OCR Interpretation

Weekly North Carolina standard. [volume] (Raleigh, N.C.) 1850-1858, October 30, 1850, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

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The protectionist (says the Richmond Enquirer)
are making a desperate efcrt to increase the tariff at
the next session. They rely with confidence on "a re
port of Mr. Corwin, setUng iorth lneTiuble frauds
under the present svstem. As the issue is to be Sold-
y made, it becomes the advocates of the existing
tariff, under which the country has moved with un
paralleled prosperity, to cripple the batteries of the
protectionists. We therefore, take great pleasure in
re-publishing the masterly and conclusive broadside
oi tne ante commercial correspondent 01 me union.
He scatters to the winds Mr. Corwin's flimsy posi
tions. The following letter is full of interest, and
Will command the attention of all lovers of just and
equal administration of the laws. We must confess
Mir surprise to see efforts being made at the South to
swell the tariff it being conceded that high duties
operate as a tax on the South for the benefit of the
North : ' ' '
(Correspondence of the Washington Union.;
ef Naw York, Oct. 1, 18504 P. M.
When we regard the operations-of the present ta
riff, iu Sonnexios with its avowed object, as purely a
revenue tariff, we become struck with the singular
success which has atunded it. There never was, in
the history of our government, a tariff which yielded
s r rc .nut imir nun tne amouui oi revenue
which has been derived trom this. When the ov
emment, in 1812, was tench emharassed for means,
the swiff of that year was voted for by the late Silts
Wright on the ground revenue only a departure
from principles of sound economy, which subsequent
events have illustrated. Thai tariff remained in ope
ration fouryeareand the same period lugs now elap
sed under the operation o the present one. The
amount of money derived trom each by the federal
government lias ueen as ioiiows ; .
m f . i aai i i r . j
Customs litpcnue or ine ymtrrui uovcriuuw".
Tariff of 842.
- 'J jnH nt Id IH
i m. a . mm a w, ij 1 1 .
1847 13,787,861
Total 07,309,441
The uresent tariff has yielded over twenty-six mil
lions, or 25 per cent, more money' than did the old
one in theeame time. The sneers and ridicule with
which the 44 rereime ' taraf was ushered into exist
ence) are still fresh in the memory bf its friends, and
they are content with the inortracalion which Hs ene
mies suffer On that score. But perhaps the most grati
fying evidence of its soundness, as welfas of the emi
nent ability with which its operation was regulated at
first, is its absolute freedom from fraud, notwithstand
ing therates of duty whfclrit still pawiits on many
descriptions of imports. The complete evldencepf this
freedom from frauds exists independently of th fact
of its yielding such large returns, in the lettered
dressed town President of the Senate on the6ltrot
September by Mr. Thomas Corw in, Secretary of the
Treaeesy. m .
There never yet has bean a system of taxation in
any age orcouoiry which has not given rise to great
frauds in the endeavors of many to escape the full
weight of the taxes. The commercial history of all
the conntries of Europe or the world is but a record
of taxes and the evasions -of there. The desperates
rencontres and wild aawentures 6T the smugglers ot
Spain, France Italy and" England, to say naming of
the China watersand tire coemptions of Mexico, form
the romance ot mercantile history. The courage, en
ergy, and ingenuity 'of British Smugglers, called in
to being by an erroneous customs system, are a nev
er-ending source of adventurous anecdote, aft well
as of danger and expense to that goveminena Thecue Ve ,d. c,aM of importera profits are less, our
. s L St S S L. X 1B WWW SBaBSWea Jafl iAn-ikkAM knatl. a, a kltikA.tn ft manaitAaw aa. . . ,1
expenses ot ineeoaeiguavqMina preventive service oi
. m tm & . " " -ft -X I
England form a material item in the government out
lay ; and yet her customs are deriead trom three
or foar aratolaeawly. Thus, ef 1 8,358,827 customs
4,18063 waa derived from ftotiacco, 5,060,860
from tea, 482,169 fare sugar, 747,105 from cot;
ee, and 1, 778,844 worn wine making 16,154,941
for five arUehsfand with the exception of tobacco, ber
duties do not average 10 percent. In the finited Slates
they average 85 per cent. ; and yet, wit hot coast
guard or preventive service, frauds are of rare occur
rence. These, who opposed the present tariff have
since earnestly pressed a change from tne ad valorem
system, and for this purpose bey have kept up a con
tinual cry of frauds ! frauds ! without proving anyV
The Senate at last ordered the Secretary to report up
on the subject, and the whole operations of all the
ports of entry for four years have been ransacked and
investigated, and the result is ofly a few insignifi
cant misrepresentations by the Secretary. It was
rather sly in the Senate to order the Galphin cabinet
to report upon frauds in the revenue, and they did
wisely to leave the matter to Mr. Corwin, who was
ready to receive the mercantile community, as well
as the Military with "bloody hands and hospitable
graves." AU that man can do to fasten frauds upon
the revenue he has doubtless done, and it "appears
only to reiterate those admirable regulations of Mr.
mm- ' ai.L I V -
waiKer, wnicn nave ueen so sucressim in prevent
ing frauds. $
The present tariff, it will be borne in mind, repudi
ated all old principles, and commenced with the adop
tion of a new one. The protective principle was
abandoned, and the revenue principle avowed. The
specific system was changed to the ad valorem. As
we have remarked, no system of taxation, direct or
indirect, ever yet existed that did not engender frauds.
Attempts at evasion vary with the mode of the tax.
The specific system had been fruitful of such attempts,
and the ad valorem system would encounter changed
tactics on the part of the roguish. Mr. Walker fore
saw this result, and adapted regulations to the changed
system, and these regulations have been so effectual
that the Secretary cn find no frauds to report. He
finds his treausry overflowing from the efTectsw this
new tariff and attendant roles, and suspects thai the
merchant as well as the cabinet officers cheat the gov
ernment, but he cannot shew it. He repeats Mr.
Walker's regulations, to show that Mr. Walker ap
prehended frauds; but he cannot show that those reg
ulations were not effectual. He says that difference
of opinion arose as to whether goods should be in
voiced at the purchase price, or at the market price
on the day of shipment, and thinks that merchants
will construe the law in their own favor. If they do,
we can see no great atrocity in such a proceeding.
He gives a fearful account of possible frauds by un
dervaluation, and the only case he quotes is of the
three cargoes of pimento, of which, be it remembered,
the whole annual import is $161,000 out of $157,000,
000, or one thousandth part ; and even in this ease
he shows that the law was effectual, and the proper
duties collected. But the astute Secretary was put
there to find frauds, end, as he cannot do this, he wants
the Senate to take the will for the deed. Hear hire !
44 There are, however, ninety-five ports of entry
where there are no appraisers. From these very few
instances have been reported for the detection ef frauds
or undervaluations, while there is every reason to be-
W .1 m mmW . . . I
neve uiai mey are as irequeni ei mese ports as at
UudouhtedljMnite as "frequent mt these parts at at
ofhefii but he fails to show how frequent they are at
others. Out of $12352,049 of duties collected, he
-4fSL I aW .1 m m. a. . -
snows cases wnere, u me irauasnad oeen soccesstut,
if any were Intended, the government woold have lost
perhaps $1,000 ! What cannot be shown by facts,
however, neseawa to attain by falsehood, in the man
ner following, to wit :
44 In the last annual report from this department
several tables ware inserted, to illustrate the effect of
the substitution of duties on the foreign value of mer
chandise in place of specific duties. Taking two as
examples of the operation of our present system, the
attention of the Senate is invited to the result, viz :
Maderia Wine. Brandy.
For five months ending 30th
November, 1830, -under
8pecins duties average
value per gallon -
For seven months ending
30th June, 1817. under ad
valorem duties average
value per gallon - -For
the year ending 30th
, June, 1848, under ad val
orem duties average va I-
f 1 09 1 07
ue per gallon -For
the. vsar end in tr 30th
June, 1849, under ad val
orem duties avenge val
ue per gallon - j -
For nine months ending 31st
Majcb, I860, under ad
valorem duties average
s"V" - - 48 64
SilPM institaasd by ihts department, it
nordeSi 7" that ,he Ta,Qe of articlei did
noltleclina m the conntries from which they1 were
I inserted, to the extent which the. above table would i
indicate : nor did the prises at which they were sold
lu consumer Si an cwwim mm wtvjawcu ai in
the invoices and entries. TT"
It is well-known law of trade, that when the price
of an article is raised, by duties ot otherwise, its con
sumption diminishes, or other articles are substituted
for iu
Under the tariff of 1842, wine was charged 25 cents
per gallon, and brandy (per gallon; under the pres
ent tariff, the former is 40 per cent., and the latter
per cent.,
100 per cent. The effect of these increased duties
was to send a lower quality to this market, because
the best became too high to bell. They were prohib
ited. The lower had destroyed the trade in the best
qualities, and because they no longer came, the sage
Njxrtitrv ilMkm fra tut !
He sax s. 44 nrices abroad
have njt changed."
True; but lower-priced articles
am ahinnml Bam. fVovatrt hoi uaa thorn a mm
" ri . -- -r- m'iz.ac"
hut it is on the part of the Sanretarv. The tables
nevermeiess, mere m gross irauu ,
i - - i I
frore which he look these prices are extended hack to
1H43, and we wtti supply the portion winch tlie cat-
uiet otacer fraudulently suppressed :
Oost Madeira.
1843 ( , 2 29 specific,
1844 1 82 44
1845 1 43 44
1846 111 44
Cost Brandy.
55 specific.
77 44
75 44
87 44
5 months to Nov., 1846 1 09
iVow why is brandy asa54 cento, under ad valorem
duties, more a proof of fraud, that at 55 under a asrci-
fie duty? Why did Madeira wine fall ! 20 per
gallon, or 5a pet cent, under specific duties ? It a
decline in price was no proof ot fraud, then, why is it
now, when the natural operation of trade would ex
clude the high-priced articles 1 in the case ot brandy,
the average price for the four years of the present
tariff is 75 cents, ana for the four. years of the old
tariff was 73 cents ; that is to say, the duty under the
present ad-valorem tariff has averaged $75 per 100
gallons, against $73 under the tariff of 1842. Yet
freed is inferred because the price has fluctuated un
der, the circumstances of the French revolution !
Of a piece with this bare-faced imposition on the
part of the Secretary is the following assertion, show
ing a suddenly awakened solicitude for our importing
citisens, whom he freely denounces as rogues :
'Hh business of importing merchandise has failen
rapidly and permanently into the hands of foreign
manufacturers and merchants, and our own citizens
n-a . .
are deprived of a lucrative employment inconsequence
of these' systematic frauds."
This is almost too ridiculous to notice, the facts
being notoriously the reverse, vis-: jobbers, or middle
men, who formerly were the customers for the im
porters, havein the last few years, entered so exten
sively into awporting themselves as to greatly dimin
ish the numbers of importers as a distinct class. It
ia the competition of those dealers who come more
directly in contact with customers against which the
importers have had to contend ; and as capital in
creases among this class, thejraportation8 tall more
entirely into tlie hands of our own people. This
system, by removing one profit between manufacturer
and consumer, enables the latter to buy more, and
therefore aids in increasing the amount of general
business a fact evident in the larire revenues tlie
government receives. If the government was cheat
ed to the extent that this Secretary with the 44 bloody
hands " Would have us believe, whence does it de
rive such large customs ? Mr. Abbott Lawrence said
that tlie new tariff, if honestly administered, would
not yield enough to sustain the credit of the govern
ment. It haa yielded 25 per cent, more than the old
tariff; and yet the Secretary pretends more is lost by
frauds than by that law. The fact is, the trade is
larger, and the government revenues are larger, be-
-"-j",a wwtic nuncio, anu
IsASftftSft MnnUnl afta&afti aaau it 4" J iLla.
being content with one profit instead of two; and this
result has been greatly aided by the warehouse sys-
. r . - m ;.a it I . -
irmr which ravors importers witn sman capital, not
withstanding the infamous conduct of the collector of
this port in needlessly harraseing merchants.
Thi SttsatoARD and Roanoke Railroad. We are
pleased to lesra from the Norfolk papers that the dif
ficulties which have so long delayed the reconstruc
tion of this road have at length been removed, and
that the work of renewal has already been commenc
ed. The road will connect with the Wilmington
road at Wefdon, and with the Raleigh near Gaston.
It will, when completed, furnish sn unbroken chain
of railroad communication from Norfolk to the South.
We are pleased also to learn that Wm. Collins,
Esq., late First Auditor of the Treasury, has been
appointed President of the Company. He is well
known in Washington as a man of intelligence and
enterprise, possessing that business knowledge and
tact which eminently qualify him for his new posi-
tion. He is well acquainted with the people of the
country through which the road will pass, and will
be enabled to make his appointments and contracts
in the most judicious manner. The people of Nor
folk and Portsmouth owe him a debt of gratitude
for it is due to his zealous exertions that this impor
tant means of communication is about to be put in
operation. The road, when completed, will add
much to the prosperity of those towns, and furnish
an important link in the line of transit from the south
to the seaboard. Union.
Lire Insurance. We invite the attention of our
readers to the advertisement in another column, of
the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Compa
ny. Life insurance is a subject every way worthy of
the serious consideration of our citisens. In all civ
ilized and enlightened countries, it has been found
of great benefit to persons in moderate circumstan
ces and its advantages should he enjoyed by our cit
izens. Other Life Companies formed on the mutual
principle, have been abundantly successful, so as to
leave no doubt aa to the efficiency of such instiutions.
and their ability promptly to discharge their obliga
The North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Com
pany may be truly and emphatically called a Home
Institution. It is estimated that hundreds of thou
sand at dollars are annually sent from the Southern
States, to be invested in Life policies ; surely these
investments have not been sent abroad from prefer
ence, but rather from necessity. Here then is a South
ern Institution claiming the public patronage and
support. S Chat. Courier.
Military Movements. The Seventh Regiment
ot Infantry left Fort Leavenworth on the 15th Sep
tember, and arrived by short marches at Council
Grove on the 35th. The officers present are :
Brevet Lt. Col. Bainbridge, commanding.
Field and Staff Major Andrews, Doctors Wood
and Hanson; Ll. Ply mpton. Acting Adjutant ; Lieut.
Black, Regimental Quartermaster; Lieut. Potter.
Assistant Con.missary of Subsistence.
Six Foot C'ettMfue B re vet Major Rains, Brevet
Major Whiting, Brevet Major Gatlin, Brevet Major
Paul, Lieuts. Stevenson and Tyler.
Four Mounted Comoanies brevet Major Holmes,
Lieuts. Hayman, Henry, and Garland. '
OrdsjS have been sent by express countermanding
the destination of this regiment, end directing their
return to this department of the army.
Si. Louis Republican.
Meeting or Directors. The Directors of the
North Carolina Rail Road Company met in this place
on Thursday evening last all present except Mr.
Graham and Mr. Jerkins.
John W. Norwood, of Hillsborough, was elected
a Director in the place of Wm. A. Graham, resigned.
Jed: A. Lindsay tendered his resignation of the of
fice of Secretary and Treasurer; but, on the solicita
tion of the Board, consented to continue in the office.
We learn that lie affairs of the Company were
pretty thoroughly talked war, bet ra are not informed
tbat any action was taken, or now considered necessa
ry, touching the interests of the same.
The Board wilt meet next in Raleiirii. on the call
of the President.
Greensborough Patriot.
p -w "
A Boston Speculator proposes a plan by which they
who choose may go to London and see the big fair,
in the Spring, and come back again, all for not more
than one hundred dollars, fie says he has ascertained I Hne Of trans-Atlantic navigation. From Cape Cao
frsan good authority that, provided one hundred pass- fa. Nova Scotia, to Gal way 'Bay, in Ireland, the dis-
"""S i a Man inr. uumiiicu, llio piuprifUOrS OI a line Of
the first class packets will agree to furnish a passage
to Liverpool and back, and provide good accommoda
tions and excellent fare, for the sum of sixty dollars
each. The whole trip and stay to include about three
IK" ,, Who says that Boston is not 44 the city of
A Vaouawt's Defence. A fellow taken up as a
vagrant, declared that be waa not 44 a man without
any visible means of subsistence, as he had just
opened a store. " It was found on inquiry, tbat he
had opened it withjs crowbar in the night, and un
fortunately the store belonged to soother man.
wifui uw .VMop
it would, to a
roe t for a moAt ridiculous exhibition jf wfsknftss,
e imbed! it v. and timidity, we never saw or heard of.
- Instead of -taking strong, arm, and eeoided ground, t ,
j i u j i . u . . i :
a me ueieguieo uugm au hts uuwv, iu jupniimi hi
a renewal of the dangerous reagltation of the slave-
ry question, ami against tt iiiiuiu n. oewiru, ana wi
his. assftfi tata demagnetise who favored Mstand utho
to sebserre "their own purposes, nave renewed tos
tstought upon the South TjdPa) nnTj
ey contented themselves wB passing a few milk-
and-water resolutions, renominating the candidates
selected by the abolition whig Convention at ayra
j cuse, and then, like whipped spaniels
tiels. .falliauf into
i the ranks of dteir attoonents. and toad Ufa to the
very party whom thaW broke mT from on the ground
: e I i , m
SueVa course of Conduct ia discreditable and di
! graceful in the extreme, and cannot tail to produce dis-
aster, not ooly.to theiwhig party of the NorthrbiK
eveniuany, pernaps, to uie junion useir. wnai wui
the southern whigs say to this result 1 There isi but
one course left for them to pursue; and, in the event
of the success of the candidates put forward under
such circumstances, they will, we have nt doubt dis
claim all connexion with the northern abolition whig
party, who, for the purpose of gratifying the ambition
of a few palefaced demagogues, would sacrifice their
nawMuil characteristics, and engage ina warfare against
southern institutions and the, peace and welfare of
southern society as now organised.
In the southern States the announcement will,
without doubt, increase and add to the excitement
which already exists there, and give strength and
force to the party already very numerous that has
been organized on the express ground of secession,
in consequence of the crusade which the aboli tionists
of the North are conducting against their interests, and
against their happiness and social prosperity. Here
torefe that crusade has been confined to the ranks of
the Garrison fanatics ; but now we see the great whig
party of the State of New York, deliberately and de
signedly, by resolution, and by forming an abolition
platform, cast off its national characteristics, rfhd iden
tify itself with men who profess but one idea, and
that one hostile to the Sonih, and enlist under the
banners of demagogues and disorganized, who would
net care' if this glorious Union were shivered to
. ...
pieces, provided their uuholy ambition and purposes
are gratified.
Of such a character are Seward, Weed, Greeley,
& Co., who are the most dangerous men in the com
munity, and whose connection with any party would
ruin and destroy it. The well-disposed and national
portion of the whig party had hoped that patriotism
and sound sense would have triumphed that the na
tionality of the whig party of New York would have
been preserved and that a new set of candidates,
end a new and comprehensive platform, would have
I been put forward by the Ltiea convention. But they
have been disappointed ; and the foul flag ot aboli
tionism and socialism has been unfurled to the breeze,
and the whigs of this city and State invited to enrol
; themselves under it to recommence the onslaught
on southern institutions as guarantied by the consti
tution, and to wage a war of destruction against the
commercial interests aud prosperity of tlie North, and
especially New York.' It is in vain to argue that
such is not the direct aim and tendency of the move
ment commenced at Syracuse and consummated at Gen. Singeltary deserves much praise for the mili
IJtica. Notwithstanding all of Mr. Washington ye he exeixing and for the jmpr0Ted discip-
H ant's special pleading, and the fussy and puerile i ........ . A I
resolutions oassed bv the lltiea convention, abolition l,ne w"hieh he is laboring to effect. After all, the
ofthe worst and most diabolical character is now the
distinctive characteristic of the whig party of New
ork, and their aim and object a renewal of the slave
ry agitation, and a reopening of the wounds of the
republic so recently healed, We saw this result long
since and pointed it out in the clearest manner possi
ble in our columns. We warned the whig party
against being ruled by such demagogues as Seward,
Weed, and Greeley, and we predicted that, if they
tolerated such men, they would eventually ruin and
break down the party. Our predictions were unheed
ed : but now thev are verified. Step by step those
J .v ' - m .. .. .. . . ' .1
demagogues, like a serpent, entwined themselves
W : - . 9 m w
m" wftftftas v if ft j 'iii see aim si anui iinv -j v
administer the coup de grace, if, indeed, they have not
j done so already. The whigs have no one to blame
: but themselves. While the enemies in their ranks
! were stabbing their organization to the heart, they
! were sunk in apathy, aud lust to the danger that
i threatened them.
j According to- the present condition of public feel
I ing in the North, aud the numerous unions and alli
ances which the abolition whigs have formed with
the socialists, anti-renters, and other disorganizes,
f ItaU taVhlaT nnHlT ftaaH rt O shnPt tllltO tllAJ V IS. ill
there is good reason to fear that the abolition ticket,
headed by Washington Hunt, will be successful al
tne election which will take place in this Mate next
month. We fear that it will be voted for. regardless
of the circumstances under which il was Pl,t forward,
and Without taking into consideration the important
principle that will be in the issue in the contest. . If
such should be the case, and the abolition whigs of
.New York should triumph, we may expect the com
mencement ot an excitement, and a contest between
the North and the South, of a more violent and dread
ful character than any that ever preceded it. The
South will see at once that .they have nothing to hope
from the North, and they will retaliate in the most
effective manner possible. As it is, organizations
against, northern commercial interests have been en
tered into in the South. This, however, will be but
the beginning of the end. By northern hostility and
fanaticism, the South have been driven into manufac
turing their staple product on an extensive scale, and
a continuance of it wilt force them to build their own
ships, and carry on a direct commerce with Europe j
Snd the rest of the world. Their latent energies will
be awakened, and they will avail themselves of the
superabundant advantages which Nature has provided
them with, and which are amply sufficient to-render
the Southern states totally independent of the North.
In such case, what will become of the North ? What
IS a mW a.
win Deconie ot nortnern manufactures, northern com-; 8eMiou, up to 1848, when he retired to private life,
merce, and northern prosperity of every kind 1 Are i . ,0, , , .., . e .u o
our people to sacrifice ill-our interests, our pros- ! In 1850 h? WM gn brouglm forward for the Com
perity, our commercial vitality to gratify such ambi- i mon by his party, and elected. Mr. Tomlinson was
tious demagagues as Seward, Weed, Greeley, & Co.1 an earnest, honest man, full of energy, and remarka
What, then, is to be done! We await an answer, j'bly successful in all his undertakings. His death is
j.icw x otk neram, uci. in.
From Mexico. The Brownsville (Rio Grande)
Sentinel, of the 9th, says: 44 We have dates from
different parts of Mexico and from the capital to the
17th inst. The contest for the Presidency seems
now to be reduced to two aspirants, Arista and Al
monte. It is doubtful which of the two will win, as
the victory is claimed by the partisan papers of both
sides. Arista, however, has carried to the Monitor
Repuhlieano, tlie State of Tamaulipas, the cities of
Mexico, Puehla, Vara Cruz, and several other places
ofl'sser note.
"The wisacres in polities pronounce a revolution
inevitable, it matters not. which
which patty may prove sue- i
President. If Arista gams, it
cessiui in electing its rresiaent. it Arista gains
is held that the Southern and Middle Stains will pro-
. aa a a . reB .
nou nee against rum, and il Almonte, then the North,
bordering on Sierra Madre, will pronounce in his fa-
Important and Desirablbpvement. We learn,
from good aatbority, that a Movement is on foot, to
hold a public meeting, without respect to class or
party, of those disposed to abide the recent action of
Congress with reference to the slavery question, and
thereby to make such a demonstration ol popular aen
timent as shall put an effectual end to the agitation of
that subject. In this merchants, tradesmen, laboring
men, all are interested, because upon internal peace
and prosperous commerce depends the welfare and
happiness of the most remote of the laboring popu
lation. New York Commercial Advertiser.
Crossing the Atlantic is Five Dav ! The
j citizens of Portland, Me., have petitioned their Leg
islature to ascertain ine most practicable route for a
railroad from , Bangor in the direction of St. John,
New Brunswick, to somegood harbor at Nova Sco
tia, or Cape Breton, best fitted for a terminus for a
tance is said to be 9,000 miles. Assuming the speed
oi sxeam vessels ipoe l? mnes an dour, the ocean
will thos be crossed in five days time.
Never neglect to read the advertising department
of a newspaper, if you would know whereto ley out
your money to the best advantage. Competition is
at its heigaS, and those who have anything worth
buying, at good bargains, alwaya advertise. They
know it is the sore way to do a brisk and profitable
business ; and by sailing quickly thev are enabled to
sell cheaply. Keep the nin sf-tfae advertisements.
Sometimes the price of. a whole years subscription
is saved by looking closely over the advertisements.
We continue to receive accessions to our Weekly and
eekly . Our terms are now so low that no one
who wants a newspaper can reasonably refuse to sub
scribe. . We shall certainly commence our Semi-Weekly
the 1st of "November. Our terms, after the 1st of No
vember, Will be asfollows :
For the, Weekly paper 92 in advance; $2 50 within
the first six months ; and $3 if not paid within six months.
Fw the Semi-Weekly $4 in advance; $4 50 within
the first six month: and $5 if not paid within six months.
These terms wiltyle rigidly adhered to. The present
seserWers to the Standard can avail themselves of the
advance payment by settling up arrearages, and taking a
new .start ; and those of them who may Wish to transfer
their subscriptions to the Sejji-Weekly, can aasfly take
advantage of the advance payment on that in tine same
way. Jf
Werewc sent our PrbspeeteSM in aH dtrectioas. We
hope our friends wilt " Uke good care of them" and see
that they are filled up. Our thapks ere due especially
to these Portranslere who have received subscribers for
us, and remitted us money. If we can serve them in
any way, in this part of Commonwealth, we shall lie
happy to do so. We have also sent Prospectuses to of
fices where we have no subscribers. Will the Postmas
ters do us the favor to hand them round, or post them
up in some conspicuous place ?
nFOur first
day next ; and our
he printed on Saturdays
On Thursday last the Militia of Wake County,
composing the 35th and 3Gth Regiments, under the
command of Colonels Tucker and Witherspoon, were!
reviewed in this City by Major General Singeltary
and Brigadier General Littlejohn.
The day was fine, and the Review went off han
somely and to the apparent satisfaction of all. The
Regiments were addressed on the field by the two
Generals, mainly in relation to the importance of a
proper discipline, and in condemnation of the law of
the last Legislature, exempting those over thirty-five
years of age from military duty. Their remarks were
well received; indeed, the feeling against the law
above-mentioned, seemed to be unanimous.
Gen. Singeltary looked remarkably well on the oc
casion, and the same may be said of his brilliant Staff.
Nor should we omit allusion to the subordinate offi
cers They all performed their duty, so far as we
could judge, in a creditable manner ; and as for
onr friend, Col. Tucker, of the 35th, we saw no
one, from, the Generals down, who 44 sat his horse"
better, or who went through the various movements,
or turned the various 44 points," with more propriety or
militia mast be our dependence in times of trial. It
requires experience and training to make regulars.
The best regulars were once plain militia-men ; and
the best fighters on the Continent were the militia at
King's Mountain and Bunker Hill. Every effort,
therefore, to keep the ranks of our militia well filled
and well trained, is deserving of commendation. We
hope these efforts may become general in all parts of
the State. Instead of trifling with our militia, and
castintr ridicule noon them, let us labor to improve
t. am 4ij.;iM anA .k. nMn9M ilm tnr f..in.
I ' t
We invite the attention of every citizen of the State
to Col. Wheeler's Piospectus, in another column, of
his 44 Sketches of North Carolina." This is a work
which every son of the good old State ought to be
proud to welcome to his library. It will contain much
valuable and hitherto unpublished matter; and from
our knowledge of what it is expected to embrace, we
have no hesitation in saying that it must throw no
small degree of light upon the early history of the
State, especially that of the Revolution and the period
immediately preceding that grand event.
Col. Wheeler deserves the thanks of the people of
the State for his disinterested labors in this depart
ment. His book will be so cheap that every one can
afford to subscribe for it. Subscriptions to the work
will be received at this office, and forwarded to the
author; and we hope onr brethren of the Press will
generally copy the Prospectus, and act as agents in
receiving the names of subscribers in their respective
We announce, with deep regret, the death of James
Tomlinson, Esq. of Johnston County. He expired
at his residence, on the 23d instant of billons conges
lion, in the 48th year of his age. .
Mr. Tomlinson was elected to the Commons trom
Johnston County in 1834; and wasa member of eith
er the Senate or the Commons, at each successive
a serious loss to the community of which he was a
respected and honored member.
We presume the Governor will issue his writ for
an election to supply the vacancy, at an early day.
Our friends in Johnston have a number of men well
qualified for the post ; and we hope they will rally
with unanimity upon some one of them, and elect him.
We learn that at the recent Meeting of the Direc
tors of the Central Rail Road at Greensborough, no
part of the Road Was located, the surveys not being
ag yei completed. The Directors will meet again in
... , J. n 15 .- : Tj .u
mo wnii in aivuuiyvif w iicii 1 1 ia CAjJci; Ur-KJ illc
surveys will be finished along the entire line ; and at
that time the Road will be located. Of course the
spot for the Depot near this place will then be fixed
upon ; and we have no doubt, front what we have
learned, that it will not be done until after a per
sonal inspection of the various localities on each side
of the Town, by the Directors. We regret that any
feeling should have existed in this community, on
the subject of locating the Depot ; and we hope this
feeling will now be pot to rest. ' No citizen here can
doubt that the Board of Directors will do their dfty In
the premises,. with all the lights before them at the
time, and after due examination, in person, of the
various sited.
A Mass Meeting ia soon to be held, in New York
City, of the friends of the Constitution and the Un
ion, to take the necessary steps to frown down the
fanatics and to sustain the Fugitive Ware Law. The
Meeting is called by the leading Merchants, who
have profited largely by Southern trade. Most of
the papers of the efcy are advocating the Meeting,
bnt the Tribune and Poet are grumbling and throw
ing cold water upon it. We hope the Meeting may
be speedily held, and that it may prove beneficial in
iu results. t
We are gratified to learn that our worthy and indus
trious fellow-townsman, George Fisher, haa received
the premium of a silver medal for the most improved
construction of Saddles, at the Fair of the American
Institute, held in New Ysrk Oity the present month .
a. .. 'SBMt i tt ma
fit is idle to reason with ana ties, keitas Jews
ho clamored for the bjood of Crismfcei are deaf
Is aH aloes hot those of Hate, Malisrnitv. and V-
NieaneK Nothing ia too Sacred for their eollMincr
touch. They live to revile, and they labor to destroy.
i ney assume all garbs in which
to carry out their!
purposes ; and yon will find there as freqnemly in
tne Church, under the cloak of sanctity, as out of
it. Hot though we mav not re&ftan Willi oiijati non.
pie, it is well, occasionally, to expose their fallacies
w tt ww ,ii asaaass av w
. ft m mm .
and rebuke the evil spirit which cnnimio i,. i
JdoaA4f the Churches in the Free States have al
milv tli (rrnnnninct u Fn.:.;.. oi. .
j "- t ugiufc o lave Law,
and demanded its repeal. They assert ft to be in vio
lation ot the Constitution, and of the still 44 higher
law " of God. At a meeting, for instance, of the
New Yorli Evangelical ConOremtinnnl Amw.Uk;
x O w w mr' ijHft ii
held at Poughleepsie on the 8th instant, the follow
ing Resolutions were passed :
44 tttmlted. That we cannot reoogHb this law a
aj onBiing u upon me cttiseneet our conn
try. 1st. Beeause'tt is contrary to the exnress com
mand of God. Dent. 23, 16. 17 "Thoto shalt ant
not deliver unto his master the servant which is es
caned from htstoaster onto thee. Re shall dwell
I f . -
wttn thee even among yon in that place wjiich
snail choose in one of thy gates, where it liketh h
thv Bates. wher t kth him
.... K 7. ' - - r ....
host ttinn .K.l i aWl ,, nj t. -
" iuji uwuii wm Hiui. an. 11 ig in nnm.v
im. 2d. It is in nnnW
with the provisions of odr National ConstitmiJn.
4th. It prostrates those two great safeguards of hfa
novo., cfrn. ana inai oy jury. pth.
is revolting to the spontaneous nromotinwn of h.,maA
ity. 6th. It brings upon onr Nation the reproach of
j injustice and inconsistency, and impairs our influence
upon the world for gnod. 7th, In short. 'this law
outrages every principle of human feeling, of human
ity and religion ; and thus, so far as the principle is
concerned, it sndnnovra th liKartv r ..,
fm , w. cidi w mail.
Tit,l f TH . i 1 , "...
in,xu, iuu. wiiiie we vocognize tne oniigation
to obey the lawa of the land, we make an exception
in the ease of all Simh nrnvimnc oi anal mmiui t.
44 higher raws" of God. I
tieamved, ITiat we advise all persons to render
every needful aid and comfort to FmritivA Slaves.
just the same as if there were 'no law in the land
forbidding it."
Now it is a fact, that the only Biblical authority
which these fanatics rely upon or can quote, to justi
fy them in refusing- to deliver up fugitive slaves, is
an authority which, properly understood, commands
by the clearest implication the very act, of justice
which they say it binds them to refuse. The Israel
ites were a peculiar people. They were blessed
with the immediate presence, and held, of all the ex
isting nations, the oracles of God. It was their noli.
cy to root out and destroy tlie heathen, and this thev
effected by fire and sword : but as thev had been nn
in bondage themselves in Egypt, they were comand-
ed to be kind to 44 strangers "that is, to such of the
surrounding nations as escaped to them, and claimed
safety and protection. Thus they warred upon na
tions, and not upon individuals; and the same policy,
enjoined in the above passage from Di&teronomy,
which weakened their heathen enemies by holding on
to their escaped servants, gave to these servants also
the benefits of a better government, and some hope,
at least, of an interest in the promised Messiah. Bot
the Twelve Tribes held slaves, under an express com
mand from the Almighty; and, by implication, the
obligation upon the respective Tribes to restore es
caped slaves, one to the other, was as clear aa if writ
ten in so many words- else all right and justice would
have ceased ia the midst of tWis favored people, pro
perty of this kind would have been valueless, end
anarchy and xuin would have speedily ensued. God
spoke in the above passage, not to one of the Tribes,
but to all of them he spoke to the Jewish penpfe
and, as a matter of coarse, thus addressing them, he
meant to be understood as alluding to ajar
es escap-
ing from the surrounding heathen na
He was
so understood ; and we find this, interpretation is
given to this passage by all the Commentators whose
writings we have consulted.
Thus it will be seen that these Congregational ists
have been guilty of perverting the Holy Scriptures-sJ
uo ijuunru its language to mean one trr.ng, when it
means another, and that, too, to justify them in inflict
ing a great wrong upon their neighbors. They must
have known better; for they have among them learn
ed men, whose duty and business it is to study and ,
explain the Scriptures.
We have said the Jewish people held slaves under
an express command from the Almighty. Here is the
proof :
44 Moreover, of the children of the strangers that do
sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their
families that are with you, which they begat in your
land ; and they shall be -your possession.
And ye shall take them a an inheritance for your
children after you. to inherit them for a possession ;
theg shall be your bondmen forever. Leviticus, 25th
chapter, 45th and 46th verses.
Again, Paul says in his Epistle to the Ephesiane :
44 Servants, be obedient to thnm that are your masters
according to the flesh." Again, St. Paul says to
Titus : 44 Exhort servants to be obedient onto their
own masters, and to please them well in all things;
not answering again; not purloining, bnt showing all
good fidelity," &c. The truth is, the Holy Book is
foil and clear npon all these points; and every where
in its blessed pages", from the first letter to the last
line, he is accounted worthy whether Prince or sub
ject, master or slave who performs his duty, in his
sphere, according to the best lights he has, and with
humble submission to the will of his Creator.
These Christians in the free States set up their
judgments against that of the Almighty, and blindly
strike against all law, order, and. right! Let them
hear the language of St. Paul, as he invokes the Di
vine vengeance upon their evil deeds : 44 Let- every
soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there
is no power but of God : the powers that be are eta
jdainedof God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the
power, resisteth the ordinance of God : and they that
; resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For
I A -
rulers are not a terror to good wodre, but to the evil."
We verily believe that the AboliHn Ministers of the
free States have done more harm in this mattea than
the whole Northern population besides; aattthe chief
reason is, that they baveft to a great extent, the control
of the corrsciansis of their hearers, and they are
stantly engaged ih their unholy work. Such
nstead of preaching peace apd good will, are attrring
P rife and enmity among brothers. Instead of
subjecting themselves unto tke higher powers, they
are advising sedition and insurrection ; for honesty
they wools substitute theft, and in the place of the
pure word of God, which is Mercy, Justice, and
Charity, they would establish the reign of insubor
dination and murder, and open upon these States the
flood-gates of war and wide-spread carnage. Bnt,
we repeat, it is idle to reason with such men, or with
their infatuated followers. Abandoned by Heave,
I ? .c -I - a-. .
sua insiigaiea oy me uevu, no numan power can ra
s - i ai s -s a CUa. .
strain or control mem ; anu uus agitation on the
ca ...
oiavery question in us various Shanes and asnects.
mast therefore "eoloits end.
What Southern man thought, twelve months ago,
that the issue would now be the continuance or repeal
of the Fugitive Slave Law 1 But so it is! Abolition
ism is progressive. The concession of to-day only
provokes the demand of to-morrow ; and thos as we
are driven back, step by step, we learn to be surprised
at no event, however startling, and to compromise over
tal interests !
wheal lint fnrmd nui. ...
& w wui irom t m
the i
m more water than would turn the school -Ll
wheal ; bsttt widen, and deepen, with ,U LIS
r not closed in time, it resists all attempts to TH
it, and oroes forward with , . arrt
strength until iu work of ,..:L"y Uetk
tr- J-X 9 9
1 'r'
THERN 44 UTPR a ist!
The Rrtlpirrh U;. j ... . .
1 . ft - J LI nil
... - -sieranu Washineton II
7" U"g f Southern " oltraiats " and So,
m " w either of MissaaW.s,
- eno,H-, te11I,fora they k
'naUftW ho has at any time ask
now of an? Sn..,k
IkU'hn haa at .: w ""I
w aw nine aiKM iiaw i
as involve in ike Slavery nunt; 2 a . wi
. . - " f
eVrtos wire advocates extreme measnres ; and v
butxtme measures oaT the nart nf,i. r .
IV ;
driven Southern man m ih;ntr r i ... .Ics,lls
There are 44 diaunionists "
- "i uiasuiill
ition ?
in the South. K..
sre so from sad necessity. They base been fcJJ?
WIS poajtion by the asrjrressinna r,n. 10
i. . mo nisuiis of tK
Abolitionists, invited and encouraaed. ; .
tew. w ,k . . - " - u,ay m-
t-.rr;' J,.r . -"omission to wrong of
- 1 HirMi ..i.,.; i-.., . . 0uth ho
Rrn mpn. w a immm r
iZTm-- ntsviw up no
. W -vwwi u .ivyu if l JilNHUIIlIinn'Q Mb. . 1
contreiy we know that the firetaffectiohs of
r . . F oat
on the
"avc m or ine union in Its true snirU
. ; 1 a I
! t . m . .
nd for t,e
vyuusmuiIOB as OUT luthnra mario
Constitution as our father m. :
!f ui "COnslo-.
! n rnnninj. . iTT. m. ui
people of th.
repeal of the
5ae Law, or any alteration in it whi,-h ,;n J.,
. B V -mmmmW , U 1 1 1 I 1 V ft
- lts object or destroy its vitality. It they should th
tt ,wil deserve to h niii iss t '
.. . r "cal"c.uy
their i
ante in the free StateSitoNcorned
bS all true men
throughout the world.
Southern 44 oltraiats' and 44 unionists" jll(iee(J ,
Why, Who is tO blame for thn nraaam - -r .. .
. r. . ... owacu, Minna t
ivnn tin, tho t.i-. i .1 ci . .
. . . . I - wc
thai tnpae innrna a will mt l.i U.r .,
- i f, m . tjiiui s we
; " mai, unure iney resume
their allusions to Southern oltraists,
J I i .1
tell llkai.
; r . " "V . nJ 00nern man who
m aijr anuc uemanueu oi me tree states
than, his rights. Tbat will settle the question as to
how much justice there is in these allusions.
!?tr0nse8t lTLound of objection to the admis
of California as a State urged by the Secessionist
and Dwumomsts, waa that it contained what, in Z
estimation of Mr. Calhoun, was worse than ten W l
an uaeuMuve i-roviso. Jie"isltr
The "strongest ground of objection"0 amona
Southern men to the admission of California, mn
! the broad and naked fact that she was admitted. hly
i because she had prohibited Slavery. Does not tlie
Register know thjs to be so ? Why, may We ask
i that paper were Bot the Californians
silent on this
qe ' Can that paper tell ?
The Register still talks shout 44 Secessionists and
Disunionists." Now who aalde these men so ? Hare
they not been driven to their present position by the
Abolitionists and Freesoilers? And why denounce
and abuse them, while the fanatics of the Free States
are paraded, by the Register, as in the case of the
New York Whigs, as 44 national " Whigs?
j What will the Register say and do, if the Fugitive
Slave Law should be repealed ? Is that paper will
ing to compromise here also 1 Will it stand by that
law as it is Let us have the answer yes, or no.
A new Prima Donna and rival to Jenny Lind has
appeared. She is a native of Glasgow, Scotland,
and her name is Christina Dawson. She has been
laboring successfully .in Germany, about eighteen
months, to perfect herself in the higher branches
of W& mnft'wai art. The most flattering accounts
have been received of her vocal powers. Have we
but one Barnnm ? A Berlin correspondent of a Glas
gqw paper says Miss Dawson's voice is from G. be
low the lines to "E. in alt. nearly three octaves.
With M 88 Dawson, of Glasgow, and Mademoiselle
Parade of Genoa, who is shortly to appear at Marc
Maretizak's Italian Opera House in New York, the
Lind will have to come her 44 echo notes " in the
best style to prevent Barunin's present engagements
from turning out not quite so golden after all. Where
is the other Barnum t Now is the time for B. No. 2
to go in.
The following Resolutions were unanimously adopt
ed at a recent public meeting in Hinds County, Mis-
j sissippi :
44 Resolved, That we will not transact any business
' (either by the shipmenf'of cotton to, or the purchase
j of goods from) with any merchant in the city of New
Orleans who is known to be a fre-soiler in his senti
i ments, or unless his long residence in the South and
i known opinions have identified him with the South.
Resolved, That we will employ no school-teachers
! or patronize any school under the management of ant
person or persons who are not known to be wholly
; southern in all their feelings and opinions."
In addition to this, we see it stated that the Medical
students of Columbia, South Carolina, to the number
of fifteen, have resolved not to attend Medical Lectures
in any Northern institution. 0
Read the article in another column of this day's
paper, from the New York Herald, a neutral paper,
showing the surrender of the Whig party of New
York into the hands of the Sewarditer. The Kaleigh
Register, printed in a doveholding State, endeavors
to produce the impression that the Whigs of New
York, as at present organized, are fit and worthy as
sociates of Southern Whigs'; the Herald an indepen
dent paper printed in a free State, demonstrates that
Seward ism is in the ascendant in New York, and
that if the Whigs carry toe day there on the 5lti of
next month, it will be a triumph over the Constitu
tion and the South. Which is to be believed die
Register, which knows bnt little about public affair?
New York ; or tlie Herald, that knows ewry
thing necessary to be known npon the subject f
men of reason decide.
Mountain Barnes. Mr Hayden announces in
the last number of this paper, that he has disposed of
it to Franklin I. Wilson, Esq., anu that the paper
will 44 be continued as a Democratic journal ." w e
welcome Mr. Wilson into the ranks. He is an ex
cellent writer, and a young gentleman of promise and
character. We hope his 4 Banner " may long fl1
in triumph on the mountains.
We are requested 40 sMte that Robinson's and W-
! dred's Circus will exhibit in this City during the
present month, Tw Circus is said to have been
materially enrarpd and improved, and its attractions
are of course correspondingly increased. It has six
44 Lady Efoeatrians. " Frencetto Brower is the
Tineb's Almanac. We are indebted to Mr. Tur
ner for a copy of his 44 North Carolina Almanac '
or 1851. It is printed in excellent style, and con
tains much valuable information.
William White. Jr. of the Raleiarh Post office, will
fci .a s a i .rinV of a Di
accept our manics ior a very nauuBu -"r -
... . DinffiRi in the
rectory, containing a nsi oi an me rw--
ITnitot Kiatea It ia inot ill book we neeaeu.
ftaaf SSS (VU ftift'ft . . j mmmm-r wmw w
There was a frost Throughoii7tbe whole Souta
tar as Savanah, on the night of the 21st instant, v
had a pretty heavy one here on Sunday night last.
Jesse E. Dow. EsqTthe Poet, and author of the
44 Heroic Age," died suddenly at Washington W
on Wednesday last.
j onr vested rights and

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