Newspaper Page Text
$ l' IV' care $ its all I Wash- J| 'm., ex- ith 8U*» -iTy 11 or con be car- 0*3 al raus TTVFITL A I. niltlXTORY. (Suvoruor ltfiger Allln Lieutenant-Governor John H. Worst Secretary ef State O. M. Dull) Auditor Frank A. Brlggs Trcasurei 5eorge K. Nioliols Commissioner of Insurance— Fred B. rancher Commissioner of Agriculture— A. II. Lauglilin Attorney General Joliu I". Cowan Mujit, Public Iiistructiou Kmm I1'. l!ates Si Pit EM COt'H l'. Chief .Justice Alfred Wallln J, M. Bartholomew .fudges cuy»!, H. Corliss Clerk Clerk & R- Hoskhis lteporter wwhranc .Il ilOKS DISTRICT COl'ItT. tnr«t District C.F. Templeton Second District Morgan 'Third District ...W. U. MeConnell 'Fourth District W.8. lender -r»th District Roderick Rose Sixth District W. II, "Winchester KAli.KOXI COMMISSION. J. W. CnrrUv4*«fc H. Keyes, .John .1. Wamberg Secretary I'hekm US1TKO STATUS SENATORS. Henry C. Haushnmgh Grand Forks W. N. Larimare Representative M. X. Johnson, Petersburg CMTKU HTATKS UISTltlCT COUKT. Judge Attorney, "•farsluil. A, 1). Thomas. Fargo Tracy Bangs. Grand Forks J. E. C'ronan, Grafton ,J, A. Montgomery, Fargo rCDEKAl.. Surveyor General A, Blewett, Jamestown OI'.VI'Y OFFK'KKS. Hans Hnltberg Treasurer .Joseph Mann Auditor i,anrencc Casselman .Judge Clerk of Court lioglstur of Deeds.. Coroner Surveyor rm:STV Hrst District .... Second District Third District v'jndge ,.J. I'. Peterson A. C. itanard Luke Eskes Clias. Brady .John Necklln ff(5iMI8SIOXER9. OIR B. Wing J.R.Mann Swan Hanson Local News. lot Falconer, of Falconer, was a visitor in Wushburu, Tuetulny. Charley Johnson, formerly of this place drove up from Bismarck Sunday, return in# Monday morning, V/ ('barley Stuley. the Snakt* creek stock niHU. was around the lower end of the county buying up cattle the fore part of the week. Kpeatmaater Miller, of Turtle Lake, was viwitiag in Washburn two or three days Editor J:hnsin. of ths Steele Ozone, whofcas bften visiting with his hoiiie folks the past two weeks returned to the capi tal city on Friday's stage. Mrs. T. 3: Ha^ueberg, and children^ re turned last Friday evening from their ex tended trip to r'Afativoa in Minnesota, Wis consin, and South Dakota. \/oie Johnson, of Wogansport, who rested at the Merehants far two or three days, parted up to Staley's ranch on Snake creek, Thursday. Nels Anderson, 'late of Velva, passed lown, Thurnaday OP his way to Bismarek for a lead of freight for George L. Robiu ou, the Ceal Harbor, merchant, ^Joseph Anderson, of Coal Harbor, and 8. A. Falconer, of Falconer, were appoint ed justices of their respective districts at the last meeting of the county board. Both gentlemen are eminently qualified for that position and will make excellent official*. ^James Pye, manager of the Nordyke, Marinon Co.Minu., manufacturers of flour ing mill machinery, came up on Thurs days stage and is looking over the Wash barn Flouring Mill, prepatory to enlarg ing and remodeling it, and putting in net roller machinery. We read in the eastern and south ern press of the backwardness ef spring in their respective section*. Ia this sec tion we have spring two weeks earlier than vanal, with balmy summer-like days. Larks, robins and other song birds are with ns {for the season and piping their aweet notes to appreacitive ears. The new amendment to the fish law passed by the last Legislature prohibits tho use of seining or netting of fish in «ny stream or laks in the State. Hook and lino is the only lawful way of supply ing yourself with a mess of fish. The law as amended is now a part of the stat utes. The' enforcement of its provisions is placed in the ready hands of W. W. Barrett, Saperintenant of Forerstry and Fish Culture. .While we would not disturb the industrious 8uperintenantr from his dog wood or rubber tree growing experi ment* on North Dakota soil, but would bar* him'take a little aparo time, hio him self to the mossy bapka of Painted Woods crpek some fine morning and see #kat he con can sea. :^r-1.J i-'.a' Seed Corn for sale near Hancock. N. 3. D. ROHSEB & BBOR J^\\'altor LeRoy, of Foit Stevenson, re turned from hia Bismarck trip, Saturday yc Sheriff Hultburg, drove down on a trip to the capital city, Wednesday. Benjamin McDonald, of Minot, r6aehsd Washburn Friday evening on an overland trip to the capital city. £-51. C. Falck who has had abadsp ell of the grip, is oot again. Mr. Falck'a entire family has been dotfn with the grip for several weeks. Johnny Nichols, the Sonke creek ranch man, charged in on the countv seat, Thurs day afternoon, tie was oat looking up stray stock. ^CTabrel Thbl, who has been driving the upper end of the Bismarck & Washburn stage line, has thrown up the reins and returned to his farm in Ecklund towuship, John Hammc^fc,~2f Towner, McHenry County, who returned to Washburn, sev eral days ago from his court case at Dick enson, Stark County, left this morning fur his home tin thfe roaring Mouse. r~*y V^W. L. (Jrady, allotment agent at Elbow Woods Indian Agency, died at t*at place Sunday evening, April 7th. frem a paral ytic stroke. His mother, who had been with him for sometime on the reservation to^c the body 6att with her for buriel. John Chattal, of Meroer County, brother of Dr. Chattall, formerly of Fort Steven son, was down to McLean's capital Mon day and returned Tuesday. Mr. Chattal is one of Meroer County's most proficient pedagogues. 'Ranchman Jenes, of this County, came into McLean'* capital dritin? a bunch of horses that he had picked up back on the prairies. Tho horses had hi* brand, however, having strayed from hi) herd several weeks ago. II you contemplate purchasing any Household Fnruittfre seitd for catalogue of American Furniture Agency. Galena. Kansas. They represent the most exten sive furniture manufacturers on earth, and sell to anybody at lowest factory prices. At the Dog Den. N. D.. according to a local informant, a pair of twins were born, not on the same day, the same month nor the same year. One saw the light just before and the other just after midnight New Year's morning. A light fall of snow Monday evening, which melted within twenty-four hours af ter it fell. an1 the nfue warm riin Tliar day morning has rapidly forced the green grass from its roots. Indications that tho buffalo grass will put forth its flower by the 20th of this month, which will be fully ten days earlier than in usual years Bismarek Tribune, of Thursday: The United States grand jury made its first report to the court at 4 o'clock, yesterday afternoon. About sixty indictments were returned, and it is understood this by no means completes the work of/the jury. They are at work again to day, and will be the rest of the week, at least. This afternoon they reported acout thirty ad ditional indictments to the court. INTKKTAINMKNr IN gVIBDKDP. Washburn was well represented at the .entertainment at Hverdrup school house No. 1, on Wednesday evening April 10th. Notwithstanding the fact that the weather looked down npon ns in rather a threaten ing manner, we found the sehool house full enough for comfort. The exercises as annonneed in program commenced promptly at 8 o'olock, and we opine that there was quite a number of surprised men and women in that house before the exeersises ended. To say that the entertainment was a success,- fails to express Our views npon the subject. The management seemed to be as perfect as it could be under the circumstances and the pnpils did themselves and their teacher prond from the parting of the curtains until their final close. The tfeeita tions and dialogues, which followed one upon the other without any loss of time, for two honrs and fifteen minutes were chosen for fnn as well as improvement and the audi ence seemed to enjoy the performance to the farthest limit known to man. After the entertainment had ended happily for concerned, we were invited by that prince of good hearted fellows, Andrew Nelson, to partake of a cup of coffee whioh metnt, in this case, a substantial supper, and in "we small hours'' of the morning wo drove into Washburn, bringing with os' a splendid opinion of the school and a very warm spot in unr heart for its patrons. Xdaeeers St-t a11 tverk go On. T. P. S'/.-i Section 2. When such petition is died, the board of county commissioners shall, if satisfied from their examination that the facts set forth in the petition ere true, that he has been a resident of the connty for six nronths, and that such drunkard, of his own free will, desires to take sucu treatment, seud euch habitual drunkard to some reputable gold cure institute for the treatment of sueh disease, that will treat the same at the lowest figures but such board of coulaty commissioners shall not be compelled to send sueh person to the institute making 'she lowest bid, unless iii their judgment, the best interest of such drunkard shall be promoted thereby, and the said board of county commission ers shall make an order that the expense for the treatment be paid out of the .county treasury in the manner that other elaims and bills of said county are paid, Provided, However, that the cure and treatment of such drunkard shall at all times be wider the supervision of the board of county commissioners, who may at any time they see proper stop'the treatment of any sueh drunkard, or change him from one insti tnts to another, as to them shall seem meet and proper provided, that no county shall be required to send the same person to any such institute a second time at ite expense. Volume 5, Number 4k Washburn, McLean County, North Dakota, Saturday, A pril 3.' 8f 5. Whole No. 254. Mi. Edison says he is making good pro gress with an invention which will throw on a screen the life-size picture of a man speakiug while the phoitograph supples the words, or it will supply both the mu sic and the movements of the performers in grand opera. The music of the fu ture may be somctning entirely different from what Wagner supposed. Bismarck Tribune, of ThursJav: The funeral of the unfortunate Ida Reid oc curred this afternoon from the apartments^ in which the suicide was committed. It was a sight to excite sorrow and sympa thy in the beholder—a lone hearse bearing all that was mortal of the abandoned woman to her last resting place. No mourner followed the remains upon the last solomn journey, and yet it was im pressive in evidencing the very friendless ness of the dead. A dispatch from Tcpeba, Kan., of April 7 says: Thomas McDonald, without ap parent provocation, shot and killed Thomas Patton, near his home, in Winfield May 0,1894. He was arrested and set np a defense that he was under the hypnotic influence of Anderson Gray. He wa6 ac quitted and then Gray was found guilty of murder in the first degree, notwith standing that be was not present when the crime was committed, the evidence for the etate onlv going to show that he had caused Mc Dodald to commit the murder through hypnotic influence. An appeal was takon to the Suprene Court, and, in an opinion rendered to-day, tho ruling of the lower court was sustained. The Drunkard's Bill. Among the interesting bills that passed the just legislature and become a law the "Drunkard's Bill" ranks well up as an im portant measure. The following is the text and bill as passed and received the Governor's signature: For an act to fro vide for the treatmen and cure of habitual drunkards. Be it enacted by the legislative assembly of the state of North Dakota. Section 1. Any inhabitant of this state who is of kin to or a friend of an habitual drunkard as hereinafter defined, may pe tition the board of county commissioners of the residence of such drunkard, for leave to scud such drunkard, at the expense of the county, to any reputable gold euro institute for the treatment of drunkeuejs which petition shall set for.h the names age and condition of such habitual drunk ard that such drunkard or those of his kin petitioning are not financially able to incur the expense of such cure, and shall set. forth that such habitual drunkard is willing and has agreed to attend such institute for tho cure of drunkeness, which petition shall be verified by the person making such request, and shall contaiu, in addition there to, the written agreement of such habitual drunkard, his desire to take such treatment, and the names of three reputable taxpayers in the county where sueh habitual drunkard resides stating that they are familiar with the facts set forth in the petition, and that they are familiar with the financial circum stanccs of the drunkard and of the peti tioning kin, and think it a proper case of assistance from the county commissioners. Section 8. A drunkard, as defined by this act, shall include,all persons who ase or abuse alcoholic, spirituous, malt, fer mented of intoxicating liqnors, morphia,, laudanum, cocaine, opium or other nar cotics to such a degree as to deprive him or her of a. reasonable degree of self control, Kg •yj i'-J There will be a term of district court on May 9th at Washburn at 2 o'olock p. ui. By order of Clerk uf Court. A. C. RANAUD, Clerk of Court. Xotlu*. Strayed from our place at Hancock, N. D., one yearling, colt mare, dark gray. Has roman nose information will be suit ably, rewarded. S. I). ROHUEII & Buos. The American Furniture Agency retails all kinds Of furniture at 25 to 50 per cen less tlmn regular retail prices, and ships it direct to its customers from the world's largest furniture factory in Chicago. Large illustrated catalogue for tho asking.' Address, American Furniture Agency, Galena, Kansas. SEED BARLEY FOR SALE. SEVERAL HUNDRED bushels of good seed barley for snlei at our place near Hancock, McLean County. Price 50 cents per bushel. Will trade for steers. S. D. ROIIKKB & Bro. TAKEN UI*. One bay geldinsj four years old weight about 950 lb3. White star on face and white stripe on nose, and both hind feet are white. Small blurred brand on left shoulder. Owner is requested to pay charges and take the animal uwuy. TOM CHUISTIAKRON. BROUGHTON DUKE, (6834,) Imported English Shire Horse Registered in Vol. (II) two of American Shire Horse Association Stud Book No. 2G14. Also CALDEAN (478) Imported Clydsdalo and registered in Ameiican Clydsdnle Stud Book Vol (V) The above Horses will stand for the Season at Coal Harbor. HENBY Ronu EB Lucas, Beardsley & Co DRUGS,PAINTS&OILS Wi'ham's Old Stand. Prescriptions carefally compounded. Night customers please ring front door. All orders by mail proaiptly attended to a HAS Remove d, to Main street, next door to I.C.Ds'5:i I will keep in stock as good a line of Boots and Shoes And at as low prices, ns can be found in North Dakota. Mail Orders Especially S3 licited. LOUIS LA 1 SON, Main St. Bismarck, N. 0. JONES, HE PAYS THE FREIGHT. 5-TON WAGON SCALES, $60* 3? BEAU SOS BE ASS TABS BEAK. Freight Paid. Warranted for ft Yean ifcnti WanteiL ficedfor Term. A E l^ru and Warehouse Se«lc«» T0N£s or BIXGHAXXOB. Binghamton. V. Y. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN long or short time, on improved Farms and City Property and on all Collateral Securities, by the BANKERS LOIN & INVESTMENT CO., of Milwaukee, Wis. Apply to M. T. O'CONNER, Authorized Agent, Bismarck# N. D. FOB SALE. Three hundred and thirty acres of good farming and medow land located on tlie south shore of Turtle lake. Section 26 Twp. 147 Raoge 81, will be sold on reason able terms to suit purchaser there is a large meadow bottom from wiiieh there can be cut 100 tons of -hay each year. JS, good dwelling house and stable and a ver failing well of water. Absoluto title given. For further particulars apply to owner at Turtle Lake. PKTKB MILLBK. Happy and ccntent is a Home with 'The Ro chester," a lamp with the light of the morning. *iweataZxut. writ* uacbMttr L*mt Co. New Yrvk A MA TTjiii Send us naraosand P. FARR JLOU ADDRESS of 17 farmers anil we will send you nil THr free every two *eekfi UN I nil our Grocery I'rfceWxt anil If yon return THIS ETma I ic40 A|J wo "111 "lM "end 1 OB Llot "Vou a Catalog of liarai'iitt I I,bs, Article. l'ricei 19- GRANULATIU) SUGAR $1 00 27 ROLLED OATMEAL 1 00 17 DRIED GRAPES 1 M) 10 DRIED CURRANTS. 1 00 10 APRICOTS 1 00 25 ELK SOAP 1 00 3 BEST. MOCHA-JAVA 1 00 4 FRESH CRACK KISS 25 a S Wooden Ware Guns Ammunition. FOR CASH AND CASH ONLY, Henry W. vrauib^^ Bismarck, N. D. (OPPOSITE THE SHERIDAN IIOL'HK.) NELSON «V WVIII DEALER IN a a and FAItM MACIILMiltY, WASHBURN, N. D. we have put in A larger Stock Than Ever, And are Selling at LOWER PRICES than Goods Ever Sold for in This Country, No. Lbs. Cane. in C'uu Article. Pru Id PUMPKIN"....$1 11 COKN 1 8 7 Seed Oats 40 cts. per bushel. Heed Corn 75 c*. per Hasliel^ And the cheapest place in Bismarck to buy— Made Harness Feed and Grain always on hand. SPRING CLOTHING. Of Every Style and Description at the O S O N O I N O S E Where a small amount of money will buy a finer, nicer fitting and more durable suit oi clothing than from and other house west oi the Twin cities. See sign of the Boston, cor ner of Main and Second St., Bismarck. ply House, MleneapoUs/ •J* LIMA UKANS 1 APRICOTS 1 r, PICA IIS MA7EJSTIC All Steel and Maleable Iran LIGNITE RANGE. With New Patent Dnplii (Jrntp Call on or write 1 1 SALMONS Hardw ao, a Window Lriass, Barb Wire. N a v. ALEXANDER FROMME, Pro* S E O E I L. C. GREEN, Proprietor. Best Stabling in the City, »ireat st lmrgaltn ... Ycv«r KugglBM and Harness oifererl. New Har ness $3.47. Send is ct.p. ami our MO page Supply Catalog, containing over I1W.W) cut* and prices, •*'!L !!P e\presn raid. T. M. Robert* Sup X. 1, 17 i/t 1 l£.t «5 Wi PAPERS BESThave* 'tKousafMs FLO WE BEEDpaS®rs V' of Jfr^h Ce,1r* OK 28 CENTS.bardetMseedf extra" mall 10 ct*. iy nnJ7PAPKRS BEST "GARDEN &EEI GARDEN SEEI7 JT0K&7 GEMS'