Newspaper Page Text
Special Notices. Dr. Aborn, oculist, amis!, catarrh, throat nnd lung physician, Backman House. No charge for consultations. I. llaueli. Merchant Tailor, No. tfonuner <val street. Ducom mini's Block. set tf ■to cheerful- the Important Is asmln in the new, ins again replenished, am! win sell goods at their old price, as they only believe in soiling goods ai i„w pi lecs.aiid make quick sales and small proSta. Their Clothing and Dry tjooda stock is complete, and 28 per cent. Cheaper than any other house in southern J uirornia. So give th»m n rail and you will be Mir- to tx; pleased with your bargain septlg-lm Kurn it un> fr hlfbo East is now be I ni: offered at greatly reduced prices,owing to the pres ent low freight* Oe mikl examine it at Je nnnnsen AOros«er*s Kami are and Redding establishment,ei Main street,cor. Commer cial, leptll-tf* (few Bed Sofas,of Improved construction, for comfort and ornament. Nothing to beat them. Oo and ccc for yourselves, at Johann senA Grosser** Furniture Warn, oms.fH Mala >'rre-, cor. Commercial, septll-tf* F. Adam, merchant tailor, has just received an elegant lot of cloths, cas simeres and suitings of the latest pop ular patterns. The stock is probably the largest of its kind to be found in the city, and no one can fail to be suited in making a selection. Call on F Adam, Spring street, for your styl ish suits. Sepltf The Express Cigar Depot, Bdlnlnlng Wells. Kar, v A Co., hns on hand the best hmnda nf Imported and domestic cigars, smoking ami chewing tobacco, etc. Also smokers'articles. The patronage of the public i« respectfully solicited. OK, I. PltlDH Ol.' eu2o it Very rich and -elegant Parlor Sets have just been received from New York by Jobaunaen & Grosser, at their warerooms ihDucouimun's build* ing, cor Main nnd Commercial Strts. ■ One dozen wagons, assorted sizes and kinds, for sale at reduced prices at Stoddard's hardware It pre, 78 Main street. augi7:tr silver ami «i>id plating; electrotyping:ivory and metal turning; glass and metal drilling, Locks, ke,\ .s. seiilsand key-checks,stencil anu door-plates made to order: knives ami surgi cal instiuments ground and sews filed and sc.; parasols ami canes mended; Dttuslcal Instru ments repaired; meerschaum pipes cleaned tiul mounted; model making and repairs ot; all fancy work ami machinery, irom a pin to aiocomotlve, All kinds of sewing machines bought, sold and impaired, Command sec the I new sewing machine engine. Sewing Ma chine Exchnngc,&) Spring St. deeOtf Moore's Restaurant, on Commercial street, is the proper place to go torn good meal, with a good cup ot coffee or its to drink with It.— There is probeblj no restaurant nnthePaoiflc coa-it where SO many of the substantial* and so many of tbe luxuries may be had lor 25 C I, Don't forge) the place—Moore's Restaurant, t Commercial street, Private eating rooms have been neally lltleil up for the accommodation ladles. , tiVti Consumption is impossible when rOUths, •■olds and oiler acute affections of the throat ami mugs ate promptly met with the required doses ot Hale's nosey or HoacHotrxD and TAB, Hold by all druggists. Pike's Toothache Dro| scare in one minute. I ocj lw dew j BVThe principal organs ol sense ere con cent rated to the face, it is therefore worthy i of beiug crowned by all Gentlemen, with one of the superior hHts which can be had at Des mond's, Main Street. mart. WA NTS—LOST—F 6 UI Nd7~ WANTED. -AftfrJho first ol January, a situnt ion as (;lerk by a young man twen ty-seven yeats old. Is capable as buyer "r to : keehaige. Can give the highest Mew York references, Address ARCHIBALD PARK. • et|4 lw sil Broadway, N. Y. WANTED.- A good Girl to do general house Work In tic city. Apply nt uctlitt HERALD OFFICE. WANTED. -A situation aa Chambermaid or House Servant, by a white woman, native of Sweeden. Addicss THILDA HOLEMBERG, OOtIPIW WANTED.- A party with from f 1,500 to ♦5,0 Ot ■ Join advertiser in a business partially establl-hi d and susceptible of great expansion by tho us •of more capital. En tirely legitimate and guaranteed to pay over four per cen . per month to Investor. Address with full name for one week, J. R '/.. octll lw Herald Ofllce. STTIjATION WANTED.—Dy a corncT tent Clerk and Salesman, In Eos Angeles or vicinity. Speaks German and English. Best of reference given. Address UHARLES KNECHT, OCtlS*lW LoS Angeles. WANTED.— A irooit man cook,lmmedi ately, at th* Vv'hi c House Dlulug Hall. OCIO "T" O LET.—A few pleasant rooms, with I bourd, corner Fort and Franklin streets. Inquire at 7* Main street. sem :t WANTED.— A man and taniilv to keep a is ncti 6'-i miles Irom the City.OU .-.hares. Good house, Outbuildings, well, etc. Apply to s. LEVY, No. as Aliso street. au2stf DRIVATE BOARDINC arid Furnished r Rooms for o ut, on Fort street, second door from First, JeM tf P> OOIVIS.-FAMILY and Single Rooms * witli board a' Chi. fuel's ou Spring St. novloif FOFI SALE—F OR, RENT. FOR SALE.—A large quantity of Grease wood .111(1 Oak >OOtS, Cell Ul KIMBALL A CH A TIN'S OCtl4*lw Ileal Estate office, spilt.gSt. FOR SALE.-*One-half Interest In a good paving business, well h eateo ocltitf BARBEE * GATES. FOR R ENT.- A Brick store, mi table tor grocery, dry goods or any business re quiring room. Wood yard, etc, with Ihe heaviest and best hayscales! 10tontluttached. The bet business corner Iniown- Southwest corner ot'Sixth aid spring street, Las one- Ins. Enqu re ofGLO. LU.HM vN, at the ba kery In the rear. oclCMw* FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET- Hnving all modern Improvements, com manding a charming view (f mountain and valley. Apply tn Mr*. Wllkins, THE m an sion, 24 ami SO Beaudry Terrace, between Buena Vista and New Hiuli streets. seSDlm* FOR SALE.-Hotel, centrally located; fine opportunity for business. se2oliil BARBEE A GATES. COR choice Orange lands al sen Gabriel, P apply to O. P. ERGhN BRIGHT, San Gabriel Mission. septlS-tf TO ley.—Elegant futnished 'ooms to let iv algnoiet's new bull ing. Apply lo Mank Exchange,corner Main and Arcadia streets. aeptUHwi TO LEY, - ' ■ * ,3 " v "'"e 111 ortenants, IWu or Ihree furnished rooms in a fash ionable locality. Address A, tula othce. scptl7-tf ~v~ f) RENT.— l-heep pasture sufiiclent tor I 7JWMsheep, till the Ist of January. Ap ply to S. l,"vy, g) Aliso street. scptl'Mf F OR SALE CHEAP.-V l»rse number oi tnrlity growing Dime Trees, in good condition, Apply to ingltf J- «-'. WALLACE. San Gabriel. Furnished Rooms to Let. IN anlco p lvale rcsl '.cnco, healthy, quiet I location. 0.-.c block from PostoUn O r.n quire at room :8, Temnle Block. sep lli-lf W. S. MAXWELL. C. K. ADAMS. MAXWELL t% ADAMS, AI'TORNKV9 AT LAW, Allen's Building, corner of Spring and Tem ple streets, Los Ange.cs, Cal. octl.V.f Dissolution of Copartnership. THE Aim at Perpich.* Co., has by mutual coll sent, been dtssoUeil, and the business vylll be continued by Antonio Perptoli, who will pay all debts and collect all moneys due Hn r AUSTIN & Mrs. WOOP, ( :.ijccesswrs to Mrs. !• urrcll, Laufruuco block.) TkKKMeasara 1" announcing ihut they " have removed fiom their loom übqvc the AmCrieuß bakery, and will continue ihe business beretof iieculiuucted by MnvFßmlL Fnslilouubltt Drraainukliig, totting, Fitting. »**•. pr*ioH»«F at feuded to. sspUU-tf. SATURDAY OCT. 10, 187.'). "Ol.|> KKI'OKf. Has Kkam'is«'o Oct. I*>. itold, HIP* Qreenbaoaa Buying, 85; selling. HSVi LOCAL BREVITIES. Deputy Sherlrl Harris returned from AtuUieim yesterday. The steamer Senator arrives at San ta Monica aud San Pedro to-morrow. The Mound College nt San FraacU co, will uot open until November 16th. The Thirty-Eights had a parade and drill last evening. Deputy U. S. Marshal Dunlap has returned from San Bernardluo. Capr. Moore is surveying the San Antonio into 5 acre lots. Deputy County Clerk Owen, who has been ill for a few days, is conva lescent. Mr. Will D. Could anf Wife left San Francisco yesterday on the steamer Senator. George W. Docker, late of New Ha ven Connecticut, died atthe Lafayette Hotel on Thursday night. Mr. R. C. Hopkins, of the Surveyor General's ofllce, returned home yes terday morning. A number of fires on the mountains are visible from our streets in tho evening. Gold closed yesterday afternoon at llGji per cent, premium. Currency sold here at 85 © 86$. There is a growing demand for the opening of Los Angeles street both ways. Mr. John I). Bicknell was confined to his hotel in San Francisco, at last nccouuts, by sickliest. The Congregational (.'hutch social was held last night at the residence of Mr. George Millibeß. The steamer Monterey arrived at Santa Monica last night with 18 tons oi freight. She will stop at Wilming ton to-day With 79 tons. Kalischer's team ran away yester day, on Aliso street, scattering' hides along the street,and Injuring the driv er, who was thrown out. We regret to learn that the failing health of Mr. Bobert Furlong will oblige him to give up his school in Orange as soon as a suitable substi tute can be found. We had the pleasure yesterday of meeting Mr. Richard Kerren of San Diego county, an old resident of this city and one of the best amatotir musi cians that ever lived here. We bear that Mr. Herman Rettberg who was on a visit to this city some time since, lias been nominated for Legislature In tbe Denver, Colorado, district. The improvements iv the Lafayette hotel are about finished aud it is now a very complete hotel. The Lafayette bar w ill be opened this evening with the usual ceremonies. All are invited. We have received the first number of the Santa Monica Outlook; which is a credit to the promising city by the sen. In typographical appearance it is unexcelled, and editorially it is up to the metropolitan siai clurd. In patronizing Reed's lee cream sa loon or soda fountain you do so with confidence that everything is first class. His soda leaves no pangs alter it, and his ice cream produces no chol era morbus. By a private letter from Philadel phia we learn that the exclusive right to sell beer on the centennial grounds has been given to a German brewer for SoO.OOu; the whiskey privilege sold forS4U,OOO; rtStatilSltl for $30,000. The grand opening ball at the San ta Ana Hotel took place last evening. With such a ball committee as Dr. M. H. Jones, J. C. Hill.C. Bowers, and ti. ttpurgeOli, Ids ball Und banquet must have been a success. Benj. Todd will lecture in tho Court House on Sunday. Oct. 17th at half past seven p. M. Mr. Todd has the reputation of being one of the most eminent speakers In the field of re form. We had the pleasure yesterday of meeting G. 11. Sproul of Norwalk, who has 500 acres of land, of which he is making a fine farm. He has sunk an artesian well 400 feet and has a good How. Louis Lewin has all the latest pe riodicals of Eastern publishers. Har per's weekly, Frank Leslie's, New York Ledger and other leading liter ary papers can be found on His count ers. He has all the standard lit erature of the day. The track at the scene of the recent railroad accident was cleared yester day morning by seven o'clock. Su perintendent. Ilewitt deserves great praise for the manner In which he pushed the wrecking train. Joe Breson is now dishing up all tjio delicacies of the season. On bis present bill of fare will be found pigs feet, boneless sardines, Switzer cheese Holland herring, t'incinnaii ham, Russian caviar and Veana sausage. Give him a call and Joe or Gus will give you a firat class entertainment. A cundidatc for Justice of the Peace was observed on Wednesday night plunging »long the street head fore most and finally lauded on all fours. A spectator said he was running for Justice of the Peace, but are believe he only Mumbled, as Justice is always represented as blind. The Symposium saloon, under the Merced Theater, js one of the best Jn town. Mr. Felix knpws how to get up a plain or mixed drink equal to any of the old professionals and does the fair thing by his customers. For nice drinks, imported cigars or fii>t class billiard tables Felix is at the head of' the list. At San Fernando two days ago the w jre rope attached to the car broke, and the ca;*descended, Instantly kill ing two Chinamen and an Irishman, named Patrick Wbalen. The bodies were brought to Los Angeles yester day and received appropriate burial. Wnalen was a carpenter and leaves a brother in Troy, New York. THE TEMECULA INDIANS. Ollgnrlo An Indian I'nradise—A care lens Indian Agent-Bi-v. Mr. Drydeu negligent of duty—A peaceful tribe driven lv lh« iuiunitalu«» -< ro|»», fields mid lioiimcm iibmuloncd -Cruelty to Uicliklliiiis. We had tho pleasure yesterday of interviewing Olegario, principal chief of the Temecula Indians, a guest of Don Mateo Keller, who is well ac quainted with their history. A large delegation of the Temeculas are in the city, and are mostly quartered at tho Alvarado tile house on First street. We met iv company with Olegario, Jose Antonio, second chief of the tribe; Vicente, alcalde, and Gerinco, one of the commissioners. They all seemed to be intelligent men, of unusual edu cation lor Indians. Olegurio says that they have occu pied ilie lands of Temecula since the rir*t Indian was born. Thoy have been born there and their ancestors' graves are there for centuries. Births, marriages and deal ha have taken place fur many bundled year*. They nave celebrated the old pagan rites, have been converted by Jesuit mis sionaries, have had marriages, chris tenings and funeral services for and unexpectedly, they are thrown out of their houses, and fields to satis fy a designing speculator. They were dispossessed by tho sher iff of San Diego county, on the claim of a holder of a United States patent. They are now depressed and sad, and have no resource but to flee to the mountains. They left their adobe, reed and si raw houses, their cultiva ted Holds and fenced pastures, and the two hundred souls ol the Temecula baud were forced to become vagabonds on the face of the earth. They are known among the old set tlers as LufSefrOft, the neophytes of tbe mission of San Luis Rey. They say they believe in the religion of Cod die christian religion. For a century they have attended mass at the old mission church of Pala. They have had no school but, are well versed in the Spanish language, and are indus trious tillers of the soil. They say that they have no intention to revolt or make trouble, their only desire be ing to be nt peace with the whites and make a living by agriculture. Rev. Mr. Dryden, the agent, has been appealed to and he agreed to go out, examine the matter, and see how much damage they had suffered from loss of crops etc., but the ludianagent failed to make his appearance and now says the Government does not come to his asisstaiice and he can do nothing. The day ufter Ihese poor Indians were expelled a Hock of 3000 sheep were put into their fenced fields and their win ter pasture has been eaten up. Their women and children are now In a starving condition and the men are vagabonds, who will be compelled to flee to the Sierras for support during the Winter. They come here to see If the govern ment can not help them. They have never received blankets nor annui ties nor any agricultural itnplimenis, bnt have made their bread by the sweat of their brow. They have nev er made any threats, but tho white men of San Diego county have given out that impression for the purpose of robbing them of their lands, and to prevent the public from sympathizing with them. They have been ejected foicibly, without an opportunity of defense, leaving their crops, houses, and fenced fields; melons, beans, pumpkins, squash and corn were left to rot or be eaten up by tho stock turn ed in over their lields. The people were driven out from the homes of their forefathers, the graves of their ancestois and their household gods wore abandoned to the Sheriff, and they were compelled to seek a preca rious existence among the hills. From what we can learn It Is an attempt to drive them from Temecula and lorce them to go to Pala, where there if no water, and no chance to make a living. We hope the United Stales will not allow this base attempt to succeed . If the claimant by pa tent has any rights give him land else where to satisfy his claim, and, until it is settled, give the Temeculas an op portunity of settling on the govern ment domain wherever they can get a foothold. The rights of these civi lized Indians should be protected at all Hazards and the carelessness or rascality of an Ind'an agent should not be allowed to work them injury. The leading hackmen, Johnnie Wil son, George Baker, Jesse A vise and John Lathrop, advertise their vehi cles in ano: her column. We can heartily recommend these conveyan ces toall who contemplate an excur sion to Santa Monica on Friday, for speetl, safety and comfort. No one of judgment will take any conveyance but a hack when the rates are the same. For real luxury commend us ro these palatini carriages, and we ad vise ail travelers to and from Cienega station to give them their patronage. Their horses are good, their carriages are first class and the rates as low as the stages. Give them a call. The follow ing were the principle shipments yesterday to San Francis co: 4 bundles pelts, from H. Wood son; 58 sacks of meal from Aliso mills; 15 sacks of walnuts, from B. Strieble; 19 dry bides, from A.Woodson; l! 07 sacks of corn from H. Newniark & Co; 22 sacks of corn from Aliso mills; 50 9acks walnuts fromF. Vassallo; 1 bar rel ami 2 half barrels of wine from A. Pelanconl; 15 sacks of shorts from Aliso mill; 5 bales of wool from Hell man, Haas <fc Co; 32 sacks of c<>.n from M. Norton. Hellman, Haas& Co. ship ped 273 sacks of feed to San Fernando and 60 joints of artesian pipe wero sent to Downey. Mr. C. A. Coffmau offers for sale in another column a tract of G7 1-5 acres in the Ranchito ranch, situated about ten miles Irom the city and one and a half miles from the L. A. & L K. R. We understand this is a very desirable tract and will be sold quite low by the advertiser. We can lecommend it to all intending purchasers, and bops they will apply soon for a great bar gain. The Old Folks' concert is progreas ing favorably under Prof. Havell's management. The costumes, we are informed, will be of the moßt si tinning character, and cannot fail to please the large audience which is sure to bo present. Prof. Havell is ably assisted iv his work by Mr. Abernathy, and we are'sure they will make it a sucr cessful benefit for the Fort street M. E. church Ramon Montafiica, who stole Pedro Sepulveda's mare on the 17th of Au gust, was arrested in San Buenaven tura. Deputy Sheriff Jose Baal (MIS left on the stage yesterday \q bri,ug the horse thief to Los Angeles. BEAUTIFUL THINGS. nv f.i.j.fn v. AMBsnar. Beautiful faces nro those that wear, It matters Utile It dark or fair — Whole-SOUled honesty printed there. Reaultfnl eyes are those that show, Like cry-.till panes where hearth tires glow. Beautiful thoughts that barn below. Beautiful Hps arc those whose words Leap ; roni the heat like tonga of birds, Vet whose utterance pradenoe girds. Reailtlfnl hands arc those that do Work I hat is earnest nnd brave and true, Moment by moment the long day through. Beautiful feet are those that go on ki diy ministries to and fro— Down lowest ways, tf God wills it so. Heaii'iiui shou'dera are these that bear 1 !easeles« burdens "f homely care With patient grace and dally prayer. Beautiful lives arc those that Mesa-* Silent rivers of h ipplnasa, Whose hidden fountains few may guess Beautiful IWIIIgM, at set ofs >B, Beautiful goal, with rac 1 well won, li -autiful rest, with work well done. linntitifnl graves, whore grasses creep, Where brown leaves lull, where drifts lie (deep Over worn-nut hands—Oh, beautiful sleep! Mr. G. H. Reach, stepping at the Si. Charles hotel, came down by Coast Line Stage from .Santa Barbara, and at a point this alfleof that place,where the stage road goes along the bench, captured a seal. He had It skinned and stuffed at Ventura, and it is now v very pretty parlor ornament. A railway mall service has been or dered from Los Augeles to Anaheim, on the Southern Pacific railroad, twenty-one toiler, to commence Octo ber 10th. Also from San Fernando to San Bernardino, on the same road, eighty' One miles,to begin on the same duj - . A new Joss House Is being built in Chinatown, It is reported to be a gor geous affair. John Chinaman hnsgot alarmed at the Startling fatality atSan Fernando Tunnel, and is going to be a little more religious than usual. Look out for religious bonfires aud solemn notes on the tom-tom. Christopher, the hotel thief, was committed by Judge Gray yesterday Hi await the action of the Grand Jury. In this arrest Officer Twomey tided with bis usual promptness and added to his previous tine reputation as a policeman. In tho fearless discharge of his duty he Is a terror to evil-doers. A member of the Thirty-Eights named Cox was severely Injured last night during drill by a bnclt fallmgon his head. Mr. Walker, of Philadelphia, has ar rived in Los Angeles, I ntend ing to es tablish a mill for tho manufacture uf paper out of cactus. The steamer Aneon leaves to-mor row for Sun Francisco, Travellers' Homo. Arrivals by Telegraph Stage Lino yesterday morning from San Fran cisco: John Bammart, John China, Mr Twomey and prisoner, J M Barry aud wife, J A Towner, J S Carr, Miss Hessian. Departures this morning for San Francisco by Telegraph Stage Lilts' Miss Cora Philips, W 8 Marlins, A Branson, Tbso Portener, .Miguel do Pederoweao. Arrivals by Coast Line yesterday from Sun Francisco: Mrs Larkin. Prom Santa Barbara: Gus Miller, T Lilian!, J J Bacon, John Wyatt, Fong Ho. Departures this morning for Santa Barbara by Coast Line Stage: A B Clark and wife, E Harris, Mis Celes tial. For Ventura: Itamon Montana. Notice to the Afflicted. Owing to his success Dr. Aborn has decided to remain at the Backman House. Lop Angeles, until tho last of the first week in November. Persons who wish to consult Dr. Aborn should call without delay. His remarkable succchh iv tho treatment of diseases of the Eye, Ear, Head, Throat, Lungs, Heart)Blomaeh, Liver, Blood and the Nervous System lias been of such a gratifying nature as to command the patronage of the most intelligent and Influential citizens of the United Stales. Dr. A horn can refer to the i>o-t citizens of Los Angeles. His charges are reasonable, and within the reach of all who need his services. Another Postponement. Dr. Aborn will remain at the Back man House until tiie last of the first week in November. Dr. Aborn's charges are within the reach of all who need his services. * COURT REPORTS. District Conrt—McNealy, J, Friday, October JS. Harper vs. Donaldson.—-Pasaed lnfoimally. Court adjourned for tiiu term. Couuty Court—O'Mei.veny. J. Ki:ir>AY, October 15. I.os Angeles City VS. Jnßcin Montane —Or der appointing John H. Jones, M. Kremer, n. C. Austin, a.D. Scciilveda and ThomasOutes Commissioners, filed. Probntc Court.—O'MEbVKNEV, J. PjUPAT, < 'ctobcr Mi In the matter Of the estate ot P. Larscval.— Petition of admitll* rutrix mr summary of administration tlleil. In sume estate.—ord- red to showc msc why order oi distribution should not be made. In same estate. —Decree showing that due and legal notice to cred.tors had been given, filed. HOTEL ARRIVALS. BACKMAN BOUSE—Mr. & Mrs. nnckman. Mr* (; A Carter, S F M« Te ibniit. 0 ange E It Hiekmiiti, do a B Clark A iff, do Mrs Ooiidiit r, do A VV' Chase A Wt, U8 (» I.uecy. s B bra C -urvc. It Bhapman. C h mbors, wf A aunt, D JefTuison At, Chcgo Peun .ST. CH AKi.ES—Salari 4 Garlng, Proprietors. J R Brown, 3 lirndo R A Phelps, Colton J S Dunn, 8 Monica X I.otthenso, Kun-as X Frask, do * AWTimm H Pedro H Qsalon, Petalutna X Yorba, S Ana ON idiots, do Mrs Miilxaps, S Krudo M W Htoil, do J C Bavon, H Brhra O Miller, Salinas \V J Jones, S Gabriel W T Lillard, S Brbra S Coscn, do LAFAYETTE—FIuhr A Gerson, Proprietors. B Sohapprjer, S F V Nftrwsa, 8 Brbra N J Tenaq, do A Thompson, Westtnr B C Cohen, do X Hassard, H Monica WFKearv, do W Curliss, S Brbra AM i mlev, do V Hemiro, <lo I) Koborlo, do H Weavers, Anithm J Kearn y, do T Lvnlll, da M Perslyer, S Brbra M F Quinn. S Fdo Tnl A Kosunlg, do iII McClosgey, do UNITED STiVTBII Hamn|«l A Denker. Pi ps J Bunville, s Monien A Wald, Gilroy 811 UlSenderfV-r, do D M Christy, do W P Savior, Anahm \V Brown, ss Ana H Warren, do T Kurrell, do .1 Loop, .>> Krndo N X Blauton, S Brbra J AKelaiin, do P Harmon, do J C Cheney, Tel Sig Co E Nugent, do H Cholae, Boar Vly C Holler, do UG Mtodd. n, do J Breuner, tl« l> C NleoU, Sltosa M Crona fi, da r Andrews, do J Meiaker, do WM Lock wood, Ohio M Cannon, SPUR C Sherman, s Brbra W M Murray, S Diego G C Miller, Salinas Passengers Coming. The steamer Senator, which left San Francisco yesterday at 9 o'clock a. M., carries the following passengers for Santa .Monica and San Pedro: R J Houdek, Mrs. J Redding, W D Gould and wife. Mr. Howard and two daughters, C Richardson nnd wife, Rev. M While; Miss M Turner, C R Davis and boy, G Knhn, J R Vesey and family, Mrs McKay; A Beveridge W F Harris, J M Wblttaker, Mrs C Atkinson, A Johnson, J L Porter, B Hernandez and family, J P Sheyi and wife, Miss Brent, W Walden and fam ily, R Dunlnp, A Bredkenhoff, A Mensis and wife, B Robinson and fam ily, J II Turner, H Mayhew and wife, L Williams, A Lewis and wife, C Penin and wife, J Grlndley, Judge Eastman, W Kallasher, .\I Dorrau and wife, W Cogswell, J Reynolds, ESomeska and lamily, J P Cany, J Freckling. Testimonial (ram Albert Wilson. I have been afflicted with catarrh and other ailments for six years. 1 applied to Dr. Aborn, at the Backman Hutise, about two weeks atro. lean truly say that I am much relieved,and have hope of being entirely cured by his treatment. Albert Wilson. San Gabriel Mission, Oct. loth. Dr. Aborn at the Backman House invites all who are afflicted with any form of disease to call for a free con» ■uitation. STOCK REPORT. BY ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TKLCQItAPU LOTS. [Special Dispatch to Out Herald.} San Francisco, October 15. MORNING QUOTATIONS. SAN FRANCISCO STOCK AND EXCIIANOE BOARD Ophlr SI Morn'g Star 4 @ — Mexican U%tg 22,4 Lady Wsh... S a - Gould AC... g| Wells Ergo, too <3 — Best A Bel. 50 tif S«H Woodville.. — savage 8I%(£ *4 Caledonia... 17V* H Choliar 7o at — lusilce.. 80 <§. — Hale A Nor. 42% at — Union 9K'<t 9% Cr. Point 2:>4;g) 22, V. Knickrbkr.. I%@ 2 Jacket 61 M — Dayton 4 (ft - Imperial.... 9 (& — r» ler t:\cfit — Belcher U\iQ 174 Mldes Styi T% Km pi re b%t* — Florida tV,(% 5 KfutUOß.... Ilk occidental.. — Alpha It)'-, (tf 17 • ma. Flat.. 2 § — Confidence. 17%<| — Prospect 4 (n — SNev I4f;rtj 15 Hit'to. — Bullion 47 mso Lady Kryan \%A \K xcg. Self.... 70 A 74 con. Va 105 mJln Overman.... 47 ® 47% ••silver Hill.. 7J*<4 Tttf Jull 8 (yj s „ Eo-suth IKM — N York 211j(4 21', \ndes 4 | l!< Amazon Me A — Unci 7 ict OHj Hussy 1 (,4 li California... tTJfB 62' NEW ADVERTISEMENT Vanity! All Is Vanity! I go on facts. Everybody who visits my stores will coincide with my assertion that I keep the best and cheapest stock of cigars and geiuM furnishing good, lie convinced by calling at I. GOLDSMITH'S At the Orient Cigar Stand, Downey Hlook, and at the Identical, under the Backman House. OWING TO SUCCESS, Dr. ABORN OF SAN FRANCISCO, WILL REMAIN AT THE Backman House, LOS ANGELES, Until Further Notice THROAT AND LUNG DISEASES, CATARRH! DEAFNESS, DISCHARGES FROM THE EARS, AND All Affections of the Eye, Ear, Head, Throat and Lous;*. Also De rangements of the Nervous System, AND BROKEN • DOWN CONSTITUTIONS Treated with the most gintlfylng success, BY The Modern Syatem of Care aa Prac tised by 1)13. ABO I*7V. MEDICATED INHALATION Used in conjunction with his local end con stitutional treatment, has proved the most rational and successful method of treating CONSUMPTION, Asthma and Bronchial Affections, As he is effecting cures even after the ordina ry methods have taiied, BUT All who have suffered for years ora life time, nnd « hose diseases have resisted or baf fled the ordina/y modes of treatment, are In vited to call for a free consultation. OCtft-UiLW-tf THE WEED SEWING MACHINE Isoff.'rtd to the citizens of Los Angeles as being the Lightest Running Shuttle Machine, And one embodying More Late Improvements Than any other In tho market, Haa a Straight Needle, la simple iv eonatrnetlon, Every motion positive, No vibrntliia: eprings, No rattling; cogs. Has an Improved PATENT TENSION that adjusts Itself to any thickness of goods without change. Machines placed on trial before purchase when desired, and Sold on the easiest pos sible Terms.' OFFICE-wlth J.Strelltst, Main St., opposite Pico House. IRA PFOUTZ, A. Grill INT. octl6 lm ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Justin- of tbe Peace. At the requestor many friends, Capt. Maurice Kraszynski I* a candidate for Jtistiecof tiie Peace In Sole dnd District. ocs td For J notice «t tbe Peace, JOHNTKAKKORO will he a candidate for re-election for justice of the Pea<-e of Los An geles Township a" the next ensuing Judicial Election, on October 20th, 1875. srlMd* A. KOHL.EB Announces himself as candidate for Ihe of fice of Justice of the Peace. stlstd tf WH. 11. GRAY Announces himself ns a candidate for re election to the office of Justice of tbe Peace, for Los Angeles Township, at the ensuing Ju dicial Kb c lon. Keloid For Jnstlce of ihe Peace, FRANCISCO IJUTLEIt sepllO-te For Justice of itac Peace, PEDRO C. CARRILLO septlO-te NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE STAR FRUIT DRYER. This Dryer commends Itself to every person who examines lt. Every family who has an orchard, vineyard or garden ought to have ono. It will supersede the canned fruit, as fruit anil vegetables dried on this machine retain their freshness, and if soaked in water thirty minutes before cooking they are as sweet and fresh as those direct from tho gar den. Now while there Is no sale for grapes, one of these machines will bo worth a thousand dollurs ou a vineyard in making Raisins. With one of these machines you are Inde pendent of the local market. CALL ON J. R . BRIERLY OR 13 . L . PEEL. 007 tf CAST IRON SEWING MACHINES Is what some of our tewing machine ngents are pleated to cull the REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE. Perhaps they may wish a harder name for them when their merits are fully known to tnt people of Southern California. Though hardly three months since Its Introduetlon In Los Angolee, lt has already become n pet machine, and in ea*e in running aud perfec tion In construction It stands unrivaled. In the Eastern States lt has already taken the front rank in sewing machines, and Is fast taking the place of the older and harder run nlng machines. In the manufacture of tbelr family ma chines they have increased from 49,0i , 0 toBY UOO In the past four months, nnd to-day with their large facilities for turning out moro than 250 machlces per day, the Remington folks are 2.000 behind In filling orders and are obliged to enlarge their works. Ih the munufactureof tholrrifles, revolvers, agricultural Implements, type writer, etc., their name has become a synonym of perfec tion In work nnd material, and everyone knows when lt bears the stamp of Remington lt Is good and up to—not behind—the times. Do tho Singer folks base the merits of their machines upon the sales of former years, Ihe Remington base ihelrs upon the merits of their machine as lt stands to-day, and are r ady to try lt against any machine In the market. A. M. JANES, General Agent for Southern California, 60 and 62 Spring Street, LOS ANGELES, CAL MRS. DA.LV, AT THE "WHITE HOUSE," EOC A. L AGEIN X . se2o lm d*w THE GREAT TONIC FOR THE HOT WEATHER IS M. KELLER 8 PREMIUM WINE BITTERS. * Everyone Drinks Them. >X. KELLER, Alameda Street, Near Aliso. an*, lm Notice to Creditors. ESTATE OF ALONZO C. ALLEN, de ceased?-Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, Administrator, with the will annexed, ot the estate of Alonso C. Allen, de ceased, to the creditors of and all persons hnviug claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, wilh the neee-snry vouchers, within ten mcnths after the first publication of this notice, to the said Administrator, with Ihe will annexed, at the office of J. S. Thomp son, in tbe city of Los Augeles, county of Los Augeles and state ot California. CALVIN L. PORTER, Adm'r, with will aunexed, of A. C. Allen, de ceased. Dated October 7.1875. 008 4w NEW ApVERTiSEVENTS. WONDERFUL ARITHMETICAL CALCULATION! A Sowing Machine Factory Tnmt out One Hundred Jfacblaes per clay- More than It Is Capncl tated to Make!ll THE SINGER MFC COS Sewing Machine Agent lias no doubt that the Remington agent jus ly anticipates harder mimes lor his "pet' 1 muchine when lt is un derstood that It is neither "The Singer Ira proved" nor an "improvement on the Hlng er." By referring to one of our dailies 1 And that tins sofr, noiseless, "net" machine hue been introduced into l.os Angeles at a much earlier dale th -n Ihe agent states. (This may be owing to a defect of memory). The Remington agent h.s made a rather startling statement to the public In his latest advertisement bi this eff ct—that the Kem ington S. M. Co. In the manufacture of their tnmlly machines have increured from 49.(00 i • 00 in the past lour months, aud In the same paruginph says that the factory is only cupucftateii to make 250 per day; thus allow ing every working day during said period I find that he gives the "Remington folks" credit for 100 mac ilnetmore per day ihan the Factory, with a:I Its "large <aclfities," can produce—a pretty hard strain ou the most fertile imagination. The Reining on Agent asks tho "Stager folks" a very important question, namely: Do they base tbe merits of their machines upon the sales of former years? As lam the only representative of the Singer Mfg. Co. In this county I shall answer the question. 'Ihe .-lnger Mfg. Co. points with Just pride not only to tin ir sales In the past but also to the fact that those sales have constantly Increas ed up to the present. I hold to the rule that the comparative sales of a machine consti tutes a correct criterion of Its merits and a true Index e> its popularity. I shall have no difficulty In tracing back the history of the Singer Sewing Machine, lor It Never Changed its Original Name, And In showing from the best authenticated public reports that lt excels all others for all purposes, I will only go back to the year 1871. In that year the Singer Mnfg. Co. sold Machines. In 1872 they sold 219,758; In IS7B their sales reached 2 32,4 44, And the authenticated report for the year 1874 (the latest obtainable) shows that the LATEST IMPROVED NEW FAMILY SING ER MACHINE Stands Unrivaled on this Continent. The following is a correct statement from said report: THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. SOLO 241,079 MACHINES I Wheeler A Wilson Mfg. Co jUg Howe s. M. Co H5 0 0 Domestic S. M. C* 22,700 Weed S. M. Co 20 495 Qrover A Baker „ ...2it,too Remington-Empire S. If. C< 17 608 " If the number sold of any ma hlne be a criterion of its merits, The Singer carries off tho palm." In purchasing, select the most popular. KUMtXD DO AH, Aireut, oc2lm No. 1 Spring St., Los Angeles. COLONIZATION. COLONIES FOR THE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO APPLY TO THE AGENTS. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO: J. OREBE, National Hotol, San Diego City; W. CO UTS, San Luis Rey; FRANCISCO ESTUDILLO, San Jacinto. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO: RODNEY R, SHERWIN, San Bernardino; EMMONS A CUNNINGHAM, Riverside; LEONARDO COTA, Rincon. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES: H. M. SMITH, Broker and Real Estate Agent; FRANCISCO PALOMARES, San Jose; TEODORA RIMFRAN, Anaheim. S. M. SILVA, Manager. Director of the Commercial School of San Diego, Cal. oc7 lm B. STIEBEL, DEALER IN FANCY & STAPLE GROCERIES, IMPORTED Wines, Liquors & Cigars, NO. 157 MAIN STREET, LOS ANGELES, HAS ALWAYS ON HAND an assort ment ol tho best Giocertcs to be found iv the town, such as FRENCH MUSHROOMS, FOUGHI DE GENOA, FRENCH PATES AND CONSERVES Of all kinds, with a fall assortment of Croaae «S Black wall's Pickles, Jama null Jellies. IN STORE, MOCHA, JAVA AND COSTA RICA COF FEES (l.oasted.Green and Ground), SOUSED PIGS' FEET, (in kegs) LAMBS' TONGUES, DUTCH HERRINGS, SARDELLiN, ANCHOVIES, Fresh Mackerel and Mackerel in Oil, WHITE FISH, CODFISH TONGUES and SOUNDS, Swiss Cheese, Edam Cheese, Potaluma Cheese, Pineapple Cheese, ETC., ETC.. ETC. WHITE HOUSE, Corner l.oa Augelea acd Commercial. Rooms or Board First-Class. TRANSIENT OR PERMANENT AT REASONABL.B RATES Residents or strangeia please try lt ones for yourself. oel tf Notice. AS Pio Pico has published a notice defeat ing my character, I simply answer that I wtll soon vindicate myself before a court ot Justice, proving the falsltv of his accusation. octMMw F. V. "C. de MONDRAN.