tropical tree* which sre war ranted to grow aud bear abundantly every year. PEDRO M. VBJaR, Jan24-6m 'Proprietor. ladies: haib DRESSING ESTABLISHMENT. CAROLINE C. BURTON. LADIES' HAIR DRESSING IN ALL styles. Braids, Curls and Waterfalls made at the shortest notice. Tangled hair straightened and made into any shape. Per umes of the finest quality on hand and far sale. No. • Spring street, Los Angeles. Cat.