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TERMS OF ADVERTISING. ONE DOLLAR per Square or ten lines, firs) Insertion, and twknty-fivk cents perSiftiare for each subsequent Insertion. WANTS-LOST -FOU N D. I OST.—A gentleman lost n pocket-bonk 1» between 7 and 8 o'clock last Thursday evening, on either Main or First street, be tween tbe marble works and the Wine Grow er's building. The pocket-book contained papers of value only to the owner. A reward of SnO will be paid upon delivery of the same at this ottice. my2!>3t pSTRAYS TAKEN UP,-Near Arroyo *— seco, May 97th, one blank horse, having I while feel and white face, branded 22; one gray mnre. branded T. Owner can recover said anlmuls by calling at Allen's Feed Yard. Main street, between First and Kecond, prov ing property and paying charges. my2B 2w WANTED.— A gentleman o« experience in the Fire Insurance business, to rep resent a first-class Foreign font puny for I.os Angeles county, who will he authorised to Is sue Policies. Address P. O. Itox 2,1fi0, San Francisco. my 22 lw I OST AND FOUND.-A man lost his fc— temper for not finding a good elmr or a good fitting shirt, hut on perambulating the street f .tind tlie first at 107 Main street and the latter at US Main street. He is now the best tempered man In this city,and he swears that, ho will not buy either a cigar or any un derwear except at the "Identical." I. GOLDSMITH, M Main St., under Baekman House, Or at 107 Main street , next to \V., F. & Co.'s Express. mylB tf PRIVATE BOARDING and Furnished * Rooms foi rent, on Fort street, second door from First, myH lm WANTED. Family sewing, by Mrs. Booth, second houM East of railroad on Turner street. my 7 lm* WANTED.— A girl to do general house work;. Apply at the first cottage on Main street South of Fourth, between the hours of 2 and 4 P. M. myl tf ROOMS.- FAMILY and Single Rooms with board at Col. PeePs on Spring St. novlUtf ANEW WILCOX 4 GIBBS SEWING Ma chine for sale al 25 per cenL less thai: cash price. Inquire at tills Office. lloVliltt' FOR SALE-FOR RENT. MONEY TO LOAN.-Applyto SMITH A Stephens, Attorneys-at-Lsw, as and 29 Temple Block. mylKI It* POR SALE.—Map of the city of Los An • geles, Just published, by BANCROFT * TH.VYFR, Real Estate Brokers, 21 Sprint; street, near 11.I 1 . o. Prie ■: Mounted on rollers, Ml Poofcet edition, 91 80. Mailed to any part of the U. H. in receipt of price. my2B tf IT O R RENT. C .Cage of four rooms, I stable and buggy house, at. the corner of San Pedro and Washington streets. Hem only 810 per month. Call at the store on the premises. my2B lw TO LET.—Two pleasant rooms on Cha-- I ity street, between Fifih and sixth, near horse-cars. Enquire at 60 Spring street. my 27 .It CTOR RENT.—A bod tenant wants a I house with four to six rooms near the Postoffice, Within tin: next lluce weeks. Ad dress " W. W. C " this ottice. my2B TO RENT.—On reasonable terms, foi I pasture, until September, next, HfOacres pf land Situated about S iniies Northwest of Anaheim and about 8 miles from the railroad. Enquire of W. H. J. B .OOKS, No. 12 spring street. iny26 ROOMS TO LET-Purnlsiif d or Unfur nished, in the house of an English lady, on Beaudry street, between New High and Buerui Vista streets. _ my2ti lm* FOR SALE.—Three light and eh gam two-seal Soring Wagons, just received from the manufactory, suitable for f&mtiy and general use. To be seen at the Fashion Sta- street, Los Angeles. myJH lw* FOR RENT.—One barn for rent, which will accommodate 6or 8 horses. Enquire al Hils office my2H 3t FOR SALE.—Two thousand live hundred Mexican Lime Trees, one year old. Also live hundred Orange Trees, four rears old, by CHAS. H. HASH, Main street, below Wash ington Garden, Los Angeles. iuys lm FOR SALE CHEAP.-A large number ol thrifty growing Lime Trees, iv good condition. Apply to tn«ltf ,1. C. WALLACE, Sun Gabriel. TO LET.—A few pleasant Rooms, With I Board, corner Fort and Franklin streets. Inquire at 78 Main street. mylitf CTOR SALE.—a new Wilson Sewing Ma l chine, worth $60; llfteen per cent, off for cash. Apply at. Hkr.ilu offlce. my!) tf FOR RENT.—A beautiful new cottage on Olive street, between Eighth and Ninth, near all horse railroads. STARBUCK & BUTLER, my 9 7f • No. 1 Temple street. IT OR SALE.—One share Centinela Land s Company stock. Enquire of Dr. Brown, Main street, between First and Second. myB tl FOR SALE.—A house and lot on New High street, fronting the Pico House. Also, Aye building lots near Spring and Sixth Street Railroad. Enquire ot.L R. SUMMERS, at Workman Bros. ap!s tf COR SALE.—A heavy spring wagon, i with Top, made by ono of tlie best car riage-makers In the State, and nearly us good as new. Can be seen at Steven's Stable, or address Postoffice Box lIP. aprlltf COR SALE. — A lot of Thoroughbred P rams. Enquire of S. LEVY, No. SS, cor ner Aliso and Alameda streets. apO MONET LOANS *£tt&M!T mrlStf 79 1-2 Downey Block. MISCELLANEOUS. East Los Angeles & Main Street OMNIBUS LINE. DELOS CAMPBELL, : ! Proprietor TIME TABLE. F AST LOS ANGELES WEST L'S ANGELES Downey Park. Intersecting Main and Spring streets. fail— Arrives. Leaves. Arrives. 0:30 A. M. 7:80 A. St. 7:00 A. K. 7:00 A. H. SiuO » 9:00 " 8:30 " 8:30 " 9:10 " 10:20 " 9:50 " 9:10 " 10:;i0 " 12;00 K. 11:30 " 11:00 " 1:00 p. K. 2:20 p.m. 1:50 c. M. 1:30 P. M. 2:10 •' 1:00 " 3:80 " 3:10 " 4:20 " 8140 " 5:!0 " 4:50 " 0:00 " 6:30 " 6:30 " Sixteen Tickets for $1. mr3o "VICTOR PONET, PIONEER UNDERTAKER 66 Main St., I.os Angeles, Cal. Keeds on hand tlie Lnrgcst and Best Assort ment of Metallc and Wooden Coffins, Shrouds. Trimmings, etc., etc., In this City, direct from tho East. Dealers In the country will find it to thelrlnten st to give him H call, as he will sell goods Cheaper than they can get them in San Francisco. FULL OHA ROE TAKEN OF FUNERALS. Bodies Embalmed for Shipment East. All orders by telegraph promptly attended to. The finest Hearse in Southern California. mrlTtt Southern District Agricul tural Society of Cal- Ollice and Works situate In Los Angeles county VfOTICK is HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT 1» a meeting of the Board of Managers ol said Society, held on th< Bth day of May, 187 a, an asiessment of rtvo tss) dollars per share was levied upon the capital stock of said So ciety, payable on or before J UNE 5, 1875, to J. F. Burns, Secretary, at his office in the city of Los Angeles, Cat. Any stock upon which said assessment shall remain unpaid on the sth day ol .1 line, 187"i will be advertised on Hint iay SB deliU . Oiiciit.und unless payment is made before, will be sold on SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1875, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with cost of advertising andJMMnjMlot i Ue. J. F. BURNS, Sec. Los Augeles, May 8,1875. my 22 td SUNDAY, MAY 80, 1875. GOLD REPORT say Francisco, May 20. Uold.llßJ,. i Iroen ImoKs— Bu.v mt, Bti';j; selling, 87. LOCAL M^MIfIVITXKS. The funeral of tlie late J. I). Connor was largely attended yesterday. Good bye, Chinese. Los Angeles street is to be opened. The target practice of the Guards yesterday was highly creditable, To-morrow is to be a galaduy at the Arroyo Seco. The Guards expect a large number of visitors. Tho Cordona lots are being cleared of the burned debris preparatory to build lag. Mr. Kilpatrick addresses the Father Matthew Temperance Society to-uight at the Court House. Do you want to rent a good sewing machine? Go to A. M. Janes, 60 Spring street. Two wings are to be added to St. Vincent's college, and a third story is to top the main building. Judge Caswell, of Nevada City, Grand Lecturer of the Chapter, R. A. M., is in the city and will remain sev eral days. The loser of a carpet-sack or hand valise might hear of something to his 6 dvantage by Bailing at the police offlce. Fifty uo,»ars reward Ih offered for the return of a pocket-book contain ing valuable papers. See advertise ment and return it to this office. In Mayor Beatidry's court yesterday a drunk got a sobering dose of $9.60, and a case of malicious mischief was held under advisement. Los Angeles Guard are requested to attend the picnic to-day and to assem ble at the armory at 8 o'clock sharp this morning. We had the pleasure of a call last evening from Geti. Mansfield of New- York and Mr. Howell of Providence, K. 1., who expressed themselves highly pleased with Los Angeles. For your subsistence to-day, take a square meal at the St. Charles Restau rant. All delicacies of the season will be served at dinner In good style and abundance. The raffle for tbe benefit of the Ca. thedral Building Fund was held yes terday at 2J p. M. at Steams' ball, and the lot was won by ticket No. 294. The lot is a valuable one, sit uated neat the terminus of the Sixtli street railway. Mr. M. C. Desnoyers leaves this morning for Montreal. He has in vested largely in Los Angeles and will shortly return. We wish him a pleasant journey and a cool Summer on the St. Lawrence. For the best and cheapest cabinet, promenade or card photographs to be had in the city, go to the Cottage Gal lery of Williams & Smith, on Fust street, near Spring. The best quality of work at the lowest possible price is the motto of the establishment. In the trial of the prismoidal rail road yesterday, one man drew the car and thirty passengers both ways over the track. At another time fifteen passengers were placetl on one side of the car and it was easily drawn by one man. We see in the passengers by the Orizaba, which arrives to-morrow, Dr. E. Ellis, wife and aunt. This is a good way of ignoring a female rela ive. Next we will hear of some en terprising man registering himself at the St. Charles, John Smith, lady and mother-in-law. Prof. Dorian's school has no later* missiou, but goes on as usual. The parents of children under his charge are pleased that he has concluded to teach through the Summer months. Vacations are not so much needed in this climate, as they are in the op pressive heat of tlie Eastern States. The Board of Directors of the Fast Los Angeles and San Pedro Street Railroad, after a thorough investiga tion, have adopted the prismoidal system for their road and have author ized the manager to proceed at once to order the necessary material for five miles of road; that is, from the South city limits to East Los Angeles, and if sufficient stock is taken in East Los Angeles, the track will be extended to the new depot. Louis Planel, a young American vi olinist, appeared forthe first time in public this season and hud an Immense success at a concert in Pans given by Miss Alice Sydney Burvett, the Aus tralian pianiste. Mr. Planel comes from San Francisco,has studied at the Paris Conservatoire, and now plays with more than ordinary skill, and a brilliant future is predicted for the young genius. America has none too many violinists not to gather new lau rels, and we expect soon to hear of Mr. Planel's return home. The Republican County Convention met at the court house at 11 o'clock a. jl, and was organized by the election of C. C. Lips as President, W.W. Rob inson Vice President, and Get*. C. Knox Secretary. After the report of the Committee on Credentials thecon vention selected the following Central Committee: E. Bouton, J. it. Briefly, Frank Cowdeu.W. W, Robinson, J. J. Carrillo, A. T. Currier, Geo. C. Knox. The following were named delegates to State and Congressional Conven tion: C. B. Johnson, E. Bouton, .1. it. Brlerjy,James MoFadden, Frank Cow den,.D. M. Berry, A. T. Currey, The©. Reiser. The Convention then adjourn ed, subject to the call of the County committee. We are glad to~see that the"organ ization of another tire company in t ti is* city is an assured fact. The company will probably be tilled up and elect its officers ou Tuesday evening next. The Council will doubtless order another steam fire engine in a few <lays,which on its arrival will be given in charge ofthe new company. With another company and another engine under his control, our efficient chief will add to the honors he has already won as a fighter of the destroying element. The great advantage we shall gain from having two well manned engines is in being able to cope with two tires at the same tune. But for the failure of the plans of the incendiaries a few nights aico we should have had Iwo conflagrations raging at the same moment, with but one engine to sup press them. VVe must provide against another chance like that. The people of Los Angeles will re gret to loam they are about to lose the Valuable professional services of Dr. R. Hilton Chase. The doctor leaves by to-day's steamer for Oakland, where it is now his purpose to resume the practice of his profession. Dr. Chase came to this city from Detroit, Michi gan, in August of last year. His pur pose in visiting this coast was to re gain, if possible, his health, which had been somewhat impaired during his long residence in Michigan. Shortly after his arrival here ,he re sumed his profession and soon ac quired an extensive and lucrative practice, but failing to find the boon for which he was in search — good health—and finding himself unable to meet the demands tor his professional services, he has determined to leave his business in the hands of another and try for a time the air of Oakland. We regret to lose the doctor and trust that he will find as many and as earnest friends in his new home as he leaves behind in Los Angeles. Till Tapping Extraordinary. Yesterday afternoon at the Cuca mongo Wine Depot while Mr. Mess mer was temporarily absent, a Capt. Smith, of oil fame, helped himself to the contents of the cash store. Mr. Messmer happened to return suddenly und gave the gallant captain a severe »»q 11 iii 1 1 wlj i oil £oi*C6{] !i fui to «iro j) ii is plunder and beat an inglorious retreat. The would-be thief has not since been seen. Church Chimes. The Rev. Wm. H. Hill will preach in tlie Episcopal Church at 11 a. m. and 7:45 v. m. Sunday School and Bible classes ut 12:30. Subject for the evening lecture, ''Social and Chris tian Warfares." Seats free, and all cordially invited to attend. The public services of the Presbyte rian Church will be conducted by Rev. A. F. White, L.L. D., and will be held in Good Templars' Hall at 11 A. M. 'ihe Bible Class and Sabbath School meet at 12 m. Preaching at the German Church, Spring street, between Fourth and Fifth, at 10:30 a. m. and "'3O p. sf. Sunday School at 11:30 A. M. J. C. Zahn, Pastor. All Germans are in vited. CUt lOlloChurch—Rev. Pedro Veida gner, Parish Priest. First Mass at 7:30 A. M., with Spanish sermon; second Muss at 9j High Mass at 10:30—ser mon in English. Catechism class at 2:3(1 P. kt., and vespers at 3:30 o'clock. Travelers' Home. Departures this morning by Tele graph Stage Line for San Fraucisco: G H Thurston, E M Smith, T E Jew el), H R Canfield, Mrs King, W L Lyon, M C Desnoyers, P N Roth, Chiis. Dotter. LETTER FROM ORANGE. IliisiiiCHH — K»|ii(t Nettleuient — I.a cue Orange anil Almond Orchards ••Across the Man Dlng-iis" l.on An geles County Park- Eutertnininent* —Mrs. I>r. I.iirkln aud Vivian. Editor Herald: Two new store buildings have recently been erected In the centre of our place. This makes the fourth now ready for use, all of which will be occupied iv a very short time. One is the Grauge Store, one will be opened by Mr. Davis of Ana heim, one by Mr. Mallett of Orange, and the fourth yet remains to be se cured. All other departments are In a state of increasing prosperity. It is a matter of continual astonishment, even to the oldest settler of the place, to note the rapid settlement of the un improved land. If I were to make in estimate, I should say that at least HALF A SUCTION A MONTH Is cut up into small lots and placed under cultivation. The gravel lands to tho North and Northeast of the town proper, seem to have the choice of settlers at present. These lands are unsurpassed in the production of fruit and a line quality of grapes. They are not quite so easy to work as a pure loam, hut their situation is so com manding and their fertility so great that this slight obstacle Is not allowed to hinder their development in the slightest degree. It is on this land that the orange orchard of Mr. Mes senger is situated. This is perhaps the largest orchard of its age iv the State, containing forty acres of trees, four years old. The almond orchards now present a very beautiful appear ance. The cultivation of the almond has received a great deal of attention here and promises the richest rewards. Captain Glassell now values his ten acres, partly set with almonds, at four thousand dollars, and says he will sell it for that much in a short time. Other almond orchards worthy of special mention are those of Mr. Huntington, Mr. Lockwood, and Mr. Chas. T. Har ris. These gentlemen all display the greatest taste and judgment In the ar rangement of their orchards and well deserve the beautiful homes they have growing around them. Our school is now in tlie most flour ishing condition. Mr. Furlong has recovered from his sickness and every thing is moving along nicely. The sage and cactus lands "AI'UOSS THK SAN MAGUS," Are being rapidly cleared. There are in reality Hie llnest lands in tbe tract, being so light and easily worked and yet of sufficient body to make the most excellent rouds. By the way, our roads are one great item in the sum ol our advantages. They are nat ural pikes, almost entirely free from dust at all times and affording the most delightful driveways. A very few years will suffice t< give us the advantage over every otlu-rsec tion of the country iv this inspect. Tlie roads are being extended iv all directions and continual improve ments are being made in the way of setting out avenues of blue-gum, pep per, orange, walnut, poplar, willow and other varietiesof trees, in all parts of the tract. The flnest drive I know of is the one up tho cation of the Ban Diagus. Mas any one told you about it? We have here a natural park of the greatest beauty. A grove of live oak, willow and sycamore trees stretches up the cafion for about three miles and affords the flnest picnicking ground in the State. As soon as the Anaheim railroad is extended across the .Santa Ana river, which will he in a few months, Los Angeles will send as many picnics to this " Los Angeles Comity Park" as she now does to the Arroyo Seco or to Hauta Monica. Sometime 1 will describe this park to yon in full. I have not time 1 v. , Wf have had some very pleasant P. NT R KTA IN M E NTS Of late, On Tuesday evening of this Week Mrs. Dr. Larkin favored us with two short addresses on the subject of " Womau Suffrage." She Is an ardent advocate, and so frightened the gen tleman who had intended to oppose her in debate that his speech was only a supplement to hers. Several gentle men were called out, but no one was hardy enough to make much opposi tion, and the "suffragers" had it all their own way. The best short speech of the evening, and one of the best pro minute speeches lever listened to,was made by Mr. Arthur Johnston. The rrentlemau elicited a continual round of applause and retired covered witli glory. But even Mr. Johnston's speech aud every other entertainment we have had in this section of country, is compelled to give place to the delight ful performances of the party who favored us on Thursday evening. MX. VIVIAN And tlie entire party have the sincere gratitude of our community. The en tertainment was well advertised, but the gentlemen not being personally known to many of us, it was not ex pected that we were to be treated to so artistic a performance. The house was crowded with an appreciative audience and the whole affair was a delightful success. Showers of bouquets from fair hands repaid the performers, and we all unite in a cordial invitation to the party to "come again, and we will do more for you next time." W. Brooklyn Heights. After a thorough inspection of this property, we are convinced that the tract lately purchased and surveyed by the Brooklyn Land aud Building Company will become at no distant day oue of the moat delightful resi dence portions of our city. The tract lies on the Eastern 9ide of the river, only a short distance from the Aliso street bridge. It is on the high mesa and commands a view of the entire city aud valley In front, with the beautiful prospect placed in relief by the mountains to the North and East. The distance of the property from the centre of the city is not more than three-quarters of a mile and this it is proposed to overcome by a street rail road. For this road a company has already been formed, stock subscribed and an application to the Council for a franchise will be made at their next session. As soon as the Water Com pany can make the necessary mains they will extend them across the river at tiiis point and all the lots, not only of the Brooklyn Company, but also of the Lazzarovich tract and Boyle Heights, the property of Mr. W. H. Workman, will be supplied with the necessary aqueous fluid. With the street railroad and water privileges secured, there will be an immense rush for this property and no doubt men of means will take advantage of the magnificent location to build their villas and fine residences there. Be sides the advantages of the city, Brooklyn will have itscharming view, pure air and entire freedom from dust. None of the disagreeable wind- occa sionally sweeping down the iSim Fer nando valley ever reach this point,but only the cooling breeze to and from the sea. SUNDAY READING. Selected for Sunday's lIBKAI.n. THE WELL OF LOCH WARES Calm on tie- breast of Loch Wares A IIIIIe Isle reposes; A Shadow woven of the oak And willow o'er II closes. Within, a Dl aid's mound is seen, >et round with stony warders; A fountain, gushing through Ihe turf, Flows o'er its grassy borders. And WhSSO bathes therein his hrow. With care or madness burning, Feels oik c again bis healthful though; And Reuse of peace returning. o! restless heart and fevered brain, Unquiet and unstable, Thai holy well of Loch Ward- Is more than idle fable. Life's change! vex, its discords stem. Its glaring sunshine hlindeth, And blest is he who on his way That fount of healing fludelh. The shadows of a humbled will And contrite heart ac o'er it; To read its legend, " Thcst in 'iod," Oil Faith's while stone before it. — WhUHer. The Simplicity of It. If we look at it in the simplest way, what is religion ? It is only trying, by God's help, to do whatever is right. For a person who has not been doing that, the way to begin is perfectly simple. It is to give up and turn away from all willful wrong-doing, and to look constantly for sympathy and help to that loving God whom Christ bat taught us to call Father. It is to try to live in the spirit of Christ, not only in purity and inno cence, but iv active love toward all human beings and in dependence on the love of the Highest. To reach perfection in this life is along, long task; but to set one's face inward it and make a beginning is a simple matter. Indeed, in a Christian fam ily, it constantly happens that a child makes some beginning and growth in this life from its very earliest years. There may come a time of conscious, deliberate acceptance of a Christian purpose; but long before that the child bus probably been learning to be gentle and obedient, truthful and helpful, and to look to God as its friend, it is the natural and right way that one should thus grow up to be a Christian and that the beginning should be us far back and uncertain as the time when the child began to talk. — Exchange. Songs of Heaven. "Cousin," said a little three-year old, being rocked to sleep by his rela tive, "Cousin, sing Willie songs about Heaven." Soon after the child died, but the seed he sowed bore fruit, for "cousin" vow, with little ones of her own, never soothes them to rest with other songs than those of Heaven. The ladies of Ktockton favoring Mr. Hammond's revival movement are adopting the tactics of the Crusaders and paying their attention to the sa loons of that city. Passengers Coming. The following is the list of passen gers who left San PianertsXJ for San Pedro yesterduy moiuh" mi the Ori zaba: M G Pompher} ,\v ii. and friend, Mrs W C Miller and son, Miss X A Cleveland, Miss Goldeii-tein, Miss A MacMahon, J I) Shall.v, A Messley, J A Dunsmoore, J M Hoffman, W Douglas, wife and boy, i. Martinez, J M Baica, Dr A Kinkaid, ! Grosvencr, N Groy, E Eden, B F Wood and wife, O L Johnson and wife, Y. Stone, J C Edwards, Miss T M Kiidelaobth Mrs Poloski, Jos Wolf, Mrs GreeU, Miss G Robertson, Dr F feampji, Mrs Alison and two children, Mis- M E Rowell, T G Mitchell, J H Seward, Miss M T Austin, Miss J B Short, Miss E L Shenick, W Barrows, P Garvey, A Morns, wife and boy, T < J White,-Dr E Ellis, wife and aunt, Ma-ler A Isaacs, P IJurry, Dr W JeimiugftOu, George Aldell, W Baker, Geo Klein, Geo F Vandemark, Jas S Young, MrsM San ders, Miss Frost, W D Grand, Miss Mondelson, MrsColisherand two chil dren, E X Woods, Miss Wheeler, C M Green, L Muchin, M Sautango, Miss Duplisp, J Wolf. The Bazaar, corner of Main and Re quena streets, has just received an Im mense stock of new goods, consisting of clothing, dry goods, hoots, shoes, hats, etc., which they will sell at bot tom prices. Call aud examine their stock. ml REAL ESTATE TRANSACTONS. Heed'- flled for record for the 48 hours ending May Ut, IST'i, as reported for the iiKHAi.i) by Judson. Gillette A Smith, Ex aminers of Title, No. 30, Spring street, Los Angeles: J. A. Nelson to K. M. Pennoyer.-- Lol 7, l)lk IIU, Be! levue Terrace Tract' S; j ,,000. F. Palomares to Maria M. s, de Alvarsda— Twenty-two acres in RaUchO San Jose; $1,199. U. s. Safford to J. L. McAllister.—Undivided %of lot 21, black 8, Sanchez Tract; $ 180. B. s. Eaton to J. W. Potts.—Ten 53-100 acres In orange orove Tract ; $1,000. B. I). Wilson to B. Dreyfu-.-Quiwlalm to part ot Rancho San Rafael. H. W. Fowler and N. 0. Jones.--Exchange of two forty-acre tracts in Rancho Asusa de Duurte. W. H-Perry to Brooklyn Laud and Build ing Co.—One 21-100 acres in Loper. tract, E. of river; SHOO. Manuel Domiuguez el al. to I, Winters.— I'art ol block .'in, on Yale street, near Virgin; Mfc, N. C. Jones and H. D. Fowler.—Exchange of two forty-acre I reels in Rancho Asusa de i tuarte. Patent to R. Burnett for 108 acres South of alt jr. I-a tent of Rancho Shush 1 Red ndo. Patent of Rancho Agiuije ilc la Centinela. otto Evers and wife to B. lleiinenfeld.— Ia»1 84, block F, of Helms nn a deorge's Addition to Anaheim; SWo. City to Los Angeles Lodge I, O. R. M.—Tract in city cemetery. f. Pavis to J. H. T. Dean. Lot on H. side of Fort street, Anaheim; $176. J. Winters to M. Domingues etui.—Part of block 35, Orel's survey; 34:0 N. T. Lucas toJ. I). Bicknell.—Blocks 1 2,7, 8, 9 and 10, South Stint * Mwnleii. A. Weld to J. D. Bicknell. - Tlie above hlks, South Santa Monica, C. Clllet to M.O. Fleming. -Bacres neat Downey City: »1,4U0. M. Domingues and wife to F. V. de Domin gvez.—Part Idock 35, tint's gurvcy. W. R. Con lo P. M. Scott — Twi dty-slx acres in S.K. \i Sec. 35, T. 1 s.. R. li V .; SIJtKJ, .1. c. Hickey to H. Rubel.—Grant of lot acres In Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana. Q. B. Davis to.I. VV. Clark.- N. 1. of X. •„ of S.W. % Sec. 17, T. 2 S„ R. 18 W„ near Captain Stanley, 40 acres; $3 ikki. HOTEL ARRIVALS. ST. CH ARLKS-Saluri A Glaring. Proprietors. RC Mel'li-ison, N V G D Plato, Analim O W Dock-on, Eng CCTaylor, do F\v sp,aiding. S F R B Cut)field, A T 0 W Klloin, no U A Ulrku, Uo HKDitrr, do R Stone, Cajon Pass W Woid, do .1 A Llyerdtng, Spadra .\i smith, do w s Bryan, do wil Francis, do t Dinkion, Ventura T F. If well, do P X Ansi r,<Hoston It McKay, dj E B Hougf.ton, ill It stone, Cajon Pass F E Snow, Bear Vly X l> Manning-, S F AH Palmer, Va s C Evans, do A C Young, Cold Hill P I* Wood, do E C Morns, Kan 1) C Atwood, Md I) P Brown, Pa T B Myers, Ogn W W Weeb, Me T H Hobson, Mass C C Small, Mas* LAFAYETTE—Fhihr A Ucrson. Proprietors. C Ournier, s Diego C Vivian, Orange .1 tsleeo, do .1 P Oilmore, Oakland 1 M York. HI X M V«. k.Col .' Hatpin A wf, I'exa .1 York, do *i w Osborn, do W H Steams, Boston .1 Chavez, do R S Steams, do W Witman.S Brndo I M Bmffli D Winter, do UNITED STATES—Hainmel A Denker, Pi ps i LutenbaH,Hailnaa G.I Miles, Bkrsnd T MeOoun, do A B Caldwell, do .1 Miller, S Fernando T Reiser, Anion M (shannon, do oPßobbiuN, do TATaxon, do M Horn, do M MeCol, do G A Seidel. do M ilahn. do A Winkler, S Brndo T T Luther. S 1)1, go WE We ton, A T LI Emens, Jones* R W H Bro in, H Moriea (i linrk, do JHawkin-, do .1 II Coffin. Mass ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOX COUNTY TREASURER. EDWAIiD A. PREUNS Is ii candidate lur (ounty Treasurer at the aj> proaching election, sij H Kott COI.TNTY KKCOIIDKH. (J. VV. WOULD Announces himself as s candidate tor Comity Recorder at the ensuing, election. my*, td FOR COUNTY RECORDER. .I . VV . GILLETT 10 . (PKESKNT 1 - rCMII.'.NTI Desire* a second term only. myl FOR IM\l> COMMISSIONER. J. 11 . 0T f M I* Announces Riutseil as a candidate lor the of* flee of Ron,i Com mission.-!' at I lie ensuing election, subject to the iteclslon ofthe people. inySi td* FOR C INSTABLE. i?, 11. fit Id t» I* V H Will be ti candidate for Constable of Los An geies Township at the ensuing eolinty t lec tion. niyAl-td r*OB COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTEND ENT. ii UO. li . PS3O li . I-KHSKNI' INCHMWSM ti, Will be a candidale lor re-el c'lon. myg NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SELECT SCH66L, For Boys and Cirls. Spring B«lr«'«'l. below Third. TKRMS PER MONTH, IN AKVANCK. To Fourth Render * 8 00 To Algebra i Higher branches Extra. Classes SO arranged that promotions can be mad as -non as trie pupil Is prepared. REFERENCES. Dr. Hoffman, s. W. Craigue and Joseph D. Lynch, of the livening Urpress. my291l 1. 1>- I Kill LAN, Principal. NOTICE. be held Hi (iood Templar Hall, Friday Even in-, May iHth.Sl 8 O'clock, for the purpose «r sleeting delegate.- to the Orund Temple Hint convenes June 2ith. All members lv good standlug are requested to attend. By order of tic Hoard of Council, j my2s It E. H. BARRY, Secretary. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. ANY ONE IN NEED OF FIBsJT-CLASfi Shelving, Counters, Etc. Suitable for dry goods, grocerj store or other business, em get a bargain by cal 11 US imme diately ai the s op. ~f CASWELL & ELLIS. rh)M 'I $1,000 « \Z W A. I* 1> ! The Board of Fire Underwriters Of San Francisco oiler a reward of for Hie arrest ami conviction ol any one guilty of arson In the city of Los Angeles. Wm. B. Johnston. For further information, apply to VV. J HHODKK K. my 221 m LOS ANGELES BROOM FACTORY. L. w. okurish Proprietor No. no Aliso street. Manufacturer bad dealer In Brooms und Brushes, Orders PROMPTLY filled. my* lm* Political Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN Til VT A meeting of tlie Democratic Comity Cen tral Committee for Lo-i Angeles counlY will be held ln Ihe lllstriet Court U of Los Angeles, at 11 o'clock a. M. on SATUR DAY, the sth day of Jt'NE, \. D. IH7."i, for Ihe purpose of making preliminary arrsna mcnts for the ensuing political campaign in this state and county. Every member of the Com mittee is leuuired lo be present. W. WOODWoßllLCiiinii ol Com. A. W. Hi tton. Sec. Dem. Central Com. Los Angeles, May 26, 1875. myp td SANTA MONICA A N D SHOO A FOUR-HORSE STAGE, J. M. DONELSON, : : Proprietor, ■ ,s >s Jfclllfl leave U»s Angeles 2tiJ&LZ ! WmW>' u,i, > "" a. m. Re- Hft «RsF tui lung, will arrive In Los Angeles at ti p. M. PasMengeis called for in any part ofthe city. Tickets con be had at the Stage Ottice, in Wells. Fargo A Co.'s Offlce, comer Main nnd Market streets. OF.o. PRIDHAM, mygitf Agent. WUIUlf—ll ■— ■II «ll—»—» INSURANCE COMPANIES LOH ANGELES RRANCH HOME MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. OF CALII'illtN I A. Cash Assets, - $600,000 Capital, .... $300,000 J. F. Houghton Pnalianii O. H. HdWAan \ ice-l'iesident H. H. BltiKi.ow Uanerai Manager C. R. Story secretary R. H. MAQIU Oenerul Agent LOS ANCELES TRUSTEES: S. B. CASWKI.t., H. D. IiAHKOWS, S. H. MoiT, .I.S. St.AI'HON, K. P. F. Tkmpi.k. TEMPLE & WORKMAN. T REASI'RERS. Which Branch includes Los .Vngeles and Sau Beiiiardiuo is.unties. All moneys re ceired tor premium* win lie Invested under the control of the Trustees of I he Angeles Branch S/llhln tlie ilistrlcL All losses ad justed and paid i>y the Directory. my27tl J. K. I'OBEKMAN. FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY. Phoenix Insurance Company, of Hartford. Conn.; Home Insurance Company, of New York: London Assurance Corporation, of London; Capital, $30,000,000. FIRE RISKS AT CURRENT RATES, Policies IsjmWSml IHre.i Irani tlliN Ultice. CHARLES R. JOHNSON, Agent, POSTOFFICE BPII.DINO. ntyfj i nt THE SANTA MONICA LAND ASSOCIATION OIFER \T l> It I "V A T fi A E Eighty Choice Building Lots, Beau lfn!l> -ltnaled; only five minute*' walk from the Los Angeles and Independ ence Railroad. This property'l'roats on the Ocean, soil of thi. best ipiai it.\ GOOD WATER Ootainabls at s depth of thirty feet. The be»i locality known In this part of California for sea bathing, and is destined to become the most famous S E A-ts HO RF, R ESO R 1' I In Ihe Pacific I oast. Any one desiring lo pUPChas i>' or more ol these lots call make a choice for S2OO IN COLD COIN, Payable one-third cash, one-third In six months and one-third in twelve months. An Artesian Well Is now being sunk near the properly. For particulars,inuu re ol" J. H. M'«'AJ», Aacnt, \t V. S. Land Offlce. Or to J. D. BICKNELL. Rooms :i9 and 4! Temple Block. my2l If NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. NOTIOn IS HEREBY IHVEN 1 M -r \ special meeting of the H rector- i>! Ie Los Angeles Olty and County Printing Publishing Company will be held uu i day, May 2t»t b, at 2p. h., ai tlie It rv.\]. U «>f« ■Of. By order oi the President. inyUl td J. M. BAMUKTT, See. i t .iy. LEWIS LEWIN, SUCOF.SSOR TO BRODRICK .t_t •.... At tin' weli known BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. Hprinc HtretM, adjoiniug tlie Puwtoffi , Is ottering to his friends and tbe pi.< c ~-i general, the llnest assortment of Hi aml i POETICAL and PROSE WORKS, Juvenile and Miscellaneous Hooks, Plain and Musical Work Boxes, Musical !>,• canters, Writing Desks, Portfolio*, LADIES' ANDOKX'PS WAI.LI.In Oultars, Violins, Aeeordeon*. Km: .«, Concertina*, Flute*, Aud many otner useful articles snilaide ior Presents. FIXE STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS PRAYER BOOKS, BIBLES And hundreds of other articles, too numer ous to mention. No pains will he spared to meet Ihe wants of the public, and I hope to merit a fall .fibre if patronage. Jan 3-tf I,EWIs LEWIS. TAKE NOTICE. Oantttmert of Water of the l,o» Ana*' lex Citu Wotrr Onmpemyi Consumers East of li til and N. v |j _;ii streets will be al'owed water tor ganl. i»» ■ >.- tween Ihe hours of 7 and '.> A. M. sml hi .1 7 P.M. Any useless waste o: water at at .. in water closets, g .rdens, etc., or any Infill merit of this rule, will necessitate the *ttii,f:i<g oft ol tbe water, which v ill not be turn r again lm! on the paymes! oi and a ' ill compliance wi'h these vile, street spnnk llngfrom hose strictly prohibited. By order oi the Board of Trustees, CHARLES E. MILES, inyl3tf supt. L. A. l ily \\i •; ■». A <J ARD, To my fri€H&* uml the public of J,os .{n./nf. I hereby relniii you my sincere th. ok .., your kind sympathy and earnest su | • ~, this my time of trouiiie Mat,6*r Hie «.i . .< -tion of all, I will state he c thntlh.v :i -en from tlie ruins once more, and in a i. v. \< will be running in full bias! a alii. It«viiig rented the store No. )."> Main street. Kiftint.ct'S new building, I will IP a day or two lie .d i. to accommodatemy friends snd num. neis ra tions with lnlly as stylish and 1..- Ii imble suits as I have heretofore turned oat, i«oo will show to the public that the ACME OF !■ »-dI ION is not dead yet and UIJM Its pro;.r.-'or will be lound I here as attiible and iieeoiiilno dating as ever. With these few i. no.X* 1 will close by thanking my patron* tor pu*| favors, and hoping a eontiriuati.ii t Ihe same. I remain you. humbleservinu, D. W. FITZPATIIP K. FashionableTnilor,No, 10 Matn stie. ig« noret's new building, opposite Pico House, Los Angel, s. m.v till LOS ANC4ELEK (Tl V HOMESTEAD ASSOCIATION! SHAREHOLDERS AND THOSE Whirl ing to Hike shares, will please take notice that on Thursday, July I, 1870, Tin lots will be distributed among tie < :..ic hnlden, and nil instalmentir be<»mlng <n. t,y the Ist of July next must be paid on or ll tbe day of distribution. Tlie tract of land to be distributed among the shareholders n-» Just Norm of MORRIS' VINEYARD, Between Pico and Washington streets; c ..ue of tlie finest locations iv Hie oily, and i* rap idly appreciating in value. PARTICULAR NOTICE. Tlie sire of all the lots is IOJS dU« FEET FKOM I y irr? -A.« 5 FEET DEEP. Tlie price of lot* is fixed at Mtt, payablein monthly instalments of ¥2u, without Interest, until paid. This Association offer* a fine opportunity tor persons of small means to procure, on terms which they will hardly feel, a homestead iv one of the most desirable and improving sec tions of our city, only a lew steps from the Main Street Railroad, which Is now nearly iv op ration, and directly on the line ofthe pro jected railroad by Washington Street lo the Kallonu. subscription list at the office of Ihe Secre tary. KD. A. PRKUKM, my.") Secretary. UO TO THE POSTOFFICE STATIONERY STORE — ¥ 0 It — LAW-BLANKS, NEWSPAPERS, — A N1) ■- GENKKAL STATION Kit V in j 8 tf FARMERS, ATTTENTION! Greatest Invention of the Age! GLIDDEN'S BARBED WIRE FENCE HEST STOCK FENCE EVER OFFERED to the Coast. On exhibition and for sale at the OKA. IN G E STORE, LOS ANUELES. J. W. STUMP, AGENT FOR SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Booms » and 4 Downey Block. my 7 tf diw "lemTngton WvTgtor " SEWING MACHINES. Tlie lightest running and most perfect ten sions of all sewity machines. A. M . .T A V INKS. General Agent for Southern California. «X> s-ipriujj: Sti'e«*», LOS ANOELES. myH it npUßEnßß^ir^PO^ ¥7Hi«S FOR SALE OF THK FOI.LOc I .NO XU |iure bred varieties: Dark Hrahuia*, Butt" Cochins, White-faced Black Spanish, Brown Leghorns, at 35 per setting of 1 ; eggs, White Leghorns, tbe best layers, non-setters, ?;! per setting; two settings for*o. iddress, BRFNK * ISRCCK, in rill .tin Box IO SUPERIOR GRADE FRENCH ANPsPVNIsH MERINO RAMS For sale by the SAN FERNANDO SHEEP CO. For further particulars enquire at li. IVEWMAKJi.***, or at tho premises, thirteen miles North o Lo* Angeles, on the Santa Barbara stage road mv 2 lm I. I.ANKERBHISL