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I f 1 i ,'Ss M Volume XXI. Number ' 1081, THE larth-Caraliiinltannnru WILLIAM W. HOLD EN, Editob 'and Proprietor. ' v- "' FRANK. I. WILSON. Associate Editor. Of TU3 WiiiiKLY Two' Dollars er annum in11 advance, or Within the tirt month; Two Dollars and fiftv cents, if payment be delayed .six months; and Three IJjilars, .f not paid within six months from the time of 8UTERMSg0F THE SEMI-WEEKLY Four Dollars per titMHHi, in advauce.or within the first month ; Four Dolfais and liny payment be delayed six months; and Five Dollars, if not paid within six luonths from the time of subscribing. ' " - Terms of Advertising in the Standard. Our regular rates of advertising are as follows : One square, 14 lines or lessj first insertion, - $100 Each subsequent insertion, - - - - - - - 25 Louder advertisements in proportion. ConFracis will be made with advertisers, at the above rt't'iUir rates, for six or twelve months, and at the close of the contract per cent, will be deducted from the gross amount. Professional or business Cards, not exceeding five lines will be inserted m either the Weekly or Semi-Weekly, for $ij for six inuths,or $10 for twelve months ; or in both pa pers for 10 for six months, or $15 for twelve months. rjf" The paper will be sent to advertisers for six months or'bv the year, free of charge. Subscribers and others who may wish to send money to ue Editor, can do so at all times, by mail, andathis risk. U-'C'.pis for all sums will be promptly transmitted. inters to the Editor must come free of postage. RALEIGH, SATURDAY. JUNE 30. 1855 MR. KAYXER AND HIS NORTHERN ALLIES. The last Raleigh Register contains what purports to be the substance of the speech delivered by Mr. Rayner a few evenings since in Washington City ; and finding the report in the Register, taken from soine Washington paper. - we consider it as au- thentic as such reports usually are, and regard Mr. Rayner as bound by it to the people of North Carolina. Among other things Mr. Rayner said: " Coining as I do from our labors at Philadelphia, it is right that I should allude to the transactions of the iate National Council. The enemy had circu lated throughout the lund the story that division and distraction had entered into th i American fami ly at Pniladelphia. I can say with pride and joy that thus in not the cose. There was no' division on the great American principles the distinguished features of the order. On that distracting question which has entered into and divided all political parties, and many churches of the land, there was a difference of opin ion. We did not attempt to patch up a theory that should read two ways, and be fitted to each section; but looking to one common cause, to the protection of American Protestantism, we were nnited as one man. On slavery alone there was a difference. The members from the Forth, who disupproted, protest ed, honestly and manfully, but did not secede. And now, instead of coining into the field with one regi ment, at the next election, we shall present two im mense brigades that will sweep everything before us. l.'ueers. Let not the powers here in Washington and the pimps of the Roman hierarchy cackle over our division of "sentiment on this question. There is no hope for them in it. On the great question of opposition to their encroachments there is no divis ion no North, no South. All over the North our camp fires are lighted on every hill-top. So also do they send back th;ir greeting from the sunny Smith." Here it is boldly asserted that, notwithstanding the difference of opinion on slavery between South ern and Northern Know Nothings, they are still united as a party ; that the members from the North " protested honestly and manfully" against the ma jority platform, "but did not secede"; and that the calculation, by a Southern man and a slaveholder, is that in the campaign of 1856 the abolition forces, under the lead of Ford, Wilson, Colby and Gardner, will form one of the " immense brigades " destined, in affiliation with Southern Know Nothings, to sweep the country. There it is, fellow-citizens, in terms so plain that he who runs may read. Mr. Rayner declares as does also the " Ameri can Organ " that the Know Nothing party is still national, still a unit that the twelve abolition States " did not secede," but onty protested " against the platform adopted. Let us, then, as they insist upon this state of things, take it for granted and look to results. Massachusetts, under Know Nothing influ ence, has nullified the fugitive-slave law, and set the authorities of the federal government at defiance ; Mr. Wilson and Mr. Sumner, her two Senators, stand p edged to labor for the repeal of that law, and to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia and in the Territories ; in several of the Northern States Know Nothing Senators have been elected, who are as hos tile as Mr. Wilson is to the rights of the South, and, taking all the free States together, - in the late elec tions some fifty or sixty Know Nothing members of the House have been returned, who will assuredly vote with Wilson and Seward of the Senate for the most ultra freesoil propositions ; in Maine, in New York, and indeed throughout the free States Res olutions have been adopted, either by Know Noth ng Legislatures or State Councils, the tendencies of which are, if carried out, to destroy the institution of slavery or to force a dissolution of the Union ; and in ew Hampshire, the old Democratic party, standing upon the Baltimore platform and advocating the Ne braska-Kansas measure, have been defeated, and, as the result of it, John P. Hale, a vile abolitionist has been elected to the United States Senate, and a man elected Governor Mr. Metcalf who in his inaugu ral address denounces the . repeal of the Missour line as an outrage not to be submitted to by the North, and, amongr other things,- insults the whole Southern people by the charge that they, are con templating the revival of the African slave-trade, In. no instance has a national man been elected to office ly the Know Nothings of the free States. The Order, in that region, is a compound of all isms, the leading features of which are hatred of the South, and a determination, constantly expressed, to extir pate slavery by abolishing it in the District of Co lumbia, by abolishing it in the Territories so as to prevent its spread, and by repealing the fueitive- slave law, thus denying to Southern masters the "gnt of capture and reclamation solemnly guaran in the federal Constitution. This, in brief, is me condition and these are the principles and objects Jf the great body of Northern KnowNothingsand r. naynev not only admits, . but declares u with Pnde and joy " that they are his allies that he is wiing with them against the Administration and gainst Democracy that he counts upon them as one of his immense brigades " in the contest of I It is also stated in the papers that Mr. Ray n a, ,n tne Convention at Philadelphia that i n . i m . . i epeai oi a law of Congress' putting the South ern people'under the ban of inferiority, : to say, the le'ast of it, North of a certainline," was an outrage" and that his right arm should have withered and his tongue been palsied, before he would have voted for it 1 ' All this is in entire consistency with his offer in 'the same . Convention to ignore the question of slavery to act with Wilson and his confederates without any pledge or. guarantee - for the rights of his section. , ' - . v . But, Mr. Rayner may reply, orsome one 'of his few friends may reply for him, that there were abo litionists in the last Democratic National Convention ; and that there are abolitionists in the Democratic party in the free States. No such position can be made good. There was one abolitionist Mr. Ran toul in the last Democratic National Convention,' but he was summarily, expelled, the delegates from his own State voting to expel him ; and the Resolu tion in the platform approving the fugitive-slave law, was adopted unanimously in the Convention, as it had been by the Committee on Resolutions. No one claims for a moment, and no sensible Southern man thinks of requiring that any portion of the Northern people shall vote in Conventions that slave ry is a political and social blessing in other words, shall take the same grounds in the abstract in rela tion to it that the great bulk of the Southern peo ple occupy as its advocates and friends ; yet the Democrats of the South have always asked, and will always insist, that their associates of the free States shall discountenance agitation on the subject, shall go with them in maintaining the great princi ple of non-intervention by Congress in the Territo ries, and shall unite with them ir. protecting the in stitution in good "faith in all cases where it is made the duty of Congress by the Constitution so to do. Thus far the Democrats of the free States, as a par ty, have nobly and fully met the expectations of their Southern associates; and we have strong confidence they will continue so to do. ' That they have lost ground by it as a party is admitted ; but herein is their glory, and herein is the shame of Southern Know Nothings in uniting themselves with aboli tionists to annoy, denounce, and trample down a body of men in the free States who have been as true as steel to the Constitutional rights of slave holders. That there are freesoilers and abolitionists who call themselves Democrats, is also admitted; but they are not reccgnized by the party North as Democrats so far from it, they have been denounc ed and cut off bv the Administration and its friends, by Douglas, by Cass, by Buchanan, by Hibbard, by the New Hampshire Patriot, by the Boston Post, and by the Democratic journals generally of the free States. Let one of these abolitionists dare to show his face in the next Democratic National Conven tion, and utter such language against the South as Mr. Wilson uttered, Mr. Rayner sitting by ; and in stead of being allowed to go on, as Mr. Wilson and Mr. Ford did, and of being permitted " honestly and manfully" to " protest," as Mr. Rayner declares his abolition friends " protested," he will be hurled out in disgrace, not more by Southern than by Xorthern hands. Let it be known every where in this slaveholding State, that Kenneth Rayner, the leader in this re gion of the Know Nothing forces, announces " with pride and joy " that he is the ally and confederate of the abolition Know Nothings of the free States ; that Wilson and other abolitionists and disunionists, did not secede from the Philadelphia Convention, as at first stated in the papers, but only " honestly and manfully protested," according to Mr. Rayner, against the maiority platform : and that it is the determination of Mr. Rayner, as announced in his Washington City speech, to make common cause with the traitors, the abolitionists, and the disunionists of Massachusetts and New Hamp shire against the Administration of President Pierce, whose prominent fault, in the estimation of these Massachusetts and New Hampshire traitors is, that he advocates the equal right of the Southern people with the Northern people in the territories of Nebraska and Kansas, and unflinchingly, with the military and naval power of the country, en forces the fugitive-slave law ! Proclaim these facts from the stump proclaim them every where, and let the people consider, decide, and pronounce their judgment. From that judgment there will be no ap peal. It will consign Kenneth Rayner not only to perpetual retirement, but it will blast him in histo ry, as it will every mai who shall venture to defend or even to palliate or excuse his course. What says Mr. Miller ? Is he ready, on this occasion as on others, to follow Mr. Rayner? What says Mr. Shep ard ? Will he dare to approve Mr. Rayner1 $ course ? But what must be the result of this campaign for the Presidency into which Mr. Rayner is entering with so much " pride and joy "? Does he calculate, by thus truckling to abolition power, that he will even obtain the nomination for the Vice Presidency ? If so, vain calculation ! vain and empty hope ! The candidates will be taken fromCStates which af ford reasonable grounds for the assurance that they will vote the dark-lantern ticket; and no such assur ance can be given by any same man, or will be re ceived, if given, for North Carolina. Besides, Mr. Rayner met in the Philadelphia Convention men of depth and grasp of intellect men well versed in human nature and in public affairs, and who are not apt to mistake declamation about the Union, and a buse of Catholics and foreigners for ability and states manship. Again, these men, with'whom he has re cently been in contact, and others of his brethren who will compose the nominating national Conven tion, have no doubt read his speech in the Conven tion of this State in 1835, in favor cf religious liber ty; and they have thus observed for themselves, by a comparison of that speech with Mr. Rayner's re cent efforts, that instead of having improved during the last twenty.years, be has actually retrograded. Under these circumstances,' not to mention others, it is apparent that Mr. Rayner's chances for a nom ination are exceedingly dreary. His offer that cf allian ce with the abolition Know ' Nothings of the North is very good in its way, and might have some effect upon any otheorganization;" but George Law with his offer of four or five hundred thous and dollars for electioneering purposes, and the fact that he resides - fh a State wnose .vote is of much importance in the summing up will dis tance Mr.T Rayner. George will bleed well, bat how ho' will run is another question. ' Mr. Rayn -er will, then, support some Know Nothing notn inee : and his . two .immense brigades ; will do 9 9 At. ' a mm mm m the same. There will be three candidates a Dem ocratic national candidate, a Know Nothing, ai Seward. -' If the Democrats - should not be able to elect their -candidate, the election will go to the House, and Seward will be President I : Opposition,', therefore, by the Know -Nothings to the candidate of the' national Democracy, will be substantially the support of Seward ; for they,, as . at present consti tuted, cannot elect, and the defeat ot the Democra cy before the people will be the - election of Seward by the House. " ' . v ' , MR. RAYNER'S RALEIGH SPEECH. Mr. Rayner addressed the people here on Wednes day night last,in explanation and defense of his course at Philadelphia, and against Catholics, Democrats, and foreigners. We did not hear him, but we learn from persons who did, that his speech was the most com plete compound of billingsgate, misrepresentation and low slang ever delivered in this community not excepting that made here in 1840 by W. G." Brownlow, of Tennessee. We learn that he spoke of President Pierce as a "wretch" lost to all self-respect, and of the members of his Cabinetis his obe dient slaves! He dwelt at length upon the Pope and the Catholic church, retailing all the stale char ges against that Church. He stated, among other things, that the priest were sworn to curse, at stat ed times, all Protestants as heretics ; and he repeat ed, we understand, as a part of the malediction the famous burlesque curse of Tristam Shandy ! He said the Pope and his ministers claimed dominion in this country, and argued to show that they were advancing rapidly to its possession 1 He also char acterized the nunneries as dens of prostitution 1 1 He repelled, as a slander, the charge that he was pro scribing either Catholics or foreigners ; and labored with might and main to identify the Democrats of the country with the Roman Catholics as their spe cial friends and defenders. We understand he was very severe in his remarks upon those who have questioned the soundness of his course on slaveiy in the Philedelphia Conven tion. He said men who never owned a slave, and never would unless they " stole" one, were charg ing those who owned hundreds of slaves with being abolitionists. This is not true. No person, in this State, so far as we know, has charged him with be ing an abolitionist ; but we now declare to the peo ple, whst Mr. Rayner's own course at Philadelphia abundantly establishes, that he was ready to act with abolitionists and disunionists without any pledge from tliem that they would cease to assail the institution of slavery ; and we furthermore de clare, what his own language here and at Baltimore and Washington proves, that he is now the ally of Wilson, Ford, Colby, dnd Gardner, all of whom are abolitionists and enemies to the Union of these States. That is the charge. As to the matter of owning slaves, we would have Mr. Rayner to know that those who own one, two, three or five slaves are as deeply concerned in the preservation and ex tension of the institution as he is. He may have more dollars invested in it than they, but their rights in the matter arc quite as dear to them as his can be to him. We go further and say, that persons who own no slaves are inseparably associated either by blood, affinity, interest and business relations with those who do ; and whatever contributes to weaken the power of the South in this respect, or to impair the safety and value of the institution, must fall in the end with equal force with equal ruin . upon all. His reference, therefore, to his hundred negroes amounts to nothing. Persons who are so fortunate as to own one hundred Afri can slaves, generally possess a sufficiency of othei property to render them comfortable in " these low grounds of sorrow" ; and our opinion, is, that Mr. Rayner would freely give up every slave he owns, if the surrender would make him President of the Unl ted States. We understand he complained that he had been personally assailed. We have heard of nothing of the kind. His private character has not been touched, nor is it likely to be. We have dealt with him only as a public man ; and we shall continue to do so, with a purpose which no amount nor manner of denun ciation on his part will be able to shake. A large portion of the people of North Carolina slavehold ers and non-slaveholders, Protestants and Catholics, natives and adopted citizens are heard through these columns, not as sectarians not as person3 holding certain religious opinions, for in politics we know no religion, and in religion we know no poll tics; and 'that voice, which is the condensed will of all those just referred to as citizens of a common State, will be heard hereafter as now, without the slighest regard to the threats of demagogues, and without fear of what any man or set of men may do. Mr. Rayner, we learn, advised his brother Know Nothings not to assail their opponents to be prudent to be on their guard to act on the defensive, but to defend their honor, and, if struck to strike back, giving two blows for one. He referred to the bowie and revolver, and said he would defend himself, &c, &c Now, wherefore all this ? Why stir blood al ready sufficiently exzitcdt Why such language, culculated though we feel sure such could not have been his intention to array neighbor against neighbor, and friend against friend ? Who has pro posed a fight? Who talks of assailing the Know Nothings personally? Why, these champions of the Protestant religion these God-sent dissemina tors of the faith and doctrines of the meek and low ly Christ these defenders of the rights of consci ence, of closet prayer, and of the glorious privilege of saving their own sou's each in their own peculiar way, and of repelling clerical instruction and advice just as the sick man should repel a physician, or a wronged man civilly should avoid a counsellor at law these persons talk as familiarly of carnal wea pons, of giving two blows for one,- of fighting and the like, as if they had been . trained to arms and stimulated by the neighing of the war-horse and the smell of gunpowder! We beg thorn to be at ease. No one thinks of assailing either their persons or their, private honor ; but the Democrats, Mr. Ray ner, are just as fearless as you can be, though they may not think it necessary or. even becoming' to boast of or to announce the fact in advance. . "We dismiss this speech for the present, though it may be our duty to refer to it hereafter. We should be pleased to see it in print. Its circulation, with pro per explanations and corrections by the publisher in the way of notes, would render it quite as useful to the Democrats in the present campaign as Mr. Rayner's speech in the Convention of 1835, just - issued from the "Standard" press. -f - The stockholders of the North-Carolina Rail' .road Company will hold .their annual meeting at Greensboro' oo the 12th of next month. . KENNETH RAYNER DESPERATE." f--Mr. Rayner is reported in the Register as having used the following language in his recent speech in Washington City. wilh reference -to the President and the members of his Cabinet : - "You have not the sacred right of secret voting- The minions of power are watching you, to be turn ed out by the pimp of the White House, u you re fuse to sustain him. A man sunk so low . we can hardly hate.- We havp nothing but disgust, pity, ard contempt. His seven waiters look and act like whipt curs. . They are seven slaves who wait upon his bidding, and who gloat over any poor man they can throw out of employment for being independent and acting like a freeman." , . - ' Can it be possible that Kenneth Rayner used that language ? The President of the United States a "pimp" a " man sunk so low " as to deserve noth ing but ''disgust, pity and contempt" and his Cab inet officers, including Mr. Secretary Dobbin, acting like "seven slaves" and "whipt curs" !' Did he say that? If he did, then we say that no just or fair- mindedenan in North Carolina will endorse his Ian- guage ; if he did, he has exhibited rage, malice, and envy characteristic only of the desperate but baffled and disappointed place-hunter ; if he did, he has given the lie to his professions here at home, of no partyism, and has forced the Democratic press of his own State to unite with that of other States in at last exposing him in his true colors to the hon est masses of all parties, whose confidence he is seek ing by a miserable, intolerant, anti-Constitutional and anti-Christian crusade against foreigners and Catholics. Mr. Rayner was speaking, be it remem bered, in the federal capital, within sound almost of the great officers of the Republic, whose good name he was affecting so far as he could do it, through imputations upon the character of those officers ; for we say here, that if what he says of them be true, this federal government ought at onco to be destroyed by the people. He was speaking to and inflaming the passions of a portion of those very Know Nothings, who but a short time since endeav ored to obtain control of the Washington Monument Association, so as to advance in connection with that sacred object their own selfish purposes who but recently, as the City government of Washing ton, appointed Know Nothing inspectors of elections only, and no Democrats, so as to have no eye but that of a sworn member on any frauds it might be considered necessary to commit who flocked about Henry A. Wise, when he attempted to speak at Brown's Hotel, and by hisses and insulting expres sions prevented him from being heard ; and who, the very night that Mr. Rayner spoke' at Washing ton, as we learn from the Washington Star, made their way with transparencies and banners under the windows of the President, yelling out their bru tal blackguardism, and mingling shouts for "bam with curses and denunciations of the Chief Magis trate of the United States, whistling the "Rogue's March" and the like in the immediate hearing of his family ! Mr. Rayner, it seems, called the Presi dent a "pimp" spoke cf him as deserving only of 'disgust, pity and contempt" ; and the crowd he had thus harangued, went to .the White House to act out the inflammatory sentiments uttered by their orator. Mr. Rayner has pretended until recently, that Know Nothingism was a no-party affair that it was neither Whig nor Democratic ; and that he' had gotten rid of much if not all his former party feel ing. xKnowing him as we did having witnessed for years his intolerant and overbearing conduct as a party man, we. placed little confidence in these professions; and now the "curtain has been raised, and he stands out as virulent and as violent a de nouncer of a Democratic President and Democratic Cabinet as any federalist in the land. "By their fruits ye shall know them." Mr. Rayner hates President Pierce wherefore? Has ho not proved true to the Constitutional rights of North Carolina? We defy him upd his minions to point to one instance in which tho President has swerved from his duty, or from the landmarks of the Constitution on the question of slavery. Point it out, Mr. Rayner! Let one of Mr. Rayner's slaves escape to Boston ; his ally in Know Nothingism, Mr. Senator Wilson, would not only harbor him, but he would put arms in his hands, and a mob would be raised to defend him ; but President Pierce would restore that slave to Mr. Rayner would vindicate the majesty of the laws over the heads of that mob, and would do it, if the occasion required it, with cold steel and can non balls. Mr. Rayner, behold your Chief Magis trate! He is unpopular, we admit, in abolition States his friends there have gone down, clinging to the Constitution, under the pernicious flood of the very isms you are now engaged in fomenting ; but the fact that he is denounced and forsaken there for his course on the question of slavery, pleads trumpet-tongucd with all true-hearted Southern men to rally the more closely and the more warmly to his standard. Mr. Rayner hates President Pierce wherefore ? Because he it a Democrat that is the secret Mr. Rayner appears to be grieved because the people of the District of Columbia do not possess the "sacred right of secret voting." Ah, Mr. Ray ner, voters in Virginia and in the District of Colum bia cannot rely upon the ballot system of voting as an aid to the "secret" and sneaking organization of the Know Nothings. Every man ther j must show his hand ; and it was that mainly which secured the election of Wise. Under monarchical forms, theoretically Constitutional, but practically despotic, as in England, tho "right of secret voting" may be an object with good men ; but here, in this free country, every sound reason is in favor of the vita voce. ' "Men choose darkness rather light, because their deeds are eviL" "An Important Movement. A movement of some importance has just been commenced in North Car olina, and is soon to be submitted to the Legislat j-e of that State. - It proposes first, to render legal the institution of marriage among the slaves; second, to preserve sacred the relations between parents and their young children ; and third, . to repeal the laws prohibiting the. education of slaves. . We see paragraphs like the above going the founds of the press. The only knowledge we have of any such movement in this State, is derived from the papers outside North Carolina. There is no " move ment" of the kind being agitated in this State, so far as our knowledge extends. . WiL Herald.' A movement of this sort was attempted 'during tho last Legislature, for we received through the Post office a Circular urging the above propositions among others, in regard - to slaves. - The Circular bad no name attached to it, and we have no idea whence it came. , -' ; - THE MARCH OF ;INTOLERANCEr-; A Know Nothing pamphlet made its appearance in New Jersey not long since, in which it.wasstren- uously -maintained that the Methodist Episcopal ; Church was liable to the samo objections in the pow-. er of its Bishops as' the' Roman Catholic Church ; and that both ought to be subjected to the same rule of intolerance. -. : - -' , We learn that the work of proscription has already : been-beguu by the Know Nothings of N. Hampshire. Governor Metcalf and Council have removed Rev. i Eleazer Smith from the office of chaplain to the State j prison the sole cause being that he is a Democrat ! Mr. Smith is & highly - esteemed clergyman of the ! Methodist Church. ' On account of ill-health he has : been unable to perform the duties of a Circuit preach i er for some years past, and the small salary attach ; ed to the office from which be has been removed has i been his chief means of support We do not know ; the peculiar religious opinions of his successor, but ' the probability is that he is an Universalist A Uni j versalist, it is known, was elected by the Philadel ! phia Convention as the national Chaplain of the '. Order. . - In the language of Mr. Rayner, in the Convention ' of 1835, "if you exclude one sect, why not another and another, and finally all except one?" and, added Mr. Rayner, with great truth, "there is but one step from religious freedom to the most bitter and intolerant persecution;" We have heard it in timated that there are Ministers of the Gospel in this State who are Know Nothings. Can this be so? Are they engaged in dcing what they have so often denounced in the Catholics of the old world . persecuting? Is Christ's kingdom of this world? Is it to be advanced by the use of carnal weapons? We concur with the Editor of a Methodist Journal published in one of the Northern States, that " the Ministers of the Gospel should Inow nothing but : Christ and him crucified."- Judge Longstrect, a distinguished Methodist, and a pious and learned man, has well described the fruits of Know Nothing- ism. He asks "what are they?" and gives the an- swer as follows : - : ""Most desperate and dangerous agitation Church ' es rending asunder pastors and flocks at variance Christians losing all confidence in each other Saints and Sinners in cose embrace Preachers of the same church getting but half congregations and i half support 4ine looking on approvingly, while another is abused Teachers tottering their pupils in midnight cliques friendship severing rage tak- ing the place of love father against son brother against brother. Thses things now are, and th y : proclaim, truropet-tongued, what is coming, if the , monster be not crushed at once. And all for what? In honest ttuth, to get in the eut-s and get out (he inn. This Is the true object of the order. Well, it must take its course till reason resumes her seat" TOE UNTOLD CORRUPTIONS. The New York nerald, it is known, is pressing the name of George Law as the Know Nothing can didate for the Presidency. How much Law is pay ing out, in hope of obtaining the nomination, is not known ; but he is worth some two millions of dol lars, and it is stated in the papers that he had agents in the Convention at Philadelphia, who wero pri vately pledging him for one hundred thousand dol lars for electioneering purposes, in case of his nomi nation. The Herald and the " American.Organ," Wash . ington City, are just now engaged in a very pretty little quarrel on the subject; and the "Organ," among other things, says : " We take occasion to say to the " Satannic," that we shall not deal in gossip, should we hereafter see fit to vnfold the chicanery and corruptions practiced in Philadelphia, during the year 1835, by politicians. We say, further, that not one tittle of what occurred at Philadelphia, in June, 1855, has yet been told." The Editor of the Organ " Mr. Ellis was a member of tho Conven tion, and ought to know all about these corruptions. Perhaps Messrs. Rayner and Haughtdn, who were also members, will enlighten the people of North Carolina on the subject. . We avail ourselves of this occasion to say to our readers, thai we have carefully observed the rise, the doings, and the progress of the Know Nothing party we have studied somewhat the doctrines and workings of the Order in the different States and in the late Convention at Philadelphia and we know something of the character of the men who control it ; and while we cheerfully admit that there are gen tlemen in the Order, and that even among the leaders there is some honesty and patriotism, yet upon the whole we believe it is the most uncharitable, selfish, and corrupt combination that ever existed in this country ; and that its permanent ascendency in the Federal and State governments would lead to frauds, embezzlements, peculations, riots, mob-law, disre gard of public and private rights, and would end in the dissolution of the Union and a bloody war be tween the different races and sects in all portions of the land. This is our opinion, and we are entitled to it We shall, therefore, make war upon this Or der as we would upon a deadly foe to the good name of the Republic and the liberties of the people. ' We ask no quarters, and we shall give none. The largest meeting ever convened in Easton, (Pa.) was held the other evening. A series of resolutions were adopted endorsing the platform of the Phila delphia Convention, and acknowledging it as a poli tical creed, that will stand the test of time. Meet ings of the American party seem to be popular now in various sections of the country. c Wilmington Herald. The Editor of the Herald was suddenly called off I "from labor to refreshment" while penning the above, and so omitted to state the fact that these same Easton Know Nothings " deprecate in the most solemn and emphatic terms the repeal of the Missouri compromise"; and also refused, at this same meeting, to consider the majority platform as endorsing the " Missouri outrage." The Editor of the Herald "takes the papers" has seen these facts, and will no doubt set his readers right He will also pleasA state for we feel confident his read ers are clever fellows, and would like to have all the news that the National Intelligencer has shown that the States in Convention in Philadelphia which adopted this same platform, cannot cast a majority of the Electoral totes. Quere1 Does the Editor of the Herald regard the twelve free States that went pff from tho Convention, as protest"-ants or as "seceders"? -1. V One of the strongest evidences of the tot tering condition of the Know Nothing cause in the Eden ton District,' is the attempt of th Eden ton pay per. to produce the impression: that ;Dr." Shaw U a Catholic ! "Drowning men catch t straws." ; .v. .-' - :tThe Editor of the Milton 'eromcle'makea pecific and particular attempt ' to- produce the "im pression on the minds of his .readers, that the'nia-" jrity platfornfof the Philadelphia Convention was dopted by that body in such a way as to entitle it .o be considered a national platform: It is weU ..nown and the Editor of the Chronicle is certain- - aware of the fact that this platform was aton ed by the slaveholding States,' Missouri and Dela- . rare excepted, and by "New York and California; .nd that thirteen free States voted against it, and hen seceded from the Convention. The very par ies whom it was important to bind on the question f slavery, refused to be bound and so the platform i mainly the work of Southern men.'. As such, it mounts to little. Notone State out of ten thatvot- r. d for it will sustain the K. N. candidate.for the . Residency at the polls. If Evans were oidy a Cath lic, he would have now and then some troublesome onfessions to make to his priest In view of his -ystematicJBbbing, be may well exclaim, with one -f the saints of old, " Lord, give me my purgatory ierel" His conscience no doubt troubles him, but hen he might go further and fare worse. ' By the way, is it true that the Know Nothing odge in Milton has broken up ? Let us have the ' cts, Mr. Chronicle. If you have effected your pur toses, the people have a . right to know what has wen done ; if you have disbanded without accom lishing your ends, let us all know why. The Catb lics are still " going about like roaring lions seeking rhom they may devour" the foreigners are still oming to this yet peaceful but most badly fright ncd State ; and the cry is, where is the Milton Know fo thing lodge ? what is Evans doing? There are our Catholic Churches in this State, and only a few housand foreigners to only eight hundred thousand -atives born. In view of these alarming facts, the -ry again is, where is Evans? One " flirt of his grey gander quill were worth a thous and men." NEW HAMPSHIRE. Our readers will remember that the Know Notb ngs and Abolitionists combined, recently carried few Hampshire by a large majority, electing two hird3 of the members of the Legislature and Metcalf iovernor. The Democracy, as a party, stood firmly y the fugitive slave law, and the principles of the ebraska-Kansas bill, and they polled for Governor vote nearly equal to their former votes; but the -ombination referred to was too strong for them) and hey were beaten. The cry of the Know Nothings leaded as they were by John P. Hale, the traitor 3urkc, a negro preacher of the name of James, and Jx-Governor Anthony Colby, who was a member of he Committee on Resolutions in the Know Nothing Philadelphia Convention was, down with Slavery, Popery and Foreigners, and vp with the Maine li luor law; and so they triumphed. What has been he result? Why their Governor, in his Inaugural Vddress, denounced the Nebraska-Kansas bill as an tutrage, and declared uncompromising opposition to he admissiou of any more slaveholding States; and he Legislature has elected to the United States Sen te two rank abolitionists, in the persons of John P. lale and Mr. Bell. "By their fruits ye shall know them." New Hampshire, be it remembered, is one of the States which, according to the "American Organ,' rinted at Washington City, did not secede from the 'hiladelphia Convention, but only "protested." If vhat the "Organ "says be true, then are Southern tnow Nothings still in alliance with Colby, Hale, letcalf, Bell, and the rank and file of the Know nothings of New Hampshire. NASH COUNTY. A friend in Nash County, who is well acquainted with the people and with the condition of public sen timent, writes us as follows : . " We have heard that it is currently reported in Raleigh, that Mr. Branch will lose six hundred votes in this county. Now, sirs, I think I speak what I know when I say that Mr. Shepard will not getin this county more than one hundred votes. This, I say again, is a fixed fact ; and if any of the dark-lanterns are disposed to dispute the assumption, I think they can be accommodated in any amount they are dis posed to hazard. Six hundred votes, indeed! but this rumor is only in accordance with the systematic falsehoods set afloat by dark-lanterns for effect My word for it, we shall give L. 01$. Branch a clear majority of ten hundred and fifty votes. Put that down as certain." . "The Documents. We have just issued' in pam- ' phlet form, the speech of Mr. Rayner in the Con vention of 1835 in favor of religious liberty and the letters of Messrs. Stephens, of Ga, and of Kerr and Caldwell of this State, against Know Nothing ism. We expect to publish other documents soon. Send in, friends, and be supplied. We are not prin ting with a view to profit all we expect is enough to cover first cost and to pay postage on the docu ments. You can send $1, $3, or $5, just as yon choose, and yon shall have the documents accord ingly ; and those who cannot pay, shall have them for nothing. Push on the column I "'N Fcsiox in Ohio. A large Convention was held at Cincinnati on the 23d, to nominate delegates to the Republican State Convention to be held at Co lumbus on the 13th July. Owing to the fact that . two calls bad been published one for the 23d, and" another for the 7th July a good deal of excitement prevailed ; but a compromise was finally effected, and it was agreed that there should be only one Cook vention, the Know Nothings, anti-slavery men, and outsiders all uniting opposition to the administra tion of President Pierce being the common object Jcdcb Losgstkeet's Letter. The attention of our readers is called to the noble letter which we ' publish to day, of Judge Longsireet, formerly of Georgiaj and now President of the University of ". Mississippi. Judge. Longstrect, it is well known,' has been for many years a shining and useful min ster of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Read his etter, and then hand the paper containing it to your, jeighbors. "'--."'. j ' ... MARRIED.: , , ...r , Jane 20th, 1855, at Maple Cottage, Kew Haven, Coon., by be Bicbt Rev. Bit-hop Williams, Frank G. Q- Cmsted, of 'htladt-lphia, to Elizabeth J., daughter of tbe late George . ollok Devereox, of North Carolina. " '.-'; : - " " " " " " 1 " 1 " " " 1 1 1 i " - . TOST RECEIVED. A LOT FAMILY GttOCB- ;( RE ' RIE&Crn&hed and Browa Sagsra, JavaJtahea. Rio and aguira Coffees, G. P. Tea, Soap, Candles; Snuff and: Se- ara. Also, a lot of chewing Tobacco, en commission ' : be box at fitdorv nricea. At' 1 .:--. w.-v-';-- v A Jane 2S..1S&: ea Hi : 3 ? t 7 i .1 ?