Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME 111. Is published evei > morning except Monday rjflfnjiu " y I-ii iut IIIK hits AWillll.KS CITY AND (XHTNTY PRIST! Ml AND ITBUHHINO-CO. i>r I'U'K Herald Ntenm llmik slid Jon Frlntliic House. Spring xtreol, opposite the Court House. TERMS: Per annum, by inaii or express $10 six months "' / '* 6 Three months " " ' 3 Delivered by carriers, per week, 25 cents THE WEEKLY HERALD Is published every Saturday morning. TERMS. Oae your, by ma iI or express, single c0py...83 00 Six months, " " " » ... 175 Three " " " " " ... 100 Advertisements inserted at reasonable rates All Kind* of Job-WorJi done to t - pele with Nan Frwuclneo In Price, Klyle, nnd Elcgnnee ol Workuinnnblp. SOCIETY NOTICES. Masonic Notice. a I.nw Angeles Lodge No. -12. F. «t A. At.-The stated meetings of this Jf Lodge are held on the first MON DAY ofeaeh month at 7:30 p. m. ' Members of Pentalpha, No. 202, and all Master Musons In good standing ure cor dially Invited. S. C. FOY, W. M. Chas. Smith, Secroturv. ao2B-ly—6 a ITM ALPHA UHH4K, Jjfo. 202, V. A. AM. The stated meetings of jL. JC this Lodge are held on the THIRD /yr\ MONDAY of each mouth, at 7 P.M. Hy order of the W!- Ml janll ' W. VV. Roiiinson, Secy. Los Angeles Chapter No. 33, R: • A: • M : • f Stated convocations on 2d MONDAY of each month at 1% v. m. at Masonic Hall. So journing companions In good standing cordially invited. By order of tbe H. P. W. U. A. KIDD, Secretary. Los Angeles Council No. 11, Royal and Select Masters, F. & A. M., Holds Its stated assemblies on the 4th Mon day ofeaeh month at Masonic Hull, at 7:30 P. M. Sojourning Compani ns in good standing aie fraternally invited to attend. By order oft be Tnl' IIC- J. F. BURNS, Recorder. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Coeur De Lion Commatidery No. 9, X]- ?J. Holds its stated conclaves at the Asylum in Masonic Hall, on tlie Third THURSDAY of each month, ut 7 o'choik p, m. Sojourning Kir gilts Templar in good standing ure cor dially invited to attend. By order of the c;. c:- H. N. Brunino, Cupt;- Uon'i;. I. O. O. F. • AngelHa l.edge No. 105, I. O. ; U. *'.— Regular meetings of this : Lodge are held every MONDAY evening at 8 o'clock, at Odd Fel lows' Hull, Downey Block. Visiting ami so journing brothers in good standing are in vited to attend. I. J. SMITH, N. G. J. M. Bassktt, R. S. au9 Uolden It ii I. Lodge No. 160, I. o. o. F. Oily-; Regular meeting held ou FRt- D.VY EVENING of each week nt ■ <fi»,i?;-7 |.._, ( .. ( .i, M . K- Sojourning broi hren 'mm>*~ | n g0()( i standing are cordially in vited. By order, ' ' 0. D. HATHAWAY, N. G. Jos. Huhkk, Jr., ft, S. • Orange Grove Encampment, No. 31,1. 0. 0. F. . REGULAR MEETINGS held on "" Second and Fourth Tl'ES •4E<J*p!v DA VS of eaeli month at 7<.» P. M. Sojourning Patriarchs in good standing are cordially Invited to attend. 11. Hl'lt 1 iicK. C. P. J. M. Bassktt, Serlbe. AND SURGEONS. DR. H. S. ORME, Physician and Surgeons OFFICE IN LANFRANCO BUILDING, No. 74 Main street, overt;. J..Heinzeman A Co.'s drug store, Residence, Spring street, between Sixth and Seventh. Office haurs, from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. f«2u tf D. M. BROWN, M. D. v SURGEON & HOMOEOPATHIST. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE ON MAIN stn-et, east side, between First and Sec ond. mr3-tf P.HOWE, M.D.,~ Ecleotlo I'hvuieian. OFFICE— SPRING STREET, OPPOSITE Temple's Bank, up stars. Oflice hours from 9 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 3 p. m. ReMdeuee at Florence. Special attention given to diseases of children, dr7 wThTxeltTn c , DENTIST-CORNER SPRING ANDTEM pIe streets (opposite Temple's Bank), Los Angeles. Ja3o tt Sim* l wTbrook c, mToT, Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician. OFFICE—In Lanfranco's Building. Main St, Office hours—B to 10 A. M., 2to 4 and 7 to 8 R. ». Residence, No. 240 Main street. d29tf DRB. CHASE A LYONS, Cj! URGEONSAND PRACTITIONERS Of Ho- O pieopaiby. Ottice nnd residence, Back man House. Night cults promptly attended. fjg- Special attention glveu to diseases oi women and children. oetfltf K. D. WISE. M. D.. aRADUATE OF JEFFERSON Medical College, Philadelphia. Office in Dnn Franco Building, Mum street. Office hours, froni Bto 10% A. M., and from 1% to 6 P. M. Obstetrics & Diseases of Women a Specialty. my7-ly—l6 " DR. M. S. JONES, — T7IORMERLY OF ST. LOUIS, MO., MWaWK V has located in Los Angeles, whsie ffiEPbhc Will give bis special attention to Vfdisea*e« of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. , _ , _. , omens: Spring 8t, opposite Temple Block. feb2stf-2 ~Dr. L. Dexter Lyford, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON — OFFICE, No. 17, Downey Block, Los Angeles, California. Office hours-8 to II A.m.; ltoj and 7 to 8 P. M. apM-tf—2 DR. A. S. BHORB, JTOMO3OPATHIC PHYSICIAN. OFFICE-.* <;ariy opposite the Post Office. RESIDENCE—No. 18 Franklin street. oe2-tt—2 J. H. McKEE, M. D.. PHYSICIAN 4 SURGEON — OFFICE, No. H Spring street, oppiMwite Temple's Bank. Rksjdknck— First street, between Fort and HHI, fiOS Angeles,Cal.' mrlB-tf—2 Dr. Joseph Kurtz, PHYSICIAN. OFFICE—In Lanfranco's Building, Main St above the Drug Store of C. F. Helnseman 4 Co. Will give partlculur attention to EYE and EAR DISEASES. Office hours: From 0 to 11 a. m., from 2to 4 p. M., and from 8 to vp. m. Residence: Buenavlstastreet. auglo Los Angeles Daily Herald. BUSINESS CARDS. C. P. HEINZEMAN A CO., Successors to J. B. SAUNDERS * CO., DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS, m Main Street, LOS ANGELES. The CHOICEST TOILET ARTICLES, the PUREST L.tUGS nnd PATENT MEDICINES ol all kiuils. iwr Prescriptions caretully com pounded day and night. no2-lf—B CHAB. R. JOHNSON, NOTARY PTJ X LIO AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, No. 5S Temple Block, Lon Auffelea, decHO VAN DER DOES, IEXPERT1 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT AND OOL li lector. Sets of books opened, Imlnrteed and closed and all kinds of accounts adjusted. Collections made in all parts of city, county and State. Bad debts and rents collected <wi moderate terms. OFFlCE—Spring street, No. 00. fe2 tf S. H. BUCHANAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, Successors to Bucbanan 4 Huskins. TAKEN FOR ALL KINDS V ' of Buildingund satisfaction guaranteed, ileadquarters at the Corner of Second and Fort street. ap2o-tf— 3 MORITZ CHOYNBKI, 44 SPRING ST. Carpenter and Cabinet Maker. Stores fitted up, Furnlturo made and re paired, ami general work done ou the short est not tee. nov22tf JOHN GOLDS WORTHY, JJEPUTY U. S. MINING AND LAND SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER Room 6, Downey's Block, Los Angeles. nov4tf —2 KYSOR A. MATTHEWS, ARCHITECTS, ROOM No. 14 HELLMAN'S BLOCK, COR ner of Commercial and Los Angeles Streets. ap2stf—2 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. F. GODFREY. C. J. K1.1.15. GODFREY & ELLIS. AT LA W, Rooms 1 and 3, Downey Rlock, Los Angeles, feb.l-tf "DAVID E. ADAMS, Attorney at Law, Examiner of Titles, — - AND -— CONVKYANCEB. OFFICE-Witt G. "VV. Morgan, Esq., No. 4 Spring street, Temple Block. Jan2B-lm J. E. GRIFFIN, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, OFFICE—ROOM 22, TEMPLE BLOCK, JL.OM Anjfelew, Cal. , M-Sueeial attention given to Land and Pro bate business. mylrtf—2 WINSLOW 8. MYERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE—Room No. 21 Temple Block, Los Anukles, Cal. dlltf J. O. HOWARD. U. T. HAZARD HOWARD i% HAZARD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICES IN No. 8 DOWNEY BLOCK, LOS ANGELES, CAL. MT Special attention given to business in the United States Land t mice. oc2-tf— 2 A. OLASSKCf., O. H. SMITH, A. B. CHAPMAN, H. M. SMITH. GLASSELL CHAPMAN & SMITH, AT LAW, OFFICE—TEMPLE RLOCK np-stalrs, Los Angeles, California. oc2-tf—2 W. L. MARSHALL. WILL D. OOULD. J. H, BLANCHARD. MARSHALL GOULD & BLANCHARD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW—OFFICE opposite tlie Court House. Rooms Nos. 18 and 19 Temple Block, Los Angeles. Cal. Will practice in all the Courts of this State, and attend to business lv U. ». Land Office. tf-2 GEORGE J. CLARKE, "VTOTARY PUBLIC—COMMISSIONER OF Deeds for Arizona, and Broker. Office, Ganahl 4 McDanlels, Downey Block, jo ltf-tf— 2 V. E. A F. H. HOWARD, AT LAW, TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGEIJ3B. oc2-tf -2 A. It. JUDSON. J. W. GILLETTE. Att'y at Law JUDSON, & GILLETTE, EXAMINERS OF TITLES. 37 1-2 Spring- Hi., Los Angeles, Cal. oc2-tf—2 DR UGS MEDICINES. NEW DRRG STORE! V. CHEVALLIER HAS OPENED AN ELEGANT DRUG Store,in SICNORET'S NEW BUILDING, Main St., opp. Pico House, Well assorted with fresh and pure medicines Also a splendid assortment of PERFUME, HAIR BRUBHEB, Sponges, and every toilet article from the best houses of the United States and France. American and French patent medicines. Hiiftliab., French and Spanish Languages are Mpofcen. V.Chevalller has beeu established in San Francisco since '49, and his long experience in the drug business will recommend him to the confidence and patronage of the people and medloal fraternity of Cos Angeles. sep2s-tf MISCELLANEOUS. T. C. BWIQART. JOS. nUBEB, JK. SWICART & HUBER, lihAl.KKfs IN STOVES, TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON-WARE AND CROCKERYWARE, GLASS, Hardware and Willow-ware, LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS PLUMBING AND CAS FITTING Done to Order. Sign of the Big Red Coffee-Pot, NO. UO MAIN ST., LOS ANGELES. Jun2ltf-t> LOS ANGELES. FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 12, 1875. BUSINESS CARDS. M. W. PERRY, BOOK BINDER. Downey Block, Cor. New High and Temnlc streets. ocUl-2n>" wm. abbottT" I General Undertaker. FINE METALIC COFFINS, The Best In the World. Always on hand, and all kinds of Coffins ready at one hour's notice. Apply at his FURNITURE WAREROOMS, No. 16 Main street, Near the Pico House. octl7-ly J* ATRELITZ. ' \/f ERCHANT TAILOR, AND P^ASHION iVi. ABLE CLOTHIER- Xii. 791 Mnih Street, lv rmnt of the Orient Mnlooa, Downey Block. A large stock of the newest Cloths. Good tits guaranteed. mr24-tf—2 D. W MACLELLAN, Searcher of Records and Conveyancer, ROOM 13 DOWNEY BLOCK. nuviglf O. W.PARKER, Teacher and Conductor of VOCAL aud INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. Residence, No. 66 Spring St. PIANOS and ORGANS TUNED and REPAIRED. All orders left at the above rooms, or at Brodriok's Book store, will receive prompt at tention. augSOtf H.J. STEVENSON. Civil Engineer and Surveyor, U. S. Deputy Land and Mineral Surveyor. Surveys of all kinds in tlie city or at a dis tance. Maps mode, Field notes and descrip tions furnished Ac. OFFICE-NO. 36 MAIN STREET, Los Anoklka, Cal. oct2otf E. J. WESTON, ARCHITECT, CIVIL ENGINEER AND DBAUGHTSMAN, U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor, Room 81, Temple Block, Third Story, Los Angeles, Cal ifornia. mylOtf—3 VETERINARY SURGEON. OSCAR C. BALDY, V. S„ TREATS ALL diseases of tbe horse, Can be found al corner Fourth and Fort streets, Los Ange les, Cal. au2 tf—2 LUMBER-YARDS. LUMBER AT REDUCED PRICES — AT — Perry, Wood worth & Co.'s LUMBER YARDS — A N 11 — PLANING MILLS, No. I« Commercial Mtreet, near Rail road nepot. rnr2o-tf—B J. C. JACKSON Keeps all kinds of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS Posts, Shakes, Plaster Paris, CEMENT ana IIAIB. Corner of Alameda and First streets. I .os, cai.. W. W. ROBINSON, AGENT. Holman's team ready in yard to deliver or ders. »ep3tf GRIFRTIr^ LUMBER DEALERS, CORNER OF Alameda and. First Sts., DEALERS IN Surfaced Lumber at $42 50 per M ft. Merchantable Lumber 32 50 " V " Flooring at - -,'- *, 42 50 " " " They constantly keep on band DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, POSTS, SHINGLES, LATHS, SHAKES, HAIR, PLASTER OF PARIS, ETC., KTC »p2B-tl—s GAREVS" Semi-Tropical Nurseries. Located on San Penro street, two miles soutli of jOity Hall. The largest stock of Northern and Seml- Tropical Fruit Trees In the Stnte.. 40 Vnrlette»ofCltr«MMTr«««. Call and examine my stock. FMced Cata logue sent free. Address P. O. Box 828. Los Angeles, Cal. THOS. A. GAREY. decl3-6m P. L.AOTH. FRITZ MBNZ. NEW YORK BREWERY, PHIL. LAUTH & CO., (Successors to Chris. Henne) Proprietors. The CLEAREST, PUREST and MOST BRIL LIANL LAGER BEER Sotttn of San Francisco. Orders for DRAUGHT or BOTTLKD Bcfc.R promptly attended to. The celebrated Beer from this Brewery de fies competition in tho State. mrs-tf—6 PALACE SALOON, 7tt MAIN ST., Temple Block, LOS A No KI.ES, CAI,. A fine stock of Wines, Liquors and Cigars kept constantly on hand, and Liquors bottled expressly for family use. Also J L. WILLIAMB, Proprietor. Delmonico Restaurant, MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE COM MERCIAL. Los Angeles, California. OPEiy at ALL HOURS. ■WThe choicest delicacies of tlie Best Mar kets always on the Bill o r Fare. Klegunt DINNERS AND LUNCHKH at a moment's notice. JAS. MUNROE 4 CO., no3-t.'—3, Proprietors. Scurfy Legs in Fowls. A correspondent of the Field writes: One of my hens, an old golden-span gled Hamburg, is much disfigured by excercences on the legs and feet. Hhe looks as if she had been treading in dough, and as if the dough had har dened! I examined her minutely to day and rubbed oft" some of the scurfy matter. It was removed without much difficulty, but the part beneath was quite raw. Curiously euough, what look like small toes are growing on her feet, and quite a long spur has been developed at the back of one leg. An other hen —a young silver-spangled— shows symptoms of tbe same disease, and her spurs have grown considera bly. The hens show no signs of un easiness. Several of my pigeons have died lately. They mope, gradually grow weaker and weaker, and at last are quite unable to fly. They linger, some for three datys, some longer; but none have yet recovered. I can not account for the mortality timong thwn. Perhaps you will enlighten n»e with respect to both fowls and pigeons, am! suggest some remedy. To the above the editor replies: The scurfy matter on the legs of the hen is very common In Cochins in tl Brahnias. It has been exninlned mi croscopically with great t are hy Dr. Moxon and Mr, Tegetmier, antl It lute been ascertained that it depends on the presence of a minute aenrus nllied to the itch insect in the hunuui sub ject. The remedy is to soak the leg in warm water, so as to remove the scurf without injury, and then apply sulphur ointment or tlie ointment of green iodide of mercury may be rifled, as it Is very destructive to scurf, ni:d a specific in mange in dogs. With regard to the pigeons, they are proba bly bred from weakly parents or itrfe too closely Interbred. Pacific Coast Brevities. The Saratoga paper mills resumed operations to-day. Ike Dessler, of Sonora, has captured 75 foxes this season, There are over forty school districts In Napa county, Milton S. Latham is extensively improving his Menlo Park property. The indebtedness of Mendocino county January 1, 1875, was $127,500. A disease similar to the epizootic is killing off the mules in Yuba county. The new $10,000 jail for San Benito county, will be completed by the Ist proximo. A remarkably livoly earthquake oc curred at Lakeport on Wednesday morning. Tho rate by rail on fruit for the coming season between Santa (Jlara and San Francisco will be as follows: on berries, per chest, 25 cts.; per half chest, 12* cts.; other fruit, shipped in boxes or otherwise, 15 cents per 100 pounds. Calistoga, the property of Sam. Brannan, is to be sold on a stock plan, ..., i r*>«» i i.i.i |.»,»■,.<. ov. w, ii", v otf San Francisoo, Chancellor Harfsoti of Napa, J. B. Frisbie of Vallejo and Julius Wet/.lar of Sacramento, all bank Presidents, antl Col. J. P. Jack son have been appointed Trustees. A Grass Valley paper says that snow whitened the ground there on Tues day and Wednesday, part of each day, but soon disappeared and rain follow ed. The wetting has been enough for the farmers, but our gravel and placer miners would like to have four or five inches more. Last Sunday week a small steamer, the San Ramon, Captain Powles com manding, went ashore close to Ames port Landiug. She was bound for San Bias with a cargo of general merchan dise, which was .considerably dam aged. Men have been a.t work en deavoring to get her off, but as yet unavailingly. J. T. Anderson, who has the old Felter place on Oregon Gulch, Trinity county, recently sluiced into an old Indian burying ground aud exhumed a number of relies which had been burled therein. Among others was a stone nestle of neat workmanship and 20 Inches long. The Chinamen quit work immediately when the bones were found. Justiana Koxas (aged 123) is not the only very old Indian in Santa Cruz. On the 25tb of April, 1792, was bap tized a boy of 10 years, called Tilo-, son of Chalmos ami Nisipen Gentile.?. In baptism he was given the i'.aiuc of Mariano Habilns. This Indian, now blind and having reached ihe of 99, may still be seen walking about Santa Cruz. Stockholders Meeting. THE Annual Meeting of the Htbekholden of the Los Augeleii City aud County Print ing and Publishing Com puny for Ihe of ct on of Directors, will be hcldat the Her.m.o Priut iug oflice, city of Los Angeles, on tbe 17ih day of March, 1876, at lo o'clock A. M. GEORGE C. GIBBS, Isaac W. Loru, President. Secretary of the Los Angeles City and County Printing und Publishing f23td Company. 1.0 l IS l-.MK.UV CAi.lf W.J.IK DI'IIHAn uravkl,. PACE & GRAVEL, Manufacturers of Carriages and Wagons "lfM_l • Of all kinds, made of the best mn- BjQUWr'- tcrlal. They also keep on hand a large stock of Carriages, Buggies, Light Spring and Heavy Wagons, of their own make, which they warrant in every respect. They have determined to sell thoir work at prices as low as the inferior and worthless work that is frequently being palmed otf up on the comincnity In Los Angeles and else w here. Call and see the best assortment of Carriages and Baggies ever altered in Los Angeles. All Carriages and Buggies manufactured by us, aro lilted with Page's celebrated Patent Adjustable Spriujg- Eaasytmcli, so well adapted to comfort. sep22 THE INDISPENSABLE Poultry, Game, Fish, Fruit and Vege table Market, MAIN STREET, East side, two doors South of Heller's Butcher shop. All kinds of Poultry and Game, Fish, fresh hud cured; and Fruits nnd Vegetables in sea son, kept constantly on hand and delivered free to a,ny part of the city. Give me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. Junl7-lm DIFFENDOFFER4 KING. LINES OF TH v EL. LOS ANGELES DIVISION SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD, AND -— H T E A. m h0 R S. IMPORTANT CHANCES. On and after THURSDAY, January Hlh, 1875, and until finHier notice, trains will run every day as follows: LEAVES LOS ANGELES: FOB ARRIVE. \naheim B:3H a. m. 11:00 a.m. Wilmington 10.1.j *' 11:30 " §X; d .ra 2:« v. m. 4:30 f. m. Wilmington S: 15 " .~>:00 " San Fernando 8:30 " 9.30 " TOWARD LOS ANGELES: LEA VI.. AURIVK. San Fernando „ (1:1 i \. m. 7:15 a.M. Bpudnt 7:'') 9:20 " vV'Umlngtou 7M-) " 9:00 " Arvilieini 1:1:0 " 2:30 " vyiluiingtofl Lon " a:is " "OS STi.AMiilc J)., vs " Time"! trains' between Lo. '.i * lea and Wil iniiig'ou will be ns to connect wltb steamer. Tin: time of Flat,cr A Tnaloher, G7 Main', Invs 10. n udopled by ibis company. ' ai«-t:-H> Si Bi llKWnT.Snvt. 6000 ALL, NELSON & PERKINS' STEAMSHIP COMPANY. San Francisco and Los Angeles, I'liK sTEAMUjiiD B VENTURA, ORIZABA AND mo HOMGO. lalliui; mi S;inl;i flurlinrn only, STEAMSfiip 1 SENATOR. OalUng at sunn Mi" ,-t« and san i.vis Obispo, also nt Kan BwiniM li uud ball Sinuoii for passenger, only, SCH EID U !. E. Stbamp.::.,. |?8 ? i r : it r»# irM/ij 81 JJ Senator Ful. 21) Feb U-ijiTS #5 Fob 27 fttauongo !♦ .-fej ■• •■ -a 1 ()Br.abn " '• Mm- i •• a Ventura " IT Mar i " " 5 B,oaior Mar -i "7 •' < " ll Orizaba " f " 1' " lg "11 Mpnoiigo " " li " i. " it Senator. " I "in : ' -.1 " 23 Oritaba " IU •' 21 " J-i ■• tt Moliongo " Vil " •' !i8 " .SO Betiatdr " Si " Apl l Aid H Orlzans " 3t> Apl I •' S '• f> Mohongo Apl I " 7 " Ii •' 11 Senator " ; " in " \2 " ll Orizaba " Hi " " It " 16 Los Angeles and Sua Diego Btenmert VENTURA, ORIZABA and MOHONGO ««o tlimnsrli to Nan I>iea:o, enlliui; at Ai>alielin l.nunlng, f,.■: \ c San I'e.irn Feb. asth, 'Sot, Marxist, 101 h, I.'itli, 21st and 2Hth, Apl. 15t,711. and Cfth. THE STKAiMBTR s 13? iff TO I* GOES TO AN A II KIM LANDING ONLY. SAN LUIS, SAN SIMEON, SANTA CRUZ, MONTKKKV and SAN FRANCISCO. THE CON ST AWT IN E Leaves Santa Barbara March i;{ nnd 24, April 4, for above named ports, Ban Francisco, Nan l>Jejfo. and Way Ports. Steamers KALORAMAA and GIPSY, Curryng combustibles aud other freight, will leave San FrniiciKco about every ten aavi. VICTORIA, M. C Steamers leave San.Franolsbo mi I lie &tb.l3tb aothand27tliof very month,' .• ccp .vhen those dates fall on Sunday, then ob tile day follow ing. Plans of Steamers' Cabins in Aleut's oflice. For I'assnge or Freight uppl;. to B. Mi i.KId.AN, Ag't. for Los .\ngcles Co. Office, til Main street, opposite tsadof Coin mercial. I«n8 CHANCE of TIMET Through by Daylight to San Bernardino. fcJTAGF.S via CHINO, RIN- r i. O CON an 1 HIVEHSIDiC.ear- ry Ing the United stabs mails ■ — mmmm express, leaves SI'AD A every TUESDAY, TrIUIISDAY and SA'I UKDAY al 8 .v. m. Tin entire trip is made by" Wsyiisjht, thus atlord- Ing tourists and traveton an opportunity o pus-.n„' over some of tbe ll'.ie-t portiens o Htaitnerti Catifo' nia. The route ptissei throoih tlc> bonti'iful col "liv of it:vers!du and tho fiinous CWnn ranch. t'-ckcUMiould b;' purchased and ciiit d of tli ■ agent in ix>s An/cle>. H W. ROBINSON, Mipt. STAGE OFFICE—No. i 5 Main street. J. 1.. WARD, Agent. dccU tf LIQUORS, ETC. FASHION tiALOON. Cl liana"} Ulovli, itatfe M. WOLF Sc G ATES, I 3 roi>cit-tf,is The Choicest Ales, 0 cr, Wines, .—- AND Kiqcuami oi'tiii iiin«>a«. Hot Lunch S?rvad Evry Day nnd Evening. ALL THE I.M'IC PA PI US On file for the use ni ansK Club and R"iul ing Bopntli « aj nicd and «ell v, n!:!:itod. It is the inlcniion of 0>« I'mpi ieiors to so conduct the lioii-e as to preserve ihe goo i name It has ulrci'.dy c.i-noj. sei?M!f PALACE HAIR S LOUE F. M. CUiOL, IMPOItTSI". OK HUMAN HAIRANOPERFUMERIES. UAIR WORKED AND MADK UP IN any style. Lntliesi' Hair Dn ssiiio, a Spoeialty. No. It ALISO STREET, One Door from the Corner of Los Angeles. decui-tf O GO TO I Tt 1? THE M T 9 FASHIONABLE as s r TAILOE, «f .A-CUVCIE of fashion, feb2Mnm No. US MAIN STREET, 33, NEW HOUSE, Corner Aliso and Alameda Streets. SIMON^LEVY Has opened at the above place, an extensive stock of Provisions, Groceries, Wines and Liquors. I lalf a pound of Sugar and half a pound of Coffee more to the doliar is there giver, than in any other house in the city, and U other goodo are sold in the same proportion. Country produce taken in exchange at market rates. Also, Forwarding and Commission Merchant. General dealer in all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCTIONS, HIDES, GRAIN AND WOOL. Makes advances on Consignments to aIJ parts of the United Stase. Now. 33, 3-4 Ac 3;"5, A li*o street f Los, Cal. 622 WITTELSHOEFER & RAPHAEL (FORMERLY C. RAPHAEL AND CO.), REOUENA STREET, OPPOSITE U. S. HOTEL di:ali!:kB iin l*a,iiits, Oils, Varnishes, Rnishes. and Glass. Looking-glass Plates, Walnut, Rosewood and Gilt Mouldings of all Styles and S f 7es. PICTURES FHAMED AT SHORTEST NOTICE & AT LOWEST RATES AOENTH FOR THK California Chemical Paint Company. lIM>tJC)KMEIVTS OFFERED TO niy6 gui IS PAINTERS AND COUNTRY DEALERS. BANKING HOUSES. WM. WORKMAN. ». V. r. MHUI TEMPLE & WORKMAN. BANKEUS. TEM I'LE UUICK, LOH ANGELES. Receive 1 '< posits, Usui; their i:ert,ill<;at«H auO transact a UENEKAL BAHHINV BIJSINtCNH. DRAW ON THE LONOON AN!) SAN FRANCISCO SANK (LIMITEDI, AT SAN FRANCISCO Exchange lor sale on New York, Hamburg, London, JtJerlin and I'urin, Prunkforl. Legal Ten !ers, Bullion, Gold Dust un<t Got ernment,State, Couniy and City Bonds bought «nd Hold. Receive valuable*. On- nile k M. -10 I LOS ANGELES COUNTY SAVINGS BANK MAIN HTKEET, Lot* Angeles, Onl. CAPITAL STOCK. :::::: $300,00* I'III Ml WENT...'. I. & SLAUSON VICB-PitJCHUMCNT J. M. GRIFFITH niIIECTOKS: J.H.'S!.AITBON, J. M. Cr.IKKITIi V. A. HOOVER, ROBERT S. BAKKtt, J. BIX BY, H. X TICHENOii, OKORGE S. DOIKJE. "wjjfur business fiom 10 a, k, till a r. m., h d •tr.inVy evening* from ti to S o'clock. rebetved In any Manual* Mob t to loan on r.ul csiate in amounts ut»U for length oi limp desirud. jilli-tr—s FORV/AF\DiNQ & COMMISSION. HELLMAN, HAAS & CO, Forwarding & Commission >LKR€>HAJ«^«, lIAVK MB HALE TH X rUI! KST GPvOOERIEB, THE BEST PROVISIONS, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Of Mm choicest lmporte d Brands. PAINTS, Oil,*. ItOOBN WO HAtUfE*. BLINDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. 14 and 18 Los Angeles and Commercial St LOS ANGELES. notftl—4 J. L. WARD, CommlMttion Merchant. AGENT, /ETNA INSURANCE CO.; UNION INSURANCE CO. (Fire and Murine). Mo. Mi Haiti Slrml. NUMBER 140. MISCELLANEOUS. FURNITURE. FURNITURE, FURNITURE. DOTTER 4~BRADLEY, (Successors to Dotter A Lord), Have now the Largest Stock ever brought here. Have Just received a large lot dingily from tbe East, and cordially invite tbe to examine their goods aud price same. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting, Ktc. Ktc. Ktc. Hidnoy Lacey, - (With Dotter <fc Bradley), s still selling everything in above lines at Reduced Prices, and guarantees Work and Goods. Sewing Machines, Sewing Machines, Sewing Machines, DOTTER & BRADLEY Aro still Agents for tbe GUOVER «c BAKUR ELASTIC LOCK STITCH SEW ING MACHINE, Aud would beg teave to call attention to tho fact that FOUR New unci «i»<l 1 111 Jo I* i tl II t Iniprovemeuts have been added to tliie Maehinw recently, making it j>ast all <-out petition. 86 MAIN STREET. 86 LOS ANGELES, jlyl Sign of the Bleßed Chair, tfin CALifOßj^^ CORIfKK OF Vejar and San Pedro Streets, A fine variety of Fruit Trees, Including Red Mar Cherry PHim, and several varie ties of Semi-troptcal treoi which are war ranted to grow aud bear abundantly every year. PEDRO M. VEJ AR, Jan24-6ru Proprietor. LADIXS; HAIE DBISSING ESTABLISHMENT. CAROLINE C. BURTON. LADIES' HAIR DRESSING IN ALL stylos. Braids, i'urN and Waterfalls made at the shorteHt notice. Tuncled hair straightened and wad« Into any shape. Per umes of the finest quality on hand aud for sale. No. v Spring street, Los Augeles- Oal.